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Starting Today You are a Success Story

Mar 30, 2016



Martin Lee Jr

Starting Today You are a Success Story is a motivational book that will help you gain confidence to pursue your dreams and exceed your greatest expectations.
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Table of Contents Introduction pg 3 We are great decision makers pg 5 Sticking to that decision pg 6 We need to think and act quickly pg 6 Being Too Analytical pg 7 Always have some trusted advisers pg 8 Ways of becoming a decision maker pg 9 We have a Goal we will not fail pg 10 The game plan for success pg 11 The Challenging Goal pg 12 The Finishing Touches pg 14 The Goal has to be written down pg 16

Light Camera let's Take Action pg 18 How do I get started How do I take action pg 18 Whats wrong with the way I'm talking pg 20

What Keeps you Motivated! pg 22 Helpful Motivational tips pg 23 Failure is not an option pg 24 Failure makes us humble pg 24 Words of encouragement pg 25

Final Words pg 27

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Unemployment, foreclosures, economic education failure, broken

neighborhoods, sickness, war, depression, (Phew) I can go forever. Do any of

these words look familiar to you? I'm almost sure they do. If not than you can

turn on any news station, any time of the day and you will see any of the above

words used several times during that particular news program.

But don't worry, this is not a book on our failing school systems or the

problems with the economy, but rather the complete opposite. This will also not

be a book about any crazy quotes like “I think I can, I think I can. However, I

just want you to envision for a minute the circumstances that prevent us from

reaching that realm of excellence we like to call success.

Please understand that generally speaking we are all looking to have a

successful life. Unfortunately, in our everyday life we encounter problems or

even people that bring us in that place of worry, fear, disappointment, regret

and so on....

I spoke about the news earlier, but let's forget that for a moment. How

about, your day at work!

Wow, I guess we can start at the beginning for that topic. I mean how many of

us, hit the snooze button on that alarm clock at 5 or 6 in the morning, but

instead of getting up, we convince ourselves that we can rest for an extra 15

minutes. Then we get dressed, skip breakfast and rush half way across the

world for a j.o.b (just over broke) that we can't wait to leave. We start with

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problems like a slow computer, a broken copy machine, then on top of that, you have to

deal with a nasty boss, and low morale co-workers. I know people who speak doom and

gloom about everything. Things like: we are all about to be fired, I hate this place, I will only

do the bare minimum and so-on. Nothing makes them happy. After your regretful day at

work, you have to come home with kids that you love to death, but will drive you crazy.

So I ask you, with life situations combined with the doom and gloom media, how can a

person grow positive in their own life? How can anyone live the successful life they are

hoping to achieve when everything around them seems to be falling apart.

Well, Let's look at some methods people are applying in their lives to live successfully.

We are going to see some examples and quotes from some famous and not so famous people

to help us achieve success. Let me show you how to stay confident and eliminate failure and

achieve the life you deserve.

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We are great decision makers

To eliminate failure we must learn to be quick and decisive. Did you know

there was research done to find a percentage of how many successful people are

in the world? Well sure you did. (Why did I even ask that question. I mean

they do research on everything, right!) Scientist say they are about 3% of

people in the world that actually fulfill their potential. Let me say that again 3%.

That's it folks! Now just for clarity, I don't want to misspeak and claim that this

percentage represents a group of perfect people. Nobody on earth is perfect, so

there is no reason to belittle yourself because you want to be a perfectionist.

They are just normal people who understand how to achieve a higher level of

excellence, than 97% of the world. Now, when we look at that number in

relation to the entire world that's about 198 million people. (I know it sounds

like a large number, but compared to the six billion people that make up the

world's population, it is a very small number.)

So what makes these people so special? How are they different from you

and me?

Well, for starters they are decision makers. They decide promptly, they usually

stick with their decision, and are slow to change their decision only if necessary.

Robert H Schuller states “High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big

decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and

you can make your dreams come true.”

