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H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 CAPSTONE 1 START PAGE MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 Part B “CAPSTONE” Silicon and Gas Radiation Detector Development Exchange Programme for High Energy Physics and Societal Applications


Feb 21, 2023



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Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)

Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018

Part B


Silicon and Gas Radiation Detector Development Exchange Programme for High Energy Physics and Societal Applications




2 Excellence ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Background ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Quality and appropriateness of knowledge sharing among the participating organisations in light of the research and innovation objectives ...................................................................................................................................................... 18

2.3 Quality of the proposed interaction between the participating organisations .................................................................. 20

3 Impact ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21

3.1 Enhancing the potential and future career prospects of the staff members .................................................................... 21

3.2 Developing new and lasting research collaborations, achieving transfer of knowledge between participating organisations and contribution to improving research and innovation potential at the European and global levels ....... 22

3.3 Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the action results ........................................................... 23

3.4 Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the action activities to different target audiences ........................... 25

4 Quality and efficiency of the implementation ........................................................................................................... 28

4.1 Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources ..... 28

4.2 Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including quality management and risk management ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 42

4.3 Appropriateness of the institutional environment (hosting arrangements, infrastructure) ............................................... 45

4.4 Competences, experience and complementarity of the participating organisations and their commitment to the action 47

5 References ................................................................................................................................................................... 48

6 Participating organisations ......................................................................................................................................... 49

7 Ethics and Security ...................................................................................................................................................... 65

7.1 Ethics .............................................................................................................................................................................. 65

7.2 Security .......................................................................................................................................................................... 65

7.3 Protection of personal data ............................................................................................................................................. 65

7.4 Methods of collecting data and storage .......................................................................................................................... 65

8 Letters of Commitment of Third Country Partner organisations ............................................................................ 67 List of participants

Particip. number

Partnership Member Legal Entity Short Name

Academic (Y/N)



1 European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN Y Switzerland

2 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFN Y Italy

3 Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica IMB Y Spain

4 Universiteit Gent UGENT Y Belgium

5 Wigner RCP WIGN Y Hungary

6 Vilniaus Universitetas VU Y Lithuania

7 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford


8 University of Birmingham UoB Y UK



9 Tel Aviv University TAU Y Israel

10 Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften – Institute for High Energy Physics

HEPHY Y Austria

11 University of Cantabria UCAN Y Spain

12 University of Colombo UOC-SL Y Sri Lanka

13 University of Ruhuna UOR-SL Y Sri Lanka

14 University of Dhaka DHA Y Bangladesh

15 Kathmandu University KATU Y Nepal

16 University of Mauritius UoM Y Mauritius

17 National Centre for Physics NCP Y Pakistan

18 Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology PNTE Y Pakistan

Partner organisations

19 Florida Institute of Technology FIT Y USA

20 University of California – Santa Cruz UC Y USA

21 University of Delhi UOD-IN Y India

22 University of Jammu JU-IN Y India

23 Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics SINP Y India

24 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre BARC Y India

25 Indian Institute of Technology Madras IITM Y India

26 National Institute of Science Education and Research NISER Y India

Non-academic partners

27 Caen RFID CARFID N Italy

28 Infineon IFAT N Austria

29 Eltos ELT N Italy

30 Berylinelabs BERL N India

List of Abbreviations

ALICE One of seven particle physics detector experiments at CERN

GEM Gas electron multiplier MPGD Micropattern gas detectors

ASIC Application-specific integrated circuit

GPGPU General-purpose computing on graphics processing unit

PMO Project Management Office

ATLAS One of seven particle physics detector experiments at CERN

GPU Graphics processing unit MT Muon tomography

CLIC Compact Linear Collider FPGA Field-programmable gate array

PM Person Month

CMOS Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor

HEP High Energy Physics RD50 International research collaboration on “Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders”

CMS One of seven particle physics detector experiments at CERN

HL-LHC High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider

RD51 International research collaboration on “Development of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors Technologies”

CPU Central processing unit HLT HALT: an assembly language instruction

RWELL Resistive Well

DAQ Data Acquisition SiPM Silicon photomultiplier

DMAPS Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor

IC Integrated Circuit SPECT Single-photon emission computed tomography

DMP Data Management Plan ILC International Linear Collider SRS Scalable Readout System

DPDK Data Plane Development Kit

IPR Intellectual Property Rights SUSY Super symmetry

EM Electromagnetic LGAD Low Gain Avalanche Detector

TCAD Technology Computer-Aided Design

ESR Early Stage Researcher LHC Large Hadron Collider TCT Transient Current Technique



ER Experienced Researcher LHCb One of seven particle physics detector experiments at CERN

TDR Technical design report

EoSC European Open Science Cloud

MIP Minimum Ionising Particle TeV Tera electron Volt

FCCL Flexible copper-clad laminate

MLaaS Machine-Learning-as-a-Service


Time of Flight - positron emission tomography

FCC - hh

Future 100 TeV proton-proton circular collider

MM MicroMegas TTO Technology Transfer Office

FCC -ee

High-luminosity, high-precision electron-electron storage ring collider

MMT Mobile muon tomography VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language

FTM Fast Timing MPGD MoU Memorandum of Understanding

WP Work Package

Summary Instrumentation is a great facilitator; both for science and for society. In HEP, instrumentation represents both novel gigantic technological achievements in pursuit of physics goals and, in some cases, scaled-up versions of past established techniques. Most experiments in HEP have necessarily grown to be large and have prohibitive costs resulting in major down scoping of detectors and their capabilities, to the detriment of physics reach, to match available resources. R&D on dedicated instrumentation has the power to alter this situation; CAPSTONE’s multi-disciplinary environment provides consortium partners, both in academia and industry, the opportunity to enhance and strengthen this focus in an attempt to lower the current impediments to realising opportunities with HEP as a mediator to industry and vice versa. This proposal addresses a need for global collaboration and network for imminent and future HEP projects instrumentation needs in the HL-LHC, ILC, FCC programmes, and help to young people from our field become future leaders. Many of them will go into industries which are counting on talent from our community - we will elaborate on building these channels. Given the planned future collider upgrades and machines in the pipeline, we are confident that instrumentation will continue to be on the leading edge of R&D. This is in part due to the outstanding advances of microelectronic and telecommunications industries, fabrication, to data storage and bandwidth gains. Following Moore’s law, doubling times of less than two years have been the norm up to now. Certainly, some scaling will stop, but new approaches need to be tackled. One of the most promising areas is CMOS sensors for tracking and calorimetry, offering low cost, low mass, potentially radiation-hard sensors for high energy proton-proton and electron-positron colliders and the intensity frontier (HL-lHC /ILC/FCC). In the area of Trigger & DAQ: R&D in Associative Memories, FPGAs, GPUs, CPUs, Communications Industry Architectures and Link Technologies are all promising. Today, at the LHC the increased luminosity means increased pile-up, which is impaired because we measure in three dimensions. But if we opened the fourth dimension through precision timing, through a combination of silicon and calorimetry, we can measure the time of neutral energy in the event with a resolution of 30 ps – a potentially transformative situation. Trigger and DAQ are likely to be transformed as well. Developments in exascale heterogeneous and neuromorphic computing, and powerful and flexible intelligent trigger tools will enable low threshold triggers to exploit increased instantaneous luminosity to maximise physics, and machine learning will be ubiquitous. On the material science side, specialised doped materials, the resistivity of which can be tuned, have appeared on the market. They are being exploited in the gaseous detector community to bring down timing to the 100s or 50s ps level. That will make large surfaces affordable for future muon systems with much improved timing to bring in the fourth dimension. CAPSTONE encompasses the spirit of instrumentation for the future with six interdependent WPs dedicated to HEP Applications with Si Tracking and Calorimetry, Large Muon systems with novel Micropattern gas technologies, related Data and Software Services, Electronics and DAQ technologies. Equally important are a few societal applications which CAPSTONE will launch exploiting these technical advances. Education and outreach underpin all the above in a separate WP.



2 Excellence

2.1 Background Breakthrough innovations change the fundamental basis of competition, reshaping industries or even whole societies. In today’s hypercompetitive world, this kind of disruptive development is more important than ever. Many technologies that result in breakthrough innovations have their roots in fundamental science. One such case concerns the advancement of instrumentation, which is widely considered as a key-enabling technology for many scientific and industrial domains, and whose origin - at least partly - lies in High Energy Physics (HEP) research. Particle physics research has contributed significantly to major advances in radiation sensor development, micro-processing, telecommunications, nanotechnology and software programing. Each of these technologies have direct societal and economic impacts on education, health, infrastructure, (consumer) electronics, security, environment, energy and other sectors. Countries like Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain and United States have thus far been the most advanced and successful in creating new technology, in particular by collaborating closely in some of the world’s most prestigious research facilities. CERN is – of course – one of them. As a result, these countries have been leading in design, prototyping, construction, installation, commissioning, data taking and analysis for the past 25 years and have also shown great ability to convert new knowledge to a wide range of applications outside of the fundamental science domain. On the way, they have been joined by Belgium, Greece, Israel and several others, who are now also taking leadership positions in high energy physics, for example in the upgrades for the experiments at CERN’s High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). However, even as we acknowledge the importance of fundamental science for innovation and growth and also know that the latent potential of science and technology is endless, the latter is still largely embryonic in the developing countries across the globe. They often lack competent manpower and resources as well as downstream applied science channels to facilitate the exploitation of new knowledge and technical innovations. Both manpower and resources need to be built up in order to become economically competitive, but the high cost of ‘going it alone’ is a major obstacle. This is why several developing countries use CERN projects as a stepping stone in developing their own national capacity in particle physics, in the expectation that this will also have industrial spin-off effects into their economies. The CAPSTONE project described here has been set up to combine global knowledge in detector technology for use in upcoming frontier research in the domain of HEP and to help researchers from developing countries in Asia to exchange knowledge and experience in order to get to an equal footing with their European and American counterparts. 2.1.1 CAPSTONE project aims The overall aim of the CAPSTONE project can be summarized as follows:

CAPSTONE aims to facilitate joint frontier science knowledge creation in particle physics through an ambitious research programme on new detector concepts, in which secondments between researchers from EU, EU Associated States and non-European countries contribute to the building of top-level research capacity in Bangladesh, India, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The detector research programme at the various partner locations will be targeted at generic instrumentation R&D related to CERN’s experiment upgrade programme for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), but has the secondary aim of generating enabling technologies in detection for societal applications, for example in safety and in health.

CAPSTONE will prepare researchers from developing countries to become fully engaged in novel detector development envisioned for possible new facilities like the electron-positron colliders – the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), the International Linear Collider (ILC), or the Future Circular Collider (FCC). It should be noted that technical design reports (TDR) have very recently been submitted and approved for the LHC Upgrades. Furthermore, a proton-proton collider manifestation of the FCC is also being actively studied as a follow-on to the HL-LHC at much higher energies. Several of the mentioned partner organisations from developing countries already work with CERN in various experiments (some of the countries already have so-called Associate Member status at CERN or have concluded a bilateral International Cooperation Agreement with CERN), but need the support from a project like CAPSTONE to maintain and build on that knowledge so they can be fully integrated in the CERN upgrade programmes and work toward full CERN membership.



The CAPSTONE specific aims can therefore be summarized as follows:

1. Facilitate a mutual reinforcement of future radiation detector based programmes in Europe, Israel, the US, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Bangladesh and Nepal, covering technical, institutional/organisational and individual/personal development and exchanges;

2. Incubate new technologies based on silicon and gaseous sensors for radiation detection in preparation for future projects in HEP

The specific project aim can be broken down into (1) scientific/technical progress, (2) institutional and strategic goals, and (3) personnel development and training:

1. Optimisation of common efforts to boost future experimental projects at colliders that are part of the aforementioned strategies by the following means: • exchange expertise in key technical and organisational areas; • enhance communication and common efforts on developing high-priority projects; • increase information flow, logistics and knowledge exchange among their partners.

2. Identification of collaboration potential and optimisation of project planning: • identify skills, expertise, and technologies for application in project development; • improve efficiency of resource usage, including personnel and expertise; • share and develop experience on global partnerships for realising frontier projects.

3. “Familiarisation”, including: • the scientific, industrial and academic landscapes; • working philosophy and methodology; • culture and languages; • personal contacts.

The CAPSTONE participants are all renowned universities and research infrastructures in Europe, the US, India and Sri Lanka that lead in advanced projects on detector development for particle physics. They have a clear goal of engaging in novel and improved approaches of the identified detector projects. The collaborative efforts in the areas outlined below will be significantly expanded by adding multiple and meaningful staff exchanges in order to move from separately coordinated efforts across several regions, to an integrated knowledge transfer and joint project development. This is only possible with if staff from the various participating organisations are able to spend research time with collaborators at various premises in different regions. 2.1.2 Relevance: relationships and overlaps between Particle Physics Strategies in Europe, US, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Mauritius The European Strategy for Particle Physics1 states that the scale of the facilities required for particle physics experiments results in a globalization of the field. As a consequence, the Strategy Update2 prioritizes only large-scale projects and facilities of global and supra-regional dimension. These are:

1. the LHC upgrade programme toward high-luminosity HL-LHC, which aims to collect ten times the integrated luminosity of the initial design, i.e. 3 ab−1;

2. design studies and R&D for an ambitious post-LHC accelerator project at CERN (e.g. the ILC); 3. investigation into possible participation in a long-baseline neutrino experiment.

Each of these priority areas will require major advances in detection technology, in particular detectors incorporating electronics and sensors into a single object. When comparing the European Strategy for Particle Physics with the particle physics strategies of the US, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Mauritius, it is clear that there are several overlaps. It thus makes sense to combine and build knowledge and staff capacities to maximise the chances of reaching ambitious research targets whilst reducing overall cost. Below is a summary overview of the various strategy overlaps, which subsequently form the basis for the research work packages defined in the CAPSTONE project.




Table X: Overview of overlap between regional/national particle physics strategies related to detector technology3

Si Vertex Tracking detectors

Radiation detection based on micro-pattern gas


Software and Cloud Computing Machine Learning

Electronics General

Europe steering RD50 collaboration4;

advances in monolithic CMOS devices; TCAD and LGAD.

steering RD51 collaboration:

need to build low cost large area devices for HL-LHC, FCC, ILC and other applications.

provide information technology required for the fulfilment of HEP’s mission in an efficient and effective manner. This includes data processing and storage, networks and support for the LHC and non-LHC experimental programme, provide a ground for advanced research and development of new IT technologies, with global partners from other research institutions and industry.

for Upgrades and Future Experiments focus is on chip design and multi-channel time digitization for silicon and gaseous detectors of the future;

gigabit optical protocols, optical global clock distribution and remote de-vice control;

VHDL high performance algorithms and advanced hardware platforms; Radiation tolerant design and qualification; Low and high voltage power supply systems and distribution.

enhance the visibility of existing European particle physics programmes;

increase collaboration among Europe's particle physics laboratories, institutes and universities;

promote a coordinated European participation in global projects and in regional projects outside Europe;

encourage knowledge transfer to other disciplines, industry and society.

Sri Lanka signed ICA with CERN;

intend to engage in CMS and R50 collaboration.

MoU with CMS

Engaged in Muon Upgrade and intend to engage R&D for future projects.

peripheral engagement needs to be converted into responsibilities and deliverables.

MoU with CMS Engaged in Muon Upgrade and intend to engage in R&D for future projects.

signed ICA with CERN;

MoU with CMS.

Pakistan participate in CMS / ALICE;

engage in R&D.

participate in RD51 collaboration;

need to build low cost large area devices for HL-LHC, FCC, ILC and other applications.

continue working in the context of CMS and ALICE Upgrades, break isolation of researchers from the international scientific community.

further links with European Collaborations, industry and research institutes for the development of society.

Associate Member State of CERN

Nepal intend to connect with CERN experiments;

develop skills.

intend to connect with CERN experiment;

Develop skills.

break the isolation of researchers from the international scientific community.

establish links with European Collaborations, industry and research institutes for the development of society.

signed ICA with CERN

Bangladesh Participate in ALICE.

intend to engage further with CERN experimental

Develop skills.

continue working in ALICE;

Break isolation of researchers from the international scientific community.

establish links with European Collaborations industry & research institutes for the development of society

signed ICA with CERN

Mauritius intend to connect with CERN experiments;

develop skills.

intend to connect with CERN experiments;

develop skills.

break the isolation of researchers from the international scientific community.

establish links with European Collaborations, industry & research institutes for the development of society.


India participate in RD50 collaboration;


simulations and R&D for Upgrades;

engage further.

participate in RD51 collaboration;

participate in low cost large area devices for HL-LHC, FCC, ILC and other applications.

continue working with common IT projects;

tap into the talent pool and develop competences at par with international scientific community.

further strengthen links with European Collaborations, industry & research institutes for the development of society, exploiting the R&D in electronics.

Associate Member of CERN

3 For the sake of readability, the explanations for the abbreviations listed in this table can be found in the List of Abbreviations at the beginning of this proposal. 4 Footnote needed



USA steering RD50 collaboration;

advances in monolithic CMOS devices; TCAD and LGAD.

steering RD51 collaboration;

need to build low cost large area devices for HL-LHC, FCC, ILC and other applications.

provide information technology required for the fulfilment of HEP’s mission in an efficient and effective manner. Includes data processing and storage, networks and support for the LHC and non-LHC experimental programme;

provide a ground for advanced research and development of new IT technologies, with global partners from other research institutions and industry.

for Upgrades and Future Experiments focus on chip design and multichannel time digitization for silicon and gaseous detectors of the future;

gigabit optical protocols, optical global clock distribution and remote device control;

VHDL high performance algorithms and advanced hardware platforms;

radiation tolerant design and qualification;

low and high voltage power supply systems and distribution.

Observer States with Special Rights at CERN



The HL-LHC Upgrades of the present experiments at CERN form a fertile ground for positioning strategic R&D on instrumentation for Future Hadron Machines (FCC-hh, HE-LHC) Physics at a TeV Hadron Collider in circa 2035-2050. These would be the ultimate discovery machines and multipurpose experiments to directly probe into new physics up to an unprecedented scale for heavy resonances, Super Symmetry (SUSY) and precision studies. For these experimental technologies to be investigated, a completely novel generation of detectors needs to be built between 2025-2035, see table X with selected machine parameters that define the challenge for the technologies. Table X: Future collider parameters (Add references). – CHECK THE NUMBERS !!


Collision energy cms [TeV] 0.2 - 0.5 100 27 14 14

Bunch spacing [ns] 25

554 25 25 25 25

Peak luminosity [1034 cm-2s-1] 5 0.5 – 1.8 30 25 5 1

Events/bunch crossing 10

20 1000 (200) ~800 (160) 135 27

Tracker System Specs (Link with WP)

Muon System Specs (Link with WPs)

Computing Challenges (Link with WP)

Electronics Challenges (Link with WP)

Looking forward to physics at a 100 TeV Hadron Collider exploration, with Higgs as a tool for discovery is one of the key directions in HEP. The imminent step is to specify detectors for such a machine. General purpose detectors within the ATLAS and CMS experiments were benchmarked with the ‘hypothetical’ Higgs in different mass regions with tracking up to pseudo rapidity =2.5. The Higgs is also the key benchmark for the FCC detectors, with highly forward boosted features5, FCC detectors must be ‘enhanced general’ purpose detectors with very large η acceptance and extremely fine granularity, with timing capable of picosecond responses from advanced detector systems in an aggressive hostile environment of particle fluences up to L = 30x1034 cm-2s-1. In the South Asian region there are two key accelerator facilities:

1- Indus-2 is a synchrotron radiation source with a nominal electron energy of 2.5 GeV and a critical wavelength of about 1.98 angstroms. It is one of the most important projects in progress at Raja Ramanna Centre for technology, designed to cater to the needs of X-ray users, material scientists and researchers. Indus-1 has the distinction of being the first synchrotron generator of India with a 450 Mev storage ring. Indus-2 is an improvement over Indus-1. A very rich program on engineering applications, crystallography, Imaging and diagnostics is operational exploiting the beam lines available and projects are solicited in the South Asian region. Sri Lanka is actively seeking to partner in these projects. Several national schools are held periodically in summer and winter, and considerations are ongoing to open them to international students from the region.

2- The basic objective of Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) is to provide front ranking accelerator-based research facilities to create possibilities for internationally competitive research within the university system. The Centre has been playing a very special role of a research institute within the University system where the scientific and technical staff have dual responsibilities of facilitating research for a large user community as well conducting their own research. Emphasis is put on encouraging group activities and sharing of the facilities at the Centre in synergy with those existing elsewhere. The Centre has established sophisticated accelerator systems and experimental facilities in project mode involving several universities for internationally competitive research in the areas of Nuclear Physics, Materials Science, Atomic Physics, Radiation Biology, Radiation Physics and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.

5 100 TeV,125 GeV Higgs



CAPSTONE with its rich Education and Outreach Program, will engage the community and consolidate the potential human capital in these programs, further leading to international and global collaborations. [References:;] Based on the national particles research strategies in Table X and the envisioned design specifications for future colliders in Table X, the following priorities for crucial technical/scientific co-operation areas between the regions have been identified and will be described in short below: 1. Advances in Silicon sensors for application in HEP Experiments; 2. Advances in Gaseous radiation detectors in HEP Experiments; 3. Related software and electronics developments; 4. Societal Applications and development of industry. 1. Silicon requirements for tracking and Calorimetry: Silicon detectors have evolved from a system with a few channels 30 years ago, to the tens of millions of independent pixels currently used to track charged particles in all major particle physics experiments. We know that requirements at the LHC have pushed today's silicon tracking detectors to the very edge of the current technology. A few 100m2 Future very high luminosity colliders (as envisioned by some of the consortium’s countries) or the upgrade of the LHC to a 10 times increased luminosity machine demand that semiconductor detectors have substantially improved properties (factor of 10 Michael please CHECK!). Insert figure order of magnitudes.and precision …technology: At the FCC- hh the Central tracker would see 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence, for 30 ab-1 at the first Inner Barrel layer (2.5 cm from the collision point of ~5-6 1017 cm-2 and at the external part ~5.1015 cm-2. The Forward calorimeters would see a maximum at ~5 1018

cm-2 for both the EM and the hadron -calo 1016 cm-2 at R=2 m. Even with a perfect tracking detector at FCC a pileup of 1000 at 25 ns bunch crossing would lead to an error due to multiple scattering in the beampipe for η > 1.7 already larger than the average vertex distance. Hence very clever new ideas like timing are needed since the average distance between vertices is ~ 1mm in space and 3 ps in time, for HE-LHC this would become ~ 170µm and 0.5 ps. We are preparing the HL-LHC upgrades for a pileup of 140 to be ready for 2025, to be compared compare to the preparation of FCC-hh with a pile-up of 1000. 2. Gaseous detectors – for muon tracking (and also as re-investigated as possible alternatives to silicon-based detectors) The challenging and hostile scenario for muon detection at collider machines like the LHC, HL-LHC ILC and FCC has given rise to extremely innovative designs and exploitation of gaseous detectors for tracking and triggering. Nevertheless, the technologies exploited at the currently operational experiments at LHC are over a decade old due to the time and schedule constraints of construction and commissioning, large systems which can easily extend to the order of several thousand square meters and a construction time of several years. New detector technologies are being prototyped and evaluated for the HL-LHC upgrades for which the challenges for precision and radiation tolerance are ever more increasing. The Muon Upgrade of CMS exploits MPGDs like GEMs (gas electron multiplier) three foils operating in tandem to avoid any possible effects of discharges due to heavily ionising particles. Long term sustained operation under irradiation doses of few 100 mC/cm2, spatial and time resolutions are commensurate with HL-LHC requirements. However, the new series of resistive micropattern detectors like the Fast Timing MPGD (FTM) takes the concept even further opening up possibilities of bringing the timing resolution down to ~ 100 ps. With a body of experience now accumulated in the LHC and HL-LHC community, and steps in line with the European strategy we are confident of tackling the challenges for future experiments. Insert figure order of magnitudes…..and precision …technology: 3. Related software and electronics developments XXXX



4. Societal Applications and development of industry XXXX Following is placeholder text Innovation, strategies for radiation detection, applications (medicine, aerospace, material science etc.), entrepreneurship and start-up - bring contacts for developments from HEP to the market. Lower barriers to realizing industrial opportunities by being a mediator. Proof of concept support for maturing technologies need international collaborations and networks, and help to young people from our field, many of whom go into industry, to develop as entrepreneurs creating spin offs and start-ups. By working closely together in different configurations and settings, CAPSTONE will achieve a significant step in radiation tracking with sensors which will then make the HL-LHC next stepping stone for the even more ambitious and future experiments even possible. The enormity of the scientific challenge cannot be underestimated and requires a truly international/global collaboration to make it happen. As part of that process, it is important that researchers from developing countries have the opportunity through CAPSTONE to contribute to the development of these detectors, so that they are in a better position to participate in the upgrade programme when it starts in the second half of the 2020s. At the same time, the participation by several industrial partners is clear evidence that the consortium expects that the scientific knowledge generated by CAPSTONE will be instrumental to the technology advancement in several socially relevant application areas like medical imaging, tomography, crystallography, astronomy, space applications and others.

