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Spirit's Dream, Understanding the Mental Universe: What is 'Life' according to the Egyptian Mystery Schools?

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Spirit's Dream, Understanding the Mental Universe: What is 'Life' according to the Egyptian Mystery Schools?


    Spirit's Dream

    Understanding the Mental Universe:What is Life according to the Egyptian Mystery Schools?

    Written By: John Carnagey


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    Table of ContentsIntroduction........................................................................................................4

    Part I. The 'Seen' (Science)Who or What has Life?................................................................................12

    Animal Intelligence.......................................................................................14

    The Pineal Gland in all vertebrates.........................................................18

    Talking Plants, Primary Perception.........................................................21

    The Life in Water...........................................................................................27

    The Measurement Problem........................................................................31

    The Double Slit Experiment.......................................................................32

    Part II. The 'Unseen' (Philosophy)Life, the Universal Constant......................................................................37

    The Seven Hermetic Principles.................................................................41

    The Source of Spirit, The Truth of Oneness.........................................46


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    Duality in separation, the birth and nature of the Ego....................54

    What is the nature of spirits absolute essence?..................................57

    The Physical realm does not exist outside of the observers


    Understanding the many independent perspectives........................62

    Sacred Geometry............................................................................................66

    The Growth of Spirit through time.........................................................69

    What is time, When is Life?.......................................................................73


    Way of the wise..............................................................................................88


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    IntroductionIn the course of reason it is only logical that one may feel

    the inevitable inclination to address the question of self. To turn

    the very ability of questioning upon itself on an inward

    inquisition to understand the very nature of the questioner.

    This desire for a deeper understanding of self grows

    from the earliest stages of life, like a small seed planted deeply in

    the fertile soil of the subconscious mind. The question of life's

    nature will eventually sprout and push it's way to the forefront of

    man's thinking and wakeful state of awareness. Every man will

    inevitably confront the question of his existence. The seeds of

    inquisition are usually harvested and fully brought forth within

    the mind's awareness at the first initial exposure to the concept of

    death, as this is usually the first time the observer feels their own

    perceived mortality. Confronted with the reality that the

    phenomenon of physical death is an inescapable parameter ofany physical manifestation, this inquisitive thinker feels the need

    to understand the greater mysteries of life and that of life's very

    nature. At this junction of the mind's journey, the new seeker of

    truth must ask himself the next inevitable line of questions,

    What am I? Do I exist beyond the body? Who is the thinker

    that asks these very questions? Simply put, what is life? Is this


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    inquiry not the most important question in life? The Philosopher

    Ramana Maharshi once said that, The inquiry "Who am I?" is theprincipal means to the removal of all misery and the attainment

    of the supreme bliss.

    The question of life's very nature has been endlessly

    pondered throughout the ages and across the world. A complex

    question, yet an

    understanding can be

    attained when one has

    familiarized themselves

    with the basicfoundational tenants of the

    ancient Egyptian Mystery

    Schools and its later off

    shoots which carried on the core principles and wisdom of the

    ancient teachings. The term mystery schools does not refer to a

    particular time or place in history, but speaks of the timeless

    teachings of universal wisdom Egypt freely dispensed to the

    world. These teachings have accompanied the growth of

    civilization since the earliest times of ancient Egypt. The most

    famous Egyptian influenced cultures is undoubtedly that of the

    ancient Greeks, and thier retelling of the Egyptian mystery


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    schools found in the Hermetic Philosophical understandings and


    As Alexander the Great expanded the Greek empire across

    the world, the esoteric teachings went on to further influentially

    penetrate the cultures and

    psyche of the world. Thus,

    the essence and core of these

    ancient-esoteric teachings

    can be found worldwide, as

    many other cultures

    embraced and adopted these

    same universal principlesand understandings. The winds have spread the pollen of truth

    far and wide, and as a result many flowers have taken root and

    grown in many exotic locations .

    The essence and core of the Egyptian/Hermetic teachings

    eventually went on to influence more semi modern schools of

    thought, like that of Wicca and Alchemy. Both of which when

    seen and understood for what they truly are can be viewed as

    advanced spiritual disciplines, like that of the mystery schools

    themselves, as the mystery school teachings have remained the

    timeless spine and foundation in the seekers pursuit ofunderstanding 'self', these teachings have consistently assisted


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    man in the pursuit of the ultimate truth, even into the modern

    times we find ourselves in now.

    However, there are inevitably cultures that due to

    geographic isolation and other variables, have had little to no

    direct exposure to the ancient mystery school teachings. Groups

    like that of the Native Americans, the Australian Aborigines and

    many more. But be this as it may, and seemingly in spite of this

    separation, it should be of great interest to the reader to know

    and understand that all the independent conclusions arrived at

    from entirely different means and circumstances have an

    underlying central agreement and logic. For example, all

    religions share a concept of a God. Common understandings andwisdom can be found in each lands independent interpretation

    when the proper perspective in identifying and discerning these

    central underlying themes and concepts has been achieved. There

    is a consistent and commonly shared understanding at the core of

    all religions, and it is by no means a mere coincidence. As we will

    later discuss and show that there are no coincidences, only law

    unseen. Just as your reading of this text is of no coincidence.

    When this understanding and perspective has been achieved one

    can easily see that all the worlds independent accounts of truth

    are ultimately the many independent observations and accounts

    of one underlying phenomenon or common force. There is a


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    famous Zen story deserving contemplation at this point that

    speaks to this truth.

    The Blind Men and the Elephant-Several citizens ran into a hot argument about God and

    different religions, and each one could not agree to a common

    answer. So they

    came to the

    Buddha to find out

    what exactly God

    looks like. The

    Buddha asked hisdisciples to get a

    large magnificent

    elephant and four

    blind men. He

    then brought the four blind to the elephant and told them to find

    out what the elephant would "look" like. The first blind men

    touched the elephants leg and reported that it "looked" like a

    pillar. The second blind man touched the elephants stomach and

    said that the elephant was a wall. The third blind man touched

    the elephant's ear and said that it was a piece of cloth. The fourth

    blind man held on to its tail and described the elephant as a pieceof rope. And all of them ran into a hot argument about the


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    "appearance" of an elephant. The Buddha asked the citizens:

    "Each blind man had touched the elephant but each of them givesa different description of the animal. Which answer is right?"

    The wise would always mind this story's lessons when

    viewing the worlds many separate accounts of any common issue

    or discussion.

    This book is an attempt to address and educate the reader

    regarding these ancient and universal concepts and

    understandings of life, by using a familiar and modern approach.

    This will be attempted by using the inquisitive technique and

    method of asking Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Theaim being to approach each question from a multifaceted

    spiritual, scientific, and philosophical stand point. By applying

    this basic investigative line of questioning to that of the

    phenomenon of life itself and that of its very nature, volumes may

    be extracted and learned from the contemplation and

    examination of these questions and concepts. The wise reader

    should attempt now and forever to read in between the lines.

    There is more to life than most have ever contemplated.

    The aim of this book is not to be long, but to be concise,

    direct, and straight to the point, to be of real use to the reader.


