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ST. NICK’S NEWS JULY 2014 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 7 ST. NICHOLAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Join us on the Journey! THE VICAR’S VOICE “If you don't take a Sabbath, something is wrong. You're doing too much; you're being too much in charge. You've got to quit, one day a week, and just watch what God is doing when you're not doing anything.” - Eugene H. Peter- son Sabbath is an important aspect of our relationship with God. There are one hun- dred and seventy-one verses mentioning Sabbath in the New Revised Standard Version. The bulk of these are in the Torah (first 5 books) and the Gospels, with substantial references in the prophets as well. Despite these descriptions and fur- ther clarifications in church teachings, it’s something many of us struggle to em- brace. I recall a young family that attended church together regularly. The father took a second job and for a short time worked both jobs. One Sunday the mother and daughter arrived and when I greeted them the mother told me her husband said, “Tell Fr. Paul my ox is stuck in a ditch.” She wasn’t sure what that meant, but knew I would. “Then he (Jesus) said to them, “If one of you has a child or an ox that has fallen into a well, will you not immediately pull it out on a Sabbath day?” Luke 14:5 Circumstances required that he worked that day. Temporary circumstances. I appreciated the clever way he shared his need to break from his normal Sabbath practice. Life was difficult for a while, but his use of scripture shared his desire and his faith. Eventually things settled down at work and his Sab- bath was restored. Somewhat ironically, much of what Jesus says about Sabbath may help us justify our behaviors. However, it’s im- portant to recognize that the prevailing culture for many of Jesus followers was a rigid interpretation of the law. Jesus reminds us in the gospel of Mark, “The Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sab- bath.” The importance of the Sabbath is creating time to connect with God. The importance of the Sabbath is cre- ating time to observe God working in the world. The importance of the Sabbath is creating time to rest from our labors and see that they are good. Others who help preserve my own Sabbath rest have blessed me. Not only have they refrained from disrupting this sacred time, if I send emails etc., they confront me about it. I hope that each of us helps to create Sabbath for one another and our families; this support is invaluable in our Sabbath practice. Certainly we all experience things that disrupt our Sabbath. How we respond to the disruptions matter. We must persist in our pursuit of Holy time. We must be disciplined in our appreciation of rest and the importance that plays in our relationship with God. Blessings, Father Paul (Side note: Some of you will appreciate that as I researched “Sabbath” and quotes about Sabbath, that nearly as many quotes and information about “Black Sabbath” surfaced.)

ST. NICK’S NEWS · financial stewardship) ... teaching, reaching out, and grow-ing disciples of Christ. We have a special love for youth and chil-dren, ...

Apr 01, 2018



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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: ST. NICK’S NEWS · financial stewardship) ... teaching, reaching out, and grow-ing disciples of Christ. We have a special love for youth and chil-dren, ...

ST. NICK’S NEWS J U L Y 2 0 1 4 V O L U M E 1 0 , I S S U E 7

S T . N I C H O L A S


Join us on the Journey!


“If you don't take a Sabbath, something is wrong. You're doing too much; you're being too much in charge. You've

got to quit, one day a week, and just watch what God is doing when you're not doing anything.” - Eugene H. Peter-


Sabbath is an important aspect of our relationship with God. There are one hun-

dred and seventy-one verses mentioning Sabbath in the New Revised Standard

Version. The bulk of these are in the Torah (first 5 books) and the Gospels, with

substantial references in the prophets as well. Despite these descriptions and fur-

ther clarifications in church teachings, it’s something many of us struggle to em-


I recall a young family that attended church together regularly. The father took a

second job and for a short time worked both jobs. One Sunday the mother and

daughter arrived and when I greeted them the mother told me her husband said,

“Tell Fr. Paul my ox is stuck in a ditch.” She wasn’t sure what that meant, but

knew I would. “Then he (Jesus) said to them, “If one of you has a child or an ox

that has fallen into a well, will you not immediately pull it out on a Sabbath day?” Luke 14:5

Circumstances required that he worked that day. Temporary circumstances.