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Sticking to that decision

Let's use a example of an aspiring internet marketer. At the time of this writing there are

millions of people trying to get in that niche. This new marketer (or newbie, as they are

called) is excited, and starts their venture of a new business. The problem with several of

these marketers is although several act promptly and decide to start immediately, they

commonly jump from opportunity to opportunity. You see, for these opportunist their only

purpose is only to make a lot of easy money. They find a product or a guru (so-called

internet expert) that promises them instant wealth, and then when they don't get this false

wealth in the time frame they were hoping for, (most are looking for millions of dollars in

about a week ) than they are on to searching for the next big promise. They never give their

current business time to grow and as a result they often fail. So when you make a decision

(especially a decision for the direction of your life) you should have a fulfilling purpose in

mind, and this will help you make decisions that you won't have to get away from or regret.

We need to think and act quickly

But let's look at the first part of the poor decision maker. Their situation is a little

different. They don't have to worry about sticking to a decision, because they can't decide

promptly or they are always just too indecisive.

For example: Let's say you are a executive at a fortune 500 company and you are chosen in

the decision making process about hiring an outside consultant to come in and speak to the

employees on ways to increase sales revenue by 20% in 30 days. The problem you are

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facing is that you are selected to present a thorough evaluation of this person,

and you don't know anything about the consultant but your boss says he/she

needs your presentation in 2 hours. Now, if you are a indecisive person you

might start to panic, bite your nails, grit your teeth and fall apart. If you quickly

don't pull your self together, ultimately the company may lose the consultant,

lose money, and you may be FIRED!!!

Napoleon Hill (Author of think and Grow Rich) says that “Indecision is the

seedling of fear”

A better option, would be to quickly pull your best staff members (you only

have two hours), and have them work on the project, so when the deadline

approaches you will be able to present your boss with all the needed information

to make an informed decision. So you need to learn how to process information

and make decisions promptly.

Being Too Analytical

Now, there is nothing wrong with analyzing a situation, in fact you should

never be rushed into a decision,but understand there are people who will over

analyze a situation so much, that they may never come to decision and

inadvertently decide to do nothing.

Brendan Francis says “Some persons are very decisive when it comes to

avoiding decisions.”

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You can not be successful if you can't make a decision, so don't get stuck trying to analyze

every part of the situation you are deciding on. The truth is you couldn't possibly analyze

everything of a given situation even if you wanted to. Why? Because there is always

something new to be learned about everything, and again you are not perfect. So it is better

to just get general information and maybe a few important details (because sometimes you

won't even be able to get that) and make that decision and stick with it. And remember,

although you should never be rushed into a decision, learn to be a person that is attentive,

and alert. If you do it will help you to be a better decision maker.

Always have some trusted Advisers.

Having trusted advisers are great because they can help you make several important

decisions that will help contribute to your process of having a successful life. Let me stress,

that you only need a few or maybe just one, (not ten, fifteen or twenty) but that decision is

up to you. An adviser should be one that you can trust, and that will hold you accountable

for achieving a successful lifestyle.

So let's look at some of the characteristics for a good adviser.

An Adviser should be:

• Trustworthy-You should be able to tell the person what are your plans for

achievement, and that person should be there to offer advice and support in any way

they can.

• Creditable-the adviser should have similar goals or a proven background in the areas

you are seeking assistance, so they could advise you properly.

• Reliable-They should be there for you when you need them. They don't need to

always be there physically, but generally you should have access to them.

• Able to ask great questions-You always want someone with great interest in you. Your

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adviser should want to know every detail of your situation.

• Provide great answers-Again they have a high interest in you, and their

answers are showing it

• Analytical-the more they know about your decisions, the better they will

be able to assist you.

• Collaborate-Please always speak with your adviser. More ideas, and more

ways to anticipate and combat future problems usually ends up with

better results.

Now, I have heard most experts say your advisers should not be your friends or

family. To me your adviser should be someone you trust. If a friend or family

member falls in that category, you should do what is best for you.

