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M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16 Pages PRICE *. m High School's election ended in victory for these candidates. Meet the City Commission Students at Boca Raton High School went to the polls this week to elect their own students to posts paralleling the city's municipal government. Using real voting machines supplied by Palm Beach County, the students climaxed the political conventions and campaigning with a down-to-the wire race which saw 22 candidates battling for 11 posts. Part of the annual Youth Government Day spon- sored by the Boca Raton Rotary Club, will move the students into City Hall to "take over" the reins of municipal government for one day next Thursday. Carol Hutchens won the mayor's post, with Georgene No*jle, Ken Higgins, Tom Guy, and Rusty Martin serving as city com- missioners. Carolyn Tylander will serve as city attorney, Lee Moulder as city judge, Doug Trettien as director of public works, Bobby Backus as police chief and Terry Heath as fire chief. Larry Griffin and Bob Gifford were chairmen of the two parties which ran candidates in the election. Voting machines were supplied by county. House BUI Woild Create Recrecifi®ii Are® Xapone Island' Proposed as Park Site The island that Boca Raton once coveted will become a state park, if a bill now in the Flo- rida House of Representatives passes. The bill, which passed the Senate Thursday, would deed the 55-acre island once owned by the notorious Al Capone from the Florida Inland Navigation District to the state for develop- ment as a park. The island is located just across the waterway from the Royal Palm Yacht and Country Club. The move to deed the land to the state was taken in the form of an amendment to a bill to remove the FIND from its pre- sent independent status. The state may not have any money to develop the park any time soon, Ney Landrum, di- rector of the Outdoor Recrea- tional Council, said. "The island park is just one of the many expensive recrea- tion projects being developed around the state," he said. "We have a little bit of money available, but we have. $200 million in requests for the same money. It's a question of whe- ther it should be used for the Capone tract. 1 ' Last year, Boca Raton's city commission eyed the island longingly and asked the Palm Beach County legislative del- egation to move the county line south to permit the city to an- nex the land. Rep. Donald Reed said that the delegation "could not in conscience introduce the leg- Sky Divers Will Hit Silk Sunday A Lantana sky-diving club will "hit the silk" over Boca Raton Sunday as part of the all day open house at the local airport. Three hundred free airplane rides will be given away from noon to 5 p.m. and a display of old and unusual airplanes will be held. Owen Gassaway, owner, said anyone 16 years and older is eligible to register for the air- plane rides. Children under 16 may accompany parents on the rides. Sponsors of the event, Florida Airmotive, said movies will also be shown. The Weather Only .72 inch of rain was recorded in Boca Raton during the entire month of April. Add- ed to the one inch recorded in March, it adds up to one of the longest droughts in r e c e n t years. Temperatures for the week were: islation, since we fought so hard to keep Lake Okeechobee within our county boundaries in the 1963 session." Since then Broward Coun- ty has suggested the use of the island as a county park, complete with picnic and camping grounds, marina and boat launching facilities, rest rooms and a ranger station. The plan, as submitted by County Park Director Carl Thompson, would cost $600,- 000. According to Reed, the Palm Beach delegation will support the bill to make the island a state park. Board Seeking Sites New Schools Plannedin City The same school desegrega- tion plan that abolished Road- man School will get Boca Raton a new elementary school and a new junior high school sooner than planned, Superintendent of Schools Robert Fulton said yes- terday. "We are already working on property acquisition, and though we do not want to divulge the proposed site at the present time, it will be in the western part of Boca Raton," he told the News. Present Board of Public In- struction plans call for the two schools to be located on ad- joining campuses. Though Fulton would not specify the target date for op- ening of the schools, another spokesman in the school system said that it was hoped by offi- Committee Cuts Budget For FAU A sharp cut in the Florida Atlantic University budget has been voted by the House Appro- priations Committee and is ex- pected to pass the Senate in the same form. As approved by the State Bud- get Commission and the House Appropriation Committee, Flo- rida Atlantic University will get only $8.7 million for the up- coming biennium. Originally, FAU had asked for $14 ma- lion. The breakdown gives the uni- versity $4,058,288 for the fiscal year beginning July 1 and $4,728,509 for the second year. The figures are for operating funds only and do not include capital outlay for buildings and other items. Rep. Emmett Roberts, Palm Beach County member of the appropriations committee said he was "disappointed" in the recommendation but added that he had "been assured that suffi- cient money will be available to meet needs" if FAU exper- iences enrollment increases. Dr. Kenneth Williams, presi- dent of FAU, said he was "hope- ful" that there will be some faculty increases for the Sept- ember trimester and that as the senior year is added, it will be "virtually imperative" to bolster the teaching staff. He said he expected to be able to meet the situation but that "the load will have to be heav- ier on each member of the facul- ty and staff, and we may not be able to offer as many varied patterns of instruction. cials that the could open in September 1966. The closing of Roadman School was decreed by the board last week in complying with the Civil Rights Law. The 175 Negro students will be split between J. C. Mitchell Elemen- tary School and Boca Raton El- ementary School. Both the lat- ter schools have been all - white. Boca Raton High School has, been integrated since it opened in 1963. Since there is not sufficient space for the additional stu- dents at the two remaining local elementary schools, portable classrooms will be moved in to take care of the load until the completion of the new school, Fulton said. The addition of a senior class at the high school next year will run the enrollment up to approximately 1,100, Princi- pal Charles Godwin has esti- mated. Though additional building has been authorized and is now on the drawing boards, the new classrooms and other facilities will not be completed in time for September 1965, and God- win has predicted "extended day" sessions will be neces- sary until construction is com- pleted some time during the school year. > Jalbert Is Named Top Industrialist Domina C. Jalbert has been named the city's "outstanding industrialist"- for the year by the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce. Jalbert, president of the Jal- bert Aerology Laboratory here, will be honored by the chamber at a luncheon Thursday at the Boca Raton Hbtel and Club. Guest speaker for the lun- cheon will be Dr. John Nicol- aides, head of the aerospace department at Notre Dame Uni- versity. Gov, Haydon Burns has pro- claimed this to be Industrial Appreciation Week and Jalbert, as the city's top industrialist for the year, will receive a cer- tificate from the governor. The Arts Calendar Classified Editorials Public Notices Real Estate Sports Travel TV Listings Women's News Page 5B 3B 7-8 A 4B 8B 6B 4-5A 7B 2A Section B Five students are now in competition for the "Miss Boca Raton High School" crown. The winner will be announced at the school's spring band concert Thursday. From left are Diane Walker, Kathy Nelson, Lynn Yeater, Carol JaneKolinski, andMibi Lester. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Noon Hi 93 84 81 84 Lo 68 66 56 63 Rain 0 0 0 0 U.S. Weother Bureau official recyclings from the cooperative station, Boca Raton. Groundbreaking ceremonies this week of- ficially launched construction of the Uni- versity National Bank on Federal highway at 40th street. From left are John M. McKib- bin, Jr., director; William M. Stowe, presi- dent; Thomas F. Fleming Jr., chairman of the board; James E. Becker, Robert L. Sus- sieck and W. George Whitehouse, all directors. Other directors are W.K. Archer, James R. Caldwell, William F. Mitchell, W.W. Thomson and Robert D. Tylander. The building was designed by architect Robert Roll and will be built by Sommers and Messmer Construction Co.

ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

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Page 1: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

M ti'


Largest CirculationOf Any NewspaperIn Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS

VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16 Pages PRICE

*. m

High School's election ended in victory for these candidates.

Meet the City CommissionStudents at Boca Raton High School went to the polls this

week to elect their own students to posts paralleling the city'smunicipal government.

Using real voting machines supplied by Palm Beach County,the students climaxed the political conventions and campaigningwith a down-to-the wire race which saw 22 candidates battlingfor 11 posts. Part of the annual Youth Government Day spon-sored by the Boca Raton Rotary Club, will move the studentsinto City Hall to "take over" the reins of municipal governmentfor one day next Thursday.

Carol Hutchens won the mayor's post, with Georgene No*jle,Ken Higgins, Tom Guy, and Rusty Martin serving as city com-missioners. Carolyn Tylander will serve as city attorney,Lee Moulder as city judge, Doug Trettien as director of publicworks, Bobby Backus as police chief and Terry Heath as firechief. Larry Griffin and Bob Gifford were chairmen of the twoparties which ran candidates in the election. Voting machines were supplied by county.

House BUI Woild Create Recrecifi®ii Are®

Xapone Island' Proposed as Park SiteThe island that Boca Raton

once coveted will become a statepark, if a bill now in the Flo-rida House of Representativespasses.

The bill, which passed theSenate Thursday, would deed the55-acre island once owned bythe notorious Al Capone fromthe Florida Inland NavigationDistrict to the state for develop-ment as a park.

The island is located justacross the waterway from theRoyal Palm Yacht and CountryClub.

The move to deed the land to

the state was taken in the formof an amendment to a bill toremove the FIND from its pre-sent independent status.

The state may not have anymoney to develop the park anytime soon, Ney Landrum, di-rector of the Outdoor Recrea-tional Council, said.

"The island park is just oneof the many expensive recrea-tion projects being developedaround the state," he said."We have a little bit of moneyavailable, but we have. $200million in requests for the samemoney. It's a question of whe-

ther it should be used for theCapone tract.1'

Last year, Boca Raton's citycommission eyed the islandlongingly and asked the PalmBeach County legislative del-egation to move the county linesouth to permit the city to an-nex the land.

Rep. Donald Reed said thatthe delegation "could not inconscience introduce the leg-

Sky Divers WillHit Silk Sunday

A Lantana sky-diving clubwill "hit the silk" over BocaRaton Sunday as part of theall day open house at the localairport.

Three hundred free airplanerides will be given away fromnoon to 5 p.m. and a displayof old and unusual airplaneswill be held.

Owen Gassaway, owner, saidanyone 16 years and older iseligible to register for the air-plane rides. Children under 16may accompany parents on therides.

Sponsors of the event, FloridaAirmotive, said movies willalso be shown.

The WeatherOnly .72 inch of rain was

recorded in Boca Raton duringthe entire month of April. Add-ed to the one inch recorded inMarch, it adds up to one of thelongest droughts in r e c e n tyears. Temperatures for theweek were:

islation, since we fought sohard to keep Lake Okeechobeewithin our county boundariesin the 1963 session."

Since then Broward Coun-ty has suggested the use ofthe island as a county park,complete with picnic andcamping grounds, marina andboat launching facilities, restrooms and a ranger station.

The plan, as submitted byCoun ty Park Director CarlThompson, would cost $600,-000.

According to Reed, the PalmBeach delegation will supportthe bill to make the islanda state park.

Board Seeking Sites

New SchoolsPlanned in City

The same school desegrega-tion plan that abolished Road-man School will get Boca Ratona new elementary school and anew junior high school soonerthan planned, Superintendent ofSchools Robert Fulton said yes-terday.

"We are already working onproperty acquisition, and thoughwe do not want to divulge theproposed site at the presenttime, it will be in the westernpart of Boca Raton," he toldthe News.

Present Board of Public In-struction plans call for the twoschools to be located on ad-joining campuses.

Though Fulton would notspecify the target date for op-ening of the schools, anotherspokesman in the school systemsaid that it was hoped by offi-

CommitteeCuts BudgetFor FAU

A sharp cut in the FloridaAtlantic University budget hasbeen voted by the House Appro-priations Committee and is ex-pected to pass the Senate inthe same form.

As approved by the State Bud-get Commission and the HouseAppropriation Committee, Flo-rida Atlantic University will getonly $8.7 million for the up-coming biennium. Originally,FAU had asked for $14 ma-lion.

The breakdown gives the uni-versity $4,058,288 for the fiscalyear b e g i n n i n g July 1 and$4,728,509 for the second year.The figures are for operatingfunds only and do not includecapital outlay for buildings andother items.

Rep. Emmett Roberts, PalmBeach County member of theappropriations committee saidhe was "disappointed" in therecommendation but added thathe had "been assured that suffi-cient money will be availableto meet needs" if FAU exper-iences enrollment increases.

Dr. Kenneth Williams, presi-dent of FAU, said he was "hope-ful" that there will be somefaculty increases for the Sept-ember trimester and that as thesenior year is added, it willbe "virtually imperative" tobolster the teaching staff.

He said he expected to be ableto meet the situation but that"the load will have to be heav-ier on each member of the facul-ty and staff, and we may notbe able to offer as many variedpatterns of instruction.

cials that the could openin September 1966.

The closing of R o a d m a nSchool was decreed by the boardlast week in complying withthe Civil Rights Law. The175 Negro students will be splitbetween J. C. Mitchell Elemen-tary School and Boca Raton El-ementary School. Both the lat-ter schools have been all -white. Boca Raton High Schoolhas, been integrated since itopened in 1963.

Since there is not sufficientspace for the additional stu-dents at the two remaining localelementary schools, portableclassrooms will be moved into take care of the load untilthe completion of the newschool, Fulton said.

The addition of a senior classat the high school next yearwill run the enrollment up toapproximately 1,100, Princi-pal Charles Godwin has esti-mated.

Though additional buildinghas been authorized and is nowon the drawing boards, the newclassrooms and other facilitieswill not be completed in timefor September 1965, and God-win has predicted "extendedday" sessions will be neces-sary until construction is com-pleted some time during theschool year. >

Jalbert Is Named

Top IndustrialistDomina C. Jalbert has been

named the city's "outstandingindustrialist"- for the year bythe Boca Raton Chamber ofCommerce.

Jalbert, president of the Jal-bert Aerology Laboratory here,will be honored by the chamberat a luncheon Thursday at theBoca Raton Hbtel and Club.

Guest speaker for the lun-cheon will be Dr. John Nicol-aides, head of the aerospacedepartment at Notre Dame Uni-versity.

Gov, Haydon Burns has pro-claimed this to be IndustrialAppreciation Week and Jalbert,as the city's top industrialistfor the year, will receive a cer-tificate from the governor.

The ArtsCalendarClassifiedEditorialsPublic NoticesReal EstateSportsTravelTV ListingsWomen's News

Page 5B3B

7-8 A4B8B6B


Section B

Five students are now in competition for the "Miss Boca Raton HighSchool" crown. The winner will be announced at the school's springband concert Thursday. From left are Diane Walker, Kathy Nelson,Lynn Yeater, Carol JaneKolinski, andMibi Lester.

WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Noon




U.S. Weother Bureau official recyclingsfrom the cooperative station, Boca Raton.

Groundbreaking ceremonies this week of-ficially launched construction of the Uni-versity National Bank on Federal highwayat 40th street. From left are John M. McKib-bin, Jr., director; William M. Stowe, presi-dent; Thomas F. Fleming Jr., chairman ofthe board; James E. Becker, Robert L. Sus-

sieck and W. George Whitehouse, all directors.Other directors are W.K. Archer, James R.Caldwell, William F. Mitchell, W.W. Thomsonand Robert D. Tylander. The building wasdesigned by architect Robert Roll and will bebuilt by Sommers and Messmer Construction Co.

Page 2: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

2A May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS

Television Listings for May 2 • 52-Miaml-Educ. 4-Miarai.GES 7-Mlami-NBC lO-Mlaml-ABO 5-Palm Beach-NBC 12-Palm Bch-ftBC

6 : 0 06 : 1 56 : 3 06 : 4 5 !

C h . 2

B o l d A d v e n .

N e w s , W t h i .

M e e t P r e s s ®

O u t l o o k

M y s t e r y T h .

P r e s s C o n ! .

M e e t P r e s s ®

T r a v e l i a m a

B o w l i n g

O f f C u i fP a s s i n g P a r a d e "

7 : 0 07 : 17 : 3 07 : 4 5

8 : 0 08 : 18 : 3 0

8 : 4 5

8 : 0 09 : 1 59 : 3 09 : 4 5

1 0 : 0 01 0 : 11 0 : 3 01 0 : 4 5

1 1 : 0 01 1 : 1 51 1 : 3 0

[ 1 1 : 4 5

O f i T h e

L a s s i e f

M y M a r t i a n f

F l a . F o i u m

W a l t D i s n e y ©

C o m m n i s m B r a n d e d

W a l t D i s n e y ®

N e w sS p t s . , W t h i .W a g o n T i a i n f


E d S u l l i v a n ? W a l t D i s n e y ® C o m u n i s m W a l t D i s n e y ® W a g o n T r a i n ?•a • * •

B i a n d e d f B r o a d s i d e f R e b e l B r o a d s i d e ?

Tor Peoplef B o n a n z a ® S u n . M o v i e ® B o n a n z a ® S u n . M o v i e ®

S u n d a y s

Candid Camwaf Rogues?

My Line?

S u n . M o v i e ® R o g u e s ? S u n . M o v i e ®

N e w s , W t h r .L a i e S h o w

N e w s , w t h i .S u n , M o v i e

U n t o u c h a b l e s R e p o i tM o v i e

N e w s , W t h r . , S p U .

S t a i l i t e T h .







W h a t i n W o r l d

S c i e n c e A c t i o n

K n o w S c h o o l s

P o p u l a t i o n

o p u l a t i o n

D i p l o m a c y

J p e n M i n d

4 - M i a m i - C S S

M r . E d

T e l l T r u t h f

G o t S e c r e t f

A n d y G r i f f i t h

l u c y f

D a n n y T h o m a s f

T o w n M e e t i n g

N e w s n i g h t

L a l e S h o w


M o v i e

M o v i e

A m e r . W e s t ®

A . H i t c h c o c k f


N e w s , F a r i s sS p t s . , W t h r .T o n i g h t ®


M o v i e C o n t .

B o t t o m S e a f

Bottom Seaf

No Time Sgts.f

M e l ' d a M e r c o u r i ' S

B e n C a s e y ?

N e w sW t h r . , S p t s .N i t e l i i e f

S-Palm Beach-NBC I2-Palm Bch—ABC

I. Strickland


Man, Unclef

i A m e r . W e s t ®

A . H i t c h c o c k f

K e w s , W t h r .

T o n i g h t ®


Bottom Seaf

Bottom Seaf

No Time Sgts.f

M e l i n a M e r c o u n ®

B e n C a s e y f


N e w s W t h i . , S p t s .

S t a r l i t e T h .

7 : 0 07:157:307:45






W i s e r W o r l d

G a r d e n e r

P a c e m , T e r r i s

P a c e m , T e r n s

B r i t i s h

M a n - M a n****


B e d S k e l t o n

B i g S how

B i g S h o w

D r s . , H u r s e s f

N e w s n i g h t

L a t e S h o w


K a i e n f

Mr. Novakf

Mr. Novakf

H u l l a b a l o o ®

H u l l a b a l o o ®

T W 3 ®

S p y i n g f

N e w s , F a r i s sS p t s . W t h r .

T o n i g h t ®


M o v i e C o n t .



M c H a l e ' s H a v y t


Peyton Placet

F u g i t i v e f

t t

N e w sW t h r , S p t s .

N i t e l i i e f

S-Palm Beach

S u r v i v a l

Mr. Novakf

Mr. Novakf

H o n g K o n g

H o n g K o n g

T W 3 ®

S p y i n g f


N e w s , W t h r .

T o n i g h t ®

•NBCI2-°a!m Boh—ABC

L a r a m i e

C o m b a t f


M c H a l e ' s N a v y f


Peyton Placef


News, Wthr, Spts.

Starlite Th.

It doesn't take much to please us . . . Wewouldn't watch television so much if it did.But why can't the television big wigs offer usmore entertainment like last week's Bell Tele-phone Hour.

As we said before, it doesn't take much toplease us, but this one did more than justplease us. Here's one program we could takefor two hours instead of just one.

The entertainment was varied enough to in-clude a little- bit of something for everyone inthe family. Ballet lovers could see RudolfNureyev and Maria Tallchief in one of theirmany beautiful ballet numbers. Opera loverscould listen to Joan Sutherland sing themesfrom "Ophelia."

Fans of Broadway musicals were treatedwith Robert Preston s "76 Trombones" fromMusic Man, Harry Belafonte's admirers heardhim sing "Try to Remember" from The Fan-tastiks and "Amen" from Lilies of the Field,

A little bit of everything for everyone in thefamily . . . „ And nothing but the best done inthe very best of show business tradition justmight be the motto of Bell Telephone Hour.

We're usually long on criticism and short onpraise when it comes to most television pro-grams, but we can honestly say we've neverbeen disappointed after watching "the hour,"

This week's programs sound sort of run ofthe mill, but here's a few suggestions for possi-ble good viewing.

Marilyn Mason • will portray a daughter of aTexas mayor in "The Project Man" on NBC's"The Rogues" series Sunday. The episodedeals with the fleecing of a greedy group ofTexas politicians and land grabbers. Gueststar will be Robert Middleton.

Friday's Bob Hope show may be the bestof the lot. Bob will star as Horatio Lovelace,a marriage broker who thinks the way to winthe west of 1860 is with girls, girls, girls ina comedy "Have Girl6 — Will Travel." Haven'twe heard that somewhere before?

High School Band, Chorus Finn

Spring Concert in Auditorium

Actress Julie Haydon was a special guestthis week at Marymount College where shetalked about the iheater and acted scenesfrom ihe shows in which she has starred.

Andy Griffith, star of Andy Griffith tele-vision show, was in town Thursday attend-ing a convention at Boca Raton Hotel and Club.The star spoke at the convention which in-cluded delegates from his show's sponsors.







