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St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter

Apr 09, 2018



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  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    I N S I D E T H I SI S S U E :

    News Briefs:Day of danceRaising non-racist childrenTract rack

    Newsletter info


    Fr. Jon:The middle way




    Music SundaysBook club


    Youth groupSunday adult



    Childrens charter Membership,



    ECW,UTO thanksiMessages


    Milestones 9

    Lay ministryschedule




    Blood drivereport


    A B E A C O N O F

    C H R I S T S L O V E , S P I R I T - F E D ,

    S E R V I N G O T H E R S

    S T . M A R T I N S E P I S C O P A L C H U R C HMessages

    F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 1S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

    Fight the February blues

    and come to St.

    Martins Trivia Night

    and Silent Auction Fri-

    day, Feb. 18. Proceeds

    from the event will go

    toward Deacon Susan Naylors upcoming mission

    trip to Lui and to buy new tables for Park Hall.

    This years event gives you the chance to test your

    knowledge, win cash and door prizes and bid on

    fabulous silent auction items. Those items include

    vacation and golf getaways, Cardinals tickets, win-

    St. Martins hosts Trivia Night dow cleaning, cookie of the month club and bount

    ful themed baskets.

    Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the games begin at 7

    p.m. The evening is sponsored by the Hospitality

    Committee and will be co-hosted by Graham

    Fisher and Mike Kellogg.Tickets are $160 for a table of 8. Soda, queso dip

    and chips will be provided. To purchase tickets or

    for more information, call Leanne Lyle at

    (636) 532-0794.

    Understanding church membershipWhether youre new to St. Mar-

    tins, a teenager or a cradle Epis-

    copalian, you might want to con-

    sider becoming a member of our

    church in 2011. Here are some

    quick definitions and explana-

    tions of what membership

    means in our church:

    All baptized persons registered

    in the parish are officially

    members of St. Martins Epis-

    copal church.

    A communicant is a baptized

    member who has received com-

    munion at our church at least

    three times within the past year.

    A communicant in good

    standing is a communicant of

    this church who has been faithful

    in corporate worship, unless for

    good cause prevented, and has

    been faithful in working, praying

    and giving for the spread of the

    Kingdom of God.

    If you moved here from another

    Episcopal church or were con-

    firmed at another Episcopal

    church, you should request a

    Transfer of Membership . This

    is a formal request our office

    sends to that church, asking for

    your membership records. If you

    were a member of another de-

    nomination church, our office can

    send that church a letter, letting

    them know your spiritual care

    and membership is now with St


    Episcopal Church canons say th

    confirmation is expected, but

    not required, for church mem-

    bership. At St. Martins, we en-

    courage everyone to make that

    mature, public commitment to

    Christ. Continued on pa

    Inquirers and

    Confirmation ClassSundays, 4 - 6 p.m.Feb. 13 - April 10

    All new members, teens and any-one wanting to explore their faithand refresh their knowledge aboutthe Episcopal Church are welcome

    Please sign up in Park Hall

  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    P A G E 2

    News Briefs

    M E S S A G E S

    Day of Dance

    (Health Fair)

    St. Lukes Hospital invites the

    entire community to dance,

    celebrate their health and

    learn about cardio-

    vascular disease. St.

    Louis is one of 70

    cities participating in

    this national event.

    Our local day of

    dance will be held

    Saturday, Feb. 26

    from 8:30 a.m. till12:30 p.m. in the main ball-

    room of the Hilton Fronte-

    nac Hotel on Lindbergh Blvd.

    Bring your friends and family

    to dance, learn simple ways

    to stay healthy, enjoy music,

    and participate in health

    screenings. Visit with St.

    Luke's physicians and healtheducators as they provide

    health screenings and educa-


    Screenings available:

    Blood pressure

    Body mass index

    Bone density

    Pulmonary function

    Cholesterol and glucose (*Fee

    $15; fasting. By appointment.)

