Top Banner commit to user i IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SPEAKING COMPETENCE USING JIGSAW (A Classroom Action Research in the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year) By SRI RAHAYU S891008083 Submitted to Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University As a Partial Fulfillment for Getting Graduate Degree in English Education ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT GRADUATE PROGRAM SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY SURAKARTA 2011

SPEAKING COMPETENCE USING JIGSAW - · 2011/2012 academic year in the eleventh grade class of SMK Wijaya KusumaSurakarta. This study was conducted in

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(A Classroom Action Research in the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year)




Submitted to Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University

As a Partial Fulfillment for Getting Graduate Degree in English Education






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The thesis has been approved by the consultants to be examined by the board of

the thesis examiners of English Education of Post Graduate Program of Sebelas

Maret University.



First Consultant Second Consultant

Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi, M.Ed.TESOL

NIP.19610124 198702 1 001 NIP. 19540315 198503 1 002

The Head of English Education Department of

Graduate Program

Sebelas Maret University

Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.

NIP. 19621231 198803 1 009

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COMPETENCE USING JIGSAW (A Classroom Action Research in the Second

Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic

Year)” has been examined by the board of Thesis Examiners:

The Board of Thesis Examiners:

Occupation Name Signature

1. Chairman : Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.

NIP.19621231 198803 1 009 …………………….

2. Secretary : Dr. Abdul Azib,M.Pd.

NIP.19520307 198003 1 005 …………………….

3. Examiners I : Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd.

NIP. 19610124 198702 1 001 …………………….

4. Examiners II : Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi, M.Ed. TESOL

NIP. 10540315 198503 1 002 …………………….

The Director of Graduate program The Head of Graduate Program

of English Education

Prof. Drs. Suranto, M. Sc. P. Hd. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.

NIP.19570820 198503 1 004 NIP.19621231 198803 1 009

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Sri Rahayu, S891008083, 2011, Improving Students’ Speaking Competence

Using Jigsaw (a Classroom Action Research in the Second Grade Students of

SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year). A Thesis, English

Education of Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.

This study is a classroom action research about the using of Jigsaw to

improve the students‟ speaking competence. The aims of this research are: (1) to

identify whether the Jigsaw can improve the students‟ speaking competence and

(2) to describe the classroom situation when jigsaw is used in teaching and

learning process of speaking competence. The research was carried out in

2011/2012 academic year in the eleventh grade class of SMK Wijaya


This study was conducted in two cycles: the first cycle consisted of

three meeting and so did the second cycle. The staged procedures of the research

consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data were collected

through questionnaire, interview, classroom observation, test, and field notes. The

observation was done during the teaching learning in progress. The questionnaire

and interview were given to the students before and after the implementation of

Jigsaw. The tests were in the form of pre-test and post-test.

The result of the research showed that the use of jigsaw improved and

enhanced the students‟ English speaking competence. It could be seen from the

students‟ motivation and interest increased. Their main obstacles as like shy

nervous, afraid to make mistakes, and even inferior significantly decreased.

Besides, from the collected data, the students had better progress from cycle one

to next cycle. For instance, the mean of pre-test was 60, 43, while the mean of

cycle one was 66, 33 and cycle two was 70, 35. Based on the result of the study, it

can be concluded that the use of jigsaw technique really improve the students‟

achievement in learning English especially in speaking competence.

Related to the research finding above, the researcher wanted to

propose some suggestions for the English teacher in the vocational school

especially at SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta as follows: Firstly. Recognize the

most appropriate teaching technique before conducting the teaching learning

process in the class. Secondly, create the most appropriate approach to make the

students not to be shy, nervous, and afraid to make mistakes, or even feel inferior

to communicate with others in English. The last, create an interesting and

enjoyable atmosphere during the class activity to make the students feel bravery

and easier to express their own English orally.

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This is to certify that I myself write this thesis entitled “IMPROVING


Classroom Action Research in the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year)”. It is not plagiarism or made by

others. Anything related to others work is written in quotation, the source of

which is listed on the bibliography, if then this pronouncement proves incorrect, I

am ready to accept any academic Punishment, included withdrawal of my

academic degree.

