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Step by Step Openbravo Business Process Flow Client Client: SampleClient Organization: Pamplona Currency: Euro Client Username: SampleClientAdmin (password will be the same as username) Organization Username: SampleClientUser (password will be the same as username) Country: Spain Region: Navarra City: Pamplona Checked options: Business Partner, Product and Project Accounting file: (download ) Business partner Groups: Vendor, employee, customer, salesman, creditor Customer A Customer B Vendor A Vendor B Creditor Value cusa cusb va vb c Address Street Customer center nº1 Street Customer center nº23 Street Purchase center nº1 Street Purchase center nº12 Street Credit services nº3 Invoice term Customer schedule after delivery After delivery Payment term 30 days, 5 30 days, 5 90 days 90 days 90 days User contact Alfred Paul John Albert Jimmy Sales representative Sales A Sales B Form payment Money order Money order Wire transfer Wire transfer Wire transfer Price list Customer A Customer B Purchase Purchase Purchase Products Categories: Raw materials, BOMs, Final goods

Step by Step Openbravo Business Process Flow

Dec 03, 2014




Step by Step Openbravo Business Process Flow
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Page 1: Step by Step Openbravo Business Process Flow

Step by Step Openbravo Business Process Flow


Client: SampleClient Organization: Pamplona Currency: Euro Client Username: SampleClientAdmin (password will be the same as username) Organization Username: SampleClientUser (password will be the same as username) Country: Spain Region: Navarra City: Pamplona Checked options: Business Partner, Product and Project Accounting file: (download)

Business partner

Groups: Vendor, employee, customer, salesman, creditor

Customer A Customer B Vendor A Vendor B Creditor

Value cusa cusb va vb c

AddressStreet Customer center nº1

Street Customer center nº23

Street Purchase center nº1

Street Purchase center nº12

Street Credit services nº3

Invoice termCustomer schedule after delivery

After delivery

Payment term 30 days, 5 30 days, 5 90 days 90 days 90 days

User contact Alfred Paul John Albert Jimmy

Sales representative

Sales A Sales B

Form payment Money order Money order Wire transfer Wire transfer Wire transfer

Price list Customer A Customer B Purchase Purchase Purchase


Categories: Raw materials, BOMs, Final goods

Page 2: Step by Step Openbravo Business Process Flow

Value Tax P/Bom/S UOMAttribute set

Pricelist Stocked BOM Production

Raw Material A

rmaVAT 10%

Purchase UnitSerial number

Purchase Yes No

Raw Material B

rmbVAT 10%

Purchase UnitSerial number

Purchase Yes No

Raw Material C

rmcVAT 10%

Purchase UnitSerial number

Purchase Yes No

BOM A boma Bom Unit Lots YesRaw material A + Raw materia B


BOM B bomb Bom Unit Lots YesRaw material B + Raw materia C


BOM C bomc Bom Unit Lots YesRaw material C + Raw materia A


Final good A

fgaVAT 3%

Sales Unit Lots Sales Yes BOM C + BOM A Yes

Final good B

fgbVAT 3%

Sales Unit Lots Sales Yes BOM C + BOM B Yes

Final good C

fgcVAT 3%

Sales Unit Lots Sales Yes BOM B + BOM A Yes

General functional use case testing

General issues

Verify that the build installs correctly in the defined testing environments. The about box and Openbravo ERP installer with --version show the right version. The Change Role and Language window works correctly

From now we are going to have a sample data in order to make easier the verification of the test cases. This sample data will be built as we are going through the acceptance test. See the diagram below

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The acceptance test is divided in three parts:

Master data management: As long as this part is executed, the sample data is built. Transactions: This part can be done without executing the master data management. Please note all the test

cases related to each transaction module are written depending on the sample data built throw the Master data management.

Application dictionary: This is independently from Master data and Transactions. To see sample data .

Test cases

The structure for the test cases is:

Short description Additional data Steps Issues to verify

Application Dictionary

1.Create tables

Short Description: Create the tables used for customizing

Stepso Using a SQL Client, connect to the Database

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o Execute this Oracle script or this PostgreSQL script. Remember to replace tad with your db username if you

changed the default.

Issues to verify: Verify that the tables were created

2.Create functions

Short Description: Create the functions used for customizing

Stepso Using a SQL Client, connect to the Databaseo Execute the script for Oracle or for PostgreSQL.

Issues to verify: Verify that the functions were created

3.Create references

Short Description: Create the references used for customizing

Stepso Login as Openbravo/openbravoo Click on icon "user info" and select the role "System Administrator"o Go Application Dictionary || Referenceo Create 4 references, all with "List Validation" validation type:

Room Type Scheduling Frequency Department Type Attender

o For each reference, enter two List Reference:

Room Type MR, Meeting room CR, Conference room

Scheduling Frequency DA, Daily WE, Weekly

Department EN, Engineering SA, Sales

Type Attender EM, Employee BP, Business Partner

Issues to verify: Verify that the references were created

4.Add tables to dictionary

Short Description: Add created tables to Application Dictionary

Stepso Login as Openbravo/openbravoo Click on icon "user info" and select the role "System Administrator"o Go Application Dictionary || Table and Columnso Add the 3 tables (C_Room, C_Roomschedule and C_Roomattend) to Application Dictionary

Access level Client/Organizationo For each table, create the columns with the "Create columns from DB" button

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Verify that all the columns were imported successfullyo Important: Every table needs one column marked as Identifier. If no column is Identifier, compile process

will fail.o On C_Room

Mark Name as Identifier and Mandatory C_Room.Roomtype reference List, add list Room type

o On C_Roomschedule

Mark C_Room_ID C_Roomschedule.Frequency reference List, add list Scheduling frequency Topic as Identifier and also as Mandatory Change reference Starttime and Endtime in C_Roomschedule from Date to Time Change reference ReservationDate to Date

o On C_Roomattend

Mark C_Roomschedule_ID as Identifier Meetingrole as Identifieralso as Mandatory C_Bpartner_Id select value for the "Reference Search Key" Business Partner

Issues to verify: Verify that the tables are in Dictionary

5.Create window

Short Description: Create new window and deploy customization

Stepso Login as Openbravo/openbravoo Click on icon "user info" and select the role "System Administrator"o Go Application Dictionary || Table and Columnso Create a window "Rooms"o For the window, create 3 tabs:

Room (Table:C_Room, Tablevel:0) Room Schedule (Table:C_Roomschedule, Tablevel:1) Room Attend (Table:C_Roomattend, Tablevel:2)

o For each tab:

Run the "Create Fields" process Go to Field Sequence and move up AD_Client_ID and AD_Org_ID and remove Ad_User_Id field Go to Field and mark:

For Room Schedule: AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID and AD_Room_ID as Read only. The s For Room Attend: AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID and AD_Roomschedule_ID as Read only

o Run the Synchronize Terminology processo Add the menu entry (General Setup>Application>Menu) for Roomso Launch a compilation (ant compile -Dtab=Room or ant compile.development -Dtab=Room depending of your

installation. If not sure, use the first one) After compilation, make war file (ant war) and deploy it.

For deploying, first stop Tomcat, then delete current openbravo folder and openbravo.war file of Tomcat's webapps directory, launch an ant deploy and start Tomcat service.

