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M.C. Kang

Spring data iii

Aug 20, 2015



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Page 1: Spring data iii

M.C. Kang

Page 2: Spring data iii
Page 3: Spring data iii

Hello World Using Spring for Apache Hadoop

Declaring a Hadoop job using Spring’s Hadoop namespace<configuration></configuration><job id="wordcountJob"

input-path="/user/gutenberg/input"output-path="/user/gutenberg/output"mapper="org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount.TokenizerMapper"reducer="org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount.IntSumReducer"/><job-runner id="runner" job="wordcountJob" run-at-startup="true"/>

This configuration will create a singleton instance of an org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job managed by the Spring container.Spring can determine that outputKeyClass is of the type and that outputValueClass is of type, so we do not need to set these properties explicitly.

public static class TokenizerMapper extends Mapper<Object, Text, Text, IntWritable>{private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);private Text word = new Text();public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)throws IOException, InterruptedException {

StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(value.toString());while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) {

word.set(itr.nextToken());context.write(word, one);



Page 4: Spring data iii

Hello World Using Spring for Apache Hadoop

public static class IntSumReducer extends Reducer<Text,IntWritable,Text,IntWritable> {private IntWritable result = new IntWritable();public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context)throws IOException, InterruptedException {

int sum = 0;for (IntWritable val : values) {

sum += val.get();}result.set(sum);context.write(key, result);


public class Main {private static final String[] CONFIGS = new String[] {"META-INF/spring/hadoop-context.xml" };

public static void main(String[] args) {String[] res = (args != null && args.length > 0 ? args : CONFIGS);AbstractApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(res);// shut down the context cleanly along with the VMctx.registerShutdownHook();


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Externalize the configuration parameters of the application

<context:property-placeholder location=""/><configuration>${hd.fs}</configuration><job id="wordcountJob"


<job-runner id="runner" job="wordcountJob" run-at-startup="true"/>


<context:property-placeholder location="hadoop-${ENV:default}.properties"/>

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Scripting HDFS on the JVM – Type1

<context:property-placeholder location=""/><configuration>${hd.fs}</configuration><script id="setupScript" location="copy-files.groovy">

<property name="localSourceFile" value="${localSourceFile}"/><property name=“hdfsInputDir" value="${hdfsInputDir}"/><property name=“hdfsOutputDir" value="${hdfsOutputDir}"/>


if (!fsh.test(hdfsInputDir)) {fsh.mkdir(hdfsInputDir);fsh.copyFromLocal(localSourceFile, hdfsInputDir);fsh.chmod(700, hdfsInputDir)

}if (fsh.test(hdfsOutputDir)) {


Groovy Script

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Combining HDFS Scripting and Job Submission

<context:property-placeholder location=""/>



<job id="wordcountJob"input-path="${wordcount.input.path}"output-path="${wordcount.output.path}"mapper="org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount.TokenizerMapper"reducer="org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount.IntSumReducer"/>

<script id="setupScript" location="copy-files.groovy"><property name="localSourceFile" value="${localSourceFile}"/><property name="inputDir" value="${wordcount.input.path}"/><property name="outputDir" value="${wordcount.output.path}"/>


<job-runner id="runner" run-at-startup="true"pre-action="setupScript"job="wordcountJob"/>

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Configuring the JobRunner to execute multiple HDFS scripts and jobs

<job-runner id="runner"pre-action="setupScript1,setupScript"job="wordcountJob1,wordcountJob2"post-action="cleanupScript1,cleanupScript2"/>

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Scheduling MapReduce Jobs with a TaskScheduler

<!-- job definition as before --><job id="wordcountJob" ... /><!-- script definition as before --><script id="setupScript" ... />

<job-runner id="runner" pre-action="setupScript" job="wordcountJob"/>

<task:scheduled-tasks><task:scheduled ref="runner" method="call" cron="3/30 * * * * ?"/>


Scheduling MapReduce Jobs with Quartz

<bean id="jobDetail"class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean"><property name="targetObject" ref="runner"/><property name="targetMethod" value="run"/>

</bean><bean id="cronTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">

<property name="jobDetail" ref="jobDetail"/><property name="cronExpression" value="3/30 * * * * ?"/>

</bean><bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">

<property name="triggers" ref="cronTrigger"/></bean>

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Page 11: Spring data iii

Creating and configuring a Hive server

<context:property-placeholder location="," /><configuration id="hadoopConfiguration">${hd.fs}mapred.job.tracker=${mapred.job.tracker}

</configuration><hive-server port="${hive.port}" auto-startup="false"



Hive Thrift Client

since the HiveClient is not a thread-safe class, so a new instance needs to be created inside methods that are shared across multiple threads.

<hive-client-factory host="${}" port="${hive.port}"/>

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Hive Thrift Client Sample

@Repositorypublic class HivePasswordRepository implements PasswordRepository {

private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(HivePasswordRepository.class);private HiveClientFactory hiveClientFactory;private String tableName;// constructor and setters omitted@Overridepublic Long count() {

HiveClient hiveClient = hiveClientFactory.getHiveClient();try {

hiveClient.execute("select count(*) from " + tableName);return Long.parseLong(hiveClient.fetchOne());

// checked exceptions} catch (HiveServerException ex) {

throw translateExcpetion(ex);} catch (org.apache.thrift.TException tex) {

throw translateExcpetion(tex);} finally {

try {hiveClient.shutdown();

} catch (org.apache.thrift.TException tex) {logger.debug("Unexpected exception on shutting down HiveClient", tex);



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Hive JDBC Client

The JDBC support for Hive lets you use your existing Spring knowledge of JdbcTemplate to interact with Hive. Hive provides a HiveDriver class.

