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St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The Epistle June, 2017 Love God. Love others. Help others love God. We welcome you to join us on our journey as we strive to share the love of Jesus through worship, Christian education, fellowship and service to each other and the community beyond our walls. From Your Rector Eugene H. Peterson wrote: “Prayers are tools not for doing or getting, but for being and becoming.” The next four months will be a culmination of something that has been in the planning stages for about two years. With the support of the Vestry and you I will embark on a journey of rest, rejuvenation and reenergizing over 17 weeks. What a blessing! Thank you! The quote by Peterson is something that I keep in mind as I take this journey. How will God shape us in this time? How will His Spirit do what it is so good at: re-creating and renewing? What will change? What will remain? What will our reunion be like? How will we embark on whatever bubbles up during this time? I must admit there is a great deal of anxiety about all of this. I have never taken a sabbatical so this is a first. How will I disconnect from the business of daily parish life? What will it be like to sit in the pew of another church? What will I experience in the churches I attend? What a time for growth, being and becoming what God is calling me to be. In the midst of times I might have missed His voice in the hectic pace of life. It is a time for all of us to experience something new and to look at things with a different lens. I hope it won’t be the same old “but we’ve always done it that way”! How will life be when we come off the mountain? We trust in God that we will grow stronger in this time of prayer and reflection for all of us. Being open to new possibilities and new endeavors or just to maintain is the choice we are faced with. I have every confidence in the Wardens that they will do a stellar job in leading you during this time. But they need your prayers, support and assistance. Maybe this is a time for you to take a step out of your comfort zone. Think about who changes the light bulbs, unclogs the toilet, sets up tables, makes coffee, welcomes the visitor who comes back because someone took the time to greet them. Have you ever greeted a visitor to our church? Have we ever thought--If I don’t do it, who will? Fr. John+

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The  · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The Epistle June, 2017 Love God.

May 21, 2020



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Page 1: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The  · St. Paul’s Episcopal Church The Epistle June, 2017 Love God.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

The Epistle

June, 2017

Love God. Love others. Help others love God.

We welcome you to join us on our journey as we strive to share the love of Jesus through worship, Christian education, fellowship and service to each

other and the community beyond our walls.

From Your Rector Eugene H. Peterson wrote: “Prayers are tools not for doing or getting, but for being and becoming.”

The next four months will be a culmination of something that has been in the planning stages for about two years. With the support of the Vestry and you I will embark on a journey of rest, rejuvenation and reenergizing over 17 weeks. What a blessing! Thank you! The quote by Peterson is something that I keep in mind as I take this journey. How will God shape us in this time? How will His Spirit do what it is so good at: re-creating and renewing? What will change? What will remain? What will our reunion be like? How will we embark on whatever bubbles up during this time?

I must admit there is a great deal of anxiety about all of this. I have never taken a sabbatical so this is a first. How will I disconnect from the business of daily parish life? What will it be like to sit in the pew of another church? What will I experience in the churches I attend? What a time for growth, being and becoming what God is calling me to be. In the midst of times I might have missed His voice in the hectic pace of life. It is a time for all of us to experience something new and to look at things with a different lens. I hope it won’t be the same old “but we’ve always done it that way”! How will life be when we come off the mountain?

We trust in God that we will grow stronger in this time of prayer and reflection for all of us. Being open to new possibilities and new endeavors or just to maintain is the choice we are faced with. I have every confidence in the Wardens that they will do a stellar job in leading you during this time. But they need your prayers, support and assistance. Maybe this is a time for you to take a step out of your comfort zone. Think about who changes the light bulbs, unclogs the toilet, sets up tables, makes coffee, welcomes the visitor who comes back because someone took the time to greet them. Have you ever greeted a visitor to our church? Have we ever thought--If I don’t do it, who will?

Fr. John+

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A BIG THANK YOU to Lynne Jones for the many years of teaching Sunday School to our youth!!! Thank you Jennifer and Jack Westermann for cleaning the gutters after the storm of Monday, May 1st.

Thank you to Linda Littell for cleaning and organizing the Conference Room. It looks great!

Thank you to all the hosts for the Cottage Visits: Dick and Sandy Schwab, Susanne and Bob Pettit, Judy Shannon, Bill and Lynn Freeman, Jane and Richard Parker, Jack and

Jennifer Westermann, Mark and Jennifer Vallone, Barb and Bruce Dailey, Eunice Barton, Chip Kinne, Lynda Helmer, Ruthie Koerts, and Mary Gilfoyle.

