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St. Alban's proclaims to all, through word and deed, the grace of God in Jesus Christ. January 10, 2021 The First Sunday after the Epiphany The Baptism of our Lord 9:00 AM CST Morning Prayer, Rite II via Facebook Live and YouTube

St. Alban's proclaims to all, through word and deed,

Oct 28, 2021



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Page 1: St. Alban's proclaims to all, through word and deed,

St. Alban's proclaims to all, through word and deed, the grace of God in Jesus Christ.

January 10, 2021 The First Sunday after the EpiphanyThe Baptism of our Lord

9:00 AM CST Morning Prayer, Rite II

via Facebook Live and YouTube

Page 2: St. Alban's proclaims to all, through word and deed,


Prelude Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam (BWV 684) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)Christ our Lord came to the Jordan

Hymn Christ, when for us you were baptized Hymnal 121

MORNING PRAYER - 9:00 AMRite II, according to the Book of Common Prayer (BCP)

Words: F. Bland Tucker (1895-1984), rev.Music: Caithness, melody from The Psalmes of David in Prose and Meeter, 1635; harm. The English Hymnal, 1906

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Opening Sentence

Officiant Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising Isaiah 60:3

THE INVITATORY AND PSALTER Officiant Lord, open our lips.People And our mouth shall proclaim your praise.

Officiant and PeopleGlory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

The Jubilate is sung by the choir.

Jubilate Morning Service in F major John Ireland (1879-1962)

O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands: serve the Lord with gladness, and come before his presence with a song. Be ye sure that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and speak good of his Name. For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting: and his truth endureth from generation to generation.

Glory be to the Father: and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; * As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen.

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The Psalm is sung by the Cantor. Coverdale translation.

Psalm 29 Afferte Domino Tone VIII.1 1 Bring unto the Lord, O ye mighty, bring young rams unto the Lord* ascribe unto the Lord worship and strength.

2 Give the Lord the honour due unto his Name;* worship the Lord with holy worship.

3 It is the Lord that commandeth the waters;* it is the glorious God that maketh the thunder.

4 It is the Lord that ruleth the sea; the voice of the Lord is mighty in operation;* the voice of the Lord is a glorious voice.

5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedar-trees;* yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Libanus.

6 He maketh them also to skip like a calf;* Libanus also, and Sirion, like a young unicorn.

7 ThevoiceoftheLorddivideththeflamesoffire; the voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness;* yea, the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Cades.

8 The voice of the Lord maketh the hinds to bring forth young, and discovereth the thick bushes:* in his temple doth every man speak of his honour.

9 TheLordsittethabovethewater-flood,* and the Lord remaineth a King for ever.

10 The Lord shall give strength unto his people;* the Lord shall give his people the blessing of peace.

Glory be to the Father: and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; * As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen.

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Please be seated.


First Lesson Genesis 1:1-5

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. Andtherewaseveningandtherewasmorning,thefirstday.

Lector The Word of the Lord.People Thanks be to God.

All stand.

Gloria in Excelsis Hymnal S-280

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Please be seated.

Children's Sermon

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Second Lesson Mark 1:4-11

John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And people from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him, and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. Now John was clothed with camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. He proclaimed, “The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”

Lector The Word of the Lord.People Thanks be to God.

The Sermon The Rev. Neal McGowan

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Please stand and affirm our faith in the words of the Apostles’ Creed.

The Apostles' Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth; I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


Officiant The Lord be with you.People And also with you.Officiant Let us pray.

The people kneel or remain standing.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

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Suffrages A

Officiant Show us your mercy, O Lord;People And grant us your salvation.Officiant Clothe your ministers with righteousness;People Let your people sing with joy.Officiant Give peace, O Lord, in all the world;People For only in you can we live in safety.Officiant Lord, keep this nation under your care; People And guide us in the way of justice and truth.Officiant Let your way be known upon earth;People Your saving health among all nations.Officiant Letnottheneedy,OLord,beforgotten;People Nor the hope of the poor be taken away.Officiant Create in us clean hearts, O God;People And sustain us with your Holy Spirit.

Collect of the Day

Father in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are baptized into his Name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Savior; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

A Prayer for Mission

O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth, and sent your blessedSontopreachpeacetothosewhoarefaroffandtothosewhoarenear:Grantthatpeopleeverywheremayseekafteryouandfindyou;bringthenationsintoyourfold;pouroutyourSpirituponallflesh;andhastenthecomingofyourkingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Collect in a time of PandemicOmostmightyandmercifulGod,inthistimeofgrievoussickness,wefleeuntotheefor succour. Deliver us, we beseech thee, from our peril; give strength and skill to all those who minister to the sick; prosper the means made use of for their cure; and grant that, perceiving how frail and uncertain our life is, we may apply our hearts unto that heavenly wisdom which leadeth to eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Collect for our CountryAlmighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage: We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favor and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, andpure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of theearth.Inthetimeofprosperity,fillourheartswiththankfulness,andinthedayoftrouble,suffernotourtrustintheetofail;allwhichweaskthroughJesusChristour Lord. Amen.

