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COBVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FKIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1900. VOIj. XXXVII. NO. 2. SSSiUS&U. I Consolidated Feb. 1899. A DOUBLE TREATY. X "SOUTH - OF MANILA. LATER NEWS. BRADSTREETS REVIEW. LEITERFROMLORDROSEBERY TERRORIZING I PEOPLE i miM week From All Parts of the New World and the Old. Boers Were Driven Back by Portuguese South Africa Is to Be Di vided Up, New York, Jan. 1. A dsipatch to the Herald from Berlin says: i The Lokal Anzieger publishes the contents of the German-English-Por- tu guese secret treaty. This double treaty will have executive force as soon as the Swiss jurists, Messrs . Blaesi-Hensle- y and Goldau, have given a decision in the Delagoa bay arbitration. The decision, it is expected, will be given in January or February and will probably be in favor of England, in which case foftugai must pay to ing land and America an indemnity of 1,. 900,000. England obtained in 1891 from Portugal the right of pre-empti- in Delagoa bay, and the cession 01 Del agoa bay to England may therefore be expected in March next. ' It is possible that President Kruger may now declare War on Portugal and attack Delagoa at once. In order to prevent any interference by France or Russia, Enlgand ' con eluded a secret treaty with Germany regarding the complete partition of the Portuguese colonial possessions. Ger many is to receive all the Portuguese possessions in Asia, with 20,000 square miles ot territory ana J.yuu.ouu innao itants, Germany further receives in Africa all Portuguese territory north of Mosambique, except a strip of land three miles wide, for Mr. Cecil Rhodes' trans-Africa- n railway. For this the German government will pay Portugal 25,000,000 marks. REST AT ARLINQTON., Burial of the Martyred Heroes of the Maine. Washington. Jan. 1. Upon the windy heights of Arlington cemetery, the Maine dead, brought from Havana by the battleship Texas, today were laid Wy m their Snal resting places, with simple religious services,' and the impressive honors of war, in the pres. ence of the president, members p big cabinet, ameers of the army and navy and other officers ot the government. A cabinet officer, surveying the flag- - draped coffins before the ceremony be' gan, saidi "The lives of these men cost Spain her colonies." But there was no note of triupmh in the grim scene today. With a touch of Sadness and, solemn, gravity," the nation per. formed its duty to the dead and gave its defenders a ' Christian burial at home, in soil hallowed ' by patriotic dead. ... Battle With Bobbers. Seattle, Jan. 1. Two, masked men held up a, pauaro streetcar at u o'clock tonight. There were eight passengers aboard, and a regular fusil lade of shots was fired. : One of the passengers inside the car, C. E. Plimp- ton, opened fire on the hghwayman. en- tering from the rear, and three shots were returned. One broke Plimpton,!! arm and the Other entered his breast, Shortly after midnight the ponce found near the scene of the Ballard street-ca- r hold-u- p the body of one of the two bandits. He had been almost instantly killed by a bullet from a passenger's pistol. The body . is still unidentified. : Big Buffalo Vine Tori)s. Qut Blah.. Bakes City, Or., Jan. 1. A sensa tional strike was made . today in A. Geiser's Big- - Buffalo mine, two miles west of this city. The miners, took several samples of or from the tunnel, which today tapped the 80-fo- ot ledge. By assays just returned to the owner of the mine, the samples all show gold values ranging from $18 to $102.75 in gold and five ounces of silver to the ton. Mr. Geiser, who was formerly part owner pf the Bonanza mine, said today that u the values fioiq on throughout the Big Buffalo, the prop. erty will be equal to the Bonanza. The Big Buffalo is within plain sight of this city. Killed His Young Wife and Himself. Winnipeg, Jan. 1. Pierre Dentzer, a German farmer, aged 50, living near Rathwell, 100 miles from Winnipeg, shot and killed his wife in a fit gf temper. IJentzer tlieq parried his bab tg a BeighHr' hB88 d re" turned . home. The authorities were notified, and on approaching the hou? found that the woman's body had bee taken inside the house and a cross ha. been raised by Den tger en the ground where she had been shot. Dentzer had spread a sheet on the floor, placed his wife's body on it, blew out his brains. Went Through a Bridge. San Bernardino, Cal., Jan. 1. As No. S3, west-boun- d freight train over the Sante Fe igute,, waj erof sing Oajon creek bridge today, about 13 miles north of this city, nine cars went through the bridge into the creek bot- tom. Six pf the oars weie loaded with cotton, one with telegraph Ijvire, and one wth general raerohandise and sul- phur. The cars caught fire and made a terrible ponflagratiqij. gestinjf the entity contents and framework. No one was killed, . A Murderous Collector. Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 1 Samuel Mills, a collector for aa - installment house, this afternoon attempted, to seize furniture in: the house of Mary Ven- - able, colored, for a small debt. The woman attempted to prevent it, and in the struggle that ensued Mills ghot the woman and her little son and daughter-- , all seriouslv, : Mills was arrested. Bullet's Sphere of Action. Gape Town, Jan. 1. Colonel Qtter, commanding the Canadian contingent of troops," is to Join the staff of Buller, all the members qf which are proceed- ing tq Natal, indicating tbat Buller's, sphere will shortly he confined t. Natal, - " Boston Sympathy for Baers, . Boston, Jan. I, The common conn!: oil of Boston today, after a spirited de? bate, adopted a resolution of sympathy for the Boers, Civil War In New Guinea. Victoria, B. C, Jan. 1. News has been received by the steamer Aorangi of a bloody civil war which has been raging among the natives of Klriwina, New Guinea. In the fighting the head chief was defeated, and 11 villages in all were destroyed, with heavy slaugh- ter. German Officers Fought a Duel. : Berlin. Jan. 1. Lieutenant Raub and Lieutenant St. Clow, both of the One Hundred and Fiftieth regiment, fought a duel today near Alonstein, East Prussia. The latter officer was killed. A railroad boom has struck Hawaii Six inches of snow fell at Macon, Ga. Bechuanaland farmers are helping the Boers. Boers fired plum pudding at Lady' smith garrison. Oregon woolgrowers expect to get 20 cents for their 1900 crop. ' Vigilance of Americans prevented a projected uprising in Manila. At New York Kid McCoy knocked out Peter Maher in five rounds. Idaho produced $2,500,000 in gold and $6,103,000 in silver last year. France and England may have trouble over Newfoundland fisheries. The United States may buy the Danish West Indies for $4,000,000. Ohio Irishmen offer sympathy, money, arms and soliders to the Boers, One child received fatal and several persons serious burns in a New York flat fire. . : Several thousand attended a very brilliant New Year's day reception at the White House. Nicholas, czar of Russia, has again issued an appeal for peace to the powers of the world. Multnomah's football team defeated Stanford university's eleven at Port land; score, 11 to 6. ' Hilliard F. Johnson, a water-fro- nt reporter in San " Franoisco, was drowned in a bathtub. Government officials say the cruiser Montgomery was sent to Liberia to give the Black Republic assurance of protection. ' More miles of new railroad have been built during 1899 than in any previous year since 1890, when 5670 miles Pt line were completed. Since January 1, 1899, no less than 4,500 miles of track have been laid in the United States on 812 lines in 44 states and territories. The torpedo-boa- t destroyer Golds- - j borough, built by a Portland, Or., firm, on her second contractor's trial covered eight miles in 15 minutes, which is at the rate ef S3 miles an hour, against a current. Steam was made without effort, and not a bearing was heated. . The run was made in the Columbia river, near Kalama. Boutelle will probably never return to congress. ' The Boer trenches at . Colenso are bomb proof. ; Pingree's tax resolution was defeated in the Michigan senate. ' People are tired of Colombian war and ask for intervention. British Columbia has Bent a gold dis- play to the Paris exposition, If Delagoa bay i& closed the Boers will raid Portuguese territory. The Stahl & Straub failure in Phila- delphia is a clear case of looting. ' An important witness against Sena- tor Clark has confessed to perjury. ' Robert Cornelias, aged 20, was found dead in the woods near Glencoe, Or. v. Fogsiliferous remains of . a gigantic sea serpent were found on the coast of Chili. ' - At its last meeting the cabinet dis: cussed the agricultural possibilities in Alaska. Buller's army on the Tugela has now reached the enoromus strength of 28fr 000 men. Luzon hemp poits will be opened in time for supplies to reach this country by next harvest. . A London dispatch says Russia longs to seize Hfcrat, and she only waits for England to occupy Delagoa bay. ; C. G. Coad, of Dallas, Of,, has been appointed assistant sergeant'ftt-arm- s in the United States senate. The Boers have mounted a new gun at Ladyslmth in the place of the onej captured by the British pay airy. The clerk of the court of appeals has refused to administer the oath of office to members of the state election board in Kentucky. A Colorado Midland passenger and a Santa Fe freight collided near Palmer Lake, Colo. One fireman was killed and two engineers were hurt. ... An English military expert asserts that the time has come for a change in the cabinet. He favors either a dicta- torship or an military minister. Miss Florence Blythe - Hinckley, heiress to the Blythe millions, was quietly married in San Francisco to A. A, Moore, jr deputy attorney-genera- ) of California, Americans have captured another inr surgent stronghold. Many rebels were killed, wounded and captured and an amount of ammunition and food taken. Their supposed impregnable position was north of San Mateo, An Ottawa dispatch savs that treason is talked openly among the French Ca. nadians, and all of their members have retired from parliament. All the lat- ent hostility to British rule has been aroused by Canada's action in sending troops to the Transvaal, The Pittsburg baseball club has bought the pick of the Louisville team for a sum said to be $25,000 cash," - Mrs. O, A. Burling, w of Rear-Admir- al William T, Sampson, died at her home in Rochester, N, Y,, aged 76 years. Ex-Sher- Weis, of Dayton, O., has received by mail a commission from President Kruger appointing him- - a brigadier-gener- al in the Boer army. Weis is a personal friend of Kruger's, and once visited him in Africa, The empress of Germany is a stanch defender of the bible, and deprecate! all slighting remarks at court relative to the church or the scriptures. - Nearly every- - grocery jobber and wholesaler in Missouri, Kansas, Okla- homa and Indian territory was repre- sented at a meeting held in Kansas City to organize against