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Stewards of the Bay: Churches for the Chesapeake—Water Action Toolkit NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES USA ECO-JUSTICE PROGRAM A Toolkit for Congregations in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Stewards of the Bay: A Toolkit for Congregations in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Sep 03, 2014




Stewards of the Bay: A Toolkit for Congregations in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
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  • Stewards of the Bay: A Toolkit for Congregations in the Chesapeake Bay WatershedChurches for the ChesapeakeWater Action ToolkitN AT I O N A L C O U N C I L O F C H U R C H E S U S AECO-JUSTICE PROGRAM
  • Stewards of the Bay:A Toolkit for Congregations in the Chesapeake Bay WatershedWriters: Joanna Butcher and Cassandra CarmichaelReviewers/Contributors: Bill Breakey, Charlie Conklin, John Hill, Corinne Irwin, Beth Norcross,and Rev. Arthur H. UnderwoodEditors: Cassandra Carmichael and Kimberley MarchantDesign: Libby Kleine 2005 National Council of Churches of Christ in the USAPrinted on recycled paper using soy-based inks.Eco-Justice ProgramsNational Council of Churches USA110 Maryland Avenue, NE, Suite 108Washington, DC 20002(202)
  • Table of Contents Introduction Why Churches Care About the Bay Water: A Source of Life Creation in the Chesapeake Chesapeake Congregational Life Vision Chesapeake Covenant Congregations Worship Planning a Creation Care Service Worship and Water Themes A Creation Season Institutional Life I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Reduce Waste and Consumerism Reduce and Eliminate Toxics and Pesticides Create Incentives for Transportation Alternatives Control Stormwater and Green the Landscape Conserve Water Conserve Energy and Save on Costs Green Building and Remodeling Education and Outreach Congregation Education Community, National, and Global Outreach Conclusion Curriculum: Sacred Waters Appendix Sample Water Regional Training Agenda Worship Resources I. Hymns and Other Songs II. Additional Sermon Starters III. Worship and Liturgical Resources How to Host a Local or Regional Training Event 1 2 4 5 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 15 18 19 19 21 21 23 25 26 I II XI
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 Introduction he purpose of this Stewards of the T Bay guide is to provide Christian com- munities living in the Chesapeake Bay region with a simple manual that suggests ways to contribute to the protection of the Bay. The everyday choices we makewhether in our homes, at our places of work, or within our churcheshave a profound influence on the health of the natural communities in which we live. In this guide we provide tips and resourcesThe everyday choices to enable your congregation to discuss what wisewe makewhether in choices and positive actions you can make to help restore the Bay for this generation and our homes, at our those to come. places of work, orwithin our churches As you learn more, we hope that youll feelhave a profound influ- empowered to take simple actions that make meaningful changes for Gods creation.ence on the health ofthe natural communi-ties in which we live.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 2Why Churches Care About the Bay:Theological and Ethical Foundations ods creation is wonderfully complex, interdepend-G The best place to begin to appreciate the importance of ent, and beautiful. The gifts of creation and the water is with the creation stories themselves. To understand responsibility of its stewardship were given to all of the stories, it is important to remember that the ancient writ-humanity so that each would have access to its bounties. As ers did not have a concept of infinite space as we do. And,Gods people, we are called to this taskrespectfully taking the writer had to accommodate his/her experience of watercare of Gods creation for its own sake, so that present and coming from the sky in the form of rain, being on the sur-future generations may live on it and enjoy all of its fruits. face of the land in the form of seas and rivers, and avail- able from under the ground from wells.Those wondrous pictures of the earth from outer spaceoffer a particularly good place to start to understand In the first chapter of Genesis, God first separatesthe importance of Gods gift of water. What the waters into those from above and thosestrikes one in looking at those pictures is not from below by forming a solid dome calledthe land masses, but the abundance of water. As Gods the sky. Then, God creates the earth out ofFrom outer space, one can see clearly that the waters. Only after the water is in people, we areearth is a blue planet a water planet. place does God put vegetation, animals called to this and other creatures on the earth.Throughout both the Hebrew Bible taskrespectfully Genesis 1:20 teaches that creationand the New Testament, water plays literally comes out of the waters. taking care of Godsa significant role in helping us From the beginning, all of cre-understand the nature of God, creation for its own sake, ation is dependent on the gift ofGods purposes in the world and so that present and future water. This ancient narrative isour relationship with God. One uncannily similar to modern generations may live onneed only think of the crossing of understanding. Science confirmsthe Red Sea, Jesus baptism in the it and enjoy all of its that life as we know it first arose inJordan River, the woman at the well, fruits. the water, and it goes without sayingand Jesus describing himself as living that without water, life on earth can notwater. In fact, the Bible includes over 500 be sustained.references to the word water and countlessmore on water-related subjects, like rivers, rain, seas, For five days, God creates and creates. After eachfloods and storms. Many of the main water themes that run challenging day of creation, God stops and acknowledgesthrough the Bible include creation, sustenance, purification that it is indeed good. This declaration reminds us thatand transformation and begin to tell us about God and the even before humans were created, God loved and valued cre-relationship God would like us to have with the waters God ation for its own sake. Regardless of how small the creature,created. God recognized its value before even before humankind.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 3Why Churches Care About the BayAnd we know from our own experience that, indeed the cre- waters belong to God and God alone. In the ancient Nearation is good. We all enjoy a blue sky and the green buds of Eastern world the word image was understood as onesspring. We love the feel of cool water on our skin on a hot representative and often used for a king standing in for, orsummer day, the glowing colors of fall and the gleam of sun- representing, a god. The human role, therefore, is to standshine on snow in winter. We are sometimes almost over- in for the Creator, to represent Gods creative purposes income at the myriad stars shining on a clear night, and love the world, not humanitys. As images of God, we are calledto see the full moon lighting up the nighttime world with its to love, value, and sustain the waters of the world just aspearly glow. We marvel at the mysteries of migrating birds God does.and butterflies and fishsuch as the shad who return toChesapeake streams each spring. We are enchanted by the The word dominion is understood in the same vein.attentiveness of a mother bird to her chicks and charmed by Dominion is not domination. Dominion is exercised inthe beauty of wildflowers in the spring. We are often left recognition of Gods sovereignty over earth. We are givenspeechless by the splendor of a sunset, or the fury of a thun- the privilege of joining God in the care-taking of the waters.derstorm, or the power of falling water. We enjoy the fruits If we are looking at a model of how to establish leadershipof summer and the harvest in the fall, the fresh fish, crabs in creation, we need look no further than Jesus who taughtand oysters that are pulled from our waters. Yes, the Earth- us to lead by being servants.