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It is somewhat hard to believe that another academic year is drawing to a close. While I reflect on this past year with a sense of achievement, I cannot help feel- ing that it was one of the most unremitting years I have experienced at Geneseo. From forming a giant “G” in the down pouring rain at the beginning of Weeks of Welcome to the numerous campus and student organization events offered throughout the fall and spring semesters, Geneseo has been busy with activity. This sense of perpetual motion is evident in the following snippets of campus activities: According to the Event Management Software there were more than 5,500 meetings and events scheduled on campus by recognized student organizations from August 2009 to May 2010. Throughout the fall and spring semesters, the MacVittie College Union bikes were signed out more than 520 times. (the tandem bike counts as one) For the spring 2010 semester there were more than 1,300 messages posted to Whatsup-l. Throughout the fall and spring semesters, recognized student organizations fund- raised more than $154,300. Again this year, many students, staff and faculty worked together to improve the quality of life and the sense of community at SUNY Geneseo. I trust you will have a safe and pleasant summer and that you will enjoy this issue of the “State of the Union.” The State of the Union Charles “Chip” Matthews Spring 2010 Volume 3, Issue 2 State of the Union Inside this issue: The State of the Union 1 Catching Up with Shane Lou 2 Social / Civic Responsibility 2 Union Managers Depart 3 Positively Geneseo 3 New Union Managers 4 College Union & Activities College Union 321 585-245-5851 College Union Building Hours Monday-Thursday: 8am-11pm Friday: 8am-2am Saturday: 10am-2am Sunday: noon-11pm Summer Building Hours Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm Saturday & Sunday: Closed The Department of College Union and Activities is a part of the Division of Student and Campus Life.

State of the Union Spring 2010

Mar 22, 2016



The Robert W. MacVittie College Union is the center of the college community. College Union & Activities provides services, facilities, and educational and recreational programs that enhance the quality of college life. The activities that are available are numerous and diverse. These activities are more than fun social events; they are events with the intention of enhancing intellectual and behavioral learning. The State of the Union highlights some of the many exciting and meaningful things that take place in the MacVittie College Union at SUNY Geneseo.
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Page 1: State of the Union Spring 2010

It is somewhat hard to believe that another academic year is drawing to a close. While I reflect on this past year with a sense of achievement, I cannot help feel-ing that it was one of the most unremitting years I have experienced at Geneseo. From forming a giant “G” in the down pouring rain at the beginning of Weeks of Welcome to the numerous campus and student organization events offered throughout the fall and spring semesters, Geneseo has been busy with activity.

This sense of perpetual motion is evident in the following snippets of campus activities:

• According to the Event Management Software there were more than 5,500 meetings and events scheduled on campus by recognized student organizations from August 2009 to May 2010.

• Throughout the fall and spring semesters, the MacVittie College Union bikes were signed out more than 520 times. (the tandem bike counts as one)

• For the spring 2010 semester there were more than 1,300 messages posted to Whatsup-l.

• Throughout the fall and spring semesters, recognized student organizations fund-raised more than $154,300.

Again this year, many students, staff and faculty worked together to improve the quality of life and the sense of community at SUNY Geneseo. I trust you will have a safe and pleasant summer and that you will enjoy this issue of the “State of the Union.”

The State of the Union Charles “Chip” Matthews

Spring 2010

Volume 3, Issue 2

State of the Union

Inside this issue:

The State of the Union 1

Catching Up with Shane Lou 2

Social / Civic Responsibility 2

Union Managers Depart 3

Positively Geneseo 3

New Union Managers 4

College Union & Activities

College Union 321

585-245-5851 College Union Building Hours Monday-Thursday: 8am-11pm

Friday: 8am-2am

Saturday: 10am-2am

Sunday: noon-11pm

Summer Building Hours Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

The Department of College Union

and Activities is a part of the Division

of Student and Campus Life.

Page 2: State of the Union Spring 2010

Page 2

State of the Union

MacU: Describe a typical day in the life of Shane Lou. Lou: As an entertainment news writer, I sometimes visit entertainment and gossip websites before heading to work to keep

up on what's going on in the world. For research purposes only, of course. At work, I write stories and produce radio features. Every day ends the same: with me watching highlights on ESPN of another Mets loss.