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    Speak only if you can improve on the silence.

    -Zen saying-


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    Part I, The 'Seen' (Science)


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    Who, or What has Life?Before a deeper level of philosophical and spiritual

    teachings may be imparted to the reader in regards to that of

    life's very nature, a solid foundation and overview of scientific

    truth should be presented. The comprehension of these known

    and relatively unknown and obscure sciences serve to accompanythe learning and inquisitive mind on its journey to understanding

    self. Thus, allowing an appreciation and comprehension for

    deeper teachings yet to be chronologically presented in the book.

    Scientifically speaking, life itself at an initial inquisitive

    glance and contemplation involves the phenomenons of

    perception and analysis. This can be proven immediately by

    simply drawing our attention to the fact that we are observing

    right now, right here, in this very moment. Perhaps best

    expressed in Rene Descartes's famous words, I think therefore Iam.

    That thinking entity (which is the very subject of our

    ongoing discussion) has been called many things through out the

    ages, the most popular terms being that of, consciousness,

    spirit, ether, or mind (it is crucial however to point out that

    the term 'mind' should not be confused with the physical brain.


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    As we will conclusively show later in the book that the mind is

    not in the body, the body is in the mind.).

    Undoubtedly this force of life has numerous names,

    however, what ever one wishs to call this force of awareness

    ultimately matters little to its function, what it is, what it does, or

    even the reality of its existence. The tongues of men do not define

    the immaterial, only attempt to describe it.

    In building this solid foundation of understanding, we

    must examine and discuss what the term life has been

    exclusively and narrowly applied towards, and confront the

    honest question, Is the current mainstream meaning andunderstanding in regards to the phenomenon of life and what

    possesses 'life' an accurate notion and understanding? Or, should

    the current mainstream view of what is actually alive and has

    life be greatly broadened and expanded upon? As vigorously

    suggested by the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus, Buddhist,

    Druids, Wiccans, Native Americans and countless other creeds

    and independent sages throughout the ages.


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    Animal IntelligencePast and present mainstream notions hold life to be a

    phenomenon found exclusively in that of human beings, and not

    animals. But what exactly are the criteria for the title of life? Of

    which many men through out history have exclusively bestowed

    upon themselves? The problem with this outdated view and

    understanding of life is the fact that many of the qualities that

    could be identified and pointed out in humans, (in an attempted

    foundation towards a case of human superiority over animals),

    there is inevitably an animal somewhere in the world that can

    not only easily perform the same task man would proudly boast,

    but can in fact greatly out perform their human counterparts.

    This truth of simple scientific observation would appear toimmediately 'blur the lines' of what is alive scientifically speaking


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    and what is not, much to the dismay of older dogmas and their

    rigid enforcers.

    There are literally thousands of fascinating experiments

    and research programs taking place worldwide which

    independently and collectively demonstrate extraordinarylevels

    of intelligence. Intelligence found in abundance throughout the

    animal kingdom. The most common phrases from observing

    scientist and researchers being that of surprised and amazed.

    A remarkable and important example with tremendous

    underlying implications, is the fact that Gorillas and other Apes

    posses the inherent intelligence and capacity to learn complexlanguages like that of sign language, gaining the verbal skills and

    ability to express their

    needs and feelings via

    sign language. Thus

    effectively bridging the

    communication gap

    between Gorillas and

    humans by

    communicating with

    their sign speaking caretakers. Sign speaking gorillas allow

    scientist to gain an amazing window into the complex social

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    world of Gorillas. One of the most famous cases is the story of

    Koko the Gorilla.

    Koko is a Western Lowland Gorilla who, according to her

    lifelong caretaker Francine 'Penny' Patterson, is able to

    understand more than 1,000 signs based on American Sign

    Language, and understand approximately 2,000 words of spoken

    English. This significant vocabulary and level of intelligence is

    equal to that of a human five year old. One of the more

    fascinating things that have come to the attention of researchers

    is how emotionally aware Koko and other animals like her are. It

    is truly astounding how much of a sense of self these animals

    carry. They use words of expression like happy, sad, lonely, boredand so fourth.

    Another compelling phenomenon having to do with

    animal intelligence, life, and the inherent abilities and potentials

    life carries, is the ongoing

    research into the

    reoccurring historical

    phenomenon of animals

    leaving in a mass exodus

    prior to natural disasters.

    The most compellingevidence for this


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    phenomenon outside of the endless historical accounts and

    witnessing of the phenomenon is that of the recent 2004 IndianOcean earthquake and tsunami which claimed thousands of

    human lives. Yet mysteriously every animal which was not

    trapped indoors and had freedom of movement escaped safely

    and unharmed well in advance. The implications of such a

    documented phenomenon warrant a much more in depthscientific investigation. However, recently the subject was

    thoroughly discussed and outlined in the PBS documentary Can

    Animals Predict Disaster which has brought some degree of

    mainstream awareness in regards to this phenomenon.

    Investigating scientist wish to obtain a greaterunderstanding as to what methods are being implored by animals

    in the detection of these disasters, and furthermore what exactly

    the force may be that they are tapping into to gain this

    awareness. This research can ultimately answer many questions

    and shed light on to deeper philosophical questions such as, do

    humans posses these abilities? And if so, have humans silenced

    and suppressed these abilities? Is mankind ignoring this dormant

    and latent sense?


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    The Pineal Gland in all vertebratesMany scientist have correctly suspected the pineal gland as

    a critical component in the animal pre-disaster detection

    phenomenon. The pineal gland is found in the brains of all

    vertebrates, including that of human beings. It is beyond

    coincidence and interest that this pineal gland houses smallpieces of the worlds most magnetic element magnetite. The

    magnetite is contained in a pea size gland positioned in the very

    center of the brain. Additionally the pineal gland is filled with

    water and cellular rods and cones. These 'rods' and 'cones' are

    just like that found within the human eye. It should be noted that

    'rods' and 'cones' are used as interpreters and transmitters ofexternal information to the brain. It is again interesting that the


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    ancients spoke clearly of this phenomenon in their understanding

    of the third eye. Once the biology of the pineal gland's innerworkings are fully appreciated, volumes should be conveyed to

    the reader in regards to the depths of the ancients understanding

    of the use and purpose of this organ. The third eye was viewed

    as the window or portal to

    the universe.

    It should also be pointed

    out to the reader that the right

    and left ventricle chambers of

    the brain are both three-

    dimensional representations ofthe famous right eye of Ra and

    left eye of Thoth found all over

    Egyptian hieroglyphics and


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    temples, (Some of the most prominent symbols associated with

    the mystery schools.)

    The science of previously discussed animal natural

    disaster prediction seems to be pointing to the pineal gland as

    playing a significant role in any animals ability to predict

    impending natural disasters. The most common theory of scientist

    being that the pineal gland is some how picking up signals from

    some sort of unknown or unrecognized electromagnetic

    phenomenon occurring prior to the occurrence of natural


    The many experiments diving into the endless realms ofanimal intelligence and the astonishing abilities of animals that

    rival mans own abilities could be discussed for hours on end. This

    line of research and the many realizations it brings forward

    should ultimately supply mankinds mainstream held paradigms

    in regards to humans being the only creatures that posses life and

    intelligence with a very humbling realization regarding mans

    place amongst the animal kingdom. For man is the rational

    animal. Mankind should realize and ultimately respect the

    kingdom they are a part of, and in no way separate from. It

    would appear that man cuts his hair, shaves his mane, and trims

    his claws to hide from the truth that has been staring him in themirror.