-and the whole universe--is good. God made it that way. In the creation story, on the seventh day God rested. AOn the sixth day, God creates both men and women in special kind of rest; the Hebrews called it menuha. In thisGods own image and gives humans dominion over the menuha, God enjoyed all that had been created, and Godearth (Genesis 1:27-28). The combination of having been continues to invite humans to enter into this deep enjoy-created in Gods image as well as being given dominion over ment. To fulfill our ministry, it is important to take timethe earth has often been misinterpreted as giving humanity apart, time for Sabbath rest.absolute right to use and exploit creation for its own purpos-es. What the Scripture actually says is that the earth and its Explore more water theology by conducting an adult education or Sunday school class. See the curriculum located in this Toolkit for suggestions.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 4Water: A Source of Life t 4,480 square miles, the Chesapeake Bay is theA U SE AND POLLUTION largest estuary in the U.S, and supports the Together, agriculture and industrial practices claim the livelihoods of thousands in the maritime indus- highest rates of use of freshwater resources. As industrial andtry from fishermen and packing house employees to agricultural use has increased, as well as residential development,recreational enthusiasts. For generations, the people living so has pollution. Excessive uses of pesticides and fertilizers havein the six state region have come to depend on the Bay a negative effect on water stores, and ultimately on both humanand its riches to provide them economic opportunities, and ecosystem health. For example, excessive use of fertilizerssuch as the commercial fishing of seafood. contributes to excess nitrate production in water systems, which has been shown to cause infant brain damage and, in someF RESHWATER : S CARCITY AND J USTICE cases, death. In the United States, more than 40 million peopleFreshwater is one of Gods most precious gifts and is vital take their drinking water from systems that exceed health-basedas the life support of the planet, its ecosystems, and its standards. Even the Chesapeake Bay, for instance, is on theinhabitants. While so important in sustaining life, less Environmental Protection Agencys dirty waters list. Now fac-than one percent of the worlds freshwater is available for ing a range of threatsfrom pollution to shellfish diseasehuman use, whether for agriculture, drinking and house- many sections of the Bay are unsafe for fishing.hold use, transportation or energy production. Freshwateris in high demand and the competition is ever increasing U NSUSTAINABLE USEas overuse and water quality issues continually threaten Groundwater resources are used by about one-third of theexisting supplies. worlds people. Excessive withdrawalsextraction of groundwa- ter at a rate greater than can be naturally rechargedare occur-Freshwater ecosystems come in many forms and include ring across nearly every continent. This unsustainable use ofall inland bodies of water, includingamong others groundwater also increases the risk of secondary effects such aslakes, rivers, and wetlands. These ecosystems, also known land subsidence and saltwater intrusion. Increased and expan-as watersheds or catchments, are globally threatened by sive urbanization, in addition to overuse, threatens groundwaterunsustainable land use and water management. recharge rates. In the Chesapeake Bay region the population is expected to grow by 43 percent between 1990 and 2020, put-These fragile freshwater ecosystems, which make up the ting enormous pressure on its groundwater resources.larger Chesapeake Bay watershed, face a broad range ofthreats. These include the direct impacts of dams, over- Good water management plays a vital role in realizing the abun-fishing, pollution, stream channelization, water with- dance of the Earths freshwater supply. Communities, in bothdrawals and diversions, as well as the indirect conse- the developed and developing world, must take seriously thequences of terrestrial activities such as logging, agricul- need to use and protect this life giving and sustaining resourceture, industry, infrastructure development, and mining. for todays inhabitants and future generations.
  • | S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 5Creation in the Chesapeake coming these qualities and today the Bay is not in good he Chesapeake Bay, beloved by all who live on itsT shores, is the conjoined estuary of several major rivers, about 150 smaller rivers, and the countless tributariesthat feed them. The Susquehanna, the Potomac, the York, health. Its beautifully complicated web of life requires a del- icate balance of oxygen, nutrients (notably nitrogen and phosphorus), plants, animals, bottom feeders, and predators. This balance has been upset because of industrialization,and the James are the largest rivers that flow into the bay. urbanization, and population growth across the watershed.They drain freshwater from an areaits watershed, more Large expanses of forest were cleared to make way for agri-than 64,000 square miles of landeast of the Appalachian cultural land. And intensive agricultural practiceswhileMountains that extends from central New York to central successful in providing inexpensive foodhave also con-Virginia and includes parts of six states: Delaware, tributed to the pollution of the rivers that, in turn, feed theMaryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Bay. In recent years, as the population of the region contin-Virginia and all of the District of Columbia. A vast volume ues to boom, forest and agricultural land give way to urbanof freshwater flows into the Bay and mixes with saltwater and suburban development.from the Atlantic Ocean. From the tidal areas on all riversto the southern mouth of the Bay, there is a gradient of salin-ity, which fluctuates across the seasons.The Bay was formed when, following the last ice age, sealevel rose, drowning the valley of what we now call theSusquehanna River. This ancient channel of the river C H E S A P E A K E B AY FA C T Sremains at the bottom of the baya deep channel that per-mits ocean-going vessels to travel north and south. On either Area 4480 sq. milesside are wide stretches of shallow water on what were the North-South Length 200 milesbanks of the ancient waterway. Width at widest point 35 milesIts shoreline is enormously convoluted and indented with Shoreline 11,600 milesnumerous creeks, bays, rivers, and inlets that provide shallow Average depth 21 feetwater and sheltered habitat for the Bays rich, though threat- Area where depth isened, diversity of wildlife. less than 6 feet 700,000 acres Volume of water 18 trillion gallonsThese three factorsthe salinity gradient, the indentedshoreline, and the wide stretches of shallow waterare what Average volume of watergive the Chesapeake its extraordinary qualities, and expan- from Susquehanna River 19 million gal./min.sive diversity of habitat. Sadly, however, pollution is over-