trusts. , In celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of his professorship Professor Virohow, of Berlin, said he owed his scientific reputation almost entirely to his Ameri- can and Japanese pupils, who continued his researches. Opening of the- - Campaign In ' Southern Provinces. ; Manila, Jan. 3. The first movement of the general southern advance oc- curred this morning, when two battal- ions of the Fourth infantry landed and occupied Cabuyao, on the south side of Laguna de Bay. Two Americans were killed and two wounded. Twen ty-fo- ur of the enemy were found dead in one house. One hundred and fifty prisoners and four er rapid - nre guns were captured. The gunboat Laguna de Bay bom barded the town before the disembark ation of the troops from the cascoes. which was made under the enemy's shrapnel fire. The enemy evacuated tne place before the chare ina - Ameri cans, retreating to Santa ' Rosa, to which town they were pursued. Heavy fighting occurred . along the road to Santa Rosa, which was cccu pied by the insurgents, retreating south toward Silan. The Americans burned the country around Cabuyao. ' The gunboat returned to Calamba. for reinforcements, and thence came to Manila to get ammunition. She recently captured two of the enemy's steam launches, one under the fire of artillery, at Calamba, and also four cascoes loaded with rice. Other regi- ments are mobilizing tonight at San Pedro Maoati and Pasig, preparatory to continuing tne southern advance. Yesterday's capture of bombs in volved the seizure of doooments incul pating 1,000 Filipinos who intended to rise against the Americans. Papers were also found showing a distribution of the city into districts, and a careful assignment of leaders and - followers The precautions taken by the Ameri- cans Saturday, it is now evident, alone prevented an uprsing. The provost marshal has requested that two more regiments be detained for the protection of Manila. Three thousand troops are now actually in the city. ' Aguinaldo'a wife, sisters and 18 Filipinos have surrendered to Major March's battalion of the Third infantry at Bontoo. Three Filipino officers also surrendered to Major March, and the Filipinos gave up two Spanish and two American prisoners. A GREAT ZINC TRUST. Combination to Control the Output of the Country. Chicago, Jan. 3. Information has reached Chicago of a proposed combi nation to control the zinc output of the United States. Work on the scheme has been begun, and the initial steps have been taken in Kansas City. Ac cording to one of the best-know- n zinc operators, who was in Chicago yester day, the plan includes not only the control of the mines, but of the smelt ing plants as well. Within a short time representatives of the combination will get a price on all producing ziiia mines in the Joplin, Mo., district, and secure options on them: It - has - been estimated by the promoters that it will take in the neighborhood of $100,000,-00- 0 to swing the undertaking success- fully, and this amounnt of money, with as much more as may be necessary, is said to be ready tq : go into the scheme," -.- . " SCHOONERS IN COLLISION. . Phosphate Carrier Goes Down, but Crew Is Saved, Chicago, Jan. 3, A special tq the Tribune from Norfolk, Va., saysj , The schooners Fannie Brown and Margaret Roper collided off Hatterae, and the Fannie Brown sank. The 10 men of the crew were saved by the crew of the- Roper. The .collision occurred on the night of December 29, during a high wind. The big schooners crashed together be. fore the lookouts saw the danger. The Brown, being loaded with rock and phosphate, filled rapidly, and its crew of 10. had barely time to take to the boats, the schooner sinkly shortly after they put off. The Roper, disabled, stood by, and after a hard stiuggle got the Brown's erew safely aboard. An Interesting Rumor. London, Jan. 1. A dispatch from Lorenzo Marquez, dated December 23, says a curious Btory is current, emanat-- . ing from Boer sources that Matt, Steyn, brother of the president pf ; the Orange Free State, and. 80Q Jree Staters have definitely refused to continue the :Kvar, Matt, Steyn, acting as spokesman oi the party, is reported to have told the president that he was only . authorised to, intevene in the interest ot peace, and. that the, burghers did not feel that they were bound by his 'unwarrantable conduct,, especially as they fan the. risk of confiscation. o4 their- - property, and they simply desried to be permitted tq farm in peace and proposed to, imwe dlately return to their- - farms, : ; :. "Train W4thou an Engineer. Cedar.' Ranida. fa.. Jan. S TTio overland limited on the - Northwestern railway ran 50 miles last night with- out an engineer. - No one on the train was conscious of the danger until the nreman Drougnt tne tram TO s - standi still at Bertram. . Near Mechanicsville. Knffinp.flT. "EV .T. isb. In snmA unknown manner, fell from the cab,' and the. nreman. aia no nonce nis aDsence. until the train had whirled oyer 6Q miles. PihIt a war nicked nrt nnnanantnnH a ffiw '. A 1 I T,- - ' ' hours later, aja.d died in a hospital here tonign,. - ; Fire In a, Rarth Carolina. Town, Greensboro., N, C Jan.-- " 8. Fire last night caused losses aggregating nearly $ 100,000, partly covered by ' in- surance, The heaviest losers are W. Cleary and the Hague-MoCor- d Dry Goods Company, J. ; : . - i Family Burned to .Death. ' Barboursville, W. " Ya., Jan, 8. William Ellis,, wife and - two children were burned to death ia. their home near here today. The origin of the fire ia unknown. '" ' . Iho Invasion of Canada. New York, Jan. 3. A special to the Times from Burlington, Vt., ' says: It is reported that the Fenians are en- gaged in storing large quantities of, dynamite,lyddite ammunition and sup- plies in a few selected . repositories.' in remote districts of Vermont and Maine, near the Canadian boundary line. The information comes from persons who claim to have knowledge of the pur- chase of some of the supplies. The British consul at Kansas City has resigned and will become an Amer loan citizen, .v - Temporary Reaction From the Heaviest Holiday Trade on Record. Bradstreet's says: Holiday influence and stock-takin- g impart an appearance of dullness to general distributive trade, broken, however, by fair activity in reorder business to fill up stocks de- pleted by the heaviest holiday trade that has ever hef.n fiTTWvrifinonH Anticipation of spring trade wants has given a more than ordinarily ac- tive appearance to business in dry goods at New York, while in industrial lines the efforts of manufacturers to keep up with filled order-book- s is re- sulting in unusually active operations. Following the flurry in money, stocks and in some lines of speculative com- modities noted last week, has come, as was expected, a more cheerful tone, and a firming up in quotations is noted In such staples as cotton, which was effected by last week's money develop- ments, and also in hog products, cof- fee, copper, tin and lead. The strength of textiles is still a feature which finds justification in current statistics of larger season's receipts and sales of wool, and in reports of enlarged old and heavily increased new capacity in manufacturing lines. In iron and steel, seasonable quiet ae regards new business is observable, but unabated activity on earlier booked orders is reported. In some cases, no shutdown was made for the holidays by mills and furnaces. Wheat (including flour) shipments for the week aggregate 8,610,557 bush- els, agaist 2,813,714 bushels last week, 6,202,625 bushels in the corresponding week of 1898. 6,495,061 bushels in 1895. . For the year, failures are the smallest in number for 17 years past, and were it not for a few heavy fiancial suspen- sions in December, liabilities, which will exceed those of 1892 slightly, would have been smallest for 12 yeais past. . PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, new, f 1.00 1.25 per sack. Potatoes, new, $16 20. Beets, per sack, 75 85c. Turnips, per sack, 60o. Carrots, per sack, 50o. " Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c. Cauliflower,-75o$- l per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, 73 90o per 100 pounds. ' Peaches, 6580o. Apples, $1.25 1.50 per box. Pears, $1.00 1.25 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Watermelons, $1.50. Nutmegs, 50 75c. Butter Creamery, 32o per pound; dairy, i7(92c; rancn, aao per pound. Eggs Firm, 80 31o. Cheese Native, 16o. Poultry 9 10c; dressed, 13 14c. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00; choice Eastern - Washington timothy, $17.0018.00 ' Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $28. - Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, en,. 1 ln ,nn Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.85; blended straights, $3.10; California, S3 2K; . hnnlrwhnat flnnr. $fi 00: orra- - ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat flour, $3.10; rye flour, $3.804.00. - Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16.00; . shorts, per ton, $17.00. Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, per ton, $32.00. , Portland Market. '., Wluul! Walla Walla K1 531 KOrt Valley, 52c; Bluestom, 64o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham. . . . An gy An " 1 $2.ou; supemne, 92.10 per uarrei. - Oats Choice white, 34 35c; choice brewing, $18.0018.60 per ton. Millstuffs Bran. $17 per, ton: mid illinfffl $9.9? oVin-rfj- Sift nVrT. S 1 ft twvf C? - T " ' - ton. - , Hay Timothy, $9 10.50; clover, V(g; uregonwua nay, $0(3t per ion. Butter Fancv creamery. 50(d)55c: seconds, 42K45o; dairy, 8740c; store, 25 86c. Eggs 18 19o per dozen. , Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c; Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo jt Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 3.50 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs, $2.503.50; geese, $7.009.00 for old; $4. 60 6. 60 for young; ducks, $4.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12)it13o per pound. Potatoes 5570o per sack; sweets, 22J4o per pound. . r Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cauli- flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, $1; beans, 66o per pound; celery, 70 75o per dozen; encumbers, 60o per box; peas, 84oper pound; tomatoes, 7 5o per box; green corn, 12&(g 15o per dozen. , ' , Hops 8 11c; 1898 crop, 56o. . Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 14o; mohair, 37 80o per pound. :' ' Mutton Gross, best sheep, wetners. and ewes, 8Kc; dressed mutton, 6& 7c per pound; lambs, 7o per pound. ; Hogs Gross, choice heavy, so.uu; . light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $5.506.00 per 100 pounds. ' Beef GrosB, top steers, $3.504.00;-cows- , $33.60; dressed beef, 6K iHo per pound. . "r : Veal Large, 6&7c; small, Bg 8KopOT pound. .: . ? ' ' Baa Francisco Market. . Wool Spring-Nevad- 12 16c pei pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 16o; Vall- ey,- '20 22c; Northern, 10 1 2c. ..Hops 1899 crop, ll12o . per pound. Onions Yellow, 7685o per sack. Butteir Fancy creamery 24 25c; do seconds, 22 23c; fancy dairy, 20 21o; do seconds, 19o per pound. Eggs Store, 2527o; fancy ranch, 84c. ... - ' Millstuffs Middlings, $16.00 19.00; bran, $13 14.00. . ' Hay Wheat $7. 