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R! IC/68/50 IETEHHAL REPORT (Limited distribution) SPECTRAL REPRESENTATION OP THE COTARIAKT CTO-POIHT IOTCTIO1? AITD INFUHTB-COMPONENT FIELDS WITH ARBITRARY MASS SPECTROTI * I.T. Todorov and R.P, Zaikov **# TRIESTE June 1968 * This was the subject of a seminar given at the International Symposium on Contemporary Physics, Trieste, June 1968, ** International Centre for Theoretical Physios, Trieste. On leave of absence from Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, USSR, and from Physical Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria. *** Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Itobna, USSR.

SPECTRAL REPRESENTATION OP THE COTARIAKT CTO-POIHT · A(x, z) = V AM{(further, the> sum sign in similar expressions with repeated upper

Feb 02, 2021



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  • R!IC/68/50


    (Limited distribution)



    I.T. Todorov


    R.P, Zaikov **#


    June 1968

    * This was the subject of a seminar given at the InternationalSymposium on Contemporary Physics, Trieste, June 1968,

    ** International Centre for Theoretical Physios, Trieste.

    On leave of absence from Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,Dubna, USSR, and from Physical Institute of the BulgarianAcademy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.

    *** Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Itobna, USSR.


    The general form of a Lorentz covariant two-point function

    ie written down in momentum space as an expansion in terms of the

    total spin eigenfunctions. It leads naturally to a local expression

    for finite-component fields but incorporates non-local infinite-

    component fields. Explicit examples of such fields with increasing

    mass spectrum are constructed. The two-point function is shown to

    fall exponentially for large space-like separations provided that

    the lowest mass in the theory is positive.





    Usually, -when one is dealing with fields describing particles

    of definite spin, the spectral representation of the two-point

    function is given by an integral in the total mass [l,2J . If,

    however, a field contains more than one spin, then it is necessary

    to decompose the two-point function with respect also to the spin

    variable (i.e. with respect to the second Casimir operator of the

    Poincare group). This is always the case for infinite-component

    fields. We find the form of such a representation for a field

    transforming under an arbitrary irreducible representation of

    SL(2,C) .(the result applies also to more general fields which can

    be decomposed into irreducible components). The clue to the

    solution of the problem is the use of the formalism of homogeneous

    functions of two complex variables (instead of the tensor formalism)

    in the description of the irreducible representations of the Lorentz

    group (see e.g. [3J or Appendix A to [4] ).

    For finite-component fields, Poincare invariance and spectral

    conditions imply the equivalence between TCP and weak local

    commutativity [5] . For infinite-component fields this is not the

    case [6] . In Sec.3 we construct explicit examples of non-local

    (TCP-invariant) generalized free infinite-component fields with an

    increasing mass spectrum (with respect to spin). If the lowest

    mass in the theory is positive then the two-point function (and

    hence both the commutator and the anticontmutator) decrease

    exponentially for large space-like separations.


    A field V(x) transforming according to the irreducible

    representation 170 l^Q, - O of SL(2,C) can be written down as a

    homogeneous function y(x,z) of the complex (Lorentz) spinor

  • (zv z2) (cf. [8] )


    where the degree of homogeneity (y ,

    the representation IiL, i . 3 by

    related to the number of

    (we recall that the single-valuedness of the ~\U implies that

    v - V «'2i is an integer). For the special case of finite-

    dimensional representations (for i/-, Vp ~ non-negative integers)

    0(x, z) is "by definition a polynomial of z and 2", its coefficients

    "being the ordinary (spinor or tensor) field components. In particular

    the Pauli two-component spinor f and the vector field A correspond

    in our notation to the polynomials



    , z) = V AM{A(x

    (further, the> sum sign in similar expressions with repeated upper

    and lower indices will be omitted).

    The relativistic transformation law for ̂ has the form

    U(a,A) u"X(a,A) x + a ; -z A " 1 )

    where A€SL(2,C) and A = A(A) is the proper Lorentz transformation

    defined by

    ACT A*v V

    ( (1.4)

    - 3 -

  • where

    cd _ rac ,. bd

  • All non-vanishing scalar products of these vectors are proportional

    to the product of the complex conjugate invariants Vc « z£w and Tc :

    £*7 = - XX = 2 \K I2 , £X = rjX = fX = 17X = 0 . (l.ll)

    More generally, the tensor indentity holds

    XX" + U =?T7 + r) I - g |rj; (1.12)

    it implies in particular that

    - ( x P ) ( x P ) = f p2 f n = P 2 | « | 2 . ( 1 . 1 3 )

    Assuming -^0^. IXQ! (which can be achieved without loss of

    generality by a possible interchange z*->w)and taking into account

    the above identities, we find the following general form for the

    invariant kernel |(_ (see Appendix A) :

    \\(Piz,w)= IC ° (Xp) ° (p?) (prj) h(cosG;p2) , (1.14)

    win ere

    cose - 1 -

    (e is the'angle between J, and j? in the rest frame of p). The

    kernel (1.14) is one-valued if and only if i Q ±i' are integers

    which will be always assumed.