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    Talking Plants, Primary PerceptionFurthermore, the deeper science investigates into the

    question of what exactly has the phenomenon of life, plants

    have emerged to exhibit the behaviors and characteristics that fit

    the criteria for the title of being alive. As the research of Dr.

    Cleave Backster and his work with Primary Perception, andcountless former Soviet Union Scientists have so clearly and

    definitively proven.

    Backster began his

    career as an Interrogation

    Specialist with the C.I.A.,

    and went on to become

    Chairman of the Research

    and Instrument Committee

    of the Academy for

    Scientific Interrogation. Heis currently director of the

    Backster School of Lie

    Detection in San Diego,


    Amazingly and to

    initial scientific shock and astonishment, Backster had discovered


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    that plants and trees have the inherent ability to 'sense' and 'react'

    to the thoughts and moods of humans. All this being verifiable byscientifically testable methods. These plants displayed signs of

    'stress' when either themselves, separate plants, or animals were


    This had all been initially discovered February 2, 1966,

    via a polygraph readout coming from two negative and positive

    electrodes that had been applied on both sides of a leaf via a small

    vice (clamp).

    When the

    polygraph machine

    was then turnedon, the plant gave a

    surprising read out

    that appeared to in

    no way differ from

    the readout the

    polygraph machine

    would display when the electrodes were attached to a human

    subject. Then, when researchers were trying to think of what

    would be a stressful 'threat' to the lively hood of a plant they were

    amazed at what the plant did in response to this line of thinking.

    Cleave Backster went on to state that at precisely the exact

    moment he had envisioned the image of fire, and using that fire


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    to burn the plant, the polygraph readout began to swing fast and

    far. This was amazing, for if this machine had been hooked up toa human subject those readout patterns would have been signs of

    'deception' or 'lying, as a measurable nervousness or stress was

    being expressed by the subject. Clearly in a plant this is not a sign

    of deception, but it is a sign of 'nervousness' and 'stress', which

    should be pointed out are words to describe reactions emanatingfrom a conscious entity. The experiment also seems to suggest

    some unseen 'linking' and underlying connection between the

    human mind and plants, and ultimately demonstrates that plants

    posses the inherent ability to connect and extract information

    from that inter-networking.

    Further investigation went on to show conclusively that

    plants remembered individuals who had 'harmed' them, or even

    if the individual had harmed separate plants or animals. In the

    first step of the experiment demonstrating this, an individual

    would 'harm' the subject plant by tearing leaves off the plant and

    then leave and allow the plant to fully 'calm' down and return to

    a 'relaxed' state. At a later random time the assailant would then

    again return to the subject plant, but this time he would not harm

    the plant. However, just the returning presence of the assailant

    would cause the subject plant and the other independently setup

    plants in the room to all collectively display signs of 'stress'. This

    all occurring at the precise moment of the returning individuals


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    presence. Plants that were never directly harmed by the

    individual still reacted with the same fear as the plant that hadinitially been harmed. The fact that the individual 'subject' plant

    remembered is almost as astonishing as the fact that the other

    'unharmed' plants also remembered and feared the returning


    In another experiment, in a separate room from the

    plants, small brine shrimp were dropped randomly by a

    computer to their death into boiling water. In a separate part of

    the building, the plants attached to a polygraph machine would

    register a disturbance at again the precise moment the

    experiment had occurred and taken place. This was thoroughlyreplicated many times and proven to be a real phenomenon. The

    indications are truly amazing.

    A few brine shrimp die and a plant feels their death, I think its

    the smallness of the event that makes it so significant. It means

    that even on the lower levels of life there is a profound

    consciousness or awareness that binds all things together.

    -Cleave Backster-


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    "A plant may not talk, but there is a spirit in it that is conscious,that sees everything, which is the soul of the plant, its essence,what makes it alive."

    -Pablo Amaringo-Clearly there is much more to plants then meets the

    limited eye. Nature and all the animals, trees, and plants within it

    are alive in ways that modern science is only beginning to

    understand. Yet many of the worlds ancient masters of many

    creeds frequently spoke of and emphasized the interconnected

    oneness of all life. That everything is connected to an underlying

    common mind or source. The one source. "The ALL."

    If we could

    see the

    miracle of a

    single flower

    clearly, ourwhole life



    -The Buddha-


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    The phenomenon of life does not stop there though. Later

    in 1966 Cleave Backster took a further step and applied his samepolygraph testing method to milk and yogurt. Like the plant

    setup, he had again used two electrodes and inserted them into

    the yogurt and milk. Both milk and yogurt contain and consist of

    basic forms of cellular and bacterial growths. In connecting the

    electrodes to the milk, it was again documented and discoveredthat even micro bacteria have been scientifically validated to

    exhibit all the criteria and reactions and read outs that are

    indicators of life and intelligence amongst man and the animal

    kingdom. One needs only the right 'instruments' to peer into this

    amazing, unseen, and ever-present intelligence that is behind all

    plants and basic bacterial growth.


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    The Life in WaterPlunging deeper down the rabbit hole to an even deeper

    level in the observation of life and matter, we still witness

    astonishing behaviors and displays of intelligence. There is

    ongoing research into

    the phenomenon ofwater electrons

    exhibiting what looks

    like that of the

    definition of memory.

    This based on the

    findings of the

    following experiment,

    In the first part of thr

    experiment water was

    exposed to a substance such as sodium chloride (salt), which was

    then later removed by being completely distilled and purified ofthe previously added salts. Once this had occurred and to

    scientific surprise, the electrons (upon examination) still

    exhibited behaviors indicative to the salts still being actively

    present, despite the salts absence. Some scientist have called this

    phenomenon 'memory'. It is fascinating to say at the least, andagain is another phenomenon that merits further research.


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    Water has also demonstrated other means of showing

    signs of its own awareness. This was discovered by a Japaneseresearcher named Dr. Masaru Emoto. Emoto is a graduate of the

    Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International

    University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine.

    Dr. Emoto has created a series of experiments that

    have furnished proof that our thoughts and feelings affect

    physical reality. In this case, proving that our thoughts have

    measurable effects upon water (a physical reality). The water

    "changes its expression" based on what emotion we are 'sending'

    it. This experiment provides further proof of an unseenunderlying connection and inter networking of all life. It is yet


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    another case of an unexpected source (like that of plants) being

    able to 'read' and 'interpret' human thoughts, then demonstrateenough intelligence to categorize them as either negative or

    positive. These judgments become apparent by the waters varying

    reactions to corresponding emotions.

    Essentially, Dr. Emoto captured water's 'expressions.'

