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St Ninian’s News St Ninian’s News St Ninian’s News St Ninian’s News Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn August, September & October August, September & October August, September & October August, September & October No. 207 2014 No. 207 2014 No. 207 2014 No. 207 2014 TEXT The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the Firmament proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19: 1

St Ninian’s News Autumn August, September & October August · many basking in the reflected light and glory of those who

Jul 13, 2020



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Page 1: St Ninian’s News Autumn August, September & October August · many basking in the reflected light and glory of those who

St Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s NewsSt Ninian’s News AutumnAutumnAutumnAutumn August, September & October August, September & October August, September & October August, September & October No. 207 2014 No. 207 2014 No. 207 2014 No. 207 2014

TEXT The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the Firmament proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19: 1

Page 2: St Ninian’s News Autumn August, September & October August · many basking in the reflected light and glory of those who





Welcome to St. Ninian’s. We believe God’s love is expansive and unconditional and that through Christ God calls us to love one another as God loves us. We celebrate the worth, dignity and gifts of every person as a child

of God, and seek to bear witness to this in everything we do.

Gathering for Worship

Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion

10.30 am Sung Eucharist

Sunday School and Crèche meet during term time and refreshments served in the Hall following the Sung Eucharist

Wednesday 10.00 am Holy Communion

Friday 5.30 pm Evening Prayer

We look forward to welcoming you

The Revd. Canon Tom Montgomery can be contacted on

���� 01292 313731 ���� [email protected]

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The Rectory, 21 July 2014. Dear Friends,

‘Where then shall I go from your spirit or where then shall I go from your presence?’ Psalm 139

Of all the Psalms we find in the Bible familiar to so many of us because of their incorporation into the Prayer Book my favourite is Psalm 139. I have used it in many pastoral situations when members of the congregation have found themselves facing challenging or difficult circumstances with news of the loss of a job, the diagnosis of a life threating disease or the prospect of their own death. I have used it to bring comfort to the distressed, to the overwhelmed, to those who feared the future by reminding them of the fact that they were in the presence of God, the God who made them and loved them and who promised to be there for them to the very end of time itself. To remind them that there is no place where they can be where God is not present and that his presence can bring peace and calm if they could but open their minds anew to that reality.

I think this is a good Psalm to reflect upon at this particular stage on our own journey as an individual Christian person, as a congregation of God’s people and as nation who prepare to determine our own political future.

The world in which we live is a wonderful place where the capacity of human beings to reach the heights of achievement in sport, education and the arts can leave us standing in amazement but it is also a frightening place where our capacity to hurt and destroy one another can be devastating.

In these last few weeks we have witnessed the genuine joy and excitement of the World Cup, Wimbledon and the Commonwealth Games, the faces of parents and grandparents as they participated in the graduation ceremonies of children and grandchildren, the delight of so many basking in the reflected light and glory of those who have reached the heights of success in the world of the theatre, film and writing but we have also observed images flickering across our television screens and filling our newspapers which have horrified us – the killing of children on a beach in Gaza, the downing of Malaysian Flight over the Ukraine and the continuing escalation of violence in the

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Holy Land of Israel and Palestine.

How are we to make sense of the world in which we live? Where are we to find the strength to carry on? Where do we find comfort and consolation when our world turns black and we are afraid?

The answer I believe is in the Scriptures, in the Psalms, in the very Word of God revealed to us in the person and personality of the Lord Jesus. There we find light in the darkness, words to comfort and console, the means by which we may find the strength that so often eludes us.

So may I encourage you where ever you may be on your own life journey to engage with the Scriptures, to read Psalm 139, to believe that God loves you and that there is nowhere you can go where he will not be with you.

Recognise that the Lord Jesus walks by your side, lean on him, listen to him, and follow him where ever he may lead you and you will find that despite your many trials and difficulties he will lead you from death to life, life in all its fullness.

May God bless you and all who are dear to you and may he lead us all in the way of his commandments.


TROON CHURCHES TOGETHER The work of Troon Churches Together continues to go forward with the organisation setting up a working group to look at issues of local hardship. A very positive meeting of the working group was held at the beginning of the summer which identified a number of areas for practical action. Details to be announced in due course.

MISSION ACTION PLANNING Our progress with the Diocesan sponsored MAP programme is ongoing. The Rector has formed a small working group which will make a presentation at our next congregational meeting on Saturday 25th October where we hope to identify a positive way of going forward.