The table below provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in the different detection and detector technologies and the expected advancement inside CAPSTONE:



Table X: comparison of state-of-the-art in detection technology and CAPSTONE specific research aims

Detector technology

Current state-of-the-art Envisioned technological advancement in CAPSTONE

Possible application areas

Silicon sensors (WP1)

These points have to be developed Silicon Detectors: Integrated CMOS, LGAD, packaging and high density interconnect (chip-to-chip, wafer-to-wafer), tile-able solutions: Silicon pixel detectors are high granularity tracking detectors, which provide unambiguous and precise hit information in the harsh environment close to the interaction point. Installed in LHC experiments ALICE, ATLAS and CMS. • In the future all LHC experiments and several non-LHC experiments foresee upgrades using pixel detectors. • All systems presently used at LHC are based on hybrid pixel detectors. Within the CERN RD50 Collaboration6, an R&D program is currently underway to develop silicon tracking sensors that can withstand hadron fluences equivalent to over 10161 MeV neutrons per cm2. Recent defect characterization and Edge-TCT measurement results have improved the understanding of irradiated detector performance. RD50 results show that sensors with n-side readout, easiest made with p-type silicon, have a superior radiation hardness due to the high overlap of electric and weighting field after irradiation, larger contribution of electrons to the total signal and finally due to charge multiplication which may enhance the collected charge at high bias voltages in this type of detector.

These points have to be developed

Development of advanced sensor types, like 3D silicon and thin pixel detectors, designed for the extrem Thin detectors (O(50 µm Si)) • High granularity (small cell sizes, O(20 µm x 20 µm)) • Avoid cost intensive fine pitch bump bonding. new processes and novel designs for next levels of radiation hardness, hit- rate capability and reduction of material –Improve tracking performance using thin sensors and small pixels for rad hard future trackers and pixel detectors.e radiation levels expected for the inner layers

Calorimetry Silicon ECAL and ideas for digital ECAL with MAPS are being discussed. 2-4x better granularity than e.g. ATLAS and CMS (Add numbers; connect to WP Silicon Michael !!!)

R&D on going on monolithic pixel detectors; compared to hybrid pixel detectors, the sensitive volume and part or the full readout circuitry is combined in one piece of silicon. The generated charge is collected on a dedicated collection electrode. Monolithic pixel detectors for HEP exist in many different flavours and offer significant advantages: • Commercial CMOS processing (many foundries, larger wafer diameter, potentially low cost per area, stitching,) • A new direction in the evolution of silicon detectors for charge particle tracking, namely the inclusion of very accurate timing information transforms the present silicon detector paradigm. The inclusion of controlled low gain in the detector response, therefore increasing the detector output signal sufficiently makes timing measurement possible. We will investigate the necessary conditions that need to be met for both sensor and readout electronics in order to achieve 4D tracking.

These points have to be developed

FCC ee, eh and hh Tracking Calorimetry .. Dosimetry using LGADs

Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (WP2)

Advances in photo-lithography and micro processing techniques during the past 15 years have triggered a major transition from wire chambers to micro-pattern gas amplification devices such as GEM and MicroMegas. Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors offer spatial resolution of 100 mu in large areas (of course small area world record is 15 mu but large areas are the challenge), high rate capability ~ 10^6 Hz/cm2 (again world record small detector 10^6 MHz/mm2), large sensitive area with limited performance as compared to small surfaces , operational stability (sustained


Detector optimization, discharge protection, ageing and radiation hardness, optimal choice and characterization of gas mixtures and component materials, availability of adequate simulation tools, optimized readout electronics and readout integration with detectors, as well as production and industrialization aspects are needed.

For the ILC and FCC, very large Muon systems will be needed ~ few thousand m2. CAPSTONE will investigate cost effective

Medical Imaging


Waste Scanning and mobile radiation measurement in situ



Space Applications….

6 Explanation needed



operation with discharges over a period of 20 years) and radiation hardness (accumulated doses of mC/cm2 – give exact numbers. At the HL-LHC Muon tracking will be based on the GEM and MicroMegas respectively in ATLAS and CMS.

options; A factor of 3 to 4 is expected to be the reduction of cost of the components used for example in making the GEM detectors particularly the GEM foils. The limitations for large areas are single source….need to elaborate

In LHCb GEM detectors are being used surface area 10 m2, CAPSTONE will endeavor to demonstrate feasibility of 1000m2 of GEM detectors stable operation over 20 years at FCC hh

Add thoughts on GEM as a possible tracker/Calorimeter with integrated electronics design as a possible outcome

A new direction is the FTM family of MPGDs, as fast and accurate particle physics simulation becomes increasingly important as the complexity increases. CAPSTONE will development software which focusses on the modelling of MPGDs as well as improvement of fundamental transport mechanisms of gas detector simulation. SUPRATIK-NAYANA –PIET !!! please give a factor of improvement Add costs of FTM projections and perhaps a budget of a muon plane per 100m2. Add FTM as a possible 50 ps timing detector

IT (WP3) Current State of the art ..

WPx will increase the IT functionality and capacity available to the physics community in the areas of compute (analysis, reconstruction and simulation), data management (digital repositories) and develop innovative machine learning tools capable of extracting and classifying features in physics data. The researchers involved will benefit from focused training by world-renowned experts that they can disseminate to undergraduates at the participating universities. The activities will promote open science by facilitating access to state-of-the-art IT resources and information.


Electronics (WP4)

Extrapolation of hybrid pixel technology to the HL-LHC presents major challenges on several fronts. At HL-LHC ATLAS/CMS Phase2 calorimetry will be digitized at 40MHz and sent via optical fibers to L1 electronics outside the cavern at 25TByte/s to create the L1 Trigger. Muon system will also be read out at 40MHz to produce a L1 Trigger. Reading out the FCC detector calorimetry and muon system at 40MHz will result in 200-300 TByte/s, which seems feasible. 40MHz readout of the tracker would produce about 800TByte/s. The question is whether the L1 Calo+Muon Trigger have enough selectivity to allow readout of the tracker at a reasonable rate of e.g. 1MHz ? Un-triggered readout of the detector at 40MHz would result in

CAPSTONE will focus on Front end chip design and multichannel time digitization proceeding towards the design and validation of the required front end ASICs and other on detector electronics that is required to process silicon and gaseous detectors signals. Gigabit optical protocols, optical global clock distribution and remote device control will be tackled as increased detector occupancy and trigger requirements drive the necessity of reaching the tens of Gigabit per second regime. In addition, reliable slow control systems will be developed to guarantee the safe operation of the developed systems. VHDL high performance algorithms and advanced hardware platforms are core parts of the HL-LHC trigger system since it is the meant to fully exploit the physics potential from the accelerator. The new trigger system will



1000-1500TByte/s over optical links to the underground service cavern and/or a HLT computing farm on the surface. RELATE To Electronics and DAQ WP of CAPSTONE and what we will do to address these issues – as specific as possible (Sandro /Johan)

be constructed from advanced processor boards, utilizing high-speed optical links for data transfer, and FPGAs for data processing, targeting for the most advanced high performance digital systems available in the market. Radiation tolerant design qualification will be addressed along with power system supplies. CAPSTONE is specifically focused on the development of Integrated Circuits (IC) the challenges include: smaller pixels to resolve tracks, much higher hit, unprecedented radiation tolerance, much higher output bandwidth, and large IC format with low power consumption in order to instrument large areas while keeping the material budget low. Sandro/Johan – we need specifics

Applications (WP5)

Muon tomography exploits the multiple scattering of cosmic ray muons by high-Z elements, e.g. special nuclear materials, to image those materials despite substantial radiation shielding. So far this has been implemented in the form of large stations that scan cargo such as shipping containers for nuclear contraband. Dosimentry State of the art

What CAPSTONE will bring about As specific as possible

We propose to mobilize this technology using compact micropattern gas detectors (MPGDs) so that muon tomography can be used in the field in a more nimble fashion. This mobile muon tomography (MMT) application would allow an operator to scan nuclear waste drums or caskets that are stored at nuclear facilities in situ instead of having to transport the nuclear waste first to a scanning station.



2.1.3 Methodological approach To achieve the envisioned advancements, the CAPSTONE research activities have been divided into five inter-related science and technology work packages (WPs)which are described below. Additional work packages on Management and Dissemination, Training and Knowledge Transfer and insertion of academia-industry events at appropriate junctures will ensure that the project aims are fully addressed. The work proposed in CAPSTONE covers: (1) the development of equipment for new detector technology and equipment that will be able to cope with future demands in detection capability and resolutions within radiation test facilities and high-end industrial applications, as well as (2) dissemination and (3) training. Below is a summary description of the scientific work packages; further technical details can be found in the WP descriptions. Information about training, technology transfer, dissemination and knowledge transfer activities are discussed in section XX of this proposal. The secondments of detector science experts in CAPSTONE will provide an integrated approach to meeting the common objectives listed in the WPs. The secondments are planned year by year and the main goals of the visits are linked to deliverables and milestones. The preparation and documentation of the visits will be prepared, approved and stored in a common data management system. Table X: Work Package List

WP no.

WP title Research activity No. of Person-months

Start month

End Month

1 Project management Management XXXX 1 48

2 Advanced Silicon and Pixel Detector R&D Research XXXX XXXX 48

3 Novel Gas Micro-Pattern Detector R&D Research XXXX XXXX 48

4 Development of Advanced Software Tools and Cloud Computing Services

Research XXXX XXXX 48

5 Detector Applications Research XXXX XXXX 48

6 High Density Electronics, DAQ Research XXXX XXXX 48

7 Training & knowledge transfer, dissemination & outreach

Training, dissemination

XXXX 1 48

WP2 Low-mass, radiation-hard silicon pixel and silicon strip detectors are needed for the upgrades and future detector systems at HL-LHC, ATLAS, CMS, ILC, CLIC and the next generation B or τ –factories. These will require sophisticated on detector processing such as time stamping, cluster finding, or inter-cell hit correlation. There are often competing demands for low-power, high-speed, cell density and radiation hardness. The current technology of choice is bump-bonded hybrid pixels with either planar or 3-D silicon. The future lies in Integrated CMOS, LGAD, packaging and high density interconnect (chip-to-chip, wafer-to-wafer), tilable solutions … increasing the granularity of tracking to reduce the ambiguity due to increased occupancy and pile up. Put a table of comparison of areas / requirements and technologies/CAPSTONE Tasks


CMS HL-LHC Infra in Asia? Infra in US?

CAPSTONE technical aim

1 Size of pixels - technology

2 Size of strips - technology

3 Number of pixel channels

4 Number of strip channels

5 Power / Cooling

6 ..

7 ..

WP3 Micro-pattern gas detectors (MPGDs) for charged particle tracking and muon detection are alternatives to pixel silicon vertex and tracking detectors. These low-mass detectors have the potential of economically covering large areas and providing high tolerance against radiation damage, high spatial resolution, and good time resolution. Future work is needed to reduce the readout cost by developing innovative signal induction structures to reduce cost, improve performance, and provide stability against electric breakdown. It is important to develop detectors with resistance to aging and radiation damage, as well as cost-effective MPGD construction techniques for large scale production. Novel solutions invented recently will also be followed up in projects NSW for ATLAS and the CMS Muon GEM Upgrade for HLHC, and have been



proposed for ILC and FCC Detectors. …. Put a table of comparison of areas / requirements and technologies/CAPSTONE Tasks



CAPSTONE technical aim

1 Technology – Surface Area

2 Rate capability

3 Discharge Capability

4 Integrated Dose capability



WP4 At the HL-LHC tracking data in the ATLAS and CMS experiments will be very challenging. In particular, pattern recognition will be very resource hungry, as extrapolated from current conditions. Cloud computing services, digital repositories, simulations and new machine learning methods: the orders of magnitude are: one million events, 10 billion tracks, 1 terabyte. Typical CPU time spent by traditional algorithms is 100s per event. The emphasis is to exploit innovative approaches, rather than optimising known approaches. Machine Learning has shown promise, with new approaches like Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Neural Net, Monte Carlo Tree Search

among others…. The techniques investigated under this WP will form the basis for future applications at CLIC, ILC and FCC too… and outside particle physics too XXXX.. Put a table of comparison of data volume / requirements and technologies/CAPSTONE Tasks

ATLAS CMS Data Volume CAPSTONE technical aim




4 FCC -ee

5 FCC -eh

6 FCC -hh

7 ..

WP5 Technologies developed in WP2, WP3, WP4 XXXX ….. safety and health applications … for example Mobile Muon Tomography for Monitoring Nuclear Waste Drums and Caskets in the field exploiting the multiple scattering of cosmic ray muons by high-Z elements, e.g. special nuclear materials, to image those materials despite substantial radiation shielding. So far this has been implemented in the form of large stations that scan cargo such as shipping containers for nuclear contraband. We propose to mobilize this technology using MPGDs so that muon tomography can be used in the field in a more nimble fashion. A table of state of the art / CAPSTONE Task / deliverables

Sensors Improved Senors Main advantage

CAPSTONE technical


1 Muon Tomography Wire Chambers MPGDs

2 Nuclear Waste Monitoring

3 Dosimetry Silicon Sensors




7 ..

WP6 Technologies developed in WP2-WP4 and applications as researched in WP5 need customized electronics and high-speed data acquisition systems. Radiation hardness of electronics and components must be improved, faster electronics is needed. Better triggering and faster data acquisition systems must also be designed. The addition of fast waveform sampling electronics will improve background rejection and particle identification….. A number of factors make Appl icat ion-speci f ic in tegrated c ircu i ts (ASICs) essential to HEP. These include small physical size: The space constraints of many detectors, most notably pixel vertex detectors, require custom microelectronics. Even when commercial electronics can be used, small ASICs can often be positioned closer to the sensor than would otherwise be possible. This reduces input capacitance and



improves noise performance. XXXX





FCC ee hh

Requirement in Asia? Requirement in US?

CAPSTONE technical aim

1 Front end chip technology

2 Radiation Hardness specs

3 Dynamic Range

4 Data Processing speed

5 Fiber specs

6 Power /Cooling

7 ..

Low power dissipation: Radiation tolerance: low-noise high-dynamic-range amplification and pulse shaping digitization and digital data processing high-rate radiation-tolerant data transmission extreme radiation tolerance low power Relate the tasks to these… 2.1.4 Inter- and multi-disciplinarity of the CAPSTONE project Detector development is a very multidisciplinary field, covering microelectronics, electrical and mechanical engineering, XXXX, power systems and distribution, material science, sensor systems, alignment and stability as well as safety system, control and operation. Every aspect of the prototype detectors will be developed within the framework of R&D to yield optimal and cost-effective systems. Furthermore, four companies will participate in developing of sensors, resistive foils, power systems and the Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) semi-conductors needed to achieve the optimized readout with the detector technologies developed in the framework of this proposal. The development of data repositories is fundamental also to the countries in this network as they all have national programs based on this development, which can in future be taken further. As an example, there is a program called HIMALDOC which is a mountain sustainable development repository operating in Nepal. XXXX. It should also be noted that WP5 concerns research into how the discovered detector technologies in WP2-WP4 and WP6 could have relevance in the future development of several applications in domains like health, safety, security and communications. This means, that knowledge from these science domains on end-user needs, technical dimensions, resolution levels, integration into other technologies etc. will have to be considered. In other words: separate to the inherent complexity of detector development and installation in HEP, the future integration in various types of industrial applications requires that CAPSTONE also addresses issues like mechanical and electronic engineering, installation planning, scheduling and project management and monitoring. Information systems and project dissemination are also areas where exchange of expertise and knowledge is highly relevant. Secondments will therefore also include exchanges of experience and procedures related to technology transfer and innovation methods, from scientists, through laboratories and universities, to industry and commercial partners. Table X: XXXX


1 Sensors

2 Fabrication technologies

3 Simulation Software / Common Tools

4 Application to

5 Laboratory Infrastructures

6 Supervision

7 Training

8 Give more ideas

9 More ideas….



2.1.5 Gender aspects The Global Gender Gap 2016 report by the World Economic Forum shows that EU countries are well within the top-20 in relation to economic participation by women. Still, the overall percentage of women in science compared to men out of the total labour force is 2.8 (men: 4.1). As the European Commission’s SHE Reports 2012 and 2015 make clear, the gap of participation between women and men is bigger than in others. In the domain of physics, the percentage of women (compared to men) employed as scientist remains 30% (although increasing). In countries outside of Europe which are involved in CAPSTONE (excl. USA), the participation of women in the labour force (not to mention a specialist science domain like HEP) is significantly lower. Table X: Women in employment in the non-EU CAPSTONE partner countries

Non-European and Associated States countries participating in CAPSTONE

Global Gender Gap 2016 ranking according to women participation in employment

USA 45

Bangladesh 72

India 87

Sri Lanka 100

Nepal 110

Pakistan 143

Gender equality is high on the European Commission’s agenda and it is actively using the H2020 Programme to promote and foster a higher gender balance in research decision-making, in the composition of research teams and in the content of research activities. CAPSTONE recognizes the importance of initiatives like the ERA Stakeholder Platform and the Helsinki Group on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation and will incorporate suggestions provided by the Gender Equality in Academia and Research tool (GEAR-tool) to support the Commission’s efforts to increase the number of women working in HEP and more specifically: detector science. The target for women participation in CAPSTONE research groups, panels and committees is at least 35%. The project coordinator is a female CERN senior scientist from India. In WP7, a separate task has been dedicated to fostering interest and participation of women from the non-European countries participating in CAPSTONE in detector and ICT research. WP6 will also ensure that researchers from Europe being seconded to Asian partner countries through the other WPs, will – as part of training and outreach activities, emphasize the importance of having young women learn about the world of physics and the importance of detector technology in particular. Seconded researchers are expected to actively encourage the participation of female students and researchers at the local institution in the CAPSTONE research whilst they are there. The results of this task will be reported and analysed within WP7 in order to draw conclusions about best-practices. Irrespective of this, the consortium will attempt to promote additional women participation through a number of measures, so that over time the ratio of women scientists in senior management positions in the scientific field is increased. These measures include:

Recruitment: All participants in the consortium are required to promote equality of opportunity for the secondments of staff. As far as possible, women will be equally represented in the various research groups.

Employment: Conditions of employment may discriminate against employees with responsibilities for child care (in some cases this counts for both man and woman). Where possible and without detriment to the progress of the scientific programme, some flexibility in working hours or work locations will be allowed.

Monitoring: Gender outcomes of secondments of staff will be monitored by the Project Coordinator and reported in the periodic reports.

2.2 Quality and appropriateness of knowledge sharing among the participating organisations in light of the research

and innovation objectives The research WPs will be implemented by integrating the researchers into the appropriate groups and sections at the respective host institutes. As visiting scientists, they will participate in the research activities of their host, and during the secondments they will execute the predefined programme for their visit. An integrated part of the individual secondment working plans are the management/dissemination and training/knowledge transfer activities foreseen for the person being seconded. The main mode of knowledge sharing is implemented through joint research projects of seconded staff at the host institutions. This is accompanied by a series of trainings, schools and workshops at the host institutions, aimed at Early Stage Researchers, Experienced Researchers and Technical Staff. These activities will focus on scientific knowledge related to detector science but will also include knowledge transfer on technical/scientific project management tools and methods, and



languages. The knowledge transfer activities are managed and supported through WP7 but – in practice – they will be often implemented by the seconded researcher(s) at the host institute. As stated before, part of the knowledge transfer activities includes measures to ensure that female researchers at these institutions can participate in the trainings/workshops in order to learn about CAPSTONE participate (where possible) in the research as well. In total, 28 person-months of staff will be seconded from eight EU research institutes (this includes the university of Tel Aviv) to six Asian institutions and 384 person-months of staff from the Asian institutions will be seconded to the European beneficiaries. The division is skewed toward secondments into Europe, as CERN is – by default – the world’s HEP research nucleus with the largest technical facilities to perform advanced detector research. A further 53 person-months of secondments will take place from CAPSTONE beneficiaries to Indian HEP institutions (30 PM of those from Asian beneficiaries and 1 PM from a European company) and 45 PM will be from CAPSTONE beneficiaries to the two US participants (12 from Asian beneficiaries). US participation in the project is crucial for the success of the CAPSTONE, as both US institutions are the world leading experts in Silicon and Gaseous detector XXXX. Gaining knowledge from these two institutions will greatly benefit both the detector development effort for the L-LHC upgrade as well as add significant value for the European and Asian particle physics strategies. WP7 is responsible for ensuring that the secondments of researchers to host institutions is well organized, so that they can focus on their scientific and knowledge transfer tasks. WP7 will manage and organize (together with the host institutions) all key tasks related to the preparation of the secondments and visits. This includes: housing, translation, dissemination, exchanges in the areas of management, purchasing, industrial interactions and innovation studies, and human resources. WP6 will ensure that the visiting researchers are prepared (through provision of supporting dissemination materials; organisation of trainings and dissemination events) for the training and dissemination activities at the host institutions. Table X below provides an overview of the planned local training and development programme. The trainings comprise four types of courses: (1) Technical training: More than 8 trainings in small groups in management, communication (incl. language training) and technological courses; (2) Academic training: XXX lectures in academic topics presented by international experts; (3) XXX Summer schools with special academic training on XXX and XXX delivered by the seconded researchers and/or other international experts invited by CAPSTONE; (4) Graduate level schools: 4 for HEP, which allow in some cases to earn credits towards a PhD. Where possible and feasible, researchers and students from institutions in neighboring countries are encouraged to participate in these trainings as well. In addition, CAPSTONE will organize a series of technical workshops at the host institutions and CAPSTONE-wide events. These are also shown in table X. Dissemination of knowledge from the consortium towards the outside world is addressed in section X on Impact. Table X: Overview of planned schools, technical workshops and conferences

Year Location7

2019 2020 2021 2022 Details/Deliverables Local Coordinators


Region 1 CAPSTONE Detector Workshop - 1

CAPSTONE Conference on Societal Application 1

CAPSTONE Collaboration Meeting III

CAPSTONE Instrumentation Conference II

WP6 Participants


Region 2 Conference on CAPSTONE & HEP Project Applications -1

CAPSTONE Detector Workshop - 2

CAPSTONE Education and Outreach Event IV

CAPSTONE Conference on Societal Application 2 Academia-Industry Interface

Region 3 Conference on CAPSTONE & HEP Project Applications -2

CAPSTONE Detector Workshop - 3

CAPSTONE Collaboration Meeting IV

Region 4 CAPSTONE Education and Outreach

CAPSTONE Collaboration Meeting II

Conference on CAPSTONE & HEP

7 Region 1: ASIA; Region 2: North EU (B, UK, LT); Region 3: South EU (IT, ES); Region 4: USA; Region 5: CERN



Event I Project Applications -3

Region 5 CAPSTONE Collaboration Meeting I

CAPSTONE Education and Outreach Event II

Conference on CAPSTONE & HEP Project Applications -4 Leading to Links with future projects

2.3 Quality of the proposed interaction between the participating organisations The need and opportunity for interaction between all participating organisations in CAPSTONE is high. The technologies to be researched are not only complex and require expertise from several domains, but the research approach and findings will also need to conform to the planned technical specifications for the HL-LCH upgrade and other (national) detector-related projects of national importance. Furthermore, it is the intention of the CAPSTONE consortium to also investigate the applicability, levels of efficiency and usability of new detector technology across several societal/industrial application areas and this will require close collaboration between various research groups. Lastly, the project has been conceived specifically to strengthen the research capacity of the participating institutions in Asia, so that these Asian countries, who are already either Member or Observer in CERN can continue to strengthen their research position inside the organisation and thus reap maximum benefits from their membership. In other words: there is high interest on all sides to engage on collaborative research and knowledge transfer. The interaction will take the following forms:

The kick-off meeting will be attended by all project participants and is meant to emphasize the aims of the project, the envisioned technical results from the planned research activities in the host institutions, the approach for the secondments and the set-up of the training programme and workshops.

