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Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman

Aug 15, 2020



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Page 1: Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman

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Published by the Public Relations Department of behalf of The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., “Shipping House”, 245 Madame Cama Road, Mumbai-400 021, Tel.: 22023792, Designed by Pressman Advertising Ltd. and printed by Vinay Calender Co., Mumbai. Registered with the Registrar of India under No. R.N. 24226/73.

S C I S a n d e s h

Page 2: Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman

Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã¦ããè¦ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì¶ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊãGolden moments from our past

Page 3: Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman


S. Hajara

Chairman & Managing Director

Dear colleagues,

At the outset, I extend very warm greetings to each one ofyou on the very joyous occasion of Golden Jubilee of ourbeloved Company. For every member of the SCI family, thisis indeed a matter of immense joy that SCI is completingfifty years of its yeoman’s service to the country’s maritimesector, trade and economy. SCI was formed on October 02,1961 by the Government of India as part of its overall visionof having significant role for Indian shipping industry incarriage of country’s overseas and coastal trade. Duringthis half a century, SCI has grown from a small shippingcompany to the largest and most diversified Indian shippingcompany, thus fulfilling this vision. Over the years, theCompany has made an indelible imprint on the Indian shippingindustry and, at the same time, carved a niche for itself inthe international shipping arena. I have always said thatcontribution of SCI to the country’s maritime sector extendsbeyond carriage of country’s seaborne cargo. As country’spremier shipping company, SCI has truly developed andnurtured country’s maritime culture and also shaped thedestiny of its shipping industry.

I am reminded of words of our first Prime Minister ShriJawaharlal Nehru who said that “I am impatient to see Indianships carry the flag of India across the distant seas to faraway countries”. I am proud to say that SCI and its employeehave fulfilled the dream of Panditji. Today, as country’spremier flag carrier, SCI continues to sail full steam ahead inthe pursuit of its goals. Being a part of this legacy gives usjustifiable pride and a sense of achievement. It also castsupon us the responsibility to maintain and enhance thismomentum of expansion and growth in the future. Thisrequires us to walk the extra mile and give our best to theCompany. As SCI embarks upon its voyage of next fifty years,I am sure all of you will continue to endeavour your best inthe overall interest of the Company. Let us all resolve tonot only continue to work hard but step up our effort totake our great national organization to even high growthtrajectory in the years ahead.

On this happy occasion, I once again extend my heartiestgreetings to all of you. I also take this opportunity to conveymy best wishes to each one of you for great success in theyears ahead.

From Chairman’s Desk

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Page 4: Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman



On October 2 1961, The

Shipping Corporation of

India Ltd. was

incorporated by

amalgamation of

Eastern Shipping

Corporation and

Western Shipping

Corporation as India's

first public sector

company in shipping


Diversified into

crude oil







with SCI


Acquired the first

Indian Very Large

Crude Carrier (VLCC)

SCI forms Irano Hind

Shipping Company, a

joint venture with the

Islamic Republic of

Iran Shipping Lines


Diversified into

offshore segment,

acquired anchor

handling cum

towing supply

vessels and

Offshore Supply

Vessels (OSVs)



Line Ltd.


with SCI

1961 1964 1973 1975 1984 1986

5 0 y e a r s o f i n n o v a t i o n a n d p r o g r e s s

Page 5: Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman





of 1.37% in

favour of FIs,


Funds and






Vessels to







Disinvestment of

18.5% in favour of

FIs, Mutual Funds,

Banks and FIIs

SCI's scrip listed on

major Indian Stock





into chemical

tankers and





Set up its own Maritime

Training Institute (MTI) in

Mumbai which is recognized

as a branch of World

Maritime University, Sweden

and a regional training

centre by UNCTAD

MTI commissioned India's

first Global Maritime Distress

Safety System (GMDSS)



5 0 y e a r s o f i n n o v a t i o n a n d p r o g r e s s

Page 6: Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman



Government of

India Conferred

'Mini Ratna' status

for enhancing the

company's Board

powers for capital



Diversified into LNG

transportation through

joint venture companies

with consortium partners,

Japanese Shipping Lines

MOL, NYK and

K-Line; Qatar Shipping

Company, Qatar Gas

Transport Company and

Petronet LNG




Ship & Port

Facility Security

Code (ISPS)

certification of

70 ships well

ahead of



Acquired the largest

ship in India's

registry – Very Large

Crude Carrier

(VLCC) 316000 DWT

First Indian shipping

company to cross

the Rs.1000 crore

mark in Net Profit


Crossed the Rs.1000

crore mark in Net Profit

yet again ‘Excellent’

rating under MoU

system consecutively

for 16 years

2000 2001 2004 2005 2006

5 0 y e a r s o f i n n o v a t i o n a n d p r o g r e s s

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Rs.1000 crore mark

crossed in Net Profit for

the third consecutive


Won the 'Ship Owner

Operator of the Year

2007' Awards at the

Sea Trade and Lloyds

List ME&I Awards 2007

Signed its biggest ever

shipbuilding order with

Hyundai of Korea for 4

Aframax Crude Oil

Tankers and 2 LR-II size

Product Tankers


ISO 9000





status by the


of India

Issued Bonus

Shares in the

ratio 1:2





of LNG tankers

Awarded the

‘The Safest

and Most


Conscious Indian


Company’ on

occasion of

World Maritime

Day 2009


50th year of operation.

Presently 31 vessels with

a total tonnage of around

2 million DWT on order;

scheduled for delivery

between 2010 and 2014

Government holding after

disinvestment (10%) and

issue of fresh equity (10%)

is 63.75%

2007 2008 2009 2010-11

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†ÔãÔããè‚ããƒÃ ÔãâªñÍã ‡ãñŠ ¹ãÆ©ã½ã ‚ãâ‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ¢ãÊããä‡ãŠ¾ããú

Glimpses of SCI’s 1st Sandesh

Vol No.1 December 1973

Page 9: Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman


†ÔãÔããè‚ããƒÃ ÔãâªñÍã ‡ãñŠ À•ã¦ã •ã¾ãâ¦ããè ÌãÓãà ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ¢ãÊããä‡ãŠ¾ããú

Glimpses of SCI’s Silver Jubilee Sandesh

Vol No.13 No. 6/1986

Page 10: Special Sandesh final - Pressman Advertising Limited...SCI Sandesh Ö½ããÀñ ‚ã ããè ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãì ãÖÀñ ¹ãÊã Golden moments from our past 1 S. Hajara Chairman


†ÔãÔããè‚ããƒÃ ‡ãñŠ ‚㣾ãàãSCI Chairman

Ñããè •ããè.†Þã. ÔãñŸShri G. H. Seth

15.09.1964 - 03.03.1966

ÔãÀ Ôããè.¹ããè. ÑããèÌããÔ¦ãÌãSir C. P. Srivastava

(1961-1964 & 1966-1973)

ÌããƒÔã †¡ãä½ãÀÊã ‚ããÀ.‡ãñŠ.†Ôã. Øããú£ããèVice Admiral R. K. S. Gandhi

24.03.1981 - 23.10.1985

Ñããè ÊããäÊã¦ã ½ããñÖ¶ã ãäÔãâÖ À•ãÌããÀShree Lalit Mohan Singh Rajwar

23.10.1985 - 21.12.1989

‡ãŠ¹¦ãã¶ã ¹ããè.¹ããè. Àã£ãã‡ãðŠÓ¥ã¶ãCapt. P. P. Radhakrishnan

18.06.1991 - 04.09.1995

ãäÀ‚ãÀ †¡ãä½ãÀÊã ‡ãðŠÓ¥ã ªñÌãRear Admiral Krishan Dev

01.11.1977 - 25.10.1980

†¡ãä½ãÀÊã †Ôã.†½ã. ¶ãâªãAdmiral S. M. Nanda(20705.1974 - 30.09.1977)

Ñããè ¹ããè.‡ãñŠ ÑããèÌããÔ¦ãÌãShree P. K. Shrivastava

15.02.1996 - 31.08.2005

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Her Excellency the President of India Smt Pratibha Devisingh Patil inaugurated theGolden Jubilee Year celebrations of the Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. (SCI) atVigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on October 02, 2010, marking SCI’s completion offifty years.

