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Special Edition: Celebrating Women EMPHISM’S March 2018 Specialized Bilingual Education School Luis Muñoz Iglesias - Cidra

Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Apr 19, 2021



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Page 1: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Special Edition:

Celebrating Women


March 2018Specialized Bilingual Education School

Luis Muñoz Iglesias - Cidra

Page 2: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Empowered Women

“No one is well capable of thinking for womenkind as

a woman herself. In the province of administering to

the wants and needs of herself, no one can be so well

adapted as she. Her advancement is in no better way

proven by her progress in medicine, literature, to say

nothing of the reform movements of which she is

steadily carrying on for the benefit of herself and

others of her kind.”

– Kate Cunningham, editor of one of the earliest

American owned newspapers operated by women.

Woman’s Chronicle, 1888

Page 3: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Elizabeth I


She was crowned Queen of England from 1558 to

1603 and led her country to a golden age without a

king, while battling against the disadvantage of being

a woman during that time.

Marie Curie


Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in

two different categories, Physics and Chemistry. She

was a pioneer in the investigation of radioactivity

and radiation as a treatment for cancer.

Virginia Woolf


A British writer known for her novels and essays,

becoming one of the symbols of feminism and

literary modernism in the 20th century.


Page 4: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

María Teresa de Calcuta


María Teresa de Calcutta received the Nobel Peace Prize

in 1979 and was the first religious woman to be

recognized internationally for dedicating her life in

treating the poor, sick, and orphans in the slums of

India. She promoted literacy and basic hygiene to the

needy and established the Missionaries of Charity.

Amelia Eahart


She was the first female pilot to cross the

Atlantic. She became a figure representing the

rights and struggles of women ofher time.

Frida Kahlo


Frida Kahlo is known worldwide as one of the most

revolutionary artists. Though she endured a difficult life full

of physical pain caused by a terrible accident, she produced

some of the finest ever created by a Latin American

woman painter. She remains a feminist icon for the way

she led her life.

Rosa Parks


A social activist that refused to move to the

back seat of a bus when African-Americans in

the U.S.A. had no rights. Her actions favored

the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s.

Page 5: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Anne Frank


When she was thirteen years old, she ran away with

her family from the Nazi persecution. She wrote in

her personal dairy, that would become known to the

world as “The Diary of Anne Frank”, about her daily

experiences living in exile.

Julia de Burgos


She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during

the first half of the 20th century. Julia de Burgos often wrote

about her roots and the importance of acknowledging one’s

identity and race. She is still known for several of her poems that

talked about a woman’s liberation, and being one’s own “route”,

making her one of the most famous feminists of our island.

Malala Yousafzai


Malala is a Pakistani activist and the youngest person

to ever win a Nobel Peace Prize at the age 17.

Her work in favor of civil rights, especially of

women’s right to education, has gained her

admiration throughout the world.

Page 6: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Así como Julia de Burgos sobrevivió al gran huracán San Felipe de 1928 y desafió prejuicios

sociales, hoy emulamos su gallardía y nos inspiramos en su poesía para derribar el estereotipo de cómo una mujer debe comportarse de acuerdo a las normas

establecidas por la sociedad.

Homenaje a la voz

internacional de las letras


A continuación, presentamos el

poema “A Julia de Burgos”. Su lírica se

nutre de contrastes que abordan el tema

del feminismo.

Page 7: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

A Julia de Burgos

Ya las gentes murmuran que yo soy tu enemigaporque dicen que en verso doy al mundo tu yo.

Mienten, Julia de Burgos. Mienten, Julia de Burgos.La que se alza en mis versos no es tu voz: es mi voz,

porque tú eres ropaje y la esencia soy yo;y el más profundo abismo se tiende entre las dos.

Tú eres fría muñeca de mentira social,y yo, viril destello de la humana verdad.

Tú, miel de cortesanas hipocresías, yo no;que en todos mis poemas desnudo el corazón.

Tú eres como tu mundo, egoísta; yo noque todo me lo juego a ser lo que soy yo.

Tú eres solo la grave señora señorona;yo no, yo soy la vida, la fuerza, la mujer.

Tú eres de tu marido, de tu amo; yo no;yo de nadie, o de todos, porque a todos, a todos,

en mi limpio sentir y en mi pensar me doy.

Tú te rizas el pelo y te pintas; yo no;a mí me riza el viento; a mí me pinta el sol.

Page 8: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

A Julia de Burgos

Tú eres dama casera, resignada, sumisa,atada a los prejuicios de los hombres; yo no;que yo soy Rocinante corriendo desbocadoolfateando horizontes de justicia de Dios.

