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y iaagaia8aeaMt : DiscoVerfe at Jerusalem". stupid and sillyllgruoW IJnCwhen SiolOjir cakwot, -- pfjir it rnis SINGER THE OBEAT Tbe dicoVcries of 'tho r'f alestine alarm-note- , the falcon apppejnr m ak e! carW oTJekehs' ifsingle bide States&Un ion V "u'f Bight is Priceless Ih NEW Of CAUSE Exploration Fund.-liavfriblw- a made in a moment. Evear tells you But the Diamond Spectacles will ;ti3& tTEfeGteAHROAD GAUGE RQUH HUMAN IHSEBY. . . V : - at creat cost of monev-ta- d isiidr'and when she 1 as LrfdJir,Jrir: and:Ieast " P reserve it. Jut PahlUKed, in a Staled . Eni - " no little danger, by isij)-- f Sflaft&fTBfJ is shouldUpfrbe well ugh.hard or PUBLIC TEST? 5f43r' lJWAf tr wot.' A Jectnre on reldpe. the Ifature, tYux Tratment nz eeat. -- r aa'd . , j feet deep understood MKe cock eTerts the; whole Hs proved ilu:i.- - Radical Cure of Seminal Weakireas, or . tesal right angles to those shafts, the power of ffls lungs inevulgfjug-th- e 'EASTWARD. Spermatbrrhcea. induced by Self-Abu- se Jb-- ! ' explorers Teelixyr their way under important "secret. The blaekKce i iVC- - Xo; 12 .- - No. 6. No voluntary Emresiona, Impotency, Kervoflt . and on the " of fix .j Iebility, and Impediments to Marria ..- - ground burning magnesian wire, ewe, - approach a or a ' 8:1ft m - Aehjand 6:40. a. m.. p. :' o throwing ligh' Upoji stones and dog, "utters a" whistle through her v.- - Your AkmbV ';.-7:4- 7:10a.m. 10:20 " fenerally; Cblisumptioh: ahd Physicikl Epilepsy, InoipacitV.acI ahd ' pavements which, hav been buried nostrils, - wnrcu alarms Mf JflrwVy Yoo-Valu- k Eyesight Rarwiia 1' 8:00 " 11:12 " BY ROB. J: CULy ERWELlT M Dl - - tnerlliousand and three iuorisand Tears and Jromciately puts tfiem upon the USE THESE V MeSdyille;il:J2 . 12:30 p. m 2:20 a. m Author of the "Green Books," &c. . m-- "froni iufeoan isifrht, Mount' jSlorhih UookouU xsot one of them will take CorrV . ''12:43 phi "' . K'.OS "f" 4:07 " The world-renown- author, in this ad has been found, to" pe aharp cragigtrnother Dice . UDiii iney disco Salamanca r " u:25 " mtrable Lecture, clearly hrovea from his JbfeOfBree ";:45 own experience that the Gbound From Minttte CRYpTSPtBB, awfnl sidge, with so little the linpTwhence the danger mjs consequences space upon approaching. - To hare more Corning r 7:33 - ,., ."11:30" of Self-Abu- se may be effectually removed ; as scarce y to anora room lor temple xrtne doge sundry of Melted toeether. and derive 'Jlheir name. inci-l- t uian.nny rlmira 8:12 .: . T 12:08 p.m without medicine, and without danger)! of small dimensions. Onfall sides it them uttei bleat,. Avouch I well know. ."Diamond" on account of their HardneteAx stmilaj; ervra Bingha3tenl0:ll " " " 1:51 ' surgical operations, bougies, instruments; ' fell off rapidly and very ".steeply, ex- - out cannot aesenne, and commence tlon ever oll'eredl New York -- 7:Q0am :30 " rings, or cordials, pointing'1 out model of without chancer and warrant ad annerio ".".J- - . .'5i00 arc oept from northwest to southeast, the feeding again. If the dog is by him the pnblio, " Albany 8:48 cure at once certain- - and effectual, bywhlcH " hnVtuan 10 an otners, man uici urea oy . Boston 5 20 em , , - 5;8pa,ni;' FAMILY SEWING MACHIN1 every sufferer no matter what his conditio lj direction in which the ridge ran. The self, they are more afraid of ;J. E. SPENCBR & Ct)., N. Y. may be, may cure himself cheaply, private- - area on the summit was .enlarged by any other animal, ana" their is! beard Westward. Thb superior merits of tho "SIKGER ly, and radically. This " lecture will prove n i. . - i .1.. j 1 - -- . - ii CAUTION. None KenuinVnnless IIa4 itself - gtamiv proved aiu hum- - auuug me uvcuvuies, we the wbisle repeated through tlieriioIe r - f v ... - . Jfo. 1. Nn.3.' Sol 5. Machine over all others, for either Fnmih a booa to. thousands and thousands. , , , oUtsiotf waJeep down in the val glen.. .. . r-- ea witn ' our. traae mark. '.. -. - in thousands or cases Ao'klwviI . .m mi. use or Mannfactoring purposes, are BQvr.eil Sent under seal, jn a plain envelope, 18 -- . capable of curine all diseases of the Jeyvfjajrf one hand red and fifty feati JJul the ncuteness of the sheep t ear '. :H." F. j. : ' Tlxrbat and J.jipgfU) Mansleld 15:2 a. m. 10i33,p. m. " establisherl'and so generally admitted, that any address,.an receipt of 'six cents, or two bekjw the area on wlrlch the temple surpasses all things in natureibat I Agent, Aland, Ohio, 1 Gallon YtAQ- - 11:20.'- - an enumerauan 01 xneir relative exceilen postagestampst Also. DRCULVERWELL'S by addressing the publishers huildinirs stood. One hundred, feet know of. A ewe will distinguish her r rom wnora tuer can. be Seiained. Jo JK. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB' Cincinriati 6:00 p. m. 7:00 a. in. Cies is no longer 'necessary.- - Out Guide," price 25 cents. .. -- 'Marriagw Peddlers employed "j- - -.j I Cures all Chronia Irfnikville Ik45" - 12:35 p: m. r -- .agaTir.telo'vrthis Jay the original bed own iambs . bleat amonz thousand, Augustjo, . tet-'tdui- s. ;z:l5-.- . ". d0-.3-0 -- Ji'l NEW 'FAMILY MACHINE, Address the Publishers, much louder ' 5 arid (Jongrtn'ancHJola - - CilAS. J. C. KLINE COL: . Kedron. The founda-Ttron- s than the sinsinxr'-o- f Knils City :45 V . a. m. , Sh : tnofe effcdhiallv thah Js . ofIff temple, therefore, were psalms at a Caiharonian sacrarttent in "3 127 Bowery, Kew Yort - t w ojhr,reniedy AVltich has been over two years in pre nan Post .Office Box ,4,586. ' , EastwaM bound passebsers by - nunarea unu niiy aoove me ueep tbe fields, where thousand are (ion, and which ha, been brought to perfec . -- "defiles sLrpuod. This area,, originally ffFAffAlWI Vhrl VfttlV I a mlA Alt haw -- ()- DR. CROOK'S WlR offAB!". Traibs No. 12 and 2 havino, change tion regardless of TIME. LABOR or EX. W From this forward, . Has cured eases dt CoiUirmptlon of cdrs Ashlahd,'and New ,S.J5.. FREEMAN, Jims between is . Dnrm. dt jaoiomon, ana eniargea Dy Besides, tbedistinguishm'ehf'ofi Voice, FENSE, now confidently presented to the .1 xi t j nefotjraEists,"""ruanine on the is perfectly reciprocal between .tn y - pronounced incprftble York.' -- AliMtn nellsviire- - one of the pjiuiit; u lucomparaoiy me '', . outbajingihe valfey of Zlinnom one ewe and the Jamb,--wh- o amd the rllack will carnoc riqy,. - , Dy pnysiciana. famous Erfe Enlace.. Drawing Room of fin-- PI PfTES: 'RTT'T TM - the round for will passengers trip $2,00. it -- tflioiinnjiaeet, and along the Kedron deafenin? sound.' run Jo fheet orte 'an--- also carry passengers from Aflhland to Nor-wal- k DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB ' I Coaches is sA taclieri. &. train N q. 2. BEST SEWING NACITINE In JEXIS-- &c , wh ich he will sell cheap, for cttlZ Blteeabnoo:red leeu ' oiuer. lucre aire lew tilings tuat nave ':k---i- . for $2,00. The Hack stops at Skellen-ger- 's ' jljas cured so many casesjof Connectionsjat MeadjilVnlon and All inri a nt 11 ii iae alaiiiai lllTTiTin art efet" amused than Hotel in New London. Asthma and Bronchitis Corry for the Oil Regions at Corn- - tfasseirt room. Call him aad , tim enclosure was originally fjqver-- . me more a sheep - : T: l 1. jiau ; ; The Mnchine in question iTSrmpl TJom on -- 1 : 1 .1 a. .1 April 26, 1871-no42-l- y. for l nt.liinirhflmlnn his 'Tjftsepdfd dificer. .Firs were Biieanng, uuu iic epur), cuuunas tne r .i . . . . 1 m(r r is - - i . t . past, Durable It iarjnieU . .encourage enterprise. whole AVerttlo flock 5nto the yj Aiuanr n 1 1.1 e e .W15 ppjugos or covenea wains, gum day. - EXECUTOR'S NOTI OPrEAJ:' ypJr opnngueia,. yorcejier, ini,iie, ami rnrrauiv ui ucTlornunff a "rT:ifirt1lir'rifrr 'sritls and- - nverloolc-- i field, send a bill, and DR. CKOOIC'S AVINE iiuiun, na an pomis in ivsw jungiana. range and variety of- - work, never before at- tempted," r ITTievH !4bea.seod n as the 1 Notice is given that the Removes pMn in Breastj SideVHa BttS yestward bound passengers by upon-- , a- - single, machine, using hereby un- dersigned Quit Cxravel and Kidnev'Dieeaseq: J? either Bilk, Swist, Linen or Cotton Threads i lamb TrauSa or 3 "through from Liat'fsr til A Back Ir1gdiiJfca4atfMiares, : ie a as been duly appointed and -- Ne.U go and sewing'with equal facility hey VfeRY good comfortable iZ " ? v?'? & VtrJ! c " shea from qualified . as.'Eecufr of the lat will DR. CItOOK'S wCSftoFAfe . 'Ashlaud'"tb Cincinnati without change, finest and coarsest-materia- l, and all thing accomnodatioa of. pasaearere w411rr-ay- e ...;.iil2.S2'orni. Ihe instead of and testament of late Shbulrfljerf'fiJ1 mnKinar connections with the Ijouis- - between the .two .extremes.' -- ih thh rnrt: AshlaDd foi Woostef ltaVipg B0U Wa take pleasure in notifying Peterr3. ?uty, Ashland Mondays, Wednesdays ft TrWay; ,(W5lRsfad mamma, ' aiu. diseases of the bnnry, Organsy ville Short Line Hailroad, or the JIail beautiful and ubstaniiaj 'manner. It . at- -, of Vermillion 'JJowsfiip, Atihlattd Co., 8 In at tbe via tne public that we "are prepared to do, tachments for o.'cIock mornrug; Sewsbarg , . j 04 i&2btty.iaaL A lie- - aisle ware ftf hieets steamers ror Jxuisville and points in Hemming; Braiding, ' Cording Pitt sfurg, .Keedsburj; JtBdJeffersea2 with dispatch, neatness and all. varie- - DR. CROOK'S WnKEOIfABr Tucking, - ; Quilting- - Telling, Trimming the .South and Southwest. Also -- with " ffjj.ntfnhenave, rising li4'e a iiyfcjing, and (most ' ' HENRY.HiFUR Binding.etc.v Through fare, 92,60 , tieso - - Foesefises VegetalSligreclients 'Western lines for 'Points in Indiana. ore.n.