The function was attended by the Hon’ble UnionMinister of Shipping Shri G K Vasa and the Hon’bleUnion Minister of State for Shipping Shri Mukul Roy,as well as the Hon’ble Union Minister of Finance ShriPranab Mukherjee and the Hon’ble Union Minister ofPetroleum & Natural Gas Shri Murli Deora as Guests ofHonour.

Also on the dais were Secretary (Shipping) Shri K.Mohandas, Secretary (DPE) Shri Bhaskar Chatterjee,Director General of Shipping Dr. S. B. Agnihotri andC&MD - SCI Shri S. Hajara.

In his welcome speech, Shri Hajara said that theGolden Jubilee was a great milestone for the Company,and SCI was deeply honoured by the presence of HerExcellency the Hon’ble President of India. He furtherstated that her pressence would inspire the members

of the SCI family to re-dedicate themselves to further the cause of this greatnational organization.

He also expressed happiness at the presence of the other dignitaries. Speakingabout the contribution of the shipping industry in general, and of SCI in particularin the nation’s economic growth, he reaffirmed the Company’s commitment tomaintaining its leadership position in Indian shipping as well as increasing its globalstanding. In conclusion, Shri Hajara thanked all the dignitiaries and Her Excellencythe President of India for their presence, with the assurance that the membersof the SCI family would continue to give of their best in the years ahead.

There followed the screening of corporate film produced for the occasion andhighlighting SCI’s journey, which was well appreciated by the dignitaries and otherinvitees. The dignitaries then addressed the audience.

A Brief on SCI’s Golden Jubilee Inaugural Function held on October 02, 2010

50 Years Celebration50 Years Celebration

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Shri Mukul Roy complimented SCI and its personnel for itsexcellent growth over the years. He said that with itsparticipation in various shipping trades and its multifariousactivities, SCI had few parallels in the industry. Shri Royparticularly highlighted SCI’s role in developing the seafaringprofession in India, as well as its importance as a secondline of defense. He concluded with the hope that SCI wouldcontinue to be the flag bearer of the nation.

Shri Murli Deora praised SCI for its role in carriage of India’soverseas export-import trade, and lauded SCI for its closerelation ship with, and support of the Oil and Gas sector. Hecalled upon SCI to play an important role in POL sector, andstressed SCI’s need fto enhance its fleet and update itsbusiness processes so as to offer the best terms to itscustomers. He expressed confidence that with its expertise,SCI would emerge as a world class shipping company.

In his speech as the head of the India’s maritime fraternity,Shri G.K. Vasan welcomed the Hon’ble President and hisministerial colleagues. He then elucidated the variousshipping activities of SCI as the largest and most diversifiedIndian shipping company, particularly stressing itscontribution in maritime training, as well as its key role inthe nation’s energy security and maritime security, and asthe second line of defense during the times of crisis. Hethen spoke about the SCI’s ambitious expansion plan underthe National Maritime Development Programme of the MInistryof Shipping, and the various initiatives taken by the Ministryof Shipping to promote the Indian shipping industry. RecallingIndia’s glorious maritime history, he expressed his wish thatIndia would regain its prominent position amongst the comityof maritime nations. He affirmed the Government’s pride inSCI’s excellent growth over five decades, and his ownconfidence that the staff and officers of SCI would rededicatethemselves to take SCI and the country to greater heights,an endeavour in which they had the complete support ofthe Ministry of Shipping.

Shri Pranab Mukherjee recalled the vision of the country atthe time of SCI’s formation, and the immense contributionof Indian shipping and SCI in the growth of India’s economy.He stressed the need for constant development of India’sshipping sector, and called upon the company to strive forgreater growth ahead. He stressed that as India was emergingas a major economy, its shipping sector should also gear upto play a bigger role in India’s exim trade.

This was followed be the ceremonial release of SCI’sCorporate Brochure by Shri Pranab Mukherjee, and thepresentation of its first copy to Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patilby Shri G.K. Vasan. A ship’s model was presented as a mementoto the hon’ble President of India by Shri Hajara.

Thereafter, Her Excellency the President of India addressedthe gathering. Inaugurating the Golden Jubilee Celebrationsof the SCI, the Hon’ble President extended her warmgreetings to the entire SCI team. October 2nd being the birthanniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, she stressed the importanceof working in accordance with the principles of Gandhiji.She stressed that SCI had played a significant role inestablishing India as a strong maritime nation, and that Indiabeing one of the fastest growing economies, its shippingwas vital for the nation’s growth and development. Sheexpressed her wish that the Indian shipping industry tocontinuously expand, modernize and become competitive,and urged the SCI to implement its fleet expansion plans ina time-bound manner, with emphasis on modern technologies.She called upon the shipping industry to play a pivotal rolein meeting country’s energy requirements, and expressedher hope that SCI would play a leading role in this endeavour.

The Hon’ble President went on to stress the importance ofdeveloping human resources, and urged the shipping industryto promote maritime careers among India’s youth, with SCIcontinuing to contribute towards this objective. Sheemphasized the importance of safety and security of cargoand onboard personnel, and the responsibility of the shippingindustry in environmental protection. Extending her bestwishes to the entire SCI team, she reaffirmed her confidencethat the company would continue to work with the samespirit and enthusiasm in the years ahead, so that soon Indiawould be in the frontline of the leading maritime nations.

Shri K. Mohandas, Secretary (Shipping) delivered the voteof thanks, and spoke about the present state of the maritimesector, and initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Shipping.He expressed his conviction that this occasion wouldprovide a boost in this direction. He thanked the hon’blePresident for her inspiring presence, as well as all thedignitaries and participants for attending this function.

In the second session, a maritime seminar was held on thetheme Shipping Industry - a vital component for the growthand sustenance of the world economy. The speakers includedShri K. Mohandas, Secretary (Shipping); Shri BhaskarChatterjee, Secretary, DPE; Dr S. B. Agnihotri, DirectorGeneral of Shipping; Shri Yudhishthir B. Khatau, VC & MD,Varun Shipping Co.; Shri Noboru Ueda, Chairman, IACS; andShri Robert Lorenz - Meyer, President, BIMCO.

The speakers highlighted the importance of shipping forworld trade, as well as the growth and opportunities forIndian shipping and the present state of shipping markets.Dr. Agnihotri, DG Shipping presented the Administrator’sperspective for the promotion of Indian shipping. The seminarwas followed by a brief question and answer session.

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50 Years Celebration50 Years CelebrationTo celebrate the Golden Jubliee Year of The ShippingCorporation Of India Ltd, Kolkata organized a cultural functionat the Science City auditorium on 26th November, 2010. Mr.J N Das Director (L&PS) had graced the occasion as theChief Guest of the function. The Regional Senior VicePresident Mr. Shiladitya Mandal welcomed the augustgathering stating that SCI has achieved this milestone bythe consistent patronage and dedication of all thestakeholders of SCI.

The Golden Jubliee celebration in KOLKATA on 26th November, 2010

He also mentioned that the heritage of SCI Kolkata is carriedfrom the days of Eastern Shipping Corporation since 1950(March 24). Till today SCI Kolkata retains the flavor of a minicorporate office. Kolkata along with Haldia & Port Blair officesare handling 4.3 million tones of Liquid Cargo & 1.2 milliontones of Bulk cargo, 16000 TEUs in Export & Import andcollecting a revenue of above Rs. 350 crores.

Mr. J N Das while describing the odyssey of SCI stated thatin SCI people join young and stay with the company till theirretirement, hence today's celebration of 50 years is thecelebration of our own life. On behalf of CMD and otherfunctional directors he conveyed their best wishes andheartiest congratulation. On this occasion the representativeof FORA also addressed the august gathering.

In the second part, Mr. Anik Dhar and Shreya Ghosalmesmerized the gathering with their mellifluous music. Theaudience was enchanted and mired with the rhythms andeuphony of the two legendary young singer.

Among the distinguished guests, it is noteworthy to mentionthat Prof Sushil Khanna, Director SCI, Mr. M L Meena, theKolkata Port Trust Chairman was also present with his family.SCI families were also present from Haldia and Port Blair.Representation was also made by our Bangaladesh agent.

The musical extravaganza concluded by the vote of thanksfrom Mr. D P Raha VP (P&A).

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SCI - Golden Jubilee Celebration

Role Model AwardNational MaritimeDay Celebrations(Central) Committeeon 1st Seafarers day25th June 2011 atMumbai.

