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1 St. Nicholas’ Church News Belonging – Believing - Becoming November 2018 50p Registered Charity Number 1158819

St. Nicholas Church News...2018/11/11  · St. Nicholas’ School Head Rebecca Woods 924 1204 Website Administrator Joyce Batey [email protected] 929 3031 Facebook Admin stnicspa@

Jun 03, 2020



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St. Nicholas’ Church News Belonging – Believing - Becoming

November 2018


Registered Charity Number 1158819

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Who’s Who in St. Nicholas’ Church

Vicar Rev’d Canon Janet Roberts [email protected]

924 3551

Curate Rev’d Ravi Sangra [email protected]

07958 783684

Curate Rev’d Keith Thornborough [email protected]

281 4459

Church Warden Church Warden

Derek Parkinson [email protected] Lesley Utley [email protected]

924 9031 931 1813

Deputy Church Wardens Glenda Cain Caroline Hailwood Stephen Bailey Stephen Green Stephen Chantler

474 0189 924 1714 924 4416 476 9885 920 3839

Musical Director Adult Church Choir

Mr Michael Foy [email protected]

281 2541

Youth Church Choir Welfare

Barbara Qualtrough [email protected]

932 9946

St. Nicholas’ Singers (Community Choir)

Michael Foy [email protected]

281 2541

PCC Secretary Gill Enstone [email protected]

PCC Treasurer Liz Sinker [email protected]

476 4211 07796 628901

Stewardship Recorder Paul Mainey

Gift Aid Administrators Angela and John Rankin [email protected]

474 5967

Safeguarding Officer Liz Sinker 476 4211

Child Protection Officer Lynne Godfrey – Child Protection (DBS) [email protected]

474 0194

Hall bookings Liz Sinker 476 4211

Parish Administrator Diane Turner (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) [email protected]

352 8893

Parish Assistant Nicola Jeens (Wednesday) [email protected]

352 8893

St. Nicholas’ School Head

Rebecca Woods

924 1204

Website Administrator

Joyce Batey [email protected]

929 3031

Facebook Admin Joyce Batey / Diane Turner [email protected] [email protected]

929 3031

Magazine Distribution Brian Fairclough Grace Donnelly

932 0578 07710046524

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Vicar’s Viewpoint November 2018

ROMANS 12 Verse 8 “First I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you”.

We are a great church. We are doing some amazing things. We have some fantastic people

and we are serving our community. Not that we’re perfect but we’re generally doing a good


That was the conclusion of the morning that the Parochial Church Council and friends had

with Revd Neil Short in October.

In the light of my departure next year, we looked at things we do well and the things we

could do better. It was a very encouraging morning.

The last 12 months have been hard work for those involved in restoration and heritage and

much has been achieved. Unlike many churches we have children and young families,

people find it very easy to come into church and get involved and we have lots of

opportunities to serve our community.

On a personal level, I find Crosby a great place to live with people who are generally open to

matters of faith. For me there have been many ‘firsts’ here, with people approaching St

Nicholas’ Church for a huge variety of reasons. There are constant challenges and times

when I ask “what should we do about that?”. Most of our problems are good ones, caused

by the numbers of people who come. We have a wide range of people and ages and lots of

people who give their time, energy and money.

Neil Short urged us to celebrate what we have achieved, stick together and preserve our

unity and look forward to the next phase of life for the church.

Yes there are things that need some work, yes there are things we could do better and yes

we always need more money and more people to help. Let’s keep on keeping on, thanking

God for the past and looking forward in faith. Let us be thankful for all that has been

achieved this far.


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Rule of life: Learn

Called to pray, read, learn: Sent to tell, serve, give. Our Rule of Life tries to point towards a

rhythm, like breathing, that will focus our lives as disciples in worship and mission.

Called…Sent…Called…Sent… - the inner and the outer journeys which enrich and

complement one another as together they move us forward in the life of the Spirit.

Called to Learn. We’re called to pray, and called to read, as I wrote over the past couple of

weeks. In the first instance called to pray the Lord’s Prayer, and to read Holy Scripture. As a

daily rule, these things are often - though not always - solitary activities. But when I speak

of being called to learn I’m pointing to something that happens in community.