  • | S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 6 Creation in the ChesapeakeTwo main problems wreak havoc below the surface of Non-point sources, on the other hand, are much more dif-the Bay: shellfish disease and excessive nutrient flow. ficult to control. Agriculture, one of the major non-pointIn the first half of the 20th century, two to four sources, begins on land with nitrogen-rich animalmillion bushels of oysters were harvested each manure, which, if improperly applied as fertilizer oryear (15 million bushels in 1884). Since the dumped as waste, can release large amounts ofintroduction of non-native oysters in the nitrogen into surface water that will ultimately1950s, which brought viral disease, oyster LIFE IN THE BAY end up in the Bay. Excess nutrients, when leftpopulations are in steady decline and unabsorbed, also can flow through ground-reached a low of only 25,000 harvested SPECIES water, polluting rivers and streams. Septicbushels in 2003. This loss of oysters plants : 2,700 tanks can have a similar effect, although to ahas not only hurt the seafood industry, lesser degree, as the nitrogenous waste seepsbut also reduced the filtration of algae fin fish : 348 into the groundwater and horizontally trav-from Bay waters, a natural ecological shell fish : 173 erses soil layers until it enters a stream.function the shellfish provide. Without waterfowl : 29this free ecosystem service, the algae Ecosystems have ways of dealing with some ofreduce water clarity and coat the leaves of these problems. For example, if rainwater collectssubaquatic vegetation, screening out the light in a freshwater wetland or infiltrates into the ground,they need for photosynthesis and oxygenation. When much of the pollutants it contains can be absorbed, metab-extensive beds of vegetation are lost, fish, crabs, and other olized by bacteria or plants, or filtered out. Because ofmarine organisms lose their sheltering habitats. And when expansive development, however, we now have huge areas ofthe algae die, bacteria begin to break down their dead tis- impervious surfacesroads, parking lots, roofs, drive-sues, using up an already waning supply of oxygen. waysthat prevent water from infiltrating the soil. The practice has been to channel surface water off these surfacesExcess nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, also into storm drains that too often deliver thepromote the growth of algae. These nutrients come from water straight into streams and rivers withboth point and non-point sources. A point source, such as the no filtration or cleansing action tooutflow from a sewage plant or factory, or non-point remove the oil and other pollutantssourcescontamination from a combination of unidenti- that flow off the surface. In timesfied sourcessuch as agricultural and urban runoff. of heavy rain, storms pour more water into streams thanPoint source pollution is relatively easy to identify and to they are naturally designed POPULATIONdeal with as regulations such as the Clean Water Act give the to accommodate. Stream GROWTH IN THEgovernment the authority to compel industries and factories beds wash out; the WATERSHEDto stop discharging polluted water. While there has been scouring action of theconsiderable progress in industrial pollutant regulation, excess water turning 1900:sewage treatment plants are in many cases still discharging the beds into gullies. 5,000,000 peopleexcessive quantities of nitrogen into the Bay. For example, in Sediment and debris2002 10.4 million pounds of nitrogen were released in washes out, burying 2000:Maryland alone. With new sources of funding, the intro- native plant life and 15,000,000 peopleduction of modern technology for all sewage treatment churning downstream waterplants is becoming feasible and this discharge may be signif- in the rivers and Bay. In othericantly reduced in coming years. cases, storm drains feed into public
  • | S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 7 Creation in the Chesapeakewastewater treatment plants, increasing the cost of operating OUR CALL FOR THE BAYthe plants and sometimes leading to serious overload during We are not asked to go out and rid the world of its problemsrainy weather. Newer regulations and designs require the use in a single day. Serving on the mission field does not alwaysof stormwater ponds that treat not only volume but water mean traveling to remote foreign villages to preach thequality, thus reducing the detrimental effects of stormwater Gospel. Many of us can serve, preach, and minister to oth-from impervious surfaces. ers from our own backyards. It is important that congrega- tions come together to do these things, and that they beginAll of these issues involving groundwater and streams feed- with their own houses of worship. Small changes in build-ing pollutants into the bay lead to serious Bay water quality ings can make a difference in the environment.problems. The most extreme results are summer dead Congregations can serve as a witness to their neighbors, tozones, where the water is devoid of oxygen and no longer other churches, to the community, and to the governmentcapable of sustaining life. In the summer of 2005, there was of the responsibility humans have to protect and conservea dead zone including 36 percent of the area of the Bay, the Gods creation.largest ever recorded. When God created humans, we were given stewardship overRecent State of the Bay Reports indicate that pollution con- the Earth and the creatures and plants that fill it. Creationtinues to degrade the Bay, that the balance of the Bays was made in its entirety to work together in a symbiotic rela-ecosystem is deeply disrupted, and that our challenge to re- tionship, making each ecosystem reliant on other ecosys-create a saved Bay is great. tems. Riparian habitats depend on the weather to sustain their environment. Creatures on the land side of the shore-While we face an uphill battle for the Bay, these problems line need creatures of the water to maintain the nutrients inare not insurmountable. If weas individuals, as communi- that water, and keep life moving, often times providing foodties, as congregations, and as votersare committed to for the animals on the land. Trees provide the oxygen neces-work together, we can, ultimately, mitigate these threats and sary for human life. Delicate ecosystems are constantlyrestore beauty and ecological integrity to the Bay. threatened by a world too concerned with growth, indus- tries, technology, and consumption. We must do what weFor more information about the Chesapeake Bay and can to protect all Gods creatures, great and small, andits ecology: ensure that technological and industrial progress do not lead to dissipation of these important habitats and systems. Every year, more than 1,000,000 waterfowl overwinter along the Chesapeake Bay.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 8Chesapeake Congregational LifeV ISION erhaps your congregation has already formed a cre- If your denomination has a statement, explore withP ation awareness group (a committee or task force dedicated to caring for Gods creation) or you are justbeginning to explore how your congregation can become your group the prospect of creating a more specific vision for your congregation. If your denomination does not have a statement,better stewards of Gods creation. Either way, a visionin explore with your group creating an original vision forthe form of strategic plans, a mission statement, or state- your congregation.ments of purposeis a great place to begin and will, ulti-mately, help to guide your congregation to develop and live If your congregation doesnt have an existing creation carea Chesapeake congregational lifestyle. The process of com- group, start recruiting others for this environmental min-posing a vision will likely help your group better understand istry. Identify an interested group of people usingits shared ideals and goals. announcements, church bulletins, and word of mouth. Make sure you get the approval and involvement fromIf you are just getting started, here are some tips for where your clergy and other key church leaders including thoseto begin: individuals who deal with building and grounds. Prayer can be a helpful spiritual tool. Beginning activities Take an inventory of time, talent, and interest once you with prayer, using prayer as a problem-solving method, have established a group. and sharing prayers of thanksgiving for accomplishments With your congregational vision in mind, agree on a can build a strong ministry. mission for your creation care group. See if your denomination has a statement or policy about Create an action plan and develop measurable objec- caring for creation. Visit for a list tives and goals for how to achieve your vision. of policy statements and denominational contacts. Remember that every journey starts with a single step. Small projects that are successful are great ways to get an action plan off the ground. Meeting Management Meetings should be conducted on a regular basis and be soul-nourishing, concise and enjoyable. If possible, distribute an agenda ahead of time and assign a timekeeper if needed. Ensuring time for personal sharing and prayer, along with fellowship time and refreshments will help strengthen the ministry. Remember to keep a positive atmosphere.