Vasant VivruttiKamble, permanentemploy of TheShipping Corporationof India Ltd., presentlty working on vessel M.V. Sentinelas Chief Engineer Officer.

I began my career in the shippingindustry as a Cadet in the erstwhileMogul Lines Ltd. rising to the rankof Master and commanding severalof their vessels. After its merger, Itook up a shore career with thisesteemed organisation and neverever felt the need to moveelsewhere. SCI is a company whichhas looked after its employees asfamily members and the Managementhas always extended its assistance,

whenever required.

I would like to corroborate the above statement with theinstance when I was posted in China in the year 2005. I fellseriously ill and had to be hospitalized requiring immediatesurgery. Though I was physically alone in a foreign land, Ihad the full support of SCI. The Company instructed theagents to leave no stone unturned in providing me the besttreatment during those 18 days of my hospitalization andarranged for my wife to fly down to China almost overnight.No expense was spared and when I saw the final bill paid bySCI, I thanked God and my stars that I was working in thiscompany. These sentiments will surely be shared by severalof my colleagues who have had to undergo emergencymedical treatment either for themselves or theirdependents. During those 18 days, my family and I knewthat the whole organization was standing behind us. I wouldalso like to add here, that this support came from the TopManagement right down to my other colleagues, with ourCMD keeping in direct touch with my wife and me everysecond day.

Working with SCI has its own unique flavour, rarely seen inany other PSU. A lot of credit for this goes to our SCI familymembers. It is we, who have worked hard to bring thiscorporation to the level it has reached. The Funnel on topof our building is a symbol, which conforms to our motto of"Transporting Goods Transforming Lives".

As we celebrate our Golden Jubilee, let us together pledgeto continue to work hard and strive to do our best for thegrowth of this Organisation and our Nation.

God bless all.Capt. Sunil Thapar

DirectorBulk Carrier & Tanker Division

'Join the Merchant Navy and see theworld'…. like so many youngsters, Itoo had dreamt of sailing to distantshores, battling winds and waves, andvisiting exotic places! Keen to followin the footsteps of my father, an ex-Mariner with British India Lines inthe 1930s, and grown up in Calcuttanot too far from the Docks, I wasfamiliar with the marine world andyearned for the day I could myselfset sail on the high seas.

Two years aboard the Training Ship "Dufferin" groomed mefor the vagaries of the sea, but it was really when I signedup as fresh cadet with the Corporation in 1969 that my sailingcareer actually began.

Serving on SCI's large and diversified fleet gave me theopportunity to sail on various different types of vessels, viz:General cargo ships, Passenger ship, cattle carrier, OBO,tankers and even a research vessel… interacting with ashipload of marine scientists intent on complex experimentsalong the Indian coast was an enriching experience.

Later, sailing as Master on the dedicated lighterage vesselMT. "Homi Bhabha" turned out to be a stepping stone for aposting in the Lighterage Cell of the B&T Division. FulfillingSCI's contractual obligation's to the Oil industry forship-to-ship transfer of crude oil at sea for feeding refinerieson the Indian coast, as well as for maintaining uninterruptedproduction and storage of crude oil at Mumbai High andsatellite oilfields, has been a challenging and rewardingpersonal experience.

After 50 years of dedicated service in the transportation ofgoods, SCI is poised to meet the challenges of an increasinglycomplex and connected world.

Upgradation of our fleet with acquisition of new ships builtto the highest standards, and induction of new technologyin accordance with stringent international regulations, hasbeen a continuous process. Notwithstanding the currentdip in the global shipping industry, SCI is at the threshold togreater heights.

Being a part of the nation's premier shipping line, and SCI'sextended family, for over 40 years has been a matter ofgreat pride for me and my family.

Capt. Rajeev Varma Lighterage Cell

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World shipping industry had hundredsof shipping lines. How within twodecades of its birth SCI was amongthe top ten is a fascinating story.Interwoven into the proud history ofSCI are many tales of how SCI daredand achieved, created and seizedopportunities, innovated andadapted, promised and delivered.

MT Jawahar Lal NehruThe tale of tanker MT Jawahar LalNehru (JLN) is one of them. On my

first working day in SCI I called on the company's greatfounder Shri C.P. Srivastava. After a few minutes he took meto the small board room in Steel Crete House which wasthen the rented home of SCI. Teams from SCI and Splitshipyard, from the then Yugoslavia, were engaged in discussingtechnical specifications of what was to be India's first largetanker. Shri Srivastava introduced me and told the Yugoslavsthat I would negotiate the shipbuilding contract with them.Later I was to realise that this was his method of managingSCI. Trust, delegate and support.

The project for acquisition of 2 sister tankers (JLN and LalBahadur Shastri) was submitted for Government approval inDelhi. This involved the ministries of Transport, Petroleumand Finance and the Prime Minister. Shri Srivastava personallycarried the file from office to office. In 40 hours we had theapproval with us. I do not think this timeframe can be everachieved again.

To honour the memory of his friend Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehruthe President of Yugoslavia Marshal Tito personally attendedthe ship launching ceremony. The tanker was launched byMrs. Tito.

JLN was acquired to transport oil for Madras Refinery. ButMadras port project to handle large tankers was not readyfor several years. Arising out of an agreement betweenPresident Nyerere of Tanzania and Prime Minister IndiraGandhi, SCI was asked to assist Tanzania in transporting crudeoil for their refinery. SCI offered JLN on charter for thispurpose. A delegation from Tanzania came to Mumbai tofinalise a contract. But something appeared to be holdingthem back. Finally, Tanzanians told me that they were notvery conversant with such contracts. I told them that I wouldhave a re-look at the contract. I examined the contract asif I were from Tanzania and made some changes. Next daythe contract was signed. Such was the faith which manydeveloping countries had in India and SCI. JLN served Tanzaniafor about 3 years.

India was then dependant on massive foodgrain imports whichemployed small ships due to limited capacity of Indian ports.SCI developed a project for utilizing large tankers and OBOsfor this purpose from which foodgrains would be transferredinto smaller ships on the Indian coast. Transchart and FoodMinistry accepted SCI offer. The first ship to be loaded wasJLN to carry wheat from Vancouver in Canada.

But the whole project hinged on making the tanks whichhad been carrying crude oil for years fit and clean forfoodgrains meant for human consumption. JLN was in Cochinto be cleaned by a private company which tried but gaveup. So another contract had to be given to a Japanesecompany specializing in tank cleaning. JLN was diverted toJapan. Even the Japanese were not fully successful. ButCaptain Kohli, who headed the SCI technical department,

was not prepared to give up. JLN had been doubling as acadet training ship for some time. All the young cadets wereput on the job of cleaning the tanks. The youth, some ofthem hanging head down into the tanks, finished the jobwhile JLN sailed from Japan to Vancouver. The tanker wasaccepted by Canada for foodgrain loading.

Admiral Nanda, who had succeeded Shri Srivastava as CMD,asked me to meet Shri Prasad CMD ONGC who wanted SCIassistance. Shri Prasad told me that oil production wasexpected to commence in Bombay High oil field within afew months and he wanted SCI assistance for quicklypurchasing a 45,000 dwt tanker to be employed as a storagetanker and depot ship in Bombay High. I told Mr. Prasad that45,000 dwt was too small a size for the intended purposeand irrespective of the size, any tanker would need extensivetime consuming modifications to serve as a storage and depotship. To save time SCI could charter JLN to ONGC immediately.Also, no time and effort need be consumed in negotiating acharter hire rate as SCI tankers were already employed bythe oil industry on the basis of the World Bank and cabinetapproved Cost Plus formula.

I accompanied the chairmen of SCI and ONGC to JLN.Mr. Prasad informed that Mazagon Dock shipyard of Indiannavy would work as ONGC advisors for the tanker conversionproject. He also agreed to charter JLN provided that theShip after conversion would be available in Bombay Highbefore the next monsoon by 15th of May i.e, in about 6months. Then Mr. Prasad turned to Admiral Nanda and saidthere was one more condition which was, to my uttersurprise, that I should head a committee comprising ONGC,SCI and Mazagon Dock which will implement the project.Admiral Nanda looked at me. I said that conversion of JLNwas a huge and complex job and to meet 15 May deadlineevery single day was important. Hence, I would accept Mr.Prasad's kind offer only if the 3 man committee wasempowered to take all decisions without having to referthem for prior approval to the three companies involved.My suggestion was accepted.