Ways of becoming a better decision maker

Here are some ways that will assist you to becoming a decision maker:

• Clear your mind • Make decisions you don't have to justify• Try not to have too many choices to decide on, if you do go with the most

relevant• Too much information can sometimes be a bad thing, again narrow the

info down to relevancy

Now lets talk about goal setting. Like decision making setting goals is equally or

even more imperative to be concise and directly to the point for having a

successful life

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We have a Goal: We will not fail

I know you are probably reading this and thinking to yourself....doesn't goal setting

usually began at the beginning of success books. Well some do and some don't. Although,

goal setting is highly important, how does one even began to set a goal before they even

make a decision that they need one. In other words, there must be a need for a goal even

before we can attempt to establish one. That is why the need for decision making is


Look at this way, we don't understand anything about goal-setting at the moment of birth, so

it must be a learned behavior. Some of us grasp the goal setting concept early on, but lets

face it, most of us don't value its necessity until we have encountered a series of failures in

our life. Then we realize we need to do things differently, so we will not repeat the same


Now that we have insight of how decision making factors into our overall success, let's

decide how we will define our goal for success.

Benjamin Franklin said “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

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The Game Plan for Success

Well, the truth is that success will be completely defined by you. The

carpenter, the writer, the filmmaker, the teacher, and the CEO will all have

different goals in mind. However, they will all have a clear challenging goal for

success. Don't be turned off by the word challenging or with the examples I

have stated in the previous chapters. Your goal should be challenging, and you

should feel a sense of accomplishment when you have achieved your goal.

Let's look at an example:

Forget the examples in the last chapter. Let's just say you are standing 5 feet

and 7 inches and you weigh 350 pounds. Now you have decided that you want

to lose 100 pounds by 01-01-2012. (lets assume you made this goal on 01-01-


Well just by saying I want to lose 100 pounds by January 1, 2012, is just too

vague. The first obstacle is you said you want to. Anytime that you say I

want to, you have already defeated your purpose. You must change your

speech to words such as I will, or I am going to lose 100 pounds by a given


(If you don't remember anything else about this e-book please remember this

saying: “You are completely responsible for 100% of your life.” That's right!

Our ultimate failures and successes in life come solely down to the decisions we


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The second obstacle is to make the goal challenging. I know there's that word again, but

trust me there are several folks out in the world, possibly even reading this book, (hopefully I

can help you break out of this behavior) that do not want to be challenged, and will invest

thousands of dollars into products (pills, unnecessary doctor visits, everybody's brand new

groundbreaking idea etc) hoping to achieve some sort of satisfaction. Folks, let me destroy a

myth for you right now. You can look for any new answers you want through buying

whatever new gimmick is out on the market, but you will never change anything about your

life until you start investing time in yourself. Now to be clear, I'm not saying that some

product can't aid you in achieving a different outcome, (and please take your medication if

prescribed by a licensed doctor) however if that is all you do, then you will have a hard time

living a successful life. I think William Shakespeare said it best “nothing from nothing

(multiply, add, subtract, divide , multiply) equals nothing.” So again it is important to invest

in yourself.

Phew! I know I went a little off topic, but I feel that thought needs to be said just so that we

are all on the same page.

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The Challenging Goal

So how do we make this goal challenging?

Using our weight loss example we have now identified that we will (no longer

want) lose 100 pounds by 01-01-2012. (Believe it or not some people don't even

give a date when the goal is targeted for achievement)

This will be our ultimate goal for the year 2011, so how will we accomplish this

goal. We need to outline things like:

• How will this goal be completed

• How will I pace myself for the goal to be completed?

You must be willing to create a blueprint or a road map of how you will be

successful. If we are to say that I will lose 100 pounds by 2012. It should be

stated something like:

I. I will lose 100 pounds by 2012.

A. I Will do this by exercising 3 times a week

1. I will do 20 pushups 3 times a week

2. I will do 20 situps/crunches 3 times a week

3. I will walk 2 blocks 3 times a week.

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Now I just gave a basic outline as an example but feel free to just write your entire goal out.