-ye- l ant practical' and 0ackisotrl' Weekly, ftoaf Ash'la- -i te ireature. the -- two, wai l6meTillMW.ilo6 It wheels - - - i 7 ' whicb maiip H. have been- - invented and adjusted especially cr?aftij5audrai feet Jush. Int4u,inc a loud,-tremulou- s November 22, 1871 4wn9L, the best Tonic inlhe market,' Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado for this Maclrine, Jim ' " 3' Orangeand baekfhe-sanids- y T .isayfaf ;": ; Ai-n'o- w ffrT3tealls to tbe' BeihtltTSesPai files from the job work: w - t or additional information as to Circulars desciibiflflr-nh- d illnfstratinir onr Asnland raesday.7hursdariB4SstBtS ' ' , " t days,Farc'50el ', PROBATE NOTICE; DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB time, are and Connections, : apply to Manufacturing Machines,, ss nhjortbe fruly " " "T - Cures Jaundice, I the iocal -- Agent, asking tor tickets wonderful and only practical Button Hole -- tCoBayi&!l$kOT returns) fls.-an- d t moderate rates, such as - Machine ever yet deVted,' senf postage or uity xaver VAJMiuiaiiii. via the ATLANTIC AND GREAT .vln3li:Aav-tXfarf- K i:tJreturris 'again, generally Jenof a dosea The following Administrator? free on application to ' .. . . Ur&M M.fs ..'f- - Kr.rrM VfH timfiV lwfrr the rwonr.ifflmpni Vnivl ecu tors and Guardians, have fflflbVfnf vDR. CKOOlfS WISE QFTABiv s Western Broad. Guagb - Koutb. . L. JErr.SFEEJGLE. . . 1 i . ea .. a i i j i I F. Sweetser. Gen! iMnn'c'r. . ' ' -. " ' ' Ai!hla"nd. O. the ijejapie area. ,o. peDorucoes open - 1 maue. v., . ' . tne jrrooaie .voun .01 .snia uiHwuniy, Makes Delicate5&emaies.': ccnt." A reward of One Thousaad . Dei ''rrrWtfrdljfTipdn aTcOTrt-'pave- with Ohio, their Partial and Final aciunts who are never feeliuiMfeH.- - v, u pnAiTuc, - iMenaviiie, fa. lars will be oaid to any Physician! tor settlement, viz : - t Strong infdI;&l(livy j- - Gefl.' Pasg'r.fc Ticket Ag!, Cincin'tL who will produce a medicine that will sav- - SSS n3.'9iirL-r-Btypn- d Fiual account of Levi Stobsr, as DB. CROOK'S WINEPJTAIR-- 2r ;r ' -- "riVUJrjttt, Ag-i- , a.snland, , ' ply the wants of the people better " than ih article' known - t lhi8gftTntJroug .An Uhioan bavin? written?,. Ihe Guardian of S. A. Stober.'. SHERIFFS SALE- - ; as - tjat- e- PiC-;.- . ..TIME TABLE. ,, UTti , E. F JBYXfS AJllXTi r- wVstVas' FfirmerV Club', ,vof- New York .City,. who have boe.-'i- i; and risine third, Partial abovg Final of John jjtnd : account i On. aniJafler " ' Monday, Dec. 6th, 1870, . Alexander Eainsejr ... .cwdMi j$- - . .v' :. ; rttoA'aH?fflui a fourtn, inichtood. that ail .corn - on the ear should be E. Covert, Guardian or Esther? Jane unahlo to d T ;: .,,-- . , passeiteJAajlis Will atrire at the follofc v' ' : ' the templroir."tasa!h.?nj& Story ulanted or the crop will runout. Bill and Samuel V. Greenlurf. .lL x .DB. qB0OK'aWtN OFlAMiT? V9Pfii wn fime set. - - " '. vs. , Blood Cleanser or Panacea, -- ' l.e.foryr .nisiA sabi ljayellje Washtngton Hitchcock, New Lebanon, Heads, Final account of P. R." Roseoerrv. : " Should be $ftn lfeyou5lD.Y.w',0- - souTir. . It must be a better Cathartic, a better AU " :' 0ae-hadre- d ore.Yelronifetiafl aandj"s Yalls. thja aal'old fogy notion Gufdian of LmirbsAi'sta is oat i I5,4 P M f State .of . ,Ohio, Ashland Gi)iin.Y;.ss, - terative, a better Sudorific, a better Dioretia ' Lwnicu cn tne same Geo'. . j . . ;j.n.imiiuiju..'a:uj 0:10 w:iz . JjyVir'ueol a certain Aider of sale, a better Tonic, and in every way belter tkasi ougnuto-o- e piacea - g. - - . . - I . jTSVtial 'account of Harrison Mo--4 ' Shelby-.- ., ilt42 r the Pan-a-ce-- a. No matter how loaf it hrf! JI-i- - - T, with tbe notion that Jbnday is Letter Hca; 'DS'CKOOIS'S WINE-Ol'TAf- - i r 6:1-- T, 9:58. .. isiied from the Court -- of "Com mon - xoese fioraomar - iea u footing Qult,lio, .Guardian of Emma. Maud v ' CreRUiafe.'-ariXO- 6:40 -- ,, '10:15 " been in usj or how lately discoyered. Above have been verefied- Of an unlucky day," and adds: ' "Now, MctffTre. I ... Should be taken if you feel Do dj rl0:10 Plcas-o- f Ashland County, anI to' ne fill it rtluat hot contaih anything HOT TVta? Weak or debilitated.. , dfrecttjll will offer for ealu W public in th of 1818 I IT VEOTABI.E. gentlemyn, spring ..iCannot-.TOucb.'T-fo- r the of Galion, "lvlO - - iU:o correctness will be for hearing ii 'it.Aftfrkr. nl'lltA DftlilK IjaAi-- It,, t - rxl - came to this place to live. The man Wedding Cards, . - . : . . v .'-- ' . GOIMQ NORTH HHLUUU, I' V OlU ,11 UWJ VI Stic V Willi. the reputed height of these immense DB. CKOpIg.WrNE OF TAR on the nd nay of Jan. A.- - XJ. i 871, structures; iaye the leKs that I1, lived with planted what he 10 o'clock exhausted Gallon, 7 1:00 p M 6:15 P M 4:35 A M. Ijouyejiu aAshland,.in said county, on .$500 REWARD ! reason. at A. M. doubt called a twelve" rowed wedge corn.- - i streiigth. "Crestline, ar 1:15 .. 6:25 iO" Salnrdau. Deeemler 16 A. D. 1871. A rard of Fiye Hnfidred Dollars Vil-b- e tbe have . however, to last, as we D. W. Whitm Of K, 'Do dirt 4:30 0:50 -- ,v far Visiting Cards, ;4;55 paid a medicine that Trill ; eatobushed the: ' fTrstC If one looked He made a' practice of shelling off the 3w23 Probate DB. CBOOK'S WINE OF TAR Shell) v. 1:48 .. 7:09 - 5:12 at 2 o'clock P. .M, . of said day, . (he cure more caoea of Costivenemt, persoaneot-l- y Constipa- tion, .upon Mount Moriah from the. Mount butts and tips. I still plant the fearae 4 Nv London, , 2:28 7:52 followiiig E'eal iJaiate, i(uate in the Sick, or Nervous Headache, Liref of OHt Ota tbtf way aWoni Bethany, kind of corn, and have alway shelled . Restores the petite arid AVelhjiirton. . '2:42 .. 8:16 ,. '5:10 county of Ashland' and' 5fate of Ohio, Complaint, Bilious Dinorders, Jaundice. ' aa ourJjord-di- wben oeholdinsr the off t he tips. and Iohallesge him' to Business Cards, X tV i- - Strengthe the Stomach., j. f. J3. A. I OKU, Uen'l I'asd'r Agt. to--wit : Being the" w est" ithK of the Itbeumntism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and city, jt pnst have been a jBigbt which, show me, this side of Egypt, a hand- somer ..TwirrRAfTf's'vrjir. rirfi-i- i Cleveland, Ohio; south west quarter sieetiair 1 f, "town- ship Fever, Tape Worms, Boils,-Tumor- , Tet- ters. Ulc-ra- , Sores, Paina in the Loins, 8id9 for architeciural beauty and grandeur, bin of corn - than this." Col. I Causes the food- to direst, removing Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne & Chijfgo 21, range 15. ,f ' ' and Head and Female Complaints, than '4 perhaps,"' has never. been equaled ce-r- Curtis added: "Every careful '. - Xndkjestidn. . r Railway Appraised at $-- r . w . .lerms, - DR. FAlLRNEY'S : r. r- - r not sursassed. It farmjr rejects" the tip and butts of ' cash ot saTo. " . tatoiy was an ar DB. CSoOK'SJWINE' OFFAB Condensed Time Table Nov. 1871. . on day 12, Blood Cleanser or Panaoei - tificial mountain from the deep ravines ears, and plants nothing but the plump i ' Gives and wm. o. puut;eh, - oeiow, wall,- - column, roof, pinnacle, and perfect kernels, upon the princi- ple Debilitated tone CnsUteWIhlc energy tS TBAINS GOING WEST. ' S hetif r Asl ihtntr Co., '. ftruich ih nsed more ext,eniyely by practic- ing culminating in the temple within and that (hey. will produce strong and Nol l No. 5. No. 7. No. 3 ' November 15 5wl9 ," . - " icine physicians known. than any other popular med .. aoove an, ana pro.oauly measuring vigorous plants.. Futhermore, I am DK. CBOOK'S WINE OF TAB Stations. Eip's Mail ExpV I V. y .y Br3t Prep-tre- d by' P. Falirnrr'; Brea. between fire and six of the opinion 'ai the crooked and All recovering from illness, hundred feet. f any Pittsburcjv 1 45 am 7 10 am 9 3danT230 in Co- - aynexboro, i n., ana lr. 1. of BolomonV too, added twisted kerhefs jire a gt to produce will find this the Eoclieatei 2 '52 8 45. 10 42 3 3S SHERIFF'S SALE. Fahrney,-3- North Dearborn Street - - t. - to the impressiveuess of the sights: It knotted andmperfee-ars.- - " I Tiavea rammes, best Tonic they can take. ; AUianc'e'iT'05lJ4!, 135 pm 615 ,. Cliiongo. Price $f,25 per bottle, fort "' s:ilc by Wholnrale and Retail Deal fi 1 is setUed, by recent disovenes, that string of seed corn, corn, now hang- ing DB. CBOOK'S WINE OF TAB Drvilla b33 aoipwa 7 47,. 'Wai: H. Iinhoof ' f and AV. K. FOJLTZ, Manaftehf SS - - rs, by Ashland, .O. in 8 422,, -- 5"3q .046..,. this pile of buildings "was on tbe sooth myocrrn-'ecib- , ofsnperior quali- ty, aje Bills, Will prevent Alalarious f evers, J CraaUIae 910,.5 TS . no47-ly. ' . - which is &e same kind of corn and braces lte" SS?nYKT7 east Corner ct the area, joined on the rp do LiX. 9 30,, OlO.ant 'r 10 20 ,, Christian RceW Ct, al. . -- tiouse or tbe lxrd above, and ex,. raised-yacilrrjor"- r mkug as I can 1053 "&2S"' IW3 State of Ohio, Ashland County, ss. . tending below to- - the king's gardens; remecnW. fiojS sir, I . believe (here t r 1 A ma. 1102 '-- VUU 9 5C ;;..174&am Shipping- - Tags, Should be takvn (o strengthen aid By virtue bt a certain order ol sale, r where the two Yalleya met, and t the is noywotijoging seed corn iC the. J. WaLwm, rVsmtor. X. H.lrellMAi.B A n& . n. ... 1.1. j builtl Ft. Wayne 2 , 1.1 pm 11 40 12S0'am-2?r,- . ItolocVa" Stom A( 'Us Saa Fnotcii CO CU..andnMColUianalu. V-- up your syttem, I ri 1 1. 't issued Ironi the Court or Common ' M- 2 25 aOti-.;- - .l6',?? . beeirUilly selected J. IJUIUUIU til pm Siloah waters of - every go softly.'' 