00 9; wheat and oat $7.60 9.00; best barley $5.00 7.50; alfalfa, $5.00 7.50 per ton; straw, 8545o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, $1.00; Ore gon tsurDanss, 000(91. 10; river uur-bank- s, 45 75c; Salinas Burbanks, $1.00 1.26 per sack. - Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.788.25; Mexloan limes, $4.00 6.00; California lemons 76cfl.C0; do ohoi.oe $1.76 3.00 per box. Tropioal Fruits Bananas, $1.60 2.60 per bunch: pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates. 6J6Ko pel pound, Wants England to Define Her Position. WHAT IS CONTRABAND OF WAF Possible Change of Policy Sir Charles Dllke Warns Against a liasty Over turning of Precedents. London, Jan. 1. Lord Rosebery writes as follows this morning to the ilmes: ' "There are disquieting intimations which appear to point to our govern ment Having treated foodstuffs as con traband of war, As this is a matter of supreme importance, I venture to ad dress this line to you in the hope that it may elicit an authoritative statement on the subject." ,, ' . The Times, commenting editorially upon Lord Roseberry's letter, says? "Too little is known f the seiauret for any valid inferenoe safely to be drawn. Aa emergency might arise when certain foodstuffs would be re garded as contraband - while others would not, especially if the latter were intended for concern batants There might, for instance, be reasonable grounds for treating canned goods as contraband and flour as legitimate." After admitting that it "would be unadvisable to create a precedent which might some day be invoked against us," the article concludes as ' follows; "While we fully share the vievf that no serious change of policy should oo cur without cogent reasons , and ample consideration, wo cannqt bnt ask our selves whether, in the event ot Great Britain being engaged in war, the action, either Of the enemy or even of neutral powers, in; a matter noon which suoh groat divergence of opinion still exists is likely to be governed by any precedent we or any one else may have set in the past, rather than by the immediate interests of the moment," A NEW YQRK FIRE, Two Seven-Stor- y Buildings Were De- stroyed Firemen Injured. New York, Jan. ,1. The two seven- - story buildings at 425 to 435 East Twenty-fourt- h street, occupied princi. pally by the wall-pap- er factory of Wil- liam Campbell & Qo,, were destroyed Dy nra tonight, ine loss is fully $500,000. The plant of the New York Hygienic Ice Company, which occu- pied the basement of 425, and that of the Manhattan Electric Light Com. pany, on the first and second floors of the same building, were totally de stroyed. A iftrge portion of the east side gets its lights from that company; and was, on aooount ; of the fire, cast into complete darkness. ' The Campbell company employed 400 hands, who will be thrown out of work by the fire. The properties of all three firms are de- stroyed beyond the ' hope of saving a dollar's worth. The lqsses are partly covered by insurance. Throe hobkrand-ladde- r men. Andrew Degnan, Joseph Shaughnessy and Jos eph Bessinger, were caught PM the sixth floor qCthe huilding, and escaped with great dirBcu.lty, AU were severely burned, Shaughnessy and Bessinger were sent to Bellevue hospital. . The other hook-and-ladd- er men were caught on one of the high window ledges, with the flames roaring all around them and the dense smoke making them, almost imperceptible from the street. Exten? sion ladders were run . and firemen brought them down in an almost un conscious condition. One of the men, Lee Potter, waj very severely burned, and was sent to Bellevue hospital. TWO ' TRAINS WRECKED. . One Person Was Killed and Fourteen Were Injured. Denver, Colo., Jan. 1. The Cbey enne flyer on the Union Pacific rail road crashed into, the Bpulder Yalley train, at Brighton, polo..,., at ft this morning. One man Yf as UUed, Win field Randelman, express messenger, Denver, whose body wis burned ' to a crisp, .Fourteen persons were injured. The Boulder valley train left Denver a little late this morning, and as usual stopped at Brighton, which is the junc tion for the Boulder Valley line from the main line to Cheyenne. The Chey enne flyer also left Denver . late, and coming into Brighton in the early morning dusk, ran into the tear end Of the Boulder train, telescoping two or three cars and derailing the passenger locomotive. r . Section gangs from Denver yards and half a dozeq passengers occupied the Boulder train. . The mail and baggage car and the smoker, of the . flyer. , were burned. Mrs. Young was in t&e chair car with six children,' Nona of the children were hurt, although she re ceived serious injury., . The wounded were brought to Denver, and taken to the hospitals. Conductor McAllister, of the Boulder valley train "was erased by ne aeciaent. lie attempted to jump into the burning wreckage, and had to be forcibly restrained. ; ': 1 f In his proclamation to the burghers, Baden-Powe- ll makes, the extraordi- nary statement, that the American gov- ernment has warned others pi her in- tentions tq, side with England should any of them interfere.. ; - ;:- General Whjte Ba the F.v Ladvsmith. Sundav. Deo. 24. via Pietermaritzburcr -- General White has ' had a slight, attack, pi. fever, bnt is now convalescent. - :. - It is reported that General Jouhevt ia a train in command of the Boers here. The military authorities appear confi dent, but tney are very reticent. About 2.000 claims .have henn fllnrl so far for pensions for disabilities re- ceived during the Spanish-America- n - war, Hawaiian Steamer Wrecked, ' San Francisco, Jan.- - 1. According to Honolulu advices, the island steamer Kilohana was wrecked December 10, at Lahaina. She ran on a reef between Lahaina and Kaanapali, and is a total loss. No lives were lost.; The weather was not rough, and it is supposed that the accident was due to an error of calculation. - At Adams a brass band has "begun to practice for the political campaign." At Silver Lake a number of stockmen have sold last spring's calves at $15 Filipino Bands Returning1 to Abandoned Towns. NATIVES ASK FOR PROTECTION Colonel Hare Loses the Track of the Prisoners He Has Folio wed General Wheeler Goes Sooth. Manila, Jan. 1. The insurgents who evacuated the coast towns between Dagupaxt: and Yigan, fleeing to the mountains before the advancing Amer icans,, are returning in small bands to the towns the Americans do not y, ' terrorizing the natives and Chinamen, who showed friendship for the Americans. The . natives and Chinamen are seeking the protection of the American garrisons. ' Colonel Wessel's cavalry, while scouting in the vicinity of Trinidad, bund evidence of Filipino soldiers be ng in that vicinity, but it was impose sible to bring about an engagement. The recent increase in the garrison of Namaepacaa against the threatened rebel attack on Christmas day averted trouble. Colonel Hare, of the Thirty-thir- d in- fantry, who has been following a party of American prisoners, lost track for three days, about December 20,. of such signs and evidences pf their passage as they customarily left behind them. It ia thought the prisoners were separated andconveyed to remote parts of the mountains, thus increasing the difficul- ties of General Young's troops to effect a rescue, General Wheeler, who was recently in Manila, rfinnfistina- - an atroointment south in the line of the expected cam? paign, is now a$ Pajanaque, , Americans Captured itrongftqid, Washington, Jan. 1, General Otis cables the war department today as fol- lows: "Manila' Colonel Lockett, with a regiment of two battalions of the Forty-sixt- h, (Colonel Schuyler), one battalion of the Forty-fift- h (Colonel Dorst), and one company of the Twen infantry, and two guns (Cap tain Van Deusen,) attacked the enemy, 600 strong in a mountain stronghold beyond Mont Alban, northeast of - San Mateo, A large number were killed and, wounded, and 24 were taken 'pris oners. caprarea one : cannon, 40 rifles, 20,000 rounds of ammunition, 600 pounds of powder, arsenal fortifica. tions.all their food supplies and con- siderable other property. "This captured point, located on a mountain trail, was formerly supposed to be impregnable. ' Our casualties: Lieutenant Enlow, Eleventh cavalry, and five enlisted men wounded, mostly slight, Private Matson; Forty-fift- h in fantry, drowned." Not American Tessels. Port Townsend, Jan. 1. The pur chase of foreign vessels by the United States government for use as transports during the Spanish-America- n war and their subsequent sale by the gQYern-me- nt to private citizens has resulted in complicating matters for purchasers from the fact that after purchase of suchsvessels the government refuses to allow them to b documented & the United States as American vessels. The pase in point is the steamship Scipio, which was recently sold by the navy department and was afterwards refused documentation. The purchaser applied to the secretary pf he treasury, asking that if he shpuJd break the Scipio up, whether the material of which she was constructed would be subject to duty if sold in the United States. Yesterday Collector Heustis received a circular letter covering the above case from the treasury depart- ment in which Acting Secretary Spaul-din- g says that upon the sale of said vessel in a port of the United States the materia or materials taken there? from would not bo regarded as an im portation within the meaning of thft customs laws, and would therefore pt from duty. ; The Plague Scare, San Francisco, Jan. 1. The steamer Gaelic arrived here this afternoon from the Orient, via Honolulu. The Gaelib was sent to quarantine, owing to the plague scare, but her cabin passengers were allowed to land, towboats plying between tne steamer and the city for the purpose. . The press correspondent at Honolulu says there have been no new oases of plague since last advices. There have been several sudden deaths, and in each instance rumor assigned ' the plague as the cause. Investigation ptfpved otherwise, The board of health now claims but two deaths were caused Dy tne scourge, fne remaining cases be? ing doubtful or suspicious, ': Bobbed of S12.O0O. Walsenbura. Colo.. Jan. i. W. T. Mitsap, a prominent stockman, was seized by two men when about q enter the Klein hotel and was robbed of $12,000. The money was mostly in his coat and vest pockets and these garments were torn from him. No trace of the criminals has been found Mr. Milsap was on his way to Mexico do Duy caiue, Big; Liner Is Ashore, London, Jan, 1,-- large German mail steamer, believed to be one of the HamburgrAmerican liners, has eone aground daring a terriflo gale in East Day, .about a quarter of a mile off Dun- - geness, the southern extremity of Kent, Heavy seas are breaking over the yes sel, and are unable to reach her. Fears are entertained for the safety