Whatever makes sense to you, but it should clearly address in much detail how you intend to

accomplish the goal.

For instance, you should include what days and times of the day will you commit to working

on your goal. Now you may look at that outline and say I can do 20 push-ups in my sleep.

Well you may be able to, but tell that to somebody who is 5 feet 7 inches, 350 pounds, and

never got on the ground to do anything. It will seem like the hardest task they ever faced.

But hey everything is hard at first. If it was easy everybody would walk around with a

chiseled body frame. So this would be a challenge.

Oh by the way, your plan of action for completing your goal will change. Trust me when

you began to see results, you will be eager to do more than what you originally planned. I

mean you may plan to do 20 pushups all year long but after the first month you may feel

comfortable doing 50. So if you do more, you will now you will be exceeding your goals.

When you began to exceed your goals, I would just like to offer a word of caution. Please do

not try to do too much. It's ok to raise the bar, but if you are not realistic, than you will run

the risk of not completing your new goals, and then sometimes the feeling of defeat enters

your mind. Again, you may feel like you can do 50, but get frustrated if you can only do 40.

So you will benefit the most if you keep working at your own pace and you don't want to

burn yourself out or hurt yourself.

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The Finishing Touches

Lastly, how will you pace yourself to complete that goal. Remember we have

to lose 100 pounds in a year, so it will be to our benefit to reach smaller goals on

a monthly basis to keep us disciplined, motivated, and ultimately reach that

number by the date we have set for achievement. So now our weight loss goal

should go as follows: (I am going to write it out this time)

• I will lose 100 pounds by 2012.

• I will do this through exercise by doing 20 pushups and 20

situps/crunches 3 times a week, which will be on Monday, Wednesday,

and Friday

• I will do my situps and crunches and pushups at 6:00am, in the morning

when I wake up

• I will also walk two blocks three times a week at 7:00am, on Monday,

Wednesday, and Friday.

• I will also diet by eating low fat meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner,

• I will have a choice of vegetables with all my meals

• I will have breakfast at 9:00am, Lunch at 2:00pm and dinner at 6:00pm

• I will lose 10 pounds every month until I have reached 100.

So lets look at our goal now. Notice the words I will, I will, I will. These are

power words, take action words, that are often overlooked. I like them because

they imply the need to discipline yourself. Notice that we have times, days

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dates, and an overall vision what needs to be accomplished.

Now I know several of you are looking at this, and saying I already know all of this. Maybe

you do, but how many of us actually take these steps to improve our life?. How many of us

have committed to changing our lives by creating a simple goal, that can benefit our life but

we never do?

Albert Einstein said “the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and

expecting a different result.”

Now ask yourself this question, Am I insane?

• A couple things about the goal process, remember they can always be changed. Hey,

what if you have a baby, or a new job, or even a marriage. Things like that will cause

you to re-think your entire success plan.

• You can also dig even deeper than the outline I laid out earlier. Hey you could plan

what type of low fat foods you will have everyday or even what type of snacks you are

going to have daily.

• Do I want to test my weight monthly or even daily? There are several things you can


Challenge yourself. I used weight loss as an example but you can take the concept and

apply goals to anything. (careers, marriage,etc.) Commit to several goals. I think the point is

to take steps to a more disciplined life.

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The Goal has to be written down

I think this goes without saying, but I will say it anyway. You must Write

your Goal down. Now, I know most of you are saying heard it all before, and I

can appreciate it, but you would be surprised that so many overlook this basic

element of success. Lets think about this for a moment I used weight loss as an

example earlier and added some details that I must complete to achieve the

goal. Now, I have a good memory, but how do I know that I will remember

every detail. Throughout the course of the day, another situation may arise that

will cause me to put my focus elsewhere. Writing it down helps you to

remember them. Remember what I said earlier about the 3% of people who

fully fulfilled their potential. Well, a study was done on these people 30 years

later, and it showed that they were more successful because they wrote their

goals down. Isn't that amazing. It is just something about knowing where you

are going and what you are doing. So it is important to write it down and you

should have it visible with you everyday, so you are reminded of what is it going

to take to define a successful life for you.