Once deployed, go Room menu as a Client Admin and enter some data into the three tabs. You may have compilation errors. If errors are like this:

[java] 507 [main] ERROR - SQL error in query: [java] SELECT C_Roomattend.AD_Client_ID, [java] (CASE WHEN C_Roomattend.AD_Client_ID IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE (COALESCE(TO_CHAR(table1.Name),' ') ) END) AS AD_Client_IDR, [java] C_Roomattend.AD_Org_ID, [java] (CASE WHEN C_Roomattend.AD_Org_ID IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE (COALESCE(TO_CHAR(table2.Name),' ') ) END) AS AD_Org_IDR, [java] C_Roomattend.Typeattender,

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[java] (CASE WHEN C_Roomattend.Typeattender IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE ( COALESCE(TO_CHAR(, ' ') ) END) AS TypeattenderR, [java] C_Roomattend.Department, [java] (CASE WHEN C_Roomattend.Department IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE ( COALESCE(TO_CHAR(, ' ') ) END) AS DepartmentR, [java] C_Roomattend.C_Bpartner_ID, [java] (CASE WHEN C_Roomattend.C_Bpartner_ID IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE (COALESCE(TO_CHAR(table3.Name),' ') ) END) AS C_Bpartner_IDR, [java] C_Roomattend.Meetingrole, [java] C_Roomattend.C_Roomschedule_ID, [java] (CASE WHEN C_Roomattend.C_Roomschedule_ID IS NULL THEN ' ' ELSE () END) AS C_Roomschedule_IDR,

the problem is that you didn't mark one column as Identifier for C_Roomattend table.

Issues to verify: Verify that you can login as userA (after executing test case Create User) and access this new window and add records.

Administration master data

1.Initial client setup

Short Description: Test the Initial Client Setup process

Additional data: Use the System Administrator Role for this test

Stepso Login as Openbravo/openbravoo Click on icon "user info" and select the role "System Administrator"o Go General Setup -> Client-> Initial client setupo Fill the data and chart of accounts according Client sample datao Click OK

Issues to verify: Verify that the output log is correct

2.Delete client

Short description: Delete the client BigBazaar

Steps:o Login as Openbravo/openbravoo Click on icon "user info" (or on User name) to open Role Information window and change to "System

Administrator" role.o Go to General setup->Client->Delete cliento Select Client=Big Bazaar. Press OK

Additional data: All users related to Big Bazaar client should be erased too. The user Openbravo should remain, since it is created for System client

Note: Prior to version 2.40 systems using postgres will need to be rebooted before continuing

3.Import/Export Translation

Short description: Test the export and import translation. See also How to translate Openbravo ERP

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Steps for Export process:o Login as Openbravo/openbravoo Go to General setup->Application->Languageo Click Search button and fill Italian% as name. Click OKo Select Italian (Italy). Mark System languageo Click Verify languageo Go to General setup->Import/Export translationso Select Entity: Systemo Select Italian(Italy) languageo Click on Export button

Issues to verify: The language pack must be stored inside the lang directory in the folder defined to contain attachments. This is defined at web.xml file and requested during the installation process. By assuming default installation, the complete path for Italian(Italy) should be /AppsOpenbravo/Attach/lang/it_IT.

Additional data: There might be problems with write permissions when export a language using Linux OS

Preconditions: For importing, exporting was successful, and the content of it_IT folder was replaced by the Italian pack [1] 

Steps for Import process:o Login as Openbravo/openbravoo Go to General setup->Import/Export translationso Select Italian(Italy) languageo Click on Import buttono Compile the application and restart tomcat

Issues to verify:o Login as Openbravo/openbravo, change on Role Information the language into italian and verify main menú

and other windows are shown in correct language.

4.Create user

Short Description: Create a user to use for the next test cases

Stepso Login with user created by the initial client setup, SampleClientAdmin/SampleClientAdmino Go to General setup->Security->Usero Click New and fill the mandatory field:

Organization: * First Name "userA" Name "userA" Username "userA"

o Saveo Fill the password and save. Password "userA"o Move to User Roles and click New and select the SampleClientAdmin role.

Issues to verify: Verify that you can login with the new user and you have access to all windows

5.Create role

Short description: Create a role to relate to the user "userA"

Stepso Login with userAo Go to General setup->Security->Role

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o Click Newo Fill Name "Sales"o Select "Client+Organization"o Mark the check Manual and saveo Click Grant Access: Select "Sales management" and Access "All"o Go to Org Access and click New. Select org *o Click New and select org Pamplona.o Go to User Assignment and select "userA"

Issues to verify: Login with "userA" and click on "User info". Select the Role (Sales). Verify that you can only access Sales management module windows.

6.Create Import Loader Format

Short Description: Create the import format loader for Business partner, Products and taxes.

Stepso Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Import Data->Import Loader Formato Click New and fill:

Name "Product" Table "I_Product" Format "Comma Separated"

o Move to Field Format and create new records:

Name Column Data type Decimal point Constant value

Organization ad_org_id Constant . 0

Search key value String .

Name name String .

Uom_id C_Uom_Id Number .

Description description String .

Product type ProductType Constant . I

Product category value ProductCategory_value String .

o Create the formats of Business Partner and Taxes using this Oracle script or this PostgreSQL script

Issues to verify: Verify that the formats are in the combo box "Format file" which is in Master Data Management->Import Data->Import File Loader

7.Import file loader

Short description: Test the import data process for Products, Business partner and taxes.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Import Data->Import File Loadero Select the file I_Products.txt and the format for the productso Click OK. This is only to verify that the file is well formato Select again the file and the format. Click Process

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o Do the same for Business partners and taxes

Issues to verify:o Go to Master Data Management->Import Datao Verify that the products are in the Import Product windowo Verify that the Business partners are in the Import Business partner windowo Verify that the taxes are in the Import tax window

Additional data: To import use the .txt that are in Business partner, Products and taxes

8. Create Product category

Short description:Create a product category to import the data from the temporal tables to the final tables.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master data management->Product Setup->Product Categoryo Click New and fill value=RM; Name=Raw materials and saveo Create Product categories for BOM (Bill of Materials) and FG (Finished Goods) with this Oracle script or this

postgreSQL script

Additional data: Please create these categories with the values RM, BOM and FG respectively in order to import the products that belong to that category.

9. Create Business partner category

Short description:Create a business partner category in order to import the data from the temporal tables to the final tables

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master data management->Business partner Setup->Business partner Categoryo Click New and fill value=CUS; Name=Customer and saveo Create Business partner categories for VEN (Vendor), CRT (Creditor), EM (Employee) and SM (Salesman) as

wello Run this Oracle script or this PostgreSQL script to create the rest of categories

Additional data: Please create the categories with the values CUS, VEN, CRT, EM and SM respectively in order to import the business partners that belong to that category.

10. Import products

Short description:Import from the temporary product table to the final one

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Import Data->Import Productso Entry in edition mode and click on button Import Product and then OK

Issues to verify:Take a look in the field Import Error Message to see if there are any errors and Go to Master Data Management->Product and verify that all the products are there

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11. Import Business partners

Short description:Import from the temporary business partner table to the final one

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Import Data->Import Business partnero Entry in edition mode and click on button Import Business partner and then OK

Issues to verify:Take a look in the field Import Error Message to see if there are any errors and Go to Master Data Management->Business Partner and verify that all the business partner are there

12. Import Taxes

Short description:Import from the temporary tax table to the final one

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Import Data->Import Taxo Entry in edition mode and click on button Import Tax and then OK

Issues to verify:Take a look in the field Import Error Message to see if there are any errors and Go to Financial management->Accounting->Setup->Tax rate and verify that all the taxes are there

13. Create Attribute set

Short description: Create sets of attributes for the Products.