I appreciated the clever way he shared his need to break from his normal Sabbath practice. Life was difficult for a

while, but his use of scripture shared his desire and his faith. Eventually things settled down at work and his Sab-

bath was restored.

Somewhat ironically, much of what Jesus says about Sabbath may help us justify our behaviors. However, it’s im-

portant to recognize that the prevailing culture for many of Jesus followers was a rigid interpretation of the law.

Jesus reminds us in the gospel of Mark, “The Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sab-

bath.” The importance of the Sabbath is creating time to connect with God. The importance of the Sabbath is cre-

ating time to observe God working in the world. The importance of the Sabbath is creating time to rest from our

labors and see that they are good.

Others who help preserve my own Sabbath rest have blessed me. Not only have they refrained from disrupting this

sacred time, if I send emails etc., they confront me about it. I hope that each of us helps to create Sabbath for one

another and our families; this support is invaluable in our Sabbath practice.

Certainly we all experience things that disrupt our Sabbath. How we respond to the disruptions matter. We must

persist in our pursuit of Holy time. We must be disciplined in our appreciation of rest and the importance that plays

in our relationship with God.


Father Paul

(Side note: Some of you will appreciate that as I researched “Sabbath” and quotes about Sabbath, that nearly as

many quotes and information about “Black Sabbath” surfaced.)

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St. Nick’s Ministers:

Vicar: Father Paul Klitzke

[email protected]

Bishop’s Warden: Bob Windisch


Committee: Bill Bruce

Tom Gatti

Cathe Portillo

Treasurer: Doug Brown

BabyZone: Linda Aga

Samara Burnett

Alicia Quinata

KidZone Leaders: Kerry Shiroma

Dawn Villanueva

KidZone Aides: Vacant

EDGE Sarah Klitzke

Shana Ikeda

Newsletter: Bob Windisch

[email protected]

Photography: Dave Jones

Sarah Klitzke

Kevin Shin

Bob Windisch

St. Nicholas is a joyful church in-

tent upon finding God in ourselves

and others through fellowship,

teaching, reaching out, and grow-

ing disciples of Christ. We have a

special love for youth and chil-

dren, and we invite you to join us

on our spiritual journey.

OUR MISSION St. Nicholas Vision:

St. Nicholas is a place that is welcoming to all and offers:

Programs to encourage fellowship and teach lessons of the Bible

Outreach to the community through servant evangelism

Worship styles that are liturgical and incorporate contemporary


Vital ministries for youth and children in a safe and inclusive

environment that fosters spiritual growth

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training - Oahu

As part of the Church's Safe Church policy, the Diocese is hosting a session on Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training which is mandatory for all clergy, staff, Vestry & Bishop's Committee members, Eucharistic Visitors and anyone in a supervisory posi-tion. For more information on the Church's policy and requirements, visit the diocesan webpage: Registration closes July 31—Register Early!

The training will be held on Saturday, August 9, 2014, at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church (aka Christ's Gathering Place) in Aiea, from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm.

All attendees must stay for the entire time.

I recently went to Atlanta for two days to attend the Episcopal Church’s national conference on stewardship. Having never been to a conference for the church before, I didn’t know what to expect. However, what I got was a very pleasant surprise. First, navigating the conference was a bit tricky as our dorm room was a bit off campus –and yes, I did sleep in a dorm room and believe me I don’t think I’ll do that again! But the people and the content were fantastic.

The theme of the conference was “Walk the Way”. And while some of the sessions had some content on the logis-tics of stewardship, most of the content focused on the ministry of stewardship, the consistent message being that we are all God’s stewards and therefore stewardship is a way of being; being generous, being loving, being in part-nership with God and with each other, just to name a few. And we can certainly all attest to the fact that being a steward of God’s will is easier said than done. This is why stewardship (especially financial stewardship) is a journey with many different paths. There is no single or “right” path to take and certainly no single or “right” way to walk, run, dance, skip, hop, etc. down that path. Every journey is personal. Yet, as stewards of God’s will, we can make it a little easier by taking the journey together.