<bean id="hiveDriver" class="org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver" /><bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SimpleDriverDataSource">

<constructor-arg name="driver" ref="hiveDriver" /><constructor-arg name="url" value="${hive.url}"/>

</bean><bean id="jdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.JdbcTemplate">

<constructor-arg ref="dataSource" /></bean>

Hive JDBC Client Sample

@Repositorypublic class JdbcPasswordRepository implements PasswordRepository {

private JdbcOperations jdbcOperations;private String tableName;// constructor and setters omitted@Overridepublic Long count() {

return jdbcOperations.queryForLong("select count(*) from " + tableName);}…

Page 14: Spring data iii

Hive Script Runner

<context:property-placeholder location=","/>



<hive-server port="${hive.port}"properties-location=""/>

<hive-client-factory host="${}" port="${hive.port}"/>

<hive-runner id="hiveRunner" run-at-startup="false" ><script location="apache-log-simple.hql">




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Page 16: Spring data iii

Creating and configuring a Pig server

<context:property-placeholder location="" /><configuration>${hd.fs}mapred.job.tracker=${mapred.job.tracker}

</configuration><pig-factory properties-location=""

<script location="initialization.pig"><arguments>



Pig Runner

PigRunner helper class to provide a convenient way to repeatedly execute Pig jobs and also execute HDFS scripts before and after their execution.

<pig-runner id="pigRunner"pre-action="hdfsScript"run-at-startup="true" ><script location="password-analysis.pig">




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Pig Template

<context:property-placeholder location="" /><configuration>${hd.fs}mapred.job.tracker=${mapred.job.tracker}

</configuration><pig-factory properties-location=""

<script location="initialization.pig"><arguments>



Pig Runner

PigRunner helper class to provide a convenient way to repeatedly execute Pig jobs and also execute HDFS scripts before and after their execution.

<pig-runner id="pigRunner"pre-action="hdfsScript"run-at-startup="true" ><script location="password-analysis.pig">




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Pig Runner Example

@Componentpublic class AnalysisService {

private PigRunner pigRunner;@Autowiredpublic AnalysisService(PigRunner pigRunner)

this.pigRunner = pigRunner;}@Asyncpublic void performAnalysis() {;}


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Controlling Runtime Script Execution

To have more runtime control over what Pig scripts are executed and the arguments passed into them, we can use the PigTemplate class.

<pig-factory properties-location=""/><pig-template/><beans:bean id="passwordRepository“ class="com.oreilly.springdata.hadoop.pig.PigPasswordRepository">

<beans:constructor-arg ref="pigTemplate"/></beans:bean>

public class PigPasswordRepository implements PasswordRepository {private PigOperations pigOperations;private String pigScript = "classpath:password-analysis.pig";public void processPasswordFile(String inputFile) {

Assert.notNull(inputFile);String outputDir =PathUtils.format("/data/password-repo/output/%1$tY/%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tH/%1$tM/%1$tS");Properties scriptParameters = new Properties();scriptParameters.put("inputDir", inputFile);scriptParameters.put("outputDir", outputDir);pigOperations.executeScript(pigScript, scriptParameters);

}@Overridepublic void processPasswordFiles(Collection<String> inputFiles) {

for (String inputFile : inputFiles) {processPasswordFile(inputFile);



Page 20: Spring data iii
Page 21: Spring data iii

HBASE Java Client w/o Spring Data

The HTable class is the main way in Java to interact with HBase. It allows you to put data into a table using a Put class, get data by key using a Get class, and delete data using a Delete class. You query that data using a Scan class, which lets you specify key ranges as well as filter criteria.

Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); // Hadoop configuration objectHTable table = new HTable(configuration, "users");Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("user1"));p.add(Bytes.toBytes("cfInfo"), Bytes.toBytes("qUser"), Bytes.toBytes("user1"));p.add(Bytes.toBytes("cfInfo"), Bytes.toBytes("qEmail"), Bytes.toBytes("[email protected]"));p.add(Bytes.toBytes("cfInfo"), Bytes.toBytes("qPassword"), Bytes.toBytes("user1pwd"));table.put(p);

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HBASE Client w/ Spring Data HBaseTemplate

The HBase API requires that you work with the data as byte arrays and not other primitive types. The HTable class is also not thread safe, and requires you to carefully manage the underlying resources it uses and catch HBase-specific exceptions. Spring’s HBaseTemplate class provides a higher-level abstraction for interacting with HBase. As with other Spring template classes, it is thread-safe once created and provides exception translation into Spring’s portable data access exception hierarchy.

<configuration></configuration><hbase-configuration configuration-ref="hadoopConfiguration" /><beans:bean id="hbaseTemplate" class=""><beans:property name="configuration" ref="hbaseConfiguration" /></beans:bean>

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HBASE Client w/ Spring Data HBaseTemplate