F u n f l i l o a t

C a m p i n g

R a g t i m e E r a

P r o b e

B a c k l a n d s


F r e n c h C h e i

J o u r n a l


D e a t h V a l l e y

D e c i s i o n

l i v i n g D o l l f

H i l l b i l l i e s

D . V a n D y k e f

P r i v a t e W o r l d f

Daany Kayef

N e w s n i g h t

L a l e S h o w

7 - M i a m i - N B C

H o n e y m o o n e r s

V i r g i n i a n ®

V i r g i n i a n ®


W e d . M o v i e f

Wed. Movief

N e w sS p t s .

T o n i g h t ®


M o v i e , C o n t .

O z z i e , H a r r i e t t

P a t t y D u k e fit.

S h i n d i g }

S h i n d i g f

Burke's Lawf

Burke's Lawf

D e t e c t i v e s

N e w sW t h r . , S p t s .N i t e l i i e f

5-Palm Beach

C o n t a c t

V i r g i n i a n ©

V i r g i n i a n ®


W e d . M o v i e f

Wed. Movief

N e w s , W t h r .

T o n i g h t ®

-NBCI2-Palm Bch—ABC

C h e y e n n e

O z z i e , H a r r i e t f

P a t l y D u k e f

S h i n d i g f

S h i n d i g f

B u r k e ' s L a w f

B u r k e ' s L a w f

S c i e n c e F i c t i o n

N e w s . W t W . S p t s .

S t a r l i t e T h .

Boca Raton HighSchool Band and Choruswill present a Springconcert Thursday, May6 in the school audi-torium. The concertwill begin at 8 p.m.

Highlight of the con-cert will be the crown-ing of the first MissBoca Raton High School.

The program will in-clude t selections by theJunior High School Bandand s e l e c t i o n s from"Pirates of Penzence."

The bands and chorusRussia's population

was "229 million at thebeginning of this year.

are under the directionof Albert Hall.


Published every THURSDAYand SUNDAY at 34 S.E. 2ndSt. by Boca Raton PublishingCo.

Myron YelvertonCirculation Manager

Phone 395-5121Entered as Second ClassMatter at the. Post Office atBoca Raton, Florida, Dec.1, 1955.

Subscription RatesBy carrier in city . . 15<f week

. . 65$ monthBy mail in U.S.

1 yr.$7.50,6mo.$4, 3mo.$2.50

Arnold Will Attend Annual

Con¥@ntion of School BuyersWilliam Arnold, di- an annual convention of

rector of student ser- the National Associationvices for St. Andrew's of Educational BuyersBoys School will attend Wednesday, May 5, at

Denver, Col.A three day session

of seminars and plan-ning sessions will beheld at the Denver Hil-ton Hotel, and repre-sentatives of education-al institutions from allover the United Stateswill attend.

Classified Ad ServicePhone 395-5121


Boca Raton Pre-SchoolKindergarten

Professional Care & GuidanceHot Lunch & Modern Equipment

250 N.W. 4th Diagonal

2 through 6 years PHONE 395-7071

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Page 3: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16



Adamscm Appointment To Be

Confirmed by Board MondayConfirmation of the

appointment of Dr. Ro-bert E. Adamson to thefaculty of Florida At-lantic University is ex-pected at the regularBoard of Regents meet-ing in Tallahassee Mon-day.

Dr. Adamson is nowdeputy chief of the be-havioral sciences div-ision of the Air ForceOffice of Scientific Re-search. He will assumethe post of professor ofpsychology in the FAUCollege of Social Sci-ence and Director of itsInstitute of BehavioralResearch, effective July1, 1965.

Dr. Adamson bringsto his new universitypost wide experience inpsychological researchand in the administra-tion of contracts andgrants for research inthe behavioral sciences.

His teaching assign-ment will be in the fieldof experimental psycho-logy. As director ofthe institute, he willserve as liason betweenfacu l ty and outsideagencies, supervise thepreparation of propo-sals and the collectionof data for research ap-plications.

Born in Jacksonville,Dr. Adamson receivedhis bachelor's, mas-ter's and doctor of phi-losophy degrees fromStanford University. Hehas taught at Carl tonCollege, the Universityof Minnesota and Em-ory.

From 1959 to 1964he was with the SystemsDevelopment Corpora-tion in Paramus, New

Jersey. His chief areaof concern is with thespecial problems asso-ciated with human oper-ators of complex andautomated equipment.

Dr. Adamson is mar-ried and the couple hastwo children, ages ele-ven and eight.


Lankford Arrives

At Ihuie Air BaseStaff Sergeant Wal-

lace B. Lankford, sonof Mrs. Bessie Lank-ford of Huntingd o n,Tenn,, has arrived forduty at Thule AB,Greenland.

Sergeant Lankford, afire protection special-ist, previously servedat Hunter AFB, Ga.

The sergeant, who at-tended Hollow Rock HighSchool, Tenn., is mar-ried to the former Mar-garet C. Wi th row,daughter of Mr. andMrs. R. R. Withrow, Bo-ca Raton.

Please send me the following reports:




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Eugene P. Foley Will Be Speaker

Boca Raton Exchange Club presented Boca Raton High School with a FreedomShrine at a presentation ceremony Thursday. The Shrine included copies of28 historical American documents photographed from the originals by expertsof the National Archives and Libraries of Congress. The presentation wasmade by William J. Haake, (right) president, Exchange Club, to Charles God-win, principal Boca Raton High School. The Shrine will hang in the schoolauditorium.

Eugene P. Foley, ad-ministrator of the SmallBusiness Administra-tion, Washington, D.C.,will be the f e a t u r e dspeaker at the mid-yearmeeting of the SouthernRegional Associaion ofSmall Business Invest-ment Companies at theBoca Raton Hotel andClub May 7-8.

EdgarL awson,e x c u -tive Vicep r e s i -dent ofthe BocaR a t o nC api ta lCorpora-jtion, willbe hostm e mberof t h eassociation. Foley willbe introduced by Tho-mas F. Fleming Jr.,chairman of the board,First Bank and TrustCompany, National As-sociation, of Boca Ra-ton. Foley's speech willbe given at 11:15 a.m.May 8, and will be op-en to the business peo-ple of Boca Raton.

The board of gover-nors of the National As-sociation of Small Bus-iness Investment Com-panies will meet at theBoca Raton Hotel andClub on Thursday, May


6. Twenty-five mem-bers of the board ofgovernors are expectedto attend in addition tothe president of NASBICIrving H. Dale of NewYork City, executive di-rector Walter B. Stults,and general counsel,Charles M. Noone, bothof Washington D.C.

M e m b e r s of theSouthern Regional As-sociation of Small Bus-iness Investment Com-

Dr. Kolinski WillSpeak at Meeting

An up-to-date apprai-sal of socio - politicaltrends in Latin Ameri-can countries will be gi-ven' m e m b e r s of theBoynton Beach RotaryClub Thursday, May 6,at their luncheon meet-ing in Haley's Restau-rant,

Dr. Charles J. Kolin-ski, associate professorof history at Florida At-lantic University willtell his audience thatthis is the year of deci-sion for both Castroismand democracy. Hissubject is "Latin Am-erica at the C r o s s -roads."

Dr. Kolinski will il-lustrate his talk withslides.

parries will convene Fri-day morning, May 7,Sessions will run Fri-day and Saturday morn-ings. The group will bewelcomed by Law son,who is also a memberof the board of gover-nors of NASBIC. Alsoparticipating in theSouthern RASBIC pro-gram from Florida, asa featured speaker at theMay 8 session, will beS t a t e Senator JerryThomas, president ofUnited Capital Corpora-tion, Riviera Beach. Inaddition to others at-tending the me e t i n g swill be Thomas A. But-ler, regional director,small business admin-istration, Miami.

The dinner May 7, willbe addressed by RichardE. Kelley, deputy ad-ministrator for invest-ment of the Small Bus-iness Administration,Washington, D .C.


May 2, 1965 3A

Tommy Barfleff Farm Is OpenFor Cub and Brownie Scouts

Fifty two men became charter members of Delta Omega Field Chapter,Phi Delta Kappa, professional fraternity for men in education at a charternight banquet last week. Five men also were installed as officers of theclub. Among the officers installed by Nathaniel H. Shope(left) , DistrictVII representative, North Carolina, were Stephen Voss, president, andHarry Beil, secretary. Both men are from Boca Raton. The fraternity willcover an area from Pompano Beach to West Palm Beach.

Dr. Donald Andrews to ConductLectures in Two Texas Colleges

Eight lectures at twoinstitutions of h i g h e rlearning in Texas willbe next week's schedulefor Dr. Donald H, An-d r e w s , distinguishedprofessor of chemistryat Florida Atlantic Un-iversity.

At the invitation of theAssociation of Ameri-can Colleges he will stopMay 3 and 4, at TexasLutheran College, Se-guin, Texas, where hewill address both thecollege assembly and apublic group, illustrat-ing the latter talk witha film he has producedfor the William HaleHarkness Foundation ofNew York. These willbe followed by two lec-tures for science ma-jors.

Waco will be Dr. An-drews' second stop. AtBaylor University, May6 and 7, his audiencewill include attendantsat the college chapelservice, an evening pub-lic group, and twogroups of science ma-jors.

At both institutions hewill visit science clas-ses for informal discus-sions.

The lecture series issupported by a grantfrom theDanforthFoun-dation.

Part of Dr. Andrews'trip will be visits toTulane University andthe University of Texaswhere former studentsof his are, respectivelyvice chancellor foraca-demic affairs and asso-date dean of science.

Before coming to FAUDr. An d r e w s was amember of the facultyof Johns Hopkins Uni-versity for 30 years. Heis noted both as a lec-turer on science and onthe scientist's affirm-ative view of religion.

Florida Cub andBrownie Scout willhave an excellent oppor-tunity to become betteracquainted with wildlifeduring the month of Mayat Tommy Bartlett's In-ternational Deer Ranchat Silver Springs.

The month long pro-gram, designed to fam-iliarize neophyte Scoutswith many phases ofwoods lore, will featureperiodic lectures ondeer and other wild an-imals by well knownconservation lecturesand is being sponsoredin cooperation with theNor th Florida ScoutCouncil.

Cub and Brown ietroops, accompanied byleaders if in groups orindividuals accompan-ied by a parent, will behnored at the Deer Ran-ch at a vastly reducedadmission to c o v e rhandling and tax char-ges only.

Among lecturers whowill be on hand duringweekend days will beJohn Hamlet, interna-tionally famous wildlifeexpert and naturalist.On other days regular

Deer Ranch guides willbe on hand.

The Cubs and Brown-ies will have the op-portunity to hand feedand observe over 200deer and other animalsand see at close handover 30 varieties of deerfrom throughout theworld.

The program is partof the continuing effortby Silver Springs to ac-quaint Scout and schoolgroups with the greatheritage of the out-of-doors and conservationof the wilderness and itsinhabitants.



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Page 4: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

4A May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS

You'd be nervous too if it was the ninthinning, score tied at 3-3 and the winning runon third base. Mrs. George Enders, mother ofballplayer Mike, is the most loyal fan the Bob-cats had all season. She didn't miss a singlegame all year, at home or away.

by Jim RifenhurgSPORTS EDITOR

This week we wish we were back on themetropolitan daily newspaper.

Before coming to Florida some 9 or 10 yearsago, our experience was entirely with the dailytype publication. There are pros and cons,of course, working hours and conditions and onething or another.thing or another, but with sports ganged up theway they are over the weekend, the daily hasthe break.

By virtue of our sports pages having to bemade up and on the press Friday night for theweekend edition, we can't cover anyting thathappens on Saturday until the following Thursday.

This Saturday we had group baseball tourna-ment, group field trials, state swimming mat-ches at St. Andrew's and Derby Day. It's enoughto turn this old grey hair white.

Since the time of writing for this column isFriday morning, we have to assume a lot ofthings. Such as: Boca Raton High School willgo into tournament play Saturday against eitherMary Immaculate or Belen. Pine Crest willprobably dominate the state swimming champ-ionships with the Scots taking three or fourtop places. And we also expect Charlie Ben-nett's track squad to take at least four berthsin the state championships.

The Derby? Well, it won't be a total loss.The mint juleps will taste just as good andeither Willie Shoemaker or Hartack will boothome a winner.

Little League Plans Minors,

Signup Set F@r WednesdayLittle League Asso-

ciation is planning for aminor league this yearbecause of the largen u m b e r of boys whoturned out and didn'tmake the majors.

Bill Hood said yes-terday a registrat i o nmeeting for this groupwill be held Wednesdaye v e n i n g at the LittleLeague field.

The league will havefull sponsorship, will bef s s u e d T-shirts and

baseball caps and willplay every Wednesdaynight.

"It 's very importantthat we have a minorleague," he said. Manyof our boys will be tak-ing off for vacations thissummer and we'll haveto fill their positions.

A l s o , every leagueneeds a farm systemto build for the future."

Hood asked that par-ents accompany theirboys.

In Group Tourney Play

Bobcats Win First 2 GamesDennis Jones Stars,Blasts Triple, Homer


Ed Cutie, St. Andrew's shortstop, figuredJR one of the closer plays in Wednesday's ballgame. In a close play, that could have beena double out, Cutie slid into third under theoutstretched glove of Bobcat third-sackerWayne Dodge. Coach Tom Flynn andthe base umpire, center, tooth said Cutie wassafe. Coach Benson and Dodge weren't quiteso sure. It was a crucial point of the game asthe runner scored seconds later to tie the scoreat 3-3.

A two-on home runand a triple by Short-stop Dennis Jones ledthe Boca Raton Bobcatsto a berth in the finalsof G r o u p tournamentFriday afternoon. Visit-ing Coral Shores wasdumped to the tune of12-1.

Jones had a perfectday at bat, coming upfour times and reach-ing the base paths fourtimes. In his first timearound in the secondinning he warmed upwith a single to left field.In the third inning theshortstop rapped a t r i -ple to the left field bu-shes. Topping off his


Three unearned runsin the second inningWednesday gave Belena second shot at thes t a t e baseball crown.They had little troublebuilding a 3-1 win overPine Crest.

Belen's Bezos led offthe second inning with asingle to left field andwent to second on a wildpitch. Pineyro hit a hotgrounder to shortstopBullard who threw highat first putting the run-ner on with an error.Third man at the plate,Gonzales also reachedfirst on an error.

Two runs in succes-sion scored on passedballs and the third cros-sed home pi ate when Ve-ga slammed a single toright field.

Belen trimmed MaryImmaculate, 2 to 1, inthe second game Fridayafternoon, winning theright to meet the Bob-cats in the finals Sat-urday.

Alberto Franquiz wasthe winning factor forthe Miami squad. Walk-ing in the first inning,he stole second, went tothird on a passed balland scored on a secondpassed ball.

Mary Immaculate tiedthe score at 1-1 in thesecond on a pair of er-rors.

Coming back in thefinal inning, Belen load-ed the bases on a walk,hit and error and thensaw their winning runcross the plate at Fran-quiz walk forcing a manto score.

day in the seventh, hehit a home run to leftfield with two men onbase. He got on oncewith a walk.

Boca Raton complete-ly dominated the ballgame from the first bat-ter on. Coral Shoreswasn't able to get a manpast first base until theseventh inning when theyscored their one and on-ly run.

Harry Herbold, work-ing on the mound for theBobcats, struck out 11of 14 batsmen facing himin four innings before hewas relieved by Delgato.Herbold had an 8-0 wingoing when he was re-placed to save his armfor possible relief dutySaturday.

Lalli and Ziolkowskiled off the running attackwhen both reached baseon walks in the openinginning. An infield flyby Lekniskas platedL a l l i and Ziolkowskiscored on a single bybig.Mike Enders, Bob-cat first sacker.

In the second, Jonesreached first on a sin-gle and eventually stolehis way home.

The third inning wasthe big one for the Bob-cats as they plated fiverunners on four hits,Herbold's single ac-counted for two runs.

One more in the sixthand three in the seventh,including Jones' two-onhome run added up to thebig 12-run lead.

Coral Shores' run inthe seventh came on apair of errors, one atshort, the other on thehill.

The win gave BocaRaton a chance at thechampionships forGroup 8 Saturday after-noon.Coral ShoresReeves, ssRoss, cf-lbPoucher, p-rfGilliam, rf-pHorner, 2bKeitz, 3bWatson, cLynn, IfClayband, cfNielson, lbCrawshaw, If

TOTALSBoca RatonLalli, cZiolkowski, 2b

Keith, cf 'Enders, lbDodge, 3bHerbold, p-rfJones, ss



Tony Lalli, Boca Raion Bobcat catcher, got in the first and last word Wed-nesday against St. Andrew's Scots. Shown below, he slapped out the first hitof the ball game for a single. Minutes later he scored. And as seen above,Lalli rapped a double to right field, scoring Delgado, running for Bozzone fromthird base.

At University Park

Monie Devereaux Is Club Champ

Klipsic, IfZinno, IfDolan, phBozzone, rfDelgato, p

TOTALSCoral Shores





3312 9000 000


Monie Devereaux,shooting a 270 overthree days, Thursdaywon University ParkGolf and Country Club'sWomen's championship.

Mrs. Devereaux had a90 on the first 18 Tues-day, fell off to a 95 onWednesday's round thenblazed to an 85 finishon the final day.

SeasonTo OpenTuesday

littleLeagueTo Open

Boca Raton's LittleLeague season will of-ficially get underwayhere Monday night. Itwill be the kickoff of a56-game season.

A single game pittingCauseway Lumber andLeturmy at 7 p.m. willopen a stand that runsthrough July 6th.

Mayor Sid Brodheadwill throw out the firstball Monday and is ex-pected to make a shortspeech.

Fred Sturm, presi-dent of the Little LeagueAssociation, will bemaster of ceremonies.

All eight teams of theleague will be presentin uniform, along withmanagers and coaches.It is expected the CityCommission will alsoattend.

Boca Raton 215 001 3-12

70 PlayersIn Best BallTournamentSeventy players en-

tered a Best Ball Two-some t o u r n a m e n tThursday as Royal PalmWomen took to the links.

Jobey Welch and RuthMartin tied with EvelynFishbaugh and Alt aKnight for first placehonors in the full handi-cap affair. The twoteams posted scores of61.

In second place theteam of Adelaide Camp-bell and Mary Moorehad a score of 63.

Th i rd place honorswere taken by GloriaDrummond and KarenThernell. They had a64.

Fourth place showed asix way tie.

Mrs. Robert Blessingreports no slack in the"season" at Royal Palmgolf.

Pony League seasonopens Tuesday night atMemor i a l Park andPresident Rex Mosssaid yesterday all pro-ceeds of the first nightwill go to the Duncanfund.

The fund was origin-ated by Rev. WilliamDeutschmann of the Ad-vent Lutheran Churchfor the education andsupport of the Duncanboys.

Moss said all foursponsors will have arepresentative on themound Tuesday' nightand each will throw outa "first ball."

Pony League seasonruns through July 2 withp lay on Tuesday andFriday nights. Untilschool is out, gamesTuesday will be single,double-headers on Fri-day. After school, allgames are double-head-ers.

To Place AClassified Ad

Phone 395-5121

Moni DevereauR u n n e r u p • in the

championship divisionwas Mina Fisher. Sheshot a 93-93-92—279,nine strokes off the win-ner.

N e l l McCook's 281won B Flite honors. Herdaily scores were 95-95-91.

For second place inB Flite, Trudy Dens -more and Ruth Till sonhad to go into a sud-den d e a t h playoff tobreak a tie score. Mrs.D e n s m o r e took thecrown on the 21st hole.Her score was a 296.

In C Flite, Stella Gu-lotta took first . with a

105- 107 - 104 — 316.R u n n e r u p was EmmyMarshall with 107-109-110—326.

Chipin winners for theday were Molly Davisand Nadine Tapscott.

Sun & SurfLadies PlayMrs. E. Ottwell took

the regular Ladies Daytournament at Sun & Surfclub this week with ascore of 16-6 —10.

The ladies played ev-en holes and used one-half handicap.

In second place wasMrs. Bjorkman. She had13-2-1/2—10-1/2.

T h i r d place honorswere taken by Mrs. BeaFletcher, who posted ascore of 16-5-11.

Break3-3 TieIn NinthBob Bozzone's triple

to right field, followedby a double by Tony Lal-li, broke a tie in the 9thinning Wednesday andgave Boca Raton theirfirst step toward a statechampionship.

Tied at 3-3 in thesecond extra inning, theBobcats beat St. An-drew's School for Boys,4-3.

F a c i n g the area'smost improved team forthe second time thisyear, Boca Raton grab-bed off an early lead.Rapping a single intoright field off pitcherJurika, Tony Lalli wentall the way to third onTom Ziolkowski's sac-rifice bunt.

Chuck Lekniskas fol-lowed with an infieldsingle. Big Mike En-ders r a p p e d the thirdp i t c h back to secondwhere it was bobbledand Lalli scored to openthe way.

Cutie tied up the ballgame for the Scots inthe third after he hadreached the basepathsby being hit with a pit-ched ball. Lalime pop-ped up to Catcher Lallifor the first out andJurika went down, pit-cher to first, on an in-field hopper. Cutie bythis time had stolen abase and was waitingon second when thirdbaseman Hewitt punchedone into right field. Therun scored, but Hewittwas out trying to stretchhis hit into a double. Theimmediate threat wasover.