    HeartAware & other health risk


    Participants must reserve a

    space, and this popular event

    fills quickly. For more infor-

    mation or to register, call


    Raising Non-Racist

    Children: a workshop for

    parents and youth

    The Diocese of Missouri

    Commission on Dismantling

    Racism and the National Con-

    ference for Community and

    Justice invite you and your

    children to an interactive

    workshop on race issues that

    face todays youth and what

    parents can do to develop

    compassion, inclusion and a

    diverse worldview in their

    childrens lives. The workshop

    is open to children ages 12

    and up. Adults without chil-

    dren are also welcome. The

    event will be held at the Mis-

    souri History Museum Satur-

    day, Feb. 12 from 1:30 till

    4:30 p.m. Please call 314-361-

    9017 to register.

    Help Wanted:

    Tract Rack Manager

    After years of keeping our

    tract rack filled with educa-

    tional and spiritual publica-

    tions, The Rev. Virginia Noelwould like to pass along the

    duties of this ministry to an-

    other willing church member.

    If you would be interested in

    maintaining the rack for our

    parish, contact the church

    office. Please join us in thank-

    ing Virginia for her many years

    of service in this ministry!

    Newsletter Distribution

    In an effort to get our

    monthly newsletter to every-

    one in a timely fashion and be

    good stewards of our re-

    sources, you now have three

    options to receive your nextissue of Messages:

    Online: Go to our website


    and click on the newsletter

    link. Youll get a clear, color

    version of the newsletter to

    read on your computer.

    Well notify everyone with a

    link in i-messages when the

    newest issue is available. Let

    us know if you prefer this


    Pick up at church: Hard

    copies of the newsletter will

    be available in the Narthex

    the first week of each month.

    We will no longer put name

    and address labels on these

    copies - if you want one, take

    one. Let us know if you pre-

    fer this option.*

    Mail to your home: If you

    prefer to have the newsletter

    mailed to your home, we will

    continue this service. If we

    dont hear from you, we will

    keep you on the newsletter

    mailing list.

    *To let us know your prefer-

    ence, send a note to newslet-

    ter editor Janis Greenbaum

    in the church office at


    Be a Messagescontributor!

    Send articles, pictures,announcements andanything youd like

    published in the Marchissue of Messages to

    [email protected] February 16.
  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    The middle wayP A G E 3S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

    Each Wednesday, we

    celebrate the Eucharist

    during the noon lunch

    hour. The service isonly about 45 minutes

    so that anyone who

    needs to get some-

    where by 1 p.m. can do

    so with ease. The lit-

    urgy is abbreviated and

    usually follows the Book

    of Common Prayer ser-

    vice. The homily is short and is

    based on the daily saints life and

    ministry or the daily office scrip-

    tures, if there happens to be no

    saints name assigned to that day.

    The short biographical readings

    about the saints come from a

    collection from the Episcopal

    Church U.S.A. and around the

    Anglican Communion called

    Holy Women, Holy Men, Cele-brating the Saints. The service

    usually gathers about 20 folks and

    serves as a great way to recon-

    nect with God mid-week.

    One thing I

    have noticed

    lately is how

    many of thesaints were

    regular peo-

    ple. I used to

    lift them up to

    a status that

    was unreal,

    thinking they

    were all super-

    human. In reality, they were

    regular folks who participated in

    work made possible through

    Gods providence. It is tempting

    to think that their contributions

    were mostly due to their own

    maneuvering. However, what I

    have come to see is that their

    work was a result of day to day

    faithfulness to Gods will. They

    were not so much focused onblazing any trails as they were

    centered in Gods power to

    change their given situation over

    time. Yes, there were often dra-

    matic circumstances surrounding

    them, but upon closer examination

    of their choices, there was a pat-

    tern of consistency relying onGods will to direct their decisions

    during their life. There was no pie

    in the sky escapism for these

    saints. Rather, a steady stream of

    prayers and actions. Their beliefs

    were fashioned after their prayer

    life. They remained grounded and

    in the middle. Anxieties of the

    times did not become their an-

    chors. They were free.

    I wonder if God is still making

    saints who are faithful in the op-

    portunities afforded to ones daily

    life. I wonder if Jesus words from

    the gospel of John, I am the vine,

    you are the branches lets us

    know that it is precisely the life

    that abides in Gods goodness that

    finds everlasting freedom in whatis ours to claim and what is Gods.