    The kernel (1.14) describes in general propagation of

    particles of different spins (provided that the representation of

    SL(2,C) for the field is not of the form [& Q>\& J + 1 1 ). We shall

    now find the invariant kernels which are eigenfunctions of the spin


  • square operator

    S4M M M M 5 i = i 2 + i2 Ĵ— 2 crp cr/u 2 0 1 2 CT

    P P(2.1)

    Here M are the generators of one of the representations [•£„,-£-,]o r [i , i ] under consideration. In terms of z, I^" can be

    written as


    where 7^ are the Dirac matrices in a basis in which

    5 ('

    (see C4J )• As far as we are looking for Lorentz invariant

    solutions of the equation

    [s2 -s {S + l)] f((p;z,w) = 0 (2.3)

    (of the form (1,14)) it is convenient to go to the rest frame

    (p B 0) in which

    S2 = M2 = i M . . M « 4 ( z a . f - §= a.zf-~» — 2 i j 4 j oz 0% 1

    = i(z3l-zaf} "2 {(zfa^)(z£aT) + ( z € ^ K z f a f )


    (Acting on a homogeneous funotion the first term in the right-hand

    side of (2.4) gives Jl2). Substituting (2.4) and (1.14) (with p = 0)

    in (2.3) we obtain the following equation for h :

    (dcoser " ° 9x h(cos6;pz) = 0 .


    The general solution of this equation, regular for cos & « 1, is


  • 2 2 { W Wh (cosS; p^) = p (p^) P , (cos6) (2.6)s s s-JiQ

    where P^a (x) are the Jacobi polynomials (^n>UJ)«

    2¥e would cone to the same result starting with an _S_ in

    which Jr are the generators of the representation ^ n ' ^ l

    expressed in terms of w and 3/9w(this is a consequence of the spin

    conservation and can he checked direct).

    In general, h(cos$, p ) is a superposition of the spin-

    eigenfunctions (2.6)j s takes a finite number of values if at

    least one of the representations [$- , JL A and [J?'J?!] is

    finite dimensional; otherwise i t assumes all values of the form

    £Q+ n where n is a non-negative integer.

    In the important special case where y>= \p* (and, hence,

    A= "£Q 2 0, Jl^Xi ) the corresponding decomposition of the invariant

    kernel reads

    &^Xt3 (2 .7)

    We point out that the kernels K, defined "by (2.7) are positive-

    definite in this case "because


    U S ( . (P , I ) ^s^fp^) (2.8)

    where A is a positive constant and

    p°-t- nn -r Oj p 1

    ( O ^ ( B ^ B (2.9)

    f * are the canonical basis vectors (see Appendix B).

    For finite-dimensional representations of SL(2,C) £{'£Q

    is a positive integer and K & is a polynomial with respect to

    p. In that case the (weak) locality condition for the two-point

    -7 -

  • function is equivalent to TCP invariance [5] which implies [6 ]

    For instance, for a local tensor field y ({XQJIA = [o,n + l] )

    eq.. (2.7) reduoes to

    - (2.n)

    where K is a homogeneous polynomial of p of degree 2n;


    and "g and In are defined "by (1.8).

    For infinite-component fields the locality of the two-point

    function is rather an exception. It implies that 1C is a poly-

    nomial with respect to p^ , piy and pX (or p"X ).-[lCQ . As an

    example of a local infinite-component field we take the free field

    z) of mass 171- , transforming under some unitary representation


  • (2.14)

    Loth, examples (2.13) and (2.14) correspond to infinite-mass

    degeneracy with respect to spin. This is not accidental, Grodsky

    and Streater showed recently [ill that an infinite-component

    field with polynomially bounded two-point function in momentum

    space can be local only for infinite mass degeneracy.