The Growth Strategy Prayer Spirit of our Loving God, in your mercy and compassion inspire, encourage and empower us to live and work together as a Diocese, to allow your mission for us

to take flesh through Jesus Christ our Living and Eternal Lord. Amen

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MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER FOR THE DIOCESE The Revd. Canon Dr. Anne Tomlinson has been the Ministry Development Officer for the Diocese for the past five years and has now been appointed as the new principal of the Scottish Episcopal Institute in Edinburgh.

Many of you will remember Anne preaching at the Rector’s Institution and also at the World Day of Prayer in 2011.

She will take up office during August and said: “It is an immense privilege to have been called to serve the Scottish Episcopal Church as principal of its Institute. I ask for your prayers for the staff and students, as for myself, as together we set out in faith on this new stage of the journey.”

This is a new post. The Scottish Episcopal Institute will replace the Theological Institute of the Scottish Episcopal Church (TISEC) and will provide a new emphasis on formation-led training.

Most Revd. David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, said: “The Scottish Episcopal Institute will shape the character and quality of our ministry in the next generation. The appointment of the first principal is an important moment for our church. I warmly welcome Canon Dr. Anne Tomlinson in that role.”

Along with the Dean, The Very Revd. Ian Barcroft, Anne has been the driving force behind Mission Action Planning for the last three years, preparing the material to be used by the Facilitators and the congregations working on their Growth Strategies. Anne has prepared and organised Congregational Gatherings, led training days for the Facilitators and generally offered guidance and support for all those involved in the process.

Anne and her boundless energy will be hugely missed within the Diocese and a Farewell was organised for her, along with two other members of the Diocesan staff, in the Diocesan Office recently.

We uphold Anne in our prayers as she prepares for this new challenge in ministry.

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The Church Bible Study Programme will begin shortly. Look on the website and in the Weekly Bulletin for up to the minute details .

CHAMPION MAKERS HOLIDAY CLUB Troon Churches Together present Champion Makers. This is a sports themed holiday club for P3 - P7 children and will be held at Barassie Primary School from Monday 11th to Thursday14th August. There will be sessions from professional sports coaches and sports include golf training and other team sports such as handball or volleyball. Christian input will be from local youth workers so there should be lots of fun ahead!

The Holiday Club will run from 10.00am - 1.00pm each day and the cost is £1 per child per day. Please book ahead as numbers are limited. For further information please speak to the Rector or Linda Rayner.

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All copy to Linda Rayner at [email protected]


The season of Summer Suppers has been very successful and continues until September. If you would like to come to any of these meals please contact Pamela by the weekend before. The programme for the remainder of the summer is:


We look forward to seeing you there!

There were record numbers at the recent Summer Supper at the Piersland Hotel where everyone enjoyed a delicious meal and a great evening of fun and fellowship.


May I take this opportunity to say thank you to all the kind people who bade farewell to Jim in April and donated the sum of £360 to the charity ‘Combat Stress’.

Mary KempMary KempMary KempMary Kemp

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Since the Fellowship finished the 2013/2014 programme in April, Pamela and I have spent a lot of time trying to decide if we could/would continue again in September. The Committee consisted of just three members and we felt that, as the many requests for additional volunteers turned out to be unsuccessful, we would not be able to continue. However, Nigel has thankfully agreed to join our dwindling band for the time being and we are grateful for his support.

Sadly, however this situation is not sustainable and we feel that this will be the last year for the Fellowship. We have no new members and it is rather embarrassing welcoming guest speakers when we maybe average only ten members at each meeting. BUT – we are determined to go out on a


We will start the programme on Tuesday September 23rd with an evening dedicated to “The History of Nursery Rhymes”.

Tuesday October 7th will be our charity talk and this year we are supporting “Therapet”. Linda Whitby visited the Fellowship last year along with three working dogs and

we felt this was a very worthy cause. ‘Therapet’ regularly visit hospitals, day centres and nursing homes as well as special needs schools where very well trained dogs provide a little four legged therapy and companionship to those who are not able to care for a pet full-time. Our yearly donation is not huge but it could be put to good use by this charity.

The Rector will join us on Tuesday October 21st and will speak about ???? Watch this space!

