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St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

May 27, 2020



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Page 1: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

April 15, 2018

St. Bernadette

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16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

St. Bernadette

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October 27, 2019

16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

Page 2: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249


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Director of Religious Educa�on……….………....Melissa Graziano



Faith Forma�on Facilitator…………..………...………..Diane Flitcro�


Accoun�ng Managers……......Paula LoPres� & Helen Romano

Facili�es Manager…….………….…..……..…Deacon Frank Nevarez

Facili�es Supervisor…………………..…………..………...Le�cia Garcia

Facili�es Team………………....…Rosa Alvarado, Thomas Nevarez,

………………...…….......Bertha Or�z, Reyes Perez & Ruth Zamora



Ministry Services Facilitator…………………...…………Diane Flitcro�





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Call the Parish Office 480-905-0221


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We exist as a Eucharis�c community�

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16235 N. 60th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0939 Fax: 480-905-0955


Office Hours:

Monday—Friday 7 AM to 3:30 PM

Page 3: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249


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All Saints vs. Halloween

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The way our culture currently recognizes Halloween is more than scary… it is wrong. Let me

attempt to clarify a few things. This week we will celebrate the Feast of All Saints, which is

celebrated every November 1st. This celebration dates back to the fourth century. It was

originally called the Feast of All Martyrs and it was celebrated on May 13th. The words “martyr”

and “saint” originally meant basically the same thing — someone who is a witness to Christ even

unto death.

The early Christians usually placed the body of the martyr, someone who had been killed for the faith, in a tomb that was

easily accessible. Then on the anniversary of that martyr’s death, the faithful would come and pray and celebrate the Eucha-

rist on or near the tomb of this Christian hero or heroine. That is why many altars have a relic of a saint located in the altar.

Eventually, these celebrations were held in local churches to commemorate not just one martyr, but all who had given their

lives for the faith. By the fifth century, this feast of “All Saints” was held on the Friday of Easter week.

In the ninth century, Pope Gregory the IV changed the date to November 1st. In 1484 Pope Sixtus IV established November

1st as a holy day of obligation. Those Christians who endured torture for the faith, but did not die, were treated with great

respect. Therefore, their local church honored those who led heroic and faithful lives as saints after their deaths.

SO, what is Halloween? It is the vigil for the Feast of All Saints. It is also known as “All Hallow’s Eve.” The word

“Hallowed” means holy (as in “hallowed be Thy name”). The abbreviated name for evening became “e’en” and this is

where we get the name “Halloween.” The day before All Saints is called Halloween even in the secular world. The name is

Christian. Halloween means the eve of All Hallows, the eve of All Saints.

Halloween, as a pagan event, does date back to the time before Christianity. It was a pagan Celtic feast. The pagans believed

that after sunset on Samhain, which we now called Halloween, the spirits of the dead and evil spirits roamed the skies seek-

ing to harm humans, especially if the dead had been harmed by them. To protect themselves people disguised themselves by

dressing up in costumes and carried lights inside turnips.

The Church, in her desire to always stamp out evil, has turned this pagan feast into a Christian feast by moving All Saints to

November 1st, to coincide with the pagan celebration. Children have fun on Halloween now and it is OK but it would be a

tragedy if children did not know the Christian feast at this time, the feast of All Saints. So if your children are celebrating

Halloween and know nothing about All Saints, please explain All Saints to them.

We are Christians, so let us not celebrate as pagans. Let us celebrate the Feast of All Saints. Rather than concentrating on

witches, ghosts, and goblins, let us think on those who have gone before us, having persevered in holiness and faithfulness,

setting before us the way of salvation for our souls. This is a time to celebrate their lives and give our children real heroes

and heroines that they can look up to and pattern their lives after.

God Bless,

Fr. Don Kline, V.F.

Page 4: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249





“Be Not Afraid, I Go Before You Always.”

5:00 PM

8:00 AM

10:00 AM

5:00 PM


8:30 AM

6:30 AM

8:30 AM

6:30 AM

8:30 AM

6:30 AM

8:30 AM

6:00 PM

6:30 AM

8:30 AM

6:30 AM

8:30 AM

5:00 PM

8:00 AM

10:00 AM

5:00 PM

�Richard Toerne, Sr.