7 20 6 SO leas of Ashland countv, ami to mo ach Bitttrii " Buf-- DR. CKOOK'S WINK OFTAK '. -- Should Chicago ,, 6 80 "t.Stlif;. yean- - ir is James. the distin- - fl2fjJod supplied Ferguson, Esq.,' lirected, I will oiler tor sale, at tire unlike all other Tboy r not vlto faatrr SrtnU, vstv of Soar be in detenora- - kept hou, architect n'citirinyriQi-yiLfe- ; Ce, no., eerr ROBACn gulshed - writes ; "The TRAINS GOING EAST'. inlikej, Proof Spirits aud IXcflno and hi life-rlrin- ir r. outhdoor o: the Court House in Bitters in ihe f triple-templ- e of Jerusalem, the lower improvement) Xdami a, doctored, spiced sndiweatenea to plemjic it court standing on its magnificent ter- races, henceto seS3 way to remote places t, called " Appe'tlnt" "ncerer," c. Tonic profierties Uied by alt. No. A. No. 2. . Nb. & rsnland, ui said counly, on fnar.ket,' posewt - the inner court raised on its plat- form tot seed-wlnc- h ' is not natural to ! the uit atnM.MadldiM, MU tns tlppMrbn madTfom"iiinaUn to drakcntlws and toota'and rain, bat harbi arrf Stations. Mail. f - i i : i - -- t X Saturday December 16, A. D. 1871, inlnnsie. mcrtL in the centre, and the temple climate and isoil is generally a loss, T CaUfornla, tree fWirrf nil Alcoholic Stlmaw Chicaao 550am9 20am535pm9 20;prn t bne.o'clocr-- - P M of said day, the Most BUtera. itself rising out of the group and and . the - idea is absrtid that hr a lB.' His Ther aro'Uia OBEAT IIZOOI PUH1. Plymouth 9 45 1 2 05 pm 9 05 ,, TiO n ui 'olloii'iijg ' real estate, sit nate in the crowning the whole taust have form-- . change of seed a gond vcrpp frill be WE HAVE A. GOOD VARIETY S pcrfact mad KenoTator A LIFE and OITI50 Inrigormtor PJKIXCIPIE. of-U- BrUem, Lima IT ujrue liw 3 0?,, nmxou 4 20,, 1 42 am - o05 lot.,, ..wuiity ol Ashland, Sullivan township sol3r hj$L IS&erage. .Dr.&obtttpt. ed, when combined with the beauty produced, ubis- - itching uneasiness frying off all potoonoo matter and nstorinc tho blood 4 20 5 20 . 2 50 6 fc'f,-- , Ithd'fHate f Ohio, to-wi- t: Being part Bitters hre not a c6ifaaPHitMn9 of the situation, one of the 'most may gratify a curiosity, but it will not aan o a neauirjr according eondltlon. to directions, Ko ponon and. remain can taka long then BIW e A.600,, 640 ,, 4 20 S05; ' :t Ittt uumhei:56 in said township and Beitsfbf.'Ke word, but conta in (hie - splendid architectural combinations of of itseir insure a cop. . boil and cul- tivation (rmlded tbelr.bonaa are not- - destroyed by mineral unwell, do Lvs. 1 1 30ara 7 00 4 30 8 i0 ,, wunty, and hounded on ' the east by most' jpipm8i te 'flri'fgi :'t known to . the ancient world." arc the essential reauisites. Poison or other means, ad (lie rltal organs wasted PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. ManrfiddJ2 06pra7 28-- 00 fOi .Mage lots 52, 53, 54 and 55, on the science fbp Jie" rad'rikl'. cirs 6f "- -. and the farmer should build his beyond the point of repair. . ' Orrvijle 920. 700 Mil2 : outh lands Joseph "If hopes by owned by T Brown, wrote on - us : one Qiutt- - ana any innigtium Ther Gratia) ParmUTa.Ma3reIl AllinYrce - 4 40 II 00 8 50 I 15 pm -- wjxpfpsni, looked down from the top of tbe bat- tlements on these more than on a flaming 'ad h'6eter.7-1- 104amllQ5s,' 3 37., -- Pivtsburg-H he west by lands owned by Cart-nth- for till cojj where a ..ioniesend he'would be giddy, while vertisement." jnsttoirt of the liver, and avttlie Visceral DR. CROOK'S' 835 2 10 12 JO pra 45. talniPr, and oil the north, by. village stimulant ' dfe Swaa I . J I Its hia sight could not reach to such an & JOB AND FAN- CY --TOM COXPLAIXTS, Trgans, whether in , ComjOTxrxtl . - SfoJli X iiiy except Monday ; Nos. 5, 7, ots number 57' and 58, containing required.'' tTltey r ; immense . depth." t Tbi passed for A Smart Girl- - Xoonj or okl, iruirrled or single, at the dawn of woman and 2, Dai y except Sunday , No.J, and 6. acres of land; also west pait o( rraiqre the vital : foolisjie.xaj5grationtillreoentexplora' TYlJE hood or at the . tarn then Tonic Bitten bar no Daily ; No. 4, Daily except Satnnlar and ot number 291in the village of Sulii ntnal. - 1 - Sunday. tions indicated the " The following is from the USeftttour Poke Boot. Ashland y statement. ''J. - Islsasnlcrr xd fsnwlo ltkaint .;. F. K, MYERS, Ticket Agent. . 'an, County, Ohio, com men-- : tndrkable . 11- - these building?, porticoes, col (Ind.) Times; "Miss Lulie A. Mon ttoaa suhI Gout. Dxpepalss or ladlrcMloo, Wherever Poke Boot ing.a.tthe Yjorth east corner . of said degree, altar roe, the pet daughter ofthe" wfetehed Blllai., Soaalttesit and Iateraxltteat fe- -' ClevbiniMl. Ml. Vrruqii A Iel-awa- re 46 L ahd give tone to I quips, pinnacles, and temple have rtant, Slaemaea of-th- Blood, JCId-avaj- ro grows, it has -- a local repu- tation ICniroud. ' ' t ; the;nce,eat fttt ;. thence smith i.y. - I Liter, perished.. ..2fot one - stone remains heditor of this paper, bec'ominir dis aad Bladder, these Blttcra hare been moat as a Blood Purifier, ; o iiieEontn nneoi said lot, ilience wfst ; upon, another which : has been thrown gusted with the troop of gentlemanly (eeeasluL Sasoll Ptaeaaea are caused ay Vitiated and for the cure of Rheu- matism. x o the west Jitie of paid ' Jot thence lit down." - Tbe area alone remains, and roving and unstable printers whomwe asoo, which a feaeraUy produced byleranfement With all this lo- cal Ex. 'VM:rri.r-Acoom- 'i . ;iorth lo theiilaceof beginnirig,'iilv is Amu a efr&SlaTeectarajOrcasu. . .and; the the., massive "substructures that for have employed- - during the past few .reputation, Millersburg, 3,45 avrn'-12,- lJ p' n ect to. all le:ni lirghwavR inimmnnn years sinet-iEh'-. STSFEPSIA vApralsed OB Of the latest Styles, Rnd Can satisfy IKDIOESXIOir. nead-acb- e, praise "of dialing u ished Uoback. eet-- Frederick 1 ths ? three thousand, months, one tor another tho Sbovklera, Cooghs, Tightness of the s 1 u rg, o IZ Terms years hare been sleep swapping ev .' Vths most fastideous. Physicians (Drs-Co- e, Lee',-King- , t $050,00.. of Sn.efCash.. . ingin. their. courses. The preserva- -; ery few day and weeks, cleared the Chest, Dbtslneas, Soar Eructations of the Stomach, Wilson M." Hunty Apple Creek, 6,29 1,28 ; WM O PORT Ell, . 0111 Ma ebMtid Swedish Bad Taste In the Billons .,-- ' Month, Attacks, ralpltatloa of tiqn has been due to the ruin. Buil-.- - last one out last week, and determined - - n -- r . - . the Heart, Inflammation of tho Icings, Pain In the Griffits, .Copland and orb.- -, Orrville, . . 7,03 ' 2,30" I .. Sheriff Asliland Co. pJiysieian 'rim .'"g8-8- ! yasfJiave been toppled down to do all tho work' herself. Every : 1 i i ' fcgjons or the Kidneys, and a hundred other palnrat crs,) who have., it tested has been its Marshallsville, 7,1? ' '2,53. ' J W & G B Smith. Alt'vs Stockhot-r- it 8ms- - the slopeofjhe Moriah that the ori type in th:s '.issue Was; set up by her la'metoms'ara Thcy tnrleorate tbe offsprings the Stomnch of DyspepslaC- - and stlninlato the torpid tlMdical neglected, nower bytheprofession Akron-- , 8,10 .4;oe-- ? '.Nov 15 5wl9. ' : den, came to MM . ginal deWfs valleys have been al-- . nimble nngers, including "the new ftd Urer and Bowels, which render them of nneqaaled at large; as much through a Cleveland, 10,10 out dry 'and introduced ihe Soxc- n- most obliterated. V W hat had been re- - verlisements since our last issue, and afneacy In cleansing the blood or all Imparities, and Int. want apprecia- tion GOING SOUTII. met vian Jilood l urtjUr: silUtt - gardedss the original nurface, had she has three columns for next week. parting rOB new SKIX lire and DISEASES, rTeor to the Eruptions, whole system. Totter, Salt of its" merits, as a Accom'n X?T2x. -- I&U. " 'ich time "thousands have thai knowledge of the proper to prepare Clevoland. In .been ioujo j;tdbe debris from seventy nesiues an" tnis, sneq.d a lig Xbenm, Blotchzs, Spots, Pimples, Pnstnlea, Bolls, a, it for medicinal use. Dr. way Oliver Crook, ?M am 3,45 r BOSADALIS ed, by its use, of Scrofula antil to ninety feet deep.. wasning, read about nity newspapers, Scald Ilead. Sore Eyes, Eryslpe-Vt- si (a physician who devetes his entire time Akron, 7,20 5,37 er blood diseases.' It confafM. Itch, Scarfs, niseolaratlons of the Sain, Bamonand 8,58'" .'. TVilh pickaxe an: shovel, British and tok-tw- o days' recreation at the D ar tare of the 6km, of whatarer namavpr nature are to the duties of his profession,) has fully Marshallsville, . " ,39'. ides tlie Iodide-o- f Poiassa amd explorers have been down, to the ori- -. Mitchell', fair; and this active and literally dug up and carried oat of tbe sysHm In a short tested the active medicinal - qualities of i Orrville V. 9,23 6,54 ' "ginal: foundations.' 'Fallen, columns spunky lutle 'nrinteress declares lie'r l time by iha on of then Bitters. One bottle In aoah Poke Root during the last "25 years" and j Apple Creek 10,08 " 7,18, The ingredients that yru'p of Stillingia, drugs injporl eases wlU conrmcs the moat Incredulous efthclr f ora-tr- ra unhesitatingly it to nave' j oiceaen tcs pronounces Fredericksbrj " COMPOSE AOSADALlS' jrum jor express . have been, met with, nd intention to set up the .whole eflecta . ... b 7,35 are j- avoided, or " paper MOKE ICEBi: for diseaaee depending on' M,,,.hn i-i- ' i nt 'irabliahed ori eyerV narka ge. there- - manrthcfitre, urthioivn .and ndt ' a way" blasted through 'them. The herself hereafter. An Indianapolis - Cleann the Vitiated Blood whenever yoa find Itslnv a depraved condition of the blood, than i fore it ii aoia aecret preparation, iinders ol burnt Jerusalem have Cut paper wonders what the ' appreciative iarlOes bhrstlng through the sklDtrr Prmplcs, Ernp-Oo- any and all other articles named in the R. C. HURD, Pres't kejil 6y apothe- caries or Sores; cleanse It when flud eonaequentiy ' ya Itohatraesed G.r A. nTA is through innd turned cp to the light lather was doing while all this work ana MsmrMi In the reins; cleatrC It when It Is fiL Materia'Medica. Under his instructions JONES, Sup't FfrTSICIAKS PRESCRIBE IT and jour reellnne will tell whan. Keep our Chemist has combined the active Iiel moulds depeeHed by the treasures Was, Jemg drau,-- 2&k-- S edlcinrf -- PokeKoot -- vrith! TO ITEBRASKit CA LI fecrofulal- -' qualities-- of , FOROTA," ABD It ia a cure ror single .trial will of Jewish pride. The seal of Hag lie was practing medicine, in wbicfr aratsu or so maajr UiouaauiK ara airecluallr ilAtrojred the best Tonic Preparation of Iron,' and - KANSAS, ANI THE" R & 11Z li. R. Syphilis in all its forma, Rheuma- tism, BLODT Coy u miHwi. nsTi m nisiinsuianea pnyswioclst, ' . 