    Fr. Jon

    Contact The Rev. Jon Hall at [email protected]

    Mary and Martha Guild enjoys travel storieThe Mary and Martha Guild willmeet Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 10:30

    a.m. in Park Hall. Our program will

    feature one of our well-traveled

    members, Maxine Heller. Maxine

    will share stories and pictures from

    her trip to Austria, Germany and Oberammergau

    with us.

    Bring a sack lunch. Dessert and beverages will beprovided.

    If youre new to St. Martins or interested in our

    program for mature, retired women, wed love to

    have you join us on Feb. 9.

    Join us formidday

    Holy Eucharist

    Every Wednesdayat Noon

  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    P A G E 4

    M E S S A G E S

    Its not often that one person volunteers, without

    being asked, to take on a huge project involvingchildren at church. But thats exactly what Ralph

    Trieschmann did by taking on the role of directorof our childrens Christmas pageant. I wanted

    to direct

    because Ihave a love

    for our

    church, our

    kids and


    Ralph said,

    and I get a

    sense of


    this satis-

    fied all three interests. It gives me a chance to give


    Ralph worked with Music Director Earl Naylor

    and Christian Formation Director Janis

    Greenbaum to plan the details of this joyous holi-

    day tradition. Each Saturday morning in Decem-

    ber, Ralph rehearsed with a group of about 15

    children, ages 3 to 13. His playful personality kept

    the children engaged and the production on

    schedule. Ralph let the children take the spotlight

    and created a memorable Christmas Eve service

    for our parish.

    It was utterly fulfilling, Ralph commented. It

    was fun to get to know the kids and other par-

    ents and

    to put my

    spin onthe



    Ralph and

    his wife


    have been


    at St. Mar-

    tins for

    about two

    years. They have two children, Abby and

    Walker, and live in Wildwood. Ralph works for

    Enterprise Holdings, doing marketing and part-

    nership development.

    When it comes to stewardship, Ralph says he

    strongly believes in giving time, talent and treas-

    ure. Being a part of a community, you cant just

    not participate, Ralph said. Im just drawn in bythe energy and efforts of others - not simply to

    be a witness, but a participant.

    Stewardship spotlight

    Scripture tells us that blessings shared, multiply and multiply and multiply.If you have a story youd like to share, please contact a member of our

    new year-round Stewardship Committee: Jeff & Jane Klieve (co-chairs), Murrell Cunningham, Mary Drastal and Janis Greenbaum.

    Would you like toknow more about


    Join us for our next meeting Wed., Feb. 9

    at 7 p.m.

    Christian stewardship is the grateful and responsible use of God's gifts in the light of God's purpose as revealed in Jesus Christ.Christian stewards, empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit themselves toconscious, purposeful decisions.

    Each month, St. Martins stewardship committee will share an example of good stewardship. This months spotlight is on Ralph Trieschmann.

  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    P A G E 5S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

    personnel, including Admiral Mike

    Mullen, and the warm reception his

    work has found among the officer

    corps. The careful line CAI threadsbetween former mujahideen com-

    manders, ex-Taliban and village eld-

    ers, and the American soldiers sta-

    tioned in their midst is poetic in its

    political complexity and compassion-

    ate consideration. Using schools not

    bombs to promote peace is a goal

    that even the most hard-hearted can

    admire, but to blandly call this book

    inspiring would be dismissive of all the hard work

    that has gone into the mission in Afghanistan as

    well as the efforts to fund it. Mortenson writes of

    nothing less than saving the future, and his adven-

    ture is light years beyond most attempts. Morten-

    son did not reach the summit of K2, but oh, the

    heights he has achieved.

    --Colleen Mondor

    St. Martin's Book Club meets on the

    fourth Tuesday of each month from

    7 to 8:30 p.m. in Packwood Library.

    Newcomers are always welcome.February 22 - Stones into

    Schools: Promoting Peace with

    Education in Afghanistan and

    Pakistan by Greg Mortenson

    Review from Booklist:

    Mortensons best -seller, Three Cups

    of Tea (2009), introduced his com-

    mitment to peace through education

    and became a book-club phenome-non. He now continues the story of how the Central

    Asia Institute (CAI) built schools in northern Afghani-

    stan. Descriptions of the harsh geography and more

    than one near-death experience impress readers as

    new faces join Mortensons loyal Dirty Dozen as

    they carefully plot a course of school-building through

    the Badakshan province and Wakhan corridor. Mort-

    enson also shares his friendships with U.S. military

    Music Sundays for childrenMusic is a vital part of our worship

    services at St. Martins and we want

    to give all ages the opportunity to


    Children in preschool through 5th

    grade are invited to join us for

    four special music Sundays this

    spring. We will rehearse from 9 till

    10 a.m.

