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School Term and Holiday Dates - 2012/2013 Academic Year Summer Term (1st half) Holiday Summer Term (2nd half) Holiday Autumn Term (1st half) Holiday Autumn Term (2nd half) Holiday Spring Term (1st half) Holiday Spring Term (2nd half) NEWS Motivate • Aspire • Transform SPRING TERM 2013 From the Headteacher The cold weather is thankfully disappearing and being replaced with gold trumpet daffodils and purple irises springing up around the school grounds. We look forward to a glorious summer term of long summer days, revision for examinations and an array of school events in the final weeks of this academic year. As you will see from the newsletter we have had a busy term, which I hope you will enjoy reading about. Wishing you a restful, peaceful and enjoyable Easter break on behalf of staff, students and Governors of Northumberland Park Community School. Ms Duncan, Headteacher We are a legitimate partner in the search of solutions to one of the most serious educational challenges for urban education in the 21st century. The occasion was a recent visit by ‘Moving Beyond the Bricks’, an international research partnership involving: the Beyond the Bricks Project, U.S.A., Columbia University, U.S.A. and the Institute of Education, London. Recognising that the persistent educational underachievement of black young men is one such challenge, the researchers use film documentary to engage multiple stakeholders in seeking solutions to the problem. The aim is to move beyond merely identifying problems among black young men, to solving them. To accomplish this, the project seeks to create a network of communities, organisations and foundations, universities, industries and individuals who are committed to the success and community advocacy of all young people. The researchers were escorted on a tour throughout the school, where they had the opportunity to observe lessons and interact with staff and students. They were treated to inspiring and captivating lessons in Art, English and Food Technology. The visitors found the black boys’ own account of their schooling at Northumberland Park to be extremely positive. In the visitors’ own words the education we are providing is “parallel to the experience of students at private schools in the U.S.A.” This visit has been a very positive experience for our students and the team of researchers. It reinforces the fact that Northumberland Park Community School is committed to providing inclusive education for its very diverse community. Beyond the Bricks THE NORTHUMBERLAND PARK COMMUNITY SCHOOL IS ONCE AGAIN BEING SHOWCASED AS A LEGITIMATE PARTNER School Term and Holiday Dates - 2013/2014 Academic Year Monday 15th April to Friday 24th May 2013 Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May 2013 Monday 3rd June to Wednesday 24th July 2013 Thursday 25th July to Friday 30th August 2013 Monday 2nd September to Friday 25th October 2013 Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2013 Monday 4th November to Friday 20th December 2013 Monday 23rd December 2013 to Friday 3rd Janaury 2014 Monday 6th January to Friday 14th February 2014 Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February 2014 Monday 24th February to Friday 4th April 2014
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Page 1: Spring Term 2013

School Term and Holiday Dates - 2012/2013 Academic YearSummer Term (1st half)


Summer Term (2nd half)


Autumn Term (1st half)


Autumn Term (2nd half)


Spring Term (1st half)


Spring Term (2nd half)

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From theHeadteacher

The cold weather isthankfully disappearingand being replaced withgold trumpet daffodils andpurple irises springing uparound the schoolgrounds. We look forwardto a glorious summer termof long summer days,revision for examinationsand an array of schoolevents in the final weeks ofthis academic year.

As you will see from thenewsletter we have had abusy term, which I hopeyou will enjoy readingabout.

Wishing you arestful, peaceful andenjoyable Easterbreak on behalf ofstaff, students andGovernors ofNorthumberlandPark CommunitySchool.

