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Step 1: Renaming Photos It is necessary to rename photos so that they can easily be sorted and a qualitative analysis performed. This first step is very labor intensive. Photos should be renamed: Site PhotoPoint# Date (yyyy/mm/dd) eg: SC00120120120 Try batchrenaming software, though there might be limitations. (I have not tried it, but it’s worth a shot before you go through and rename photos manually) There are often duplicate photos. Please make sure that every photo is named correctly and there is only one photo per Site area per week. The date used should always fall on a Friday. For the sake of keeping the photos organized and ensuring that there is a photo record for every week, Faniswa names every photo as if it was taken on that Friday, even if it was taken earlier in the week. This information is important because you will have to manually reset the date that is loaded into Jetphoto by the camera in order to keep everything consistent. (Don’t worry! It’s easy to do!) Guidelines for Organizing and Assessing Existing Monument Photographs Using JetPhoto Studio
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   Step  1:  Renaming  Photos      It  is  necessary  to  rename  photos  so  that  they  can  easily  be  sorted  and  a  qualitative  analysis  performed.    This  first  step  is  very  labor  intensive.        Photos  should  be  renamed:    

Site  -­‐  PhotoPoint#  -­‐  Date  (yyyy/mm/dd)    eg:    SC-­‐001-­‐20120120      

 Try  batch-­‐renaming  software,  though  there  might  be  limitations.  (I  have  not  tried  it,  but  it’s  worth  a  shot  before  you  go  through  and  rename  photos  manually)    There  are  often  duplicate  photos.    Please  make  sure  that  every  photo  is  named  correctly  and  there  is  only  one  photo  per  Site  area  per  week.    The  date  used  should  always  fall  on  a  Friday.    For  the  sake  of  keeping  the  photos  organized  and  ensuring  that  there  is  a  photo  record  for  every  week,  Faniswa  names  every  photo  as  if  it  was  taken  on  that  Friday,  even  if  it  was  taken  earlier  in  the  week.    This  information  is  important  because  you  will  have  to  manually  reset  the  date  that  is  loaded  into  Jetphoto  by  the  camera  in  order  to  keep  everything  consistent.    (Don’t  worry!    It’s  easy  to  do!)                  

Guidelines  for  Organizing  and  Assessing  Existing  Monument  Photographs  Using  JetPhoto  Studio  

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   Step  2:  Sorting  Photos  into  Jetphoto        Create  a  new  album                                  Name  your  new  album                              

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Import  photos  into  the  album                                        Observe  the  calendar  date  that  photos  are  sorted  into-­‐  It  is  indicated  here  by  the  red  triangle  on  November  6.    (This  is  the  date  the  camera  inputs  for  when  the  photo  was  taken.)                              

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 Here  is  where  you  must  correct  the  date  imputed  automatically  by  the  camera.    Select  the  photos  that  you  would  like  to  adjust.      1) Select  the  calendar  date  –  push  on  the  red  triangle  2) Push  Ctrl  +  A  to  select  all  photos  taken  on  that  day  (notice  how  only  photos  from  that  day  are  highlighted)  


     Find  the  gear  icon  and  select  “Correct  Capture  Time  for  Selected  Photos…”    


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Adjust  the  number  of  days  so  that  the  photos  are  recorded  on  the  appropriate  Friday  date.    In  this  case,  I  am  subtracting  1  day  since  the  camera  reports  the  photo  was  taken  on  a  Saturday.        

   Notice  that  there  are  now  two  triangles.    In  order  to  fix  this,  make  sure  you  keep  the  photos  highlighted  that  you  just  adjusted.    (Do  NOT  push  anything  on  the  screen  otherwise  you  will  have  to  re-­‐highlight  the  photos)    


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Go  straight  back  to  the  gear  icon.    Select  “Arrange  all  photos  by  time.”    

     Problem  fixed!    The  photos  are  now  loaded  correctly  onto  Jetphoto.    

