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Spring 2007 W. Rhett Davis with minor modification by Dean Brock UNCA ECE 406 Slide 1 ECE 406 – Design of Complex ECE 406 – Design of Complex Digital Systems Digital Systems Lecture 7: Design Lecture 7: Design Example, Modeling Flip- Example, Modeling Flip- Flops Flops Spring 2007 Spring 2007 W. Rhett Davis W. Rhett Davis NC State University NC State University with significant material from Paul Franzon, Bill with significant material from Paul Franzon, Bill Allen, & Xun Liu Allen, & Xun Liu

Spring 2007W. Rhett Davis with minor modification by Dean Brock UNCA ECE 406Slide 1 ECE 406 – Design of Complex Digital Systems Lecture 7: Design Example,

Dec 26, 2015



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Page 1: Spring 2007W. Rhett Davis with minor modification by Dean Brock UNCA ECE 406Slide 1 ECE 406 – Design of Complex Digital Systems Lecture 7: Design Example,

Spring 2007W. Rhett Davis with minor modification by Dean Brock UNCA ECE 406 Slide 1

ECE 406 – Design of Complex ECE 406 – Design of Complex Digital SystemsDigital Systems

Lecture 7: Design Example, Lecture 7: Design Example, Modeling Flip-FlopsModeling Flip-Flops

Spring 2007Spring 2007W. Rhett DavisW. Rhett Davis

NC State UniversityNC State Universitywith significant material from Paul Franzon, Bill Allen, & Xun with significant material from Paul Franzon, Bill Allen, & Xun


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Spring 2007W. Rhett Davis with minor modification by Dean Brock UNCA ECE 406 Slide 2

Conditional Statements: if-else

if - else if - else has the following syntax.

if (<expression 1>) <statement 1>;

else if (<expression 2>) <statement 2>;

else <statement 3>;

• If the logical value of <expr 1> is true, <stmt 1> is executed.

• If the logical value of <expr 1> is false and the logical value of <expr 2> is true then <stmt 2> is executed.

• If the logical values of both <expr 1> and <expr 2> are false, then <stmt 3> is executed.

Sutherland guide 10.3

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ALU Example: if-else

Code fragment of a 16-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) that performs one of 5 operations.

if (alu_ctrl == 0) // alu_ctrl is 3 bits ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 + ALU_IN2; // add else if (alu_ctrl == 1) ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 - ALU_IN2; // subtract else if (alu_ctrl == 2) ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 & ALU_IN2; // and else if (alu_ctrl == 3) ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 | ALU_IN2; // orelse if (alu_ctrl == 4) ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 ^ ALU_IN2; // exorelse ALU_OUT = 16’d0; // other 3 undefined

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Conditional Statements: case

The syntax of the case statement is:case (<expression>) <alternative 1>: <statement 1*>; <alternative 2>: <statement 1*>; • • • <alternative n>: <statement n*>; default: <default statement*>;endcase

The value of <expression> is matched to <alternatives> in sequence, For the first <alternative> that matches, the corresponding <statement> is executed. If no alternatives match, <default statement> is executed.

Sutherland guide 10.3

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ALU Example: case

Using the previous example of an ALU, the corresponding implementation using a case statement is:

case (alu_ctrl) 3’d0: ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 + ALU_IN2; 3’d1: ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 - ALU_IN2; 3’d2: ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 & ALU_IN2; 3’d3: ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 | ALU_IN2; 3’d4: ALU_OUT = ALU_IN1 ^ ALU_IN2; default: ALU_OUT = 16’d0;

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case: Comparison Details

The case statement literally compares 0, 1, x and z values in the conditional expression bit-by-bit with the alternatives.

Thus if the case expression is 4’b10xz, the comparison is looking for an alternative of 4’b10xz. In other words an exact match is required.

Also, if the sizes of the evaluated expression and the alternative pattern are unequal, the shortest field is extended with zeros so the sizes are equal.

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Alternatives: casex, casez

There are two variants of the case statement defined by the keywords casex and casez.

• casex treats all x and z values in the case expression or alternatives as don’t cares.

• casez treats all z values in the case expression or alternatives as don’t care’s.

