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8 THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: MONDAY MORNING, JULY 9. 1894. OFFICIAL. ] \u25a0 . .- \u25a0 Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County. Covnty Ai-mTon's Office, ) St. Paul. .\unn., June in. 1881 ) Adjourned meeting of the Hoard ot County Co nmis*iouers called to order at 10:3J a. m. Mayor Smith in the chair. Preseut Commissioners Daly. Hauna, Lauer. Lavallee, McCarrou, Seng and Chair- man Smith. lteportg of Committee*. From tnc Committee on claims, recom- mending the allowance of the following bills : From the County Koad ahd hrldgo Fund- j Auger. relix .' $11.37 Auger, Joseph IS \u25a0 - 1a.«5 llaudlos. John 14. Handles. Robert. 4.50 LnDore. Paul 1S.«) Labore, Frank 81.50 Paul, Georce 4.5'J Pnebe, Wilhelm 11.53 Priebe.Carll 3.00 Schumacher, Wm 7.00 Report of Committee adopted and claims allowed by the following vote: Ares—Commissioner* Daly. Ilnnr.n, Lauer, Lavallee, McCarron, Seug aud Chairman Smith. Nays—o. From the Committse on Taxes, recom- mending allowance of application for abate- ment of J. W. Her rick. Report of committee adopted and applica- tion allowed by the followingvote: Ayes— Commissioners Daly, llanna. Lauer. Lavallee. McCarrou, Seng and Chairman Smith. Nays— Committee on Taxes requested further time in which to examine Delinquent Per- sonal Tax list for year ISItH. Granted, with instructions to report to the full board. Resolutions. By Commissioner McCarron— Be it resolved; '1hat bids be received At the next regular meeting for grading the north thirty-three thousand cubic yards on what is known as Lake Josephine road, according to profile and specification made by County surveyor. •: \u25a0 Resolution adopted. Ayes— Coniinissiopers Daly, Tlanna, Lauer, Lavallee, Mecarron, Seng and Chairman Smith. .Says— o. Moved, that when this board adjourn it adjourn to meet at 4 p. in. of this date. Carried. Onmotion board adjourned. J. IT. Bcrxs, County Auditor. \Vm. Boas, Deputy. OFFICIAL. Proceedings of the Board of County Commissionßrs of Ramsey County. COUNTY Auditor's Office, ) June 1594. 1 Adjourned meeting of the Board of Coun- ty timmis-sicners. Called to order at 4:30 p. m. Mayor Smith in the chair. Present Commissioners Daly. Ilanua, Lauer. Luvallee. McCarron, Seng and Mr. Chairman Smith. .Mr. Daly moved that the Board go into ex- ecutive session. Carried. Moved, that when this Board adjourn it adjourn to meet Wednesday, June M, 1691, at hi a. m. Carried. Upon motion Board adjourned. J. H. Burns, County Auditor. Euan. Deputy. OFFICIAL. Proceeding's of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County. County Auditor's Office, 1 St. Paul, Minn.. June -'7, ISO 4. ( Special meeting Hoard of County Commis- sioners met at Id o'clock a. m. Mayor Smith, in the chair. Present— Commissioners Da'.y, Ilauna, Lauer, Lavallee, McCarron, Seng, Air. Chair- man smiih. Commissioner McCarrou moved that a committee of three be appointed by the chair jo confer with the County Auditor in regard to the affairs of James 11. Burns, County Auditor. Carried. \ \u25a0-<-_:\u25a0. '•'. Ayes—Commissioners Daly, Hanna, Lauer, Lavallee. McOirrou, Seng. Air. Chairman. Nays— None. Upon motion Boord adjourned. J. 11. Burns. County Auditor. Egax. Deputy. OFFICIAL. , Proceeding's of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County. Cou:;tt Auditor's Office, ) St. Paul. Minn.,' June 2'.', 1594. f Special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners called to order at 10:50 a. m. Mayor Smith in the chair.- Present Commissioners Daly, Hnnna. Lauer, Lavallee, McCarron, Seng," Chairman Smith. " Communication received from James IT. Hums, tendering his resignation as County Auditor ofRamsey coniitr, as follows: Office of County Auditor ) Ramsey County, V St. Paul. Minn.. June 27 .1804 .) Hon. Robert A. Smith, Chairman Board of Comity Commissioners, Ramsey County, Minn. . . _. \u25a0. . .. . . I hereby tender my resignation as Auditor ofRamsey county, Minn., same to take effect onFriday, June B»th, 1894. . Respectfully, Jab. H. Burns. County Auditor. ByCommissioner Lavallee— Resolved, That the reiignation of James 11. Burns as County Auditor of Ramsey County be and is hereby accepted by the Board of County Commissioners, to take effect at 11 o'clock a. m. this 20th day of June. 1894. i V- Resolution adopted by the following vote: Ayes— Commissioners Daly. llanna. Lauer, Lavallee, McCarrou, Seng, and Chairman Smith. ; ' '\u25a0 ' Nays— None. . -.-.-.y : . '^''i\i'r Upon motion Board proceeded to elect a County Auditor to till the uuexpired term of James 11. Burns, resigned. \u25a0- Commissioner Lavallee nominated M. F. Kain, Commis- sioner McCarron seconded the nomination. Cnmm ssioner Ilauna nominated Wm. Koch. Commissioner seconded the nomina- tion. Upon motion Board proceeded to bal- lot. Mr. Kain received live (5) vines. \\ m. Koch reciveel two (2) votes. Commissioner liannn moved that Mr.Kain be declared to be unanimously elected Auditor. Curried. . Ayes— Duly, llunna, Luuer, Lavallee, Me- Carron, Seng, Mr. Chairman. Nays None. Adjourned. Bobkbx A. Sjt.rn, Chairmau. OFFICIAL. Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County. County Aitihtch's Office, : I St. Paul, Minn.. June 29. 1894. ( .'. Board called to order at 12 o'clock, noon, pursuant to adjournment. *• Mayor Smith in the chair. \u25a0"•'\u25a0'•\u25a0:.'•.•;. Present Commissioners Daly, \u25a0 llanna. Lauer, Lavallee, McCarron. Seng and Chair man Smith. Bond of M. F. Kain in the sum of twenty fivothousand (2i\oM).oo) dollars. with Charlei I. McCarthy, Wm. ; Cunningham, Jainei Meindy and E. J. Darragh us sureties, wai submillea. . ' - ;.;- . On motion the bond and sureties were ftp proved by the followingvote : Ayes— Commissioners Daly, llannn, T.aner . Lav'allce, McCarron, Seng mid Chairmai Smith. Nays— None. Adjourned. Koeekt A. Sjutfi, Cuuhuiau. OFFIUIAL. Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County. Covnty Auditor's Office, I St Paul. July t 1601 f Board of Couuty Commissioners of Itamvey County met at lo o'clock a. Q. Commissioner Daly in the chair. Present Commissioners Hanna, Lauer, Lavallee, McCarron, Seng and Actintt Chair- man Daly. Quorum present. Minutes of meetings held June 19, 25 and 29 read and npproved. Communications and applications Application for liquor license from Charles Thorn, GUdsioue, with bond. Referred to County Auditor for proper notice. From Thomas Lennati, submitting assign- ments of coutmcts for grading Kohlmanand White Bear roads. Referred to County Attorney. Estimates Submitted— From David L.Cur- tice. County Suiveyor— Kstimate No. 1, on White Bear road, in favor of Thos. Liunna. . $140. G2 Estimate No. 1 and final, for con- struction of culvert on Robinson lake road, in lavor of P. 11. Thornton 103.00 Estimate No. 2, on pile bridge on Bald Eaule road, in favor ot P. U. Thornton 220.87 Estimate No. 1. on Kohiman road, in favor of Thos I.inuan 227. '0 Estimates accepted aud placed on hie. (See bill for allowance.) The followingbids for grading Lake Jo- sephine road was received and referied to Surveyor: H. Huebner— 33,000 ymds excavation at 13tec $1,455.00 5.000 feet lumber at l-'o.OO £4, 580.00 N. Feyen— 33.000 yards excavation at 12 45-100c. 54,108.50 5,000 feet lumber at *15. 95 W 75 54,188.25 P.H.Thornton— 33,000 yards exeavatioa at 14% C $4,743.75 5,000 feet lumber at $20.00 100.00 84,843.75 J. H. Mulligan— 33.000 yards excavation at 14 2-7 c .. 84,714. 2$ 5,000 feet lumber at 819.00 95.00 $4,5U«).2S Million&Young— 3:U>OU yards excavation at 13i£c.... 54,400.00 5,000 feet lumber at $15.00 75.00 84,475.00 Certified check 8300, 21per cent of bid 8895.00 Dale ifc Bjimgardner— 03,UC0 yards excavation at 23c 87,590.00 5,000 feet lulnbei at 5£2. 