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 9 Chesapeake Congregational LifeC HESAPEAKE C OVENANT C ONGREGATIONS P LANNING A C REATION C ARE SERVICEJoin other churches in the Chesapeake Bay watershed region While important to plan for special occasions (e.g., Earthas a part of the Chesapeake Covenant Congregation pro- Day, the Rogation Days, or Sundays in a Creationgram. Each governing body of a participating congregation Seasona series of worship services in the fall intentionally focused on Creation themes), it is equally valuable to inte-makes a promise that they will engage in ecological min- grate the dimension of Creation in your congregationsistries to help protect the Chesapeake Bay. The covenant worship throughout the year. In planning, look at all theincludes a commitment to environmentally focused wor- elements of worship: Scripture, psalmody, music, preaching,ship, education, lifestyle change, and involvement in the prayers (including litanies), and acts of congregational offer-global, national, and local communities. Congregations are ing and dedication, as well as the forms for opening (call toencouraged to implement principles from all four categories worship) and closing (benediction).to reflect the holistic nature of the commitment to careof the Earthspecifically to care of the Chesapeake. Scriptures First, consider the Scripture passages you wish toTo learn more about this program, or how you use. Does your congregation typically follow acan obtain help for getting started, contact: Church-year lectionary or do you have the free- TIPS FOR dom to substitute your choices for one orNCC, Eco-Justice Programs WORSHIP: more of the readings? If can choose the110 Maryland Ave., NE, Suite 108,Washington, DC 20002 Not only hear the readings, select those that highlight a special theme, perhaps one that seems call from God andTo become a Chesapeake Covenant appropriate both to the time of year affirm the commitment of and to special concerns of your con-Congregation, fill out the covenant the Covenant, but also gregationfor example, a spring fairform (in the Appendix) andreturn to: undertake ongoing study of or an autumn harvest festival. TheseNCC, Eco-Justice Programs the issues around water use readings do not need to be specifi-110 Maryland Ave., NE, Suite and preservation in the cally about nature but may suggest108, Washington, DC 20002 Chesapeake region. Have interesting interconnections, for worship proclaim the example, how God nurtures and glory of God in waters life and quenches our thirst,WORSHIP both physically and spiritually. In addi- Creation.Worship is an essential component of tion, you might consider supportingcaring for Gods creation. It is the place Scripture with writings from theologians, scientists, environmentalists, and poets. Forwhere together we listen for Gods call and accept examples of water-related worship themes, includingour part of the covenant with the Holy. In our praises we Scripture and sermon suggestions, see Worship and Waterrejoice in the beauty and wonder of creation, sense Gods Theme on page 10.enlivening presence in our midst, and find our souls fedwith the wisdom and courage that we will need to be faith- Musicful. The spirit of our worship will flow into our action and Music is another pathway to awakening our souls to themake it fruitful. And it is also the place where we offer back beauty of Gods Earth and our covenant with God and Godsto the Holy what we have ventured, that it may be gathered creation. There are many wonderful hymns and anthemsinto Gods promised peace. extolling the glory of Gods creation. It is helpful to include some new music along with the familiar. Metrical settings of psalms are included in many hymnals and are easy to sing.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 0 Chesapeake Congregational LifeA moving testimony to our unity with the powers of nature, intercessions and thanksgivings. Litanies may be used effec-St. Francis Canticle of the Sun, with its invocation of tively, noting the particular concerns of the congregation.Brother Sun and Sister Moon, Sister Water, and Prayers can be wide-ranging, so as to include concerns forBrother Fire, invites us to join our voices with their prais- justice, for church leadership, for the oppressed and suffer-es. It has been adapted for easy metrical hymn singing. ing, as well as for specific ecological petitions. This breadth is a good context for connecting this particular gatheringThere are also songs (canticles) based directly on Scriptural with the wider outreach of the Church.texts, for example, A Song of Creation (Benedicite omniaopera domini based on The Song of the Three Young Men Offering[additions to Daniel] verses 35-65) and The First Song of In a Caring for Creation service, there can be opportunity toIsaiah (Isaiah 12:2-6), which includes such verses as involve the people in offering gifts from Gods creation.Therefore you shall draw water with rejoicing from the During the offering, congregants can be asked to bringsprings of salvation. stones from their local streams and waterways. In the fall, they can offer autumn leaves, blades of wetland or beachOther sounds grass. What we offer is a token of our concern for the renew-You can also introduce sounds of nature at certain times. ing of Gods creation.Many CDs are available with sounds of waterfalls, or waves,songs of birds, or wind in the trees, etc. These may be usedas background for a time of prayer or reflection, or for a WORSHIP AND WATER THEMESprelude. Wash and be CleanPreaching Theme: Healing WatersBy including Creation themes, ministers can illuminate the Pools and streams have healing gifts for those who come insacredness of nature and our responsibility, as Gods people, faith, with openness of heart and with respect for the pow-as stewards of Gods gift. For example, water is the Creators ers of nature. Naaman almost missed his promised healinggift for the entire world to share and it is imperative that we because of his pride and spiritual blindness. Likewise, theensure its just distribution and preserve its quality and puri- man at the Pool of Siloam was invited to set aside his anxi-ty. Through Gods word, a preacher may call us to a simpler eties and doubts and to receive the healing power of theChristian lifestyle in which our delight shifts away from water simply through Jesus word. Will our ownconsumer-driven goods toward the wonders of the universe. Chesapeake Bay and the streams that feed it continue to heal us if should we fail to see Gods healing presence inPreachers can reflect on how Caring for Creation is an essen- them? How can we renew our own body and soul by treat-tial part of the ministry of the Church. In the New ing the Bay with respect?Testament, the Cosmic Christ is the Center of the universeand promises that our final home will be in a transfigured Readings:cosmos. Thus, it can be taught, that to care for rivers, 2 Kings 114 (Naaman and Elisha)streams, and forests is essential to prepare, in the Spirit of Psalm 84: 47God, for our ultimate destiny (Cf. Colossians 1:1-29 and John 5: 19 (1015) (Healing at Pool of Siloam)Revelation 21; Isaiah 66.) Alternative contemporary reading: The Hidden Messages of Water by Masaru Emoto (e.g., Water isPrayers the life flow of majestic nature [pg. 38] or quote fromIt is helpful to allow places for congregational participation Joan S. Davis of Zurich Technical University, The in the call to worship, perhaps, and also in the general important thing is that we recover our respect for water. [p. 63].)