Ms Duncan, Headteacher

We are a legitimate partner in the search ofsolutions to one of the most serious educationalchallenges for urban education in the 21st century.The occasion was a recent visit by ‘Moving Beyondthe Bricks’, an international research partnershipinvolving: the Beyond the Bricks Project, U.S.A.,Columbia University, U.S.A. and the Institute ofEducation, London.Recognising that the persistent educationalunderachievement of black young men is one suchchallenge, the researchers use film documentary toengage multiple stakeholders in seeking solutionsto the problem. The aim is to move beyond merelyidentifying problems among black young men, tosolving them. To accomplish this, the project seeksto create a network of communities, organisationsand foundations, universities, industries andindividuals who are committed to the success andcommunity advocacy of all young people.The researchers were escorted on a tourthroughout the school, where they had theopportunity to observe lessons and interact withstaff and students. They were treated to inspiringand captivating lessons in Art, English and FoodTechnology. The visitors found the black boys’ ownaccount of their schooling at Northumberland Parkto be extremely positive. In the visitors’ own wordsthe education we are providing is “parallel to the

experience of students at private schools in theU.S.A.”This visit has been a very positive experience forour students and the team of researchers. Itreinforces the fact that Northumberland ParkCommunity School is committed to providinginclusive education for its very diverse community.



School Term and Holiday Dates - 2013/2014 Academic Year

Monday 15th April to Friday 24th May 2013

Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May 2013

Monday 3rd June to Wednesday 24th July 2013

Thursday 25th July to Friday 30th August 2013

Monday 2nd September to Friday 25th October 2013

Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2013

Monday 4th November to Friday 20th December 2013

Monday 23rd December 2013 to Friday 3rd Janaury 2014

Monday 6th January to Friday 14th February 2014

Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February 2014

Monday 24th February to Friday 4th April 2014

Page 2: Spring Term 2013

Holiday ProgrammeOver 280 young people accessed our half-term holiday programme.The young people had an opportunity to participate in a wide range ofactivities including trampolining, basketball, martial arts, swimming,badminton, arts and crafts and street dance.

During the arts and craft session all activities proved very popular;projects including designing decorating your own plant pot, model-making as well as a colouring competition.

So if you’re wondering what to do this holiday comeand join us from Tuesday 2nd April- Friday 5th April10-4pm. Don’t forget to wear sportswear and trainers.Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult at alltimes.

Ms J Bailey

The Spirit of London Awards Inspire WorkshopThe year 10s welcomed The Spirit of London Road Show to NPCSon Tuesday 5th March. The students spent an afternoon with SOLAyoung ambassadors who inspired and motivated them to follow theirdreams.

They were visited by Arnold who won the Community Championscategory award. Arnold is involved in the What About Me? Campaign,a charity which aims to assist volunteering programmes in Ghana. Healso founded his own clothing line 'Me Firi Ghana.'

Flo, from ‘Exposure’ magazine based in Muswell Hill, spoke about herexperience and what led her to spend her time developing andhelping the young people in the borough through ‘Exposure’. Eren inyear 11, who regularly volunteers for ‘Exposure’, bravely sat in on thediscussion and spoke to a group of over 200 year 10 students abouthow he has benefitted from his time at ‘Exposure’.

Nathaniel Peat impressed onthe minds of NPCS students theimportance of positive peerpressure and gripped the attention of theaudience with his enthusiastic and dynamic speech. The studentswere all the more impressed when Nathaniel relayed his journey frombeing a student attending Northumberland Park Community School tohis great accomplishments thus far:• Engineer• Pilot• Founder of ‘Safety Box’

“I really enjoyed the workshop; I found Nathaniel’s story extremelyinspirational, it encouraged me to make positive choices and to workeven harder to pursue my dreams”. Maconde

“The Spirit of London Road Show inspired me to follow my goals anddreams. It was good to see someone who came to our schoolachieve so much. It made me realise that with hard work anddedication, I can make things happen for me too”. Djibril

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Sir Linkalot Casts a SpellSir Linkalot, otherwise known as Andy Salmon, visited NPCS topromote spelling strategies. He started off in Year 7 assembly andeveryone was able to leave assembly and spell difficult words suchas accommodation by making clever memory links. During the dayhe worked with groups of year 7 students to improve their spelling.Log onto Sir Linkalot’s website to learn some linking strategies forspellings, dates and facts. You can add some of your own links orrequest a link for a difficult word and Andy will respond with a link.