00 IM.OJ 57.700.00 G. Gerlieh— Bid informal 54.575.03 Lumuer §18. CO perM 90.00 8»,%0.00 Thos. Linuau— 33,000 yafds excavation at 12^0 84.070.00 5,00'j feet lumber at $.6.00 80.00 Reported back wilfc recommendation that the contract be awarded to X.Feyen. So ordered. (See resolution ) Mr. Dobner, attorney for the clerks recent- ly employed by Burns, the late Auditor of Kamsey County, requested that the June sal- ary of the County Auditor be withheld until the claims of the" employes were determined. County Auditor. A. N. Nelson, County Treasurer, notified the Board that the Poor Fund was exhausted «nd the banks refused to advance money on County Poor warrants. Committee on Ways and Means. Couimis>ioner Lavnllee moved that when the Board adjourn it be to meet on July 9th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Commissioner Lavallee was excused at this time. The question of raising the piers of the Lake Phalen bridge was referred to Commis- sioner Hanna.. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. From the committee on claims- Recommending that the following claims be allowed, and paid out of the County Re- venue fund: Allen &Co S-.fiO Allen &Co 23.50 American Stamp Works 4.(55 J.H.Armstrong 15 00 Brown. Treacy &Co 49.75 C. \V. Bnzille 0.00 Horace E. Bieelow 6.00 David L. Curtice 10.00 David L.Clinics 26J.50 Chas. E. Chapel 888.38 Chits. £. Chapel 21:2.18 Frank E. Encell 0.00 Edison Electric Light &Power Co.. 53.00 M. Fox 2.50 R. F. Fritschie 22. 6G Wm. Koch 50.00 MerrillLaundry Co 2.00 It. T. O'Connor 451.35 N.W. Sewer Pipe Co .B'J Pioneer Press Co .75 Pioneer Press Co 8.75 Pioneer Press Co 6.15 H. P. KUK3& Co 10.08 The Kailroader Printing House * OJO The Railroader Priutlng House 1.80 The Railroader Printing House 1.i.f.0 The Railroader Pnntiug House 127.00 T. J. Secrest 9.0J Robert H.Seng 5.0J St. Paul Workhouse 04.73 St. Paul Co-operative Painting Co.. 9.25 P M.Ivist 6.03 H. K. Wedclstaedt &Co 46.90 H. E. Wedelstaedt &Co 4.20 Hattie A. Walker 43.31 Report adopted. Claims allowed by the followingvote: Ayes—Comrs. Hanna, Lauer, McCarrou and Chairman Daly. Nays— None. From the Same Committee- Recommending that the followine Court House and City Hall bills, together with the. Custodian's pay roll for mouth June, 189*. be allowed, as follows, from the county rev- enue fund: County's Halt". Board Water Commissioners 5)5.63 P. V.Dwyerdt Bros. Co 3.0j John Dowlandc Son 203.1^ Diebolu Safe and Lock Co 1.5j Edison Electric Light Co 12.5tj Finch. Van Slyck, Young &Co 2.8j Geo. Fuller 2.0j Mitsch-Wagner Carriage Co 17.3,-j N. W. Hardware Co 1.75 N. W. HardwareCo 6.54 N. W. Hardware Co 1.75 N. W. Hardware Co .% St. Paul Lake Ice Co 21. &•• St. Paul Gas LiKhtCo 103. tt St. Paul Gas Light Co 5.00 St. Paul Co-Operative Printing Co.. 6.70 Standard Oil Co 5.25 The Gas Saving Co. . l'l.Ol Mrs. Maria Urmanu 6.00 Custodian's pay roll for month June, 15940 as follows: , P..T.Bigue $:8.34 J. Aue. Nillson 21.66 J.T.Duffy 41. (57 Thorn Byrnes 8.33 Gust H. Grube 32.50 Ed. F. Mullaney ..... 31 00 Norman L. Dunn 4 00 J. J. Doyle .... 30.00 John Chursbine 2ft. 00 Aug. Rtiutzeu 10.16 lien Me. uire 5.00 S. A. Wiley 25.00 Joseph Pearo 25.00 Gust.Obeig 25.00 John Dellingham 25.00 Adam Machtsheim 25 00 J. L. Hotfman 25.00 Julius Hanson 25.00 John O'Neil 1U.17 Thomas Delaney 5.00 Roman Huspeck 25.00 Frank Cervenka 25.00 Aug. Olson 25.0J Louis Lundquist 25.00 Fred Murnnne 2.50 Edward Mullen 17.4!) Chas. .louiißlon 3.33 MichaelSchern. 25.00 M. Hoffman 2.50 J P. White 27.50 Albert Euyelen 25.00 MarKtirei Godfrey 20.00 Report adoptea. Claims allowed by the following vote: Ayes - Comrs. Hanna, Lauer, McCarron, Seng and Chairman Daly. Nays Nuue. From the same Committee- Recommending th at the following claims be allowed from the Poor Fund: County's Two-thirds. John Kerwin &>7.17 John Kerwin 85.00 Adair Kinck 25.00 E. 11. Jmlson 83.03 Oliver J. Tons 66. G7 Dr. A. B. Ancker 104.44 Dr. Geo. J. llanley 61.11 Dr. D. C. Jones 50.00 Associated Charities 33 33 Hospital Pay Roll— County's Two-thirds. Miss Mary A. Edwards 20.67 Louis O. Wiser 26. C7 Victor J. La Hose 13.34 Miss Florence B. Hynes 40.0) Miss Anna Larson 6.67 MlssAliirF. Rutherford 6.C6 llnnnaA. Kolleni 6.67 Ida Loftus 6.6S Eleuor Nicholson 6.67 Teresa McGrath 6 6(1 IduM. Ni s rarii 6.6? IvaHynda.... 6.06 Bertha Ha1g^t...... ........:..;.... 5.84 Mary Gleagon . .. 8.33 Mamie G. Wi150n............. : 6.8» Harriet 0'8rien.. :.......:........... 6.33 Lizzie R. 81an1e.... ............ 6.34 Mrs. Florence Beduon : 5.33 Albert F. Bauer. 83.33 Henry Mitchell ........... 10. 07 Oliver A. Laiben 10.00 Gustaf Rangal 10.00 Edwin P. Farley :. 6.07 Miss Annie Fitzpatrick ......... 13.33 Cutheriue Fllzpatrick 8.00 Katie Seifefe ............... 0.31 MissOlga Krickson....; 9.33 Miss Jane C. Griffin... '. 0.34 Miss Annie Smith \u25a0 13.33 Miss Susie Bohman... .... 13.33 Miss Nellie Wymun 13.00 Joseph Kerst. - 20.00 Charles \Y\ Wilcox ....:: 5.33. Miss Mlua Grossleln.. 2.23 Alms House Pay Roll— ft County's . v .v Two-thirds J. L. Ilendry.... '....... gjJ.OO A.L. 11endry.. .....:. ;.: 16.07 John Cumnilugs.. 33.33 Jan. Casley 16.07 Jay Cr055...... ...r".....r:.^:^.*.^^. 13.34 AiitouMoll ... -, , v 13.34 George Hughes ..."'.v.V.r.'..•.'.Y.:\'*.'.V 13.33 Mary Lin5tr0m.... :..:......-... :.\i. A- 13.33 Annie Hughe5........'. ... 13.33 Ida Johnson ..-t-.iS.-v... . ... .....-— -• 9.33 Emma Olson ....jj.'.v.. ?.?..".. .:r..T* :" 8.00 Report adopted. ; ! '. .7 \u25a0-'•-> .: >l^";- Claims allowed by ta.e, followingvote: . Ayes—Comrs. Ilanua, Lauer, McCarron, Seng and chairman Dalv. <-»,., Nays— None. ' v# .• - ; <'; ; * '\u25a0 From the Same Committee— Reocmmending* that the following claims be allowed from the loor Fund : County's | Two-thirds. George Adam. .......... $2 00 C. G. Albrecht....... 4 S3 J. H. Allen &C0.... ...:. . .. 140 67 Board Water Commissioners ..:.... 18 OS Bohrer. Emerson dc Co 30 52 W. E. Buschmauu . 11 33 James Casey ' ..:', 43 20 A.Decker Co 18 33 Electrical Engineering Co 10 13 Forest Cemetery.............. .'...".. ''\u25a0.-'• 2100 W. J. Gross.... : ... 12 72 Griggs, Cooper & C 0...... ..' 44 36 Horejs Bros ; 35 01 J.Q.Haas... .; ;- 23 10 Herat and Cecka 28 09 Liudeke, Warner & schurmeir .... 43 23 Lindeke Roller Mill.. 25 27 OlafLee 133 P. C. Lutz .. .-.- 15 17 Geo. Michel &Co 52 56 Peter Memmer 44 84 LalhrOD Museetter 23 34 H. K. Multord Co ........ 2 45 Milton Dairy Co 49 35 McCarthy & Donnelly 16 00 Minn. Soap Co 26 67 M. M. Metcalf 18 03 N. W. Hardware Co 25 25 N. W. Telephone Co ....../..: .18 00 N. Y. Tea Co 52 79 Noyes Bros. & Cutler. ; 14 00 O'Uallonui & Murphy 18.03 People's Ice Co , 24.75 Pioneer Press Co 5.60 Pioneer Fuel Co 15;j>o Queen Roller Mill , 8.33 John Rogers Jr. & Bro 59.97 Otto W. Rohland :. 60.02 S. 11. Reeves 11.67 Ryan Drue Co 62.34 St*. Paul Gas Light Co ... 112.9 St. Paul ltubDcr Co 15. A. Schoch Grocery Co 11.44 Star Grocery Co .. 9.33 D. Thomas & Co 6.67 U.S. Clothing C 0... 28.00 Wallblom Furniture and Carpet Co. 4.00 B. J. Witte .: - 5.67 O.P.Williams .......*. 24. : Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal C 0... 30.43 Report adopted. . . Claims allowed by the following vote: Ayes—Comrs. llauua, Lauer, McCarron, Seng and Chairman Daly. * Nays —None. From the Committee on Claims— '""-..-, Recommending that the following claims be allowed from the Road and Bridge Fund: Peter Auger $7.10 Peter Augei ; 10.5.0 Joseph Bibeau 7.00 E. Bibeau 11.15 Frank Bell 12.00 W. 8. Clark; 83.25 Jacob CasDer... ...:... 77.15 R. D. Ducharm 5.25 J. H. De Jarles „. 11.38 John Donais 9.00 Louis Donais 9.00 Victor Doric 10.50 J. P. Flandrakeii 7.50 P. J. Farrell 11.33 Gribben Lumber Co - ; 5.10 Gribben Lumber Co .. 7.2J Eli Oarceau .'.:\u25a0? : - = 2.13 Adolpbe Garceau ...". :•, : 9.(0 Adam Hamm '. r 1 45.50 Gus Have t .. .....: 11 00 Thos. lloule r. ...-.r..... •= 21.00 Bernhard Jansen....::.'.. 52.00 Jerome Racine > ..... 4.50 Jerome Racine 8.00 F.X.Paul- 31.25 Frank Kauchinski.... , 61.50 Wm. Kohlinan 4.25 Edward Kohler... 21.00 Geo. Keller 14.00 Geo. Keller ....:.:...' 24.85 Joseph A.Keller.... 27.45 . oseph Keller... 49.45 P. A.Lavallee... 41.00 Thos. Linnan. .*.'.'. 227.50 Thos. Liniiaii .' 440.62 John Lancet ti. .'