Next day we sailed JLN for Singapore even before finalisinga contract with a shipyard for JLN conversion. Rules requiredSCI to take RBI approval before undertaking such expenditurein foreign currency. But we went ahead with the job pendingRBI approval. JLN was in Bombay High, after conversion, onthe 12th of May.

Despite never being employed for the trade for which thetanker was acquired, JLN served diverse national needs andopened up new vistas for SCI and the Indian shipping industry.

World Bank & Cost Plus Formula

India could not spare foreign exchange for investment inships. Hence, SCI expanded its fleet by aggressively buildingships in East European countries, with which India's tradewas carried out in Rupees, while private sector companieswere not willing to take this risk because of reservationsabout the quality of these ships. However, SCI was consciousthat SCI could not remain tied up exclusively to Rupee tradeand was keen to access best opportunities worldwide.

World Bank was the main source of aid funds for India. Butthe Bank, as a policy, avoided financing ships for internationaltrading because in the Bank's opinion shipping industryshould not be a priority area for developing countries. I hadthe privilege of representing India in the Shipping Committeeof UNCTAD from 1968 to 1977 when I was deputed to Tehran

Reminiscences From Another Era- L.M.S. Rajwar, former SCI Chairman

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as M.D. of Irano Hind Shipping Company. During this decadeI was elected as the spokesman either for Asian developingcountries or all developing nations at every meeting of theUNCTAD Shipping Committee. This opportunity enabled meto focus on issues of special interest to India and developingcountries.

In response to a resolution initiated by India, which wasadopted unanimously by UNCTAD Shipping Committee despiteinitial reservations of many developed countries, World Bankagreed to provide aid funds for ship acquisition by developingcountries. SCI grabbed the opportunity and submitted aproject to the World Bank for financing purchase of 4 largetankers and 2 product carriers.

The World Bank Team gave an excellent report on SCI as acompany and was also happy with the project for 6 tankers.But was still holding back. One day, while the two of usshared a sandwich - coffee lunch, the World Bank team leadertold me that in the World Bank Board, which was dominatedby developed countries, there were strong views againstpromoting shipping industry for international trade bydeveloping countries. Hence, he was apprehensive that SCIproject may be shot down taking into account the volatilenature of the tanker shipping market on the plea that therewas a strong possibility that the projected earnings may notmaterialize. On the spur of the moment, I told the teamleader that the oil industry in India was in the public sectorand so was SCI. Petroleum product prices were fixed by theGovernment. So, why not decide the charter hire rate on aCost Plus basis. Sometimes, depending upon the prevailingfreight market, SCI may gain while at other times the oilindustry would benefit. In the final analysis it was all a moneytransfer from one Government pocket to another. The oilindustry would also gain from an exclusive dedicated servicewhose capital related costs would be permanently fixed forthe entire 16 year life span of a tanker. The Bank could alsofix internationally acceptable operational parameters whichSCI must achieve to receive the agreed charter rate fromthe oil industry.

The team leader enquired if the Government of India wouldmake such a request to the Bank. I asked him if I couldconvey to the Government that he was willing to look atthis suggestion. He said, I could. I reported this to CMD ShriSrivastava. Within 3 days a Secretary level meeting comprisingMinistries of Transport, Petroleum and Finance and SCI wasorganized at which I was authorized to convey to the WorldBank team that a Cost Plus formula was acceptable to thegovernment.

Finally, World Bank sanctioned a loan of US $ 83 million and 6"World Bank Tankers" were ordered by SCI.

However, the spin off of the World Bank Cost Plus formulawas destined to have a far greater impact on the fortunesof SCI and the Indian shipping industry. An Oil PricingCommittee was constituted by the Government torecommend a methodology for fixing oil product prices bythe Government. One day I received a call fromMr. Ramaswamy, Secretary of this Committee. He informedme that the committee was examining how to factor inshipping costs in oil product pricing. I told him that theWorld Bank approved Cost Plus formula could be applied forthis purpose. The Secretary wanted a note which I sent tohim. The Cost Plus formula was incorporated by the Oil PricingCommittee to determine the shipping cost component ofOil product prices. This was approved by the Indian Cabinet.

Consequently, the Cost Plus formula which was applicabletill then only to 6 World Bank Tankers was extended to apply

to all Indian Flag ships which assured profitable and stableemployment for a large segment of the Indian shipping fleet.And the oil industry secured dedicated service providers.

Oil lighterage system on the Indian Coast

While port developments continued to lag behind, SCI hadbuilt up a large tanker fleet. Tankers were being loadedwith only limited cargo to match the capacity of destinationports in India. Underutilized tanker capacity pushed uptransportation cost. The latest additions to SCI fleet were2 VLCCs which could not be received at any Indian port andthe SBM facility to be installed at Vadinar in Gujarat to handleVLCCs was nowhere in sight.

We were aware that for feeding West European Oil refineriesOil Majors were employing VLCCs and ULCCs whichtransferred their cargo into smaller tankers for discharge atEuropean ports. But North Sea does not have turbulentmonsoon. Besides, a large number of discharge ports, backedby accurate weather forecast system, offered greatoperational flexibility. We discussed this issue within SCI andcame to the conclusion that national and SCI interestsdemanded that we should take up tanker lighterage systemon the Indian coast as a challenge.

I spoke with my friends in the Petroleum Ministry. Theyappreciated the idea as this could bring a significantreduction in shipping costs of the oil industry. I was alsoadvised that only one person could push through such aproject in Delhi, despite inherent oil pollution risks, providedthat he was convinced that this was in national interest.That person was Shri Krishnaswamy, CMD of HPCL, who wasa highly respected and dynamic bureaucrat. I did not knowhim and I was then not even a member of SCI Board. But hehad no reservations about interacting with me. After a fewdays I was invited to meet him again. He told me that the oilindustry would support the idea provided that all appropriateprecautions were taken for the safety of literage operations.Hence, the operations must be supervised by experiencedspecialists. To achieve this Mr. Krishnaswamy had located aNorwegian firm, Norse, which was based in Singapore.

Mr. Krishnaswamy lead a team to Singapore comprisingPetroleum Ministry, HPCL, IOC and SCI. A one year contractwas concluded with Norse. A special lighterage cell was setup in SCI under Captain Patankar. Lighterage operations onthe Indian Coast went on smoothly for many years.

Homage to friends

Another person from the oil industry who consistentlysupported SCI was Shri Ketharaman, Transport Advisor in IOCwhen World Bank tankers were chartered to IOC. He laterbecame the first Chief of the Oil Coordination Committee(OCC) which, interalia, controlled all oil industry shippingarrangements. Later he was also M.D. of IOC. Private sectorshipping lines mounted great pressure on the ministry ofTransport to provide them a larger share in Oiltransportation. A meeting was taken by the Secretary,Ministry of Transport for this purpose. But Shri Ketharamaninsisted that OCC was fully satisfied with the service providedby SCI and was not in favour of any change. The matterrested there.

While we celebrate the SCI spirit which brought SCI to thetop league of the world shipping industry, on the occasionof SCI Golden Jubilee we should also remember with deepgratitude Shri Ramaswamy, Shri Krishnaswamy andShri Ketharaman for their courage of conviction, support toSCI and commitment to the overall national interest.

- L.M.S. Rajwar, former SCI Chairman

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I joined the SCI family as a youngand fresh shipboard engineer afterpassing out from DMET (MERI). Theyear was 1971 and I had justcompleted my 21st birthday; and SCIhad just turned 10 !!!

Four decades have passed & on theeve of SCI's Golden JubileeCelebrations, I feel privileged for theopportunity to have witnessed thisglorious institution grow fromstrength to strength. At SCI, we have

endured many challenges and celebrated many successes,and there are many stories to narrate; but I would like toshare one such incident which I believe reflects the truespirit of SCI.

In March 1991, SCI began preparations to provide safe &comfortable to & fro passage to 4800 Haj pilgrims, as wasdone every year. The passenger ship 'Akbar' was slated toperform three Haj pilgrim voyages commencing 19th April.Apart from being one of the most difficult and complex shipsin the SCI fleet, the sheer quantum of passenger amenitiesand safety equipment for 1731souls compared to 40-45 personson other merchant vessels was ahuge challenge in its own right.The project demanded totalcommitment and dedicationoften requiring spendingsleepless nights on board; even24 hours a day were grosslyinadequate.