You can find wisdom about learning in many places. The silent cowboy-movie star, Tom

Mix, is reported to have said: “If you’re talkin’, you ain’t learnin’”. The Rule of St Benedict

begins with the word “Listen”. In my own family those of us who talked too much were

silenced by my Grandma who would point to her face and say “Oi. Remember. Two ears,

one mouth”.

Learning, then, begins in listening, but it doesn’t end there. The tremendous and richly-

deserved success of the Alpha Course, and of other courses like it, depend on the

opportunity to hear significant teaching - and then to be able to question it, to engage in

dialogue, to put our point of view, to bring our own insights to the party, to have our

questions answered and to ask new ones, in short to have a conversation.

As a parish priest I used to worry about the people we called “Alpha-holics”, who wanted to

do Alpha over and over again rather than coming to church on a Sunday. It was only over

time that I came to see that they wanted dialogue and conversation as a normal part of the

Christian journey, and that our regular patterns of worship and life gave them no

opportunity for that.

When the BBC Sunday Programme went on to the streets of Manchester a few years ago,

to interview young people about “Back to Church Sunday” the responses were not

encouraging: “I’m not going back to church if it means I have to sit quietly while some vicar

rabbits on and I can’t even ask questions”. It was a fair point, and it presents us with a real

challenge to our ways of working. To be a learning people means to be a people in

conversation, and whether or not it’s on a Sunday morning, we need to make space for

conversation in our weekly rhythm as Jesus people if we are to grow.

The Gospels are full of dialogue, as the disciples share their own thoughts and reflections in

response to the words of Jesus, and as Jesus gives them time and space to share. “Lord,

how many times…?” “Never, Lord!”, “Lord, tell my brother…” - all these and so many others

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become openings for Jesus to respond, and teach in conversation, and for his followers to

learn by listening and speaking and listening again.

In my work for the national Church, which began over fifteen years ago, we undertook

research which made it clear that if a church provided opportunities for this listening-

speaking-listening rhythm then its people grew in faith, and that churches that grew in

numbers were almost always providing these opportunities regularly. As the Rule of Life

unfolds I’ll be looking at the application of this principle to our evangelism, as we find

ourselves sent to tell. But here at the beginning of the journey I simply want to encourage

you to find a regular opportunity to listen, and speak, and listen - where you are.

Many of our parish churches have a network of small groups, set up for discussion or bible

study or friendship, often combined with worship and (of course) with a cup of tea. For

others the regular organisations of the Church - for example the Mothers’ Union branch -

provides the same opportunity. In our schools, dialogue and conversation is a central part

of the teaching process. In our chaplaincies, the opportunity to ask questions and to hear

opinions is greatly valued by those who encounter the chaplains in the course of their

everyday lives. All these moments are to be treasured and developed, as we become a

community of learning.

Listen-speak-listen. If you are already doing this, simply continue, knowing that tens of

thousands of others across the Diocese are doing the same thing in all their different ways.

If you’re not, why not begin? Talk with your friends and with the lay and ordained leaders

of your community about the best way to start those conversations weekly, and to learn


Once again we will be providing resources in the coming months to enable this learning, for

those who will find them helpful. But there will be no pressure to use any particular ones.

As with all the aspects of the Rule of Life, I’m asking you to make your own sense of this in

the place where you are. Not an additional burden on time and energy, but an intentional

desire to receive from God the treasure of wisdom that the Spirit has placed in the church,

and in the wonderful and rich experience of our friends who also pray and read and share.

And when you meet your friends to learn, whether over coffee for ten minutes, or in a

house group for an evening, or in your church’s nurture course, or wherever, just begin

your meeting by saying quietly in your heart or aloud: “As disciples together in the Diocese

of Liverpool and around the world, we learn from our God who loves us and who gives us

one another…”

With every blessing, from one disciple to another, Paul

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Please come to support us and bring your friends. Entrance is free though the church

donations are welcomed. There will be quality goods on artisan

stalls and Father Christmas. A café will also be serving morning

coffees, lunch and homemade cakes.

There will also be a raffle and heritage celebration in church … and

much more.