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 1 Chesapeake Congregational LifeWade in the Water Why do you spend your money for that which isTheme: The WombWaters of New Life and Vision not bread? (Isaiah 55: 1)C.S. Lewis in The Four Loves says that he cannot ever Theme: Returning to the true waters of lifeimagine sensing the meaning of Gods glory without the God cries out to an Israel whose heart is set on comfort andmagnificence of waterfalls. For this very reason, we are in power: Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters .desperate need of recovering our intimacy with the Earth. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread?For many of us, this will call for deep changea cultural This speaks directly to the sickness at the heart of our cul-rebirth. Ezekiel witnesses Gods promise to a people who ture today. We have become addicted to the ever-increasinghave lost their way the sprinkling of clean water and the cornucopia of consumer goods. What is alarming is the cen-gift of a new heart, a heart of flesh to replace their hearts tral place we give them in our lives and hearts. We were bornof stone. And Jesus tells well-born Nicodemus that being to find our deepest joys in Gods creation and to be its voiceof good family is not enough: You must be born from of thanksgiving as we offer it back in praise. The rhythms ofabove of water and the Spirit. Are we ready to be born the Earth, the land and the waters, are to be our guide andagain in our relation to creation, to become indeed broth- the touchstone of the patterns of our living, our joys, anders and sisters of all God has made? Can we use this new our hopes. Can we find our way back to these waters ofrelationship to be better stewards of the Bay? life? Jesus said to the Samaritan woman beside Jacobs well, Readings: If you knew who it is who is saying to you, Give me a Ezekiel 36: 2428 drink, you would have asked him and he would have given Psalm 46 you living water. Surely it is the mission of the Church John 3: 110 today to attend to the lands and waters, their purity and their beauty, and to equip us as Gods saints to call into being the renewed life of the Chesapeake Bay and, with itsLaunch out into the Deep waters, the new and vibrant life of our souls.Theme: Meeting God afresh in the Deep WatersDeep waters call for a trusting heart and invite adventure Readings:into the unknown. The disciples of Jesus at the shores of Old Testament, Isaiah 55: 13, 69 (Come to theLake Gennesaret had fished all night and caught nothing, waters)yet Jesus bids them to launch anew, this time trusting Psalm 42: 13, 68themselves to the deep waters. And something wonderful John 4: 115 (The woman at Jacobs Well)happened! Likewise Jacob at the Ford of Jabbok was invit-ed to trust. Afraid of meeting his brother, he wrestled all A C REATION S EASONnight with God and was powerfully transformed. Can the The Creation Season is a period of three to six weeks, usuallywaters of the Bay be for us a place of transformation, as we in the fall and often starting near St. Francis Day (Octobermove deeply into the unknown rapids of advocacy for 4), when a congregation agrees to focus its worship andclean water, the elimination of agricultural run-off, and education on themes related to Gods Creation.(hopefully) creative dialogue between developers, farmers,and legislators for a restored Chesapeake? In this new rela- The consecutive Sunday themes may be based on thetionship with creation, God will meet us and our nets will elements of earth, air, fire, and water, or aspects of our call tobe full. simple living, or the ways Gods love in nature interacts with Readings: our own spiritual growth. Whatever we choose, however, it Old Testament, Genesis 32: 2230 needs to be connected with Scripture and often dovetail with Psalm: Psalm 36: 510 assigned readings in the lectionary. For more information on Luke 5: 111 creation season materials visit
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 2Institutional Life aring for creation begins at homeand, this case, in I. R EDUCEC WASTE AND CONSUMERISM our church home. How we care for our church prop- Why? erty can speak to how we regard our place on the Our everyday choicesboth at home and at churchaboutEarth. Recognizing that we are part of the complex web of the products we use and discard have a great impact on cre-creation, not separate from it, not above it, but embedded ation. The more we think about what is behind our pur- in it, causes us to treat it lovingly. Loving God and loving chased goodsWhere did this product come from? Whatour neighbor includes caring for the Earth that God has impact does throwing this away have on the environment?created. We can start with the patch of earth that is our church the more likely we will make wise choices about what we useproperty. and buy. For example, U.S. office paper consumption isWithin the church and its surrounding grounds, some simple excessivein 1999, roughly 63 pounds a month perchanges can be implemented to make our sacred spaces health- American!driven mostly by printer and copier paper con-ier and more environmentally-friendly. Our worship facilities sumption. By choosing to reduce our use of paper, bydo impact Gods creation, and so it is our obligation to reduce reusing the paper we dont completely use, and by recyclingthis burden on the Earth and create more sustainable spaces. the paper that we do use, we can make a significant dent inWe can also encourage our congregational members to choose our own contribution to waste production. Reducing wasteto live in a way that nurtures the world in which we live. and recycling reduces air and water pollution and the need for landfill spaceall good acts of responsible creation stew-Our church buildings were built to the glory of God, the serv- of humanity and the world, and the potential of the Spirit.It is inside these structures that we celebrate Creation and theCreator. And we look to our houses of worship and their spir- DONT FORGET CHURCH OFFICESitual centers for guidance. What happens within in our con- Look for ways to close the loop ongregations can have a positive ripple effect across the region as paper recycling:homeowners, businesspeople, government workers and othershelp their own buildings begin to emulate the ethical example 1) buy recycled paperset by their church. 2) reuse unused or partially used paperThe key elements of a green church life 3) set printers to print on both sides of the I. Reduce waste paper II. Reduce and eliminate toxics 4) recycle fully used paper. Producing virgin III. Create incentives for transportation alternatives paper requires a chlorine bleaching process IV. Control stormwater and green the landscape that releases the carcinogenic chemical dioxin V. Conserve water and other toxics. Purchase the highest percent- VI. Conserve energy and use green power age of post-consumer waste, process chlorine- VII. Purchase and invest responsibly free paper possible.