This year, the marathon was tobe longer than ever before.Akbar arrived in Mumbai forrepairs in a crippled conditionwith one Generator (fondly called'Jenny') disabled and packed. Theother 2 Jennies wereoverstressed and needed urgent overhauls. Frantic activityensued day & night with over 150 engineers, electronicexperts, technicians, fitters, plumbers, carpenters, paintersworking round the clock for days together.

To add fuel to the fire, another 'Jenny' met with a seriousbreakdown damaging the Engine frame and internals, just 2weeks before sailing. Now, with 2 out of 3 Generators onserious breakdown, the commencement of a voyage withoutcommissioning one more Generator was simply out of thequestion! Spare engine block / crankshaft would takeminimum 4-6 months! Being a politically sensitive matter andwith elections around the corner, cancellation of the Hajvoyages was not an option.

Having decided to meet the challenge, we went into aworldwide hunt for a replacement 'Jenny'. New, Used, Beg,borrow, Steal…well don't steal…but get a generator, thatwas the mantra. All suppliers were sounded and ship breakingyards were frantically searched. As days passed by, with notrace of either a generator or used parts, the fear of failurestarted haunting us, as pilgrims from all over the countrystarted flowing into the city. A call had to be taken and asSupervisor, I was given a deadline of 24 hours by the SCI

My Life in SCIManagement to say Yes or No; the ship will sail or we willcancel the voyage. At the eleventh hour, a chance visit on ascrap vessel at 'Darukhana' at Mumbai showed 2 similar 7-8year old generators that were probably retrofitted on a 30year old ship. The ship was being cut for its last rites and allthe machinery was 'dead'. The only possible inspection wasa visual check, crankcase inspection and a drop test toascertain the condition of the oil. While one engine appearedto be beyond salvage, the other 'Jenny' looked visibly healthy.I took my good friends and industry experts, viz. Classificationsurveyors, MMD Surveyor, and workshop personnel to the'Darukhana'. They too felt that 'Jenny' looks good butwhether it worked would be a game of chance. We had totake a call fast as the scrap dealer too had sensed ourdesperation and wanted his pound of flesh. We bargainedhard, negotiated and committed to the scrap dealer. Westarted removing the Generator from the scrap ship. It wasa 2 day effort with teams working round the clock.

I broke the news to my boss with excitement and bargedinto his room announcing "Sir, Haj sailings will happen! Wehave found and purchased a generator!" The boss wasexcited, but also showered me with the most cultured ofPunjabi 'blessings' saying "How on earth can you buy a

generator without any approvals?Are you crazy?" Sleepless andunruffled, I stormed out sayingthat "No Problems sir, I am busyfixing the new generator & thepost-facto sanctions would beobtained". The boss was noneother than Mr. Kaushal Sachar, mymentor, guru & guide for severalyears; and one of the most wellknown and dynamic leaders inSCI. Being an integral part of theSCI family, I knew his pulse. Inexcitement the Punjabi 'blessings'are showered with love &affection.

The next 7 days were to be the busiest of our lives/my life,with 2-3 hours of sleep a day and the last 72 hours withouta wink. There were very tough times. Hajis' started boardingthe vessel and installation of 'Jenny' was posing severalobstacles. As a precautionary measure, we quickly hired 2emergency generators and put them on Bridge deck just toavoid panic amongst Hajis' in case of a loss of power. Severaltense moments finally led to successful commissioning, just2-3 hours before sailing and I am sure we got the blessingsof 4800 pilgrims whose dreams to perform Haj pilgrimage hadmaterialized.

As we set sail, it was with a sense of tremendousaccomplishment; of having achieved a victory against theodds. It was a lesson reinforced for life, that anything &everything can be achieved, if the motives are honest andright, the approach is positive and there is a will to succeedand whatever is being done is in the best interest of thecompany. To do this one has to be willing to take theownership & responsibility.

SCI's vision and purpose of 'Transporting Goods, TransformingLives' had triumphed once again.

Umesh Grover,Ex-Director, SCI

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SCI - Golden Jubilee CelebrationMy husband, Capt Akhilesh Kumar,joined Shipping Corporation of Indiain January 1981 and since then hecontinued to serve on board theships of SCI till date.

I have been fortunate to have sailedwith my husband over these yearsand seen many new countries,islands, heard new languages, triednew foods, made new friends andlearnt a lot of a profession soimportant to trade and commerce

of our nation. For me the sailing has thus now become likesecond nature to me and I am proud about it.

I started sailing on long voyages with my husband and myonly kid at that time, the ship was M.V. Vishwa Bandhan, acargo ship. The voyage included various countries in Europe.The year was 1988. At that time many of the modern, urbansights were not to be seen in India. That added excitementto visiting many advanced nations on the globe.

Thereafter I could sail on various cargo and container ships.The nature of the cargo allowed 4-5 days stay in most of theports. Some of the countries visited are England, Scotland,Germany, Denmark, USSR, Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Turkey,Sweden, Belgium, Mediterranean countries, USA, Japan,Singapore, China, Australia & so on.

It was a wonderful experience to get special trip to see oneof the wonders of the world, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.

During the on board stay, my husband remained busy in theship's works but I took time out with my sons to see thesights and do shopping. I could manage well on board withthe ship's routines. My sons also became very interested inthe workings on the ship and followed nautical charts, gainedlot of geographical knowledge, learnt many languages,developed right sense of integrity. I ensured that my sonsutilised their vacations by studying on board. There werefew other families with their kids sailing and it became acommunity atmosphere. We ladies used to arrange gettogether and do cooking in the galley to add to the existingmenu. Birthday parties and New Year parties were celebratedwith gusto. Parties became more fun when we speciallycelebrated kid's birthdays and fancy dress parties.They lovedit as it was like a home on a ship. The party when we crossedthe equator on the way to the Australian continent wasalso very good, all persons were very enthusiastic towardsthe celebrations. The certificates were issued to the staffmembers who were crossing the equartor for the first time.

Sailing on tankers was a more quieter experience with mostcountries in the Gulf region not allowing shore leave. Someof the pictures from sailing on the ships are to be cherished.Sailing made me more aware of the challenges of thisprofession of shipping. When we had rough weather therolling and pitching made me sick few times but soon Iadjusted and made myself comfortable. The new sights andcultures were very good to see. Long voyages through calmoceans also had it's share of reflection for me.

As my husband and I became senior in experience, we startedmentoring the newly joined cadets and officers on board.Some became so fond that it was moving to see their tearswhen they signed off. I still enjoy sailing and meeting newpeople. I love the aspect of being with my husband and seehim use his managerial skills on board.

I will like to thank the Shipping Corporation on India, all the

officers and crew who have sailed with us on our ships andthe spouses of those officers who have spent fun times withme. I am confident that by God's grace, the SCI and professionof Merchant Navy will grow. I am also thankful to my husbandfor showing me the world through his vision. We both arevery happy to be part of this old, noble profession of shipping.

Piracy at sea in the recent time has been really a matter ofconcern for entire shipping fraternity. It is the biggestmenace at sea and needs to be tackled. During sailing onMT Guru Gobind Singh, on 25th Nov 2010 there was a piracyattack on the ship by Somalian pirates when she was boundfor West Asia gulf in position about 250 miles from theLakshadweep Islands. I understand that it was the greatestteam spirit on board and the overall Grace of God that thepirates could not board the ship. The ship, property andpersons on board could be saved.

I wish to thank the management of Shipping Corporation ofIndia for the consideration and recommendation for theGallentry Award at Sea conferred to my husband on behalfof the ship. On 5th April 2011, on the occasion of the NationalMaritime day functions , the Gallentry award was presented.On that day since my husband was on board, I was honouredto receive the award at the function which was greeted bythe Shipping Secretary, The Directorate General of Shipping,The Chairman & Managing Director of SCI and many dignitriesfrom shipping circles.

During my school days I had read a poem titled “The AncientMariner”. A stanza in it read asc“Water water everywherebut not a sip to drink”. I always wondered how the sea andthe oceans would look like and simply imagined about it.Who knew at that time that I would be sailing across thesevast seas and the oceans. During the sailing on board, seeingonly the water for many days & the weeks, the lovely horizonall around was too good to watch as it gave me altogether adifferent feeling. The morning appeared very pleasant duringthe sunrise as the sun arose slowly from within the horizonin golden colour. It has been always very wonderful andamazing to watch the golden sunrise at the horizon at sea.