    Using a very powerful microscope in a freezing room along with

    high-speed photography, to photograph newly formed crystals of

    frozen water samples. It was discovered that crystals formed in

    frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated

    thoughts are directed toward them. Water from clear springs or

    water that has been exposed to positive, loving words or thoughtsshow, complex, and colorful snowflake like patterns. However,

    polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms

    incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

    The majority of the human body is water, and this

    phenomenon would seem to indicate and show how our thoughts

    and emotional states have measurable physical effects on our


    It should be noted that the way the water crystallizes, or

    more specifically what geometric forms it decides to take ormanifest, would appear to have a direct relation with a


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    phenomenon known as symatics. Symatics is a phenomenon in

    which varying rates of vibrating frequencies, (or different tonesof sound) have

    different and

    consistent, observable

    effects on water, corn

    syrups, sands, andother materials.

    Different sounds

    consistently generate

    increasingly more

    complex geometric

    patterns and configurations as the sound frequency or rate of

    vibration is increased.

    When the rate of vibration has been brought back down,

    the various substances will return to the same patterns they had

    previously ran through, only now in the reverse order. The same

    frequency will always make the same picture. These two

    separate phenomenons express the same geometry and there

    seems to be an underlying relationship between symatics and Dr.

    Emoto's water configurations. All this considered, water would

    appear to be an extraordinarily complex life form.


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    The Measurement ProblemWater is not the only form of matter that shows

    symptoms indicative of life. The Measurement problem, which

    applies to all matter, is an

    atomic behavior that has fueled

    volumes of quantum research.The Measurement problem

    being this, when ever an

    observer tries to fixate on an

    atom or electron, they cant. The

    complication being that it does

    not exist in one single location;

    it 'flickers' in and out of observable space, appearing and

    disappearing from various scattered locations. It appears to be in

    multiple places simultaneous to our viewing experience of it.

    This all suggests an existence not as a 'solid', but as an inter-

    connected energetic state and expression.

    This phenomenon has led to much research and headway

    into the concepts of time and parallel universes (sometimes

    called dimensions). The measurement problem is one of the

    foundational concepts within String Theory, or The Grand

    Unified Field Theory.


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    The Double Slit ExperimentOne of the quantum

    worlds more amazing

    experiments is that of the

    double slit experiment. It was

    discovered to initial scientificastonishment, that light

    particles react in a

    multidimensional repeating

    waveform pattern when

    passing though two separate

    slits of a single wall.

    For a mental creation and example, one must essentially

    imagine two rooms with a middle connecting wall. In the first

    part of the experiment only one slit would be placed in the

    middle dividing wall, the slit being there so that light could beshone from one room to another. When this was all carried out in

    the parameters set forth, there would be one solid individual ban

    of light on the back wall of the empty room, entirely as expected.

    However, the amazement begins when another slit is

    added to the middle dividing wall, creating a wall that now has

    two slits, with this new setup light is again shined from one room


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    to the next, this new setup does not create two bands of light but

    multiple bands. Scientist initially did not understand why this

    would result in multiple repeating bands of light exceeding the

    expected two bands of light and covering the entirety of the back

    wall like symmetrical spaced slit stripes of light and darkness.

    This remarkable phenomenon continues to astonish quantum

    physicist, as it had been previously believed that light photons

    were more like individual pellets of matter and less energeticallyinterconnected in nature. However, the experiment showed a

    woven interconnectedness between all photon particles. The

    experiment seems to demonstrate and show that photons weren't

    really individual particles, but waves of highly interconnected

    energy that seems to know no separation.


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    The wonder didnt stop there. When intense observation

    with high tech machinery and computers were used to peer intohow this unexplainable occurrence was being executed and

    carried out, the light showed intelligence in its demonstrated

    awareness of the observations occurring around it and its ability

    to react and change its behavior almost playfully back to

    scientists previous held notions of how light should be behaving.By some unknown means and reason it began exhibiting

    behavior indicative of their previously held photon pellet theory

    scientist had previously been unable to manifest in the

    experiments. Creating now only two lines on the back wall.

    The repeating waveform seen via the double slit

    configuration was resumed once all intense observation


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    equipment had been removed or fully powered down. For some

    unknown reason to science, light is not giving its inner mostsecrets away when it is aware of close observation. It was

    intelligently aware its surroundings, reacting to intense

    observation and viewing. It was aware and intelligently engaging

    the scientist. How? Only life has awareness?


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    Part II, The 'Unseen'


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    Life, the Universal ConstantAt this point one may be asking themselves, How are even

    the most basic components for the construction of matter and

    what we call the physical universe still exhibiting the criteria for

    the classification of life and intelligence?

    The answer demands a change in approach. Ultimately

    science can only take us so far, answering only specifically and

    rigidly formatted linear concepts and questions. Where science

    can not venture to answer due to its inescapable Achilles heel of

    always requiring physical proof, philosophy dares to attempt.

    Philosophy is ultimately the contemplation of the 'unseen force

    that animates and gives the seen life. In this book we are

    seeking to understand the seeker. To approach this

    understanding we must now at this point of our journey leave the

    realms of science and venture onto the more esoteric and

    philosophical path. We will show that science is ultimatelynothing but the observation of the laws found within a 'dream'.

    Philosophy is the observation of the 'dreamer'.

    To move forward on the path of understanding 'self', one

    must clear their mind and relinquish all assumptions of what you

    have previously assumed to be absolute truths. The following


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    Zen story should further illuminate the issue and potential


    Empty Your Cup-

    A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While

    the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. Themaster poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept

    pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he

    could no longer restrain himself. "It's full! No more will go in!"

    the professor blurted. "You are like this cup," the master replied,

    "How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup, Your

    cup is already full."


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    At his point in the book it should now be overwhelmingly

    apparent that life, and what ever life truly is, is clearly aphenomenon not

    limited to that of

    human beings. The

    reality is that the

    phenomenon of lifestretches the face of

    the earth and the

    entirety of the very

    space that would

    contain it.

    Everything is alive.

    The universe and

    all the individual

    components of matter that would compose it's totality are pulsing

    with the force of life. If something can be perceived or is what

    we call 'physical', there is life behind that perception. That life iscalled spirit.

    Moving forward with this understanding and awareness

    that 'everything' is filled with life, the next inevitable questions

    that arise in the mind are. How is this amazing and ever present

    phenomenon of life being created? How does life exist? What

    exactly is this illusive state and phenomenon that pops its head


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    up everywhere an observer can possibly look? In answering

    these questions, the following quote deserves contemplation atthis point

    "God sleeps in the rocks, stirs in the plants, dreams in the

    animals, and finally awakens in man."

    -Vedic Quote-


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    The Seven Hermetic Principles

    In the pursuit of understanding and creating a solid and

    comprehensive understanding of the ancients view of the

    universe and self, it is helpful to address an ancient set of sevenextremely important and timeless 'laws' or 'functions' of the

    universe. Of which have been elegantly outlined in the Kybalion,

    a famous hermetic text.

    The following laws are universally present within our universe.


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    "The Lips of Wisdom are sealed except to

    the ears of understanding."