Following our successful “Hallowe’en Coffee Morning” last year we have decided to do the same again this year on Friday October 24th. It was good fun and being on a Friday worked very well. Dressing up is not compulsory!

All are welcome so please come along. JanetJanetJanetJanet

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LITTLE PRINCESS TRUST The Little Princess Trust is a charity which takes donations of hair and provides real-hair wigs to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment. Katy Nicolas from the Sunday School decided that she wanted to donate her long, blonde locks to the charity and here is her story…….

Rapunzel and the Hair Cut by Katerina Nicholas

Once upon a time there was a young girl with the most beautiful fairest golden hair in the land. Her name was Princess Katerina but everyone called her Katy for short. Like most girls she went to school Monday to Friday, 9am until 3.15pm. Her hobbies were Brownies, karate, basketball, singing and swimming but she still went to church on Sunday. One Monday evening Princess Katerina was at Brownies when the leader called in all the girls to make a circle.

‘Girls - tonight Erin’s big sister Debra has something she would like to share’. After Debra had told us about her getting her hair cut for the

Princess Trust it was home time. Princess Katy thought about it in bed that night. Then suddenly she jumped out of bed and told her mother that she wanted to do it too. Her mother agreed and the Princess went back to bed. As the days went by Katerina did everything with her hair - twisted it, turned it, braided it, spray coloured it pink and much much more. She raised money and counted it every day…

Then two weeks later it had been done - the money had been counted to a grand total of £331.00 which her mother sent to The Little Princess Trust.

And Princess Katerina said a BIG THANK YOU to all who sponsored her…

by Katy Nicholasby Katy Nicholasby Katy Nicholasby Katy Nicholas

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THE CATHEDRAL OF THE ISLES For the last four years Pastor Jösta Björling from our linked parish of Dalstorp in Sweden has been bringing a group of young people who are soon to be confirmed, to the Cathedral of the Isles as part of their preparation time together before this important occasion. This year a group of 27 youngsters came to Scotland, the largest group to come over.

They spent some of their time enjoying the delights of the Isle of Cumbrae including cycling and walking and much of

the time studying and talking together as they prepared for their forthcoming confirmation.

Seven members of St Ninian’s joined them on the Sunday afternoon, to meet up with old friends and listen to one of the Summer Concerts in the Cathedral, given by the Alastair Savage Trio. Also, as you can see from the photo above, they enjoyed afternoon tea at The Ritz with Jösta!

FESTIVAL OF HOMILETICS I have recently returned from the 22nd Annual Festival of Homiletics hosted by Luther Seminary in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota. I was among 1,800 clergy there. The aim was to enable, encourage and support working preachers in their delivery of the life-giving, renewing, restorative Word of God, and to do that by exposing participants to some of the finest preaching and preachers in the world.

I had accumulated a considerable sum in my learning account, and it was put to me that if I did not use it by the end of this year I’d lose it. But I needed to choose wisely. I find it difficult to sit still, harder to listen to lectures, and impossible to concentrate if the speaker is not animated, engaging, and dealing with a subject I think really matters. That narrowed the field.

However, for the last two years I had been listening to a podcast every week on, an American website provided by

Central Lutheran Church Minneapolis-St Paul

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Lutheran Church to enable preachers to be better resourced, better informed, and better prepared for their principle Sunday activity. The website provides written commentary on our Revised Common Lectionary readings for the coming Sunday, gives details of how the texts may be approached and lets people all over the world hear four young professors discussing the readings in an informal way, specifically for those who are going to be preaching on them.

Never before had I encountered a resource so relevant, so helpful or so realistic as that podcast: I had grown to think of the presenters, David Lose, Karoline Lewis, Rolf Jacobson and Matt Skinner as my friends. Clicking on to the podcast just after Christmas, I heard David Lose extend an invitation to the Annual Festival of Homiletics in May. The theme was to be ‘Preaching with Holy Imagination’. It felt like a personal invitation. My name was on that ticket. I had to go!

I booked, then went to see the Bishop to access extra funding for the trip to augment what was in my learning account. At the conference I met David, Katherine, Matt and Rolf in the flesh – people who had inhabited my upstairs sitting room, my study and my head for the last two years. It was fantastic!

I also met, shared with, and was moved by, colleagues whose life experience, whose journey, whose values resonated with mine and spoke so eloquently of God and his Spirit at work in our midst. I heard some of the finest preaching in my life – from Lutherans and Episcopalians, Presbyterians and United Methodists, from people from Kenya and Carolina, from women and men, old and young, some with unpronounceable names, who held me spellbound as they proclaimed the living Word of God and spoke of a God who can make all things new.

