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Steel Scrolling

Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Steel Scrolling/Coiling 101

    4ft long square bar left, 20ft long " round HRS bar right, 3/8th HRS paperwieght on the collar.

    I dont know how I got into scrolling/coiling. I guess Tommy Heslep introduced me.

    Thanks to him I got to meet Big Steve and I saw a clip of Brookfield scrolling some square bar.Well, after that Im hooked. Ive searched the internet and the beloved Gripboard to learn as much

    as possible. Unfortunately, I didnt learn that much. This is an area of grip strength/classic

    strength feat that has very little info available. Fortunately, Brookfield touched on this area in the

    book The Grip Masters Manuel (GMM). If you havent read it you should. Nobody is better than

    Brookfield when it comes to this stuff.

    I started out with short bending. Pieces of steel 7 inches in length and shorter. These

    pieces of steel were cut to specific lengths to simulate specific nails. (If you need information on

    short bending go to the Bending forum of the Gripboard. Theres tons of info there.) I purchased

    my steel at a local steel supplier. This is by far the cheapest way to buy steel. Well, I had some

    1/4" square and 3.8ths rods and they were too tough for little old me to do any short bending with.After getting sick of lookin at the tough bars I decided to coil em up. So I guess you could say I

    got hooked by accident or my own weakness. Hehehehehe.....

    Well, after coiling the 1/4" square and 3/8ths round HRS ( Hot Rolled Steel) Id gotten a

    decent amount of practice. This had allowed me to learn some of the basic techniques. Brookfield

    recommends this in the GMM. Practice with the small stuff first! Youll reap a lot if you do.

    Before we get too carried away Ill touch on some basic terminology before we all get

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    Coiling means you put as many coils in the steel as possible. So the steel ends up looking like a

    gripper spring or a garden hose rolled up.

    Scrolling refers to bending the steel into an artistic shape. This is vague. It may mean you bentthe steel into the shape of a clover leaf, or some abstract art. Basically, the steel has more twists

    and turns and it is not just coiled. We will focus on coiling.

    Again, Brookfield talks about this in GMM. We wont get too wrapped up in definitions because

    the 2 are so closely related. For example, in the previous picture you could say the bar that looks

    like a fish is scrolled. Even though the same techniques were used to bend it.

    Left pic: 1/4" square and 1/4"round scroll. Notice how thesquare bar bends on the edge! Youll see this again!

    Right pic: 3/8 ths left, " right. You can tell the difference in diameter and the size of the coils. Practice with 3/8".

    If you want more pictures examples outside of this article go to This is

    John Brookfields web page. There are loads of pictures.

    Starting Off

    If you want to get into this area of steel bending youll need a few things.

    1. Gloves. You can use any type of good leather work gloves. These are important for cutting

    and for providing protection to your palms when youre exerting a lot of force.

    2. Glasses/face shield. These are important when you cut steel because there will be sparks flying!

    You may want to use them when you are bending bigger pieces of HRS (Hot Rolled Steel). HRS

    has a coating that flakes off when bent. This can get in your eyes too.

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    3. You need some way to cut the steel. Bolt cutters only work for small steel, 3/8ths in diameter

    and less. So, you will need a hacksaw, a sawzall, or an angle grinder. I highly recommend the

    angle grinder! The cuts are very clean and it cuts the steel quickly. Its also cheap compared to

    the sawzall. Be sure to buy extra cutting wheels and replace them as needed.

    4. Finally youll need steel. Now dont go to Home Depot or Lowes. Youll spend way too muchmoney. Go to your local steel supplier and buy your bars in 20ft lengths. Trust me on this, you

    will save a lot of money.

    Cuttin steel. This is cool stuff!!!!!!

    Ok, so weve gone to the local steel supplier and weve purchased a few steel bars! Man

    this is great! Oh crap! The 20ft bars will not fit in my little Japanese Jellybean of a car! Well,

    HAVE NO FEAR! Because we brought an angle grinder. We are about to make a whole lot of

    sparks and cut this steel. But first you need to pull out you tape measure and permanent marker. I

    know, I know. I didnt say you needed the tape measure and the marker. Well you do! Im

    writing this and youre reading it! Unless you want to waste steel youll do what I say!Youll measure you lengths and mark the steel with the marker. If you do this you only

    have to cut once. For example, you have a 20ft bar of inch round HRS and you want 4ft

    sections. You need to mark it correctly so you get 5 perfectly cut 4 ft bars to bend the crap out of!