Tú en ti misma no mandas; a ti todos te mandan;en ti mandan tu esposo, tus padres, tus parientes,

el cura, la modista, el teatro, el casino,el auto, las alhajas, el banquete, el champán,

el cielo y el infierno, y el qué dirán social.

En mí no, que en mí manda mi solo corazón,mi solo pensamiento; quien manda en mí soy yo.

Tú, flor de aristocracia; y yo, la flor del pueblo.Tú en ti lo tienes todo y a todos se lo debes,mientras que yo, mi nada a nadie se la debo.

Tú, clavada al estático dividendo ancestral,y yo, un uno en la cifra del divisor social,

somos el duelo a muerte que se acerca fatal.

Cuando las multitudes corran alborotadasdejando atrás cenizas de injusticias quemadas,

y cuando con la tea de las siete virtudes,tras los siete pecados, corran las multitudes,

contra ti, y contra todo lo injusto y lo inhumano,yo iré en medio de ellas con la tea en la mano.

Page 9: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Día Internacional de la Mujer

¿Qué es?El Día Internaciónal de la

Mujer representa la lucha

de cientos de mujeres

alrededor del mundo por

alcanzar el reconocimiento

pleno de sus derechos


¿Por qué? Tras un suceso histórico que marcó vidas y familias, mueren

calcinadas146 mujeres trabajadoras en la ciudad de Nueva York. Estas

laboraban en condiciones infrahumanas y luchaban contra las

injusticias recibidas por parte de su patrono.

¿Cuándo? En el año 1977, la ONU proclamó el “Día Internacional de la Mujer.”

Cada 8 de marzo, se rinde homenaje a aquellas 146 mujeres que

dieron su vida por mejorar sus condiciones de trabajo y por lograr la

igualdad de oportunidades en el ámbito político, educativo y laboral.

Page 10: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Una día para


Mueren 146 mujeres calcinadas

25 de marzo de 1911- 4:30pm

Por: Emphism’s News

Hace 107 años se produjo uno de los incendios más mortíferos de la historia de

los Estados Unidos registrado en la fábrica de camisas “Triangle Shirtwaist”, Nueva

York. El incendio causó la muerte de 146 mujeres trabajadoras. El informe reveló

que las muertes se produjeron por quemaduras, intoxicación y derrumbes. La

mayoría de las víctimas eran jóvenes mujeres inmigrantes de Europa del este e

Italia de entre catorce y veintitrés años de edad. La tragedia fue provocada por la

imposibilidad de salir del edificio incendiado ya que los dueños habían cerrado

todas las puertas de acceso; una práctica común para evitar y reprimir

movimientos obreros.

Según la información brindada por el Jefe de Bomberos, el incendio pudo

provocarse por una colilla mal apagada tirada en un cubo lleno de restos de tela

que no se había vaciado en dos meses. El desastre en la fábrica textil Triangle

Shirtwaist obligó importantes cambios legislativos en las normas de seguridad y

salud laborales e industriales. Además, permitió la creación del Sindicato

Internacional de Mujeres Trabajadoras textiles (International Ladies’ GarmentWorkers’

Union) que lucha por mejorar las condiciones laborales de las trabajadoras.

Page 11: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Homenaje a las mujeres trabajadoras

de nuestra comunidad escolar

Madre que escucha y ama, maestra que instruye e

inspira, guardia escolar que protege, empleada del

comedor que alimenta y nutre, empleada de

mantenimiento que limpia y refresca, secretaria que

informa y orienta y directora escolar que dirige y

modela; ustedes son las que edifican y transforman

nuestro entorno en uno mejor. Representan la voz de

aquellas146 mujeres trabajadoras que murieron

defendiendo el derecho a la igualdad. ¡Admiramos su

fuerza y valentía!

¡Reciban nuestro respeto!

-Diomarys García Cardona

Page 12: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Wind and other clean, renewableenergy will help end our reliance on

fossil fuels and combat the severe threatthat climate change poses to humans

and wildlife alike.-Frances Beinecke

Transformed Energy Into a

Renewable One

We have all heard about the benefits of renewable energy, but

what exactly is renewable energy? Where does it come from and

what can we do with it? Is it a viable option other than fossil fuels?

What are the lows on using renewable energy on our daily life? We

have so many questions about all of it. Let’s see if we can find some

answers to these questions.

For starters, all the energy or electricity we use, comes from the

resources earth provides us. Some are replaceable and others are

not. Fossil fuels are the remains of thousands of dead plants and

animals that lived a very long time ago. Millions of years that have

gone by, the heat and the pressure exerted on the carcass have

turned them into coal, natural gas, and different types of oils. These

fuels cannot be replaced, once we use all of it, there will not be any

left. The burning of these fossil fuels is the source that emits the

most carbon dioxide, contributing greatly to global warming.