of the passengers. it is reported that the position of the liner is very serious, Arrested at Bsteourt Durban, Jan. 1. A German farmer named Stucke and the Rev, Mr. Hartes, director oi tne Hanoverian missions in Natal, have been arrested at Estoourt on a charge of aiding the Boers. They both claim the protection of Germany. Eugene T. Smaller Dead. St. Paul, Jan. 1. Eugene V. Smal- - ley, the editor and publisher of the Northwest Magazine, died at his home in this city at mio'night. As a news- paperman, author and publisher, Mr. Smalley was one of the most widely knows writers of the Northwest. General1-French-. SUCCESSFUL FLANK MOVEMENT The Dutch Were Surprised, and. Find ing Their Retreat Threatened, Fled In Disorder Artillery Duel. Reinsberg, Cape Colony, Jan. 3. General French has completely defeated the Boeis and occupied Colesburg The general continued to keep the Boers on the move and pressed them closely Saturday - and Sunday, giving them no time to make a prolonged stand, and when day broke he was within striking distance of the enemy Last night all the cavalry, artillery and infantry, the latter riding in wag ons to increase the general mobility. started upon a night march with the object o'f turning the Boer's right. The flank operations were successful. The infantry and field batteries immediately made a feint attack on the Boer front. and while this was proceeding the cav- alry and light artillery got completely around the enemy's right flank, as ar ranged. The programme worked without hitch. The Boers were utterly sur prised, and, finding their retreat threat ened, fled in disorder, to the eastward, leaving Colesburg in General French's hands. Artillery Duel for Two Hours. London, Jan. 3 The Daily Mail has the following dispatch, dated January 1, from Reinsberg: "Yesterd'sy afternoon a big force oi cavalry and infantry, with 10 guns, under the personal command of General French, moving by a detour, occupied some hills three miles from - Colesburg, where the Boers were in strength, con fident in the natural aid afforded them by the hills around. "The enemy '8 position extended six miles around the entire village. At daybreak our artillery opened the bat tle. The Boers were taken by surprise, but replied vigorously. An artillery duel was mamtainned for two - hours. Then a Boer Hotchkiss collapsed and was abandoned. We captured it. A Boer big gun was silenced, but this and the other Boer guns were with drawn to the northward, whither we are harassing the Boer retreat by a damaging shell fire. "Colesburg is in our hands, and the few remaining loyalists are jubilant. We have oaptured many wagons and a considerable quantity of stores. - ' . "Our loss was quite slight, but the Boers must have suffered heavily. They may stop at Achertang or cross the river altogether at Norvalspont, where the bridge ia still intact." .. "'.- Rising of Cape Dutch. ; " .' e Cape Town, Jan. 8.; tJgly rumors are in circulation of a Dutch rising, with the object of seizing Cape Town and the docks and capturing the gover- nor qf Cape Colony Sir Alfred Milner. The center of the movement is said , to be Paari, a village about 30 miles from Cape Town, where of the Afrikanderbund was held- - yesterday. A similar meeting was held at Rich mond December 28; and it is reported that the members of the bund in these two towns are acting in concert. The members of the bund at Willing- - ton and the Dutch in Clan William district are said to be armed with Mausers, and to be anxious to use them in behalf of the Boers. . Although the stories of a rising are disciedited, the police and military are taking ample precautions. . i Philippine Hemp Trade. Washington, Jan. 3. Assistant Sec- - retray of War Meiklejohn, in a letter to Representative Long, of Kansas, . re- garding the opening of the hemp ports in the Phlippme islands, says: The estimated exports of hemp from the Philippine islands .for one year, of American occupation will ap- proximate 100,000 tons, of which amount 29,000 tons should be credited to the United States. This places the estimated exports to the United States for the year ot American occupation at abqut 17,000 tons less than the ex ports of 1897. This is accounted for by the fact that there have been opened for shipment only three porta of the Philippine islands. "Every effort has been made by the war department in the past and will be made in the future to comply with re quests to open all the hemp ports of the islands." ' Aoetylene Gas Explosion. Stromsberg, ; Neb., ; Jan. 3. Eden Baptist church, which was dedicated only a year ago, was totally destroyed by fire this morning, and two people were seriously injured. The fire was caused by an explosion of acetylene gas, with which the church was lighted, - The gas generator and the furnace were both located in the base- ment, and it is supposed escaping . gas waa ignited by the furnace. A large, number of people were in the church just previous to the explosion. The building was badly wrecked, and what was not destroyed by the explosion was consumed by fire. Great Northern's New Branch. Chicago, Jan. 1. -- The Tribune says: December 31 the Sioux City & North- ern railroad, from Garretson, S. D., to Sioux City, will pass from the hands of the to the control of the Great Northern railway. 'It is stated that President J. J. Hill, oi the Great Northem,oontemplates radical changes. The German press is hostile to the British seizure of a German ship. Two German cruisers have been sent to Del- agoa bay. - Pittsburg, Jan. 3. An explosion of sewer gas at Knoxville, a thriving borough near here,- - about midnight, demolished 17 frame houses and a number of stables, partly wrecked a dozen more frame dwelling, and tore up several streets for hundreds of feet. No one was injured. San Diego, Cal., Jan. 3. Chas. Tag- - gert, who arrived in this city from the Cocopah country of Lower California, reports that the earthquake of Christ mas day had a marked effect upon the geysers of that region, causing them to spout with redoubled force ' OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Review of the Import, ant Happening or the Fast Week Called From the Telegraph Columns San Franciscans are arranging for a tig pro-Bo- er demonstration. E. C. Hodges & Co., one of Boston' largest banks, has closed its doors. I the engagement at Ladysmith Fri- day, 10 British were killed and 16 wounded. England has discovered that her mil- itary resources were overestimated by 80,000 men. Wat Chandler, the old-tim- e pugilist and former partner of John L. Sulli- van, is dead. The qneen has given warning that British subjects mast not help Boers or Free Staters. Plague of a severe type is raging and many deaths from that cause have oc- curred in New Caledonia. Sydney Paget, William C. "Whitney's racing partner, has left this country to join the British rough riders. A Paris dispatch says that Francs would be happy if the Delagoa bay in- cident caused an anglo-Americ- quar- rel. ' Alfred Borlini was arrested in San Francisco wlile on his wedding trip. He is charged with being a bank de- faulter. : Iowa tar m era have formed a syndi- cate to grow rice In Texas. They have secured options on 14,000 acres of land to cost 1225,000. : The Boer army on Modder river is growing greater each day. They are building trenches within three ana one half miles of Methuen's picket line. The Northern Pacific wreck in Idaho was a bad one. After 10 days the last body had not been recovered. The trainmen were to blame. Governor Geer, of Oregon, does not approve of Oregon citizens contributing to a fund for Lawton'a family, He thinks the state should look after her own heroes' familes first. ; . - The Conntess of Canavarro thought she was a convert to Buddhism. She entered their convent and changed her mind, and has applied to friends in San Francisco for assistance, " Winston Spencer Churchill has cabled to the London Post of his escape from the Boer prison. He made his way overland from Delagoa ' bay and sealed walls while guards were not .looking. He journeyed for six days, walking at night, with nothing to eat but chocolate. - Over 600 British prisoners captured at Storm berg have reached Pretoria. Buller has destroyed the Colenso footbridge, and makes no further at- tempt to advance. . Armour's canning department, Chi- cago, is rushed night and day filling orders for the English army. A drunken wife in San Francisco has charged her husband with murder and he la being held by the authorities. The Great Northern will inaugurate a new departure. A large block of the company's stock is to be distributed among the employes at par. It fa said that England had been warned by General Butler, whom she is now turning down, that it would sot be wise to attack the Boers until bet' ter prepared. Should all Spanish war pensions now asked be allowed, it would cost . $2. ?25,000. The Seveqty.first New Yorks asks for annual-allowance- s which ag- gregate ?34,662. Yaqnl Indians plunder, kill and burn villages and the Mexicans do not seem to make much headway in whipping the Bavages. An entire Mexican regi- ment seems to have disappeared. - The Fenians are organizing at Buffa- lo, N. Y., for an invasion of Canada. They expect, it is said, to raise 125,000 men, and have two carloads of arms and munitions of war in concealment. There is disaffection among the Free Stater troops. They complain that Cronje's men are overbearing and bet. ter fed than they. The Transvaaler's are suspicious and the situation is be aoming grave. The president of the New York prison association, who has made an investigation of the Cuban prisons tells a horrible tale of the conditions there. Offenders of all classes sleep in filth and vermin. No beds or clean clothing is provided. Money or influence is necessary before they can secure their freedom. - p,. The members of the senate committee on privileges and elections declare they will carry on the investigation of Senator Clark's case without regard to the decision of the Montana supreme court under whieh Wellcome was dis- barred from practice on charges of brib- ery in connec on with the senator's election. Admiral and Mrs. Dewey have taken a pew in St. Paul's Roman Catholic church, Washington. The entire crop of sugarcane and beet for 1899-190- 0 will amount to about tons about the same amount as last year. Exports and imports at the five prin- cipal ports of Porto Rico for the months of May, June and July show a balance of trade in favor of these ports of 1347,882. A seat in the New York stock ex- change was sold for $40,000, the high' est price ever paid. William Cleggett, of Rochester, N. Y., was killed by an elephant at Jack- sonville, Fla. The animal sought revenge because Cleggett had given U tobacco two days before. M. Osiris, a wealthy physician, has presented to the Institute of France a am representing an annual income of $8,000 for a triennial prize of $30,000 for the most remarkable work, or dis- covery of general interest, especially la the fields of surgery and medicine. per bead.