Did I fall asleep? Not once. Did I get all restless and fidgety? Not in five days. Did I long for it to end? Again, a resounding No.

I found it absolutely life-giving. It was a theophany, an epiphany, a dawning of new insight. I experienced God and his grace and mercy anew in Minneapolis-Saint Paul and I will be eternally grateful.

So thank you for allowing me the privilege of a life-changing experience.


If you would like to hear any of the sermons or lectures Tom heard you may do so by accessing the Festival of Homiletics 2014 website and downloading the material or you may talk to the Rector directly and hear of his experience.

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AUGUST 3rd Pentecost 8 (Seventh after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

6th THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD 10.00am Holy Communion

10th Pentecost 9 (Eighth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

13th Mary the Virgin (from 15th) 10.00am Holy Communion

17th Pentecost 10 (Ninth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

20th 10.00am Holy Communion

24th Pentecost 11 (Tenth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Summer Eucharist

27th 10.00am Holy Communion

31st Pentecost 12 (Eleventh after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist SEPTEMBER 3rd 10.00am Holy Communion

7th Pentecost 13 (Twelfth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

10th Birth of Mary, Mother of Jesus (from 8th) 10.00am Holy Communion

PATRONAL FESTIVAL 14th Pentecost 14 (Thirteenth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

17th Ninian of Whithorn, Bishop, sixth century (from16th) 10.00am Holy Communion

21st Pentecost 15 (Fourteenth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

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SEPTEMBER 24th Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist (from 22nd) 10.00am Holy Communion

28th Pentecost 16 (Fifteenth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist OCTOBER 1st Michael & All Angels (from 29th) 10.00am Holy Communion

HARVEST FESTIVAL 5th Pentecost 17 (Sixteenth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

8th 10.00am Holy Communion

12th Pentecost 18 (Seventieth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

15th Luke, Evangelist (from18th) 10.00am Holy Communion

19th Pentecost 19 (Eighteenth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

22nd James of Jerusalem, Martyr (from 23rd) 10.00am Holy Communion

26th Pentecost 20 (Nineteenth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

29th Simon & Jude, Apostles (from 28th) 10.00am Holy Communion ALL SAINTS SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2nd Pentecost 21 (Twentieth after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Sung Eucharist

5th 10.00am Holy Communion

9th REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Pentecost 22 (Twenty first after Trinity) 8.00am Holy Communion 10.55am Sung Eucharist

12th 10.00am Holy Communion

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Aug 3rd 10.30am H. Mawson E. Cooper, M. Dalton

