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St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners, I treasure the expression “mes of refreshing”. These words of Peter are recorded in Luke’s Book of Acts 3:19 in your Bible. I recall per- sonal moments of being refreshed when walking through a fine spray mist of wa- ter on a hot summer day, drinking a cold glass of real lemonade under a shade tree aer mowing the yard, and reveling in a luxurious aernoon nap. Similarly, communies may experience be- ing refreshed, for example family vacaons, the celebraon of special feasts or religious holy days, and naonal commemoraons like Independence Day and Thanksgiving. Individually and collecvely, we share these lovely occasions and more, eagerly desiring they be repeated many mes over. The biblical expression “mes of refreshing”, however, refers to much more than what an individual or community does. More than mere interrupons or inten- onal acvies, mes of refreshing is also inclusive of whole lifemes, genera- ons, even an enre age. When our Lord says Peace be with you! to his apostles, he confers his blessing and surrounds them with the peace of God’s eternal heav- en! This Jesus is the Living Word of God, the creator, sustainer and bearer of surpas- sing peace. The gerund surpassing directs us beyond human expectaons and standards to the inmate aliveness of knowing God and his good gis. And peace, far more than conflict’s absence, is the enduring realizaon or of human fulfillment, contentment and serenity. Therefore we pray for God’s surpassing peace in human hearts and minds, not for a moment or day, but for the whole of our lives. Our gracious God desires “mes of refreshing” for every person and family and community, for all naons, and for the whole world he created for us. To under- stand this is to comprehend the inbreaking of God’s …. (cont. on page 8) Parish Office: Phone: 281-324-1478 Fax: 281-715-5533 (New) [email protected] Mailing Address: PO Box 2363 Huffman, TX 77336 Temporary Office Location: Sparks Insurance 25103 FM 2100 Huffman, TX Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Pastoral Staff: Pastor Rev. Richard Barker Deacon Deacon John Sarabia Secretary Windy McMichael Maintenance Roy Ayala Knights of Columbus: Gary Aldrich, GK Meetings: 3rd Thursday at May Center (Temp.) 6:00-8:00 pm Women’s Guild Dianne Truitt, President Meeting: 2nd Tuesday September - April May 20, 2018 - Pentecost Sunday

St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,

Mar 29, 2020



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Page 1: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,

St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336

Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners, I treasure the expression “!mes of refreshing”. These

words of Peter are recorded in Luke’s Book of Acts 3:19 in your Bible. I recall per-

sonal moments of being refreshed when walking through a fine spray mist of wa-

ter on a hot summer day, drinking a cold glass of real lemonade under a shade

tree a#er mowing the yard, and reveling in a luxurious a#ernoon nap.

Similarly, communi!es may experience be-

ing refreshed, for example family vaca!ons,

the celebra!on of special feasts or religious

holy days, and na!onal commemora!ons

like Independence Day and Thanksgiving.

Individually and collec!vely, we share these

lovely occasions and more, eagerly desiring

they be repeated many !mes over.

The biblical expression “!mes of refreshing”, however, refers to much more than

what an individual or community does. More than mere interrup!ons or inten-

!onal ac!vi!es, mes of refreshing is also inclusive of whole life!mes, genera-

!ons, even an en!re age. When our Lord says Peace be with you! to his apostles,

he confers his blessing and surrounds them with the peace of God’s eternal heav-


This Jesus is the Living Word of God, the creator, sustainer and bearer of surpas-

sing peace. The gerund surpassing directs us beyond human expecta!ons and

standards to the in!mate aliveness of knowing God and his good gi#s. And

peace, far more than conflict’s absence, is the enduring realiza!on or of human

fulfillment, contentment and serenity. Therefore we pray for God’s surpassing

peace in human hearts and minds, not for a moment or day, but for the whole of

our lives.

Our gracious God desires “!mes of refreshing” for every person and family and

community, for all na!ons, and for the whole world he created for us. To under-

stand this is to comprehend the inbreaking of God’s …. (cont. on page 8)

Parish Office: Phone: 281-324-1478 Fax: 281-715-5533 (New) [email protected]

Mailing Address: PO Box 2363 Huffman, TX 77336

Temporary Office Location: Sparks Insurance 25103 FM 2100 Huffman, TX Hours: Monday-Friday9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Pastoral Staff: Pastor Rev. Richard Barker Deacon Deacon John Sarabia Secretary Windy McMichael Maintenance Roy Ayala

Knights of Columbus: Gary Aldrich, GK Meetings: 3rd Thursday at May Center (Temp.) 6:00-8:00 pm Women’s Guild Dianne Truitt, President Meeting: 2nd Tuesday September - April

May 20, 2018 - Pentecost Sunday

Page 2: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,

Dress Standard for All Masses

Men/Young Men/Boys (who have made 1st Commun-

ion): Shirts and pants.

