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Statistics and Econometrics I Asymptotic Theory Shiu-Sheng Chen Department of Economics National Taiwan University September 13, 2016 Shiu-Sheng Chen (NTU Econ) Statistics and Econometrics I September 13, 2016 1 / 30

Statistics and Econometrics I - 國立臺灣大學… · Statistics and Econometrics I Asymptotic Theory Shiu-Sheng

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Page 1: Statistics and Econometrics I - 國立臺灣大學… · Statistics and Econometrics I Asymptotic Theory Shiu-Sheng

Statistics and Econometrics I

Asymptotic Theory

Shiu-Sheng Chen

Department of Economics

National Taiwan University

September 13, 2016

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Page 2: Statistics and Econometrics I - 國立臺灣大學… · Statistics and Econometrics I Asymptotic Theory Shiu-Sheng

Asymptotic Theory: Motivation

Asymptotic theory or large sample theory aims at answering the

question: what happens as we gather more and more data?

In particular, given random sample, {X1, X2, X3, . . . , Xn}, and


Tn = t(X1, X2, . . . , Xn),

what is the limiting behavior of Tn as n −→∞?

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Asymptotic Theory: Motivation

Why asking such a question?

For instance, given random sample {Xi}ni=1 ∼i.i.d. N(µ, σ2), we know


X̄n ∼ N(µ,σ2


)However, if {Xi}ni=1 ∼i.i.d. (µ, σ2), what is the distribution of X̄n?

I We don’t know, indeed.

Is it possible to find a good approximation of the distribution of X̄n

as n −→∞?

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Part I

Preliminary Knowledge

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Preliminary Knowledge

Preliminary Knowledge


Markov Inequality

Chebyshev Inequality

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Preliminary Knowledge

Limit of a Real Sequence

Definition (Limit)

If for every ε > 0, and an integer N(ε),

|bn − b| < ε, ∀ n > N(ε)

then we say that a sequence of real numbers {b1, . . . , bn} converges to a

limit b.

It is denoted by


bn = b

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Preliminary Knowledge

Markov Inequality

Theorem (Markov Inequality)

Suppose that X is a random variable such that P (X ≥ 0) = 1. Then for

every real number m > 0,

P (X ≥ m) ≤ E(X)


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Preliminary Knowledge

Chebyshev Inequality

Theorem (Chebyshev Inequality)

Let Y ∼ (E(Y ), V ar(Y )). Then for every number ε > 0,

P(∣∣Y − E(Y )

∣∣ ≥ ε) ≤ V ar(Y )


Proof: Let X = [Y − E(Y )]2, then

P (X ≥ 0) = 1


E(X) = V ar(Y )

Hence, the result can be derived by applying the Markov Inequality.

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Part II

Modes of Convergence

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Modes of Convergence

Types of Convergence

For a random variable, we consider three modes of convergence:

Converge in Probability

Converge in Distribution

Converge in Mean Square

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Modes of Convergence

Converge in Probability

Definition (Converge in Probability)

Let {Yn} be a sequence of random variables and let Y be another random

variable. For any ε > 0,

P (|Yn − Y | < ε) −→ 1, as n −→∞

then we say that Yn converges in probability to Y , and denote it by

Ynp−→ Y


P (|Yn − Y | ≥ ε) −→ 0, as n −→∞

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Modes of Convergence

Converge in Probability

{Xi}ni=1 ∼i.i.d. Bernoulli(0.5) and then compute Yn = X̄n =∑



In this case, Ynp−→ 0.5

Total Flips


0 200 400 600 800 1000






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Modes of Convergence

Converge in Distribution

Definition (Converge in Distribution)

Let {Yn} be a sequence of random variables with distribution function

FYn(y), (denoted by Fn(y) for simplicity). Let Y be another random

variable with distribution function, FY (y). If


Fn(y) = FY (y) at all y for which FY (y) is continuous

then we say that Yn converges in distribution to Y .

It is denoted by

Ynd−→ Y

FY (y) is called the limiting distribution of Yn.

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Modes of Convergence

Converge in Mean Square

Definition (Converge in Mean Square)

Let {Yn} be a sequence of random variables and let Y be another random

variable. If

E(Yn − Y )2 −→ 0, as n −→∞.

Then we say that Yn converges in mean square to Y .

It is denoted by

Ynms−→ Y

It is also called converge in quadratic mean.

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Part III

Important Theorems

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Important Theorems



Ynms−→ c if and only if


E(Yn) = c, and limn→∞

V ar(Yn) = 0.