....; 4.50 John Lancetli - 6.00 Louis Lanoux 7.50 Louis Loiselle 8.00 Henry Marston 61.00 Z. Alillette 6.00 E*den Morressette 3.50 Wm. Martcke .5.25 Gustave Mechelke 24.50 Chas. Neuenfeldt 82. tO ? FranK Otto 28.00 N. Perron :. 18.00 A. J. Peltier ...- 5.25 A. Peltier 24.00 ADtoine Peltier. 3.00 Joseph Querry ..;.. 8.00 Clodomir Robin 3.00 Joseph Robertson 21.25 Charley rafter. :'."... 9.75 Julius Scnroer ."...\u25a0 26.25 Swan Throedson .*. - 3.00 P. 11. Thornton 165.00 P, H. Thornton 220.87 Joseph Tiroux 10.50 John Tiroux ; 6.00 H. Vitt 17.50 T. Vandlac 7.00 Louis Yetter. :..... 7.50 Report adopted. Claims allowed by the following vote: -'. Ayes— Commissioners- Hanna.- Lauer, Mc- Carron, Seng and Chairman Daly. -' \u25a0; Nays—None. ' . The followingclaims were referred to the County Attorney: Daly. M. II 86.70 Pankopf. Otto.. .'.'. 10.00 Ilamm, Dr. G 50.00 She pard. Miss Betsey 2 00 \u25a0; On motion of Commissioner McCarron, the claim of Chas. J. Stees, in the sum of $35.00, was approved and recommended to the State Auditor for payment. . B< •olntlous. •" \u25a0* r ; 1 .. ByCommissioner McCarron— Be it Resolved. That the contract for grad- ing Lake Josephine road be and is hereby awarded to N. Fe> en for the sum of forty- one hundred and eighty-eight dollars and ' twenty-five cents ($J.158.25) ; work to-be done according to prolile and specifications on . .'file in County Surveyor's office: said con- tractor to turnisn a bond to be approved by ! County Attorney J and Chairman -of• \u25a0' this Board. r" \u25a0\u25a0. '- . \u25a0-'.', \u25a0 \u25a0 •"\u25a0:\u25a0 : - - , - Resolution adopted. ' -J Ayes—Commissioners Hanna, Loner, Mc- Carron, Seng and Chairman Wright. . Nays— None. Adjourned. M. F. Kain, County Auditor. BTILLWATRR NEWS. A large _ number of old-time residents of Stillwater went to Lakeland yester- , day to attend the funeral ot Elias Mc- Keau. \u0084 ' : Although the St. Croix boom was shut 1 down two days the past week the boom | crew did excellent work the remainder , of the time, and the output now ex- ceeds 105,000,000 fee*. There are ; logs : enough in the dam and boom to keep the crew busy until late, in the season.. The annual convention of the Sons of ll«rra,anu of this state - will be held in this city on the 17th and 18th inst. The local lodge of that order Is making ex- -1 tensive arrangements to entertain the » delegates. It is expected that nearly ! - : 30 Owill be in attendance. / . ' / ' : . ltev. J. H. Albeit, of Grace Congre- i; national church, .preached a sermon on !: ."Anarchy" last evening," in.which he i condemned the lawlessness existing in : this country at the present time in un- '. mistakable terms. «* 1 " Only *21.50 ; ' "" " ' !. . From Minneapolis and St.* Paul , To Cleveland, Ohio, and return X \u25a0-"• . Via "The North-Western Line," -..- - , For Y. P. S. C. E. annual convention. - Tickets on sala July '.) and 10, :--•\u25a0- V At 13 Nicollet House Block. f '..Minneapolis, and corner, Sixth » ,«' And Robert streets, in. , . Chamber of Commerce Building,' j - Opposite^ llotelltyan, St. Paul, .. : r: SENATOR DAVIS. - The labor unions throughout the state have roundly condemned Davis for refusing to support SSeuator Kyle's resolution favoring the protection of labor.— Farlbault Pilot. v 'h-v-;V-'; r . -Why would not Senator Davis make < " a good candidate for the presidency?! The manly stand he lias taken as to the; . relation of the government toward the great railway strike has won for him the commendation of all good citizens everywhere.— Mankato Free Press. . Like Patrick Henry's words wheu he i proclaimed "Give me liberty or give ; me death," Senator Davis' telegram ; :will be quoted and talked over for years to come \u25a0: as. the declaration of a true American; a bold, uncompromising justice-loving senator, who by this act has endeared himself to the people or the whole nation.— North St. I'aul Sen-, tinel. \u25a0..,. ; ; What Senator Davis said- was ieally.. all right, us nobody will deny. ' The workiuginen can least or air afford to encourage lawlessness or give license to disorder. And he said it right out— * there was no skulking about his tele- gram. The only trouble.was— aud this is somewhat characteristic— seems not to have informed himself .upon the purport and bearing of the resolution the unions asKed him to support.—Du- -1 tli Commonwealth. "..'.: .. ;,r,:-.. The Union just now needs men like C. K.Davis,- who have the courage of their convictions,' and are not to be turned aside by the . blatant threats of . anarchistic cranks, whether: in railway employ or elsewhere. It is only a ques- tion of short time now until the people will awake to the peril of the country in allowing such revolutionary characters as Coxey, Debs, Howard and others to carry on their way ot making a living: without work by stirring up dissension all over the country. God speed the day.— Chisago County News. THE DUTY "OF 1 .THE HOUSE. Under the circumstances the duty of the house is clear, it should be true to its convictions and to the record it has already made. It came fresh from the people, who instructed its majority to reform the tariff, to reduce taxes, to consider the needs of the consumer rather than the profits of the manufac- turer and trader, to give to the manu- facturer free raw materials. The house cannot accept this bill as it stands. It is its duty to make it conform to the principles and promises on which the Democratic party carried the country In 1890 and 1802.— New York World. ' It is the duty of the Democratic press to strengthen the hands 'of the true tariff reformers in both the house and senate, to the end that the protection .excrescences put upou the bill by the senate shall be prunes away— wholly, if possible, but in all events as com- pletely as may be. To this end the fullest expression of indignation at the shortcomings of the Dillis in order, and it is about all that is in order at this Courier-Journal. ; If by making a strenuous fight the house can wring consent from the sen- ate. Chairman Wilson and his friends owe to their party another effort for the bill which was presented after mature deliberation by the body to which the constitution gives the power of origi- nating revenue measures.— St. .Louis Kepublic. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:. V - Where Shall! Go? . Take the Great Northern for Osakls, Alexandria, Geneva Beach, Ashby, Miuuetonka, Green Lake, \u25a0 Park Rap- Ids, _ for a few days', or weeks' rest. Fishing unexcelled, comfortable hotels, every convenience to make your stay, pleasant pud profitable. Saturday night and Monday morning Trains 3 and 4 willstop at Geneva Beach for pas- : sengers. J" . \u25a0\u25a0".-\u25a0 \u25a0 .' . ••» FACTS AND FANCIES. Good, honest Footwear going for half s the price of shoddy goods, at 33/liast Seveuth street. \.'» . ".\u25a0 \u25a0 / '. The talk of -the town, the Auction Sale of the Dieter ' Shoe Stock, at 33 East Seventh street > . Attention is called to the closing out ot the Dieter Shoe Stock by auction, at 10 a.m. and 2 p. in. - - ; v Auction— out of the Dieter . Stock by auction, at 33 East Seventh, street; come. out. \ Shoes were never sold as cheap as at the Auction Sale yesterday or the Dieter Shoe Stock. Sale today at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. / :OjC }. MED. '-^-I'l'^^ WILLIAM J. SLEPPIT, Funeml Director. Undertaking Rooms. 495 and 497 Selby. cor- ner Mackubin. Residence, 515 Dayton ave- nue, next to Presbyterian church.' Tele- phone call, 527. AMUSEMENTS. JLtfETROFOLITAISr TONIGHT, iif jj IN SARDOU'S \u25a0 \u25a0His x->.-l 1-^ HORRIS 0UR....... COMP4NY FRIENDS The Acme of Pure Comedy. Wednesday Mitiuee— EA*>T LYN*KE. TWIN CITY JOCKEY CLUB ! Running Races! Hamline Race Course. Races Every Day, : ? RAIN OR SHINE. ? |5 Admission $1, Including Grand Stand. . - While Building Our New Studio: . :. Opposite Metropolitan Opera House. 1850^^2222^1894 GALLERY NO. 9 W. THIRD. Exquisite Photography ! 