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State Title V personnel & MCHB- supported partners John Schlitt, MSW President, School-Based Health Alliance Paula Fields, MSN, BSN, RN Senior Program Manager, School-Based Health Alliance Peggy McManus Rina Ramirez Alexander Diana Robinson Alexandra Kuznetsov Breena Holmes

State Title V personnel & MCHB- supported partners · •Diana Robinson, MA Director of Compliance and Programs, Central Maternal and Child Health Consortium ... Presentation2 Created

Oct 17, 2020



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Page 1: State Title V personnel & MCHB- supported partners · •Diana Robinson, MA Director of Compliance and Programs, Central Maternal and Child Health Consortium ... Presentation2 Created


• JohnSchlitt,MSWPresident,School-BasedHealthAlliance


• PeggyMcManus

• RinaRamirezAlexander

• DianaRobinson

• AlexandraKuznetsov

• Breena Holmes

Page 2: State Title V personnel & MCHB- supported partners · •Diana Robinson, MA Director of Compliance and Programs, Central Maternal and Child Health Consortium ... Presentation2 Created


Focusofwork:• Worktoimprovehealthstatusofchildren• Nationalvoiceforschool-basedhealthcare• Providethefieldwithhigh-qualityresources,


Goals:• IncreasethenumberofSBHCprogramsacross

thecountry• AssureexcellenceinallSBHCprograms


John SchlittPresident

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Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17

PreliminaryResults- NQINationalQualityInitiativeCoIINPerformanceMeasures- Medians

WellChildVisit AnnualRiskAssessment BMIAssessment

DepressionScreening ChlamydiaScreening(females) ChlamydiaScreening(males)


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• JohnSchlittPaulaFields

• PeggyMcManus,MHSCo-ProjectDirector,GotTransition

• RinaRamirezAlexander

• DianaRobinson

• AlexandraKuznetsov

• Breena Holmes

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• Name:PeggyMcManus

• Title:President,TheNationalAlliancetoAdvanceAdolescentHealth,andCo-Director,GotTransition

• Focusofwork:Encouragepracticeandpolicychangestosupporttransitionfrompediatrictoadultcare

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Describehowyourorganization’sactivitiesbestalign/overlapwithoneormoreoftheNationalStrategies…• Example1:Neweffort(withUCSF)toincorporatetransitionintoadolescentandyoungadultwellvisits

• Example2:Newpaymentroundtabledesignedtopromotecommercialandpublicpaymentreformsrelatedtohealthcaretransition

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• JohnSchlittPaulaFields

• PeggyMcManus

• RinaRamirezAlexander,MDChiefMedicalOfficer,Zufall Health

• DianaRobinson

• AlexandraKuznetsov

• Breena Holmes

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• Name:RinaRamirez,MD,FACP

• Title:ChiefMedicalOfficer

• Focusofwork:ProvideaccesstoaffordableandqualityhealthcaretoAYAinaculturally-competent,safeandrespectfulmedicalanddentalhome.

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• Byofferingextendedhours,eveningsandweekendappointmentsanddedicatedcareteamstoAYA,Zufallstrivestoincreaseaccesstopreventiveservices.

• Byparticipatinginnationalcollaboratives,ZufallimprovesthequalityofcaretoAYAinareassuchassexualhealth,HIVprevention,vaccinations,depression,obesity,andoralhealth.

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• JohnSchlittPaulaFields

• PeggyMcManus

• RinaRamirezAlexander

• DianaRobinson,MADirectorofComplianceandPrograms,CentralMaternalandChildHealthConsortium

• AlexandraKuznetsov

• Breena Holmes

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• Name:DianaRobinson• Title:DirectorofComplianceandPrograms• Focusofwork:Theprovisionandcoordinationofaregionalizednetworkofmaternalandchildhealthservices• Includesthecoordinationofhealthservicesforwomen,childrenandfamilies;provisionofprofessionalandcommunityeducation;andtheongoingassessmentofdatarelatedtobirthoutcomesinCentralNJ.