The coordinator (together with respective WP-leaders) will ensure that CAPSTONE research progress features in meetings related to the HL-LHC upgrade, ILC/ FCC meetings as well as in meetings related to national particle physics strategies of the beneficiary countries fully aligned with CERN, INFN and discussions on the European Strategy for particle physics.

Four Instrumentation Conferences and two Societal Applications Conferences will be organized over the 4-year project period. These conferences will be spread over several beneficiary host institutions and open to a wide community for the purpose of enabling knowledge transfer and exchange of ideas between Early Stage and Experienced Researchers from the Beneficiaries, Partner Organizations, industry stake-holders and other members of the global academic and industrial research community.

At least 4 WP-specific specialist workshops will be held for assessment of scientific progress in the subject, discussion and development of next action plans and future directions in the scientific area. These workshops will coincide with the Summer Schools, so that Early Stage Researchers not directly involved in the CAPSTONE research can still join and benefit from the discussions.

o Workshop 1 will focus on XXXX (location: XXXX, organised by XXXX); o Workshop 2 will focus on XXXX (location: XXXX, organised by XXXX); o Workshop 3 will focus on XXXX (location: XXXX, organised by XXXX); o Workshop X will focus on XXXX (location: XXXX, organised by XXXX).

Further workshops may be planned depending on need.

Two dedicated workshops (part of the dissemination activities) will be held to discuss requirements, capabilities and application-specific industrial use of the expected/achieved scientific results. These workshops, which are open to the global industrial community working with/on detection & imaging technologies, are intended to showcase the technical achievements but also jointly define pathways for integrating findings into future commercially attractive products and services in several domains. The workshops will each last 2 full days.



3 Impact 3.1 Enhancing the potential and future career prospects of the staff members Whilst breakthrough innovation is driven by a desire to anticipate emerging or future needs, many of the technologies that result in breakthrough innovations have their roots in fundamental science. They trigger transformations in the way we think about societally challenging issues or identify solutions that will have real impact on people’s lives. The fundamental science that lies behind these innovations generates broadly applicable insights into many promising new directions for research. In the Strategic Research Agendas of European Technology Platforms such as Nanofutures, Photonics21, SusChem, euRobotics, SmartGrids and others, the importance of Detection & Imaging technologies as key enablers for innovations in their respective sectors is clearly visible. A recent Frost & Sullivan report also confirms that Detection & Imaging technologies are particularly important enablers for most of the converging technological families (e.g. medical devices, sensors & automation, materials, biotechnology, microelectronics, ICT). Detection & Imaging technologies also create bridges between these families, from sensors to (big) data processing technologies. The report argues that almost all future major scientific advancements, technical applications, commercially interesting products or businesses targeting an upcoming Societal Challenge will be enabled by cutting-edge Detection & Imaging technologies. It forecasts that Detection & Imaging technologies touch a direct annual market of more than $100 billion8. From the above, it is clear that detection technologies have enormous career prospects for anyone – scientists, engineers, technicians – working in this field. The potential that detector technologies generate in terms of new industrial knowledge is part of the reason why so many countries in the world have joined CERN and similar international collaborations and have dedicated Technology Transfer Specialists stationed there. The advancements in detector technologies are driven by the desire of these facilities to work at the frontiers of science. One can therefore rightfully argue that seconded researchers will gain long-lasting career benefits from CAPSTONE’s research projects. In addition, as this is a relatively large collaboration with many exchanges as well as training opportunities, they will be able to build and expand to a substantial international network of colleagues and partners in their own field of research from around the world and understand what it is like to work on different continents, with different cultures, across different sectors and with different research approaches. The hands-on experience they gain through this project will help them to push the boundaries of science (and innovation!) in detector technology. World-renowned European and American experts will support their Asian colleagues to obtain new skills in managing large projects. With these skills, these researchers will be in a better position to turn their national particle physics strategy into a reality. Many of the secondments will be young researchers (e.g. Early Stage Researchers) coming from the Asian beneficiary countries. They will use their secondments to gain and use new technical insights, but also to improve their self-management skills language, cultural and social skills within an international environment. They will work in unique research facilities that will give them unique insight in the international collaborations between world-leading research facilities and also between academic and industrial partners. This expansion of their professional network will be of high importance to their future development and career perspectives. The industry partners are very interested in CAPSTONE, as they are hoping to also gain new insights that will put them in a position to have appropriate technologies (like TCAD CMOS and LGAD Sensors and mature FTM) available for the time when the upgrades and new installation developments begin. In particular the Indian partner company hopes to be able to become a future supplier to CERN of foils and FPGAs and also offer its novel semi-conductor technology toward the constructing the XXXX in India (foreseen by 20XX). The Early Stage Researchers will thus be able to experience first-hand how industrial research planning and budgeting works. For reference: 67% of PhD students from CERN find their careers in industry9. Experienced researchers will benefit from the secondments as this allows them to engage in collaborative cutting-edge science with other senior staff. Working within the CAPSTONE research setting, combined with a programme of workshops and dissemination, gives the researchers the opportunity to test out ideas, learn from each other, present findings and engage with a wider network of peers. The participation in this project by the two world-leading US institutes in silicon (UC) and gas detector (FIT) is a guarantee of the high standard of research that will take place and the high research ambitions overall. This will benefit the experienced researchers in their further career within their respective institutions and increase their international visibility. As already described at the beginning of this chapter, expertise in Silicon sensors and MPGDs is also much sought after in industrial laboratories focused on research ranging from diagnostics and robotic medical applications, imagery, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, data mining, Cloud Computing up to materials science. The unique portfolio of technical and transferable skills the participating researchers will gain through the CAPSTONE network will thus help them to advance to leading positions in research, development, design, test,

8 Frost & Sullivan, “2015 Top Technologies in Sensors & Control (Technical Insights) - Sensors technologies that will have the highest impact in 2015”, May 2015, p. 89. 9



engineering, consultancy and management in fundamental or applied research. The new knowledge gained from CAPSTONE may also lead some of the researchers to consider starting-up their own business. Below is a non-exhaustive list of technical expertise which the experienced researchers will acquire during the 4 years that the project takes to complete: MAKE a list of software / hardware / simulation packages / tools / languages / sensor characterizations …. That researchers will benefit from

How Silicon and gas radiation detectors work;

Fast sensor developments;

Requirements, challenges for HL-LHC Upgrades and how to tackle them;

Large Area, highly granular sensitive devices;

What is needed for sustained operations at the frontier experiments;

Skills on R&D techniques in detector development;

Electronics related to the sensors and R&D techniques;

Software and Computing;


XXXX 3.2 Developing new and lasting research collaborations, achieving transfer of knowledge between participating

organisations and contribution to improving research and innovation potential at the European and global levels The CAPSTONE project capitalises on one of the largest existing research infrastructures, the LHC at CERN in Geneva. The LHC was approved in 1994 and is expected to operate, including the luminosity upgrade programme until 2030-35. Whilst the HL-LHC upgrade is already well in its planning phase, further projects are of similarly long timescales and similar long-term collaborations can be expected. In addition, we are witnessing the start of development of facilities elsewhere in the world, like in India (XXXX) and XXXX. Given the complexity and the cost of development, it is very much in the interest of all to build capacity through prolonged knowledge exchange and exchanges between facilities. CAPSTONE fosters this exchange of ideas and expertise between institutes on three continents in an area with high potential for future fundamental research as well as applied research. The overall aim of the proposed staff exchange programme is to extend, enhance and strengthen established collaborations between the European, Asian and US partners who have initiated the creation of a community-driven knowledge base for the development for new detector technologies needed to achieve the ambitions in HEP. As shown in Table XX, this staff exchange programme is a direct consequence of the European and the various national strategies on Particle Physics and refers to vital components of the strategy elements and promises significant impact on them. The participating institutes have clearly stated their high priority for the staff exchange programme and the overall interest to realise the potential of the CAPSTONE project to its full extent is guaranteed. The European Research Area Vision 2020 stated that the ERA “should provide a seamless area of freedom and opportunities for dialogue, exchange and interaction open to the world.” European research institutions are called to provide attractive working conditions for researchers from all parts of the world, in the framework of a single labour market that enables mobility between countries and sectors (Council of the EU, Dec. 2008). Taking it one step further and thus being fully in line with the Commission’s more recent publication “Open Innovation – Open Science – Open to the World” (European Commission, 2016), the CAPSTONE project is a true outward looking approach based on mutual benefit to exchange information freely and openly. The underlying consortium of fourteen European and seventeen partners from Asia and the USA enables free circulation of research staff, knowledge and technology and it creates long-lasting collaborations which will benefit current and future researchers at the institutions involved. As detector technology is widely considered a key-enabler for breakthrough innovations in many different (applied) areas, the expectation is that in particular young researchers will be active in shaping this path for global collaboration. 3.2.1 Self-sustainability of the partnership after the end of the project As already stated, the countries in which the CAPSTONE participants are located, are all either Observer or Member of the CERN Council and thus have a vested interest in a strong participation by their institutes in research taking place at CERN in the context of the upgrade programme. CERN’s LHC programme is planned to last well into the 2035 and beyond and during this time there will be an almost constant need from the world-wide particle physics community to have more sophisticated (in terms of tracking and timing with tens of µm spatial and picosecond timing XXXX and resolution) detector systems. The knowledge to be generated in CAPSTONE as part of the HL-LHC upgrade programme will also be of vital importance with a view to the future construction of the ILC (foreseen in Japan). Furthermore, as countries like India and



XXXX are planning to build their own XXXX facilities, it appears logical and economical to make use of an already established network of detector experts like the one created by CAPSTONE. The continuation of the collaborations in these other, national, research efforts will thus also bring back new knowledge and insights for European institutions which can be used both for fundamental and applied research projects. 3.2.2 Contribution of the project to the improvement of the research and innovation potential XXXX 3.3 Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the action results The CAPSTONE project aims are closely tied to the aims and research priorities listed in the various national and European Strategies on Particle Physics discussed in section 2.1.2. Planning and development pathways for major facility upgrades and the building of new facilities (e.g. ILC or FCC e+e-) are very long and undergo a long process of political, technical and financial scrutiny and approval. For the HL-LHC upgrades of ATLAS and CMS during 2025-2035, the technical design reports containing specifications have already been completed and they form – in fact – the basis for the technical WP descriptions of CAPSTONE. The participating Asian institutes (representing their countries which are Associate members or non-member states of CERN) need CAPSTONE so they can also consolidate and claim leadership roles in these upgrades during production, validation, installation and commissioning continuing development during the whole upgrade implementation. It also prepares these institutes for taking similar leadership rolls during the (further or expanded) implementation of large national experiments or projects. ILC and FCC leadership roles and much improved engagement, contribution and impact will follow naturally. Furthermore, one of the reasons for many countries to participate in global research initiatives like CERN, is that they expect that some of the supporting technologies necessary to achieve the frontier science aim, can be used by their own industry, either as supplier to CERN (example: Power Systems, FPGA boards), or to national research facilities or as part of a further applied research programme leading to new societal products and services. Will give examples of recent actions 3.3.1 Exploitation of results In WP7 a detailed Exploitation Plan for the project results will be developed. Work on the Exploitation Plan will start as of month 12 of the project, as first technical results within the various scientific WPs (WP2-WP4, WP6) emerge and WP5 (applications) is using first results from the other WPs to investigate the technical parameters and usage conditions in societal applications. The development of the plan will target and involve the participation of:

XXXX Committees responsible for planning and assessment of technology levels relevant to the HL-LHC upgrade10;

Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) at the host institutions who have links to potentially interested scientific and industry parties in their own country who are looking for next-generation detector technologies. For example, a XXXX system might have value to other XXXX-type facilities, for example XXXX and XXXX. The TTO’s are also best placed to identify possible exploitable spin-offs;

Many CAPSTONE partners (e.g. beneficiaries and partner organisations) already have contacts and on-going collaborations with for example XXXX instrumentation companies in XXXX and XXXX. These contacts will also be used to discuss possible commercial applications for CAPSTONE results;

the project’s industrial partners and potential end-users identified out of WP5;

the project coordinator, who will take responsibility for identifying and defining conditions and/or restrictions for future industrial commercialisation in line with the Consortium Agreement.

The Exploitation Plan will outline (non-exhaustive summary):

an analysis of the research results toward use in future (fundamental) academic environments;

an assessment of and communication approach for possibly interested public stake-holders (national governments, research institutes, existing research facilities);

10 Please note that the technical requirements and specifications for the HL-LHC have recently been submitted to XXXX. This means that the technologies

needed for HL-LHC are – by themselves – not dependent on the technical outcomes of the CAPSTONE project. However, CAPSTONE is meant to enable researchers from Asia to participate fully and take leadership role in those HL-LHC activities whilst also contributing to the further exploration of technical possibilities beyond the upgrade itself.



a technical description for several societal detector concept developments (post-project) which can be used to define further applied research leading to upscaling of the technology readiness level and ultimately toward commercialisation;

a first description of certification and standardization issues of (aspects of) the integrated technology. The Plan will be regularly updated as the dissemination actions increase interest from public stakeholders and companies across the world. The exploitation plan will also further detail (from the Consortium Agreement between the Beneficiaries and the Partnership Agreement between all partners, including the TCs) the agreements between consortium members regarding exploitation issues (i.e. IP ownership; see also section 3.3.3). It will mainly reflect procedures for defining and handling the background knowledge and include the conditions and process by which the consortium members may grant external access to the developed to meet demand. It will also cover exploitation restrictions, options for future licensing arrangements and further specifications concerning the IP rights management (in as far this is not already covered by the Consortium Agreement or the Partnership Agreement). Link to INFN, FIT dissemination plans 3.3.2 Data Management In WP1 a Data Management Plan (DMP) will be prepared. The plan will show how research data across the different WPs is captured, processed and stored and the data management life cycle of data generated and used during and after the project. Data will be generated and collected according to standards relevant to the activity. This approach will help to ensure that cross-referencing of project results (which is complex in a project with many partners across several continents and inside local research groups) is possible. The DMP will list which kinds of data will be produced, what the data-acquisition process (when, from where to where and how) and further processing (software, algorithms, workflows) steps. Also, data formats, back-up procedures, extra security measures to protect (the integrity of) data and quality and control will be described to ensure the best possible use of the gathered data. Lastly, the DMP will clearly describe management responsibilities for the data. Where a particular WP task involves the testing of prototypes, a specific set of protocols will be followed concerning data collection, analysis, storage and use of data in primary and secondary analysis during and after the project. This ensures that all raw data remains available for assessment in line with requirements set by the HL-LHC upgrade programme. Technical data generated by CAPSTONE will be centrally stored in a dedicated database at CERN. CERN has extensive experience as a central repository for archiving (incl. redundancy infrastructure) also after project-end. The CAPSTONE beneficiaries and project partners will access and be able to download data via a secure connection. The DMP will outline which part of the data will be accessible only to CAPSTONE participants and which part may be open also to others. Company sensitive data may be stored at the participating companies in as far as the information does not compromise the development of the technology as such (e.g. project progress / deliverables). Further information is also available in section 7.4. 3.3.3 Dissemination strategy for project results The project results will be disseminated to scientific audiences and industrial stakeholders in several ways:

CAPSTONE workshops and conferences will – by default – be open to any interested public or private stakeholders. These events will be used to highlight technical progress in the development of XXXX and XXXX and discuss needs for further collaborative research within and between the WPs. During these sessions, stakeholders will get an understanding of the level and speed of progress and the approaches taken to develop XXXX. For companies, this will be an opportunity to understand where and how they could align their own research in order to be able to participate in the actual HL-LHC upgrade programme as a potential supplier;

CAPSTONE results will be made public through the Technology Transfer Offices and Communication Offices of all participating institutions in order to generate further interest in detector research at national level and to use the newly gained knowledge by the institute(s) in that research;

Considering the fact that the detector research is meant to address the detection speeds and resolutions of HL-LHC áfter the upgrade, it is clear that CAPSTONE technical results within WP2-WP6 will generate a significant number of scientific publications to open access repositories (both 'Green and Gold Open Access’. Costs to cover Open Access will be covered by the respective host institution) and in renowned journals, with many opportunities for participating researchers to present the findings in international conferences on Instrumentation. Some examples of targeted journals and conferences are given below:



Targeted journals Targeted conference participation as speaker



Please add EPS

XXXX Vienna Instrumentation Conference

XXXX MPGD Conference series

XXXX Tracking Conference series

Please note that several of the work package leaders and key partner scientists (see Participant List in section 7) are also either editor or reviewer in the mentioned journals. Add names 3.3.4 Intellectual property rights aspects Intellectual Property (IP) rights management will be described in detail in two documents: the Consortium Agreement (between the beneficiaries) and the Partnership Agreement (between the Beneficiaries and the Third Countries), which will be signed by all the beneficiaries and partner organisations from the TCs before the start of the project implementation. The two documents will be largely the same, but may have specific clauses depending on specific requirements in certain Third Countries. The basis for dealing with IP in the Consortium Agreement and the Partnership Agreement is the current DESCA template will be adapted to the particular nature of MSCA projects. The agreements will include provisions on liability toward each other, the governance structure and project-internal decision-making structure & responsibilities, voting rules & dispute settlements, financial provisions (in the Consortium Agreement: ‘pooling’ of MCSA RISE host organisation funds), access rights for background knowledge and exploitation as well as confidentiality clauses. Pre-existing background knowledge to the different research tasks in CAPSTONE will also be listed in the Agreement. Any background IP not included in the list will be automatically excluded from project use, although a partner has an option to add background knowledge during the project for the achievement of the project. Such inclusion of background will always be recorded in writing by the rights holder. Any foreground knowledge created during the project’s implementation at a host organisation will be vested to - and owned by - the host organization. 3.4 Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the action activities to different target audiences Nathia Gali School in Pakistan XXXX 3.4.1 Communication strategy Internal and external communication in a large international project like this requires a well-balanced and culturally sensitive strategy. WP7 will be responsible for the design of the internal and external communication plans, the main project messaging and the production of supporting dissemination materials. However, for the execution of the communication activities WP7 will liaise closely with the communication departments and TTOs at the host institutions, so that the seconded researchers, who implement many of the communication/dissemination activities whilst they are there (e.g. trainings, workshops, visits etc.) are well prepared. This is as important for European researchers going to Asia/US and for Asian researchers returning from their secondments and wanting to communicate about what they have done at their host institution/company. The strategy will be based on the following two objectives:

1. maximising the exposure of research results obtained through this international collaboration; 2. maximizing the opportunity for seconded researchers and their host institutions from Asia to establish themselves as leaders in

XXXX and XXXX in their country/region. The project coordinator will support WP6 in monitoring the success and effectiveness dissemination & communication activities, especially in as far as it concerns project’s aims on promoting gender balance in the science field (see section 2.1.5 for details). 3.4.2 Communication, dissemination & outreach In WP7 a detailed communication and dissemination plan will be developed. This plan will be comprehensive and also take into account regional differences (countries, host institutions) in communication and dissemination practices. The aim of the internal communication plan is to ensure that communication between the CAPSTONE project partners is optimal. Communication relates to efficient distribution and delivery of project-related documents, reports and minutes. A



section of the CAPSTONE project website will only be accessible to the project members so that information can be quickly shared and organised. The external communication plan will describe how the project will highlight the CAPSTONE pathway for the development of the XXXX and XXXX technology in an audience-specific manner (e.g. different styles of messages and channels according to the type of audience. See Table X below for details). The overall key-message for stakeholders will be that “CAPSTONE is a project which uses a truly global approach toward developing the next generation detector technology which addresses the needs of frontier XXXX science ánd deliver more sophisticated detection & imaging capability to companies who develop societal applications of the future.” The sub-message to each target group will be refined/modified during the lifetime of the project. Plan will be drawn up in a way that fully acknowledges the ownership of the research results by the respective research group/host institution. The outreach programme is a plan for reaching and informing different non-scientific audiences of society. This activity is considered to be highly important, as the purpose of WP5 is to develop various technologies that will be incorporated into products that may directly benefit the larger society at some point in the future. WP6 will prepare the outreach plan and design supporting materials, but the organisation and finetuning of activities at host institution level (e.g. in the different countries) will take place in close collaboration with the respective host institution’s communication office. Having said this, the main outreach channel for the project will be websites (a central website on the project and sub-pages on host-institution websites), social media and articles in newspapers and popular science magazines. Together with the local host institution’s communication office, WP6 will also plan for public evening lectures, guided tours and visitor programmes to the research group and open days for the public at all participating research institutions. Furthermore, seconded researchers will be asked to communicate their enthusiasm in science to high school and university students (either during their secondments or when they are back at their home institute), in particular to female students to make them aware of the study and career opportunities in the field. A of possible target group categories and the communication approach for target group is shown in Table X below: Table X: Headline overview of dissemination strategy toward different audiences

Target audience Type of message / content

Intended outcome of the dissemination

Medium for communications

Planned timing of communications

HEP science community

• quantified aims of Capstone; • project approach through large-scale

secondment collaborations; • technical progress

• alignment with other research; • Exchange and network building

opportunities through the workshops;

• expansion & continuation of the collaboration network;

• increased leadership potential of Asian countries in HEP projects;

• new opportunities for projects in Asian partner countries.

• workshops; • conferences; • publications.

• throughout the project (workshops, conferences and publications as progress is achieved)

Science community in related fields (astrophysics, XXXX) interested in new detector technologies

• quantified aims of Capstone; • project approach through large-scale

secondment collaborations; • technical progress.