4 r CABINETS andONE on Bxlo n $3.00. " s&* k> Out-Door and Commercial Worlc a Specialty Telephone— lO7L «*«r-=^MR. ZIMMERMAN'S PERSONAL 15^a£~^ ATTENTION to APPOINTMENTS ! y^ ~*^R£OiSTtllEO. g TgQ fiß fIS TSS Q i ® /^^Sf^ a well HINDOO REMEDY \&rX~& /0 0&§*y] HINOOO REMEDY V"«ro^l/^JS&^/ , I > BOBOJCKBTRE.IEOTH.T.;:^J i^Y^ \u25a0fr'JL: / ' KESCLTB in 80 DATS. : Cures all \^V «fV- s Nervous Diseases, Falling; Memory ,• V^.l »y - Paresis; 81eeple8*ne»s, \u25a0 NißUtly '~^fcl^^ \u0084 ; Emissions, etc., coined by past abuses, ptri»BTl(ror and Bize to shrunken orfrnn*, and quickly but sure- - lyrestores I.ont Manhood old oryoung-. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price 01.00 a package. Six for 5 with a written cruaranteo to cure <..• money r#fiiii<loil. Don't buy an imitation,lint in- i«ti on having I3VI»APO. If your drugrelsthns not pot it, wo will Foml It prepaid. Oriental Medical Co.. rropi., CHICK. O, U.L., oar ajtrmtu . SOLD by W. A. Front Si. (£> v Cor. »-i<c Robert SU., ST. PXyL, ... •*% .».. .- 7.:: »\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 - - - ••- \u25a0 :y: * --- \u25a0 - \u25a0•- \u25a0 \u25a0 ... \u25a0 .. - . «. - ... \u25a0- - ST. PAUL , I Our banks, jobbing* houses, and all classes of business men are upon a sound footing 1 . Our sails haying-been trimmed and the financial storm weathered, St. Paul invites \u25a0•; the Northwest > to its"doors with the new era of brightening- skies, points with pride to its record as the Commercial Metropolis of the new Northwest, and assures all friends, competitors and patrons of a continuance of that spirit of fair dealing- which has made the city great. -"\u25a0 _ .' V . : /;:^ l^:t:~--\A \ ; <: -v\._ [j i A MERIGAN ELECTRIC BELT Co HftPF TS RROS AMERICAN ELECTRIC BELT Go \ HORF TS RROS 134 EndlcoU Arcade, St. Paul HUIYILd D Di\\JO. \u25a0ti - 7>i jnrc J&BB^S^. •"'"\u25a0 MAKE THE BEST RHEUMATISM AND ;fßsri* HOME- MADE BREAD. CHRONIC DISEASES, llil^ V Tei-4esMies.iieT— {Catalogue, Free. I||F " West Seventh Street. .«^gSffl^ JOS. SCHUIZ ' BREWING CO, 1 flPf'l^^^^^gffil^^^li'PfF Celebrated Milwaukee s i^^^S|export BEERS 4i^^^^^^^P?^ : ' and malt extract - J^^Klf DEPOT,; FOOT OF SIBLEY \u25a0 TELEPHONE 507-2. B^ ri "T* f^k \^ lit I* mfcafc TWiiWii It- \u25a0\u25a0»»• «ab maja*anu^ \J» % »-,- »-, nnro APT MFAM MTQ/T2 The Bar-Lock is not as old as UULO fIUC ML API mLHII f gorae other machines. Neither are the other machines as old as a steel pen, nor the steel pen as old as the quill. New things represent progress. It is the new automatic actions and the new visible "writing feature which make the Bar-Lock the model writing machine of the world. -^-" \u25a0 Full details of its automatic movements mailed free. : 98 East Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minn. BOGOS & HOIT, brewers. ~ Wholesale Grain, Hay and Seeds, f^fu^^%7tot sibiey street. I Grass Seeds a Specialty. TV pi>wniTPtt« "~* ST. PAUL, * MINN - TYPEWRITERS. . .r- [\u25a0 -1 be Bar-Lock, 03 East ITourthstreet. MEN'S FURNISHINGS The Season's <»TD » 111 'UA TO I SUMMER Novelties in.,51 lift fl lift I U.i UNDERWEAR, COLORED SHIRTS, NECKWEAR and GLOVES J. El. LEIEHDEGKER, B*~at LOW PRICES 14 WEST SIXTH STREET. A^w ff A havajmi ..." . rt y^i w j *P~* <Y4 \u25a0''\u25a0V y^V2~Jsas£> _-a **Cfc± f- \\\ )~" S==^\V (ill /j \ i k ll 1 SPRING FLOWERS. The above is a Beautiful Lithograph in '• \u25a0=••; TWELVECOLORS Cut this advertisement from the Globe and bring- to the Counting Room with Ten Cents and get the picture. Or send this advertisement with Twelve Cents, and ittwill be sent by mail postage paid. Address, , ART DEPARTMENT, '\u25a0 . XXXV JL X/XJX XXXIi JL * v * » '' t JL - DAILY GLOBE, ••'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 " •"' #-Vs^* \u25a0\ \u25a0 ST. PAUL, MINN BO TIE t GILIOIBIEI! SOMETHING »ft >y H*# H \u25a0 I ' H HI I m At *K*P 'WB** B V y " »"" H \u25a0 U BB . ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 . One "c Globe's Great Offers / THE "HOriE QUEEN" - WORLD'S PAIR "SOUVENIR CDDK BDok|" Is handsomely "bound in "White Leather, with Embossed Cover, and contains 608 pages. The Book is only sold by subscript tion, the retail price being- $2.50 per copy. BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT THE GLOBE Has obtained the Exclusive Newspaper Right in the North* west, and makes the following- I GREAT OFFER! Any person who will send Two Dollars in payment of one month's subscription in advance for the Daily and Sunday. Globe will receive the paper by mail or carrier for one montb and the "Home Queen" Cook Book, express or postage paid. -• With the Weekly Globe. Any one sending Two Dollars will receive the Weekly Globe one year and the "Home Queen" Cook Book, express or postage paid. IT IS A TREATISE ON COOKERY, DOMESTIC ECONOMY, Table Etiquette, Hygiene of the Home, Etc. i \u25a0''\u25a0;': ' '\u25a0';.\u25a0\u25a0"' " INDORSED BY LADY MANAGERS OF THE WCFIB'S FAIR HOW INDORSED. More than 130 ofthem have contributed directly to the Recipe de» partment, these contributions having been secured for this book iron* every State and [territory in the Union, Alaska not exeepted. More Than 200 Contributors. Many of the wives of - Governors or the different State 3, and mor than sixty other ladies of position and influence have also sent in thei? contributions of choice and well-tried recipes. Coming: as these have from every part of the country, irom Alaska to Florida and fromMaine to California, they represent every style and phase of cookery of every locality and section of America. We claim without tear of contradiction that we present in the "Home Queen" the grandest aggregation and, variety of tried recipes iutroducad into any cook book extant, AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES. The autograph signatures of the contributors, with their address and official position, will, in nearly every instance, be found attached to the recipes, which not only attest their genuineness, but add immensely to the taking features of the book. These signatures have been pro- cured, engraved and introduced into the book at considerable labor ani pxnense. "~; •"\u25a0 ' wense< PORTRAITS. Fine half-tone portraits of nearly oue hundred of the Lady Managers ofthe World's Fair, together with portraits of the wives ofthe Governors and others occupying leading positions, have been secured, and will adl no little to the interest and intrinsic value of tho "Home <^ueen." Ivj MISS JULIET CORSON, the founder of the Cooking Schools of America, and who has been ap- pointed, by the advice of Mrs. Potter Palmer, to take charge of the Cook- ing School and Department of Cookery in the Now York Exhibit at tha World's Fair, has also consented to contribute to our Recipe depart- ment, and her portrait willalso appear in this book. Miss Corsoa was ormerly connected with the Minnesota State University. ' Two Thousand Choice Recipes OTHER DEPARTMENTS. Aside from the Recipes the following- topics are carefull/ >./Vv} treated: Food and Health. £ ; i" \ go« to Carve. Foods in General. How to Select Meats. Table Etiquette. lliiilsto HouseKocuers. : The Morning Meal. Diseased and Adulterated Food. The Mid-Day Meal. » Wai mi and Ventilation. The Evening Meal. i Draiuww and Sewerage. Pnrtv Suppers. Poisoning, Drowning and Accident. Table Napless— llow to Fold Them. I Disinfectants. MENTIS, : Willie found grouped under the following headings i* rrn d Ice Creams and leas. \u0084 _, \u0084 ~, _ Jellies and Jams. lilscuits. Rolls and Muflins. Ati-its Griddle Cakes, Waffles, Etc ' Sauces for Meats. Unleavened Bread. . Pastry and Pies. . 1; Grains and Mushes. Puddings and Sauce* Cuke. Preserves. Layer Cake. KSfSa^ Cookies and Jumbles Sweet Pickles. Gingerbreads. £ °, v ' n y aud <**a>fc Crullers and Doughnut* ga lad*. Frosting and lcin*. bhell-Uisli. Miscellaneous. Vegetables. '"'\u25a0ConUVtlonery. 08 *' " Medical Department. \u25a0 Canning Fruit and Vegetable* ', Toilet. :\u25a0' Catsups. Miscellaneous, Drinks. The Laundry. Ettgs. To Cleanse ClotUin.K. Fish. Dyeinjr. Fruits. 'i'o KeepFruitand Vegetable*

