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Steven R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to the mines and farms of the New World often encountered a han;h life, and maybe an early death. We look at the tombstones all over the continent and feel anguish for young Cornish names connected to an ear ly death. We do not expect this type of brutality to assault our ch ildren today. But even today, tragc<ly and pain are seldom as remote as we might like. II is a s hock when horrific events visit the small {;irclc In which we live. CAHS lost our youngest member, Steve Curnow (14). when un speakable horror descended upon Columbine High School at Littleton, Colorado, on April 20. Steve was th e son of Bob and Susie Curnow of Littleton and the siSler of Nancy. Bob has always wanted his children to feel close (Curnow mrllirrutd on page 2) From Our President Dear Cousins, This is pretty much my farewell message. Bei ng president of the Cornish Amer ican Heritage Society has been a great learning opponunil)' for me and has given me the chance to meet many fascinoting people on both sides of the Atlantic. 1 wou ld sincerely like to thank you all fOf' the confidence you have placed in me over the last six yean , since Lhe Gathering in Sacramento when r was elected. I ha ve j us t co mpleted a drive across the continent and back again. O n the way, I had th e enriching experience of staying with a number' of ' our members in Canada and the United States. It was so pleasam to med Cornish Cousins in so man)' different areas and even di scover a real, unknown cousin of my own. Those I met had had ancest ors who came to No nh America from Cornwall as farmers. who s taned small businesses. who were clerical workers. as well as the welt recognised miners. Everyone I met, in their own way. in their own family. in their own communil)' was working hard to preserve OUt precious Cornisll heritage. In Bruce Mines, Ontario, a man, who has no Cornish past. has been working extremely hard at preserving our heritage for us. Ted Leahy has re- created a pil head with horse whim, all from material lying over the surface of the ground around the small 10wn of Bruce Mines, which lies on the shore of Lake Huron. And he has done much more than that. Did an y of your ancestors pass through this copper mining area? I contin ue to be so impressed with Ted's commitment and I ask myself, do 1 do as much for the Cornish American heritage? I think not. Especially here in Canada we have so lillie visible, ta ngible Cornish heritage. We must endeavour to preserve what docs remain 10 us. What are you prepared 10 do? One thing I would Iik.e to ask is for each of you to fill in my survey fonn , enclosed , so I will ha ve no excuse nol to complete my snap shot of CA HS al the end of Ihe Millennium. "Cornish LandS(;apes in Nonh America." Many or us will be meelihg in Pen Argyl. To those of you who cannot make that journey I can say you will be wilh us in o ur thoughts and we wish you an agreeable s ummer. Dew gc:nough why, !Aka!,e ?lr lTJJ/ITJ n,Y

Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to

Feb 27, 2021



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to

Steven R Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow

We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to the mines and farms of the New World often encountered a hanh life and maybe an early death We look at the tombstones all over the continent and feel anguish for young Cornish names connected to an early death We do not expect this type of brutality to assault

our children today

But even today tragcltly and pain are seldom as remote as we might like II is a shock when horrific events visit the small irclc In

which we live CAHS lost our youngest member Steve Curnow (14) when unspeakable horror descended upon Columbine High School at Littleton Colorado on April 20

Steve was the son of Bob and Susie Curnow of Littleton and the siSler of Nancy Bob has always wanted his children to feel close

(Curnow mrllirrutd on page 2)

From Our President

Dear Cousins This is pretty much my farewell message

Bei ng president of the Corni sh American Heritage Society has been a great learning opponunil) for me and has given me the chance to meet many fascinoting people on both sides of the Atlantic 1 would sincerely like to thank you all fOf the confidence you have placed in me over the last six yean since Lhe Gathering in Sacramento when r was elected

I have just completed a drive across the continent and back again O n the way I had the e nriching experience of staying with a number ofour members in Canada and the United States It was so pleasam to med Cornish Cousins in so man) different areas and even discover a real unknown cousin of my own Those I met had had ancestors who came to Nonh America from Cornwall as farmers who staned small businesses who were clerical workers as well as the welt recognised miners Everyone I met in their own way in their own family in their own communil) was working hard to preserve OUt precious Cornisll heritage

In Bruce Mines Ontario a man who has no Corni sh past has been working extremely hard at preserving our heritage for us Ted Leahy has reshycreated a pil head with horse whim all from material lying over the surface of the ground around the small 10wn of Bruce Mines which lies on the shore of Lake Huron And he has done much more than that Did any of your ancestors pass through this copper mining area

I continue to be so impressed with Teds commitment and I ask myself do 1do as much for the

Cornish American heritage I think not Especially here in Canada we have so lillie visible tangible Cornish heritage We must endeavour to preserve what docs remain 10 us

What are you prepared 10 do One thing I would Iike to ask is for each of you to fill in my survey fonn e nclosed so I will have no excuse nol to complete my snap shot of CAHS al the end of Ihe Millennium Cornish LandS(apes in Nonh America

Many or us will be meelihg in Pen Argyl To those of you who cannot make that jo urney I can say you will be wilh us in o ur thoughts and we wish you an agreeable summer

Dew gcnough why Akae lrlTJJITJnY

Tam Kernewek Jan-Mar 1999

(CUrMW cunJinuedjro ptJf~ J)

10 COOlish roolS so he established a CAMS membership of their own for Steve and Nancy

I mel Steve newly turned to 81 Sl Hilary Cornwall in 1994 He was a delightful energetic enthusiastic good looking boy He watched all of the Star Wars films so many times that he could lip synch the dialogue as the characters spoke on screen He loved 10 play soccer One of his family members said When Steve kicked a ball il was like a rocket coming ae you He dreamed about becoming a pilol in the U S Navy Steves dreams and those of his family came crashing down simply because rate placed him in the wrong place ae the wrong lime

On behalf of the CAlIS leadership eearn I am announcing establishment of he Steven R Curnow Memorial Fund We have long recognized the great need to reach out to the younger generation and involve them in our Cornish heritage The time for action has now come We plan to hold an annual essay contesl on Cornish themes for North American high school seniors descended from Cornish families

If you woutd like to help support this memorial initiative please send your check or money order to me (3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte Florida 33953 USA) or to Len Snell (Box 286 Walerdown Ontario LOR 2HO Canada) Make it payable to the Cornish American Heritage Soctety and write Steven R Curnow Memorial Fund on the memo line

Members in the USA may wonder if a contribution would be tax deductible We do not currently have IRS stafUS permitting you to claim a deduclion for your gift H any member has knowledge of bow 10 pursue the required IRS status we would certainly welcome your help

J5Jtntt of Mlideondin 1999 flddtmbl Joint ltitdoutlon 23

February 221999 -lntrodoced by Representatives Freese Sykora Miller Owens and Ryba cosponsored by Senator Schultz by request of Marion Paynter Howard from Minera1 Point and Dorothy Beckwith from Belmont Referred 10 Committee on Rules

Relating 10 celebrating March 51999 as 5t Picans Day

Whereas March 5 is 51 Pirans Day a day honoring the patron saint of tin miners and

Whereas many of the tin miners who came to the Wisconsin Territory starting in 1827 came from Cornwall England and

WIu~as the Cornish were the first major foreign immigrant group to come to Wisconsin and

Mums the Cornish settled largely in the southwestern part of the state in what is now GI1lJIt Iowa and Lafayette counties to mine lead using generations of experience in deep hard-rock mining to bring prosperity to the new territory and

Whunu a sizeable number of Cornish also settled in and around Palmyra in southeaslern Wiscoosin 10 farm and

WlIemu the Cornish wIlo were strongly opposed to slavery played an imponant role in the Civil War by constituting a significant part of 2 companies that were formed in Mineral Point Co I known as the Miners Guard and Co E known as the Farmers Guard and

Wluncu the traditional Cornish miners way of life can be experienced today at the Pendarvis historic site in Mineral Point and

WhtTeas the considerable skill ofComish stone masons is sti ll in abundant evidence to all who stroll through the lovely streets of Mineral Poiot Linden Shullsbtlrg or PlaUevil1e to admire the many homes and buildings buill by the Cornish and

WMmu a Midwest Cornish Festival is held in MineraJ Point each year during the last weekend in September featuring Cornish food music dance and gucSIS

from Cornwall and WluTecu of approximately 14 American Bards of the Cornish Gorsedd 3

live in Mineral Point one in Milwaukee and one now living in Massachusetts is a native of Racine

Now thrnforT be iJ Ruolud by tIu assembly the u1tilU conclllring Thai the members of the Wisconsin legislature salute all of Ehe perK)RS of Cornisb Descent for their tremendous contributions lO this state express appreciation for those persons who have kept alive Cornish culture tradition history and food and join all Wisconsinites who cherish their Cornish heritage in celebrating SL Pirans nay on March 5 1999

CAHS Constitution Soon members will receive a copy of the CAHS constitution with the committees recornrncndations for changes If you will not be attending the Gathering but have thoughts on the proposed changes please contllet us before the end of July

Jean Ellis Brad Landon and Jean Jolliffe

Jean Ellis PO Box 265 EF Eagle Harbor M149950 ltjfellisupnelgt

Brad Landon 73 Lake Drive Jim Thorpe PA 18229 ltIandonptdprologneegt

Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Rd Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjolliffpostilSmcwedugt


Tam Keroewek

CAHS Photo Contest New Guidelines o 1 The contest will have FOUR categories

a) Scenes and landscapes from Cornwall b) People from Cornwall c) Other themes from Cornwall b) Cornish heritage themes from Nonh America (Creative photos here)

2 Each entry should ioclUlje a description of the photo and its Cornish relevance Also the name and address of the entrant sbould be given

3 Enmes will be submitted by CAHS members or conference registrants Each person will be limited to one photo for each category Work will be from amateurs not professionals

4 RuJes for entries a) Black and white photos or color Photos mounted or unmounted b) Minimum size (in ioches) 3 x S maximum size 8 x 10 c) A new fonnat can be used mounted sets of three pictures of the same

theme will be accepted The mounting will be used to make one unified middot photo Maximum photo size is 5 x 7

5 Members need not be present to enter or win Ballots for selecting best photos will be in the registration packets

6 Prizes will be $1000 for firsts in each category Certificates will be given for first second and third Prizes will be given at the banquet

7 Stamped self~addressed envelopes must be included for return if the entrant is not at the conference Winning entries will become property of CAHS

8 Entrants will bring their photos to the conference and give them to Dave Thomas OR mail them 10 H ampC Bray 30] Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 They must be I1Wked PHaro CONTEST

GOOD SNAPPINGmiddot W D (Dave) Thomas

Jim Wlarnl ~ong~ of Cornwall

Now On CD

DEBOJ8 IooVIlT amp luokgt Traditional Cornish songs

Captured Allvel Uve fes1ivaI reooniItgs

Mg ond Couin look 0kI1Wld new Cornish songs (and more)

Ordertrom JimWeamo 405 AUS1i1 St 604 Do-wI818 GlOYe1L60515 6307699531 roramechaVencom _e~IIIW1~lXIram

COs $1500 (US) (plus $150 SampH)

W Briton Update by Flora Tomml OHagan

The Sl Pirans Society of MinneSOIa project to buy and index West Briton newspaper microfilms continues The CAHS Challenge of malching funds has added substantiaUy to its success Treasurer Bill Curnow proposed a 50 increase in the Challenge to a total of $1200 The CAHS Executive Board approved

Contributions by CAHS members and affiliated societies will be matched Those who contribute S80 or more may designate the years of the newspaper to be purthased To allow the Heritage Committee and St Piran s Executive Board to insure that priority is given to the years designated by donon it is requested that all future contributions be senl to Barb Roberts Treasurer Sl Piran1s Society PO Box 164 Eagle Lake MN 56024 All will be acknowledged by the Heritage Committee Corresponding Secretary

Duplicate rolls will be punhased to allow interlibrary loan while maintaining a permanent collection at St Thomas University Special Collections library

Working with indexing consultant Patricia Harpole Len and Rae Rowe Carl and Joy Swenson and Helen White have become quite experienced They have put considerable time into simplifying the process of indexing and researching Theyre enthusiastic about items theyve gJeaned from the newspapers

Humorous WB news by Helen While

July 21 1843 pA GALIANT AMERICAN JUDGE - A young fellow was hauled up in the United States the other day for breach of promise His defense was that he had not promised having always avoided committing himself The court

(WB conrUwtd on pugt 9)


- - --r

Tam Kemcwek lan-Mar 1999

Genealogical Research d 1888 Willunga South Australia wife CFHS and You Queries Sanoh EDWARDS b 1835

by VIrginia Trythall Richmond Somenetshr Eng to Williamt Elizabeth Edwards m Slate Belt of

Brown HiD Jarmaa ViDcmt Searching for relations of Arthur BROWN d US 16 M 1902 aged 37 Born Penzancc in 1866 he was son of Joseph amp Maria Brown Serpentine workers had shop selling their products in WhclJ1own bet Penzancc - Newlyn Early 960s a storm devastated area cottages IlIld shops were pulled down amp replaced Pub The Mounts Bay survived - a great meeting place Unk when he arT

US but with Phillip HILL who died two years before him on J I Jun 1900 (Phillip was brother of Arthws sister-in-law Elizabeth Ann my husbands g gm) Arthurs siblings Maha1a bI847 Mary Ann b1850 Jolm William b1856 Joseph b1862 Louisa AJlen b1866

At the funeral of another Arthur Brown in Penzancc 5 lui 1925 aged 29 florallributes from cousinsOlivc Percy Hilda amp Maggie in US (could be Olive amp George JARMAN and family) John Janey Dick and Annie ofPorchester (probably Port Chester NY could be John James Brown and family lohn James parents were Joseph amp Jessie (VINCENT) Brown) Eddie in Dclroil Does anyone Imow oflhcse people IT so please reply to Adamson 8af6thfl Borrelt Mansions 8-9 Bowen Road Hong Kong SAR OUna E-mail khunjohnocMsatorcom

Panoas Honey Lobb AccumuJating database OD PARSONS families of N Cornwall and adj areas of Devon - includes area Padstow north A number of separate Family Treemaker databases goinS would appreciate any additional info you can provide (Also int HONEY LOBB families same area don t have extensive databases on them) Brad Landon 73 Lake Dr Jim Thorpe PA 1amp229 ltIandonptdprolognetgt

Jacobs Sibley Edwards James Sibley JACOBS b 1829 Sl Kew to John and Elizabeth (SIBLEy) Jacobs

Pennsylvania 1855 Children b in PA and South Australia Ivern (1857 - PAl Alma (1859 - PAl Oscar (1862 - PAl Lonmzo (1863 PAl Lilim (1863 - PAl ]aoob (1865 - SA) Eda (1866 - SA) Horace (1869 - SA) Me1phoro (1871 shySA) Earnet (1873 - SA) San (1876 shySA) and Earnest Ed (1879 - SA) Martin Dunstan 3 Endeavor Drive Seaford Rise SA Australia 5169

Chynoweth Barlda Benjamin F CHYNOWETII b nr Pottsshyville PA 1851 son of Capt John amp Phillipa Chynoweth Capt John was b Sl Agnes at age 2-3 brought to US by his unnamed father Short1y after arT in PA father (Benjamins gf) kiUed in a coal mine Widow pacUd John amp sibs back to Eng amp raised them Age 21 John left to work in Spain (the British Rio Tinto) He stayed 5 yrs then to US An in PA be m Phillipa BARKLA dtr ofa man prominent in developing anthntcile regions Abandoning coal mines John moved to Pittsburgh as a machinisl After a time he took his family to UP in Michigan a very successful career in copper mining Can you fill in any of the missing pieces about Capt Johns career esp in PA IT so please contact Lewis Oneil ltI01TeilworidneutLnelgtFL Orrell PO Box 0027 Carefree AZ 85377

EdeAIIm I am trying 10 trace the family of my Ort G uncle Walter EDE who emigrated to Pen Argyl PA from Cwi in the 1900s

I know he eStablished his own building company in Pea Argyl and that son Francis HS BDE was an attorney member ofPAStatcSenampte Nootber info on family or any desceodanu that might be alive DOW Can you help My name is Phil Dunn and I live in Dorset England My Grandmother was Leonora ALLEN from Tintagel Her

(Quitry c~_ 011 JIGIt 8

The Cornwall Family History Society was formed in 1976 by some 20 enthusiasts to assist members in tracing their family history From this small beginning an important milestone was reached recently when membership number 10000 was published in the the SocietyS March 1999 Journal No 91 Of the grand IOtal 10069 opproximalely 5000 are currently members in good standing and they are located allover the world The Society is well served by dedicated commillce members supported by a band of enthusiastic and hard-working volunteers In 1997 to more efficiently meet the needs of the members it was decided to employ a Secretaryl Administrator for the fint rime

1 have been a continuOllil member of CFHS since 1982 1be Societys quarterly journal is a basic tool when searching for Cornish roots Many timely articles photos and requests for help are included Each issue features a list of cUl1Cnt new members their addresses and their surname ioteresl$ and parishes In addition an updated Directory of Members Inlerests is published every two years and distributed on microfiche to aU members A booklet version is also available Each year a list of publications price list and order fonn is seDt to all members Included are such items as monumenlal (gravestone) inscriptiODS census sttays indexes books pamphJets Cornish foJksoogl on CDs Society sweatshirts and many genealogical publications

Jcontacted and have been contacted by coW)t1ess CFHS members over the years Copies of this comspondence family trees pictures charts etc in my bulging rues are imponant references in my continual research In several instances some of


-Tam Kernewek Jan-Mar 1999

this material tied in directly with my family research Many of my fellow

- CFHS researchers have become close friends During my travels rve met many of them and stayed at some of their homes In one issue of the Journal a family Bible that proved to be my family ( 1842) was offered for sale now has a place of bonor in my home

In the early years all projects mailings etc of the Society were centered around various members homes garages storage areas etc Today the Society has its own headquarters research and library facility located in Truro Cornwall It is open 10 aJi staffed by volunteer memben Current hours are Monday 10-4 Tuesday closed Wednesday through Saturday 11-3 It is also open for reservations only on Wednesday evenings from 630 to 900

Some of me Societys research resources include

1 The General Registry Office Indexes ---

(formerly St CBlherines Indexes) for England and WaJes The complete indexes of Civi l Registration (Births Marriages amp Deaths) 1837-1992 on microfiche arranged for each quartu Its possible to order a search and obtain a birth marriage or death certificate

2 Census for Cornwall for 1851 1861 1871 1881 and 1891 Censusforthe whole of England for 1881

3 The lGI (International GeneaJogicaJ Index) 1988 edition for Cornwall England and most of the world 1992 edition for Cornwall and Devon

4 Marriages The Phillimore transcripts 1538-1812 covering most of Cornwall CFHS Marriage iudeA 1813shy1837 Ross and Boyd Marriage Indexes covering most of Cornwall

5 BuriaYMonumental Inscriptions (MIs) The MIs (gravestones) for many burial grounds in Cornwall have been recorded and indexed alphabetically

(CFHS continlUtd on pagt 8)

My SOCiety belongs 10 FGSmiddot bull CAHS loins FGS

Federation of Genealogical Societies by Nancy Oster Heydt FGS Delegate for CAHS

Meet Me In St Louis is the title of this years annual four day national geneaJogical conference sponsored by FGS It will be August 11 - 14 in St Louis at the Regal Riverfront Hotel and hosted by the St Louis GenealogicaJ Society