For instance, you could put a spreadsheet together and break down your yearly

goal into activities you can do on a daily basis to help you reach it. One of the

things I learned to do is give myself a letter grade each day to determine if I

accomplished my daily goal or not, and then I can take steps to make sure I

accomplish the goal on the days moving forward.

If you don't have a spreadsheet to document your goals feel free to down load

open office for FREE by clicking here. Open Office is a generic version of

Microsoft, but all the features are the same. It even comes with a spread, which

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usually Microsoft does not supply.

I know that I spoke a lot about goals but we must understand if we are going to create a

foundation for success we must master the basics. Do yourself a favor folks, if you haven't

done it yet close this e-book, go write down a clear thought out challenging goal,

congratulate yourself, and come back and finish reading. You will thank me 5 years from

now. Trust me!

Lights Camera let's Take Action!!!

So now we have become better decision makers, we have written some challenging goals

down, and now we can get started on our marathon for a successful life by Taking Action!!!

Michael Landon once said “Ready, Fire Aim”

Samuel Clemens wrote “the secret of getting ahead is getting started.” What a powerful

quote and I agree with him.

I wanted to empathize the point of needing to take action because there are several people

who say they want a successful life, but won't do anything (not even any basics) to earn a

successful life. You maybe reading this and saying wait a minute that's me. We'll we are all

in the same company because I was this way also. I had to realize a statement that I

mentioned earlier, that I am 100% responsible for my life. So I had to take action and keep

moving forward.

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How do I get started? How do I take action?

Well, the answer is quite simple. We have to stop procrastinating. Not

groundbreaking, but it is the solution to the problem. Procrastination allows you

to give yourself excuses and reasons why you can't do something instead of why

you can. They range from lack of desire, motivation, persistence, fear of failure

or even fear of success and in general lack of self control. Does any sound like

you? Some even call it a form of weakness or even a disease. If you are

dealing with procrastination there are some things you can do to help that


• Take an inventory

Figuring out exactly when and how you procrastinate can help you stop the behavior. It can be difficult to tell when you are procrastinating. Think about the clues that tell you that's what you're doing: for example, a nagging voice in your head, a visual image of what you are avoiding or the consequences of not doing it, physical ailments (stomach tightness, headaches, muscle tension), inability to concentrate, inability to enjoy what you are doing.

• Create a productive environment

For example: Let's say you are in college and have been procrastinating about writing a paper. If you have made the decision to stop delaying on a particular writing project, it is critical that you find a place to work where you have at least half a chance of actually getting some writing done. Your dorm room may not be the place where you are most productive. You might want to get to that computer lab. If you have a laptop computer, try going someplace where you

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can't connect to the Internet (e-mail and the Web are the core of procrastination—as you probably already know) Don't risk frustrating yourself even more by trying to write in an environment that doesn't meet your needs.

• Make yourself accountable

Set a writing deadline (other than the paper's due date) for yourself. Then make an appointment at the writing center at your college for a draft review several days before the paper is due, by setting some dates for completion, you are making yourself more accountable, and wont be rushed at the last minute.

These are some things that will help stop procrastination, but I tell you a lot of people look

for secret potions, and quick fix solutions. They will not find it. They will be disappointed

and realize shortcuts are one of the keys to failure. We will speak about failure in another

chapter. Once we stop procrastination, we have taken another step to success by taking

responsibility of our life.

Whats wrong with the way I'm talking

Let's get right into this topic as this is one one of my favorites. If we are going to be

successful, we are going have to change the way we talk. I know we covered some of this in

the Goals chapter but, I wanted to talk a little more about how we speak confirms what we

are thinking. I'm not sure if you have heard this or not, but our destiny is tied to our

language. Now, I will not bore you with theories that about the stars aligning in your life

when you speak positively, (frankly, I don't believe any of that) but what you should

understand is that part of taking action is speaking successfully. So is speaking some type of

magic? Of course not, however speaking success is developing your mind to focus on

achieving your goal.