Goodbye, Father John!

It is with sadness that we soon bid Fr. John farewell but relief and gratitude that it is just a temporary farewell. On behalf of the entire parish, we would like to wish Fr. John a restful and restorative sabbatical. We look forward to welcoming our pastor back in the fall, rejuvenated and re-energized and anxious to resume his wise leadership of our church.

Bruce Dailey and Jennifer Westermann Wardens of St. Paul’s

Name Tags are Back!

While Fr. John is away on sabbatical the Rev. Bill Lutz will be celebrating the Eucharist with us on Sundays. To make things a little easier for Fr. Bill, we ask that you once again don your name tag as you arrive for Sunday worship. They will be on the bulletin boards in the narthex (entrance). A bonus of wearing name tags is that it also makes us more welcoming to visitors to our church! Note: If you do not have one, let one of us know

and we will correct that! Bruce and Jennifer


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Stewardship Thought

This month we celebrate Pentecost as part of the three days that changed our lives forever--Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. We wear red to remind us of the Holy Spirit. Please wear red on Sunday, June 4 as we celebrate Pentecost. It is always wonderful to see a sea of red as we acknowledge the Holy Spirit who inspires our worship and our faith, and gives us the power, week by week, to proclaim the Kingdom of God. The Church is not a building, but the people of God gathered. Thank you for your faithful stewardship of time, ability, and money that enables us to be the church. Fr. John+

Pastoral Reminder: We need your help!

Please be aware that hospitals and nursing homes do not notify our Church Office of admissions to their facilities, even though some of them ask your church affiliation during the admission process. THEY DO NOT CALL! It is your responsibility to notify the Rector. During my sabbatical, we have made arrangements for visits to be made to our homebound, those in the hospitals and nursing homes.

Luther Chergosky, Ruthie Koerts and Jennifer Westermann will provide this ministry. I am grateful to them for their willingness to accept this ministry. Also, if you know of a family member of a parishioner who has passed away while I am gone please notify the office. It will also help me to know this information upon my return. During this time if a need arises please contact either Jennifer Westermann or Bruce Dailey.

Fr. John+

Welcome to St. Paul’s

We at St. Paul’s would like to welcome Rev. Bill Lutz who will be celebrating the Holy Eucharist on Sundays while Father John is on sabbatical. We also want to welcome Rev. Jim Jones and Rev. Richard Shaw who will alternate officiating at the Healing Services on Wednesday mornings.

Lectio Divina 7:00 P.M., Gould Chapel

Lectio Divina will meet on Mondays, June 5th and June 19th at 7:00 PM in the Gould Chapel at St. Paul’s. Lectio Divina is a meditative way of looking at Scripture. No reservations or notification needed; just come!


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Prayers for Our Ministries

Each week a different ministry area of St. Paul’s is featured in the bulletin to highlight, encourage involvement and give thanks for the people who make it happen. During the month of June we pray for the following ministries:


6/4 Altar Guild 6/18 CODA 6/11 Cornell Cooperative Ext. 6/25 Families Anonymous

Flower Memorials

6/4 The flowers on the altar this week are in loving memory of Audrey P. Krska from her husband, Bill Krska, and daughter, Diana Krska.

The flowers on the altar this week are also in celebration of Aria Raine Kraack, great-granddaughter of Dick and Sandy Schwab.

6/11 (Picnic at the Park)

6/18 The flowers on the altar this week are in loving memory of Bud Rozina from his daughter and son-in-law, Beth and Cliff VanDervort.

The flowers on the altar this week are also given in loving memory of Lisa Elaine Pettit, (June 10 to August 31, 1968) infant daughter of Bob and Suzanne Pettit.

6/25 The flowers on the altar this week are in loving memory of Nancy Elaine Devoe from her daughter and son-in-law, Suzanne and Bob Pettit.

Sanctuary Candle Memorials

6/4 available

6/11 The Sanctuary Candle burns this week in loving memory of

Antoinette Buccasio, mother of Verona Kidder.

6/18 The Sanctuary Candle burns this week in loving memory of Elaine Rozina, from her daughter and son-in-law, Beth and Cliff VanDervort and family.

6/25 The Sanctuary Candle burns this week in loving memory of

John Perestam from his loving wife, Linda Littell. Note: Please call the office (748-8118) any time during the month if you would like to designate the altar flowers or candles in memory of a loved one, to recognize a special event or simply in thanksgiving for God’s many blessings. Forms are in the back of the church. Dates may be shared.