   Step  3:  Knowledge  Preparation  for  Qualitative  Analysis    Once  you  have  all  photos  renamed  and  loaded  correctly  into  Jetphoto,  you  can  start  the  qualitative  analysis.    Before  you  do  this,  it  is  necessary  that  you  read  some  important  documents.    

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Reading  the  Urban  Design  Framework  for  that  particular  Site  will  give  you  insight  into  what  the  original  team  hoped  to  capture  when  choosing  the  monument  photo  points.    Keep  in  mind  that  the  points  were  chosen  a  few  years  ago,  likely  before  projects  were  implemented  (based  on  predictions  of  what  would  happen)  and  have  not  been  reviewed  since  then.    Often  things  don’t  happen  according  to  the  timeframe  set,  due  to  political  reasons  in  the  community  or  other  factors.    Therefore,  you  will  have  to  review  whether  the  photos  are  still  relevant  based  on  what  is  happening  presently.    Knowledge  of  the  original  Urban  Design  Framework  will  be  particularly  useful  when  you  are  deciding  on  which  photos  to  keep  and  whether  new  photos  should  be  added  to  the  Monument  Photo  record.    Reading  Urban  Design  Principles  of  a  Safe  Neighborhood  is  useful  for  assessing  the  photos  based  on  whether  they  follow  the  7  safety  principles  of  design.    While  it  is  very  difficult  to  draw  concrete  corollaries  from  Monument  Photos  that  VPUU  interventions  promote  “social  change,”  or  increase  neighborhood  safety,  by  showing  how  VPUU  designs  use  general  safety  principles  of  design,  it  is  possible  to  draw  this  conclusion  in  the  qualitative  assessment.    


     You  can  also  read  the  Logical  Framework  Indicators  in  preparation  for  the  Qualitative  Analysis,  but  understanding  of  this  is  not  as  useful  or  important  as  the  other  documents.                              

7  Safety  Principles  of  Design    

• Surveillance  and  Visibility  • Territoriality  • Defined  access  and  safe  movement  • Image  and  aesthetics  • Physical  barriers  • Maintenance  and  management  • Inclusive  Design  

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Step  4:  Performing  a  Qualitative  Analysis  of  Each  Photo    You  are  now  ready  to  perform  an  analysis  of  each  photo  series  taken  per  site.        First,  organize  the  photos  according  to  photo  number                                                                            

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Next  you  should  go  through  each  photo  series  (ex:  all  001)  and  mark  the  ones  that  you  believe  tell  a  good  story-­‐  whether  that  be  because  they  relate  to  the  Urban  Design  Framework  or  illustrate  principles  of  safe  design.    In  the  search  bar  (magnifying  glass  icon),  input  the  first  part  of  the  photo  name.    Omit  the  date.  Ex:  SC-­‐005    Press  Enter.    Notice  that  SC-­‐005  photos  are  in  color  and  all  other  photo  series  are  blacked  out.                                                Next  select  all  the  SC-­‐005  photos  by  pushing  Ctrl  +  A    

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   Double  click  on  one  of  the  photos  for  a  larger  image  of  the  series.    Use  arrow  keys  to  move  from  picture  to  picture.                                                

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Create  a  tag  for  photos  that  you  would  like  to  review  again  later.    Not  all  photos  in  the  large  photo  series  will  be  useful  so  you  must  choose.        In  the  keyword  section,  double  click  to  edit  a  line.    Name  the  line  accordingly.    Ex:  #5  (representing  SC-­‐005  photos  of  interest)    Make  sure  you  check  the  box  next  to  the  keyword.    You  can  also  take  notes  in  the  notes  tab  above  the  keywords.    This  will  be  useful  when  you  would  like  to  make  your  final  qualitative  analysis.          


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   Later  you  can  search  and  review  the  photos  that  you  marked.    In  the  search  tab,  search  by  the  keyword  (Ex:  #5).    Push  Ctrl  +  A  to  highlight  those  photos.    Notice  how  the  photos  you  marked  are  highlighted  and  the  others  blacked  out.          