• alignment with other research; • exchange and network building

opportunities through the workshops;

• transfer of knowledge to other science domain(s).

• workshops; • conferences; • publications.

• throughout the project (workshops, conferences and publications as progress is achieved)

Science communities in the applications areas (WP5)

• envisioned technical aims in detector instrumentation & relevance for targeted applications;

• alignment of research in application area.

• technology transfer opportunities; • exchange and network building

opportunities through the workshops.

• application-specific workshops;

• conferences; • publications.

• throughout the project (workshops, conferences and publications as progress is achieved)

Policy-makers on national particle physics strategies & projects

• technical results relevant to achieving the national strategy.

• benefits of increased knowledge exchange through exchange programme;

• embedding CAPSTONE results and increased national capacity in further HEP project planning.

• Strengthening relevance of CERN for national ambitions + strengthening commitment to CERN.

• conferences; position papers;

• technical papers; • workshop; • site visits.

• at the start of the project + from M36 onward as results from all WPs become visible and can be linked to national strategies.



Target audience Type of message / content

Intended outcome of the dissemination

Medium for communications

Planned timing of communications

Policy-makers & regulators active in the applications areas

• technical results relevant to national research strategies in the application areas

• alignment of national strategies in application areas with results from CAPSTONE;

• relevance of applications for solving concrete problems (see radiation waste scanning)

• conferences; position papers;

• technical papers.

• As results from WP5 become visible and relevant to national industries for future up-take

Specialist science media

• detector technology as key-enabler for fundamental science and application-driven R&D.

• highlighting progress and potential of detector instrumentation;

• relevance of fundamental science for solving societal issues.

• visits to facilities; • interviews; • website; • social-media.

• throughout the project.

Higher education community / students

• interest in HEP and detector technology in particular as a possible future career.

• increased interest in physics and HEP/detector technologies in particular;

• increased uptake of physics studies and future careers, esp. by young women;

• building bigger science and industry communities related to detector technology, to increase local career perspectives;

• visit to local university;

• visits to facility; workshops;

• website; • online video; • social-media.

• throughout the project.

General media • detectors as enabling technology ‘’to make ‘life better”;

• good use of tax-payer money; • Increase interest in science.

• fundamental science expenditure is good for society and economic growth and jobs.

• press release (in particular at local hosts);

• website.

• at start of the first secondm. and at completion of secondments (local activity).

General public • detectors as enabling technology ‘’to make ‘life better”;

• good use of tax-payer money; • Increase interest in science.

• fundamental science expenditure is good for society and economic growth and jobs.

• website; • online video.

• throughout the project.



4 Quality and efficiency of the implementation 4.1 Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources 4.1.1 Work Plan Table B2: Work Package Description

Work package number 1 Start Date or Starting Event M1

Work package title Project Management

Participant number 1

Short name of participant CERN

Person/months per participant:


Manage the project in a fair and transparent manner, ensuring that the project deliverables are met in an integrated and timely fashion.

Manage the proper implementation of Work Plan, DMP, achievement of objectives, deliverables and milestones & facilitation of results dissemination (together with WP6).

Enable coherence between WPs and ensure effective communication between members of the consortium

Efficient management of the Consortium Agreement and the Partnership Agreement, project- and/or security sensitive data and IPR.

Monitoring and ensuring on-time delivery of scientific and financial reports & effective communication with the Commission.

Description Efficient and effective management is critical to the success of any project, but certainly to one which involves a significant number of secondment and training/workshop activities across multiple continents. To this end an appropriate management structure, which is effective, fair and transparent, has been designed. The CAPSTONE management structure will ensure that the WPs fully capitalize on the expertise and researcher interaction in/from each participating organization and that progress and results are shared effectively. The Coordinator (CERN) will fulfil all tasks as required by the EC and will act as the primary contact point for the EC. The Coordinator is supported by a project office, manned by financial, administrative and legal CERN specialists. The tasks of the Project Coordinator are described in more detail in section 4.2.1. T1.1: Financial and administrative project management, including DMP, reporting and monitoring (CERN) This task concerns the management of scientific progress and financial, administrative and legal obligations of the project (incl. reporting) and the development of the Data Management Plan (DMP). For details on the DMP see section 3.3.2. The coordinator will monitor scientific task implementation across the project and take – if necessary – mitigating actions to keep the project in line with timing and budget. T1.2: Scientific progress monitoring of WPs and quality management (CERN) The coordinator will ensure that the project runs smoothly and follows the agreed timelines for achievement of scientific deliverables & milestones, the secondment programme for researchers, the training/workshops (the latter in support of WPX) and reporting. The coordinator will be the primary contact point for the EC Project Officer and stream-line all information from and to partners. T1.3: Organization of project meetings (CERN) A kick-off meeting will be held at the start of the project to confirm all scientific tasks, researcher secondments, responsibilities and timings. Also the participation and roles in the different committees and boards will be chosen e.g. affirmed. This will ensure that the project gets off to a good start. T1.4: Coordination of legal issues, protection of Intellectual Property aspects and project risk management (CERN) As described in sections XX (Management structure) and XX (IPR), the coordinator will ensure that legal issues pertaining to the scientific project results are dealt with in line with what has been agreed in the Consortium Agreement and the Partnership Agreement. The coordinator is also responsible for the timely identification of risks to the project deliverables (see also “Project Risk table 3.2B”) or changes to the secondment programme and initiate mitigation actions.




Please note that scientific, administrative and financial progress reports are not listed here as deliverables, because they are an integral part of the Grant Agreement. Reporting must follow EC internal reporting systems and can therefore not be listed as deliverable. D1.1: Agenda & minutes of kick-off meeting and all other project meetings (WP-meetings, board meetings etc.) (M2, M48) D1.2: Data Management Plan + updates (M3, M12, M24, M36) D1.3: IPR and Risk Assessment Plan + updates (M6, M18, M36)

Work package number 2 Start Date or Starting Event Month X

Work package title Advanced Silicon and Pixel Detector R&D

Participant number 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 17 25 28 29

Short name of participant



























Person/months per participant:

Objectives In future hadron collider experiments, as anticipated for the FCC-hh, solid-state detectors for tracking and calorimetry will face

unprecedented challenges. The increased instantaneous and integrated luminosity translates into extreme particle fluxes per

bunch crossing and up to two orders of magnitude higher radiation levels compared to present requirements. Development of

finer granularity detector technologies with increased radiation hardness are required to cope with the particle rate and to

withstand the radiation environment. As experience shows that the lead-times for such developments is very long, targeted

detector developments and tests to evaluate existing detectors to such high radiation levels are high priority already today in

order to enable the future collider programs.

New detector developments are under way to combine radiation hardness, fine granularity spatial resolution and precision timing

allowing for so-called 4D tracking detectors. With a time resolution in the order of few tens of picoseconds collisions with tiny

time difference within a single bunch-crossing can be distinguished and thus improve the rate capability of the detector. Low

Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) with intrinsic gain have shown to be a promising technology towards such detectors and will

be further developed within this WP along with an evaluation for potential other applications like beam monitors, time of flight

detectors, compton cameras, Positron emission tomography (PET) scanners, etc. Another area of development is aiming for

large area cost effective sensors. The FCC-hh outer tracker and any possible Si-W or Si-Pb particle flow EM calorimetry will

require very large area detectors with fine granularity coverage but radiation-hard to levels similar to HL-LHC outer pixels. Hybrid

detectors based on high-resistivity silicon (strips or pads) may struggle to meet the cost constraints for such large systems while

the revolution in radiation hard depleted monolithic active pixel sensors (DMAPS) present the possibility of exploiting commercial

CMOS Imaging Sensor (CIS) technologies with the required characteristics for use in such an environment. We will work with

vendors having large volume CIS capabilities to develop and test DMAPS meeting the requirements of the FCC-hh but with

costs making up to 10000 m2 of sensor area affordable. Exploration of stitching technologies will be an integral part of the

programme since large format sensors would greatly ease the practical construction considerations for such detectors.

The new detector concepts demand also novel powering schemes. The high-resolution devices that instrument the regions

closest to the interaction point need to be granular (large number of channels) and the readout electronics, deployed in low-

voltage 65nm technology, must be low noise (large polarization current of the preamplifier stage) and sustain extreme readout

rates (fast links). These requirements eventually result into very large low-voltage high-current power supply at the point of load.

The only approach to feed such power figures, O(50kW), into the heart of a high-energy physics experiment where the space is

limited, the radiation is huge and the material has to be kept at the minimum not to jeopardize the ultimate resolution on the

physics observables (impact parameter resolution and momentum resolution) is the serial powering concept. The serial powering

approach is unprecedented in large-scale high-energy physics experiments. Due to the limited experience, R&D is crucial either

on the front-end, where specific circuitry needs to be implemented on the readout chip, either on the back-end, where a new

generation multichannel power supply system with high-resolution high-granularity controls, possibly resilient to radiation and

magnetic field, is needed. Special care is also needed in the distribution of the HV for the sensor bias due to the peculiar



grounding configuration intrinsic of a serial powering scheme.

Specific objectives

2.1: Characterize and model radiation damage to solid state detectors after extreme particle fluences

2.2: Develop radiation hard fine granularity precision timing detectors

2.3: Develop radiation hard low cost and large area detectors for tracking and calorimetry

2.4: Design and prototype a radiation hard serial powering system for high granularity silicon detectors


Task 2.1: Extreme particle fluence operation (UoB, CERN, VU, TAU, IITM)

We will expose silicon detectors and semiconductor materials to radiation levels corresponding to the highest expected FCC-hh

levels, characterize the radiation damage and device performance degradation and build radiation damage models dedicated

to optimize detector developments and detector operation. This includes the characterization, testing and modelling of radiation

damage to the detectors developed in Task 2.2. and Task 2.3.

Task 2.2: Precision timing detectors (IMB, CERN, UCAN, VU)

Fine granularity precision timing detectors based on the LGAD concept will be designed, simulated with Technology Computer

Aided Design (TCAD) tools and fabricated at the IMB production facilities. These include devices reduced inter-pad distance,

reduced edge space, shallower p-doping profile, variation of the doping density and two thicknesses (50 and 35 μm).

Experimental methods to measure the timing performance will be implemented and used to perform systematic studies for

device optimization.

Task 2.3: Low cost and large area detectors (UoB, HEPHY, IFAT, UOXF, IMB, DHA, IITM, NCP, …)

Sensor design optimization for large scale sensor production and development and implementation of quality monitoring and

yield improvement measures for the planar strip- and pad sensor-series-productions for the ATLAS and CMS Phase II upgrades.

Evaluation and development of Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) sensor technology for large area applications

in HEP Detectors targeting calorimetry but studying as well outer layer tracking detector applications.

Task 2.4: Power distribution (INFN, CARFID??)

The task consists in the development of the serial powering, a novel power distribution scheme, in all its aspects, from the

ancillary circuitry deployed on the readout electronics, to the HV distribution and the power supply system at the back-end.

Deliverables D2.1 Optimization of processing steps for LGAD (M8) D2.2 Source and beam measurements of test pixel detectors with capabilities to be configured as strips for outer tracking or

pads for calorimetry (M20) D2.3 Performance degeradation of existing detectors after highest fluences evaluated (M24) D2.4 Study of the Homogeneity of response and gain for segmented LGAD. Timing studies (M24) D2.5 Asses robustness and reliability of the serially powered system during normal operation with respect to instabilities,

noise induction, power-on, distribution and filtering of sensor biasing HV (M24) D2.6 Geometry impact on device performance and gain. Timing studies in Test-beams. (M42) D2.7 Characterization of radiation damage in newly developed detectors performed and benchmarked against newly

developed TCAD model (M42) D2.8 Measurements of test devices in technologies suitable for affordable large area implementation after irradiation to

doses expected at 1m radii in FCC-hh (M44) D2.9 System test:Validation of serial powering chain from backend to frontend in operation and failure situation (M44)

Work package number WP3 Start date or starting event M1

Work package title Novel Gas Micro-Pattern Detector R&D

Participant number XX

Participant short namen XX

Person-months per Participant XX



Main Objective

Development and Test of high rate capable MPGDs

Design, prototyping and test of Fast Timing detectors based on high rate capable MPGDs

Simulation of Resistive layers in MPGDs and implementation in current MPGD simulators

MPGDs have a proven track record of reliable operation under background rates of few MHz/cm2 at accelerator experiments [1,2,3]

and are currently being considered for upgrades of the muon system of the two multi-purpose experiments of the LHC: MicroMegas

(MMs) for ATLAS and Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) CMS as triggering and tracking devices [4,5]. Baseline MPGD designs

exist for both ATLAS and CMS experiments that satisfy the present experimental requirements. However, considering the high

rate exposure of these detectors together with the restricted access (only during Long Shutdowns of LHC, typically every 3-4 years)

for repairs and replacement, studies of the response stability (charging up), discharge probability and charge accumulation need

to be continued and modifications or new detector configurations may also be investigated, depending on the outcome of these


Future Hadron Colliders will operate at ever increasing collision rates, resulting in very stringent requirements on the time

resolution of the next generation gaseous detectors. Time resolutions of the order of 30 ps per track are required to distinguish

pile-up collisions, while sub-ns time resolutions are required for experiments at future colliders that will work at 200MHz bunch

crossing frequency. Recently [6,7] a patent was filed and published that would bring MPGD detectors to 100 ps resolution, by

dividing the drift gap in several micro-drift regions read out with resistive amplification structures based on GEM foils with a

resistive coating and that could easily be extended to cover large areas. This detector scheme is named the “Fast Timing


The challenges of the FTM design are twice: one the one hand one tries to time on the first ionization cluster, therefore gains

typically a factor ten higher than standard MPGDs are necessary, on the other hand this high gain should be obtained in a

single amplification stage. This can be achieved by simultaneously cranking up the single-stage gain together with the

development of more sensitive electronics that can discriminate and time-stamp signals an order of magnitude lower with

respect to signals from the current generation of MPGD detectors. The design of the FTM can be interleaved with photon

convertor layers such that the FTM design can detect photons with high spatial and time resolution, at high particle rates, but

with modest detection efficiency. The development of an economically affordable high-rate capable detector with 100ps time

resolution and 100 um spatial resolution with moderate photon detection efficiency would provide a boost for the development

of an economic full body Time-of-Flight (ToF)-PET scanner.

MPGDs are investigated as economical high rate capable alternatives to scintillators and silicon detectors as active readout

elements of sampling calorimeters and pre-shower detectors for Future Lepton Colliders (FCC-ee). Recently a high-rate

capable detector, the micro-RWELL [8] with a simplified construction and lower cost w.r.t. traditional MPGDs and is naturally

spark protected thanks to the use of resistive materials. The use of these detectors in a calorimetric high-rate environment

needs to be tested, while they can serve as muon detectors since the current state-of-the art already satisfy the criteria both in

terms of rate capability as time resolution.

Specific objectives

3.1: Simulation and test of high rate capable MPGDs

3.2: Design, simulation and test of Fast Timing detectors based on the high rate capable MPGDs

3.3: Prototyping and demonstration of working large area detectors in collaboration with CERN and Industry

3.4: Characterization of MPGD prototypes with test beam and Irradiation campaign to demonstrate their capabilities to

work for 20 years in high background environments



Description of Work

Task 3.1: Simulation of Resistive MPGDs [M1-M48] (SINP, VU)

The next generation of MPGDs that will be used in high-rate and high background environments will be MPGDs made of resistive

materials to prevent detector inefficiency, ageing and protect front-end electronics against discharges. However, the simulations

tools (GARFIELD) used today for the simulation of MPGDs cannot predict signals and charge distributions in detectors with

resistive materials. This task concentrates on the development of models with diffusion equations to describe the charge spread

and will integrate these models as a toolkit in the current suite of simulation tools (GARFIELD). Upon availability of data from

test beam campaigns with resistive detectors (Task 1.5) a data-simulation comparison will be performed.

Task 3.2: Development of FTM [M1-M48] (INFN, UGent)

The FTM relies on resistive high gain structures coupled to micro-drift gaps. New Flexible Cupper Clad Laminates (FCCLs) are

designed to allow double-mask etching of thicker (125um) polyimide foils, whereas currently only the single mask technique can

be used that is limited to 50um polyimide foils. These structures will allow to obtain an order of magnitude increase in gain,

necessary for efficiently detecting single ionization clusters of a minimum ionizing particle. COMSOL simulations of discharge

formation will assess the capabilities of the new materials and detector geometries to operate in a high gas gain regime.

Prototype detectors with those new FCCLs will be produced and tested with a UV laser at INFN and X-rays at CERN. Upon

obtaining an efficient detector, new FCCLs will be produced with different resistivity values and prototypes made with these

materials will be tested for their rate-capability and signal transparency with beams.

Task 3.3: Development of FTM for photon detection [M1-M48] (INFN, UGent, NISER)

The multilayer structure of the FTMs can easily be adapted to photon detection by the choice of appropriate photon convertor

materials. A GEANT 4 + GARFIELD simulation will be implemented to guide the final design of the detector, after which a GATE

simulation will be started to quantify the TOF-PET potentialities. A prototype will be built and tested first with charged particles

for gain, spatial and temporal resolution and later on with a proof-of-principle setup consisting of a 22Na source in coincidence

with a LYSO+SiPM reference detector.

Task 3.4: Prototyping of large area High Rate Capable MPGDs [M1-M48] (INFN, FIT)

The micro-RWELL detector has proven to be a robust MPGD that can economically instrument a large area. Generic R&D will be

performed on the construction parameters of the detector, investigating the possibilities to optimize the diameter and depth of the

wells, as well as different resistive materials. The charge spread and signal induction as function of the surface resistivity will be

measured. The rate capability of the detector thus far has only been measured with small prototypes using a pencil X-ray source.

In this task a large size micro-RWELL will be constructed and tested in beam and immersed in a high gamma radiation background

to measure the rate capability and efficiency.

Task 3.5: In-beam experiments, data analysis [M24-M48] (INFN, CERN, all)

Test beam experiments will be carried out using both preliminary and improved prototypes. The goal will be to demonstrate the

capability of the prototype detectors in terms of their rate capability, temporal and spatial resolutions. This will, naturally involve

large amount of data analysis, numerical simulation etc. Furthermore, prototype detectors will be tested in high radiation

environments both with and without beams to establish their performance after large irradiation doses on the one hand and to

demonstrate their efficiency to discriminate Minimum Ionising Particle (MIP) signals from an overwhelming background. Here

the groups working in the above three working packages will group their force together. Common test-beams will be established

where groups can mutually help each other with solving of practical problems.

Deliverables: D3.1: Implementation of charge spread and resistive signal induction in GARFIELD and benchmark vs data (M48) D3.2: Full characterization (efficiency, time resolution) of fast timing detector made of the thick FCCL foils (M48) D3.3: Measurement of photon detection efficiency of the Photon-FTM with 22Na source (M48) D3.4: full characterization (efficiency, spatial resolution) of the optimized micro-RWELL (M48) D3.5: test beam measurements of FTM and micro-RWELL (M48)

Work package number WP4 Start date or starting event M1

Work package title Development of Machine Learning Tools and High Efficiency Cloud Computing




Participant number 1 17 13 2 16 15 18

Participant short name CERN NCP UOR-SL INFN UMAU KATU PNTE

Person-months per Participant 0 24 24 0 12 ? 6

Main Objective WP4 will increase the IT functionality and capacity available to the physics community in the areas of compute (analysis, reconstruction and simulation), data management and develop innovative machine learning tools capable of extracting and classifying features in physics data. The researchers involved will benefit from focused training by world-renowned experts that they can disseminate to undergraduates at the participating universities. The activities will promote open science by facilitating access to state-of-the-art IT resources and information. Specific objectives

4.1: advanced cloud computing and data management services developed that extend the range of domains in HEP where they can be employed

4.2: machine learning framework developed that can exploit advanced cloud computing features

4.3: combination of advanced cloud computing services and machine learning framework deployed at multiple sites in the network to support major physics experiments including CMS and ATLAS

Description of Work There are currently gaps, fragmentation and inefficiencies in the deployment and usage of advanced IT services across the global research community and WP3 will contribute to the consolidation and up-take of next generation cloud-based services that will increase the rate of scientific discovery. The software based developments will contribute to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by making it easier for researchers to adopt and make use of cloud services. These developments are complementary to EOSC activities being undertaken at the infrastructure level by projects such as EOSC-Hub, XtremeDataCloud and HybriDataCloud and will provide added value on top the basic cloud infrastructures. Task 4.1: High Efficiency Cloud Computing (CERN, NCP, UOR-SL, UMAU) The task will develop new functionality and efficiencies for cloud computing technology to support the needs of the physics research community performing analysis and simulation for new detector technologies and applications. The research will contribute to advancing cloud computing beyond the state of the art in the following domains:

a. Predictive failure analysis and anomaly detection using monitoring and usage data to identify optimisation and recovery actions to improve the service availability and resource utilisation. Developments will build on the framework of the OpenStack ( ) Watcher/Vitrage projects along with integration of hardware information such as processor performance and disk failures.

b. The provisioning and scheduling of CPU accelerators (such as GPUs or FPGAs) and network accelerators (such as DPDK). The scheduling of these resources, allocation to particular virtual machines and tracking of usage will be integrated with OpenStack components such as OpenStack Cyborg.

c. Applications requiring high availability need rapid recovery and resource placement to ensure reliable service delivery. Building on OpenStack projects such as Masakari and Mistral, this will allow a wider range of applications to be migrated to a cloud environment at a higher level of service.

d. Investigations into Functions as a Service and/or Service Meshes as a model for application delivery on top of container engines such as Kubernetes. This will provide enhancements to frameworks such as OpenStack Magnum to support new container functionalities.

e. Optimising cloud resources for big data workloads. I/O intensive applications such as Hadoop, Kafka and Spark require careful analysis and tuning to run efficiently in a cloud environment. This task will identify and implement enhancements to OpenStack, hypervisors such as KVM and container engines such as Kubernetes to support these use cases.

The deliverables are enhancements to upstream Open Source components, demonstrations of benefits for production clouds and best practice approaches to the scientific community. The OpenStack open source software is used at CERN to manage the cloud services operating across its two data centres in Meyrin, Switzerland and Budapest, Hungary. OpenStack is the result of contributions from a wide community of universities,



research organisations and companies that is heavily used around the world by many research organiations, universities, companies and commercial cloud service providers. CERN is an important member of the OpenStack foundation and regularly contributes to its development either independently or with partner companies via CERN openlab. In terms of data management, trusted digital repositories are essential to support open science and CERN supports the Invenio open software stack ( ) which provides key services for the implementation of digitial repositories. An objective of the task is to have the new developments integrated into the open source software distributions so that they can benefit the wider community and be deployed at many sites aound the world. This task contributes to the objectives of the CAPSTONE by providing:

International recognition for contributions to scientific cloud computing in open source communities (such as github or stackalytics)

Collaboration with major technology companies jointly developing OpenStack (

Build local expertise with opportunities in Pakistan and Sri Lanka for further research areas with industry. Work with major scientific laboratories on the development of use cases and solutions to OpenStack (such as

through the Scientific Working Group, Researchers will be seconded to IT department at CERN where there is globally recognised expertise in cloud computing. Task 4.2: Cloud Computing and MLaaS - building a multi-purpose toolkit for running Machine Learning workloads on-demand. (INFN, KATU, PTNE) Machine Learning methods are a software technology that exploits patterns in subsets of data to train predictive models which can subsequently be used to extract and classify features in different data. In HEP, ML algorithms are currently being implemented for various areas such as track finding, to be used in both real-time (in trigger systems) environments and event reconstruction and analysis processing chains. Further applications are foreseen in systems optimisation. ML techniques involve two steps: training of the network and its application on new data. The first step is usually very expensive in terms of computing resources, and since it can benefit from heavy parallelisation it is usually run on High Performance Computing facilities, possibly exploiting parallel accelerators like general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPUs) or many-core architectures. Since data transfer to and from Hight Performance Computing (HPC) facilities is often a bottleneck, subsequent use of trained algorithms can generally be done elsewhere: real-time or low-latency farms in the case of trigger systems, distributed High Throughput Computing facilities like the WLCG or, increasingly, Cloud Computing infrastructures. Such workflows pose several challenges that need to be addressed in order to efficiently exploit available computing resources for each step, for example:

most existing ML frameworks are not completely mature;

scientific computing environments, such those of LHC experiments, cannot as yet run transparently on heterogeneous resources;

seamless exploitation of conventional, para-virtualised Cloud Computing infrastructures for scientific computing is not always straightforward for scientific use cases.

