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Sreejit's Writings

Mar 12, 2016



This PDF is a small collection of writings done by Sreejit. Sreejit is a researcher and this PDF is based on his extensive research done on Self-Development, Spirituality, Life Lessons, Self-Actualization and Mind- Control. Readers will find this PDF very educative and inspiring.
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Page 1: Sreejit's Writings



Page 2: Sreejit's Writings

This PDF is a small collection of writings

done by Sreejit.

Sreejit is a researcher and this PDF is

based on his extensive research done on

Self-Development, Spirituality, Life

Lessons, Self-Actualization and Mind-


Readers will find this PDF very educative

and inspiring.

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[email protected]

Page 3: Sreejit's Writings

Magnetic Sreejit

I am an excellent orator with a high amount of

personal magnetism having a penchant for research

and with an immense desire to earn a lot of money. I

love reading lot of books and thereby gaining lot of


I am very ambitious person and at the same time very

sensitive by nature. This unique contradiction in my

personality is what makes me totally different from

the rest of the world.

I am basically a down-to-earth person who believes in

values like simplicity, humility, love, courage,

wisdom, resourcefulness, proactivity and strength.

I also believe in self-improvement and I get better and

better with every passing day.

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My Psychic Experiences

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My Psychic Experiences

I was never a believer of the cosmic forces or God right from my childhood. I always spoke ill about God and Religion, saying that it does not have any scientific evidence. But deep in my heart, I always want to know about God. I want to see God face to face in order to convince myself that God really exist. Till I was 16, I was an atheist. Then my inner spiritual quest prompted me to read books written by those souls who have already realized God in their life. I was very passionate about oratory. And Swami Vivekananda was a great orator and I always idolized him and wanted to become a great orator like him. He is a Self-Realized Yogi and I felt that by reading his books, I would actually know God. I read many of his books and realized that he too was an agnostic person like me in the beginning. He became a believer of God only after coming into contact with Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. I realized that everyone can actually see God through the practice of meditation and entering into a state of deep Samadhi. But that requires a person to be chaste and celibacy is considered to be the sine qua non for spiritual development. I too observed strict celibacy in thought, word and deed and started practicing meditation. Initially I was able to meditate for not more than 15 minutes. Mind is highly uncontrollable and to sit in one place in an Asana is really very difficult. I sit in Padmasana with my eyes closed and keeping my hand in the Dhyan Mudra. After every meditation session, my legs used to develop cramps which often subside after relaxing the leg muscles. Eventually, I was able to meditate for up to half an hour and slowly I was able to meditate till nearly one hour. One day as I was meditating, I visualized that the Kundalini was rising up from the base of my spine to the crown of my head with every breath I would take. And something happened which startled me and also motivated me to continue with my spiritual practice. The Kundalini got awakened. It was my first psychic experience. The awakening of Kundalini is represented by the appearance of a dazzling light on the forehead which will permeate the whole body like an electric current.

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My first psychic experience really frightened me, at the same time; it also deepened my inner spiritual quest. I want to have more such mystical experiences. I started meditating with my body as firm as a rock and I used to sit in that position for a long time. I could not meditate for more than one hour, but I always want to meditate longer and reach a stage where I could meditate for 3 hours at a stretch. It is said that those who can meditate for 3 hours at a stretch becomes a Self-Realized Yogi with the development of various psychic powers. The second psychic experience which I had was the loss of body-consciousness. I felt as if I don’t have any body. Loss of body-consciousness is a very different feeling. You feel completely detached from the physical limitations. But this experience lasted for just some 30 seconds and I regained my body-consciousness. The third psychic experience which I had was while meditating on Mata Amritanandamayi. I visualized her seated in the same meditational pose as I am seated. And I visualized that she is slowly entering into my body. The moment I visualized that she has completely entered my body, that very moment my heart started beating very fast which eventually turned into normal heartbeat. These psychic experiences happened when I was just 16 years old. Later I suffered from very serious psychological problems as I was not giving importance to my studies. I suffered miserably. I was living like a recluse avoiding the world, avoiding the realities of life. I want to get out of the blues, but didn’t know how. I had to come back to my worldly self in order to regain my mental composure. I started watching T.V.; I broke my celibacy which I kept for one full year. I started interacting with other people in order to overcome my psychological problems. When I turned 23, I got a job in Teradata Pvt. Ltd. I was very happy as I would start living an independent life. There was a 6 months probation period in that company wherein we are supposed to clear minimum 4 certifications. Most people clear all the 4 certifications within 3 months as clearing the certifications was not a big deal.