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From All Parts of the NewWorld and the Old.

Boers Were Driven Back by

Portuguese South Africa Is to Be Divided Up,

New York, Jan. 1. A dsipatch tothe Herald from Berlin says:i The Lokal Anzieger publishes thecontents of the German-English-Por- tu

guese secret treaty. This double treatywill have executive force as soon as theSwiss jurists, Messrs . Blaesi-Hensle- y

and Goldau, have given a decision inthe Delagoa bay arbitration.

The decision, it is expected, will begiven in January or February and willprobably be in favor of England, inwhich case foftugai must pay to ingland and America an indemnity of 1,.900,000. England obtained in 1891from Portugal the right of pre-empti-

in Delagoa bay, and the cession 01 Delagoa bay to England may therefore beexpected in March next. '

It is possible that President Krugermay now declare War on Portugal andattack Delagoa at once.

In order to prevent any interferenceby France or Russia, Enlgand ' coneluded a secret treaty with Germanyregarding the complete partition of thePortuguese colonial possessions. Germany is to receive all the Portuguesepossessions in Asia, with 20,000 squaremiles ot territory ana J.yuu.ouu innaoitants, Germany further receives inAfrica all Portuguese territory north ofMosambique, except a strip of landthree miles wide, for Mr. Cecil Rhodes'trans-Africa- n railway. For this theGerman government will pay Portugal25,000,000 marks.


Burial of the Martyred Heroes of theMaine.

Washington. Jan. 1. Upon thewindy heights of Arlington cemetery,the Maine dead, brought from Havanaby the battleship Texas, today werelaid Wy m their Snal resting places,with simple religious services,' and theimpressive honors of war, in the pres.ence of the president, members p bigcabinet, ameers of the army and navyand other officers ot the government.

A cabinet officer, surveying the flag- -draped coffins before the ceremony be'

gan, saidi "The lives of these mencost Spain her colonies." But therewas no note of triupmh in the grimscene today. With a touch of Sadnessand, solemn, gravity," the nation per.formed its duty to the dead and gaveits defenders a ' Christian burial athome, in soil hallowed ' by patrioticdead. ...

Battle With Bobbers.Seattle, Jan. 1. Two, masked men

held up a, pauaro streetcar at uo'clock tonight. There were eightpassengers aboard, and a regular fusillade of shots was fired. : One of thepassengers inside the car, C. E. Plimp-ton, opened fire on the hghwayman. en-

tering from the rear, and three shotswere returned. One broke Plimpton,!!arm and the Other entered his breast,

Shortly after midnight the poncefound near the scene of the Ballardstreet-ca- r hold-u- p the body of one ofthe two bandits. He had been almostinstantly killed by a bullet from a

passenger's pistol. The body . is stillunidentified. :

Big Buffalo Vine Tori)s. Qut Blah..Bakes City, Or., Jan. 1. A sensa

tional strike was made . today in A.Geiser's Big- - Buffalo mine, two mileswest of this city. The miners, tookseveral samples of or from the tunnel,which today tapped the 80-fo- ot ledge.By assays just returned to the ownerof the mine, the samples all show goldvalues ranging from $18 to $102.75 ingold and five ounces of silver to theton. Mr. Geiser, who was formerlypart owner pf the Bonanza mine, saidtoday that u the values fioiq onthroughout the Big Buffalo, the prop.erty will be equal to the Bonanza. TheBig Buffalo is within plain sight ofthis city.

Killed His Young Wife and Himself.Winnipeg, Jan. 1. Pierre Dentzer,

a German farmer, aged 50, living nearRathwell, 100 miles from Winnipeg,shot and killed his wife ina fit gf temper. IJentzer tlieq parriedhis bab tg a BeighHr' hB88 d re"turned . home. The authorities werenotified, and on approaching the hou?found that the woman's body had beetaken inside the house and a cross ha.been raised by Den tger en the groundwhere she had been shot. Dentzer hadspread a sheet on the floor, placed hiswife's body on it, blew out his brains.

Went Through a Bridge.San Bernardino, Cal., Jan. 1. As

No. S3, west-boun- d freight train overthe Sante Fe igute,, waj erof sing Oajoncreek bridge today, about 13 milesnorth of this city, nine cars wentthrough the bridge into the creek bot-

tom. Six pf the oars weie loaded withcotton, one with telegraph Ijvire, andone wth general raerohandise and sul-

phur. The cars caught fire and madea terrible ponflagratiqij. gestinjf theentity contents and framework. Noone was killed, .

A Murderous Collector.Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 1 Samuel

Mills, a collector for aa - installmenthouse, this afternoon attempted, to seizefurniture in: the house of Mary Ven--

able, colored, for a small debt. Thewoman attempted to prevent it, and inthe struggle that ensued Mills ghot thewoman and her little son and daughter-- ,

all seriouslv, : Mills was arrested.

Bullet's Sphere of Action.Gape Town, Jan. 1. Colonel Qtter,

commanding the Canadian contingentof troops," is to Join the staff of Buller,all the members qf which are proceed-ing tq Natal, indicating tbat Buller's,sphere will shortly he confined t.Natal, - "

Boston Sympathy for Baers, .

Boston, Jan. I, The common conn!:oil of Boston today, after a spirited de?bate, adopted a resolution of sympathyfor the Boers,

Civil War In New Guinea.Victoria, B. C, Jan. 1. News has

been received by the steamer Aorangiof a bloody civil war which has beenraging among the natives of Klriwina,New Guinea. In the fighting the headchief was defeated, and 11 villages inall were destroyed, with heavy slaugh-ter.

German Officers Fought a Duel. :

Berlin. Jan. 1. Lieutenant Rauband Lieutenant St. Clow, both of theOne Hundred and Fiftieth regiment,fought a duel today near Alonstein,East Prussia. The latter officer waskilled.

A railroad boom has struck HawaiiSix inches of snow fell at Macon,

Ga.Bechuanaland farmers are helping

the Boers.Boers fired plum pudding at Lady'

smith garrison.Oregon woolgrowers expect to get 20

cents for their 1900 crop.'Vigilance of Americans prevented a

projected uprising in Manila.At New York Kid McCoy knocked

out Peter Maher in five rounds.

Idaho produced $2,500,000 in goldand $6,103,000 in silver last year.

France and England may havetrouble over Newfoundland fisheries.

The United States may buy theDanish West Indies for $4,000,000.

Ohio Irishmen offer sympathy,money, arms and soliders to the Boers,

One child received fatal and severalpersons serious burns in a New Yorkflat fire. . :

Several thousand attended a verybrilliant New Year's day reception atthe White House.

Nicholas, czar of Russia, has againissued an appeal for peace to thepowers of the world.

Multnomah's football team defeatedStanford university's eleven at Portland; score, 11 to 6. '

Hilliard F. Johnson, a water-fro- nt

reporter in San"

Franoisco, wasdrowned in a bathtub.

Government officials say the cruiserMontgomery was sent to Liberia togive the Black Republic assurance of


More miles of new railroad havebeen built during 1899 than in anyprevious year since 1890, when 5670miles Pt line were completed. SinceJanuary 1, 1899, no less than 4,500miles of track have been laid in theUnited States on 812 lines in 44 statesand territories.

The torpedo-boa- t destroyer Golds- -

j borough, built by a Portland, Or.,firm, on her second contractor's trialcovered eight miles in 15 minutes,which is at the rate ef S3 miles anhour, against a current.Steam was made without effort, andnot a bearing was heated. . The runwas made in the Columbia river, nearKalama.

Boutelle will probably never returnto congress.


The Boer trenches at . Colenso arebomb proof.; Pingree's tax resolution was defeatedin the Michigan senate.' People are tired of Colombian warand ask for intervention.

British Columbia has Bent a gold dis-

play to the Paris exposition,If Delagoa bay i& closed the Boers

will raid Portuguese territory.The Stahl & Straub failure in Phila-

delphia is a clear case of looting.' An important witness against Sena-

tor Clark has confessed to perjury.'

Robert Cornelias, aged 20, wasfound dead in the woods near Glencoe,Or. v.

Fogsiliferous remains of . a giganticsea serpent were found on the coast ofChili. ' -

At its last meeting the cabinet dis:cussed the agricultural possibilities inAlaska.

Buller's army on the Tugela has nowreached the enoromus strength of 28fr000 men.

Luzon hemp poits will be opened intime for supplies to reach this countryby next harvest. .

A London dispatch says Russia longsto seize Hfcrat, and she only waits forEngland to occupy Delagoa bay.; C. G. Coad, of Dallas, Of,, has beenappointed assistant sergeant'ftt-arm- s inthe United States senate.

The Boers have mounted a new gunat Ladyslmth in the place of the onejcaptured by the British payairy.

The clerk of the court of appeals hasrefused to administer the oath of officeto members of the state election boardin Kentucky.

A Colorado Midland passenger and aSanta Fe freight collided near PalmerLake, Colo. One fireman was killedand two engineers were hurt. ...

An English military expert assertsthat the time has come for a change inthe cabinet. He favors either a dicta-torship or an militaryminister.

Miss Florence Blythe - Hinckley,heiress to the Blythe millions, wasquietly married in San Francisco to A.A, Moore, jr deputy attorney-genera- )of California,

Americans have captured another inrsurgent stronghold. Many rebels werekilled, wounded and captured and anamount of ammunition and food taken.Their supposed impregnable positionwas north of San Mateo,

An Ottawa dispatch savs that treasonis talked openly among the French Ca.nadians, and all of their members haveretired from parliament. All the lat-ent hostility to British rule has beenaroused by Canada's action in sendingtroops to the Transvaal,

The Pittsburg baseball club hasbought the pick of the Louisville teamfor a sum said to be $25,000 cash," -

Mrs. O, A. Burling, w

of Rear-Admir- al William T, Sampson,died at her home in Rochester, N, Y,,aged 76 years.

Ex-Sher- Weis, of Dayton, O., hasreceived by mail a commission fromPresident Kruger appointing him- - abrigadier-gener- al in the Boer army.Weis is a personal friend of Kruger's,and once visited him in Africa,

The empress of Germany is a stanchdefender of the bible, and deprecate!all slighting remarks at court relative tothe church or the scriptures. -

Nearly every- - grocery jobber andwholesaler in Missouri, Kansas, Okla-homa and Indian territory was repre-sented at a meeting held in Kansas Cityto organize against trusts. ,

In celebrating the fiftieth anniversaryof his professorship Professor Virohow,of Berlin, said he owed his scientificreputation almost entirely to his Ameri-can and Japanese pupils,who continuedhis researches.

Opening of the- - Campaign In ' SouthernProvinces.

; Manila, Jan. 3. The first movementof the general southern advance oc-curred this morning, when two battal-ions of the Fourth infantry landed andoccupied Cabuyao, on the south sideof Laguna de Bay. Two Americanswere killed and two wounded. Twenty-fo- ur of the enemy were found deadin one house. One hundred and fiftyprisoners and four er rapid -nre guns were captured.