Several activities do exist to address these issues, such as for example the DEEP-HybriDataCloud and EOSC-hub H2020 projects; however, much work is still needed to integrate their tools into operational experiments’ frameworks. Specific activities for this machine learning task include:

Development of the MLaaS framework(s), based as much as possible on mainstream tools. According to the different use cases and experiment frameworks and workflows, the final frameworks for the two experiments may not be identical, but the underlying toolkit will have many common design choices and shared components.

Development of the deployment framework, mostly based on tools developed by the INDIGO-DataCloud project. The framework will enable experiments to deploy a working ‘Machine-Learning-as-s-Service’ (MLaaS) infrastructure on available HPC facilities; the local availability of OCCAM, the University of Torino-owned multipurpose HPC cluster hosted and co-managed by INFN will provide a prototype testbed.

Integration of the access to HPC-specific resources such as hardware accelerators or low-latency network interconnections in the deployment framework. The execution environment will be by containerised microservices, and the seamless use of such resources by containers is still in its infancy. This task will be carried out in collaboration with the DEEP-HybridDataCloud H2020 project, and again OCCAM will provide a convenient testbed.

The Computer Centre at INFN is currently starting an activity to develop a general-purpose ML-as-a-Service toolkit that will enable experiments to integrate training of DL networks, built using mostly mainstream tools, into the workflows of experiments.



CMS and ALICE will the primary beneficiaries of the work, even though there will be several opportunities to assess the usability of the infrastructure in other communities, such as the VIRGO collaboration. The MLaaS tools will be designed to be deployed on diverse underlying computing infrastructure, efficiently exploiting low-latency interconnects and hardware accelerators such as GPUs where available.

Deliverables D4.1 Designs resulting from tasks 3.1 & 3.2 made available upstream to the open surce framework, such as OpenStack foundation, as candidate for inclusion in upcoming general release (M23) D4.2 Implementations of the software components and associated configuration and deployment templates (M42) D4.3 Documentation for the software developments (M42).

Work package number 5 Start date or starting event M1

Work package title Detector Applications

Participant number 1 2 4 15 17 18 19 24 26 27

Participant short name C























Person-months per Participant 4 2 8 4 4 2

Main Objectives:

This WP investigates if/how the technologies developed in WP1-WP4 fcan be used in four separate application areas. As this

involves the same institutions/companies during overlapping periods and fosters cross knowledge-sharing on the application areas

(thus benefitting the secondees as they get kowledge in one application area they might be less familiar with), the decision was

made to put all four applications in the same WP rather than separating them.

Application A: Mobile Muon Tomography for Monitoring Nuclear Waste Drums and Caskets in the field

Muon tomography exploits the multiple scattering of cosmic ray muons by high-Z elements, e.g. special nuclear materials,

to image those materials despite substantial radiation shielding. So far this has been implemented in the form of large

stations that scan cargo such as shipping containers for nuclear contraband. We propose to mobilize this technology using

MPGDs to develop a Mobile Muon Tomography (MMT) application which would allow an operator to scan nuclear waste

drums or caskets that are stored at nuclear facilities in situ instead of having to transport the nuclear waste first to a

scanning station.

Application B: Medical Imaging – High-Efficiency SPECT without Collimators using MPGDs

Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) is a common imaging technique used in nuclear medicine. Photon

detection is usually achieved with scintillating crystals coupled to photo multipliers, Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), or similar

photosensitive devices. To get a directional measurement, these detectors must be typically heavily collimated, which makes

the detection inefficient. This in turn requires large radiation exposures of the imaged person. We will develop a novel SPECT

system without any collimators based on MPGDs (MPGD-SPECT) that uses the high spatial resolution of MPGDs to measure

the direction of the incoming photon via a measurement of the direction of produced photoelectrons. This has the potential to

make the imaging much more efficient, which in turn will enable SPECT imaging with lower radiation doses.

Application C: Development of a TOF-PET setup using MPGD


Application D: Silicon-based microdosimetry system for cancer hadron therapy

Development of different types of microdosimeters for medical applications based on new active silicon microsensors and

multi-channel (pixellated) readout electronics. Micro-dosimetry deals with the study of the distribution of energy deposition in

microscopic volumes, and establishes relationship between these depositions and their physics, chemical and biological



consequences. This information is essential for both radiation therapy and radiation protection and requires appropriate

instrumentation to carry out measurements at the micrometric level, such as cellular or subcellular structures.

Description of Work

Task 5.1 (belonging to A): Mobile Muon Tomography (BARC, CARFID, CERN, FIT)

We will simulate MMT performance in the presence of background radiation from nuclear waste. We will use existing grid

computing resources at CERN, FIT, INFN, and elsewhere to implement flexible muon tomography geometry in GEANT4 and

to run high-statistics simulations. Here we will draw on the experience at FIT with a simulation of a stationary MT system.

Research activities are:

develop a prototype for a small mobile MPGD detector system (10cm×10cm and/or 30cm×30cm Triple-GEM detectors

with 2D readouts) operated in mini-drift mode so that both pulse height and pulse arrival time are measured to extract hit

position and cosmic ray muon direction simultaneously;

develop a compact HV system for the GEM detectors that is suitable for a mobile application;

update of RD51 collaboration developed detector Scalable Readout System (SRS) for use in a mobile environment

since MT relies on the measurement of small angular deviations from straight cosmic ray muon tracks, the relative

alignment of the detectors in 3D space is crucial. We will develop a real-time detector alignment system that derives the

alignment as the measurement progresses from the cosmic ray muon tracks. Detectors will be equipped with laser

distancemeters and clinometers that give a initial measurement of the distance between detectors and their relative

orientations in 3D space, which will then be refined iteratively using the cosmic ray track data;

develop MMT reconstruction software that takes data from laser distancemeters and clinometers into account in real-time

to produce cosmic ray track fits and ultimately a track-based relative alignment of the detectors. Starting with a simple

point-of-closest approach algorithm, we will reconstruct the scattering angles within the the volume of the scanned object

and produce a corresponding tomographic image.

Task 5.2 (belonging to B): High-Efficiency SPECT (CERN, FIT, UGENT, KATU, INFN, PTNE, NCP)

We will simulate 80-140 keV photons impinging on a thin drift foil composed of Cu-clad polyimide and study the absorption and

angular distribution of the produced photoelectrons that enter the drift space in the detectors. The impact of multiple scattering

of the photoelectrons in the foil will also be evaluated. We will use existing grid computing resources at CERN, FIT, INFN, and

elsewhere to implement the detector geometry in GEANT4 and to run high-statistics simulations for different photon energies.

We will also measure the angular distribution of photoelectrons produced by 80-140 keV photons impinging on small

(10cm×10cm) Triple-GEM detectors and uRWELL detectors operated in mini-drift mode to extract hit position and

photoelectron direction simultaneously (using SRS). Thirdly we will design and build a small MPGD-SPECT prototype camera

using multiple MPGD detectors. Depending on test results, this might be implemented with a single MPGD type or as a hybrid

of both GEM and uRWELL detectors. The detectors will be arranged in an open-cube geometry so that they can surround an

object to be scanned. The camera will be tested with radioactive point sources – possibly embedded in a phantom structure to

emulate scanning a person. We will develop algorithms for reconstructing the photon direction and imaging algorithms similar

to algorithms that are employed for reconstructing images in Compton cameras.

Task 5.3 (belonging to C): TOF-PET setup using MPGD (NISER, XX, XX)

Ideal PET imaging detectors are (1) high efficiency of detection for 511 keV gamma produced after the annihilation of positrons

in the subject/sample (2) high spatial resolution (<1 mm3) (3) very good energy resolution (4) high timing resolution (few tens

to hundreds of ps) and (5) should be inexpensive. While MPGDs have been shown to possess excellent position resolution,

their timing resolution is currently limited to the order of a few nanoseconds. We will develop FTMs to achieve XXXX. The

fabricated detectors will be tested at CERN to obtain characteristics close to ideal PET setup. They will be compared with

expectations of simulation for medical imaging. Frontend and backend electronics will be explored to suit the needs of the

imaging setup. Electronics design will be tested and modifications will be made for integration in PET setup. Using the

algorithms, software for enabling online and offline image reconstruction will be developed. Finally, a PET setup integrated

with electronics and DAQ will be constructed. Samples (Living if possible) will be used to acquire data. The imaging capabilities

of the setup will be studied and presented.

Task 5.4 (belonging to D): Silicon-based microdosimetry system for cancer hadron therapy (XX, XX)

The geometry of the microdosimeter will be simulated using Sentaurus TCAD simulation toolkit software to define the



fabrication steps and to select the best geometries for the read out electronics. The mask for the fabrication of the

microdosimeter will be designed using CADENCE software. Different microdosimeter geometries and different thicknesses will

be explored to achieve geometries optimized for the needs of different therapies (e.g. broad beam, mini beam). The first

measurements of the microdosimeter will be performed using the Transient Current Technique (TCT) system. This setup will

allow the study of the electrical signals induced by pulses of a focused IR (λ = 1064 nm) laser beam in the detectors in order

to measure the response and the collected charge at the electrodes. The final step is a measurement campaign with the

prototype detectors in its particle accelerator facility to characterize their response. Variable water equivalent thicknesses will

be used in order to expose the detectors to different parts of particle beams. Lineal energy, y, will be measured at different

depths (e.g. 2 cm, proximal 50% (P50) and distal 50% (D50)) and along the transversal profiles.

Deliverables On application A: D5.1.1 Report on simulation results (M16) D5.1.2 Small prototype system (M40) D5.1.3 Report on experimental MMT results obtained with a nuclear waste drum mock-up (M48) On application B: D5.2.1 Report on simulation results of directionality of photoelectrons (M13) D5.2.2 Report on experimental measurement of directionality of photoelectrons (M25) D5.2.3 Small GEM-SPECT prototype camera (M48) On application C: D5.3.1 Design of FTM prototype and algorithms (MX) D5.3.2 Optimized design for PET setup and FTM (MX) D5.3.3 Full PET setup with integrated electronics and DAQ (MX) On application D: D5.4.1 Geometry of the microdosimeter detectors (M8) D5.4.2 Production and electrical characterization of silicon microdosimeters (M20)

Work package number WP6 Start date or starting event M1

Work package title High density electronics and DAQ

Participant number 1 2 5 28


Person-months per Participant

Main Objective

The goal of this work package is to advance in the development of electronics for silicon, gaseous and calorimeter detectors

that operate under the extreme conditions such as HL-LHC in terms of radiation hardness, signal multiplicity and occupancy,

precise timing and better performance trigger as well as faster data acquisition systems.

Description of Work

Task 6.1: Front end chip design and multichannel time digitization for detectors (INFN, India)

The goal of this task is to proceed with the design and validation of the required front-end ASICs and other on detector electronics that is needed to process the detectors signals. Following specific needs of different detectors, several sub-tasks are foreseen: 6.1.1 Development of ASICs for silicon pixel in CMOS 65nm technology, using EDA CAD tools for the VLSI design (Cadence Combined IC & Systems Package, Mentor Graphics IC design), for device simulation (Synopsys TCAD) and FPGA firmware development (Xilinx Vivado) 6.1.2 Development of ASICs for GEM detectors in CMOS 130 nm technology, using EDA CAD tools for the VLSI design (Cadence Combined IC & Systems Package, Mentor Graphics IC design), for device simulation (Synopsys TCAD) and FPGA firmware development (Xilinx Vivado) 6.1.3 Development of a large dynamic readout ASICs for Silicon-Tungsten calorimetry. The proposed electronics is challenging in terms of low noise, rate capability and speed, requiring for instance fast waveform sampling electronics to improve background rejection and particle identification. Space constraints, cooling capability and low



power are other important requirements that add up to the most critical one, which is the radiation hardness of the chosen electronics.

Task 6.2: Gigabit optical protocols, optical global clock distribution and remote device control (AA, BB, CC,..)

High speed links are a core activity in the HL-LHC electronics. Increased detector occupancy and trigger requirements drive

the necessity of reaching the tens of Gigabits per second regime. Therefore, mostly optical link communication is being

evaluated although not exclusively. Precise distribution of the timing information is critical for triggering and synchronization

purposes. In addition, reliable slow control systems should be developed to guarantee the safe operation of the developed

systems. In such a context, a goal of the task is aiming port of the present Cern developed GBT protocol to radiation tolerant

FPGA devices, so to open an alternative solution to the present ASIC’s in the experiment local clock and data path architecture.

On the other side, a prototype of an fpga based interfacing between local and global synchronization (e.g. GPS timing, beam

gate signals brought to the experiments, etc.) taking advantage of White Rabbit infrastructure will be developed.

Task 6.3: VHDL high performance algorithms and advanced hardware platforms (partners involved:...) The development of highly performance algorithms for trigger purposes is a core activity of the HL-LHC trigger system since it is the mean to fully exploit the physics potential from the accelerator. It is of paramount importance to maintain trigger thresholds similar to present LHC during the harsh, high-luminosity running conditions of the HL-LHC for efficiently collecting statistically powerful datasets at electroweak mass scales. Therefore, the goals for the HL-LHC trigger primitive generation include maximizing efficiency from aging detectors, exploiting the full spatial and time resolution of the present systems and incorporate the new detectors. The new trigger system will be constructed from advanced processor boards, utilizing high-speed optical links for data transfer, and FPGAs for data processing, targeting for the most advanced high performance digital systems available in the market (TO INDIA, HUN, CERN)

Task 6.4: Radiation tolerant design and qualification (INFN)

Radiation levels expected during HL-LHC operation will be unprecedented and special design considerations are required in

the electronics design phase. The gradient of radiation levels between the inner tracker and the outer detectors determine the

electronic components choice in the system design. Still, in all of the cases, whether ASICs, FPGAs or other commercial

components, the radiation tolerance of the systems needs to be addressed and carefully verified with specific radiation tests.

In particular the characterization of the micro-electronics ASIC prototypes will be performed before and after exposure to

irradiation with x-rays in laboratory. Prototype pixel detectors (ASIC connected to 3D or planar silicon sensors) and MPGD will

be irradiated with protons or neutrons reaching very high fluences and performance will be measured using particle beams.

Task 6.5: Low and high voltage power supply systems and distribution (CARFID, CERN, INFN)

Low and high voltage power supply systems need to be upgraded in the HL-LHC environment in order to stand the radiation

environment and the expected currents of the newly designed electronics and detectors. Most o the systems need to go through

revisions or new designs in order to sustain the expected conditions. On detector electronics also needs to be designed with

important requirements in terms of power consumption, cooling, power distribution over large detector surfaces, low noise and

grounding. Insuring its optimal performance through dedicated test stands and real system tests is mandatory to guarantee its

safe operation in the detector. (PD)

Task 6.6: Design of the ABC* and/or HCCStar ASICs test system (OOXF, CERN)

To test ABC* and HCCStar ASICs we will need a test bench plus FPGA based data acquisition, including an ITSDAQ

environment. This requires one or more test bed printed circuit boards (requiring electronics hardware design), firmware and

other code development. Following this there will be a functionality test period of 6 months.

Deliverables D6.1: Prototype of CMOS 65nm for silicon detector and ASIC in CMOS 130 nm technology for GEM detector designed (M24) and integration-tested (M42) D6.2: Python, C, C++ software available for test-setup based on FPGA board for the readout of ASIC (M24) D6.3: Large dynamic readout ASICs for Silicon-Tungsten calorimetry developed (MX) D6.4: Implementation of (Lp)GBT protocol on radiation tolerant FPGA (MX) D6.5: Integration of white-rabbit protocol in the timing distribution for Lar TPC @ SBN (MX) D6.6: Development of common readout unit for ALICE/LHCB (MX)



D6.7: Irradiation of ASICs and detectors & test beams with test beams with un-irradiated and irradiated detectors (MX) D6.8: Optimized low voltage power distribution for the on-detector front-end boards (MX) D6.9: Test bed circuit design & functionality test (M25)

Work package number 7 Start Date or Starting Event M1

Work package title Training & knowledge transfer, dissemination & outreach

Participant number

Short name of participant

Person/months per participant:



Deliverables Milestones

4.1.2 Deliverables List Table B3a – Deliverables list

Scientific deliverables

D. no. Deliverable name WP Lead-

participant Type

Dissemination level

Delivery date

D2.1 Optimization of processing steps for LGAD 2 M8

D5.4.1 Geometry of the microdosimeter detectors 5 OTHER M8

D5.2.1 Report on simulation results of directionality of photoelectrons 5 R M13

D5.1.1 Report on simulation results 5 R M16

D5.4.2 Production and electrical characterization of silicon microdosimeters

5 R M20

D4.1 Designs resulting from tasks 3.1 & 3.2 made available upstream to the open surce framework, such as OpenStack foundation, as candidate for inclusion in upcoming general release

4 R M23

D2.2 Source and beam measurements of test pixel detectors with capabilities to be configured as strips for outer tracking or pads for calorimetry

2 R M20

D2.3 Performance degeradation of existing detectors after highest fluences evaluated

2 R M24

D2.4 Study of the Homogeneity of response and gain for segmented LGAD. Timing studies

2 R M24


Asses robustness and reliability of the serially powered system during normal operation with respect to instabilities, noise induction, power-on, distribution and filtering of sensor biasing HV

2 R M24

D6.1 Prototype of CMOS 65nm for silicon detector and ASIC in 6 OTHER M24, M42



CMOS 130 nm technology for GEM detector designed (M24) and integration-tested

D6.2 Python, C, C++ software available for test-setup based on FPGA board for the readout of ASIC


D5.2.2 Report on experimental measurement of directionality of photoelectrons

5 R M25

D6.9 Test bed circuit design & functionality test 6 OTHER M25

D5.1.2 Small prototype system 5 OTHER M40

D2.6 Geometry impact on device performance and gain. Timing studies in Test-beams

2 R M42

D2.7 Characterization of radiation damage in newly developed detectors performed and benchmarked against newly developed TCAD model

2 R M42

D4.2 Implementations of the software components and associated configuration and deployment templates


D4.3 Documentation for the software developments 4 R M42

D2.7 Measurements of test devices in technologies suitable for affordable large area implementation after irradiation to doses expected at 1m radii in FCC-hh

2 R M44

D2.9 System test: Validation of serial powering chain from backend to frontend in operation and failure situation

2 R M44

D3.1 Implementation of charge spread and resistive signal induction in GARFIELD and benchmark vs data


D3.2 Full characterization (efficiency, time resolution) of fast timing detector made of the thick FCCL foils

3 R M48

D3.3 Measurement of photon detection efficiency of the Photon-FTM with 22Na source

3 R M48

D3.4 Full characterization (efficiency, spatial resolution) of the optimized micro-RWELL

3 R M48

D3.5 Test beam measurements of FTM and micro-RWELL 3 R M48

D5.2.3 Small GEM-SPECT prototype camera 5 OTHER M48

D5.1.3 Report on experimental MMT results obtained with a nuclear waste drum mock-up

5 R M48

D5.3.1 Design of FTM prototype and algorithms 5 R (MX)

D5.3.2 Optimized design for PET setup and FTM 5 R (MX)

D5.3.3 Full PET setup with integrated electronics and DAQ 5 R (MX)

D6.3 Large dynamic readout ASICs for Silicon-Tungsten calorimetry developed


D6.4 Implementation of (Lp)GBT protocol on radiation tolerant FPGA 6 OTHER (MX)

D6.5 Integration of white-rabbit protocol in the timing distribution for Lar TPC @ SBN


D6.6 Development of common readout unit for ALICE/LHCB 6 OTHER (MX)

D6.7 Irradiation of ASICs and detectors & test beams with test beams with un-irradiated and irradiated detectors


D6.8 Optimized low voltage power distribution for the on-detector front-end boards


Management, Training, and Dissemination Deliverables

D. no. Deliverable name WP Lead-

participant Type

Dissemination level

Delivery date

D1.1 Agenda and minutes of kick-off meeting and all other important project meetings (WP-meetings, board meetings)



D1.3 Data Management Plan + updates 1 CERN R R M3, M12, M18, M36

D1.3 IPR and Risk Assessment Plan (+updates) 1 CERN R RE M6, M18,







4.1.3 Milestones List Table B3b – Milestones list

Milestone number

Milestone name Related WP

Estimated date

Means of verification

M1 Kick-off meeting completed and all Boards installed 1 M1 Agenda, meeting minutes, pictures

M1.2 High fluence irradiation campaigns with protons and neutrons performed

2 M12

M2.3 Design of the photon FTM by definition of the material and implementation of converter layers

2 M12

M1.1 Fabrication of detectors for timing applications (LGAD) completed


M5.4.1 Fabrication of microdosimeter and electrically tested 5 M20

D4.1 Designs resulting from tasks 3.1 & 3.2 made available upstream to the open surce framework, such as OpenStack foundation, as candidate for inclusion in upcoming general release

4 M23

MX Interim Project meeting completed 1 M24

M2.1 Computation of the charge spread as function of the resistivity through the diffusion equation

2 M24

M2.2 Production of first 10x10cm squared wet etched detector foil made out of the new FCCL

2 M24

M2.4 Construction of the optimized large-area micro-RWELL 2 M24

M2.5 test the test beam setup with two MCP-PMTs for timing measurement with cosmic rays

2 M24

M5.2.1 Experimental proof-of-concept achieved 5 M24

M2.3 Delivery of test detectors suitable for high radius tracking at electromagnetic calorimetry to FCC-hh specifications

2 M30

M2.4 Evaluation of both unirradiated and irradiated test detectors in test-beams completed

2 M36

M2.5 Mitigations in case of powering-related system failures (such that the detector stays operational and performant) assessed

2 M36

M5.1.1 Small prototype system is working 5 M40

D4.2 Implementations of the software components and associated configuration and deployment templates

4 M42

D4.3 Documentation for the software developments 4 M42

M5.4.2 Detector system tested and validated in particle beams 5 M44

MX Final report submitted 1 M48 Final report

M5.3.1 Production/fabrication of design optimized electronics and FTM 5 (MX)

M5.3.2 Testing of fully integrated PET setup completed 5 (MX)

M6.1 ASIC in CMOS 65nm Ready for submission to foundry 6 MX

M6.2 ASIC in CMOS 130nm Ready for submission to foundry 6 MX

M6.3 Microsemi PolarFire GBT IP core 6 MX

M6.4 PXI based White Rabbit interface 6 MX

M6.5 Prototype of Radiation Tolerant Voltage Regulation (1V 10A) 6 MX

M6.6 Test bed for HCCStar or ABC* available for ASIC functional tests

6 MX




4.2 Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including quality management and risk

management A specific WP (WP1) has been assigned to the work plan to cover all aspects related to the technical, administrative, financial, legal and quality management of the project. CERN will assume the role of the project coordinating organisation. All beneficiaries and project partners will focus on the delivery of the technical work via the secondment programme, the training/workshop/conference programme and the dissemination and exploitation of the project results. In order to fulfil the demands on exploitation, a dedicated exploitation manager will be appointed (part of WP1) to evaluate project results against potential commercial potential and the way this potential can be presented. This work will be carried out in close collaboration with the host institution TTO’s. 4.2.1 CAPSTONE management structure The management structure is based on the governance structure for large Collaborative Projects as described in the DESCA 2020 model Consortium Agreement. It has been designed in accordance with the complexity and size of the project and will enable a competent and efficient execution of the work programme. With 16 Beneficiaries, 6 Partner Organisations and 4 companies as participants, the organisational structure is designed to be as flexible as possible with a fair distribution of responsibilities and defined allocation of tasks. Both the management structure and expertise of the Project Coordinator allow for full project governance and the rapid response to any emerging issues of technical, secondment, budgetary or other nature. All Beneficiaries also have experience in European projects and are already used to international collaborative research through their involvement in CERN. Gender balance will be insured at all decision-making levels within the project. FIGURE SHOWING MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE The organisational structure of the Consortium will comprise the following Consortium bodies:

the Supervisory Board as ultimate decision-making body of the Consortium;

the Executive Committee is the supervisory body responsible for the execution of the Project. This is the coordinating body of WP-leaders + the Project Coordinator for the technical work inside and between WPs. The Committee reports to and is accountable to the Supervisory Board;

the Coordinator as the entity acting on behalf of the Consortium as the intermediary between the project beneficiaries and the European Commission.

the Project Management Office as the administrative and financial supporting body for the Coordinator and the Supervisory Board.