Lalli and Klipsic, bothon b a s e s with walks,scored for the Cats inthe fourth and it lookedlike another walkwwaygame for Boca Raton.

However, St. An-drew' s m a d e a brandnew ball game out of itin the top of the sev-enth inning,

Heidgart took the fullcount before hitting adribbler back to DennisJones at short. He was •thrown out at first base.Appleyard and Bryanboth waited out pitcherChuck Lekniskas andreceived walks. Miller,pinch-hitting for Cutie,rapped a single to cen-ter field to load the bas-es.

At this point, CoachHarry Benson decided itwas time to changethings on the hill andcalled Harry Herbold in

(Continued on 5A)


Wed. May 5, 7 P.M.SCRATCH

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Page 5: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

BOCA RATON NEWS May 2, 1965 5A

William Stowe, president of First Bank andTrust Company of Boca Raton, kicked off thefund drive for high school athletics this weekwith a $500 check. Bob Breitenstein, dean ofmen at Florida Atlantic University and chair-man of the drive, accepts the donation.

Kegler's Korner

The most talked aboutsummer bowling leagueis the one being organ-ized among the variousservice clubs.

Carl Lang helpedspearhead this leagueand will be contactingthe other clubs that havenot r e p o r t e d theirteams.

The fall and winterschedules are rapidlycoming to the end andwith it the leagues areelecting their officersfor the coming season.The Boca His and Hergroup has elected Har-vey Shelter, president,Col. Paul Villiard, vicepresident, and Dot t i eKing, secretary-treas-urer. The UniversityBowlerettes selectedtheir new slate with Ma-bel Walker as presi-dent, . Marion Pearson,vice president, Eve-lyn Olson, secretary -treasurer and CharlotteScott, sergeant at arms.

A new tournamentcalled " B e a t theChamp'3 starts on Mon-day and will run for 4weeks, each week thehigh three men and wo-men on a handicap bas-is will be selected forthe house finals with thewinners going to LakeWorth to bowl againstchampions Tommy Tut-tle and Olga Gloor.

S a t u r d a y JeanneB r o w n 1 e e and MaxB o o k e escorted thehouse winners to Miamito participate in the Mi-ami News Tournament.18,000 children partici-pated and the winnerscompete at the Univer-sith Bowl, South Miami,Representing the Ban-tam girls will be SusanMeredith, The Bantamboys will be representedby Ted Olsen and RickBrownlee. Junior girlsby Marilyn Brownlee(winner in 1963 ). Twogirls from Marymountschool, Brandy Com-mings and Judy Calan-dra, will bowl in thesenior girls division.

The All A m e r i c aYouth program is goingalong nicely. All theboys and girls have beencoming in daily to bowltheir qualifying games.The three man scratchsummer league will or-ganize on Wednesday the5th for the summer sea-son. Much interest hasbeen shown and they willhave their meeting at 7p.m.

University Bowl willbe sending another teamto the BPAF finals inWest Palm Beach, Asquad was run on Wed-nesday and the winnersDan Bey, Rudy Maas,H a r v e y Page, BobBrewster and Sal A1-.tieri bowled a total of3186 including handicap.They meet teams fromother parts of the stateon May46th. ••- --ROYAL OAKTeamCoconut PalmsDate PalmsSabal PalmsSago PalmsQueen PalmsKing PalmsIndividual high


, Bill


Taylor,214, Marion Rigaumont, 194;individual triple, Bob MacLar-en, 546, Marion Rigaumont, 478;Trophies presented to winningCoconut Palms Team consist-ing of Captain: Mai Spinning,Marion Rigaumont, Leo Boliekand Vi Misenhimer. Special tro-phy presented to Jo Spinning.

BOCA HISTeamQuadsNewcomersB-S'ersJolly FourTinkerbellsFire EatersCountry Club 4Inseparables

& HERWon8269671/2641/257 1/2531/25250


High team game, Jolly Four,650; high team triple, JollyFour 1880; individual high, PaulVeillard 207, Doris Moss, 180;individual triple, Paul Veillard,535, Dottie King, 523.

STURDY OAKSWEEKLY WINNERSSkinnerYatesMacLarenGangerBel and


High team game, Roth, Gaddis,Scofield, Becker, Lane, 967;high team triple, TIE Mere-dith, Bovaniger, Henthorn,Rey-nolds, Poole, M. Long, Skin-ner, MacLaren, Mackan, Sus-sieck, 2675; individual high,Skinner, 213; individual triple,Skinner, 518.

Cists less! St. Andrews(Continued

f r o m centerfield t opitch. Lalime took four

# balls to walk and pushedin the second run for St.Andrew's. With the ty-ing run on third, CoachFlynn called for the hitand run. Armour, run-ning for Bryan, streakedtoward home with thewindup and was just sixfeet off the plate whenOrtensi bunted back toHerbold on the mound in

# a perfect sacrifice ty-ing" the game, Hewittwent down short to firstfor the third out.

Boca Raton had menon the basepaths in boththe seventh and eighthbut couldn't get a runacross until the Boz-zone-Lalli combinationin the tenth.

The win put Boca Ra-# ton into Friday's semi-

f i n a l s against CoralShores.

The box score-.

from 4A)SCOTS ABHewit, 3b 4Punches, cf 3Riley, lr-rf 4Heidgart, rf-c 4Appleyard, lb 3Billing, rf 0Bryan, c 2Armour, c 1Cutie, ss 1Miller, ss 2Lalime, 2b 1Jurika, p 1Hernandez,ss 1Ortenzi, p 0


R H0 10 00 00 01 00 00 01 01 00 10 00 00 00 03 2R H2 2000

BOBCATS ABLalli, c 3Ziolkowski,2b 3 0 1Lekniskas,p 3 0 1Enders, lb 3 0 1W. Dodge, 3b 3 0 0Herbold, cf-p 4 0 0Jones, ss 4 0 2Klipsic, If 3 1 0Bozzone, rf 4 0 1Delgado 0 1 0

TOTALS 30 4 8Scots 001 000 200—3Bobcats 100 200 001—4

Little League Seasonopens

Monday, May 3rd.Leturmy Vs. Causeway

Pony League Season Opens Tuesday, May 4th.

SUPPORT r •• TYOUR Favorite Team






4-Boca National Bank










\ \

I¥1ff l



MAY SCHEDULEMon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri.,Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri.,Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri.,Mon.,Tue.,Thu.,Fri.,Mon.,




- 1 VS

- 2 vs- 3 vs- 4 vs- 7 vs- 8 vs- 2 vs- 3 vs- 7 vs- 1 vs- 8 vs- 2 vs- 6 vs- 7 vs- 7 vs- .8 vs- 5 vs

6 vs




5-First Federal6-Civitans7-First Bank8-Leturmy


Tue., June

Thu., June

Fri., June

Mon., J.une

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Mon., June

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Fri., June

Mon., June

Tue., June

Thu., June

Fri., June

Mon., June

Tue., June

Thu., July

Fri., July

Mon., July

Tue., July


of Boca



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Winfield Shopping Center395-4209



BLUM'S of boca2980 N. Federal Hwy.


BOCA HONDA SALES3719 S. Fed. Hwy. - Delray


BOCA JEWELERS364 E. Palmetto Park Kd.









42 S.E. 2nd St.395=5511

C&W ELECTRIC CORP.119 N.W. 16th St.




D&M AUTO PARTS220 S. Dixie Hwy.










JACK'S BARBER SHOP2166 N.E. 1st Ave.


JACK KEITZERMen's and Boys Wear

41 S.E. 1st Ave.395-4995

KECK/5 BARBER SHOP65 South Federal Hwy.


LEE HIGGINSON CORP.105 E. Boca Raton Rd.








YOUNG'S GARDEN SUPPLY209 South Federal Hwy,


Page 6: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

6A May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS


Line Rates 30<fper line

Minimum $!.2Cppr insert'nn

Ad DeadlineTill I I«S DAY

EDITIONTuesdays, 5 p.m.


Fridays I'i Noon




3954121JMerchdnd if e MrSdl i t

$50. Down, and take oveipayments of $20.53 permonth. For a New Low-rey Holiday Organ. Call395-3611 Weekdays, -395-4238 Eve.

ANTIQUESWe Buy, Sell, Chinese,Japanese antiques. Ori-ental Shop, 435 MainBlvd.Margate.972-3200.DAMAGED TRAILER -Good Chassis & Tires,See: behind, 165 N W20th St. S50. 395-4660,

WE BUY & SELLGood, Clean, Used I lomeFurnishings, T r y usFirst.

Call 942-1042DUKE .

HOME FURNISHINGS2301 North Dixie flwy.

Pompano Beach.G. E. Range, Refriger-ator, Deep Freeze, RoseCarpeting Call 395-2668I'hilco, Bendix, Washer& Dryer Twins, - ThorPortable Mangle, Wash-er needs new Agitator,otherwise good shape allthree. $75. 395-7196.

Metal Utility Cabinets,Wardrobe Base Cabin-ets. B r o o m Cabinets,RICHARD FURNITURE3749 N. Fed. Hwy.,Pompano Wl 11-0617.


2 yr. old. Monograms,embroideries, makesbutton holes, sews onbuttons, Blind hems, andmany fancy designs forbalance due $79.80 orpayments of $10.10 permo. For Free Homeinspection with no obli-gations call collect 583-4133 Ft. Laud, or 585-8609 Lake Worth.Small Craftsman Lathe& Motor. Good condition$25. Call 941-9255.

Buy Sell TradeFurn. Restaurant & BarEquip. &. What have you.Pompano Trading Post1108 Hammondville Rd.Pompano 933-1241SEWING MACHINE

ZIG ZAGLAY away from Christ-mas. Balance Owing$34. Cash or Terms.This machine buttonholes, monograms, andmany fancy stitches anddesigns all without at-tachments. Will takeolder machine in trade.Call Miami collect 634-6486 for Free Homedemonstration. .F r e n c h Provincial,Fruit Wood 2 end tables,& round coffee table, tomatch. $75. takes all.Call AM 395-7846.Used Power MowersReel and Rotary Typefrom $15. BELZERHARDWARE, 3198 N.Federal Hwy.Gas stove with extraElectric Oven. Broiler& Rotisserie $35. 395-4263. .13 cu. ft. upright Freez-er $110. 8 cu. ft. PhilcoRefrigerator. $15. 2Vornado Fans $15. &$20. Call 395-0541.K E E P your carpetsbeautiful despite con-stant footsteps of a busyfamily. Get Blue Lustre.Rent Electric Shampo-oer $1. Belzer's Hard-ware Co.

Merchandise for SaleNew Furniture, slightlyused, bedroom, Livingroom, Din ing Rm,Vacuum, lots of extras.Call 278-3810 or Boyn-ton 732-3388.

7 office desks, sales-men type, excellentcondition $35. Executivechair $35. Call BankerSecurity, Weir Plazallldg., 855 S. Fed. Hwy.Boca Raton 395-1701.LOWREY BERKSHIREOrgan Good Condition.$300. 395-3565 aft. 6P.M.Furniture wanted. AlsoA n t i q u e s , Appliancesetc., Florida T r a d e r933-7989.Large Modern Ebony1/2" thick glass topdining room table & 4matching upholsteredchairs . Very good cond.395-1654.

3 Male Dachshund pups,AKC black and tan, now$45. Call 942-5342.Male - Boston Terr ierPuppies, AKC, 8 wksold. 395-2775. 4721 NW2nd Ct., Boca Raton.


Wide selection of largeblooming size Cattleyas,Van d a s , Phalanopsis.Reasonable Prices. 3210Norfolk St., Pompano,941-4959.

FersdhalsWHY RENT A TV

Perfect TV in Boca Ra-ton will put a new 19"Portable in your homefor as little as $2.50per wk.40 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca

395-0782CAMP ARR'OWMONTBoys 8-16 yrs . SmokyMts, Canoeing, Sports,Go-Carts, WildernessCamping, Horses & Don-keys, call 276-4893.Miss Wilma your favo-rite hairdresser is nowlocated at Camino Coif-fures. 395-7055.


Free Picture & Witnes-ses . $10. Your homeor mine anytime. Ft.Lauderdale 565-4494.Retired Nurse withlovely home wil giveexcellent care to semi-invalid. My home oryours 941-4169.Give TUPPERWAREforMOTHERS DAY -Phone395-3624, Fay C r a n eBoca Representative.NURSE will give kind,personal attention to pa-tients in Lovely Pom-pano home. New car foroutings & e r r a n d s .Cheerful home and de-lightful meaIs.942-7098.~ TRAVEL


DRIVEAWAYL i c e n s e d , Bonded.Member of C h a m b e r .Drivers Waiting, Serv-ing, all Broward CountyFt. Laud. 522-2272 - 24ht.WANTED: elderly wom-an to live in my com-fortable home. Room &board reasonable. N.E.Ft. Laud. 565-3156.DECORATIVE Tri-Chem Embroidery Dem-onstrations at your clubor House Party. FreeClasses at my home.Call 943-0783.INVESTIGATIONS &Shadowing our special-ty. Low rates, fully l i -censed. Universal In-vestigations. Ft. Laud.565-5649 Day or Nite.

Lost: White Cashmeremink collared sweater$25. REWARD. 941-0964.

Boats sfbf? SaleSAILING , PRAM. FiberGlass ELTORO class$175. Nylon Sail, alsoSailing Surf Board $ 276-7926.1962 35' Owens SportFisherman Loaded, likenew, twin engines. Shipto shore radio. Electricrefrigerator. Sleeps 6,.942-2760 or 941-5837.3901 N.E. 25th Ave.,.Pompano.42' Matthews . . . Dou-ble Cabin. 200 HPChryslers. Recently r e -built, new 150 wt Radio,satisfactory Surveyed asof Jan. 1965. OwnerMoving North. Inspec-tion invited, very clean.See at our Dock


COVE MARINA,T)eerfield

Boats for Sale Autos for Sale • IhslructionS-Tuforing • Services Available •Business Opportunities• Real Estate TradeLET US SELL YOURBOAT - WE HAVE CUS-TOMERS FOR GOODUSED BOATS OF ALLSIZES.

CeeBee Marina Inc.580 N. Fed. Hwy.

Deerfield 399-1700Autos for Sale

1964 M.G. Midget Road-ster, white with wirewheels, Radio, White-walls, $1595. Call 395-3589.SACRIFICE 1961 Mer-cury Sta, Wagon. Power,Air. Financed $1300.perfect. 395-0666 or278-3952.

ESTATE CAR'58 Cadillac Sedan de-Ville, just like new. Ful-ly Powered, FactoryAir, Radio, New Tires,Guaranteed mechanical-ly sound, $795. Termsto suit reliable party.942-8350.


'61 Olds Dynamic, 4 drHard Top, Fully Power-ed, Deluxe interior,Custom Radio, FactoryAir, New Tires, LowMi. $1395. Will Finance943-0866 or 943-0758.

ONE OWNER'62 Pontiac Catalina"Vista" Hard Top Se-dan. Fully Powered,Custom Radio. PremiumNew Tires. $1695. orOffer. Bank Terms.943-0758 or 943-0866.G.M. EXECUTIVE CARS'62 Pontiac BonnevilleConv. Arctic White,Power Brakes, & Steer-ing, New Tires, CustomRadio, Low Mi. $1695.Terms.

'62 Olds 98 Conv. Pow-ered, Factory Air, NewTires, Custom Radio,very low mi. $1895.Terms. ImmaculateCond. 943-0866, 943-0758.'60 Plymouth Beauty. 2door Sedan, ImmaculateCondition. Low mi. Newtires, one owner. $32.down, $32. Mo. to re l i -able party. 943-0866.'59 Chev. B e a u t i f u lCond. Mechanically per-fect & very clean. Newtires . $35. down, $35Mo. with good credit.943-075 8.'60 Chev. 6 Sedan,White, new t i res . Looks& drives like new. $35.down, $32 Mo. to rightparty. 943-0866.'58 Plymouth V8 EstateWagon, excellent me-chanical condition. Newtires, power steering,brakes, radio. $25.Down, $25. Mo. Act faston this one. 943-0866 or943-0758.


Beautiful 1958 CadillacSedan DeVille, fullypowered, factory air,low mi. New Tires, oneOwner. $795 - $100.Down. $50. mo. to rightperson. 942-8350 or943-0758.MONZA 1963 - 4-on thefloor, W/W, Radio,Heater, Tinted Glass.A-l cond. $1575. SeeMr. Arnold at: St. An-drew's School, BocaRa-ton.

ONE OWNERElderly Gentleman'sCar, absolutely as new.'54 DeSoto Custom Se-dan. Power steering,automatic, radio, uphol-stery as new. Ash traysnever used. $25. down,$25. monthly. 943-0866or 943-0671.

HART MOTOR CO.Better Used Cars

for Less'60 Chev 2 dr.

Autm. $640.'60 Valiant 4 dr. $610.'60 Merc. 4 dr .

Full $590.'60 Ford 2 dr.V8 $585.'57 Olds Wagon

Full $590.'57 Pontiac 2 dr.

H/T $595.246 NE 6th ave., (N.Fed)Delray Beach 278-42251963 Volkswagen sedanair, radio, 27,000 mi.Original owner. Boca395-7616.

CADILLAC LOVERS'59 Fleetwood 4 doorhardtop, factory air,fully powered, sacr i -fice Price. $250. down,$45. monthly. 943-0866- 943-0671.

FOR SALE'56 Ford, 2 door, heater,radio, six cyl. good con.395-0388.Boca R a t o n NewsClassified Ads BRINGRESULTS. To placeyour ad call 395-5121.

CLEAN CAR FOR SALE1960 Buick Invicta 4 dr.Hardtop extra clean, oneowner, one driver. 325{-IP Hi-Compression en-gine. New paint job, r a -diator, battery and muf-fler. Recent $35 Tune upDeluxe whitewalls. Asharp looking and per-forming car . Can beseen in Boca or Delray.WEEKES REALTY CO.,

INC.273 NE 6th Ave DelrayBeach - Phone 276-5328

WantedA Donation of a Piano orOrgan for the UnityChurch of Boca Raton.395-0569,Want to buy - Surf Board& Golf Clubs. Call after4 p.m. CR 8-3266.


MAKERS SERVICE OFPalm Beach County, Inc.Needs Mature Womenfor part time & Live inNursing and Home care .Training will be given.Call 278-2651.Waitresses, w a n t e dMust be over 21 yrs .old. Guaranteed wage.Year round employmentApply: Tofano's Restau-rant, 515 NE 20th St.Boca Raton.Hairdresser,Year roundVery modern shop - ap-ply in person. Park AveBeauty Salon. 395-7575.Experienced MedicalSecretary wanted for 2Internists at Delray Of-fice. Please state allreference on applica-tion. Write Box 1838,Delray Beach, Fla.White Woman 2 or 3times wk. Generalhousework 4 hrs . day.395-7221.Work in Drive-in-Rest-aurant, no experiencenecessary. 6 day week -must be clean, neat, ef-ficient.

KING BURGER865 N. Fed. Hwy.

. Boca Raton. Fla.Experienced Secretaryfor Boca Raton office ofRutenberg Constr. Co.Must have pleasing per-sonality & excellentsecretarial skills, 5 1/2days week. Attractivestarting salary and op-portunity to advance.Good fringe benefits.Apply: Rutenberg Const.Co., 1385 W. CaminoReal, Boca Raton. Fla.

Help Wanted MaleIn Boca Area. SalesmanFamiliar with BuildingConstruction to s e l ls l i d i n g Glass Doors.Plaza Door Co., Inc.71 Port Rd., RivieraBeach. Tel. 848-2555for interview. .Work in Drive-in-Rest-aurant. No experiencenecessary. 6 day week -must be clean, neat ef-ficient.

KING BURGER865 N. Fed. Hwy.Boca Raton, Fla.

Porter for Drive-in-Restaurant, White orColored. Full time6dayweek.

KING BURGER865 N. Fed. Hwy.Boca Raton, Fla.

AlterationsFine Alteration, Rea-sonable Prices . PollyKappler, 517 HastingsSt. - Boca - 278-3546.Alterations & Dress-making. Reasonable . .395-5464.All Types of Alterations,.Ladies Dresses, Men'sSuits. 399-4038.jlnstroctions^-Tutbrihg

MUSIC LESSONSProfessional instruc-tors. Guitar, piano, or-gan, drums, clarinet,saxophone, t r u m p e t ,trombone, tuba.

THE MUSIC CENTER136 Boca Raton Road

395-3530Teacher of Piano, Ac-cordian. Reasonable,Your Home. 942-5215J


KINDERGARTEN250 N. W» 4th Diagonal

395-7071ACCORDION Instructionin your home. Call 972-2326 after 6 PM Sat.,Sun., anytime.

GUITAR LESSONSAll phases of GuitarPlaying taught by Pro-fessional - J o h n n yManecke 395-7333.BARRETT HALL P r e -School. Kindergarten &Nursery.Air-Condition-ed. Open all Summer.1016 NE 17th St., Ft.Lauderdale JA 2-7618.