MacU: What is your favorite memory of The MacVittie College Union? Lou: The fun times I had at the Corner Pocket, and the wonderful experiences I had working with the staff in the College

Union and Activities Office.

MacU: What skills, learned in the MacVittie College Union, still apply to your life? Lou: I definitely learned to work well with others and how to be part of a team. My photocopying skills are still pretty

amazing, too.

MacU: What part of the Geneseo experience prepared you the most for the real world? Lou: Probably my time at the campus radio station, WGSU. All the credit goes to WGSU for preparing me for what the

media industry is like and how hard you have to work to achieve your goals.

MacU: What do you miss the most about Geneseo? Lou: Mama Mia's pizza.

MacU: What is the best advice you've ever received? Lou: "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." -- Marty McFly (Back to the Future)

Catching Up with Shane Lou Gina Giordani , Financial Assistant, MacVittie College Union

Shane Lou started working as a MacVittie College Union employee in the fall of 1999 and continued until his graduation in the spring of 2002. Eight years later, he is living in New York City, working for ABC News Radio. We caught up with Shane to find out how his experience in the MacVittie College Union contributed to his success.

Students learn and develop when they become active in the collegiate experience. Astin (1985)

The Division of Student and Campus Life will be focusing on the promotion of the learning outcome of Social and Civic Responsibility for the 2010-2011 academic year. Beginning with the distribution of the US Constitution to all new students this summer and continuing through the spring 2011 semester, Geneseo students will be offered ways to actively:

• Participate in political processes and governance structures

• Question/challenge the unjust and/or uncivil behavior of individuals and groups

• Gain a community perspective based on understanding of the common good as evidenced by participation in volunteer/service activities and respect for the social and ecological environment

Promoting Social and Civic Responsibility

We could always count on Shane to be on time for work and ready and willing to step right in and do an exemplary job at whatever he may be assigned. - Cheryl Deusenbery, College Union & Activities Secretary

Day is September 3rd

Page 3: State of the Union Spring 2010

Page 3

State of the Union

You May Leave Geneseo But You Are Always a Part of the Union Alexa Cavalli, Student Manager, MacVittie College Union

Laura Cardoso is a Senior Spanish and Geography major from just outside of Albany. She says her favorite Geneseo memories will be from her semester abroad in Buenos Aires and all of the great times she has had working in the Union. Laura’s favorite part of working as a College Union Manager is that she has gotten to experience the diversity of Geneseo through working with many of the Geneseo student groups. Laura’s appreciation for diversity will be of great use to her future plans as she will be entering a master’s program in Bilingual and Multicultural Studies in Madrid, Spain.

Rachel Scott is a Junior, Speech Pathology and French major. She will not be graduating this year, so we hope to see her back in the Union when she returns to Geneseo from her study abroad experi-ence. Rachel has relished her office hours with the College Union Staff, her favorite was gutting the giant rotting pumpkin at Hallow-een with Chip. Rachel feels she will be able to apply the manage-ment skills she has acquired through her work as a College Union manager, in her future career as a Speech Pathologist.

Dominché Lovings is a senior Biology major, who calls Buffalo home. With dreams of becoming an exotic vet, Dominché intends to spend a year working at the Buffalo Zoo and then apply to vet school. She is very happy with all the leadership skills that she has gained through her role as a College Union manager and thinks they will be very useful in her future endeavors. Her favorite part of the job has been getting to go to Late Knight events while she was working.

As the academic year finishes, goodbyes inevitably ap-proach. This year the College Union will be saying farewell to three wonderful College Union Managers. Dominché Lov-ings and Laura Cardoso will be graduating, and Rachel Scott will be heading to France to study for the fall semester. No matter when we next see them, the contributions and connec-tions made by Dominché, Laura, and Rachel will be remem-bered here in the College Union for some time to come. Good luck out there, and remember to spread the MacVittie love wherever you go.