Effective governance and control will also be assured through:

The Quality Plan, to assure the correct quality assurance procedures (part of WP1);

The Consortium Agreement (CA) and the Partnership Agreement (PA), which define the rules of collaboration among the Beneficiaries and with the Third Country participants (roles, responsibilities and deliverables across the project duration, supervision arrangements, distribution of finances) and the management of arising IP. The CA and the PA will be prepared immediately after the invitation to the negotiation phase is received and will be signed by all before the Grant Agreement is signed.

Role of the Supervisory Board (SB). The SB is the highest level decision-making body of the project. Due to the large number of participants in this project, it is not practical to have a representative of each participant organisation in the SB. Instead, each year the SB will rotate, with the SB Chair being the only person to stay on for the full duration of the project. The SB will be comprised of 3 representatives of each participating geographic region (ie. EU/AS, Asia, USA) This means that at any one time the region-SB members will not only represent their own institution, but also the other institutions within that same region. The SB members have the responsibility to inform and communicate with the other organisations from their region, so they are aware and feel represented. The structure of the representation (e.g. election process of the SB-Chair during the kick-off meeting, which organisations are represented by which SB-member, the mandate of the representation and provisions in case of a disagreement between SB-members and one of the organisations being represented), will be agreed in the Consortium Agreement and the Partnership Agreement. These documents will also contain the procedure for selecting the next group of SB-members. SB members are not part of the CAPSTONE project itself. The representative has the authority (and the mandate of the two organisations he/she represents) to take binding decisions related to the CAPSTONE project. The SB will have two meetings



per year (one physical, one electronic), coinciding with the bi-annual formal review meetings of the Executive Committee, to discuss all aspects of its remit, ranging from Access Rights to the contents of the WPs as needed to successfully obtain the CAPSTONE deliverables and milestones. The SB decides on major aspects of the project such as:

yearly technical and secondment plans as well as shifts in secondments (between institutions), tasks and responsibilities;

major work plan modifications and contract amendments;

Consortium changes (beneficiary withdrawal and/or accession of new beneficiaries and/or partner organisations);

Significant delays and contingency plans;

management of knowledge (IP), dissemination and exploitation. The SB ensures that the project remains in line with the initial objectives, and check progress according to the deliverables and milestones as well as the completion of the secondments. Progress on the project will be reported to the SB by the Project Coordinator, who in turn consolidates input from the Executive Committee. Where changes to the scientific content of the project or the consortium composition may have impact on the contractual obligations of the project, prior agreement of the EC Project Officer will be sought. Decisions by the SB will be taken preferably by consensus. If no consensus can be reached, the SB will decide by a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes. The Coordinator will organise and attend all SB meetings, but will not have a vote. For the first year, the composition of the SB is as follows: Members of the Supervisory Board

Europe Asia USA

Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN) (FIT)

Guido Tonelli (INFN) (UoR) Abe Seiden (UCSC)

Role of the Project Coordinator (PC): The role of Project Coordinator will be performed by dr. Archana Sharma (CERN) who is a highly experienced Principal Scientist at the CMS experiment at CERN and has led several projects over the past 15 years (among which the most recent – CMS GEM Upgrade involved 40 Institutions from 14 countries). She also supervises on average 5-6 PhD students and exchange students, many of them coming from outside Europe. In total her Projects have generated about 50 PhDs. The PC is the intermediary between the Consortium and the European Commission. The PC supervises the overall technical work programme and the secondment programme and ensures good communication between the different WP-teams as well as between seconded researchers and the host institute at which they are temporarily based. Moreover, on behalf of the Executive Committee, the PC will report to the SB on project status and progress. On organisational level, the Project Coordinator will:

report to the European Commission on project status and progress on a yearly basis;

organise, chair, and report on the meetings of the Executive Committee to the SB (the PC will advise the SB, but does not have a vote);

safeguard compliance with the Grant and the CA during the course of the project;

be responsible for the proper execution and implementation of the decisions of the SB;

monitor the effective and efficient implementation of the project (incl. monitoring and managing the project’s aims on promoting gender equality throughout the project);

implement clear administrative procedures and day-to-day financial administration of the project, both for internal use and external reporting obligations towards the European Commission;

ensure effective internal communication channels for efficient execution of the project;

maintain the coherence of the consortium through conflict mediation; larger scale conflicts will be escalated to the SB;

distribute the EC contributed funding to the project beneficiaries;

collate all deliverables and milestone reports submitted by the Consortium and compile consolidated reports;

monitor compliance by the beneficiaries with their contractual grant obligation; The PC will be supported by a Project Management Office (PMO) located at CERN with experience in the administrative and financial management of a European research project. Role of the Executive Committee (EXC): EXC is the operational engine of the project and is composed of the WP Leaders. The EXC, chaired by the PC, will meet four times a year, twice face-to-face in the bi-annual formal review meetings, and



twice through teleconferencing. If necessary, leaders of WPs will meet at shorter intervals between specific work-packages. The main role of the EXC is to safeguard technical progress in terms of deliverables, milestones and overall project objectives. The EXC focuses on operational aspects such as:

action plan for the next period (tasks, timetables, responsibilities, project plan);

exchange of information, experience, samples, tools within and between WPs;

collaborative and creative problem solving for technical development and validation challenges;

technical risk management and development and implementation of contingency actions. Executive decisions will be taken by the EXC, which strives to reach decisions by consensus. Any changes in the staff exchange programme will need approval from the EXC. Should disputes arise, the person in charge of the specific research project (or WP), with input from the seconded researcher and the leader of the local research group will intervene to try and solve disputes amicably. In cases where such amicable settlements fail, disputes will be settled by the EXC whenever possible. Only if consensus cannot be achieved, will it be escalated to the level of the SB. In case of problems related to a specific WP, the PC will discuss the issue with the individual WP Leader involved and will take appropriate measures, based on advice from the EXC as a whole. Members of the Executive Committee

Archana Sharma (CERN) – coordinator and WP1 leader XXXX (XXXX) – WP5 leader

Michael Moll (XXXX) – WP2 leader XXXX (XXXX) – WP6 leader

XXXX (XXXX) – WP3 leader XXXX (XXXX) – WP7 leader

XXXX (XXXX) – WP4 leader

Role of the WP Leaders (WPL): Each WP is managed by a WPL who will take primary responsibility for the effective management and execution of the tasks related to the particular WP. In particular, he/she establishes (in co-ordination with the PC) the detailed schedule of his/her WP and the work in progress; he/she is also responsible for the correct and timely submission of deliverables. Each WPL is required to produce a quarterly progress report to demonstrate progress. The report will also describe in some detail the work carried out by seconded staff (activities, results, issues encountered, overall integration into the local research group). Specifically, the tasks of the WPL are to:

manage resources to achieve and monitor the deliverables within their WP;

assure the quality of the work and manage milestones within their WP;

report to the PC on progress and potential deviations from the work plan, deliverables and milestones, as well as any issues related to the research-related performance of the secondees in the WP;

co-develop (with the PC) the contents and structure of the schools, trainings, workshops and conferences related to the WP.

4.2.2 Availability of adequate resources of the coordinating organisation CERN is the coordinating organisation for the CAPSTONE project. Although the CAPSTONE project consortium may seem large, it is still relatively modest compared to many other ongoing research projects at CERN. The organisation routinely hosts many hundreds of researchers from all over the world simultaneously for months and can accommodate their needs and wishes in terms of access to scientific equipment, office space, housing and subsistence. Furthermore, the research proposed in this project is of direct interest to several planned and ongoing activities related to the HL-LHC upgrade programme and planning for further facilities. In that sense, the seconded CAPSTONE researchers will find certainly find a welcoming work environment. CAPSTONE also has the support of the CERN management, meaning that it has already approved the availability of necessary staff and amenities for seconded researchers in case the proposal is funded. CERN also has very experienced administrative, financial, legal and HR departments who have supported numerous EU projects and international collaborations. This experience ensures that if there are any problems in the implementation of the project (both at CERN or abroad), there is support at hand. The same is true for INFN and US Institutions. Indian institutions are all premier R&D centres, already partner in many collaborations at CERN and form the hub of activity in South Asia as a partner in the consortium. All have excellent supervision capacity and infra structure to welcome secondees. 4.2.3 Critical risks for implementation It is only logical that during the implementation of this project, there will be risks. These risks may be related to variables in



the scientific research, the secondments between institutions or even with the consortium composition itself. Risks concerning the upgrade plans for the HL-LHC are considered very small, as this is a well supported international project and TDRs for the upgrade have been completed. Other envisioned initiatives may be less certain, but as extensively described, the knowledge created in CAPSTONE has intrinsic scientific merit and will find applications across many areas (see national strategies and WP5 on applications outside of HEP). CAPSTONE-risks will be monitored throughout the project by each WPL, together with the PC. Below is an overview with the main identified risks. As shown in the description of WP1, the PC will prepare and maintain an updated risk mitigation plan to minimise the risk of project deliverables, researcher exchanges or trainings/workshops and dissemination activities not being achieved. Table B3c – Risk List

Description of risk


Impact on Project

WP(s) involved

Proposed risk-mitigation measures

FCCL process does not work for the resistivities needed for FTM






An institution decides to leave the consortium

Small Medium all The tasks of the leaving consortium member will be redistributed over the other participating organisations. Secondments will be adjusted to reflect the new situation.

Seconded researcher has to return early

Medium Small WP2-WP7 WP1 will support the safe return of the researcher. WP1 and WP7 will jointly discuss with the institution whether the secondment can be filled by another staff member or should be transferred to another participating institution

Disagreement over IP ownership

Small Small WP2-WP7

The CERN legal service has extensive experience in dealing with IP-related issues. The tested and proven DESCA agreement will function as a basis to lay down the rules on background, foreground and sideground IP created. In principle, foreground created at a host institution will stay at that host institution unless otherwise agreed in the Consortium Agreement and Partnership Agreement

Research moves toward dual-use application

medium High

WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5

If this risk occurs, it would be a serious breach of the general condition under which this project is funded and would contravene legal boundaries of at least one (e.g. CERN) participant. If the risk occurs, the PC will immediately inform the EC Project Officer and request further instruction.

A researcher becomes ill as a consequence of the research performed in CAPSTONE

small medium

WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5

This issue is discussed in section XX of the proposal. Seconded staff receive extensive training and are supervised by host institution staff during their stay there and whilst working with hazardous materials. If such illness occurs, the PC must be informed immediately and will take action to ensure the researcher is moved back to his/her country. The PC will also immediately inform the EC Project Officer and ask for further instruction.

4.3 Appropriateness of the institutional environment (hosting arrangements, infrastructure) 4.3.1 Expertise in training and supervision The experts participating in this programme largely constitute the world experts in their respective fields. CAPSTONE thus brings together a solid core of scientists that are expected to achieve the goals over the foreseen period. Considerable staff is available at all participating institutions and companies is available to support this project. All partners provide excellent R&D environments, ranging from sophisticated on-site facilities and computer networking to a legal and administrative framework that can effectively coordinate and facilitate a collaboration on this scale. All European institutions have extensive experience in training researchers and have extensive experience in hosting Marie Curie Fellows. The consortium has



extensive experience working in partnership as they are all connected to ongoing CERN research activities through their country’s Associate status, membership or Cooperation Agreements at CERN. 4.3.2 Workshops Many beneficiaries and partner organisation will organise a specialist Technical Workshop (TW) as sown in Table X in section XX. The workshops will provide an opportunity for assessment of scientific progress in the subject, discussion and development of strategy and future directions in the scientific area, and presentation of industrial applications. The workshops will be distributed across the four-year period, assuring a geographically balanced distribution of effort across the consortium. All researchers from beneficiary and partner organisations within the R&D subject chosen will be expected to attend. Due to strong interconnections between the multiple disciplines and subjects, researchers from the partners as well as scientists external to CAPSTONE will be able to benefit from these events. There will be an opportunity for younger researchers to give talks and present their research in poster sessions. 4.3.3 Facilities and support All seconded researchers will be given access to the necessary office equipment to function efficiently (desk, computer, internet access, libraries etc.). The ESRs will receive extra attention at their host organisation overseas. They will have the opportunity to receive additional training at CERN, INFN or in local training and network events at the host location. The WP Leaders of WP1 and WP7 will jointly coordinate training needs and training offers with the respective host institutions. Researchers will have access to the necessary research infrastructure, according to the requirements of their research tasks and in line with the appropriate access rights. All seconded researchers will be given an introductory programme by each host which will include meetings with relevant persons and support with local administrative matters and daily life issues. 4.3.4 Integration and return mechanisms ESRs will likely require remote guidance/supervision by a more experienced researcher from their home organisation during their stay at the host. The supervisor will ensure a continuous information flow between the home department and the exchanged researcher. Steps for a successful preparation of return of exchanged staff and sustainable transfer of knowledge into the home organisation include:

information about the ideas and needs of the returnees (collecting information by dialogue, visits, questionnaires);

specific integration measures depending on the specific needs of the researcher (coaching, team building);

defining and complying with timescales for reintegration;

guarantee of adequate infrastructure and managerial support. After their return, seconded staff will become ‘liaisons’ officer with the former hosts. In internal workshops researchers will present project results describe his/her experiences. The progress of reintegration and its effects will be documented and will be used as a knowledge base for future exchange projects. This will lead to the creation of an integration and return mechanism which contributes to the strategic objective of building long-term and sustainable research partnerships (on organisational level and on research team level) between Europe, Asia and the USA which will continue to collaborate and exchange after the end of this project to the benefit of future global projects. We have seen in the past that Asian or other staff who have spend a small fraction of their doctoral period at CERN, EU or US Institutions are now leaders in the field. Several members of the consortium share a mentor-mentee relationship. 4.3.5 Description of the necessary infrastructures The project refers to excellent infrastructure in the individual laboratories, foremost at CERN, INFN and US (FIT and UCSC) where the majority of the R&D work described in this proposal is carried out. The other participating institutes have their own infrastructure for specific R&D projects and/or develop detector components that are/may be integrated into larger system-tests at CERN. 4.3.6 Secondments allocated to affiliated entities Table B3d – Secondments allocated to affiliated entities

WP Task name

Staff member profile


Beneficiary short name

Affiliated entity shortname

Country of the affiliated entity

Person months allocated








4.4 Competences, experience and complementarity of the participating organisations and their commitment to the

action XXXX



5 References To be completed.



6 Participating organisations Table B4 – Data for non-academic Beneficiaries

Name Location of Research premises (city / country)

Type of R&I activities

No. of full- time employees

No. of employees in R&I

Website Annual Turnover (approx., in Euro)


Viareggio / Italy

Front-End/Data Acquisition modules for particle physics


28/Infineon (IFAT)

Vienna / Austria

Semi-conductor development



29/Eltos Arezzo / Italy

Printed circuit boards


30/Berylinelabs (BERL)

Kolkata / India

Semi-conductor development



Table B5 – Organisations (Beneficiaries and TC Partner organisations) data

P2 - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)

General description

INFN is a public research institution funded by the Italian ministry of research. Established in 1950, INFN gave important contribution to all the major particle and nuclear physics measurements and discoveries. INFN is currently actively participating to all HEP experiments: LHC experiments (ATLAS, CMS, LHCB, ALICE, TOTEM), MEG at PSI, BELLE2 at KEK, BESIII, to a variety of smaller accelerator (CERN-NA62) and neutrinos experiments.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

Gas detector Laboratories at Bari and LNF,for the development of gas detectors are equipped with clean room, X-ray test setup, cosmic ray test stand. Test beam facility (BTF) at LNF. Electronics Laboratories in Bari, Turin, Padua, Florence for the development of complex electronic circuits and printed circuit board layout, component assembly, programming of logic devices and measurement systems for applications in high-energy physics. Computing facilities at Bari and Turin (Tier2 farms for LHC experiments), remotely accessible, for developing event reconstruction algorithm, statistical methods, simulations, data analysis.


Key persons A. Colaleo is a senior INFN researcher. She is the particle physics coordinator at INFN-Bari as well as the Muon System Manager for CMS. P. Verwilligen is a INFN researcher who is coordinator of the simulation working group of RD51 Collaboration. He is as well the coordinator of the INFN MPGD Fast Timing project. F. Loddo is a senior INFN researcher, chip project engineer of RD53 Collaboration. G. Sguazzoni is a senior INFN researcher. He is particle physics coordinator at INFN-Florence, deputy CMS HL-LHC Tracker Upgrade project manager as well as the coordinator of the CMS HL-LHC Tracker Upgrade project for the Inner Tracker Powering working group. S. Paoletti is a INFN researcher, responsible for the power supply system of the CMS Tracker. C. Biino is a senior INFN researcher. She is the particle physics coordinator at INFN-Torino. N.Demaria is a senior INFN researcher. He is the national CMS-Tracker coordinator as well as the RD53 Collaboration Board chair. S. Bagnasco is a INFN researcher, head of INFN-Turin Computer Centre, member of the ALICE Computing Board.



L. Benussi is a INFN researcher who is national CMS-GEM coordinator as well. S. Ventura is a senior INFN researcher who is the CMS DT Upgrade coordinator and the national CMS DT coordinator.

Selected publications

Colaleo et al. “CMS Technical Design Report for the Muon Endcap GEM Upgrade” CERN-LHCC-2015-012

G. Bencivenni et al. “The μ-RWELL detector” 2017. 9 pp. JINST 12 (2017) no.06, C06027

Demaria N, et al. “Recent progress of RD53 Collaboration towards next generation Pixel Read-Out Chip for HL-LHC “ JINST 11 (2016) no.12, C12058

CMS Collaboration “The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Muon Detectors”, CERN-LHCC-2017-012

CMS Colllaboration “The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Tracker”, CERN-LHCC-2017-009

Selected patent applications

“ZEOSENSORS, FBG based sensors for gas contaminants”, L.Benussi et al., RM2011A000621 24/11/2011

“Particle detector with Fast Timing and High rate capability”, M. Maggi at al. WO/2016/102511 30.06.2016

P3 - Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IMB)

General description

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is an autonomous multisectorial, multi-disciplinary public research body affiliated to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, with its own legal personality, its own assets and a presence throughout the national territory. CSIC is composed of around 120 research institutes in all research areas, and it is the major Public Research Body in Spain. Institute of Microelectronics in Barcelona (IMB-CNM) is a research institute belonging to the CSIC. IMB-CNM is the largest public microelectronics research and development centre in Spain.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The main facilities of IMB-CNM are the Integrated Micro and Nanofabrication clean room and some complementary laboratories for microsystems processes, device packaging and electrical characterization. All together, these facilities are considered a “Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure” (ICTS) by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The infrastructure existing on the site offers industry, and, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises, the opportunity to introduce microelectronic technology into their products.


Key persons Dr. Giulio Pellegrini (10% FTE committed) is a senior researcher in development and optimization of microelectronic technologies for radiation detection in high energy physics medical imaging and neutron dosimetry and space applications. He has supervised 5 PhD students via Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. Prof. David Flores: (10% FTE committed) is a senior researcher in development and optimization of microelectronic technologies for radiation detection in high energy physics and space applications and also discrete power devices. He is also assistant professor at Engineering School of Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Supervision of PhD students at UAB: 5. Supervision of Master Thesis at UAB: 12 Dr. Celeste Fleta: (10% FTE committed) is specialist in clean room technological processes, simulation, characterization and test of semiconductor radiation detectors and radiation hardness of microelectronics. Currently her main research line is the development of innovative silicon radiation detectors for security applications, dosimetry and microdosimetry. She has supervised 3 PhD students via Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona

Selected publications

G. Pellegrini et al., Recent technological developments on LGAD and iLGAD detectors for tracking and timing applications, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 831, pp. 24-28, 2016.

G. Pellegrini et al., 3D double sided detector fabrication at IMB-CNM, Nuc. Instr. Meth. A, Volume 699, 21 January 2013, Pages 27-30.

C. Guardiola et al., Silicon-based three-dimensional microstructures for radiation dosimetry in hadrontherapy, Applied Physics Letters 107, 023505 (2015).

Selected patent applications

G. Pellegrini, D.Quirion, “Trasmissive radiation detectors”, exploitation of patent by the company: Alibava Systems s.l.




P4 - Universiteit Gent (UGent)

General description

The UGent Experimental Particle Physics group is active in several HEP experiments, including CMS at the CERN LHC accelerator, the IceCube neutrino telescope at the South Pole and the SoLid neutrino oscillation experiment at the Belgian BR2 nuclear research reactor in SCK-CEN. The group maintains a tradition in detector development and upgrades, with contributions in the past to the HERMES RICH and Recoil Detector, and at present to the SoLid detector and the CMS Muon System. They also participate in the CALICE/ILD Collaboration working on ILC Calorimetry and the RD51 Collaboration developing Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

Fully operational gaseous detectors lab, aimed at the assembly and quality control of chambers:

~200m2 of detector lab space, of which ~50m2 is climate controlled

Cleanroom ISO class 6, ~35m2

4m2 scintillator based cosmic test bench for large chambers

Tabletop cosmic test bench for small chambers

Amptek Mini-X ray source and corresponding radiation shielded test bench

SRS-APV25 data-acquisition system for micro-pattern detectors

VME based data-acquisition systems for resistive plate chambers

Detector gas leak test setups (digital and analog)

3 mixing units for standard GEM gas mixtures and more complex RPC mixtures

Mechanical workshop for detector prototype and tools fabrication


Key persons Dr. Michael Tytgat (Staff - 0.5FTE)is a particle physicist, relevant expertise includes design, construction and operation of gaseous detectors, in particular Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) and Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs); he is leading the UGent gaseous detector team and has been part of the high-level CMS Muon management since many years; he is also member of the CALICE and RD51 collaborations. Dr. Nicolas Zaganidis (Postdoc - 0.2FTE) is a particle physicist, relevant expertise includes detector design and operation of RPCs; he is deputy project manager of the CMS Muon-RPC group and is also coordinating the test beam activities of this group.