    -The Kybalion-


    "THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental."

    This Principle embodies the truth that "All is Mind."

    It explains that THE ALL (which is the Substantial Reality

    underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances

    which we know under the terms of "The Material Universe"; the

    "Phenomena of Life"; "Matter"; "Energy"; and, in short, all that isapparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT...


    "As above, so below; as below so above."


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    This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a

    Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the variousplanes of Being and Life.


    "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

    This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is in motion";

    "everything vibrates"; "nothing is at rest"; facts which Modern

    Science endorses, and which each new scientific discovery tends

    to verify.


    "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair

    of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical

    in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet...

    It explains that in everything there are two poles, or opposite

    aspects, and that "opposites" are really only the two extremes of

    the same thing, with many varying degrees between them.



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    Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all thingsrise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the

    measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to

    the left; rhythm compensates.

    This Principle embodies the truth that in everything there ismanifested a measured motion, to and fro; a flow and inflow; a

    swing backward and forward; a pendulum-like movement; a

    tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and low-tide.


    "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything

    happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not

    recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing

    escapes the Law."

    It explains that: "Everything Happens according to Law"; that

    nothing ever "merely happens"; that there is no such thing as

    Chance... only law unseen.



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    "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and

    Feminine Principles Gender; manifests on all planes."

    This Principle embodies the truth that there is GENDER

    manifested in everything the Masculine and Feminine

    Principles ever at work. This is true not only of the Physical

    Plane, but of the Mental and even the Spiritual Planes.

    -The Kybalion-


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    The Source of Spirit, The Truth of OnenessThus far in the book we have tried to thoroughly establish

    that scientifically speaking everything that could be perceived as

    physical, in the physical world, in fact has some underlying force

    or phenomenon we are calling life.

    The Ancients frequently spoke and drew attention to the

    fact that everything in its primary form of existence is spirit. That

    everything we have labeled 'physical' is truly but a 'shadow' or

    'reflection' of a primary spiritual counterpart, spirit is the

    underlying life force of any perceived external physical object.

    'These reflections and perceptions of physical matter are in truth

    a mental recreation that is viewed entirely within the confines of

    spirits mind in a multi-sensory perception. The 'unawakened' and

    'sleeping' mind in

    its limited

    understanding andawareness carries

    out it's life from

    the perspective

    that the world is

    an external and

    separate place


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    unto him, but this is truly illusion, as discussed more thoroughly

    later in the text.

    Spirit is everywhere and everything. But where does the

    phenomenon of spirit ultimately arise from? The ancients taught

    that spirits are all internal, individuated, distinctions of one

    supreme underlying intelligence, an intelligence that everything

    is an intricate part of. This supreme collective intelligence ('The

    ALL') has been called by the tongues of men many names,

    including that of 'God'.

    The understanding of spirit being an internal 'part' or

    'piece' of God is present in religions world wide. However, it may

    surprise some that these understandings also have roots and can

    be found in both Judaism and the original Gnostic form and

    understanding of Christianity. Both of which indicating that we

    are all pieces of God. The many sons of the one God. The

    Following is from the Old Testament Book of Psalms Chapter 82

    verse 6.

    6 I said, You are gods;you are all sons of the Most High.

    In later centuries Jesus himself went on to quote this exact

    verse while trying to explain and defend his statement of being a'Son of God'. He went on to point out how the Jewish Priests own


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    sacred texts reinforced his message and teachings. The teaching

    and truth that all men are in fact the 'Sons of God'. Jesus was byno means the exclusive and only Son of God, and never made this

    claim, as it would be in sharp contrast and contradiction to his

    own teachings. Jesus's own words show and outline how he in

    fact believed the exact opposite and taught that all men were the

    Sons of the one God (or Father). The following passage is anaccount of how even in the last moments of Jesus's life he was

    trying to clear the confusion around his statements and

    teachings, confusions that still exist in modern times. The

    Following Passage is from the Book of John, Chapter 10 verses


    30. I and the Father are one.

    31. Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him,

    32. but Jesus said to them, I have shown you many good works

    from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?

    33. We are not stoning you for any good work, they replied,

    but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.

    34. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your Law, I have

    said you are all godsSons of the most High?


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    Another passage further indicating Jesus's belief that all

    men were in fact Sons of God is found in the book of Thomasverse three.

    (3) ..When you come to know yourselves, then you will

    understand, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of

    the living father.

    These 'Sons of God' or internal spirits of The ALL in there

    primary essence know the infinite oneness of the collective.

    However, these individuation's carry out a secondary existence

    based in the illusion of mental separation carried out within the

    confines of their minds, as discussed at the beginning of thechapter. The universe is a complete mental and internal re-

    creation of spirits imagination. Spirit is another individuated

    perspective of God, which carries out its uniqueness in a mentally

    replicated perception of the universe, or spiritual common


    "The Mind of the All is the Infinite womb of Universes."

    -The Kybalion-We are all pieces of God living within his infinite

    imagination. For it is truly a 'mental' universe in every sense of

    the word.


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    Consider the following, in a dream one would be the

    entirety of all experiences, sensations, imagery, and the source ofother characters created within the dream. We are everything

    and everyone in our dreams. The primary dream (our reality) is

    found in God's mind, as the universe's true underlying nature is

    'mental'. This layered mind of God is highly organized in its

    complexities and completely holographic in nature.

    In God's dream, as we have discussed, we are all internal,

    separate, unique, characters with a common source, or 'common

    mind' that is the underlying true source and reality of the

    characters. The All is the supreme dream maker. Understand, weare not the dream, we are pieces of the dreamer. Our very source

    is the 'ONE' or 'The ALL'.

    This concept has been addressed perfectly by the

    following passage from the Greek Corpus Hermeticum.

    TAT: Is God then in matter, 0 father?

    HERMES: Where could matter be placed if it existed apart from

    God [who is infinite]? Would it not be but a confused mass,

    unless it were ordered? And if it is ordered, by whom is itordered? The energies which operate in it are parts of God.


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    Whether you speak of matter or bodies or substance, know that

    all these are the energy of God, of the God who is all. In the Allthere is nothing which is not God. Adore this teaching, my child,

    and hold it sacred... To understand is to believe, to not believe is

    not to understand.

    -The Corpus Hermeticum-We are all Sons of God, mighty spirits of divine heritage

    currently living and working through a human experience.

    It should be highly emphasized that like a dream,

    everything that could be touched, tasted, smelled, heard, or seen

    is a mental recreation of what the mind is being told is 'out there'

    via the collective information the five senses relay. Therefore, in

    truth nothing that can be 'seen' is 'external' at all, as everything

    'external' is the minds complete re-creation.

    Ultimately the truths of science indicate that you are not

    inside your body you see before you now, your body in truth is

    inside of you. Furthermore, you are not in the room before you,

    rather the room is inside you. This all being in agreement with

    the ancients concepts of the mind containing the body, and not

    the body containing mind.