Day is September 3rd

Colleges Against Cancer is an organization dedicated to promot-ing cancer awareness to members of the Geneseo community. They worked in collaboration with sev-eral student organizations, faculty members, and staff to raise over

68,000 dollars at Geneseo's Relay for Life. They are an organization that believes that every person can make a difference and that working together can truly benefit someone's life. They have held multiple dem-onstrations, fundraisers, and events in support of the American Cancer Society.

Geneseo Invisible Children is affiliated with a national organi-zation dedicated to raising aware-ness and funds for displaced peo-ple in Northern Uganda. Invisible Children hosted their annual event, 'Displace Me', with Gene-

seo Late Knight where they simulated a refugee camp in the MacVittie College Union. Everyone in atten-dance was provided with cardboard boxes to live in overnight while they held discussions, had guest speakers, and watched videos. This organization has held multiple fundraisers and events to raise awareness of conflict and crisis in other countries. These students are dedicated to helping children in need and providing support to this international movement.

Page 4: State of the Union Spring 2010

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State of the Union

Sean McCloat is a freshman from Haup-pauge, NY. He is ma-joring in Physics and Philosophy. He is look-ing forward to the year and working with all the different groups and students who use the Union.

Audrey Schiffhauer is also a freshman. She is a Math/Education major from Hamburg, NY. Her love for being behind the scenes in the MacU led her to apply for the position. She’s very excited to be in-volved with every-thing that goes on within the building. Audrey’s favorite thing about the MacU is all the constant posters, clubs, and pictures in it that advertise all the cool things going on in Geneseo.

Karan Datta is a sophomore hailing from Brooklyn, NY. He is a Biology ma-jor. Karan is excited to be a Manager and to work with a group of great CUEs and Managers and of course, the awesome professional staff.

Ronald Kershaw is a sopho-more Computer Science ma-jor who is also from Brook-lyn. His favorite thing about the MacU is that it accommo-dates a wide range of inter-ests – from eating to studying to socializing. Ronald’s de-sire to make the MacU a more enjoyable place drove him to pursue being a Col-lege Union Manager. He’s

excited about the position because he’s looking forward to working behind the scenes, setting up cool events, and working with a great staff.

Meet the New MacU Managers for Fall 2010 Rachel Scott, Student Manager, MacVittie College Union

Every year the College Union gains fresh perspective with additions to the College Union Manager team. This coming year, Karan Datta, Ronald Kershaw, and Sean McCloat will join the Manager team and Audrey Schiffhauer will serve as a Manager in Training. This group of students stood out from a large array of applicants as a result of their initia-tive, work ethic, and creativity. Each is going to bring something different to the table and is excited about the prospect of becoming more involved with all the workings of the MacU. With such amazing people joining the Manager team, it’s sure to be a spectacular year for the College Union!

Day is September 3rd

Page 5: State of the Union Spring 2010

Role of the College Union The union is the community center of the college, serving students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. By whatever form or name, a college union is an organization offering a variety of programs, activities, services, and facilities that, when taken together, represent a well-considered plan for the community life of the college. The union is an integral part of the educational mission of the college.

• As the center of the college community life, the union complements the academic experience through an exten-sive variety of cultural, educational, social, and recreational programs. These programs provide the opportunity to balance course work and free time as cooperative factors in education.

• The union is a student-centered organization that values participatory decision-making. Through volunteerism, its boards, committees, and student employment, the union offers first-hand experience in citizenship and edu-cates students in leadership, social responsibility, and values.

• In all its processes, the union encourages self-directed activity, giving maximum opportunity for self-realization and for growth in individual social competency and group effectiveness.

The union's goal is the development of persons as well as intellects. Adopted by the Association's general membership in 1996, this statement is based on the Role of the College Union statement, 1956.

SUNY Geneseo College Union & Activities CU 321 1 College Circle Geneseo, NY 14454

College Union & Activities Vision Statement The Department of College Union and Activities aspires to continually improve its facilities, resources, and programs to meet the needs of the College community and to advance student learning.

Day is September 3rd

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