    See, no wasted steel. The only time you should be cutting steel and discarding small sections is to

    shorten bars as you get stronger or if you are trimming the extra off a complete bend.

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    This is what I use to cut steel and I couldnt be happier with it!

    Practice makes perfect!

    Remember I said start off with 3/8" round? I meant it. Dont think What does that

    Hammered know? Hes a small wimp I can start with bigger stuff!! Im a badass!! The 3/8"

    round is great. Youll get a feel for coiling/scrolling, and youll make some super cool

    paperweights too! Besides, its cheap compared to the bigger steel sizes so there is no reason not

    to practice with it.

    Sierra with a 3/8ths inch scroll.

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Bigger Steel!Sorry I got carried away with the font size. I just got excited since we are moving on to

    the bigger stuff! Steel comes in different diameters which is great for us. It allows us to use

    progressively get stronger kinda like using weights or a shot loadable kettlebell. Brookfield

    explains bar diameters in depth in GMM. Basically, you pick a bar like " round HRS. The next

    step up will be the same size in CRS (cold rolled steel) if available. Finally, the next step will be

    " again but square HRS. Then you move to the next diameter. Talk to the steel supplier in

    you area. Some suppliers may carry different diameters and HRS/CRS.

    round ----> square ----> 5/8" round----> 5/8" square > etc......

    5/8" round left, "round right

    The bigger the steel the bigger the coils. You can see in the above picture how the coils in

    the 5/8" round steel are much bigger than the ". The is dwarfed by the 5/8"! Both pieces

    have 4 coils. The 5/8" was 7ft long and the " was just over 6ft.

    Before we get into technique I want to talk about how steel bends. If youre not careful it

    will bend the way it wants to. This doesnt seem to make sense until you start bending bars.

    When you first begin try to control the coils so they lay next to each other or close to it. Like the

    coil on the right in the above picture. This will make your bend more uniform and easier. As you

    get stronger you can allow the steel to bend the way it wants. Sometimes this is more difficult

    because the coils will overlap or twist making the bend much harder.

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    This is hard to explain and it is best understood after youve done some bending. The

    picture below demonstrates how different a bend can be. All the pieces are 4 ft long " round

    HRS. You can see that some are coiled very neatly and others are not. (The bottom right piece is


    The same pieces of steel can bend very differently!

    As you can see an easy 4ft bar of " round steel can do all kinds of crazy things. This isnt

    a big deal as you get stronger; however, if you are inexperienced this can mean the difference

    between getting that extra coil! So, as I said before, when you are starting out be sure to examine

    every bend you make and study how the steel bends. Try to make it bend the way you want it to.

    Youll learn a lot.

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    Heres a 5/8" x 7ft bar that didnt coil as clean as I would have liked.

    Theres one more point I want to make before we go into technique; Safety! Bendingbars like this can be dangerous! Im serious. You need to be careful. Always analyze your body

    positioning to ensure safety. I know your thinkin what the hell is this Hammerhead talking

    about? Well Ill tell ya! If youre not paying attention the bar can slip outta your hand and

    literally knock you on your ass! This is one of the reasons to practice with smaller steel like


    Let me give you a couple examples.......

    The first time I tried this kind of bending I grabbed a piece of rebar that was lying around.

    It was about " diameter and 4 ft long. I knew nothing about scrolling/coiling. I got one loop and

    kept struggling with all my might. My grip slipped and the bar, which was now a spring, slammed

    into my chest. It hurt like hell. I am very happy that it didnt hit my head!

    My brother, a 6ft 2" 300lb monster was coiling a piece of 3/8ths. This was his first time

    and I figured there would be no problem. I was wrong. He was manhandling it and trying his best.

    Unfortunately, he had the bar positioned badly, and his grip slipped. The steel punched him in the

    forehead and his glasses went flying.

    Thank God he didnt get hit in the eye! So pay attention! If not you can take your head

    off. Now I watch carefully. The last time I watched somebody coil some steel I was yellin

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Stop!!!!!!!! over and over again. He didnt know what he was doin and was gonna knock himself

    out. So the point is, if youre a knucklehead you should probably stick with tearing phone books.

    The paper wont hurt you.

    Technique!All right, pull out your bars, grab a towel, and put on your gloves. Its time to have fun!

    Remember, weve practiced with the small stuff. Even the really small stuff that youd use for

    short bending like 1/4" round and 1/4" square is great to practice with. Anyways, we got some

    basics down and now were applying what we know to the big bars!

