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Mar 13, 2016



The monthly masonic magazine of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No.76 Scotland
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.


Page 2, ‘The Silent Summons’. A nice little piece about a Brother who has not been to a meeting for a while.

Page3, ‘The Fear of Friday the 13th,’

Do you dread when Friday the 13th comes around? This article looks at the phobia called paraskavedekatriaphobia and its Masonic connection.

Page 5, ‘The Masonic Encyclopaedia.’

This month we look at the letter, ‘O’, from Obligation to Ornan.

Page 6, ‘The Initiation Well’,

The cover story for October is about ‘The Initiation Well’ in Sintra, Portugal.

Page 8, ‘Canongate Kilwinng No.2.’

A short Historical sketch about Lodge Canongate Kilwinning No.2 Edinburgh, prior to 1736.

Page 13, ‘Book Review’, “Robert Burns Cronies, Colleagues and Contemporaries.”

Page 14, ‘On the Level’,

A Masonic Whisky from Scotland!

In the Lectures website The article for this month is ‘The Master Mason’ by Brother R. J. Meekren. “The title of “Master” is both ancient and honourable. It implies one who has control either over men or things; over men, because of force of character, strength or social position; over things by reason of excelling skill and knowledge.” [link]

The Webmaster 1


The Webmaster 2

A member of a certain Lodge, who previously attended meetings regularly, stopped going. After a few months, the Worshipful Master decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening, and the Worshipful Master found his brother at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for the Worshipful Master’s visit, the brother welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited.

The Worshipful Master made him self comfortable, but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After several minutes, the Worshipful Master took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth, all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. His host watched all of this in quiet contemplation. As the one, lone ember’s flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow, and its fire was no more. Soon, it was cold and dead. Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The Worshipful Master glanced at his watch and chose this time to leave. He slowly

stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember, and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately, it began to glow once more, with all the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.

The Silent Summons ….

As the Worshipful Master reached the door to leave, his host said, with a tear running down his cheek, “Thank you so much for your fiery summons, my brother. I’ll be back in our Lodge next meeting.” — Author Unknown

Brethren, I’m always on the look-out for interesting articles such as this for the newsletter. If anyone has a story/article/lectures/photos or even an idea, please get in touch, I will be only too happy to include it or try to find an article about it. “The only ones who think Freemasonry is a secret society are those who haven’t learned to Google yet!”



AATypFaFtrP TaTyin




"I am calling you, King Philip IV of

The Fear of Friday the 13th

The Webmaster

Masonic explanation by Tore kesson he following, historical events, 700 ears back in time, are related to eoples fear for the number 13 and riday the 13th. It arrived to America nd was spread all over the world by rench emigrants, who heard of the agedy in France and especially in aris, below shortly described:

he tragedy concerns the banishment, rresting and outlawing of all Knights emplar, Friday the 13th of October, the ear 1307 against their declaration of nocence.

he last known Grand Master of the piritual Order of the Knights Templar, acques de Molay, was burned to death n a slow fire on the stake outside the otre Dame Church in Paris together ith his successor, on Friday the 13th of arch , the year 1314 after long time in

rison and of unsuccessful trials to get n admittance of guilt, where even hard rture was involved.

hen the flames from the stake, where e was tied up, reached him and it tarted burning in his dress, he roclaimed in front of the assembled arisians:

Here you see innocent people die!" hen he turned toward his three resent executioners with the ollowing cry of prophecy, (compare he First Epistle of the Corinthian, 4:1):

France!" "I am calling you, Pope Clemence V" "I am calling you, Prime Minister Guillaume de Nogaret, to appear within one year from today at the Court of God in order to receive your legitimated penalty! - curse, curse, be all of you cursed until your 13th generation"

Then he fell dead down in the ashes and the red hot coal of the stake with his forefinger upright to the Heaven of God. The arm and the hand with the upright forefinger stayed in this position.

The Parisians thought that this prediction was also valid for them and therefore the fear for number 13 and Friday the 13th started to expand out over the world. But the prediction did not concern the innocent Parisians or other human beings then the three judges and their families.

The King fell off his horse and died before end of the year. The Pope got an intestinal obstruction and died before the end of the year and the Prime Minister hung himself before end of the year. Their three families are reported to have lived in misery ever since. Our generation can be regarded as the 13th.