H. O’Leary L. Rayner

Aug 10th 10.30am J. Cassidy M. O’Leary

T. Davies N. Livingstone

Aug 17th 10.30am T. Davies H. Sampson D. Brown

C. Dowson Canon Collie

Aug 24th 10.30am P. Dowson S. Smith

A. Livingstone L. Rayner

Aug 31st 10.30am A. Smith K & C Faulkner

J. Deason N. Livingstone

Sept 7th 10.30am J. Keene L. Rayner

N. Livingstone R. Keene

Sept 14th 10.30am J. Stack M. O’Leary

M. O’Leary Canon Collie

Sept 21st 10.30am I. Stack C. Dowson

W. Davies N. Livingstone

Sept 28th 10.30am M. Lamont J. McCune

D. Sutherland Canon Collie

Oct 5th 10.30am N. Rayner M. O’Leary

P. Dowson L. Rayner

Oct 12th 10.30am J. Deason K. & M. Welsh

H. O’Leary N. Livingstone

Oct 19th 10.30am N. Livingstone A. Livingstone

T. Davies Canon Collie

Oct 26th 10.30am H. Mawson E. Cooper, M. Dalton

J. Greenwood L. Rayner

Nov 2nd 10.30am T. Davies H. Sampson D. Brown

C. Dowson J. Greenwood

Nov 10th 10.55am J. Cassidy J. Greenwood

A. Smith N. Livingstone

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M. O’Leary R. Greenwood

N. Rayner D. Williamson A. McIndoe

Aug 3rd

R. Robinson J. Deason

S. Sanderson R. & J. Keene Aug 10th

J. Stack N. Livingstone

V. Vernon T. & D. Baguley Aug 17th

N. Rayner C. Dowson

M. Hogg R. & J. Keene Aug 24th

I. Stack E. Cassidy

N. Rayner J. & E. Cassidy Aug 31st

D. Sutherland P. Dowson

S. Sanderson D. Brown H. Sampson

Sept 7th

C. Dowson J. Stack

V. Vernon K. & M. Welsh Sept 14th

J. Cassidy M. O’Leary

M. Hogg M. Lamont C. Hewitt

Sept 21st

R. Robinson J. Deason

S. Sanderson M. & H. O’Leary Sept 28th

I. Stack E. Cassidy

N. Rayner C. & P. Dowson Oct 5th

N. Rayner C. Dowson

V. Vernon D. Williamson A. McIndoe

Oct 12th

J. Cassidy M. O’Leary

S. Sanderson R. & J. Keene Oct 19th

J. Stack P. Dowson

M. Hogg A. & N. Livingstone

Oct 26th

R. Greenwood N. Livingstone

N. Rayner R. & J. Keene Nov 2nd

D. Sutherland R. Robinson

V. Vernon K. & C. Faulkner Nov 10th

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AUGUST 3rd Pentecost 8 (Seventh after Trinity) Isaiah 55: 1 - 5 (Psalm 145: 8 - 9 + 14 - 21) Romans 9: 1 - 5 Matthew 14: 13 - 21

10th Pentecost 9 (Eighth after Trinity) 1 Kings 19: 9 - 18 (Psalms 85: 8 - 13) Romans 10: 5 - 15 Matthew 14: 22 - 33

Pentecost 10 (Ninth after Trinity) 17th Isaiah 56: 1 + 6 - 8 (Psalm 67) Romans 11: 1 - 2a + 29 - 32 Matthew 15: 21 - 28

Pentecost 11 (Tenth after Trinity) 24th Isaiah 51: 1 - 6 (Psalm 138) Romans 12: 1 - 8 Matthew 16: 13 - 20

Pentecost 12 (Eleventh after Trinity) 31th Jeremiah 15: 15 - 21 Psalm 26: 1 - 8 Romans 12: 9 - 21 Matthew 16: 21 - 28

SEPTEMBER 7th Pentecost 13 (Twelfth after Trinity) Ezekiel 33: 7 - 11 (Psalm 119: 33 - 40) Romans 13: 8 - 14 Matthew 18: 15 - 20

14th PATRONAL FESTIVAL Pentecost 14 (Thirteenth after Trinity) Jeremiah 1: 4 - 9 (Psalm 103 : 8 - 13) 1 Thessalonians 2: 2 - 12 Matthew 9: 35 - 38

21st Pentecost 15 (Fourteenth after Trinity)

Jonah 3: 10 - 4: 11 (Psalm 145: 1 - 8) Philippians 1: 21 - 30 Matthew 20: 1 - 16

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SEPTEMBER 28th Pentecost 16 (Fifteenth after Trinity) Ezekiel 18: 1 - 4 + 25 - 32 Psalm 25: 1 - 9 Philippians 2: 1 - 13 Matthew 21: 23 - 32

OCTOBER 5th HARVEST FESTIVAL Pentecost 17 (Sixteenth after Trinity) Deuteronomy 8: 7 - 18 (Psalm 80: 7 - 15) 2 Corinthians 9: 6 - 5 Luke 17: 11 - 19

12th Pentecost 18 (Seventeenth after Trinity) Isaiah 25: 1 - 9 (Psalm 23) Philippians 4: 1 - 9 Matthew 22: 1 - 14

19th Pentecost 19 (Eighteenth after Trinity) Isaiah 45: 1 - 7 (Psalm 96: 1 - 9) 1 Thessalonians 1: 1 - 10 Matthew 22: 15 - 22

26th Pentecost 20 (Nineteenth after Trinity) Leviticus 19: 1 -2 + 15 - 18 (Psalm 1) 1 Thessalonians 2: 1 - 8 Matthew 22: 34 - 46

NOVEMBER 2nd ALL SAINTS SUNDAY Pentecost 21(Twentieth after Trinity) Micah 4: 1 - 5 (Psalm 43) Colossians 3: 12 - 15 John 15: 9 - 17

9th REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Pentecost 22 (Twenty first after Trinity) 2 Esdras 2: 42 - 48 (Psalm 70) Hebrews 12: 18 - 24 Matthew 5: 1 - 12

ROTAS Please note that Janet Keene is now doing all the rotas on the middle pages of the magazine, in her role as People’s Warden. If you have any problems or queries regarding any of them please contact her on 01292 314130.