The gunboat Laguna de Bay bombarded the town before the disembarkation of the troops from the cascoes.which was made under the enemy'sshrapnel fire. The enemy evacuatedtne place before the chare ina - Americans, retreating to Santa ' Rosa, towhich town they were pursued.

Heavy fighting occurred . along theroad to Santa Rosa, which was cccupied by the insurgents, retreating southtoward Silan. The Americans burnedthe country around Cabuyao. '

The gunboat returned to Calamba.for reinforcements, and thence cameto Manila to get ammunition. Sherecently captured two of the enemy'ssteam launches, one under the fire ofartillery, at Calamba, and also fourcascoes loaded with rice. Other regi-ments are mobilizing tonight at SanPedro Maoati and Pasig, preparatory tocontinuing tne southern advance.

Yesterday's capture of bombs involved the seizure of doooments inculpating 1,000 Filipinos who intended torise against the Americans. Paperswere also found showing a distributionof the city into districts, and a carefulassignment of leaders and - followersThe precautions taken by the Ameri-cans Saturday, it is now evident, aloneprevented an uprsing.

The provost marshal has requestedthat two more regiments be detainedfor the protection of Manila. Threethousand troops are now actually inthe city. '

Aguinaldo'a wife, sisters and 18Filipinos have surrendered to MajorMarch's battalion of the Third infantryat Bontoo. Three Filipino officers alsosurrendered to Major March, and theFilipinos gave up two Spanish and twoAmerican prisoners.


Combination to Control the Output ofthe Country.

Chicago, Jan. 3. Information hasreached Chicago of a proposed combination to control the zinc output of theUnited States. Work on the schemehas been begun, and the initial stepshave been taken in Kansas City. According to one of the best-know- n zincoperators, who was in Chicago yesterday, the plan includes not only thecontrol of the mines, but of the smelting plants as well. Within a shorttime representatives of the combinationwill get a price on all producing ziiiamines in the Joplin, Mo., district, andsecure options on them: It - has - beenestimated by the promoters that it willtake in the neighborhood of $100,000,-00- 0

to swing the undertaking success-fully, and this amounnt of money, withas much more as may be necessary, issaid to be ready tq : go into thescheme," -.-. "


Phosphate Carrier Goes Down, butCrew Is Saved,

Chicago, Jan. 3, A special tq theTribune from Norfolk, Va., saysj , Theschooners Fannie Brown and MargaretRoper collided off Hatterae, and theFannie Brown sank. The 10 men ofthe crew were saved by the crew of the-Roper.

The .collision occurred on the nightof December 29, during a high wind.The big schooners crashed together be.fore the lookouts saw the danger. TheBrown, being loaded with rock andphosphate, filled rapidly, and its crewof 10. had barely time to take to theboats, the schooner sinkly shortly afterthey put off. The Roper, disabled,stood by, and after a hard stiuggle gotthe Brown's erew safely aboard.

An Interesting Rumor.London, Jan. 1 . A dispatch from

Lorenzo Marquez, dated December 23,says a curious Btory is current, emanat-- .ing from Boer sources that Matt, Steyn,brother of the president pf ; the OrangeFree State, and. 80Q Jree Staters havedefinitely refused to continue the :Kvar,Matt, Steyn, acting as spokesman oithe party, is reported to have told thepresident that he was only . authorisedto, intevene in the interest ot peace,and. that the, burghers did not feel thatthey were bound by his 'unwarrantableconduct,, especially as they fan the.risk of confiscation. o4 their-- property,and they simply desried to be permittedtq farm in peace and proposed to, imwedlately return to their-- farms, : ; :.

"Train W4thou an Engineer.Cedar.' Ranida. fa.. Jan. S TTio

overland limited on the - Northwesternrailway ran 50 miles last night with-out an engineer. - No one on the trainwas conscious of the danger until thenreman Drougnt tne tram TO s - standistill at Bertram. . Near Mechanicsville.Knffinp.flT. "EV .T. isb. In snmA unknownmanner, fell from the cab,' and the.nreman. aia no nonce nis aDsence. untilthe train had whirled oyer 6Q miles.PihIt a war nicked nrt nnnanantnnH a ffiw

'. A 1 I T,- - ' 'hours later, aja.d died in a hospital heretonign,. -


Fire In a, Rarth Carolina. Town,Greensboro., N, C Jan.-- " 8. Fire

last night caused losses aggregatingnearly $ 100,000, partly covered by

' in-

surance, The heaviest losers are W.Cleary and the Hague-MoCor- d Dry

Goods Company, J. ; : . - i

Family Burned to .Death. '

Barboursville, W. " Ya., Jan, 8.William Ellis,, wife and - two childrenwere burned to death ia. their homenear here today. The origin of thefire ia unknown.

'" '. Iho Invasion of Canada.

New York, Jan. 3. A special tothe Times from Burlington, Vt., ' says:It is reported that the Fenians are en-

gaged in storing large quantities of,dynamite,lyddite ammunition and sup-

plies in a few selected . repositories.' inremote districts of Vermont and Maine,near the Canadian boundary line. Theinformation comes from persons whoclaim to have knowledge of the pur-chase of some of the supplies.

The British consul at Kansas Cityhas resigned and will become an Amerloan citizen, .v -

Temporary Reaction From the HeaviestHoliday Trade on Record.

Bradstreet's says: Holiday influenceand stock-takin- g impart an appearanceof dullness to general distributive trade,broken, however, by fair activity inreorder business to fill up stocks de-

pleted by the heaviest holiday tradethat has ever hef.n fiTTWvrifinonH

Anticipation of spring trade wantshas given a more than ordinarily ac-tive appearance to business in drygoods at New York, while in industriallines the efforts of manufacturers tokeep up with filled order-book- s is re-

sulting in unusually active operations.Following the flurry in money, stocksand in some lines of speculative com-modities noted last week, has come, aswas expected, a more cheerful tone,and a firming up in quotations is notedIn such staples as cotton, which waseffected by last week's money develop-ments, and also in hog products, cof-

fee, copper, tin and lead. The strengthof textiles is still a feature which findsjustification in current statistics of

larger season's receipts and sales ofwool, and in reports of enlarged oldand heavily increased new capacity inmanufacturing lines.

In iron and steel, seasonable quiet aeregards new business is observable, butunabated activity on earlier bookedorders is reported. In some cases, noshutdown was made for the holidaysby mills and furnaces.

Wheat (including flour) shipmentsfor the week aggregate 8,610,557 bush-els, agaist 2,813,714 bushels last week,6,202,625 bushels in the correspondingweek of 1898. 6,495,061 bushels in1895. .

For the year, failures are the smallestin number for 17 years past, and wereit not for a few heavy fiancial suspen-sions in December, liabilities, whichwill exceed those of 1892 slightly,would have been smallest for 12 yeaispast. .


Seattle Markets.Onions, new, f1.00 1.25 per sack.Potatoes, new, $16 20.Beets, per sack, 75 85c.Turnips, per sack, 60o.Carrots, per sack, 50o. "

Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c.Cauliflower,-75o$- l per dozen.Cabbage, native and California, 7390o per 100 pounds. 'Peaches, 6580o.Apples, $1.25 1.50 per box.Pears, $1.00 1.25 per box.Prunes, 60o per box.Watermelons, $1.50.Nutmegs, 50 75c.Butter Creamery, 32o per pound;

dairy, i7(92c; rancn, aao per pound.Eggs Firm, 80 31o.Cheese Native, 16o.Poultry 9 10c; dressed, 13 14c.Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;

choice Eastern - Washington timothy,$17.0018.00 '

Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;feed meal, $28. -

Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,en,. 1 ln ,nnFlour Patent, per barrel, $3.85;

blended straights, $3.10; California,S3 2K; . hnnlrwhnat flnnr. $fi 00: orra- -

ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheatflour, $3.10; rye flour, $3.804.00. -

Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16.00; .

shorts, per ton, $17.00.Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton;

middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,per ton, $32.00. ,

Portland Market. '.,

Wluul! Walla Walla K1 531 KOrt

Valley, 52c; Bluestom, 64o per bushel.Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham.. . .An gy An " 1

$2.ou; supemne, 92.10 per uarrei. -

Oats Choice white, 34 35c; choice

brewing, $18.0018.60 per ton.Millstuffs Bran. $17 per, ton: mid

illinfffl $9.9? oVin-rfj- Sift nVrT. S 1 ft twvfC? - T " ' -

ton. - ,

Hay Timothy, $9 10.50; clover,V(g; uregonwua nay, $0(3t per ion.Butter Fancv creamery. 50(d)55c:

seconds, 42K45o; dairy, 8740c;store, 25 86c.

Eggs 18 19o per dozen. ,

Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c;Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo


Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.503.50 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs,$2.503.50; geese, $7.009.00 for old;$4. 60 6. 60 for young; ducks, $4.50per dozen; turkeys, live, 12)it13oper pound.

Potatoes 5570o per sack; sweets,22J4o per pound. . r

Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cauli-flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, $1;beans, 66o per pound; celery, 7075o per dozen; encumbers, 60o perbox; peas, 84oper pound; tomatoes,7 5o per box; green corn, 12&(g15o per dozen. , ' ,

Hops 8 11c; 1898 crop, 56o. .

Wool Valley, 1213o per pound;Eastern Oregon, 8 14o; mohair, 3780o per pound. :' '

Mutton Gross, best sheep, wetners.and ewes, 8Kc; dressed mutton, 6&7c per pound; lambs, 7o per pound.; Hogs Gross, choice heavy, so.uu; .

light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,$5.506.00 per 100 pounds.

' Beef GrosB, top steers, $3.504.00;-cows- ,

$33.60; dressed beef, 6KiHo per pound. . "r :

Veal Large, 6&7c; small, Bg8KopOT pound. .: . ? ' '

Baa Francisco Market.. Wool Spring-Nevad- 12 16c pei

pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 16o; Vall-

ey,- '20 22c; Northern, 10 1 2c...Hops 1899 crop, ll12o . perpound.

Onions Yellow, 7685o per sack.Butteir Fancy creamery 24 25c;

do seconds, 22 23c; fancy dairy, 2021o; do seconds, 19o per pound.Eggs Store, 2527o; fancy ranch,

84c. ... - 'Millstuffs Middlings, $16.00

19.00; bran, $13 14.00. .'