ST. PAUL… · 8 THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: MONDAY MORNING, JULY 9. 1894. OFFICIAL.] \u25a0..-\u25a0 Proceedings

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Page 1: ST. PAUL… · 8 THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: MONDAY MORNING, JULY 9. 1894. OFFICIAL.] \u25a0..-\u25a0 Proceedings


OFFICIAL. ]\u25a0 . .- \u25a0

Proceedings of the Board ofCounty Commissioners

of Ramsey County.

Covnty Ai-mTon's Office, )St. Paul. .\unn., June in. 1881 )

Adjourned meeting of the Hoard ot County

Co nmis*iouers called to order at 10:3J a. m.Mayor Smith in the chair.Preseut

—Commissioners Daly. Hauna,

Lauer. Lavallee, McCarrou, Seng and Chair-man Smith.

lteportg ofCommittee*.

From tnc Committee on claims, recom-mending theallowance of the followingbills:

From the County Koad ahd hrldgo Fund- jAuger. relix .' $11.37Auger, Joseph IS \u25a0

- 1a.«5llaudlos. John 14.Handles. Robert. 4.50LnDore. Paul 1S.«)Labore, Frank 81.50Paul, Georce 4.5'JPnebe, Wilhelm 11.53Priebe.Carll 3.00Schumacher, Wm 7.00

Report of Committee adopted and claimsallowed by the following vote:

Ares—Commissioner* Daly. Ilnnr.n, Lauer,Lavallee, McCarron, Seug aud ChairmanSmith.

Nays—o.From the Committse on Taxes, recom-

mending allowance ofapplication for abate-ment of J. W. Herrick.

Report of committee adopted and applica-tion allowed by the followingvote:

Ayes— Commissioners Daly, llanna. Lauer.Lavallee. McCarrou, Seng and ChairmanSmith.

Nays—Committee on Taxes requested further

time in which to examine Delinquent Per-sonal Tax list for year ISItH.

Granted, with instructions to report to thefullboard.

Resolutions.By Commissioner McCarron—Be it resolved; '1hat bids be received At the

next regular meeting forgrading the norththirty-three thousand cubic yards on what isknown as Lake Josephine road, according toprofile and specification made by Countysurveyor. • •: \u25a0

Resolution adopted.Ayes— Coniinissiopers Daly, Tlanna, Lauer,

Lavallee, Mecarron, Seng and ChairmanSmith.

.Says— o.Moved, that when this board adjourn it

adjourn to meet at 4 p. in.of this date.Carried.Onmotion board adjourned.

J. IT. Bcrxs,County Auditor.

\Vm. Boas,Deputy.


Proceedings of the Board ofCounty Commissionßrs

of Ramsey County.

COUNTY Auditor's Office, )June 1594. 1

Adjourned meeting of the Board of Coun-ty timmis-sicners. Called to order at 4:30p. m.

Mayor Smith in the chair.Present

—Commissioners Daly. Ilanua,

Lauer. Luvallee. McCarron, Seng and Mr.Chairman Smith.

.Mr. Daly moved that the Board go into ex-ecutive session.

Carried.Moved, that when this Board adjourn it

adjourn to meet Wednesday, June M, 1691,at hia. m.

Carried.Upon motion Board adjourned.

J. H. Burns,County Auditor.Euan. Deputy.


Proceeding's of the Board ofCounty Commissioners of

Ramsey County.

County Auditor's Office, 1St. Paul, Minn.. June -'7, ISO4. (

Special meeting Hoard of County Commis-sioners met at Id o'clock a. m.

Mayor Smith,in the chair.Present— Commissioners Da'.y, Ilauna,

Lauer, Lavallee, McCarron, Seng, Air.Chair-man smiih.

Commissioner McCarrou moved that acommittee of three be appointed by thechair joconfer with the County Auditor inregard to the affairs of James 11. Burns,County Auditor.

Carried. \ \u25a0-<-_:\u25a0. '•'.Ayes—Commissioners Daly, Hanna, Lauer,

Lavallee. McOirrou, Seng. Air. Chairman.Nays— None.Upon motion Boord adjourned.

J. 11. Burns. County Auditor.Egax. Deputy.


Proceeding's of the Board ofCounty Commissioners

of Ramsey County.

Cou:;tt Auditor's Office, )St. Paul. Minn.,'June 2'.', 1594. fSpecial meeting of the Board of County

Commissioners called to order at 10:50 a. m.Mayor Smith in the chair.-Present

—Commissioners Daly, Hnnna.Lauer, Lavallee, McCarron, Seng," Chairman


Communication received from James IT.Hums, tendering his resignation as CountyAuditor ofRamsey coniitr, as follows:

Office of County Auditor )Ramsey County, V

St. Paul. Minn..June 27 .1804 .)Hon. Robert A. Smith, Chairman Board of

Comity Commissioners, Ramsey County,Minn. . . _. \u25a0. ... ..Ihereby tender myresignation as Auditor

ofRamsey county, Minn.,same to take effectonFriday, June B»th, 1894. .Respectfully,

Jab. H.Burns. County Auditor.

ByCommissioner Lavallee—Resolved, That the reiignation of James11. Burns as County Auditor of RamseyCounty be and is hereby accepted by theBoard of County Commissioners, to takeeffect at 11 o'clock a. m. this 20th day ofJune. 1894. iV-

Resolution adopted by the following vote:Ayes—Commissioners Daly. llanna. Lauer,

Lavallee, McCarrou, Seng, and ChairmanSmith. ;

''\u25a0 '

Nays— None. .• -.-.-.y :. '^''i\i'rUpon motion Board proceeded to elect aCounty Auditor to till the uuexpired term ofJames 11. Burns, resigned. \u25a0- CommissionerLavallee nominated M. F. Kain, Commis-sioner McCarron seconded the nomination.Cnmm ssioner Ilauna nominated Wm. Koch.Commissioner seconded the nomina-tion. Upon motion Board proceeded to bal-lot. Mr. Kain received live (5) vines. \\ m.Koch reciveel two (2) votes. Commissionerliannn moved that Mr.Kain be declared tobe unanimously elected Auditor. Curried. .

Ayes— Duly, llunna, Luuer, Lavallee, Me-Carron, Seng, Mr.Chairman.Nays


Adjourned.Bobkbx A. Sjt.rn, Chairmau.


Proceedings of the Board ofCounty Commissioners of

Ramsey County.

County Aitihtch's Office, : ISt. Paul, Minn.. June 29. 1894. ( .'.

Board called to order at 12 o'clock, noon,pursuant toadjournment.

*• Mayor Smith in the chair. \u25a0"•'\u25a0'•\u25a0:.'•.•;.Present

—Commissioners Daly, \u25a0 llanna.

Lauer, Lavallee, McCarron. Seng and Chairman Smith.

Bond of M. F.Kain in the sum of twentyfivothousand (2i\oM).oo) dollars. withCharleiI. McCarthy, Wm. ;Cunningham, JaineiMeindy and E. J. Darragh us sureties, waisubmillea. . '- ;.;- .

On motion the bond and sureties were ftpproved by the followingvote:

Ayes— Commissioners Daly, llannn, T.aner. Lav'allce, McCarron, Seng mid Chairmai

Smith.Nays— None.Adjourned.

Koeekt A.Sjutfi,Cuuhuiau.


Proceedings of the Board ofCounty Commissioners

of Ramsey County.

Covnty Auditor's Office, ISt Paul. July t 1601 f

Board ofCouuty Commissioners of ItamveyCounty met at lo o'clock a. Q.

Commissioner Daly in the chair.Present

—Commissioners Hanna, Lauer,

Lavallee, McCarron, Seng and Actintt Chair-man Daly.

Quorum present.Minutes of meetings held June 19, 25 and

29 read and npproved.

Communications and applications—

Application for liquor license from CharlesThorn, GUdsioue, with bond.

Referred to County Auditor for propernotice.

From Thomas Lennati, submitting assign-ments of coutmcts for grading KohlmanandWhite Bear roads.

Referred to County Attorney.

Estimates Submitted— From David L.Cur-tice. County Suiveyor—Kstimate No. 1, on White Bear

road, in favor of Thos. Liunna. . $140.G2Estimate No. 1 and final, for con-

struction of culvert on Robinsonlake road, in lavor of P. 11.Thornton 103.00

Estimate No. 2, on pile bridge onBald Eaule road, in favor ot P. U.Thornton 220.87

Estimate No. 1. on Kohiman road,in favor of Thos I.inuan 227.'0Estimates accepted aud placed on hie.

(See bill forallowance.)