Wednesday of each FGS conference is dedicated to Society Management Seminars -- 28 sessions aimed at officers and active members Experts share innoshyvative ideas on everything from being secretary to designing policies and standing rules for your society finding and keeping volunteers or creating the best newsletter

For the next three days you can attend many of the remaining 126 sessions The best and brightest genealogical experts prescnt workshops at this conference If you can go for all four days do so If you can make it for only one day dont miss it Ill see you there For information and application write to FGS (address below) or call 888-347-1500 or fax 888-380-0500

FGS Forum a quarterly that carries informative articles reviews and great tips for genealogists is regularly $17 per year but will cost you only $11 because yOU belong to CAlIS a member society of FGS Subscriptions are based on me calendar year only To subscribe send a check for $11 with a note on it that you re a member of Cornish American Heritage Society and mail it to FGS Business Office FORUM Mailing Ust P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940

Be sure to visit the FGS website at ltwwwfgsorggt If I can answer any questions about FGS or the Conference please ask

Lets hear Cornish speakersl

FGS Call for Papers

The Federation ofGeneaJogicai Societies and the Utah GenealogicaJ Association are issuing a caU for papers to be presented althe annual FGS conference in SaJt Lake City from 6-9 September 2000 UGA will host the FGS sponsored gathering The deadUoe for submissiom il15 JUDe 1999

They are looking for lectures on a variety of topics but the categories most applicable to CARS members are Western States RegionaJ (AZ CA CO ID MT NV NM UT wy) British Isles and Ethnic Research Who will offer lectures on the Cornish miners in those larget states how the Cornish influenced mining and life styles in those states and researching the Cornish in those states and in Cornwall

For each topic send a one-page synopsis of what you plan to cover in the lecture A brief biography for use in the conference registration brochure should be included Do nol submit over four topics

Proposals sbould be sent to Karen Clifford Program Chair 2000 FGSt UGA Conference in Salt Lake City 23040 Guidotti Drive Salinas CA 93908middot 1022

A copy of the FGS Conference Speaker Compensation Policy can be sent upon request Please send a self-addressed stamped-envelope with your request to the FOS Business Office P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940 or e-mail ltfgs-officefgsorggt

Lets have the Cornish heard from Send in your proposal by June ISIb

- 5



Jan-Mar 1999 Tam Kernewek

The 10th Gathering of PAHS students learn art of wrassling

The kids are learning the wrestling-like sport for a Cornish heritage festival

By Dan Sheehan The Express Times Sunday April II 1999

In Cornish wrestling the saying goes gwary whtk yu gwary uk

The Celtic phrase means good play is fair play It is the ancient way wrestlers in the Cornwall England trndition greet each other before grappling


making a late-life career out reviving the sport in his Canada and the United States

Wrestling he Saturday during a visit to the Argyl Junior High

gymnasium is an i~i11In Cornwall wrasslers wrassling and have done so at least 3000 years

Its a g~~~~sport Weeks said as a group of Pen Argyl Area School wrestlers the fine ponlSl of the Cornish style practiced by

a youthful King Henry VITI

over the world will celebrate Pen Argyls Cornish roots though the Welsh Italians and other Slate Belt ethnic groups will be honored too

Borough resident Harry Bray a festival organizer said the tournament champion will be the Cornish wrestling champion of Pennsylvania - a title that hasnt e~sted for generations

Cornish wrestling is distinguished from the Greco-Roman style in several ways First of all the participants wear loose sailcloth jackets shorts and nothing else

The wrestlers greet each other- grab hold of the canvas jackets and try to throw each other down Its not as


nearly five centuries ago 1~~~~I7~~_~~~~~CM~-~W~~~~JThe style was popular ~ Hip School oa Satlmlay Arak WcekI COKlIu

among Cornish emigrants to North America - including the miners who settled Pen Argyl - but has been dead in the United States for SO years and in Canada for about 20 Weeks said

The Pen Argyl wrestlers will practice Cornish wrestling until July when they will engage in a tournament during a heritage festival at the borough p1e

The five-day event expected to draw visitors of Cornish descent from all

easy as it sounds as wrestlers Aaron Smith 17 and VinnyRufo 16 learned after twirling each other around for several minutes to the laughter of their teammates

I think I broke a sweat Smith said

Weeks said wrestlers score points by forcing their opponents back to the mat each shoulder and each

(PARS ctHlJbll~ed 1711 pale 8)

Genealogy Room by Pat Sexton

Help others and Jearn yourself - come to the 10th Gathering Genealogy Room

Volunteers with computer knowledge andlor general help on genealogical material available in the GeneaJogy Room would be greatly appreciated Please contact me with times convenient for you

There will be computen micro fiche machine micro film machine OedmiddotCom materials and writtenprinted materia1s The Genealogy Room will be open during workshops Thursday 130 - 445 pm Friday 900 -12 15 am and Saturday 100 - 400 pm (schedule is subject to change depending on availability of help etc) and possibly on tour day for those not taking a tour Perhaps you could let me know your particular strength such as computers or just general knowledge Each helper would have an hour shift or longer whatever you care to do and you may choose yOUT own time frame Thank you Conl8Ci Pat Sexton 1835 Troxell St Allentown Pa 1amp103 (610-865- 1882) A post card to me would be fine

If societies or individuals have digital andor hard copy materials that would be helpful for others please infonn Pat Sexton about tbese and bring them along to the Gathering

Volunteer-CAHS Booth

Anyone willing to help out in the CAHS sales booth please contact Jean Jolliffe (see back page) with days and hour(s) Wednesday evening Thursday Friday or Saturday



Tam Kemewek~~~~~-__________-c~-c~~__~=-______________~==========~-__~)an-lwfM1999

Cornish Cousins

bwI amp WIrion at AecIrutl

CFHS Chairman

Ian Dunn

Ian Dunn will be with us at the lOlII Gathering and we thought an introduction would be in order an bas been chainnan of the executive committee of the Cornwall Family History Society s ince 1995 He joined the Society in 1980 with his late father and has traced his family name back to a marriage in 1729 in lllogan Cornwall He became a member of the executive committee in 1988 and has during the pas 11 years held the position of advertising manager and prior to 1995 was the chainnan of the editoriaJ sub committee responsible for the publishing side of the Societys business

Ian is 49 year old Cornishman having beeD born in the south coast fishing village of Polperro the eldest son of a police officer As his fathers job meanl regular moves Ian lived in Launceston SaJlaSh Helsten and St Austell during his school years and in later years he has lived in Bodmin Liskeard and Cambome

On leaving school he also served as a police officer in Cornwall but the majority of his career has bee~ spent in sales and marketing within the local newspaper industry commercial radio and Cornish business community

He spends most ontis leisure

More Workshops

I apologize for failing to include John Tyacke among genealogists listed in the last issue lohn is a frequent genealogishycaJ contributor at Toronto Cornish meetings He ll presentWtie Used Maurialfor t~ GetwJlogist

Discussions on what life was like Barb Roberts A Slice ofLife in the 1840s taken from the Wut Briton MarglUet Dunstan a native on Life in South Australia Nancy Heydt on the Cornish in New Jersey Wasco amp Sylvia (Stephens) Hadowanetz willteU the Story of the SllTling Hill Zinc Industry amp Cornish Connuhons on coal mining Sharon Schwartz will give a broad panorama of the Diversity of19 CfnlUry Migration Dave Thomas will offer Samplu ofCornish Villages Bob Radcliffe Life in DelaboIe Len amp Carol Snell the Cornish in Mexico John Humphrey on [If Century Life in Pfnnsylvania and Martin Dunstan on AusrraJian Slate QlUlrtUs

Hands-on sessions Annette Baker amp Jean Jolliffe on Cha~l DoUr loca1 expeItS on Quoit Pitching Saffron Nubbie Baking and Pasty Making Arnie Weeks on Cornish Wrassling and Cornish Language Joe George on Etching in Slate - 1M Miracle Stone

Learning wont end thete Dave Thomas a psychologist will explore the Cornish CluJracter amp Iu Rflevance to Us amp will read TIu MOIU~hak (At Droll Tales and Hardic Mwic enhanced by the of harp Kristin Gleeson Sue PeJlowe will share memories songs and poems of My Cornish Cupboard Frank Siegle on Early History to the Anglo Saxon conquut Evowtion ofthe Lvrguage and Celtic Spiritualily Bill Benallack on the planned Cornwall FoundaJion and Nancy Heydt on N~sleus Who What Whfn Whue and Why

Short Bits Oral History Oral History Project Ellis Island Immigration Museum New York NY 10004 Telephone (212) 363middot5807 Fax (212) 363-6302 email STIJJitrrmy npsgovor STLLOralHistorynpsgov

searching for more Ellis Island immigrants former employees and military personnel stationed at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty--peopJe able to relate their first hand experiences in a recorded interview

0ra1 History and Research Library is open to the public Monday through Friday 930 am bull 430 pm People with specific requests should make an appointment in advance

-from the IntenMt

To Twickenham - Again -Sunday 9 May 1999 Cornwall to Twickenham - Again Cornwall beat Cheshire in the Rugby Union County Championship 35 - 16 [Stands were filled with black and gold1 - Monday 24 May 1999 Cornwall wins decisively at Twickenham (against Gloucestershire) 24 to 15 Bloody ripper - that ll show em

Cornish World Bultdn

Celebrations in Cornwall -26 Mar 1999middot- Council of European Ministers Corn~ awarded about pound300 million European funding as Objective I packagedelight [is] tempered with the reservation that Comwall classified

(Bill clHl1ilu4~d 011 pog~ 10)

bull 7


Ian-Mar 1999Tam Kemewek

(PAIlS t01lliR1IRfroM MI 6)

buttock counts for one point There is no holding or grabbing below the waist

Points can only be scored by throwing an opponent on his back A wrestler thus thrown is not allowed 10

usc his arms to break his fall bUI he can try to deprive his opponent of points by landing on his side

Three referees called middotsticklers Lally points

middotThe lad who gets the mosl points is called the sWldard said Weeks who was a championship wrestler in Vancouver Britiih Columbia a( age 18 - same as his grandfalher Thomas Henry Weeks who became champion of the whole province in 1914

Now 58 Arnie Weeks reJies on a cane and (eaches mainly by lecture

I have a few acbes and breaks and sprains so [dont demonstrate throws he said

Bray the fonner Pen Argyl Area School District athletic director who arranged Weeks visit said be didnt expect the high school wrestlers to have much trouble picking up the technique in time for the festival which begins Iu1y 28

He said many of the holds and techniques are similar to home-grown wrestling though Cornish ruJes have changed somewhat over the centuries

They dont aim to maim anybody anymore be said

(CFHS tOIIIiJwdrowt 1HIl 5) Most of the Burial registers 1813shy1837 have been indeJed (The MIs is an oogoing project)

6 Other material Transcripts of many parish registers many overseas journals journals of other societies family pedigrees parish histories poor law apprenticeshipmaster records some passenger lists strays emigration to the USA

Many of the records have been computerized giving rapid access If you are unable to visillhe library you can still make use of all the facilities The address Cornwall Family History Society 5 Victoria Square Truro

(DruM rolllimudfro JIIW 7)

time in helping to ron the Society along with 40 other volunteers but also enjoys loca1 history and photography and is actively involved in genealogical research in Cornwall Between 1993-96 he visited and photographed every one of the 257 parish churches in Cornwall

Ian has fours sons aged from 13 to 21 He lives with partner Marion in a 114 year old Victorian house in Redruth which takes up most of what little spare time and cash he has left

Addras Trelawncy House 59 Green Lane Redrulh Cornwall TRI5 ILS Tel 01209211866 e-mail ianmarionvirginnet

Cornwall TRI 2RS UK E-mail Sccretarycihsdemoncouk The CFHS accepts checks in American dollars However they have agents in 4 countries to make it easier for overseas members to join and pay yearly subscriptions Current membership subscriptions are as follows Couotry IDdlviduai FISIC

US $2300 $3400 Ausl $3600 $5400 Canada $3500 $5200 NZ $4200 $6300

Agents for CFHSociety arc USA MrJDRCole12SpyGlass Lane Salem South Carolina 29676

Australia Mrs EP McDonaJd 9 Backford Sl Cllennside West Queensland 4032 Australia

Canada Mr BR Waters 55 Balmoral Avebull Toronto M4Y U5 Canada

New Zealand Mrs J Bruton Tiliro-lcishyPahurehure 57ll Youngs Rd bull PapakuraNZ

The CornwaD FaDIy-History Society amp You wiD do well together


(Qary tOMfnlled froM ptVI 4)

mothers maiden name was Mary EnE Walters siSler My email address is ltpbilipdunnyjriinnctgt

Roampkilly Im pan of group researching ROSKnLY would be interested in hearing from anyone with a conunon interest The resull~ of our work are expanding continuaJly A partial presentation is located at Itn2JL WWWteoscoUcQroIeeneatroskillyl FMfilesljndexblPl Hoping to hear from some members of your organization Kenneth Soon Dunedin Aorida ltkenkenscQUoomgt

Thomu Bray Parsoos Moo~ Any information on Ann THOMAS family wife of James Thomas (not b in Cwl) She b Boscastle Ivd there during 1820s 30s amp 40s then family mvd to London Her maiden name may be BRAY PARSONS or MOORE Please contact Babette Scougall 7 Verdon Stroot OConnor Canberra ACT 2602 Australia

Moyle Berryman Isaac Moyle amp wife Mary Ann BERRYMAN m 25 April 1847 Sl Cieer went to PA where 4 children were bom According to middotfamjly Slories~ they were b in Valley Forge Edward 14 Iun 1848 Benjamin 18 Nov 1849 Bathsheba 13 Jul1851 lsaac 9 Apr 1853 115 George was b Gwennap 15 Jan 1855 Appreciate any infonnation Lyn Schryver 176 Bumiston St Scarborough 6019 Western Australia

- from the InlUnet cms On Une PubUcadoos Wonderful news David Holman has finsbed putting the CFHS Publications list (with prices) online lthnpllwwwcthsdemoncouklSociety Publist99htmlgt

While or4er is still by postal mail this is a HUGE help (maybe online credil card orders will be next)

Many thanks for all your hard work David


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 2: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to

Tam Kernewek Jan-Mar 1999

(CUrMW cunJinuedjro ptJf~ J)

10 COOlish roolS so he established a CAMS membership of their own for Steve and Nancy

I mel Steve newly turned to 81 Sl Hilary Cornwall in 1994 He was a delightful energetic enthusiastic good looking boy He watched all of the Star Wars films so many times that he could lip synch the dialogue as the characters spoke on screen He loved 10 play soccer One of his family members said When Steve kicked a ball il was like a rocket coming ae you He dreamed about becoming a pilol in the U S Navy Steves dreams and those of his family came crashing down simply because rate placed him in the wrong place ae the wrong lime

On behalf of the CAlIS leadership eearn I am announcing establishment of he Steven R Curnow Memorial Fund We have long recognized the great need to reach out to the younger generation and involve them in our Cornish heritage The time for action has now come We plan to hold an annual essay contesl on Cornish themes for North American high school seniors descended from Cornish families

If you woutd like to help support this memorial initiative please send your check or money order to me (3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte Florida 33953 USA) or to Len Snell (Box 286 Walerdown Ontario LOR 2HO Canada) Make it payable to the Cornish American Heritage Soctety and write Steven R Curnow Memorial Fund on the memo line

Members in the USA may wonder if a contribution would be tax deductible We do not currently have IRS stafUS permitting you to claim a deduclion for your gift H any member has knowledge of bow 10 pursue the required IRS status we would certainly welcome your help

J5Jtntt of Mlideondin 1999 flddtmbl Joint ltitdoutlon 23

February 221999 -lntrodoced by Representatives Freese Sykora Miller Owens and Ryba cosponsored by Senator Schultz by request of Marion Paynter Howard from Minera1 Point and Dorothy Beckwith from Belmont Referred 10 Committee on Rules

Relating 10 celebrating March 51999 as 5t Picans Day

Whereas March 5 is 51 Pirans Day a day honoring the patron saint of tin miners and

Whereas many of the tin miners who came to the Wisconsin Territory starting in 1827 came from Cornwall England and

WIu~as the Cornish were the first major foreign immigrant group to come to Wisconsin and

Mums the Cornish settled largely in the southwestern part of the state in what is now GI1lJIt Iowa and Lafayette counties to mine lead using generations of experience in deep hard-rock mining to bring prosperity to the new territory and

Whunu a sizeable number of Cornish also settled in and around Palmyra in southeaslern Wiscoosin 10 farm and

WlIemu the Cornish wIlo were strongly opposed to slavery played an imponant role in the Civil War by constituting a significant part of 2 companies that were formed in Mineral Point Co I known as the Miners Guard and Co E known as the Farmers Guard and

Wluncu the traditional Cornish miners way of life can be experienced today at the Pendarvis historic site in Mineral Point and

WhtTeas the considerable skill ofComish stone masons is sti ll in abundant evidence to all who stroll through the lovely streets of Mineral Poiot Linden Shullsbtlrg or PlaUevil1e to admire the many homes and buildings buill by the Cornish and

WMmu a Midwest Cornish Festival is held in MineraJ Point each year during the last weekend in September featuring Cornish food music dance and gucSIS

from Cornwall and WluTecu of approximately 14 American Bards of the Cornish Gorsedd 3

live in Mineral Point one in Milwaukee and one now living in Massachusetts is a native of Racine

Now thrnforT be iJ Ruolud by tIu assembly the u1tilU conclllring Thai the members of the Wisconsin legislature salute all of Ehe perK)RS of Cornisb Descent for their tremendous contributions lO this state express appreciation for those persons who have kept alive Cornish culture tradition history and food and join all Wisconsinites who cherish their Cornish heritage in celebrating SL Pirans nay on March 5 1999

CAHS Constitution Soon members will receive a copy of the CAHS constitution with the committees recornrncndations for changes If you will not be attending the Gathering but have thoughts on the proposed changes please contllet us before the end of July

Jean Ellis Brad Landon and Jean Jolliffe

Jean Ellis PO Box 265 EF Eagle Harbor M149950 ltjfellisupnelgt

Brad Landon 73 Lake Drive Jim Thorpe PA 18229 ltIandonptdprologneegt

Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Rd Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjolliffpostilSmcwedugt


Tam Keroewek

CAHS Photo Contest New Guidelines o 1 The contest will have FOUR categories

a) Scenes and landscapes from Cornwall b) People from Cornwall c) Other themes from Cornwall b) Cornish heritage themes from Nonh America (Creative photos here)

2 Each entry should ioclUlje a description of the photo and its Cornish relevance Also the name and address of the entrant sbould be given

3 Enmes will be submitted by CAHS members or conference registrants Each person will be limited to one photo for each category Work will be from amateurs not professionals

4 RuJes for entries a) Black and white photos or color Photos mounted or unmounted b) Minimum size (in ioches) 3 x S maximum size 8 x 10 c) A new fonnat can be used mounted sets of three pictures of the same

theme will be accepted The mounting will be used to make one unified middot photo Maximum photo size is 5 x 7

5 Members need not be present to enter or win Ballots for selecting best photos will be in the registration packets

6 Prizes will be $1000 for firsts in each category Certificates will be given for first second and third Prizes will be given at the banquet

7 Stamped self~addressed envelopes must be included for return if the entrant is not at the conference Winning entries will become property of CAHS

8 Entrants will bring their photos to the conference and give them to Dave Thomas OR mail them 10 H ampC Bray 30] Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 They must be I1Wked PHaro CONTEST