Sunday 4th 8.30am: Eucharist

10.30am: Eucharist

4pm: Hope and remembrance service

Wednesday 7th 10.15am: Eucharist in the church hall

Thursday 8th 9am: Morning prayer

Sunday 11th 8.30am: Eucharist

10.30am: All Age Parade for Remembrance Sunday to

mark the end of World War One

5pm: Toddler Church

Wednesday 14th 10.15am: Eucharist in the church hall

Thursday 15th 9am: Morning prayer

Sunday 18th 8.30am: Eucharist

10.30am: Eucharist

5pm: Taize evening service

Wednesday 21st 10.15am: Eucharist in the church hall

6pm: Church @ school: Messy church.

Thursday 22nd 9am: Morning prayer

Sunday 25th 8.30am: Eucharist

10.30am: Thanksgiving

5pm: Heart & Soul

Wednesday 28th 10.15am: Eucharist in the church hall

Thursday 29th 9am: Morning prayer

Sunday 2nd December 8.30am: Eucharist

10.30am: Eucharist with Prayer Ministry

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The church is open each week: Tuesday 10am – 12 Noon for Heritage tours Wednesday 9am – 10am for a cuppa and chat Thursday 2pm – 4pm for Heritage tours

Access to the church for quiet prayer is also available via the church office 9.30am – 12.30pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and 9.30am – 11.30am (Wednesday)

Sunday 4th 7pm Bridge youth group Wed 7th 1.30pm Social Committee meet 8pm START course at the vicarage Thurs 8th St. Nicholas’ school governors meet Fri 9th 7.30pm Men’s social evening in the hall Sat 10th 9am – 12 Noon Men’s Working Party 2pm Walking group meet for a local walk Mon 12th 7.45pm Parochial Church Council meet in the hall Tues 13th 3.05pm 3F4U children’s group meets in church Wed 14th 11.15am Bible Study followed by lunch in the church hall 8pm START course at the vicarage Sat 17th 11am – 4pm Christmas Market. Entrance via church Sun 18th 7pm Bridge youth group Mon 19th 9am Ravi takes assembly at St. Nicholas’ school 7.30pm Shared Ministry team meet Wed 21st 11am Bible Study in the church hall followed by lunch 8pm START course Mon 26th 9am Janet takes assembly at St. Nicholas’ school 7.30pm Heart & Soul planning meeting Tues 27th 3.05pm 3F4U children’s group in church Wed 28th 11.30am Mission & Worship committee meet in church 8pm START course Sat 1st Dec 9am Walking group meet at church

TAIZE SERVICE: Sunday 18th November at 5pm in church Taize is a religious community in France who encourage young people of all denominations to come and join their community for a time. Their musical worship is quite beautiful, simple tunes with harmonies and time for reflection. The community choir, St Nicholas Singers are going to join our choir to help sing this service. We invite you to come and join in or simply listen and let God minister to your spirit through the words of music.

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The end of the latest phase of restoration,

known as Phase 3, is drawing to a close.

All the fabric repairs we applied for are

completed and the introduction of the

church kitchen, electrically operated glazed

doors and cycle rack has enhanced our

beautiful grade 2 listed building.

Our roof alarm, although out of sight, has made our church more secure.

There have been challenges along the way and we have dealt with each one in a systematic

and empathetic way.

Problems had to be faced and resolved with decisions requiring persuasion, tact and


We did not envisage the problems created by the willow tree in our memorial area.

Roots which extended for more than thirty meters completely blocked our drainage system

on the north side of the church. The rainwater descending from the roofs could not escape

from the downpipes as their gullies were choked by roots 6” in diameter.

A survey organised by the company carrying out our repairs revealed a drainage system

which was of no use at all and had to be replaced. Attempts were made to clear some of

the roots with mechanical tooling but to no avail. Do you recall how the car park held pools

of water after heavy rain? The willow tree roots had extended in that direction also. Many

fruitless hours were spent trying to clear the problem with drain rods and pressure

washers. During the wettest December on record in 2016, water cascaded down the steps

to the boiler room and rose to a height of 18”. The result was that it destroyed the burner

which fires the boiler.

Following an insurance claim, a replacement burner was installed and we fitted sandbags

around the steps and railings to try to avoid a repeat. We even fitted a mini-pump in the

basement to attempt to divert any incoming rain back to ground level.