�Henry Connors

St. Bernadette

Sydnie Dilema

Maricel & Jesus Celis & Family

Our Lady of Good Success

Meghan Cunningham

�Kathleen White

Eileen R. Crerand

�Stanley Jakubrzyk

Our Lady of Good Success

Kari & Marcus Bryant

Tony Hoogervorst

Robert Oswald

�Catalina & Conception Pestano

Bill Wogan

�Deceased Legionairies

Mary E. Paolone

�Alfred Homiski, Sr.

St. Bernadette

Saturday, October 26

Sunday, October 27

Monday, October 28

Tuesday, October 29

Wednesday, October 30

Thursday, October 31

Friday, November 1

Saturday, November 2

Sunday, November 3






diocesan pastoral center

400 E. Monroe, Phoenix az 85004

Saturday, November 9, 2019,


The seminar will explain the annulment process

and answer any questions. information will be

available in both English and Spanish.

Call the tribunal for more

Information 602-354-2275

Saturday, November 2nd

Join Deacon Frank and our

Parish Legion of Mary in praying

A Rosary for the USA

The Rosary is prayed the first Saturday

of each month,

following the morning Mass.

Blessed is She is a Catholic women’s community

committed to deepening a life of prayer starting with

daily Scripture devotionals and supportive sisterhood.

We begin with the Word of God and grow as sisters as

we share our hearts. We believe in beauty pointing

toward the Divine, and we strive to live a Eucharistic


Next Gathering—Tuesday, November 5th at 7:00 PM in

the Chapel area of the parish hall.

Contact Melissa Graziano in the Parish Office

for more information.

Harvest Fest – Thank You

Thank you to our entire community for helping make this year’s

Harvest Fest such a wonderful, fun, and well attended event. We

would like to especially thank our Harvest Fest Chairs, our

maintenance team, and our countless volunteers. We appreciate

your big hearts and helping hands!

Veterans Day Veterans Day is a special celebration both across

the country and here at St. John XXIII. St. John

will be hosting a special Morning Prayer and Flag

Ceremony on Monday, November 11th at 8:30

a.m. If you are a current service member or

veteran, we invite you to join us on campus for this event. Please

email [email protected] with your name and contact info

so we may share more detailed information with you. We look

forward to having our veterans and their families join us on campus

for a morning dedicated to showing our appreciation and respect.

Open House

Is your child ready for kindergarten? Have you been thinking of

making a change to a new school? Do you know someone who

you think would be a good fit within Catholic education? Then

please join us for our annual Open House. Come see the gifts and

blessings available through a Catholic education at St. John XXIII

Catholic School. Meet our administrators and teachers, tour the

campus and experience what makes our school so exceptional!

WHEN: Saturday, November 9th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

FOR: Parents and prospective students grades K-8

CONTACT and RSVP: (480)905-0939

Page 5: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249



"God, be merciful to me a sinner!"

God hears the prayer of the humble

Jesus reinforced this warning with a vivid story of two people at prayer.

Why did the Lord accept one person's prayer

and reject the other's prayer? Luke gives us

a hint: despising one's neighbor closes the

door to God's heart. Expressing disdain and

contempt for others is more than being mean

-minded. It springs from the assumption that

one is qualified to sit in the seat of judgment

and to publicly shame those who do not conform to our standards and

religious practices. Jesus' story caused offense to the religious-minded

Pharisees who regarded "tax collectors" as unworthy of God's grace

and favor. How could Jesus put down a "religious person" and raise up

a "public sinner"?

Jesus' parable speaks about the nature of prayer and our relationship

with God. It does this by contrasting two very different attitudes

towards prayer. The Pharisee, who represented those who take pride

in their religious practices, exalted himself at the expense of others.

Absorbed with his own sense of self-satisfaction and self-

congratulation, his boastful prayer was centered on his good religious

practices rather than on God's goodness, grace, and pardon. Rather

than humbling himself before God and asking for God's mercy and

help, this man praised himself while despising those he thought less

worthy. The Pharisee tried to justify himself before God and before

those he despised; but only God can justify us. The tax collector, who

represented those despised by religious-minded people, humbled

himself before God and begged for mercy. His prayer was heard by

God because he had true sorrow for his sins. He sought God with

humility rather than with pride.