The casex is useful when the state of certain bit positions is immaterial in some of the alternatives. By using casex in such situations, it is possible to reduce the number of alternatives needed. Sutherland guide 10.3

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Procedural Examples Muxes and Data Selectors

reg [1:0] in1, in2, out;

reg in3;

always@(in1 or in2 or in3)

if (in3) out = in1;

else out = in2;













reg [3:0] in1;

reg out;

reg [1:0] in2;

always@(in1 or in2)

case (in2)

2’b00 : out = in1[0];

2’b01 : out = in1[1];

2’b10 : out = in1[2];

2’b11 : out = in1[3];


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Procedural Examples Priority Selector or Encoder

always@(A or B or C) casex(A)

3’b1xx : out = B; 3’b01x : out = C; default : out = 2’b0;




case (address)

2’b00 : line = 4’b0001;

2’b01 : line = 4’b0010;

2’b10 : line = 4’b0100;

2’b11 : line = 4’b1000;


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Complete the behavior below:

always@(clock or D)

if (clock) Q = D;




We will not intentionally build latches in this class Instead, we’ll stick to one type of timing element

(edge triggered flip-flops)

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Inferred (Unintentional) Latches

What is happening here?

always@(A or B or C) begin

D = B & C;if (D) E = C;


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Procedural Examples

What about this?

always@(A or B)

casex (A)

2’b00 : C = B;

2’b01 : C = ~B;


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Procedural Examples

Will this simulate correctly?


C = A | B;

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D Flip-Flop Timing Diagram






Don’t know(Don’t care)“x”

Glitches at inputdo not appear at output.F/F only samples ‘D’ atpositive clock edge.

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D Flip-Flop Verilog Description



Qmodule flipflop (D, clock, Q);input D, clock;output Q;reg Q;always@(posedge clock)

Q = D; endmodule

• posedge & negedge are keywords

Could also be written as

Q <= D;

(what’s the difference?)

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Blocking vs. Non Blocking = is referred to as a blocking

assignment, because execution of subsequent code is blocked until the assignment is made.

<= is referred to as non-blocking assignment. Essentially, all non-blocking right-hand-sides are evaluated but no assignments are made until the end of the procedural block.

Example: What’s the difference between the two code fragments to the right?

T&M 1.3.3, Sutherland guide 10.2

always@(posedge clk)

begin A = Y;

B = A;


always@(posedge clk)

begin A <= Y;

B <= A;


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Inferring Hardware from Assignments

When given an always@(posedge clock) behavior and asked to draw a schematic, I follow these steps:

» For every left-hand side of an assignment, draw a flip-flop whose output is connected to that signal

» For non-blocking assignments (<=), set the input of each flip-flop to be the right-hand side of the last assignment for each variable

» For blocking assignments (=), work back from the end to figure out the inputs to the flip-flops

When writing your own behavior, it is suggested that you use non-blocking assignments (<=), so that you don’t have to work back from the end.

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Blocking vs. Non Blocking

What hardware would be synthesized for this example?

A = Y;B = A;

A <= Y;B <= A;

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•reg A, B, C, D;•always@(posedge clock)• begin• C = A;• B = C;• C = D;• end

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•reg A, B, C, D;•always@(posedge clock)• begin• C <= A;• B <= C;• C <= D;• end

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•reg A, B, C, D;•always@(posedge clock)• begin• if (A) • D <= B;• else• D <= C;• C <= D;• end

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Procedural Examples

Is there anything wrong with this code?

always@(A or B)

casex (A)

2’b00 : C = B;

2’b01 : C = ~B;


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Design Example

Design a module named “ALU”. It has three 3-bit inputs A, B, and C and a 1-bit

input E. It has a 3-bit output R and a 1-bit output O. When E is 1, » R is the bit-wise XOR of A and B, and » O is 1.

When E is 0, » R is the sum of B and C (both are assumed to be

signed integers), and » O is the non-overflow indicator, which is 0 when

signed overflow happens.

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A Word About Overflow

Unsigned Overflow occurs when Carry-Out is 1

Signed Overflow occurs when» the sum of positive numbers is negative OR» the sum of negative numbers is positive

…or, equivalently…

» the MSBs of the operands are equal AND» the MSB and Carry-Out of the result differ

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Design Example

Draw a schematic to represent the hardware

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Design Example

Write the Verilog module using Data-Flow (continuous assignments) ONLY.

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Design Example Write a procedural Verilog description (with always @).

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How do you model a flip-flop?

What is the difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments?

How do you infer flip-flops for an always@(posedge clock) procedure with blocking or non-blocking assignments?

Is it better to use blocking or non-blocking assignments in an always@(posedge clock) procedure? Why?