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SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT - JUNE 2014 Well, the school holidays are here again! We have had a busy time at Sunday School and the children have had a lot of fun being more involved in the Family Services. This is something they relish and it is wonderful to find them so enthusiastic and willing to take part.

At our last Sunday School meeting we had to address our falling numbers - both helpers and children. It was decided that a change would be trialled for the period leading up to Christmas. Every week from the beginning of September, at the back of the church there will be activity sheets, pens, pencils and the ‘children’s Communion Books available. The children will have an adult helper with them and they can stay with the helper for all of the service. It is also foreseen that there may be special projects where the children will leave the church to complete them in the Hall. We plan to review the situation at the next meeting which will be held in the Rectory on 2nd December at 7.30pm.

This will be my last Sunday School report. As most of you are aware I am standing down from the position of Sunday School leader after several years and wish the next post holder every success. I have greatly enjoyed working with the children and observing them grow within the church.

Once again many thanks to everyone in the Sunday School team who has worked so hard during the past months. I wish all the helpers, parents and children a peaceful and restful summer.



The outside painting of the church and halls has now been completed. A new PVC ceiling has been installed in the Flower Vestry and now waits to be decorated.

Small items of maintenance are to be carried out at the Rectory over the next few weeks.

Quotations are being sought for extending the tarmac area of the car park to the new path and to reinstate grass in the area of the ash path to the Rectory.

Roger RobinsonRoger RobinsonRoger RobinsonRoger Robinson Property Convenor

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THE FIFE COASTAL PATH (96 Miles from the Forth Bridge to the Tay Bridge) This year the walk was from Queensferry to Newport on Tay by way of Burntisland, Largo, Crail, and St Andrews. The walk was a tad longer than planed. Ending up at 96 miles in total as opposed to the 80+ as planned, but Bill will explain that in greater detail at the Fellowship. Check your syllabus or speak to Janet.

There were four of us this time, Bill, Mike, John and I and we rented a lovely old fisher cottage in Anstruther; perfectly placed for local pubs and restaurants. The parking was problematic due to the narrowness of the street. So much so that one early morning (1.30 am) we were woken by the police to move one of the cars to let the ambulance get along the street.

The weather was generally fair with only one day of constant rain and several of lovely sunshine. We averaged about 16 miles a day and check back our records this is our longest walk since we started in 1999, beating the West Highland Way by one mile.

The walking was varied but generally level, with the exception of the walk into St. Andrews. The first few days

the terrain was a little industrial moving through Burntisland, Kirkcaldy, Methil and Leven but when we were between the towns the coastline was fabulous and always with a view of the iconic Forth Bridge. As we moved further up the coast into the East Neuk of Fife each town and village was picture postcard beautiful. Largo - Pittenweem - Anstruther and Crail.

In one of the guide books Fife was described as the hidden gem of Scotland and I would fully agree with that, if the coastal path is anything to go by.


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AYRSHIRE REGIONAL COUNCIL WINE & NIBBLES EVENING The Ayrshire Regional Council met on Tuesday 15th June at St Ninian’s Troon, for our annual Wine ‘n’ Nibbles evening. Due to unforeseen circumstances the meeting took place in the Rectory with refreshments outside in the glorious evening sunshine. Our speaker was Sister Isabel Smyth SND, Chair of the Scottish Working Group on Religion and Belief Relations. Rev. Andrew Richardson assisted with the presentation.

Sister Isabel started her presentation by giving us information from the Faith and Belief Scotland, A Contemporary Mapping of Attitudes and Provisions in Scotland Report, which says, among others, that 58% think that prayer does have an effect, and 76% think there should be spiritual care in hospital, and that Christianity is in decline. Scotland is changing – it isn’t a polarized island, Scotland is a mosaic of different people. To see the report, please follow this link:

Sister Isabel then asked the question: Given we have such religious diversity, how are we to live together? Did we want to live in competition, in conflict, in isolation, or in friendship? She suggested that the different religions still live in boxes, that we don’t understand one another, and that we were still suspicious of one another. We have to decide how we want to live, if we want to live in harmony then we have to reconsider how we think of each other’s religion. Questions that have to be addressed are: Can we make space for other religions; Can we hear the voice of God in another language; Can we hear the voice of God in a stranger? Sister Isabel suggested the way to address these questions is to use dialogue, which is the basic building block of sound interfaith relationships. Interfaith cannot solve all the religious differences we have, but it a step along the way. In order to live that, Interfaith Scotland brings all the religious leaders together twice per year.