The sign of the Grand Master with the upright forefinger figures often in paintings of Leonardo da Vinci e.g. in the large painting of the last supper in the St. Maria delle Grazie Church in Milan, Italy. One of the Disciples of Jesus is doing this upright forefinger sign, like originally the Grand Master, in order to show the divine consequence


The Webmaster 4

of treachery like when Jesus said: "One of you shall betray me!"

The prediction of the Grand Master of the Knights Templar for the King of France, The Pope and the Prime Minister to appear in the Court of God within one year, was a prophesy as per the First Epistle of the Corinthian, 14:1 and a result of accepting the death penalty rather then to fail in chivalry against his Brothers or break the monk vow , the vow of loyalty to the Roman Church and the vow of friendship and love for his neighbours.

The family of the undersigned holds in our position an oil painting, showing this last known Grand Master of the Knights Templar in front of representatives of his judges in the presence of the Captain for the 100-man guard force and the Castle Marshal in the Temple Tower in the Le Temple in Paris. The subject in this painting is built as those of Leonardo da Vinci when illustrating historical events. Consequently this painting can be a work of him or a work of one of his scholars who wanted to illustrate this tragedy. It is unsigned due to the death penalty at the time for critical publishing of governmental, official judgmental events, a result of a ban etc.

The Castle Marshal on this painting hold his forefinger upright to the Heaven of God, based on the same type historical prediction of Jesus, but now spoken by Jacques de Molay: "We are innocent!” The Castle Marshal, also prison-warder during the Knights Templar control of the Castle, shows with his upright forefinger the

incorruptible law of God that will take force, harming innocent people.

No other painting has been able to make such a strong impression on me, the undersigned, when it comes to human rights, the importance of chivalry and the importance of love and mercy to my neighbours, as this painting. The painting shows namely the moment when the Grand Master just decided to stick to the chivalry and to his taken vows, resulting in the death penalty. He has namely just thrown the officials, obviously false writing of confession in peaces which should have saved his life. But he has just thrown the peaces on the floor in front of him, as unacceptable.

As the Knights Templar esteemed great confidence among the public and the terrible tragedy of the Knights Templar was generally revealed among the public, the fear for number 13 and Friday the 13th started to spread. This fear is still going on even if the original background might be forgotten.

Was the Grand Master Jacques de Molay aware of this holiness of number 13? Did he know that 3 persons with 3 families should suffer in 13 generations? This is a question for each one of us to consider and answer. For me it is obvious, because the truth fell out right as the prediction. Therefore number 13 shall not be related to fear and curse but to happiness and blessings.

Brethren, I’m always on the look-out for interesting articles such as this for the newsletter. If anyone has a story/article/lectures/photos or even an idea, please get in touch, I will be only too happy to include it


The Webmaster 5

Obligation Obligate and oblige are sister words, deriving from the same Latin root, ob, a prefix meaning before, or about; and ligare, meaning bind, as in our ligament. An obligation is a tie, or pledge, or bond’ by which a man is tied to his fellows, or gives his word to perform certain duties. Accordingly we have obliging, referring to one who is willing to bind himself to do something for you, obligatory, etc. The obligation is the tie, or bond, itself; in Masonry a formal and voluntary pledge on the candidate’s part by virtue of which he is accepted as a responsible member of the family of Masons. Opening the Lodge It is absolutely necessary that the Lodge be opened in due and ancient form. Without these ceremonies, the assembly is not a Masonic Lodge. This is true because the Master must be reminded of the dignity and character of himself and of his position. And the other officers must be impressed with the respect and veneration due from their sundry stations. But more important, the Fraternity in Lodge assembly and in work must maintain a reverential awe for Deity, and must look to the Great Light of Freemasonry, the Holy Bible, for guidance and instruction. Thus, in the opening of the Lodge, the Great Architect of the Universe must be worshipped, and His blessings upon the work about to be performed must be supplicated. At the same time, prayer is offered for peace and harmony in the closing of the Lodge.

Operative Art Masonic Encyclopaedia…. Freemasonry is divided by Masonic writers into two branches, an Operative Art and a Speculative Science. The Operative Art is that which was practiced by the Stone-Masons of the Middle Ages. The Speculative Science is that which is practiced by the Freemasons of the present day. The technicalities and usages of the former have been incorporated into and modified by the latter. Hence, Freemasonry is sometimes defined as a Speculative Science founded on an Operative Art. Ornament Ornare was the Latin verb meaning to adorn, to equip, of which the noun was amamen turn, trappings, embellishment, furniture, etc., from which was derived our “adornment” and “ornament.” In church usage “ornaments” was the name given to all the equipment used in the services of divine worship. We speak of the mosaic pavement, the indented tessel, and blazing star as “ornaments of the Lodge;” whether the term was used by Lodges originally because they were considered to be adornments, or because they were part of the Lodge equipment it is impossible to say, though the latter alternative appears to be the more likely. Ornan Mt. Moriah, on which the Temple of Solomon was built, is symbolically called the ground floor of the lodge, and hence it is said that "the lodge rests on holy ground." This sacred spot was once the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, and from him David purchased it for fifty shekels of silver. Next Month the Letter ‘P’.