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JUNE 6/2 India Colón 6/18 William Calkin 6/3 Marguerite Ireland Frannie Vallone 6/4 Lee Palmer Joey Vallone 6/5 Diane Kimble 6/19 Dottie Bachman Timothy Yacovoni 6/22 Ralph Riley 6/8 Linda Littell 6/23 David Lee 6/9 Donna Krzyzewski 6/24 Meghan Walton Chip Kinne Sanders Browning Scott Kidder 6/25 Joseph Wilson 6/11 Mitzi Manning 6/27 Patricia Collison 6/12 Brenda Baileys 6/30 Marilyn Karlson

JUNE 6//7 Henry and Martine Barnaby 6/20 Richard and Lorraine Chadwick 6/9 Tom and Donna Williams 6/22 Carl and Marie Dollmetsch 6/14 Mark and Jennifer Vallone 6/29 Tim and Chris Petras 6/19 Bill and Debbie Dieffenbacher

Are you a June birthday or anniversary but you don’t see your name here? Please let the office know so we can update our records! We don’t want to miss anyone!


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Please Note: The Church Bulletin for Sunday, June 11th, will not be

published due to the Church Picnic. The upcoming calendar dates and events have all been listed in the bulletin for June 4th.

Cottage Visits

If you have not yet received your invitation for the Cottage Visit, please let Jennifer Westermann know. If you were unable to attend the visit that you were invited to, please come to the last one that is planned at the church on June 4th at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome! Father John+

Movin’ On Luncheon Monday, June 12th, Noon

The Movin’ On Lunch will be held on the 2nd Monday of June. The theme for the day will be “Chef’s Choice”. All widows and widowers are invited to share in this time of food and fellowship at noon in Fellowship Hall.

Women of the Church News

The WOC picnic will be held on Wednesday, June 7th at the home of Sandy and Dick Schwab (4128 Tripp Lake Road, Montrose, PA). It is about a 35 minute drive from the church. Directions will be available prior to the picnic via email and at the back of the church. This year in addition to socializing, we are going to include a brief business meeting to allow for a rummage sale update and to vote on distribution of funds. Please plan to arrive between 4 and 4:30. We will hold our business meeting and then have dinner at 5:45. For those who work or need more time, please feel free to join us whenever your schedule permits. Those wishing to car pool should meet at the church at 3:15. Please bring a dish to pass (and a lawn chair if possible). Suggestions for uses of our funds can be given to me personally (in writing so as not to rely on my memory) or via email prior to the meeting. I will then prepare a list for consideration at the meeting. As in the past, please research to ensure that the suggested need still exists and the organization continues to be viable. The next sleeping bag workshop will be held on Thursday, June 8th at 1 p.m. A sign-up sheet will be at the back of the church. Thanks to all who helped out with the spring rummage sale. The support certainly proved that together we can make a difference.

Sandy Schwab, Chair


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Annual Church Picnic Sunday, June 11th, 11:15AM

Please note change in location – Glendale Park

It’s time for our Annual Church Picnic! Join us at Glendale Park on Sunday, June 11 at 11:15 a.m. for a worship service followed by a summer cookout. Look for us in Pavilion #2. A free will offering will cover the hot dogs and hamburgers, dinnerware and drinks; you are invited to bring a dish to share. This year there will be some special entertainment after the service! Include your friends as this is a great opportunity to get to know each other. Feel free to bring along any “picnic games” (bean bag toss,

ladderball, etc.) you may have. There will still be a regular 8:00 a.m. service, as well as a 10:00 a.m. service (there will be no music at either 8:00 or 10:00 a.m.). The grounds at Glendale Park are level and there are no hills to climb. There is also an area where you can drive up and drop someone off if needed. If you would like to help with this, please contact Sindy Garey at 744-7861 to help with set-up and/or clean-up.

The Binghamton Unitarian Universalist Congregation hosts People of Blessing

Interfaith Service for PRIDE Month Wednesday, June 14, 7:00 PM

The Binghamton Unitarian Universalist Congregation is hosting the People of Blessing Service as part of PRIDE Month, Wednesday, June 14th at 7:00 PM. The service affirms diversity in community, lifts up the common thread amongst us and affirms people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. The theme for this year’s service is “God Is Still Speaking." The service will include music, readings, speakers and a shared blessing by community clergy. The offering for the evening will go to support this annual service and other programs of the PRIDE Coalition. All are welcome. Refreshments will be provided following the service. The Binghamton Unitarian Universalist Congregation is located next to Lourdes Hospital at 183 Riverside Drive, Binghamton.