    (during the


    school hour)

    in the under-

    croft music

    room and

    perform at

    the beginning

    of the 10:15worship service. All students are

    welcome to have fun singing and

    learning about music

    and worship in our


    Although these classes

    are designed foryounger students, I

    would be happy to

    work with and feature

    middle and high school

    students in separate musical per-

    formances during our services.

    Earl Naylor

    Peace and education featured in book club

    Contact Music Director Earl Naylor [email protected]

    Music Sundays

    9 - 10 a.m.Undercroft Music RoomPre-K through 5th Grade

    Feb. 27

    March 27April 17

    (for Easter performance)

    May 15

  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    P A G E 6

    M E S S A G E S

    hosting a lock-in at Holy Communion Episco-

    pal Church in University City. The fun begins

    at 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25 and ends at 9 a.m.

    Saturday, Feb. 26.

    Please sign up for these events in Park Hall,

    on our Facebook page or contact a youth

    group leader:

    Heidi Gioia: [email protected]

    Mike Kellogg:[email protected]

    Ashleigh Kellogg:[email protected]

    Youth group meeting

    All middle and high school students are invited

    to our next youth group meeting Sunday, Feb.

    20 at 7 p.m. in the youth room. Well discuss

    stereotypes, play a few games and enjoy

    yummy snacks. Invite your friends and join us!

    Youth group lock-ins planned

    Sunday adult class offerings for FebrFeb. 6:Rectors Forum

    Park Hall

    The Rev. Jon Hall kicks off

    our adult Christian forma-

    tion programming in Febru-

    ary with a Rectors Forum.

    Join us in Park Hall Sunday,

    Feb. 6 from 9 till 10 a.m. as

    Fr. Hall discusses currentissues at church and an-

    swers your questions.

    Feb. 13, 20, 27

    Tract One: Living Islam

    Upper Laird

    Dive into the rich tradition

    and cultural fabric of Islam,

    including what it means to

    be a Muslim in Modern

    America. These classes will

    use interviews featured in

    American Public Radios

    Speaking of Faith with Krista

    Tippett program. This re-

    source invites participants to

    dialogue with Krista and her

    guests as they explore issues

    of faith, ethics and meanings. Join us for three consecutive

    Sundays in February from 9

    to 10 a.m. in the Upper Laird

    as we explore one of the

    largest religions in the world.

    Feb. 13, 20, 27

    Tract Two: Elderly Care

    Park Hall

    We had an overwhelming

    turnout for our January class

    focusing on elderly care. So

    the adult Christian formation

    committee is working with the

    Stephen Ministry leaders to

    put together more classes

    focusing on specific topics

    related to the issues of elderly

    care. We will be bringing in

    more experts to offer con-

    crete resources and more

    chances to discuss concerns

    and share advice.

    Middle School Lock-in:

    Feb. 4 at St. Martins

    Bring your pillows, your jammies and get ready

    for an all-night party for middle school students

    only! St. Martins Youth Group will have a middle

    school lock-in beginning Friday, Feb. 4 at 8 p.m.

    and ending Saturday, Feb. 5 at 9 a.m. Well be

    playing our version of some of your favorite TV

    game and reality shows, like The Amazing Race,

    Iron Chef, Minute to Win It and Jeopardy. Invite

    your friends and meet us at church for an all-

    nighter designed just for you!

    High School Lock-in:

    Feb. 25 at Holy Communion EpiscopalChurch

    This is your chance to stay up all night, meet lots

    of new kids from around the area and have a

    great time. The Diocesan Youth Commission is

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    Living up to the Childrens Charter P A G E 7S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

    Then Jesus took thechildren in his arms,placed his hands oneach of them and

    blessed them. Mark10:16When my daughterwas about 3-years old,she began asking melots of questions aboutangels, death andheaven. I knew I needed somesupport from above. Like me,many people come to church as

    adults because we want to giveour children a place to exploretheir questions about faith andlearn about Gods love.