The Webmaster 6

On the outskirts of Lisbon in Portugal is the town of Sintra, and located within the old quarter is the estate of Quinta da Regaleira classified as a World Hertitage Centre by UNESCO. Quinta da Regaleria consists of a palace, a chapel and a huge park featuring lakes, grottos, tunnels, fountains and other magnificent structures. In 1892 the estate was purchased by Carvalho Monteiro who wanted to build a strange and incredible place where he could gather symbols that would reflect his interests and ideologies. With the help of the Italian architect he designed the 4-hectare estate with its enigmatic buildings, believed to hide symbols related to alchemy, Masonry, the Knights Templar, and the Rosicrucians. The construction of the estate began in 1904 and most of it was concluded by 1910. Hidden away is this strange and magical park lies ‘The Intiation well,’ shown on the front cover of the newsletter. The picture here shows the view looking from the top to the bottom.

Known as Poço Iniciatico, the intitiation well is a wondrous structure that legend

has it was used by the Knight Templars during their initiation ceremonies. In fact, the staircase in the well can only be reached by a secret entrance found In the gardens. You have to find a large standing stone and as you push it a stone door rotates, driven by a mysterious mechanism that leads to the Initiation Well, an inverted tower that dives deep into the earth. 27 metres deep, it is divided into nine circular landings that lead you down to the abyss of earth or up in the direction of the sky. (Shown here)

The Initiation Well …

It all depends on the initiation path chosen. In the Divine Comedy of Dante this idea recalls the nine circles of hell, the nine sections of the purgatory and the nine spheres of Heaven. The nine levels of this immense spiral gallery is supported by countless finely worked columns, marking the rate and steepness of the staircase, descend in flights of fifteen steps.


At the bottom of the well there is a templar cross allied to an eight-pointed star (symbol of the Harmony or of the harmonic salt in the Alchemy, and also of the Spiritual Cavalry in the Scottish massonerie). Galleries lead through true labyrinths to other places in the estate, such as the entrance of the guardians, the waterfall lake and the imperfect well perpeptuating the myth behind this mystical edifice. The initiation well is full of esoteric symbolism, with the wind rose on top of the Templar cross, and the symbolism of the place that is related to the belief that the earth is the maternal womb from where life begun but also to the tomb where the man will return.

The Webmaster 7

There is no doubt that this is a magical and mysterious structure where the visitor could rightly find themselves transported back to a time when the secret initiation ceremonies of medieval Freemasons and in particular Knight Templars took place. Hooded figures in the dead of night with flame torches, winding along an initiatic path, seeking out the hidden entrance. Rolling the stone back, and descending down the steep labyrinth where the terrified initiate waited to be received into the weird and bizarre world of the unknown as he waits on a light pointed star, ready to traverse the darkness until he reaches the place of Light using rituals dating back centuries! Wonderful stuff, and what Masonic legends are made of, unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. The Well of Initiation at Quinta da Regaleria which has become one of Portugal’s most popular tourist

attractions, is not a Masonic Icon, in fact there is no Masonic connection whatsoever, although it must be said the architecture it is based on Templar, Masonic and Rosicurcian symbolisim, but that is all, and still stories abound as it being used for strange Masonic rituals. Having said that, who amongst us would not like to take part in a Masonic ceremony or procession within this wonderful structure? So any Brethren who are ever travelling to Portugal, the Initiation Well must be the one place you have to visit and see this magnificent structure for yourself.

The pointed star at the base of the well.

Brethren, I’m always on the look-out for interesting articles such as this for the newsletter. If anyone has a story/article/lectures/photos or even an idea, please get in touch, I will be only too happy to include it.