           You  can  double  click  on  one  of  the  photos  to  again  view  a  bigger  version  of  the  selected  photos.    You  can  use  your  arrow  key  to  move  between  selected  photographs.    This  will  be  useful  for  reading  notes  that  you  might  want  to  use  when  you  do  the  overall  qualitative  analysis.    

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     Step  5:  Summarizing  Analysis  of  Each  Photo  Series    Now  that  you  have  written  notes  for  each  individual  photo  linking  it  to  the  Urban  Design  framework  and  Safety  Principles,  you  can  make  an  overall  assessment  of  each  photo  series  (eg  SC-­‐001,  SC-­‐002,  SC-­‐003).        Please  refer  to  the  Excel  notes  for  the  qualitative  analysis  of  Site  C.                            

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 Mention  a  location  for  the  photograph  (street  intersections)  and  show  a  picture  from  early  on  in  the  series  and  one  from  later  on,  to  demonstrate  physical  changes.        For  Example    SC-­‐005  Off  Njongo  Str-­‐  handrail  entrance  to  elevated  Nolungile  Railway  station  ramp    


It  is  useful  to  have  an  overall  summary  of  what  each  photo  series  (over  the  3-­‐4  year  period)  shows.      Overall  intervention  has  lead  to  greater  surveillance  and  visibility  as  entrance  space  has  opened  up  to  street  view  (clear  lines  of  sight)  and  also  allowed  for  maintaining  visual  connections  with  the  marketplace  vendors.    It  has  lead  to  defined  access  and  safe  movement  with  a  disability-­‐friendly  railing  entrance  and  leveled  street.  Additionally  hazardous  exposed  metal  at  the  entrance  is  eliminated.    Surfaces  are  even  and  suitable  for  harsh  weather  (water  does  not  pool  or  make  entranceway  inaccessible).    Upgrading  to  concrete  from  dirt  entrance  also  improves  condition  of  railway  entrance  during  bad  weather  since  there  is  no  mud  (safety  hazard  and  uncomfortable).  The  intervention  has  also  created  defined  walkways  and  demarcation  between  vehicular  and  pedestrian  areas.  There  is  less  litter  than  before  perhaps  showing  public  pride  in  infrastructure.    Beautification  of  environment  with  ease  of  access/improved  safety  for  pedestrians.  

2009                2012  

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   Step  6:  Deciding  on  New  Monument  Points      You  have  examined  the  Monument  Photos  and  now  have  a  thorough  understanding  of  the  stories  each  series  tells.    It  is  useful  to  derive  information  from  this  comprehensive  photo  record  so  that  the  efforts  of  the  last  4  years  are  not  wasted.    However,  it  is  also  necessary  to  look  to  the  future.    In  this  next  step,  you  will  decide  if  these  photographs  are  still  useful  today-­‐  which  points  to  keep  and  which  to  eliminate.    Please  review  the  Case  Study  Qualitative  Analysis  of  Site  C  before  you  begin.    Additionally,  it  is  useful  to  meet  with  the  Urban  Design  Team  to  find  out  what  is  currently  happening  at  that  Site  and  if  it  follows  the  Urban  Design  Framework  plans  or  if  things  have  changed.    The  following  check-­‐list  will  be  very  useful  for  analyzing  existing  points  and  choosing  new  points.    Additionally,  you  can  make  suggestions  on  the  process:  eg  timeframes,  times  of  day  to  take  picture    Ask  input  of  urban  design  team  on  where  the  best  new  photos  could  be  taken  and  go  to  site  to  trial  pictures.  The  check-­‐list  will  be  a  good  tool  during  this  phase.          