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But I took longer time to clear the 4 certifications. I took all the 6 months to clear 4 certifications. God had decided something else for me. I couldn’t clear my initial certifications as the cosmic forces didn’t allow me to pass those certifications. Before I joined the Teradata company, I had made 2 unknown friends – their names are Dhruv and Kavita. Dhruv is a person living at Indore whereas Kavita lives at Pune. We came into contact with each other through online community known as Orkut. I came to know about Kavita through my college friend who told me about a Tarot Reader who is very accurate in her readings. I felt I should also make friendship with her and know about my destiny. I added her as my Orkut friend and I asked her about my destiny. She gave very accurate reading. She told me that I was never a believer of God and that circumstances had changed me. She told me that I have a bright future. She then told me something which completely surprised me. She told me that I will develop some psychic powers. I want to stick to my worldly self leading a normal worldly life. I don’t want to get into spirituality once again. But I am destined to develop those psychic powers. Initially I was not able to clear the certifications as God didn’t allow me to pass them. By constantly failing me, God was making me to do a kind of a Tapasya. It is through Tapasya, that one develops psychic powers. Before God would start failing me, He gave me opportunities to display my talents. I was given a chance to sing in front of a huge crowd. I sang the song “Here I Am” from an inspiring film “Spirit – The Stallion of the Cimarron” which was originally sung by Bryan Adams. I sang that song very well and at the end of the song, there was a tumultuous applause. I am a highly magnetic person and the audience really appreciated my song. Then there was a chess competition. I played with a player who was a Chess Champion previously who had won many State-Level Awards. I played with him and defeated him in such a way that there was not a single piece left with him and all my pieces were left intact. I was defeating all my opponents one by one. Then people told me to play with our Practice

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Lead. He was also an excellent chess player. Only with him, there was a tough match and ultimately it turned out to be a draw game. But I lost that game as there was a single pawn more left with him and the game said that those with maximum pieces left would be declared as a winner. But I got lot of good reputation in my company. Then my bad phase started. God didn’t allow me to clear the initial certifications. I started developing psychological problems once again. But Kavita told me that I was destined to clear all the 4 certifications. I believed in her premonition as she is a very accurate Tarot Reader. It was her premonition which incessantly gave me hope, which constantly told me, in spite of continued fiascos, that one day would come when I will clear all my certifications. Then one day, I developed those psychic powers. God told me about those unknown relations and I also exhibited the psychic powers. I was able to blow wind from my mouth which could swing the hard-metal lock with tremendous speed. I now know what I am, what destiny holds in store for me, what is my Life Purpose. My Life Purpose is to eliminate Evil from this world. You can verify my words by watching Spider-man 3 movie where I am Peter Parker, Dhruv is Harry Osborne, Kavita is Mary Jane Watson and the black-colored Venom is actually the representation of Kali of this Kaliyuga.

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What I Have Learnt From


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What I Have Learnt From Life

ABOUT GOALS: I have learnt that goals must always be BIG. It's worth dreaming BIG in life. Because our destiny is determined by our thoughts, and not from any other external factors. We must learn to believe in our dreams. Then it will surely materialise into reality. Think small goals and our results will also be small. Think BIG goals and we create BIGGER results. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has rightly said, " DREAM! DREAM! DREAM! Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in Action." ======================================