The people may offer their own intercessions and thanksgivings. After the Officiant offers a concluding prayer, please be seated.

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Parish Announcements & Offertory

During the Offertory, as an act of gratitude and worship, we joyfully respond to God’s gift to us in Jesus Christ by giving an offering to the Lord. To give securely online, visit and click the blue “Give” circle on our website. You may also mail a check to the church office. For more information, see page 16 of this bulletin.The anthem is sung by the Choir.

Anthem Tomorrow shall be my dancing day John Gardner (1917-2011)

Tomorrow shall be my dancing day:I would my true love did so chance

To see the legend of my play,To call my true love to my dance:

Sing, O my love, O my love, my love, my love;This have I done for my true love.

Then was I born of a virgin pure,OfherItookfleshlysubstanceThus was I knit to man's nature

To call my true love to my dance.

In a manger laid, and wrapped I wasSo very poor, this was my chanceBetwixt an ox and a silly poor assTo call my true love to my dance.

Then afterwards baptized I was;The Holy Ghost on me did glance,

My Father’s voice heard I from above,To call my true love to my dance:

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The people kneel or stand.

The General Thanksgiving

Officiant and PeopleAlmighty God, Father of all mercies, we your unworthy servants give you humble thanks for all your goodness and loving-kindness to us and to all whom you have made. We bless you for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but above all for your immeasurable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies, that with truly thankful hearts we may show forth your praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up our selves to your service, and by walking before you in holiness and righteousness all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory throughout all ages. Amen.

All stand.

Officiant Let us bless the Lord. People Thanks be to God.

OfficiantThe grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13:14

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Hymn O love, how deep, how broad, how high Hymnal 448

Words: Latin, 15th cent.; tr. Benjamin Webb (1819-1885)Music: Deus tuorum militum, from Antiphoner, 1753; adapt. The English Hymnal, 1906, alt.

Organ Voluntary Trumpet March Geoffrey Bush (1920-1988)

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All music reprinted under Church Copyright License #11024469All music broadcast under Church Copyright Solutions License #12099


Organist & Director of MusicCantorLectors

Video AssistantAudio Assistant

The Rev. Neal McGowanEugene LaveryEmily WoodSophie Sheesley, William PriestStephanie DrumRobertMattson

ALTAR FLOWERSTheflowersonthealtararegiventothehonorandgloryofGod

by Jennifer, Elizabeth, and Thomas McGowan in thanksgiving for the ordination of Neal McGowan

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Getting Connected at St. Alban's

Pastoral CarePrayer Lists:St.Alban’smaintainsapublishedprayerlist,aconfidentialprayerlist(sharedonlywithclergyandpastoralstaff)andaprayerlistforthoseonactivemilitary duty and their families. To add someone to a prayer list, please secure permission from the person to be added and then contact Hilary at (254) 752-1773 ext.1002.Hilaryneedsatleastthefirstnameofthepersonbeinglistedaswellasyour name and contact information. Individuals remain on our prayer lists for one month unless the request is renewed.

*denotes active military service

We have been asked to pray forJimmy Pancerella*Hunter Herbert*

KennethScattergood*Joe Bozarth, IV*Blake Bostick*Michael Field*JerrodElliott*Vance Jones*Ashley Bass

The White FamilyTyler Willis

Bruce BundrantEvaLott

Carol LewisBilly Dilworth

Michelle M.Nancy R.

Local Mission PartnersCedar Ridge Elementary

The CovereVision

Mission Waco

Joanna Hill ByrnesMax Campbell

The Rev. Jerry Lyle Ann Kimmel

Donnie Kimmel Leigh Clark

Gladys StrakosSusanCarol

Lisa SaxenianJune BundrantHolly ShieldRon Harper

Charles VolzAndy WiselyKathy Dove

Debby KelleyPamela Hunt

Larry Adams-Thompson

Asher CopelandBob Gianella

Celebrating birthdays

Celebrating anniversariesSteven&AmySielaff

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2021 VESTRY CANDIDATESThevestryiscomposedoftwelvemembersoftheparishwhoareconfirmedcom-municantsingoodstanding.Thefollowingcandidateshavebeennominatedtofillthepostsofthefourmemberswhoarerotatingoffvestrythisyear:DonnaLeas,DarrenMetting,AmySielaff,andMeghanWatkins.Allcandidateswerenominatedbychurchmembers,attendedavestrydiscernmentmeeting,andagreedtoserveifelected. They are nominated to serve the three-year term from January 2021 to Janu-ary 2024. Vestry elections will take place at the Annual Parish Meeting, 10:15 AM in the Parish Hall, on Sunday, January 24, 2021.