Stepso Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Product Setup->Attribute Seto Click New, fill name=Serial numbero Mark Serial No.o Run this Oracle script or this PostgreSQL script to create the rest of sets

14. Create Pricelist

Note: If you don't want to create all the pricelist using the application please use this Oracle script or this PostgreSQL script

Short description: Create pricelist for all the products. Do as example SALES pricelist Steps

o Login as userAo Go to Master Data management->Pricing->Pricelisto Click New and fill Name=SALES mark Sales price list, currency=EURo Move to tab Price list versiono Click New and fill Name=Sales, Price List Adjustment= Standard and valid from date=01-01-2000o Move to tab Product priceo Click new and select Product "A Final goods". Uncheck the flag "Stocked" in order to find the producto Fill for each price (List price, Standard price, price limit) fill 2. Do the same for "B Final goods", "C Final


Additional data: Doing the example for "SALES", remember to remove from the script the code related to this issue.

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15. Create Payment term

Note: If you don't want to create all the payment terms using the application please use this Oracle script or this PostgreSQL

Short description:Create payment terms to add to business partner. Do as example "30 days, 5"

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Business partner setup->Payment Termo Click New fill:

Value=30d/5 Name=30 days, 5 Mark "Fixed Due Date" Maturity Date 1=5 Offset Month Due=1

Additional data: Doing the example for "30 days, 5", remember to remove from the script the code related to this issue.

16. Create Invoice Schedule

Short description: Create an invoice schedule to use in Generate invoices test case

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Business Partner Setup->Invoice scheduleo Click New and fill:

Name: Schedule customer A Invoice Frequency: Monthly Day of the Month: 1 Invoice Cut-Off Day: 31

17. Edit products

Note: If you don't want to edit all the products using the application please use this Oracle script or this PostgreSQL script

Short description:Test the way of editing a product. Example for product "Raw material A"

Stepso Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Producto Click on search button from the toolbaro Write "RMA" in the "Search Key" box and press OKo Edit the values:

Tax Category=VAT 10% Mark Purchase Not mark Sale Attribute set=Serial number

o Save

18. Edit Business partner

Note: If you don't want to edit all the business partner using the application please use this Oracle script or this PostgreSQL script

Short description:Test the way of editing a business partner. Example for "CUSTOMER A"

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Preconditions: set some sales representatives.o Login as userAo Go to Master Data management-->Business partnero Click on search button from the toolbaro Write "SALESMAN A" in the name box and click OKo Move to Employee tab and edit the values:

Mark Sales Representative and save.o Do the same for SALESMAN B.

Stepso Login as userAo Go to Master Data management-->Business partnero Click on search button from the toolbaro Write "CUSTOMER A" in the name box and click OKo Move to Customer tab and edit the values:

Invoice Terms: Customer schedule After Delivery Invoice Schedule: Schedule Customer A Price list: Customer A Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5 Sales Representative: Salesman A

19. Create Physical inventory

Short description: Create inventory in order to test other features without needed of purchasing or producing anything

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Warehouse management-->Transactions-->Physical inventoryo Click New and fill the mandatory fields and saveo Click button "Create Inventory Count List"

Select a storage bin=Standard Inventory Quantity=0

o Click Oko Move to lines and for each line write in the "Quantity count" box 10000 and fill the attribute set valueo Move back to the header and process (Process inventory count)

Issues to verify:Go to Warehouse management-->Analysis tools-->Stock report and click HTML format. Products should be shown

20. Import account

Short description: Test the Accounting import works correctly

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master data management->Import data->Import File loadero Select the chart of accounts. This chart of accounts must be the same as selected for the initial client set up

otherwise the process import accounts wouldn't overwrite the default values.o Select the format file= Accounting-Accountso Mark Header first lineo Click Processo Go to Master data management->Import data->Import Accounto Please verify the new imported accounts are in this temporary windowo Go to the database manager software and execute the next sentences:

update c_elementvalue set value = 'xx' || value where ad_client_id = v_client;

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The parameter v_client is the ID of the client that you have already created delete from c_elementvalue_operand; Commit;

o Go into any of the records that are in the window Import Account and click on button "Import accounts" and:

Update default marked Delete imported marked Create new combination not marked

o Click OKo Go again to the database manager software, and execute the next statement:

delete from c_elementvalue where value like 'xx%' and ad_client_id =v_client; commit;

Issues to verify:

If you cannot execute correctly the last statement, means the import accounts has failed

Additional data:

Please see Chart of accounts for more information

Administration accounting data

1. Create fiscal calendar

Short description: Create periods and open document for each period

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Accounting->Setup->Fiscal calendar->Yearo Click button create periodso Move to each period and click button Open/Close All

Issues to verify: For any period move to Period control tab and verify the documents are open

2. Editing Document sequence

Short description: Edit the document sequences for AR Invoice

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Accounting->Setup->Document typeo Select "AR Invoice" record in edit modeo Click link Document Sequenceo Fill Prefix=I/ ,Next Assigned Number=1

3. Create G/L Item

Short description: Create a GL/Item to test other features

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Accounting->Setup->G/L Itemo Click New and fill name=G/L Item Ao Move to Accounting tabo Create a new record

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o Select an expense account (i.e 649 using ESAccounts) for both debit and credit

If the account combination does not exist first find the account then select the organization and press Save

4. Update Business partner to add a business partner tax category

Short description: Create business partner tax category to test taxes in transactional documents. Add the new category to Customer A

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master Data management->Business partnero Select "CUSTOMER A" and, inside Customer tab, select "SO BP Tax Category"=Vat 3%+Charge 0.5%

Administration financial data

1. Create remittance type

Short description:Create a remittance to test other features

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Receivables & Payables->Setup->Remittance typeo Click New and fill:

Name:'Remittance 19' Mark Consolidate Payment Rule Consolidated:Bank Remittance Final Status:In Remittance Returned Status: Returned

o Move to Parameter tabo Click Newo Fill Name=Contract, content=001 and saveo Click Newo Fill Name=Cuaderno, content=19 and save

Aditional data:Please write the names as it is explained. Both, Contract and Cuaderno, are parameters that OB uses

2. Create Bank

Short description:Create a bank and related to a business partner. The goal of relating a business partner with the bank is to be able to use the remittance window

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Receivables & Payables->Setup->Banko Click Newo Fill the mandatory fields:

Name: SampleBank Bank code: 1234 Branch code: 0001 Control Digit: 0 Address:

1st Line:Sample Street Postal Code:31010 City:Pamplona Region:Navarra

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Country:Spaino Saveo Move to Account and fill the mandatory fields:

Partial Account No.:1111111111 Control Digit:0 Mark "Show Spanish"

o Saveo Go to Master Data->Business partnero Click New and fill

Search Key:BANK Name:Bank

o Go back to Bank click on Bpartner icon and, after marking the option "All", select the business partner

Procurement management

1. Create a purchase order

Short description:Create an order to be used when creates a good receipt

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Procurement management->Transactions->Purchase Ordero Click New and two possibilities:o A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:

When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'provider' must be checked. Please select VENDOR A

o B.- Or write in the bp box VA and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name VENDOR Ao For both cases verify:

Invoice from: "Pamplona, Street Purchase center nº1" The combo box User/Contact must have the value: John Price list: PURCHASE Form of payment: Wire Transfer Payment terms: 90 days

o Move to tab Lines and click New. There are two possibilities:o A.- Click on the product icon and verify:

When you click the product icon a pop-up window must show up. The price list combo must be filled with the value Purchase When click Search only 3 products must appear: A Raw material, B Raw material, C Raw material.