ABOUT LOVE: We must learn to understand the difference between love and flirt. We must learn not to react to the flirtatious gestures and fall in love with a person who never loves you or who is just physically fascinated towards you. Love is that creative force which transforms an ordinary person into a genius. We must learn the art of Sublimation or Transmutation. We must learn to focus our creative energies into our work and not allow it to get wasted into lower channels. And that calls for Will-Power. It's said that behind every successful man, there is always a woman. But that is half-truth. Woman can also spoil a man's life if she constantly nags him and lowers his self-esteem. Love someone who understands you, someone who can constantly motivate you towards the realization of your worthy goals. You have to find such a person in life and if you believe in destiny, one will actually come to you. ======================================

ABOUT DEALING WITH NEGATIVE PEOPLE: Negative people are those who constantly try to plant negative thoughts into your sub-conscious mind. If you have BIG goals, they will tell you that it won't materialise. And if our resolutions are not that strong, these negative feelings generally take a hold on our mind. I have learnt from my life that the best way to avoid negative people is not to react to their comments. If someone says something negative about you, then maintain inner calmness and direct your thoughts somewhere else. And if that sounds a bit difficult, then just move away from that place itself. ======================================

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ABOUT MEDITATION AND THE LAW OF PURE POTENTIALITY: It is very important in life to learn the art of Meditation. We are, in reality, the Manifestations of the Divine Perfection. But, out of ignorance, we constantly identify ourselves with our ego. This ego is something which we actually are not in reality. It's a social mask. It's the role that we are playing. Through Meditation and Silence, we slowly come above this ego-sense and our personality takes a new turn. When this happen, we create unlimited possibilities to manifest our dreams in life. ======================================

ABOUT THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT: Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is a very important law of life. So if we want something in life, we must learn to give that to the world. So if we want appreciation, we must learn to appreciate others. If it's love that we are seeking, then we must learn to love others. This Universe is in constant give and take. Keeping this in mind, we must learn to avoid negative emotions like hatred, jealousy, anger, and fear and focus our mind on love, appreciation, cheerfulness, humility, courage, and strength. ======================================

ABOUT DEVELOPING SELF-ESTEEM: Most problems are generated because of poor self-esteem. So it is important that we maintain a good self-esteem. We must constantly learn something new in life. We must take pride in our work. We must do it in the most efficient way possible. We must not concentrate on the results when we are working. We must learn to enjoy the work itself. Learn some creative work. Become an efficient orator. Or develop singing ability. The aim is to learn something and recognise our strengths. Then we build on our self-esteem and we feel more happy and satisfied. ======================================

These are the things that I have learnt from life. But reading this, please don't assume that I am some perfect guy. Believe me, the actual implementation is often very difficult. But one thing I must say is that as I am growing older and gaining more experiences from life, I am becoming better and better.

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Why Very Few People Achieve


In Life

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Why Very Few People Achieve Self-

Actualization In Life

Self-Actualization is the process of knowing one’s true potential completely. It is the process of Self-Transformation. Everyone satisfies the basic needs of existence. But very few people on earth achieve Self-Actualization. Because Self-Actualization is very difficult to attain.

Before we understand Self-Actualization, we must first of all understand various forces which effect human consciousness. Because everybody on earth is affected by certain forces that is present in nature. These forces are identified as Prakriti (Nature). There are basically three types of Nature – 1. Sattwa (Pure), 2. Rajas (Restless) and 3. Tamas (Inertia). Everybody has got within themselves these three qualities varying only in the degree of their proportions. The person with the predominance of Tamas is very inert and lazy. There is complete ignorance in a Tamasic person. Self-Actualization is the most distant dream for such a person. A still higher level of human existence is seen in a Rajasic person. A Rajasic man is restless by nature. His mind is full of passions. Worldly people come under this category. Such a person lives only for the sake of pleasure, for aggrandizement. Such a person has got a better chance to achieve Self-Actualization. Even more higher state of human consciousness is found in a person whose Sattwa predominates. A Sattwic person has the maximum chance to achieve Self-Actualization in life. A Sattwic person is basically a virtuous person. He has cultivated positive qualities within himself. He has learnt the subtle truths of human existence and trys to implement these truths in his day-to-day life. No matter how much Sattwic a person is, he still has not achieved Self-Actualization in life. Because even Sattwa binds a person. Rajas and Tamas are like iron chains whereas Sattwa is like a golden chain.