So this year, together as a congregation, we’ve begun our journey by looking at our finances with the idea of moving from a membership mentality to a disciple-ship mentality. To help u continue on I leave you this question: If money is just another of God’s tools, how will you use it to further His will?


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Na Kaikamahine o Kaleleonalani o Ka Haku

Order of the Daughters of the King

Service of Institution of new Chapter and Admission of Daughters

Sunday, July 27, 2014, 5:30 pm, Choral Evensong

Please join us at St. Andrew’s Cathedral for the historic Service of Institution, that shall establish the newly chartered,

Queen Emma Chapter, Na Kaikamahine o Kaleleonalani o Ka Haku, Order of the Daughters of the King. Preparation for

the new Chapter has proceeded under the spiritual guidance and uplifting of the Very Reverend Walter Brownridge,

Dean of the Cathedral of St Andrew, and the Chapter name has been given prayerfully by the Cathedral's Hawaiian

Committee kupuna.

The Order of the Daughters of the King®, founded 1885, is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of Prayer,

Service and Evangelism. It is an order for women (lay and ordained, married, partnered and single) who are communi-

cants of the Episcopal Church and who, after completing a twelve-week period of study and discernment, take a vow to

follow the Order's Rule of Life that includes daily prayer and service to support the clergy, their ministry, and the spiri-

tual up-building of the parish.

A reception will precede the service, beginning at 4:30 PM in the Von Holt Room.

All are welcome.



On June 20 the Rev Debbie Vanover was in-stalled as Chaplain of the Daughters of the King Hawaii in a ceremony at St. Nicholas Church in Kapolei. Daughters from all over Hawaii attended the ceremony celebrated by Bishop Robert Fitz-patrick following dinner and dessert sponsored by St. Nicholas. Kala Holden, Hawaii Assembly President, presented Rev Vanover with the Chap-lain’s Cross.

Rev Debbie Vanover

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Clergy shirts: more than clothes!

By: Isaiah Chong 19 May 2014 Everything has a meaning, some significant, some insignificant... Some is just purely

magnificent! Like a wedding ring, it has a meaning; when one is married, their ring

is not just a ring, it is a symbol of a unification, a sign of a commitment and

connection. This metaphor applies even more to clergy shirts and collars, O quite

stellar! When one is ordained an old life is restrained and a new life has begun,

Jesus enters the priest and his or her life gains a new center.

Though inaccurate and officially errant, clergy shirts are indeed a personal

sacrament, we must contend, it is an outward sign of an inward grace; this, no

clothing can replace, no other will suffice. The priest’s collar is a symbol of an

answered call. From the day we marry, our rings stay in place, until the end of our

marriage, our rings will remain; it is a symbol of the couples’ love for one another.

Ring, ring, God has given a calling! His call was answered, you are now a presbyter,

from this day forward, wear your collar and represent someone greater.

Without hesitation, without a hint of reservation, express your vocation to all God’s

people. If one believes a clergy shirt to be a uniform, my, my, they are misinformed;

if one believes the priesthood to be merely a job, my, my, they have gravely

misunderstood. It is a life-long vocation, one without intermission, a priest is chosen

to share the Good News. The collar is to a secular priest as a brown scapular is to a

Carmelite priest, all priests are an earthly light.

A priest has not much to offer, only to give what God has revealed. Presbyters, you

have been called, without being stalled, dress for your vocation, even on vacation.

Priests, you are successors, honorably display it, dress for God’s ultimate success!