GOOD SNAPPINGmiddot W D (Dave) Thomas

Jim Wlarnl ~ong~ of Cornwall

Now On CD

DEBOJ8 IooVIlT amp luokgt Traditional Cornish songs

Captured Allvel Uve fes1ivaI reooniItgs

Mg ond Couin look 0kI1Wld new Cornish songs (and more)

Ordertrom JimWeamo 405 AUS1i1 St 604 Do-wI818 GlOYe1L60515 6307699531 roramechaVencom _e~IIIW1~lXIram

COs $1500 (US) (plus $150 SampH)

W Briton Update by Flora Tomml OHagan

The Sl Pirans Society of MinneSOIa project to buy and index West Briton newspaper microfilms continues The CAHS Challenge of malching funds has added substantiaUy to its success Treasurer Bill Curnow proposed a 50 increase in the Challenge to a total of $1200 The CAHS Executive Board approved

Contributions by CAHS members and affiliated societies will be matched Those who contribute S80 or more may designate the years of the newspaper to be purthased To allow the Heritage Committee and St Piran s Executive Board to insure that priority is given to the years designated by donon it is requested that all future contributions be senl to Barb Roberts Treasurer Sl Piran1s Society PO Box 164 Eagle Lake MN 56024 All will be acknowledged by the Heritage Committee Corresponding Secretary

Duplicate rolls will be punhased to allow interlibrary loan while maintaining a permanent collection at St Thomas University Special Collections library

Working with indexing consultant Patricia Harpole Len and Rae Rowe Carl and Joy Swenson and Helen White have become quite experienced They have put considerable time into simplifying the process of indexing and researching Theyre enthusiastic about items theyve gJeaned from the newspapers

Humorous WB news by Helen While

July 21 1843 pA GALIANT AMERICAN JUDGE - A young fellow was hauled up in the United States the other day for breach of promise His defense was that he had not promised having always avoided committing himself The court

(WB conrUwtd on pugt 9)


- - --r

Tam Kemcwek lan-Mar 1999

Genealogical Research d 1888 Willunga South Australia wife CFHS and You Queries Sanoh EDWARDS b 1835

by VIrginia Trythall Richmond Somenetshr Eng to Williamt Elizabeth Edwards m Slate Belt of

Brown HiD Jarmaa ViDcmt Searching for relations of Arthur BROWN d US 16 M 1902 aged 37 Born Penzancc in 1866 he was son of Joseph amp Maria Brown Serpentine workers had shop selling their products in WhclJ1own bet Penzancc - Newlyn Early 960s a storm devastated area cottages IlIld shops were pulled down amp replaced Pub The Mounts Bay survived - a great meeting place Unk when he arT

US but with Phillip HILL who died two years before him on J I Jun 1900 (Phillip was brother of Arthws sister-in-law Elizabeth Ann my husbands g gm) Arthurs siblings Maha1a bI847 Mary Ann b1850 Jolm William b1856 Joseph b1862 Louisa AJlen b1866

At the funeral of another Arthur Brown in Penzancc 5 lui 1925 aged 29 florallributes from cousinsOlivc Percy Hilda amp Maggie in US (could be Olive amp George JARMAN and family) John Janey Dick and Annie ofPorchester (probably Port Chester NY could be John James Brown and family lohn James parents were Joseph amp Jessie (VINCENT) Brown) Eddie in Dclroil Does anyone Imow oflhcse people IT so please reply to Adamson 8af6thfl Borrelt Mansions 8-9 Bowen Road Hong Kong SAR OUna E-mail khunjohnocMsatorcom

Panoas Honey Lobb AccumuJating database OD PARSONS families of N Cornwall and adj areas of Devon - includes area Padstow north A number of separate Family Treemaker databases goinS would appreciate any additional info you can provide (Also int HONEY LOBB families same area don t have extensive databases on them) Brad Landon 73 Lake Dr Jim Thorpe PA 1amp229 ltIandonptdprolognetgt

Jacobs Sibley Edwards James Sibley JACOBS b 1829 Sl Kew to John and Elizabeth (SIBLEy) Jacobs

Pennsylvania 1855 Children b in PA and South Australia Ivern (1857 - PAl Alma (1859 - PAl Oscar (1862 - PAl Lonmzo (1863 PAl Lilim (1863 - PAl ]aoob (1865 - SA) Eda (1866 - SA) Horace (1869 - SA) Me1phoro (1871 shySA) Earnet (1873 - SA) San (1876 shySA) and Earnest Ed (1879 - SA) Martin Dunstan 3 Endeavor Drive Seaford Rise SA Australia 5169

Chynoweth Barlda Benjamin F CHYNOWETII b nr Pottsshyville PA 1851 son of Capt John amp Phillipa Chynoweth Capt John was b Sl Agnes at age 2-3 brought to US by his unnamed father Short1y after arT in PA father (Benjamins gf) kiUed in a coal mine Widow pacUd John amp sibs back to Eng amp raised them Age 21 John left to work in Spain (the British Rio Tinto) He stayed 5 yrs then to US An in PA be m Phillipa BARKLA dtr ofa man prominent in developing anthntcile regions Abandoning coal mines John moved to Pittsburgh as a machinisl After a time he took his family to UP in Michigan a very successful career in copper mining Can you fill in any of the missing pieces about Capt Johns career esp in PA IT so please contact Lewis Oneil ltI01TeilworidneutLnelgtFL Orrell PO Box 0027 Carefree AZ 85377

EdeAIIm I am trying 10 trace the family of my Ort G uncle Walter EDE who emigrated to Pen Argyl PA from Cwi in the 1900s

I know he eStablished his own building company in Pea Argyl and that son Francis HS BDE was an attorney member ofPAStatcSenampte Nootber info on family or any desceodanu that might be alive DOW Can you help My name is Phil Dunn and I live in Dorset England My Grandmother was Leonora ALLEN from Tintagel Her

(Quitry c~_ 011 JIGIt 8

The Cornwall Family History Society was formed in 1976 by some 20 enthusiasts to assist members in tracing their family history From this small beginning an important milestone was reached recently when membership number 10000 was published in the the SocietyS March 1999 Journal No 91 Of the grand IOtal 10069 opproximalely 5000 are currently members in good standing and they are located allover the world The Society is well served by dedicated commillce members supported by a band of enthusiastic and hard-working volunteers In 1997 to more efficiently meet the needs of the members it was decided to employ a Secretaryl Administrator for the fint rime

1 have been a continuOllil member of CFHS since 1982 1be Societys quarterly journal is a basic tool when searching for Cornish roots Many timely articles photos and requests for help are included Each issue features a list of cUl1Cnt new members their addresses and their surname ioteresl$ and parishes In addition an updated Directory of Members Inlerests is published every two years and distributed on microfiche to aU members A booklet version is also available Each year a list of publications price list and order fonn is seDt to all members Included are such items as monumenlal (gravestone) inscriptiODS census sttays indexes books pamphJets Cornish foJksoogl on CDs Society sweatshirts and many genealogical publications

Jcontacted and have been contacted by coW)t1ess CFHS members over the years Copies of this comspondence family trees pictures charts etc in my bulging rues are imponant references in my continual research In several instances some of


-Tam Kernewek Jan-Mar 1999

this material tied in directly with my family research Many of my fellow

- CFHS researchers have become close friends During my travels rve met many of them and stayed at some of their homes In one issue of the Journal a family Bible that proved to be my family ( 1842) was offered for sale now has a place of bonor in my home

In the early years all projects mailings etc of the Society were centered around various members homes garages storage areas etc Today the Society has its own headquarters research and library facility located in Truro Cornwall It is open 10 aJi staffed by volunteer memben Current hours are Monday 10-4 Tuesday closed Wednesday through Saturday 11-3 It is also open for reservations only on Wednesday evenings from 630 to 900

Some of me Societys research resources include

1 The General Registry Office Indexes ---

(formerly St CBlherines Indexes) for England and WaJes The complete indexes of Civi l Registration (Births Marriages amp Deaths) 1837-1992 on microfiche arranged for each quartu Its possible to order a search and obtain a birth marriage or death certificate

2 Census for Cornwall for 1851 1861 1871 1881 and 1891 Censusforthe whole of England for 1881

3 The lGI (International GeneaJogicaJ Index) 1988 edition for Cornwall England and most of the world 1992 edition for Cornwall and Devon

4 Marriages The Phillimore transcripts 1538-1812 covering most of Cornwall CFHS Marriage iudeA 1813shy1837 Ross and Boyd Marriage Indexes covering most of Cornwall

5 BuriaYMonumental Inscriptions (MIs) The MIs (gravestones) for many burial grounds in Cornwall have been recorded and indexed alphabetically

(CFHS continlUtd on pagt 8)

My SOCiety belongs 10 FGSmiddot bull CAHS loins FGS

Federation of Genealogical Societies by Nancy Oster Heydt FGS Delegate for CAHS

Meet Me In St Louis is the title of this years annual four day national geneaJogical conference sponsored by FGS It will be August 11 - 14 in St Louis at the Regal Riverfront Hotel and hosted by the St Louis GenealogicaJ Society

Wednesday of each FGS conference is dedicated to Society Management Seminars -- 28 sessions aimed at officers and active members Experts share innoshyvative ideas on everything from being secretary to designing policies and standing rules for your society finding and keeping volunteers or creating the best newsletter

For the next three days you can attend many of the remaining 126 sessions The best and brightest genealogical experts prescnt workshops at this conference If you can go for all four days do so If you can make it for only one day dont miss it Ill see you there For information and application write to FGS (address below) or call 888-347-1500 or fax 888-380-0500

FGS Forum a quarterly that carries informative articles reviews and great tips for genealogists is regularly $17 per year but will cost you only $11 because yOU belong to CAlIS a member society of FGS Subscriptions are based on me calendar year only To subscribe send a check for $11 with a note on it that you re a member of Cornish American Heritage Society and mail it to FGS Business Office FORUM Mailing Ust P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940

Be sure to visit the FGS website at ltwwwfgsorggt If I can answer any questions about FGS or the Conference please ask

Lets hear Cornish speakersl

FGS Call for Papers

The Federation ofGeneaJogicai Societies and the Utah GenealogicaJ Association are issuing a caU for papers to be presented althe annual FGS conference in SaJt Lake City from 6-9 September 2000 UGA will host the FGS sponsored gathering The deadUoe for submissiom il15 JUDe 1999

They are looking for lectures on a variety of topics but the categories most applicable to CARS members are Western States RegionaJ (AZ CA CO ID MT NV NM UT wy) British Isles and Ethnic Research Who will offer lectures on the Cornish miners in those larget states how the Cornish influenced mining and life styles in those states and researching the Cornish in those states and in Cornwall

For each topic send a one-page synopsis of what you plan to cover in the lecture A brief biography for use in the conference registration brochure should be included Do nol submit over four topics

Proposals sbould be sent to Karen Clifford Program Chair 2000 FGSt UGA Conference in Salt Lake City 23040 Guidotti Drive Salinas CA 93908middot 1022

A copy of the FGS Conference Speaker Compensation Policy can be sent upon request Please send a self-addressed stamped-envelope with your request to the FOS Business Office P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940 or e-mail ltfgs-officefgsorggt

Lets have the Cornish heard from Send in your proposal by June ISIb

- 5



Jan-Mar 1999 Tam Kernewek

The 10th Gathering of PAHS students learn art of wrassling

The kids are learning the wrestling-like sport for a Cornish heritage festival

By Dan Sheehan The Express Times Sunday April II 1999

In Cornish wrestling the saying goes gwary whtk yu gwary uk

The Celtic phrase means good play is fair play It is the ancient way wrestlers in the Cornwall England trndition greet each other before grappling


making a late-life career out reviving the sport in his Canada and the United States

Wrestling he Saturday during a visit to the Argyl Junior High

gymnasium is an i~i11In Cornwall wrasslers wrassling and have done so at least 3000 years

Its a g~~~~sport Weeks said as a group of Pen Argyl Area School wrestlers the fine ponlSl of the Cornish style practiced by

a youthful King Henry VITI

over the world will celebrate Pen Argyls Cornish roots though the Welsh Italians and other Slate Belt ethnic groups will be honored too

Borough resident Harry Bray a festival organizer said the tournament champion will be the Cornish wrestling champion of Pennsylvania - a title that hasnt e~sted for generations

Cornish wrestling is distinguished from the Greco-Roman style in several ways First of all the participants wear loose sailcloth jackets shorts and nothing else

The wrestlers greet each other- grab hold of the canvas jackets and try to throw each other down Its not as


nearly five centuries ago 1~~~~I7~~_~~~~~CM~-~W~~~~JThe style was popular ~ Hip School oa Satlmlay Arak WcekI COKlIu

among Cornish emigrants to North America - including the miners who settled Pen Argyl - but has been dead in the United States for SO years and in Canada for about 20 Weeks said

The Pen Argyl wrestlers will practice Cornish wrestling until July when they will engage in a tournament during a heritage festival at the borough p1e

The five-day event expected to draw visitors of Cornish descent from all

easy as it sounds as wrestlers Aaron Smith 17 and VinnyRufo 16 learned after twirling each other around for several minutes to the laughter of their teammates

I think I broke a sweat Smith said

Weeks said wrestlers score points by forcing their opponents back to the mat each shoulder and each

(PARS ctHlJbll~ed 1711 pale 8)

Genealogy Room by Pat Sexton

Help others and Jearn yourself - come to the 10th Gathering Genealogy Room

Volunteers with computer knowledge andlor general help on genealogical material available in the GeneaJogy Room would be greatly appreciated Please contact me with times convenient for you

There will be computen micro fiche machine micro film machine OedmiddotCom materials and writtenprinted materia1s The Genealogy Room will be open during workshops Thursday 130 - 445 pm Friday 900 -12 15 am and Saturday 100 - 400 pm (schedule is subject to change depending on availability of help etc) and possibly on tour day for those not taking a tour Perhaps you could let me know your particular strength such as computers or just general knowledge Each helper would have an hour shift or longer whatever you care to do and you may choose yOUT own time frame Thank you Conl8Ci Pat Sexton 1835 Troxell St Allentown Pa 1amp103 (610-865- 1882) A post card to me would be fine

If societies or individuals have digital andor hard copy materials that would be helpful for others please infonn Pat Sexton about tbese and bring them along to the Gathering

Volunteer-CAHS Booth

Anyone willing to help out in the CAHS sales booth please contact Jean Jolliffe (see back page) with days and hour(s) Wednesday evening Thursday Friday or Saturday



Tam Kemewek~~~~~-__________-c~-c~~__~=-______________~==========~-__~)an-lwfM1999

Cornish Cousins

bwI amp WIrion at AecIrutl

CFHS Chairman

Ian Dunn

Ian Dunn will be with us at the lOlII Gathering and we thought an introduction would be in order an bas been chainnan of the executive committee of the Cornwall Family History Society s ince 1995 He joined the Society in 1980 with his late father and has traced his family name back to a marriage in 1729 in lllogan Cornwall He became a member of the executive committee in 1988 and has during the pas 11 years held the position of advertising manager and prior to 1995 was the chainnan of the editoriaJ sub committee responsible for the publishing side of the Societys business

Ian is 49 year old Cornishman having beeD born in the south coast fishing village of Polperro the eldest son of a police officer As his fathers job meanl regular moves Ian lived in Launceston SaJlaSh Helsten and St Austell during his school years and in later years he has lived in Bodmin Liskeard and Cambome

On leaving school he also served as a police officer in Cornwall but the majority of his career has bee~ spent in sales and marketing within the local newspaper industry commercial radio and Cornish business community

He spends most ontis leisure

More Workshops

I apologize for failing to include John Tyacke among genealogists listed in the last issue lohn is a frequent genealogishycaJ contributor at Toronto Cornish meetings He ll presentWtie Used Maurialfor t~ GetwJlogist

Discussions on what life was like Barb Roberts A Slice ofLife in the 1840s taken from the Wut Briton MarglUet Dunstan a native on Life in South Australia Nancy Heydt on the Cornish in New Jersey Wasco amp Sylvia (Stephens) Hadowanetz willteU the Story of the SllTling Hill Zinc Industry amp Cornish Connuhons on coal mining Sharon Schwartz will give a broad panorama of the Diversity of19 CfnlUry Migration Dave Thomas will offer Samplu ofCornish Villages Bob Radcliffe Life in DelaboIe Len amp Carol Snell the Cornish in Mexico John Humphrey on [If Century Life in Pfnnsylvania and Martin Dunstan on AusrraJian Slate QlUlrtUs

Hands-on sessions Annette Baker amp Jean Jolliffe on Cha~l DoUr loca1 expeItS on Quoit Pitching Saffron Nubbie Baking and Pasty Making Arnie Weeks on Cornish Wrassling and Cornish Language Joe George on Etching in Slate - 1M Miracle Stone

Learning wont end thete Dave Thomas a psychologist will explore the Cornish CluJracter amp Iu Rflevance to Us amp will read TIu MOIU~hak (At Droll Tales and Hardic Mwic enhanced by the of harp Kristin Gleeson Sue PeJlowe will share memories songs and poems of My Cornish Cupboard Frank Siegle on Early History to the Anglo Saxon conquut Evowtion ofthe Lvrguage and Celtic Spiritualily Bill Benallack on the planned Cornwall FoundaJion and Nancy Heydt on N~sleus Who What Whfn Whue and Why

Short Bits Oral History Oral History Project Ellis Island Immigration Museum New York NY 10004 Telephone (212) 363middot5807 Fax (212) 363-6302 email STIJJitrrmy npsgovor STLLOralHistorynpsgov

searching for more Ellis Island immigrants former employees and military personnel stationed at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty--peopJe able to relate their first hand experiences in a recorded interview

0ra1 History and Research Library is open to the public Monday through Friday 930 am bull 430 pm People with specific requests should make an appointment in advance

-from the IntenMt

To Twickenham - Again -Sunday 9 May 1999 Cornwall to Twickenham - Again Cornwall beat Cheshire in the Rugby Union County Championship 35 - 16 [Stands were filled with black and gold1 - Monday 24 May 1999 Cornwall wins decisively at Twickenham (against Gloucestershire) 24 to 15 Bloody ripper - that ll show em

Cornish World Bultdn

Celebrations in Cornwall -26 Mar 1999middot- Council of European Ministers Corn~ awarded about pound300 million European funding as Objective I packagedelight [is] tempered with the reservation that Comwall classified

(Bill clHl1ilu4~d 011 pog~ 10)

bull 7


Ian-Mar 1999Tam Kemewek

(PAIlS t01lliR1IRfroM MI 6)

buttock counts for one point There is no holding or grabbing below the waist

Points can only be scored by throwing an opponent on his back A wrestler thus thrown is not allowed 10

usc his arms to break his fall bUI he can try to deprive his opponent of points by landing on his side

Three referees called middotsticklers Lally points

middotThe lad who gets the mosl points is called the sWldard said Weeks who was a championship wrestler in Vancouver Britiih Columbia a( age 18 - same as his grandfalher Thomas Henry Weeks who became champion of the whole province in 1914

Now 58 Arnie Weeks reJies on a cane and (eaches mainly by lecture

I have a few acbes and breaks and sprains so [dont demonstrate throws he said

Bray the fonner Pen Argyl Area School District athletic director who arranged Weeks visit said be didnt expect the high school wrestlers to have much trouble picking up the technique in time for the festival which begins Iu1y 28

He said many of the holds and techniques are similar to home-grown wrestling though Cornish ruJes have changed somewhat over the centuries