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 4 Institutional LifeWhat can we do? What can we do?Reduce and reuse We can improve human health and lessen adverse envi-Our churches can live more lightly by simply reducing ronmental impacts by using non-toxic (or green)use, including the use of disposable kitchen and din- Hand- cleaning products in our houses of worship and lim-ing products. For church meetings and potlucks, pick iting or eliminating the use of pesticides on ourconsider asking people to bring their own dishes weeds church lawns. Non-toxic cleaning products canand silverware. You might even request that instead of be found locally at some national groceryparishioners donate their unused dishware to spraying them; chains, local food cooperatives, and naturalthe church, which will provide reusable dishes food stores.for most events. Set traps to control rodents; Try using alternative methods of pest controlRecycle mulch to reduceEstablish a recycling program at church. If min- first. If your problem is persistent and you do weedimal recycling already exists, look into ways to decide that pesticides and weed killers are theramp up your recycling program. Are recycling recep- best options, be sure that you are aware of the dan-tacles conveniently located? Do you know what recyclables gers they pose. Carefully read all labels, and take theyour municipal recycling will accept? Are bins clearly proper precautions to ensure limited human contact withmarked? Are office goods like used cell phones, computers, recently treated areas.and toner cartridges being recycled? Make smart institutional purchases If you are troubled by insects,Your environmental group could consider meeting with the think twice before blasting themchurch committees who make institutional purchases to dis- with insecticides. Insecticides arecuss making better choices, such as avoiding disposables and non-discriminatorythey kill all insects. Theexcess packaging and buying recycled products. If dispos- fact is that the majority of insects are benefi-able cups and plates are unavoidable, make sure that they are cial to the environment: they provide food forbiodegradable (e.g., not Styrofoam or plastic). Your congre- birds, they pollinate flowers. Some insectsgation can also team up with other congregations to buyenvironmentally friendly items together to save money serve to control other insects, and in a healthythrough bulk purchasing. When purchasing produce farm system, they all live in balance. If you hope toproducts, buy locally if in season. This supports our local have songbirds surrounding your church, youagricultural industry and saves the energy to transport food need to have insects for them to eat. So,purchased from faraway places. understand that it is not necessary or desirable to get rid of all insects. Be sure you are not doing more harm than good. Think control, notII. R EDUCE AND ELIMINATE TOXICS AND elimination.PESTICIDESWhy?Like our homes, our churches can be a hidden source of tox- Where can we learn more?ics. Many of the products we find in the church have toxic The Green Guide provides lists andsubstances, which have the potential to cause a variety of recommendations about green productsavoidable harms, ranging from upset stomachs to irritated purchasing at to developmental disorders and even to cancers.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 5 Institutional Life For institutional purchasing of green cleaners, visit the Center for a New American Dreams institutional Calculate your ecological footprint. purchasing web site at Discuss the impact of our everyday Download the specific church purchasing guide at choices after calculating how much nature your own lifestyle requires. An ecological footprint estimates how Consult the Pesticide Action Network of North Americas Pesticide Advisor for chemical-free much productive land and water you need alternatives at to support what you use and what you dis- card. You might be surprised how much For more information on reducing exposure to your driving habits contribute to how large toxins in your church, download your footprint is. For a simple quiz, see www.myfootprint.orgIII. C REATE INCENTIVES FORTRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES Participate in Car Sharing Instead of purchasing a new church vehicle, consider joiningWhy? a car sharing program like Zipcar. Having access to a carThe manufacture and, more important, the use of personal only when you need it could save your church in mainte-vehicles cause more environmental damageespecially air nance, gas, and insurance costs, and will promote goodwillpollution and global warmingthan any other single con- for all creation.sumer spending category. Our cars and light trucks are Use Public Transportationresponsible for almost a quarter of annual U.S. carbon diox- If available, encourage members of the congregation to useide emissions, the main greenhouse gas. So driving a car may public the single most polluting activity that most of us do. Asidefrom important activities such as driving more fuel efficient Where can we learn more?cars, with modest change your congregation can make imme- Join the discussion about the moral issue of transporta-diate impact by giving cars a break on Sunday. tion, at The Union of Concerned Scientists has a comprehen-What can we do? sive discussion of vehicle contributions on the adversePost a carpooling board effects of the U.S. transportation system. SeeEncourage parishioners to try carpooling to church together. will not only save gas and reduce individual car emis-sions, but it also provides opportunities for church membersto spend some time in fellowship with one another. IV. C ONTROL S TORMWATER AND GREEN THEHold a Ride Your Bike to Church Day LANDSCAPESponsor a bike riding or alternative transportation day.Provide water for people as they arrive and set aside space for Why?bike parking in the car lot. Take it a step further and teach a Rain falling in forests or vegetative areas is mostly absorbedbike safety class, including basic safety tips such as wearing into the soil where it accumulates in the ground water, even-helmets, displaying reflectors, and using arm turn signals. tually replenishing streams and the Bay. Some rain, depend- ing on the amount, may run off directly into streams and
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 6 Institutional Lifelakes. With increasing development, streets, parking lots and Education Resource Center:buildings prevent water from its natural course into ground, or con-water and streams, instead causing large amounts of water to tact Darren Rickwood at directed into storm drains overloading the streams in the Lawnsarea, causing excessive erosion, not to mention loss of ground Many churches are surrounded by lawns. Lawns are envi-water recharging. According to the Center for Watershed ronmentally bad for several reasons: they do not provide aProtection, water quality begins to degrade when 10 percent diverse community of plants and animals that is mostof the watershed contains impervious surfaces. For naturally appropriate for a healthy environment; they are plantedproducing trout streams, the threshold is an alarming 2 per- with non-native grasses that do not provide shelter or foodcent. Conservation landscaping, or BayScaping as its known for native animals or birds; they often require the additionin the Chesapeake region, is a method of landscaping proper- of extra water; they often require fertilizer that can con-ties that promotes a healthy ecosystem. It encourages and fos- tribute excess nutrient runoff into steams; cutting lawnsters the natural relationships between plants, animals, and generally demands consuming fossil fuel and adding pollu-weather, making it a holistic approach to protecting and con- tants to the air; and lawns are less permeable than plantedserving Gods creation. To some degree, it mitigates the detri- areas. So seek ways to reduce the area of lawn around themental effects of impervious surfaces. church. Replant these areas with native plants, trees, and shrubs that increase biodiversity and make a positive contri-What can we do? bution to the integrity of the environment.Manage stormwater Rain GardensBio-retention systems, or rain gardens, try to replicate natural Rain gardens are gardens built to contain and infiltrate rain-hydrologic function by holding water from a storm event until fall from a specific area of impervious surface for a typicalit can permeate the ground into the groundwater system. rain event. Bio-retention systems