I wish our Shipping Corporation of India who is nowcelebrating the Golden Jubilee may always glitter and shinegolden same as the rising Golden sun on the horizon at sea.

With best wishes to the entire SCI Management on theoccasion of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations,

Dr Manju Kumari

w/o Capt Akhilesh Kumar

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Being one of the first lady officer inSCI Fleet I felt I should be sharing myexperience at SCI. The experience hasbeen awesome, but to be honest myjourney in a male dominated industrywas fraught with hurdles, as it wouldbe for any change in status quo.

If choosing to work in a merchant fleetwas a challenge, the bigger challengefor me was to decide whether to workfor SCI or a foreign merchant fleet

where you could experience a different culture andenvironment. But my decision to be with SCI, was aided bythe fact that, SCI management never doubted my abilitiesinstead have been encouraging, which I believe would nothave been the case for a lady officer in a foreign fleet.

The best part of being one of the first is the initial reactionfrom co workers and management. It could range frombewilderment to apathy. But with support from SCImanagement I got exposure to varied job profiles in amerchant fleet. Be it as a Radio Officer or a NavigatingOfficer, during my journey up to a certified Master MarinerI've had the opportunity to sail on different types of Ships inSCI fleet. And to say that SCI offers the best training platformto a mariner would not be incorrect. During this journeyI've met and connected with lots of colleagues, someawesome and others doubtful regarding a ladies ability incarrying out the demanding work that is required on amerchant fleet. Though it was tough but with able supportfrom the management and my hard work I believe I havebeen able to allay all doubts regarding my abilities as ladynavigational officer.

I have had a great experience at SCI, thanks to themanagement, who before anyone else had shown faith byrecruiting females in their merchant fleet and who have

always encouraged me. I would highly recommend SCI tothe new entrants.

Since its inception in 1961 ,SCI has been providing yeomanservice to the country's maritime sector and as an extensionto Indian economy. SCI has been instrumental in projectingIndia as a strong maritime nation on the global maritime stage.Shipping being highly cyclic in nature, the need for flexibilityand innovative concepts are paramount. The adaptabilityand pioneering spirit of the SCI has helped it continue itsprogressive march into 50 years. As is seen today, the globaltrend of veering into freight specialization was envisionedby SCI decade back and with successful joint ventures forLNG transportation was an example of SCI's vision. No wonderthen that SCI is termed as the Flag bearer of Indian Shippingindustry. Like any sea going vessel where the journey neverends and the last port of call is the beginning of a newjourney, the SCI would continue to go full steam ahead fordecades to come.

With the visionary management and Ministry of Shipping ablesupport the SCI is set for substantial growth and contributingto the national economy. SCI's ambitious acquisition plan isa testimony to this wherein 28 new vessels are on order. Inaddition to this the aim to acquire another 90 vessels by2020 is in line with the ministry's Maritime Agenda 2020. Witheconomy showing signs of recovery and India's refiningcapacity increasing SCI would have to take the responsibilityof carrying the burden of freight transportation by sea inIndia. Thanks to SCI's large fleet, large manpower pool anddedicated training facility it can look into future withconfidence and would be one of the largest carriers in theglobal maritime trade in the coming years. May SCI emergeas a more profitable, quality conscious and quintessentialshipping company in international shipping trade.

Here's wishing the SCI "Bon voyage"

Mrs. M.C. Radhika, Cheif Officer

When SCI thought of recruiting girlsit must have been a difficultdecision. Three girls, including me,were chosen. We felt responsibilityincreasing on our shoulders. Weknew whole SCI was watching us andwe were particular about our moves.One wrong move would have closeddoors for the future junior ladyofficers joining SCI. The Companywas experimenting recruitment ofladies for the first time. It was alsoan experiment we were doing with

our lives. When I stepped into the SCI auditorium and wewere briefed for the first time, I felt it was a challenge todo some thing new and therefore accepted it.

When I started my pre-sea in 2003 I was not sure that Iwould even complete 24 months of training onboard, butGod was very kind and my parents were supportivethroughout thus I kept climbing the stairs, pre-sea toonboard training-exams-seatime again exam-seatime andfinally Masters Certificate.

Recently I got award for "role model cadet” for being thefirst cadet of India to clear Masters' which was truly a greatexperience and it was as if I was waiting for it for many manyyears. My father wanted me to join Shipping for the nameand fame of being first girl cadet in SCI. I could achieve this

just because of the opportunities the Company gave me. Ithank the company for always being with me and watching/caring for me throughout. The officers with whom I sailedand my seniors were my inspiration. When I was a cadet,they treated me like a child when we felt alone and like amentor when it came to work.

Initially things felt very difficult because of odd workinghours, hectic schedules and unconventional work. This isone of the reasons why girls were not here in this field forso many years and we were the lucky ones to proveourselves. It started easing off as time passed by.

As among friends, when we debate about our company, Ifind it is the best company in all aspects. All Officers in theirheart know that there can be no better company for themto work than SCI.

There are reasons why people join SCI. Its her name at theinternational level and then the variety of fleet it has, thestandard of ships it carries, support it offers to offshoreindividuals, the quick promotion, the assistance it providesat the time of any break down etc. SCI would never abandonher ship if she is hijacked by pirates which many othercompanies are doing.

Considering all positive policies and aspects of the SCI, I seea bright future for the SCI. I am sure SCI will celebrate notonly diamond but also platinum jubilee in years to come.

Ms Namrata Singh Tarkar, Master

My journey with SCI

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I still remember the day I firststepped into SCI office. Because ofthe way security guards &receptionist were amazed on seeinga girl coming for interview forselection as cadet, my parents, whowere there along with me, startedgiving a second thought on allowingme for joining merchant navy. Beingfrom a place far away from thecoast, Patna, we hardly had any ideaabout this profession. Although I had

one of my far off relatives in merchant navy, all I could gatherfrom his parents was that you got to work on board for sixmonths a year and that it fetches good money as well asgets you a chance to see the world. This much of informationwas good enough for me to become determined for joining.Because the selection was made through IIT-JEE, wemisunderstood it as another stream of engineering itself. Asthere were two more girls for joining, it wasn't very difficultto convince my parents. Although many mariners who metme in the office advised me not to join, it only added to myeagerness for joining. Pre sea was a real tough time to gothrough, with Mr. Anna Patil as our instructor, but instead ofdiscouraging, it made us even more determined and strong.In May 2003 under the close supervision and guidance ofour course coordinator, Capt. K.J. Miranda, we completedour pre-sea, and in July 2003, all three of us, myself, Namrataand Suneha were sent onboard a crude oil tanker. With uswas sent Chief Officer's wife so as to make the environmenton board bit homely. We completed our cadetship, got oursecond mate COC and then there was no looking back.Presently I am sailing onboard M.T. Swarna Pushp, as ChiefOfficer with master COC and have experience in tankersand container ships at the age of 27. Other two girls fromour batch have also got there masters, and one of them gotmarried too and is not sailing as of now. Once a Europeanpilot had said to Captain sir on one of my ships, that mostlythe female seafarers perform better than their malecolleagues, because they work with attitude of provingthemselves. This I too have observed on my present shipwhere I have a girl cadet on board whose performance isnot only at par with that of other four boy cadets butsometimes even better.

Initially it was awkward & strange for people sailing on boardto have female colleague. But now with growing number offemales in SCI fleet, it has become a routine. Although smallincidents keep on happening here and there, but SCI hasmanaged to handle all those. Moreover, from my point ofview, working & staying on board a ship is a much moresecured option for a female rather than staying alone, awayfrom home in a far off city for working in a shore basedorganization. Still I would like to suggest that with growingno. of females in SCI fleet, SCI should have a separate womencell ashore with staff having expertise and experience indealing with problems faced by females on board a ship.One of the basic problem faced is that being the only femaleon board a ship may make her completely isolated socially,which might show adverse effect on her efficiency at workas well as may affect her psychologically. Hence sticking tothe policy of sending at least two females on board willminimize the problems to a great extent.