The followingbids for grading Lake Jo-sephine road was received and referied toSurveyor:

H.Huebner—33,000 ymds excavation at 13tec $1,455.005.000 feet lumber at l-'o.OO

£4, 580.00N. Feyen—

33.000 yards excavation at 12 45-100c. 54,108.505,000 feet lumber at *15.95 W 75


33,000 yards exeavatioa at 14% C $4,743.755,000 feet lumber at $20.00 100.00

84,843.75J. H.Mulligan—

33.000 yards excavation at 14 2-7c.. 84,714.2$5,000 feet lumber at 819.00 95.00


3:U>OU yards excavation at 13i£c.... 54,400.005,000 feet lumber at $15.00 75.00

84,475.00Certified check 8300, 21per cent of

bid 8895.00Dale ifc Bjimgardner—

03,UC0 yards excavation at 23c 87,590.005,000 feet lulnbei at 5£2.00 IM.OJ

57.700.00G. Gerlieh—

Bidinformal 54.575.03Lumuer §18. CO perM 90.00

8»,%0.00Thos. Linuau—

33,000 yafds excavation at12^0 84.070.005,00'j feet lumber at $.6.00 80.00

Reported back wilfc recommendation thatthe contract be awarded to X.Feyen.

So ordered. (See resolution )

Mr. Dobner, attorney for the clerks recent-lyemployed by Burns, the late Auditor ofKamsey County, requested that the June sal-ary of the County Auditor be withheld untilthe claims of the" employes were determined.

County Auditor.A.N. Nelson, County Treasurer, notified

the Board that the Poor Fund was exhausted«nd the banks refused to advance money onCounty Poor warrants.

Committee on Ways and Means.Couimis>ioner Lavnllee moved that when

the Board adjourn it be to meet on July9th, at 10 o'clock a. m.

Commissioner Lavallee was excused atthis time.

The question of raising the piers of theLake Phalen bridge was referred to Commis-sioner Hanna..

REPORTS OF COMMITTEES.From the committee on claims-Recommending that the following claims

be allowed, and paid out of the County Re-venue fund:Allen &Co S-.fiOAllen &Co 23.50American Stamp Works 4.(55J.H.Armstrong 15 00Brown. Treacy &Co 49.75C. \V.Bnzille 0.00Horace E. Bieelow 6.00David L.Curtice 10.00David L.Clinics 26J.50Chas. E. Chapel 888.38Chits. £. Chapel 21:2.18Frank E. Encell 0.00Edison Electric Light &Power Co.. 53.00M.Fox 2.50R. F. Fritschie 22. 6GWm. Koch 50.00MerrillLaundry Co 2.00It.T.O'Connor 451.35N.W. Sewer Pipe Co .B'J

Pioneer Press Co .75Pioneer Press Co 8.75Pioneer Press Co 6.15H. P. KUK3&Co 10.08The Kailroader Printing House


The Railroader Priutlng House 1.80The Railroader Printing House 1.i.f.0The Railroader Pnntiug House 127.00T.J. Secrest 9.0JRobert H.Seng 5.0JSt. Paul Workhouse 04.73St. Paul Co-operative Painting Co.. 9.25P M.Ivist 6.03H.K. Wedclstaedt &Co 46.90H.E. Wedelstaedt &Co 4.20Hattie A. Walker 43.31

Report adopted.Claims allowed by the followingvote:Ayes—Comrs. Hanna, Lauer, McCarrou

and Chairman Daly.Nays— None.

From the Same Committee-Recommending that the followine Court

House and City Hall bills, together with the.Custodian's pay rollfor mouth June, 189*.be allowed, as follows, from the county rev-enue fund: County's

Halt".Board Water Commissioners 5)5.63P. V.Dwyerdt Bros. Co 3.0jJohn Dowlandc Son 203.1^Diebolu Safe and Lock Co 1.5jEdison Electric LightCo 12.5tjFinch. Van Slyck, Young &Co 2.8jGeo. Fuller 2.0jMitsch-Wagner Carriage Co 17.3,-jN. W. Hardware Co 1.75N. W. HardwareCo 6.54N. W. Hardware Co 1.75N. W. Hardware Co .%St. Paul Lake Ice Co 21. &••St. Paul Gas LiKhtCo 103. ttSt. Paul Gas Light Co 5.00St. Paul Co-Operative PrintingCo.. 6.70Standard Oil Co 5.25The Gas Saving Co. . l'l.OlMrs. Maria Urmanu 6.00

Custodian's pay roll for month June, 15940as follows: ,P..T.Bigue $:8.34J. Aue. Nillson 21.66J.T.Duffy 41. (57Thorn Byrnes 8.33Gust H. Grube 32.50Ed. F. Mullaney ..... 31 00Norman L.Dunn 4 00J. J. Doyle .... 30.00John Chursbine 2ft.00Aug.Rtiutzeu 10.16lien Me. uire 5.00S. A. Wiley 25.00Joseph Pearo 25.00Gust.Obeig 25.00John Dellingham 25.00Adam Machtsheim 25 00J. L.Hotfman 25.00Julius Hanson 25.00John O'Neil 1U.17Thomas Delaney 5.00Roman Huspeck 25.00Frank Cervenka 25.00Aug. Olson 25.0JLouis Lundquist 25.00Fred Murnnne 2.50Edward Mullen 17.4!)Chas. .louiißlon 3.33MichaelSchern. 25.00M. Hoffman 2.50J P. White 27.50Albert Euyelen 25.00MarKtirei Godfrey 20.00

Report adoptea.Claims allowed by the following vote:Ayes

-Comrs. Hanna, Lauer, McCarron,

Seng and Chairman Daly.Nays


From the same Committee-Recommending th at the following claims

be allowed from the Poor Fund:County's

Two-thirds.John Kerwin &>7.17John Kerwin 85.00Adair Kinck 25.00E. 11. Jmlson 83.03Oliver J. Tons 66. G7Dr.A. B. Ancker 104.44Dr. Geo. J. llanley 61.11Dr. D. C. Jones 50.00Associated Charities 33 33

Hospital Pay Roll—County's

Two-thirds.Miss Mary A.Edwards 20.67Louis O. Wiser 26. C7VictorJ. La Hose 13.34Miss Florence B. Hynes 40.0)Miss Anna Larson 6.67MlssAliirF. Rutherford 6.C6llnnnaA. Kolleni 6.67Ida Loftus 6.6SEleuor Nicholson 6.67Teresa McGrath 6 6(1

IduM. Nisrarii 6.6?

IvaHynda.... 6.06Bertha Ha1g^t...... ........:..;.... • 5.84Mary Gleagon . .. 8.33Mamie G. Wi150n............. • : 6.8»Harriet 0'8rien..:.......:........... 6.33Lizzie R. 81an1e.... ............ 6.34Mrs. Florence Beduon : 5.33Albert F.Bauer. 83.33Henry Mitchell ........... 10. 07Oliver A. Laiben 10.00Gustaf Rangal 10.00Edwin P. Farley :. 6.07Miss Annie Fitzpatrick ......... 13.33

Cutheriue Fllzpatrick 8.00Katie Seifefe ............... 0.31MissOlga Krickson....; 9.33Miss Jane C. Griffin... '. 0.34Miss Annie Smith \u25a0 13.33Miss Susie Bohman... .... 13.33Miss Nellie Wymun 13.00Joseph Kerst.


Charles \Y\ Wilcox ....:: 5.33.Miss Mlua Grossleln.. 2.23

Alms House Pay Roll— ftCounty's

. v.v • Two-thirdsJ. L.Ilendry....'....... gjJ.OOA.L.11endry.. .....:. ;.: 16.07John Cumnilugs.. 33.33Jan. Casley 16.07Jay Cr055...... ...r".....r:.^:^.*.^^. 13.34AiitouMoll ... -, ,v 13.34George Hughes ..."'.v.V.r.'..•.'.Y.:\'*.'.V 13.33Mary Lin5tr0m.... :..:......-... :.\i. A- 13.33Annie Hughe5........'. ... 13.33IdaJohnson ..-t-.iS.-v....... .....-— -• 9.33Emma Olson ....jj.'.v..?.?..".. .:r..T* :" 8.00

Report adopted. ;!'. .7 \u25a0-'•-> .: >l^";-Claims allowed by ta.e, followingvote: .Ayes—Comrs. Ilanua, Lauer, McCarron,

Seng and chairman Dalv. <-»,.,Nays— None.