They dont aim to maim anybody anymore be said

(CFHS tOIIIiJwdrowt 1HIl 5) Most of the Burial registers 1813shy1837 have been indeJed (The MIs is an oogoing project)

6 Other material Transcripts of many parish registers many overseas journals journals of other societies family pedigrees parish histories poor law apprenticeshipmaster records some passenger lists strays emigration to the USA

Many of the records have been computerized giving rapid access If you are unable to visillhe library you can still make use of all the facilities The address Cornwall Family History Society 5 Victoria Square Truro

(DruM rolllimudfro JIIW 7)

time in helping to ron the Society along with 40 other volunteers but also enjoys loca1 history and photography and is actively involved in genealogical research in Cornwall Between 1993-96 he visited and photographed every one of the 257 parish churches in Cornwall

Ian has fours sons aged from 13 to 21 He lives with partner Marion in a 114 year old Victorian house in Redruth which takes up most of what little spare time and cash he has left

Addras Trelawncy House 59 Green Lane Redrulh Cornwall TRI5 ILS Tel 01209211866 e-mail ianmarionvirginnet

Cornwall TRI 2RS UK E-mail Sccretarycihsdemoncouk The CFHS accepts checks in American dollars However they have agents in 4 countries to make it easier for overseas members to join and pay yearly subscriptions Current membership subscriptions are as follows Couotry IDdlviduai FISIC

US $2300 $3400 Ausl $3600 $5400 Canada $3500 $5200 NZ $4200 $6300

Agents for CFHSociety arc USA MrJDRCole12SpyGlass Lane Salem South Carolina 29676

Australia Mrs EP McDonaJd 9 Backford Sl Cllennside West Queensland 4032 Australia

Canada Mr BR Waters 55 Balmoral Avebull Toronto M4Y U5 Canada

New Zealand Mrs J Bruton Tiliro-lcishyPahurehure 57ll Youngs Rd bull PapakuraNZ

The CornwaD FaDIy-History Society amp You wiD do well together


(Qary tOMfnlled froM ptVI 4)

mothers maiden name was Mary EnE Walters siSler My email address is ltpbilipdunnyjriinnctgt

Roampkilly Im pan of group researching ROSKnLY would be interested in hearing from anyone with a conunon interest The resull~ of our work are expanding continuaJly A partial presentation is located at Itn2JL WWWteoscoUcQroIeeneatroskillyl FMfilesljndexblPl Hoping to hear from some members of your organization Kenneth Soon Dunedin Aorida ltkenkenscQUoomgt

Thomu Bray Parsoos Moo~ Any information on Ann THOMAS family wife of James Thomas (not b in Cwl) She b Boscastle Ivd there during 1820s 30s amp 40s then family mvd to London Her maiden name may be BRAY PARSONS or MOORE Please contact Babette Scougall 7 Verdon Stroot OConnor Canberra ACT 2602 Australia

Moyle Berryman Isaac Moyle amp wife Mary Ann BERRYMAN m 25 April 1847 Sl Cieer went to PA where 4 children were bom According to middotfamjly Slories~ they were b in Valley Forge Edward 14 Iun 1848 Benjamin 18 Nov 1849 Bathsheba 13 Jul1851 lsaac 9 Apr 1853 115 George was b Gwennap 15 Jan 1855 Appreciate any infonnation Lyn Schryver 176 Bumiston St Scarborough 6019 Western Australia

- from the InlUnet cms On Une PubUcadoos Wonderful news David Holman has finsbed putting the CFHS Publications list (with prices) online lthnpllwwwcthsdemoncouklSociety Publist99htmlgt

While or4er is still by postal mail this is a HUGE help (maybe online credil card orders will be next)

Many thanks for all your hard work David


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 3: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to

Tam Keroewek

CAHS Photo Contest New Guidelines o 1 The contest will have FOUR categories

a) Scenes and landscapes from Cornwall b) People from Cornwall c) Other themes from Cornwall b) Cornish heritage themes from Nonh America (Creative photos here)

2 Each entry should ioclUlje a description of the photo and its Cornish relevance Also the name and address of the entrant sbould be given

3 Enmes will be submitted by CAHS members or conference registrants Each person will be limited to one photo for each category Work will be from amateurs not professionals

4 RuJes for entries a) Black and white photos or color Photos mounted or unmounted b) Minimum size (in ioches) 3 x S maximum size 8 x 10 c) A new fonnat can be used mounted sets of three pictures of the same

theme will be accepted The mounting will be used to make one unified middot photo Maximum photo size is 5 x 7

5 Members need not be present to enter or win Ballots for selecting best photos will be in the registration packets

6 Prizes will be $1000 for firsts in each category Certificates will be given for first second and third Prizes will be given at the banquet

7 Stamped self~addressed envelopes must be included for return if the entrant is not at the conference Winning entries will become property of CAHS

8 Entrants will bring their photos to the conference and give them to Dave Thomas OR mail them 10 H ampC Bray 30] Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 They must be I1Wked PHaro CONTEST

GOOD SNAPPINGmiddot W D (Dave) Thomas

Jim Wlarnl ~ong~ of Cornwall

Now On CD

DEBOJ8 IooVIlT amp luokgt Traditional Cornish songs

Captured Allvel Uve fes1ivaI reooniItgs

Mg ond Couin look 0kI1Wld new Cornish songs (and more)

Ordertrom JimWeamo 405 AUS1i1 St 604 Do-wI818 GlOYe1L60515 6307699531 roramechaVencom _e~IIIW1~lXIram

COs $1500 (US) (plus $150 SampH)

W Briton Update by Flora Tomml OHagan

The Sl Pirans Society of MinneSOIa project to buy and index West Briton newspaper microfilms continues The CAHS Challenge of malching funds has added substantiaUy to its success Treasurer Bill Curnow proposed a 50 increase in the Challenge to a total of $1200 The CAHS Executive Board approved

Contributions by CAHS members and affiliated societies will be matched Those who contribute S80 or more may designate the years of the newspaper to be purthased To allow the Heritage Committee and St Piran s Executive Board to insure that priority is given to the years designated by donon it is requested that all future contributions be senl to Barb Roberts Treasurer Sl Piran1s Society PO Box 164 Eagle Lake MN 56024 All will be acknowledged by the Heritage Committee Corresponding Secretary

Duplicate rolls will be punhased to allow interlibrary loan while maintaining a permanent collection at St Thomas University Special Collections library

Working with indexing consultant Patricia Harpole Len and Rae Rowe Carl and Joy Swenson and Helen White have become quite experienced They have put considerable time into simplifying the process of indexing and researching Theyre enthusiastic about items theyve gJeaned from the newspapers

Humorous WB news by Helen While

July 21 1843 pA GALIANT AMERICAN JUDGE - A young fellow was hauled up in the United States the other day for breach of promise His defense was that he had not promised having always avoided committing himself The court

(WB conrUwtd on pugt 9)


- - --r

Tam Kemcwek lan-Mar 1999

Genealogical Research d 1888 Willunga South Australia wife CFHS and You Queries Sanoh EDWARDS b 1835

by VIrginia Trythall Richmond Somenetshr Eng to Williamt Elizabeth Edwards m Slate Belt of

Brown HiD Jarmaa ViDcmt Searching for relations of Arthur BROWN d US 16 M 1902 aged 37 Born Penzancc in 1866 he was son of Joseph amp Maria Brown Serpentine workers had shop selling their products in WhclJ1own bet Penzancc - Newlyn Early 960s a storm devastated area cottages IlIld shops were pulled down amp replaced Pub The Mounts Bay survived - a great meeting place Unk when he arT

US but with Phillip HILL who died two years before him on J I Jun 1900 (Phillip was brother of Arthws sister-in-law Elizabeth Ann my husbands g gm) Arthurs siblings Maha1a bI847 Mary Ann b1850 Jolm William b1856 Joseph b1862 Louisa AJlen b1866

At the funeral of another Arthur Brown in Penzancc 5 lui 1925 aged 29 florallributes from cousinsOlivc Percy Hilda amp Maggie in US (could be Olive amp George JARMAN and family) John Janey Dick and Annie ofPorchester (probably Port Chester NY could be John James Brown and family lohn James parents were Joseph amp Jessie (VINCENT) Brown) Eddie in Dclroil Does anyone Imow oflhcse people IT so please reply to Adamson 8af6thfl Borrelt Mansions 8-9 Bowen Road Hong Kong SAR OUna E-mail khunjohnocMsatorcom

Panoas Honey Lobb AccumuJating database OD PARSONS families of N Cornwall and adj areas of Devon - includes area Padstow north A number of separate Family Treemaker databases goinS would appreciate any additional info you can provide (Also int HONEY LOBB families same area don t have extensive databases on them) Brad Landon 73 Lake Dr Jim Thorpe PA 1amp229 ltIandonptdprolognetgt

Jacobs Sibley Edwards James Sibley JACOBS b 1829 Sl Kew to John and Elizabeth (SIBLEy) Jacobs

Pennsylvania 1855 Children b in PA and South Australia Ivern (1857 - PAl Alma (1859 - PAl Oscar (1862 - PAl Lonmzo (1863 PAl Lilim (1863 - PAl ]aoob (1865 - SA) Eda (1866 - SA) Horace (1869 - SA) Me1phoro (1871 shySA) Earnet (1873 - SA) San (1876 shySA) and Earnest Ed (1879 - SA) Martin Dunstan 3 Endeavor Drive Seaford Rise SA Australia 5169

Chynoweth Barlda Benjamin F CHYNOWETII b nr Pottsshyville PA 1851 son of Capt John amp Phillipa Chynoweth Capt John was b Sl Agnes at age 2-3 brought to US by his unnamed father Short1y after arT in PA father (Benjamins gf) kiUed in a coal mine Widow pacUd John amp sibs back to Eng amp raised them Age 21 John left to work in Spain (the British Rio Tinto) He stayed 5 yrs then to US An in PA be m Phillipa BARKLA dtr ofa man prominent in developing anthntcile regions Abandoning coal mines John moved to Pittsburgh as a machinisl After a time he took his family to UP in Michigan a very successful career in copper mining Can you fill in any of the missing pieces about Capt Johns career esp in PA IT so please contact Lewis Oneil ltI01TeilworidneutLnelgtFL Orrell PO Box 0027 Carefree AZ 85377

EdeAIIm I am trying 10 trace the family of my Ort G uncle Walter EDE who emigrated to Pen Argyl PA from Cwi in the 1900s

I know he eStablished his own building company in Pea Argyl and that son Francis HS BDE was an attorney member ofPAStatcSenampte Nootber info on family or any desceodanu that might be alive DOW Can you help My name is Phil Dunn and I live in Dorset England My Grandmother was Leonora ALLEN from Tintagel Her

(Quitry c~_ 011 JIGIt 8

The Cornwall Family History Society was formed in 1976 by some 20 enthusiasts to assist members in tracing their family history From this small beginning an important milestone was reached recently when membership number 10000 was published in the the SocietyS March 1999 Journal No 91 Of the grand IOtal 10069 opproximalely 5000 are currently members in good standing and they are located allover the world The Society is well served by dedicated commillce members supported by a band of enthusiastic and hard-working volunteers In 1997 to more efficiently meet the needs of the members it was decided to employ a Secretaryl Administrator for the fint rime

1 have been a continuOllil member of CFHS since 1982 1be Societys quarterly journal is a basic tool when searching for Cornish roots Many timely articles photos and requests for help are included Each issue features a list of cUl1Cnt new members their addresses and their surname ioteresl$ and parishes In addition an updated Directory of Members Inlerests is published every two years and distributed on microfiche to aU members A booklet version is also available Each year a list of publications price list and order fonn is seDt to all members Included are such items as monumenlal (gravestone) inscriptiODS census sttays indexes books pamphJets Cornish foJksoogl on CDs Society sweatshirts and many genealogical publications

Jcontacted and have been contacted by coW)t1ess CFHS members over the years Copies of this comspondence family trees pictures charts etc in my bulging rues are imponant references in my continual research In several instances some of


-Tam Kernewek Jan-Mar 1999

this material tied in directly with my family research Many of my fellow

- CFHS researchers have become close friends During my travels rve met many of them and stayed at some of their homes In one issue of the Journal a family Bible that proved to be my family ( 1842) was offered for sale now has a place of bonor in my home

In the early years all projects mailings etc of the Society were centered around various members homes garages storage areas etc Today the Society has its own headquarters research and library facility located in Truro Cornwall It is open 10 aJi staffed by volunteer memben Current hours are Monday 10-4 Tuesday closed Wednesday through Saturday 11-3 It is also open for reservations only on Wednesday evenings from 630 to 900

Some of me Societys research resources include

1 The General Registry Office Indexes ---

(formerly St CBlherines Indexes) for England and WaJes The complete indexes of Civi l Registration (Births Marriages amp Deaths) 1837-1992 on microfiche arranged for each quartu Its possible to order a search and obtain a birth marriage or death certificate

2 Census for Cornwall for 1851 1861 1871 1881 and 1891 Censusforthe whole of England for 1881

3 The lGI (International GeneaJogicaJ Index) 1988 edition for Cornwall England and most of the world 1992 edition for Cornwall and Devon

4 Marriages The Phillimore transcripts 1538-1812 covering most of Cornwall CFHS Marriage iudeA 1813shy1837 Ross and Boyd Marriage Indexes covering most of Cornwall

5 BuriaYMonumental Inscriptions (MIs) The MIs (gravestones) for many burial grounds in Cornwall have been recorded and indexed alphabetically

(CFHS continlUtd on pagt 8)

My SOCiety belongs 10 FGSmiddot bull CAHS loins FGS

Federation of Genealogical Societies by Nancy Oster Heydt FGS Delegate for CAHS

Meet Me In St Louis is the title of this years annual four day national geneaJogical conference sponsored by FGS It will be August 11 - 14 in St Louis at the Regal Riverfront Hotel and hosted by the St Louis GenealogicaJ Society

Wednesday of each FGS conference is dedicated to Society Management Seminars -- 28 sessions aimed at officers and active members Experts share innoshyvative ideas on everything from being secretary to designing policies and standing rules for your society finding and keeping volunteers or creating the best newsletter

For the next three days you can attend many of the remaining 126 sessions The best and brightest genealogical experts prescnt workshops at this conference If you can go for all four days do so If you can make it for only one day dont miss it Ill see you there For information and application write to FGS (address below) or call 888-347-1500 or fax 888-380-0500

FGS Forum a quarterly that carries informative articles reviews and great tips for genealogists is regularly $17 per year but will cost you only $11 because yOU belong to CAlIS a member society of FGS Subscriptions are based on me calendar year only To subscribe send a check for $11 with a note on it that you re a member of Cornish American Heritage Society and mail it to FGS Business Office FORUM Mailing Ust P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940

Be sure to visit the FGS website at ltwwwfgsorggt If I can answer any questions about FGS or the Conference please ask

Lets hear Cornish speakersl

FGS Call for Papers

The Federation ofGeneaJogicai Societies and the Utah GenealogicaJ Association are issuing a caU for papers to be presented althe annual FGS conference in SaJt Lake City from 6-9 September 2000 UGA will host the FGS sponsored gathering The deadUoe for submissiom il15 JUDe 1999

They are looking for lectures on a variety of topics but the categories most applicable to CARS members are Western States RegionaJ (AZ CA CO ID MT NV NM UT wy) British Isles and Ethnic Research Who will offer lectures on the Cornish miners in those larget states how the Cornish influenced mining and life styles in those states and researching the Cornish in those states and in Cornwall

For each topic send a one-page synopsis of what you plan to cover in the lecture A brief biography for use in the conference registration brochure should be included Do nol submit over four topics

Proposals sbould be sent to Karen Clifford Program Chair 2000 FGSt UGA Conference in Salt Lake City 23040 Guidotti Drive Salinas CA 93908middot 1022

A copy of the FGS Conference Speaker Compensation Policy can be sent upon request Please send a self-addressed stamped-envelope with your request to the FOS Business Office P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940 or e-mail ltfgs-officefgsorggt

Lets have the Cornish heard from Send in your proposal by June ISIb

- 5



Jan-Mar 1999 Tam Kernewek

The 10th Gathering of PAHS students learn art of wrassling

The kids are learning the wrestling-like sport for a Cornish heritage festival

By Dan Sheehan The Express Times Sunday April II 1999

In Cornish wrestling the saying goes gwary whtk yu gwary uk

The Celtic phrase means good play is fair play It is the ancient way wrestlers in the Cornwall England trndition greet each other before grappling


making a late-life career out reviving the sport in his Canada and the United States

Wrestling he Saturday during a visit to the Argyl Junior High

gymnasium is an i~i11In Cornwall wrasslers wrassling and have done so at least 3000 years

Its a g~~~~sport Weeks said as a group of Pen Argyl Area School wrestlers the fine ponlSl of the Cornish style practiced by

a youthful King Henry VITI

over the world will celebrate Pen Argyls Cornish roots though the Welsh Italians and other Slate Belt ethnic groups will be honored too

Borough resident Harry Bray a festival organizer said the tournament champion will be the Cornish wrestling champion of Pennsylvania - a title that hasnt e~sted for generations

Cornish wrestling is distinguished from the Greco-Roman style in several ways First of all the participants wear loose sailcloth jackets shorts and nothing else

The wrestlers greet each other- grab hold of the canvas jackets and try to throw each other down Its not as


nearly five centuries ago 1~~~~I7~~_~~~~~CM~-~W~~~~JThe style was popular ~ Hip School oa Satlmlay Arak WcekI COKlIu

among Cornish emigrants to North America - including the miners who settled Pen Argyl - but has been dead in the United States for SO years and in Canada for about 20 Weeks said

The Pen Argyl wrestlers will practice Cornish wrestling until July when they will engage in a tournament during a heritage festival at the borough p1e

The five-day event expected to draw visitors of Cornish descent from all

easy as it sounds as wrestlers Aaron Smith 17 and VinnyRufo 16 learned after twirling each other around for several minutes to the laughter of their teammates

I think I broke a sweat Smith said

Weeks said wrestlers score points by forcing their opponents back to the mat each shoulder and each

(PARS ctHlJbll~ed 1711 pale 8)

Genealogy Room by Pat Sexton

Help others and Jearn yourself - come to the 10th Gathering Genealogy Room

Volunteers with computer knowledge andlor general help on genealogical material available in the GeneaJogy Room would be greatly appreciated Please contact me with times convenient for you

There will be computen micro fiche machine micro film machine OedmiddotCom materials and writtenprinted materia1s The Genealogy Room will be open during workshops Thursday 130 - 445 pm Friday 900 -12 15 am and Saturday 100 - 400 pm (schedule is subject to change depending on availability of help etc) and possibly on tour day for those not taking a tour Perhaps you could let me know your particular strength such as computers or just general knowledge Each helper would have an hour shift or longer whatever you care to do and you may choose yOUT own time frame Thank you Conl8Ci Pat Sexton 1835 Troxell St Allentown Pa 1amp103 (610-865- 1882) A post card to me would be fine

If societies or individuals have digital andor hard copy materials that would be helpful for others please infonn Pat Sexton about tbese and bring them along to the Gathering

Volunteer-CAHS Booth

Anyone willing to help out in the CAHS sales booth please contact Jean Jolliffe (see back page) with days and hour(s) Wednesday evening Thursday Friday or Saturday



Tam Kemewek~~~~~-__________-c~-c~~__~=-______________~==========~-__~)an-lwfM1999