1 - . . .1 11- - convince the most be has -- CP congenial doubtless in ".ancient Hebrew characters, occupation tliere la scarcely an Individual upon the lace, of tbe wo uuer iuu prepaxauon 10 ins puuuc LANDS. ; Skin Diseases,. Liver Com-- was picked up, out of the aiftinga ot sent unnumbered victims to untimely worms. art N wlioso It Is body not upon w exempc the healthy from tlie elements presence or tho of nnder the above name. : The "Burlington Route," d; laint and all diaeaaea of tne skeptical of its ''this deposit. The- - first courses of graves, and caused scores of confiding and body slimy that worms deposits exist, Umk but breed upon these the Urine: diseased monsters humors of Pr. CKOOK'S SYKUP of POKE ROOT. lies right in the path of the Star of Em- pire.- Jlood.-- , wonderful, value. "l Moms, depo8ked by Phoenician buil- - widows tv mown or rejoice, as the anthelmintics, disease. o system will free of Medicine, the system no from rermlllarea, worms Use no ' Cures ocrorula,.Scrofulous Tumors, It rnns almost immediately in ONE BOTTLE OF BOSADALIS . ders, have been reached, lying on the case may be, at the fate that broffgh! tkesamuerai , Scrofulous disease's of the yes, the center of the great westward move- ment will do more good than fen bottlea DtJldbdtk's ' f living T rock.- - Quarry-mark- s, put. on them in contact with' suh mathema-tic- al .: Aold V adl BrnssTlste Mat SeaiUra. I . or Scrofula in any form. of emigration. Crossing Illi- nois of the Syrupa of Sarsa pari 11a. Blood Tills ere I J..WU.EBR, rroorlctor. a B-- r, McDOKAU4 CO .Lj Vermillion, .have : been copied known accuracy and unerring precision OrngSlsts and General Ascnts, San Francisco, CaU-- . Dr. CBOOK'SSYRTJPof POKE ROOT. and Iowa, it strikes the Missouri THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS Mrtmryiasatd ijtju by the trick-- " in the mortuary results of the use of iomls, and- - ta and St Cominefeo Street, Kew York, ' " CnreS' Viver at three points. ' '" " have used Rosadalisin their practice FURIFISR Rheumatism, . for the three and freely - 4 y i ling drops of the paint, still visible bis prescriptions. He is' " "fighting Pains in Limbs, Boneay Ac Theee three points are the gateways endorse past it as a reliable years Alterative' jacuirea-Ut- r l only they are above the letters on alt diseases except tfts. - into three great sections of ' the trans and Blood Purifier. - similar ptrps5X-On- t Dr. CROOK'S SYRUP ofPOKEROOT. they were written the FOUTZ'S J Cures ill disejises '. Missouri region. JDR. T. C. PTJGH, of Baltimore. trialJriv&Y V stones lay with the. under" side upper The Cleveland Herald says, two CELEBEATKD . , depending on a depraved The Northern gate is Omaha, where DR.R. OR. T. J. W.CAHR. BOYKIN, .:-- . " riably establishes thert as fnvortlcs most. -- Ajiplctoria Journal. ... girls just in the bio tm of "sweet six- teen," condition of the "Blood. " the great Pacific road will take you to DR. F.O.DAN NELLY,'" with all who use tlievt. 1 . ' Horse aiiL Cattle " jricholaayflle,- - FoiuSis. DB. J. S. SPARKS, ot came to lhe"city. about a week Dr. CRGOK'SSYRUPofPOKE i i j the land of gold ancj grapes, sunny Tlie reasons why Br: Hobaeh't and drove of the ROOTJ DR. . L. McCARTHA, Columbia, ao at once to one mountains, and perpetual sumnter.- - preparafl6n, tone; aad favorably' . . iSuilds up Uonsutntiofis Blood rills should, fit Kept fH.tffs . "rTtft of Anintals. iltf i .j .. - ' Language v - .... hotels. They bad not been long un- der (,'"PtaTown,'.wlll thoroughly t- - ." ."'. broken down by disease. '. The middle gate is Plattsmoutli, DR. A. B. NOBLES, KdgocSmh, N. C.- - cry family are:. Became they can Aw'r- --2 I broken down and its root when the landlord noticed . horses. j or from Mercurial or Mineral Poisons, which the south half of opens upon USED AHD ZNU0SSEB BT ' fthat animals tave .a" of be employed in all casex.wAers s ti language that they were in the habit Uf "going f r 1 lw J: Nebraska; south of the Platte river, a J. B. FRENCH SONS, Fall River,' . ... . their own, to- - one another; there can out of evenings," and their It is a sure SrsTentlreofali diaessea nrniu iinra, via nores, soiis.sjicms Mass. "family physic u required, ana protracting II I r Incident to th J.DNO Any IiMetiaew or Ernptiea of Mte J region! unsurpassed on the continent . hp'nb doubt. I know a good .deal of visits and acting in varibusways TEVER, Gt ANDERS, YELLOW Kataii, s.usik sianaing aueraen of for. and F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. ' are perfectly safe tn their ddtilitv-istralio- n Ij agriculture grazing. Just here A. F. WHEELER, Limw, ObieC WiWD Dvirra rnrraua mo. Ibe vor, Siyplsllla in any lorm, or ' T theTr language mjrself. IJtnowbytlie Moreover they Jiad been We 3 I TEMPER, FBVEK3, V0UN DEB-- ,' dlaeaite entailed tiy it,- are all speedily and any. are the JSt & M. Kailroad lands, con- cerning B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. at all timet; .because. " ' . " ' -- voK!e Of the raven" when he has dis- -l very taciturn regarding their board keep consfantly on una loss or appetits and - viTAf- - effectually cured by which Geo. S. Harris, the SAM'L. CRAVEN G. & McFADDEN, CO., Gordonsvllle, Murfrecs- - Va. they are made a good assortment of SN EKQT, e. Its Mm rmpitrres-th- e '" . -- oovere&tfne of bii flock dead I know bill, which was assuming some dim en-- ' vwlnd, lacreasee the pnetitois , Jit. Crook's Symp of Poke Root. land officer at Burlington, Iowa, .can boro, Term. ' both with and ' the sires a smooth and (lossy akin ' and Our space will not allow of any ex.; - 0 sfoVm, and to sions. With this latter matter lor a wansiarms ne auseraoie aaaietoa give you all information, and in the tended remaxka in relation .to the, without sitaar- - . " . - jffn'e .weather Xn moor, Jfowls call handle the proprietor "pumped" thpo In to a flue-lo- o king aod spirited, bone. heart of them is. Lincoln, the State. virtues Profession of Rosadalis.- - we guarantee Tothe a Fluid Vodical Ex coaling? thus ' . . 'pnebther.fomJhJLll foTiill rleai-n- - and ascertaiued that they w ere tru ut To keeper' oftCgws this prepara- tion Capital ik present terminus of the road tract superior to any iney have ever' adapting thent (& ' etffimitatefhliraVguagU closely girls were penniless, and bad . b en '.. .J -- eiTyasaaasajs . Uaaati il Is inralaable. asainst RinderoesL "It Is a sure Hollow pre- ventive The Southern gate leads, to Kansas, used Blood: in and tho to treatment thoaRtirted of wesay diseased try. the use of every- body; v -- that haoPTagfctrgeoTC8 of frien Is;' ;, Horn, etc 'It has been Rosadalis, and you will be restored ' Bent.y some, proTen by by conDections'Jvith the St Joe Road to health. Because .r: ... a i. ; ' actual eatperiment to increase the . - .y benKitbin-rage--imyhofr- in the-- l The polide were acquainted with the at direct St. " quantity of milk and cream twenty Hamburg, running to Rosadalis is sold by all Druririits, - ; . Joinin cock hasa call, facts ahdltad tbe wayward . girls sent FLAlVQAP;- - NOTE-PAPE- R. per cent, and make the butter firm Joe. and Kansas City. price Sl.OO per twtrle.- - Address they can be and aweea. eattle. it pur- chased v f5wichitt!Bf'all bis intatetf hrojnd to.lhe house of their, friends, where, ilA'i'.'t CARIJ BOARD, '..': wtvaa them an aimetite. laoaafBi 4htrhede..ui4 suIm Dr. Crook's Morning Sedative ' The trains of the Burlington run PS. CLEJIEHT3 CO. dt any t w" r J" nlmj UuTi'lBeemirle have rnio call. they may thank the oracle, they were themthrire much faster. . i -- t .T..., tf- - smoothly and safely, and make all . ... JUdavarrarV-- 1 Cktmutt, drug stori mi kindly received. " - x$,lLZ& SICKNESS connections. It funs the best of coach- es, - BxtrnrOlE, ITo, FILLS exfremetv- - tow - V . v tbewivef of a. pabob. Tbeydare as a' specific- - By potting from one- - ' JKW ;' A '! -- 'ATl wrirrntihw xttfirih nmrrra on rimns Pullman Palace and Pullman din- ing prist icf Itteniy-- t . no inopdate upon the same hill with , E.'W. WALLACKi' : ewiu a tne paper araraaiseases to a paper-i- n W)l a barrel areraai-eirte- d of In'the morning, as well as all the more cars, and should you take .the i WaKted. Any number of Hides,-Shec- five, cents . Li- "their'hsughty lord.,. But the part- -J Manufacturer and; DealexJn.BOOTS or entirely presented. If siren severe forma of nausea and yomiting,are journey for the journey's sake alone, Pelts and Furs, for ' which I pert v " and all mountain birds have and SHOES, v .In time, a certain . prerentWe and relieved. 00X4. n:: ;). a Leather and Shee find- ings, ; - .ridge cure for tbe Hog Cholera. . permanently you will be repaid ; or take it to find a will the highest price in " . rlangnageto' "each other, and though furnished to tke-trad- a at the low Of all jxAon, I "I?.!?.??"'. yotf cannot find jny - very jFtor Sale by l&KysitJtat. . t Tffther eireumscribed. it is perfectly est cash rate's." Store in Citizens Bank ' DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor bottle with I either better than ' among the B ; M. cash. Hooms opposite new building. and Jyectlera iih 'TotlenA :" - vnderstood; and, Wordsworth Call, aad we'toU.'strh Bli.TIMOKB.aTa;' the greatest of success. Try, one Main Strfcet, Ashlahd, Ohio. - as says, Building. rca-sorra- ble lands, where you can buy pn ten years' ' .. "aot to be nakndwn." Even the Jaa. 26,'70-A- L nttec and Tn work. tbe For UniVsd sal fir States, prajrrists Canada and and Storekeepers South America, throUfboat credit, and at a low price ' ly41 5wl8 ' li. W. CoWajt, 3rofUctnca evei'v-tcher- ei