The humble recognize their need for God's mercy and help

This parable presents both an opportunity and a warning. Pride leads

to self-deception and spiritual blindness. True humility helps us to see

ourselves as we really are in God's eyes and it inclines us to seek

God's help and mercy. God dwells with the humble of heart who

recognize their own sinfulness and who acknowledge God's mercy

and saving grace. I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him

who is of a contrite and humble spirit (Isaiah 57:15). God cannot hear

us if we boast in ourselves and despise others. Do you humbly seek

God's mercy and do you show mercy to others, especially those you

find difficult to love and to forgive?

"Lord Jesus, may your love and truth transform my life - my inner

thoughts, intentions, and attitudes, and my outward behavior, speech,

and actions. Where I lack charity, kindness, and forbearance, help me

to embrace your merciful love and to seek the good of my neighbor,

even those who cause me ill-favor or offense. May I always love as

you have loved and forgive others as you have forgiven."

Indeed, the word of God is living and effective,

sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even

between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able

to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.” —

Hebrews 4:12

Readings for the Week

Sunday: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18/Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23/2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18/

Lk 18:9-14

Monday: Eph 2:19-22/Ps 19:2-5 /Lk 6:12-16

Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25/Ps 126:1b-6/Lk 13:18-21

Wednesday: Rom 8:26-30/Ps 13:4 - 6 /Lk 13:22-30

Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39/Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31/Lk 13:31-35

Friday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a

Saturday: Wis 3:1-9/Ps 23:1-6/Rom 5:5-11/Jn 6:37-40

Next Sunday: Wis 11:22—12:2/Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14/

2 Thes 1:11—2:2/Lk 19:1-10

Celebrating All Saints and

All Souls Days

The Solemnity of All Saints is celebrated on November

1st. It is a Solemnity, most often a holy day of

obligation, and is the day that the Church honors all of

God's saints, even those who have not been canonized

by the Church. It is a family day of celebration—we

celebrate the memory of those family members (the

communion of saints) now sharing eternal happiness

in the presence of God. We rejoice that they have

reached their eternal goal and ask their prayers on our

behalf so that we, too, may join them in heaven and

praise God through all eternity.

The honoring of all Christian martyrs of the Faith was

originally celebrated on May 13, the date established in

the fourth century. Pope Boniface IV in 615 established

it as the "Feast of All Martyrs" commemorating the

dedication of the Pantheon, an ancient Roman temple,

into a Christian church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin

Mary and all the martyrs. By 741, the feast included not

only martyrs, but all the saints in heaven as well, with

the title changing to "Feast of All Saints" by 840. In

844, Pope Gregory IV transferred the feast to

November 1st, timing it around the harvests to be able

to provide food for the pilgrims who came to celebrate

the feast.

November 2nd is designated by the Church as the

Feast of All Souls, a day to pray for all the departed

souls in Purgatory. The feasts of All Saints and All

Souls fall back to back to express the Christian belief

of the "Communion of Saints." The Communion of

Saints is the union of all the faithful on earth (the

Church Militant), the saints in Heaven (the Church

Triumphant) and the Poor Souls in Purgatory (the

Church Suffering), with Christ as the Head. They are

bound together by baptism and can help one another.

The Church Militant (those on earth still engaged in the

struggle to save their souls) can venerate the Church

Triumphant, and those saints can intercede with

God for those still on earth. Both the faithful on

earth and the saints in heaven can pray for the

souls in Purgatory. During these two days, we see

the Communion of Saints really in action!

Excerpted form Catholic Culture online

� All Saints Day �

Mass Times

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Saint Bernadette Roman Catholic Parish

Page 6: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249



The parish is considering hosting a Calix Society

group onsite to meet the needs of our parishioners

and their family members. Calix is an association of

Catholic alcoholics who are maintaining their

sobriety through affiliation with and participation in

the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.

If you are interested in joining the core group who

will design and develop a Calix group for

Saint Bernadette, please call Stephen Reger at

480-620-4611 or email [email protected].

Help save babies in Phoenix by praying

for an end to abortion.

September 25th - November 3rd

Join other St. Bernadette parishioners to stand and peacefully

pray during a 40 day vigil in the public right-of-way outside an

abortion center on 7th Street in Phoenix. For more information

contact Garrett Riley at [email protected].