Ms E Bolton Head of English

Jack Petchey Speaks OutCongratulations to our year 10 entrants in the Haringey Final of theJack Petchey Speak Out competition in February. Nazifa Uddin andErere Abanum in year 10 performed exceptionally well and willundoubtedly be heading for A* in the Speaking and Listeningcomponent of GCSE English. Erere spoke on the topic of povertywith a speech entitled “Be grateful”. Nazifa chose the title “Throw itaway” focusing on food wastage. Although we didn’t win this year ,after winning two years in succession, our students gave the judgessomething to think about. Joseph Jackson, last year’s Haringeywinner from NPCS, acted as MC for the evening.

Special thanks to Ms Raheem and Ms Byrne for their support.

Ms E BoltonHead of English


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4Book Week

Led by the English department, we celebrated reading all week andhad several exciting activities including quizzes and competitions.

Andy Robb , author of the Geekhood books, started off the week'sactivities. He held a question and answer session with Yr 7 and 8sand then signed books for students. Thanks to the Big GreenBookshop of Wood Green for organising Andy's visit. A storytellingsession for Yr 7s was on offer at lunchtime.

On Tuesday, each teacher read part of 'Artificial Intelligence', byMalorie Blackman, to their class so by the end of the day all studentshad heard a story. On Wednesday we had a book sale at lunchtimewhich proved very popular with students. On Thursday, World BookDay, students and staff dressed as characters from novels and therewas a character parade in the morning. We also had a screening of‘The Hunger Games’ after school.

On Friday there was a sale of comics - so popular that all 200 comicssold out in 8 minutes! Thanks to Brendan Digby for helping with crowdcontrol! Finally, we had an Extreme Reading photo competition and acomic strip competition.

Book week is a much loved event and staff and students enjoyed celebrating reading for pleasure.

The English Department

Year 7 World Book DayWe were very happy to see many of our Year 7s taking part in World Book Day and

coming to school dressed as a character from a book they had read – we are certain

that even more students from our year group will be taking part next year.

Please, please, please encourage your children to visit the school library regularly and

take books out to read.

"No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. She will not want

new fashions nor regret the loss of expensive diversions or variety of company if she

can be amused with an author in her closet." Lady Montagu, providing advice on raising her granddaughter, 1752.

Congratulations to Ilayda Kayardi 8K who is the winner of the World Book Day Literature Quiz 2013.

Mr I Sayid and Mrs N Tuptuk

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5BAE Systems and RAF

On 7th March there was aproduction from BAESystems and RAF on theimportance of Science,Maths and ICT for a rangeof careers. Students weretold that whilst they maythink that the likes ofalgebra and numberpatterns may not berelevant to jobs – theyare!

30 of our top set studentshad an hour-longworkshop with the 3representatives from BAEand RAF.

Students were informedabout a competitionwhere they could win aniPad mini by making a two minute film on the everyday use ofmaths:

Our students were once again praised for their behaviour andattentiveness

Mathematics Across the Curriculum

One of our aims this academic year, is to further develop students'numeracy skills. We are working with a Consultant who came to theschool on March 1st to work with the whole of Year 8. The studentsbecame stall holders and were given a budget. They had to decidewhat items to buy from a list and then had to calculate losses andprofits after selling particular items.

This was an enjoyable morning for Year 8.Years 7 and 9 will have a similar morning in the summer time.

Year 8 & Chickenshed Theatre Company.

The Drama department and Chickenshed Theatre Company haveteamed up this term to explore a range of issues through Drama. Thewhole of Year 8 were treated to a performance of ‘Crime of theCentury’ by young actors from Chickenshed Theatre Company inFebruary.

Since then 8H and 8G have been lucky enough to work with theactors from Chickenshed to produce their own version of ‘Crime of theCentury’, a physical piece of drama highlighting the issues that manyof our young people face today.

The students who have been working with the actors have had theopportunity to see first-hand what it is like to create a professionaltheatre production as well as gain an understanding of the hard workand commitment that goes into creating a piece of theatre.

Our young people presented a community basedperformance of their work in the Theatre

on Wednesday March 27th to aninvited audience.