    For the first set of pictures we are going to mangle some 4 ft. long x 5/8" round HRS. This

    is a fun size because the bends are pretty tough compared to the smaller diameter steel.

    Now this is one ugly pic.

    But it shows how to start a

    bend using your head! I

    recommend always using a

    towel. You can also start this

    by pushing down over your

    thigh. Another option is to

    kneel on one knee and row

    the bar back over the other

    knee. You could also place

    the bar in you mouth and bend it but Im not able to do this with 5/8" as Im writing this. One

    word of caution. Dont bend Square bar in your teeth! Square bar twists as itbends. This twisting motion will probably break your teeth! Im a sissy and it was all I could do to

    do this over my head. I guess I should get a neck harness and strengthen some of my weak areas!

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Now we have a good kink in the bar that we need toincrease. Keep that towel folded up and place it in

    your hip. This is important because its going to keep the end of the bar from poking through

    your leg! Post and pull baby, post and puuuullll!

    Heres a

    position where

    youll find that

    you are very


    Youll notice

    my hands are

    not at the end of

    the bar. Grab

    the bar as close

    to the initial bend as possible. This will make a tighter coil, and a tighter coil can mean the

    difference between getting that last bend or not.

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Ok, we bent the bar into a U. Lay it on the

    ground and jam you foot in the U. Just like in the

    pictures. Now post with one arm and pull like a

    madman with the other! Pull the two ends as far

    apart as possible.

    In the picture below all Ive done is pivot the bar to

    my left so I could post and pull with the opposite

    arms. Do what ever feels comfortable in this

    position. As you can see in these 2 pictures there is

    plenty of room for my foot. This is because 5/8" isa tougher bar and makes a bigger coil. " round

    bar makes a tighter coil, and if you have a big old

    foot you may find it difficult to jam that monster in


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    As you may have noticed, the steps

    alternate between pulling and

    pushing. We just finished pullingand now we need push these ends

    apart until they are180 degrees

    apart. (at least thats the goal)

    In this picture Ive removed my

    foot and placed the coil directly on

    the ground. Use your thighs to

    guide the ends of the bar as you

    drive down. This is a good

    technique when you are bending

    steel bigger than " round. Youcan do this step with " round by placing a towel and the coil in your hip. (There is a pic of

    Tommy doing this at the end of the article.) Its tougher but is doesnt matter. I will bent the "

    round on the ground when Im tired.

    This should look familiar. Time to pull again!

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Ok, we got out 180 degrees.

    Lay the bar coil up and wedgethat thing you call a foot back in

    the coil. Now we are pullin

    again. This picture on the right

    may call for a little flexibility,

    but I think most reading this

    could get into a close enough

    position to get it to bend.

    We are now almost done. Heres a tip.

    Shhhhh..... Dont tell anybody. Notice

    here I have a couple of pieces of leather in

    the palms of my hands. This is to provideextra padding. The less pain the better.

    Youll notice as you progress in your

    scrolling that your hands take a beating.

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    Lets finish it! Push with all your might!!!!!!!!!!

    Now aint that purtey?

    Thats one piece of freshly

    cut 5/8"round HRS x 4ft

    coiled for your viewing

    pleasure! I guess my dogisnt impressed. Shes in the

    corner snoozing away. I

    wish I could be in good

    shape like her just by

    sleeping all day!

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Here is an example of scrolling which most

    of you would probably be able to do. Well

    cut a foot off our 4ft bar. Now weve got a3ft long piece of 5/8" HRS.

    In the first pic Im marking the exact center

    of the bar. This little tip will help you a lot

    when you want to get a coil smack dab in

    the center of the bar. This probably makes

    sense to a lot of you. I know there are

    many of you that have marked the center of your nails and bolts to help avoid off center bends.

    This is a good way to start a tougher bar. Again, I

    recommend using some padding on your knee.

    Remember, weve marked the center so there is no

    question about placement. Just align the mark on the bar

    with your knee and row the ends back.

    From here on things should look familiar.

    Remember to use enough padding in you hip

    or you will be bruised up at best.

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    This is a crappy picture, but it

    serves its purpose. Ive kept thepar in my hip. Ive got a hand on

    each end of the bar and Im

    pushing hard.

    Remember, what I said aboutpush/pull? Well, here we go

    again. You can tell, this is gettin

    hard for me. I had to adjust my

    grip a couple times

    There we go. Huffin and

    puffin with a fresh fish.