Select A Raw materialo B.- Or write in the product box RMA and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the product box is filled with the name Raw materialo For both cases verify:

UOM:Unit Unit price:2 List price:2 Tax:VAT 10%

o Fill in Ordered quantity= 1o Move to header and complete. Verify:

Summed Line Amount= 2 Grand Total Amount= 2.2

2. Create Goods receipt

Short description: Testing the button 'Create lines from' and the way of creating goods receipt


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o Login as userAo Go to Procurement management->Transactions->Goods receipto Click new and select VENDOR A as a business partner. Saveo Click on button 'Create lines from' and verify:

Business partner: VENDOR A In the "Order" combo box there is the purchase order

o Select the purchase ordero Select a warehouse positiono Select the purchase order lineo Click OKo Move to Lineso Click on Attribute set value icon and fill the values and click OKo Go back to header and Complete

3. Create Purchase Invoice

Short description: Testing the button 'Create lines from' and the way of creating purchase invoices

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Procurement management->Transactions->Purchase invoiceo Click New and select Transaction Document= AP Invoiceo Select the business partner using two possibilities:o A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:

When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'provider' must be checked. Please select VENDOR A

o B.- Or write in the bp box VA and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name VENDOR Ao For both cases verify:

Invoice from: "Pamplona, Street Purchase center nº1" The combo box User/Contact must have the value: John Price list: PURCHASE Form of payment: Wire Transfer Payment terms: 90 days

o Click on button 'Create lines from' and verify:

Business partner: VENDOR A In the "Order" combo box there is the purchase order In the "Shipment" combo box there is the good receipt

o Select the good receipt and click OKo Move to Lines and verify:

Product: A Raw material Taxes: VAT 10% The box "Purchase Order Line" is filled properly The box "Shipment/Receipt Line" is filled properly

o Go back to Header and click Completeo Move to Payments and verify:

Due Date 90 days after the invoice date Form of Payment: Wire transfer

4. Accounting Purchase Invoice

Short description:Accounting the above purchase invoice

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Procurement management->Transactions->Purchase invoiceo Being in edit mode click "Not Posted" and click OK

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o Verify the created journal is correct

Additional data: If you cannot see the button "Not Posted" please go to General setup->Application->Session Preferences. Mark "Show accounting tabs" and then click "Save preferences". Doing this you will be able to enter in the books

5. Pay the Purchase Invoice

Short description:Test the cash journal using the payment that is above

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Receivables and Payments->Transactions->Cash journalo Click New, fill the mandatory fields and saveo Move to Lines Tabo Click New and select Cash Type: Debt-Paymento Click on Payment icon and:

Business partner: VENDOR A Unmark Receipt check Be carefully with the dates. You will only see the payment within the correct ranges Click Search and mark the payment. Click OK

o Verify the Amount field is filled with the amount of the paymento Go back to header and processo Click "Not posted"o Verify the journal entry is correct

Issues to verify:When you process a Cash journal, a Settlement is created in order to cancel the payment. To verify this:

o From the Cash journal window move to Lines tabo Select one line and click "Linked Items"o You must see the link "Settlement - Cancelled Payments". Click ito You must see the link of the payment. Click ito You must browse to Cancelled Payments tab

Sales Management

1. Create Standard Sales Order

Short description:Create an order to be used when creates a goods shipment

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Sales management->Transactions->Sales Ordero Click New and select Transaction Document: Standard Ordero Select business partner.Two possibilities:o A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:

When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'customer' must be checked. Please select CUSTOMER A

o B.- Or write in the bp box CUSA and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name CUSTOMER Ao For both cases verify:

Invoice from: "Pamplona, Street Customer center nº1" The combo box User/Contact must have the value: Alfred Price list: CUSTOMER A Form of payment: Money Order Payment terms: 30 days, 5 Sales representative: SALESMAN A

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o Move to tab Lines and click New. There are two possibilities:o A.- Click on the product icon and verify:

When you click the product icon a pop-up window must show up. The price list combo must be filled with the value CUSTOMER A When click Search only 3 products must appear: A Final goods, B Final goods, C Final goods. Select A

Final goodso B.- Or write in the product box FGA and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the product box is filled with the name A Final goodso For both cases verify:

UOM:Unit Unit price:2 List price:2 Tax:VAT(3)+CHARGE(0.5)

o Fill in Ordered quantity= 1o Move to header and complete. Verify:

Summed Line Amount= 2 Grand Total Amount= 2.07

Issues to verify:The tax VAT(3)+CHARGE(0.5) has to split into VAT 3% and Charge 0.5%. To verify this point, move to Tax tab

2. Create goods shipment

Short description:Create a goods shipment from a sales order

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Sales management->Transactions->Create shipments from orderso Select the sales order and click process

Issues to verify:o The sales order must be disappearo Go to Goods shipment and see that it is createdo Move to Lines tab and verify the link "Sales Order Line" is related to the correct one

3. Create Sales invoice

Short description: Create a sales invoice from a sales order using the button "Create from lines"

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Sales management->Transactions->Sales invoiceo Click New select Transaction Document: AR Invoiceo Select the business partner.Two possibilities:o A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:

When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'customer' must be checked. Please select CUSTOMER A

o B.- Or write in the bp box CUSA and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name CUSTOMER Ao For both cases verify:

Invoice from: "Pamplona, Street Customer center nº1" The combo box User/Contact must have the value: Alfred Price list: CUSTOMER A Form of payment: Money Order Payment terms: 30 days, 5 Sales representative: Sales A

o Click on button 'Create lines from' and verify:

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Business partner: CUSTOMER A In the "Order" combo box must be the sales order In the "Shipment" combo box must be the good receipt

o Select the sales order and click OKo Move to Lines and verify:

Product: A Final goods Taxes: VAT(3)+CHARGE(0.5) The box "Sales Order Line" is filled properly The box "Shipment/Receipt Line" is filled properly

o Go back to Header and click Completeo Move to Payments and verify:

Due Date 30 days after the invoice date and the 5th Form of Payment: Money Order

Issues to verify:o The tax VAT(3)+CHARGE(0.5) has to split into VAT 3% and Charge 0.5%. To verify this point, move to Tax tabo The Document No. must be the correct one:

Click Transaction Document Click Document Sequence The document no. must be the set of Prefix,Next Assigned Number-1,suffix

4. Accounting Sales Invoice

Short description: Accounting the above sales invoice

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Sales management->Transactions->Sales invoiceo Click "Not Posted" and click OKo Verify the created journal entry is correct

Additional data: If you cannot see the button "Not Posted" please go to General setup->Session information mark "Show accounting tabs" and then click "Save preferences". Doing this you will be able to enter in the books

5. Create Settlement

Short description: Split the Sales Invoice in two payments using the settlement window

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Receivables and payables->Transactions->Settlemento Click New and fill mandatory fields. Saveo Click "Create lines from" and select the business partner.Two possibilities:o A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:

When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'all' must be checked. Please select CUSTOMER A

o B.- Or write in the bp box CUSA and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name CUSTOMER Ao Click Search and select the payment. Click OKo Move to Created Payments. Click Newo Select CUSTOMER A as business partner and fill Amount=2. Saveo Click New, select CUSTOMER A as business partner and fill Amount=0,07. Saveo Go back to Settlement and process

Issues to verify: If Cancelled/Not Charged = Created Amount you should be able to process

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6. Create Remittance

Short description: Create a remittance with the two payments above

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Receivables and payables->Transactions->Remittanceo Click New and fill:

Name Remittance type: Remittance 19 Bank Account: SampeBank. Save

o Click "Create lines from" and select the business partner.Two possibilities:o A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:

When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'all' must be checked. Please select CUSTOMER A

o B.- Or write in the bp box CUSA and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name CUSTOMER Ao Click Search and select the two payments. Click OKo Move to Lines and check if the two payments were populatedo Click Process button

Issues to verify: As the remittance type is consolidated, verify:o The field "Settlement" must be filled. Click on it and verify:

Move to Created payments tab There must be three payments: Two negatives payments (-2;-0,07) and one positive payment (2,07).