Surakarta, Desember 2011

Sri Rahayu

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1. Maka orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan, mereka

memperoleh ampunan dan rezeki yang mulia.

(Q.s. Al-Hajj: 50)

So those who believe (in oneness of Allah – Islamic Monotheism) and do

righteous good deeds, for them is forgiveness and Rizqun Karim (generous

provision, i.e. Paradise)

(Al-Quran Transliterasi: 645)


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With deepest profound love, this work is devoted to:

1. Her great and almighty, Allah for all chance and beautiful life

2. Her beloved husband (Sarsono), son (Rico Waskito Putro), and daughter

(Shinta Permana Putri) who always make her motivated to do the best and

valuable, support and pray all the time for her success.

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First of all, the writer prays to Allah SWT., the God Almighty that she

can finally finish the thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Graduate Degree of Education in English.

In doing this work, the writer realizes that she is unable to finish it

without contributions, helps, suggestions, and comments from many people. She

is greatly indebted to them. Therefore, in this opportunity she would like to

express her gratitude to:

1. The Director of Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University for his

permission to write this thesis.

2. The Head of English Education of Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret

University who has suggested and guided the writer to do this thesis well.

3. Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. and Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi, M.Ed. TESOL

as the first and the second consultants who thoroughly and patiently give the

writer encouragement, guidance, and valuable ideas for the completion of this


4. The Head Master of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta who has given the writer

permission to conduct the research at that school.

5. The students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta who has givenher support to

carry out the study.

6. Her greatest appreciation goes to beloved mother (Suranti), Her beloved

husband (Sarsono,S.E,M.Si), her beloved son (Rico Waskito Putro), her

beloved daughter (Shinta Permana Putri), her beloved brothers, and sisters, all

her friends for endless love, support and prayer.

Finally she would like to thank all people who are not mention here,

but have contributed either directly or indirectly to the completion of this


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This thesis is still far from being perfect. However, the writer do

hopes that this thesis will be able to give useful contribution and idea to improve

the English teaching learning process.

Surakarta, December, 2011


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PAGE OF TITLE ............................................................................................ i

PAGE OF APPROVAL ................................................................................... ii

PAGE OF LEGALIZATION .......................................................................... iii

ABSTACT ...................................................................................................... iv

PRONOUNCEMENT ..................................................................................... v

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... vi

DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vii

ACNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... ix

LIST OFAPPENDICES ................................................................................... x

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ...................................................... 1

B. The Problem Formulation .................................................... 9

C. The Objectives of the Study ................................................ 9

D. The Benefit of the Study ...................................................... 10

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................... 12

A. Theoretical Description ........................................................ 12

1. Speaking competence ................................................ 12

a. The meaning of speaking ...................................... 12

b. The existence of speaking in ELT .......................... 15

c. The indicators of speaking competence ............... 17

d. Micro and Macro skills of speaking ...................... 19

e. Factors influencing the Students‟ Speaking Skill . 21

f. Type of Speaking Activities .................................. 24

g. Classroom Speaking Activity ................................. 25

2. The Concept of Jigsaw (Cooperative Learning .......... 28

a. The meaning of cooperative Learning ................... 28

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b. The Elements of successful Cooperative Learning.. 28

c. The Goals of Cooperative Learning ....................... 30

d. The advantages of Cooperative Learning .............. 32

e. The Models of Cooperative Learning ................... 32

f. The Jigsaw Technique in Cooperative Learning ... 34

g. The Directions of Jigsaw ....................................... 35

h. The Ten Steps in Jigsaw ........................................ 35

3. The Concept of Motivation .......................................... 38

a. The Definition of Motivation ................................ 38

b. The Kinds of Motivation ........................................ 39

c. The Source of Motivation ...................................... 40

d. The Characteristic of Motivated students .............. 41

B. Review Relevant Study ..................................................... 42

C. Rational .............................................................................. 44

D. Action Hypothesis .............................................................. 47

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 48

A. Setting and Time ................................................................. 48

1. Setting .......................................................................... 48

2. Time ............................................................................. 49

B. The Subject of the Research .............................................. 50

C. The Method of the Research .............................................. 51

D. Procedure of Action Research ............................................ 54

1. Planning ....................................................................... 54

2. Action ........................................................................... 54

3. Observing...................................................................... 56

4. Reflecting ..................................................................... 56

E. Technique of Collecting Data ............................................ 56

1. Type of Data ................................................................. 56

2. Technique of Collecting Data ...................................... 67

F. Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................. 58

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A. Introduction ....................................................................... 60