States and Union (Ashland, Ohio). (Ashland, OH) 1871-12-27 ...€¦ · y iaagaia8aeaMt: DiscoVerfe at Jerusalem". stupid and sillyllgruoW IJnCwhen SiolOjir cakwot,--pfjir it rnis

Oct 07, 2020



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Page 1: States and Union (Ashland, Ohio). (Ashland, OH) 1871-12-27 ...€¦ · y iaagaia8aeaMt: DiscoVerfe at Jerusalem". stupid and sillyllgruoW IJnCwhen SiolOjir cakwot,--pfjir it rnis

y iaagaia8aeaMt: DiscoVerfe at Jerusalem". stupid and sillyllgruoW IJnCwhen SiolOjir cakwot, --pfjir it rnis SINGER THE OBEATTbe dicoVcries of 'tho r'falestine alarm-note- ,

the falcon apppejnrmak e!


ifsinglebide States&Un ion V "u'f Bight is Priceless Ih NEW Of


Exploration Fund.-liavfriblw- a made in a moment. Evear tells you But the Diamond Spectacles will ;ti3& tTEfeGteAHROAD GAUGE RQUH HUMAN IHSEBY. . .

V : - at creat cost of monev-ta- d isiidr'and when she 1 as LrfdJir,Jrir: and:Ieast " P reserve it. Jut PahlUKed, in a Staled . Eni-

" no little danger, by isij)-- f Sflaft&fTBfJ is shouldUpfrbe well ugh.hard or PUBLIC TEST? 5f43r' lJWAf tr wot.' A Jectnre onreldpe.

the Ifature,tYux

Tratmentnz eeat. -- r

aa'd. ,

j feet deep understood MKe cock eTerts the; whole Hs proved ilu:i.- - Radical Cure of Seminal Weakireas, or. tesal right angles to those shafts, the power of ffls lungs inevulgfjug-th- e 'EASTWARD. Spermatbrrhcea. induced by Self-Abu- se Jb-- ! '

explorers Teelixyr their way under important "secret. The blaekKce i iVC- - Xo; 12 .- - No. 6. No voluntary Emresiona, Impotency, Kervoflt. and on the " of fix .j Iebility, and Impediments to Marria..- - ground burning magnesian wire, ewe, - approach a or a ' 8:1ft m-Aehjand 6:40. a. m.. p.

:' o throwing ligh' Upoji stones and dog, "utters a" whistle through her v.- - Your AkmbV ';.-7:4- 7:10a.m. 10:20 " fenerally; Cblisumptioh:ahd Physicikl


ahd' pavements which, hav been buried nostrils, - wnrcu alarms MfJflrwVy Yoo-Valu- k Eyesight Rarwiia 1' 8:00 " 11:12 " BY ROB. J: CULy ERWELlT M Dl- - tnerlliousand and three iuorisand Tears and Jromciately puts tfiem upon the USE THESE V MeSdyille;il:J2 . 12:30 p. m 2:20 a. m Author of the "Green Books," &c. .

m-- "froni iufeoan isifrht, Mount' jSlorhih UookouU xsot one of them will take CorrV . ''12:43 phi"'. K'.OS "f" 4:07 " The world-renown- author, in this ad

has been found, to" pe aharp cragigtrnother Dice . UDiii iney disco Salamanca r"

u:25" mtrable Lecture, clearly hrovea from hisJbfeOfBree ";:45 own experience that theGbound From Minttte CRYpTSPtBB, awfnlsidge, with so little the linpTwhence the danger mjs consequencesspace upon approaching. - To hare more Corning r 7:33 - ,.,."11:30" of Self-Abu- se may be effectually removed

; as scarce y to anora room lor temple xrtne doge sundry of Melted toeether. and derive 'Jlheir name. inci-l- t uian.nny rlmira 8:12 .: . T 12:08 p.m without medicine, and without danger)!of small dimensions. Onfall sides it them uttei bleat,. Avouch I well know. ."Diamond" on account of their HardneteAx stmilaj; ervra Bingha3tenl0:ll " " " 1:51 ' surgical operations, bougies, instruments;

' fell off rapidly and very ".steeply, ex-- out cannot aesenne, and commence tlon ever oll'eredl New York -- 7:Q0am :30 " rings, or cordials, pointing'1 out model ofwithout chancer and warrant ad annerio ".".J- - . .'5i00arcoept from northwest to southeast, the feeding again. If the dog is by him the pnblio, " Albany 8:48 cure at once certain- - and effectual, bywhlcH"

hnVtuan 10 an otners, manuici urea oy . Boston 5 20 em , ,- 5;8pa,ni;' FAMILY SEWING MACHIN1 every sufferer no matter what his conditio ljdirection in which the ridge ran. The self, they are more afraid of ;J. E. SPENCBR & Ct)., N. Y. may be, may cure himself cheaply, private- -area on the summit was .enlarged by any other animal, ana" their is! beard Westward. Thb superior merits of tho "SIKGER ly, and radically. This " lecture will proven i. . - i .1.. j 1 - -- . - ii CAUTION. None KenuinVnnless IIa4 itself- gtamiv provedaiu hum- - auuug me uvcuvuies, we the wbisle repeated through tlieriioIe r - f v ...- . Jfo. 1. Nn.3.' Sol 5. Machine over all others, for either Fnmih a booa to. thousands and thousands. , , ,

oUtsiotf waJeep down in the val glen.. .. . r-- ea witn'our. traae mark. '.. -.

- in thousands or casesAo'klwviI . .m mi. use or Mannfactoring purposes, are BQvr.eil Sent under seal, jn a plain envelope, 18

--. capable of curine all diseases of theJeyvfjajrf one hand red and fifty feati JJul the ncuteness of the sheep t ear '. :H." F. j.: ' Tlxrbat and J.jipgfU) Mansleld 15:2 a. m. 10i33,p. m. " establisherl'and so generally admitted, that any address,.an receipt of 'six cents, or two

bekjw the area on wlrlch the temple surpasses all things in natureibat I Agent, Aland, Ohio, 1

Gallon YtAQ- - 11:20.'- - an enumerauan 01 xneir relative exceilen postagestampstAlso. DRCULVERWELL'S

by addressing the publishers

huildinirs stood. One hundred, feet know of. A ewe will distinguish her r rom wnora tuer can. be Seiained. Jo JK. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB' Cincinriati 6:00 p. m. 7:00 a. in. Cies is no longer 'necessary.- - Out Guide," price 25 cents. .. --

'MarriagwPeddlers employed "j- - -.j I Cures all Chronia Irfnikville Ik45" - 12:35 p: m.

r --.agaTir.telo'vrthis Jay the original bed own iambs . bleat amonz thousand, Augustjo,.


;z:l5-.- . ". d0-.3-0 --Ji'l NEW 'FAMILY MACHINE, Address the Publishers,much louder ' 5 arid (Jongrtn'ancHJola - - CilAS. J. C. KLINE COL:. Kedron. The founda-Ttron-s than the sinsinxr'-o- f Knils City :45 V .a. m. ,Sh :tnofe effcdhiallv thah Js .ofIff temple, therefore, were psalms at a Caiharonian sacrarttent in "3 127 Bowery, Kew Yort

- t w ojhr,reniedy AVltich has been over two years in pre nan Post .Office Box ,4,586. ',EastwaM bound passebsers by- nunarea unu niiy aoove me ueep tbe fields, where thousand are (ion, and which ha, been brought to perfec. --"defiles sLrpuod. This area,, originally ffFAffAlWI Vhrl VfttlV I a mlA Alt haw --()- DR. CROOK'S WlR offAB!". Traibs No. 12 and 2 havino, change tion regardless of TIME. LABOR or EX.

W From this forward, . Has cured eases dt CoiUirmptlon of cdrs Ashlahd,'and New ,S.J5.. FREEMAN, Jimsbetween is. Dnrm. dt jaoiomon, ana eniargea Dy Besides, tbedistinguishm'ehf'ofi Voice, FENSE, now confidently presented to the.1 xi t jnefotjraEists,"""ruanine on the is perfectly reciprocal between .tn y - pronounced incprftble York.' --AliMtn nellsviire- - one of the pjiuiit; u lucomparaoiy me'', . outbajingihe valfey of Zlinnom one ewe and the Jamb,--wh- o amd the rllack will carnoc riqy,. - , Dy pnysiciana. famous Erfe Enlace.. Drawing Room of fin-- PI PfTES: 'RTT'T TM -

the round for willpassengers trip $2,00. it-- tflioiinnjiaeet, and along the Kedron deafenin? sound.' run Jo fheet orte 'an--- also carry passengers from Aflhland to Nor-wal- k DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB ' I Coaches is sA taclieri. &. train N q. 2. BEST SEWING NACITINE In JEXIS-- &c , wh ich he will sell cheap, for cttlZ

Blteeabnoo:red leeu ' oiuer. lucre aire lew tilings tuat nave ':k---i- .

for $2,00. The Hack stops at Skellen-ger- 's 'jljas cured so many casesjof Connectionsjat MeadjilVnlon and All inri a nt 11 ii iae alaiiiai lllTTiTin artefet" amused than Hotel in New London. Asthma and Bronchitis Corry for the Oil Regions at Corn-- tfasseirt room. Call him aad, tim enclosure was originally fjqver-- . me more a sheep - : T: l 1. jiau ; ; The Mnchine in question iTSrmpl TJom on-- 1 : 1 .1 a. .1 April 26, 1871-no42-l- y. for l nt.liinirhflmlnn his'Tjftsepdfd dificer. .Firs were Biieanng, uuu iic epur), cuuunas tne r .i

. . . . 1

m(rr is - - i . t . past, Durable It iarjnieU

..encourage enterprise.

whole AVerttlo flock 5nto the yj Aiuanr n 1 1.1 e e.W15 ppjugos or covenea wains, gum day. - EXECUTOR'S NOTI OPrEAJ:' ypJr opnngueia,. yorcejier, ini,iie, ami rnrrauiv ui ucTlornunff a"rT:ifirt1lir'rifrr 'sritls and- - nverloolc-- i field, send a bill, and DR. CKOOIC'S AVINE iiuiun, na an pomis in ivsw jungiana. range and variety of- - work, never before at-

tempted,"r ITTievH !4bea.seod n as the 1

Notice is given that the Removes pMn in Breastj SideVHa BttS yestward bound passengers by upon-- ,a- - single, machine, usinghereby un-

dersignedQuit Cxravel and Kidnev'Dieeaseq: J? either Bilk, Swist, Linen or Cotton Threadsi lamb TrauSa or 3 "through from Liat'fsr tilA BackIr1gdiiJfca4atfMiares, : ie a as been duly appointed and -- Ne.U go and sewing'with equal facility hey VfeRY

good comfortableiZ " ? v?'? & VtrJ! c " shea from qualified . as.'Eecufr of the lat will DR. CItOOK'S wCSftoFAfe . 'Ashlaud'"tb Cincinnati without change, finest and coarsest-materia- l, and all thing accomnodatioa of. pasaearere w411rr-ay-e

...;.iil2.S2'orni. Ihe instead of and testament of late Shbulrfljerf'fiJ1 mnKinar connections with the Ijouis-- between the .two .extremes.' --ih thh rnrt: AshlaDd foi Woostef ltaVipgB0U Wa take pleasure in notifying Peterr3. ?uty, Ashland Mondays, Wednesdays ft TrWay;,(W5lRsfad mamma, ' aiu. diseases of the bnnry, Organsy ville Short Line Hailroad, or the JIail beautiful and ubstaniiaj 'manner. It . at- -,of Vermillion 'JJowsfiip, Atihlattd Co., 8 Inat tbe viatne public that we "are prepared to do, tachments for o.'cIock mornrug; Sewsbarg, . j 04 i&2btty.iaaL A lie-- aisle ware ftf hieets steamers ror Jxuisville and points in Hemming; Braiding,