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To come out of these chains is actually the goal of human life. And everybody, consciously or unconsciously is progressing towards that goal. What we have to achieve is to reach the state of Gunateetha, a state where neither Sattwa, Rajas, nor Tamas disturbs the human mind. Of course it is very difficult to reach that state and we are not considering that right now (because I am not the right person who could explain such a state, for I have never experienced such a state till now). Now the question arises, why very few people achieve Self-Actualization. The reason is that everyone follows his or her nature. Bhagwad Gita says that everybody behave in accordance to his or her nature. Even a wise man follows his nature. Then what can restraint do. We find so much evil in this world today. It’s because in this Kaliyuga, there is predominance of Rajasic and Tamasic forces. But the good news is that in this Kaliyuga, Self-Actualization is quicker to achieve. So a person who sincerely strives for Self-Actualization achieves the results quickly. To overcome the negative qualities within oneself is definitely a Herculean task. Because nature is very difficult to change. And the reason behind this is the law of cosmic habit-force. Whatever weakness that exists in the human consciousness is the result of the accumulation of the negative traits over several births. And when the person tries to overcome his weaknesses, he finds that the negative forces within him constantly try to pull him down. So the person commits the same mistakes again and again, in spite of his sincere attempts to improve himself. The best way to achieve Self-Actualization is to emulate a person who has already achieved Self-Actualization in life. But care should be taken that we don’t blindly imitate our ideal. I did the similar mistake when I was young. My ideal is Swami Vivekananda. And my dream was to become like him, a Self-Realized Yogi, a person who has completely controlled his mind. I read many of his books and got a glimpse of his personality. But I found that the more I tried to become like

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him, the more restless my mind used to become. Because I just couldn’t act like him. In this context, I must say that cheap imitation of one’s ideal is not good. And the reason behind this is that everyone is unique. We must learn to find the positive qualities within ourselves and make use of our unique talents for the good of mankind. I am not saying that we should not have an ideal in life. I am just saying that we should never blindly imitate our ideal, however great that person may be. The best explanation can be found in the quotes of Foster Hibbard, who was an associate of the late Dr. Napoleon Hill who wrote the world-famous, “Think And Grow Rich”. Foster was also the Director of the Napoleon Hill Academy in California. So here are his quotes: ====================================== "Recognize that you are unique in all eternity...You are one of a kind!...there is nobody like you anywhere on Earth today, and there never will be anybody like you in all eternity, because the Universe never duplicates itself. It all boils down to the fact that if any one of us does not fulfill that purpose for which he or she was placed on Earth, growth is slowed down because nobody can do what you do, exactly the way you do it. Very simply, that means that there is no competition."

- Foster Hibbard ====================================== Self-Actualization is a life-long process. It is something which cannot be explained. It is something which can only be experienced. We will come back again to our earlier discussion related with the improvement of one’s nature. I said that to change one’s nature is very difficult. But the good news is that to change one’s nature is not at all impossible. The basic problem why we can’t change it is because of the subtle workings of the law of cosmic habit-force. Our ancient philosophers and wise men say that one must strive to build on a positive quality for a minimum of 21 days.

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If we are able to hold on our ideals for 21 days, the chances of falling back to our old habits gets minimum. Generally what happens is that a person strives to improve himself for 5 days, but due to the negative forces within him, he loses track and falls back again to his older ways of thinking and behaving. If we utilize this 21 day principle by constantly exercising our will-power to do what is right, we can definitely come above our weaknesses and manifest our innate perfection within us. I pray to God that all of us get sufficient will-power to practice self-improvement constantly and ultimately reach the state of Self-Actualization.