Article by Dyomaris Cardona

Page 13: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Transform Energy Into a

Renewable One

On the other hand, renewable energy comes from renewable or

replaceable resources like wind, water, and sunshine. This energy is

also called “clean energy” because it doesn’t pollute the

environment. Some ways we can use this renewable energy is in

solar panels, wind turbines, and using hydroelectric power. In solar

panels, solar energy is turned into electricity. Whether to heat the

water when showering, to lamp posts, solar energy can be used in

many different things. The wind turbines also create energy, when

the wind blows, the turbines rotate, creating energy that can be

transformed into electricity too. The constant movement of water

can create energy too! It is called hydroelectric power. Isn’t this


However, the downside of using this renewable resources is that

you cannot control it. For example, if there is a drought, the

hydroelectric energy won’t work, because it doesn’t have moving

water to produce the energy. If there is not enough wind to move

the turbines, they won’t create any energy. With solar panels, if it is a

very cloudy day, they will probably will not work with the same

intensity or effectiveness. On the other hand, it is also important to

note that it can sometimes be expensive to own any of these eco-

friendly source of energy.

To conclude, renewable resources are a reliable way of using

electricity and many other forms of power to get our daily tasks

done without causing more damage to the earth. Even if this

renewable energy can have its little downsides, they don’t compare

to the weight of contributing to the death of our planet. Once we

use up all of the very damaging fossil fuels, what will we have left? So,

as good citizens, it is our duty to take care of our home and start

using all of the things that produce “clean energy”. Let’s begin making

a change little by little to make the world a better place to live in.

Article by Dyomaris Cardona

Page 14: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

La tabla periódica

de la ortograf ía

18 de marzo de 2018- 7:00pm

Por: Paola Núñez

Juan Romeo, un lingüísta español de 31 años, diseñó e integró los

elementos de la tabla periódica para enseñar ortografía. Este

ingenioso profesor, colocó una norma ortográfica debajo de cada

símbolo químico en el que explica su función. ¡Sin duda alguna, es una

manera divertida e inovadora para aprender ortografía y a su vez,

reforzar los elementos de la tabla periódica. Veamos los siguientes


Para ver la tabla en mayor resolución acceda:

Por Paola Núñez, 8vo grado

Page 15: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

El cuento titulado ¿Has llenado una cubeta hoy? escrito

por Carol McCloud, exhorta a llenar nuestras cubetas y las

cubetas de los demás a través de las buenas acciones. El

poder de nuestras acciones, nos lleva a ser felices y hacer

felices a los demás. El hecho de llenar una cubeta es muy

sencillo, divertido y no cuesta nada. Uno puede llenar la

cubeta cuando demostramos amor a alguien, hacemos o

dicimos algo amable o solo cuando sonreímos a alguien.

Cuando llenamos la cubeta de los demás, nos

sentimos bien. Todo el mundo carga consigo

una cubeta simbólica. El hecho de que no

podamos verla, no significa que no esté ahí.

Valores - Reseña literaria

¿Has llenado una cubeta hoy?

Autora: Carol McCloud, Por: Jamileika Méndez

Page 16: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

¿Cuándo vaciamos una cubeta? Si nos burlamos,

hacemos o decimos cosas malas, ignoramos a

alguien o simplemente no practicamos los valores

con la gente que tenemos a nuestro alrededor,

hace que la cubeta se vacíe. Uno no quiere a

alguien que se burla de los demás como su amigo.

Debemos ser bueno con los demás si queremos

que los demás sean buenos con nosotros.

Cuando en el cuento se describe a la gente que

vacían las cubetas, son aquellos que provocan en

otros sentimientos de tristeza. Uno puede buscar

la manera de que esas personas no le hagan nada

a tu cubeta. ¿Cómo lo lograrás? Alejándote de

ellas. Uno tiene que hablar y decirles a esas

personas que lo que están haciendo está mal

porque herir los sentimientos de los demás no es

algo que se debería hacer.

Page 17: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

¡Es importante emular valores! Uno tiene que

aprender cómo tratar a las personas para no

herir sus sentimientos. A veces practicar los

valores no es fácil, pero siempre debemos

procurar emularlos. Hay un dicho que dice: “No

hagas lo que no te gusta que te hagan a ti´´. Los

sentimientos de los niños pequeños pueden ser

heridos fácilmente. Las peleas hacen que estos se

sientan mal. Por lo tanto, si enseñamos los valores

como el respeto, amor, tolerancia, sinceridad,

amistad, solidaridad, entre otros; siempre estarán

presentes en nuestras vidas. Les invito a que

todos los días llenen una cubeta y espero que la

de ustedes nunca se les vacíe.