Women/Young Women/Girls (who have made their 1st

Communion): Modest Dresses, Coordinated Ensem-

bles, or Shirt/Blouses with Pants.

Clothing not proper: flip-flops, shorts, cutoffs, t-shirts

sloppy jeans, tank tops, & revealing clothing.

Please do not bring bo#led water, soda,

food, candy or gum into Mass.

Please honor the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

and wear modest clothing. 2

Welcome to our Visitors

We welcome you to our parish. If you would like to

become a member please fill out a registra!on form

located on the counter/table or visit our website:

Sunday Mass at The Overlook

We are grateful to The Overlook, Kevin Kilgore, Sr. and

family for allowing us to have Sunday and Holy Day

Masses at their beau!ful facility. It has allowed us to

gather as one family in Christ.

When scheduling events we encourage our parishion-

ers to use The Overlook and refer others to this won-

derful facility.

Mass Inten"ons

Our Sunday Mass inten!on, un!l we are back at our

parish, is for the families of our parish.

Once we are back on campus we will begin to have indi-

vidual Mass inten!ons again.

TODAY! Join us for an

Open House Tour of our Parish

Please join us today for an open house tour of our

parish from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Come see our con-

struc!on progress!

Our rebuilding has come a long way in the last

few weeks and we can look forward to the return

to our beloved parish soon.

For your safety please wear closed toe shoes.

Children are welcome with adult supervision and

our playground will be open. Please note that

there are no restrooms available at this !me.

Page 3: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,


Women’s Guild

Cookbook Project

Prime Timers (55+)

Bus Trip To Bryan Museum, Galveston

Date: Thursday, May 31

Time: 9:00 AM - late a#ernoon

Place: The Bryan Museum, located in the historic

Galveston Orphans Home, houses The Bryan Col-

lec!on, one of the world's largest collec!ons of

historical ar!facts, documents, and artwork re-

la!ng to Texas and the American West. Assem-

bled by J.P. and Mary Jon Bryan, the collec!on

spans more than 12,000 years, with pieces rang-

ing from ancient Na!ve American cultural ar!-

facts to modern twenty-first century objects.

Lunch: Olympia Grill at Pier 21 “Healthy Food

Since 1500 BC” - Seafood and Greek

Cost: $12.00 not including lunch. Cost break-

down - $2 for bus maintenance fee, $10 for ad-

mission fee, and lunch $$-$$$

Sign-up: Please contact Sammy Dennard at (432)


Other Info:

· The bus will be leaving from the May

Community Center (2100 Wolf Road

in Huffman) at 9:00 AM.

· This trip is for all parishioners who

are 55+ years old.

Future Events

July 19: Retail Shop-Hop

August 5: Bus Trip to see God’s Favorite (A play

presented by the AD Players)

The St Philip Women’s Guild is reques!ng your help

in compiling a cookbook representa!ve of the great

cooks in our parish. Your name will be noted for

each recipe that you contribute.

The proceeds from the sale of the cookbook will

help the Women’s Guild replenish their coffers. The

Guild supports the Pastor in the spiritual and cor-

poral work of caring for God's house. Our ministry

provides personal service to the care of the sanctu-

ary and sacristy. In addi!on, we provide financial

assistance through our bake sales, and other desig-

nated parish ac!vi!es.

Please submit up to five recipes for the cookbook in

several of the above categories. Please, if at all pos-

sible, type your recipes and include your name. If a

typewriter/computer is unavailable please use capi-

tal le<ers. Also include a phone number if we have

any ques!ons.

A basket will be available at Mass for collec!ng your

recipes. You can also submit your recipes to Lane

Coco ([email protected]), Dianne Trui<

(dtrui<[email protected]), or mail to Windy at the par-

ish office at PO Box 2363, Huffman, TX 77336. We

will be collec!ng recipes un!l August 1st.