'Cording Pitt sfurg, .Keedsburj; JtBdJeffersea2with dispatch,neatness and all. varie-- DR. CROOK'S WnKEOIfABr Tucking, -; Quilting- - Telling, Trimmingthe .South and Southwest. Also --with "ffjj.ntfnhenave, rising li4'e a iiyfcjing, and (most ' ' HENRY.HiFUR Binding.etc.v Through fare, 92,60 ,tieso - - Foesefises VegetalSligreclients 'Western lines for 'Points in Indiana. ore.n.-ye-l ant practical' and 0ackisotrl' Weekly, ftoaf Ash'la- -i teireature.the -- two, wai l6meTillMW.ilo6 It wheels - - - i 7 ' whicb maiip H. have been- - invented and adjusted especiallycr?aftij5audrai feet Jush. Int4u,inc a loud,-tremulou- s November 22, 1871 4wn9L, the best Tonic inlhe market,' Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado for this Maclrine, Jim ' " 3' Orangeand baekfhe-sanids- y T .isayfaf

;": ; Ai-n'o- w ffrT3tealls to tbe' BeihtltTSesPai files from the job work: w- t or additional information as to Circulars desciibiflflr-nh- d illnfstratinir onr Asnland raesday.7hursdariB4SstBtS

' ' , " tdays,Farc'50el ',PROBATE NOTICE; DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAB time, are and Connections, : apply to Manufacturing Machines,, ss nhjortbe fruly

"" "T - Cures Jaundice, I the iocal --Agent, asking tor tickets wonderful and only practical Button Hole--tCoBayi&!l$kOT returns) fls.-an- d

t moderate rates, such as - Machine ever yet deVted,' senf postageor uity xaver VAJMiuiaiiii. via the ATLANTIC AND GREAT.vln3li:Aav-tXfarf- K i:tJreturris 'again, generally Jenof a dosea The following Administrator? free on application to ' ... . Ur&M M.fs ..'f- - Kr.rrM VfH timfiV lwfrr the rwonr.ifflmpni Vnivl ecu tors and Guardians, have fflflbVfnf vDR. CKOOlfS WISE QFTABiv s Western Broad. Guagb - Koutb. . L. JErr.SFEEJGLE. .. 1 i . ea . . a i i j i I F. Sweetser. Gen! iMnn'c'r. . ' '

-." ' ' Ai!hla"nd. O.the ijejapie area. ,o. peDorucoes open - 1 maue. v., . ' . tne jrrooaie .voun .01 .snia uiHwuniy, Makes Delicate5&emaies.': ccnt." A reward of One Thousaad . Dei

''rrrWtfrdljfTipdn aTcOTrt-'pave- with Ohio, their Partial and Final aciunts who are never feeliuiMfeH.- - v,u pnAiTuc, - iMenaviiie, fa. lars will be oaid to any Physician!tor settlement, viz : - t

Strong infdI;&l(livy j- -Gefl.' Pasg'r.fc Ticket Ag!, Cincin'tL who will produce a medicine that will sav- -

SSS n3.'9iirL-r-Btypn- d Fiual account of Levi Stobsr, as DB. CROOK'S WINEPJTAIR-- 2r ;r ' -- "riVUJrjttt, Ag-i-,

a.snland, , ' ply the wants of the people better"than ih

article' known - tlhi8gftTntJroug .An Uhioan bavin? written?,. Ihe Guardian of S. A. Stober.'. SHERIFFS SALE- - ; as -

tjat- e-PiC-;.- . ..TIME TABLE. ,, UTti , E. F JBYXfSAJllXTir- wVstVas' FfirmerV Club', ,vof- New York .City,. who have boe.-'i- i;and risinethird, Partialabovg Final of Johnjjtnd : account i On. aniJafler " 'Monday, Dec. 6th, 1870, . Alexander Eainsejr ... .cwdMi j$- -

..v' :. ;rttoA'aH?fflui a fourtn, inichtood. that ail .corn - on the ear should be E. Covert, Guardian or Esther? Jane unahlo to d T ;: .,,-- .,

passeiteJAajlis Will atrire at the follofc v' ' :' the templroir."tasa!h.?nj& Story ulanted or the crop will runout. Bill and Samuel V. Greenlurf. .lL x .DB. qB0OK'aWtN OFlAMiT? V9Pfii wn fime set. -

-" '. vs. , Blood Cleanser or Panacea,

-- ' l.e.foryr .nisiA sabi ljayellje Washtngton Hitchcock, New Lebanon, Heads, Final account of P. R." Roseoerrv. : " Should be $ftn lfeyou5lD.Y.w',0- - souTir. . It must be a better Cathartic, a better AU "

:' 0ae-hadre- d ore.Yelronifetiafl aandj"s Yalls. thja aal'old fogy notion Gufdian of LmirbsAi'sta is oat i I5,4 P M f State .of .,Ohio, Ashland Gi)iin.Y;.ss, - terative, a better Sudorific, a better Dioretia'Lwnicu cn tne same

Geo'.. j . . ;j.n.imiiuiju..'a:uj 0:10 w:iz . JjyVir'ueol a certain Aider of sale, a better Tonic, and in every way belter tkasiougnuto-o- e piacea

- g. - - . . - I . jTSVtial 'account of Harrison Mo--4 ' Shelby-.- ., ilt42 r the Pan-a-ce-- a. No matter how loaf it hrf!JI-i-- - T, with tbe notion that Jbnday is Letter Hca; 'DS'CKOOIS'S WINE-Ol'TAf- -

i r 6:1-- T, 9:58. .. isiied from the Court --of "Com mon- xoese fioraomar - iea u footing Qult,lio, .Guardian of Emma. Maud v ' CreRUiafe.'-ariXO- 6:40 -- ,, '10:15 " been in usj or how lately discoyered. Abovehave been verefied- Of an unlucky day," and adds: ' "Now, MctffTre. I

... Should be taken if you feel Do dj rl0:10Plcas-o- f Ashland County, anI to' ne fill it rtluat hot contaih anything HOT TVta?Weak or debilitated.. , dfrecttjll will offer for ealu W publicin th of 1818 I IT VEOTABI.E.gentlemyn, spring..iCannot-.TOucb.'T-fo- r the of Galion, "lvlO - - iU:ocorrectness will be for hearing ii 'it.Aftfrkr. nl'lltA DftlilK IjaAi-- It,, t- rxl-came to this place to live. The man Wedding Cards, . - . : . . v .'-- ' . GOIMQ NORTH HHLUUU, I' V OlU ,11 UWJ VI Stic V Willi.the reputed height of these immense DB. CKOpIg.WrNE OF TARon the nd nay of Jan. A.-- XJ. i871,

structures; iaye the leKs that I1, lived with planted what he 10 o'clock exhausted Gallon, 7 1:00 p M 6:15 P M 4:35 A M. Ijouyejiu aAshland,.in said county, on .$500 REWARD !reason. at A. M.doubt called a twelve" rowed wedge corn.-- i streiigth. "Crestline, ar 1:15 .. 6:25 iO" Salnrdau. Deeemler 16 A. D. 1871. A rard of Fiye Hnfidred Dollars Vil-b-etbe have. however, to last, as we D. W. Whitm Of K, 'Do dirt 4:30 0:50 -- ,v farVisiting Cards, ;4;55 paid a medicine that Trill; eatobushed the: ' fTrstC If one looked He made a' practice of shelling off the 3w23 Probate DB. CBOOK'S WINE OF TAR Shell)v. 1:48 .. 7:09 - 5:12 at 2 o'clock P. .M, . of said day, . (he cure more caoea of Costivenemt,

persoaneot-l- y

Constipa-tion,.upon Mount Moriah from the. Mount butts and tips. I still plant the fearae 4 Nv London, , 2:28 7:52 followiiig E'eal iJaiate, i(uate in the Sick, or Nervous Headache, Liref

of OHt Ota tbtf way aWoni Bethany, kind of corn, and have alway shelled . Restores the petite arid AVelhjiirton. . '2:42 .. 8:16 ,. '5:10 county of Ashland' and' 5fate of Ohio, Complaint, Bilious Dinorders, Jaundice.' aa ourJjord-di- wben oeholdinsr the off the tips. and Iohallesge him' to Business Cards, X tV i- - Strengthe the Stomach.,

j.f. J3. A. I OKU, Uen'l I'asd'r Agt. to--wit : Being the" w est" ithK of the Itbeumntism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and

city,jt pnst have been a jBigbt which, show me, this side of Egypt, a hand-somer

..TwirrRAfTf's'vrjir. rirfi-i- i Cleveland, Ohio; south west quarter sieetiair 1 f, "town-ship

Fever, Tape Worms, Boils,-Tumor-, Tet-

ters. Ulc-ra- , Sores, Paina in the Loins, 8id9for architeciural beauty and grandeur, bin of corn - than this." Col. I Causes the food- to direst, removing Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne & Chijfgo 21, range 15. ,f' '

and Head and Female Complaints, than '4

perhaps,"' has never. been equaled ce-r- Curtis added: "Every careful '. - Xndkjestidn. . r Railway Appraised at $-- r . w . .lerms, - DR. FAlLRNEY'S :r. r-- rnot sursassed. It farmjr rejects" the tip and butts of ' cash ot saTo. " .tatoiy was an ar DB. CSoOK'SJWINE' OFFAB Condensed Time Table Nov. 1871. .on day12, Blood Cleanser or Panaoei -

tificial mountain from the deep ravines ears, and plants nothing but the plump i ' Gives and wm. o. puut;eh,- oeiow, wall,- - column, roof, pinnacle, and perfect kernels, upon the princi-



energy tS TBAINS GOING WEST. ' S hetifr Asl ihtntr Co., '. ftruich ih nsed more ext,eniyely by practic-ing

culminating in the temple within and that (hey. will produce strong and Nol l No. 5. No. 7. No. 3' November 15 5wl9 ," .

- " icinephysicians

known.than any other popular med

.. aoove an, ana pro.oauly measuring vigorous plants.. Futhermore, I am DK. CBOOK'S WINE OF TAB Stations. Eip's Mail ExpV I V. y.y

Br3t Prep-tre- d by' P. Falirnrr'; Brea.between fire and six of the opinion 'ai the crooked and All recovering from illness,hundred feet. f any Pittsburcjv 1 45 am 7 10 am 9 3danT230 in Co-- aynexboro, i n., ana lr. 1.

of BolomonV too, added twisted kerhefs jire agt to produce will find this the Eoclieatei 2 '52 8 45. 10 42 3 3S SHERIFF'S SALE. Fahrney,-3- North Dearborn Street- - t. - to the impressiveuess of the sights: It knotted andmperfee-ars.- - " I Tiavea rammes, best Tonic they can take.; AUianc'e'iT'05lJ4!, 135 pm 615 ,. Cliiongo. Price $f,25 per bottle, fort

"' s:ilc by Wholnrale and Retail Deal fi 1is setUed, by recent disovenes, that string of seed corn, corn, now hang-ing

DB. CBOOK'S WINE OF TAB Drvilla b33 aoipwa 7 47,. 'Wai: H. Iinhoof 'f and AV. K. FOJLTZ,Manaftehf SS - - rs, by Ashland, 8 422,, -- 5"3q .046..,.this pile of buildings "was on tbe sooth myocrrn-'ecib- , ofsnperior quali-

ty, aje Bills, Will prevent Alalarious f evers, J CraaUIae 910,.5 TS .no47-ly. ' . -

which is &e same kind of corn and braces lte" SS?nYKT7east Corner ct the area, joined on the rp do LiX. 9 30,, OlO.ant 'r 10 20 ,, Christian RceW Ct, al. .--tiouse or tbe lxrd above, and ex,. raised-yacilrrjor"- r mkug as I can 1053 "&2S"' IW3 State of Ohio, Ashland County, ss.