Page 18: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the


Our students are known for standing out in every way. We excel academically, but we are awesome at sports too! Middle and high school students have proudly represented our school in sports such as basketball, volleyball, chess, soccer, track and field, and tennis. . Our school is often invited to different kinds of tournaments due to the students’ excellence and success in the past.

In March 9, there was a competition of track and field held in the track of Cidra, in which only the best athletes classified to the regionals. Alonso Valentin from fifth grade, and Bryan Reyes from eleventh grade, classified to the regionals due to they’re success. They both classified in different activities such as 100m, 200m, and even long jump. The same day as the track and field, there was a chess tournament at the Interamericana de Cupey, in which only selected students took part of. The tournament consisted of five rounds of fifteen minutes each, the players have clocks that count down the time for each player. When the player makes a move, he should hit the button on his side which will stop his time and will keep counting down the other player’s time and vice versa. Chess is a mentally challenging sport that requires the use of concentration, analyzing, and reasoning to beat your opponent. Our students were successful and won between the highest places. Glerysbeth Serrano from tenth grade and Ivan Millan from twelve grade were third place. Ramon Vargas from seventh grade and Bertiali Díaz from fifth grade, were both second place. Darlian Ortiz and Hector Pérez from fifth grade were both first place. Sofia Rivera from tenth grade also won in first place. In March 20, there will be a middle school and high school male municipal basketball tournament held. In March 27, there will also be a middle school and high school municipal basketball female tournament. In March 28, the field day will be held, an activity that nobody can miss. In it, there will be various fun, enjoyable activities and games for every grade. It will be held in the track of Cidra, next to the basketball court.

Page 19: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

SPORTSPublic Announcement:

The municipality of Cidra will be providing free classes for those who wish to enlist.

Page 20: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the


Empowerment AnthemsExtra boost of confidence!

• Brave – Sara Bareilles

• Confident – Demi Lovato

• Roar – Katy Perry

• Just Like Fire – P!nk

• Stonger – Kelly Clarkson

Page 21: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

Para: El Mundo


De: Puerto Rico

1 de marzo de 2018

Apreciado Mundo:

Durante el mes de abril, el Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña

calendarizó un sinnúmero de actividades libre de costo en varios

municipios. El objetivo de esta iniciativa es atraer turistas a nuestra Isla

para que juntos en familia, disfruten de las actividades programadas. Los

niños tendrán la oportunidad de volar chiringas, presenciar obras

teatrales, participar de talleres de creación literaria entre otras

actividades de interés. A su vez, los adultos podrán asistir a las ferias de

artesanías, conocer nuestra música, degustar nuestra exquisita

gastronomía y mucho más. Sin duda alguna, Puerto Rico es el mejor lugar

para visitar gracias a su cálido clima y exquisitas playas. ¡Si su objetivo es

hacer un viaje familiar, no dude en visitar nuestro hermoso país. Le

enviaremos el calendario de actividades para que juntos en familia,

puedan decidir qué días prefieren visitarnos . Si desean que nuestra

agencia de viaje le haga su paquete vacacional, no dude en comunicarse

con nosotros a través de la siguiente dirección electrónica:

[email protected]


Agencia de viajes: Emphism’s News

Page 22: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the
Page 23: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the
Page 24: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the
Page 25: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the
Page 26: Special Edition: Celebrating de Burgos (1914-1953) She was one of the most prominent poets in Puerto Rico during the

17 de marzo de 2018

Apreciado Puerto Rico:

Mi familia está interesada en hacer el viaje a Puerto Rico. Mi

esposo solicitó sus vacaciones y las mismas fueron aprobadas

para la semana del14 al 21 de abril. Deseamos hospedarnos en el

área oeste, preferiblemente en un hotel o parador frente al mar.

El 18 de abril nos interesa llevar los niños a la actividad “Al

rescate de los libros” que organizó el Instituto de Cultura

Puertorriqueña. Según leí, se llevará a cabo en el municipio de

Cabo Rojo. De igual forma, el 20 de abril deseamos asistir al

“Circo Teatro Bandana”. Los de más días, visitaremos las playas

en las que se practiquen deportes acuáticos. Saldremos del

Aeropuerto Internacional Tocumen, Panamá. Tan pronto tenga

disponible los precios que incluya aéreos, hospedaje, alquiler de

vehículo y comidas; puede comunicarse al (390) 642-1382.

Viajaremos 2 adultos y 3 niños menores de 12 años.


Familia Castillo

Para: Puerto Rico


De: El Mundo