Cornish Cousins

bwI amp WIrion at AecIrutl

CFHS Chairman

Ian Dunn

Ian Dunn will be with us at the lOlII Gathering and we thought an introduction would be in order an bas been chainnan of the executive committee of the Cornwall Family History Society s ince 1995 He joined the Society in 1980 with his late father and has traced his family name back to a marriage in 1729 in lllogan Cornwall He became a member of the executive committee in 1988 and has during the pas 11 years held the position of advertising manager and prior to 1995 was the chainnan of the editoriaJ sub committee responsible for the publishing side of the Societys business

Ian is 49 year old Cornishman having beeD born in the south coast fishing village of Polperro the eldest son of a police officer As his fathers job meanl regular moves Ian lived in Launceston SaJlaSh Helsten and St Austell during his school years and in later years he has lived in Bodmin Liskeard and Cambome

On leaving school he also served as a police officer in Cornwall but the majority of his career has bee~ spent in sales and marketing within the local newspaper industry commercial radio and Cornish business community

He spends most ontis leisure

More Workshops

I apologize for failing to include John Tyacke among genealogists listed in the last issue lohn is a frequent genealogishycaJ contributor at Toronto Cornish meetings He ll presentWtie Used Maurialfor t~ GetwJlogist

Discussions on what life was like Barb Roberts A Slice ofLife in the 1840s taken from the Wut Briton MarglUet Dunstan a native on Life in South Australia Nancy Heydt on the Cornish in New Jersey Wasco amp Sylvia (Stephens) Hadowanetz willteU the Story of the SllTling Hill Zinc Industry amp Cornish Connuhons on coal mining Sharon Schwartz will give a broad panorama of the Diversity of19 CfnlUry Migration Dave Thomas will offer Samplu ofCornish Villages Bob Radcliffe Life in DelaboIe Len amp Carol Snell the Cornish in Mexico John Humphrey on [If Century Life in Pfnnsylvania and Martin Dunstan on AusrraJian Slate QlUlrtUs

Hands-on sessions Annette Baker amp Jean Jolliffe on Cha~l DoUr loca1 expeItS on Quoit Pitching Saffron Nubbie Baking and Pasty Making Arnie Weeks on Cornish Wrassling and Cornish Language Joe George on Etching in Slate - 1M Miracle Stone

Learning wont end thete Dave Thomas a psychologist will explore the Cornish CluJracter amp Iu Rflevance to Us amp will read TIu MOIU~hak (At Droll Tales and Hardic Mwic enhanced by the of harp Kristin Gleeson Sue PeJlowe will share memories songs and poems of My Cornish Cupboard Frank Siegle on Early History to the Anglo Saxon conquut Evowtion ofthe Lvrguage and Celtic Spiritualily Bill Benallack on the planned Cornwall FoundaJion and Nancy Heydt on N~sleus Who What Whfn Whue and Why

Short Bits Oral History Oral History Project Ellis Island Immigration Museum New York NY 10004 Telephone (212) 363middot5807 Fax (212) 363-6302 email STIJJitrrmy npsgovor STLLOralHistorynpsgov

searching for more Ellis Island immigrants former employees and military personnel stationed at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty--peopJe able to relate their first hand experiences in a recorded interview

0ra1 History and Research Library is open to the public Monday through Friday 930 am bull 430 pm People with specific requests should make an appointment in advance

-from the IntenMt

To Twickenham - Again -Sunday 9 May 1999 Cornwall to Twickenham - Again Cornwall beat Cheshire in the Rugby Union County Championship 35 - 16 [Stands were filled with black and gold1 - Monday 24 May 1999 Cornwall wins decisively at Twickenham (against Gloucestershire) 24 to 15 Bloody ripper - that ll show em

Cornish World Bultdn

Celebrations in Cornwall -26 Mar 1999middot- Council of European Ministers Corn~ awarded about pound300 million European funding as Objective I packagedelight [is] tempered with the reservation that Comwall classified

(Bill clHl1ilu4~d 011 pog~ 10)

bull 7


Ian-Mar 1999Tam Kemewek

(PAIlS t01lliR1IRfroM MI 6)

buttock counts for one point There is no holding or grabbing below the waist

Points can only be scored by throwing an opponent on his back A wrestler thus thrown is not allowed 10

usc his arms to break his fall bUI he can try to deprive his opponent of points by landing on his side

Three referees called middotsticklers Lally points

middotThe lad who gets the mosl points is called the sWldard said Weeks who was a championship wrestler in Vancouver Britiih Columbia a( age 18 - same as his grandfalher Thomas Henry Weeks who became champion of the whole province in 1914

Now 58 Arnie Weeks reJies on a cane and (eaches mainly by lecture

I have a few acbes and breaks and sprains so [dont demonstrate throws he said

Bray the fonner Pen Argyl Area School District athletic director who arranged Weeks visit said be didnt expect the high school wrestlers to have much trouble picking up the technique in time for the festival which begins Iu1y 28

He said many of the holds and techniques are similar to home-grown wrestling though Cornish ruJes have changed somewhat over the centuries

They dont aim to maim anybody anymore be said

(CFHS tOIIIiJwdrowt 1HIl 5) Most of the Burial registers 1813shy1837 have been indeJed (The MIs is an oogoing project)

6 Other material Transcripts of many parish registers many overseas journals journals of other societies family pedigrees parish histories poor law apprenticeshipmaster records some passenger lists strays emigration to the USA

Many of the records have been computerized giving rapid access If you are unable to visillhe library you can still make use of all the facilities The address Cornwall Family History Society 5 Victoria Square Truro

(DruM rolllimudfro JIIW 7)

time in helping to ron the Society along with 40 other volunteers but also enjoys loca1 history and photography and is actively involved in genealogical research in Cornwall Between 1993-96 he visited and photographed every one of the 257 parish churches in Cornwall

Ian has fours sons aged from 13 to 21 He lives with partner Marion in a 114 year old Victorian house in Redruth which takes up most of what little spare time and cash he has left

Addras Trelawncy House 59 Green Lane Redrulh Cornwall TRI5 ILS Tel 01209211866 e-mail ianmarionvirginnet

Cornwall TRI 2RS UK E-mail Sccretarycihsdemoncouk The CFHS accepts checks in American dollars However they have agents in 4 countries to make it easier for overseas members to join and pay yearly subscriptions Current membership subscriptions are as follows Couotry IDdlviduai FISIC

US $2300 $3400 Ausl $3600 $5400 Canada $3500 $5200 NZ $4200 $6300

Agents for CFHSociety arc USA MrJDRCole12SpyGlass Lane Salem South Carolina 29676

Australia Mrs EP McDonaJd 9 Backford Sl Cllennside West Queensland 4032 Australia

Canada Mr BR Waters 55 Balmoral Avebull Toronto M4Y U5 Canada

New Zealand Mrs J Bruton Tiliro-lcishyPahurehure 57ll Youngs Rd bull PapakuraNZ

The CornwaD FaDIy-History Society amp You wiD do well together


(Qary tOMfnlled froM ptVI 4)

mothers maiden name was Mary EnE Walters siSler My email address is ltpbilipdunnyjriinnctgt

Roampkilly Im pan of group researching ROSKnLY would be interested in hearing from anyone with a conunon interest The resull~ of our work are expanding continuaJly A partial presentation is located at Itn2JL WWWteoscoUcQroIeeneatroskillyl FMfilesljndexblPl Hoping to hear from some members of your organization Kenneth Soon Dunedin Aorida ltkenkenscQUoomgt

Thomu Bray Parsoos Moo~ Any information on Ann THOMAS family wife of James Thomas (not b in Cwl) She b Boscastle Ivd there during 1820s 30s amp 40s then family mvd to London Her maiden name may be BRAY PARSONS or MOORE Please contact Babette Scougall 7 Verdon Stroot OConnor Canberra ACT 2602 Australia

Moyle Berryman Isaac Moyle amp wife Mary Ann BERRYMAN m 25 April 1847 Sl Cieer went to PA where 4 children were bom According to middotfamjly Slories~ they were b in Valley Forge Edward 14 Iun 1848 Benjamin 18 Nov 1849 Bathsheba 13 Jul1851 lsaac 9 Apr 1853 115 George was b Gwennap 15 Jan 1855 Appreciate any infonnation Lyn Schryver 176 Bumiston St Scarborough 6019 Western Australia

- from the InlUnet cms On Une PubUcadoos Wonderful news David Holman has finsbed putting the CFHS Publications list (with prices) online lthnpllwwwcthsdemoncouklSociety Publist99htmlgt

While or4er is still by postal mail this is a HUGE help (maybe online credil card orders will be next)

Many thanks for all your hard work David


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 4: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to

- - --r

Tam Kemcwek lan-Mar 1999

Genealogical Research d 1888 Willunga South Australia wife CFHS and You Queries Sanoh EDWARDS b 1835

by VIrginia Trythall Richmond Somenetshr Eng to Williamt Elizabeth Edwards m Slate Belt of

Brown HiD Jarmaa ViDcmt Searching for relations of Arthur BROWN d US 16 M 1902 aged 37 Born Penzancc in 1866 he was son of Joseph amp Maria Brown Serpentine workers had shop selling their products in WhclJ1own bet Penzancc - Newlyn Early 960s a storm devastated area cottages IlIld shops were pulled down amp replaced Pub The Mounts Bay survived - a great meeting place Unk when he arT

US but with Phillip HILL who died two years before him on J I Jun 1900 (Phillip was brother of Arthws sister-in-law Elizabeth Ann my husbands g gm) Arthurs siblings Maha1a bI847 Mary Ann b1850 Jolm William b1856 Joseph b1862 Louisa AJlen b1866

At the funeral of another Arthur Brown in Penzancc 5 lui 1925 aged 29 florallributes from cousinsOlivc Percy Hilda amp Maggie in US (could be Olive amp George JARMAN and family) John Janey Dick and Annie ofPorchester (probably Port Chester NY could be John James Brown and family lohn James parents were Joseph amp Jessie (VINCENT) Brown) Eddie in Dclroil Does anyone Imow oflhcse people IT so please reply to Adamson 8af6thfl Borrelt Mansions 8-9 Bowen Road Hong Kong SAR OUna E-mail khunjohnocMsatorcom

Panoas Honey Lobb AccumuJating database OD PARSONS families of N Cornwall and adj areas of Devon - includes area Padstow north A number of separate Family Treemaker databases goinS would appreciate any additional info you can provide (Also int HONEY LOBB families same area don t have extensive databases on them) Brad Landon 73 Lake Dr Jim Thorpe PA 1amp229 ltIandonptdprolognetgt

Jacobs Sibley Edwards James Sibley JACOBS b 1829 Sl Kew to John and Elizabeth (SIBLEy) Jacobs

Pennsylvania 1855 Children b in PA and South Australia Ivern (1857 - PAl Alma (1859 - PAl Oscar (1862 - PAl Lonmzo (1863 PAl Lilim (1863 - PAl ]aoob (1865 - SA) Eda (1866 - SA) Horace (1869 - SA) Me1phoro (1871 shySA) Earnet (1873 - SA) San (1876 shySA) and Earnest Ed (1879 - SA) Martin Dunstan 3 Endeavor Drive Seaford Rise SA Australia 5169

Chynoweth Barlda Benjamin F CHYNOWETII b nr Pottsshyville PA 1851 son of Capt John amp Phillipa Chynoweth Capt John was b Sl Agnes at age 2-3 brought to US by his unnamed father Short1y after arT in PA father (Benjamins gf) kiUed in a coal mine Widow pacUd John amp sibs back to Eng amp raised them Age 21 John left to work in Spain (the British Rio Tinto) He stayed 5 yrs then to US An in PA be m Phillipa BARKLA dtr ofa man prominent in developing anthntcile regions Abandoning coal mines John moved to Pittsburgh as a machinisl After a time he took his family to UP in Michigan a very successful career in copper mining Can you fill in any of the missing pieces about Capt Johns career esp in PA IT so please contact Lewis Oneil ltI01TeilworidneutLnelgtFL Orrell PO Box 0027 Carefree AZ 85377

EdeAIIm I am trying 10 trace the family of my Ort G uncle Walter EDE who emigrated to Pen Argyl PA from Cwi in the 1900s

I know he eStablished his own building company in Pea Argyl and that son Francis HS BDE was an attorney member ofPAStatcSenampte Nootber info on family or any desceodanu that might be alive DOW Can you help My name is Phil Dunn and I live in Dorset England My Grandmother was Leonora ALLEN from Tintagel Her

(Quitry c~_ 011 JIGIt 8

The Cornwall Family History Society was formed in 1976 by some 20 enthusiasts to assist members in tracing their family history From this small beginning an important milestone was reached recently when membership number 10000 was published in the the SocietyS March 1999 Journal No 91 Of the grand IOtal 10069 opproximalely 5000 are currently members in good standing and they are located allover the world The Society is well served by dedicated commillce members supported by a band of enthusiastic and hard-working volunteers In 1997 to more efficiently meet the needs of the members it was decided to employ a Secretaryl Administrator for the fint rime

1 have been a continuOllil member of CFHS since 1982 1be Societys quarterly journal is a basic tool when searching for Cornish roots Many timely articles photos and requests for help are included Each issue features a list of cUl1Cnt new members their addresses and their surname ioteresl$ and parishes In addition an updated Directory of Members Inlerests is published every two years and distributed on microfiche to aU members A booklet version is also available Each year a list of publications price list and order fonn is seDt to all members Included are such items as monumenlal (gravestone) inscriptiODS census sttays indexes books pamphJets Cornish foJksoogl on CDs Society sweatshirts and many genealogical publications

Jcontacted and have been contacted by coW)t1ess CFHS members over the years Copies of this comspondence family trees pictures charts etc in my bulging rues are imponant references in my continual research In several instances some of


-Tam Kernewek Jan-Mar 1999

this material tied in directly with my family research Many of my fellow

- CFHS researchers have become close friends During my travels rve met many of them and stayed at some of their homes In one issue of the Journal a family Bible that proved to be my family ( 1842) was offered for sale now has a place of bonor in my home

In the early years all projects mailings etc of the Society were centered around various members homes garages storage areas etc Today the Society has its own headquarters research and library facility located in Truro Cornwall It is open 10 aJi staffed by volunteer memben Current hours are Monday 10-4 Tuesday closed Wednesday through Saturday 11-3 It is also open for reservations only on Wednesday evenings from 630 to 900

Some of me Societys research resources include

1 The General Registry Office Indexes ---

(formerly St CBlherines Indexes) for England and WaJes The complete indexes of Civi l Registration (Births Marriages amp Deaths) 1837-1992 on microfiche arranged for each quartu Its possible to order a search and obtain a birth marriage or death certificate

2 Census for Cornwall for 1851 1861 1871 1881 and 1891 Censusforthe whole of England for 1881

3 The lGI (International GeneaJogicaJ Index) 1988 edition for Cornwall England and most of the world 1992 edition for Cornwall and Devon

4 Marriages The Phillimore transcripts 1538-1812 covering most of Cornwall CFHS Marriage iudeA 1813shy1837 Ross and Boyd Marriage Indexes covering most of Cornwall

5 BuriaYMonumental Inscriptions (MIs) The MIs (gravestones) for many burial grounds in Cornwall have been recorded and indexed alphabetically

(CFHS continlUtd on pagt 8)

My SOCiety belongs 10 FGSmiddot bull CAHS loins FGS

Federation of Genealogical Societies by Nancy Oster Heydt FGS Delegate for CAHS

Meet Me In St Louis is the title of this years annual four day national geneaJogical conference sponsored by FGS It will be August 11 - 14 in St Louis at the Regal Riverfront Hotel and hosted by the St Louis GenealogicaJ Society

Wednesday of each FGS conference is dedicated to Society Management Seminars -- 28 sessions aimed at officers and active members Experts share innoshyvative ideas on everything from being secretary to designing policies and standing rules for your society finding and keeping volunteers or creating the best newsletter

For the next three days you can attend many of the remaining 126 sessions The best and brightest genealogical experts prescnt workshops at this conference If you can go for all four days do so If you can make it for only one day dont miss it Ill see you there For information and application write to FGS (address below) or call 888-347-1500 or fax 888-380-0500

FGS Forum a quarterly that carries informative articles reviews and great tips for genealogists is regularly $17 per year but will cost you only $11 because yOU belong to CAlIS a member society of FGS Subscriptions are based on me calendar year only To subscribe send a check for $11 with a note on it that you re a member of Cornish American Heritage Society and mail it to FGS Business Office FORUM Mailing Ust P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940

Be sure to visit the FGS website at ltwwwfgsorggt If I can answer any questions about FGS or the Conference please ask

Lets hear Cornish speakersl

FGS Call for Papers

The Federation ofGeneaJogicai Societies and the Utah GenealogicaJ Association are issuing a caU for papers to be presented althe annual FGS conference in SaJt Lake City from 6-9 September 2000 UGA will host the FGS sponsored gathering The deadUoe for submissiom il15 JUDe 1999

They are looking for lectures on a variety of topics but the categories most applicable to CARS members are Western States RegionaJ (AZ CA CO ID MT NV NM UT wy) British Isles and Ethnic Research Who will offer lectures on the Cornish miners in those larget states how the Cornish influenced mining and life styles in those states and researching the Cornish in those states and in Cornwall

For each topic send a one-page synopsis of what you plan to cover in the lecture A brief biography for use in the conference registration brochure should be included Do nol submit over four topics

Proposals sbould be sent to Karen Clifford Program Chair 2000 FGSt UGA Conference in Salt Lake City 23040 Guidotti Drive Salinas CA 93908middot 1022

A copy of the FGS Conference Speaker Compensation Policy can be sent upon request Please send a self-addressed stamped-envelope with your request to the FOS Business Office P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940 or e-mail ltfgs-officefgsorggt

Lets have the Cornish heard from Send in your proposal by June ISIb

- 5



Jan-Mar 1999 Tam Kernewek

The 10th Gathering of PAHS students learn art of wrassling

The kids are learning the wrestling-like sport for a Cornish heritage festival

By Dan Sheehan The Express Times Sunday April II 1999

In Cornish wrestling the saying goes gwary whtk yu gwary uk

The Celtic phrase means good play is fair play It is the ancient way wrestlers in the Cornwall England trndition greet each other before grappling


making a late-life career out reviving the sport in his Canada and the United States

Wrestling he Saturday during a visit to the Argyl Junior High

gymnasium is an i~i11In Cornwall wrasslers wrassling and have done so at least 3000 years

Its a g~~~~sport Weeks said as a group of Pen Argyl Area School wrestlers the fine ponlSl of the Cornish style practiced by

a youthful King Henry VITI

over the world will celebrate Pen Argyls Cornish roots though the Welsh Italians and other Slate Belt ethnic groups will be honored too

Borough resident Harry Bray a festival organizer said the tournament champion will be the Cornish wrestling champion of Pennsylvania - a title that hasnt e~sted for generations

Cornish wrestling is distinguished from the Greco-Roman style in several ways First of all the participants wear loose sailcloth jackets shorts and nothing else

The wrestlers greet each other- grab hold of the canvas jackets and try to throw each other down Its not as


nearly five centuries ago 1~~~~I7~~_~~~~~CM~-~W~~~~JThe style was popular ~ Hip School oa Satlmlay Arak WcekI COKlIu

among Cornish emigrants to North America - including the miners who settled Pen Argyl - but has been dead in the United States for SO years and in Canada for about 20 Weeks said