The Webmaster 8


“As the main avenue from the Palace into the City it has borne upon its pavement the burden of all that was beautiful, all that was gallant, all that has become historically interesting in Scotland for the last six or seven hundred years.” Thus Dr. Robert Chambers describes the Canongate in his book, traditions of Edinburgh. Off the Canongate runs St. John's Street, from which entrance is gained to the Chapel of St. John, the meeting-place of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, No. 2. Marked in the causeway nearby is the site of St. John's Cross, denoting the Ancient Temple lands of the Knights of St. John. Although it was outside the City wall, the authorities in Edinburgh

claimed jurisdiction over the Canongate as far as St. John's Cross, despite the fact that Canongate was a Burgh of Regality and maintained its rights as a burgh till the middle of the nineteenth century. Proclamations were made at St. John's Cross as well as at the Mercat Cross in the High Street, and at it the Canongate burgh officials joined the city fathers when paying ceremonial visits to the Palace of Holyroodhouse. It was at this point that Charles 1, when making his state entry into Edinburgh in 1633, knighted the Provost of that day.

Canongate Kilwinning No.2

The traditions of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning date back to the building of the Abbey of Holyrood, when by Royal Warrant skilled builders and craftsmen were brought from far and near to assist in the work. The Abbey was founded by King David 1 in 1128 for the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, and dedicated to the Holy Rood or Cross brought to Scotland by his mother, the pious Margaret. By the time the Reformation of the sixteenth century had swept away the authority of the Church, the Burgh of Canongate had become of sufficient importance to confer rights of freedom of trade apart from the protection of the Church. The trade societies of the Canongate never owed any allegiance to Edinburgh, and the somewhat arrogant attempts made by the trades of the latter to exercise control in the Canongate led to indignant repudiation. The Canongate Masons, however, while dating their corporate privileges from King David's Charter to the Canons of Holyrood and the Constitution of the Burgh of Canongate, and while being entirely separate from and independent of


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Edinburgh, identified themselves with the general body of Freemasons in Scotland in 1677. In that year they accepted a warrant from the Lodge of and at Kilwinning in Ayrshire, which was at that time exercising the functions of a Grand Lodge. Mother Kilwinning, as it is now affectionately known, had a traditional connection similar to that of Canongate with the skilled ecclesiastical architects and builders of the time. It is from the foregoing connection that No. 2 derives its title of Canongate Kilwinning. Owing to the incompleteness or absence of documentary evidence of earlier existence, its precedence thus runs conventionally from a much later date (1677) than the real inception of the Lodge warrants. In respect of its constitution at this date as a purely speculative Lodge independent of and uncontrolled by any trade organisation or incorporation, it takes rank as one of the very oldest of existing lodges. It is one of the few which cannot, and does not, produce to candidates or anyone else any enchanter or warrant of constitution from the Grand Lodge of Scotland's. Indeed, the initiative in forming Grand Lodge was taken by Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, and one of its members, William St., Clair of Rosslyn, became first Grand Master Mason of Scotland. A fine portrait of him attributed to Allan Ramsay adorns the Chapel. The Lodge holds its Annual Festival on St. John the Baptist's Day, corresponding with the Summer Solstice, and its bright red clothing and apt motto, Post Nubila Phoebus “After

the clouds the sun,” both pointedly refer to the dawn of day in the East and to ancient Sun Worship. As the sun never sets but to rise again, so, according to the oldest forms, at every communication the work is closed, but the Lodge is never closed only adjourned. The Lodge preserves the ancient Scottish arrangement of the interior, having the Master's and Wardens' Chairs at the three points of a triangle, the Master's chair forming the apex. This is the correct and most ancient arrangement of a Scottish lodge, corresponding with the so-called Higher Degrees and also with the continental masonic systems, but differing from the English and American systems. Prior to the foundation of Grand Lodge there were seven lodges in Edinburgh and district: Mary's Chapel; Canongate Kilwinning; Kilwinning Scots Arms; Leith Kilwinning; Canongate and Leith, Leith and Canongate; Journeymen Masons; and Holyrood House. An invitation extended to all lodges throughout Scotland to meet in Edinburgh on St. Andrew's Day 1736, to form a Grand Lodge was sent out in the name of the first four above mentioned. Of these four lodges, two have gone out of existence, viz-, Kilwinning Scots Arms and Leith Kilwinning, and their minutes have disappeared. Mary's Chapel has no minute from December 1735 to November l 736, when delegates were appointed to attend the first meeting of Grand Lodge. Canongate Kilwinning minutes are continuous from 13th February 1735, and it is from them, and from them alone, that we get the history of the