FERN HALL PRIVATESCHOOL, Nursery thruHigh School. SmallClasses. Individual In-struction. Also SummerSchool Starting June 7.325 SE 9th St. Ft. Laud-erdale, JA 2-2014.

Services AvoilableEXPERIENCED TAY-LOR. All kinds - ladiesand men's alterations -suits made single brea-sted from double, widelapels m a d e narrow.B a r t o n & Miller'sCleaner & Laundry,2600 N. Dixie Hwy8 at5 Points, Wilton Man-ors LO6-4314.SPRINKLING SYSTEM

Service — Call:Steve - 941-6411EXPERT REPAIRS

On ALL makes of Auto-,matic & Wringer Wash-ers & Dryers.BOYE'S BOTTLED GASServing Broward Countysince 1927. 500 N. An-drews Ave. 532-2554.GEOLOGIST - Weekend6 Eve, Consulting - Le-roying & Drafting - 395-2096.

ASH MILLIVORKCustom cabinets

and MillworkFree estimates

535 N.W. 28th St.395-2260

SLIPCOVERS Pin Fittedby expert in your home,your fabric or ours,Prompt delivery, CallNick - 395-3555.


JA3-3431 Ft.LauderdaleEXTERMINATING

Termites Swarming?Armour Spray Service,Boca Raton 395-2125Quality Rugs & Car-peting. Custom MadeDraperies. Slip Covers.Reupholstering. Atlan-tic Rug Co., 3305 N.Fed. (Shoppers Haven)Pompano WH 1-1657.Boca Store 78 S. Fed.Highway, Boca Raton,395-3717.LAWN & TRKE SERVICE




Painting Interior or Ex-erior. No job too small,.Free Estimates. 278-2566,STEPPING Stone Spec-ialist, will install. Over200 Precast concreteItems stocked.Products,work guaranteed. DelrayConcrete Prod. Co. Cr6-4489 2 blks W. Sea-board R.R. off AtlanticAve,EVERYTHING IN GLASS

J.G. " JOE" ROTHTable tops & Mirrors

Storefronts & auto glass61 N.W. 7th St., Boca

395-0311BOCA PALM

DAY SCHOOL395-̂ 3698 or 942-3970

Open Year RoundLicensed & Insured.

Inside and outsidePainting. ReasonablePrices . No job toosmall. Call 395-3954.

CUSTOM PAINTINGPaperhanging, QualityWorkmanship.942-4135.Will Keep your books inmy home or do Secre-tarial work. QualifiedBookkeeper 395-7741aft. 6: PM.PAINTING BY CARVERA must for every homeOwner. Quotations with-out obligations. 395-0688.


5911 N- Federal Hwy.278-4200 278-2479

Screen and aluminumfor the Home. Roofs —•Awnings — AluminumAccessories. Sold andInstalled,TIC TOC CHILD CARE

Nursery273 N.W. 15th St.1 Year to 6 Years

Tel. 395-5440Use the Classifieds

CARPENTRYFinished C a r p e n t e rWork. Cabinets a Spec-ialty. W.J. Peters, 399-1951.ELECTRIC AL SERVICESpeedy 24 Hr. ServiceMLnnet Electric, Mem-ber of Broward BuildersExchange. Home Im-provement Div. Special-izing in Repairs Remod-eling 566-7521 Ft. Laud.

DO YOU NEED?An Experienced Par t -Time Secretary, Good,Bookkeepers, Stenos,T y p i s t s , G e n e r a lClerks, Available atreasonable rates.395-7704.

ME. BUSINESSMANDid you know that youcould go into 5,000 localhomes every week (26times) for $15.60? This$15.60 buys a 4 line"salesman" in the BocaRaton News. No better"salesman" in town.Call 395-5121 - RuthVan.APPLIANCES, KitchenCabinets & Other Items,Spray Painted in yourhome. Don Dull, 399-6467. ,Done Well Lawn Spray-ing. Chinch Bugs, ArmyWorms, 235 N.W. 4thDiagonal. Call HavenSchrecengost 395-1619.-

Situations WantedWoman wishes GeneralHouse work, Steady, Re-liable, Good Reference.395-4163.Available for days work.Will furnish referenceand transportation.276-4977,,Business Opportunities


A m a z i n g new liquidplastic coating used onall types of surfacesInterior or exterior.Eliminates waxing whenapplied on Asphalt Tile,Vinyl, Linoleum, VinylAsbestos, Hard Wood,and Furniture. Com-pletely e l i m i n a t e spainting when applied toWood, Metal, or Con-crete surfaces. Thisfinish is also recom-mended for boats andautomobiles.

NO COMPETITIONAs these areformulas in demand byall businesses, indus-try and homes. No fran-chise fee. Minimuminvestment - $300. Max-imum investm e n t -$7,000. Investment issecured by inventory.Factory trained person-nel will help set up yourbusiness. For completedetails and descriptiveliterature write:CHEM - PLASTICS &PAINT CORP., 1828Lo-cust., St. Louis 3, Mo.DELICATESSEN, egg &Poultry established 10yrs . with living quar-te r s . Equipment, stock,all for $1500. 583-7791Ft. Lauderdale.

INSTANT INCOMESteadily growing, 3 op-erator Beauty Salon (andEquipment) establishedClientele. Centrally lo-cated (next door to Poo-dle Parlor) . Owner willfinance. Low Down Pay-ment. 395-1232 or Eve.395-5271Small ""Manufacturingbusiness, non competi-tive, 2 Patented Items.Proven and can be prov-ed money maker. Oldage & poor health forcesto sell. 276-7613 or 933-4940 Ft. Lauderdale.


[Fine Watch Repair}1659 E. SAMPLE ROAD

^(across from Kwik-ChekVSHOPPERS HAVEN



Have Your Pool Look Like NewLe! Us Dram & Acid Bath It



Tel. 933-703!DIXIE POOL


BEER & WINE BAR2724 N. Dixie Hwy., Wil-ton Manors for informa-tion call LO 4-9241 Ft.Lauderdale.BEAUTY SALON, down-town, Large Apt, housebeing built acrossStreet. JA 3-1644 orLO6-9065. Ft. Laud. ._Restaurant on busy Hwy.Like new. Modern equip-ment. For Lease orSale. 276-6437.




Realtor131 NE 1st Ave.

395-3838 399-1355Billiard Parlor, Beer,Sandwiches & CollegeCampus. Will t rade.Phil Patenaude RealtorFt. Laud. 565-663 L

Stores for Rent18 x 45 Near FAU

395-4964Rooms for Rent

Furnished B e d r o o m ,Private bath in Boca.Call before 9: A.M. orafter 8: P.M. 395-4086.Large Cool & Modernroom in Boca. Priv, bath& entrance, connectingstudy. Reasonable. 278-2928.Beautifully furnishedlarge room, twinbeds.Priv. entrance & bath,& patio. Walk to shops.& theatre. $60 month.395-3589.

WantedCorner-Furn. Duplex, 2bdrm, 1 bath, closed ga-rage each side. A/C &heat. 1796 N.E. 5th Ave.

Rear Estate RentWAREHOUSE for RENT10,000 sq. ft. 14' high,good . office space al-ready finished. 4 largedoors you can drive thruthis building with bigtrucks. Phone 395-2583excellent condition im-mediate possession.In Royal Oak Hills, 2bedroom 2 bath house.Preferably facing Northor West. Call 399-6994.

Real Estate Wanted

Exchange Equity, a l -most new, spacious 3/2on lg lot. 501 N.W. 13thAve., Boca Raton, forvacant lot. 395-4383.


YOUR HOMEWill trade equity in al-most new 7 Unit Apart-ment House near CoralRidge Country Club forModern well located 3/2Boca R a t o n Home.Should be free & clear.

224 S. Fed. Hwy.395-1433 Eve.276-7713

Real EstateFor Rent or Sale

3 bedroom- 2 baths, un-furnished, Reasonable.Country Club Village,Boca. Write Box 41,Hobe Sound. Fla.2 bedroom Home, 375N.E. 7th St. Rent or SaleFurnished or Unfur-nished. 395-0843.Warehouse for Rent,167 1/2 N.W. 16th St.1000 to 2000 ft. plentyof light. Available atonce. -C-ll JA 4-7813.


Pool Home, Waterfront2/2 exquisitely furnish-ed. Every convenience.By Appt. Only.


Boca Raton 395-2244Real Estate Sale

TRI - LEVEL 3 bed-rooms, large Floridaroom, partially furnish-ed. Carpeted, fenced -5-2/3% Mtg. Loan. Byowner Boca Square .399-6336.


Vicinity Boca Raton toLantana. 10-20-30 acretracts . Buyers waiting.

M.I. Maddox, Realtor507 N.E. 20th St.

Boca Raton 395-2900In Royal Oak Hills - 2bedroom 2 bath house.Preferably facing Northor West call 399-6994.

Real Estate TradeWill trade 2 bedroom 2bath New Villa Apt. inDeerfield, for House inBoca Raton. 399-1583.

TRADE YOUR HOMECompleted Water FrontCondominium 1 & 2 Bed-room Apts. $15,000 to$25,000. Covered Park-ing. 399-5137.

Or new $9,000 to $16,000Garden Apt. Condomini-um. Call 399-3176.

10 DOWNTake Over Payments

PaymentsAs Low As

7 G 1 CADILLAC Cpe. JTQ930 0 Full power . . . J Opower .

' f if l CADll-LAC Conv. MQJ3DU Full power, air .. Htj

'C f l CHEVROLET H T. SEO47OU Full power . .. Ju

)pq CHEV. Impala. SE7«DO Power, Fact, air v*/

U I Very rare! Hi»CO BUICK ConvertiblesDfc. Power. SAtyb2

Sharp T«' C 1 PONTIAC Station Waqon.0 I Auto., PS.. PH., SSO43

Air Conditioned UiC1C1 CHRYSLER 1 AJTl0 I 4 Door Sflrfan . ^*£

fCfJ T-BIRD H.T. S/IQ73DU Priced rirj^f . 'iU

MEPCFDES190SL Convertible'59

u d Conv. Auto. 00

ICQ BUICK !10 4 7

0 0 4-Dr. H.T I 0JCT DODGE 10r. SI C«vJ/ H.T. Ideal !m) car I U

)C7 CHEV. Wagon. !O0(?3 / Auto., P.5. I-L.

30 Morn To(.house From

444 E. Sunrise Blvd.

Phone 525-4708

MOTORSPhone 943-0555


NO DOWN PAYMENT'53 CHEV. 4 dr'56 CHEV. Conv.58 CHEV. 2 dr

'64 English Ford $150 down28.62 per mo.




30 Cars with Air6 STA. WAGONS to Choose from

1960 to 1964


5810 N. Federal Hwy.Ft. Lauderdale



Page 7: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16


NW 10th Court, LakeFloresta Park - 2Br,2 B, LR, K, 2 car ga-rage, screened patio -beautiful corner lot onLake. Automatic heatand air conditioning.Fully shrubbed and ar-tistically decorated in-side and out. Fully fur-

C| nished. $35,000. PhoneFirst Bank and TrustCompany, N.A., Trus-tee, 395-4420, ask forMr. Johnson."BOCA RATON $47,900

Atlantic Cloisters, 2bedroom 2 bath. Oceanview. Central Air &Heat. Luxurious, Car-pets, Drapes, CoveredParking, Storage Ga-

• lore, Many Extras. PaulH. Lemen, 395-7845.Royal Palm Yacht & CC$38,500. Pool-3 bedrm.2 bath,den,call 395-1271Large Duplex, 2 bed-room, 2 bath, each side.1 side leased to Univ,faculty. Central heat andA/C. Sprinklers & frostfree refrigs. Walking

_. distance to churches &® new shopping center.

Consider trade for va-cant multiple dwellingproperty. Call Boca395-2951 for details.See property at 259 S.W.6rh S|-.r Boca.Absentee Owner reluc-tantly desires to sellOcean front 1st floor. 3bedrm 3 bath furn. Villa

m #5 at Cove Beach Club,w on AlA in Deerfield

Beach. No underlyingMtg. or ground lease.First inspect then if in-terested phone 565-4848or see Your Broker.


Homestead 1/2 - LeaseSecond half with Distinctincome tax advantages.

% Quality Construction forMaintenance free in-come. 2-2/ each side-Central A/C & heat,S p r i n k l e r s y s t e m ,Screen Patios, LushlyLandscaped - DesirableNeighbors, 3476 or 3496N.E. 5th Dr. Boca.Before buying in ROYALPALM YACHT & COUN-TRY CLUB, see 2199Acorn Palm Rd,, New

# model available immed-iately. Will cons i d e rtrade. Call 395-4428,395-1499, 276-7371. •

HUTZLER REALTYLots and Acredae StaI e100' x 150' Estates #2Close to Boca CabanaClub & ocean. Owner1-531-3862 or Box Z,Boca Raton News.Boca Raton Lot 1-2-3-11-12 Block 1 Floresta.Greatly reduced in pricefor quick sale. 395-4479.

Boca Raton Park75x125—80x125 Adjoin-

ing $2800. each.75x125—Canal $4900.120xl25-Corner, Some

trees $3600.Owner here one weekonly. 395-7285.75x110 High Ridge Es-tates, Pompano Beach,No Brokers. Call 942-6Q?Boca Hills, 109x179,Zoned residential. Sac-rifice . . 395-5339. 'R 3 Lot nearTAU, 150*front - 399-5922.200' Highway ^'State road 808, MainRoad from Turnpike toUniv. $85 per front foot.Call owner, Hibiscus3onst. Inc. 395-4275.2 Large Lots N.E. 5thAve. & 10th Terr. Each84' on 5th Ave. By 189'Deep. 20' Easement inrear. Can be sold sep-arately.BRUCE E. DARRELL

RealtorAlain Cushman asso,

395-2850Choice residential lotsin Boca Raton. Low downPayment, long term bal-ance. 399-1521.10 AC RES of land in Na-ples. Reasonable. Agood sound investment.Private Owner. 941-4169.

CAHINQ GARDENSFormer Model "James-town." Immediate occu-pancy. Located at

9&Q Butternut Terr ace.Three Bedrooms — threeBathrooms - Double Ga-rage — completely fur-nished. Adjoining cor-ner lot, optional. Forinspection, call at 900Elderberry Way or Phone395-1534.

Commercially zoned lotAvailable on 20th Street,Boca. 105x160 Terms.395-4964.ROYAL PALM YACHT

& COUNTRY CLUBLarge Golf Course Lotapprx. 100'xlSO' Verydesirable location. Sac-rifice. Owner, Ft. Lau-derdale 565-6082.


Lots available in Coun-try Club Village — sew-ers, water and roads.Lots ready for building.Unusual discounts nowbeing offered. Call 395-1818.

Co-op ApqrfrtierrtsDeluxe Fully Furnishednew co-cop, bedrm apt.Balcony. A/C Central.Yr. or seasonal. Rea-sonable to high typeadults. 395-0261 A.M.or Eve. .FOR SALE Across fromOcean. Private accessto Beach. Large livingroom. Screened bal-cony. 2 bedrm 2 baths.Electric kitchen. Rea-sonable 395-4593.



Furnished, Yearly $150Month.

395-6225Effcy, near beach, quietsurroundings, air cond.Summer Rate $80. mo.910 E. Palmetto ParkRd. 395-2666.$85 mo. furn. efficiencyon ocean. A/C Heat, Uti-lities included. Apr. 15to Dec. 1. Also 1 bed-room apts. $100 & $125per mo. 278-3983.Furnished 2 BedroomApt. A/C, lg. Patio.Close to Seach, 399-9875.F u r n i s h e d efficiencysuite, center of Boca, 5min, to public beach. On1st floor. I l l E. BocaRaton Rd.

• SUMMER RATESDelray Beach. Effcy. &1 bedrm one blk to Beach& Shopping. From $85.276-9222.Duplex 2/2, year oldfenced yard, ideal forcouple with child. $116.Mo. water inc. 2835 NE2nd Ave., Boca 395-7249EXTRA Guests Coming?Available, Furn. StudioApts. & Villas, on theocean, private beach,priv.dock. The Villas ofBoca Raton, 507 S. OceanBlvd.; on AlA. Call 395-5220.

MAJESTIC APTS.399 West Camino RealSpacious 1 bedroom Apt.Furn. or unfurn. Com-pletely Air conditioned& Heated. Annual rentalfrom $105. per month.Owner on premises, Apt#6, from 9 am to 4 .-30pm. or call 395-5548.

DEL-RIO APTS.New One bedroom, A/C,Heat, Furn. or unfurn.Year or Season. 480 W,,Camino Real. 395-7542.

LUXURY APTS.1 & 2 Bedroom, Furn.,Unfurn., Ht/AC, Adults.EASTONApts. 395-3287

541 NE 45th St., BocaNew Apartments, 3 bed-room 2 bath unfurnished$85. per mo. DelrayBeach'276-5537.New Duplex Apt's. furn.& Unfurn. 2/2 CentralA/C & Heat QualityThru-out. 3498 & 3422N.E. 5th Drive, BocaRaton.1 bedroom Apt. furnish-ed. 298 N.W. 4th Ave.Call 395-3565 after 6P.M.

POMPANOHILLSBORO SHORESFurn. 1 bedrm apts.,A/C shuffle board. Priv.Beach. Washing M-chine, $100 per mo. May1 to Dec. 1 for appt.

Call Delray 278-3983.

BOCA RATON NEWS May 2, 1965 7A

Completely furn. 1 bed-room apartment. Byweek or month. Call395-2596.Private Guest House,efficiency Apt. Air Cond.fully furnished 1 block toPublic Beach, $75. permonth, Plus Utilities.Call 395-2989.Summer rates until Nov.lo Furnished 1 and 2bedroom n e a r l y newapts. Air Cond. all elec-tric. From $105.GATEWAY Plaza Apts.330 W. Camino Real


399 S.W. 8th St.Boca Raton.

1 BR unfurnished apt.Central heat & air cond.Only 6 apts. in building;15x30' private walledpatio; free laundry; an-nual lease; $125. permo. Manager on premis-es 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. orphone 395-2984.IDEAL FOR TEACHERSEFFICIENCY & 1 Bed-room Apts. on theOcean, Deerfield. Con-v e n i e n t to Shopping.

OCEAN VUE APTS.'301 NE 21st Ave. (AlAlOne bedroom furnishedapartment, convenientlylocated and reasonablypriced. Call 395-1580.200 ft. to Beach. Effi-ciency Apts., completelyfurnished. $100. permonth includes utilities,& Linens. 395-4491.


Duplex Bldg., 3 expo-sures. Adults - No pets.444 E. Palmetto ParkRd. (walking distance toocean beach) Boca Raton


1150 SW 2nd AveBoca Islands

New, modern, furnished& unfurnished - Effi-ciencies, 1 & 2 bedroomapts. now available.Please call 395-7728,STUDIO APT. for Rent.Furnished also, Silver,China, Cooking utensils,all Linens etc. Lawncare, electric and wa-ter. Wall to wall carpet-ing, TV. $100. monthly.Call 395-3119 Owner.HOUSE TRAILER,Moonlight Bay, Deer-field. Adults only. - 399-3360 or 395-4988. Lot#20.Florida Atlantic U. Stu-dents special low stu-dent rates for the sum-mer session. Luxurytype furnished bedroomapts. Off campus. $50.per student. 330 W.Camino Real 395-7884.

SUMMER PRICESNew Duplex. Prime SWlocation. Lg Rms, Clo-sets, huge scrnd porch.A/H, luxury living formodest prices. See atcorner of SW 6th St. &SW 3rd Ave. 395-7594.

Horned for Rent3/2 Pool, Waterfront,Docks, Furnished. 726Havana Dr. CarribeanKeys. Ph. 278-3952(after -6:) very reason-able, ;Unfurnished 3 bedrbom2 baths Pool HomeDeerfield Beach, $175.yrly Basis - 395-4340 or.395-1471.Completely furnished 2bedrm, 2 baths. 2101N.W. 2nd Ave. 395-4611or 395-1431.3 bedroom, furnished.$165 Mo. including LawnMaintainence. 460 NW6th Ave. 395-1232 Eve.395-5271.

POMPANO RENTALS2 bedrm 1 bath $80 mo.3 bedrm 2 bath $100 mo.4 bedrm 2 bath $110 mo.

Sutter Real Estate933-5656


3 bedrm 2 bath, LargeLiving rm with roundedBay Windows. Kitchencompletely Shuttered fromLiving rm. G.E. Equipped.Air Cond. & Heat ScreenedPatio, closed double Ga=rage. Sprinkler, Drapes,Carpet.

See: 698 W. Caminoor .-all 395-2568 for appt



You must see this lovely, white colonialwaterfront home - Three bedrooms, 3 bathsplus an additional bedroom and bath forhelp or guests. Let us tell you more asmany nice features are left for your sur-prise. Come to 260 Key Palm Road, West,Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club, BocaRaton, between ll :00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.,to inspect and see . . .

M.K. WEIR & SONS, INC., RealtorsWeir Plaza Building, 855 S. Federal Hwy.

Boca Raton, Fh: 395-4000

Homes for Rent2 Dedroom 2 bath fur-nished Sunken Livingroom, Wall to Wall car-peting, Central Air &Heat. Terraced Diningarea. T.V. Includes Chi-na, Silver, Linens utensils, Lawn-care $200. Monthly. Call395-3119 Owner.