The Pen Argyl wrestlers will practice Cornish wrestling until July when they will engage in a tournament during a heritage festival at the borough p1e

The five-day event expected to draw visitors of Cornish descent from all

easy as it sounds as wrestlers Aaron Smith 17 and VinnyRufo 16 learned after twirling each other around for several minutes to the laughter of their teammates

I think I broke a sweat Smith said

Weeks said wrestlers score points by forcing their opponents back to the mat each shoulder and each

(PARS ctHlJbll~ed 1711 pale 8)

Genealogy Room by Pat Sexton

Help others and Jearn yourself - come to the 10th Gathering Genealogy Room

Volunteers with computer knowledge andlor general help on genealogical material available in the GeneaJogy Room would be greatly appreciated Please contact me with times convenient for you

There will be computen micro fiche machine micro film machine OedmiddotCom materials and writtenprinted materia1s The Genealogy Room will be open during workshops Thursday 130 - 445 pm Friday 900 -12 15 am and Saturday 100 - 400 pm (schedule is subject to change depending on availability of help etc) and possibly on tour day for those not taking a tour Perhaps you could let me know your particular strength such as computers or just general knowledge Each helper would have an hour shift or longer whatever you care to do and you may choose yOUT own time frame Thank you Conl8Ci Pat Sexton 1835 Troxell St Allentown Pa 1amp103 (610-865- 1882) A post card to me would be fine

If societies or individuals have digital andor hard copy materials that would be helpful for others please infonn Pat Sexton about tbese and bring them along to the Gathering

Volunteer-CAHS Booth

Anyone willing to help out in the CAHS sales booth please contact Jean Jolliffe (see back page) with days and hour(s) Wednesday evening Thursday Friday or Saturday



Tam Kemewek~~~~~-__________-c~-c~~__~=-______________~==========~-__~)an-lwfM1999

Cornish Cousins

bwI amp WIrion at AecIrutl

CFHS Chairman

Ian Dunn

Ian Dunn will be with us at the lOlII Gathering and we thought an introduction would be in order an bas been chainnan of the executive committee of the Cornwall Family History Society s ince 1995 He joined the Society in 1980 with his late father and has traced his family name back to a marriage in 1729 in lllogan Cornwall He became a member of the executive committee in 1988 and has during the pas 11 years held the position of advertising manager and prior to 1995 was the chainnan of the editoriaJ sub committee responsible for the publishing side of the Societys business

Ian is 49 year old Cornishman having beeD born in the south coast fishing village of Polperro the eldest son of a police officer As his fathers job meanl regular moves Ian lived in Launceston SaJlaSh Helsten and St Austell during his school years and in later years he has lived in Bodmin Liskeard and Cambome

On leaving school he also served as a police officer in Cornwall but the majority of his career has bee~ spent in sales and marketing within the local newspaper industry commercial radio and Cornish business community

He spends most ontis leisure

More Workshops

I apologize for failing to include John Tyacke among genealogists listed in the last issue lohn is a frequent genealogishycaJ contributor at Toronto Cornish meetings He ll presentWtie Used Maurialfor t~ GetwJlogist

Discussions on what life was like Barb Roberts A Slice ofLife in the 1840s taken from the Wut Briton MarglUet Dunstan a native on Life in South Australia Nancy Heydt on the Cornish in New Jersey Wasco amp Sylvia (Stephens) Hadowanetz willteU the Story of the SllTling Hill Zinc Industry amp Cornish Connuhons on coal mining Sharon Schwartz will give a broad panorama of the Diversity of19 CfnlUry Migration Dave Thomas will offer Samplu ofCornish Villages Bob Radcliffe Life in DelaboIe Len amp Carol Snell the Cornish in Mexico John Humphrey on [If Century Life in Pfnnsylvania and Martin Dunstan on AusrraJian Slate QlUlrtUs

Hands-on sessions Annette Baker amp Jean Jolliffe on Cha~l DoUr loca1 expeItS on Quoit Pitching Saffron Nubbie Baking and Pasty Making Arnie Weeks on Cornish Wrassling and Cornish Language Joe George on Etching in Slate - 1M Miracle Stone

Learning wont end thete Dave Thomas a psychologist will explore the Cornish CluJracter amp Iu Rflevance to Us amp will read TIu MOIU~hak (At Droll Tales and Hardic Mwic enhanced by the of harp Kristin Gleeson Sue PeJlowe will share memories songs and poems of My Cornish Cupboard Frank Siegle on Early History to the Anglo Saxon conquut Evowtion ofthe Lvrguage and Celtic Spiritualily Bill Benallack on the planned Cornwall FoundaJion and Nancy Heydt on N~sleus Who What Whfn Whue and Why

Short Bits Oral History Oral History Project Ellis Island Immigration Museum New York NY 10004 Telephone (212) 363middot5807 Fax (212) 363-6302 email STIJJitrrmy npsgovor STLLOralHistorynpsgov

searching for more Ellis Island immigrants former employees and military personnel stationed at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty--peopJe able to relate their first hand experiences in a recorded interview

0ra1 History and Research Library is open to the public Monday through Friday 930 am bull 430 pm People with specific requests should make an appointment in advance

-from the IntenMt

To Twickenham - Again -Sunday 9 May 1999 Cornwall to Twickenham - Again Cornwall beat Cheshire in the Rugby Union County Championship 35 - 16 [Stands were filled with black and gold1 - Monday 24 May 1999 Cornwall wins decisively at Twickenham (against Gloucestershire) 24 to 15 Bloody ripper - that ll show em

Cornish World Bultdn

Celebrations in Cornwall -26 Mar 1999middot- Council of European Ministers Corn~ awarded about pound300 million European funding as Objective I packagedelight [is] tempered with the reservation that Comwall classified

(Bill clHl1ilu4~d 011 pog~ 10)

bull 7


Ian-Mar 1999Tam Kemewek

(PAIlS t01lliR1IRfroM MI 6)

buttock counts for one point There is no holding or grabbing below the waist

Points can only be scored by throwing an opponent on his back A wrestler thus thrown is not allowed 10

usc his arms to break his fall bUI he can try to deprive his opponent of points by landing on his side

Three referees called middotsticklers Lally points

middotThe lad who gets the mosl points is called the sWldard said Weeks who was a championship wrestler in Vancouver Britiih Columbia a( age 18 - same as his grandfalher Thomas Henry Weeks who became champion of the whole province in 1914

Now 58 Arnie Weeks reJies on a cane and (eaches mainly by lecture

I have a few acbes and breaks and sprains so [dont demonstrate throws he said

Bray the fonner Pen Argyl Area School District athletic director who arranged Weeks visit said be didnt expect the high school wrestlers to have much trouble picking up the technique in time for the festival which begins Iu1y 28

He said many of the holds and techniques are similar to home-grown wrestling though Cornish ruJes have changed somewhat over the centuries

They dont aim to maim anybody anymore be said

(CFHS tOIIIiJwdrowt 1HIl 5) Most of the Burial registers 1813shy1837 have been indeJed (The MIs is an oogoing project)

6 Other material Transcripts of many parish registers many overseas journals journals of other societies family pedigrees parish histories poor law apprenticeshipmaster records some passenger lists strays emigration to the USA

Many of the records have been computerized giving rapid access If you are unable to visillhe library you can still make use of all the facilities The address Cornwall Family History Society 5 Victoria Square Truro

(DruM rolllimudfro JIIW 7)

time in helping to ron the Society along with 40 other volunteers but also enjoys loca1 history and photography and is actively involved in genealogical research in Cornwall Between 1993-96 he visited and photographed every one of the 257 parish churches in Cornwall

Ian has fours sons aged from 13 to 21 He lives with partner Marion in a 114 year old Victorian house in Redruth which takes up most of what little spare time and cash he has left

Addras Trelawncy House 59 Green Lane Redrulh Cornwall TRI5 ILS Tel 01209211866 e-mail ianmarionvirginnet

Cornwall TRI 2RS UK E-mail Sccretarycihsdemoncouk The CFHS accepts checks in American dollars However they have agents in 4 countries to make it easier for overseas members to join and pay yearly subscriptions Current membership subscriptions are as follows Couotry IDdlviduai FISIC

US $2300 $3400 Ausl $3600 $5400 Canada $3500 $5200 NZ $4200 $6300

Agents for CFHSociety arc USA MrJDRCole12SpyGlass Lane Salem South Carolina 29676

Australia Mrs EP McDonaJd 9 Backford Sl Cllennside West Queensland 4032 Australia

Canada Mr BR Waters 55 Balmoral Avebull Toronto M4Y U5 Canada

New Zealand Mrs J Bruton Tiliro-lcishyPahurehure 57ll Youngs Rd bull PapakuraNZ

The CornwaD FaDIy-History Society amp You wiD do well together


(Qary tOMfnlled froM ptVI 4)

mothers maiden name was Mary EnE Walters siSler My email address is ltpbilipdunnyjriinnctgt

Roampkilly Im pan of group researching ROSKnLY would be interested in hearing from anyone with a conunon interest The resull~ of our work are expanding continuaJly A partial presentation is located at Itn2JL WWWteoscoUcQroIeeneatroskillyl FMfilesljndexblPl Hoping to hear from some members of your organization Kenneth Soon Dunedin Aorida ltkenkenscQUoomgt

Thomu Bray Parsoos Moo~ Any information on Ann THOMAS family wife of James Thomas (not b in Cwl) She b Boscastle Ivd there during 1820s 30s amp 40s then family mvd to London Her maiden name may be BRAY PARSONS or MOORE Please contact Babette Scougall 7 Verdon Stroot OConnor Canberra ACT 2602 Australia

Moyle Berryman Isaac Moyle amp wife Mary Ann BERRYMAN m 25 April 1847 Sl Cieer went to PA where 4 children were bom According to middotfamjly Slories~ they were b in Valley Forge Edward 14 Iun 1848 Benjamin 18 Nov 1849 Bathsheba 13 Jul1851 lsaac 9 Apr 1853 115 George was b Gwennap 15 Jan 1855 Appreciate any infonnation Lyn Schryver 176 Bumiston St Scarborough 6019 Western Australia

- from the InlUnet cms On Une PubUcadoos Wonderful news David Holman has finsbed putting the CFHS Publications list (with prices) online lthnpllwwwcthsdemoncouklSociety Publist99htmlgt

While or4er is still by postal mail this is a HUGE help (maybe online credil card orders will be next)

Many thanks for all your hard work David


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 5: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to

-Tam Kernewek Jan-Mar 1999

this material tied in directly with my family research Many of my fellow

- CFHS researchers have become close friends During my travels rve met many of them and stayed at some of their homes In one issue of the Journal a family Bible that proved to be my family ( 1842) was offered for sale now has a place of bonor in my home

In the early years all projects mailings etc of the Society were centered around various members homes garages storage areas etc Today the Society has its own headquarters research and library facility located in Truro Cornwall It is open 10 aJi staffed by volunteer memben Current hours are Monday 10-4 Tuesday closed Wednesday through Saturday 11-3 It is also open for reservations only on Wednesday evenings from 630 to 900

Some of me Societys research resources include

1 The General Registry Office Indexes ---

(formerly St CBlherines Indexes) for England and WaJes The complete indexes of Civi l Registration (Births Marriages amp Deaths) 1837-1992 on microfiche arranged for each quartu Its possible to order a search and obtain a birth marriage or death certificate

2 Census for Cornwall for 1851 1861 1871 1881 and 1891 Censusforthe whole of England for 1881

3 The lGI (International GeneaJogicaJ Index) 1988 edition for Cornwall England and most of the world 1992 edition for Cornwall and Devon

4 Marriages The Phillimore transcripts 1538-1812 covering most of Cornwall CFHS Marriage iudeA 1813shy1837 Ross and Boyd Marriage Indexes covering most of Cornwall

5 BuriaYMonumental Inscriptions (MIs) The MIs (gravestones) for many burial grounds in Cornwall have been recorded and indexed alphabetically

(CFHS continlUtd on pagt 8)

My SOCiety belongs 10 FGSmiddot bull CAHS loins FGS

Federation of Genealogical Societies by Nancy Oster Heydt FGS Delegate for CAHS

Meet Me In St Louis is the title of this years annual four day national geneaJogical conference sponsored by FGS It will be August 11 - 14 in St Louis at the Regal Riverfront Hotel and hosted by the St Louis GenealogicaJ Society

Wednesday of each FGS conference is dedicated to Society Management Seminars -- 28 sessions aimed at officers and active members Experts share innoshyvative ideas on everything from being secretary to designing policies and standing rules for your society finding and keeping volunteers or creating the best newsletter

For the next three days you can attend many of the remaining 126 sessions The best and brightest genealogical experts prescnt workshops at this conference If you can go for all four days do so If you can make it for only one day dont miss it Ill see you there For information and application write to FGS (address below) or call 888-347-1500 or fax 888-380-0500

FGS Forum a quarterly that carries informative articles reviews and great tips for genealogists is regularly $17 per year but will cost you only $11 because yOU belong to CAlIS a member society of FGS Subscriptions are based on me calendar year only To subscribe send a check for $11 with a note on it that you re a member of Cornish American Heritage Society and mail it to FGS Business Office FORUM Mailing Ust P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940

Be sure to visit the FGS website at ltwwwfgsorggt If I can answer any questions about FGS or the Conference please ask

Lets hear Cornish speakersl

FGS Call for Papers

The Federation ofGeneaJogicai Societies and the Utah GenealogicaJ Association are issuing a caU for papers to be presented althe annual FGS conference in SaJt Lake City from 6-9 September 2000 UGA will host the FGS sponsored gathering The deadUoe for submissiom il15 JUDe 1999

They are looking for lectures on a variety of topics but the categories most applicable to CARS members are Western States RegionaJ (AZ CA CO ID MT NV NM UT wy) British Isles and Ethnic Research Who will offer lectures on the Cornish miners in those larget states how the Cornish influenced mining and life styles in those states and researching the Cornish in those states and in Cornwall

For each topic send a one-page synopsis of what you plan to cover in the lecture A brief biography for use in the conference registration brochure should be included Do nol submit over four topics

Proposals sbould be sent to Karen Clifford Program Chair 2000 FGSt UGA Conference in Salt Lake City 23040 Guidotti Drive Salinas CA 93908middot 1022

A copy of the FGS Conference Speaker Compensation Policy can be sent upon request Please send a self-addressed stamped-envelope with your request to the FOS Business Office P O Box 200940 Austin TX 78720-0940 or e-mail ltfgs-officefgsorggt

Lets have the Cornish heard from Send in your proposal by June ISIb

- 5



Jan-Mar 1999 Tam Kernewek

The 10th Gathering of PAHS students learn art of wrassling

The kids are learning the wrestling-like sport for a Cornish heritage festival

By Dan Sheehan The Express Times Sunday April II 1999

In Cornish wrestling the saying goes gwary whtk yu gwary uk

The Celtic phrase means good play is fair play It is the ancient way wrestlers in the Cornwall England trndition greet each other before grappling


making a late-life career out reviving the sport in his Canada and the United States

Wrestling he Saturday during a visit to the Argyl Junior High

gymnasium is an i~i11In Cornwall wrasslers wrassling and have done so at least 3000 years

Its a g~~~~sport Weeks said as a group of Pen Argyl Area School wrestlers the fine ponlSl of the Cornish style practiced by

a youthful King Henry VITI

over the world will celebrate Pen Argyls Cornish roots though the Welsh Italians and other Slate Belt ethnic groups will be honored too

Borough resident Harry Bray a festival organizer said the tournament champion will be the Cornish wrestling champion of Pennsylvania - a title that hasnt e~sted for generations

Cornish wrestling is distinguished from the Greco-Roman style in several ways First of all the participants wear loose sailcloth jackets shorts and nothing else

The wrestlers greet each other- grab hold of the canvas jackets and try to throw each other down Its not as


nearly five centuries ago 1~~~~I7~~_~~~~~CM~-~W~~~~JThe style was popular ~ Hip School oa Satlmlay Arak WcekI COKlIu

among Cornish emigrants to North America - including the miners who settled Pen Argyl - but has been dead in the United States for SO years and in Canada for about 20 Weeks said

The Pen Argyl wrestlers will practice Cornish wrestling until July when they will engage in a tournament during a heritage festival at the borough p1e

The five-day event expected to draw visitors of Cornish descent from all

easy as it sounds as wrestlers Aaron Smith 17 and VinnyRufo 16 learned after twirling each other around for several minutes to the laughter of their teammates

I think I broke a sweat Smith said

Weeks said wrestlers score points by forcing their opponents back to the mat each shoulder and each

(PARS ctHlJbll~ed 1711 pale 8)

Genealogy Room by Pat Sexton

Help others and Jearn yourself - come to the 10th Gathering Genealogy Room

Volunteers with computer knowledge andlor general help on genealogical material available in the GeneaJogy Room would be greatly appreciated Please contact me with times convenient for you

There will be computen micro fiche machine micro film machine OedmiddotCom materials and writtenprinted materia1s The Genealogy Room will be open during workshops Thursday 130 - 445 pm Friday 900 -12 15 am and Saturday 100 - 400 pm (schedule is subject to change depending on availability of help etc) and possibly on tour day for those not taking a tour Perhaps you could let me know your particular strength such as computers or just general knowledge Each helper would have an hour shift or longer whatever you care to do and you may choose yOUT own time frame Thank you Conl8Ci Pat Sexton 1835 Troxell St Allentown Pa 1amp103 (610-865- 1882) A post card to me would be fine

If societies or individuals have digital andor hard copy materials that would be helpful for others please infonn Pat Sexton about tbese and bring them along to the Gathering

Volunteer-CAHS Booth

Anyone willing to help out in the CAHS sales booth please contact Jean Jolliffe (see back page) with days and hour(s) Wednesday evening Thursday Friday or Saturday



Tam Kemewek~~~~~-__________-c~-c~~__~=-______________~==========~-__~)an-lwfM1999

Cornish Cousins

bwI amp WIrion at AecIrutl

CFHS Chairman

Ian Dunn

Ian Dunn will be with us at the lOlII Gathering and we thought an introduction would be in order an bas been chainnan of the executive committee of the Cornwall Family History Society s ince 1995 He joined the Society in 1980 with his late father and has traced his family name back to a marriage in 1729 in lllogan Cornwall He became a member of the executive committee in 1988 and has during the pas 11 years held the position of advertising manager and prior to 1995 was the chainnan of the editoriaJ sub committee responsible for the publishing side of the Societys business

Ian is 49 year old Cornishman having beeD born in the south coast fishing village of Polperro the eldest son of a police officer As his fathers job meanl regular moves Ian lived in Launceston SaJlaSh Helsten and St Austell during his school years and in later years he has lived in Bodmin Liskeard and Cambome

On leaving school he also served as a police officer in Cornwall but the majority of his career has bee~ spent in sales and marketing within the local newspaper industry commercial radio and Cornish business community

He spends most ontis leisure

More Workshops

I apologize for failing to include John Tyacke among genealogists listed in the last issue lohn is a frequent genealogishycaJ contributor at Toronto Cornish meetings He ll presentWtie Used Maurialfor t~ GetwJlogist

Discussions on what life was like Barb Roberts A Slice ofLife in the 1840s taken from the Wut Briton MarglUet Dunstan a native on Life in South Australia Nancy Heydt on the Cornish in New Jersey Wasco amp Sylvia (Stephens) Hadowanetz willteU the Story of the SllTling Hill Zinc Industry amp Cornish Connuhons on coal mining Sharon Schwartz will give a broad panorama of the Diversity of19 CfnlUry Migration Dave Thomas will offer Samplu ofCornish Villages Bob Radcliffe Life in DelaboIe Len amp Carol Snell the Cornish in Mexico John Humphrey on [If Century Life in Pfnnsylvania and Martin Dunstan on AusrraJian Slate QlUlrtUs

