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Staad Pro Manual Foundation

Jul 08, 2018



Dedi Marlo
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  • 8/19/2019 Staad Pro Manual Foundation




    Welcome to the world of complete foundation solutions by IAFES!

    The software combines the menu driven functionality of the Windows programming withthe user friendly split window functionality available in programs like the MS outlook

    express.We will be discussing about these features while we go on with the software.

    After successful installation of IAFES we click on the click on the “Start” button in the

    tool bar. Thence we click “Programs” and then on “ IAFES”.

    The software opens up with the following menus to start with..

    Figure 2

    We may start our project from the File menu. We may start a new file, open an existingfile or import an analysed file from an analysis program like STAAD.Pro.

    Figure 3

    If we click on File New, the following screen opens up to startup a new project.

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     Figure 4

    This introduces the splitter window we have mentioned previously. The window # 1

    contains the tabs and icons required to go to the different pages. Window # 2 contains the

    forms to provide input data. Window # 3 contains the graphical display of the input. Thefirst default page which we are currently viewing is invoked by clicking the ‘General

    Info’ icon of the “Project Info” tab. (From now on we will be denoting the icons with ‘’and the tabs with “”).

    We may fill up the edit boxes shown in the form to store the project related data to be

    further used by reports and drawings.If we click on the ‘Review History’ the time, short description & originator of and

    comments on all the revisions of the project will come up. The comments will be shown

    in the Comments box if we highlight the respective row showing the division. The ‘save’

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     button should be clicked after inserting the revision history to include a revision history

    in the table.

    Figure 5

    If we want to delete a particular revision history we highlight it by clicking on the

    respective Id and click on ‘Delete’. If we want to delete the entire revision history weclick on ‘Delete All’.

     Now we would like to enter the co-ordinates of the different supports in the project toconstruct the foundation plan. We thus click on the tab called “Foundation Plan” .The

    following default page appears which refers to ‘Geometry.’

    We input the support coordinates (0,0,0),(10,0,0),(10,0,10),(0,0,15),(14,0,0) and (5,0,5)

    constituting the project.The supports along with their respective node numbers are displayed on the graphical

    display window of the software.Please note that a support will not be shown in the display window properly until we

    click on any of the cells of its next row.The co-ordinates can be deleted or modified like any spreadsheet input.

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     Figure 6

    After we specify the node co-ordinates we start defining the loads on different nodes. The

    “Loads and Factors” tab is clicked to invoke the load definition page.

    Figure 7

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    We click on ‘New Load Case’ to invoke the following dialog box

    Figure 8

    As there are only nodes specified so far, the buttons for nodal load and equipment load

    only will be active.If we click on the button for nodal load the dialog box for input ofnodal load will appear.

    Figure 9

    We click OK to accept the load input.If we highlight the load in the list box, select theradio button for ‘Assign to view’ and click on the button ‘Assign’ the loads entered will

     be assigned to all the supports in the project.We may otherwise select the ‘Assign to Edit

    List’ radio button and type in the list of nodes on which the load will be assigned.Theassigned load will be shown on the nodes as shown.

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    Figure 10

    The equipment load button will be useful for the design of Octagonal footings.Thefacility for accounting for Wind and Earthquake loadings as per ASCE,UBC and Korean

    code have also been included in it.

    If we have multiple loadcases and we want to combine them the ‘Load Combination’icon will be useful.It allows factored algebraic combination as shown in the following

    dialog box.The dialogbox called New Combined Load is invoked by clicking the ‘New’ buton.

    Figure 11

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    Similarly we may select a loadcase in the list box and click on the icon for ‘Remove

    LoadCase’ to delete it.The ‘Safety Factors’ icon gives us the following form to enter the factors of safety.

    Figure 12Here we notice a check box termed ‘Set As Default’. This is a feature introduced to set

    default values of parameters to reduce the input time.As the default values are set by the

     project or company standards the engineer has only to visit the different forms and to

    change values only if it is required for any particular job.

     Now all the global project data have been input.Let us look at the supports entered byus.Supoort nos 1,3 and 4 may be designed as isolated footings, 2 and 5 can be combined

    and designed as combined footing and the support no.6 may be an Octagonal footing.

    We will not have to create separate input files for entering all these information. All we

    have to do is to create separate jobs under the same project.

    We have the ‘New Job’ icon shown in figure 13 to do this for us.

    Figure 13

    A click on the New Job icon brings up the following dialog box

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    Figure 14

    As we see the jobs may be to design for Isolated,Octagonal or Combined footings, it may

     be for Mat Foundations and it may be for designing the heat exchanger foundations ortwo types of Tank foundations.We can assign the job to all the supports or we can type inthe list of supports to be included in the job.

    The design codes may be US,British,Indian or Korean.

    The default unit type may be English or SI. This denotes the unit in which the actualcalculation will be done.The reports etc. of course will be shown as per the users choice

    of Force and displacement units.

    The foundation types may be pile or nopile foundation depending on which the design

    methodology will be changed.

    In this property sheet we have another page called Loading.Using this page we have

    several jobs of the same type(like isolated footing) having different design loadcases.

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    Figure 15

    In case of combined footings we have an extra property page to input the supportnumbers comprising the combined footing.

    Figure 16

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    We take all the loadings for all the jobs and make three jobs for the Isolated,Octagonal

    and Combined footings.After the jobs are input the Graphics display window looks likethe following figure.

    Figure 17

    By changing the job numbers and the loadcase numbers in the respective combo boxes

    we can change the display of supports and loadings in the window. We may also changethe job settings of the job shown in the job combo box by clicking the ‘Edit Job’

    icon(figure 18) at the right side of the combo box.