Proof. It can be shown that

E(Yn − c)2 = E([Yn − E(Yn)]2) + [E(Yn)− c]2

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Important Theorems



If Ynms−→ Y then Yn

p−→ Y

Proof: Note that P (|Yn − Y |2 ≥ 0) = 1, and by Markov Inequality,

P (|Yn − Y | ≥ k) = P (|Yn − Y |2 ≥ k2) ≤ E(|Yn − Y |2)


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Important Theorems

Weak Law of Large Numbers, WLLN

Theorem (WLLN)

Given a random sample {Xi}ni=1 with σ2 = V ar(X1) <∞. Let X̄n

denote the sample mean, and note that E(X̄n) = E(X1) = µ. Then

X̄np−→ µ

Proof: (1) By Chebyshev Inequality (2) By Converge in Mean Square

Sample mean X̄n is getting closer (in probability sense) to the

population mean µ as the sample size increases.

That is, if we use X̄n as a guess of unknown µ, we are quite happy

that the sample mean makes a good guess.

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Important Theorems

WLLN for Other Moments

Note that the WLLN can be thought as∑ni=1Xi

n=X1 +X2 + · · ·Xn


p−→ E(X1)

Hence, ∑ni=1X



1 +X22 + · · ·X2



p−→ E(X21 )

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Important Theorems

An Application of WLLN

Example: Assume Wn ∼ Binomial(n, µ), and let Yn = Wnn . Then

Ynp−→ µ

I Why?

I Since Wn =∑iXi, Xi ∼i.i.d.Bernoulli(µ) with E(X1) = µ,

V ar(X1) = µ(1− µ), the result follows by WLLN.

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Important Theorems

An Application of WLLN

Example: Assume Wn ∼ Binomial(n, µ), and let Yn = Wnn . Then

Ynp−→ µ

I Why?

I Since Wn =∑iXi, Xi ∼i.i.d.Bernoulli(µ) with E(X1) = µ,

V ar(X1) = µ(1− µ), the result follows by WLLN.

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Important Theorems

Central Limit Theorem, CLT

Theorem (CLT)

Let {Xi}ni=1 be a random sample, where E(X1) = µ <∞,

V ar(X1) = σ2 <∞, then

Zn =X̄n − E(X̄n)√V ar(X̄n)


√n(X̄n − µ)


d−→ N(0, 1)

If a random sample is taken from any distribution with mean µ and

variance σ2, regardless of whether this distribution is discrete or

continuous, then the distribution of the random variable Zn will be

approximately the standard normal distribution in large sample.

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Important Theorems


Using notation of asymptotic distribution,

X̄n − µ√σ2


∼A N(0, 1),


X̄n ∼A N(µ,σ2



where ∼A represents asymptotic distribution, and A represents


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Important Theorems

An Application of CLT

Example: Assume {Xi} ∼i.i.d.Bernoulli(µ), then

X̄n − µ√µ(1−µ)


d−→ N(0, 1).

I Why?

I Since E(X̄n) = µ, and V ar(X̄n) = σ2

n = µ(1−µ)n

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Important Theorems

Continuous Mapping Theorem

Theorem (CMT)

Given Ynp−→ Y , and g(·) is continuous, then

g(Yn)p−→ g(Y ).

Proof: omitted here.

Examples: if Ynp−→ Y , then

I 1Yn

p−→ 1Y

I Y 2n

p−→ Y 2



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Important Theorems



Given Wnp−→W and Yn

p−→ Y , then

Wn + Ynp−→W + Y


Proof: omitted here.

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Important Theorems

Slutsky Theorem


Given Wnd−→W and Yn

p−→ c, where c is a constant. Then

Wn + Ynd−→W + c

WnYnd−→ cW


d−→ Wc for c 6= 0

Proof: omitted here.

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Important Theorems

The Delta Method


Given√n(Yn − θ)

d−→ N(0, σ2). Let g(·) be differentiable, and g′(θ) 6= 0

exists, then√n(g(Yn)− g(θ))

d−→ N(0, [g′(θ)]2σ2).

Proof: (sketch) Given 1st-order Taylor approximation

g(Yn) ≈ g(θ) + g′(θ)(Yn − θ),

then √n(g(Yn)− g(θ))

g′(θ)≈√n(Yn − θ)

d−→ N(0, σ2)

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Important Theorems


Given {Xi}ni=1 ∼i.i.d. (µ, σ2), find the asymptotic distribution ofX̄n


I Note that by CLT,

√n(X̄n − µ)

d−→ N(0, σ2)

I Hence, by the Delta method,

g(X̄n) =X̄n

1− X̄n, g(µ) =


1− µ, g′(µ) =


(1− µ)2



1− X̄n− µ

1− µ

)d−→ N



(1− µ)4σ2


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Important Theorems

Applications: Limiting Property of χ2 Random Variable


Given Wn ∼ χ2(n), and let Xn = Wnn . Then

Xnp−→ 1

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Important Theorems

Applications: Limiting Property of t Random Variable


Given Un ∼ t(n), then

Und−→ N(0, 1)

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