GOING TO BUILD???While waiting, rent fur-nished 2 bedroom,, 1bath. Includes China,S i l v e r , Linen s etc.Cooking utensils, Lawncare, electric, water,gas, T.V., enclosed ga-rage. $180. monthly.Call 395-3119 Owner.

$150. per MONTHOne Family Home 3 bed-rooms, 2 baths, 5 yearsold. Completely furnish-ed. Ultra modern kit-chen. Apply Owner, JohnLake, 201 N.E. 5th Ave.395-4158.All Electrfc Cozily Fur-nished 2 bedroom 2 bath,home, Fla. Rm. Call forappt. 395-0974.Available 3/1 FurnishedPompano Beach. Adultscall 395-1878.Furnished 2 bedroom 1bath & Den $90. permonth, Rental to Dec.31. Option to Buy. Call395-0289.

Homes tor SaleHouse with income$9500. 3/2 (1 bedroom &Bath with Private En-trance) excellent finan-cing $74. per Mo. Call278-4419 aft 6:BUILDER'S SACRIFICEBrand new Deluxe 3/2,with Panoramic Kitchen,Walk in Closets, LargeScreened Patio etc. Sav-ings & Loan Appraisal at$17,125. Sacrifice for$15,990. First mortgage$13,700. Down payment$1,500. See this bargainat: 1632 N.W. 5th St.,Country Club Village,Boca Raton, Fla.Owner5 s sacrifice $2000below replacement al-most new, 3/2, extralarge lot, Country ClubVillage, 501 N.W. 13thAve. 395-4383.

WATERFRONTS.W. 8th St. & 10th Ave.Completed Dec.31,1964.$15,500 plus homesite.$7500 down.2 bedrooms 2 baths onbeautiful W. CaminoReal. Furnished. 1055S.W. Camino Real, BocaRaton. Phone o w n e r395-4024.

Sale by OwnerBeautifully landscapedfenced corner Lot onprotected Canals, twodocks. Completely Fur-nished. 3 bedrooms 3baths, Central Heat &A/C enclosed heatedpool 2 car garage. Callfor Appt. 278-0951.

FOR SALEBy owner 3/2 CentralA/C & Heat. 90'xll0'lot. Plenty shrubbery$17,500. - Aft. 6 PM.395-1579; Days 395-2445.

Homes fdrJSaleBy Owner 2 bedrooms 2baths, Carpets & Drape-ries, G.E. Kitchen. 998SW 4th St. Boca Raton.395-6820.Owners Sacrifice 3/2Split level E. of Fed.Phone 395-3565 aft. 6-P.M.



Charming 3 bedroomhome and pool, Excel-lent floor plan by oneof Boca's best builders.Gorgeous carpeting anddraperies, . and manyother "extras." Peace-ful v i ew over water.Priced considerably un-der cost at $25,000. Anexceptionally good buy!MacLaren & Anderson

151 E. Royal Palm Rd.PH. 395-1333.

Boca Raton a Real Bar-gain, move right in tothis completely furn.Home. Winfield Park,A/H 2 bedrm 1 bath,Fla. Rm. L o v e l yGrounds, .Sprinkler Sys-tem, Awnings, Shuffle-board, Fruit Trees, LikeNew. 395-1953 for Appt.Boca Square: Airy Fla.Rm. P l u s screenedPorch, Closed Garage,2 bedrm 2 bath, manyextras. 1399 SW 4th St.Boca Raton.

BY OWNER2 Bedrooms 2 baths,$450 Down, $80 Mo. Call

JPCorner Property, 2 bed-room, 2 bath, all electrickitchen, patio, carport,partly furnished. Sacri-fice $13,500. 942-4242.

MOVE INNow or later. NEW 2bedrooms, Central AC/H, Garage, Sprinklers,Sewers, etc. Moderateprice - Much under cost.Royal Oak Hills area.Owner 395-7195.

BOCA SQUARE1156 SW 14th St. Ownerwill Sacrifice Beautifulnew 3 bedrooms 2 baths,Family room must beseen. Furniture Option-al. 395-6190.

ESTATE SECTION866 Sevilla Dr. 3/2-1/2Custom Built Home. Nota builders speculationhouse. Automatic gar-age doors, central aircond. All elec. kitchen.Disposal, Dish Washer,etc. draperies, W/Wcarpeting. Corner lotwith perfect exposure.Many extras, call 395-1884.








Fur Rest! with OptionMew 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath

Central Air-CondiiionedGarage, Family Room



$700 DOWN

Buys this 3 /2 Air Conditioned Home withCarpet and Draperies. Located near Schoolsand Shopping Center.

Harriet JackmanJ. Stuart Robertson, Inc., Realtors395-4624 395-1329

ONLY $1300 DOWNThis 3 bedroom Home with 2 com-pletely tiled Baths has full AIRCONDITIONING and Central Heat.It is located on a 90x110 lushlylandscaped lot in the prestige sub-division of BOCA RATON SQUARE.This Home has a 2 Car Carport andLarge enclosed Florida Room; TheCarpeting is included in the Pur-chase Price: Price also includesthe Refrigerator and Draperies.Move right in and have a low month-ly payment.

See at 634 SW 9th Aveor call owner at 395-4838


1061 BANYAN ROADone short block fromOcean. Lot 100x164.Fine Trees. LargeScreened Pool & Patio,3 bedrooms, 2 baths,Plus Cabana Bath. 2 cargarage. Reduced from$45,000. to $37,500.

A GREAT BUYBrochure on Request at:



$350 DOWN

$75 per month $10,600total price. East of Fed-eral, 2/1, good neigh-borhood.


Boca Raton 395-2244DEERFIELD BEACH

Deluxe and open to of-fer. Owner ReturningMid-West. Must sell.Newly decorated^ lg. 2bedrm, 2-1/2 bathhomeCentral ht. hot point kit-chen, lg. screened pa-tio with canopy diningarea. Beautifully land-scaped. 1342 SE 7thCt.,Cove Section 399-3245.3 BEDROOM 2 BATH

$650 DOWN$ 97 MONTH

Walking distance to P.O.Downtown & Ocean. 434N.E. 3rd St., Boca Ra-ton, Fla. Call L a k eWorth 1-965-1929 or1-965-5724.MUST SELL-ILLNESSOne year old house,Royal Oak Hills, Boca.2 Bedrooms, Large liv-ing area. Central aircond. & heat. Closed ga-rage, sewers, carpet,drapes, etc. Asking only$18,750. Make an offer.Owner 395-7155..New 2 bedroom 2 bathsCarpets & Drapes,Sprinklers, Big Savings,Furniture Optional.SNOW CONSTRUCTION

399-5922Muve in now. i-TIced tosell. Partially furn., 3bedroom, 2 bath, cornerlot, excellent residen-tial section East of Fed,Many extras included.Close to churches,schools and shopping.Financing available. 611S.E. 10th Ave., Deer-field Beach. 399-1076.


Special offering ofBuilder's Model Home.2-4 bedrms 2 bath withpool. 4-25 Bedrooms 2bath. All centrally heat-ed & air cond. with manyextras. Exceptional val-ues. NO REASONABLEOFFER WILL BE RE-FUSED. 395-5294 - 399-6790.



FOR BIG BIG HOUSEThis 3 bedroom Homewith 2 completely tiledBaths has full AIR CON-DITIONING and Centralheat. It is located ona 90x110 Lushly Land-scaped lot in the pres-tige Subdivision of BO-CA RATON SQUARE.This Home has a 2 Car-Carport and large en-,closed Florida Room.The Carpeting is in-cluded in the PurchasePrice: Price also in-cludes the Refrigeratorand Draperies. Moveright in and have a lowmonthly payment. Call395-4287.

Homes for SaleCOUNTRY CLUB

VILLAGE3/2 Central Heat, A/CDish Washer, Disposal,City Sewer, Sprinklers,Sacrifice. 395-7359.$14,900. Sacrifice.. Spa-cious 3/2, Electric Kit-chen, good neighborhood243 NE 26thSt. 395-2473call after 4 p.m.

ONLY $600 DO,WN$95. per month, 3/2,Florida Rm. Close toshops.


Boca Raton 395-2244


PLACE AU S0LE1LOn the west bank of tha


GULF STREAMEntrance s miles north ofDslray's Atlantic A-venue,


DIFFERENT HOMES1 bedroom 3 baths on water, u j $42,5002 bedrooms 1 bath furnished


William F. Koch, Jr.Realtor

CR 6-4474

$45,000For this beautiful 3 Bedroom VA Bath

House. MANY EXTRAS - Located in exclusiveROYAL PALM.

For further information callHarriet jackman

J. Stuart Robertson, Inc.395-4624 395-1329


MODEL ROW HOMESPalmetto Park TerraceBeautiful three bedroomModel, Central Air Con-ditioning Large LeisureRoom, 2 Car Garage,Deluxe Kitchen withG.E. Dishwasher Dispo-sal and Refrigerator.ONLY $1650 DOWN. NOLOAN COSTS.


141 S.W. 11th Ave.395-5313 Boca Raton


Air, Family Room, Screened Patio,Complete Kitchen with

Self-Cleaning AMERICANA OVENComplete Kitchen Appliances


Calf Boca Raton 395-1818



"The Real Estate Corner"J. STUART


Realtors60 South Federal Highway BOCA RATON 395-4624


Beautiful 3 bedroom, carpeting, draperies, airconditioned, 2 car garage, sprinklers, etc.

$& $53,500 NOW

SuiteAn AMMU O| Dututcttwt



A Limited Number of Offices Available NOW !$ftnoo

From 80 a m o n t h

INCLUDED AT N O EXTRA COST* DeLuxe Furnishings * Heat* Receptionist * Lights* Telephone Switchboard * Ample Parking* Air Conditioning * Janitor Service

(Public Stenographer Available on Fee Basis)

Call Today . . .M.N. WEIR & SONS, Realtors

395-4000For Appointment To Inspect

Page 8: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

8A May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWSHrimfes for Sdl£

N e a r University 2/2family jroom. 100'xl60'$15,000. 3774 NW 5tfcrAye. Boca 395-2670Beautiful corner Home,completely landscapedwith circular drive. 3Bedroom, 2 bath, beau-tiful kitchen with' wallrefrigerator, disposal,dishwasher/ deluxe ovenand stove. Washer &Dryer & plenty of cabi-nets. Drapes throughout.Must see to appreciate.Cost $24,700- Moving -must sell. $18,900Completely furnished.Can retain mortgage to$18,000. Call for appt.Owner 395-7053.BpC A RATON ESTATESFinest section betweenOcean & Intracoastal. 2Master bedrms, lg. liv-ing rm., Fla, rm., Den/guest rm., patio, dbl.garage. Washer, dryer,lg. elect, kitchen. Manyclosets. Beautifullylandscaped lg. grounds.Must sell.Call 278-4477,or write Boca RatonNews, Box #110, BocaRaton, Fla.

ROYAL OAK HILLS3/2 Screened patio poolon one of the most de-sirable corner lots indevelopment. Approx.100' front by 110' deep5 Tempered glass pan-els facing pool, automa-tic sprinkler system,landscaping, by Land-scape Architect. At costof $2500. Hurricanepanels, alum, awnings,wall to wall carpeting.GE washer & dryer, GEWethertron air - condi-tioner and heater, plusGE fully equipped kit-chen. Call 395-0807for appointment.Lake Rogers Waterfront834 NE 33 St. luxury3/3, unfurn. H/A, gar.dock. 395-1486.ROYAL OAK HILLS 2bedrm 2 bath home, Den,Must be seen Owner forAppt. call 395-4885.


2 & 3 Bedroom Homeslocated in Ft. Lauder-dale, Pompano Beach,and Margate for sale toanyone. N.O. NELSON,Realtor, 972-6451, VAManagement Broker.WATERFRONT HOME 3bedrm 2 bath 80' front-age, electric kitchen, lg.sun rm., heat & cool,enclosed garage, manyf r u i t t r e e s . Price$21,500 Mtg. $17, equity on 2/2apt... Phone 395-3684.Attractive Colon ia l ,Large 3/2, Extra largeliving room, huge walk-in closets. Many extras.Sprinkler System. Own-er 395-4758.Corner Lot, Sewers,beautiful 3/2 CBS, Dbl.Garage, Dishwasher,Disposal, Screened Pa-tio, Marble Baths, Base6 Sills & Foyer.Sprink-ler system, A/C & Ra-diant heat; Drapes, rugs$3500 Down. 1248 N.W.7th St. Country Club Vil-lage,Unusually designed 4bedroom 2 bath house.Centered around largelandscaped s c r eenedpatio. Air-cond. heated,garage, large G.E. kit-chen. Completely equip-ped. Near schools &University. Only 2 yearsold. 450 N.W. 15th St.Boca Raton. Seen byappt. only. Call ownerat 395-0614.Dock by IntracoastalScenic privacy; luxury3/3, den, h/a, gar; un-furn. Rent with option.834 NE 33 St. 395-1486

the bestrecipe


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Five CompetingFor /Miss' Title

Five j u n i o r s havebeen selected as final-ists in a Miss Boca Ra-ton High School contest.

The contest, first inthe school's history,will end with the crown-ing of "Miss Boca RatonHigh School" at theschool's second annualSpring band and chorusconcert Thursday, May6.

The girls were chosenfrom ten contestants.Finalists are Mibi Les-ter, Carol Jane Kolin-ski, Lynn Yeater, KathyNelson and Diane Walk-er.

Singer Will SpeakAt Nursing Meet

So Leonard Singer,di-rector of learning re-sources at Florida At-lantic University, willbe keynote speaker atthe biennial conventionof the National LeagueFor Nursing in SanFrancisco Monday, May3.

The subject of his talkto be delivered in theSan Francisco Arena,will be "Challenge of theAudiovisual Media to theEducator."

Deaths" F " Clifford ShockleyFuneral services will

be held at 10 a.m. Mon-day for " F " CliffordShockley, 65, 1189 SW4th St., Boca Raton.

Mr. Shockley diedThursday at an Atlantahospital following an ex-tended illness. He cameto Boca Raton threeyears ago from St. LouisMo., where he was asso-ciated with Standard OilCorp., Indiana. He wasa member of B a d g e rLodge F&AM, L a -C r o s s e , Wise, pastpresident of the Kiwan-is Club of Huron, S. D.-,and chairman of the Hu-ron Red Cross.

Survivors include hiswife, Laurine; a sonRobert L. of Del r a yBeach; a stepson, Mer-le J. Cameron of Mil-waukee, Wise; a dau-ghter, Mrs. Joanne Han-sen of Ames, Iowa; threesisters, Mrs. Roy C.Pulver of Orinda, Calif.Mrs. Bert Beveridge ofDelray Beach, and Mrs.Gladys Lines of Det-roit, Mich.; a brother,A. Del Shockley of St.Paul, Minn., and s ixgrandchildren.

Ralph McCahan,Christian Science read-er, will conduct the ser-vices Monday at Krae-er Funeral Home here,followed by entombmentin Lauderdale Memor-ial Gardens Mausoleum,Friends may call from2 to 4 p.m. Sunday atKraeer Funeral Home.

George C. RotheGeorge Charles Ro-

the, 74, 141 E. PalmettoPark Rd., died last Sun-day morning in a Pom-pano Beach Nursinghome following an ex-tended illness.

Mr Rothe came toBoca Raton 20 yearsago from Chicago, ELI,

He is survived by twosisters, Mrs. Ruth Pat-terson and Mrs. EmmaArnold, both of Chicago.

S e r v i c e s were heldFriday in Kraeer Fun-eral home by Rev. DanM. Gills, pastor, F i r s tMethodist Church. Bur-ial was in Boca RatonCemetery.

Arnold E. Schnell

Arnold E. Schnell, 42,Evansville, Ind., diedTuesday while attendinga convention in Boca Ra-ton.

Mr. Schnell came toBoca Raton for a com-pany meeting of GeneralFood Corporation.

He is survived by hiswife Virginia, Evans-ville; two sons and twodaughters.

Services and burialwill be in Evansville.

Kraeer Funeral Homewas in charge of localarrangements.

can easily buildthis superb home yourselfAll you need is a good nine months of uninterrupted

time, a homesite in a select neighborhood, a good strong

back, a working knowledge of masonry, carpentry,

roofing, plumbing, air-conditioning and heating installation,

electrical wiring, plastering, painting, cabinetry,

haggling for the best materials and various other

esoteric trade skills . . . any one of which

takes a good decade to achieve any real ability in.

And with no guarantee of the final result, all it'll cost

you is about $60,000. Of course, that includes

treatment and medications for the ulcers and strained

back you developed over those nine months.


You can choose from 12 superb Camino Gardens homes.

Select aii}r of three elegant elevations for your choice.

Customize to your heart's content. Put it on an oversize

waterfront or waterview homesite in beautiful Camino

Gardens (or on your own homesite, if you prefer). Then just

sit back and consider the future, in a community set apart

by a 7-acre botanical garden with its own scenic lake and

island.. .a community that offers privacy, landscaped

beauty, graceful waterways, and rolling hills . . . and all of the

conveniences of bustling Boca Raton, only minutes away.

Oh, yes. . . the Camino Gardens home pictured above

will cost you just $33,950. Guaranteed. Pool and all. (And

just think — you've saved yourself about $26,000

. . . nine months' time... and a nasty ulcer!)

See all of the distinguished two- and three-bedroom homes ofCamino Gardens. Priced from $25,500 to $50,000 (slightly

higher on waterfront). Located in beautiful Boca Raton.

GARDENSin the heart of



Remember the beauty of Africa, U.S.A.?Camino Garden:! now occupies the samegently roiling terrain.


• •

Page 9: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

* Women's News * Club Activities * Church News * Editorials * Real Estate

SECTION 2May 2, 1965

* . ' •

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen van Pelt Quackenbush

Newlyweds Will Moke

Palm Beach Their Home


AnnouncedMr. and Mrs. Robert

P. Pfanner, 783Conven-try St., have announcedthe engagement of theirdaughter Sharon Ann toMichael D8 Kopytchak,2182 N.E. Fifth Cir.

Kopytchak is the sonof M r s . Anne Wells,Binghamton, N.Y. andMichael Kopytchak, Mi-ami, Fla.

Miss Pfanner attend-ed Lake W o r t h HighSchool, Lake Worth, andis employed in BoyntonBeach.

Kopytchak is a grad-uate of Central HighSchool, Binghamton. Heattended Florida StateUniversity and is pre-sently at Florida At-lantic University, wherehe's a member of PhiKappa Tau National So—cial Fraternity, andcompleting studies foradegree in Business Ad-ministration.

A fall wedding is plan-ned.


Scholarship a First for Seacrest

Local Girl Gets AwardJoan Wyllner, Sea-

crest High School stu-dent, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Edgar Wyll-ner, 1300 N.W. SeventhSt., has been awardedPalm Beach County Pa-rent Teacher's Asso-ciation Council's teach-ing scholarship.

This is the first timea Seacrest High Schools t u d e n t has won theaward, since the fundwas established in 1955.

The scholarship ispresented each year toa graduating senior inPalm B e a c h Countyschools.

. The grant, $400 annu-ally for college study, isfrom the council's scho-larship fund to whichPTA units throughoutthe c o u n t y contributeeach year. Proceedsf r o m • Seacrest PTA'sthrift shop sales go to

the fund.Miss Wyllner plans

to attend Palm BeachJunior College.

She is a member ofthe high school chaptersof the Future T-eacher'sof America and the RedCross, and the JuniorExchangette Club,

She was presented theaward at the PTA's fi-nal meeting of the schoolyear.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oxl ey

Sharon Ruth Becomes

Bride of Tom Ox/eyJanice Carol Burque,

daughter of Mr. andMrs. Joseph J. Burque,owner and operator ofBoca Iron Works, ex-changed wedding vowswith Stephen van PeltQuackenbush, III, son ofStephen van Pelt Quack-enbush, Jr., Palm Beachand Elk Lake, Pa., andMrs. Edward Giddons,Takoma Park, Md., Sat-urday in St. VincentFerrer Church, DelrayBeach.

Rev. Walter Roux of-ficiated at the doublering ceremony.

The bride appearedat the arms of her fa-ther in a floor-lengthgown of re-embroideredAlencon lace over silkorganza.

Appliques of lace withseedpearls e x t e n d e ddown a chapel train at-tached to the skirt ofthe gown.

Her fingertip Frenchillusion veil featured acrown of seedpearls andcrystal tear drops. Sheheld one white rose seton lace and seedpearlcovered missal.

Music was providedby D. Hugh Albee, solo-ist, and M i s s LetheMadge Royce, organist.

Maid of honor, Kath-leen Clark chose afloorl e n g t h antique greensheath with a train. Boththe gown and train werea c c e n t e d with limegreen.

Elaine B u r q u e ,bride's sister, wore apale lime green floorl e n g t h sheath with atrain, accented by an-tique green. Both car-ried a spray of yellowcarnations.

Best man was Jan B.Quackenbush, bride-groom's brother.