. tending below to- - the king's gardens; remecnW. fiojS sir, I . believe (here t r 1 A ma. 1102 '-- VUU 9 5C ;;..174&amShipping- - Tags, Should be takvn (o strengthen aid By virtue bt a certain order ol sale,r where the two Yalleya met, and t the is noywotijoging seed corn iC the. J. WaLwm, rVsmtor. X. H.lrellMAi.B A n& . n. ... 1.1. j builtl Ft.Wayne 2, 1.1 pm 1 1 40 12S0'am-2?r,-. ItolocVa" StomA( 'Us Saa Fnotcii CO CU..andnMColUianalu. V--

up your syttem, I ri 1 1. 't issued Ironi the Court or Common' M- 2 25 aOti-.;- - .l6',??. beeirUilly selected J. IJUIUUIU til pmSiloahwaters of - everygo softly.'' 7 20 6 SO leas of Ashland countv, ami to mo ach Bitttrii" Buf-- DR. CKOOK'S WINK OFTAK '. --

ShouldChicago ,, 6 80 "t.Stlif;.yean- - ir isJames. the distin-- fl2fjJod suppliedFerguson, Esq.,' lirected, I will oiler tor sale, at tire unlike all otherTboy r not vlto faatrr SrtnU, vstv of Soar be indetenora-- kept hou,architect n'citirinyriQi-yiLfe- ; Ce, no., eerr ROBACngulshed - writes ; "The TRAINS GOING EAST'.inlikej, Proof Spirits aud IXcflno and hi life-rlrin- ir

r. outhdoor o: the Court House in Bitters in ihef triple-templ- e of Jerusalem, the lower improvement) Xdami a, doctored, spiced sndiweatenea to plemjic itcourt standing on its magnificent ter-races,

henceto seS3 way to remote places t, called " Appe'tlnt" "ncerer," c. Tonic profierties Uied by alt. No. A. No. 2. . Nb. & rsnland, ui said counly, on fnar.ket,' posewt-

the inner court raised on its plat-form

tot seed-wlnc- h ' is not natural to ! the uitatnM.MadldiM,

MU tns tlppMrbnmadTfom"iiinaUn

to drakcntlws andtoota'and

rain, batharbi

arrf Stations. Mail. f - i i : i - -- t X Saturday December 16, A. D. 1871, inlnnsie. mcrtLin the centre, and the temple climate and isoil is generally a loss, T CaUfornla, tree fWirrf nil Alcoholic Stlmaw Chicaao 550am9 20am535pm9 20;prn t bne.o'clocr-- - P M of said day, the Most BUtera.

itself rising out of the group and and . the - idea is absrtid that hr a lB.'His Ther aro'Uia OBEAT IIZOOI PUH1. Plymouth 9 45 1 2 05 pm 9 05 ,, TiO n ui 'olloii'iijg ' real estate, sit nate in thecrowning the whole taust have form-- . change of seed a gond vcrpp frill be WE HAVE A. GOOD VARIETY S pcrfact




PJKIXCIPIE.of-U- BrUem, Lima

IT ujrue liw3 0?,,nmxou

4 20,,

1 42 am-o05

lot.,, ..wuiity ol Ashland, Sullivan township sol3r hj$L IS&erage. .Dr.&obtttpt.ed, when combined with the beauty produced, ubis- - itching uneasiness frying off all potoonoo matter and nstorinc tho blood 4 20 5 20 . 2 50 6 fc'f,--, Ithd'fHate f Ohio, to-wi- t: Being part Bitters hre not a c6ifaaPHitMn9of the situation, one of the 'most may gratify a curiosity, but it will not aan

o a neauirjraccording directions,

Ko pononand. remain

can takalong

then BIW e A.600,, 640 ,, 4 20 S05; ' :t Ittt uumhei:56 in said township and Beitsfbf.'Ke word, but conta in (hie- splendid architectural combinations of of itseir insure a cop. . boil and cul-

tivation(rmlded tbelr.bonaa are not- - destroyed by mineral

unwell, do Lvs. 1 1 30ara 7 00 4 30 8 i0 ,, wunty, and hounded on ' the east by most' jpipm8i te 'flri'fgi :'t known to. the ancient world." arc the essential reauisites. Poison or other means, ad (lie rltal organs wasted PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. ManrfiddJ2 06pra7 28-- 00 fOi .Mage lots 52, 53, 54 and 55, on the science fbp Jie" rad'rikl'. cirs 6f"--. and the farmer should build his beyond the point of repair. . ' Orrvijle 920. 700 Mil2 :

outh landsJoseph "If hopes by owned by T Brown,wrote on- us : one Qiutt- - anaany innigtiumTher Gratia) ParmUTa.Ma3reIl AllinYrce - 4 40 II 00 8 50 I 15 pm --wjxpfpsni,looked down from the top of tbe bat-tlements

on these more than on a flaming 'ad h'6eter.7-1- 104amllQ5s,' 3 37., --


he west by lands owned by Cart-nth- for till cojj where a ..ioniesendhe'would be giddy, while vertisement."

jnsttoirt of the liver, and avttlie Visceral DR. CROOK'S' 835 2 10 12 JO pra 45. talniPr, and oil the north, by. village stimulant ' dfe Swaa I. J I Its

hia sight could not reach to such an & JOB AND FAN-CY


whether in, ComjOTxrxtl . - SfoJli X iiiy except Monday ; Nos. 5, 7, ots number 57' and 58, containing required.'' tTltey


; immense . depth." t Tbi passed for A Smart Girl- - Xoonj or okl, iruirrled or single, at the dawn of woman and 2, Dai y except Sunday , No.J, and 6. acres of land; also west pait o( rraiqre the vital: foolisjie.xaj5grationtillreoentexplora' TYlJE hood or at the

.tarn then Tonic Bitten bar no Daily ; No. 4, Daily except Satnnlar and ot number 291in the village of Suliintnal. - 1 - Sunday.tions indicated the " The following is from the USeftttour Poke Boot. Ashlandy statement.

''J.- Islsasnlcrr xd fsnwlo ltkaint .;. F. K, MYERS, Ticket Agent. . 'an, County, Ohio, com men-- : tndrkable. 11-

- these building?, porticoes, col (Ind.) Times; "Miss Lulie A. Mon ttoaa suhI Gout. Dxpepalss or ladlrcMloo, Wherever Poke Boot ing.a.tthe Yjorth east corner . of said degree,

altar roe, the pet daughter ofthe" wfetehed Blllai., Soaalttesit and Iateraxltteat fe- -' ClevbiniMl. Ml. Vrruqii A Iel-awa- re 46 L ahd give tone to Iquips, pinnacles, and temple have rtant, Slaemaea of-th- Blood, JCId-avaj- rogrows, it has -- a local repu-tation ICniroud. ' ' t ; the;nce,eat fttt ;. thence smith i.y. - ILiter,perished.. ..2fot one - stone remains heditor of this paper, bec'ominir dis aad Bladder, these Blttcra hare been moat as a Blood Purifier, ; o iiieEontn nneoi said lot, ilience wfst

; upon, another which : has been thrown gusted with the troop of gentlemanly (eeeasluL Sasoll Ptaeaaea are caused ay Vitiated and for the cure of Rheu-matism. x o the west Jitie of paid ' Jot thence litdown." - Tbe area alone remains, and roving and unstable printers whomwe asoo, which a feaeraUy produced byleranfement With all this lo-

calEx. 'VM:rri.r-Acoom- 'i . ;iorth lo theiilaceof beginnirig,'iilv is Amu a

efr&SlaTeectarajOrcasu. . .and; thethe., massive "substructures that for have employed- - during the past few .reputation, Millersburg, 3,45 avrn'-12,- lJ p' n ect to. all le:ni lirghwavR inimmnnn years sinet-iEh'-.STSFEPSIA vApralsedOBOf the latest Styles, Rnd Can satisfy IKDIOESXIOir. nead-acb- e, praise "of dialing u i s h e d Uoback. eet--Frederick 1 ths? three thousand, months, one tor another tho Sbovklera, Cooghs, Tightness of the s 1 u rg, o IZ Termsyears hare been sleep swapping ev .' Vths most fastideous. Physicians (Drs-Co- e, Lee',-King- , t $050,00.. of Sn.efCash.. .

ingin. their. courses. The preserva- -; ery few day and weeks, cleared the Chest, Dbtslneas, Soar Eructations of the Stomach, Wilson M." Hunty Apple Creek, 6,29 1,28; WM O PORTEll, . 0111 Ma ebMtid Swedish

Bad Taste In the Billons .,--'Month, Attacks, ralpltatloa oftiqn has been due to the ruin. Buil-.- - last one out last week, and determined - - n --r.

- . the Heart, Inflammation of tho Icings, Pain In the Griffits, .Copland and orb.- -, Orrville, . . 7,03 ' 2,30" I .. Sheriff Asliland Co. pJiysieian 'rim.'"g8-8- ! yasfJiave been toppled down to do all tho work' herself. Every : 1 i i ' fcgjons or the Kidneys, and a hundred other palnrat crs,) who have.,


has beenits Marshallsville, 7,1? ' '2,53. ' J W & G B Smith. Alt'vs Stockhot-r- it 8ms--

the slopeofjhe Moriah that the ori type in th:s '.issue Was; set up by her la'metoms'araThcy tnrleorate

tbe offspringsthe Stomnch

of DyspepslaC--

and stlninlato the torpidtlMdicalneglected,


Akron-- , 8,10 .4;oe-- ?'.Nov 15 5wl9. ' : den, came to MM

. ginal deWfs valleys have been al-- . nimble nngers, including "the new ftd Urer and Bowels, which render them of nneqaaled at large; as much through a Cleveland, 10,10 out dry 'and introduced ihe Soxc-n-

most obliterated. V W hat had been re-- verlisements since our last issue, and afneacy In cleansing the blood or all Imparities, and Int. want apprecia-tion

GOING SOUTII. met vian Jilood l urtjUr: silUtt- gardedss the original nurface, had she has three columns for next week.



lire andDISEASES,

rTeor to theEruptions,whole system.

Totter, Saltof its" merits, as a Accom'n X?T2x. -- I&U. " 'ich time "thousands have thaiknowledge of the proper to prepare Clevoland. In.been ioujo j;tdbe debris from seventy nesiues an" tnis, sneq.d a lig Xbenm, Blotchzs, Spots, Pimples, Pnstnlea, Bolls, a, it for medicinal use. Dr.

wayOliver Crook, ?M

am 3,45 r BOSADALIS ed, by its use, of Scrofula antilto ninety feet deep.. wasning, read about nity newspapers, Scald Ilead. Sore Eyes, Eryslpe-Vt- si (a physician who devetes his entire time Akron, 7,20 5,37 er blood diseases.' It confafM.Itch, Scarfs, niseolaratlons of the Sain, Bamonand 8,58'".'. TVilh pickaxe an: shovel, British and tok-tw- o days' recreation at the D ar tare of the 6km, of whatarer namavpr nature are to the duties of his profession,) has fully Marshallsville, .