 Safety  Principles  Illustrated  1)  Surveillance  and  visibility    3)  Defined  access  and  safe  movement  4)  Image  and  aesthetics    Relationship  to  Urban  Design  Framework  Site  C  2009  2)  Clarify,  reinforce,  strengthen  the  public  spatial  structure  3)  Maximize  opportunities  for  small  business  creation  4)  Escape  from  intensity  of  daily  living  6)  Contribute  to  combating  crime  and  through  increased  surveillance  *Located  in  identified  hotspot  for  crime    Logical  Framework  Indicators  1.4  Intergrated  natural  surveillance  of  public  space  2.5  Littering  reduction      

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SNA   Project/Intervention’  Stage     £ Before:  

£ During:  £ After:  

£ Other:    

VPUU/ISTP  Intervention(s)  to  be  captured       Speed  of  implementation        

£ Slow   £ Regular   £ Fast  £ Specify:  

Monument  Point  Location   Frequency  at  which  photos  should  be  taken  

  £ Weekly  £ Monthly  

£ Weekday  £ Weekend  

Monument  Point  ID  Number   Times  of  Day  at  which  photos  should  be  taken  

  £ 6-­‐8  £ 8-­‐10  £ 10-­‐12  

£ 12-­‐14  £ 14-­‐16  £ 16-­‐18  

£ Other:  

Monument  Point  features/characteristic:   Linkage  to  other  M&E  system  £ Construction  Project  £ Identified  Crime  Hotspot  £ Managed  Space    

£ Household  Survey  £ Water  Taps  &  Toilets  M&E  £ Monthly  Stats  £ Other:  

Safety  Principles    £ Surveillance  and  Visibility  £ Owned  Spaces  £ Defined  Access  and  Safe  Movement  £ Image  and  Aesthetics  

£ Physical  Barriers  £ Operation,  Maintenance  and  Management  £ Inclusive  Design  

Logical  Framework  Indicators      £ Physical  interventions  based  on  CPTED  £ Integrated  Natural  Surveillance  of  Public  


£ Number  of  Businesses  formulized  or  supported    

Social  Aspects    £ Perceived  Safety    £ Perceived  Security  of  Tenure    £ Sense  of  space  ownership  £ Business  

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 Step  7:  Sharing  information  with  relevant  parties    It  is  important  to  share  information  with  both  Faniswa  and  the  field  workers  so  that  they  feel  included  in  the  process.    Since  your  assessment  may  drastically  change  what  the  fieldworkers  have  been  doing  for  the  last  four  years  (eg:  they  will  now  take  completely  different  photos),  it  is  good  to  explain  the  reasons  behind  the  changes.        

• What  was  useful  about  the  photographs  field-­‐workers  have  been  taking  since  2009?    

• Why  is  VPUU  now  asking  them  to  take  different  photos?    This  step  is  crucial  to  allowing  field  workers  to  develop  a  sense  of  ownership,  which  may  help  with  Service  Provider  turnover.    Please  see  example  powerpoint  Presentation  to  Siko.      


Step 1: Use checklist Read Urban Design Framework. Consult with lead design team. Consult with workstream leaders. Step 2: Trial for 2 months. Assess results. Step 3: Perform mini qualitative analysis and make adjustments

Step 4: Trial for 4 months. Assess results.

Step 5: Perform mini qualitative analysis and make adjustments Step 6: Determine final points.

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Additionally,  you  can  create  a  slideshow  to  show  to  others,  or  export  a  Flash  movie.                                      


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Additional  Notes:  Using  GPS    

     From  there….just  keep  zooming  in…                                              

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   Since  none  of  these  photos  are  GPS  located,  you  will  need  to  do  it  manually.    But  don’t  worry,  you  can  do  an  entire  series  (eg:  SC-­‐001)  at  a  time.    

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In  the  search  bar,  type  in  the  first  part  of  the  name    (eg  SC-­‐001)  Remember  to  push  Ctnl  +  A  in  order  to  highlight  all  photos    

     Click  on  the  Geo-­‐tag  Sidebar  


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Find  the  appropriate  location  and  Geo-­‐tag  all  photos    

   All  Geo-­‐tagged  photos  should  look  like  this…          or  like  this    


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Once  you  Geo-­‐tag  all  photos  you  can  also  generate  a  map    


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   Things  that  require  further  research:  

• How  do  you  embed  this  link  onto  a  Webpage?    Does  it  have  to  do  with  an  API  key?  

• Can  you  include  a  flash  video  with  each  point?