Breaking Bread

St. Philip the Apostle RCC Cook Book

Available for Sale by Thanksgiving

Appe!zers and Beverages

Soups and Salads

Vegetables and Side Dishes

Main Dishes

Bread and Rolls


Page 4: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,


Kitchen Wish Tree

Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) 2018

Just as we are one in the Body of Christ, we must

remember that we are one with the other parishes

in our archdiocese. Once a year, each of us is asked

to make a commitment to support the work of our

programs and ministries that provide services that

no one parish could provide on its own. Please expe-

rience the joy of giving and join us as we work to

con!nue God’s work of spirituality, forma!on, and

educa!on by contribu!ng to the Diocesan Services


Help us a<ain our parish goal of $36,000. To date

we have not met our goal. We have envelopes on

the table by the front entrance or by giving online at

Please remember that all these funds go to Cardinal

DiNardo’s chari!es which includes help to our own


The Women’s Guild have begun their break from

monthly mee!ngs un!l next September. They will

con!nue to have their monthly luncheons to gather

for a !me of fellowship.

Their next luncheon will be on Tuesday, May 22nd,

11:30 am at Teapot Depot, 112 Denny Street in

Highlands. This is always a great annual des!na!on

and they welcome all women to a<end with them.

Teapot Depot is a relaxing spot to enjoy a home-

made lunch along with delicious teas. They even

have a gi# shop if you’d like to shop a bit.

One of their special!es is a Flower Pot Pie which re-

quires a reserva!on. This is a chicken and veggies

pot pie in a creamy sauce and topped with puff pas-

try. The cost is $11.50 which includes a muffin and

choice of salad or fruit. Photo is above. Please call

Teapot Depot to reserve one at 281-426-3670.

For those wan!ng to carpool please contact Dianne

Trui< to coordinate.

Please RSVP to Dianne Trui< at dtrui<[email protected]

or call at 713-823-4948.

Women’s Guild

Monthly Luncheon

Reminder: If you pledged to our kitchen, please

bring your dona"on in as soon as possible.

Thanks to all for your help!

Thank you to all that have helped us with restocking

our kitchen! We are s!ll taking dona!ons for items

that are needed and will be used. If you’d like to

make a general dona!on please note it on your

check and we will apply it to this project. Please ei-

ther put it in a blue edged envelope for the Sunday

collec!on or mail to us at PO Box 2363, Huffman, TX


Page 5: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,


Ministry to Children with Disabili"es

We regret to announce that VBS, previously sched-

uled for June 11 – 15 has been cancelled due to on-

going parish reconstruc!on. We look forward to

being back in 2019, bigger and be<er than ever.

Vaca"on Bible School


Hello friends,

I hope you are all enjoying this nice Spring weather

that we have been having!

I recently received a schedule of different events

happening for any person with disabili!es (and their

families). If you are interested in any of these events,

please call or email me and I can give you more in-

forma!on on each including how to register (when


Save the dates for these upcoming events:

· Day of Prayer for Caregivers at the Cenacle Re-

treat Center in Houston, on Saturday, August


· In God’s Image Disability Ministry Conference at

the University of St. Thomas, on Saturday, No-

vember 10th


Monica Humphrey


[email protected]

“Every parish should seek out its parishioners with

cogni!ve, emo!onal and physical disabili!es, sup-

port them with love and concern, and ensure that

they have ready access to a cateche!cal program

suited to their needs and abili!es.” - NDC 61

Mother’s Day Gree"ng from Sister MiMi

Page 6: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,


Pro-Life Piece Jerome’s Hope Ministry

Parish App

Install our parish app today.

Our mobile app has recently added new features on

the home screen:

· Spirit & Truth ar!cles

· SPCC Facebook

· Giving feature (dona!on, CCE and !the pay-


· More…Confession Guide, Divine Mercy Devo!on,


You may select one of the following to install:

Scan QR Code

Search St Philip in the app store

Go to; select Mobile App

The Jerome’s Hope ministry will offer a healing re-

treat for parents who have experienced miscarriage,

s!llbirth or early infant loss.

This single-day retreat will take place on Saturday,

June 30 at Holy Name Retreat Center, 430 Bunker

Hill, Houston.

Those seeking more informa!on or wishing to regis-

ter should contact the Office of Pro-Life Ac!vi!es at

713-741-8728 or [email protected].



Even among terminally ill pa!ents, a request to die is

nearly always a cry for help. This request is a distress

signal indica!ng that something in the pa!ent's con-

di!on—at the medical, psychological, or social lev-

el—has not been adequately a<ended to.