For more information, contact Carol Gallagher ([email protected]), Reverend Douglas Taylor ([email protected]) or Rabbi Barbara Goldman-Wartell at Temple Concord (607-723-7355, [email protected] ).


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It is Merry Mowing Time!

The sun is shining (sometimes) and the rain is raining (often!) resulting in the grass growing! Mowers are needed to keep the grounds neat and tidy. A self-propelled mower is in the shed; a calendar sign-up sheet is on the table in the back of the church. If it is convenient for your schedule, the ideal mowing days are Thursday through Saturday so the lawn looks nice for Sunday. Your help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Part-time Teacher Needed

It is with sadness and regret that Lynne Jones will not be coming back in the fall to teach Sunday School. She has enjoyed her years with the program immensely as her students are a joy. This means we now have an opening for a part-time teacher for our “Middle” (8 to 9 year olds) Sunday School class. This would not be a weekly commitment, only once or maybe twice a month. The curriculum is very user-friendly and the kids are a delight! Please see Jennifer Westermann for more information.

Note: Classes will resume in the fall.

Jennifer S. Westermann Christian Education Chair

Ice Cream Social Wednesday, August 16th , 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

St. Paul’s Annual Community Ice Cream Social is being held this year on Wednesday, August 16th at 6:00 PM. Come out and enjoy some delicious Hershey’s Ice Cream, animals from the Zoo Mobile and try your luck at our Raffle Table. This free event is open to all so be sure to invite your friends, neighbors and family.

Help is needed to make this event happen and there are jobs for everyone! Tables, chairs and tents need to be set up, ice cream

scoopers are needed, help with clean-up afterwards and even someone to make sure all our guests fill out a raffle ticket for the baskets. Your pay? All the ice cream you can eat! Look for a sign-up sheet in the back of the church later in July or talk to Eunice Barton. She is ready to take names!


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Christ Episcopal Church 1st Annual Christ Church Cup Challenge

Saturday, July 29th at 1:00 PM Presented by Event Ministry Team

Like to golf or just have a good time? The golfers of Christ Church are challenging YOUR church and other churches, as well as non-church members to a fun filled day of golf as a fundraiser for Christ Church and yours on Saturday, July 29th. Shotgun Start is at 1:00 p.m. at Genegantslet Golf Club on Route 12 in Greene. Entry deadline is July 9th. Send an email to: [email protected] for an entry form.

Captain & Crew Format (Four Golfers to a Team) Entrance Fee: $75 per Individual $300 per Team

Entrance fee includes: golf, carts, golf & door prizes, closest to the pin (2 holes), beverages, pizza lunch, and banquet! Also available: Mulligans, skins, hole sponsorships, big board prizes, basket raffle, 50/50 raffle and more! The winning team will receive 30% of the proceeds from the tournament for your church or charity of your choice. (Copies of entry forms are in the back of the church.)

Meals on Wheels

Are you or someone you know in need of meals? Call Meals on Wheels of Western Broome at 754-7856 for more information. Our volunteers deliver more than a meal—they bring a friendly smile and a daily check-in to ensure that you and/or your loved one can remain healthy and independent. If you

are interested in becoming one of our amazing volunteers, ask to speak to Jackie. Or speak with our own Ingrid or Harold Elliott, faithful volunteers in the program. Substitute drivers are also needed if you cannot make a weekly commitment. All you need is the desire to serve!


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EPAC Musical “Ascend”

EPAC proudly presents the world premier original musical “Ascend” by Lori Zabadal-Dayton. Come see this new musical that tells the story of life in Jerusalem in 33 A.D. after Jesus was crucified. Show times are on June 2nd and 3rd at 8 p.m. and on June 4th at 2 p.m.

at EPAC on Washington Avenue, Endicott. Contact EPAC box office for ticket sales at 785-8903, or e-mail Lori Zabadal-Dayton at [email protected].

****************************** Barnes & Noble Book Fair Endwell League of Community Action (non-profit…all funds go to many local community organizations)

Saturday, June 3rd, 10AM to 9PM Face Painting...Scavenger Hunt...Raffle Baskets Can’t attend? Visit to support us online from 6/3 to 6/8. Enter ID# 11883303 at checkout.