Mrs Christopher and MrBawden

KS3 Geography SkillsDay Trip to Epping Forest

NPCS students from Y8 & Y9, trekked through the forest in thebitter cold weather; they experienced sunshine, snow, sleetand rain. Students used a compass to navigate a routethrough the forest. They used instruments to measure theweather and collect data on sunlight, rainfall, wind speedand temperature. Students investigated the human impacton the forest by using quadrants and other equipment toassess how people are destroying the forest.

"Epping Forest was a fun experience. We were out in the coldforest and we learnt a lot about Geography. It was enjoyable.I'm really glad I came." Abdul Rahman Asankomah 9K.

Ms F Madaser

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David Lammy MPOn Monday 4th January Mr Lammy came to speak to our brilliant Year7s about his role as Member of Parliament for Tottenham.

Despite coming from a poor background and a single parent family, MrLammy knew that, for him, there was only one route to success and thatwas education. Despite Mrs Parker’s (Mr Lammy’s careers adviser)advice that Mr Lammy ought to be a fireman and not a barrister, as hewasn’t deemed to be bright enough, he stuck to his ambitions. Thisambition led him to finishing SOAS University and Harvard Universitysuccessfully, becoming an MP at 27 and a Minister at 30.

David Lammy gave our Year 7s some good pearls ofwisdom:

• Have broad shoulders and don’t follow the pack!

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something!

• Apply yourself and great things can happen!

Our students asked some great questions:

• Sade (7H): Why not move THFC to the Olympic site?

• Jack (7R): Why did the riots happen?

• Rene (7S): Which primary and secondary school did you go toand do you think they have become better or worse?

• Anthony (7R): If you could pass a law what would it be andwhy?

• Yasser (7S): What are your plans for improving Tottenham?

• Bradley (7H): If you weren’t an MP what would you be?

• Abraham (7S): Do you think schools in Tottenham are safebecause of gangs?

The Year 7s were attentive throughout the talk and Mr Lammy wasimpressed with their behaviour and the questions they asked.

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6Year 11 GCSE Textiles Sixties Project

This term the Year 11 GCSE Textiles class developed an item ofclothing relating to the 1960’s. Several students consideredcomplex issues such as the Vietnam War or drugs and alcoholmisuse. The work will be on display at the end of the year, butphotos of each student’s work can currently be viewed in theTechnology department.

Thank you to Ms Yuill, her BTEC students and Mr Taylor for theirhelp during the photo shoot.

Well done to my Year 11 class who put so much effort into theirwork.

Ms G Selwyn

Art ProjectSaatchi Gallery and The Prince's Foundation forChildren & the Arts.

In the summer term fifteen very lucky Year 8 and 9 students willbe working with an artist on a project partnered with the SaatchiGallery. Students will be visiting the gallery and meeting theartist, Jack Brown, on Tuesday 26th March. They will also attendseveral workshops developing their artwork, which will eventuallyhang on display in July. This is a very exciting opportunity for thestudents involved as many current artists dare to only dream ofexhibiting their work at the prestigious Saatchi Gallery in London.

Watch this space for future updates on this exciting project.

Ms Selwyn

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77S Assembly InternationalWomen’s Day

A big thank you to Mr Bawden and 7S for putting together a fantastic

assembly on International Women’s Day. Everyone in the tutor group

took part and gave the rest of us something important to think about.

The assembly highlighted the contribution several women have made

to make our everyday life more comfortable..

On Friday 8th March Mr Bawden celebrated International Women's

Day during his tutor time. We were very happy to join this early

morning party of food, music, dance and sharing of information on the

importance of mothers and women generally in society. Mr Sayid

shared with the tutor group that he has a lot of respect for women

after witnessing the birth of his son: ‘the perseverance, pain and

patience women have in pregnancy, labour and looking after an infant

is amazing’.

Mr I Sayid and Mrs N Tuptuk

London ‘Heat’ Future Chef Competition

After winning the North London 'Heat' of the prestigious Future ChefCompetition Patrick Badewa in Year 10 competed in the London Heatheld at Hammersmith College.