Hands-on sessions Annette Baker amp Jean Jolliffe on Cha~l DoUr loca1 expeItS on Quoit Pitching Saffron Nubbie Baking and Pasty Making Arnie Weeks on Cornish Wrassling and Cornish Language Joe George on Etching in Slate - 1M Miracle Stone

Learning wont end thete Dave Thomas a psychologist will explore the Cornish CluJracter amp Iu Rflevance to Us amp will read TIu MOIU~hak (At Droll Tales and Hardic Mwic enhanced by the of harp Kristin Gleeson Sue PeJlowe will share memories songs and poems of My Cornish Cupboard Frank Siegle on Early History to the Anglo Saxon conquut Evowtion ofthe Lvrguage and Celtic Spiritualily Bill Benallack on the planned Cornwall FoundaJion and Nancy Heydt on N~sleus Who What Whfn Whue and Why

Short Bits Oral History Oral History Project Ellis Island Immigration Museum New York NY 10004 Telephone (212) 363middot5807 Fax (212) 363-6302 email STIJJitrrmy npsgovor STLLOralHistorynpsgov

searching for more Ellis Island immigrants former employees and military personnel stationed at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty--peopJe able to relate their first hand experiences in a recorded interview

0ra1 History and Research Library is open to the public Monday through Friday 930 am bull 430 pm People with specific requests should make an appointment in advance

-from the IntenMt

To Twickenham - Again -Sunday 9 May 1999 Cornwall to Twickenham - Again Cornwall beat Cheshire in the Rugby Union County Championship 35 - 16 [Stands were filled with black and gold1 - Monday 24 May 1999 Cornwall wins decisively at Twickenham (against Gloucestershire) 24 to 15 Bloody ripper - that ll show em

Cornish World Bultdn

Celebrations in Cornwall -26 Mar 1999middot- Council of European Ministers Corn~ awarded about pound300 million European funding as Objective I packagedelight [is] tempered with the reservation that Comwall classified

(Bill clHl1ilu4~d 011 pog~ 10)

bull 7


Ian-Mar 1999Tam Kemewek

(PAIlS t01lliR1IRfroM MI 6)

buttock counts for one point There is no holding or grabbing below the waist

Points can only be scored by throwing an opponent on his back A wrestler thus thrown is not allowed 10

usc his arms to break his fall bUI he can try to deprive his opponent of points by landing on his side

Three referees called middotsticklers Lally points

middotThe lad who gets the mosl points is called the sWldard said Weeks who was a championship wrestler in Vancouver Britiih Columbia a( age 18 - same as his grandfalher Thomas Henry Weeks who became champion of the whole province in 1914

Now 58 Arnie Weeks reJies on a cane and (eaches mainly by lecture

I have a few acbes and breaks and sprains so [dont demonstrate throws he said

Bray the fonner Pen Argyl Area School District athletic director who arranged Weeks visit said be didnt expect the high school wrestlers to have much trouble picking up the technique in time for the festival which begins Iu1y 28

He said many of the holds and techniques are similar to home-grown wrestling though Cornish ruJes have changed somewhat over the centuries

They dont aim to maim anybody anymore be said

(CFHS tOIIIiJwdrowt 1HIl 5) Most of the Burial registers 1813shy1837 have been indeJed (The MIs is an oogoing project)

6 Other material Transcripts of many parish registers many overseas journals journals of other societies family pedigrees parish histories poor law apprenticeshipmaster records some passenger lists strays emigration to the USA

Many of the records have been computerized giving rapid access If you are unable to visillhe library you can still make use of all the facilities The address Cornwall Family History Society 5 Victoria Square Truro

(DruM rolllimudfro JIIW 7)

time in helping to ron the Society along with 40 other volunteers but also enjoys loca1 history and photography and is actively involved in genealogical research in Cornwall Between 1993-96 he visited and photographed every one of the 257 parish churches in Cornwall

Ian has fours sons aged from 13 to 21 He lives with partner Marion in a 114 year old Victorian house in Redruth which takes up most of what little spare time and cash he has left

Addras Trelawncy House 59 Green Lane Redrulh Cornwall TRI5 ILS Tel 01209211866 e-mail ianmarionvirginnet

Cornwall TRI 2RS UK E-mail Sccretarycihsdemoncouk The CFHS accepts checks in American dollars However they have agents in 4 countries to make it easier for overseas members to join and pay yearly subscriptions Current membership subscriptions are as follows Couotry IDdlviduai FISIC

US $2300 $3400 Ausl $3600 $5400 Canada $3500 $5200 NZ $4200 $6300

Agents for CFHSociety arc USA MrJDRCole12SpyGlass Lane Salem South Carolina 29676

Australia Mrs EP McDonaJd 9 Backford Sl Cllennside West Queensland 4032 Australia

Canada Mr BR Waters 55 Balmoral Avebull Toronto M4Y U5 Canada

New Zealand Mrs J Bruton Tiliro-lcishyPahurehure 57ll Youngs Rd bull PapakuraNZ

The CornwaD FaDIy-History Society amp You wiD do well together


(Qary tOMfnlled froM ptVI 4)

mothers maiden name was Mary EnE Walters siSler My email address is ltpbilipdunnyjriinnctgt

Roampkilly Im pan of group researching ROSKnLY would be interested in hearing from anyone with a conunon interest The resull~ of our work are expanding continuaJly A partial presentation is located at Itn2JL WWWteoscoUcQroIeeneatroskillyl FMfilesljndexblPl Hoping to hear from some members of your organization Kenneth Soon Dunedin Aorida ltkenkenscQUoomgt

Thomu Bray Parsoos Moo~ Any information on Ann THOMAS family wife of James Thomas (not b in Cwl) She b Boscastle Ivd there during 1820s 30s amp 40s then family mvd to London Her maiden name may be BRAY PARSONS or MOORE Please contact Babette Scougall 7 Verdon Stroot OConnor Canberra ACT 2602 Australia

Moyle Berryman Isaac Moyle amp wife Mary Ann BERRYMAN m 25 April 1847 Sl Cieer went to PA where 4 children were bom According to middotfamjly Slories~ they were b in Valley Forge Edward 14 Iun 1848 Benjamin 18 Nov 1849 Bathsheba 13 Jul1851 lsaac 9 Apr 1853 115 George was b Gwennap 15 Jan 1855 Appreciate any infonnation Lyn Schryver 176 Bumiston St Scarborough 6019 Western Australia

- from the InlUnet cms On Une PubUcadoos Wonderful news David Holman has finsbed putting the CFHS Publications list (with prices) online lthnpllwwwcthsdemoncouklSociety Publist99htmlgt

While or4er is still by postal mail this is a HUGE help (maybe online credil card orders will be next)

Many thanks for all your hard work David


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 6: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to


Jan-Mar 1999 Tam Kernewek

The 10th Gathering of PAHS students learn art of wrassling

The kids are learning the wrestling-like sport for a Cornish heritage festival

By Dan Sheehan The Express Times Sunday April II 1999

In Cornish wrestling the saying goes gwary whtk yu gwary uk

The Celtic phrase means good play is fair play It is the ancient way wrestlers in the Cornwall England trndition greet each other before grappling


making a late-life career out reviving the sport in his Canada and the United States

Wrestling he Saturday during a visit to the Argyl Junior High

gymnasium is an i~i11In Cornwall wrasslers wrassling and have done so at least 3000 years

Its a g~~~~sport Weeks said as a group of Pen Argyl Area School wrestlers the fine ponlSl of the Cornish style practiced by

a youthful King Henry VITI

over the world will celebrate Pen Argyls Cornish roots though the Welsh Italians and other Slate Belt ethnic groups will be honored too

Borough resident Harry Bray a festival organizer said the tournament champion will be the Cornish wrestling champion of Pennsylvania - a title that hasnt e~sted for generations

Cornish wrestling is distinguished from the Greco-Roman style in several ways First of all the participants wear loose sailcloth jackets shorts and nothing else

The wrestlers greet each other- grab hold of the canvas jackets and try to throw each other down Its not as


nearly five centuries ago 1~~~~I7~~_~~~~~CM~-~W~~~~JThe style was popular ~ Hip School oa Satlmlay Arak WcekI COKlIu

among Cornish emigrants to North America - including the miners who settled Pen Argyl - but has been dead in the United States for SO years and in Canada for about 20 Weeks said

The Pen Argyl wrestlers will practice Cornish wrestling until July when they will engage in a tournament during a heritage festival at the borough p1e

The five-day event expected to draw visitors of Cornish descent from all

easy as it sounds as wrestlers Aaron Smith 17 and VinnyRufo 16 learned after twirling each other around for several minutes to the laughter of their teammates

I think I broke a sweat Smith said

Weeks said wrestlers score points by forcing their opponents back to the mat each shoulder and each

(PARS ctHlJbll~ed 1711 pale 8)

Genealogy Room by Pat Sexton

Help others and Jearn yourself - come to the 10th Gathering Genealogy Room

Volunteers with computer knowledge andlor general help on genealogical material available in the GeneaJogy Room would be greatly appreciated Please contact me with times convenient for you

There will be computen micro fiche machine micro film machine OedmiddotCom materials and writtenprinted materia1s The Genealogy Room will be open during workshops Thursday 130 - 445 pm Friday 900 -12 15 am and Saturday 100 - 400 pm (schedule is subject to change depending on availability of help etc) and possibly on tour day for those not taking a tour Perhaps you could let me know your particular strength such as computers or just general knowledge Each helper would have an hour shift or longer whatever you care to do and you may choose yOUT own time frame Thank you Conl8Ci Pat Sexton 1835 Troxell St Allentown Pa 1amp103 (610-865- 1882) A post card to me would be fine

If societies or individuals have digital andor hard copy materials that would be helpful for others please infonn Pat Sexton about tbese and bring them along to the Gathering

Volunteer-CAHS Booth

Anyone willing to help out in the CAHS sales booth please contact Jean Jolliffe (see back page) with days and hour(s) Wednesday evening Thursday Friday or Saturday



Tam Kemewek~~~~~-__________-c~-c~~__~=-______________~==========~-__~)an-lwfM1999

Cornish Cousins

bwI amp WIrion at AecIrutl

CFHS Chairman

Ian Dunn

Ian Dunn will be with us at the lOlII Gathering and we thought an introduction would be in order an bas been chainnan of the executive committee of the Cornwall Family History Society s ince 1995 He joined the Society in 1980 with his late father and has traced his family name back to a marriage in 1729 in lllogan Cornwall He became a member of the executive committee in 1988 and has during the pas 11 years held the position of advertising manager and prior to 1995 was the chainnan of the editoriaJ sub committee responsible for the publishing side of the Societys business

Ian is 49 year old Cornishman having beeD born in the south coast fishing village of Polperro the eldest son of a police officer As his fathers job meanl regular moves Ian lived in Launceston SaJlaSh Helsten and St Austell during his school years and in later years he has lived in Bodmin Liskeard and Cambome

On leaving school he also served as a police officer in Cornwall but the majority of his career has bee~ spent in sales and marketing within the local newspaper industry commercial radio and Cornish business community

He spends most ontis leisure

More Workshops

I apologize for failing to include John Tyacke among genealogists listed in the last issue lohn is a frequent genealogishycaJ contributor at Toronto Cornish meetings He ll presentWtie Used Maurialfor t~ GetwJlogist

Discussions on what life was like Barb Roberts A Slice ofLife in the 1840s taken from the Wut Briton MarglUet Dunstan a native on Life in South Australia Nancy Heydt on the Cornish in New Jersey Wasco amp Sylvia (Stephens) Hadowanetz willteU the Story of the SllTling Hill Zinc Industry amp Cornish Connuhons on coal mining Sharon Schwartz will give a broad panorama of the Diversity of19 CfnlUry Migration Dave Thomas will offer Samplu ofCornish Villages Bob Radcliffe Life in DelaboIe Len amp Carol Snell the Cornish in Mexico John Humphrey on [If Century Life in Pfnnsylvania and Martin Dunstan on AusrraJian Slate QlUlrtUs

Hands-on sessions Annette Baker amp Jean Jolliffe on Cha~l DoUr loca1 expeItS on Quoit Pitching Saffron Nubbie Baking and Pasty Making Arnie Weeks on Cornish Wrassling and Cornish Language Joe George on Etching in Slate - 1M Miracle Stone

Learning wont end thete Dave Thomas a psychologist will explore the Cornish CluJracter amp Iu Rflevance to Us amp will read TIu MOIU~hak (At Droll Tales and Hardic Mwic enhanced by the of harp Kristin Gleeson Sue PeJlowe will share memories songs and poems of My Cornish Cupboard Frank Siegle on Early History to the Anglo Saxon conquut Evowtion ofthe Lvrguage and Celtic Spiritualily Bill Benallack on the planned Cornwall FoundaJion and Nancy Heydt on N~sleus Who What Whfn Whue and Why

Short Bits Oral History Oral History Project Ellis Island Immigration Museum New York NY 10004 Telephone (212) 363middot5807 Fax (212) 363-6302 email STIJJitrrmy npsgovor STLLOralHistorynpsgov

searching for more Ellis Island immigrants former employees and military personnel stationed at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty--peopJe able to relate their first hand experiences in a recorded interview

0ra1 History and Research Library is open to the public Monday through Friday 930 am bull 430 pm People with specific requests should make an appointment in advance

-from the IntenMt

To Twickenham - Again -Sunday 9 May 1999 Cornwall to Twickenham - Again Cornwall beat Cheshire in the Rugby Union County Championship 35 - 16 [Stands were filled with black and gold1 - Monday 24 May 1999 Cornwall wins decisively at Twickenham (against Gloucestershire) 24 to 15 Bloody ripper - that ll show em

Cornish World Bultdn

Celebrations in Cornwall -26 Mar 1999middot- Council of European Ministers Corn~ awarded about pound300 million European funding as Objective I packagedelight [is] tempered with the reservation that Comwall classified

(Bill clHl1ilu4~d 011 pog~ 10)

bull 7


Ian-Mar 1999Tam Kemewek

(PAIlS t01lliR1IRfroM MI 6)

buttock counts for one point There is no holding or grabbing below the waist

Points can only be scored by throwing an opponent on his back A wrestler thus thrown is not allowed 10

usc his arms to break his fall bUI he can try to deprive his opponent of points by landing on his side

Three referees called middotsticklers Lally points

middotThe lad who gets the mosl points is called the sWldard said Weeks who was a championship wrestler in Vancouver Britiih Columbia a( age 18 - same as his grandfalher Thomas Henry Weeks who became champion of the whole province in 1914

Now 58 Arnie Weeks reJies on a cane and (eaches mainly by lecture

I have a few acbes and breaks and sprains so [dont demonstrate throws he said

Bray the fonner Pen Argyl Area School District athletic director who arranged Weeks visit said be didnt expect the high school wrestlers to have much trouble picking up the technique in time for the festival which begins Iu1y 28

He said many of the holds and techniques are similar to home-grown wrestling though Cornish ruJes have changed somewhat over the centuries

They dont aim to maim anybody anymore be said

(CFHS tOIIIiJwdrowt 1HIl 5) Most of the Burial registers 1813shy1837 have been indeJed (The MIs is an oogoing project)

6 Other material Transcripts of many parish registers many overseas journals journals of other societies family pedigrees parish histories poor law apprenticeshipmaster records some passenger lists strays emigration to the USA

Many of the records have been computerized giving rapid access If you are unable to visillhe library you can still make use of all the facilities The address Cornwall Family History Society 5 Victoria Square Truro

(DruM rolllimudfro JIIW 7)

time in helping to ron the Society along with 40 other volunteers but also enjoys loca1 history and photography and is actively involved in genealogical research in Cornwall Between 1993-96 he visited and photographed every one of the 257 parish churches in Cornwall

Ian has fours sons aged from 13 to 21 He lives with partner Marion in a 114 year old Victorian house in Redruth which takes up most of what little spare time and cash he has left

Addras Trelawncy House 59 Green Lane Redrulh Cornwall TRI5 ILS Tel 01209211866 e-mail ianmarionvirginnet

Cornwall TRI 2RS UK E-mail Sccretarycihsdemoncouk The CFHS accepts checks in American dollars However they have agents in 4 countries to make it easier for overseas members to join and pay yearly subscriptions Current membership subscriptions are as follows Couotry IDdlviduai FISIC

US $2300 $3400 Ausl $3600 $5400 Canada $3500 $5200 NZ $4200 $6300

Agents for CFHSociety arc USA MrJDRCole12SpyGlass Lane Salem South Carolina 29676

Australia Mrs EP McDonaJd 9 Backford Sl Cllennside West Queensland 4032 Australia

Canada Mr BR Waters 55 Balmoral Avebull Toronto M4Y U5 Canada

New Zealand Mrs J Bruton Tiliro-lcishyPahurehure 57ll Youngs Rd bull PapakuraNZ

The CornwaD FaDIy-History Society amp You wiD do well together


(Qary tOMfnlled froM ptVI 4)

mothers maiden name was Mary EnE Walters siSler My email address is ltpbilipdunnyjriinnctgt

Roampkilly Im pan of group researching ROSKnLY would be interested in hearing from anyone with a conunon interest The resull~ of our work are expanding continuaJly A partial presentation is located at Itn2JL WWWteoscoUcQroIeeneatroskillyl FMfilesljndexblPl Hoping to hear from some members of your organization Kenneth Soon Dunedin Aorida ltkenkenscQUoomgt

Thomu Bray Parsoos Moo~ Any information on Ann THOMAS family wife of James Thomas (not b in Cwl) She b Boscastle Ivd there during 1820s 30s amp 40s then family mvd to London Her maiden name may be BRAY PARSONS or MOORE Please contact Babette Scougall 7 Verdon Stroot OConnor Canberra ACT 2602 Australia

Moyle Berryman Isaac Moyle amp wife Mary Ann BERRYMAN m 25 April 1847 Sl Cieer went to PA where 4 children were bom According to middotfamjly Slories~ they were b in Valley Forge Edward 14 Iun 1848 Benjamin 18 Nov 1849 Bathsheba 13 Jul1851 lsaac 9 Apr 1853 115 George was b Gwennap 15 Jan 1855 Appreciate any infonnation Lyn Schryver 176 Bumiston St Scarborough 6019 Western Australia

- from the InlUnet cms On Une PubUcadoos Wonderful news David Holman has finsbed putting the CFHS Publications list (with prices) online lthnpllwwwcthsdemoncouklSociety Publist99htmlgt

While or4er is still by postal mail this is a HUGE help (maybe online credil card orders will be next)

Many thanks for all your hard work David


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 7: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to


Tam Kemewek~~~~~-__________-c~-c~~__~=-______________~==========~-__~)an-lwfM1999

Cornish Cousins

bwI amp WIrion at AecIrutl

CFHS Chairman

Ian Dunn

Ian Dunn will be with us at the lOlII Gathering and we thought an introduction would be in order an bas been chainnan of the executive committee of the Cornwall Family History Society s ince 1995 He joined the Society in 1980 with his late father and has traced his family name back to a marriage in 1729 in lllogan Cornwall He became a member of the executive committee in 1988 and has during the pas 11 years held the position of advertising manager and prior to 1995 was the chainnan of the editoriaJ sub committee responsible for the publishing side of the Societys business