When we uncovered the inspection chamber alongside the willow tree it was obvious that

we had a major problem with the root ingress. Pennies began to drop as we realized the

extent of our problems with the car park and the North aisle damp issues which extended

as far as the Porch entrance over 50 meters from the tree.

A replacement drainage system was the only solution and we needed an action plan.

Our insurance company, Ecclesiastical, had recently raised the threshold for drainage claims

from £10,000 per year to £15,000. Our first challenge was to have them agree that we had

a valid claim.

They sent out a specialist company called Auger Ltd who inspected the drains with internal

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Restoration update cont…

cameras. Their use was limited as the drains were so blocked but their conclusion

confirmed that a replacement system was required. This was the result we hoped for and

waited for the insurers’ response. Within a week we received the joyous news that they

would allocate our full allowance of £15,000 to sanction the works. There was however a

caveat from Auger that the costs of the works may require more than the allowance. The

PCC agreed to the possibility and work commenced.

Trenches were dug, replacement drains and gullies were installed, new access chambers

were fitted and photographs were taken. Inevitably, the costs of the works exceeded the

threshold and more funding, nearly £5,000 was required to complete the works.

Meanwhile, a trench was also being dug on the South side of the church to provide the new

kitchen with a clean water supply which was fed from a lead free source. This was routed

from the water main in Harlech Road. Any new water installation now requires a water

meter fitted.

We then had to route the mains supply to the kitchen under the pews from the North porch

mains cabinet. This was done with considerable skill by the electrician and the contractor.

We overcame the initial boiling tap issues with a tap extension and a booster supply pump.

WiFi has now been extended from the halls into the church. Derek has had a major input

with this.

He also took the lead role in the removal of the tree.

It was deemed unsafe by a specialist from Sefton Council. Removal of the tree down to its

base was the correct choice of the two options in terms of safety, costs and recurring

damage it could cause.

Meanwhile financial claims and reports to HLF were being submitted, VAT reclaim forms

sent off to the Department of Media and Sport and regular meeting with the architect,

quantity surveyor and contractor took place.

Whilst this was happening, the Heritage Team were working their way through the Action

Plan they produced as soon as we were informed of the grant award. This was always

conditional that we met the requirements of HLF in both the financial and practical terms

we had agreed to when we signed the contract. We had deadlines to meet, decisions to

make and problems to overcome.

The website has undergone a transformation and there is a dedicated section on heritage.

Joyce with the guidance of Rick Barnsley has made all the material so accessible.

Peter, Gill, Lynne, Glenda and Neil have produced memorable archives with swathes of

information about the church’s fabric, history and heritage. The photographs taken by Carl

and our organist Mike when the scaffolding was in place are absolutely awesome.

We have recruited volunteer guides, provided training, produced rotas, had meetings,

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Restoration update cont…

recorded minutes of feedback and supported the volunteers at every stage.

We are constantly trying to improve our support and would welcome any more recruits.

We would love members of the congregation to request a guided tour as there are so many

assets in the building we can point out which you may not be aware of. Our research has

uncovered so much.

As I write this article, there are works going on to try to repair the leaking church heating.

The underground pipes have become corroded due the ingress of water. The problems

created by the willow tree roots which have blocked the downpipes have meant that the

heating pipes need to be bypassed. When this is completed, we hope to decorate the aisle

wall and the wall in the children’s area. Three applications of lime plaster have been applied

and finally dried out.

A specialist breathable paint should only ever be applied to new plaster containing lime.

The architect has given advice on this and approval has been sanctioned by the venerable

Archdeacon, Pete Spiers.

Our completion report and final payment request has been submitted to HLF.

I have been informed verbally that we will receive our full 10% application request which is

excellent news. We have already received 90% of the funding and the final payment is only

made when all the works are completed.

The other good news is the HLF have funded the excess drainage repairs, re-plastering of

the North aisle wall and the re-decoration as a consequence of unexpected works. These

costs have been covered under the allowance for contingencies.

Special thanks should go to Tim Johnston who has produced financial models in conjunction

with the quantity surveyor to ensure that all the available funding has been spent.

Any unspent funds would have been retained by HLF so it was paramount that we spent

every justifiable expense which we have.