" ,39'. ides tlie Iodide-o- f Poiassa amdexplorers have been down, to the ori- -. Mitchell', fair; and this active and literally dug up and carried oat of tbe sysHm In a short tested the active medicinal - qualities of i Orrville V. 9,23 6,54 '

"ginal: foundations.' 'Fallen, columns spunky lutle 'nrinteress declares lie'r l time by iha on of then Bitters. One bottle In aoah Poke Root during the last "25 years" and j Apple Creek 10,08 " 7,18, The ingredients that yru'p of Stillingia, drugs injporleases wlU conrmcs the moat Incredulous efthclr f ora-tr- ra unhesitatingly it to nave' j oiceaen tcspronounces Fredericksbrj " COMPOSE AOSADALlS' jrum jor express. have been, met with, nd intention to set up the .whole eflecta . ... b 7,35 arej-avoided, or "

paper MOKE ICEBi: for diseaaee depending on' M,,,.hn i-i- ' i nt 'irabliahed ori eyerV narka ge. there- - manrthcfitre, urthioivn .and ndt' a way" blasted through 'them. The herself hereafter. An Indianapolis - Cleann the Vitiated Blood whenever yoa find Itslnv a depraved condition of the blood, than i fore it ii aoia aecret preparation,iinders ol burnt Jerusalem have Cut paper wonders what the ' appreciative iarlOes bhrstlng through the sklDtrr Prmplcs, Ernp-Oo- any and all other articles named in the R. C. HURD, Pres't kejil 6y apothe-

cariesor Sores; cleanse It when flud eonaequentiy 'ya Itohatraesed G.r A. nTA isthrough innd turned cp to the light lather was doing while all this work ana MsmrMi In the reins; cleatrC It when It Is fiL Materia'Medica. Under his instructions JONES, Sup'tFfrTSICIAKS PRESCRIBE ITand jour reellnne will tell whan. Keep our Chemist has combined the activeIiel moulds depeeHed by the treasures Was, Jemg drau,-- 2&k-- S edlcinrf --PokeKoot --vrith! TO ITEBRASKit CA LI fecrofulal- -'qualities-- of , FOROTA," ABD It ia a cure ror single .trial willof Jewish pride. The seal of Hag lie was practing medicine, in wbicfr aratsu or so maajr UiouaauiK ara airecluallr ilAtrojred the best Tonic Preparation of Iron,' and - KANSAS, ANI THE" R & 11Z li. R. Syphilis in all its forma, Rheuma-tism,

BLODTCoy u miHwi. nsTi m nisiinsuianea pnyswioclst, ' . 1 - . . .1 11- - convince the mostbe has -- CPcongenial doubtlessin ".ancient Hebrew characters, occupation tliere la scarcely an Individual upon the lace, of tbe wo uuer iuu prepaxauon 10 ins puuuc LANDS. ; Skin Diseases,. Liver Com--was picked up, out of the aiftinga ot sent unnumbered victims to untimely worms.

art N wliosoIt Is

bodynot upon

w exempcthe healthy

from tlieelements

presenceor tho

of nnder the above name. : The "Burlington Route," d; laint and all diaeaaea of tne skeptical of its''this deposit. The- - first courses of graves, and caused scores of confiding and


that wormsdeposits






humorsof Pr. CKOOK'S SYKUP of POKE ROOT. lies right in the path of the Star of Em-


Jlood.-- , wonderful, value."l Moms, depo8ked by Phoenician buil- - widows tv mown or rejoice, as the anthelmintics,

disease. o systemwill free

of Medicine,the system


rermlllarea,worms Use

no ' Cures ocrorula,.Scrofulous Tumors, It rnns almost immediately in ONE BOTTLE OF BOSADALIS .

ders, have been reached, lying on the case may be, at the fate that broffgh! tkesamuerai , Scrofulous disease's of the yes, the center of the great westward move-ment

will do more good than fen bottlea DtJldbdtk's'f living T rock.- - Quarry-mark- s, put. on them in contact with' suh mathema-tic- al

.: Aold V adl BrnssTlste Mat SeaiUra. I . or Scrofula in any form. of emigration. Crossing Illi-nois

of the Syrupa of Sarsa pari 11a. Blood Tills ere IJ..WU.EBR, rroorlctor. a B--r, McDOKAU4 CO

.Lj Vermillion, .have : been copiedknown

accuracy and unerring precision OrngSlsts and General Ascnts, San Francisco, CaU-- . Dr. CBOOK'SSYRTJPof POKE ROOT. and Iowa, it strikes the Missouri THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS Mrtmryiasatd ijtjuby the trick-- " in the mortuary results of the use of iomls, and-- ta and St Cominefeo Street, Kew York, ' " CnreS' Viver at three points. ' '" " have used Rosadalisin their practice FURIFISR

Rheumatism, .for the three and freely - 4 yi ling drops of the paint, still visible bis prescriptions. He is'

""fighting Pains in Limbs, Boneay Ac Theee three points are the gateways endorse

pastit as a reliable

yearsAlterative' jacuirea-Ut- r l

only they are above the letters on alt diseases except tfts. - into three great sections of ' the trans and Blood Purifier. - similar ptrps5X-On- tDr. CROOK'S SYRUP ofPOKEROOT.they were written the FOUTZ'S J

Cures ill disejises '. Missouri region. JDR. T. C. PTJGH, of Baltimore. trialJriv&Y V

stones lay with the. under" side upper The Cleveland Herald says, two CELEBEATKD . , depending on a depraved The Northern gate is Omaha, where DR.R.OR. T. J.


" riably establishes thert as fnvortlcsmost. --Ajiplctoria Journal. ... girls just in the bio tm of "sweet six-

teen,"condition of the "Blood. " the great Pacific road will take you to DR. F.O.DAN NELLY,'" with all who use tlievt. 1 . 'Horse aiiL Cattle " jricholaayflle,- -FoiuSis. DB. J. S. SPARKS, otcame to lhe"city. about a week


j the land of gold ancj grapes, sunny Tlie reasons why Br: Hobaeh'tand drove of the ROOTJ DR. . L. McCARTHA, Columbia,ao at once to one mountains, and perpetual sumnter.- -

preparafl6n, tone; aad favorably' . . iSuilds up Uonsutntiofis Blood rills should, fit Kept fH.tffs. "rTtft of Anintals. iltf i .j.. - ' Language

v - .... hotels. They bad not been long un-der

(,'"PtaTown,'.wlll thoroughly t--

." ."'. broken down by disease. '. The middle gate is Plattsmoutli, DR. A. B. NOBLES, KdgocSmh, N. C.-- cry family are:. Became they canAw'r- --2 I broken down andits root when the landlord noticed . horses.j or from Mercurial or Mineral Poisons, which the south half ofopens upon USED AHD ZNU0SSEB BT' fthat animals tave .a" of be employed in all casex.wAers st i language that they were in the habit Uf "going f r 1 lw J: Nebraska; south of the Platte river, a J. B. FRENCH SONS, Fall River,'. ... . their own, to-- one another; there can out of evenings," and their It is a sure SrsTentlreofali diaessea nrniu iinra, via nores, soiis.sjicms Mass. "family physic u required, anaprotracting II I r Incident to th J.DNO Any IiMetiaew or Ernptiea of Mte J region! unsurpassed on the continent. hp'nb doubt. I know a good .deal of visits and acting in varibusways TEVER, GtANDERS, YELLOW Kataii, s.usik sianaing aueraen of for. and F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich.

' are perfectly safe tn their ddtilitv-istralio- nIj agriculture grazing. Just here A. F. WHEELER, Limw, ObieCWiWD Dvirra rnrraua mo. Ibe vor, Siyplsllla in any lorm, or' T theTr language mjrself. IJtnowbytlie Moreover they Jiad been We 3 I TEMPER, FBVEK3, V0UN DEB-- ,' dlaeaite entailed tiy it,- are all speedily and

any.are the JSt & M. Kailroad lands, con-cerning

B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. at all timet; .because." ' . " ' -- voK!e Of the raven" when he has dis--l very taciturn regarding their board

keep consfantly on una loss or appetits and- viTAf- - effectually cured by which Geo. S. Harris, the SAM'L.CRAVEN


CO., Gordonsvllle,Murfrecs- -

Va. they are madea good assortment of SN EKQT, e. Its Mm rmpitrres-th- e

'". -- oovere&tfne of bii flock dead I know bill, which was assuming some dim en-- ' vwlnd, lacreasee the pnetitois , Jit. Crook's Symp of Poke Root. land officer at Burlington, Iowa, .can

boro, Term. '

both with and' the sires a smooth and (lossy akin ' and Our space will not allow of any ex.;- 0 sfoVm, and to sions. With this latter matter lor a wansiarms ne auseraoie aaaietoa give you all information, and in the tended remaxka in relation .to the, without sitaar- -

. " . - jffn'e .weather Xn moor, Jfowls call handle the proprietor "pumped" thpo In to a flue-lo- o king aod spirited, bone. heart of them is. Lincoln, the State. virtuesProfession

of Rosadalis.- -

we guaranteeTothe

a FluidVodical

Ex coaling? thus

'. . 'pnebther.fomJhJLll foTiill rleai-n- - and ascertaiued that they w ere tru ut To keeper' oftCgws this prepara-

tionCapital ik present terminus of the road tract superior to any iney have ever' adapting thent (&

'etffimitatefhliraVguagU closely girls were penniless, and bad . b en '.. .J

--eiTyasaaasajs. Uaaati ilIs inralaable.

asainst RinderoesL"It Is a sure


ventive The Southern gate leads, to Kansas, usedBlood:





diseasedtry. the use of every-

body;v -- that haoPTagfctrgeoTC8 of frien Is;' ;, Horn, etc 'It has been Rosadalis, and you will be restored 'Bent.y some, proTen by by conDections'Jvith the St Joe Road to health. Because .r: ... a i.; ' actual eatperiment to increase the. - .y benKitbin-rage--imyhofr-in

the-- l The polide were acquainted with the at direct St." quantity of milk and cream twenty Hamburg, running to Rosadalis is sold by all Druririits,- ; . Joinin cock hasa call, facts ahdltad tbe wayward . girls sent FLAlVQAP;- - NOTE-PAPE-R. per cent, and make the butter firm Joe.and Kansas City. price Sl.OO per twtrle.- - Address they can beand aweea. eattle. it pur-chasedv f5wichitt!Bf'all bis intatetf hrojnd to.lhe house of their, friends, where, ilA'i'.'t CARIJ BOARD, '..': wtvaa them an aimetite. laoaafBi 4htrhede..ui4 suIm Dr. Crook's Morning Sedative ' The trains of the Burlington run PS. CLEJIEHT3 CO. dt anyt w" r J" nlmj UuTi'lBeemirle have rnio call. they may thank the oracle, they were themthrire much faster. .

i--t.T...,tf-- smoothly and safely, and make all . ... JUdavarrarV-- 1 Cktmutt, drug stori mi

kindly received. " - x$,lLZ& SICKNESS connections. It funs the best of coach-es,

- BxtrnrOlE, ITo, FILLS exfremetv- - tow- V . v tbewivef of a. pabob. Tbeydare as a' specific- - By potting from one- - ' JKW ;' A '! --'ATl wrirrntihw xttfirih nmrrra on rimns Pullman Palace and Pullman din-

ingpristicf Itteniy-- t

. no inopdate upon the same hill with , E.'W. WALLACKi' :


araraaiseasesto a paper-i- n

W)la barrel

areraai-eirte- dof In'the morning, as well as all the more cars, and should you take .the

i WaKted. Any number of Hides,-Shec-five, cents. Li- "their'hsughty lord.,. But the part--J Manufacturer and; DealexJn.BOOTS or entirely presented. If siren severe forma of nausea and yomiting,are journey for the journey's sake alone, Pelts and Furs, for ' which I pert

v " and all mountain birds have and SHOES, v .In time, a certain . prerentWe and relieved. 00X4. n:: ;).a Leather and Shee find-ings,

; - .ridge cure for tbe Hog Cholera. . permanently you will be repaid ; or take it to find a will the highest price in". rlangnageto' "each other, and though furnished to tke-trad- a at the low Of all jxAon, I "I?.!?.??"'. yotf cannot find jny - very jFtor Sale by l&KysitJtat.

. t Tffther eireumscribed. it is perfectly est cash rate's." Store in Citizens Bank ' DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor bottlewith I

either better than' among the B ; Hooms opposite new building.

and Jyectlera iih 'TotlenA:" - vnderstood; and, Wordsworth Call, aad we'toU.'strh Bli.TIMOKB.aTa;' the greatest of success. Try, one Main Strfcet, Ashlahd, Ohio.- as says, Building. rca-sorra- ble lands, where you can buy pn ten years'' .. "aot to be nakndwn." Even the Jaa. 26,'70-A- L nttec and Tn work. tbeFor

UniVsdsal fir




South America,throUfboat credit, and at a low price ' ly41 5wl8 ' li. W. CoWajt, 3rofUctnca evei'v-tcher- ei