Selected publications

D. Abbaneo et al., Characterization of GEM Detectors for Application in the CMS Muon Detection System, 2010 IEEE Nucl. Science Symp. Conf. Rec. (NSS/MIC), p. 1416; arXiv:1012.3675; DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874006

D. Abbaneo et al., R&D on a new type of micropattern gaseous detector: The Fast Timing Micropattern detector, NIM A845 (2017) 313-317; DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.05.067

M. Bedjidian et al., Performance of Glass Resistive Plate Chambers for a high granularity semi-digital calorimeter, JINST 6 (2011) P02001; DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/6/02/P02001

M. Tytgat et al., The Upgrade of the CMS RPC System during the First LHC Long Shutdown, JINST 8 (2013) T02002; DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/8/02/T02002

Selected patent applications


P9 - Tel Aviv University (TAU)

General description

Detector and semiconductor device laboratory is one of the research laboratories of the school of electrical engineering at Tel Aviv University. The university is one of the top rated and by far the largest research university in Israel covering a wide range of disciplines. The school of engineering is also among top rated in the country. The laboratory is headed by Arie Ruzin, and the main fields of interest concentrate around semiconductor devices (including testing, modelling and even fabrication).

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The equipment and facilities available for the research:

Atomic Force Microscope (including electrical characterization)

HR- SEM including EDS

SENTAURUS simulation software

Conventional and Laplace DLTS (deep level transient spectroscopy)

Scanning TCT (transient current technique)



Temperature controlled Current-Voltage characterization

Temperature controlled Capacitance-Voltage characterization

Noise PSD (power spectral density) characterization setup

Thin film deposition systems

Annealing facility at various atmospheres (including vacuum)

Spectroscopy detector characterization

XRD crystallographic characterization


Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy system (SIMS)



Key persons Prof. Arie Ruzin is an academic staff member at the Tel Aviv University since 1999. He is a member of the RD-50 CERN collaboration, and has an extensive experience in the field of radiation induced defects to semiconductors and detectors. He was also involved in defect engineering experiments (e.g., oxygen diffusion). Dr. Anastasia Adelberg is a young scientist with expertise in atomic force microscopy, electrical characterization, etc.

Selected publications

Recent results from the RD-48 (ROSE) Collaboration, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 447, pp. 116-125 (2000).

Novel X- and gamma-ray sensors based on bulk-grown silicon-germanium, IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 50 (12), pp. 2581-2583 (DEC 2003).

Scaling effects in ohmic contacts on semiconductors, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 164502 (2015).

On Polarization of Compensated Detectors, IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. Vol 63(2), p1188 (2016).

Selected patent applications



General description

The Austrian Academy of Sciences (in German “Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften”, abbrev. OEAW) is the leading organisation promoting non-university basic academic research in Austria. Its mission is to promote the sciences and humanities in every respect and in every field, particularly in fundamental research. In 2009, OEAW was ranked 82nd among the 300 topmost research institutions in the world. The Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY), founded in 1966 and responsible for high energy physics research at OEAW, mainly focuses on the participation in large HEP experiments like Belle/Belle II at KEK and CMS at CERN at the moment, complemented by theoretical works and experimental search for Dark Matter. Detector R&D for radiation hard silicon sensors towards the Phase II upgrades of CMS and for other future experiments is a major research topic.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) hosts the following equipment and facilities related to the project

Two clean room (ISO class 6-7) equipped with several characterization stations for silicon radiation detectors

State-of-the-art lab equipment for the electrical characterization of semiconductor devices in general

Climate chamber for aging studies

Mechanical and electrical workshop

Radioactive sources and lasers for testing silicon detectors with different readout systems (ALiBaVa, APVDAQ, Caribou)

Silicon Sensor simulation environment (TCAD tools and Servers running the program)

Access to nuclear reactor of TU Wien Atominstitut for performing neutron irradiations of silicon sensors


Key persons Thomas Bergauer: senior researcher and group leader for silicon sensor development at HEPHY, lecturer at the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology (TUW), long-term involvement in CMS, Belle II and ILC; PhD thesis in particle physics 2008; co-convenor of the silicon sensor working group of the CMS Highly Granularity Calorimeter (HGC) project; Expert in electrical characterization of detectors. He has supervised (so far) four PhD students, more than 30 Bachelor’s theses and O(10) Master’s/diploma theses. Marko Dragicevic: senior researcher and leader of the CMS Tracker involvement of HEPHY.PhD in particle



physics in 2009. Long-term involvement in CMS, co-convenor of the CMS Tracker sensor group and expert in sensor design and detector simulation. He has so far supervised 4 PhD students.

Selected publications

T. Bergauer et al., First thin AC-coupled silicon strip sensors on 8-inch wafers, NIMA 830, (2016), 473–479

T. Bergauer, Silicon Sensor Prototypes for the Phase II Upgrade of the CMS Tracker, NIMA 831, 21 (2016), 161–166

M. Dragicevic et al., Upgrade of the CMS tracker for the High Luminosity LHC, PoS(VERTEX2015)011

T. Bergauer et al., Characterisation of irradiation-induced deep and shallow impurities, NIM A 732 (2013) 173-177.

M. Dragicevic et al., Comparing spreading resistance profiling and C-V characterisation to identify defects in silicon sensors, JINST 8 (2013) C02018.

Selected patent applications


P11 - Universidad de Cantabria (UCAN)

General description

The department of “Física Moderna” from Universidad de Cantabria is oriented towards basic research in the fields of elementary particle physics and astrophysics, among other disciplines. The University of Cantabria (UC) led the Spanish ranking in research from the CYD foundation (amongst 50 public universities and 10 private) and ranked a high score in 8 out of 10 of the indicators studied in this survey.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The university hosts an ISO9001-certified semiconductor laboratory dedicated to the characterization of the solid-state sensors at the device level. The following equipment is installed in a 30 m2 clean room (class 5.5 according to ISP 14644).

Transient Current Technique setup integrated by:

top-bench pico-second laser Advanced Laser Systems, 660 nm and 1060 nm. Collimating and focusing optics from Schafter&Kirchoff, mono/multimode optical fibers, fiber splitters, isolators, power supplies, pulsers and function generators, Faraday Cage, Miteq and CIVIDEC broadband amplifiers, Tektronix high bandwidth digital oscilloscope.

Charge Collection setup for radioactive source and laser characterization, with shaping electronics: Alibava readout system

Electric CV/IV characterization probe station and automatic CV/IV semiconductor characterization system.

Thermal chuck from Huber

Manual microbonding machine

SOPRA Ellipsometer


Key persons Dr. Marcos Fernandez Garcia, is associate professor at the University of Cantabria and researcher at IFCA (the physics institute of Cantabria). He is active member of the RD50 and CMS collaborations, specialized in radiation damage in silicon sensors. He is the leading force for the development of a new characterization technique called Two Photon Absorption-TCT. In the past he developed sensors for the alignment system of CMS, the AntiCounter System for the AMS experiment and was instrumental in the commissioning and installation of Muon Chambers for the CMS experiment. Dr. Ivan Vila Alvarez is a staff researcher at CSIC and member of the Instituto de Física de Cantabria. He has been principal investigator of more than seven research projects funded by the Spanish science system and the European Union, he has published more than 700 papers on international journals. Ivan Vila has supervised four PhD students.

Selected publications

M. Fernandez et al., High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of a depleted {CMOS} sensor using an edge Transient Current Technique based on the Two Photon Absorption process (TPA-eTCT), Volume 845, 11 February 2017, Pages 69-71

M.Fernandez Garcia et al., Radiation hardness studies of neutron irradiated CMOS sensors fabricated in ams H18 high voltage process, Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 11, February 2016

3. Recent technological developments on LGAD and iLGAD detectors for tracking and timing applications, NIMA Volume 831, 21 September 2016, Pages 24-28

Selected patent N/A




P12 - University of Colombo (UOC-SL)

General description

University of Colombo is the oldest and highest ranked university in Sri Lanka. It is the most popular university among students to pursue science based education. The Faculty of Science has about 1600 undergraduate students, 250 masters students and 150 M.Phil/Ph.D. students. In addition to Physics major, the Department of Physics has two focus areas namely, Electronics and Computing.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The department has well established research groups in Lightning Research, Instrumentation Physics and Condensed Matter and now expanding into Medical research. Latest focused areas are the Astronomy and High Energy Physics. In addition to facilities available in the established research groups, following are the facilities available for the project:

Full equipped mechanical workshop (in house)

Access to facilities available at the Atomic Energy Authority

Access to facilities available at the SLINTEC for nano characterisation (such as SEM, TEM, SPM, NMR, LCMS etc.) and clean room facilities



Key Persons

Prof. D.U.J. Sonnadara is a Professor of Physics at University of Colombo and member of the CMS collaboration at CERN. His expertise is in the area of pattern recognition and trigger systems. He has worked with E814/E877 Collaboration at BNL. Dr. M.K. Jayananda is a Senior Lecturer in Physics at University of Colombo and member of the CMS collaboration at CERN. He has worked with E814 Collaboration at BNL, ATLAS at CERN and ALICE at CERN. Dr. G.D.N. Perera is a Senior Lecturer in Physics at University of Colombo. His expertise is in the area of Silicon Detectors and DAQ systems. He has worked with PHENIX Collaboration at BNL.

Selected Publications

Transverse energy production and charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity in various systems from s = 7.7 NN s to 200 GeV”, (PHENIX Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C93 024901 (2016)

First proton–proton collisions at the LHC as observed with the ALICE detector: measurement of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density at s= 900 GeV, (ALICE collaboration), Euro Phy J C65, 111 (2010)

Midrapidity Antiproton-to-Proton Ratio in p p Collisions at s = 0.9 and 7 TeV Measured by the ALICE Experiment, Physical Review Letters 105(7):072002

Selected patent applications


P13 - University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka (UOR-SL)

General description

The University of Ruhuna is a Higher Education Institution in Sri Lanka operating under the Ministry of Higher Education through the University Grant Commission. University signed and EOI with the CERN – CMS experiment in 2006. University of Ruhuna has joined the CMS experiment with a full membership in this year (2018) as funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and research. The University established in 1978 with four faculties has expanded up to10 Faculties now. The total student population in the university is about 6722. The university has a total of about 450 academics and about 800 non-academics. All faculties are well established with good laboratory and ICT facilities. All postgraduate degrees are offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

Facilities are not yet setup for HEP. However, workshops with relevant machines for engineering laboratory classes are available in three faculties. In particular, the Faculty of Engineering has facilities for, FPGA Programming and Training Devices, High End Printed Circuit Board Design and Production Facility, Digital/Analogue Electronics Circuit Design and Simulation Software, Embedded Systems Design Facility (PLCs, Arduino, Sensors), Parallel (High Performance) Computing Facility (Cluster).





Key Persons

Prof. W.G.D. Dharmaratna, Senior Professor of Physics. He worked in D0 experiment with FSU group on EM end-cap calorimeter calibration, data analysis, muon response, fast simulation of D0 and the effect of dead material. He has worked with CMS group at FSU (2004/2005) on MC data generation at FSU cluster and analyzed SUSY MC data/background. Dr. Nadeesha Wickramage, Senior Lecturer (Physics). Completed her PhD at Ruhuna University based on research at CMS experiment through TIFR, India. (1st such PhD from a Sri Lankan University in HEP). Worked on RPC detector and data analysis and continuing her work at CMS with PdmV group and contribute as the L3 Validation Manager. Dr. J.A. Jeewanie, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department Computer Science: She was awarded the Ph.D. by the Department of Information Management, University of Tilburg, the Netherlands in March 2013. Her thesis was entitled “A Unified Modelling Framework for Service Design”. In it, she explored a conceptual modelling framework for service design which addresses the business requirements based on well-established business ontology. Currently her main research areas are Enterprise Modelling, Cloud based Service Oriented Architecture. Dr S.H.K.K. Gunawickrama, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, is also the Head of the same Department. He has 15 years of experience in academia and industry based development projects in the fields of embedded systems, high performance computing, operating systems and computer architecture.

Selected Publications

Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC CMS Collaboration, Physics Letters B (2012) 716 (1), 30-61

Precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson and tests of compatibility of its couplings with the standard model predictions using proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV, CMS Collaboration, The European Physical Journal C (2015) 75 (5), 212

Jet production rates in association with W and Z bosons in pp collisions at 7 TeV, CMS Collaboration, Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (1), 10

Study of Intelligent Switching Mechanism of Band Selection for Micro Scale RF Energy Harvesting. Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2013. pp. 29-35.

Business Service Modelling for the Service- Oriented Enterprise, International Journal of Information System Modelling and Design,Vol.3,2012

Observation of Top Quark, S. Abachi et al. (D0 Collaboration), Fermilab-Pub-95-028-E, Also in Phy. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995), 2632.

The D0 Detector, S. Abachi et al. (D0 Collaboration), Fermilab-Pub-93-179-E, Also in Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A338 (1994), 185

Selected patent applications

Ring closing metathesis approach to produce precursors of Nylon 11,12 & 13 from oleic acid

Automated hopper making machine

Semi-automated mushroom grow bag filling machine

Pneumatic type precision seeds for cinnamon nursery

Catalysts & process for liquid hydrocarbon fuel production (Patents owned by staff members)

P15 - Kathmandu University (KATU)

General description

Kathmandu University (KU) is an autonomous, not-for-profit, non - government institution dedicated to maintain high standards of academic excellence. It is committed to develop leaders in professional areas through quality education. The university has seven schools and a Plasma physics laboratory is under the school of science. This laboratory is dedicated to train undergraduate, graduate and post graduate students of physics majoring in plasma physics and material science. The specialty of the laboratory is basic research in low temperature plasma and its application in material processing.

Available technical equipment and facilities

The laboratory hosts the following equipment and facilities relevant to the project

Hind High vacuum box coater Model BC-300 deposition of thin films

Ultra sonic pray nebulizer for synthesis of thin film materials



relevant to the project

Double Langmuir probe system for diagnostics of plasma

Low pressure plasma system for study of Paschen law

Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) of various configurations (planar, cyclindrical)

Optical Emission Spectrometer, Ocean Optics, USB 2000+ (200-1100 nm)

UV-Visible absorption spectrometer

Rame hart contact angle goniometer (Model 200) for surface analysis of solids

Ozone Analyzer: BMT 964

Digital Oscilloscope: 2 channel (Tektronix TDS 2002) and 4 channel (Tektronix TDS 2014C)



Key Persons

Dr. Deepak Prasad Subedi is a Professor of Physics at the department of Natural Sciences, Kathmandu University. He is an expert in the field of low temperature plasma and its application, especially for surface modification of materials. His research is mainly focused on the development of cost effective plasmas in the form of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operating at atmospheric pressure. He is also the associate academician of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). He has supervised few Ph.D., M. Phil. and several M.Sc. students in the field of his expertise. Prof. Subedi has been organizing national and international conferences, symposium and workshop in plasma physics and material science. He has received research grants from international foundation for sciences (IFS), TWAS, ICTP and UNESCO for research and teaching activities. Dr. Rajendra Adhikari is an assistant professor in the Department of Natural Sciences, School of Science, KU. He is an expert in computational physics. He has also a good command over electronics data handling and circuit design.

Selected Publications

J. Janca, P. Stahel, J. Buchta, D. Subedi, F. Krcma, J. Pryckova, A Plasma Surface Treatment of Polyester Textile Fabrics Used For Reinforcement of Car Tyres, Plasmas and Polymers, Vol.6, Nos.1/2, June 2001, 15-26.

L. Zajickova, V. Bursikova, V. Perina, Mackova A, D. P. Subedi, J. Janca, S. Smirnov, Plasma Modifications of Polycarbonates, Surface and Coating Technology, 142--144, (2001) 449-454

D. P. Subedi, D.K. Madhup, K. Adhikari, U.M Joshi, Low pressure plasma treatment for the enhancement of wettability of polycarbonate, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Vol 46, pp. 540-544, 2008.

D. P. Subedi, R.B. Tyata, A. Khadgi & C.S. Wong, Physicochemical & Microbiological analysis of Drinking water treated by using ozone. Sains Malaysiana, 41, (2012) pp 739-745.

R. B. Tyata, D. P. Subedi, R. Shrestha and C. S. Wong, Generation of uniform atmospheric pressure argon glow plasma by dielectric barrier Discharge, PRAMANA, Journal of Physics, Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp 507-517 2012.

D. P. Subedi, R. B. Tyata, R. Shrestha, C. S. Wong, An Experimental Study Of Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) In Argon, Frontiers in Physics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1588, 103-108 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4867673

Selected patent applications


P16 - University of Mauritius (UMAU)

General description

The Department of Physics is a research and teaching department, within the Faculty of Science of the University of Mauritius, under the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research. The Mauritius Radio Telescope is within the Department. Active area of research includes Computational Electrodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Microwave and Radio Astronomy.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The university hosts the following equipment and facilities relevant to the project:

CPU 3 multicore systems (Physics)

GPU 2 systems (Physics)

CPU 96 Blade system (Centre for Information Technology and Systems)





Key Persons

Dr Girish Kumar Beeharry is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics. He is also the Head of the Mauritius Radio Telescope. He specialises in Low Frequency Radio Astronomy: imaging, RF electronics, HPC and signal processing Dr Michel Roddy Lollchund is the Head of the Department of Physics. He specialises in Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Dr Avinash Utam Mungur is in the Department of Information CommunicationTechnology. He specialises in IPv6 Mobile Internet within Computer Networks. Dr Bhimsen Rajkumarsingh is a Senior Lecturer and the Head of the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. He specialises in Error coding and data protection for Power Line Communication Channels.

Selected Publications

Vinand Prayag; Girish Kumar Beeharry; Nazir Vydelingum; Michael Inggs "RFI in Mauritius" in Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Date of Conference: 17-20 Oct. 2016 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 26 January 2017; DOI: 10.1109/RFINT.2016.7833537, Publisher: IEEE, Conference Location: Socorro, NM, USA -

Lollchund, M & Oree, Shailendra. (2016). An electromagnetic-thermal-chemical model for simulating the dynamics of laminar reactive flows under microwave heating. 1-2. 10.1109/RADIO.2016.77720 04

Mungur. A, Tuhaloo M. A and Jawarun A. M (2016), Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Paging Mechanism to Support Locator Identity Split End- Host Mobility, in the Proc. of the 8th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Cyprus, November 2016.

Oree, Shailendra & Lollchund, M. (2017). Microwave complex permittivity of hot compressed water in equilibrium with its vapour. 1-2. - 10.23919/RADIO.2017.8242250.

Rajkumarsingh B., Sokappadu B.N. (2017) Noise Measurement and Analysis in a Power Line Communication Channel. In: Fleming P., Vyas N., Sanei S., Deb K. (eds) Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering. ELECOM 2016. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 416. Springer, Cham.

Selected patent applications


P17 - National Centre for Physics (NCP)

General description

National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan has been established on the lines of The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (AS-ICTP), Italy to promote research in the field of Physics and allied disciplines in the country and the region. The main objective of the Centre is to raise the standard of Physics at par with international norms of productivity and originality, and to act as an entity for acquisition, generation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge in frontiers of physics for Universities and Research and Development (R&D) organizations covering the broad areas of physics. NCP collaborate with the world class research institutions like ICTP, CERN, SESAME, IHEP China, KRISS, F’SATI and TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) etc.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

Following technical facilities are available in NCP relevant to project: The EHEP group is actively involved in front line collaborative research projects, particularly related to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Switzerland. Members of the EHEP group are strongly contributing to the analysis of LHC data and have been involved in cutting edge research such as the discovery of Higgs like particle with the CMS detector. The large amount of data produced at CERN has been managed by NCP in real time through Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). EHEP group has contributed significantly to the detector technology Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) under the MoU signed between CERN and Pakistan in 1994. EHEP group members were heavily involved in the assembly, testing, installation and commissioning of 320 Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC). Pakistani team completed this task successfully in 2009 and RPCs are shipped to CERN where the chambers are installed on CMS Experiment and are running efficiently till date. The LHC has successfully collected data at 7TeV and 8TeV center of mass energy from CMS Experiment. RPCs being a part of CMS experiment have performed with full potential to collect the LHC collision data.



EHEP members are establishing new laboratories at NCP for the following projects for the Phase 2 upgrade of the CMS Experiment at CERN

Assembly and Testing of GEM detector

Assembly and Testing of Silicon Tracking Detector The required infrastructure and equipment is in process which involves Clean room of class 1000, Silicon Probe Station, wire bonding machines etc.



Key Persons

Prof. Hafeez R. Hoorani is currently working as Director General (NCP). He has vast experience of working in experimental high-energy physics like L3/LEP and CMS/LHC. He successfully lead and completed RPC project for CMS. He has served as the Scientific Director for (SESAME) and currently CMS/CERN Team Leader from Pakistan. He also works in Top Quark Physics. Dr. Ashfaq Ahmad is currently working as Director Expt. HEP group at NCP. He has vast experience of detector physics specially silicon detectors. Currently he is leading the CMS Tracker upgrade project and muon upgrade project (GEM). He is also expert in data analysis of LHC and his area of interest is rare decays of top quark. Dr. Muhammad Irfan Asghar is a faculty member at NCP. He specializes on Gaseous detectors such as the Resistive Plate Chambers and GEM. He is currently working on developing quality control procedures for GEM detectors with NCP team.

Selected Publications

Observation of top quark production in proton-nucleus collisions, Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017) 242001, IF = 8.462

Search for associated production of a Z boson with a single top quark and for tZ flavour-changing interactions in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV, J. HEP 07 (2017) 003., IF = 8.462

Search for heavy resonances decaying to a top quark and a bottom quark in the lepton+jets final state in proton-proton collisions at 13TeV, Published in : Phys. Lett. B 777 (2018) 39-63, IF = 4.807

Search for evidence of the type-III seesaw mechanism in multilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at √ s = 13 TeV, Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017) 221802, IF = 8.462

Principal-component analysis of two-particle azimuthal correlations in PbPb and pPb collisions at CMS, Published in : Phys. Rev. C 96 (2017) 064902

Selected patent applications


P18 - Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PNTE) General description

The Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH), is a multiprogram national institute for basic and applied research. Establishing the world class physics research institute, roughly equivalent to CERN, in Pakistan was a dream of Prof. Abdus Salam (1979 Nobel prize winner in Physics) who initiated the establishment of PINSTECH. The PINSTECH is regarded as one of the most advanced and premium research facility in Pakistan with state of the art equipment and research facilities. More than 1500 people are employed at PINSTECH including 300 scientists and engineers. PINSTECH is also an associate member of the ALICE experiment at CERN and many scientists and engineers from PINSTECH are involved in different projects at CERN.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

PINSTECH has different R & D facilities, including

Different types of detectors (HPGE, NaI, etc) are being used at PINSTECH for various applications. Facilities are available to fabricate and construct detectors for different purposes.

Many software’s and tools are also available for the simulation of different types of detectors.

Expertise in Monte Carlo simulations in design and development of detectors.

Facilities to promote application of radiation and isotope technology in various scientific and technological disciplines to support the nation.

Isotope production facility for cancer hospitals.

Facilities and expertise for radiation protection and measurements.

Expertise for cloud computing, etc.