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Conquest Of The Human


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Conquest Of The Human Mind

Mind is highly uncontrollable. It is very difficult to stop the flow of incessant thoughts that constantly bombard the human mind. However, control over the mind is possible to a certain extent. When mind is full of positive emotions like love, kindness, courage, strength, enthusiasm, bliss and other positive emotions, we find control over mind possible to a certain extent, if not completely. In today’s world, people’s mind is filled with negative emotions like hatred, envy, lust, anger, egotism and other base emotions caused because of the pre-dominance of passion and ignorance. And that’s the reason why there is so much pain and misery existing in today’s world. To remain positive in spite of difficulties and problems is a sign of a real hero. Mind is highly distracted by its very nature. To maintain mental equilibrium at all times is really difficult to practice. However, unless mind is tamed to think only the right thoughts, the Universal Laws will never support the person to lead a life of constant bliss and happiness. Thoughts are things. So take care of what you think. Whenever any negative thought comes into our mind, we must immediately replace it with its positive counterparts. For example, if thoughts of hatred arise into our mind via the sub-conscious mind, we must immediately replace it with thoughts of love and understanding for that person. We must constantly learn to entertain only those thoughts that will help us in our inner development and spiritual progress. Anything can be brought into reality by using the power of our mind. To become wealthy, only exercise we have to do is to think thoughts of wealth and abundance. Imagine yourselves as already being rich and wealthy. Imagine yourselves riding that flashy car or enjoying that beautiful vacation which you always wanted to have when you are wealthy. When sub-conscious mind is full of thoughts of wealth and abundance, the Universal Laws start providing the means by which our dreams can be brought up into reality.

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Shun negative and evil company completely. Negative people always try to pull us down to their level of thinking and doing. So we must always be choosy while seeking company with other people. Reading inspirational books also is another mean of getting good company. We must be wise while choosing books. We must learn to select books that have got the potential to feed our mind with the right thoughts. Daily practice of Meditation and Silence is also indispensable for the purpose of calming down the mind and thereby increasing its focus and concentration. We must meditate for at least 30 minutes once in the morning and another 30 minutes in the evening. It is a good practice to sit in an Asan while meditating. If that is inconvenient, then sitting on a chair will also do provided our back is kept straight and we are completely relaxed while performing the meditation. During meditation, it is a good practice to visualize our intented dreams and desires. Visualization done during meditation has got more potency of the manifestation of our dreams into reality than during other times when our mind is usually clouded with thousands of undesired impulses. Whenever unwanted thoughts arise in our mind, we must immediately banish those thoughts and bring back our focus on our intended goals and desires. Our goal gives us the real purpose to our life. Without goals, life becomes meaningless. Most people are devoid of goals. They wander aimlessly in constant delusion and confusion. Goals are therefore very important. Our goals must be in the positive direction and never towards the negative direction. Our goal may be doing something good for the welfare of humanity, or it could be becoming an efficient leader or it could be even money-making. But whatever goal we select, let it have an idea of doing good to mankind. When our goal is focused on such larger dimensions, we immediately get constant support from the Universal Laws. A selfish person who lives only for himself can never get support from the Universal Laws. By selecting a higher goal, we raise ourselves to that higher level and we start feeling true happiness and inner joy. There is more satisfaction when we act ourselves as worthful beings than in just living a life based on our selfish interests alone.

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Practice of Meditation and Silence also awaken the Law of Pure Potentiality wherein creative thoughts and ideas gets generated by itself. For our dreams to manifest, practice of Meditation and Silence is very essential. Last point which I would like to tell is that we should never forcibly try to control the mind. Mind should be viewed as something external to us. We are not Mind, we are blissful souls who have forgotten our Divinity because of our constant pre-occupation with the outside world. To bring back our lost Divinity is our real goal and for that we must learn first to fill our mind with positive thoughts alone. Once this is done, we must slowly try to withdraw our mind from the outside world and focus our attention only on one goal that is inspiring to us. It is a long journey and the path is full of pitfalls. We must be ever-vigilant during the conquest of our mind. A day would come when our mind would be thinned out completely and our true inner perfection would start manifesting by itself. I pray to the Infinite Intelligence that every mind gets the power to focus only on the right thoughts that will continue to illumine the world constantly.

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End Of Sreejit’s Writings