1. Initial Reflection .......................................................... 61

2. Fact Finding Analysis ................................................. 63

B. The Implementation of the Action .................................... 71

1. Cycle 1 ......................................................................... 72

a. Planning the Action .............................................. 72

b. Action ................................................................... 73

1) First Meeting ................................................. 74

a) Opening the Class ..................................... 74

b) Main Activity (Survival Activity ............... 76

c) Closing ...................................................... 81

2) Second Meeting ............................................. 82

a) Opening the class ...................................... 82

b) Main activity .............................................. 83

c) Closing ....................................................... 87

3) Third Meeting ................................................. 88

a) Opening the class ....................................... 88

b) Main activity ............................................. 89

c) Closing ....................................................... 92

4) Fourth Meeting .............................................. 93

a) Opening ...................................................... 93

b) Main Activity ............................................ 94

c) Closing ....................................................... 94

c. Observing and Monitoring the Action .................. 95

d. Evaluating and Reflecting the Result of

Implementation ...................................................... 100

2. Cycle 2 ........................................................................ 104

a. Revised Planning the action .................................. 104

b. Implementation ..................................................... 106

1). First Meeting .................................................... 107

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a) Opening the class ..................................... 107

b) Main Activity (Survival Activity) ............ 108

c) Closing ....................................................... 111

2). Second Meeting ............................................... 111

a) Opening the class ...................................... 112

b) Main activity ............................................. 113

c) Closing ...................................................... 114

3). Third Meeting .................................................. 115

a) Opening ...................................................... 115

b) Main Activity ............................................ 116

c) Closing ....................................................... 117

4) Fort Meeting ..................................................... 117

a) Opening ..................................................... 118

b) Main Activity ............................................ 118

c) Closing ...................................................... 119

c. Observing and Monitoring the Action .................. 119

d. Evaluating and Reflecting the Result of

Implementation ..................................................... 119

C. Discussion .......................................................................... 124


A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 133

B. Implication ........................................................................ 136

C. Suggestion ........................................................................ 136

BBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 138

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NO. Name of Appendices ………………………………………………... ….


1. Field Note of Observation, Cycle 1 ……………………………………..


2. Field Note of Observation, Cycle 2 ……………………………………..


3. Lesson Plan 1 ……………………………………………………………


4. Lesson Plan 2 ……………………………………………………………


5. The Result of Pre-Test …………………………………………………..


6. The Result of Post-Test, cycle 1 …………………………………………


7. The Result of Post-Test, cycle 2 …………………………………………


8. The result of All Score …………………………………………………..


9. The Instrument of Pre-Test ……………………………………………..


10. Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………


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PAGE OF TITLE …………………………………………………………...


PAGE OF APPROVAL ……………………………………………………


TABLE OF CONTENT …………………………………………………….


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………


E. Background of the Study ………………………………….


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F. The Problem Formulation ………………………………….


G. The Objectives of the Study ……………………………….


H. The Benefit of the Study …………………………………..




E. Theoretical Description ……………………………………..


4. Speaking competence ………………………………..


h. The meaning of speaking …………………………


i. The existence of speaking in ELT…………………


j. The indicators of speaking competence ………….


k. Micro and Macro skills of speaking ………………


l. Factors influencing the Students‟ Speaking Skill …


m. Type of Speaking Activities ………………………


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n. Classroom Speaking Activity …………………….


5. The Concept of Jigsaw (Cooperative Learning)…..…


i. The meaning of cooperative Learning …………….


j. The Elements of successful Cooperative Learning..


k. The Goals of Cooperative Learning ……………….


l. The advantages of Cooperative Learning………….


m. The Models of Cooperative Learning ……………..


n. The Jigsaw Method in Cooperative Learning……...


o. The Direction of Jigsaw …………………………..


p. The Process for Designing Expert of Jigsaw ….......