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A famous philosopher once said “we become what we think about.” So if that is

true we must be watchful for the things that come out of our mouth. Even the

prophets in the Holy Bible states that “life and death are in the power of the


We have to build an environment of success around our life. We are required

to be laser focused, looking straight ahead to complete the goal. Also,

remember that people come and go out our lives. Let's keep the ones that are

speaking the our same language. So words like, can't, won't, I want to, I need

to, I should, maybe, etc, all have no place in our lives any longer. Instead define

how you envision success for your life, and use words and phrases like I will, I

must, failure is not an option, I can, I am a winner, nothing can stop me. Here's

a thought: instead of constantly saying I will do it tomorrow, (which we all know

will never get done) how about taking an attitude of the CEO, and say “I need

this done yesterday.” If we just start using this phrase we will have built a

language into our brain to always get things done immediately.

Give yourself a test. Try a one week test (7days) without saying one negative

word. Erase all doubt , and just speak positive things, then look at yourself

after those 7 days and see if you can tell a difference. Now, when somebody

reads a statement like that, the first response is usually, yeah yeah, yeah, I know

already. Why should I do this stupid test!!! But it is usually the ones who step

out and try this quote on quote stupid test who fulfill their potential in life.

Always remember the 97% of people I keep speaking about. We have to

separate from the norm. To quote the Holy Bible we want to walk on water. So

take that 7 day challenge, eliminate all negative words, and you will be on your

way to success.

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What Keeps you Motivated!

Whatever you do, do well, and may success attend your efforts.

I don't know about you but a triple decker chocolate cake with frosting, and 3 cups of

Jello Pudding pops keep me motivated. (Haha) I'm just kidding. I thought I would get at

least one bad joke in somewhere on this e-book. So what keeps you motivated? Is it a

picture of a lost loved one, maybe a successful athlete or celebrity, or is it that you are

convinced that with some work and dedication you can achieve a lot of growth in your life.

Or maybe some successful quotes.

I know one of my motivations is the life of Jesus Christ. To me nobody worked harder than

Jesus. I also am motivated by natural inspirations, like the life of Bruce Lee. No, I am not a

karate student, but I like to work with the intensity and passion in my work as he did. Also

the encouragement I receive from my family to be the best I can, always drives me to pursue

excellence. I encourage you to do the same, hold on to whatever your motivations may be,

and persistently pursue excellence.

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Helpful Motivational tips

Here are some tips that I found on motivation that I would like to share with

you :

• Be Accountable, and Responsible for all of your actions. I know I said it

earlier but it is worth repeating a billion times. We can no longer tolerate

any negative circumstances. Which includes negative language, friends,

family, etc..

• Learn to master your personal energy. Find ways to increase your levels

of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energy while also ensuring you

take time for energy recovery. So don't always be drained, do something

for yourself and have FUN, relieve that stress and focus on tasks that you

know will de-stress you.

• Be proud of who you are always. Make your work a signature of who you

are! Be authentic, honest, and ethical and leave an impression on others

by showcasing the person you truly are!

• Get rid of the "if only". Stop the "if only" thinking and do what you can

with what you have, wherever you are! Don't postpone things waiting for

the perfect opportunity.

Finally, find ways to stay happy. Being mean and intolerable can rob you of

success. Some of you are saying, no no, no that's not true, there are a lot of

mean successful people in this world. Maybe, but who ever said that success is

defined by the clothes people wear or the cars that they drive. That person

could have a miserable life at home, and it shows up and comes out at work. Do

you remember the Walt Disney movie A Christmas Carol? If you don't it was the

movie about Scrooge. Scrooge was a miserable man. So yes he had loads of

money, but he was never happy. (unless he was counting his money) Do you

really want to be like that? Do you really think that is success? I sure hope not.

