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SPORTS & THE CHRISTIAN Its just a game. Right?

Sports & the christian (3)

Jul 27, 2015



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1. Its just a game. Right? 2. Before we begin 3. Revived from ancient origins, modern Olympics arehaunted by the ideals of that primitive and violent time.The original Olympics began in Olympia in 776 B.C. Theycelebrated the many gods by staging violent athleticcompetitions (deaths were common).Opportunities abounded for trade and commerce, whileonlookers watched naked athletes' physiques. Greek city-statesunited under these festivals to the gods Zeus andPoseidon. Lasting over a millennium, the games werefinally abolished by Emperor Theodosius (393 AD) becausethey were too pagan.Madanjeet Singh, The sun in myth and art (UNESCO,1993): 87-88. 4. For example, the carrying of the torch in theOlympic games is a symbol of the sun. Sportfrom ancient times was associated with sunworship and the symbolism employed at themodern games reenacts the victories of thesolar deities.The sun, moon, and planets floating overheadat the 1992 Barcelona Olympic gamesreminded us that the suns association withsports predates the deities Hercules andApollo, as is evident from the epic tale of theSumerian hero Gilgamesh: 5. The Sumerian Gilgamesh story inscribed in cuneiform tablets narrates how the sportingequipmenta stick and a ring or ballwhich Gilgamesh had carved out of an uprooted tree, hadfallen into the netherworld as he began oppressing his people by repeated athleticcompetitions, and how eventually it was the sun god who opened a hole in the ground in orderto recover them. The Olympic torch, which the runner carries to mark the suns cyclicmovement throughout the Olympiad, the four-year period until the next games, is alsorelated to the suns cyclic rhythm. First celebrated in Greece, the games were ceremonialcontests in honor of Zeus.iiGeneral history of the Olympics can be found at the following locations online: Ancient History:Olympics and Christianity Today: Revisting the Pagan Olympic Games, and from Stephen G.Miller, Ancient Greek Athletics (Yale University Press, 2004). 6. What's so wrong with a having church basketball team [competitivesports] to reach the youth? Praise dance? "Signing"? (YOU NEVER SAWCHRIST PROMOTING COMPETITION)"CHRIST'S METHOD ALONE will give true success in reaching thepeople." ~Ministry of Healing, 143.The Spirit of RIVALRY is from whom?The Testimony of Jesus says:"This spirit of RIVALRY is NOT FROM God, but from beneath." ~Manuscript Releases Volume Fourteen [Nos. 1081-1135], Page 290The leaven of TRUTH, hidden in the heart, WILL NOT PRODUCE THESPIRIT OF RIVALRY, the love of ambition, the desire to be first [likeLucifer]. ~ Sermons and Talks Volume Two, Page 115 7. Philippians 2:3 Let NOTHING be done throughSTRIFE or VAIN GLORY; but in lowliness of mindlet each esteem other BETTER than themselves. 8. strife [strahyf] Show IPA( 1.vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonism: to be atstrife.2.a quarrel, struggle, or clash: armed strife.3.COMPETITION or RIVALRY: the strife of the marketplace.4.Archaic. strenuous effort.Synonyms for REVIVALRY:CompetitionOppositionCompetitivenessEnmityConflictChallengeJealousy 9. Galatians 5:22-23But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,faith,Meekness, temperance: against suchthere is no law.James 3:16For where envying and strife is, there isconfusion and every evil work. 10. P. R. I. D. EThe athlete, onceengaged in competitionbegins to feel PRIDE whichis defined as Satisfactionwith ones ownachievements 11. Proverbs 13:10 Onlyby PRIDE comethcontention1 John 2:16 For ALL thatis in the world, the lust ofthe flesh, and the lust ofthe eyes, and the PRIDEof life, is not of theFather 12. James 4:10 Humble yourselves in thesight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. 13. "SATAN has devised a multitude of ways in whichTO KEEP MEN FROM SERVING GOD. HE HASINVENTED SPORTS AND GAMES, into whichmen enter with such intensity that one wouldSUPPOSE A CROWN OF LIFE was to reward thewinner. At the horse races and FOOTBALLmatches, which are attended by thousands andthousands of people, lives for which Christ shed hisblood are thrown away. ~The Testimony of JesusHimself, Review and Herald, 1907. 14. I was told by my GUIDE : Look ye, and behold theIDOLATRY OF MY PEOPLE, to whom I have been speaking,rising up early, and presenting to them their DANGERS . Ilooked that they should bring forth fruit. There were somewho were striving for the mastery, EACH TRYING TOEXCELL THE OTHER in the swift running of their bicycles.There was a SPIRIT OF STRIFE and CONTENTION amongthem as to which should be the greatest. The SPIRIT WASSIMULAR TO THAT MANIFESTED IN THE BASEBALLGAMES on the college ground. Said my GUIDE: THESETHINGS ARE AN OFFENSE TO GOD. Both near and afaroff souls are perishing for the bread of life and the waterof salvation. ~Testimonies for the Church Volume 8, Page52Rivalry is of Satan HimselfHe started the first rival inheaven. 15. The true Christian will not desire to enter anyplace of amusement or engage in any diversionupon which he cannot ask the blessing of God. Hewill not be found at the theater, the billiard hall,or the bowling saloon. He will not unite with thegay waltzers or indulge in any other bewitchingpleasure that will banish Christ from the mind.{AH 515.4}