Studies show that

the desire for death

in terminally ill indi-

viduals generally

correlates with

both physical pain

and poor social support. When comfort or relief is

offered in the form of more adequate treatment for

depression, be<er pain management, or more com-

prehensive pallia!ve care, the desire for death typi-

cally vanishes. In the Netherlands, for example, the

request for "hastened death" was withdrawn by 85%

of pa!ents when their symptoms were be<er con-


Suicidal individuals—with or without a terminal ill-

ness—typically do not want to die; they want to es-

cape what they perceive to be an intolerable situa-

!on, and they inaccurately believe that suicide is

their only way out. The pa!ent reques!ng assisted

suicide is o#en asking, "Does anyone want me to be

alive, or care enough to talk me out of this request

and support me through this difficult !me?"

Among terminally ill individuals, a request to die is

o#en associated with a poten!ally treatable mental

disorder such as depression or anxiety. Yet alarming-

ly, in Oregon, where assisted suicide has been legal

since 1997, fewer than 5% of individuals who die by

assisted suicide are ever referred for psychiatric or

psychological evalua!on to rule out the most com-

mon causes of suicidal thinking—and the percentage

of those receiving such an evalua!on is steadily de-


USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Ac vi es

“Every Suicide is Tragic,”


Page 7: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,

New Volunteers - Virtus

(Protec"ng God’s Children)

For all new volunteers: the Arch-

diocese of Galveston-Houston

maintains a mandatory educa-

!onal program of protec!on for

our children consis!ng of going

to an informa!onal class and

comple!ng required forms. All

volunteers, ages 18 and over,

who have any consistent and on-

going contact with our children

and youth must take the Virtus training program.

Upcoming classes in our local area:

St. Mary Magdalene, Humble

Friday, May 25, 6:00-9:00 pm

To see more classes and register visit and click on “Offices and Ministries”

listed at the top of the home page. Then under

“Office of Child and Youth Protec!on” click on “Safe

Environment Training for Adults.” You will be able to

access upcoming workshop dates. Pick the loca!on

where you would like to take the class.

Refresher Classes

For all current volunteers who are Virtus trained.

There are two types of follow-up classes you are re-

quired to take.

The first is called “Keeping the Promise Alive” and it

is taken five years a#er your first class. You have one

year to take the class. It is 1-1/2 hours long and is

held at a local parish. You register off of the Archdi-

ocesan website as described above.

The second refresher class is done online. It is re-

quired to be taken five years a#er the anniversary of

the second class. You have three months to take it

from the anniversary date.

Go to and sign-in to your ac-

count to register for your online class.

You will find it under the training tab.

Safe Environment Training


Young Adults Upcoming Events

Café Catholica 2018

“The Voice of Christ: Rooted in Love”

Café Catholica is an annual dinner-lecture series for

young adults (20’s & 30’s) featuring dynamic speak-

ers. It is held over four Mondays at St. Michael

Catholic Church, 1801 Sage, Houston. Each evening

there are between 600-800 young adults in a<end-

ance. Meet fellow Catholic adults and grow in faith!

Speaker Schedule

July 9th - Mike Gormley “How to Pray, What to Say

and When to Shut Up”

July 16th - Mary Caprio “Embracing Authen!c Love”

July 23rd - Daniel Cardinal DiNardo “The Good


July 30th - Rev. Sean Kilcawley (Integrity Restored)

“Tilling the Rocky Soil - Overcoming Obstacles to


Each event’s schedule:

5:15 - Confessions and Guided Prayer

6:15 pm - Mass

7:15 pm - Dinner

8:15 pm - Speaker, Table Exhibits, and Socializing

(Come for all or part of the evening.)

These are free events but dona!ons are appreciat-

ed. To find out more please visit

cafecatholica. Sponsored by the Archdiocesan

Office of Young Adult & Campus Ministry.

Page 8: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,



God sees all persons through the eyes of goodness.

· The world may condemn and judge – as God’s li<le one see all things as He sees.

· Judge not from mere appearances, like God, see what is in the heart.

· None can ever be worthy to receive the Lord.

“May the li<le child Jesus bless you and accompany you on your journey”

- Fr. Santan Pinto SOLT (+2011+)

DJM Corner

Times of Refreshing (from page 1)

… Holy Spirit on the apostles, Jesus’ mother Mary, and many disciples gathered in the renowned “Upper

Room”. On the day of Pentecost, the Upper Room was transformed forever as an image of the Church: God’s

chosen vessel to carry divinity itself, the supernatural life of the Most Holy Trinity which Our Lord’s faithful fol-

lowers know as Divine Grace!