    Figure 18

     Now have a look at the leftmost splitter window. Three new tabs have already comethere.They are “Soil and materials”,”Geometry” and ”Design”.The former two tabs are

    used to input different design parameters. The associated icons and forms are self

    explanatory so we will not discuss them in this quick tour.Please note that in the presentversion of the software we must visit all the forms at least once to get them included in

    the job.

    Figure 19

    If we want to change the design parameters for a particular support we may change themlocally by double clicking on the support.It invokes the local dialog box as shown below

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     Figure 20

    If we click on the tab for “Design” the following set of icons comes up.

    Figure 21

    The ‘design’ icon is for performing an optimized design of the footings. The ‘Footing

    Layout’ icon produces a layout of analysed footings drawn to-the-scale and complete

    with the name- plate for the drawing.The ‘Detailed Drawing’ icon brings up the details of the footings with the rebar diameter

    and spacing.A click on the ‘Calculation Sheet’ brings up the design calculation of the footings.This

    calculation sheet is web-enabled for real time checking. Hard copies can also be made

    from this sheet.We will discuss about these features in detail later.

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    A project once made can be saved and re-opened later using the FileSave andFileOpen options. IAFES files are saved with .afs extension.

    In most of the cases the forces and moments on the foundation are given by the analysis

    of the superstructure. To ensure a seamless and efficient integration with the analysissoftware we have an “Import” facility in IAFES. This option allows us to import the

    support co-ordinates and forces/moments on the individual supports.

    At present we have facility to import analysis data from STAAD.Pro.Thus by default thecontrol goes to the folder where STAAD.Pro example files are located. If you do not

    have STAAD.Pro installed in your machine please do not use the import facility now.

    Figure 22

    Figure 23

    We are importing the US example # 10 to IAFES.We click on “Open ” and click on OK

    in the resulting dialog box.The support coordinates have now been imported to IAFES as

    shown in the graphics display window.

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     Figure 24

    We click on the ‘New Job’ to create a new job for mat foundation.The job will be

    assigned to all the supports.

    Figure 25We then include the loadings on it form the loadings page of the same property sheet.

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    We have shown boundaries around two icons in the foregoing figure for convenience of

    description.We click on the icon with rectangular boundary to put points showing theextremities of the boundary around the support points. The boundary is constructed by

    left clicking on each of the points defining the vertices of the boundary .The end of

    definition is done by keeping the cursor at the last point defined and right clicking on it.

    After the boundary is defined, it is transferred to the graphics display window by clickingon the curved arrow icon encircled in figure 27.

    Figure 28

    If we look at the leftmost window we see a set of tabs not seen in our previous project.

    These are “Meshing” and “Slab Design”particular to the mat foundation.

    Figure 29

    We click on the “Meshing” tab and click with the rectangular cursor there on a line of the

     boundary.The boundary changes colour.

    Figure 30

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     Now we are ready for adding the boundary and creating mesh.We click on the ‘Add

    Boundary’ icon and chose a name for the boundary. After clicking OK in the dialogboxshown in the figure 31 we may also chose the number of divisions and bias for the

    mesh.In this project we go on with the default settings and do not create any hole.

    Figure 31

    Figure 32

    Figure 33

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    A click on the icon ‘Mesh’ creates the view as in Figure 33.

    We then click on the “Property—Soil Materials” tab and ‘Plate Thickness’ icon.A click

    on the ‘Create New’ button brings up the following dialog box where we input the plate

    thickness, corresponding unit and the material of the plates.

    Figure 34Please note that we may introduce multiple thickness using the ‘Create New’ button more

    than once.We may also edit the thickness value entered by highlighting the thickness in

    the list box and clicking ‘Edit’.In the same way we may delete a thickness byhighlighting it and clicking ‘Delete’.

    Let us use this same 10 inch thickness for all the plates. We keep selected the ‘Assign to

    View’ radio button and click on the ‘Assign’ button. If you do not assign it, analysis will

    not be done.

    Figure 35

    The ‘Soil Properties’ icon is still not activated properly. It will have provisions to add

    constant or multi-linear springs to the nodes.

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    We would now analyse the plates.We click on the “Analysis” tab and then on the button

    called ‘Analyze’ .By default the deformed plates showing the node displacements appearin the display window.

    Figure 36

    Please click on the ‘Support Reactions’ icon. A report on support reactions will be shown

    in the forms window.To view the support reaction contour properly, click on the graphics

    window, click on the icon shown in Figure 37

    Figure 37

    In the resulting property sheet click on the property page called ‘Diagram’check off the

    check box for Node Displacements and click OK.The screen will look like the followingfigure.

    Figure 38

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    We have also provision to show the summary of the node displacements.

    If we click on ‘Plate Stresses’ icon the screen looks like the following figure.

    Figure 39 Now we go for designing the slab.We click on the tab for “Slab Design”.The radio button

    for the Global Axis is turned on. Click on Create Grid.Click on Create Reinforcement

    Zone ,on Create Effective Area of zone and then on Steel Detailing. Please keep thenumber of zones as 2. The following screen will come up showing the reinforcement

    steel details of the two zones while in the plan view.

    Figure 40

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    We may also cut the slab by any user defined line and view our desired stress value(Max

    absolute/Max VonMises/SX/SY etc.) along that line.We click on the tab ‘Section designalong a line’.Click on ‘Insert a line’, draw a line by moving the cursor across the midside

    of the slab and click on ‘View Cut section’.We chose ‘Max absolute’ to look for

    maximum absolute stress along the line.The interpolation factor is 3 and the Graph scale

    factor is 1000.The following figure appears.

    Figure 41