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Star Wars Legends Timeline

Feb 27, 2018



Fellipe Rau
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  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline


    Timeline Title

    Before the Republic

    25,793 BBY

    Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm

    Dawn of the Jedi: Prisoner of Bogan

    Dawn of the Jedi: Force War

    Old Republic era

    5000 BBY

    Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith

    Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire

    4000 BBY Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the ld !ep"#lic

    3998 BBY Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon $add %prising

    3997 BBY Tales of the Jedi: Dar& 'ords of the Sith

    3996 BBY Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War

    3993 BBY Tales: Shadows and 'ight

    3986 BBY Tales of the Jedi: !edemption

    3964 BBY

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: (rossroads

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: (ommencement

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Flashpoint

    3963 BBY Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Flashpoint )nterl"de: *omecoming

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: !e"nion

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Da+s of Fear

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: $ights of Anger

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Da,e of *ate

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Knights of S"ffering

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: -ector

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: E.alted,793_BBY,793_BBY
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    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: T"rna#o"t

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: -indication

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Prophet /oti0e

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Faithf"l"tion

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: D"eling Am#itions

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: /as&s

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: The !eaping

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Destro+er

    Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: Demon

    3962 BBY Knights of the ld !ep"#lic: War

    3952 BBY Tales: %nseen1 %nheard

    2974 BBY 'ost Tri#e of the Sith: Spiral

    1500 BBY Protot+pes

    1032 BBY

    Knight Errant: Aflame

    Knight Errant: Del"ge

    Knight Errant: Escape

    c. 1000 BBY Tales: All for 2o"

    1000 BBY

    Tales: The Apprentice

    Jedi 0s3 Sith

    Rie of the !"pire era

    700 BBY Tales: *eart of Dar&ness

    300 BBY Tales: 2addle4s Tale: The ne Below#

    67 BBY !ep"#lic: -ow of J"stice

    58 BBY Tales: Stones

    53 BBY Jedi5The Dar& Side

    47 BBY Tales: S"r0i0ors#,_Unheard's_Tale:_The_One_Below's_Tale:_The_One_Below,_Unheard's_Tale:_The_One_Below
  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline


    Tales: (hildren of the Force

    44 BBY

    Tales: The Secret of Tet6Ami#

    Tales: 'ife1 Death1 and the 'i0ing Force

    38 BBY 7"i6Gon and #i6Wan: The A"rorient

    37 BBY 7"i6Gon and #i6Wan: 'ast Stand on rd /antell

    36 BBY A"rra4s Song

    33 BBY

    Tales: %rchins

    Jedi (o"ncil: Acts of War

    Tales: A S"mmer4s Dream

    Tales: /ar&ed

    Tales: $ameless

    Tales: Deal with a Demon

    Tales: Single (ell

    !ep"#lic: Prel"de to !e#ellion

    Darth /a"l

    32 BBY

    Tales: The Death of (aptain Tarpals

    Podracing Tales

    Episode ): The Phantom /enace

    Jango Fett: pen Seasons

    !ep"#lic: "tlander

    !ep"#lic: Emissaries to /alastare

    Tales: )ncident at *orn Station

    Tales: Bad B"siness

    Tales: $omad

    31 BBY

    !ep"#lic: Twilight

    !ep"#lic: )nfinit+4s End

    !ep"#lic: Starcrash,_Death,_and_the_Living_Force's_Song's_Dream's_End,_Death,_and_the_Living_Force's_Song's_Dream's_End
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    30 BBY

    !ep"#lic: The *"nt for A"rra Sing

    *eart of Fire

    !ep"#lic: Dar&ness

    !ep"#lic: The Star& *+perspace War

    !ep"#lic: The De0aronian -ersion

    !ep"#lic: !ite of Passage

    28 BBY Jedi 7"est

    27 BBY

    The Bo"nt+ *"nters: A"rra Sing

    Jango Fett

    8am Wesell

    Poison /oon

    24 BBY

    Tales: A Jedi4s Weapon#

    Starfighter: (ross#ones

    !ep"#lic: *onor and D"t+

    23 BBYTales: P",,le Peace

    Tales: The Sith in the Shadow

    22 BBY Blood Ties: A Tale of Jango and Bo#a Fett

    F"ll of S"rprises

    Practice /a&es Perfect

    Episode )): Attac& of the (lones

    /achines of War

    /ost Precio"s Weapon

    Tales: The 'esson

    !ep"#lic: Sacrifice

    !ep"#lic: The Defense of Kamino

    !ep"#lic: The $ew Face of War

    Jedi: /ace Wind"'s_Weapon's_Weapon's_Weapon
  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline


    Tales: Tides of Terror

    !ep"#lic: Blast !adi"s

    Tales: Dar& Jo"rne+

    Jedi: Shaa& Ti

    !ep"#lic: Do"#le Blind

    Jedi: Aa+la Sec"ra

    Jedi: (o"nt Doo&"

    Tales: !ather Dar&ness -isi#le

    !ep"#lic: The Battle of Ja#iim

    !ep"#lic: Enem+ 'ines

    !ep"#lic: *ate and Fear

    !ep"#lic: Dead Ends

    !ep"#lic: $o /an4s 'and

    !ep"#lic: Stri&ing from the Shadows

    !ep"#lic: Bloodlines

    Jedi: 2oda

    Tales: *onor Bo"nd

    20 BBY

    Darth /a"l: Death Sentence

    General Grie0o"s

    !ep"#lic: Show of Force

    !ep"#lic: Fore0er 2o"ng

    !ep"#lic: Armor

    !ep"#lic: Dreadna"ghts of !endili

    !ep"#lic: Trac&down

    !o"tine -alor


    Brothers in Arms's_Land's_Land
  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline


    19 BBY

    E0asi0e Action: !e0ersal of Fort"ne

    !ep"#lic: Siege of Sale"cami

    Episode ))): !e0enge of the Sith

    !ep"#lic: 'o+alties

    !ep"#lic: )nto the %n&nown

    !ep"#lic: *idden Enem+

    E0asi0e Action: !ecr"itment


    P"rge: Seconds to Die

    P"rge: The *idden Blade

    P"rge: The T+rant4s Fist

    Darth -ader and the 'ost (ommand

    Dar& Times: The Path to $owhere

    Dar& Times: Parallels

    Dar& Times: -ector

    Darth -ader and the Ghost Prison

    Tales: The D"t+

    Dar& Times: Bl"e *ar0est

    Dar& Times: "t of the Wilderness

    Dar& Times: Fire (arrier

    Dar& Times: A Spar& !emains

    18.5 BBY Darth -ader and the $inth Assassin

    18 BBY

    Darth -ader and the (r+ of Shadows

    E0asi0e Action: Pre+

    E0asi0e Action: End Game

    Droids: The Kalar#a Ad0ent"res

    9 BBY Tales: The Princess 'eia Diaries's_Fist's_Fist
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    Tales: Sandstorm#

    5 BBY

    Droids: !e#ellion

    Droids: Season of !e0olt

    Droids: Special

    Droids: Artoo4s Da+ "t

    Droids: The Protocol ffensi0e

    Ja##a the *"tt

    3 BBY

    Bo#a Fett: Enem+ of the Empire

    Agent of the Empire: )ron Eclipse

    Agent of the Empire: *ard Targets

    2 BBY

    *an Solo at Stars4 End

    This (r"m# for *ire

    The Force %nleashed

    1 BBY

    The Force %nleashed ))

    Blood Ties: Bo#a Fett is Dead

    Empire: Betra+al

    %nderworld: The 2a0in -assili&a

    Empire: Dar&lighter

    Empire: The Short *app+ 'ife of !oons Sewell

    Rebellio$ era

    0 BBY

    Empire: The *eart of the !e#ellion

    Star Wars: A $ew *ope

    Empire: The )mperial Perspecti0e

    0 %BY Pi,,a,,: The Keeper4s World

    Pi,,a,,: The Kingdom of )ce

    Empire: Sacrifice's_Day_Out'_End_(comic_strip),_Happy_Life_of_Roons_Sewell's_World's_Day_Out'_End_(comic_strip),_Happy_Life_of_Roons_Sewell's_World
  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline


    -ader4s 7"est

    )mperial Sp+

    The (onstancia Affair

    The Kash+++& Depths

    Shadow Stal&er


    !i0er of (haos

    Empire: Allies and Ad0ersaries

    Empire: Wrec&age

    Empire: )n the Shadows of Their Fathers

    Empire: A /odel fficer

    Empire: The Wrong Side of the War

    !e#ellion: /+ Brother1 /+ Enem+

    Bo#a Fett: 0er&ill

    Tales: Sand Blasted

    !e#ellion: The Aha&ista Gam#it

    !e#ellion: Small -ictories

    !e#ellion: -ector

    Star Wars: )n the Shadow of 2a0in

    1 %BY

    Tales: Wal&ing the Path That4s Gi0en

    Tales: 'ad+ '"c&

    2 %BY Splinter of the /ind4s E+e

    3 %BY

    A -alentine Stor+

    Tales: /oment of Do"#t

    Tales from /os Eisle+

    3.5 %BY Shadows of the Empire

    The Bo"nt+ *"nters: Sco"ndrel4s Wages's_Quest,_My_Enemy's_Given's_Eye_(comics)'s_Wages's_Quest,_My_Enemy's_Given's_Eye_(comics)'s_Wages
  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline


    Battle of the Bo"nt+ *"nters

    4 %BY

    Tales: Spare Parts

    Star Wars: Ewo&s 6 Shadows of Endor

    /ara Jade: B+ the Emperor4s *and

    Tales: Stop That Jawa9

    Tales: Fort"ne1 Fate1 and the $at"ral *istor+ of the Sarlacc

    Tales: '"c&+

    Tales: /ara Jade: A $ight on the Town

    Tales: Three Against the Gala.+

    6Wing !og"e 'eader

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: The !e#el pposition

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: The Phantom Affair

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron Special

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: Battlegro"nd: Tatooine

    Shadows of the Empire: E0ol"tion

    The Ja##a Tape

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: The Warrior Princess

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: !e;"iem for a !og"e

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: )n the Empire4s Ser0ice

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: Blood and *onor

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: /as;"erade

    Star Wars: 6Wing !og"e S;"adron: /andator+ !etirement

    &e' Republic era

    5 %BY Tales: /arooned

    Bo#a Fett: Twin Engines of Destr"ction

    Tales: 'ando4s (ommandos: n Eagles4 Wings's_Hand!,_Fate,_and_the_Natural_History_of_the_Sarlacc's_Service's_Commandos:_On_Eagles'_Wings's_Hand!,_Fate,_and_the_Natural_History_of_the_Sarlacc's_Service's_Commandos:_On_Eagles'_Wings
  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline


    Tales: The ne That Got Awa+

    8 %BY

    Tales: Being Bo#a Fett

    Tales: Phantom /enaces

    9 %BY

    The Thrawn Trilog+: *eir to the Empire

    The Thrawn Trilog+: Dar& Force !ising

    The Thrawn Trilog+: The 'ast (ommand

    10 %BY

    Dar& Empire

    Dar& Empire ))

    Bo#a Fett: Death1 'ies1 < Treacher+

    11 %BY

    Bo#a Fett: Agent of Doom

    Empire4s End

    (rimson Empire

    The Bo"nt+ *"nters: Keni. Kil

    (rimson Empire )): (o"ncil of Blood

    12 %BY Jedi Academ+: 'e0iathan

    13 %BY (rimson Empire ))): Empire 'ost

    14 %BY Tales: The Secret Tales of '"&e4s *and9

    19 %BY %nion

    24 %BY Tales: Apocal+pse Endor

    &e' (edi Order era

    25 %BY


    )n0asion: !ef"gees

    )n0asion: !esc"es

    )n0asion: !e0elations

    Tales: !e0enants

    28 %BY Tales: E;"als < pposites,_Lies,_%26_Treachery's_End's_Hand!,_Lies,_%26_Treachery's_End's_Hand!
  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline


    )e*ac+ era

    40 %BY Tales: The 'ost 'ightsa#er#

    130 %BY

    'egac+: Bro&en =Part >?

    'egac+: Allies

    137 %BY

    'egac+: Bro&en =Parts @6?

    'egac+: $oo#

    'egac+: Bro&en =Parts 6C?

    'egac+: Tr"st )ss"es

    'egac+: Ghosts

    'egac+: !ead+ to Die

    'egac+: (laws of the Dragon

    'egac+: )ndomita#le

    'egac+: The Wrath of the Dragon

    'egac+: 'o+alties

    'egac+: The *idden Temple

    'egac+: )nto the (ore

    'egac+: -ector

    'egac+: Fight Another Da+

    'egac+: Storms

    'egac+: !enegade

    'egac+: Tatooine

    'egac+: !og"e4s End

    'egac+: Di0ided 'o+alties

    'egac+: /onster

    'egac+: The Fate of Dac

    138 %BY 'egac+: E.tremes's_End's_End
  • 7/25/2019 Star Wars Legends Timeline