Therefore, whether natural or supernatural, !mes of refreshing are not random accidents. They are acts of God we

experience now and recurrently as our broken world awaits the return of Christ Jesus in glory. Grasping leisure as the

surpassing peace of the human heart brings us to realize that it can and must be cul!vated both in individual lives and

in communi!es. Because leisure is not the absence of work, nor is it derived from work in any way. Neither is it simply

sleep or laziness or s!ll less sloth.

To the contrary, leisure is the contempla!on of God and the cul!va!on of a holy and celebratory way of life: to think,

to create, to sustain that which God teaches us is good. It is an irony that God’s Holy Spirit is an eternal fire that must

be fueled! I say this because of the human mind and heart’s inconstancy. The most potent fuel that sustains the spir-

itual life of human beings is the virtue of wisdom -- in the sense of pu\ng on the “mind of Christ” [1Cor 2:16] and

incarna!ng his gospel in our lives and in our cherished communi!es! Wisdom confers surpassing peace on the human

heart. Now divine knowledge received and acted upon is wisdom. And wisdom’s supreme expression of who we are

and what we shall become is the public festal worship of God and the liturgical celebra!on of God’s unfathomable

goodness in his beau!ful world.

We speak of the peace which only Christ can give, and so we must, for the gi# given us to cul!vate is called prac!cing

the presence of God and the commitment that this implies: living through, with and in God always. Leisure is the cul!-

va!on of the ways which make human beings pleasing to God and to one another, in the sense that our shared loveli-

ness images God’s own divine splendor. This is why our good God has given us his own Spirit, the Spirit of Pentecost!

Absent God’s Spirit and unwavering trust in his son Jesus Christ, we remain !ghtly shackled by human calcula!on,

selfishness and pride.

It’s is God’s desire, and this seems mysteriously to imply a divinely centered hope, that you and I come to“know” the

leisure of Adam and Eve as they lived it in the beginning. That we know God and walk with God in the same sense as

one discerns the light of the sun! Not calcula!ng, forced, mechanical or gimlet-eyed, but wholly like lovers whose love

makes the whole world beau!ful! My dear friends, I give you the joy of the Solemnity of Pentecost!

Sincerely in the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Your pastor, Reverend Richard Barker.

(I am indebted to the Catholic philosopher Joseph Pieper’s LEISURE, the Basis of Culture 1952.)

Page 9: St. Philip the Apostle - Amazon Web Services...St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church 2308 3rd Street ∙ Huffman TX 77336 Spirit and Truth Times of Refreshing My dear parishioners,

When you receive Communion during the Holy Sacri-

fice of the Mass, it is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divini-

ty of Christ that you are receiving. Holy Communion,

in the Catholic Church, is reserved for those who have

received the sacrament of First Holy Communion,

have been catechized (taught) in our Catholic faith

and have made a profession of faith. One should ab-

stain from Holy Communion if they are in mortal sin

and have not received the sacrament of reconcili-

a!on. If you are not Roman Catholic or are in need of

the Sacrament of Reconcilia on, we ask that you re-

frain from receiving Holy Communion in the Mass.

However, you may go up to one of the ministers for a

blessing when Holy Communion is being offered. By

crossing your hands over your heart, the Priest or Eu-

charis c minister will know to give you the blessing.

Also, if you choose to receive

only the Blessed Sacrament and

not from the Chalice, it is fi\ng

nevertheless to pause for a mo-

ment to honor Christ’s presence

in the Precious Blood—with an

appropriate sign of devo!on. We

would not think to pass a friend

on the street without some

acknowledgement. Our Lord Je-

sus Christ deserves no less, and

most assuredly, a great deal


Receiving Holy Communion



If you have been par!cipa!ng ac!vely at least six months a#er registra!on in the parish, you may ask for an appoint-

ment with the pastor to begin marriage prepara!on. Marriage prepara!on requires six months.


If you have been par!cipa!ng ac!vely at least six months a#er registra!on in the parish, you may call the parish

office to begin bap!smal prepara!on. Children age 6 or younger; documents are required before bap!sm date may

be scheduled: parish & bap!smal registra!ons, birth cer!ficate, and bap!sm class cer!fica!ons.


To ensure that parish ministers can assist you, please call the parish office before se\ng dates and !mes for funer-

al services. Regarding personal spoken remembrances at funeral liturgies, St. Philip parish adheres to the policies of

the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.