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CJFHCbestaligns/overlapswithNST#3:Improvestate/systems-levelpoliciesandpractices…• Example1:AdoptandpromoteBrightFutures/AAPPeriodicity

Schedule:• Homevisitationprograms(i.e.,ParentsasTeachers,Healthy

Families)• EarlyIntervention(eligibilityandevaluationcoordination);Service

coordination• Immunizations• MaternalDepression

• Example2:IntegrateBrightFutures:GuidelinesforHealthSupervisionofInfants,Children,andAdolescents• PrenatalVisits• SafetyandInjuryPrevention• HealthySexualDevelopmentandSexuality

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• JohnSchlittPaulaFields

• PeggyMcManus

• RinaRamirezAlexander

• DianaRobinson

• AlexandraKuznetsov,RDManager,ChildrenwithSpecialNeedsInitiativesNationalCenterforMedicalHomeImplementation

• Breena Holmes

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National Center for Medical Home Implementation (NCMHI)

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Alignment with AYAH National Strategies

• Improveaccessanduptakeofpreventiveservices• “Salud ParaTodos”project• Evidence-informedpromisingpractices

• Improvequalityofpreventiveservices• Technicalassistanceandsupport• Qualityimprovementinitiatives

• Improvestate/systems-levelpoliciesandpractices• FosteringpartnershipsbetweenTitleVprograms,Medicaidagencies,practices,familyorganizations

• Developmentofstate-basedresources• NationalCenterforCareCoordinationTechnicalAssistance

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AAP Family Engagement Activities

• StaffFamilyEngagementWorkGroup• Professionaldevelopmentworkshopsforstaff• Technicalassistanceandsupporttostaffonfamilyengagementefforts• IntegrationoffamiliesindevelopmentofAAPpolicy,CMEactivities,andreview/developmentofconsumer-facingproducts

• FamilY PartnershipsNetwork• FriendsofChildren-funded“CommitteesandFamilyEngagement(CAFÉ)Program”• Planningandhostingwebinarsrelatedtofamilyengagement• Creationofavirtualfamilyadvisorypanel• PartnershipswithstateAAPchapterstoenhancefamilyengagement

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Bright Futures: Updated Adolescent Recommendations & Resources

• Cervicaldysplasia:beginningatthe21YearVisit• Depression:annuallybeginningatthe12YearVisit• Dyslipidemia:oncebetweenthe9Yearand11YearVisitsand

betweenthe17and21YearVisits• Hearing:onceduringtheEarly,theMiddle,andLate

AdolescenceVisits• Humanimmunodeficiencyvirus(HIV):oncebetweenthe15

Yearand18YearVisits• Oralhealth:selectivefluoridesupplementationatthe6

Monthsthrough16YearVisits• Tobacco,alcohol,ordruguseassessment:administrationof


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Contact Us

• AlexKuznetsov,[email protected]• NationalCenterforMedicalHomeImplementation,carecoordination,familyengagement,childrenandyouthwithspecialhealthcareneeds

• KathyJanies,[email protected]• BrightFuturesNationalCenter

• SunnahKim,[email protected];LaurenBarone,[email protected]• AAPFamilY PartnershipNetwork

• KarenSmith,[email protected]• AAPCommitteeonAdolescence,SectiononAdolescentHealth

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• JohnSchlittPaulaFields

• PeggyMcManus

• RinaRamirezAlexander

• DianaRobinson

• AlexandraKuznetsov

• Breena Holmes,MDDirector,MaternalandChildHealth,VermontDepartmentofHealth

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• Name:BreenaHolmes,MD• presentedbyRachelWallace- Brodeur,VCHIP

• Title:Director,MaternalandChildHealth

• Focusofwork:TitleVandEPSDT

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Describehowyourorganization’sactivitiesbestalign/overlapwithoneormoreoftheNationalStrategies…• EPSDT• TitleV


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• Bright Futures, 4th edition• Health Department School Liaisons• Schools and School Nurses• Vermont Child Health Improvement

Program• Primary Care and Public Health

Integration Work Group

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Title V

• AYAH CoIIN (1st and 2nd Cohort)• VT Rays (Raise Awareness for Youth

Services• Getting to Y and M3: Mindset,

Metacognition and Motivation • School District Grant: AWCV and EHR