Another drawback of this career for a female is that shemay not be able to continue with sailing after her marriage.Indian women has got several roles to play, the priority stillbeing that of a homemaker. No matter whatever be the heightshe achieved in her career, she doesn't feel content untilshe becomes successful in her family life as well. For this,even if she is earning, she will have to return home everyday to play this role in her life, which would not be possiblealong with sailing. SCI definitely has a policy of absorbingsailing personnel ashore but to fulfill the criteria set by thecompany, a mariner shall take 13-15 years, which shall makehim at least 32-35 yrs of age. For a man, it is not that difficultto continue till then, but for a woman it would be too lateto start her family life. Hence a female seafarer would haveto select either family life or career. Having worked for 8-10long years and then doing nothing sitting at home can bevery disheartening and shall make her feel hollow. Also doingMBA and starting a new career from scratch would feel likelosing all those years when she worked as a seafarer as thosewould not be counted at all. Therefore it is my request tothe authorities to relax the criteria for shore absorption ofseafarers for women.

At the end I would like to say that I reached this level onlybecause of support given by my family and friends and theguidance by the officers I sailed with. Also the support frommy juniors played a significant role.


Chief Officer, M.T. Swarna Pushp

From the High Seas


Chief Engineer officer

Since 09.04.1976

I feel proud and fortunateserving with SCI. In my longassociation with SCI I gotopportunities to gain experiencein different types of vessels bulkcarrier, container vessel & VLCCtankers. While serving onboardvessels I got opportunity to

visit all five continents.

I have the highest regards for SCI for expertise &resources. In case any technical problems on board, SCIis able to obtain spares and service engineers from acrossthe globe within 24 hours.

The shipping Industry has seen difficult times but as atrue friend, SCI was always there in good and bad times.It is the best example of national harmony and integration.

I would like to say that it has been indeed a glorious andmemorable voyage with SCI.

It is a matter of immense satisfaction and pride that SCI iscompleting 50 years of operation. From a modest beginningSCI has come a long way to become a Navratna PSU.I wish SCI great success in all its future endeavours andmany more "50 years" of success and growth.

With its structured program of growth through expansion,diversification, technological up gradation andmodernization SCI is certain to emerge a world shippinggiant and lead India to frontline of maritime nations.

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I joined Chevron Shipping after completing 4 year degreetraining from MERI Kolkata in 2002 through campus selection.Thereafter, I served in many foreign principles throughoutmy sea career but being a proud Indian, in my heart, I alwaysfelt I should serve Indian company before I quitmy sea career. This strong urge and conviction,led me to join Shipping Corporation of India atthe capacity of Chief Engineer in the year 2010.Like many other young seafarer mentalityespecially about Indian shipping companies, I wasalso quite sceptical about my joining with SCIbut my tenure onboard proved my scepticismwrong.

I joined an old SCI vessel which was continuingher last few months before scrap yet I had oneof lifetime experience. Not that there was nojob pressure or the vessel was anchored all thetime, in contrary the vessel was on a very hecticrun, facing huge commercial pressure with abudget in hand .

To counter this I had an excellent team onboard, good shoreback up and technical staff. With generosity of shoremanagement all required spares/stores connected on time.But of course to attain that faith from shore staff you needto perform, prove your sincerity and efficiency.

There was an over propagated talk which I would like todiscuss was labour/union problem with SCI but somehow I

have not experienced even a tiny bit of it. Ratings wereexperienced and junior staff was cordial but ultimately it isa team work which counts. The senior management onboardshould lead by example and not by other means.

I feel that onboard staff is too dependent onworkshop and every now and then they callworkshop, it actually makes a big hole in shipbudget. Onboard staff after clearing MMDexams and going through selection procedureof SCI are actually able to perform most of thejob onboard, only need a good motivation.

As far as improvement in SCI is concern, toretain people salary package should be madecompetitive with International companies, ifrequired manning can be reduced. One moredifference which I have found with junior shorestaff/clerical level, it misses a personal touchto its seafarer employee. Overall whatever timeI spent with SCI was one of my best memoriesof my sailing career. I am thankful and grateful

to SCI management who has given me an opportunity to makemyself a part of SCI.

After quitting sea life, with an inspirational experience fromSCI, I joined Indian register of shipping as Marine surveyor.

Suneeti Bala

IRE Surveyor

A Marine Surveyor

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Golden Jubilee Essay WGolden Jubilee Essay WGolden Jubilee Essay WGolden Jubilee Essay WGolden Jubilee Essay Writingritingritingritingriting

Contest 2011Contest 2011Contest 2011Contest 2011Contest 2011RESULTS

On the occasion of SCI’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations, thetheme for the Essay writing contest for Mumbai based shoreemployees was “SCI’s Tag Line - Transporting Goods -Transforming Lives” in any of three languages viz. Marathi,Hindi and English. A total 13 prizes were declared amongst24 participants. Hearty Congratulations to all the winners!

Name Prize Cashcategory Prize(`)

Mr. Akhil Ahir (E) First 3,000

Mr. Sushil Kumar Padhi (E) Second 2,000

Mr. Ajay Khopikar (M) Third 1,000

Mr. Satendra Kumar (H) Encouragement 500

Mr. Swapnil Snehi (E) Encouragement 500

Mrs. Sujata Patil (M) Encouragement 500

Mrs. Manjusha Remteke (E) Encouragement 500

Mr. Rajesh Dhawan (E) Encouragement 500

Ms. Anamika Tiwari (E) Encouragement 500

Mr. Santosh Kumar (H) Encouragement 500

Mr. Suhas Kajrolkar (E) Encouragement 500

Mr. Vijay Fernandes (E) Encouragement 500

Mr. Ankit Khare (E) Encouragement 500

(M) = Marathi; (H) = Hindi; (E) = English.

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"It gives me a great pleasure to congratulate each and everymember of the SCI Family on achieving this golden milestoneof 50 years of the foundation of this Navaratna PSU. I havecompleted nearly 3 ½ years of my association with the SCIand have found a sense of dedication with which theemployees go about their work. Even the stakeholders takea lot of pride to be associated with this organization. WhenI took over as CVO of SCI in January 2008, I had drawn up anaction plan and my mission was achieving zero tolerancetowards corruption during my tenure. I am happy to statethat I have received whole-hearted cooperation andencouragement from Shri S. Hajara, C&MD and the otherDirectors in this regard. SCI has grown from a small linercompany to the numero-uno position in Indian Shipping. Itis also a force to reckon with in the international maritimearena. It has made progress in leaps and bounds especiallyin regard to new acquisitions, lowering of the average ageof the fleet, adding new revenue models etc. At the sametime, Vigilance Division too has kept pace in terms ofinnovation and ingenuity. We have been successful inbecoming the 37th PSU to adopt the Integrity Pact in 2009with the Transparency International India. Threedistinguished personalities are on our panel as IndependentExternal Monitors.

We have integrated IT into vigilance administration and as aresult we have our own dedicated space on the SCI Portalas also the CVO's corner on the SCI Intranet. We provideinstant access to any complainant via the internet and goinga step further, we have provided a Vigilance Kiosk in theShipping House Lobby area for those complainants who may

not have access to internet / computer facility elsewherein order to lodge a complaint. We have introduced 'rewardscheme for informers' - the details of which are available onour webpage on the SCI portal. We also have our very ownin-house magazine called SCI Voyager which is released duringthe Vigilance Awareness Week/period. So far we havepublished 3 volumes. We will be bringing out the 4th volumethis year. Our reputation in vigilance circles has grown andon quite a few occasions, the SCI Vigilance Division has earnedthe confidence of the Commission for which we had arranged2 back-to-back Zonal Meets of the Western Region. Likewise,we have organized an All-India Regional Workshop on "Ethicsin Business" for TII on 17-8-2011. It is also a matter of pridethat we initiated and got into shape the Vigilance StudyCircle - Mumbai Chapter at the hands of then CVC ShriPratyush Sinha IAS (retd) on 19-8-2010 in SCI itself. This yearwe have also organized the 1st Foundation Day celebrationson 16-8-2011. Incidentally the VSC M consists of more than30 member organizations such as Public Sector Banks,Insurance Cos, Ports, Oil companies, Railways etc. Our Divisionis one of the very few Vigilance divisions in the country to

have a separate ISO 9001:2008 Certification from IRQS. Theicing on the cake is all the 10 Vigilance Officers are CertifiedInternal Auditors. Thus, Vigilance division too is keenly makingforays into new areas to keep in stride with the rest of SCIin reaching more and more milestones.