    You can see here how big

    the coils that 5/8'ths


  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Coiling!Over the last month Ive really gotten excited about steel coiling. Weve all read or heard

    about Brookfield coiling up a 20ft steel bar. He talks about this in the GMM. Ive fallen in love

    with coiling 20ft long bars. It is a total upper body workout and your grip is worked to the

    upmost. The day after I coil a long bar Im sore not only in my upper body but my hands and

    forearms are sore as well.

    The first time I read about this I wanted to try it. Well, a good friend of mine Tommy

    Heslep, a Grip Master in his own right, was itching to try to coil a 20ft long bar as well. At one

    of our workouts we decided to take a little trip to my local steel supplier. We bought a couple

    20ft long bars of " round HRS. We hauled them to the parking lot and went for it. We were

    both very impressed with the difficulty of this. We were amazed how the whole body had to get

    involved and the endurance it took to finish.

    Heres a pic of that first coil that I did

    with Tommy. You can see how

    loose the coils are when compared to

    one of my newer coils on the right.

    The tighter coil took not only more

    time but it took a lot more outta me!

    When I was done I was sweating

    bullets and suckin wind.

    Dont get me wrong both were difficult; but, when the coils are made as tight as possible

    the steel fights you every inch of the way. When you first try this you will understand that it is a

    hard battle to keep the steel in a tight coil. My first attempt, while difficult, was relatively easy

    compared to a much tighter coil.

    I know, I know! Your sayin less talky, more pictures. Ok here we go.

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    Here were gonna take a look

    at coiling a 20ft piece of

    1/2round HRS.

    Ahhhh, you gotta love visiting

    you local steel supplier. Its

    like a steel benders Valhalla!!!

    The Bar. Now this doesnt look so intimidating.

    Heres the first bend. Try to make that first bend as close

    to then end of the bar as possible. This is more difficult,

    but it will allow for a much tighter coil. This should look

    familiar to you since the technique to start this is similar to

    the previous scrolling .

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    Here, the coil is starting toemerge. This part is very tough

    because there is no width to the

    coil and it wants to fall over as

    you coil it up. As the coil gets

    wider it has more lateral

    stability when you apply your


    Im already takin my first breather. How

    does Brookfield to it so fast and tight?!?

    Keep your foot on the

    bar too keep the bar

    from slipping around.

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    Again, I dont claim to be the best at this, and

    this picture proves it! Heres another pic of me

    takin a break. This is kinda like a boxer

    sitting down between rounds. When you go

    back and read the GMM. Brookfield writes

    about how difficult coiling a 20ft bar is. He

    wasnt lying!

    Look at the pic! Im barely half way done! I

    told my brother to take this picture because I

    wanted to show how difficult this was for me.I can only hope that with practice I will be able

    to duplicate this feat without taking a break to

    catch my breath!

    Here we go again! Youll

    notice that sometimes Im

    standing and other times Im

    kneeling. Adjust your body

    positioning whenever you

    need to.

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    One more break! And the end is in sight! At this point youll notice that the coil is much wider.

    This provides lateral stability while you apply force. This is very good for us; however, this is

    double edged sword. Every gripster knows that the wider an object is the more demanding it

    becomes on the hands. I will tell you this much, at this point my hands and forearms were

    completely fried!

    Almost there! Just a little over a foot left!

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    As you can see, coiling works you body at many different angles. It will also work your

    hands, wrists, and forearms to their absolute limit. Remember when you first try this, that

    Brookfield wasnt blowing smoke when he described the difficulty of this feat in GMM. So be

    sure to warm up and stretch a bit before you start. Give it your all and you will be very pleased

    with the outcome.

    20ft long bar x " round HRS

    Thanks to my wife Laurie and my brother Ingvar for taking all the pictures!

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Here are a few nice scrolling pictures from fellow GripBoard members!

    Heres some cool flat scrolls by Anson! (Thanks for the picbuddy!)

    (Courtesy of Mark Dixon)

    Heres 2 good action shots of Tommy scrolling!

    Here are 2 more flat scrolls by Anson. The flat steel looks

    very nice when scrolled.

  • 7/27/2019 Steel Scrolling


    Heres a cool pic of Eric Godfrey and one of his

    scrolls. This is 3/8 round HRS x 3 ft. Look at

    those tight coils!

    This cool scroll is by Jonathan.


    Good luck with your training! I hope you enjoyed this article. This article along with John

    Brookfields book The Gripmasters Manuel, should help you along the road to scrolling and


    -Hammerhead Erik Vining