are the same in principle toThey are specifically designed to take in the stormwater from rain gardens, but often imply a large impervious surface, like a rooftop, church parking lot, orstreet. Layers of mulch absorb rain water and runoff, and Plant nativesslowly release it to the underlayers of the soil and the roots of Native plants are specifically adapted to the local environ-trees, shrubs, and groundcover. The plants take up the nutri- ment, and dont require additional water or fertilizers thatents like nitrogen in the water, and microorganisms break non-native plants may need to survive. In addition, nativedown some of the pollutants, while others dissipate in the wildlife has adapted to native plants, and depends on themground until they are no longer a concentrated contaminant. for food and habitat to grow and thrive. As the ChesapeakeProperly managing a churchs stormwater can help protect region continues to be developed, reestablishing native habi-Gods waterways and groundwater. tat on propertieslarge and small in the Chesapeake water- shedis imperative to the preservation of the ChesapeakeRain Barrels/Cisterns ecosystem.Rain barrels and cisterns collect rainwater during storm eventsthat you can use to water your landscape. This is an easy way For tips and suggestions for bayscaping your property,to promote stormwater management and reduce the unneces- and to learn about the benefits specifically for thesary use of potable water. They can be purchased at many gar- Chesapeake Bay region, visit andden centers and are also appropriate for use in the home. and Anne Arundel County, for example, you can purchaseRain Barrel kits and built Rain Barrels from Arlington Echo
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 7Institutional Life For more information on native plants, use an excellentBUILD A SIMPLE RAIN GARDEN free guide for gardeners and landscapers: Native Plants1. Calculate rain garden size for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping, pub- Measure the footprint of the impervious lished by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Also available surface. from many environmental organizations, including Divide the area by 3. Adkins ArboretumExample: (410) 634-2847, the Maryland Native Plant Society15 feet x 15 feet = 225 square feet of impervious (301) 809-0139 and The Nature Conservancy,surface; 225/3 = 75 square feet needed for rain (301) 897-8570garden Control pests2. Dig the rain garden Pesticides tend to kill beneficial insects as well as the both- Locate garden at least 10 feet from buildings to ersome ones, keeping the system out of balance; they are avoid flooded basements! Use an underground dangerous for pets and small children in excessive and con- centrated quantities; and pesticides wash off landscapes, pipe or gravel swale to direct water to rain killing aquatic life in nearby streams. Integrated Pest garden. Management (IPM) is a method of using native insects and Create a garden with a 3 inch depth. Dig to plants to keep your property in balance and control invasive a 6 inch depth, then add 3 inch of Leafgro or insects and other pests. similar material. For information on using integrated pest management, visit Use a water test to level garden: Place a the Maryland Integrated Pest Management Resource Web hose in the downspout, and adjust the soil to site at level the garden and create channels. Manage fertilizer applications3. Plant the garden The application of chemical fertilizers, by individuals and Plant drought-tolerant plants (shrubs, grasses, lawn-care companies, can substantially increase the amount and perennials) that can tolerate standing in of nitrogen in the system. Those nutrients that arent water for up to 24 hours. absorbed into the lawn are washed into local waterways. Mulch the garden well. Good nutrient management starts with soil testing. By Water the garden well, especially until the knowing the composition of your soil, you can add the plants are established. proper amounts of slow-release nutrients (such as compost), allowing you to keep a flourishing garden and protect the health of the Bay. SUCCESS STORY: Invasive ecoparties Maryland Presbyterian Church in Towson, Maryland, embarked on a process of eliminating alien invasive plants from its wooded suburban property. At monthly ecoparties after Sunday worship, members get together to remove unwanted plants. So far, theyve held ecoparties to focus on garlic mustard, Ailanthus trees, English ivy, wineberry canes, and Devils tear-thumb. The church is also restoring the landscape by planting native plants.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 8 Institutional Life National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (202) 857-0166Eliminate invasives or the Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesNon-native, invasive plants have done great harm to the Bay (410) 260-8540.ecosystema major reason for the loss of native plants inour Bay landscapes. Increased development, loss of forests V. C ONSERVE WATERand habitat, and extensive use of lawn grasses, edge out Why?native plants and make way for encroaching invasive species. Increases in water consumption adds to stream, river, andWhile control of invasive plants can be difficult and time Bay pollution and can cause depletion of groundwater sup-consuming, your congregation can band together to stop the plies. Waste water from toilets and sinks either is disposed ofintrusion. Consider removing non-native, invasive plants on in a septic system, affecting the quality of the ground water,your grounds and replacing them with native plants. Some or is disposed of in a municipal waster water treatment plantcommon local invasive examples include multiflora rose, that in most cases cannot remove all of the pollution beforeEnglish ivy, Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus), kudzu, purple discharging it to a river or the Bay. With little or no up-frontloosestrife, garlic mustard, and Bradford pear. costs or adverse user impacts, your congregation can imple- ment water-saving practices that can lower your utility costsWhere can we learn more? and promote conservation landscaping principles.For more information on how to promote water conserva-tion at your church see: What can we do? An extensive list of 282 exotic invasive plant species Run automatic dishwashers only with full load. can be found at Wash dishes by hand with a basin of rinse water, rather For strategies for removing invasive plants, see The than running water. Nature Conservancys Invasive Species Initiative site at Water the grounds in the evening to avoid rapid evapo- ration. Fix leaking toilets and sinks. A leaking toilet can waste For an excellent, free, concise manual for identifying 45,000 gallons of water in six months. and eradicating invasive species see: Plant Invaders of Install water-saving toilets and low-flow faucets. Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas, published by the National Park Service/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Available Where can we learn more? from many environmental organizations, including The visit SUCCESS STORY: Congregational restoration The mens maintenance breakfast group at Calvary United Methodist Church in Annapolis, Maryland, teamed up with environmentally concerned members of the church to begin some shoreline restoration along College Creek, a tributary of the Chesapeake. They constructed a buffer planting along the creek to absorb and filter runoff water between the impervious surface of the parking lot and the creek. By planting this buffer, the group not only improved the stormwater management of their property, but they have a lovely garden on the water as well. The congregation is now planning to build a rain garden.