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    Realize that like the body, even the physical brain can

    only be verified to exist via the limited five senses, which areagain illusion. This is a crucial detail as some believe that

    consciousness is merely a byproduct of the brain. In truth

    however the brain is a byproduct of consciousness. To fully

    understand the implications of mental universe one must fully

    understand that life is not coming from the brain, or body. Weare primary spirits 'using' secondary brains we have imagined in

    our minds. Remember, all matter is spirit. You are the true

    thinker who 'uses' the brain as a 'tool' or 'information relay' of

    incoming and outgoing information and signals. The perceptions

    of both the brain and body will ultimately pass on, but spirit is an

    eternal part of God. Spirit is imagining its body, every part of it

    including the brain. Again, the mind is not in the body, the body

    is in the mind.

    An elaborated understanding of the body being in the

    mind is the realization that one's mind is not contained within the

    confines of the universe, rather the universe exists within the

    confines of the mind. Ultimately both time and space are but

    mere illusions of that mind.

    Know ye, that which is formed truly is formless, having form

    only to thine eyes... Know I now that the formless is all there is of


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    "We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a

    reality, we are that reality, when you understand this you see that

    you are nothing, and in being nothing you are everything."

    -The Buddha-The mind is everything what you think, you become.

    -The Buddha-"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

    -Albert Einstein-


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    Duality in separation, the birth and natureof the Ego

    As discussed before, ultimately we are one, however, in

    our current state and perception of mental separation we

    experience a duality between the primary consciousness (spirit)

    and the secondary ego of illusion.

    Spirits carry out their separation

    and resulting duality that

    inevitably arises completely in

    their minds. The ego filters the

    actions and thoughts ofconsciousness, making it unique

    and giving the feeling of an

    autonomous self, independent of

    everything we perceive. This gives the feeling and impression of

    being completely separate from everything else out there in the

    physical world. Or so it would seem. But this is truly

    misperception. For all is truly of one collective mind or great

    spirit, separation is a complete illusion, individuation of the one

    force is the reality, of reality.

    The nature of what the ego 'is' and 'does' isolates, confines,and restricts our thinking to very small parameters and forces


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    consciousness to believe or perceive that we are only that of our

    limited body. The ego enforces the belief that the rest of theuniverse is separate and independent from us, despite the truth

    that everything one could see is a recreation of his own minds

    perceptions. Again, this is only illusion and self deception. For the

    unaware mind, spirit has simply confused itself with its own


    The only reality is that of spirit. We must move past the

    self limiting tendency to identify to much with the body and ego

    and stop ignoring the underlying reality of 'oneness'. The

    following passage from the Corpus Hermeticum outlines this


    "Hermes: Behold an infant's soul, my son, that is not yet cut off,

    because its body is still small and not as yet come unto its full


    Tat: How?

    Hermes: A thing of beauty altogether is [such a soul] to see, not

    yet befouled by body's passions, still all but hanging from the

    Cosmic Soul! But when the body grows in bulk and draweth

    down the soul into its mass, then doth the soul cut off itself and


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    bring upon itself forgetfulness, and no more shareth in the

    Beautiful and the Good. And this forgetfulness becometh vice. thesoul's vice is ignorance. For that the soul who hath no knowledge

    of the things that are, or knowledge of their nature, or of Good, is

    blinded by the body's passions and tossed about. This wretched

    soul, not knowing what he is, becomes the slave of bodies of

    strange form in sorry plight, bearing the body as a load; not asthe ruler, but the ruled. This [ignorance] is the soul's vice...

    The Greatest Evil amongst men is ignorance of God."

    -The Corpus Hermeticum-


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    What is the nature of spirits absoluteessence?

    As far as the inevitable question as to what spirit or the

    ALL truly is, one must realize that by the very nature of the All it

    is an unknown and unknowable essence which exists outside and

    behind any of the senses and mental imagery which would

    inevitably have to be used in an attempted physical description of

    it. Essentially rendering

    any attempted

    description or

    discussion as to whatspirit or the All really is

    as ultimately futile. It is

    tantamount to the

    problem of trying to

    describe a hole without

    describing what is around the hole or the material the hole is

    within, as the hole is essentially nothing. The problem is we can

    only try to explain the hole in physical terms, and a holes reality

    is a nondescript, empty space, which only exists descriptively in

    reference against the physical. But even the latter does not

    explain what the hole itself is, it only explains how it can not be



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    Another metaphor pertaining to this issue, is that we can

    only 'see' the wind by observing the ripples on the pond.

    These realities are the problem of any attempted physical

    description of spirits reality. Thus, it is best left and acknowledged

    by the wise as the known unknown, the primary essence. This

    eternal and un-dissolvable essence is a part of the very mind of

    'God' or 'The ALL' himself. You are all Sons of the mighty one. You

    exist within the mind of god, not separate from him.

    What is above is below, as above so below.

    -Hermetic Axiom-


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    The Physical realm does not exist outside ofthe observers perceptions?

    Scientific research shows that there is no conclusive way

    to prove that what we are being told by our senses is in fact based

    in any separate, primary, material external existence. In other

    words, there is no conclusive way to prove that the external

    world exists at all outside of the perceptions of consciousness and

    what the observer is mentally creating.

    For example, when we have a dream about any scenario

    or far off land, we eventually wake up and begin to realize thatthe whole dream experience was all just mental creations and

    perceptions of our mind.


    consider the

    following, if wedream a rock we do

    not wake up and

    think that the rock is

    real in any sense or

    fashion outside ofthe mental construct


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    it was created in. This same courtesy of logic however is not

    being extended to that of the real world or primary commondream, despite a growing body of evidence proving the reality of

    its dream like qualities.

    In fact, the deeper quantum physics dives into the subject

    the more evidence keeps popping up which thoroughly backs the

    ancients notion that this universe is in fact no different from that

    of a dream. Science is beginning to realize that the experience of

    life in a physical world is just carried out in a larger longer

    dream scape that we have simply named 'real' life. The outdated

    and inaccurate notions and concepts of the external world are

    simply inherited dogmas. As stated before in the holographicuniverse, the belief that our dreams are fake and the physical

    word is real is ultimately nothing but a product of our bias's and


    The 'unawakened' and 'unaware' spirit calls this house of

    mirrors and passing illusions the physical world. However, the

    reality of the matter is that the dreams you experience at night

    are just as real as the room you sit in now. If you were to make

    the statement that the room before you was real, then one must

    by the very same decision making and qualification process

    realize that dreams are just as real as the phenomenon before us


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    now. What is real? For it is not the passing of illusions but that

    which is behind all illusions, spirit.

    The following Zen story serves to illuminate.


    The great Taoist master Chuang Tzu once dreamt that he was abutterfly fluttering here and

    there. In the dream he had no

    awareness of his individuality as

    a person. He was only a butterfly.

    Suddenly, he awoke and found

    himself laying there, a person

    once again. But then he thought

    to himself, "Was I before a man

    who dreamt about being a

    butterfly, or am I now a butterfly

    who dreams about being a man?"


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    Understanding the many independentperspectives

    Consider the following, your friends, or separate spirits,

    are creating an entirely independent universe and distinctly

    separate mind scape from what you are experiencing right now.