Key persons Dr. Zafar Yasin is the deputy team leader of ALICE experiment at PINSTECH. Worked at different well-known institutions in Europe at MAX-lab (Sweden), Nuclear Physics Institute (Czech Republic), ELI-NP (Romania), CERN (Switzerland), etc. Experience in detector development, Monte Carlo simulations for detectors and other systems, physics analysis in nuclear and high energy physics, radiation protection and measurements, etc. Dr. M. Usman Rajput is the second deputy team leader of ALICE experiment at PINSTECH. Ph.D from Imperial College London and Postdoc from Brazil. Experience in detector development and expertise in experimental nuclear physics. Dr. Shakeel Ahmed is a Ph.D in cloud computing from USA and also worked at CERN.

Selected publications

Zafar Yasin, Florin Negotia, et al, Monte Carlo simulations and measurements for efficiency determination of lead shielded plastic scintillator detectors. AIP Conf. Proc. 1916, 040003-1–040003-5.

Zafar Yasin, Kurt Hansen, Magnus Lundin, et al, Applicability of parallel plate avalanche detectors to spontaneous fission source 252Cf. International Journal of Modern Physics E (IJMPE) 21 (4) (2012), 1250052-1-12.

Zafar Yasin, M.I. Shahzad, R. J. Peterson, et al: Experimental studies and cascade-exciton model analysis of negative pion induced fission in gold and bismuth: Nuclear Physics A: 765 (2006) 390-400.

Zafar Yasin, Some characteristics and applications of parallel plate avalanche detectors (PPADs). International Journal of Modern Physics E (IJMPE) 21 (1) (2012), 1230001-1-16.

Selected patent applications


PX 19 - Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)

General description

Florida Institute of Technology is an accredited, coeducational, independently controlled and supported university located on the Space Coast in East Central Florida. It is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, master’s, education specialist, and doctoral degrees. Today, 9,200 students are enrolled in programs on and off campus, and online. Florida Tech offers over 260 degree programs in science, engineering, aviation, business, education, humanities, psychology and communication including doctoral degrees offered in 26 programs. The university is organized into six academic units including the College of Science, which comprises the departments of biological sciences, chemistry, education and interdisciplinary studies, mathematical sciences, and physics and space sciences. Proximity to the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral allows easy interaction between space center personnel and the university community.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The 70,000-sq.-ft. F.W. Olin Physical Sciences Center houses the departments of chemistry, and physics and space sciences (PSS) and includes numerous specialty and teaching labs. The PSS department hosts three HEP labs including a large high-bay lab, which currently houses a complete MPGD lab. It serves as a mass-production and quality control site for large Triple-GEMs being built for the muon upgrade of the CMS experiment at CERN for the HL-LHC. The HEP labs also contain an operational experimental muon tomography station based on GEMs with an active scanning volume of 30 lit. and a Linux computing cluster with 180 cores and 100 TB of storage that is integrated into the US Open Science Grid and the LHC Grid.


Key persons M. Hohlmann, Prof. of Physics and Space Sciences, FIT Team leader in CMS exp. at CERN. Marcus Hohlmann holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the U. of Chicago, an M.S. from Purdue U., and a Diplomphysiker degree from RWTH Aachen. He was a post-doctoral fellow at DESY from 1997-2001. As a member of international collaborations, he has over 1000 publications. His hardware work focuses on MPGDs for HEP, Nuclear Physics, and muon tomography. D. Mitra, Prof. of Computer Sciences and Cybersecurity. Debasis Mitra received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the U. of Louisiana at Lafayette and also holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the Indian Inst. of Technology at Kharagpur. He is a recipient of an NSF Career Award. His research focuses on imaging science in medicine, e.g. improving the analysis of nuclear medical images of the heart, solving the inverse imaging problem, and bio-informatics.

Selected publications

Zhang, M. Hohlmann, B. Azmoun, M. Purschke, and C. Woody, "A GEM readout with radial zigzag strips and linear charge-sharing response," Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 887 (2018) 184-192.



M. Abdalah, R. Boutchko, D. Mitra, and G.T. Gullberg “Reconstruction of 4-D Dynamic SPECT Images From Inconsistent Projections Using a Spline Initialized FADS Algorithm (SIFADS),” IEEE Trans. in Medical Imaging, 34(1): 216-228, 2015.

V. Bhopatkar, M. Hohlmann, A. Mohapatra, M. Phipps, J. Twigger, A. Zhang, et. al., "Performance of a Large-Area GEM Detector Prototype for the Upgrade of the CMS Muon Endcap System," Proc. of IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. 2014, Seattle, WA, Nov 9-15, 2014.

K. Gnanvo, M. Hohlmann, D. Mitra, et al., "Imaging of high-Z material for nuclear contraband detection with a minimal prototype of a muon tomography station based on GEM detectors," Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 652 (2011) 16–20.

Selected patent applications


P21 - University of Delhi (UOD-IN)

General description

University of Delhi is one of the Premier universities in India. It is also one of the largest universities in India with a total student strength of approximately three hundred thousand. The university is funded fully by Government of India. The research programs at the university are supported by various national and international funding agencies and organisations. The Department of Physics and Astrophysics is one of the biggest departments of the University holding post-graduate and Ph.D. programs in Physics. The department is known for its wide spectrum of quality research in various areas of Physics including High Energy and Nuclear Physics.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The University has central instrumentation facility hosting a range of state of the art scientific equipment. In addition to this, University also has workshop and various general-purpose labs. Some of the equipment available in the University and the group is as follows:

Class 100 clean room

Gas mixing Unit with multiple channels

Gas Chromatograph

NIM and VME Data Acquisition systems




Detector assembly and characterisation setup

X-ray irradiation facility


Key persons Dr. Md. Naimuddin, is an Assistant Professor of Physics at University of Delhi. Dr. Naimuddin collaborates in the CMS experiment at CERN and India-based Neutrino Observatory in India. He is currently the deputy Project Manager for the CMS Muon system upgrade with GEM detectors. He is also involved in the applications of GEM detectors in the development of proton computed tomography system for the cancer diagnosis. He is also involved in the RPC R&D and data analysis. Dr. Ashok Kumar, is an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Delhi. Dr. Kumar collaborates in the CMS experiment at CERN and India-based Neutrino Observatory in India. He is the site manager of the Delhi University GEM assembly centre for the CMS Muon system upgrade with GEM detectors. He is also involved in the Resistive Plate Chamber Research and Development.

Selected publications

Development, characterisation and Qualification of first GEM foils produced in India, A. Shah, A. Ahmed, Mohit Gola, R. K. Sharma, S. Malhotra, A. Kumar, M. Naimuddin, P. Menon, K. Srinivasan, Nucl. Instr. Methods A 892, (2018) 10-17.

Timing and charge measurement of single gap resistive plate chamber detectors for INO-ICAL experiment, Ankit Gaur, Ashok Kumar and Md. Naimuddin, Nucl. Instr. Methods A 877, (2018) 246-251.

Search for the differences in atmospheric neutrino and antineutrino oscillation parameters at the INO-ICAL experiment, Daljeet Kaur, Zubair Ahmad Dar, Sanjeev Kumar and Md. Naimuddin, Physical Review D 95, 093005 (2017).

The model-independent analysis for Higgs boson, Md. Naimuddin & Shivali Malhotra, Pramana J Phys (2016) 87:36.



The sensitivity of the ICAL detector at India-based Neutrino Observatory to neutrino oscillation parameters, Daljeet Kaur, Md. Naimuddin and Sanjeev Kumar, Eur. Phys. J. C 75, 156 (2015).

Selected patent applications


P23 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP)

General description

The Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics is a leading academic institution in India, and an autonomous body under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The Institute hosts many sophisticated facilities that are relevant to the project, for example, clean room etc. In particular, our laboratory which specializes on gaseous ionization detectors, has the following:

Radiation source (Fe55), portable Xray generator etc

Gaseous ionization detectors such as GEM, Micromegas; small TPCs etc, scintillators, cosmic ray bench

Gas mixing system, residual gas analyzer etc

Oscilloscopes, preamplifiers, spectroscopy amplifiers, MCAs, discriminators, logic units, translators, digitizers etc

Optical and soft X-ray microscopes, precise XYZ positioning system

Servers and workstations (~200 cores, ~300GB RAM)

Commercial packages such as MatLab, COMSOL (FEM)


Key persons Supratik Mukhopadhyay and Nayana Majumdar:

Members of the CMS, LCTPC and RD51 collaborations.

Involved in experimental and numerical studies of various MPGDs and their applications.

Took part in detailed experimental and numerical investigations on the effects of detector geometrical features, gas mixtures, voltage configuration on efficiency, gain, transmission, ion backflow and other characteristic features of both GEM and Micromegas.

Carried out numerical simulation of timing properties of fast timing detectors such as FTM and Picosec.

Future plan is to study the effects of using resistive layers, dynamics of charging up and discharges, and electric field distortion due to accumulation of space charge in MPGDs.

Selected publications

The effect of spacers on the performance of Micromegas: a numerical investigation, P. Bhattacharya, S. Mukhopadhyay, N. Majumdar, S. Bhattacharya, Nuclear Instrumentation & Methods in Physics Research, 793, 41-48, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.04.051 (01 September 2015)

A Study of Three Dimensional Edge and Corner Problems using the neBEM Solver, S.Mukhopadhyay, N.Majumdar, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 33 (2009) 105 – 119, doi: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2008.06.003

Simulation of Three-Dimensional Electrostatic Field Configuration in Wire Chambers: A Novel Approach, N. Majumdar, S. Mukhopadhyay, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 566, pp.489-494 (2006), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2006.06.035

Selected patent applications


P26 - National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER)

General description

National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) is an autonomous research institute under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. Apart from research and higher education programmes, it has a rich undergraduate program with talented students from all over India. It has strong groups of physicists in the area Experimental High Energy Physics. NISER is a part of STAR (Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC), ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment), CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), SuperCDMS (Cryodenic Dark Matter Search) and DINO (Dark Matter at India-based Neutrino Observatory) collaborations.

Available technical

ISO-5 or class 100 cleanroom of approximate area 200 sq.ft

5 channel gas mixing system for gas detector R & D



equipment and facilities relevant to the project

X ray irradiation setup

NIM and VME based data acquisition system with conventional and digitizer electronics.

Workstation for compute intensive tasks

Intel Xeon 1088 cores 30 TFLOPs HPC


Key persons Prof. Bedangadas Mohanty, Professor and Chairperson, School of Physical Sciences and Dean of Faculty at the National Institute of Science Education and Research. He is a member of ALICE Collaboration at CERN, STAR collaboration at RHIC and the SuperCDMS collaborations. His major research expertise is in physics analysis. However, he has contributed significantly to the gas based Photon Multiplicity Detector (both for STAR and ALICE) design, fabrication, testing (including at CERN), installation, commissioning, data taking and data analysis. Dr. Varchaswi K. S. Kashyap, is an experimental physicist with expertise in detector design, instrumentation and simulations. He is working towards setting up detector labs at NISER for advanced gaseous detectors and neutron detectors. He was involved with the INO (India-based Neutrino Observatory) program where he performed studies on glass RPCs. He also worked on a project for reactor monitoring using antineutrinos at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC).

Selected publications

V. K. S. Kashyap, L. M. Pant, A. K. Mohanty, and V. M. Datar, Simulation results of Liquid and Plastic scintillator detectors for reactor antineutrino detection - A comparison, Journal of Instrumentation, 11(03): P03005, 2016.

Kashyap, V.K.S., Yadav, C., Sehgal, S.T. et al. Plastic scintillator-based hodoscope for the characterization of large-area resistive plate chambers, Pramana - J Phys (2016) 87: 92.

P. Bhattacharya, B. Mohanty, S. Mukhopadhyay, N. Majumdar, Hugo Natal da Luz, 3D simulation of electron and ion transmission of GEM-based detectors, Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A870 (2017) 64-72

S. Gupta, X. Luo, B. Mohanty, H. Ritter, N. Xu, Scale for the Phase Diagram of Quantum Chromodynamics, Science 332 (2011) 1525

STAR Collaboration, Observation of anti-matter Helium-4 nucleus, Nature 473 (2011) 353

Selected patent applications


P27 - CAEN S.p.A. (CARFID)

General description

CAEN is one of the most important spin-offs of the Italian Nuclear Physics Research Institute, founded in Viareggio (Lucca) in 1979. CAEN ( designs and manufactures sophisticated electronic equipment for nuclear physics research and is today the world’s leading company in the field: there are several hundreds of thousand CAEN Low/High Voltage and data acquisition channels now working in all the most important Nuclear Physics Laboratories all over the World. In the last years CAEN diversified its offer, extending its market, taking part into national and international programs and becoming a real “Innovation Company”. In this way CAEN joined to its core business new experiences in new fields such as the UHF Radio frequency identification, the microelectronics, the aerospace applications, biomedicine, and homeland security. CAEN is known today as the only company in the world able to offer, besides a complete range of power supply and data acquisition systems, a large choice of Front-End modules implemented using ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) developed inside the company itself. CAEN portfolio includes today more than 500 products, ranging from power supply systems to data acquisition boards and crates. Besides catalogue products, CAEN offers custom solutions dedicated to the different customers’ needs, which reach the 40% of the annual production. The quality of its products is monitored during all the production cycle and guaranteed by the UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 certifications obtained in 1997.

Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

The CAEN departments that will be involved in the project are:

R&D front-end electronics;

R&D Power Supply electronics.




Key persons Alessandro Iovene started his activity in electronics in 2010, as Project Manager in CAEN. Over the last 7 years he managed several R&I actions in the frame of digital electronics and special power supply systems for Nuclear Physics applications and Big Science facilities. Since 2014 he is the CAEN responsible of regional, national and international funded projects. Carlo Tintori started his activity in electronics in 1996 as ASIC Designer in the CAEN Microelectronics R&D division. In 1998 he entered the CAEN Nuclear R&D division as Front-End electronics Designer and up to 2006 he was in charge of many development in the field of electronics for physics and aerospace applications. From 2007 is the Chief Technical Officer of CAEN SpA. Claudio Raffo started his activity in electronics in 1987 as designer of digital electronics in the CAEN R&D Division. He has been in charge of the CAEN Firmware and Software Division from 1995 to 2003. He was then the responsible of the CAEN project for the design, construction and delivery of the electronics for the LHC experiments at CERN. Since 2008 he is the Technical Director of CAEN SpA.

Selected publications

C. -L. Sotiropoulou; I. Maznas; S. Citraro; A. Annovi; L. S. Ancu; R. Beccherle; F. Bertolucci; N. Biesuz; D. Calabrò; F. Crescioli; D. Dimas; M. Dell’Orso; S. Donati; C. Gentsos; P. Giannetti; S. Gkaitatzis; J. Gramling; V. Greco; P. Kalaitzidis; K. Kordas; N. Kimura; T. Kubota; A. Iovene; A. Lanza; P. Luciano; B. Magnin; K. Mermikli; H. Nasimi; A. Negri; S. Nikolaidis; M. Piendibene; A. Sakellariou; D. Sampsonidis; G. Volpi: The Associative Memory System Infrastructures for the ATLAS Fast Tracker, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Year: 2017, Volume: 64, Issue: 6 Pages: 1248 - 1254

D.Cester, D. Fabris, M. Lunardon, S. Moretto, G. Nebbia, S. Pesente, L. Stevanato, G. Viesti, F. Neri, S. Petrucci, S. Selmi, C. Tintori: An Integrated mobile system for port security, ANIMMA Conference 2011, Ghent, 5.06.

D. Cester, G. Nebbia, L. Stevanato, G Viesti, F. Neri, S. Petrucci, S. Selmi, C. Tintori, P. Peerani, A. Tomanin: Special nuclear material detection with a mobile multi-detector system, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 663, Issue 1, 21 January 2012, Pages 55-63.

G Viesti, D. Cester, G. Nebbia, L. Stevanato, F. Neri, S. Petrucci, S. Selmi, C. Tintori, P. Peerani, A. Tomanin: Special Nuclear Material detection studies with the SMANDRA mobile system, IX LASNPA Conference, Quito 2011.

Lukasz Swiderski, Member IEEE, Paul Schotanus, Erwin Bodewits, Denis Badocco, Tadeusz Batsch, Davide Cester, Matteo Corbo, Paola Garosi, Alessandro Iovene, Joanna Iwanowska-Hanke, Marcello Lunardon, Marek Moszyński, Fellow IEEE, Paolo Pastore, Francesca Romanini, Luca Stevanato, Carlo Tintori, and Giuseppe Viesti: Gamma Spectrometer Based on CeBr3 Scintillator with Compton Suppression for Identification of Trace Activities in Water

Selected patent applications

US20060164198A1 - Switching power supply

P29 – ELTOS S.p.A. (ELT)

General description

ELTOS S.p.A. manufactures and supplies printed circuit boards for original equipment manufacturer customers and their electronic manufacturing service providers. Its principal products include multi-layer rigid printed circuit boards, which are the platforms used to interconnect microprocessors, integrated circuits, and other components for the operation of electronic products and systems. The company provides design and engineering assistance services, as well as manufactures printed circuit boards primarily for industrial and medical, communications and networking, computing and peripherals, defense and aerospace, and automotive markets. ELTOS S.p.A. offers its products and services in Europe, Asia, and North America. Eltos S.p.A. is partner and supplier of many Italian and International research institutes (CERN, CEA, INFN, Weizmann Institute, etc). In 2008, Eltos S.p.A. was awarded by the “LHCb Industry Award” as one of the ten more relevant suppliers for LHCb experiment. The company was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Arezzo, Italy.



Available technical equipment and facilities relevant to the project

Eltos S.p.A. is equipped with the following devices and machines that are relevant to the project:

IS Microetching horiz. Line

Teknek cleaner CMII600F

Hakuto pre-heating module

Morton int. Automatic Laminator 1600 MO 6200

Morton int. Semi-Automatic lam. 360

Dupont exp. PC Printer 130

Bacher aut. Exposure EXOS

UCAMCO calibrator 8000 photoplatter

Orbotech Paragon 8800 LDI

AOI Orbotech Discovery 8000

IS Developing Machine Devmaster MK2

IS Stripmaster

WISE Alkaline etching line

Posalux SA 6000 LZ Drilling

Posalux SA Ultraspeed lz36-3c Routing

Clean Rooms for photoimaging

5 licenses GENESIS for CAM-CAD activities

1 UCAMCO license for Electrical Test artwork

More (also suitable for extra-large boards manufacturing)



Key Persons

Dr Marco Pinamonti got his Master Degree in Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna, Italy in 2001. He got a fellowship at the Dep. of Organic Chemistry, Fac. of Ind. Chemistry, University of Bologna, Italy. Since Jan. 2004 in Eltos S.p.A. he is the Technical Manager and R&D Responsible. Mr. Alessandro Biserni. Since February 1982 is working for in Eltos S.p.A. He is the resposable of CAM-CAD Department; AOI-Photography Departments

Selected Publications

04/01ST/2007-02/09th/2008 Principal Investigator :” Studio e sviluppo di innovativi circuiti stampati con pattern conduttivo ad alta definizione” (Funded by Tuscany region decr. 5273/06)

04/01st/2008-03/31th/2010 Principal Investigator :” Studio e sviluppo di nuovi progetti produttivi per la produzione di circuiti stampati realizzati con materiali di nuova generazione” (Funded by Tuscany region decr. 6427/07)

04/02th/2012-12/26st/2014 Principal Investigator :” “Ricerca, sperimentazione e sviluppo di innovativi circuiti stampati speciali destinati ad applicazioni avanzate nel campo ICT/telecomunicazioni (Information and Communication Technology) e alla realizzazione di camere a muoni di ultima generazione” (Funded by Tuscany region decr. 5874 10)

Selected patent applications




7 Ethics and Security 7.1 Ethics The CAPSTONE Project Consortium (e.g. Beneficiaries and Partner institutes) will – as a general rule – apply to itself the rules of The European Charter for Researchers, its recognised ethical practices and principles appropriate to their own discipline(s) as well as with the ethical standards (impartiality, reliability, integrity and responsibility) as documented in the different national, sectoral or institutional Codes of Ethics. This concerns the scientifically professional, objective and transparent manner in which all Consortium partners behave toward each other and toward the funded projects and/or other stakeholders. The CAPSTONE partners have carefully checked the assessment list and identified that this project is not likely to involve ethical issues related to personal data (personal data collection and/or processing, collection and/or processing sensitive personal data). 7.2 Security CAPSTONE is a project which will solely focus on the civil development of novel detector technologies that may be applied in the future for fundamental science in the field of Particle Physics. This fits with the fact that by statutory decree (e.g. Foundation Documents) CERN, being the project coordinator and a focal point of CAPSTONE research in relation to the HL-LHC and other upgrades, cannot be involved in any funded research project that may have direct military or dual-use applications. All the institutes participating in CAPSTONE are from countries which are either Observer of full member of CERN and by signing the accession forms to the Statutes, they confirmed that they will adhere to this principle when research takes place in the context of particle physics research at CERN. In other words: any research related to potential dual- use applications is strictly prohibited and this will be continuously monitored and re-emphasized by the Coordinator. Still, CAPSTONE’s field of science – particle physics– means that the work may involve information and/or use of nuclear/radiological-sensitive materials and compounds and lead to detection capabilities that are not in existence today. As said at the very beginning of this proposal, detector technology is a key-enabling technology which, by definition, may find uses that we do not know about yet. The CAPSTONE Project Consortium cannot therefore fully exclude the possibility that after the completion of the project some of the breakthrough detector technologies might, inadvertently, lead to potential TRL-upscaling pathways that could have military or dual-use potential and thus contain security-sensitive information. However, the CAPSTONE project targets very low TRL-levels which make it unlikely that the technologies can already be linked to military applications. The upscaling of such technology would certainly not be within the scope nor the aim of the Project Consortium. On the point of handling radiological materials in the context of CAPSTONE research: Where this is the case during scientific research, the amounts and doses of dangerous materials at the participating local facilities are very small and already available for research purposes. All seconded staff will receive comprehensive instructions before going on secondment and also during the secondment (monitored by the research supervisor) on how to behave around and work with these materials. Anyone authorised and likely to come into contact with radiological material during detector tests will need to have followed special training on the safe handling of the materials and follow national guidelines for Health & Safety with regard to handling dangerous and harmful substances. The type and duration of the training is determined on a case-by-case basis whereby guidance from both the host institute as well as the institute seconding the staff member, and from authorised authorities will be sought. All access to and use of radiological materials is governed by national Security and Health & Safety policies in the participating countries and procedures of each institute and national legislation. If tests on the effectiveness of novel detectors take place using radiological material, these tests will only take place after utmost care and under the appropriate supervision of authorized personnel of the organisation hosting the test. National procedures and guidelines for secure handling such materials will be observed at all times and any breach will be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities and to the CAPSTONE Coordinator. The coordinator will then immediately inform the EC project officer. 7.3 Protection of personal data This project will not make use of or result in the collection, storage, use or publication of personal research data of any kind. 7.4 Methods of collecting data and storage A Data Management Plan will be developed immediately after the start of the project. This will cover all aspects of data



gathering, access, storage and will follow established ethical approval procedures within the consortium (as laid down in the Consortium Agreement and the Partnership Agreement). Any technical data resulting from this project will be gathered, stored and is accessible only according to the agreed procedures described in the Data Management Plan which will contain further ethics specifications. Where data is considered sensitive, access may only take place after clearance from the organisation and personnel already authorised for this data. Again: detailed procedures will be laid down in the Data Management Plan. This includes any information or data on operational requirements or procedures of any of the participating organisations. After the end of the project the collected data will be archived according to national legislation in the relevant countries.



8 Letters of Commitment of Third Country Partner organisations





Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)

Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018

Part B