****************************** Boscov’s Binghamton Friends Helping Friends Breakfast

Wednesday, June 21st at 8AM Boscov’s Furniture Department (Please enter through 1st Floor Water Street entrance or 4th Floor entrance from the ramps) Learn how to earn money easily for your organization as long as you hold a 501(c) or 170c1 status. Join us for coffee, donuts, and more info. RSVP by May 15th to [email protected] or call Laura DeStefanis at 315-733-0393, ext. 1202. Bring completed registration form with you.

****************************** Doug’s Fish Fry

June 23rd from 11AM to 6PM Matthew’s Planet Preowned Cars 2100 Vestal Parkway, Vestal Proceeds benefit Mom’s House


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Mom’s House Hart & Hills Memorial Golf Tournament July 15 – The Links at Hiawatha Landing, Apalachin Registration – noon; Shotgun Start – 1 PM Cost - $100 – includes golf, cart, prizes, lunch, dinner Register on-line – Early Bird deadline – June 1 – paid registration receives 1 free mulligan

Concerts in the Park at Highland Park Endwell League of Community Action


The Endwell League of Community Action is sponsoring the 2017 Concerts in the Park again this year. The concerts begin at 7:00 each Tuesday (except July 4th) at Highland Park in Endwell. Here is the summer schedule. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Sandy Moran

ELOCA Media Chairperson












August 16th

St. Paul’s will be hosting a Life Screening event on Wednesday, August 16th. More information will be available as we get closer to that date. If you are interested, please mark this date on your calendar.


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June Liturgical Ministers Schedule

June 4 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Lay Assistant Jane Parker Georgia Wilber

1st Reading Barb Dailey

2nd Reading Jackie Reece Judy Shannon

Chalice Richard Parker Eunice Barton

Readings Acts 2:1-21 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

June 11 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Lay Assistant Mary Cermak Steve Koerts

1st Reading No Reading No Reading

2nd Reading Jack Westermann Ruthie Koerts

Chalice Jennifer Westermann Ruthie Koerts

Readings Genesis1:1-2:4a 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

June 18 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Lay Assistant Debbie Dieffenbacher Karen Cahill

1st Reading Sue Pettit

2nd Reading Bill Dieffenbacher Bob Pettit

Chalice Chip Kinne Jim Buffum

Readings Exodus 19:2-8a Romans 5:1-8

June 25 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Lay Assistant Jennifer Westermann Jim Garceau

1st Reading Zach Manchester

2nd Reading Garvin Alexander Carl Kinne

Chalice Luther Chergosky Sue Jones

Readings Genesis 21:8-21 Romans 6:1B-11

Note: If you are unable to serve on a given week, please try to find a substitute. Luther Chergosky is available as a substitute Lay Assistant for 8:00 services. If you need a phone number, please call the office at 748-8118. Copies of our church directory are available as well for your convenience.


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St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Vestry Minutes, May 9, 2017 To love God, Love others, Help Others to love God

Rector: Fr. John R. Martinichio

Wardens: Bruce Dailey, Jennifer S. Westermann


Eunice Barton Lynda Helmer Ruthie Koerts

Karen Cahill (A) Marge Johns Robert Pettit

Duncan Finlayson Chip Kinne Richard Schwab

Treasurer: Jack Westermann

Fr. John opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with a prayer written by Thomas Merton.

April Minutes - Motion made by Ruthie Koerts with second from Chip Kinne to accept the

April minutes as presented.

Financial Reports

Bob Pettit:

• Gould Report – the Gould fund balance as of April 30, 2017 stood at $4,530,336, and

increase of $23,096. Bob ventured the guess that the gain would cover the monthly


• Income/Expenses – Technically the income exceeded expenses by roughly $10,000 but

there was an anonymous donation of $10,000 to go to the stained glass window project so

essentially the income and expenses were even, a good thing.


• Balance Sheet – Closed month with $30,87.94 in checking account but $24,671.39 is

earmarked for various line items such as CHOW, CHAP, Memorials, etc. leaving about

$6,000 to cover day to day operating expenses.

• Other Accounts – CHOW currently has about $1,700 available; CHAP about $1,500.

Fr. John noted that pledges to date total $147,818.