    Your spirit is the part of you that is separate and independent

    from a friends mind and there internally and mentally created

    universe. When you see another person you are observing the

    effects of that persons spirit on your minds perception and re-

    creation of the physical universe or dream. You create their

    body, what you see with your eyes and call their body is yourminds recreation of their underlying spiritual correspondence.

    Their body is your brains creation, their mind is their own. Two

    people sitting in one room create two independent mental

    recreations of the room. Each spirit mentally builds the

    perception of their universe completely within the confines of

    their own mind.

    So as discussed previously, what we call physical matter

    is only perceptions achieved from an underlying inter-

    networking of those independent spirits co-creating and existing

    within one commonly created mental plane of reality called thephysical plane. Every element (no matter how simple or complex)


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    that creates that physical world, has a seperate spiritual

    correspondence from your minds recreation of the physicalworld. The design of the universe and the underlying life and

    intelligence behind all matter collectively allows The ALL to view

    this realm through an infinity of separate and independent

    internal perspectives of awareness. The design of the universe

    facilitates such qualities in the ALL as 'omnipotence'(all knowing)and 'omnipresence' (all seeing).

    The universe only exists through perceptions of the

    perceiver (spirit), perhaps this discussion may shed a degree of

    light onto another famous Zen parable.

    If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it does it

    make a sound?

    -Zen Saying-

    The physical realm being presented to you is constructedjust like a group of people playing an online video game on the

    computer together co-create a common grounds of reality. In the

    perception of that online world, the independent actions of each

    avatar are decided by the playing consciousness, registered on the

    keyboard, sent over the inter-networking of computers, received

    by the other players computer hardware (physical brain), then


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    recreated and seen

    by the other viewersvia their own


    monitors (or minds)

    construction of the

    game world. Theinformation being

    exchanged is a

    'programing code'

    or information, being created and seen with an independent

    perspective and vantage point. The individual computers each

    create their own game worlds and perspectives that are displayed

    via the monitors to the witnessing player or consciousness. One

    can only witness the effects other are having on their computers

    independent creations of that created world.

    Spirit, the wind and causeSpirit is like the unseen wind that causes ripples on the

    pond of another's mind. Your body to them is really nothing more

    than these ripples being felt in their universe. You are the cause,

    all they can see is the effect on their mind via, your spirit or

    cause. For Spirit is the cause of all that is physical, spirit is cause.To enter another's mental realm is to bring your 'cause', or spirit,


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    to the same coordinates of the mental realm. Two observers see

    each others 'cause' and their bodies are the effects which arerendered in each others mind as representations or avatars of the

    underlying intelligence (spirit).


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    Sacred Geometry In observing the expressions of matter within the physicalrealm, we find very precise and amazing common mathematics

    in the patterns of creation through out the universe. This is no

    accident. For

    example, the spiralis a reoccurring

    constant within

    those degrees of

    potential physical

    manifestation, be it

    a galaxy, hurricane,

    or a seashell the

    spiral is universally

    present in all stages both 'above and below'. These universally

    recurring mathematics, patterns, and behaviors are indicative of

    a hologram. If anyone ever needed an absolute form of physicalproof to demonstrate to that individual that there is in fact an

    infinite intelligence or force creating what is being viewed

    before us, sacred geometry offers such a window into the divine.

    It is a fact that every world or realm requires a creator

    or programmer. Someone must write the video game program,


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    just as someone must create and for that matter continually

    create the dream scape before our eyes.

    The all is the creator, and in some Native American

    cultures was even called the dream maker. Within this dream

    scape, we can see God's mathematical 'signature' or 'fingerprint'

    as it were abundantly present on a universal level. Sacred

    Geometry allows us

    to see and

    experience this force

    of creation indirectly

    or second hand by

    viewing its sacredmathematical

    proportions and

    geometric configurations rampant through out the physical

    world it has created. The term 'sacred' has been used, because

    these expressions are consistently found within the physical

    world and universe. They are laws of nature that have been

    placed there by the creative force we have called God. Therefore,

    these are viewed as sacred mathematical expressions. Thus, the

    name 'sacred geometry' has been used by many people and is the

    common term of reference to this phenomenon. Sacred geometry

    is the perfect programming language of the perfect creator being


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    manifested on every level within the physical realm. Again, As

    above, so below.


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    The Growth of Spirit through timeAnother amazing aspect of the universe we are part of is

    not only the perfect

    interconnectedness of

    everything, it is the

    amazing growth and everchanging expansion of the

    force of spirit..

    This journey of the

    growing spirit is started in

    the initial separation from

    the all into the lowest

    form of matter rocks, stones, dirt and etc. However, it is crucial to

    understand these divisions are not forgotten or discarded after

    the physical avatars have long passed. The following passage is

    from the Corpus Hermeticum and explains the phenomenonbeautifully.

    "God is Maker of all things, and in His making, He maketh all [at

    last] like to Himself...keeping them within itself, may make all

    manifest, and [then] dissolving them, make them all new again;

    and thus, like a Good Gardener of Life, things that have been

    dissolved, it taketh to itself, and giveth them renewal once again...


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    There is no thing to which it gives not life; but taking all unto

    itself it makes them live, and is at the same time the Place of Lifeand its Creator. "

    -The Corpus Hermeticum-

    The spirits of rocks, stones, and all other 'basic' matter

    exists in a sleeping or dormant state of being and expression. This

    very low vibrating state of existence is the first part of the

    pendulum swing away from The ALL, and the fist stage of

    separation. These lower vibrations and the many worlds they

    create set the foundation for the growth and advancement ofmore advanced spiritual manifestations to take rise. A popular

    example for spirit in this initial stage of manifestation is that of

    an artist completely and mentally caught up in his creation to the

    point where the artist seems to forget the concept of himself and

    is totally concentrated on ones creation. This state is the most

    'basic' and 'grossest' form of mental creation within the mind of

    The ALL, and is the first stage of what is called the outpouring of

    mental energy by The ALL in hermetic discourses. In this initial

    stage, the pendulum has been thought to have swung to the

    farthest extent of removal and separation from the absolute

    oneness of The ALL. Slowly through time the individuation's beginto swing back and awaken in varying degrees of greater


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    spiritual manifestation as they become self aware of their

    inherent potential. A potential that is ultimately the by product oftheir mighty heritage.

    "...The distinction between 'life' and 'lifeless' is a human

    construct... Remember our childhood as minerals, as lava, asrocks? Rocks contain the potentiality to weave themselves into

    such stuff as this. We are the rocks dancing. Why do we look

    down on them with such a condescending air? It is they that are

    an immortal part of us."

    -John Seed-As discussed, even the rocks will awaken in time. As their

    essence is only sleeping. This gradual spiritual awakening in

    stages could be viewed as the artist from our previous example

    slowly awakening from the 'trance of creation ' they had beenfocused upon. Becoming aware of themselves once again in

    gradual degrees of awareness.