Hay Wheat $7. 00 9; wheat andoat $7.60 9.00; best barley $5.007.50; alfalfa, $5.00 7.50 per ton;straw, 8545o per bale.

Potatoes Early Rose, $1.00; Oregon tsurDanss, 000(91. 10; river uur-bank- s,

45 75c; Salinas Burbanks,$1.00 1.26 per sack.

- Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,$2.788.25; Mexloan limes, $4.006.00; California lemons 76cfl.C0;do ohoi.oe $1.76 3.00 per box.

Tropioal Fruits Bananas, $1.602.60 per bunch: pineapples, nominal; Persian dates. 6J6Ko pelpound,

Wants England to DefineHer Position.


Possible Change of Policy Sir CharlesDllke Warns Against a liasty Overturning of Precedents.

London, Jan. 1. Lord Roseberywrites as follows this morning to theilmes: '

"There are disquieting intimationswhich appear to point to our government Having treated foodstuffs as contraband of war, As this is a matter ofsupreme importance, I venture to address this line to you in the hope thatit may elicit an authoritative statementon the subject." ,, ' .

The Times, commenting editoriallyupon Lord Roseberry's letter, says?

"Too little is known f the seiauretfor any valid inferenoe safely to bedrawn. Aa emergency might arisewhen certain foodstuffs would be regarded as contraband - while otherswould not, especially if the latter wereintended for concern batants Theremight, for instance, be reasonablegrounds for treating canned goods ascontraband and flour as legitimate."

After admitting that it "would beunadvisable to create a precedent whichmight some day be invoked againstus," the article concludes as ' follows;

"While we fully share the vievf thatno serious change of policy should oocur without cogent reasons , and ampleconsideration, wo cannqt bnt ask ourselves whether, in the event ot GreatBritain being engaged in war, theaction, either Of the enemy or even ofneutral powers, in; a matter noonwhich suoh groat divergence of opinionstill exists is likely to be governed byany precedent we or any one else mayhave set in the past, rather than by theimmediate interests of the moment,"


Two Seven-Stor- y Buildings Were De-stroyed Firemen Injured.

New York, Jan. ,1. The two seven- -

story buildings at 425 to 435 EastTwenty-fourt- h street, occupied princi.pally by the wall-pap- er factory of Wil-liam Campbell & Qo,, were destroyedDy nra tonight, ine loss is fully$500,000. The plant of the New YorkHygienic Ice Company, which occu-pied the basement of 425, and that ofthe Manhattan Electric Light Com.pany, on the first and second floors ofthe same building, were totally destroyed. A iftrge portion of the eastside gets its lights from that company;and was, on aooount ; of the fire, castinto complete darkness. ' The Campbellcompany employed 400 hands, whowill be thrown out of work by the fire.The properties of all three firms are de-

stroyed beyond the '

hope of saving adollar's worth. The lqsses are partlycovered by insurance.

Throe hobkrand-ladde- r men. AndrewDegnan, Joseph Shaughnessy and Joseph Bessinger, were caught PM the sixthfloor qCthe huilding, and escaped withgreat dirBcu.lty, AU were severelyburned, Shaughnessy and Bessingerwere sent to Bellevue hospital. . Theother hook-and-ladd- er men were caughton one of the high window ledges, withthe flames roaring all around them andthe dense smoke making them, almostimperceptible from the street. Exten?sion ladders were run . and firemenbrought them down in an almost unconscious condition. One of the men,Lee Potter, waj very severely burned,and was sent to Bellevue hospital.


One Person Was Killed and FourteenWere Injured.

Denver, Colo., Jan. 1. The Cbeyenne flyer on the Union Pacific railroad crashed into, the Bpulder Yalleytrain, at Brighton, polo..,., at ft thismorning. One man Yfas UUed, Winfield Randelman, express messenger,Denver, whose body wis burned ' to acrisp, .Fourteen persons were injured.The Boulder valley train left Denvera little late this morning, and as usualstopped at Brighton, which is the junction for the Boulder Valley line fromthe main line to Cheyenne. The Cheyenne flyer also left Denver . late, andcoming into Brighton in the earlymorning dusk, ran into the tear end Of

the Boulder train, telescoping two orthree cars and derailing the passengerlocomotive. r .

Section gangs from Denver yards andhalf a dozeq passengers occupied theBoulder train. . The mail and baggagecar and the smoker, of the . flyer. , wereburned. Mrs. Young was in t&e chaircar with six children,' Nona of thechildren were hurt, although she received serious injury., . The woundedwere brought to Denver, and taken tothe hospitals. Conductor McAllister,of the Boulder valley train "was erasedby ne aeciaent. lie attempted tojump into the burning wreckage, andhad to be forcibly restrained. ; ': 1 f

In his proclamation to the burghers,Baden-Powe- ll makes, the extraordi-nary statement, that the American gov-ernment has warned others pi her in-tentions tq, side with England shouldany of them interfere.. ; - ;:-

General Whjte Ba the F.vLadvsmith. Sundav. Deo. 24. via

Pietermaritzburcr --General White has'had a slight, attack, pi. fever, bnt isnow convalescent. -

: .-

It is reported that General Jouhevt iaa train in command of the Boers here.The military authorities appear confident, but tney are very reticent.

About 2.000 claims .have henn fllnrlso far for pensions for disabilities re-ceived during the Spanish-America- n

-war,Hawaiian Steamer Wrecked, '

San Francisco, Jan.- - 1. Accordingto Honolulu advices, the island steamerKilohana was wrecked December 10,at Lahaina. She ran on a reef betweenLahaina and Kaanapali, and is a totalloss. No lives were lost.; The weatherwas not rough, and it is supposed thatthe accident was due to an error ofcalculation. -

At Adams a brass band has "begunto practice for the political campaign."

At Silver Lake a number of stockmenhave sold last spring's calves at $15

Filipino Bands Returning1 toAbandoned Towns.


Colonel Hare Loses the Track of thePrisoners He Has Folio wed GeneralWheeler Goes Sooth.

Manila, Jan. 1. The insurgentswho evacuated the coast towns betweenDagupaxt: and Yigan, fleeing to themountains before the advancing Americans,, are returning in small bands tothe towns the Americans do not y,

' terrorizing the natives andChinamen, who showed friendship forthe Americans. The . natives andChinamen are seeking the protection ofthe American garrisons. '

Colonel Wessel's cavalry, whilescouting in the vicinity of Trinidad,bund evidence of Filipino soldiers be

ng in that vicinity, but it was imposesible to bring about an engagement.

The recent increase in the garrison ofNamaepacaa against the threatenedrebel attack on Christmas day avertedtrouble.

Colonel Hare, of the Thirty-thir- d in-

fantry, who has been following a partyof American prisoners, lost track forthree days, about December 20,. of suchsigns and evidences pf their passage asthey customarily left behind them. Itia thought the prisoners were separatedandconveyed to remote parts of themountains, thus increasing the difficul-ties of General Young's troops to effecta rescue,

General Wheeler, who was recentlyin Manila, rfinnfistina- - an atroointmentsouth in the line of the expected cam?paign, is now a$ Pajanaque, ,

Americans Captured itrongftqid,Washington, Jan. 1, General Otis

cables the war department today as fol-

lows:"Manila' Colonel Lockett, with a

regiment of two battalions of theForty-sixt- h, (Colonel Schuyler), onebattalion of the Forty-fift- h (ColonelDorst), and one company of the Twen

infantry, and two guns (Captain Van Deusen,) attacked the enemy,600 strong in a mountain strongholdbeyond Mont Alban, northeast of - SanMateo, A large number were killedand, wounded, and 24 were taken 'prisoners. caprarea one : cannon,40 rifles, 20,000 rounds of ammunition,600 pounds of powder, arsenal fortifica.tions.all their food supplies and con-siderable other property.

"This captured point, located on amountain trail, was formerly supposedto be impregnable. ' Our casualties:Lieutenant Enlow, Eleventh cavalry,and five enlisted men wounded, mostlyslight, Private Matson; Forty-fift- h infantry, drowned."

Not American Tessels.Port Townsend, Jan. 1. The pur

chase of foreign vessels by the UnitedStates government for use as transportsduring the Spanish-America- n war andtheir subsequent sale by the gQYern-me- nt

to private citizens has resulted incomplicating matters for purchasersfrom the fact that after purchase ofsuchsvessels the government refuses toallow them to b documented & theUnited States as American vessels.

The pase in point is the steamshipScipio, which was recently sold by thenavy department and was afterwardsrefused documentation. The purchaserapplied to the secretary pf he treasury,asking that if he shpuJd break theScipio up, whether the material ofwhich she was constructed would besubject to duty if sold in the UnitedStates. Yesterday Collector Heustisreceived a circular letter covering theabove case from the treasury depart-ment in which Acting Secretary Spaul-din- g

says that upon the sale of saidvessel in a port of the United Statesthe materia or materials taken there?from would not bo regarded as an importation within the meaning of thftcustoms laws, and would therefore pt

from duty. ;

The Plague Scare,San Francisco, Jan. 1. The steamer

Gaelic arrived here this afternoon fromthe Orient, via Honolulu. The Gaelibwas sent to quarantine, owing to theplague scare, but her cabin passengerswere allowed to land, towboats plyingbetween tne steamer and the city forthe purpose. .

The press correspondent at Honolulusays there have been no new oases ofplague since last advices. There havebeen several sudden deaths, and ineach instance rumor assigned ' theplague as the cause. Investigationptfpved otherwise, The board of healthnow claims but two deaths were causedDy tne scourge, fne remaining cases be?ing doubtful or suspicious,

': Bobbed of S12.O0O.Walsenbura. Colo.. Jan. i. W. T.

Mitsap, a prominent stockman, wasseized by two men when about q enterthe Klein hotel and was robbed of$12,000. The money was mostly inhis coat and vest pockets and thesegarments were torn from him. Notrace of the criminals has been foundMr. Milsap was on his way to Mexicodo Duy caiue,

Big; Liner Is Ashore,London, Jan, 1,-- large German

mail steamer, believed to be one of theHamburgrAmerican liners, has eoneaground daring a terriflo gale in EastDay, .about a quarter of a mile off Dun--geness, the southern extremity of Kent,Heavy seas are breaking over the yessel, and are unable to reachher. Fears are entertained for thesafety of the passengers.

it is reported that the position of theliner is very serious,

Arrested at BsteourtDurban, Jan. 1. A German farmer

named Stucke and the Rev, Mr. Hartes,director oi tne Hanoverian missions inNatal, have been arrested at Estoourton a charge of aiding the Boers. Theyboth claim the protection of Germany.