With best wishes,

M.B. Sagar I.P.S.

Chief Vigilance Officer

Message from Shri M.B. Sagar,

I.P.S., Chief Vigilance Officer,The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.

SCI's CSR programme implementingHealth Education Programmes inGangajalghati block, one of the mostbackward blocks of Bankura District,West Bengal through Sanhita, anNGO based in West Bengal.

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Details and the results of various

competitions held in SCI during the year

The Vigilance Division observes the Vigilance Awareness Week/ Period annually as per the schedule given by theCommission. This usually takes place in 1st week of Novembereach year to coincide with the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (31st October).

Vigilance Division conducts competitions designed to attractgood response and involvement of employees - such as Sloganwriting, Poster drawing, essay writing, speech, quiz etc. andattractive prizes are awarded. There is also a rolling trophyfor the division with maximum participation/ maximum prizes.The Best Vigilance Officer Award is also declared by CVO onthe prize distribution day which is held on the last day ofthe Vigilance Awareness Week/ Period.

Details of the Vigilance Awareness Period observed in 2010:-

In accordance with the directive received from the CentralVigilance Commission, the Vigilance Division of the ShippingCorporation of India Ltd observed the Vigilance AwarenessPeriod 2010 in all its offices i.e. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Haldia,Chennai, Port Blair and London from 25th October 2010 to1st November 2010. This time, the main focus of observingVigilance Awareness Period was "Generation of Awarenessand Publicity against Corruption". Keeping in mind thesuggestion of the Commission to have an effective anti-corruption campaign this year, the SCI Vigilance Division hadorganized various programs/ competitions such as EssayWriting, Speech, Poster / Cartoon, Slogan Writing for thebenefit of the SCI's employees, who participated in largenumbers with great enthusiasm. The Inaugural Functioncommenced at 11 AM on Monday the 25th October 2010where the Pledge was administered to the employees by

A case study on"Punitive Vigilance"submitted by Mrs.Mangala A. Deshpande,Deputy GeneralManager, of VigilanceDivision has beenawarded the "NationalVigilance ExcellenceAward" for the year 2010by the Vigilance StudyCircle, Hyderabad, apremier institution inthe field of Vigilance.

The scroll and cashaward of Rs. 5000/- waspresented to her byShri Pratyush Sinha,Central VigilanceCommissioner, CentralVigilance Commission

during the VIIth Anniversary Celebrations of VSC, atHyderabad on 9th July 2010. A copy of certificate receivedby Mrs. Mangala A.Deshpande is given below.

As a part of the CVO's Outreach Programme to facilitate thegeneral public to extend their cooperation to him in hismission for zero tolerance, a Vigilance Kiosk was set up inShipping House, Mumbai. A kiosk (like the ATM machine kiosk)was constructed by SCI Civil Engg. Dept. It is provided with acomputer which is programmed in such a way that any personcan directly access the Vigilance web page on SCI portaland log on to the on-line complaints mechanism. This kioskwill enable any person who may not have access to acomputer or internet facility to lodge 'on-line complaints'without incurring any expenses. If this experiment issuccessful in Head Office, it is proposed to extend this facilityin other Regional offices of SCI.

The Vigilance Kiosk was inaugurated by Shri S. Hajara, Chairman& Managing Director, SCI, on 5th May 2011 at 1100 hrs in asimple ceremony which was attended by a large number ofemployees. A circular was issued by CVO to all employeesof SCI regarding the procedure for lodging of on-linecomplaints.

The Vigilance Kiosk has drawn immense interest not onlyamong the employees, visitors etc. but also from VigilanceDivisions of other organizations like Air India. Their officialshave visited the SCI to get a first-hand experience of thefunctioning of the Vigilance Kiosk.

Shri B.K. Mandal, Director (Finance). The messages from theHon'ble President of India, Vice President of India, PrimeMinister of India and the Central Vigilance Commission wereread out by Shri M.B. Sagar, IPS, Chief Vigilance Officer ofSCI. The 3rd edition of "SCI Voyager" - the in-house magazineof the SCI's Vigilance Division was also released by Shri Mandalon the occasion. Both Shri Mandal and Shri Sagar spoke onthe occasion regarding the importance of vigilance in thePublic Sector. An 'Audience Quiz' program was alsoconducted on the valedictory day i.e. Monday the 1stNovember 2010. Shri Kailash Gupta, Director (P&A), SCI wasthe Chief Guest and Shri M.B. Sagar IPS, CVO, SCI was theGuest of Honour at the Valedictory Function. Both ShriKailash Gupta and Shri M.B. Sagar spoke on the occasion.The P&A Division was awarded the Rolling Trophy for BestParticipating Division.

The Best Vigilance Officer of the Year Award was won byShri V. Shankar Bhat, General Manager.

Setting up of a Vigilance Kiosk at

Shipping House, Mumbai

National Vigilance

Excellence Award, 2010

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As a part of Golden Jubilee Celebraltions, SCI’s Hindi andCSR Departments jointly organized a seminar on CorporateSocial Responsibility on 24th December, 2010 at Mumbai. TheSeminar held at SCI Auditorium had a total of 65 participantsfrom various PSUs under the aegis of TOLIC “Town OfficialLanguage Implementation Committee” with the twinobjectives of highlighting the growing importance ofcorporate social responsibility and its role and relevance tothe PSUs and its linkage with the Hindi Language in particular.The deliberations were focused on ways of undertaking andimplementing meaningful community initiatives by developingan understanding of community needs and the role thatNon Government Agencies (NGOs) could play in the successof these interventions. The Seminar was highly successfuland stimulated healthy debate and participation amongstthe delegates. Another highlight of the Seminar was that itsproceedings were conducted in Hindi.

Addressing the audience on why SCI undertook the initiativeof arranging this seminar, Mr. Kailash Gupta, the Director(Personnel & Admin) said, “SCI is a leading PSU in the country.We have been contributing actively in areas of education,health and livelihood under our corporate socialresponsibility program. We felt that some deliberations wouldbe helpful in bringing about the intended benefits to theneedy communities as well creating increased awarenessamongst the executives attending the seminar from PSUs.”Mr. Gupta stressed on good governance while practicingCSR as an important measure for corporates to follow inview of the India government’s recently announced policiesand guidelines.

Deputy Director (OL), Regional Implementation office(Western Region) Dr. M. L. Gupta on the occasion expressedhis views on the subject very candidly. He cited examples ofDevelopment work being undertaken by PSUs, Private sectors

Seminar on CSR in Hindiand Big Business Houses for a long time now in India byhelping the needy sections of our society.

Prof. Satyajit Majumdar, the professor in School ofManagement and Labor Studies at the Tata Institute of SocialSciences stressed on the importance of developing a clearunderstanding of community needs before undertaking anysocial intervention projects. This, Prof. Majumdar said, wouldnot only enable companies undertake socially meaningfulinterventions but would also help them deliver better resultsin the long term. He spoke elaborately on the current Indianscene on health and education and effectively identifiedthe gaps as opportunities for corporates to undertake CSRprojects. A robust and rigorous implementation of CSRprojects in this environment could lead to holistic humandevelopment.” Professor Majumdar finally said that thesenew government CSR guidelines have lead to a paradigm shiftin approach to CSR – from charity to development andsustainability.

Ms. Farida Lambay, the co-founder of Pratham MumbaiEducation initiative and the Vice Principal of Nirmala NiketanCollege of Social Work, Mumbai, spoke on the greatsynergistic effect that gets generated when corporates andNGOs work together in implementing good social initiatives.Ms. Lambay, the thirty-year veteran in the field of socialwork added, “We, at Pratham, have undertaken pioneeringprojects in areas of preventing child labor and spreadingchild education. Our learnings have been instrumental inframing new and progressive government policies.” Shefurther added, “Government now has a properly definedregulatory framework for CSR implementation as applicableto PSUs. A robust and rigorous implementation of CSRguidelines and projects in this environment could lead toholistic human development.” Ms. Vasanti Vaidya, the Manager(Official Language), HPCL proposed a vote of thanks.

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Published by the Public Relations Department of behalf of The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., “Shipping House”, 245 Madame Cama Road, Mumbai-400 021, Tel.: 22023792, Designed by Pressman Advertising Ltd. and printed by Vinay Calender Co., Mumbai. Registered with the Registrar of India under No. R.N. 24226/73.

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