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 1 9 Institutional LifeVI. C ONSERVE ENERGY AND SAVE ON COSTS Where can we learn more? Visit Interfaith Power & Light Why? electricity that feeds the thousands of houses of worship Consult the Putting Energy into Stewardship guidein the Chesapeake Bay region comes mostly from burning from the U.S. ENERGY STAR program. Make ancoal. Carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants are pro- action plan and commit to substantial energy reductionjected to increase by 45 percent between 2000 and 2025. over a period of time, then measure the savings in utili-Surprisingly, lighting accounts for about 25 percent of ty costs. Find the guide at andAmerican electricity consumption, and this consumption of click on congregations.electricity is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Should you not find compact fluorescent lightbulbs atthe United States. Since most church sanctuaries are large your local retailer, these national companies offer aspaces used only periodically throughout the week, religious good selection. Real Goods at andbuildings are prime for energy savings. Compact fluorescent Seventh Generation at www.seventhgen.comlight bulbs, with a modest upfront investment, can save ener-gy costs 65 to 75 percent over standard incandescent lights.An action as simple as a installing a programmable thermo- VII. G REEN BUILDING AND REMODELINGstat has the potential to save hundreds of dollars a year in util- Why?ity bills, as well as prevent literally tons of pollution. Most When its time to remodel or make improvements, our con-religious office areas are high-traffic, well-used areas where gregations can choose to make wise purchases that reducesmall changes like weather-stripping, energy-efficient appli- adverse affects on congregational and creation health. Greenances, or compact fluorescent bulbs can make a significant building and remodeling is an approach that makes yourdifference in energy use. space look better and work better for your church and cre- ation. With careful planning, you can build or rebuild aWhat can we do? sacred space that is beautiful, inspiring, welcoming, and sus-Conduct an energy audit tainable. Environmentally-friendly building products andStart with an energy audit of your church building. This willprovide a baseline for where to begin and help prioritize themost cost-effective interventions. Ask your power company if (they help with audits or visit Certified Green Buildings The United States Green BuildingReplace inefficient lights with clean, efficient lights Council (USGBC), a nonprofit organiza-Following your energy audit, replace incandescent lights with tion, has developed the Leadership in Energylow-mercury compact fluorescent light bulbs, which use less and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system,energy than traditional lighting. They are now found at most which makes it easier to determine how to cre-major home improvement stores and come in sizes to fit all ate a healthy and green building. The LEED sys-light fixtures. tem utilizes a list of 34 potential attributes andPurchase green power certification is given at the silver, gold, and plat-Check into purchasing green power from your local energy inum levels. Through USGBC, congregations cancompany. Green power is electricity generated using environ- find helpful resources to improve the quality ofmentally friendly renewable and reusable resources, such as their buildings and might even want to considersolar, wind, biomass and water. To learn more about your seeking LEED certification.local options, see Find out more, at
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 2 0 Institutional Lifeenergy-wise designs will enhance creation, and its resources, Arather than deplete it. Unitarian Universalist Green Sanctuary ProgramWhat can we do? As a part of the Unitarian Find an architect who is knowledgeable about environ- Universalists Ministry for Earth, mental design and who can help create a structure that their Green Sanctuary Program is to promote requires little energy to maintain. sustainable lifestyles through living in a way that Use renewable, non-toxic building materials to limit nurtures life, builds relationships, and rejects the negative impacts on creation and maximize indoor material consumption as the sole determinant air quality. of happiness. The program includes a certifica- Seek renewable, local building materials that will tion process for congregations to receive require less transportation for delivery and reduce the accreditation as a Green Sanctuary. use of transportation fuel. Keep an eye toward energy efficiency in order to cut Learn more about UUs Green Sanctuary down on energy consumption, reducing air pollution Certification process, see and carbon emissions, which lead to climate change.Where can we learn more? For a great resource on green remodeling, check your Looking for a national source of green building library or local bookstore for Green Remodeling: products, check out Green Building Supply at Changing the World One Room at a Time by Johnston and Green Home and Master (New Society Publishers, 2004). at Maryland Department of Natural Resources has a Contributions to this section from Naomi Friedman, Center for a New Green Building Network. For more information visit American Dream, Director of Sustainable Markets and Howard Ebenstein, DC Energy Office, Energy Program Specialist SUCCESS STORY: Adat Shalom Green Building Process Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation in Bethesda, Maryland, is the second synagogue in the US to receive the EPAs ENERGY STAR Congregation award. Together with their green-savvy architects, they designed and built a space that they believe expresses a deep sense of community, a respect and love for Jewish tradition, and a full embrace of the natural world and of our responsibility as stewards of Creation. The site itself features passive solar heating, new and reused building materials from local and certified sustainable sources, low-energy use lighting fixtures. Adat Shalom members wanted their new home connect with, rather than be removed from, the natural world. Now their courtyards, gardens, and amphitheater host a range of worship activities and community events. To read more about Adat Shalom green building process, visit
  • S T E WA R D S O F T H E B AY 2 1Education and Outreach s stewards of all Gods creation, we have the responsi- churches in your area. The National Council of Churches, inA bility to educate ourselves and others about the cre- ations wondrous, living diversity, how it is placed atrisk by human activity and what can be done to undo past partnership with local faith-based organizations, also host several regional training events around the country. The pro- gram for each day and a half event includes basics on water,damage and plan for more faithful stewardship in the future. how to motivate and inspire your congregation, advocacyWe must prepare ourselves with the necessary tools to protect training, hands-on field trip opportunities, fellowship, andthe systems that sustain life for not only humans, but for all of congregational success stories. Special clergy events (withcreation. And we must respond with actionand guide oth- continuing education credits offered) are also offered.ersto responsibly conserve and preserve Gods gifts that wehave been so abundantly provided. For a list of upcoming events visit To host your own event, reference the sample agendasWhile individual efforts to protect our environment are located in the Appendix.important, these steps alone are not sufficient. It will requireour collaborative efforts to address the systemic problems that Share in fellowshipaffect the well-being of the Gods creation. The actions you Gods Great Outdoors:take with your congregation and in the local and global com- Sponsor hikes, walks, and bike rides that integrate faith.munity will be important to protect Gods natural gifts for this Encourage participants to stop along the way and thankand future generations. God for the creations they witness. These trips will be a great opportunity to share in fellowship and enjoy togetherCONGREGATIONAL EDUCATION the glory of Gods lands and waters. You might also consid-Church communities can educate children and adults about er organizing outdoor field trips for adult study classes orthe theological and spiritual aspects of Gods creation, and the youth groups to learn more about local and regional envi-practical implications for Christian living, through Sunday ronmental issues.School classes, vacation Bible school, and adult studies. Join a National Public Lands Day event in September near your place of worship. For more information, goForm an environmental study and action group to www.npld.comA study and action group can be a great way for parishionersto gather for fellowship, learning, and action. Whether as a Waste-wise Meals:core group or as supplemental to a creation awareness group, For congregational dinners, ask environmental group mem-this group can help the rest of the congregation become more bers or volunteers to sponsor a table. Each sponsorenvironmentally aware and promote positive changes within should provide the dishes, silverware, and cloth napkins forthe church community. their table. While significantly reducing the waste for the event, you can also use the task as a learning opportunity toTrain your leaders discuss the connect