Motion made by Lynda Helmer with second from Bruce Dailey to accept the financial reports as

presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

• Spring Clean-Up: The vestry had earlier voted to budget $1,000 to contract with Hillside

Gardens to do a clean-up of the landscaping in the spring. Unfortunately, the estimate

came in at $1,400, $400 over budget. Motion made by Duncan Finlayson with second

from Chip Kinne to accept the contract proposed by Hillside Gardens to do the work.

Motion carried unanimously.

• Gift Offered: An offer of a statue of the risen Christ was offered to the church to be

displayed during the Easter season. Motion made by Duncan Finlayson with second

from Eunice Barton to accept the gift. Motion carried unanimously.

• Cottage Meeting: Fr. John reported on the results of the first cottage meeting, held on

Tuesday, April 4, 2017. There were seven in attendance and they had a fruitful



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Items for Discussion – Rector’s Report

• Cottage Meetings: There have been six cottage meetings so far and they have gone very


• Synagogue Window: No news of shadow box yet.

• Stained Glass Window Coverings: As the temperature has to be consistently in the

forties the project will be scheduled once the weather warms up.

• Sabbatical: The dates of Fr. John’s sabbatical will be June 12 – October 10. While on

sabbatical Fr. John would like the vestry to join him in the reading of the book People of

the Way by Dwight J. Zscheile which deals with church growth. Areas of ministry that

will need to be covered while he is gone:

o Worship Services – Fr. Bill Lutz will act as supply cleric on Sundays. Fr. John is

looking for someone to handle Wednesday morning service as the priest he had

now needs surgery.

o Pastoral Visits – Fr. John will meet with Ruthie Koerts, Luther Chergosky and

Jennifer Westermann to make sure those who are hospitalized and/or homebound

are ministered to.

o Stewardship Committee – Bob Pettit offered to take the lead on the aspect of

Stewardship with regards to the fall pledge campaign.

• Vestry Retreat: The vestry will meet at Transfiguration Monastery for a day-long retreat

on October 14 built around the framework of the People of the Way book. The retreat

will address three issues:

a look at the previous four months (sabbatical time)

discussing the cottage visit conversations/observations

asking – “where do we go from here?”

• Annual Picnic: Sindy Garey volunteered to oversee the annual picnic to be held on June

11 at Glendale Park in Endicott beginning with a Eucharist service at 11:15 a.m. The

advantage of Glendale over Highland Park is that it is on level ground. Note: IN

addition to the service at the park there will be “said services” (no music) at the church at

both 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.

• Paula’s vacation – Fr. John noted that Paula will be on vacation the first two Sundays in


• Gould Scholarship – Fr. John reported that letters requesting end-of-year grades to

current scholarship recipients have been sent out. There are no graduating seniors this


Items for Discussion – Wardens’ Report

• Thank you notes – Bruce Dailey shared thank you notes for Gould grants from the Boys’

and Girls’ Club of Western Broome.

• Prayer Books – Jennifer Westermann passed along a request from a parishioner

concerning currently unused prayer books in the conference room library. These are

books that have been replaced due to wear. Can they be donated to a worthy cause?


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Committee Reports

• Christian Education: There is a need for a part-time teacher for the middle class.

Jennifer Westermann will teach but would like to alternate week to week with another

teacher. One Sunday/month will be a Youth Sunday so no teacher needed as the students

are in the church for the whole service.

• Women of the Church: The Spring rummage sale, including the bake sale, netted about

$1,300. Rummage Sale Chair Eunice Barton felt that 11:00 a.m. was too early to start the

bag sale. In a change this spring the sale was 9:00-11:00 with the bag sale 11:00-2:00.

This will be discussed at the next Women of the Church meeting. The Sleeping Bag

project will be held on Thursday, May 12 at 1:00 p.m. The next meeting will be a

potluck lunch/business meeting at the church at noon on Wednesday, May 17. A number

of Muslim women from the mosque located in Vestal will be joining us for conversation

and fellowship.

• Property Committee: Dick Schwab reported that the Property Committee met and

discussed two items. The first was to try to define just what the scope of the committee is

to be. The second was that the committee should identify immediate needs as well as


• Social Committee: The Social Committee met and set a goal of scheduling one social

activity per month, including the annual picnic in June. July will offer a Bunco Night.

• Trinity Canteen: The church will be responsible for hosting Canteen meals in July,

October and December of this year. The Westermanns will coordinate the October event;

coordinators are still needed for the July and December meals.

Next Meeting - Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. with a prayer prayed by Fr. John.

Minutes submitted by Jennifer S. Westermann, Vestry Clerk


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