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q. The Ten Steps in Jigsaw …………………………..


F. Rational …………………………………………………


G. Action Hypothesis………………………………………




G. Setting …………………………………………………..


H. The Subject of the Research ……………………………


I. The Method of the Research ……………………………


J. Procedure of Action Research…………………………..


5. Planning …………………………………………….


6. Action……….………………………………………


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7. Observing……………………………………………


8. Reflecting …………………………………………..


K. Technique of Collecting Data ………………………….


L. Technique of Analyzing Data ………………………….




D. Introduction ………………………………………………


3. Initial Reflection ………………………………………


4. Fact Finding Analysis ………………………………


E. The Implementation of the Action ………………………


3. Cycle 1………………………………………………..


e. Planning the Action ………………………………


f. Action ……………………………………………


1). First Meeting ………………………………….


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a). Opening the Class …………………………


b). Core Activity (Survival Activity)………..


c). Closure ……………………………………


2). Second Meeting ………………………………..


a). Opening the class ………………. . ……….


b). Core activity …...………………………….


c). Closure ……………………………………..


3). Third Meeting ……………..……………………


a). Opening the class ……………………… …..


b). Core activity ………………………………..


c). Closure ………………………………………


4). Fourth Meeting …………… .…………………….


a). Opening …………………………………….


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b). Core Activity ………………………………. 92

c). Closure …………………………………..…..


d).Observing and Monitoring the Action ………….. 94

e). Evaluating and Reflecting the Result of

Implementation …………………………….. 97

4. Cycle 2 ………………………………………………


e. Planning the action ………………………………


f. Implementation ………………………………….


1). First Meeting ………………………………..


a). Opening the class ……………………….


b). Core Activity ( survival Activity) ………. 106

c) Closure …………………………………..


2). Second Meeting ……………………………


a). Opening the class ………………………...


b). Core activity ……………………………. 113

c). Closure …………………………………..


3). Third Meeting ……………………………….


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a). Opening ………………………………….


b). Core Activity ……………………………


c). Closure …………………………………..


c. Observing and Monitoring the Action …………..


d. Evaluating and Reflecting the Result

of Implementation …………………………………..


F. Discussion………………………………………………….



D. Conclusion ………………………………………………………… 133

E. Implication …………………………………………………………


F. Suggestion …………………………………………………………


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Summary of Thesis



(A Classroom Action Research in the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year)





Sri Rahayu, S891008083, 2011, IMPROVING STUDENTS‟ SPEAKING

COMPETENCE USING JIGSAW (a Classroom Action Research in the Second

Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year),

Advisor I: Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. Advisor II: Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi,

M.Ed.TESOL, Thesis, English Education of Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret


The aims of this research are: (1) to know whether the use of Jigsaw in

teaching English improve the students‟ speaking competence in learning English and

(2) to know the extent jigsaw teaching technique in teaching English speaking can

make the improvement of motivation to the learning process and the students‟

speaking competence.

The research was carried out in 2011/2012 academic year in the eleventh

grade class of SMK Wijaya KusumaSurakarta. This study was conducted in two

cycles: the first cycle consisted of four meetings and so did the second cycle. The

staged procedures of the research consisted of planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting. The data were collected through questionnaire, interview, classroom

observation, test, and field notes. The observation was done during the teaching

learning in process. Interview was given to the students before and after the

Page 25: SPEAKING COMPETENCE USING JIGSAW - · 2011/2012 academic year in the eleventh grade class of SMK Wijaya KusumaSurakarta. This study was conducted in

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implementation of Jigsaw. The tests were in the form of pre-test and post-test. The

questionnaire was given at the end of the implementation.

The result of the research showed that the use of jigsaw improved the

students‟ English speaking competence and the students‟ motivation in the learning.

It could be seen from the students‟ motivation and interest increased. Their main

obstacles as like shy nervous, afraid to make mistakes, and even inferior significantly

decreased. Besides, from the collected data, the students had better progress from

cycle one to next cycle. For instance, the mean of pre-test was 63, 43, while the mean

of cycle one was 67, 90 and cycle two was 73, 46. Based on the result of the study, it

can be concluded that the use of jigsaw technique really improve the students‟

achievement in learning English especially in speaking competence.