Ian is 49 year old Cornishman having beeD born in the south coast fishing village of Polperro the eldest son of a police officer As his fathers job meanl regular moves Ian lived in Launceston SaJlaSh Helsten and St Austell during his school years and in later years he has lived in Bodmin Liskeard and Cambome

On leaving school he also served as a police officer in Cornwall but the majority of his career has bee~ spent in sales and marketing within the local newspaper industry commercial radio and Cornish business community

He spends most ontis leisure

More Workshops

I apologize for failing to include John Tyacke among genealogists listed in the last issue lohn is a frequent genealogishycaJ contributor at Toronto Cornish meetings He ll presentWtie Used Maurialfor t~ GetwJlogist

Discussions on what life was like Barb Roberts A Slice ofLife in the 1840s taken from the Wut Briton MarglUet Dunstan a native on Life in South Australia Nancy Heydt on the Cornish in New Jersey Wasco amp Sylvia (Stephens) Hadowanetz willteU the Story of the SllTling Hill Zinc Industry amp Cornish Connuhons on coal mining Sharon Schwartz will give a broad panorama of the Diversity of19 CfnlUry Migration Dave Thomas will offer Samplu ofCornish Villages Bob Radcliffe Life in DelaboIe Len amp Carol Snell the Cornish in Mexico John Humphrey on [If Century Life in Pfnnsylvania and Martin Dunstan on AusrraJian Slate QlUlrtUs

Hands-on sessions Annette Baker amp Jean Jolliffe on Cha~l DoUr loca1 expeItS on Quoit Pitching Saffron Nubbie Baking and Pasty Making Arnie Weeks on Cornish Wrassling and Cornish Language Joe George on Etching in Slate - 1M Miracle Stone

Learning wont end thete Dave Thomas a psychologist will explore the Cornish CluJracter amp Iu Rflevance to Us amp will read TIu MOIU~hak (At Droll Tales and Hardic Mwic enhanced by the of harp Kristin Gleeson Sue PeJlowe will share memories songs and poems of My Cornish Cupboard Frank Siegle on Early History to the Anglo Saxon conquut Evowtion ofthe Lvrguage and Celtic Spiritualily Bill Benallack on the planned Cornwall FoundaJion and Nancy Heydt on N~sleus Who What Whfn Whue and Why

Short Bits Oral History Oral History Project Ellis Island Immigration Museum New York NY 10004 Telephone (212) 363middot5807 Fax (212) 363-6302 email STIJJitrrmy npsgovor STLLOralHistorynpsgov

searching for more Ellis Island immigrants former employees and military personnel stationed at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty--peopJe able to relate their first hand experiences in a recorded interview

0ra1 History and Research Library is open to the public Monday through Friday 930 am bull 430 pm People with specific requests should make an appointment in advance

-from the IntenMt

To Twickenham - Again -Sunday 9 May 1999 Cornwall to Twickenham - Again Cornwall beat Cheshire in the Rugby Union County Championship 35 - 16 [Stands were filled with black and gold1 - Monday 24 May 1999 Cornwall wins decisively at Twickenham (against Gloucestershire) 24 to 15 Bloody ripper - that ll show em

Cornish World Bultdn

Celebrations in Cornwall -26 Mar 1999middot- Council of European Ministers Corn~ awarded about pound300 million European funding as Objective I packagedelight [is] tempered with the reservation that Comwall classified

(Bill clHl1ilu4~d 011 pog~ 10)

bull 7


Ian-Mar 1999Tam Kemewek

(PAIlS t01lliR1IRfroM MI 6)

buttock counts for one point There is no holding or grabbing below the waist

Points can only be scored by throwing an opponent on his back A wrestler thus thrown is not allowed 10

usc his arms to break his fall bUI he can try to deprive his opponent of points by landing on his side

Three referees called middotsticklers Lally points

middotThe lad who gets the mosl points is called the sWldard said Weeks who was a championship wrestler in Vancouver Britiih Columbia a( age 18 - same as his grandfalher Thomas Henry Weeks who became champion of the whole province in 1914

Now 58 Arnie Weeks reJies on a cane and (eaches mainly by lecture

I have a few acbes and breaks and sprains so [dont demonstrate throws he said

Bray the fonner Pen Argyl Area School District athletic director who arranged Weeks visit said be didnt expect the high school wrestlers to have much trouble picking up the technique in time for the festival which begins Iu1y 28

He said many of the holds and techniques are similar to home-grown wrestling though Cornish ruJes have changed somewhat over the centuries

They dont aim to maim anybody anymore be said

(CFHS tOIIIiJwdrowt 1HIl 5) Most of the Burial registers 1813shy1837 have been indeJed (The MIs is an oogoing project)

6 Other material Transcripts of many parish registers many overseas journals journals of other societies family pedigrees parish histories poor law apprenticeshipmaster records some passenger lists strays emigration to the USA

Many of the records have been computerized giving rapid access If you are unable to visillhe library you can still make use of all the facilities The address Cornwall Family History Society 5 Victoria Square Truro

(DruM rolllimudfro JIIW 7)

time in helping to ron the Society along with 40 other volunteers but also enjoys loca1 history and photography and is actively involved in genealogical research in Cornwall Between 1993-96 he visited and photographed every one of the 257 parish churches in Cornwall

Ian has fours sons aged from 13 to 21 He lives with partner Marion in a 114 year old Victorian house in Redruth which takes up most of what little spare time and cash he has left

Addras Trelawncy House 59 Green Lane Redrulh Cornwall TRI5 ILS Tel 01209211866 e-mail ianmarionvirginnet

Cornwall TRI 2RS UK E-mail Sccretarycihsdemoncouk The CFHS accepts checks in American dollars However they have agents in 4 countries to make it easier for overseas members to join and pay yearly subscriptions Current membership subscriptions are as follows Couotry IDdlviduai FISIC

US $2300 $3400 Ausl $3600 $5400 Canada $3500 $5200 NZ $4200 $6300

Agents for CFHSociety arc USA MrJDRCole12SpyGlass Lane Salem South Carolina 29676

Australia Mrs EP McDonaJd 9 Backford Sl Cllennside West Queensland 4032 Australia

Canada Mr BR Waters 55 Balmoral Avebull Toronto M4Y U5 Canada

New Zealand Mrs J Bruton Tiliro-lcishyPahurehure 57ll Youngs Rd bull PapakuraNZ

The CornwaD FaDIy-History Society amp You wiD do well together


(Qary tOMfnlled froM ptVI 4)

mothers maiden name was Mary EnE Walters siSler My email address is ltpbilipdunnyjriinnctgt

Roampkilly Im pan of group researching ROSKnLY would be interested in hearing from anyone with a conunon interest The resull~ of our work are expanding continuaJly A partial presentation is located at Itn2JL WWWteoscoUcQroIeeneatroskillyl FMfilesljndexblPl Hoping to hear from some members of your organization Kenneth Soon Dunedin Aorida ltkenkenscQUoomgt

Thomu Bray Parsoos Moo~ Any information on Ann THOMAS family wife of James Thomas (not b in Cwl) She b Boscastle Ivd there during 1820s 30s amp 40s then family mvd to London Her maiden name may be BRAY PARSONS or MOORE Please contact Babette Scougall 7 Verdon Stroot OConnor Canberra ACT 2602 Australia

Moyle Berryman Isaac Moyle amp wife Mary Ann BERRYMAN m 25 April 1847 Sl Cieer went to PA where 4 children were bom According to middotfamjly Slories~ they were b in Valley Forge Edward 14 Iun 1848 Benjamin 18 Nov 1849 Bathsheba 13 Jul1851 lsaac 9 Apr 1853 115 George was b Gwennap 15 Jan 1855 Appreciate any infonnation Lyn Schryver 176 Bumiston St Scarborough 6019 Western Australia

- from the InlUnet cms On Une PubUcadoos Wonderful news David Holman has finsbed putting the CFHS Publications list (with prices) online lthnpllwwwcthsdemoncouklSociety Publist99htmlgt

While or4er is still by postal mail this is a HUGE help (maybe online credil card orders will be next)

Many thanks for all your hard work David


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 8: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to


Ian-Mar 1999Tam Kemewek

(PAIlS t01lliR1IRfroM MI 6)

buttock counts for one point There is no holding or grabbing below the waist

Points can only be scored by throwing an opponent on his back A wrestler thus thrown is not allowed 10

usc his arms to break his fall bUI he can try to deprive his opponent of points by landing on his side

Three referees called middotsticklers Lally points

middotThe lad who gets the mosl points is called the sWldard said Weeks who was a championship wrestler in Vancouver Britiih Columbia a( age 18 - same as his grandfalher Thomas Henry Weeks who became champion of the whole province in 1914

Now 58 Arnie Weeks reJies on a cane and (eaches mainly by lecture

I have a few acbes and breaks and sprains so [dont demonstrate throws he said

Bray the fonner Pen Argyl Area School District athletic director who arranged Weeks visit said be didnt expect the high school wrestlers to have much trouble picking up the technique in time for the festival which begins Iu1y 28

He said many of the holds and techniques are similar to home-grown wrestling though Cornish ruJes have changed somewhat over the centuries

They dont aim to maim anybody anymore be said

(CFHS tOIIIiJwdrowt 1HIl 5) Most of the Burial registers 1813shy1837 have been indeJed (The MIs is an oogoing project)

6 Other material Transcripts of many parish registers many overseas journals journals of other societies family pedigrees parish histories poor law apprenticeshipmaster records some passenger lists strays emigration to the USA

Many of the records have been computerized giving rapid access If you are unable to visillhe library you can still make use of all the facilities The address Cornwall Family History Society 5 Victoria Square Truro

(DruM rolllimudfro JIIW 7)

time in helping to ron the Society along with 40 other volunteers but also enjoys loca1 history and photography and is actively involved in genealogical research in Cornwall Between 1993-96 he visited and photographed every one of the 257 parish churches in Cornwall

Ian has fours sons aged from 13 to 21 He lives with partner Marion in a 114 year old Victorian house in Redruth which takes up most of what little spare time and cash he has left

Addras Trelawncy House 59 Green Lane Redrulh Cornwall TRI5 ILS Tel 01209211866 e-mail ianmarionvirginnet

Cornwall TRI 2RS UK E-mail Sccretarycihsdemoncouk The CFHS accepts checks in American dollars However they have agents in 4 countries to make it easier for overseas members to join and pay yearly subscriptions Current membership subscriptions are as follows Couotry IDdlviduai FISIC

US $2300 $3400 Ausl $3600 $5400 Canada $3500 $5200 NZ $4200 $6300

Agents for CFHSociety arc USA MrJDRCole12SpyGlass Lane Salem South Carolina 29676

Australia Mrs EP McDonaJd 9 Backford Sl Cllennside West Queensland 4032 Australia

Canada Mr BR Waters 55 Balmoral Avebull Toronto M4Y U5 Canada

New Zealand Mrs J Bruton Tiliro-lcishyPahurehure 57ll Youngs Rd bull PapakuraNZ

The CornwaD FaDIy-History Society amp You wiD do well together


(Qary tOMfnlled froM ptVI 4)

mothers maiden name was Mary EnE Walters siSler My email address is ltpbilipdunnyjriinnctgt

Roampkilly Im pan of group researching ROSKnLY would be interested in hearing from anyone with a conunon interest The resull~ of our work are expanding continuaJly A partial presentation is located at Itn2JL WWWteoscoUcQroIeeneatroskillyl FMfilesljndexblPl Hoping to hear from some members of your organization Kenneth Soon Dunedin Aorida ltkenkenscQUoomgt

Thomu Bray Parsoos Moo~ Any information on Ann THOMAS family wife of James Thomas (not b in Cwl) She b Boscastle Ivd there during 1820s 30s amp 40s then family mvd to London Her maiden name may be BRAY PARSONS or MOORE Please contact Babette Scougall 7 Verdon Stroot OConnor Canberra ACT 2602 Australia

Moyle Berryman Isaac Moyle amp wife Mary Ann BERRYMAN m 25 April 1847 Sl Cieer went to PA where 4 children were bom According to middotfamjly Slories~ they were b in Valley Forge Edward 14 Iun 1848 Benjamin 18 Nov 1849 Bathsheba 13 Jul1851 lsaac 9 Apr 1853 115 George was b Gwennap 15 Jan 1855 Appreciate any infonnation Lyn Schryver 176 Bumiston St Scarborough 6019 Western Australia

- from the InlUnet cms On Une PubUcadoos Wonderful news David Holman has finsbed putting the CFHS Publications list (with prices) online lthnpllwwwcthsdemoncouklSociety Publist99htmlgt

While or4er is still by postal mail this is a HUGE help (maybe online credil card orders will be next)

Many thanks for all your hard work David


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 9: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to

Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

New Members (WB rrurUIIlM froM pq~ 3)

--I SlJlnley Andrews 27 West Mill Road Davenport Long Valley NJ 07853 USA SPARGO ANDREWS WITHAM

Alan Kline 8 Pluto Drive Kamloops BC V2B lA7 CANADA

Mary C Miller 51 10 West Rutledge Banonville IL 61607-2M7 USA EUSTICE Feock PRISK Cambome

William J Mitchell 1036 CharilY Drive Hawke Virgnia Beach VA 23455 USA MITCHELL DOWNING LAITY middotPorthleven Sithney

Harry E Pascoe 23909 Virginia Avenue Warren MI48Q91-4583 USA PASCOE BUNNEY Roche

~Cambome EDMONDS BIRCH Sf Enh WIno middot51 Enh HayJe

Beny-Ann Sharp Box 626 Calmar Al~rta TOC OVO CANADA TRATHEN BLIGHT middotBuckland Brewer (Devon) TRATIIEN Duaroon Banon (Dev) TRATHEN Woolfardisworthy (Dev) LEE Woolsery (Devon)

Debra Sweetman 340 Byron Street South Whitby ON LIN 4P8 CANADA HEND(E)Y JULIAN Duloe DAW(E) ~ywardnllth ELFORD Menheniol Duloe AUSTIN Unknown HAWKEY Lanbydrock Lanlivery Tywardreath

Glenn Treglown 60 West Taxco Court Simi Valley CA 93065-4048 USA TREGLOWN OULD BATH SPARGO BARRET TRELOHAN

Maurice R Watts 370 53rd Avenue N Lot 296 SL Petersburg fL 33703 USA RUNNAllS St 8reward

decided that if he had not promised he OUGHT to have done so and gave the girl a verdict accordingly

December 291843 p2 liAYLE -- A man called John Barker was conunitted to the county jail on Tuesday last for one caJcndar month or hard labour for having anempted to drown himself We lruSl thai he will be taught to know the difference between climbing the treadmill and frightening women and he will be a JinJe humanized by prison disciplioe

Get Well Wishes

To Marv Rusch and to Aora Toms OHagen Jonuni

Happy Birthday

Landon Rodda of Pennsylvania - 100 in Apil Janie Smith of New Jersey - ]00 in November 98

Cornish American Heritage Society Membersbip Application

Name ___ _ _ ______ ________ ___ Telephonc ______ ______

Address _____ ______ _ _ ______ ___________ _ ______

City ______ ____ _________ StatelProv ____ ZlplPostal code ______

Country _____ Local society affiliation _______ ___ _______________ _

Fu ___ ________ _ _____E-mail ___ _________ ______

Surnnmcs of Cornish ancestors Locations (parish town area) More Please add a new page

Dues US $10 individual S IS family Send to Bill Curnow Oy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Rd Port Charlotte FL 33953 USA-J Canadian $14 individual $21 family send to Len Snell Box 286 Waterdown ON LOR 2HO Canada

I also enclose $____ for the Paul Smales Memorial Fund to bring presenters fro~ Cornwall to the Gatherings


Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested

Page 10: Steven R. Curnow R. Curnow Memorial by Bill Curnow We have learned to expect that Cornish Cousins who came to

Tam Kemewek Jan-Mar 1999

(Bits continlled from pagt 7)

as one of me very poorest regions of Europe [fundsl available subject to the provision from Cornwall of 25 (pound75 million) of matching funding

The money will not be availshyable to individuals or companies It should be used to improve the infrashystructure and enable business to develop [to]provide jobs more money and better living standards on a permshyanent basis ideas for innovative schemes to regenerate Cornwall are sought

Cornish Genealogy Seminar Mike Morrish CFHS journal editor will be featured speaker the 1999 Cornish Genealogy Seminar in September 24 at Mineral Point

2nd Annual Celtic Womens Conference October 7 - 9 1999 Milwaukee Wisconsin USA Information hnplwwwcwilldorg

Molly Maguires booklet Available - a 44 page history of the Molly Maguires in the Pennsylvania coal mines (This is a Penkemcwekl Gathering fund-raiser) Your Cornish or Welsh ancestors may have worked in the mines at that time 1860- 1876 $400 including postage (0

Pat Sexton

1835 Troxell Street Allentown PA 18103

New Tonkin MS From MatthewSpriggsOanueduau Opt Archaeology and Anthropology Australian Natlonat u A successful appeal by the Royal Institution of Cornwall for conservation of the newly-discovered Thomas Tonkin Manuscript ltArchaeologia CornushyBriurnnicagt raised pound1000 The owner donated the manuscript to the RIC on condition that money be raised for its conservation It is an exciting story and will rewri te thc history of the language in the 18th C New infonnation is still coming can now trace the history of this 17305 ms to the dcath of William Pryce in 1790 For the next 200 years its whereabouts is unknown until it turned up in mutilated condition in a market stall in Devon in the early 19905

Officus of Comish American Heritage Society for 1997~1999

Pres - Rosalie AJII1Iltrong 17 11th Avenue Terrasse-Vaudreuil Quebec J7V 7K3 Canada ltrosaiienbsympatieocagt 1st VP-Education - Jean Jolliffe 2405 N Brookfield Road Brookfield WI 53045 ltjjoll iffposlitsmcwedlD 2nd VP-Newsletter - Nancy O Heydt 5 Hampton Court Neptune NJ 07753middot5672 ltnheydtmonmouthcomgt Recording Secretary - Richard Baker 1520 Coventry Road Reedsburg WI 53959 ltaw305 mwtf1elgt COlTesponding Secretary - Elizabeth Drown 7922A Agate Lake Road Nisswa MN 56468 ltjrb254uslinknetgt Treasurer - William J Curnow Jr Chy an Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlone FL 33953

wjcurnowkemowcom HislOrian - Thomas H_Nankervis 304 Park Circle Drive Charlotte TN 37036 ltNankervisaolcomgt Gathering Co-chairs - Carolyn and Harry Bray 301 W Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl PA 18072 lthfbrayepixnetgt

Founder President - Paul Liddicoat Past President - Arline Barsamian Tam Kernewek is published rour times each year Nul dHdJine August 1 1999 Dues are payable to CAHS US-SIO per year for individuals and $ 15 ror families sent to Treasurer Canada-S l4

indi viduaJ $2 1 ramily sent to Len SDeU BOlt 286 Walerdo wn ON LOR 2HO Canada Cornish Heritage Certificates are available 10 anyone whose anceslor(s) were born in Cornwall and seuled in

North America ConliICl Doris Rule BabIc 323 N Lewis SI Saline M148176 for information and applicatio ns

Cornish American Heritage Society Chy An Lyn 3438 Pennyroyal Road Port Charlotte FL 33953

ISSN 1085-1267

Address Correction Requested