The Webmaster 10

movement which culminated in the meeting on St. Andrew's Day 1736. It may be of interest to quote three of the early minutes of the Lodge, which form important links in its history:- 1. THE FIRST MINUTE Cannongate: Feby. ye 13th A.D. l 735. A.M. 5735. The Lodge having met according to Adjournment, do Appoint Rd. Bulkeley, Edwd. Miller & Geo . Frazer to meet in Order to prepare regulations & by Laws to be laid before the Rt. Worshipful the Master & Wardens against Thursday the 27th instant. To which time the Lodge stands Adjourned. Tho. Trotter, Master Rd. Bulkeley ) Wardens Ed. Miller ) 2. THE IDEA OF A GRAND LODGE IS MOOTED Cannongate the 29th Septemr. 1735. 5735 The Lodge, hailing mett according to adjournment being duely formd this being a quarterly meeting continued the Committee for the Laws addmitted William Montgomery Master Mason who pay'd as usual and appointed David Home William Robertson Thomas Trotter Robert Blessctt William Montgomery George Crawfurd & such other Members as think fit to attend as a Committee for framing proposals to be layd before the Several Lodges in order to the Chusing a Grand Master for Scotland the Committee to meet tomorrow's night at 6 o' th' Clock & to report against Wednesday to which time the Lodge Stands adjourned. Geo. Frazer, Master. David Home, S.W.

Wm. Robertson, I.W. 3. THE CONSECRATION OF THE PRESENT CHAPEL Cannongate 18th Decr. 1736. A.M. 5736. The Lodge having been summonsed to attend the Grandmaster at the Consecration of the new Lodge built by the Subscribers members of this Lodge at the house of James Hamilton vintr in Cannongate, being mett accordingly made a procession in due order from his House to the New Lodge, where the Most Worshipfull appointed the Right Worshipfull George Frazer to Consecrate the Lodge which being done in most due and Solemn form The Severall brethren were admitted viz Alexander Hay of Drummelzier, John Hay of Preston, Mr. George Loch, -- Maxwell, Archibald Hart, and Francesco Maria Barsanti Masons of the Lodge, the five first mentioned paying into the Treasr. the fees as usual over and above the 2sh. 6d. for the use of the Grand Lodge and the last mentioned the 2sh. 6d. for the use of the G. Lodge Thereafter the Healths proper to the occasion were Drunk. The Lodge was visited by the Deputy Grandmaster by the Junr. Grand Warden, by the Right Worshipfull Wm. Montgomerie Esqr. with the most part of his Leith Kilwinning Lodge and by Severall other worthy brethren, Bro. George Crawford having been appointed Junr. Grand Warden pro tempore. Wm. St. Clair, G.M. Geo . Frazer, Master. The history of the Lodge prior to the Charter of 1677, and to the earliest extant minute of February 1735, was apparently well known to the Brethren,


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for in March 1735 we find them addressing a letter to Mother Kilwinning requesting a renewal of the earlier Charter. Fortunately, Mother Kilwinning was in a position to verify their claim, and the Charter now in our possession recalls the circumstances of both petitions, and is recorded in the books of Grand Lodge, 13th April l 737. What happened to the records prior to 1735 is a matter for conjecture. It may well be that they were deliberately destroyed for the greater safety of Scottish noblemen associated with the Lodge who took part in the Jacobite rising of 1715, or of those who were active in subsequent years preparing for the second rising in 1745.

Prior to the foundation of Grand Lodge there were seven Lodges in Edinburgh and district, Mary`s Chapel; Canongate Kilwinning; Kilwinning Scots Arms; Leith Kilwinning; Canongate and Leith, Leith and Canongate; Journeymen Masons; Holyrood House. An invitation was extended to all Lodges throughout Scotland to meet in Edinburgh on St. Andrew`s Day 1736, to form a Grand Lodge was sent out in the name of the first four mentioned above. Of these four Lodges two have now gone out of existence, Kilwinning Scots Arms and Leith Kilwinning, and their names have disappeared.

The history of the Lodge prior to the Charter of 1677 and to the earliest extant minute of February 1735 was apparently well known to the Brethren, for in March 1735 we find them addressing a letter to Mother Kilwinning requesting a renewal of the earlier Charter. Fortunately, Mother

Kilwinning was in a position to verify their claim and the Charter now in our possession recalls the circumstances of both petitions, and is recorded in the books of Grand Lodge in 1737. What happened to the records prior to 1735 is a matter for conjecture. It may well be that they were deliberately destroyed for the greater safety of Scottish noblemen associated with the Lodge who took part in the Jacobite rising of 1715, or of those who were active in subsequent years preparing for the second rising in 1745.