The bride's motherw o r e a powder bluesheath dress trimmedwith silver metallic, a

An Atlantic auto ferryhas been proposed by aEuropean ship line forservice in 1967. Thepresent test schedulebetween Haifa and Romewill help decide on con-struction of a 20,000-ton ocean ferry.





chiffon powder b l u estole, a blue floral pill-box, and a beige orchidcorsage.

A buffe t receptiongiven by the bride's par-ents at the Town Housefoftowed the ceremony.

The bride chose anaqua blue sheath dresswith matching eveningcoat and shoes, whitepill box and white glovesfor her wedding trip toPonte VedraClub, Jack-sonville. The b r i d e isa graduate of SeacrestHigh School and PalmBeach Junior College.

The .bridegroom is ag r a d u a t e of GeorgeSchool, Newtown, Pa.,and has completed fouryears with the U.S. Na-vy. He is presentlyin his second year atPalm Beach Junior Col-lege and a member ofthe Naval Reserves.

The couple will liveat " L o n g Shadows,"Tangier Avenue., PalmBeach.

Miss Pfanner


Is PlannedA Mother's Day lun-

cheon will be held bymembers of the Pedia-tric Care Center Aux-iliary Tuesday, May 4in the Officer's Club,Fort Lauderdale.

Chairman of the lun-cheon is Mrs. RobertD'Amore, Boca Raton.

S h a r o n Lee Ruth,daughter of M r . andMrs. Carl S. Ruth, Jr.,395 N.W. 23 St. ex-changed wedding vowswith Tom Oxley, sonof Mr. and Mrs. JohnOxley, Tulsa, Okla.,April 24 in First Bap-tist Church, D e l r a yBeach.

Rev. Carl Storey of-ficiated at the doublering ceremony.

The bride appearedat the arm of her fa-ther in a white silk or-ganza gown with an em-broidered front panel.

She held a bouquet ofw h i t e shasta daisieswith yellow centers.

Matron of honor wasCarol Oxley; best man,Jack Oxley.

A r e c e p t i o n at thehome of the bride's par-ents followed the cere-mony.

The bride, a graduateof a high school in Tam-pa, attended B r o w a r dJunior College for oneyear.

The bridegroom willbe a senior at FloridaAtlantic University inSeptember.

The couple's honey -moon trip was in thesouthern part of Flori-da. They will live inT u l s a following thebridegroom's gradua-tion from FAU.

Competition amongairlines in in-flight en-tertainment has drivenone carrier to install aseven - channel soundsystem in addition tomotion pictures. Amongthe choices are lightc l a s s i c a l , popular,stage and jazz musicand recordings for chil-dren.

Miss Marie Tuck, honor English teacher and head of the scholarship com-mittee at Seacrest High School, '(left) and Mrs. William Eckler, presidentSeacrest High School PTA presented the County PTA Council's teachingscholarship to Joan Wyllner, Boca Raton. Allen Vogl Photo

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aMONEYPeriodic review of your Will

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Page 10: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

2B May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS

Mrs. Robert Good (left) Xi Gamma Sigma Chapter, and Mrs. Charles Winn-ingham, Kpsiion Pi, were named Beta Sigma Phi "Women of the Year" ata founder's day banquet April 28. The banquet marked the 3 Hh anniversaryof the national soroity and the 10th anniversary of Xi Gamma Sigma Chapter.Mrs. Good is a charter member of the group. Both women hold the ErskineFeldmann Bowl which was presented to Mrs. Winningham. She will keepthe bowl for a year then present it to next year's "Woman of the Year" fromthe Kp.silon Pi Chapter. Mrs. Good also received a trophy from her chapter.

School WillHold Prom

St. Andrew's SchoolJunior - Senior P r o mwill be held Saturday,May 8 at the Boca-Ra-ton Hotel and Club, Ca-bana Club.

Steve Billing is chair-man of the formal invi-tational dance, RustySchoenthaler, chair -man of entertainment;J a m i e Waken, invita-tions; and Tim Warbur-ton, decorations.

Dancing will be from8:30 p.m. to 12:30 the Surf Room, Caba-na Club.

Faculty* guests willinclude Dr. and Mrs*Joseph Gould,- dance ad-visors, Headmaster andMrs, E. J. Curtis, Jr.,Mr. and Mrs. F r e dBurr, Dr.-and Mrs. M.L. Howe, Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Flynn, Mr. andMrs. W i l l i a m Posey,Mr. and Mrs. KennethAnthony, and Mr. andMrs, Kenneth Garside.

Women Plan

InstallationInstallation of the

first officers of BocaRaton Chapter, UnitedChurchwomen will beheld at a f e l l o w s h i pmeeting Friday, May 7in F i r s t MethodistChurch.

Meeting will beg inwith a coffee hour at9:30 a.m.

O f f i c e r s are Mrs.John Lynn, First Metho-dist Church, president;Miss Nellis Clift, Uni-ted Church of Christ,vice president, Mrs,Roy G. Henderson, FirstPresbyterian Church,treasurer; Mrs. PhilipS. B e e s e, MoravianCHurch, secretary.

Music will be provi-ded by Mrs. Robert Ag-new and Mrs.' LillianParker.

Reservations for thecoffee hour may be madeby 1 p.m. Wednesday,May 5 at the First Meth-odist Church, 395-1244.

Meeting to discuss plans and distribute tickets for a card party to be givenby Boca Raton Garden Club was held in the home of Mrs. William Steers, chair-man of the party. The party will be held at 8 p.jti. Thursday, May 13 in theCommunity Center. Mrs. Leslie Eames (left), ticket chairman, distributestickets to Mrs. Alexander Beckman and Mrs. Howard Secor.

Mrs. Joseph Gola, Jr., (left) new president of Woman's Club receivesthe club gavel from Mrs. Vincent J. Welp, installing officer, and Mrs. HaroldArcher, retiring president.

Happy HouseBy Claire Archer

Do you have a questionpertaining to interiordecorating? Replies willbe made when returnstamped envelope is en-closed.

Request from Mrs.J.S. — We're doing overour family room and Ihave most of myproblems solved exceptwhat to do about an ar-rangement for the top ofa Colonial dry sink. It

has been used for a spotto collect books, papers,magazines, or the child-ren have used it to holdtheir small toys. It'ssuch a handsome pieceof furniture that it de-serves something spe-cial for the top. Willyou please help me.

Dear Friend: For oneside, I have always likedseveral red clay flowerpots filled with brightgeraniums. On the otherside, you could think

Mrs. LifkaIs Elected

Mrs. Charles Lifka,Boca Raton, will be in-stalled vice presidentof Women's OverseasS e r v i c e League, FortLauderdale Unit, at ameeting Saturday, May8.

The meeting will beheld at noon in BrowardHotel, Fort Lauderdale.

Anyone in the BocaRaton area interestedin the league may con-tact Mrs. L i fka , 276-6233.

Club InstallsNew Officers

Mrs. J o s e p h Gola,Jr., was installed presi-dent of Woman's Clubat a meeting last week.

Installing officer wasMrs. Vincent J. Welp,West Palm Beach, dis-trict 10 director.

Other officers areMrs. Oliver Chambers,f i r s t vice president;Mrs. Ben Rich, secondvice president; Mrs.Roger Shaul, recordingsecretary; Mrs, Wil-liam Maxfield, corres-ponding secretary, andMrs. Charles deVault,treasurer.

about an important look-ing ceramic farm ani-mal. Then dare yourfamily to use this spotfor a collection box.

Happy house to you.

The average girl ac-cepted as an airline ste-wardess is 21, stands5 feet 5-1/2 and weighs125 pounds.

The value of Japanesehousehold sewing mac-hines exported to theUnited States last yearwas a record $28,273,-847, a figure 19 percent higher'than in 1963.The m a c h i n e s totaled1,013,584, a quantity ex-ceeded only in 1959 with1,092,928.

Royal Palm Women's Golf Association hastwo groups of women playing golf, the eighteenhole and the nine hole group. The nine holeplayers ended their season with a guest dayluncheon in the Yacht Club Thursday. Among

those who attended the luncheon were (left)Mrs. Frank W. Regan, low gross champ,'Mrs.A.H. Gillmore, • new chairman of the group;Mrs. G.F. Reiman, immediated past chairman,and Mrs. John A. McCormick, low net winner.

Jolly Mixers

Set LuncheonJolly Mixers Club will

hold a pink luncheon at11:30 a.m. Wednesday,May 5 in El Sirocco Ho-tel.

Pink will be the colorscheme for the women'sdresses and luncheondecor.

Cards will follow theluncheon. Mrs. VirgilHeck will preside ashostess.

Victoria, British Co-lumbia was founded in1843 as a.fort for theHudson's Bay Company.It has been a naval basesince 1865.

Mrs. Palmer Craig presented a film on India at Royale Woman's Club Inter-national tea last week. Chatting with Mrs. Craig (center) about her travels inIndia are (1 eft) Mrs. Glenn Smithson, chairman of the tea, 'and Mrs. Allan B.Millar, Royale Woman's Club president.

Rev. GathersWill Speak

Rev. G. E. Gathers,Pompano Beach, will beguest speaker at a St.Gregory's Churchwo-men meeting Monday,May 3.


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Lynnette Carol Edwards, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Leonard Edwards, 2061 W- Confer-ence Dr., was presented the first BarbaraMatwiy Nursing Scholarship from RoyaleWoman's Club at an International Tea lastweek. The award was presented to her by Mrs.T.C. Lane, the club's education chairman.Miss Edwards, a Seacrest High School senior,will attend Palm Beach Junior College. Sheis a member of the Para-Medics Club, Sea-crest, and works as a candy striper at Beth-esda Memorial Hospital.

you_€'-»- . . . . .HADN'T



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Page 11: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16


Calendar of EwentsMONDAY, MAY 3

Dressmaking, Community Center, 9 a.m.Glass staining, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m.Thrift shoppe board meeting, member's homes,

10 a.m.Woman's Choral Group, First Methodist Church,

10 a.m.£ . Welfare Council case worker, Garden Apts. off-

--- ice, 1 to 2 p.m.Girl -Scouts, Scout Hut, 3 p.m.Library Association, library, 4 p.m.Lion's Club, 399 N.W. 35th St., 7 p.m.Civil Service Association, Community Center,

7:30 p.m.Community Chorus, Community Center, 7:30p.m.Progressive bridge, Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m.Welfare Council, Community Center, 7:30 p.m.Republican Club, Chamber of Commerce, 8 p.m.Jaycee Wives, member's homes, 8 p.m.

# TUESDAY, MAY 4Needlecraft, Community Center, 9:30 a.m.Debbie-Rand board of trustees, member's homes,

9:30 a.m.Beg. plastic flowers, Community Center, 9:30 a.m.Rug hooking, Scout Hut, 10 a.m,Kiwanis Club, Town House, noon.Adv. plastic flowers, Community Center, 1 p.m.Garden Club, Community Center, 2 p.m.Brownies, Scout Hut, 2 p.m.Royal Oak Hills Bridge Club, Community Center,

m, 7 p.m.Sandpiper's Square Dance Club, Community Cen-

ter, 7:30 p.m.TOPS, Community Center, 7:30 p.m.Evening sketch class, Art Guild, 7:30 p.m.Civitans, Dutch Pantry, 7:30 p.m.Square dance instr., Community Center, 8 p.m.Junior Woman's Club, home of Mrs. Robert

Lewis, 425 N.W. Fifth Ave., 8 p.m.Veterans World War I, Barracks 2855, Legion

Home, 8 p.m.Municipal band rehearsal, old city hall, 8 p.m.

® Jaycees, 140 N.W. 1st St., 8 p.m.WEDNESDAY, MAY 5

Toastmistress Club, Schrafft's, 10 a.m.Oil painting class, Art Guild, 10 a.m.Rotary Club, Town House, 12:15 p.m.Beg. dressmaking, Community Center, 1 p.m.Girl Scouts, Scout Hut, 2:30 p.m.Tap and ballet, instr., Community Center, 3 p.m.PBA, police station, 3:30 p.m.Boy Scouts, Scout Hut, 7 p.m.Judo instr., Community Center, 7 p.m.

# Plastic flowers, Community Center, 7 p.m.Deerfield-Boca Rod and Reel Club, Inlet Club-

house, 7:30 p.m.Xi Gamma Sigma Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, mem-

ber's homes, 8 p.m.Elks Lodge 2166, 140 N.W. 11th St., 8 p.m.

THURSDAY, MAY 6Sunrise Kiwanis Club, Town House, 7:30 p.m.Royal Palm Woman's Golf Association, Royal

Palm Golf Course, 9:30 a.m.Boca Raton Woman's Golf Association, Boca Raton

Golf Course, 9:30 a.m.® Crushed glass, Community Center, 9:30 a.m.

Royal Oak Hills board meeting, Community Cen-ter, 10 a.m.

Board of Realtors, Hidden Valley, noon.Exchange Club, Pal's, 12:15 p.m.Women s card party, Community Center, 12:30

p.m.Welfare Council case worker, Garden Apts. office,

1 to 2 p.m.Brownies, Scout Hut, 2 p.m.Men's Garden Club board meeting, Community

^ Center, 3 p.m.** Children painting class, Art Guild, 3:30 p.m.

Contractor's Association, University Bowl, 7p.m.Twilighters, Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m.Adult ballroom dancing, Community Center, 7:30.Portrait painting, Community Center, 8 p.m.Gladioli Court 14, Order of Amaranth, Delray

Beach Masonic Temple, 8 p.m.American Legion, 160 N.W. Second St., 8 p.m.

FRIDAY, MAY 7Etching on aluminum, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m.

H Oil painting, Community Center, 9:30 a,m.w Seed and shell craft, Community Center, 9:30 a.m.

Portrait painting, Art Guild, 10 a.m.Twilighter activity day, Scout Hut, 2 p.m.Tap and ballet recital, Community Center, 7:30.Golf instr., Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m.Boca Barber shoppers, University Bowl, 8 p.m,

SATURDAY, MAY 8Baton instr., Scout Hut, 8:30 a.m.Drum lessons, Community Center, 9:30 a.m.Bugle lessons, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m.

# Stickcraft, Community Center, 9:30 a.m.Sparky Fire Department, Boca Raton Theatre, 10.Drill, Scout Hut, 10:30 a.m.Judo instr., Community Center, 1 p.m.Roller skating, Scout Hut, 1 p.m.Girl Scout dance, Scout Hut, 6 p.m.Teen-age dance, Community Center, 7:30 p.m.

Kenneth Higgins Will

« Spealc to Junior WomenKenneth W. Higgins

will be guest speakerat a Junior Woman'sClub meeting Tuesday,May 4 in the h o m e ofMrs. Robert Lewis, 425

N.W. Fifth Ave.

Higgin's topic will be^ w Boca Raton citycharter. Meeting willb e § i n a t 8 P-m-


395-2937 395-3811

194 H.W. 20tfl Si. "The University Street"

Relaxing in the cocktail dresses to be modelled at the show are (left) Mrs.P. L. Shawl ey and Mrs. Jack Guy.

Members of Pebbit-Rand Memorial Service League will attend a May DayTea and Fashion Show Tuesday, May 4 in Ocean Hearth Restaurant. Fash-ions will be from the Thrift Shoppe. Selecting casual wear for the show are(left) Mrs. John Alley; Mrs. Edna May Alley, co-chairman of the tea; Mrs.Vincent Cox, and (seated) commentator, Mrs. John R. Meyer. Fashions willbe on sale at the shoppe at 10 a-m. the day following the tea.

Mrs. Robert Damon, chairman of the tea, Mrs. Robert A. Rosof and Mrs. F.Cutter Cobb select dresses to be worn at the show.


Monday - ravioli, eng-lish peas, dark bread,,tossed salad, fruit cock-tail, milk.Tuesday - chicken loafand gravy, hot biscuit,f r e s h spinach, carrotcurls, white coconutcake, milk.Wednesday - hamburg-ers, potato chips, chic-ken rice soup, celerys t i c k s , applesauce,milk.Thursday - Johnny Mar-zetti, hot rolls, tossedsalad, prunes and cook-ies, milk.Friday - tuna fish sal-ad, potato chips, let-tuce and tomato, hotrolls, chocolate brown-ies, milk.BOCA RATON SCHOOLMonday - hamburger onbun, green beans, coleslaw, pear halves, milk.Tuesday - beef chop su-ey over r i c e , carrotcurls, tossed salad, bis-cuit and butter, frozenorange juice bar, milk.Wednesday - c h i c k e nsalad on lettuce leaf,s t u f f e d celery, peas,yeast roll and butter,jello, milk.Thursday - beanie wein-ies, buttered greens,carrot and raisin salad,cornbread and butter,apple sauce, milk.Friday - fish square onb u n , olives, butteredcorn, cole slaw, cook-ies, milk.

Did you know that $1.00put into fixed savings in1949 is now worth only 79 (in purchasing power 1

Did you know that $1.00put into average commonstocks in 1949 has grownto $4.12 ?

Of course, some stocks selllower and pay less dividendsthan in 1949 but othershave done far better than

• average, illustrating bothrisk and profit in common

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7 The great need is to select goodTl stocks and that's where we may be': of help. Why not stop in and learn7* about the stocks recommended by thf friendly firm of



Hints for a Homemalceri©SCW.INC. j

May in Floridausually means time tobegin thinking aboutthose common enoughpests, called bugs.

Although Floridianswill sometimes look attourists and say "Bugs?What bugs," we mustadmit, they do exist . . .

Having admitted theydo exist, the next thingto do is find out what todo about them.

Though many people,even Floridians, believethat only unclean house-holds are frequented bypests, insects actual yvisit all homes, tidy oruntidy, rich or poor, inthe winter in Florida aswell as the summer.

Here are some gene-ral rules for insect con-trol which may be use-ful ifyou'rehouseclean-ing or if you're gettingready for the trip upnorth.

Screen and seal anyopenings in your homethat allowpests to enter.Clean out hiding places.

Store open food stuffswell off the floor.

Dispose of left-overfoods rapidly — andkeep an eye out for any-thing that might havefallen, to the floor.

Thoroughly c l e a nnooks and crannies —under the refrigerator

and stove — at leastfour times a year.

Keep garbage unitsclosed tightly and don'tlet garbage remain in-doors overnight.

Keep wet items, suchas mops, as dry as pos-sible since dampnessbreeds insects.

Use bug sprays regu-larly to keep tiny gnatsand other insects fromfinding a home. Be care-ful, however never tospray food areas orutensils.

Consult a professionalpest controller if yourproblem warrants it —particularly with ter-mites.

In selecting a pesti-cide remember they arepoisons, many are pow-erful enough to cause in-jury to humans and ani-mals if used improp-erly.

Read the label to findwhether it is effectiveagainst the pest you wantto control.

Find out how to pre-pare and apply thechemical, whether youmust wear gloves orprotective clothing.

Use the recommendeddosage or less if it willdo the job. Too muchmay h a r m humans,plants, animals or leaveharmful residue.

980 KC


9:15 A.M. AND 4:15 P.M.


Social Newsand Views




Programing With YOU in Mind

Page 12: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

Law DayThis editorial on the meaning of Law Day was

written by J. Edgar Hoover and is reprinted fromthe May edition of the FBI Law Enforcement Bul-letin.

Woodrow Wilson once said, "The first duty oflaw is to keep sound the society it serves." Inour day, this becomes an increasingly hardertask because of society's indifference to ITSfirst duty — upholding the law.

In an effort to make our great heritage underlaw more meaningful to Americans, May 1 eachyear has been proclaimed Law Day, USA. Thetheme this year, "Uphold the Law — ACitizen'sFirst Duty," is most timely and germane tomuch of our Nation's internal strife.

In the recent past, we have seen the rule of lawflouted from college campuses to riot-tornmetropolitan streets. It is mocked by those whouse the cause of legitimate petition and assemblyas a facade behind which to plunder, loot anddestroy property. Likewise, and even moreregrettable, the rule of law is debased by reck-less and callous enforcement powers whichstoop to brutal and unnecessary force in hand-ling crowds and demonstrations.

When officers violate their oath of office andthe ethical standards of law enforcement, theydisgrace their profession. Their acts jeopardizethe public respect and confidence which diligentand dedicated men have given their lives to per-petuate. They place an extremely heavy burdenon their associates and invite shame, ridiculeand disrespect for their department, communityand state.

This is not to say, of course, that all chargesof excessive force by officers of the law aretrue. Many times, persons strike and assaultpolicemen and resist lawful arrest to such anextent that great force is necessary to bringthe violators under control. In such instances,

some individuals are quick to charge "brutality"when the facts show the officers acted withintheir rights.

Americans should view with alarm the growinglack of respect for law and order. We have seenwhat occurs when extremists are encouraged byirresponsibility on the part of those chargedwith maintaining law and order. On the otherhand, who is to say what damage is done to theimpressionable minds of our young people whoqtness, or are urged to join in, activities inwhich participants defy constituted authoritywith no apparent misgivings and go unpunished.Abuse of the law is a dangerous practice forfreedom-loving people, and there can be no ex-ceptions to compliance, for we know "Wherelaw ends, there tyranny begins."

Freedom, justice, and the individual dignity ofman are concomitants to the rule of law. Dis-respect for this concept is a tragic weaknesswhich undermines the American traditions ofhonesty, integrity, and fairplay. It is a weak-ness which must be eliminated from our societyand, above all, from the ranks of law enforce-ment.