The business partner for all of them must be Banko Go back to remittance. The field "Payment Management" must be filledo Click on it and verify:

Move to Lines tab There must be Two payments for CUSTOMER A. Final Status must be the same for all. "In remittance"

Additional data: The reason why the values must be those is because the way we have configured the remittance type.

o The remittance type is consolidated means that OB will create a settlement cancel in order to create a

positive payment which amount will be the sum of all the payments that are in the remittance and also will create as many negative payments as the remittance has. The business partner is the business partner that is related to the bank

o Whenever you process a remittance OB creates a Payment Management to change the status of the

payments. The final status depends on what you have filled in the remittance type window

7. Create Bank Statement

Short description: Test the bank statement using the positive payment that belongs to Bank

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Receivables and Payments->Transactions->Bank Statemento Click New, fill the mandatory fields and saveo Click "Create lines from"o Select Receipt type: Collectiono A.- Click on the bp icon and verify:

When you click the bp icon a pop-up window must show up and the radio button 'all' must be checked. Please select Bank

o B.- Or write in the bp box "Bank" and verify:

A pop-up window doesn't show up and the bp box is filled with the name Banko Click Search and mark the positive payment. Click OK

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o Move to Lines and verify the process inserts the correct lineo Go back to header and processo Click "Not posted"o Verify the journal entry is correct

Issues to verify: When you process a Bank Statement, a Settlement is created in order to cancel the payment. To verify this:

o From the Bank Statement window move to Lines tabo Select one line and click "Linked Items"o You must see the link "Settlement - Cancelled Payments". Click ito You must see the link of the payment. Click ito You must browse to Cancelled Payments tab

8. Generate invoices process

Short description: To Test the generate invoices process we need some sales orders

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Sales management->Transactions->Sales ordero Create six sales order with transaction document "Standard Order"o The dates for the sales order must be at least one month before the current month:

Three sales order for Customer A. For each one create a goods shipment Three sales order for Customer B. For only two sales order create two goods shipment

o Go to Sales management->Transactions->Generate invoiceso Select an invoice date and click OK

Issues to verify:o One sales invoice for customer A. This invoice must have the three sales ordero Two sales invoice for customer B. One invoice for each sales order

Additional data: The way of invoicing depends on the invoice schedule

Production management

1. Edit a product BOM

Short description: Add products to a BOM's product

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Master Data Management->Producto Select product BOM Ao Move to Bill of materials Tabo Click New and fill:

BOM Type = Part/BOM BOM Product = B Raw material BOM quantity = 1

o Save and new and fill

BOM Type = Part/BOM BOM Product = C Raw material BOM quantity = 1

o Move back to Product Tabo Click on Verify BOM button

2. Create BOM production

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Short description: Create a bill of materials production

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Warehouse management->Transactions->Bill of materials productiono Click New. Fill Name = BOM A. Saveo Move to Production Plan and click NEWo Select Product "A BOM" and production quantity 100. Saveo Move back to BOM Production tabo Click on Button "Create/Post Production"o Go to I/O products and verify:

One line for product A BOM. Quantity = 100 One line for product B Raw material. Quantity = -100 One line for product C Raw material. Quantity = -100

o Select A BOM producto Click on Attribute Set Value icon and fill the attributes. Saveo Move back to BOM Production Tabo Click on Button "Create/Post Production"

Issues to verify:o Go to Warehouse management->Analysis tools->Stock Reporto Verify the quantities have changed for these products

3. Create Cost centre

Short description:

Create a cost centre to use for calculate costs based on the work effort

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Production management->Setup->Cost Centero Click New and fill the mandatory fieldso Mark the check "Calculated"o Not mark "By default"o Move to Version tab, click New and fill

"Valid from date" with the 1st of January of the current year Cost=100 And select "per Produced Units" for Cost UOM

Additional datao Tab Cost centre

If "Calculated" is marked but not "By default", when process the Work effort, OB will calculate the hours used for the sequence based on the initial time and final time

If "By default" is marked, OB will calculate the hours used for the sequence based on the process plan

If any is marked, OB will do nothingo Tab Version

Per hour: Based on the cost centre unit that is in the tab Operation (Window process plan) Per Kilogram: Based on the weight of product window. Produced units x Weight Per percentage: This is only for Indirect cost purposes Per Produced Units: Based on produced units

4. Create a Process/Activity

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Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Production management->Setup->Activityo Click New and fill the mandatory fields:

Name=Assambleo Select the cost centre

Additional data: A process/activity is mandatory in order to create a process plan

5. Create a process plan

Short description: Create a process plan to use in Work Requirement

Preconditions:o Products Final Goods A, A BOM and B BOM must have the production check marked.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Production management->Transactions->Process plano Click New and fill:

Search Key=FGA Name=Production Final Goods A Process unit=FGA unit Conversion rate=100 "Insert phase" marked

o Move to Version tabo Click New and fill the dates for the whole yearo Move to Operation. Click New and fill:

Search key=assa Name=Assamble Process=Assamble Cost Center Use Time=10

o Move to I/O Producto Click New and select the product A Final goods as P+o Click New twice and select the product A BOM and B BOM as P-o Quantities for each three 100

Additional data:o Process plan tab

Insert phases:Indicates if the work requirement phases will be generated automaticallyo Operation tab

Cost Center Use Time:Time used to do the operation once Empty cells are Zero:When creating a production run (Work effort window), by running the

"generating standards" process required input and output product quantities are automatically filled in as specified in the work requirement phases (Work requirement window)

6. Create Work requirement

Short description: Create a work requirement to use in the Work effort window

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Production management->Transactions->Work requirement->Headero Click New and fill:

Select Production Final goods A as process plan Quantity=10

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Starting Date= The current day Ending Date= The following date

o Save and click on button "Process Work Requirement"o Move to Operation tab and verify:

The quantity field has the same value as in Header tab The fields "Cost Center Use Time", "Empty Cells are Zero", "Outsourced" and "Global Use" have the

same value as in Operation tab (Process plan window)o Move to Product tab and verify:

We have three lines: A BOM(P-), B BOM(P-) and A final goods(P+) Each line quantity=100

o Move back to Operation tab and click New againo Select the sequence "Assamble" and verify:

The quantity field has the same value as in Header tab The fields "Cost Center Use Time", "Empty Cells are Zero", "Outsourced" and "Global Use" have the

same value as in Operation tab (Process plan window)o Don´t save

Additional data:

The field Quantity on Header tab indicates the number of times that we want to process the process plan

7. Create Work effort

Short description: Test the way of creating a work effort

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Production management->Transactions->Work Efforto Click New and fill:

Movement date= Current date Starting Time: 08:00:00, Ending time: 16:00:00

o Move to Production Run tab and click newo Select the "WR Phase" and verify:

The fields "Required quantity", "Process unit" and "Conversion Rate" are filled based on the WR phase

o Fill Done quantity=2 and saveo Click on button "Create Standards"

The field "Cost centre used" is calculated well depending on you what configure on the Cost Centre. For this case should be 8

o Move to Product tab and verify:

You have three lines: A BOM:(P-), B BOM(P-), A Final Goods(P+) The ones for P- must have filled the attribute set value The quantity for the three must be 200 as a result of "Done quantity" x "Quantity" (I/O Products tab)

o For the A Final Goods product fill the attribute set valueo Move back to Work effort tabo Click on button "Validate Work effort"