References in the minutes are brief but significant; for example, 27th. December 1738 reads, "unanimously admitted John Murray Esq., of Broughton". On 1st. December 1742 John Murray`s signature is appended to the minute as Junior Warden: "The Lodge on this occasion was visited by the Most Worshipful the Earl of Kilmarnock", and he signs as Grand Master. On 4th. December 1745, “the Lodge met, having been adjourned on the 4th. September last to this day on account of the trouble in the country..... and the Lodge is hereby adjourned to the first Wednesday of any other month on which the times will admit the Brethren to meet".

It will be remembered that the "glorious adventure" of Bonnie Prince Charlie commenced with the raising of his standard at Glenfinnan on 19th. August 1745 and collapsed at Culloden on 16th. April 1746. John Murray of Broughton had long been in correspondence with Prince Charles Edward Stewart before he came to Scotland, and from the landing until the final defeat and flight acted as his private secretary.


For his part in the rising the Earl of Kilmarnock was one of those executed, but Murray of Broughton, Hume Brown writes in his History of Scotland; "Most pitiable of all was the fate of Murray, who while the cause yet lived, had been not the least efficient instrument of its partial success. But he was not of the mould which heroes or martyrs are made, and brought face to face with the doom that certainly awaited him, in weakness rather than from deliberate treachery, he bartered his honour for his life. No further comment is needed than to note that the minute which records Murray`s admission is defaced by the scoring out of his name and these words are interlined: "Expunged by unanimous consent of the whole Lodge".

The Webmaster 12

"LAUREATE ODE" by WALLACE BRUCE. Again Kilwinning's hearth grows wide, The tesselated floor is bright; A mother's heart with loving pride Salutes her honoured Sons of Light. They come a galaxy of cheer In answer to the festal call, Loved Willie Hay to memory dear, And Lockhart of the Minstrel Hall ; Aytoun and Stewart, Boswell, Blair, Kit North the master of the feast, The Shepherd and the Lad from Ayr Whose songs unite the west and east; And girdle all the world to-night With chords that make the nations one,- A mystic grip of matchless might, A cable-tow by genius spun.

This Historical Sketch about Lodge Canongate Kilwinning was taken from the Booklet “An Introduction to Lodge Canongate Kilwining, No.2. Published by the Lodge. The Poem ‘Laureate Ode’ is taken from the booklet, “ Robert Burns – Poet Laureate of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning “ by Brother Wallace Bruce. The frontispage is reproduced here.

Brethren, this will become a regular feature in the newsletter for a wee while, featuring some Scottish Lodges. If you have a brief history of your lodge and would like to see it here, drop me a line. Next month, we will publish a short Historical Sketch of the Lodge of Aberdeen No.1 Ter. Brethren, I’m always on the look-out for interesting articles such as this for the newsletter. If anyone has a story/article/lectures/photos or even an idea, please get in touch, I will be only too happy to include it.



Robert Burns Cronies, Colleagues and Contemporaries by James L Hempstead

Book Review …….

Booranof t

The book "Robert Burns Cronies, Colleagues and Contemporaries" byJames L Hempstead is available from Masonic Publishing at this link. Thefront cover is shown and the book is full of pictures and in full colourthroughout with each section a different colour. There may not be muchnew that can be said about the Poet but the same cannot be said about hisfriends and associates. Never before have they been dealt with socomprehensively as in this new book. Here you can find out how theyinfluenced and encouraged Burns in his development as a poet. James LHempstead is one of the foremost authorities on Robert Burns in Scotlandtoday and was created an Honorary President of the Robert Burns WorldFederation in 1994 in recognition of his immense contribution to Burnsliterature. There has not been a book on the market so full of excellentcontent and so beautifully produced for a long time. What betterChristmas present could you get, particularly in this year ofHomecoming? Hard Back 250 Pages full colour from Masonic Publishing.

Price £24.50

k Reviews……. Circle pge of Masonic Books, ehe books available from

The Webmaster

ublications and Masonic Publishing produce a wide ach month we will include a book review page of some them.


On the Level Masonic items that I have come across

Surfing the net!

It had to be!

A Masonic Whisky and blended in Scotland! “Old Masters is a blend originally created for the freemasons.”

Perhaps the only good thing about it is the label!

Until next month, Keep the faith!

The Webmaster 14