    Children are innately spiritual, cu-rious, open and accepting. Theyre

    forming their own beliefs aboutGod, whether or not theyre at-

    tending church. When we provideopportunities for children to ex-

    plore their faith, we help shapetheir lives and, in turn, they cantransform our church.The Childrens Charter of the

    Episcopal Church calls us to re-

    ceive, nurture and treas-ure each child as a giftfrom God. That seems likea pretty simple idea, but it

    isnt always so simple tocarry out. At St. Martins,

    we want to engage chil-dren of all ages in the lifeof our church. We offerSunday school classes, chil-drens worship. youth

    group activities, confirmationclasses and vacation Bible school.But it doesnt all happen within

    our church walls. I challenge youto think of ways you can make adifference in your childs (or

    grandchilds or neighbors or

    friends) faith life. Here are a

    few suggestions:- bring a child to a St. Mar-tins program (make it a

    habit!);- give a child a Bible or a

    book of prayers;- talk to a child about yourfaith life;- serve in a childrens minis-try;

    - ask a child how his/her day was;- pray for the children in your life,in our church and around theworld.

    Have you noticed all the beautifulchildren running the halls of St.Martins on Sunday mornings?

    They are truly a blessing. I hopewe can work together as partnersto receive, nurture and treasureeach one in the year ahead.Faithfully yours,

    JanisRead the complete Childrens

    Charter online



    Contact ChristianFormation Director

    Janis Greenbaum at [email protected]

    Understanding church membershipContinued from page 1

    We offer inquirers and confirmation classes to guide

    you through a spiritual process to decide whether or

    not you want to make that commitment. Our next

    class begins Sunday, Feb. 13 and is open to all teens

    and adults.

    After completing this class, youre eligible to be con-

    firmed, received or reaffirmed in the Episcopal

    Church. Confirmation is for anyone who is bap-

    tized, but never confirmed; or confirmed in a non-

    apostolic (Baptist, Methodist, etc.) denomination.

    Reception is for anyone who is baptized and previ-

    ously confirmed in another apostolic church (Roman

    Catholic or ELCA). Reaffirmation is for anyone

    who is baptized and previously confirmed in the Epis-

    copal Church.

    Confused? Come to our inquirers and confirmation

    class this winter and spring. The experience will help

    you understand and give you a real feeling of

    belonging at St. Martins.

    Mary Edmonson has fun decorating gingerbread men with the kidsat Decembers Advent Event.

  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    Milestones at St. Martins P A G E 9S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G


    Feb. 1 - Sue Buffa- Barb Warrington

    Feb. 2 - Maggi BrunkhorstFeb. 4 - Jan Waters

    - Dory MenaFeb. 5 - Al Gioia

    - Jasmin ChanFeb. 6 - Jeff Dockweiler Feb. 7 - Gina DenardiFeb. 8 - Ray HarbertFeb. 10 - Darrick Griggs

    - Patrick Manternach- Nathaniel Manter-

    nachFeb. 11 - Allyn BeardsellFeb. 12 - Graham Fisher

    - Mary Drastal- Jennifer Smith- Jack Clark

    Feb. 13 - Lynn Frerichs- Michelle Kraus- Luke Voit- Evan Fencl

    D E AT H S

    Miriam Kazelis - Jan. 11

    Ed Laughlin - Jan. 16

    Clyde Williamson - Jan. 17

    B A P T I S M

    Gwendolyn Sierra Miraflores - Dec. 26Parents: Susan and Ramon Miraflores

    Greetings to you from the Diocese of Lui in

    the wonderful name of our Savior Jesus Christ.

    We hope that you are all fine and doing well.

    We in the Diocese of

    Lui are very thankful to

    you for your prayersand financial support

    for us during the criti-

    cal time we went

    through December last

    year. We are thankful to you because you

    stood with us during the time of illness of our

    Diocesan Bishop and your support helped us

    to meet all the hospital bills and also enabled

    us to bring Bishop Bullen's body back home in


    In fact, we do not know how to thank you

    because we do not have all the words that can

    express how we feel about your support, it is

    beyond what can be said in words. Thank you

    so much for being our partner during the

    happy times as well as bad times.