Related to the research finding above, the researcher wanted to propose

some suggestions for the English teachers in the vocational school especially at SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta as follows: (1) Recognize the most appropriate teaching

technique before conducting the teaching learning process in the class, (2) Create the

most appropriate approach to make the students not to be shy, nervous, and afraid to

make mistakes, or even feel inferior to communicate with others in English, and (3)

Create an interesting and enjoyable atmosphere during the class activity to make the

students feel bravery and easier to express their own English orally.

Key words: Speaking Competence, Jigsaw, Motivation


1. Background of the Study

Speaking is one part of four language skills or aspects of language teaching

and learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Depdiknas 2005: 171). It is

one part of four skills that must be mastered by the students that they are able to

express or say thing orally whether monologue or to interact with other people in the

form of dialogue. Speaking is an important part, or a tool to develop the students‟

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ability to express opinions, thoughts, or ideas orally. It can convey the

communication process clearly.

Meanwhile, speaking is apart of oral productive skill where both speaker and

listeners are actively involved in the process of interpreting and negotiating meaning.

The speaker must encode the meaning he wishes to convey to appropriate language

then the listener has to interpret the massage. Both speaker and listener will deliver

or catch the message well if he/she has speaking competence. He/she should have

more chances and practicing to reach this competence. To have practicing is needed

the motivation, because it is the reason of someone to do something. When the

students learn language, they have some reason to do it. Richard (2001: 112) states

that people are generally motivated to pursue the goals. Their reasons are the goals of

learning a language and the objective of learning a language itself.

SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta is a private Vocational High School in

Surakarta which has the aim to prepare the candidates to be capable and skilled

administrative workers. Based on the Standar Kompetensi Kelulusan, (curriculum

KTSP, 2005: 9) the purpose of the language speaking in Vocational High School at

the level of Elementary is expected to be able to express meaning orally in the context

of interpersonal and transactional, formally or informally, in the form of conveying

request and command related to the work.

In teaching English speaking has a complex activity. It requires the students‟

competence such as pronunciation, grammar, content, fluency and organization. They

are called have good pronunciation, if they have standard of English accent. They are

called have good grammar, if they are able to make view (if any) noticeable errors of

grammar or word order. They are called have good fluency, if they are able to speak

fluently, without hesitation, They are called have good in content, if they are able to

use words and concept which are appropriate for the knowledge and experience of

general audience, and They are called have good in organizing, if they are able to

manage the ideas relate to the maximum text structure in the genre topic chosen.

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Actually the students of the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma

Surakarta have weaknesses in certain things. These were caused by many factors.

One of the factors is from extrinsic influence which didn‟t support their talents and

competences. It could be derived from the teacher, surrounding community or

environment, the students themselves, and so on. One of the weaknesses which they

had in learning English according to the researcher‟s observation was speaking

competence. Some, even most of the students got difficulties in this matter. In this

case, the researcher classified the difficulties into two parts. They are quantitative and


Based on the quantitative data, the researcher found that the students of the

Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta, based on their daily

marks taken, no one who got mark more than 7. Those who got the same as or more

than 68 were 10 students (27.778%), and the other students who got less than 68

(72.222%), from totally 36 students. In reality, in the result of the preliminary-test

held, indicates that many of the student‟s achievement of the second grade of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in English speaking are still low. The low students‟

achievement can be seen from the data of the daily mark of the English speaking they

have got. The average mark of Pronunciation is 60.83. The average mark of grammar

is 63.33. The average mark of Content is 60.2778. The average mark of Fluency is

55.83. And the average mark of Organizing is 59.72. It has the lowest average mark is

at the fluency (59.72). And the total average mark is 60. Some of them get under the

Minimum Standard Criterion (Kriteria ketuntasan minimal/KKM) which is settled at


While qualitative data, the researcher got it from the interviewing some of

them, they didn‟t show their speaking competence well. For instance from 20

students interviewed, they often mispronounced certain word(s), often misunderstood

with the questions and the expected answer, didn‟t have good structure, didn‟t have

good fluency and didn‟t have appropriate organization well.