Although Patrick did not get through to the finals, he was praised bythe judges for his exceptional skills. These skills were gained workingwith his mentor, Executive Chef Anhu Angotra, at the 5 Star MarriottPark Lane Hotel and alongside the chef’s brigade with whom Patrickspent a great deal of his spare time. Although Patrick is only in Year10, the chef was keen to offer him a job in the kitchen when he leavesschool.

Mr J Liversidge

NPCS ‘Bake Off Competition’

The Year 7s took part in the NPCS ‘Bake Off Competition’. Thestudents had to make ‘Melting Moments’. Using a relatively straightforward recipe, the students had to show their skills by making andpresenting eight biscuits that were of the exact same size and shape.This required a great deal of skill.

There were two heats. Thecompetition was so keenlycontested that the judgesdecided to award three places in each heat.

The winners were: Joanna,Junyu and Pel

Cirque du SoleilOn 30th January, a group of 30 Year 9 students travelled to theimpressive Royal Albert Hall in central London to watch the amazingCirque du Soleil show ‘Kooza’.  This world renowned circus groupexceeded all expectations and delighted, wowed and mesmerisedthe audience with its acts of comedy, beauty, sheer skill, artistry anddaring.  It is not very often that students in Year 9 are renderedspeechless! 

One act in particular, which involved two performers running,jumping and skipping on fast rotating spheres above the centralauditorium without safety wires was absolutely spellbinding.  Most ofus held our breaths and gaped open mouthed whilst theyperformed.  They were given rapturous applause when they endedtheir routine safely.  Other notable acts included a trapeze artist onan aerial swing, tightrope walkers using cycles and chairs as props,the graceful multi jointed female contortionists who moved soeffortlessly and the aerial acrobats on stilts who hurled themselvesinto the heavens executing numerous somersaults before landing oncrash mattresses held by their troupe members on the ground.Wow, wow, wow!  The Albert Hall, as always, was a beautifulbackdrop to this amazing show.

Our students behaved impeccably throughout the show and were areal credit to the school.  My thanks to Ms Selwyn and Mr Warnerwho accompanied this party. 

My thanks also go to Mousetrap Theatre Productions who subsidisetheatre tickets for young people across London making trips such asthis affordable.

Ms J Thompson

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Gamelan Workshops at Northumberland Park

Year 10 GCSE students have been working with visiting gamelanteacher, David McKenny, all of this term on the large and impressivegamelan that has been housed in the music department sinceDecember. The study of gamelan (traditional musical instrumentsfrom Indonesia) forms part of the GCSE specification and ourstudents are extremely privileged to get to study on the realinstruments to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the artform.

Dave has also worked with students after school and some Year 8students in their music lesson time. We are hoping to keep thegamelan in school and start working with the wider community afterEaster.

Ms D Quow

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Year 11 Achieve ExcellentResults from January ExamsCongratulations to many Y11 students who received their resultsfrom the January exams last week. These results will contributetowards their final outcomes this summer and are veryencouraging.

In English Literature, Ms Raheem’s class achieved a total of 20A/A* grades, including 12 A*s; in the other English groups therewere also very good results with many students showingoutstanding progress. Students in other GCSE subjects, such asScience, Sociology, ICT, Health & Social Care, & History, were alsodelighted by their results with excellent progress shown in mostcases. The highlight, however, must be the 100% achieved byRonak Patel in Biology Unit 1 and 99% by Maido Dirie in SociologyUnit 1.

Best wishes to all our Y11s for their summer exams and we arehoping they will continue to make the outstanding progress shownso far.

Foals Music Workshop at the Royal Albert Hall

Three talented and lucky students were recently involved in a music

workshop at the Royal Albert Hall with the rock/indie band ‘Foals’, that

was run by the Royal Albert Hall education programme for budding

young musicians from Haringey and Islington schools.

Ms Quow took Belermino Buika-Perujo and the Bekantoy brothers,

Samuel and Benjamin, to the Elgar Room of the Royal Albert Hall on

Tuesday 12 February, a day after the band’s new album, ‘Holy Fire’,

shot high up into the charts, to attend a workshop for would be rock

drummers, bass guitarists, guitarists, keyboard players and singers.