Scottish Interfaith Week in 2014 will take place from 23rd - 30th November on the theme of 'Journeys'. The national celebration will take place in Kilmarnock. If you would like to find out more about the work that Interfaith Scotland does, please follow:

She began her presentation with a question, and Sister Isabel and finished her presentation with a question – How do we see the future – in boxes or in dialogue? It was a very interesting and thought-provoking talk, and we look forward to Interfaith Week in Ayrshire.

Betty Matheson Betty Matheson Betty Matheson Betty Matheson ---- Secretary of Ayrshire Regional Council

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CRAFT GROUP This summer the Craft Group have been beavering away at several projects. We started by making some decorative bunting. Next we made apple and citrus slice felt coasters.

We then decided we would turn our hand to knitting and crocheting poppies for Remembrance Sunday. This proved to be quite challenging and frustrating with split cotton and bent needles! But, I think you'll agree the finished product was worth it.

Our next project will be glass painting and later in the year we are going to have a go

at making bath bombs. So if you fancy coming along and 'having a go' too, plus lots of fun chat and fellowship. We are now meeting in the Choir Vestry and the next dates are Wednesday 13th & 27th August at 7.30pm. Future dates will be shown in the weekly pew leaflet and on the website. Hope to see you there!






More details will be in the pew leaflet and on the

website soon, regarding the many ways you can

get involved and help with this important occasion.

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Reflections of SummerReflections of SummerReflections of SummerReflections of Summer

The Family BBQ took place in The Family BBQ took place in The Family BBQ took place in The Family BBQ took place in early June. The weather was not early June. The weather was not early June. The weather was not early June. The weather was not the best but everyone joined in and the best but everyone joined in and the best but everyone joined in and the best but everyone joined in and thanks are expressed to those who thanks are expressed to those who thanks are expressed to those who thanks are expressed to those who prepared and cooked the food.prepared and cooked the food.prepared and cooked the food.prepared and cooked the food.

Congratulations to Roger & Judith Congratulations to Roger & Judith Congratulations to Roger & Judith Congratulations to Roger & Judith Robinson who celebrated their Robinson who celebrated their Robinson who celebrated their Robinson who celebrated their Golden Wedding on 27th June Golden Wedding on 27th June Golden Wedding on 27th June Golden Wedding on 27th June and shared the occasion with the and shared the occasion with the and shared the occasion with the and shared the occasion with the congregation the following congregation the following congregation the following congregation the following Sunday.Sunday.Sunday.Sunday.

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Blessing the Blessing the Blessing the Blessing the BoatsBoatsBoatsBoats

The Rector led the Troon The Rector led the Troon The Rector led the Troon The Rector led the Troon Churches Together service of Churches Together service of Churches Together service of Churches Together service of Blessing the Boats in Troon Blessing the Boats in Troon Blessing the Boats in Troon Blessing the Boats in Troon harbour along with Revd. harbour along with Revd. harbour along with Revd. harbour along with Revd. David PrenticeDavid PrenticeDavid PrenticeDavid Prentice----Hyers from Hyers from Hyers from Hyers from Troon Old Parish and Revd. Troon Old Parish and Revd. Troon Old Parish and Revd. Troon Old Parish and Revd. Tim Tunley, Chaplain from Tim Tunley, Chaplain from Tim Tunley, Chaplain from Tim Tunley, Chaplain from the Mission to Seafarers. the Mission to Seafarers. the Mission to Seafarers. the Mission to Seafarers.

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NEWS On a recent trip to Bristol, Alan and I did a short detour to Abergavenny, to visit Ian Robinson with his daughter and son-in-law.

Ian was in fairly good form, he seemed to know us, and spent most of the visit smiling companionably. Daughter Janet had made a strawberry cake, and Ian made fairly short work of his portion. Janet was pleased that we had come, and asked that we let you know just how much they appreciate the fact that he is still remembered in our thoughts and prayers. NormaNormaNormaNorma


Thank you to all who helped with, contributed to or supported Christian Aid week in Troon this year.