The King is coming, until He arrives, you represent Him to your parish and to the

world... How will we see you? Be in your collar, so that we are reminded that Christ

is with us; at Mass, in the Eucharist, and in the world, by the priests that pass

around us. Amen, priests, you are not just men and women I say, you are the chosen

and called few, wear your clergy shirt and collar too, at all times and in all places

with pride. May your life and God’s will forever coincide. Remember, you are His

light, always wear white collars, let them shine bright.

Soundboard expert, EDGE assistant reenlists!

Philip Moyle, in a ceremony attended by his family, Navy friends and St. Nick’s ohana reenlisted for a burst of 6 in the

US Navy on Friday, June 27. (Philip is a submariner currently stationed at Pearl Harbor.) Following the ceremony his

entourage descended upon Chili’s a mob of over 20 people enjoyed cold beverages and hot food!

Philip - we thank you for your service!

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To register:

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JULY 2014 July: Friday/Sunday

4 / 6

11 / 13

18 / 20

25 / 27

Greeter Friday No Service July 4 Cheryl Chee Cheryl Chee Cheryl Chee

Sunday Jeff Harris & Dot Shigemura

Jeff Harris & Dot Shigemura

Jeff Harris & Dot Shigemura

Jeff Harris & Dot Shigemura




Sunday na

Kerry Shiroma Kala Holden

Luella Windisch Kala Holden

Shauna Jones Kala Holden

Kerry Shiroma



Friday na Isaiah Chong Briana Anderson Cathe Portillo

Sunday Tullie St. John Bob Windisch Bill Bruce Kala Holden

Prayer Reader Friday na Isaiah Chong Briana Anderson Cathe Portillo

Sunday Dot Shigemura Kala Holden Bob Windisch Deidre Harris

Announcements Friday na Cathe Portillo Bob Windisch Kala Holden

Sunday Deidre Harris Bill Bruce Kala Holden Bob Windisch

KidZone Sunday

On Summer Break On Summer Break On Summer Break

EDGE/ EDU-678 Sunday

On Summer Break On Summer Break On Summer Break

Counters Friday



Mike Coullahan Shauna Jones

Mario Portillo/ Grace Peacock

Drew St. John/ Heather Jablonski

Mario Portillo/ Grace Peacock

Shauna Jones/ Bob Windisch

Mario Portillo/ Grace Peacock

Bob Holden/ Mike Coullahan

Projector Programmer:

Fri: Windisch/Chee

Sun: Bojorquez




Pua Chee

Luella Windisch

Cheryl Chee

Don Lewis

Sarah Moyle

Pua Chee

Rose Shin

Sound System Sunday Philip Moyle Kevin Shin Philip Moyle Kevin Shin

Friday Trailer

Pick Up & Return na Mario Portillo Tom Gatti Mario Portillo

Ice Cream Sunday

Jeff Harris Ice Cream Sponsored by The Bruce Family—mahalo!

Hospitality Friday

Sunday na


Gatti Signaigo/Shin/Patrick

Portillo Signaigo/Shin/Patrick

Windisch Signaigo/Shin/Patrick






K. Holden/L. Windisch

Kala Holden

K. Holden/L. Windisch

Kala Holden

K. Holden/L. Windisch

Kala Holden

K. Holden/L. Windisch

Onemalu Monday Readers P. Klitzke/R. Windisch L. Windisch/J. Castro L. Windisch/R. Windisch K. Holden/L. Windisch




Friday, July 4, Happy Independence Day—NO SERVICE ON FRIDAY NIGHT

Sunday, July 6, Ice Cream, HI-5 Recyclables & Food Drive Sunday Sunday, July 20, 3rd Confirmation class, Sumida Hall, 1:00 PM

Thursday, July 24, 7:00 PM, Bishop’s Committee meeting, Vicar’s Office, Kapolei Sunday, July 27, Ministry Meeting after 10:00 AM Service, Christ’s Gathering Place-Sumida Hall

Saturday, August 2, Regional Confirmation, Location TBD

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TO: Diocese of Hawai'I - Job Openings The Office of the Bishop is hiring for the following three positions:

Administrative Assistant (Program Support)

Bookkeeper Office Manager / Property Manager For job descriptions and application instructions, please visit the Lay Position Openings page on the diocesan web-site here: The deadline for resume submissions is Friday, July 11, 2014.