Law enforcement may take exceptional pridein knowing that its significant role in perpetuat-ing law and order has not been overlooked. Theweek of May 9-15 has been set aside as PoliceWeek and May 15, as Peace Officers MemorialDay. As we pause to observe these memorabledates, let us remember that we shall fail ourresponsible trust unless love and respect for therule of law abide in the heart of every man behindthe badge.

The Other Side of the Coin

Things We Didn't KnowBy John Opel

Newspapers, public officials,utility companies and probablya lot of other people get allsorts of mail.

It's a good idea . . . tellsus lots of things we didn't know.Unfortunately, a lot of themwould be better off forgottenabout.

Mayor Sid Brodhead got aunsigned letter the other dayfrom a man who had seen anadvertisement for one of thoseVRROOOOM gadgets. As amatter of fact, the Mayor's cor-respondent enclosed the ad.

This was the only comment:"Bigger signs, bigger build-

ings, greater thunder . . . .it'll all help people to theirgraves."

There's at least one thing tosay for the VRROOOOM, though.Attached to a tricycle, it doesn'tgenerate much horsepower.

The Detroit products makeless noise but they pack aheck of a kick under the hood.. .and even with power steering,there's entirely too many dri-vers on the streets of BocaRaton who still can't cornerthe monsters properly.

We'd probably all be saferif all club ladies were re -

quired to drive sports carswith four-speed stick shifts. . .instead of shiny big luxury mo-dels with automatic transmis-sions. The girls might evenget to like it . . . and who could-n't master the machines pro-bably should be permanentlygaraged anyway.

But getting back to the mailsituation.

We also learned in thisweek'smail that the Toy Manufactur-ers of the U.S.A., Inc., claimto have solved the "drop out"problem. Or something. Gistof the report we received isthat they're having a "univer-sity" here for three days „ . .they claim it's coeducational,has a fine faculty, offers golf,swimming, and fishing, andwill have no exams.

Besides, it 's in Florida, andthe Toy Manufacturers thinkthat's fine too.

And the Florida Medical As-sociation think maybe the asa-fetida bag wasn't such a badidea after all. As a matter offact, the association s a y s"there's occasionally morescientific truth than meets theeye in folk medicine."

Seems the thing smelled sobad, it kept every one at asafe distance . . . . therebypreventing the spread of in-


The association also reportsthat the toothpick is in a stateof social decline. Once upona time, they were as muchornamental as utilitarian. Fas-hioned of gold or silver andstudded with precious ;gems,they were worn on men's hatsand used as hair pins by wo-men.

And thanks to our mail, we'realso able to report that AirFrance is providing free ticketsto 23 Paris fashion salons forits first class passengers . . .to France, of course. Beingsomewhat provincial, we hadnever known that it was neces-sary to pay an admission chargeto get into a Parisian fashionsalon . . . always heard it wassimply a good place to keepthe wife out of . . . like thefollies, but for a different rea-son*.

Down in Miami the other daywe heard Richard Tobin of theSaturday Review forecast theday when "reading and writingmay once again become popu-lar ." We suggested that thiscause might be helped by de-voting a two-hour segment ofprime television time to publicservice programing.

We're still scratching ourheads (both of them) over thatone.

'Years of Lightning, Days of Drums'

Beautiful Film Documentary"Years of Lightning, Days of

Drums" may be a beautifulfilm documentary, but somemembers of Congress don'tthink it should be shown to theAmerican public.

Resolutions to allow domesticdistribution of the United StatesInformation Agency -producedfilm on President Kennedy havetouched off sharp partisan con-troversy.

The issue at stake is whetherrelease of USIA output in theUnited States would effectively"propagandize" the Americanpeople. Republicans claim thatrelease of "Years of Lightning,Day of Drums" would set aprecedent contrary to "long-standing Congressional intent"that USI "propaganda" be di-rected only abroad.

Democrats argue that Ameri-cans are entitled to view "pro-bably the best documentary everproduced by the USIA" - a part

of their "national heritage."The House Foreign Affairs

Committee Feb. 25 by a 16-8vote over Republican oppositionapproved a concurrent resolu-tion to release the film in theUnited States. Rep. ClementJ. Zablocki (D-Wis.) introducedthe measure. The House RulesCommittee March 31 took noaction after hearing debate onthe resolution. it may justdie there. A Senate ForeignRelations Committee d e b a t eMarch 16 reportedly stalledover similar resolutions intro-duced by Sens. Claiborne Pell(D-R-I) and George McGovern(D-S-D.)

House and Senate resolutionswould authorize the USIA to dis-tribute the Kennedy film in theUnited States through commer-cial and educational outlets.The House Committee reportreleased March 5 advised thatno appropriated funds be usedfor its distribution, that non-partisanship be adhered to and

that money received from theventure go to the Treasury.

Widespread public demand tosee the USIA film grew in thiscountry after its release over-seas in 1964. The film wasuniversally acclaimed in for-eign press reviews. Under the1948 U.S. Information and Ed-ucational Exchange Act - theSmith-Mundt Act - informationa c t i v i t i e s about the UnitedStates and its policies wereauthorized to be carried out"abroad". Both opponents andpro-ponents of the Kennedy -film resolutions generally a-gree that Congress "intended"that the USIA, which is respon-sible to the President, directits activities "solely toward thepeople of other countries." TheAct does not, however, express-ly prohibit USIA from releasingits material in the United States.

- Congressional Quarterly

• 4 ^ -


The Breadwinner's Journal

At an All Time LowBy Donald I, Rogers

Not since the days beforeGrandpa got his bifoculs hasthe viewing public been whatyou could call ravingly en-thusiastic about television pro-graming and a f t e r periodicfault-finding through the years,it appears now that public opin-ion of the fare being offeredis at an alltime low.

A reviewer's revolt may beimminent. No less an authorityt h a n Bernard P. Gallagher,whose confidential letter to ad-vertising, marketing and mediaexecutives is regarded as near-ly Biblical around Madison Ave-nue agencies, says the publicis "verging" on rebellion. Hecites a recent survey that show-ed one out of four viewers con-vinced that "tv programs as awhole are terrible." One outof two expressed dissatisfac-tion with current programing.Only 18 per cent had somethinggood to say.

An advertisers' revolt mayalso be brewing and agenciesare exploring other media suchas radio, newspapers, maga-zines and outdoor advertisingeither to supplement or sub-stitute for their tv ad messages.Top-level meetings were heldby two large corporations onemorning last week to discussa complete revision of adverti-sing budgeting. Both compan-ies have been heavy tv adver-tisers.

The Federal CommunicationsCommission, which believesthat the three-network domin-ance of _ U.S. television is theculprit in bad programing, isplanning to intensify its effortsto limit network control ofshows. Senator Thomas Dodd

Wit's End

It isn't the number of peopleemployed in a business thatmakes it successful, it 's thenumber working.

Scandal Sheet, Graham,Texas, Rotary Club

Even a mosquito doesn't geta slap on the back until hestarts working.

Kentucky School Journal

If you look like your pass-port photo, you aren't wellenough to travel.

Chatham, Iowa, Blanketeer

Personnel man to trainee:"Or- if you prefer, you mayelect to skip coffee breaks en-tirely and retire three yearsearly."

Baltimore Sun

Of course it was easy for thepioneers going West; all theyhad to do was to follow thewagon ruts, while today's tour-ist has to decipher 17 differenttraffic signs on the same pole.

Fostoria, Ohio, Courier

Another sign of middle age -when the phone rings on Satur-day night and you hope it 's notfor you.

Mutual Moments

and Representative Oren Harrisboth warn that Congress is pre-pared to act if programs do notimprove.

Even public service pro-graming is declining, and view-ers are not always happy withthe public service shows thatare scheduled. F.C.C. Chair-man E. William Henry com-plains that the 1960-61 tv sea-son had 22 per cent more net-work public service hours thanwere offered in the season justended. Next season is expectedto have less.

Gallagher says tv is at acreative low. "Besttalentfleesto other media," says his Re-port. "In the last five years,tv directors John Franken-heimer, Blake Edwards, Field-er Cook, Lamont Johnson,Stuart Rosenberg, Hy Averback,Jack Smight have quit tv forlack of creative challenge. TVartists like Fielder Cook andStan Freberg find more crea-tive excitement in tv commer-cials than in programs."

With advertisers g r o w i n grestless, network tv markets

are softening. CBS, says Gal-lagher, is down to $30,000 acommercial minute from over$40,000 previously. One of thethings that arouses the ire of themore faithful advertisers isthat the third quarter (July 1to October 30) on all three net-works is selling at 20 to 25per cent below the "rate card"prices charged those who con-tracted for time at the begin-ning of the year.

Armed with Gallagher's r e -liable statistics and facts weconducted a poll on programingtastes in our house. Repliedthe wife: "Too much sex (Pey-ton Place, Long Hot Summer)and soap operas; "Too muchnothingness." Said Davey, age11: "The monster stuff isgood — the rest of it, yachhhhk!"Responded Nancy, age 8; "Ilike many of the adult shows,but they come on too late forme. As for the rest of them,they're too childish to wastetime on."

That may be the answer, fortime is as valuable even to akid, as it is to a network.

Ten Years Ago in Loca Raton News

Hugh Brown, chief of Boca Raton Police Department, was oneof 41 candidates whose names were slated to appear on a ballotin a primary election. Brown sought the office held by SheriffJohn Kirk for a number of years.

Dr. Harry Sorenson was elected first president of Boca Ra-ton's new Junior Chamber of Commerce at a meeting.

Mrs. James Caldwell caught a 216 pound blue marlin on afishing trip near Bimini. She caught the marlin with light tackleon a nine-thread dacron 20-pound test line. It took an hour and20 minutes to get the fish into the boat.

Four Years Ago

A movement to establish an "elected charter" committeehere and implicitely to overthrow the new city charter pendingin the state legislature was started here.

Building permits were issued during April for two businesses,thirty three single residences and seventeen additions and altera-tions for a total of $718,700, according to the office of chiefbuilding inspector.

Mrs. Lloyd Mangus was named "Woman of the Year" by mem-bers of Beta Sigma Phi at a Founder's Day banquet.

She received the-Erskine Feldmann Annual Memorial Award.

Boca Raton, Florida 4B May 2, 1965

BOCA RATON NEWSPublished every Thursday and Sunday

Only newspaper with complete news and pictorial coverage ofthe fast-growing Boca Raton area.

J.H. Jesse John Opel H. Clay RileyPublisher Editor Adv..Mgr.

MEMBERFlorida Press Association

National Editorial AssociationBoca Raton Chamber of Commerce

Represented For National Advertising By Florida Press Service, Inc.

Subscription Rates: By carrier in city 15$ a we* , 65$ a month;By mail in U.S., payable in advance, 1 year $7.50, 6 months, $4.003 months $2.50.

Page 13: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

BOCA RATON NEWS Moy 2, 1965 5B

* i

• *

•i *

N ? \ !\






3- ' '

•i r • ' •

Everglades scene.

'Full of Fresh Air and Sunshine'

Griepenburg Show Opens at FAU

Full of Florida fresh airand sunshine - that describesthe Florida Atlantic Univer-sity art exhibit for May, ac-cording to Dr. Gerard Doyon,assistant professor of fine arts.

Water colors of C.M. Grie-penburg, Margate, will be onpublic view in the lobby ofFAU's library during libraryhours which include week-dayevenings, Saturday mornings,and Sunday afternoons.

Transparent and clean-cutwater colors are used by theartist, who goes by the pro-fessional name of C. M. Gripp,in the creation of realistic tosemi-abstract scenes of Flo-rida. His paintings reflecta preference for the pictur-esque and remote scenes inthe state.

His pictures of the Ever -glades are "poetic and Mel-ancholic," Dr. Doyon said."He has a classic style thatshould please natura lovers aswell as art lovers."

Griepenburg has taught wa-ter color painting at the BocaRaton Art Guild. He has .ex-hibited five years and won 10first awards.

Gripp" at work on Boca Raton scene.

First All Florida Prep School ArtExhibit Opens Sunday at St.Andrew's

A new milestone for St. An-drew's Boys' School and a firstin art programs of preparatoryschools statewide is establishedwith Sunday's preview showingof the first All Florida PrepSchool Art Exhibit.

The competitive exhibit is ondisplay in the Fuller CommonsRoom, St. Andrew's School andcan be seen daily through May21.

Today's preview is from 3 to5 p.m. Paintings are done bypreparatory school boys andgirls, and awards were given inthree classes - landscape, stilllife, and figure.

"We feel this project, whilerelatively small to future plans,will stimulate more creativecompetition from potential fineart students in our many pr i -vate schools. There will be agoal each year," stated WilliamArnold, director of student act-ivities for St. Andrew's and au-thor of the exhibit,

"The public school systemshave art competitions on a coun-ty wide basis, but there is nocompetition among the prepara-tory schools of our state. Wefound with a growing interest inart here from our imported ex-hibits this year, this exhibit wasa facet we could offer otherschools. We had the facilitiesto initiate this competitionwhich will be expanded in thefuture," Arnold continued.

Credit for the expansion of thecultural program at school willbe given to the recently formedarts committee of the Mother'sAssociation which is sponsoringthe preview reception today.

"Without the interest andsupport of the committee wecouldn't plan ahead with artprojects," Arnold said. "Theyare a great committee and weare pleased with their interestand willingness to give time andleadership to further the cul-tural program."

Mrs. W. H. Weldon, Boca Ra-ton, is committee chairman. Atthe organizational meeting,plans Were discussed for addingmore important gallery exhibitsto the growing schedule for theschool next year,

"I feel our committee is anew interest for parents at St.Andrew's. Many of us are in-terested in the school activitiesand appreciate a stimulus such

as the cultural program," Mrs,Weldon said. "We feel spon-soring this program can furtherthe identity of Boca Raton as acultural community, and we cancreate new interest in this ex-cellent school."

Mrs. Josiah Bacon, presidentof the Mother's Association aswell as a committee memberagrees, and adds, "We welcomethe addition of the arts com-mittee to the association as anadded effort to our various en-deavors such as the school l i -brary and refreshment s for act-ivities such as Saturday's state

swim meet.Other art committee mem-

bers who will be present atSunday's reception are Mrs.Philip E. Martin, Mrs. EskildBondesen, Mrs. Ken Garside,Mrs. Eugene Curtis Jr. , Mrs.Harold Burris- Meyer and Mrs.Howard Deuell Jr .

Judges for the exhibit wereJohn Flancher, president of theBoca Raton Art Guild, Dr. G,M.Doyon, chairman of the art de-partment of Florida AtlanticUniversity and Capt. ValarianYavorsky, chairman of the artdepartment of the host school.

"Figure" by Anne Wootton won the grand prize in the prep-schoolart competition at St. Andrew's School. Miss Wootton, 17, is an11th grade student at Graham-Ecke s School.

Polymer landscape.




IN EACH UNIT Wo»tktf J,ncome



Byzy. ZjaxeA ^4nd Illortfaye! V1DADesigned And Built For Maximum Privacy,Florida Living Luxuries, Low Maintenance

CARPORT and FLORIDA ROOMVfll US-Packed Fully Sodded and Landscaped Lot e Central Heat &u/>tL r i Air Conditioning « Spacious Florida Room • Large

W i t h F e a t u r e s . . . D *. n „ „ . B , . ...Living Room with Dinette; Big Bedrooms © Sparkling

1 Hat InClUde • Kitchen with G.E. Range & Oven, Mica Cabinets andLuminous Ceiling * Exquisite Baths with American-Standard fixtures * Utility

Room wired for Washer « Terrazzo Floors « Tile Roof

LOCATION: 2456 N.E. 5th Ave., just 1 block west of Federal Highway,convenient to Churches, University, Golf, Beach


A & P CONSTRUCTION400 N.E. 27th Circle, Boca Raton

Phone 395- 4254SAMACQU1LANO

"Building in Boca flafon Since 7953"HOME BUILDERS ASS N ]PALM BEACH COUNTY

Page 14: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16

Mtaor Alterations in Design

Cloister Towers Changes SetRadice Realty & Con-

struction Corporationthis week revealed min-or modifications to theirp-roposed C l o i s t e rBeach Towers on SouthOcean Boulevard affect-ing the 17th floor fa-cade and lower lobbies.

Spokesman for thefirm, Lee C. Vona, said

the 17th floor balcon-ies will now ring thebuilding thus providinglarger outdoor areas forthe penthouses.

A study of a new ren-dering . released, thisweek with the announce-ment indicates that ex-tensive changes havebeen made allowing for

the addition of a foun-tain, pond and walkwaysin the areas surround-ing the round,glass-en-closed lobbies. Thereare four main lobbies,each one serving a sep-arate "bank" or towerin the 128 unit high-risecondominium.

Unique in south Flor-

ida, architect EmanuelAbraben has designedan apartment residenceproviding almost exclu-sive apartment privacynot available before.The re are only twoapartments per floor ineach "bank" served bya private elevator.

The towers are num-

This duplex is one of several being builtby Sam Acquilano's A&P Construction Co.Each of the "sides" of the duplex has cen-tral heat and air conditioning, large living

room, two large bedrooms, a Florida room,twobaths, utility room, and full electric kitchen.This model is located at 2456 NE 5th Ave.,one block west of Federal Highway.

Builder of Local CondominiumIs Given 'Outstanding' AwardRecognition as Flo-

rida's outstanding buil-der of condominiumswas given the I. Z. Mannorganization by the Gen-eral Electric Co. in anaward presentation Fri-day in Tampa.

Representing Gener-al Electric was SalesManager Joe Albrittonof the Tampa District.Selection of the half-dozen condominiumsbuilt across Florida bythe I. Z. Mann & Asso-ciates organization fol-lowed a critical studyof hundreds of fine con-dominiums throughoutthe state, Albritton said.

Camera crews weresent by the company tophotograph the exter-iors of the apartmentcomplexes chosen forfinal consideration. Thephotographic materialthen was studied by ex-perts, who selected theMann properties as theoutstanding example of

archit e c t u r a 1 excel-lence from both the es-thetic and utilitarian as-pects, of land use forthe benefit of residents,and of planning and pro-vision of applicancesand other features forcomfortable living, Al-britton said.

As a result of theirselection for top hon-ors, the six waterfrontcondominiums, locatedin Boca Raton, and fiveother Florida cities,will be featured in aspecial G.E. exhibitionat the New York World'sFair this summer.

Designed by the ar-chitectural firm of Lo-patka & McQuaig, Win-ter Park, the Mann con-dominium apartments -

feature full electric liv-ing throughout. Everyapartment has indivi-dual year 'round elec-tric air conditioning andheating, oven and range,vented kitchen exhaust,electric refrigerator,electric water heater,ga rbage disposal unitand, in many u n i t s ,built - in dishwashers.

All three story build-ings have elevators, allhave full laundry facili-ties and all have exter-ior decorative and safe-ty lighting, as do thegardens and recreationareas of each of thedevelopments.

Heated pools are partof the recreational faci-lities of each complex.

Garage Reflects Taste,Deserves Special Attention


Fire, Auto,

Boaf, Life,

Did I ForgetAnything ?



Your garage is an in-tegral part of yourhome, and reflects yourtaste.

Therefore it deservesa little special atten-tion — something.,that iseasy to do nowadays withall the various forms ofbuilding m a t e r i a l savailable.

You may prefer to justput a s imple trellisaround the garage doorand train some easy-to-grow bougainvillea. Ea-sy to grow in Boca Ra-ton, the vine b loomsprofusely and colorful-ly.

Baffle s e r e ens putvertically on the side ofa garage and painted tocontrast with the under-wall will hide blankly-staring windows.

Florida's coral rockused as a vertical pan-el is not only inexpen-sive but a real show-stopper for northern vi-sitors. It isn't too hardto lay it yourself, if youwant a little week-endexercise.

A large shee t orsheets of colored plas-tic make an interestingshelter over the doorof a garage or carportwhere rain often traps

a driver returning fromwork or from the gro-cery. This too, is easyto use and can be usedwith big redwood beamsfor interesting contrastand low upkeep.

Got a co lon ia l orperiod designed garage?Lumber companies herein Boca Raton sell cupo-las complete with wea-ther vane for a reallyinteresting dress-up forgarage or carport.

Truck lineSeeks Permit

R-C Motor Lines, Inc.with general offices atJacksonville, has ap -plied to the InterstateCommerce Commissionfor authority to servicethis area.

If granted, R-C wouldbe authorized to provideinterstate trucking ser-vice between here andmajor cities in Georgia,South Carolina, NorthCarolina, Virginia,Maryland, P e n n s y l -vania, New Jersey, NewYork, Massachusettsand Rhode Island.

There's one recordthe Automobile Manu-facturers Associationhasn't kept on car perf-ormance. The AMA wasstumped when an editorof a reference workasked: "What is thespeed record for a cardriven backward?"


CONROY'S^OLColl 941-1911

GuaranteedControl $

15 Years ,Experience


Inc.§ Bonded


REALTORS OF BOCA RATONThe followingare members ofthe Boca RatonBoard of Real-tors. Doingbusiness withthem you areassured the

type of servicebe administered

in the field of Real EstatePractice.

highestthat can

ARVIDA REALTY SALES,Inc., 998 S. Federal Hwy.,395-2000.

W.P. BEBOUT, 701 N.Federal Hwy., 395-4334.

