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My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so chuffed! Chuffed, that is, until I noticed that my listing in the programme read, “Faith, Hope and Washing,” instead of ‘washi’. My daughter’s still not stopped teasing me about it. But perhaps “Faith, Hope and Washing” is a better description of my journey. My experience of spirituality is that it happens in the middle of my ordinary, everyday life. spirituality spirituality: faith, hope & washi “But this I know…”

spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

Jul 09, 2020



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Page 1: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so chuffed! Chuffed, that is, until I noticed that my listing in the programme read, “Faith, Hope and Washing,” instead of ‘washi’. My daughter’s still not stopped teasing me about it. But perhaps “Faith, Hope and Washing” is a better description of my journey. My experience of spirituality is that it happens in the middle of my ordinary, everyday life.


spirituality: faith, hope & washi

“But this I know…”

Page 2: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

I always say that I was ‘shoved into the kingdom’. I was at an evangelistic stadium event and all my ten year-old buddies had gone down on to the pitch to “give their lives to Jesus”. I didn’t really know what was going on - I’d only gone on the trip for the giggles in the coach. I was suddenly pushed hard in the back: “Go on love, you too.” It was the woman behind me, so I did as I was told. Off I went to pray the prayer. And that was my little ‘Come to Jesus’ moment. Since then, I’ve been all over the place. Not just in ‘faith/no faith’ terms, but also literally. I’ve been to wild Pentecostal churches and to polite Anglican ones. I’ve done “weird Holy Spirit stuff” and preached at very formal services. These days, I’m a Methodist. Between you and me, we planned to try both churches in our village, only the Methodist one wouldn’t let us go. It was like walking into ‘a spider’s web of love’ - perhaps as all churches should be.

one unimpressive testimony

Page 3: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so
Page 4: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

Faith-wise, things are less black and white for me now than they have been in the past. I have way more questions than answers. But I still need to believe and I need to have hope. And that’s an okay place to be, if it makes you want to be a better person, right?

I pray a lot, but it’s more like thinking, knowing God’s there. I like to go for walks and say thank you for creation. I read my Bible each morning, but it’s only moments before I’m busily decorating the page with cute stickers. I hope God’s okay with that; I feel like he might be.

Page 5: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

My faith is definitely the most important thing in my life - and it would be even if I weren’t married to a minister. I find it so compelling, because it feels like the only thing really worth getting excited about. There’s power in it and what feels a lot like truth. And with love at its very heart - who doesn’t need a bit more of that? There’s loads I don’t get (the Bible is one weird book in places!) so I focus on believing the bits that do seem clear: * That we’re passionately loved (without exception) by the One who made us * That we can be forgiven and given a fresh start * That God’s at work in the world and we get to join in * That He’s coming back to make it all good again one day This can all sound like nonsense, even to me. I guess though, it all boils down to this: that trusting that I’m loved keeps my heart feeling light.

but this I know

Page 6: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

A bit about the Bible. Firstly, it’s old - really old. It was written when people lived differently and thought very different things about the world. But it’s largely about God leading people on in their thinking - and always onwards towards love (Rob Bell’s original thought, not mine!) You can read small chunks over your morning coffee and God can (and often does) whisper to you through the words. But in my view, it’s a book worth handling a little carefully - maybe with the help of people who’ve studied it and know a bit about context and translation. Sadly there’s some stuff in there that can be used to really hurt people (and that’s got to hurt Jesus’ heart too). I like the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Jesus I see there is the one I want to trail after like a lost puppy. He’s radical and exciting and He turns everything on its head by loving all sorts of inappropriate people (inappropriate for those days, anyway).

the Bible can be odd

Page 7: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so
Page 8: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

The other thing about Jesus that’s really cool, is that he had no time for religious people. He didn’t like it when people faked it and pretended to be something they weren’t. That made him really cross and I love that, because I place a high value on authenticity too.

I’m convinced that Jesus is to be found where we don’t expect him. We might assume that we’re most likely to meet God in a church pew, but I don’t think that’s always his way. I think he enjoys getting his hands dirty and meeting us at our most unlovely - perhaps in our darkest moments.

Page 9: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

I’d like to think of my faith as something gentle. I’d never dream of deciding where someone else was in their faith walk - that’s between them and God. My job, I think, is to love. And I’m happy about that, because that feels do-able to me. To greet everyone I meet with a smile; to be quick to listen or offer help or prayers. Sure, we all need to watch our boundaries and make sure we’re doing what we feel called to do by God and not what we think is expected of us by others. But to meet each next person with grace, remembering that we’ve all got tough stuff going on - I can usually manage that okay. I’m not one who believes that God needs me to do stuff to prove my love for him. I’m not sure that he’s really like that. I wonder if he’s like a good Dad who just wants to hang out with his kid every now and then. See her enjoy the life he’s given her, you know? Simple family stuff, like that.

gentle spirituality

Page 10: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

I’ve often thought those mega-churches look fun: you know, the ones where everyone’s jumping up and down and it looks like a pop concert. Then I remember quite how introverted I am and wonder if I wouldn’t be the one curled up at the back, trying to make all the noise go away! There are lots of different types of churches and I think it’s just a case of finding the one that feels like home to you. Personally, I’d want to be in a church that welcomed everyone, regardless of, well - everything. Because I’m convinced that Jesus welcomes everyone like that too. Bible translations can vary, but finding one that’s written in a style that you enjoy won’t be hard. I’d start by reading about what Jesus said and did: that’s the really good stuff. And talking to God isn’t as hard as it may seem either. It’s basically thinking heaven-wards. It can feel a bit weird until you remember that He’s always there for you. And always loving you, whatever mess you might be in: that’s really important to remember.

everyday faith

Page 11: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so
Page 12: spirituality: faith, hope & washi - · 2020-01-09 · My faith-based scrapbooking layouts were featured in the art venue of a UK festival a few years back. I was so

Some final thoughts about faith-filled living: * Joining a church small group is a great idea, as you can support and encourage each other * I strongly suspect the Devil is every bit as real as God, so

be prepared for a battle: the faith walk is not an easy road! * Having faith brings challenge and questions. But it also brings joy and peace like nothing else. And love: love for God, love for others and love for yourself. And isn’t that something worth having?