Nowadays, unhappiness can lead to several health problems. If you don't

believe me just watch the news.

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Failure is not an option

I love when the military uses this term. This is how disciplined focused and motivated

they are, to complete their mission. They understand that even if they don't succeed even in

the smallest mission, it could be the difference between life and death on this planet as we

know it. We need to start using this language. In fact many successful people do use this

language. They say things like this so much, to a point in their mind where they wouldn't

even know how to fail. For example, I am a huge fan of the martial arts. Hence, my Bruce

Lee inspiration from earlier. I have several ninja movies that were made in the70's. Do you

know what the ninja would say if they failed a mission? Well, if you said Kill Me I have

failed, then you are a fan just like me.

Now, in no way am I suggesting you kill yourself because you didn't like the outcome of the

task, but we should have such a persistent attitude that when it comes to pursuing are goals

in life, the thought of failure should never be in our head. You should have the word failure

erased from your memory. We don't know what that word means.

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Failure makes us humble.

Understandably, to erase failure completely may take a little while, but if you

keep pursuing success you will reach that level. Now, this may seem a little

contradictory but I feel that We Need to Fail in order to Succeed. Let me

say that again. We Need To Fail in order to Succeed. I know some of you

understand that statement but for those that don't, let me explain.

Let's look at the example in this chapter. You see although the military has a low

tolerance for failure, did you think that happened overnight? Of course not!

They worked hard for days, weeks, months, and years to achieve the high level

of excellence they have today. When a new recruit joins, they have to endure

the same disciplines that has been taught for years. That is why they are


Let's look at a couple more examples, What if you start a new job: Wouldn't you

want everything to be thrown at you in the first couple month's rather than

something happening two years later? I would. It will humble you and keep you

from being too prideful (Remember earlier what I said about perfectionist), and it

prepares us for complex problems as our career advances. But, even if we fail at

something later it still won't matter, we will just keep learning from mistakes.

Let's look at people with ambitious career goals and are suddenly laid off from

their job. Well it just happens that there are some who have decided not to

return to work but instead develop their own business. So yeah, they are

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abruptly ushered from their comfortable secure job, (or so they thought) but look on the

other side, would that person be inspired to start a business, if they hadn't encountered that

unexpected setback. Most likely No. So failure is not always bad, let's learn from it.

Words of Encouragement

Everything is hard at first, but again like I said earlier the more you keep doing

something, the easier it becomes. Our ultimate goal is to achieve success in all areas of our

life, but we will not reach that level until we have been tested. Do you remember earlier

when I said your goal should be challenging? Well if it is challenging enough, you will

probably at some point not accomplish some of your smaller goals.. Now this is ok, as long

as you don't quit. Everybody has setbacks but as long as you keep going you will make it.

Remember the old saying “what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.” It is also good to

encounter those failures early. For one reason, it will build your character. You can

determine early are you going to be apart of the 97% percent of the world, or are you

destined for success.

The only people who fail are those that stay down when they hit the floor, but for those of

us who continue to strive for success, we will never fail. Those who are driven for success

learn from the minor setbacks.

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Final Words

I will say it repeatedly in order to achieve success you must take 100%

responsibility of your entire life, and setbacks will come but failure is not an

option. Napoleon Hill says “Most great people have attained their greatest

success just one step beyond their greatest failure."

Today, I just wanted to share with you some thoughts of what it takes to be

successful. I am not a so-called guru or wizard or whatever they are called

today. Im just a person that believes to be successful, it will take some work.

Your goals should be challenging but also rewarding. If you do this the right

way, you will be amazed how much you will grow in a year, or a month, or even

in days. You will find things that were difficult will come easier. So, take action

by getting started, stay motivated, keep working and before long you will realize

that you are part of the 3% of people who fulfill their potential in life.


This is Martin Lee

Thank You again for joining my list.

I look forward to bringing you information that will help you achieve your goals

of success.

Have a great and successful day!

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