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Spectral Analysis of Decimetric Solar Bursts Variability R. R. Rosa 2, F. C. R. Fernandes 1, M. J. A. Bolzan 1, H. S. Sawant 3 and M. Karlický 4 1 Instituto.

Jan 17, 2018



Isabel Potter

Decimetric Solar Bursts Data (Time Series): Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) (INPE-São José dos Campos) GHz, 3MHz, 3ms, 2-3 s.f.u, 100 channels, 11:00-19:00 UT Ondrejov Radio Observatory (Czech Republic) 3GHz, 10ms, 4MHz
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Spectral Analysis of Decimetric Solar Bursts Variability R. R. Rosa 2, F. C. R. Fernandes 1, M. J. A. Bolzan 1, H. S. Sawant 3 and M. Karlick 4 1 Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (IP&D) Universidade do Vale do Paraba (UNIVAP) So Jos dos Campos, SP, Brazil 2 Laboratrio Associado de Computao e Matemtica Aplicada (LAC) 3 Diviso de Astrofsica Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) So Jos dos Campos, SP, Brazil 4 Astronomical Institute Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Ondrejov, Czech Republic Outline Decimetric Solar Bursts (DSB) DSB Spectral Analysis Classifying Variability Pattern Using the Var[C(L)] and H A Case Study for Space Weather Concluding Remarks Decimetric Solar Bursts Data (Time Series): Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) (INPE-So Jos dos Campos) GHz, 3MHz, 3ms, 2-3 s.f.u, 100 channels, 11:00-19:00 UTOndrejov Radio Observatory (Czech Republic) 3GHz, 10ms, 4MHz GHz SFU Starting 17:13:51.48 UT 25/9/2001 SFU June :34:00 UT SFU 3GHz Power spectra: 1/f with 1.8 < 2 Complex scaling dynamics (hybrid components: plasma turbulence) 10% Previous Results from Spectral Analysis (Power Spectra) M. Karlick et al. A&A 375, (2001) Rosa et al. Adv Space Res 851(2008) Log f logP(w) =2(1-H) (Mandelbrot, 1985) H H Non-homogeneous scaling ptocess Non-homogeneous Stochastic Process H and C(L) Var[C(L)] = (1/N) i (C i - C ) 2 Estimating a more robust H C(L) L - H = 1-( /2) Peitgen, Jurgen & Saupe Chaos and Fractals, Springer 1993 C(L) is the Auto-correlation function=> Non-stationary intermittent process Problem: Bias in > 10% H : Holder exponent Non-homogeneous scaling function w(1/L) k H H : Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima (WTMM) Singularity Spectrum (H)(H) where H (t 0 ) is the Holder exponent (or singularity strength). Halsey et al., PRA 33:1141, 1986; Arneodo et al; Physica A 213:232, Dynamical Process Var(C)(5%) H White Noise /f /f Lorenz Multip N=1024 p-Model: 1< H (L)