By appointment. Please call our office to make arrangements.


Please pray for:

Those affected by the flood:

Dirk & Michelle Holland, Sherry & Darren Hilton,

Zeke Zycha, Fred & Pa\e Mitchell, Henry & Elaine

Schaupp, Claudia & Buddy Herron, Geralyn & Tony

Moulds, Lyne<e & John Mar!nez, Diana & Frank

Campisi, Ron Calabrese, Lisa Harbin, Country

Glenn, Roy Ayala, Carrie & Larry LeBlanc, Heather &

Tom Madigan, Ann & Bruce Meyer, Maureen &

Ronnie Rode, Bill Simko, Monte & Yvonne Storrs,

Dianne & Allen Trui<, Mary Alice Westhoff, Mary

Elizabeth Westhoff, Mary & Don Williams, Lyne<e

& David Zaunbrecher, Heidi Koch, & more.


For Illness: Savas Jaramillo, Susie Cleary,

Fr. George Olsovsky, Connie Cases,

Marge Amann, Bridget Meyer, Kevin Kilgore, Sr.,

Zeke Zycha, Diana Espinoza, Bri<any Vasquez,

Liduvina Sco<, Windy McMichael, Charles Gardner,

Dennis Billodeaux, Lillie Navarre, Thelma Carrier,

Dorothy Becker, Rosalee Frantz, Roy Lovely,

Larry Keller, Preston Fann


Please pray for the repose of the souls of:

+Lera Cordova, Genevieve Schmidt,

Doris Boudreaux, Millie Lochridge,

Francis LeBlanc, Anna Piper, Mary Callahan,

Dr. Walter Corrigan, Elvira De Pieri+

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Parish Mailing Address: PO Box 2363, Huffman, 77336 Parish Phone: (281) 324-1478 Parish Fax: (281) 715-5533 (NEW) Parish E-Mail: [email protected] Parish Website:

Con"nuing Chris"an Educa"on (CCE) CCE Office (281) 324-1934, E-Mail: [email protected]

CCE Core Team Chairperson

Middle School/High School Coordinator

Becky Pursell (713) 516-7376

Elementary/First Sacrament Coordinator

Lupe Cupples (281) 414-3705

Confirma"on Coordinator

Lyne<e Zaunbrecher (281) 386-9783

Core Team Members At Large

Monica Humphrey (281) 455-3110

André Taylor (832) 233-0829

CCE Office Help

Sonia Chapa (832) 233-3572 (Spanish bilingual)

André Taylor (832) 233-0829 Adult Bible Study

Ray and Deb Kessler (832) 644-8078

Spiritual Development Disciples of Jesus and Mary - Laity Spiritual Forma"on Jan Williams (281) 852-4389

Eucharis"c Adora"on/Holy Face Prayer Group Janet Hays (281) 852-3444 Knights of Columbus Gary Aldrich (Grand Knight) (832) 586-6430 Prayer Chain Deacon John Sarabia (281) 923-9659 Women’s Guild Dianne Trui< (713) 823-4948

Liturgical Altar Servers Father Barker (281) 324-1478 Sacramental Ministry Director Lyne<e Zaunbrecher (281) 386-9783 Home Bound Parish Office (281) 324-1478 Adornment of the Sanctuary Altar Guild (Ordinary Time) (281) 386-9783 DJM’s (Feast Seasons) (281) 324-1478 Music Core Team Director: Geralyn Moulds (281) 540-4682 Jan Williams (281) 852-4389 Valerie Sivil (713) 202-1310 Usher Ministry Gary Aldrich (832) 586-6430

Social Outreach / Concern Mary’s Blessings Ministry For financial assistance please call 832-764-9814

Marie Hohmann (281) 360-9032 Prime Timers (50+) Claudia Herron (281) 324-1101 Pro-Life Chris!ne Kasper (713) 416-5233 Rosemont Assisted Living Judy Abdelnoor (281) 360-9728 Prison Ministry Deacon John Sarabia (281) 923-9659 Transi"ons Grief Ministry Lane Coco (281) 324-2163

Pastor - Rev. Richard E. Barker Deacon - John Sarabia (281) 923-9659 Ins"tuted Acolyte - John Comeaux (281) 324-2044 Ins"tuted Acolyte - Troy Hill (713) 336-3321 Secretary - Windy McMichael (281) 324-1478 Maintenance - Roy Ayala (832) 658-9074

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