Unfortunately, we have to fund the heating repairs ourselves as the contingency allowance

has been spent.

It has been a long and challenging project, however I will shortly be interviewing keen,

ambitious, visionary people who would love to lead the project to restore the remaining

East side of the church. Applicants for Phase 4 please form an orderly queue. Stephen

HERITAGE OPENING: The church continues to be open every

Tuesday morning from 10.00 am - 12 Noon and Thursday afternoon

2.00pm – 4.00 pm. Our Heritage Volunteers are available for tours.

Group visits welcome by pre-arrangement. Email:

[email protected]

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WWI Commemorative Exhibition in Church There will be a digital display in St. Martin's Chapel of the men who died within the parish and exhibition boards displaying local information. WWI Exhibition to mark the end of the Great War will be available to view: Saturday 3rd November, 10am – 12 noon, and 2pm – 4pm, Sunday 4th November from 1.30pm – 3pm, Each Tuesday 10am -12 noon until end of November, each Thursday from 2pm – 4pm until end of November, Saturday 10th November 10am – 12noon and from 2pm – 4pm, Remembrance Sunday after church service (no Heritage Volunteers), Saturday 17th November during the Christmas Market from 11.00am onwards.

Music in November

Before After

4th Nov Voluntary in D Minior Stanley

Songs of Praise Chapell

11th Nov Do Not Be afraid Choir

Nimrod Elgar

Crown Imperial Walton

25th Nov Saraband Howells

Carillon Murrill


November will see our choir working at capacity and supported by our community

choir. At the Hope and Remembrance service on the 4th we plan to sing the beautiful Clare Benediction by John Rutter; ‘May the Lord show his mercy upon you, may the

light of his presence be your guide. May he guard you and uphold you, may His spirit be ever by your side’. The following week, at our Remembrance Service we will sing

Philip Stopford’s version of ‘Do Not be Afraid for I have Redeemed You’ just before the service begins – please do come a few minutes early that week and spend a few

minutes in preparation for the service as this haunting music washes over you. Later on in the service we will sing the final movement of Maunder’s Olivet to Calvary; a

powerful anthem telling the final moments of Jesus’ life as he ‘Gives up the ghost’ on the cross and how in doing so he conquers death and prepares a way for us. In total contrast, we will sing Taize music at the service on the afternoon of the 18th. Taize

music is simple chant type music repeated several times, it is designed in this way to encourage singers to not have to think about the music, but to connect with the

words and contemplate.

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The good news is that everyone benefits!



Hello once again, as I begin to write this article the sun is beaming through the windows and there is a gorgeous blue sky, it is a beautiful crisp October morning.

When I think of many places in our world that are in the midst of war, famine, floods, people are homeless and perhaps have lost loved ones, desperate for help and support. I am very thankful that I have a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear, and most of all people who love me. I am free to walk outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, God's beautiful creation.

Tomorrow is our Harvest Thanksgiving service at St Nicholas, we are collecting food and toiletries for our local food bank, and giving thanks for all that we have and passing some of this goodness on to others. Perhaps over the coming weeks you could start a reverse Advent calendar, collect tinned goods( not beans) chocolate goodies,

toiletries , pet food, noodles, Pot noodles, Christmas treats etc. These can be taken to the local food bank or left in collection points in the supermarkets, or in the box at the back of church,

Earlier this month it was the anniversary of my Mum's death, sixteen years since she went to Heaven to join my Dad, and rise in glory with God. Thinking about both of them, I was sad at the loss of their physical presence in my life, although they live on in my heart, and my memories. I began to consider all the things they have passed on to me, from both of them, how to live an upright life, to love God, respect others,

how to love and care for each other, to be mindful of others, their needs etc, Good Christian values which continue to guide my life now. My Mum taught me how to knit, sew, crochet, how to cook and look after myself, we shared a love of singing, especially in church choirs. My Dad taught me how to sole and heel shoes, how to paint and draw, he was Irish and came from Wexford, he used to tap dance on the linoleum in our living room, and play the

Grant that what we sing with our lips we may believe in our hearts

All of this month’s organ music was written by English composers. The blind composer, John Stanley, is represented with the sprightly voluntary, which although in a minor key has a lively feel to it. The Songs of Praise theme is not the current one but the original melody which ran for over ten years. Remembrance Sunday includes the emotional Nimrod and famous Crown Imperial which has been used at several royal weddings and is very militaristic in character. Finally we end with the more modern English composers; Howells and Murrill. Howells is far more ‘adventurous’ with his harmonies than most were during the period, and Herbert Murrill’s Carillon is a modern take on the original carillons whereby a set of bells was played via the organ console.