    We are thankful to you and to God for making

    it possible for you to support us, your love and

    kindness will never be forgotten by the Dio-cese of Lui.

    Thank you so much for everything.

    God Bless You.

    In Christ,

    The Rev. Stephen Dokolo

    Secretary, Diocese of Lui

    Episcopal Church of Sudan

    A note from the Diocese of Luito the people of Missouri

    Deacon Susan Naylor and Fr. Jon Hall welcome the newest addition to theMiraflores family to St. Martins.

    Feb. 14 - Virginia NoelFeb. 14 - Ben Warren

    Feb. 16 - Maxine Heller Feb. 17 - Susan Miraflores

    - Brian Kidd- Sean Duddy

    Feb. 19 - Jack Coon- Rina Chittooran- Jeff Johnson

    Feb. 20 - Michelle Trieschmann- Piper Little

    Feb. 21 - Tom Baumer Feb. 22 - Robert Duddy

    - Sara Fiebiger Feb. 24 - Sheridan Clark - Tanya Denardi

    Feb. 25 - Carolyn SternFeb. 26 - Steve YoungFeb. 27 - Julia Lockhart

    - Jane Anne Batjer Feb. 28 - Debbie Glazer

    - Matthew Lenz

  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    P A G E 1 0 Lay Ministries Schedule for FebruaF E B R U A RY 6

    8 a.m.Lector: Bob ElspermanChalice Bearer: DArcy Elsperman Ushers : Jim & Bette CrabtreeGreeter: Elin Cogan-Adewunmi

    10:15 a.m.1st Lesson : Maxine Heller 2nd Lesson : Judi BatchPrayer Leader : Chuck BatchUshers : Jeff Nordeen, Mark Edwards,

    Joe & Lana BiondoHealing Ministers: Diana Hauser, Leanne LyleChalice Bearers : Judi & Chuck BatchAcolytes : Grace Gerretsen, Ellie Ecker, Lindsey Pe-tersGreeters : Carole GerretsenChildrens Worship Leader : Julie Clark CW Assistants : Will Gerretsen, Mackenzie MorrisonNursery : Jody Mena, Alice McLaughlin

    F E B R U A RY 1 3

    8 a.m.Lector: Jeanne KingChalice Bearer: Lou Voit

    Ushers : Rich & Honor HebenstreitEucharistic Visitor:

    10:15 a.m.1st Lesson : Rina Chittooran2nd Lesson : Tom AllenPrayer Leader : Bob BuehlerUshers : Sarah Aleman, Tom & Sandy Baranowski,

    Chuck BatchHealing Ministers : Judi Batch, Barb McCannChalice Bearers : Tom Allen, Bob Buehler

    Acolytes : Matt Greenbaum, Mackenzie Morrison,Abby Trieschmann

    Greeters : Mopsi & Jack HanleyChildrens Worship Leader : Teresa ReevesCW Assistants : Kiki Cogan, Mike PetersNursery : Jody Mena, Alice McLaughlinEucharistic Visitors: Ray Harbert, Diana Hauser

    F E B R U A RY 2 0

    8 a.m.Lector & Chalice Bearer : Jim CrabtreeUshers : Bob & Ginny MarchettoGreeter: Elin Cogan-AdewunmiEucharistic Visitor: Mary Richardson

    10:15 a.m.1st Lesson : Doug Edmonson2nd Lesson : Murrell CunninghamPrayer Leader : Mary EdmonsonUshers : Barbara Bartelsmeyer, Rich Brown,

    Larry Cornelius, Mary Jane Drake Healing Ministers : Bev Weaver, Diana HauserChalice Bearers : Murrell Cunningham,

    Mary EdmonsonAcolytes : Lindsey Peters, Grace Gerretsen,

    Mackenzie MorrisonGreeters: Renee & Tim JerryChildrens Worship Leader : Kathy WillisCW Assistants : Matt Greenbaum, Gina GarboNursery : Jody Mena, Alice McLaughlin