Issues to verify:o If the A Final Goods(P+) product does not have attribute set value you cannot validate the work efforto If you don't create standards you cannot validate the work efforto Go to Warehouse management->Analysis tools->Stock Reporto Verify the quantities have changed for these products

Project and Service management


Preconditions: Create the products SERVICE A, SERVICE B with the following attributes:

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Search key: sera, serb, name: Service A, Service B, Tax category:VAT 10%, UOM: Day, Product type: Expense type


For Service Ao Price list Version: Customer Ao list price, standard price, limit price: 2o Price list Version: Purchaseo list price, standard price, limit price: 1

For Service Bo Price list Version: Customer Ao list price, standard price, limit price: 2

1. Create a Project Type

Short description: Define a project type with standard phases and tasks. This project type will be a mould used in several projects.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Project & Service Management->Setup->Project Typeo Click New and fill:

Name: Technical consultancyo Go to Standard Phase tab.o Click New and fill:

Name: Project preparation Product: A Final goods Standard Quantity: 10

o Go to Standard Task tab.o Click New and fill:

Name: First draft Product: Service A Standard Quantity: 25

o Click New and fill:

Name: Final prototypeo Go back to Standard Phase tab.o Click New and fill:

Name: Project deliveryo Go to Standard Task tab.o Click New and fill:

Name: Project closing Product: A Final goods Standard Quantity: 15

2. Create a Multiphase Project

Short description: Start a new multiphase project. This project will containt multiple phases and tasks. Each phase will allow to generate a Sales Order.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Multiphase Projecto Click New and fill:

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Search Key: cca Name: Consultancy for Customer A

o Click on Set Project Type button and select Technical consultancy. Click OKo Issues to verify:

Verify that phases and task created have the same values that in the project type selected.o Go to Project Phase tab.o Edit Project preparation and fill:

Quantity: 14 Unit Price: 1.8

o Go to Project Task tab.o Edit First draft and fill:

Unit Price: 1.7o Go to back Project Phase tab.o Edit Project delivery and fill:

Starting date: 06-01-2008 Ending date: 25-12-2008

o Go to Project Task.o Edit Project closing and fill:

Quantity: 20o Click New and fill:

Name: Project presentationo Go back to Multiphase Project tab.o Edit Consultancy for Customer A and fill:

Business Partner: CUSTOMER Ao Verify that:

Partner Address: "Pamplona, Street Customer center nº1" The combo box User/Contact must have the value: Alfred Price list: CUSTOMER A Form of payment: Money Order Payment terms: 30 days, 5

o Edit:

Sales representative: Eduardo Click on Change Project Status button.o Verify that:

Project Status is Order. Price List is CUSTOMER A.

o Go to Project Phase tab.o Move to Project preparation and click on Create Sales Order from Project Phase button. Click OKo Issues to verify:

Create Sales Order from project Phase button disappears Sales Order field is completed.

o Navigate to the sales order through the link.o Verify that:

Description: Project preparation Business Partner: CUSTOMER A Price List: CUSTOMER A Invoice Terms: Customer schedule after delivery Sales Representative: Eduard Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5 Project: cca - Consultancy for Customer A Summed Line Amount: 67.7 Grand Total Amount: 72.71

o Go to Lines tab.o Select A Final goods line and check that:

Description: Project preparation Ordered Quantity: 14 UOM: Unit Unit Price: 1.8 List Price: 2

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Discount: 10 Tax: VAT 3% Line Net Amount: 25.2

o Select Service A line and check that:

Description: First draft Ordered Quantity: 25 UOM: Day Unit Price: 1.7 List Price: 2 Discount: 15 Tax: VAT 10% Line Net Amount: 42.5

o Go back to Header tab.o Click on Complete button.o Go back to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Multiphase Projecto Select Consultancy for Customer Ao Move to Project Phase tab.o Select Project delivery and click on Create Sales Order from Project Phase button.o Check that Create Sales Order from project Phase button disappears and Sales Order field is completed.o Navigate to the sales order through the link.o Check that:

Description: Project delivery Business Partner: CUSTOMER A Price List: CUSTOMER A Invoice Terms: Customer schedule after delivery Sales Representative: Eduard Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5 Project: cca - Consultancy for Customer A Summed Line Amount: 40 Grand Total Amount: 41.2

o Go to Lines tab.o Select A Final goods line and check that:

Description: Project closing Ordered Quantity: 20 UOM: Unit Unit Price: 2 List Price: 2 Discount: 0 Tax: VAT 3% Line Net Amount: 40

o Go back to Header tab.o Click on Complete button.o Go back to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Multiphase Projecto Select Consultancy for Customer A and click on Change Project Status button to close the project

selecting Order closed option.

3 a. Create a simple Service Project

Short description: Start a new service project with lines that permits to create both sales and purchase orders.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Service Projecto Click New and fill:

Search Key: sca Name: Service Project for Customer A Create Temporary Price List: N (un-checked)

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o Move to Project Line tab.o Click New and fill:

Product: A Final goods Planned Quantity: 10 Tax: VAT 3% Planned Price: 1.75 and verify Planned Amount is 17.5 Planned Purchase Price: 1.2

o Go back to Service Project tab.o Select Service Project for Customer A and edit:

Business Partner: CUSTOMER Ao Verify that:

Partner Address: "Pamplona, Street Customer center nº1" The combo box User/Contact must have the value: Alfred Price list: CUSTOMER A Form of payment: Money Order Payment terms: 30 days, 5

o Select:

Sales Representative: Eduardo Save and click on Change Project Status button and select Order.o Verify that:

Project Status is Order. Price List is CUSTOMER A.

o Move to Supplier tab.o Click New and fill:

Business partner: Vendor Ao Verify that Price List is PURCHASE.o Save and click on Create Purchase Order from Project.o Move back to Service Project tab and navigate through Linked Items to the Purchase Order created.o Check that:

Business Partner: Vendor A Price List: PURCHASE Company Agent: Eduard Form of Payment: Wire Transfer Payment Terms: 90 days Project: sca - Service Project for Customer A Summed Line Amount: 12 Grand Total Amount: 12.36

o Move to Lines tab.o Select A Final goods line and check that:

Ordered Quantity: 10 UOM: Unit Unit Price: 1.2 List Price: 1.2 Discount: 0 Tax: VAT 3% Line Net Amount: 12

o Go back to Header tab.o Click on Complete button.o Go back to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Service Projecto Select Service Project for Customer A and click on Create Sales Order from Project button.o Navigate through Linked items to the Sales Order created.o Check that:

Business Partner: CUSTOMER A Price List: CUSTOMER A Invoice Terms: Customer schedule after delivery Sales Representative: Eduard Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5 Project: sca - Service Project for Customer A Summed Line Amount: 17.5

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Grand Total Amount: 18.03o Move to Lines tab.o Select A Final goods line and check that:

Ordered Quantity: 10 UOM: Unit Unit Price: 1.75 List Price: 2 Discount: 12.5 Tax: VAT 3% Line Net Amount: 17.5

o Go back to Header tab.o Click on Complete button.o Go back to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Service Projecto Select Service Project for Customer A and click on Change Project Status button to close the project

selecting Order closed option.