    This scale of spiritual potential extends past that of man

    kind into the higher groupings of the visible universe. Planets,

    stars, and galaxies are all higher formations and groupings whichare states and stages of existence that will all be inevitably


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    experienced and

    worked through intime. This return

    swing is described as

    the in-drawing

    phenomenon in

    hermetic discourses.The pendulums

    (spirits) return swing

    home to The ALL.

    Realize that all the

    mysterious wonders of space are manifestations of this one

    energy, physical creation lies in degrees and contrasts.

    So in the simplest of terms, as we move through time, the

    corresponding spirits of the individual building blocks of the

    physical universe (matter) grow and become increasingly more

    complex in awareness and potential as various stages of spiritual

    awakening and physical manifestation have been reached,

    worked through, and surpassed. Until eventually and inevitably

    the ultimate unification and infinite expansion has been achieved

    with the All.

    Ultimate unification and expansion is the goal of thismental game. The return to oneness, or At-one-ment with God.


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    What is time, When is Life?So what exactly is meant by, All of space and time is

    contained within thee.

    as indicated by many

    ancient mystics

    worldwide? Thus far inthe book we have

    discussed how all of the

    'out there' to be

    perceived in the infinite

    void of space is truly

    experienced and held

    within the single mind

    of the individuated

    'spirit' or 'observer'. But how is the perception of the universe

    perceived as an animated and flowing experience is the question

    now at hand?

    Simply speaking, the law of time.

    All the universe, and the creations within it, are nothing

    but varying degrees between the two poles of one underlying

    phenomenon (hot and cold, sharp and dull, love and hate, light

    and dark, and so on) The shifting of degrees between these poles


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    (or opposites) can only occur by movement through the force of

    time. With out the shifting of degrees between poles, what weperceive as life or the 'animated' experience of living in a body

    amongst a world of movement would cease to be. The universe

    can only exist amidst time and the changing degrees of the poles

    (opposites) behind all that we see.

    However, to understand the force of time in a

    comprehensive manner enough emphasis can not be put on the

    fact that this universe is merely an illusion of the mind, as

    previously discussed..

    So what is time then?

    Simply speaking, the true self (the timeless spirit),

    experiences times 'ordering' as a sequential and statically fixed

    series of individual moments, which became ordered

    chronologically due to the necessity of requiring a beginning and

    an end. The flowing movement through these individualmoments would be the totality of spirits experience of the

    'external world' and time. Each separate frame provides another

    multi-sensory glimpse into an ever changing realm of thought.

    The change within that realm exists only in the contrast of

    shifting degrees between poles found in all physical existence,The only reason the universe appears to be moving at all is


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    because of change. Without change, there are only paused

    'screens', and change itself can only happen within the perceptionof time. All change therefore is dependent on and achieved

    through the law of time. The 'big bang' and resulting universe

    when being viewed from our current perspective is like a massive

    explosion of sorts happening in slow motion.

    Everything in spirits dream (the perceived external

    universe) is in a constant state of motion and change. What rises

    will fall, flesh that is born will pass, and the only permanent in

    this dream of constant change seems to be the law of

    impermanence itself. In the bodies of men, time is experienced as

    the journey from birth to death.

    Nature is an




    repetition of

    a very few




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    The repetitions of nature are but various elements of the

    seven hermetic principles ever at work. There is no such thing asabsolute rest within in the perceptions of physical space and time.

    Spirit is a learning intelligence, the watching observer of this

    passing mental realm. Watching its thoughts safely from its

    primary essence, the eternal aspect of self that is an indwelling

    resident of the ALL's eternal essence. Spirit is in truth neither bornnor dead. For its reality is eternal and ever present outside of

    space and the force known as time that animates the experience

    of life within this universe. This phenomenon has been addressed

    in the following discussion between Jesus and his disciples, found

    in the Book of Thomas, verse18.

    18. The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?"

    Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are

    looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the

    beginning is. Congratulations to the one who stands at the

    beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."

    Again we find the common theme and understanding of

    spirit maintaining life at both ends of the universes beginning

    and conclusion. In other words, because the essence of mind is

    outside of the dream realm and the dreams animating force time

    it is eternal in it's primary form and experiences no passage of

    time. Time is the force within spirits mind that keeps all moments


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    separated and in order. Again, this force of time or 'ordering'

    allows consciousness to move from frame to frame in order. Timeisn't flying by, we are flying by time. Moving through this

    ordering all together as one moving wave of a synchronized

    harmony atop an ocean of consciousness. Time is the force, not

    the perception of movement through that force, This all being in

    agreement with Albert Einstein's statements that time is relative tothe perceiver.

    Another key detail of space and time that needs to be

    understood is the fact that what we are observing and living

    through right now are the decisions that we have already made

    long ago. Enough emphasis can not be put on the fact that alltime has already occurred and came to its conclusion.

    In seeing the perception of your current 'body' or 'form',

    you are in truth simply watching the memories of a past

    experience as a human being, a body that has long since passed.

    In viewing this phenomenon, your minds sense of self attaches

    significance and identification entirely on the body out of blind

    ignorance to realities nature and the knowledge of its heritage.

    For this shifting and feeble form is not your essence, only your

    memory of a past reflection. Again, what you see before you is but

    the memory of a life ended long ago. Understand that the plane ofexistence that your mind thinks from exists beyond that of time


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    itself. The wise attach significance accordingly. Our mind has the

    freedom to sleep and forget this, or to awaken to this reality.There is an old and famous 'zen saying' that says "To get rid of

    your passions is not nirvana - to look upon them as no matter of

    yours, that is nirvana."

    Another enlightening thought and quote on the same

    subject states that...

    "Even if you have not awakened, if you realize that your

    perceptions and activities are all like dreams and you view them

    with detachment, not giving rise to grasping and rejecting

    discrimination, then this is virtually tantamount to awakening

    from the dream."

    -Muso Kokushi-In the easiest of terms, time is the force that prevents all

    moments from occurring at once to the observer.

    Spirit works through this order or sequence of events

    experienced by spirit as the 'now', or 'present moment' effect andawareness, like rereading a linear storyline. In the experience of


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    the moment, we have the feeling or perception of making daily

    decisions as if they were our spontaneous acts and realizations ofthat very moment. However in truth this is only deception and

    illusion, as we truly made these decisions long ago.

    At initial exposure to this concept, it might seem

    confusing, but it is important to understand that you do have free

    will, and you live your life by that free will. However, the free

    will to make those choices and the choices themselves have

    already been made and executed by you long ago. For the great

    work was initiated and concluded in the same instant from the

    timeless perspective of God and his indwelling spirits.

    "THE ALL creates in its Infinite Mind countless Universes, which

    exist for aeons of Time-and yet, to THE ALL, the creation,

    development, decline and death of a million Universes is as the

    time of the twinkling of an eye."

    -The Kybalion.-From the perspective of the true outside observing spirit,

    the universe has begun, and concluded all in one static and fixed


    In truth the universe happened and ended a long time ago, In

    reality it never happened at all.


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    -A Course in Miracles-Realize that in truth there is no 'happening', only

    'happened' and the feeling of a current moment and movement

    through time and space. Your mind is timeless, in its timeless

    perspective it has made al