CONN C. CURRY, 711 E.Palmetto Park Rdo 395-3922,BRUCE E. DARRELL,

Realtor, 425 E. PalmettoP a * Rd., 395-1322.

WM. DAY, INC., 500 S.Federal Hwy., 395-0230.

FSOSELL REALTY, P.O.Box 1196, 395-0333.

H.D. GflXES, 234 S.Federal Hwy., 395-2733.

ORYAL E. HADLEY, 400E. Palmetto Park Road,395-2244.

ROBERT W. INGALLS,Royal palm SloppingPlaza, 395-3130.

F. WOODROW KEETON,2950 N. Ocean Boule-vard, 395-5252.

MACLAREN & ANDER-SON, INC., 151 E. RoyalPalm Road, 395-1333.

MILDRED I. MADDOX,507 N.E. 20th St., 395-2900.

MEDALLION REALTY,Suite C, 131 E. PalmettoParkRd., 395-2421.

AC. MITCHELL & SONS,INC., 22 S. Federal Hwy.,395-4711.

MOTHERWELL REALTY,757 S. Federal Hwy.,395-4044.

THOMAS P . NOLAN, 131N.E. 1st Avenue, 395-3838.

F, BYRON PARKS, 151N. Ocean Boulevard,395-3700.

PETRUZZELLI REALTY,INC., 2325 N. OceanBoulevard 395-0822.

PL ASTRIDGE AGENCY,INC., 224 S. Fed. Hwy.,395-1433.

3. STUART ROBERTSON.INC.. 60 S. Federal Hwy.,395-4624.

RICHARD F. ROSS, 21S.E. 3rd St., 399-6444.

FRED E. TAYLOR, 100N.E. 20th St., P.O. Box862, 395-7059.

M.N. WEIR & SONS. BVC,,855 S. Federal Hwy.,395-4000.

JOHN A. WRIGHT, 5600Keys Drive, CR8-2402.

bered from one to fourwith the latter toweroverlooking the oceannorth and adjacent to theBoca Raton Hotel's Ca-bana Club.

Two pre-stressed en-trance marquees havebeen added on the southside of Cloister BeachTowers opening off thegarden and recreationalareas.

The $5,000,000 devel-opment offers two bed-room, two ba th , andthree bedroom, 2-1/2bath apartments rangingin price from $29,000to $54,500.

As is typical of Ra-dice high-rise apart-ment residences thereare large areas of tem-pered g l a s s usedthroughout. In someareas the entire wall isglass providing a tenmi le view north andsouth of the south Flo-rida coastline. The siteis 1,200 feet south ofthe Boca Inlet at 1200South Ocean Blvd.

Vona stated last weekthat construction wouldbe started sometime inJune of this year, bar-ring a steel strike, andthat completion is ex-pected by early 1966.The Radice organizationwhich developed the$7,000,000 Fountain-head in Lauderdale-By-The-Sea and the 17-sto-ry Edgewater Arms inFt. Lauderdale is a 45-year old New York andF l o r i d a inve stmentbuilding concern notedfor their specializationin high - rise luxuryapartment residences.

Model apartments onthe site are open dailyand Sunday from 9 6 p.m.

Pilcher JoinsMarket GroupDr. Palmer C. Pil-

cher, dean of academicaffairs at Florida Atlan-tic University, has beenappointed to. an educa-tional membership inthe Sales and Market-ing Executives of FortLauderdale.

He was informed ofhis appointment by theAmerican National Bankand Trust Co. of FortLauderdale which issponsoring his mem-bership.

Brannon BuysEllwyn HotelRichard Brannon of

Boca Raton and Wash-ington, D. C. has pur-chased the Ellwyn Motelin Deerfield Beach.

Mrs. Pearl J, Rose-braugh, an associate ofJ. S tua r t Robertson,handled the $200,000transaction for Bran-non.

The Convertible, one of four entirely different furnished models open 9 to6 at Deerfield Lake, 777 Southeast 2nd Ave., Deerfield Beach, offers thebest of two worlds — the panelled den of the one-bedroom apartment pro-vides additional living and entertaining space and also "converts" to a guestbedroom for occasional visitors. The living room-den combination has herebeen treated as a single room and decorated in Provincial style with blueand gold being the dominant colors.

Strengthened Tourist IndustrySaid Key to Boca Raton GrowthA strengthened and

expanded tourist indus-try holds the key to morerapid population growthin the Boca Raton vicin-ity, a South Palm BeachRealtor believes.

The theory was putforward this week byMilton N. Weir, Jr.,president of M. N. Weir& Sons, who declaredthat "the rate of ourpermanent population'sgrowth will be directlyrelated to the number ofvisitors we can attractto this community."

Historically, tourismhas brought to SouthFlorida the vacationerswho have become resi-dents and i n v e s t o r s ,Weir pointed out. "Thishas been substantiallytrue right here in ourown city."

"We have a f i r s t -class example of it in thecity of Fort Lauderdale,where practically theentire eastern half •• ofthe community has beensettled by people whooriginally were vaca-tioners.'

Much of the expansionof the Boca Raton areacan be traced to Fort

GRIFFINFLOORING CO."Griffin Has The Floor"




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Three reasons why

most people buy their

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That's Us!Boca Raton's ONLY authorized agent for


W.P. BEBOUTINSURANCE AGENCY, INC.701 N, Fed. Hwy. Ph. 395-4334

Lauderdale's growth,Weir declared. "Thereare countless residentshere who moved north-ward from the Lauder-dale area because theywere attracted to Bocaby its opportunities orits way of living.

"To some degree wehave depended upon ourneighboring communi-ties to draw the visitorswho eventually becameour townspeople.

"Now it may be timefor us to devote someeffort to the strengthen-ing of our own tourist

industry.""Every person in

business in Boca Ratonhas a vital stake in thegrowth of tourism, andshould begin to recog-nize that responsibil-ity^


SAFESNew ond Used


Pompano Beach—942-0793

First Federal cars save yommoney several ways

Our init ial financing costs and our inter*est rates are reasonable, and we give youthe privilege of paying a l i t t le extra onyour loan whenever you get a chance to getjahead, which wi l l reduce your interestcosts for perhaps years to come.

First Federal loans also have an "openend feature"«-which means you, after awhile, may be able to borrow more on thesame mortgage for, say, home improvements!or additions, or other purposes.

We're always here as your next-doorneighbor, so we can give you helpful,sympathetic (and fast) attention any timein the many years we'll be serving you onyour loan.

So how much better it is to get your loanof us, where we'l l know you -- than fromsomebody in Miami or elsewhere whereyou'll be only a number in a card f i le !




I6O1 N. FEDERAL HWY. 395-2121Accounts Insured ByAn Agency Of I t e

Federal Government

Page 15: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16


For Earl? Colonial Settlers

Brasilia, the Planned City,Erupts with 300,000 People

Erupting from thebare red earth of Bra-zil's central plateau,Brasilia has grown to aplanned political andcultural center with apopulation of 300,000.

Like a tale from Ara-bian Nights, this cityreveals such one-of-a-kind exotica as a 22-

# karat gold wall, traf icwhich moves in three di-rections at once, a giantsnail which turns out tobe a private chapel, con-gress buildings shapedlike a cup and saucer,and a cathedral in theform of a glass-walledtepee with no doors.

The d a r i n g masterA plan of moving the capi-® tal from Rio de Janeiro

with its seashore andreadymade beauty tothis scrubby prairie wasconsidered impossibleby many. For manyyears, Brazil's popula-tion has clung to itscoastal cities, leavingthe interior of the Uni-ted-States-sized coun-

4* try a vast storehouse ofundeveloped riches en-joyed mainly by jaguars.With the capital here,development of this backcountry was spurred.

Five highways havebeen built that fan outfrom Brasilia to the un-tapped back country ,awakening this slum-bering interior and wi-dening Brazil's econo-

f mic horizons.This completely new

city is a key stop onUnited States - Brazilflights by Pan Ameri-can Airways. From theair, the overall pictureof modern structuresresembles a world'sfair city of tomorrow.Three-level traffic sy-stems allow traffic to

0 flow uninterruptedly ov-er 240 miles of wide,well - lighted avenues.Around the GovernmentCenter, all houses, of-fices, trade and ser-

The Three Powers Square in Brazil's brand new capital, Brasilia, includesthe Senate, housed in the building shaped like an inverted cup, and theChamber of Deputies, whose home resembles a saucer. The tall twin struc-tures house the administrative sectors of the Chambers. In these buildingsthe great decisions of the life of the country are made. A series of identical10-story ministry buildings line the approach to Ihe Plaza of the Three Pow-ers. The angular bronze statue in foreground honors the candangos, the im-poverished migrants who came from nearby rural areas to build this gleamingnew city.


007 HITS

'From RussiaWithLovel



vice centers gravitate tocombine unity andgreatness.

Executive, legislativeand judicial buildingsare grouped to form theThree Powers Square.Flanking a wide avenueto the Square are theMinistry buildings. TheSenate and Chamber ofDeputies buildings re-semble a giant cup andsaucer with the Senateholding forth in the in-verted cup and the Dep-uties in the s a u c e r .Twin towers, 28 stor-ies high, cast their sha-dows over the cup andsaucer.

Brazil's president ishoused in golden splen-dor in the Palace of theDawn, a glass - and -marble creation featur-ing a 22-karat gold wall,300 telephones and 30bathrooms. Beside thepalace is a p r i v a t e ,snail-shaped chapel. Aman-made lake reflectsthe architectural mag-



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You'll travel in comfort. . . in choice staterooms reservedfor you on famous cruise ships andon swift jetliners.

Your low fare covers everything,including transfers and even mostmeals. This is truly an amazingvalue. Compare and see.

Four departures monthly.2 eastbound from New York, 2westbound from San Francisco.

For reservations and descriptivebrochure, and help with all yourtravel plans, phone, visit or write:


BOCA RATON 395-1414

nificence, designed byOscar Neimeyer and de-corated by his daughter,Ana Maria.

P e r h a p s the mosttalked about building isthe Cathedral of. Bras-ilia. Fashioned after anIndian tepee, it has hugebarrel stave - shapedcolumns which rise andsweep inward, then flareoutward like a crown.Not yet finished, theglass walls will have noopenings. Undergroundpassages will provideentrance.

Superblocks contain-ing apartments, shop-ping c e n t e r , schools,clubs, church, and mo-vie in each unit, provideefficient, modern livingfor residents. The mul-tiple dwellings, six sto-ries high, perch on con-crete pillars with park-ing underneath. Ceilingto floor windows over-look the 19-mile lakeand furnish a wide -screen picture of thecity.

Building is still go-ing on in this jet-agecapital. Since it wasinaugurated in 1960,more than 70 buildingshave been completed.The sound of hammersstill echoes and thesmell of fresh lumberand wet concrete floatsthrough the air.

The United Kingdomhas agreed to lend $18.9million to cover 80 percent of the cost of 217projects in the first twoy e a r s of Tanaznia'sfive - year developmentplan.

South America's mostspectacular tourist spotis ready to welcome themost discriminating vi-sitors with several ho-tels. There are the180-room Palace Hotel,with a half-mile wing-spread, and the 400-room Brasilia-Nacionalwhile two new hotels willbe ready by the end ofthe year. Swimmingpools, night clubs andspacious dining areascater to the convenienceand comfort of politi-cians and visitors alike.Rates are moderate allyear round-.

A guided tour of thecity is available for $6per person. As an ad-ded attraction, you canwatch a session of Con-gress, and the Palaceof Dawn is open to visi-tors when the Presidentisn't home.

This is a modern cityencompassing the coun-try's best sculptors,muralists, architects,engineers and artists,

Mayflower Had 'Package Tours'Visitors to the oht-

so-English island ofBarbados, easternmostof the Caribbean, learnthat the famed Mayflow-er was probably an early17th century "cruiseship" specializing inpackage tours for co-lonial pioneers,

Thehigh-sterned 180-ton s a i l i n g vesselbrought the first Eng-lishmen to Barbados in1605 — 15 years beforethe more rememberedtrip across the NorthAtlantic to Cape Codand Plymouth Rock.About 100 passengersdisembarked on thebeach at what is nowHoletown, St. JamesParish.

Up to this time noMayflower DescendantsSociety of Barbados hasbeen organized, but thespot is marked by a sim-ple tablet. A cluster ofsome of the finest re-sort hotels in the Carib-bean, which surroundthe spot, attests to theintelligent selection ofa landing site by thosehardy colonizers whodeclared the island to bethe domain of KingJames I.

Today, after 360years, Barbados re-mains the "most Eng-lish" of all the Carib-bean islands in the Com-monwealth. An energet-ic, industrious folk, Ba-juns, as they call them-selves, cultivate most ofthe island's 166 squaremiles of land which ismuch like the rollingEnglish countryside.Sugar cane is the primeproduct and most of itgoes to Great Britain.They save enough, how-ever, to produce some ofthe world's best rum.They have been distill-ing it for about 300 yearsand it seems to get bet-

ter every year.They have left enough

land along the coast-lines, however, to pro-vide for a second indus-try, tourism, and asteady stream of vaca-tioning visitors comethroughout the year totake advantage of thefine beaches, wa t e rsports, golf, tennis,fishing and sailing.

Restaurants and ho-tels on the island are fa-mous for their food andeven visitors living onthe American Plan, withthree meals provided,get an opportunity to trythe cuisine of rival es-tablishments. Some ho-tels have an arrange-ment to send their gueststo other establishmentsfor elaborate entertain-ment-buffet dinner dan-

ces.Each hortel has its big

night, when music andseveral acts are addedto the regular entertain-ment. And, there areseveral night clubs forthose seeking morelively entertainment.

Novel and delightfullynew to most visitors'palates is the islandspecialty, flying fish.Six to about 10 incheslong, with soaring wingsthat spread about thelength of the fish, theyare tasty when preparedby any of the many Bar-bados recipe. They areoffered fried as a firstentree, but many gour-mets never want to pro-ceed to the meat course.

The island offersmuch to the photograph-

er. The Harbour Police,in their 18th centuryuniforms are the subjectof much film; Lord Nel-son's statue in Trafal-gar Square makes a finebackground; the oldwhal ing c e n t e r ,Speightstown, is pic-turesque; avenues ofmahogany trees offerunusual views; and thereturn of the fleet offlying fish boats at TentsBay on the east side ofthe island offers a widevariety of picture sub-jects.

But, the sea and theattractive beaches offerthe utmost for both pic-tures and everyday use.The coral reefs protect-ing the island are beau-tiful when viewedthrough a snorkel mask.


Pictured above are Boca Raton residents on Ihe recent Caribbean cruise ofthe S/S Carmania. Left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dargatz, Mr. and Mrs. MelPokorney and Mr. and Mrs. Ward T. Kline. The tour was arranged by BannerTravel Service.


and Cruise Service


75 S. FEDERAL 395-2112

Mrs. Blanche Spillman, Southwest 15th avenue,and her daughter, Deborah Ann, recently returnedfrom a cruise aboard the Steamship Ariadne, sail-ing from Port Everglades, •Ft. Lauderdale. Therewere calls at Nassau and Freeport.

Lou and Opal RileyWelcome You


Restaurant & Lounge395-7454 1701 N. Federal Hwy. 399-6946

Boca RatonPierre Duman, sec-

retary of state for tour-ism, estimates that 10million Frenchmen tra-veling aborad last yearspent $740 million — 24per cent more than in1963.





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Page 16: ST:C FLA BOCA RATON NEWS - · M ti' ST:C FLA Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16


kmmm MmJohn Kennedy

Gr@»pJamaica will be the

first nation in the WestIndies to be represent-ed at the John F.Kenne-dy Torch of FriendshipMemorial in Miami ,Fla., when the Jamai-can Coat-of-Arms ispermanently affixed tothe monument on May11.

In special ceremoniesat the memorial which isdedicated to the memoryof the late AmericanPresident, the island'sDirector of Tourism,John Pringle, will pre-sent the Jamaica pla-que and national flag toMiami Mayor RobertKing High. Jamaica willthen join 16 Latin andSouth American nationsnow represented at theBayfront Park memori-al.

The Miami ceremon-ies will highlight thevisit of a 15-man good-will mission to FloridaMay 9-15 at the officialinvitation of MayorHigh. The mission iscalled "Gateway to Ja-maica."

"The placement ofJamaica's C o a t-o f-Arms on this most wor-thy memorial will sym-bolize the close asso-ciation between our twocountries and will be alasting reminder of ourfirst goodwill mission toFlorida," Pringle saidbefore leaving for Mi-ami.

Accompanying t h eJamaica delegation willbe the island's leadingcalypso band, The Tick-lers, and Don Budge,world-famous t e n n i sstar who now makes hishome in Montego Bay.They will spend threedays in Miamiand thentravel as far north asTampa and Jacksonville.

In the state capital ofTallahassee, F l o r i d aGovernor Haydon Burnswill officially welcomethe mission on May 13.Pringle will bringgreetings from Sir Clif-ford Campbell,. Gover-nor General of Jamaica,'to the Florida governorfrom the people of Ja-maica.

Team members willvisit Greater Miami aswell as Homestead,South Miami, Coral Ga-bles, Miami Beach,North Miami Beach andHialeah on May 10. OnMay 12, the mission willhead north to visit Hol-lywood, Fort Lauder-dale, Pompano, LakeWorth, Palm Beach, andother major towns andcities.

Members of the Ja-maica Goodwill Missionto Florida sponsored byt h e Jamaica TouristBoard and Hotel Asso-ciation include TouristBoard Director of Salesand Promotion E.StuartSharpe, Hotel Associa-tion President Dick de- jLisser, Pat Ferreira,Heinz Simon-,.sch, LeeWills, Ray Morrow,Bobby Burns, Nick Bri-mo, Cliff Burt, Bill Gar-rison, Don Bardowell,Gordon McKay, and DickMcCormack.

Fryer Quarter SaleSwift's Premium Tender Grown, Shipped.

Gov't-lnspecfed, Fresh Not Frozen

g , Breast QuartersGizzards

Livers . . . . . »>• 69C

Armour Golden. Star

Canned Ham . . s $4"(Plus 100 S&H Green Stamps with coupon)



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Ground Jteef>. 3 ^ $l.l7Ground Beef mS ̂ ^ 8 9

JOT S&H Girrn Stamp,. No

There are four wayspsychologists spot aform of nervous break-down they call depres-sion: sleep and appe-tite difficulties, languorand a guilty feeling.

A depressed personalways has t r o u b l esleeping; he u s u a l l yf a l l s asleep withoutt r o u b l e but awakensabout 3 and can't getback to sleep. He alwayshas a loss of appetite.His mental and physi-cal functions slowdown,and he loses interest,ambition, and concen-tration.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatthe undersigned, desiring toengage in business under ficti-tious name

BOCA BEACH SERVICEintends to register the saidname with the Cleric of the Cir-cuit Court of Palm Beach Coun-ty, Florida.


Publish: April 18, 25, May 2 and9, 1965

Hy-Grade's All Meat Bali Park

Franks 5£ 59C

(Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required.)

Dirr's Gold Seal

B o l o g n a . . . . . . l£: 4 9 C


Shr imp ,b. $ 1 2 9

Fresh Florida

Kingfish Steaks . . ib. 49C

Poh'o Enchilada

D i n n e r s . . . . . 2 ! * £ ! ' $1Morton's Poly Bag Regular or Buttermilk

B i s c u i t s . . . . . 3 p i g " ; S1Howard Johnson

Corn Toastees 410Pkgr' $1


Ocean Perch . . . & 39C

Swift's Premium

Beef Burgers . . '. ̂ 99C

(Pius 50 S&H Green Stamps No coupon required.)



Lysol Spray

TANT(Coupon expires Wed., May 5, 1965)




Cutex Nail (4c off pack) % #POLISH REMOVER lo

Brs»«-35c(Coupon expires Wed., May 5, 1965)



COFFEE-MATE " ^ 79c(Coupon expires Wed., May 5, 1965)

Libby's Cut

Swift's Brookfield

Butter quartersMrs. Filbert's Golden Quarters

Margarine U;Philadelphia

Cream Cheese . . ?C: 29C

Master's Half & Half

Cream 2 'S1 39C

Kraft Cracker Barrel

Mellow Cheese . 'Sff39c

Kraft Baby

Gouda Cheese , . SJ- 43C


Tomato Juice . 4 ™ $1

BeetsF&P Whole Kernel

Corn •Rosedale Green

Peas.Ivory (limit 4 please)


Crisp Salad Escarole or

CHICKORYLarge Florida

CELERY-....Florida Juicy





pers.size bars


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D o g F o o d . . . 3Hormel with Beans

C h i l i . . . . . . . 3Sweet Sue Whole

C h i c k e n . . . . . .






Drink . . . . . 3 " $1Hawaiian Red or Yeilow

Punch . . . . 3 S1Mott's All Flavors Chunky Apple Sauce

Treats . . . . 3 °°' 87C *Argo

Kadota Figs - 19C

Mott's A-.M. or P.M.



5-lb.mesh bag


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5th Ave. PLAZAU.S. HWY. 1 & 5th Ave.BOCA RATON, FLA.Palm AireShopping Center272 S. FEDERAL HWY.DEERFIELD BEACH, FLA.