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piano accordian, as my little sister and I used to march around to " My name is Macnamara I am the leader of the band" . we did not have very much of this world's goods, but we had so much love, joy and mad happy memories, my lasting one of them is of them waltzing around the room to the Anniversary Waltz, may they both rest in Everlasting Peace.

You might think that you don't matter in thus world, but because of you someone has a favourite mug to drink their tea out of that you bought them. Someone hears a song on the radio and it reminds them of you.

Someone has read a book you recommended to them and got lost in it's pages.

Someone has remembered a joke you told them and smiled to themselves on a bus.

Never think you don't have an impact .

Your fingerprints can't be wiped away from the little marks of kindness that you've left behind.

So until next month, continue to smile at a stranger, collect goodies for the food bank, hug your loved ones, and be thankful for all that you have.

God Bless, Shirley Fairclough.

Wedding in August

On the 5th August we welcomed the families and friends of Hannah and Dan for their wedding. The church was full with their families and friends, Hannah looked stunning in a very beautiful gown and dan a very handsome groom. The families wish to thank all the people involved in making Hannah and Dan’s wedding day such a memorable occasion.

A poem from the Editor

Does it Matter?

When you come home from work and the dishes aren`t done

And the laundry is still in the washing machine drum

Does it matter?

When the bedrooms are littered with clothes disarray

And the blue bag you left out has just blown away

Does it matter?

It`s half term and the kids` are having fun

Just as you did when the work was done, so

Does it matter?

Irene Davies

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Thank you everyone who sang “Happy Birthday” to me today

Also, for the lovely gifts and cards from my friends here at St. Nicholas.

I was quite touched by the many greetings I had already received today.

I later celebrated with my family which brought a close to a very happy day.

One of my best birthdays ever.


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If you would like to take part in the St. Nicholas’ Parish Giving Scheme, for regular giving, please see full details of the benefits at or talk to Janet or Ravi

Sunday Tea Rota for November

4th Nov – Tim & Glynis Johnston 11th Nov – Stephen & Rose Green 18th Nov – Brian Fairclough and Stephen Chantler 25th Nov – Grace & John Donnelly

OUR LOCAL FOODBANK - Can you help? In our area we have the Waterloo Foodbank, (part of the Trussel Trust charity) located in St. George’s Road, which helps families in need in the local area by providing food, toiletries small treats etc. Sadly, there is an increasing need for families to rely on this charity and in turn, the Foodbank relies almost entirely on donations from the public. Here at St. Nicholas’, we have adopted the Foodbank as our chosen charity for Harvest for the past few years and this has been a great success. For a long while, we have had a box at the back of church for donations. Please could you help by making regular donations, particularly items on the list of stock that is running low. *All food items should be in packaging of secure and good condition. Please be practical (not peaches in brandy, pickled artichokes etc) and should be within the 3 - 6months of expiry date. The baked beans and soup mountain is still growing, so hold off on these items please. There is also an increasing need for toiletries such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, sanitary products, soap, deodorant etc. It’s always nice to offer just a simple bar of chocolate as a small treat. In addition to this, animals are in need too. For some people, their pet is the only family member they have, so pet food is always in demand too.

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Foodbank cont… Please look out for:

A more prominent donation station at back of church

Regular updates from the Foodbank

A list of the ‘in real need of’ … items

One off donation appeals, such as the recent stationery appeal. Thanks to your generosity, a great number of children have been able to start back at school term stocked with a full pencil case.

Thank you in advance OUR CHOIRS:

Do you have a singing voice? Come and join one of the choirs and raise your voice. Tenors and basses particularly welcome. Both choirs are non-audition and all are welcome. Why not join us and bring a friend?