The house to house envelope collection by St. Ninian’s raised £1,123.02 which was part of the total £7,730.28 collected by all the Troon churches.

Added to this is the figure of £1,046.89 from the lunches at Troon Old this gives a grand total for Troon of £8,777.17. It is anticipated that £1.5M will be raised throughout Scotland.

Your involvement in Christian Aid Week this year will enable Christian Aid to help more communities in the developing world to tackle violence and build peace. Your help is very much appreciated.

Ken WelshKen WelshKen WelshKen Welsh




Friday 24th October in the Church Hall in aid of ‘Therapet’

from 10.30am - 12 noon

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DAVID MCCUNE 14.09.1938 - 09.04.2014

Proud, decent, hard-working, honourable, kind, and immensely generous, have been just a few of the many words used by family and friends to describe David. He was serious and disciplined at times, but also had more of a healthy measure of charm, energy, and unique daftness! He was born in Stockton-on-Tees, where his parents established a successful coaching and transport business, which David would join in time. He loved the outdoor life, and was very happy when his parents moved to a farm in Bishopton. He embraced village life, farming, and also developed his love of horses.

He met Joyce and they were married in Manfield Church, Yorkshire, and she proved a great support to him, as he made his way in life. In 1973, David was resourceful enough to purchase his first truck, and thus the David McCune (and later Son) Ltd business was up and running. There were many difficulties ahead, outwith his control, but calmer years followed, and David's middle years were his most successful. He continued to work hard, but also enjoyed life to the full, sweeping the family along in his mad-cap escapades. He started motor racing, became a keen golfer, and was an active member of Darlington Rotary Club. He rekindled his love of horses, and joined South Durham hunt, and even took up skiing.

Life slowed down a little when he and Joyce retired to Symington, but he spent as much time as possible with his children and grandchildren, for whom he desired the very best. He was always there with wise counsel and support. Joyce, in turn, provided the support he needed during his latter years of illness, although he still maintained his warmth, love, humour, and kindness to the end.

He will be greatly missed by all who knew him, his family and friends, those for whom he was always willingly doing odd jobs, and by all of us at St. Ninian's, and our thoughts and prayers are with Joyce and the family.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

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DAISY JACKSON 09.01.1911 - 23.12.2013

The ashes of Daisy Jackson were laid to rest on Wednesday the 30th April in the small churchyard in Bunny, Nottinghamshire, beside her husband Richard, her parents, and many others of her family. The short service was attended by her daughter Marjorie, her sister-in-law, and her children and their families. Daisy had died just short of her 103rd birthday, so was easily our oldest member at St. Ninian's.

She had moved up to Scotland to be near her daughter, Marjorie, in 1981, and Marjorie, her husband, and Daisy moved in to the house at Whins Road. Daisy and Marjorie were regular attenders on Sunday mornings, and Daisy, despite increasing age, remained always very bright, cheerful and sharp. Latterly, despite failing sight and hearing, Daisy remained ever alert and always welcoming when anyone visited. Daisy died in hospital after a very short illness.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

EDWARD GLEN COLLINS 05.05.1940 - 16.04.2014

Glen was a larger than life character, who could be the life and soul of any party, dance the night away at a ball, play bridge with a decidedly competitive edge, but also delight in Snap or Uno with his grandchildren. He was born here in Ayrshire, before going to school at Harrow. He worked at Collins before moving to Hatchards in London. He loved horses, and trips to Goodwood were planned with military precision, thanks to his T.A. training. Essentially he was a devoted family man, turning up regularly to support his son at rugby matches on cold, wet winter's mornings, and doing the same over again for his grandchildren. He was close to his brother, Tony, and appreciated his company, as well as the devoted support of his wife, Margie during the latter stages of his illness. He was always generous with his hospitality, but is now at home with the Lord.

We continue to hold Margie and the family in our prayers.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

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Church Register

Marriages: 28 June 2014 Pauline Baker and Stephen Auld

Funerals: 29 April 2014 Edward Glen Collins 23 July 2014 James Walker

We extend our congratulations to those who have been recently married at St. Ninian’s and our condolences to those who

have recently been bereaved.

May God bless each person and keep them in his care.

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