Eugene T. Smaller Dead.St. Paul, Jan. 1. Eugene V. Smal- -

ley, the editor and publisher of theNorthwest Magazine, died at his homein this city at mio'night. As a news-paperman, author and publisher, Mr.Smalley was one of the most widelyknows writers of the Northwest.



The Dutch Were Surprised, and. Finding Their Retreat Threatened, FledIn Disorder Artillery Duel.

Reinsberg, Cape Colony, Jan. 3.General French has completely defeatedthe Boeis and occupied ColesburgThe general continued to keep theBoers on the move and pressed themclosely Saturday - and Sunday, givingthem no time to make a prolongedstand, and when day broke he waswithin striking distance of the enemy

Last night all the cavalry, artilleryand infantry, the latter riding in wagons to increase the general mobility.started upon a night march with theobject o'f turning the Boer's right. Theflank operations were successful. Theinfantry and field batteries immediatelymade a feint attack on the Boer front.and while this was proceeding the cav-

alry and light artillery got completelyaround the enemy's right flank, as arranged.

The programme worked withouthitch. The Boers were utterly surprised, and, finding their retreat threatened, fled in disorder, to the eastward,leaving Colesburg in General French'shands.

Artillery Duel for Two Hours.London, Jan. 3 The Daily Mail has

the following dispatch, dated January1, from Reinsberg:

"Yesterd'sy afternoon a big force oicavalry and infantry, with 10 guns,under the personal command of GeneralFrench, moving by a detour, occupiedsome hills three miles from - Colesburg,where the Boers were in strength, confident in the natural aid afforded themby the hills around.

"The enemy '8 position extended sixmiles around the entire village. Atdaybreak our artillery opened the battle. The Boers were taken by surprise,but replied vigorously. An artilleryduel was mamtainned for two - hours.Then a Boer Hotchkiss collapsed andwas abandoned. We captured it. ABoer big gun was silenced, but thisand the other Boer guns were withdrawn to the northward, whither weare harassing the Boer retreat by adamaging shell fire.

"Colesburg is in our hands, and thefew remaining loyalists are jubilant.We have oaptured many wagons and aconsiderable quantity of stores. - '

. "Our loss was quite slight, but theBoers must have suffered heavily.They may stop at Achertang or crossthe river altogether at Norvalspont,where the bridge ia still intact." ..

"'.- Rising of Cape Dutch. ;" .'

e Cape Town, Jan. 8.; tJgly rumorsare in circulation of a Dutch rising,with the object of seizing Cape Townand the docks and capturing the gover-nor qf Cape Colony Sir Alfred Milner.The center of the movement is said , tobe Paari, a village about 30 miles fromCape Town, where of theAfrikanderbund was held- - yesterday.A similar meeting was held at Richmond December 28; and it is reportedthat the members of the bund in thesetwo towns are acting in concert.

The members of the bund at Willing- -

ton and the Dutch in Clan Williamdistrict are said to be armed withMausers, and to be anxious to use themin behalf of the Boers. .

Although the stories of a rising aredisciedited, the police and military aretaking ample precautions.

. i Philippine Hemp Trade.Washington, Jan. 3. Assistant Sec- -

retray of War Meiklejohn, in a letterto Representative Long, of Kansas, . re-

garding the opening of the hemp portsin the Phlippme islands, says:

The estimated exports of hempfrom the Philippine islands .for oneyear, of American occupation will ap-

proximate 100,000 tons, of whichamount 29,000 tons should be creditedto the United States. This places theestimated exports to the United Statesfor the year ot American occupationat abqut 17,000 tons less than the exports of 1897. This is accounted forby the fact that there have been openedfor shipment only three porta of thePhilippine islands.

"Every effort has been made by thewar department in the past and will bemade in the future to comply with requests to open all the hempports of the islands."

' Aoetylene Gas Explosion.Stromsberg, ; Neb., ; Jan. 3. Eden

Baptist church, which was dedicatedonly a year ago, was totally destroyedby fire this morning, and two peoplewere seriously injured. The fire wascaused by an explosion of acetylenegas, with which the church waslighted, - The gas generator and thefurnace were both located in the base-ment, and it is supposed escaping . gaswaa ignited by the furnace. A large,number of people were in the churchjust previous to the explosion. Thebuilding was badly wrecked, and whatwas not destroyed by the explosion wasconsumed by fire.

Great Northern's New Branch.Chicago, Jan. 1. -- The Tribune says:

December 31 the Sioux City & North-ern railroad, from Garretson, S. D., toSioux City, will pass from the handsof the to the control of theGreat Northern railway. 'It is statedthat President J. J. Hill, oi the GreatNorthem,oontemplates radical changes.

The German press is hostile to theBritish seizure of a German ship. TwoGerman cruisers have been sent to Del-

agoa bay. -

Pittsburg, Jan. 3. An explosion ofsewer gas at Knoxville, a thrivingborough near here,- - about midnight,demolished 17 frame houses and anumber of stables, partly wrecked adozen more frame dwelling, and toreup several streets for hundreds of feet.No one was injured.

San Diego, Cal., Jan. 3. Chas. Tag- -

gert, who arrived in this city from theCocopah country of Lower California,reports that the earthquake of Christmas day had a marked effect upon thegeysers of that region, causing them tospout with redoubled force '


Comprehensive Review of the Import,ant Happening or the Fast WeekCalled From the Telegraph Columns

San Franciscans are arranging for atig pro-Bo- er demonstration.

E. C. Hodges & Co., one of Boston'largest banks, has closed its doors.

I the engagement at Ladysmith Fri-

day, 10 British were killed and 16wounded.

England has discovered that her mil-

itary resources were overestimated by80,000 men.

Wat Chandler, the old-tim- e pugilistand former partner of John L. Sulli-van, is dead.

The qneen has given warning thatBritish subjects mast not help Boers orFree Staters.

Plague of a severe type is raging andmany deaths from that cause have oc-

curred in New Caledonia.

Sydney Paget,William C. "Whitney'sracing partner, has left this country tojoin the British rough riders.

A Paris dispatch says that Francswould be happy if the Delagoa bay in-

cident caused an anglo-Americ- quar-rel. '

Alfred Borlini was arrested in SanFrancisco wlile on his wedding trip.He is charged with being a bank de-

faulter. :

Iowa tarm era have formed a syndi-cate to grow rice In Texas. They havesecured options on 14,000 acres of landto cost 1225,000. :

The Boer army on Modder river isgrowing greater each day. They arebuilding trenches within three ana onehalf miles of Methuen's picket line.

The Northern Pacific wreck in Idahowas a bad one. After 10 days the lastbody had not been recovered. Thetrainmen were to blame.

Governor Geer, of Oregon, does notapprove of Oregon citizens contributingto a fund for Lawton'a family, Hethinks the state should look after herown heroes' familes first. ; . -

The Conntess of Canavarro thoughtshe was a convert to Buddhism. Sheentered their convent and changed hermind, and has applied to friends inSan Francisco for assistance, "

Winston Spencer Churchill hascabled to the London Post of his escapefrom the Boer prison. He made hisway overland from Delagoa ' bay andsealed walls while guards were not.looking. He journeyed for six days,walking at night, with nothing to eatbut chocolate. -

Over 600 British prisoners capturedat Storm berg have reached Pretoria.

Buller has destroyed the Colensofootbridge, and makes no further at-

tempt to advance. .

Armour's canning department, Chi-

cago, is rushed night and day fillingorders for the English army.

A drunken wife in San Francisco hascharged her husband with murder andhe la being held by the authorities.

The Great Northern will inauguratea new departure. A large block of thecompany's stock is to be distributedamong the employes at par.

It fa said that England had beenwarned by General Butler, whom she isnow turning down, that it would sotbe wise to attack the Boers until bet'ter prepared.

Should all Spanish war pensions nowasked be allowed, it would cost . $2.?25,000. The Seveqty.first New Yorksasks for annual-allowance- s which ag-gregate ?34,662.

Yaqnl Indians plunder, kill and burnvillages and the Mexicans do not seemto make much headway in whippingthe Bavages. An entire Mexican regi-ment seems to have disappeared. -

The Fenians are organizing at Buffa-lo, N. Y., for an invasion of Canada.They expect, it is said, to raise 125,000men, and have two carloads of armsand munitions of war in concealment.

There is disaffection among the FreeStater troops. They complain thatCronje's men are overbearing and bet.ter fed than they. The Transvaaler'sare suspicious and the situation is beaoming grave.

The president of the New Yorkprison association, who has made aninvestigation of the Cuban prisons tellsa horrible tale of the conditions there.Offenders of all classes sleep in filthand vermin. No beds or clean clothingis provided. Money or influence isnecessary before they can secure theirfreedom. - p,.

The members of the senate committeeon privileges and elections declarethey will carry on the investigation ofSenator Clark's case without regard tothe decision of the Montana supremecourt under whieh Wellcome was dis-barred from practice on charges of brib-ery in connec on with the senator'selection.

Admiral and Mrs. Dewey have takena pew in St. Paul's Roman Catholicchurch, Washington.

The entire crop of sugarcane and beetfor 1899-190- 0 will amount to about

tons about the same amountas last year.

Exports and imports at the five prin-cipal ports of Porto Rico for themonths of May, June and July showa balance of trade in favor of theseports of 1347,882.

A seat in the New York stock ex-

change was sold for $40,000, the high'est price ever paid.

William Cleggett, of Rochester, N.Y., was killed by an elephant at Jack-sonville, Fla. The animal soughtrevenge because Cleggett had given Utobacco two days before.

M. Osiris, a wealthy physician, haspresented to the Institute of France aam representing an annual income of

$8,000 for a triennial prize of $30,000for the most remarkable work, or dis-

covery of general interest, especially lathe fields of surgery and medicine. per bead.