3 b. Create a complex Service Project

Short description: Start a new service project that will manage proposals and bids.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Service Projecto Click New and fill:

Search Key: stp Name: Service Project for Third Party Create Temporary Price List: Y (checked)

o Go to Proposal tab.o Click New and fill:

Business Partner: Customer Bo Check that:

Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5

o Click New and fill:

Business Partner: CUSTOMER Ao Check that:

Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5

o Go Project Line tab.o Click New and fill:

Product: A Final goods Planned Quantity: 50 Planned Price: 1.85 and check that Planned Amount: 93

o Go back to Proposal tab.o Select Customer B proposal and click on Copy Lines from Project button.o Go to Proposal Line tab.o Edit A Final goods proposal line and fill:

Quantity: 53 Price: 1.89

o Go to Followup tab.o Click New and fill:

User/Contact: Eduard Comments: Goes bad

o Go back to Proposal tab.o Select Customer A proposal and click on Copy Lines from Project button.o Go to Proposal Line tab.o Edit A Final goods proposal line and fill:

Quantity: 55

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Price: 1.91o Go to Followup tab.o Click New and fill:

User/Contact: Eduard Comments: Goes well

o Go back to Proposal tab.o Select Customer A proposal and click on Process a Winning Bidding button.o Go to Service Project tab.o Select Service Project for Third Party and check that:

Business Partner: CUSTOMER A Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5

o Move to Project Line tab:o Edit A Final goods project line and fill:

Tax: VAT 3% Planned Purchase Price: 1.54

o Check that:

Planned Quantity: 55 Planned Price: 1.91 Planned Amount: 105.05

o Go back to Service Project tab.o Edit Service Project for Third Party:

Sales Representative: Eduard Partner Address

o Save and click on Change Project Status button.o Check that:

Project Status is Order. Price List is stp - Customer A (temporary sales price list automatically created for this project).

o Click on Create Sales Order from Project button.o Navigate through Linked items to the Sales Order created.o Check that:

Business Partner: CUSTOMER A Price List: stp - Customer A Invoice Terms: Customer schedule after delivery Sales Representative: Eduard Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5 Project: stp - Service Project for Third Party Summed Line Amount: 105.05 Grand Total Amount: 108.2

o Move to Lines tab.o Select A Final goods line and check that:

Ordered Quantity: 55 UOM: Unit Unit Price: 1.91 List Price: 1.91 Discount: 0 Tax: VAT 3% Line Net Amount: 105.05

o Go back to Header tab.o Click on Complete button.o Go back to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Service Projecto Select Service Project for Third Party.o Go to Supplier tab.o Click New and fill:

Business partner: Vendor A Price List: stp - (temporary purchases price list automatically created for this project).

o Save and click on Create Purchase Order from Project.o Go back to Service Project tab and navigate through Linked Items to the Purchase Order created.o Check that:

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Business Partner: Vendor A Price List: stp - Company Agent: Eduard Form of Payment: Wire Transfer Payment Terms: 90 days Project: stp - Service Project for Third Party Summed Line Amount: 84.7 Grand Total Amount: 87.24

o Move to Lines tab.o Select A Final goods line and check that:

Ordered Quantity: 55 UOM: Unit Unit Price: 1.54 List Price: 1.54 Discount: 0 Tax: VAT 3% Line Net Amount: 84.7

o Go back to Header tab.o Click on Complete button.o Go back to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Service Projecto Select Service Project for Third Party and click on Change Project Status button to close the project

selecting Order closed option.o Go to Master Data Management->Pricing->Price List:o Check that:

stp - and stp - Customer A records are inactive (Active check box is not ticked).

4. Create some Expense Sheets

Short description: Fill some expense sheets.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Expense Sheeto Click New and fill:

Description: Expenses Consultancy for Customer A project Employee: Eduard

o Go to Lines tab.o Click New and fill:

Reinvoincing: Y Product: Service A Quantity: 1 Project: Consultancy for Customer A Project Phase: Project delivery Project Task: Project presentation

o Check that:

UOM: Day Expense Amount: 1 Business Partner: CUSTOMER A

o Go back to Header tab.o Click on Process Expenses button.o Click New and fill:

Description: Expenses Service Project for Customer A project Employee: Eduard

o Go to Lines tab.o Click New and fill:

Product: Service A Quantity: 2 Project: Service Project for Customer A

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o Check that:

UOM: Day Expense Amount: 2

o Click New and fill:

Time Sheet: Y Reinvoincing: Y Product: Service B Quantity: 80 Project: Service Project for Customer A

o Check that:

UOM: Hour Business Partner: CUSTOMER A

o Go back to Header tab.o Click on Process Expenses button.

5. Track and process Invoiceable Expenses

Short description: Check and process invoiceable expenses, namely, expenses that customers will be billed for.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Invoiceable Expenseso Edit Customer A customer.o Check that:

Price List: CUSTOMER A Payment Terms: 30 days, 5

o Go to Lines tab.o Select Service A line and check that:

Reinvoincing: Checked Quantity: 1 UOM: Day Expense Amount: 1 Project: cca - Consultancy for Customer A Business Partner: CUSTOMER A Project Phase: Project delivery Project Task: Project presentation

o Select Service B line and check that:

Time Sheet: Checked Reinvoincing: Checked Quantity: 80 UOM: Hour Expense Amount: 0.00 Project: sca - Service Project for Customer A Business Partner: CUSTOMER A

o Go to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Create Sales Orders from Expenseso Edit:

Customer: Customer A Date Ordered: 01-08-2008 Tick Complete and Process Sales Orders automatically check box (checked).

o Click on Process button.o Go to Sales Management->Transactions->Sales Ordero Edit the first recently created Sales Order for Customer A (Project: cca - Consultancy for Customer A).o Check that:

Order Date: 01-08-2008 Price List: CUSTOMER A Invoice Terms: Customer schedule after delivery Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5

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Project: cca - Consultancy for Customer A Summed Line Amount: 2 Grand Total Amount: 2.20 Document Status: Completed

o Go to Lines tab.o Edit Service A line and check that:

Ordered Quantity: 1 UOM: Day Unit Price: 2 List Price: 2 Discount: 0 Tax: VAT 10% Line Net Amount: 2

o Go back to Header tab.o Navigate to the Goods Shipment created using Linked Items.o Check that:

Business Partner: CUSTOMER A Project: cca - Consultancy for Customer A Document Status: Completed

o Go to Lines tab.o Edit Service A line and check that:

Movement Quantity: 1 UOM: Day

o Go back to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Invoiceable Expenseso Edit the second recently created Sales Order for Customer A (Project: sca - Service Project for Customer A).o Check that:

Order Date: 01-08-2008 Price List: CUSTOMER A Invoice Terms: Customer schedule after delivery Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5 Project: sca - Service Project for Customer A Summed Line Amount: 160 Grand Total Amount: 176 Document Status: Completed

o Go to Lines tab.o Edit Service B line and check that:

Ordered Quantity: 80 UOM: Hour Unit Price: 2 List Price: 2 Discount: 0 Tax: VAT 10% Line Net Amount: 160

o Go back to Header tab.o Navigate to the Goods Shipment created using Linked Items.o Check that:

Business Partner: CUSTOMER A Project: sca - Service Project for Customer A Document Status: Completed

o Go to Lines tab.o Edit Service B line and check that:

Movement Quantity: 80 UOM: Hour

6. Track and process Employee Expenses

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Short description: Check and process employee expenses, namely, expenses that will be reimbursed to employees.