Getting Connected at St. Alban's

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Getting Connected at St. Alban's

Prof. ELIZABETH (LIZ) M. FRALEYProfession: Law ProfessorJoined St. Alban's in 2017

"I am excited to help guide St. Alban’s through this challenging period of growth and strengthen the relationships that make St. Alban’s special."

VICTOR GALVANProfession: IT Director, Quest DiagnosticsJoined St. Alban's in April 2019

"I am excited to be part of this wonderful period of growth at St. Alban’s. I look forward to being included in the St. Alban’s Vestry to continue the remarkable groundwork that has been established to further the church’s mission and community outreach programs while maintaining the day to day work of the church."

JASON M. MILAMProfession:AttorneyandManagingPartneratMilam&Fan-ning, PLLCJoined St. Alban's in 2016

"I’m excited to help support the mission of the church alongside fellow church-members. I look forward to learning from the experience of our clergy and the rest of the vestry and growing through service to the Lord and our community."

Dr. JOSH RITTERProfession: Assistant Director of Spirituality and Public LifeOfficeofSpiritualLife,BaylorJoined St. Alban's in 2017

"I’m eager to meet some new folks and contribute to the church community in a meaningful way."

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Getting Connected at St. Alban's


Giving regularly towards your 2021 pledge for our ministry budget is more vital than ever. Thank you for your faithful support. You can give in three ways:

• Make a gift online• Mail in a check • Dropacheckinthechurchofficemailbox

Ifyou’rearegulargiver,pleaseconsidersettingupautomatedonlinegivingthrough your bank or through our online giving option. If you make a gift online, please include your name in the form. Your name is required to apply your payment to the correct contribution statement. If you have questions about online giving, contact our Business Manager, Nancy Bennett,[email protected]/give.

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Getting Connected at St. Alban's

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Getting Connected at St. Alban's

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Children's Chapel

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Children's Chapel

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Getting Connected at St. Alban'sCOVID-19 Information and Resources

For the latest updates on our response to the coronavirus, please visit,scheduleupdates,andmore.In light of the clergy's continuing conversations with city leaders and the medical community and Waco, our parish has adopted a phased approach to re-gathering.

For St. Alban’s, this means:• We will re-gather following the phased approach recently unveiled by Bishop

Doyle which builds on guidelines from the White House and CDC.• We have in-person outdoor services of Holy Communion on Sundays at 7:30 AM and11:15AMaswellasWednesdaysat12:00PM.ThoseattendingmustRSVPvia the website and must wear masks. Visit the website for more info.

• WewillcontinuetoofferalivestreamedserviceofMorningPrayerviaYouTubeand Facebook Live at 9:00 AM CDT.

1.Ourofficesareclosedandstaffmemberswillbeworkingfromhome.Ifyouneedtotalkwithastaffmember,,pleasedosoviaphoneorvideoconference (via Zoom).3. Worship & teaching will continue via livestream. Small groups are meeting via Zoom video conferences. 4. We will communicate with you regularly via email, social media, and our website. TherectorwillsendanemailupdateeveryFriday.Emailrebekah@stalbanswaco.orgto be added to the email list. 5. For weddings, baptisms, and funerals, we are required to follow the City’s restriction of gatherings to 10 people or fewer. Please contact the rector with questions about these services.

Additional Information• Stay informed at and• Pleaseletusknowifyouhavepastoralneedsorfinancialdifficulties.Wearehere

to help.• We are continuing to pay our hourly workers to ensure we can rapidly return to

regular worship when that becomes possible.• If you are able to deliver groceries or run errands for parishioners, contact [email protected].

• While some church expenses are decreasing at this time, others are not. Our vestryismonitoringourchurchfinancesclosely.Thankyouforyourcontinuedfaithful giving to St. Alban’s.

• A COVID-19 relief fund has been established. Just select “COVID-19” from the funds listed in our online giving platform or write “COVID-19” on the memo line of your check.

• Pleasepray.HereisaprayerforallthoseaffectedbyCoronavirus:Keepus,goodLord, under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low; that we mayfindcomfortknowingthatnothingcanseparateusfromyourloveinChristJesus our Lord. Amen.

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Getting Connected at St. Alban'sGetting Connected at St. Alban's