    In agreement with the above-mentioned general result

    all examples of inf inite-ooraponent fields with, a non-trivial mass

    spectrum, obtained by specializing the coefficients P (p ) in (2.7)»

    correspond to non-local theories. However, if the lowest mass of the

    theory is positive, i.e., if all o (p ) vanish for p < m Q (> 0),

    then, just as in conventional theory of finite-component fields, the two-

    point function (l«5) goes to zero as r* e"1^0** (with some real X ) for

    r = -(x-y) —#» (see Appendix C). The same is true (as a con-

    sequence) for the vacuum expectation values of both the commutator

    and the anticornmutator of

  • _

    ( 3 # 2 )


    R - (1 - 2ccos^ e-ia(nz) + c2

    ( Znw)2^ ( z n z ) ^ " 1 ( w n w / 1 ^ - 1 , (3.3)

    and the range of integration is the upper unit hyperboloid

    n = V 1 + n~ * All other two-point functions (as well as all

    truncated Wightman functions) are zero "by definition. The field

    f(x,z) so defined is TCP-invariant hut not weakly local. For the

    mass degenerate limit a a 0, if we put c = 1 , m,. = m , £Q** 0, ij = -g-

    we find a local field of the type (2.14).

    It would be interesting to analyse the implications of

    locality on the two—point function in the case when it is a Jaffe

    type generalized function [12] and to find whether the Grodsky-Streater

    ••No-go theorem" [llj can he extended to this case also. We hope that

    a further investigation of the examples provided "by the representation

    (1.5) and (2.7) may give some hint for the solution of this problem.


    The authors would like to thank ProT. D.I. Blokhintsev and Dr. D. Tz. Stoyanov for interestingdiscussions and Prof. R. F. Streater for a pre-publication copy of his paper.

    The first-named author (I.T.TJ is grateful to Professors Abdus Salam and P. Budini and to the IAEAfor the hospitality kindly extended to him at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste,where the present paper was completed.




    We first determine the general form of the invariant monomial

    al a2 bl - b2 c d

    M = K K (xP) V P ) z(gp)c(np)a (A.i)

    of degree of homogeneity (v.,v?) (1.2) with respect to z and

    iyl. , Vp) with respect to w. Recalling the definition of K , g , r\, X

    in terms of z and v (see (l. 8), (1.9)) we find the following set of

    equations for the exponents in (A.I):



    The general solution of the system (A,2) may be expressed in terms of

    two arbitrary parameters k and X

    c o £ - £ - 1 - X f d - l ' - i - -1 -A. .1 0 l ° (A.3)

    Substituting (A.3) in (A.l) and using (1.13) and (1.15 ) we find

    fl+fl' 0 -Q[ 0 - $ -" * i * -0 0 fc , 1 0


    irV1K (Xp) (gp)

    {1 - cos6) k (1 + cos0) X " k (A.4)

    The homogeneous invariant kernel K is a superposition of such

    monomials and hence has the form (1.14).

    We mention that the scalar products' p£ and prj are always

    positive (for ? n = I § 1 , Hn = 1 1 , P > ] p | ) s o *ha-t any (complex)

    u i — I u ' -̂ - W

    - 1 1 -

    . + .*,• .I

  • power of these products is well defined and regular in the domain

    of integration in (l»5)» This is not the case for the first two

    factors in (A.4) (or (1.14)). That is the reason why we ask the

    ejcponents of X and ^"p to "be positive and apply (1.14) only for

    Jo - 1 U©! • If we had instead, for instance, ,̂ > j £J we shouldput A= to" to+/l' an(i rewrite (A.4) in the form

    M = K (Xp) ($p) (i?p) - \, o J- (1 + cos0)2^ (P


    (A. 5)implying a corresponding modification of (1.14).





    The transition from the continuous variable z = (z,, z?) to

    the discrete indices s£ is given "by the expressions of the vectors

    = f (z) of the canonical basis. We shall present them in a

    form which exhibits their relation to the jnatrix elements of the

    irreducible representations of SU(2) and allows automatic summation

    over the spin projection to be performed (in particular, to prove


    To do this we introduce generalized polar co-ordinates in the

    two—dimensional complex space putting

    = yr sin—- e l n ... = \r cos— e , z = yr sin— e

    ( r > . 0 , 0 < e < T T , 0 < < p < 2 i r , 0 < a < 4 j r ) . (B.l)

    It is easy to express the generators of SL(2,C) in terras of these

    variables. The infinitesimal generators of the SU(2) subgroup (the

    "compact generators") depend only on the angles

    M 3 * - i — M = M X + iM 2 = e±i(p (± — + i cte —M ^ ' M ± M -liVi e \*Qe g 9c sin da

    the generators of the pure Lorentz transformations have the form

    q 3 9N = i(cos0 r r - - sin0 r r ) ,

    or od

    ± .