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Employee Expenseso Select Employee A employee.o Check that:

Purchase Price List: PURCHASES Payment Terms: 30 days, 5

o Go to Lines tab.o Select first Service A line and check that:

Reinvoicing: Checked Quantity: 1 UOM: Day Expense Amount: 1 Project: cca - Consultancy for Customer A Business Partner: Customer A Project Phase: Project delivery Project Task: Project presentation

o Select second Service A line and check that:

Quantity: 2 UOM: Day Expense Amount: 2 Project: sca - Service Project for Customer A Business Partner: Customer A

o Go back to Employee tabo Go to Project & Service Management->Transactions->Create AP Expense Invoiceso Edit:

Employee: Employee A From Date: 01-01-2000 To Date: 01-12-2011 Date Invoiced: 01-07-2008

o Click on Process button.o Go to Procurement Management->Transactions->Purchase Invoiceo Select the first created Purchase Invoice for Employee A.o Check that:

Transaction Document: AP Invoice Invoice Date: 01-07-2008 Price List: PURCHASE Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5 Project: cca - Consultancy for Customer A Summed Line Amount: 1 Grand Total Amount: 1.10

o Go to Lines tab.o Select Service A line and check that:

Invoice Quantity: 1 UOM: Day Unit Price: 1 List Price: 1 Tax: VAT 10% Line Net Amount: 1

o Go back to Header tab and click on Complete button.o Select the second created Purchase Invoice for Employee A.o Check that:

Transaction Document: AP Invoice Invoice Date: 01-07-2008 Price List: PURCHASE

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Form of Payment: Money Order Payment Terms: 30 days, 5 Project: sca - Service Project for Customer A Summed Line Amount: 2 Grand Total Amount: 2.20

o Go to Lines tab.o Select Service A line and check that:

Invoice Quantity: 2 UOM: Day Unit Price: 1 List Price: 1 Tax: VAT 10% Line Net Amount: 2

o Go back to Header tab and click on Complete button.

Accounting processes

1. Reset accounting process

Short description: Test the Reset Accounting process works correctly

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to General setup->Application->Background processo Click the Deactivate link for the PeriodicAcctServer process to deactivateo Go to Financial management->Accounting->Transactions->Reset accountingo Select the correct Cliento No tables selectedo "Delete existing Accounting Entries" markedo Click OK

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial management->Accounting->Analysis tools->General ledger journalo Click on button "Html" and verify there is no results

2. Generate accounting process

Short description: Generate Accounting process works correctly

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Accounting->Transactions->GL Posting by DB Tableso No tables selectedo Click OK

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial management->Accounting->Analysis tools->General ledger journalo Click on button "Html" and verify there is results

3. Create a G/L journal

Short description: Create a GL journal to test the way of entry in the books manually

Step:o Login as userAo Go to Financial management->Accounting->Transaction->G/L Journal->Batch

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o Click New and fill the the mandatory fieldso Select one period and verify:

The accounting date must be filled with the last day of the month related with this periodo Move to Header tab, click New and verify:

The description, document date, accounting date and period fields must be filled as the fields of the Batch tab

Changing the Document date, the accounting date changes with the same value as the document date

Changing the Period, the accounting date is filled with the last day of the month related with this period

o Save and move to the Lines tabo Click New and select:

Click on the Account combination icon and select one Fill the Foreign Currency Debit

o Click New and select:

Click on the Account combination icon and select one Fill the Foreign Currency Credit

o Move back to Header tab and click on button "Complete"

Issues to verify:

If "Total Debit Amount" is different than "Total Credit Amount" OB should not allow you to complete

Assets: Create Amortization Plan

1. Amortize Asset by percentage in complete years

Short description: Create an asset in order to be amortized by percentage in complete years

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assetso Click on new button to create a new asseto Fill all the mandatory fieldso Check "Depreciate" checko Set "Calculate type": Percentageo Set "Annual Deprecation %": 33o Set "Purchase date": 01-01-2008o Set "Deprecation start date": 01-01-2008o Set "Asset value": 100o Set "Deprecation amt.": 100o Saveo Click on "Create Amortization"

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assets->Asset Amortizationo Verify that exists three lines with percentages of 33.00, 33.00 and 34.00

2. Amortize Asset by percentage in non complete years

Short description: Create an asset in order to be amortized by percentage in non complete years

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assets

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o Click on new button to create a new asseto Fill all the mandatory fieldso Check "Depreciate" checko Set "Calculate type": Percentageo Set "Annual Deprecation %": 33o Set "Purchase date": 01-01-2008o Set "Deprecation start date": 30-06-2008o Set "Asset value": 100o Set "Deprecation amt.": 100o Saveo Click on "Create Amortization"

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assets->Asset Amortizationo Verify that exists four lines with percentages of 16.64, 33.00, 33.00 and 17.36

3. Amortize Asset by time in complete years

Short description: Create an asset in order to be amortized by time in complete years

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assetso Click on new button to create a new asseto Fill all the mandatory fieldso Check "Depreciate" checko Set "Calculate type": Timeo Set "Amortize": Yearlyo Set "Use life - Years": 3o Set "Purchase date": 01-01-2008o Set "Deprecation start date": 01-01-2008o Set "Asset value": 100o Set "Deprecation amt.": 100o Saveo Click on "Create Amortization"

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assets->Asset Amortizationo Verify that exists three lines with percentages of 33.33, 33.33 and 33.34

4. Amortize Asset by time in non complete years

Short description: Create an asset in order to be amortized by time in non complete years

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assetso Click on new button to create a new asseto Fill all the mandatory fieldso Check "Depreciate" checko Set "Calculate type": Timeo Set "Amortize": Yearlyo Set "Use life - Years": 3o Set "Purchase date": 01-01-2008o Set "Deprecation start date": 30-06-2008o Set "Asset value": 100o Set "Deprecation amt.": 100

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o Saveo Click on "Create Amortization"

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assets->Asset Amortizationo Verify that exists four lines with percentages of 16.80, 33.33, 33.33 and 16.54

5. Amortize Asset by time in complete months

Short description: Create an asset in order to be amortized by time in complete months

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assetso Click on new button to create a new asseto Fill all the mandatory fieldso Check "Depreciate" checko Set "Calculate type": Timeo Set "Amortize": Monthlyo Set "Use life - Months": 3o Set "Purchase date": 01-01-2008o Set "Deprecation start date": 01-01-2008o Set "Asset value": 100o Set "Deprecation amt.": 100o Saveo Click on "Create Amortization"

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assets->Asset Amortizationo Verify that exists three lines with percentages of 33.33, 33.33 and 33.34

6. Amortize Asset by time in non complete months

Short description: Create an asset in order to be amortized by time in non complete months

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assetso Click on new button to create a new asseto Fill all the mandatory fieldso Check "Depreciate" checko Set "Calculate type": Timeo Set "Amortize": Monthlyo Set "Use life - Months": 3o Set "Purchase date": 01-01-2008o Set "Deprecation start date": 15-01-2008o Set "Asset value": 100o Set "Deprecation amt.": 100o Saveo Click on "Create Amortization"

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assets->Asset Amortizationo Verify that exists four lines with percentages of 16.14, 33.33, 33.33 and 17.20

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7. Amortize Asset with Previously Depreciated Amount

Short description: Create an asset in order to be amortized by percentage in complete years with an amount to be amortized lower than the calculated amount for a period

Steps:o Login as userAo Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assetso Click on new button to create a new asseto Fill all the mandatory fieldso Check "Depreciate" checko Set "Calculate type": Percentageo Set "Annual Deprecation %": 33o Set "Purchase date": 01-01-2008o Set "Deprecation start date": 01-01-2008o Set "Asset value": 100o Set "Deprecation amt.": 100o Set "Previously Depreciated Amt.": 90o Saveo Click on "Create Amortization"

Issues to verify:o Go to Financial Management->Assets->Assets->Asset Amortizationo Verify that exists one only line with an Amortization amount of 10