We arrived at 12.00 and rehearsed ‘Providence’, one of the songs

from the new album, for two hours before performing it in front of

distinguished members of the Royal Albert Hall staff. The song was in

7/4, an unusual time signature, and our students got to grips with the

challenge straight away.

It was a very good experience for the boys, who got to not only meet,

but work with, professional band members, who were in turn very

impressed by the talent of the

young people from the schools.

The same students are invited to

the band’s Royal Albert Hall gig on Thursday 28 March.

Ms D Quow

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Science Week at NPCSAnticipation is building around the school as Science weekapproaches.  Year 10 and 11 students have delivered thoughtprovoking, interactive assemblies.  Year 10 ALPS students askedyounger students to consider their dietary choices and have sparkeda debate about how we can make food in our canteen healthier.  Year11 set an innovative contest for younger students to write a scientificmethod for the following hypothesis: ‘If your ring finger is longer thanyour index finger you will be good at football’. I am excited to find outhow students think we should test this hypothesis.

The highlight of the week has been the Year 7 trip to the ScienceMuseum.  Students watched a 3D film at the IMAX theatre about theHubble telescope before exploring the museum. 

The Science department will be launching our new website, pleasesee the link from the school website.  There will be details of theoutcome of the whole school experiment mentioned above!  Moreimportantly, there is lots of information for parents about how tosupport your child in Science. There are homework and extensionactivities too.

Finally, the Science department wishes Mr Asiedu the best of luck forthe future.  He is sadly leaving to become an Assistant Headteacherat another school.

Year 11 GCSE CitizenshipProject: ‘Raising Awarenessof Racism’Our Year 11s have carried out anumber of practical tasks in orderto raise awareness of racismwithin our school and our localcommunity. Over the past fewmonths, they have been involvedin a number of projects whichinclude baking and selling cakes,cookies and doughnuts within theschool; creating Facebook and Twitteraccounts to raise awareness of the issue locally and nationally;interviewing students and staff about their views and creating a videomontage to present to the school in assemblies.

In addition to this fantastic work, the Year 11s sold anti-racism t-shirtsto members of staff and students around the school. On 16th January2013, Northumberland Park Community School had their official‘Racism Awareness Day’ where staff and students all wore the t-shirtsto raise awareness of racism. There was a great show of unity.

The highlight of this Year 11 project was when they had theopportunity to interview Tottenham Hotspur Football Club andEngland footballer, Jermain Defoe, along with a Tottenham Hotspur’scoach and two representatives from the ‘Kick It Out’ organisation.Students were very professional, well-behaved and extremely star-struck!

A big thank you must go to Jenny Bailiey for organising this visit andfor helping with project as a whole. Also, thank you to John Liversidgefor helping with the cake and cookies sale. They were sold out within20 minutes!

That’s not all! The students have one more event up their sleeves inorder to raise some more money. All proceeds collected will be givento their chosen charity after the holidays. You will be kept informed.

Well done Year 11s!Ms S Khanam

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NPCS Composers of Tomorrow

Over a series of four workshops, eleven year 10 music GCSE

students have been introduced to the unique and virtuosic qualities

of the horn, violin and cello. The ‘Benjamin Britten Composing

Project’ pushed them to their limits and gave them the opportunity to

compose and have their pieces performed by renowned

professional performers. There were often times when they were

doubtful that they would be able to produce a suitable composition

to be performed at the distinguished ‘Wigmore Hall’. David Horne –

an established composer, pianist, and teacher - held no prisoners

throughout the 8 weeks.

The students felt that it was a tremendous privilege to collaborate

with such fine professional musicians on this project. 5 of the 11 had

their pieces performed in the final concert. Notwithstanding, all 11

students produced a suitable composition to be played.

Our NPCS students represented the school in great fashion and

made Mr West, along with Ms Mentes, proud to be part of this class.