    The canonical basis for any irreducible representation f^ \. J of

    SL(2,C) is defined by the set of properly normalized eigenvectors |

    of Sjf and M3 (see [7], M )

    M 2 | s ? ) = s ( s + l ) | s S ) , M 3 ] s ? ) = S i s ? ) ,

    - s < ? < s . (B-4)


  • The conventionally normalized [4] solution of eqj. (B,4) has theform

    £ ^n -8,-1 -.(s) , o .

    I . O - f . ^ W A . r 1 Dioc

  • cos© = cosO cos© + sin6 sin6 003(9., - cp )

    ( B . 9 )

    Comparing ( 2 . 7 ) w i t h ( B . 8 ) and ( B . 9 ) we check ( 2 , 8 ) .

    - 1 5 -




    We shall only outline the derivation of the exponential decrease

    of the two—point function (1.15) (in a theory with a lowest positive

    mass m^) without going into mathematical details.

    To state the problem properly we have to pass from the

    continuous variables 2 and w to vector variables f and g belonging

    to the representation space (the function F ^ (zj a,w) is in general

    a distibution of z and w - it rcay not be defined for some special

    values of these parameters). Namely, let the field y(xtz) be trans-

    forming under the irreducible representation f= l^o/^ii &nd let

    f (z) € D, T , where D T is the set of homogeneous function of

    degree (1.2), infinitely differentiable in the -whole complex space C

    except the origin. Then, in general, only the linear functional


    has a meaning (as an operator valued dis t r ibut ion in S(Rr)).

    In these terms the two-point function can be written in the

    following way:

    F A (x; f / g}=

  • Now we put x m 0 and choose the third axis along x (so that

    x - (O,0,r), r > 0 ).

    We see from (C.3) that for k sufficiently large

    is absolutely integrable^ This permits «s(after a repeated integration

    l^y part with respeot to n^and a subsequent integration in n, and n~)

    to rewrite (C.2) in the form


    t K s


    1. S, Kamefuchi and H. "TJmezawa, Progr. Theoret. Phys. (Kyoto)

    J5, 543 (1951 )j

    G. Kallen, Helv. Phys. Act a 2^t 417 (1952);

    H. Lehmann, Huovo Cimento ll_f 342 (l954)j

    0. Steinmann, J. Math. Phys. 4_, 583 (1963).

    2. I. Rasziller and U.H. Schiller, Huovo Cimento A48, 617, 635,

    645 (1967).

    3. I.M, Gel'fand, M.I. Graev and IT, Ya. Vilenkin, Generalized

    functions, rv.5: Integral geometry and representation theory (Academic

    Press, New York,1966); see also Appendix B to v.l:Properties and

    operations (Academic Press, New York, 1964) .

    4. D. Tz. Stoyanov and I.T. Todorov, J. Math. Phys, £ (1968 )j

    or ICTF, Trieste, preprint IC/67/58 (1967).

    5. R. Jost, Helv. Phys. Acta ^0, 409 (1957); see also

    R.F, Streater and A.S. Wightraan, PTC stati sties and

    all, tvig.t,T (W.A. Benjamin, New York, 1964).

    6. A.I. Oksak and I.T. TodojovTInvalidity of TCP theorem for

    infinite-com-ponent fields, Buhna, JINR, preprint (1968).

    7. ¥e are using the notation of I.M. Gel'fand, R.A. J'inlos and

    Z. Ya. Shapiro, Re-presentations of the rotation and Lorentz groi.rp_..j'-rid

    their a-p-plicationa (Pergaraon Press, London, 1963) for the irreducible

    representations of SL(2,C). In H.A. Haimark, Linear representations

    of the Lorentz group (Pergamon Press, London, 1964) they are denoted

    8. Hao Vong IXic and Nguyen Van Hieu, J. Nucl. Phys. (USSR) 6.,

    1861 (1967).

    9, Actually, this requirement is not independent. We shall prove

    else.where that it follows rigorously from the invariance assumption.


  • 10, N.IT* Bogolutiov and V.S. Vladimirov, Naucbnye Dolclady Vyschei

    Shkoly No.3, 26 (l958).and No.2, 179 (1959).

    11, I.T. Grodsky and R.F. Streater, Phys. Rev. Letters 2(3, 695 (1968).

    12, A.M. Jaffe, Phya. Rev, 1^8, 1454 (1967).