Daughters of the King to Hold 12-week Study for New Members

Beginning August 11 the Hawaii Assembly of Daughters of the King will offer a 12-week study for those women wishing to

become members. During these sessions you will learn what the Daughters are about and explore new, exciting levels in your

spiritual journey while enjoying fellowship with other women of St. Nick's. We are asking each attendee to choose either

morning or evening time to the 12-week new member study for becoming a Daughter of the King. It is very important to have

consistency in forming friendships within your group.

The morning schedule is Mondays from 10:00 AM to Noon at Janice Lowery's home at 91-1130 Waipuhia Street, Ewa

Beach, Hi 96706. The dates are :

August 11, Study 1 – What is a Christian? and Study 2 – What is the Order of the Daughters of the King?

August 25, Study 3 – Who May be Called a Daughter of the King? and Study 4 - What does Christ expect of the


Sept 1, Study 5 – What is the primary purpose of the Order? and Study 6 – What is a Rule of Life?

Sept. 15, Study 7 – What is the Rule of Prayer? and Study 8 – What is meant by the Rule of Service - Handout


Sept. 29, Study 9 – What is the next step? payment and forms

Oct 6, Study 10 – How are the Daughters strengthened to Serve?

Oct. 20, Study 11 – How do we become Community?

The evening schedule is Tuesdays from 7:00 - 9:00 AM at St. Timothy's Christ’s Gathering Place at 98-939 Moanalua Rd,

Aiea, HI 96701. The dates are August 12, August 26, Sept 2, Sept 16, Sept 30, Oct 7, Oct 21.

Both groups will meet together on Sunday,

Nov 2, Study 12 – How do we serve through Community?

and Nov 16, What is your personal rule? Going over the installation service.

at Christ’s Gathering Place after the 10:00 AM services, from 12noon – 2 p.m. The installation for new members will be Sun-

day, November 23. For more information contact Shauna Jones at [email protected] or Kala Holden at

[email protected].

For more information about The Order of the Daughters of the King, please check out their website at http:// To check out the National Study Guide, look at the site of,


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Phone: 808-753-7788 E-mail: [email protected] Website:









AIEA, HI 96701

10:00 AM

Bring your friends and family!



4 potatoes

4 slices bacon

1 Tablespoon all-purpose flour

2 Tablespoons white sugar

1/3 cup water

1/4 cup white wine vinegar

1/2 cup chopped green onions

salt and pepper to taste


Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.

Add potatoes; cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes.

Drain, cool and chop.

Place bacon in a large, deep skillet.

Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown.

Drain, crumble and set aside. Reserve bacon fat.

Add the flour, sugar, water and vinegar to skillet and cook in reserved

bacon fat over medium heat until dressing is thick.

Add bacon, potatoes and green onions to skillet and stir until coated.

Cook until heated and season with salt and pepper.

Serve warm.

Safeguarding God's Children

Training - O'ahu

Saturday, August 9, 2014

2:00 - 5:00 p.m.

St. Timothy's Episcopal Church (aka Christ's Gathering Place, Aiea)

Under the Episcopal Church's Safe Church Poli-

cies, this mandatory training is required for all

people who work with children in church. This

training must be renewed annually. You can

learn more about the policy and view the re-

quirements here:

To register, click on the Register Now! link

HERE. You may register up to five people on

one form. For more than that, you will have to

use a different e-mail or contact Sarah

Klitzke. The training class is limited to a total

of 12 people.

Deadline to register is

Wednesday, August 6,

or when the maximum number is reached.