Well done to our year 10 students listed below:


Benjamin BEKANTOY 10K


Chrissan GREEN 10K




Ezgi OZCAN 10K


Emine SHABAN 10R

Mazlum UCAR 10RMs D Quow

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10BT Mentoring

Programme for a group ofYear 11 studentsOn Wednesday 13th February the school welcomed a visit from BTfinance director Tony Chanmugam to meet the students participatingin the mentoring programme.

This new programme was introduced in November andNorthumberland Park is only one of 3 schools in London to pilot thisnew initiative from BT.

The company’s specially-chosen mentors, all part of BT’s EthnicMinority Network, will work closely with students. The programme isdesigned to help teenagers reach their full potential by showingthem how interests and skills can steer them towards the rightcareer path.

Malcolm Weston, chairman of the BT Ethnic Minority Network, said:“Mentoring the students who are in transition to either post schooleducation, training or employment is a great way of supporting andcontributing to the community.”

BT finance director Tony Chanmugam said: "The right support andguidance can really help an individual navigate their way throughobstacles and issues. Our mentors will work closely with students,with the support of their teachers and parents, to offer a freshperspective and a real insight into how to forge a successful careerpath. It is critical that we invest in our young people and equip them

with the skills they need to succeed in life.”

Diane Liversidge, Assistant Head Teacher at Northumberland ParkCommunity School, said: “There was no doubt in my mind aboutjoining the programme. Now that the students and I have met withthe mentors we can see how successful this programme can be.Expectations are high and our students are thrilled to have theseopportunities when at times, it seems likeemployment opportunities arescarce in multi-nationalcompanies”.

Page 11: Spring Term 2013

11Ledley King

It was just a normal Wednesday, waking upand going to school. However today wasdifferent. Jade, Emanuela, Bradley, Gideonand I were chosen for BBC School Reportto represent Northumberland Park. Wewere going to meet Ledley King, whoplayed for Tottenham and this is how ourday went.

It was only 9:00am as Jade and I went overto the Media apartment where we were tomeet Ms.Yuill our club’s teacher as well asa producer and cameraman from the BBC.I couldn’t deny the fact that I was prettynervous but on the other hand in reality,excited because today I was going to meetsomeone famous.

Berreck Cocelli – 7T

First of all we started to get ready in classby researching Ledley King's career. Weneeded to ask him questions that wererelevant and interesting for him answer.Then Josh, the cameraman from the BBCarrived to video behind the scenes. Heshowed us how to operate the camera andthe lights as well as explaining hiscomplicated sound equipment.Next, the producer called Ian, came andtold us everything that was going tohappen that day. He helped us to structureour questions as well as practising how wewere going to ask the questions. Joshhelped us with our microphone techniquetoo.

Emanuela Ismali – 7V

Packing our equipment and checking thatwe had everything, we went on the trip. Wefilmed our short journey to the stadium viaa time lapse camera strapped to Bradley’sfront. I had never thought of going to astadium, probably because I thought thatfootball was indeed... dead, flat,uninteresting. This was going to be a newexperience for me and a new interest. Wewalked through the automatic doors, andsat down waiting for Mr. King.

When he arrived everyone introducedourselves and shook hands like reporterswould do; also we took the chance to gethis autograph and photographs with him!We then had to film ourselves meeting himagain – this is so that it looked good for thefilm that the BBC were making. Wefollowed him and he explained that he wasgoing to show us around and tell us factsabout himself and Tottenham on the way.

Ledley lead us to the press room which iswhere they do press conferences. We satdown in the same chairs that reportersfrom all over the world sit in.

At first, we just asked simple questions sonone of us would be feeling nervous ofeach other. We found out that his favouritesong at the moment is ‘Gangnam Style’and he used to love reading Roald Dahlbooks when he was younger. Notsurprisingly, his favourite colour is blue!

After that Ledley went and talked to therepresentatives from THFC while thecameraman instructed that we would beusing a technique called ‘noddy shot.’ Anoddy shot is when the interviewee has leftand they need cut-away shots. Thereforewe sat asking questions and nodding toanswers when no-one was there.