    F E B R U A RY 2 7

    8 a.m.Lector & Chalice Bearer: Loretta Go

    Ushers: Bob & Jan Waters

    10:15 a.m.1st Lesson: Ray Harbert2nd Lesson: Kurt GreenbaumPrayer Leader: Janis GreenbaumUshers: Jean DuPont, Bob Pomeroy, Rich Eidson,

    Steve GilliesHealing Ministers: Mary Pomeroy, Leanne LyleChalice Bearers: Kurt & Janis GreenbaumAcolytes: Evan Fencl, Abby Trieschmann,

    Ellie EckerGreeters: Ashleigh & Mike KelloggChildrens Worship Leader: Terri GarboCW Assistants: Grace Gerretsen,

    Mackenzie MorrisonNursery: Jody Mena, Alice McLaughlinEucharistic Visitors: Phyllis Duff, Nancy Young

    If you cannot serve your on an assigned date, please get a substitute and notify the church of the change (636-227-1484).If you have any special scheduling needs please contact:Readers, Chalice Bearers, Ushers : Ruby Downs, 636-458-5033 / [email protected];Acolytes : Bob Ecker, 636-230-7302 / [email protected];Greeters : Mary K Heyde, 636-532-9345 / [email protected].;

    Childrens Worship & Nursery : Janis Greenbaum, 314-651-1843 / [email protected].

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G P A G E 1 1

    S u n


    o n

    T u e

    W e d

    T h u

    F r i

    S a t

    A l l p r o g r a m s l i s t e d m e e t a t

    S t . M a r t i n s E p i s c o p a l

    C h u r c h , u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e

    n o t e d *

    1 9 : 3 0 a m - E

    C W

    B o o

    k C l u b

    1 0 a m - W o m e n

    s B i b l e

    S t u d y *

    7 p m - E v a n g e l

    i s m

    C m

    t e .

    2 N o o n - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    6 : 3 0 - B e l

    l C h o i r

    3 6 : 3 0 a m - M e n s

    B i b l e S t u d y

    9 a m - M o r n i n g

    P r a y e r


    1 0 a m - B e g

    i n n e r s

    B i b l e S t u d y

    7 p m - C

    h o i r

    4 O f f i c e C l o s e d

    8 p m - M

    i d d l e

    S c h o o l

    L o c k - i n


    6 8 a m - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    9 a m - C

    h r i s t i a n

    F o r m a t

    i o n

    1 0 : 1

    5 a m - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    7 1 0 : 3 0 a m - B

    i b l e S t u d y

    1 : 1 5 p m -

    S t a f

    f m t g


    8 9 : 3 0 a m - E

    C W

    B o o

    k C l u b

    1 0 a m - W o m e n

    s B i b l e

    S t u d y *

    7 : 1 5 p m - L e g a c y

    C m

    t e .

    9 1 0 : 3 0 a m - M a r y

    & M a r

    t h a

    N o o n - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    6 : 3 0 - B e l

    l C h o i r

    7 p m - E

    C W

    m t g


    7 p m - S

    t e w a r

    d s h i p

    C m

    t e .

    1 0 6 : 3 0 a m - M e n s

    B i b l e S t u d y

    9 a m - M o r n i n g

    P r a y e r


    1 0 a m - B e g

    i n n e r s

    B i b l e S t u d y

    7 p m - C

    h o i r

    7 p m - S

    t e p h e n

    M i n i s t r y

    1 1 O f f i c e C l o s e d

    1 2

    9 a m - M e n

    s G r o u p

    B r e a k

    f a s t

    9 : 3

    0 a . m . -

    V e s

    t r y

    R e t r e a t

    ( a t S t . T i m o t

    h y s )

    1 3 F o o d P a n t r y S u n d a y

    8 a m - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    9 a m - C

    h r i s t i a n

    F o r m a t

    i o n

    1 0 : 1

    5 a m - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    4 p m - C o n

    f i r m a t

    i o n

    C l a s s

    1 4 1 0 : 3 0 a m - B

    i b l e S t u d y

    1 : 1 5 p m -

    S t a f

    f m t g


    7 p m - O u

    t r e a c h

    C m

    t e .

    1 5 9 : 3 0 a m - E

    C W

    B o o

    k C l u b

    1 0 a m - W o m e n

    s B i b l e

    S t u d y *

    7 p m - H o s p i

    t a l i t y

    C m

    t e .