St Nicholas’ Church Choir:

Email: [email protected]

The church choir sings every Sunday at the 10.30am service

Rehearsal every Thursday 6.30pm - 7.30pm for Youth Choir

Rehearsal every Thursday 7.15pm - 8.30pm for Adult Choir

The St. Nicholas’ Singers - Community Choir:

The community choir sing at special services to augment the church choir and also perform concerts at local churches and other venues. Email [email protected]

Rehearsal every Wednesday 7.30pm - 9.00pm in the church hall.

@stnicholassingersblundellsands HAVE YOU LIKED OUR SINGERS FB PAGE?

@stnicholaschurchblundellsands HAVE YOU LIKED OUR CHURCH FB PAGE?

Page 18: St. Nicholas Church News...2018/11/11  · St. Nicholas’ School Head Rebecca Woods 924 1204 Website Administrator Joyce Batey 929 3031 Facebook Admin stnicspa@


Church Groups

Junior Sparks Sparks Plus

Ravi [email protected]

07958 783684

JUICE (Join Us In Christ’s Environment)

Helen Pennington [email protected]

07963 000053

3F4U Julie Dray [email protected]

924 4073

The Bridge Youth Club Nikki and Colin Wilson [email protected]

286 7911

Card Making Class Jan Warren [email protected]


Flower Team Co-ordinator Laura Gear 07748 597571

Men’s Working Party Steve Bailey Stephen Green

924 4416 476 9885

Hall User Groups’ Contacts

Apple of my Eye Children`s cookery Michaela Wright 07984 153798

Weight Watchers: Carol Cleland 07496 036910

Adventure Babies Catherine 07837 69981

WEA French class Paul Thompson 243 5340

Greek School Demetra Gavriel 07805972846

Baby Sensory Katie Rose-Vickers 07414673251

Friday Fun for Tots Playgroup Jenny Campbell 07815947950

Baby Ballet Jennifer Berrett 07980521267

NCT playgroup Anna Smith 07974 227740

Jets Linzi 07815 431332

Caterpillar Music Emma Gerrard 07884 073049

Constituency Surgeries Cllr Dan Lewis 07731 721637

Uniformed Groups

Rainbows Liz Sinker 476 4211 07796 628901

Brownies Gemma Silcock-Stevenson [email protected]

Guides Lindsay Martin [email protected]

07534 958925

Beaver Scouts Andy Davidson [email protected]

07900 582094

Cub Scouts Andy Davidson [email protected]

07900 582094

Any News?

Articles can be posted to the editor at the address below, emailed to: [email protected] or posted into the box at the back of church. Please note – deadline for article: 3rd Sunday of the month preceding publication.

Editor: Irene Davies, 17 Holden Road, Brighton-le-Sands, L22

Editor: Diane Turner (November edition) [email protected]

Page 19: St. Nicholas Church News...2018/11/11  · St. Nicholas’ School Head Rebecca Woods 924 1204 Website Administrator Joyce Batey 929 3031 Facebook Admin stnicspa@



Contact: Liz Sinker, Hall Bookings

Administrator 0151 476 4211 or 07796628901

Main hall: This hall seats over 100 people and

includes stage area Small Hall: Seats up to 40 people

This Advertising space is

available for businesses in the

Blundellsands locality!

Do you know someone who might like to advertise their business, or has a business next to yours?

Contact Editor to have your Ad included each month for a small

annual charge of £20 per year for 10 copies

Slimming World

Here at St. Nicholas’ Primary school Nicholas Road, Blundellsands

Every Saturday at 8.30am And 10.30am

Do you want to lose weight without ever feeling hungry?

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Phone Vicki on 07909 614123

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Page 20: St. Nicholas Church News...2018/11/11  · St. Nicholas’ School Head Rebecca Woods 924 1204 Website Administrator Joyce Batey 929 3031 Facebook Admin stnicspa@


Remembrance Sunday

Television relays the programme

As thousands attend the Albert Hall,

Music plays and prayers are uttered

Waiting for the poppy fall.

Young men and boys of tender age,

We must remember what it cost

As they fought to save our country,

Some came home and some were lost.

Wars will always be amongst us

Death and darkness, dread and fear,

But one day this all will vanish

When the Prince of Peace is here.