Berrak Cocelli – 7T

We got to see the stadium, the dressingrooms and the treatment room whereLedley unfortunately spent a lot of hiscareer. We learned how he didn't trainduring the week and could still play a gameon the Saturday. His manager, Harry

Rednap, called him an 'absolute freak'being able to do this. Ledley said he knewthis was a compliment about his ability.

We saw the box-holders lounge withtrophies and gifts from other clubs. Someof Ledley's old shirts were in this area. Finally, we were all lead down the players’tunnel and into the stadium itself. We sat inthe manager's seat while we interviewedLedley some more. It was verycomfortable!

Ledley was really nice to us. He chatted tous like we were real reporters and made usfeel very welcome.

Emanuela Ismali – 7V

This was a wonderful opportunity that theBBC gave our reporters. Not only did theyget to meet a footballing great, but theyalso saw how a real report is constructed. Icannot thank Ian and Josh from the BBCenough; they really engaged the studentsin this activity and the students respondedwith real enthusiasm. We can't wait to seethe results on the BBC website.A very special thanks to Tony Stevens atTHFC for arranging and accompanying uson the visit, John, our super tour guide andobviously, a very big thank you to LedleyKing for giving us his time to do this veryspecial interview.

Ms Yuill

Romeo and Juliet TripThirty four brave Year 10 students, and fiveeven braver teachers, made their way intoLondon in search of higher GCSE learningand they found it in the form of a "Romeoand Juliet " performance at Shakespeare’sGlobe Theatre! Despite the extremelyunstable March weather conditions, thestudents were able to enjoy a modernadaptation of the well-known Star CrossedLovers’ tale. The actors encouragedaudience participation and the NPCSstudents became truly connected with thecharacters and the story. They can nowbring their experience back to the

classroom to share with their fellow Year10s and apply it to their English ControlledAssessment and exams.

Page 12: Spring Term 2013

FACILITIES FOR HIRE• Astro turf pitch

• Large hall• Theatre

• Swimming pool• Multipurpose hall

• Gymnasium• Large classrooms

• Dance studio

Contact Nadira Latchanaon 0208 275 4830 or

Ben Boyle 07853063448

We cater for weddings,meetings, conferences,

churches, sports, swimming,football, training, poolparties and aquazumba

Lookingfor a place

to hire,that will





Opportunities for you!

• Looking for work experience?• Have recently completed acourse?

Call Jenny for an informal chat or drop offyour CV at main reception.

Trulock Road -

Parents collecting childrenby carIf you bring/collect yourchild by car before or afterschool at the Trulock Roadentrance, please drop offand collect at thebeginning of Trulock Roadnearer the pub and notoutside the school gates.

Also if you need to turnround, please do so bydriving round the one waysystem to the left and notby turning by the schoolentrances.

Turning round by theschool gates and carsparking by entrances aredangerous for our childrenas they enter/leave theschool site.

NEWSMot iva te • Asp i re • Trans fo rm


020 8801 0091Headteacher’s PA020 8275 4803

Attendance020 8275 4825

School Meals/uniform etc020 8275 4827/4828

Achievement Coordinator Year 7 020 8275 4814

Achievement Coordinator Year 8020 8275 4818

Achievement Coordinator Year 9020 8275 4810

Achievement Coordinator Year 10020 8275 4812

Achievement Coordinator Year 11020 8275 4816

12NPCS Uniform

We are consulting to change the uniform from September2013. Parents will have been consulted at one of theforthcoming parents evening or by letter posted home weekcommencing 18th March 2013. We look forward to hearingyour views.

Please log on to the school websitewww.northumberlandpark.haringey.sch.ukPlease email comments to [email protected]

Adult Educationand Family LearningWe have some new and exciting coursesstarting after the Easter Break

• Would you like to improve your literacy skills?Course delivered every Tuesday andThursday 9.30-12 noon

• Update your ICT skills?Every Tuesday 1pm-3.30pm

• Improve your English whilst learning to sew?Every Thursday 1pm-3.30

• Or create and develop a calendar about LoveTottenham and improve your English

Every Friday 9.30-12 noon

To book your place call 020 8275 4848.