Troop 818 Leadership Outing

Recently, about 25 scouts from Boy Scout Troop 818 traveled to

Camp R-C, about 20 miles from Payson. This was our annual leader-

ship outing, where we teach newer and older scouts tips and tricks

on how to be a better leader. The most important thing that was

taught was the EDGE (Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable) meth-

od of teaching. This is a very common method used in scouting to

teach important topics to new scouts. Being a leader in one’s troop

requires constant use of this method to help the entire troop learn and grow. Some scouts hiked the summit; a beauti-

ful hike on the Mogollon rim. The weather was perfect for hiking, and was not as hot as expected, which is always

nice. We also put our scouts’ leadership to the test by developing our troop vision statement together as a troop. “We

will continue to aid each other and improve communication interpersonally and between patrols to become better

equipped for our monthly PLC (Patrol Leadership Council). In supplement to our communication, we will organize

our patrols, meetings, and lives with the help of our fellow scouts to succeed, win our races, and defeat our obstacles

together as a team, and a troop.” Our vision is to become better leaders ourselves, and to take our responsibilities

seriously. This outing taught every scout, even those who thought there wasn’t much left to learn, how to lead their

fellow scouts properly, and to take charge. Due to this, we are already on our way to achieving our goal.

Because All Saints Day,

a holy day of obligation,

falls on the first Friday of

November, there will be

no First Friday Adoration

or Benediction that day.

Please join us for one of

our Holy Day masses.

Page 7: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249




Let us build faith through love

in our marriages. The next Worldwide

Marriage Encounter weekend is

Nov. 1-3 in Phoenix.

To apply online, and for more weekend dates


October is Respect Life Month

The Culture of Life Committee’s Baby Bottle Drive is in its 9th

year and supports local crisis pregnancy centers. To date, we

have donated over $27,000 in financial support to help women,

the preborn, and their families embrace life. Your support is

gratefully appreciated and has helped many women, babies,

and families in the Phoenix area. This year the baby bottle

proceeds are dedicated to the Aid to Women Center.

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November: A Time for


Our Loved Ones

During the month of November,

our Parish enrolls the names of

deceased family members and friends in our Book of

Remembrance. The Book will be placed by the altar this

weekend. Please write the names of your loved ones in

this book so we can remember them in our prayers.

Please enter only names not previously entered.

We will also begin collecting photos of loved ones for

our Remembrance table. Pictures must be framed and

labeled and can be dropped off at the Parish Office

anytime between October 22nd and October 29th.

From our Society's beginning, the central and

most basic activity of conferences has been

the visitation of the needy in their homes. This

is the clearest symbol of our Vincentian

charism, which dictates the highest respect for the dignity of

those in need. It symbolizes our Vincentian commitment to

reach out rather than require them to report to an outside

service site. In the home, they feel most free to confide their

stories of struggle. In that family setting Vincentians are

asked to listen, offer humble advice, and render assistance.

Over the last quarter of our year, ending September 30th, our

conference paid rents of more than $5,700.00 to avoid

evictions and to keep six families in their homes and off the

streets. In that same quarter, $595.00 was paid to avoid shut

offs of water, electricity and phones. The Fifth Sunday

collection, collected on that last weekend in September, has

given us over $8,000.00 to continue with the good works of

SVdP. Thank you for your generosity and the support that

allows us to continue to be the face of Christ and follow in the

footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul.

Shirley Teed, SVdP Conference President

Page 8: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249



You can now buy eGift Cards through the “Benefit” mobile app.

Benefit Mobile is a free app that allows you to buy eGift Cards

online, while linking the purchase to Saint John XXIII Catholic

School. You can buy and use them immediately at the time of

your purchase, or buy and store them for future use in your online

‘wallet”. Users link their credit card or bank account, and gift card

purchases can be for the exact amount. Very easy to use and our

school will earn a percentage of each purchase!

Download the free Benefit Mobile app. It looks like the image


Create Your Account

Search in “Beneficiaries” for Saint John XXIII Catholic School or

by using our zip code: 85254

Under “Campaigns” choose “General Fund.”

Link your Bank Account or Credit Card Information, and follow

the directions on the app.

Once your account has have been activated, start shopping!

If you have questions regarding the app please contact Benefit

Mobile directly.

For questions about the SCRIP program email Pegge Gentry, at

[email protected] .

For questions about the SCRIP program email Pegge Gentry, at

[email protected] .

Add sign up genius link here

SVdP Fall Food Drive

Bags will be distributed on

Saturday/Sunday November 2nd & 3rd

Food will be collected on

Saturday/Sunday November 10th & 11th


Volunteers are needed to help hand out bags

and to help collect and sort the donations.