    1 6 N o o n - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    6 p m - F

    i n a n c e

    C m

    t e .

    M a r c h N e w s l e t t e r D e a d l i n e

    1 7 6 : 3 0 a m - M e n s

    B i b l e S t u d y

    9 a m - M o r n i n g

    P r a y e r


    1 0 a m - B e g

    i n n e r s

    B i b l e S t u d y

    7 p m - C

    h o i r

    1 8 O f f i c e C l o s e d

    7 p m - T r i v i a

    N i g h t

    1 9

    2 0 P r i e s t s D i s c . F u n d

    8 a m - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    9 a m - C

    h r i s t i a n

    F o r m a t

    i o n

    1 0 : 1

    5 a m - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    4 p m - C o n

    f i r m a t

    i o n

    C l a s s

    7 p m - Y o u

    t h G r o u p

    2 1 1 0 : 3 0 a m - B

    i b l e S t u d y

    1 : 1 5 p m -

    S t a f

    f m t g


    5 : 3 0 p m -

    E x e c u

    t i v e

    C m

    t e .

    2 2 9 : 3 0 a m - E

    C W

    B o o

    k C l u b

    1 0 a m - W o m e n

    s B i b l e S t u d y *

    N o o n - D

    i o c e s a n

    S t a n

    d i n g

    C m

    t e .

    7 p m - B o o

    k C l u b

    2 3 N o o n - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    6 : 3 0 - B e l

    l C h o i r

    2 4 6 : 3 0 a m - M e n s

    B i b l e S t u d y

    9 a m - M o r n i n g

    P r a y e r


    1 0 a m - B e g

    i n n e r s

    B i b l e S t u d y

    1 1 : 3

    0 a m - L u n c

    h B u n c


    7 p m - C

    h o i r

    7 p m - F a c

    i l i t i e s C m

    t e .

    2 5 O f f i c e C l o s e d

    6 p m - H

    i g h S c h o o l

    L o c k - i n

    ( a t H o l y

    C o m m u n

    i o n ) 2


    2 7 8 a m - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    9 a m - C

    h r i s t i a n

    F o r m a t

    i o n

    M u s

    i c S u n d a y

    1 0 : 1

    5 a m - H o l y

    E u c h a r

    i s t

    4 p m - C o n

    f i r m a t

    i o n

    C l a s s

    2 8 1 0 : 3 0 a m - B

    i b l e S t u d y

    1 : 1 5 p m -

    S t a f

    f m t g


    6 p m - V e s t r y m

    t g .

    * T u e s d a y W o m e n s B i b l e

    S t u d y m e e t s a t t h e h o m e o f

    T h e R e v . V

    i r g i n i a N o e l ,

    1 5 8 2 6 C l a y t o n R d . ,

    A p t . 1 3 1

    * T h u r s d a y M o r n i n g

    P r a y e r m e e t s a t t h e h o m e

    o f C o l l e e n H a l l ,

    1 6 6 4 4 G r e e n P i n e s D r i v e ,

    W i l d w o o d

    F e

    b r u a r y

    2 0 1 1

  • 8/7/2019 St. Martin's February 2011 newsletter


    15764 Clayton RoadEllisville, Mo., 63011-2330RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

    Phone: 636-227-1484E-mail: [email protected]

    St. Martins Episcopal Church

    W O R S H I P S C H E D U L E

    S U N D A Y M O R N I N G S

    8 a.m. - Holy Eucharist I

    9 a.m. - Christian Formation

    10:15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist II

    W E D N E S D A Y S

    Noon - Holy Eucharist II




    Blood drive reportfrom DArcy Elsperman

    Thank you to all who participated by donating blood in

    the St. Martins blood drive held January 13. The event

    was run very efficiently by the American Red Cross

    with the help of our volunteers: Phyllis Duff, Linda Hu-

    heey, Bev Kinkade, Jeanne King, and Jennifer Necker-mann, who was chairman for the day.

    32 productive units were collected. The majority of

    donors were members of St. Martins, but a few people

    saw the signs posted outside and also donated. Thank

    you to all who gave the gift of life with your donation of

    blood. The Red Cross will be calling St. Martins again

    to hold another drive.