'v# .•

-;<';;* '\u25a0

From the Same Committee—Reocmmending* that the following claims

be allowed from the loor Fund:County's |

Two-thirds.• George Adam........... $2 00C. G. Albrecht....... 4 S3J. H. Allen &C0.... ...:.. .. 140 67Board Water Commissioners ..:.... 18 OSBohrer. Emerson dc Co 30 52W. E. Buschmauu . 11 33James Casey

'..:', 43 20

A.Decker Co 18 33Electrical Engineering Co 10 13Forest Cemetery.............. .'...".. ''\u25a0.-'• 2100W. J. Gross.... :... 12 72Griggs, Cooper &C0...... ..' 44 36Horejs Bros ; „ 35 01J.Q.Haas... .; ;- 23 10Herat and Cecka 28 09Liudeke, Warner & schurmeir .... 43 23Lindeke Roller Mill.. 25 27OlafLee 133P. C. Lutz .. .-.- 15 17Geo. Michel &Co 52 56Peter Memmer 44 84LalhrOD Museetter 23 34H. K.Multord Co ........ 2 45MiltonDairy Co 49 35McCarthy & Donnelly 16 00Minn. Soap Co 26 67M. M. Metcalf 18 03N. W. Hardware Co 25 25N. W. Telephone Co ....../..: .18 00N. Y. Tea Co 52 79Noyes Bros. & Cutler. ; 14 00O'Uallonui & Murphy 18.03People's Ice Co , 24.75Pioneer Press Co 5.60Pioneer Fuel Co 15;j>o

Queen Roller Mill , 8.33John Rogers Jr. & Bro 59.97Otto W. Rohland :. 60.02S. 11. Reeves 11.67Ryan Drue Co 62.34St*. Paul Gas Light Co ... 112.9St. Paul ltubDcr Co 15.A.Schoch Grocery Co 11.44Star Grocery Co .. 9.33D.Thomas & Co 6.67U.S. Clothing C0... 28.00Wallblom Furniture and Carpet Co. • 4.00B. J. Witte .:


O.P.Williams .......*. 24.:Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal C0... 30.43

Report adopted. . .Claims allowed by the following vote:Ayes—Comrs. llauua, Lauer, McCarron,

Seng and Chairman Daly. *

Nays —None. •

From the Committee on Claims— '""-..-,Recommending that the following claims

be allowed from the Road and BridgeFund:Peter Auger $7.10Peter Augei ; 10.5.0Joseph Bibeau 7.00E.Bibeau 11.15Frank Bell 12.00W. 8. Clark; 83.25Jacob CasDer... ...:... 77.15R. D. Ducharm 5.25J. H. De Jarles „. 11.38John Donais 9.00Louis Donais 9.00Victor Doric 10.50J. P. Flandrakeii 7.50P. J. Farrell 11.33Gribben Lumber Co -; 5.10Gribben Lumber Co .. 7.2JEli Oarceau .'.:\u25a0? :- =2.13Adolpbe Garceau ...".

• :•,:9.(0Adam Hamm '. r1 45.50Gus Have t.. .....: 11 00Thos. lloule r. ...-.r..... •= 21.00Bernhard Jansen....::.'.. 52.00Jerome Racine >..... 4.50Jerome Racine 8.00F.X.Paul- 31.25Frank Kauchinski.... ,61.50Wm. Kohlinan 4.25Edward Kohler... 21.00Geo. Keller 14.00Geo. Keller ....:.:...' 24.85Joseph A.Keller.... 27.45.oseph Keller... 49.45P.A.Lavallee... 41.00Thos. Linnan. .*.'.'. 227.50Thos. Liniiaii .' 440.62John Lancet ti. .'....; 4.50John Lancetli


Louis Lanoux 7.50Louis Loiselle 8.00Henry Marston 61.00Z. Alillette 6.00E*den Morressette 3.50Wm. Martcke .5.25Gustave Mechelke 24.50Chas. Neuenfeldt 82.tO ?

FranK Otto 28.00N. Perron :. 18.00A.J. Peltier ...- 5.25A. Peltier 24.00ADtoine Peltier. 3.00Joseph Querry ..;.. 8.00Clodomir Robin 3.00Joseph Robertson 21.25Charley rafter. :'."... 9.75Julius Scnroer ."...\u25a0 26.25Swan Throedson .*.


P. 11. Thornton 165.00P, H.Thornton 220.87Joseph Tiroux 10.50John Tiroux ;6.00H. Vitt 17.50T. Vandlac 7.00Louis Yetter.:..... 7.50

Report adopted.Claims allowed by the followingvote: -'.Ayes— Commissioners- Hanna.- Lauer, Mc-Carron, Seng and Chairman Daly. -'


' • .

The followingclaims were referred to theCounty Attorney:Daly. M.II 86.70Pankopf. Otto.. .'.'. 10.00Ilamm, Dr.G 50.00She pard. Miss Betsey 2 00

\u25a0; On motion ofCommissioner McCarron, theclaim ofChas. J. Stees, in the sum of $35.00,was approved and recommended to the StateAuditor for payment.


ByCommissioner McCarron—BeitResolved. That the contract forgrad-

ing Lake Josephine road be and is herebyawarded to N. Fe> en for the sum of forty-one hundred and eighty-eight dollars and'twenty-five cents ($J.158.25) ;work to-be doneaccording to prolile and specifications on. .'file in County Surveyor's office: said con-tractor to turnisn a bond to be approved by

! County Attorney J and Chairman -of• \u25a0' thisBoard. • • r" \u25a0\u25a0.

'- . \u25a0-'.', \u25a0\u25a0•"\u25a0:\u25a0 :- - ,-

Resolution adopted.'-J Ayes—Commissioners Hanna, Loner, Mc-Carron, Seng and Chairman Wright. .Nays— None.Adjourned.

M. F. Kain,County Auditor.


A large _number of old-time residentsof Stillwater went to Lakeland yester-

, day to attend the funeral ot Elias Mc-Keau. \u0084


: Although the St. Croix boom was shut1 down two days the past week the boom| crew did excellent work the remainder, of the time, and the output now ex-

ceeds 105,000,000 fee*. There are;logs

: enough in the dam and boom to keepthe crew busy until late, in the season..

The annual convention of the Sons ofll«rra,anu of this state

-will be held in

this city on the 17th and 18th inst. Thelocal lodge of that order Is making ex-

-1 tensive arrangements to entertain the» delegates. Itis expected that nearly!- :30 Owill be inattendance. / .'/ '

:. ltev. J. H. Albeit, of Grace Congre-i; national church, .preached a sermon on!: ."Anarchy" last evening," in.which hei condemned the lawlessness existing in: this country at the present time in un-'. mistakable terms.



Only *21.50 • ;'"" " '

!.. From Minneapolis and St.* Paul, To Cleveland, Ohio, and return X \u25a0-"•

.Via "The North-Western Line," -..- -, For Y. P. S. C. E. annual convention.-Tickets on sala July '.) and 10, :--•\u25a0-

V At13 Nicollet House Block.f '..Minneapolis, and corner, Sixth» ,«' And Robert streets, in., . Chamber of Commerce Building,'j

-Opposite^ llotelltyan, St. Paul, ..


The labor unions throughout the statehave roundly condemned Davisfor refusing to support SSeuator Kyle'sresolution favoring the protection of•labor.— Farlbault Pilot. v'h-v-;V-';

r. -Why would not Senator Davis make <"a good candidate for the presidency?!The manly stand he lias taken as to the;

. relation of the government toward thegreat railway strike has won for himthe commendation of all good citizenseverywhere.— Mankato Free Press.. Like Patrick Henry's words wheu he i

proclaimed "Give me liberty or give ;me death," Senator Davis' telegram ;

:willbe quoted and talked over for yearsto come \u25a0: as. the declaration of a trueAmerican; a bold, uncompromisingjustice-loving senator, who by this acthas endeared himself to the people orthe whole nation.— North St. I'aul Sen-,tinel. \u25a0..,. ;; What Senator Davis said- was ieally..all right,us nobody will deny.


workiuginen can least or air afford toencourage lawlessness or give license todisorder. And he said it right out— *there was no skulking about his tele-gram. The only trouble.was— aud thisis somewhat characteristic— seemsnot to have informed himself .upon thepurport and bearing of the resolutionthe unions asKed him to support.—Du--1 tli Commonwealth. "..'.: .. ;,r,:-..

The Union just now needs men likeC. K.Davis,- who have the courage oftheir convictions,' and are not to beturned aside by the .blatant threats of.anarchistic cranks, whether: in railwayemploy or elsewhere. Itis only a ques-tion of short time now until the peoplewillawake to the peril of the country inallowing such revolutionary charactersas Coxey, Debs, Howard and others tocarry on their way ot making a living:without work by stirring up dissensionall over the country. God speed theday.— Chisago County News.


.THE HOUSE.Under the circumstances the duty of

the house is clear, it should be trueto its convictions and to the record ithas already made. It came fresh fromthe people, who instructed its majorityto reform the tariff, to reduce taxes, toconsider the needs of the consumerrather than the profits of the manufac-turer and trader, to give to the manu-facturer free raw materials. The housecannot accept this billas it stands. Itis its duty to make it conform to theprinciples and promises on which theDemocratic party carried the countryIn1890 and 1802.— New York World.' Itis the duty of the Democratic pressto strengthen the hands 'of the truetariff reformers inboth the house andsenate, to the end that the protection

.excrescences put upou the bill by thesenate shall be prunes away— wholly,if possible, but in all events as com-pletely as may be. To this end thefullest expression of indignation at theshortcomings of the Dillis inorder, andit is about all that is in order at this

Courier-Journal. ;

If by making a strenuous fight thehouse can wringconsent from the sen-ate. Chairman Wilson and his friendsowe to their party another effort for thebillwhich was presented after maturedeliberation by the body to which theconstitution gives the power of origi-nating revenue measures.— St. .LouisKepublic. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:. V


Where Shall! Go? .Take the Great Northern for Osakls,

Alexandria, Geneva Beach, Ashby,Miuuetonka, Green Lake, \u25a0 Park Rap-Ids, _ for a few days', or weeks'rest. Fishing unexcelled, comfortablehotels, every convenience to make yourstay, pleasant pud profitable. Saturdaynight and Monday morning Trains 3and 4 willstop at Geneva Beach for pas-:sengers. J" . \u25a0\u25a0".-\u25a0 \u25a0 .'.—


FACTS ANDFANCIES.Good, honest Footwear going for halfs the price of shoddy goods, at 33/liastSeveuth street. \.'» . ".\u25a0 \u25a0 /

'. The talk of -the town, the AuctionSale of the Dieter '

Shoe Stock, at 33East Seventh street >

. Attention is called to the closing outot the Dieter Shoe Stock by auction, at10 a.m. and 2 p. in.