Contact the Parish office for the signup genius link.

To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you

considered answering the call to help serve the poor by join-

ing the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?

Page 9: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249



Add sign up genius link here

As pastors of the Catholic Church in the United States, we state as

clearly and strongly as we can that violence against women, inside

or outside the home, is never justified. Violence in any form"—

physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal"—is sinful; often, it is a

crime as well. We have called for a moral revolution to replace a

culture of violence. We acknowledge that violence has many

forms, many causes, and many victims—men as well as women.

The Catholic Church teaches that violence against another person

in any form fails to treat that person as someone worthy of love.

Instead, it treats the person as an object to be used. When violence

occurs within a sacramental marriage, the abused spouse may

question, "How do these violent acts relate to my promise to take

my spouse for better or for worse?" The person being assaulted

needs to know that acting to end the abuse does not violate the

marriage promises. While violence can be directed towards men, it

tends to harm women and children more.

In 1992 we spoke out against domestic violence. We called on the

Christian community to work vigorously against it. Since then,

many dioceses, parishes, and organizations have made domestic

violence a priority issue. We commend and encourage these


In this update of our 1992 statement, we again express our desire

to offer the Church's resources to both the women who are abused

and the men who abuse. Both groups need Jesus' strength and


We focus here on violence against women, since 85 percent of the

victims of reported cases of non-lethal domestic violence are

women. Women's greatest risk of violence comes from intimate

partners—a current or former husband or boyfriend.

Violence against women in the home has serious repercussions for

children. Over 50 percent of men who abuse their wives also beat

their children.

Children who grow up in violent homes are more

likely to develop alcohol and drug addictions and to become

abusers themselves.

The stage is set for a cycle of violence that

may continue from generation to generation.

The Church can help break this cycle. Many abused women seek

help first from the Church because they see it as a safe place.

Domestic violence is any kind of behavior that a person uses to

control an intimate partner through fear and intimidation. It includes

physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, and economic abuse.

Some examples of domestic abuse include battering, name-calling

and insults, threats to kill or harm one's partner or children,

destruction of property, marital rape, and forced sterilization or


Younger, unmarried women are at greatest risk for domestic

violence. According to a U.S. government survey, 53 percent of

victims were abused by a current or former girlfriend or boyfriend.

One-third of all victims were abused by a spouse, while 14 percent

said that the offender was an ex-spouse. Women ages 16 to 24 are

nearly three times as vulnerable to attacks by intimate partners

as those in other age groups; abuse victims between ages 35 and

49 run the highest risk of being killed.

While abuse cuts across all ethnic and economic backgrounds,

some women face particular obstacles. Women of color may not

view the criminal justice system as a source of help. Additionally, in

some cultures women feel pressured to keep problems within the

home and to keep the family together at all costs. Some fear that

they will lose face in the community if they leave. Immigrant women

often lack familiarity with the language and legal systems of this

country. Their abusers may threaten them with deportation.

Women in rural communities may find themselves with fewer

resources. The isolation imposed by distance and lack of

transportation can aggravate their situation. Isolation can also be a

factor for women who do not work outside the home. They may

have less access to financial resources and to information about

domestic violence. Women with disabilities and elderly women are

also particularly vulnerable to violence.

Some who suffer from domestic violence are also victims of

stalking, which includes following a person, making harassing

phone calls, and vandalizing property. Eight percent of women in

the United States have been stalked at some time in their lives,

and more than one million are stalked annually.

Stalking is a

unique crime because stalkers are obsessed with controlling their

victims' actions and feelings. A victim can experience extreme

stress, rage, depression, and an inability to trust anyone.

Domestic violence is often shrouded in silence. People outside the

family hesitate to interfere, even when they suspect abuse is

occurring. Many times even extended family denies that abuse

exists, out of loyalty to the abuser and in order to protect the image

of the family. Some people still argue—mistakenly—that

intervention by outside sources endangers the sanctity of the

home. Yet abuse and assault are no less serious when they occur

within a family. Even when domestic violence is reported,

sometimes there are failures to protect victims adequately or to

punish perpetrators.

Excerpts taken from: USCCB 2002 Statement against Domestic Violence When I Call

for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women

Are you suffering from

Domestic Violence?

We are here for you. Did you know?

One in every four women experiences domestic violence

during her lifetime. One in seven men also experiences

abuse. For immediate assistance, call our 24-hour hotline at

480-821-1024. Catholic Charities has been helping domestic

violence survivors escape their abusers for over 30 years.

My Sister’s Place provides shelter, resources and case

management so survivors can have a safe future. To learn

more about this program or to donate to this cause, call 602-

285-1999 and visit us at www.

Hotlines for all Domestic Violence victims (male or female)

480-736-4949 or 1-866-205-5229

Page 10: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249



Eucharistic Adoration Donna Homiski 602-738-6429

Friday Night Healing Rosary 480-905-0221


Boy Scouts Tim Whitney 602-403-4121

Knights of Columbus Martin Perez 602-404-4095

Sociable Seniors Shirley Teed 602-996-6151


Finance Council Mike Smalley 602-799-2256

Parish Council Don Tellis 602-370-3271


Sunday Donuts Volunteer Office 480-905-0221


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Mindy Longwell 480-905-0221

RCIA Melissa Graziano 480-905-0221

Infant Baptism Shirley Smalley 480-905-0221

Marriage Prep Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221


Annulments Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221

Funerals Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Funeral Hospitality Carol Flood 602-953-3625

Ministers of Care - Mayo Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Ministers of Care - Homebound Bill Walsh 480-236-6515


Altar Linens Donna Casillas 602-577-4326

Altar Servers Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221

Art & Environment Chita Dilema 480-797-0145

Eucharist Ministers Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Greeters Tom Horst 602-790-6414

Lectors Jon Altmann 602-765-4588

Sacristans Mike Smalley 602-799-2256

Ushers Bill Leicht 602-788-8254


Culture of Life Margaret Hinski 480-905-0221

Cursillo Kathy Andrzejczak 480-515-9696

Legion of Mary Liz Umbarger 480-735-4994

St. Vincent de Paul Help Line 480-905-4439


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Mindy Longwell 480-905-0221

Life Teen Sammie Carel 480-905-0221

EDGE Julia McDonald 480-905-0221

Men’s Bible Study Brian Weber 602-295-6033

Women’s Bible Study (Info only) Parish Office 480-905-0221


This Week at St. Bernadette

Mass Monday through Friday mornings at 6:30 & 8::30 AM

Saturday mornings at 8:30 AM

Daily Confessions before daily mass 8:00 —8:25 AM

















LITURGY: 8 AM, 10 AM, 5 PM In the Church

6:00 PM LIFE TEEN In the Chapel

6:15PM Jump Athletics In Gym In Gym

6:30 PM Legion of Mary In Room 3

6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop 818 In Hall

9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study In Conference Room

4:00 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd In Rms. 1,2,3,7

5:30 PM Cub Scouts Informational Mtg. In the Rms. 5,/6

6:00 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd In Rms. 1,2,3,7

7 :00 PM Into the Breach Men’s Group In Room 6

8:30 AM CGS Home School In Rms. 1,2,3,7

9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study In Conference Room

4:00 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd In Rms. 1,2,3,7

6:00 PM EDGE in Gym

6:00 PM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd In Rms. 1,2,3,7

6:30 PM RCIA Adults in Conference Room

6:00 AM That Man Is You In Rms 5/6

6:00 PM All Saints Day Vigil Mass In Church

7:00 PM Men’s Bible Study In Conference Room

7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study Gp. 2 In Conference Room

6:00 PM All Saints Day Mass at Church

7:15 PM Healing Rosary In the Church

3:00 PM Reconciliations In the Church

LITURGY: 5 PM In the Church

LITURGY: 8 AM, 10 AM, 5 PM In the Church

6:00 PM LIFE TEEN In the Chapel

In this Sunday’s Gospel, the tax collector’s

prayer allows God to be God and so allows

God to pour mercy into his heart. When we

pray and give alms to the poor, we allow

God’s mercy to be poured into their hearts.

In the month of October, through your gifts, the Society

of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring God’s love and

mercy to many families, providing food and help with

rent and utility bills. Thank you!


St. Bernadette Adoration Chapel

“The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: by not only celebrating it

but also by praying before it outside of Mass, we are enabled to

make contact with the very wellspring of grace.”

St. John Paul II

If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic

Adorer, please contact Donna Homiski

at 602-738-6429.

Page 11: St. Bernadette · April 15, 2018 St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Bernadette, Scottsdale, AZ A 4C 05-0458

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