- - ;

v Auction— out of the Dieter .Stock by auction, at 33 East Seventh,street; come. out. \

Shoes were never sold as cheap as atthe Auction Sale yesterday or the DieterShoe Stock. Sale today at 10 a. m. and2 p. m.

/ :OjC }. MED. '-^-I'l'^^WILLIAMJ. SLEPPIT, Funeml Director.Undertaking Rooms. 495 and 497 Selby. cor-

ner Mackubin. Residence, 515 Dayton ave-nue, next to Presbyterian church.' Tele-phone call, 527.



iifjj IN SARDOU'S\u25a0 \u25a0His x->.-l 1-^


The Acme of Pure Comedy.Wednesday Mitiuee—EA*>TLYN*KE.


Running Races!Hamline Race Course.

Races Every Day,: ? RAIN OR SHINE. ?|5 Admission $1, IncludingGrand Stand. . -

While BuildingOur New Studio: •. :. Opposite Metropolitan Opera House.

1850^^2222^1894GALLERY NO.9 W. THIRD.

Exquisite Photography !4 rCABINETS andONE on Bxlon $3.00.


k>Out-Door and Commercial Worlc a Specialty

Telephone— lO7L


! y ~̂*^R£OiSTtllEO. gTgQfißfISTSS Q

i® /^^Sf^a well

HINDOO REMEDY\&rX~&/00&§*y]HINOOO REMEDY V"«ro^l/^JS&^/,I>BOBOJCKBTRE.IEOTH.T.;:^J—i^Y^\u25a0fr'JL: /


KESCLTB in80 DATS.:Cures all\^V«fV-sNervous Diseases, Falling;Memory,• V^.l»y-

Paresis; 81eeple8*ne»s, \u25a0 NißUtly '~^fcl^^\u0084;

Emissions, etc., coined by past abuses, ptri»BTl(rorand Bize to shrunken orfrnn*,and quicklybut sure-

-lyrestores I.ontManhood old oryoung-. Easilycarried in vest pocket. Price 01.00 a package.Sixfor 5 with a written cruaranteo to cure <..•money r#fiiii<loil. Don't buy an imitation,lintin-•i«tion having I3VI»APO. Ifyour drugrelsthnsnot pot it, wo willFoml It prepaid. OrientalMedical Co.. rropi., CHICK. O, U.L., oar ajtrmtu.SOLD by W. A.Front Si.(£>vCor. »-i<cRobert SU.,

ST.PXyL, ...•*% .».. .-

7.:: »\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0- - - ••-

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ST. PAUL, I Our banks, jobbing* houses, and all classes of business menare upon a sound footing1. Our sails haying-been trimmed andthe financial storm weathered, St. Paul invites \u25a0•; the Northwest

> toits"doors with the new era of brightening- skies, points withpride to its record as the Commercial Metropolis of the newNorthwest, and assures all friends, competitors and patrons ofa continuance of that spirit of fair dealing- which has made thecity great. -"\u25a0 _ .' V .:/;: l̂^:t:~--\A \ ;<: -v\._ [j



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{Catalogue, Free. I||F "West Seventh Street.


flPf'l^^^^^gffil^^^li'PfF Celebrated Milwaukee

si^^^S|export BEERS4i^^^^^^^P?^: '

and malt extract -J^^Klf DEPOT,; FOOT OF SIBLEY

\u25a0 TELEPHONE 507-2. •

B^ri "T* f^k \^litI*mfcafc TWiiWiiIt- ™ \u25a0\u25a0»»•«abmaja*anu^ \J»%

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nnro APT MFAM MTQ/T2 The Bar-Lock is not as old asUULO fIUC MLAPI mLHIIf gorae other machines. Neitherare the other machines as old as a steel pen, nor the steel pen as old asthe quill. New things represent progress. It is the new automaticactions and the new visible "writingfeature which make the Bar-Lockthe model writingmachine of the world. -^-"\u25a0

Full details of its automatic movements mailed free.: 98 East Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minn.

BOGOS &HOIT, „ brewers.~

Wholesale Grain, Hay and Seeds, f^fu^^%7tot sibiey street.IGrass Seeds a Specialty.




. .r- [\u25a0 -1be Bar-Lock, 03 East ITourthstreet.

MEN'S FURNISHINGSThe Season's <»TD »111 'UATO ISUMMERNovelties in.,51 liftflliftIU.iUNDERWEAR,


14 WEST SIXTH STREET. A^w f f • A havajmi

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SPRING FLOWERS.The above is a Beautiful Lithograph in '• \u25a0=••;

TWELVECOLORSCut this advertisement from the Globe and bring- to

the Counting Room with Ten Cents and get the picture.Or send this advertisement with Twelve Cents, and

ittwillbe sent by mail postage paid. Address, ,



DAILYGLOBE,• ••'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 "•"' #-Vs^* \u25a0\ \u25a0 ST. PAUL, MINN


SOMETHING»ft >y H*# H \u25a0 I' H HI I m At*K*P 'WB** B V y "

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One "c Globe's Great Offers/



"SOUVENIR CDDK BDok|"Is handsomely "bound in "White Leather, withEmbossed Cover,and contains 608 pages. The Book is only sold by subscripttion, the retail price being- $2.50 per copy.


Has obtained the Exclusive Newspaper Right in the North*west, and makes the following- I

GREAT OFFER!Any person who will send Two Dollars inpayment of one

month's subscription in advance for the Daily and Sunday.Globe willreceive the paper by mail or carrier for one montband the "Home Queen" Cook Book, express or postage paid. -•

With the Weekly Globe.Any one sending Two Dollars will receive the Weekly

Globe one year and the "Home Queen" Cook Book, express orpostage paid.


COOKERY, DOMESTIC ECONOMY,Table Etiquette, Hygiene of the Home, Etc.

i\u25a0''\u25a0;': '

'\u25a0';.\u25a0\u25a0"' "INDORSED BY



More than 130 ofthem have contributed directly to the Recipe de»partment, these contributions having been secured for this book iron*every State and [territory inthe Union, Alaska not exeepted.

More Than 200 Contributors.Many ofthe wives of- Governors or the different State 3, and mor

than sixty other ladies of position and influence have also sent inthei?contributions of choice and well-tried recipes. Coming: as these havefromevery part ofthe country, irom Alaska toFlorida and fromMaineto California, they represent every style and phase of cookery of everylocality and section of America. We claim without tear ofcontradictionthat we present in the "Home Queen" the grandest aggregation and,variety of triedrecipes iutroducad into any cook book extant,

AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES.The autograph signatures of the contributors, with their address

and officialposition, will,in nearly every instance, be found attached tothe recipes, which not only attest their genuineness, but add immenselyto the taking features of the book. These signatures have been pro-cured, engraved and introduced into the book at considerable labor anipxnense. "~; •"\u25a0



Fine half-tone portraits of nearly oue hundred ofthe Lady Managersofthe World's Fair, together with portraits ofthe wives ofthe Governorsand others occupying leading positions, have been secured, and willadlno littleto the interest and intrinsic value of tho "Home <^ueen."


the founder of the Cooking Schools of America, and who has been ap-pointed, by the advice ofMrs. Potter Palmer, to take charge ofthe Cook-ing School and Department of Cookery in the Now York Exhibit at thaWorld's Fair, has also consented to contribute to our Recipe depart-ment, and her portrait willalso appear in this book. Miss Corsoa wasormerly connected with the Minnesota State University. '

• Two Thousand Choice Recipes

OTHER DEPARTMENTS.Aside from the Recipes the following- topics are carefull/

>./Vv} treated:

Food and Health. £;i"\go« to Carve.Foods inGeneral. How to Select Meats.Table Etiquette. lliiilsto HouseKocuers.

:The Morning Meal. Diseased and Adulterated Food.The Mid-Day Meal. » Wai mi and Ventilation.The Evening Meal. i Draiuww and Sewerage.Pnrtv Suppers. Poisoning, Drowning and Accident.Table Napless— llow to Fold Them. I Disinfectants.

MENTIS,: Willie found grouped under the following headings

i*rrnd Ice Creams and leas.„

\u0084 _, \u0084 ~,_

Jellies and Jams.lilscuits. Rolls and Muflins. Ati-itsGriddle Cakes, Waffles, Etc


Sauces for Meats.Unleavened Bread. . Pastry and Pies..1;Grains and Mushes. Puddings and Sauce*Cuke. Preserves.

Layer Cake.

KSfSa^Cookies and Jumbles Sweet Pickles.Gingerbreads. £ °,v

'ny aud <**a>fc

Crullers and Doughnut* galad*.Frosting and lcin*. bhell-Uisli.

Miscellaneous. Vegetables.'"'\u25a0ConUVtlonery. 08 *'

" Medical Department. \u25a0

Canning Fruit and Vegetable* ', Toilet. :\u25a0'Catsups. Miscellaneous,Drinks. The Laundry.Ettgs. To Cleanse ClotUin.K.Fish. Dyeinjr.

Fruits. 'i'o KeepFruitand Vegetable*