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When the researcher asked them about their difficulties to express their own

English orally or to respond someone‟s question, only some of them stated that they

didn‟t have serious problem to learn English. Two of them said that actually they

enjoyed learning English orally, but they got difficulties to express and respond the

question. Meanwhile, they mentioned several reasons why they got difficulties like,

little practice, and limited vocabulary. Based on the students‟ problem faced, there are

many factors causing their difficulties in achieving speaking competence. Based on

the interview that the researcher got from some students, the causes are as follows:

Firstly, in teaching English speaking, the teacher tended to teach speaking

monotonously or as her routine activities without realizing that it would make the

students bored and lost their attention to the teaching and learning process. As a result

the students couldn‟t catch or understand the material easily because they have low

motivation and participation as stated by Douglas, “Routine activities in learning can

make the students bored. As a result, their motivation and participation in leaning

process will decrease” (1987: p. 48. The students didn‟t have with enough time to

practice or to express their own English, so they could not interact to each other in

English. For example, when the teacher thought a certain topic, the teacher just

explained the expression or material or grammatical related to the topic while the

students listened to the teacher‟s explanation, and took notes, or sometimes took a

nap, they are busy to talk with their close friend.

Then, the teacher asked the students to look at the structure of the dialogue or

paragraph which had been sated in the students‟ book and read it together after the

teacher. After that the teacher asked some of them to practice the dialogue or to retell

the content of the dialogue or paragraph in front of the class in pairs or individually.

Finally, the teacher asked them to answer the comprehensive questions dealing with

the topic in written form on their book or whiteboard and after that read it. The

teacher would be satisfied if the students could answer the questions correctly.

The teaching method above resulted in the following condition: The students

didn‟t have rehearsal time to practice or to express their English so that they could not

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interact one to each other in English simultaneously. They also tended to be shy,

nervous, doubt, inferior, and afraid to make mistakes because they seldom use their

own English to communicate with others. Besides, they didn‟t have creative and

innovative activity when they were learning English in the class room.

In this case, motivation becomes a crucial factor to consider in deciding

teaching learning activities for the students. In other words the teacher should be able

to apply the appropriate technique and approach which can increase the students‟

motivation in learning process in the classroom by giving them opportunity to decide

what to do and to think. It means that the technique and approach used by the teacher

in teaching English should be able to create an interesting atmosphere, so that the

students will be enthusiastic in learning process. The teaching-learning process which

provided the opportunities or the students to make their own choices or expressions

was cooperative learning.

Secondly, the teacher oriented the teaching at the written test which was held

in the mid or end semester, even in the final exam. The teacher felt guilty if the

students could not do the test correctly, because their English mark automatically

would be bad or less than the standard score. So the speaking doesn‟t have influence

on the students‟ score in the final semester or exam. Thirdly, there was no

specifically allocated time to evaluate the students‟ speaking skill at the end of

semester or final exam. This caused the teacher tended to ignore teaching speaking

communicatively. The mark of speaking skills was taken from the teacher‟s daily


In order, in teaching and learning process, the teacher is able to make the

students participate in discussion the material effectively, be able to understand what

they are learning in the class learning process, and also be able to express their own

English orally, the most important thing here to carry out the English teaching was

that the teacher is able to use the appropriate approach, design, and procedures to

manage and create the class lively. Consequently, the class will be possibly chaos but

it is enjoyable. In this case, one of the techniques or models in cooperative learning

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and suggested for developing the speaking competence is by using Jigsaw using

jigsaw technique to create and motivate the students to participate in discussion the

material effectively, understand what they are learning in the class learning process,

and also to express their own English orally.

Aronson (2007: 1) states that the jigsaw strategy is an efficient way to learn the course

material in a cooperative learning style. The jigsaw process encourages listening,

engagement, and empathy by giving each member of the group an essential part to play

in the academic activity. Group members must work together as a team to accomplish a

common goal; each person depends on all the others. No student can succeed completely

unless everyone works well together as a team. This "cooperation by design" facilitates

interaction among all students in the class, leading them to value each other as

contributors to their common task.

Meanwhile Brown (2001:100) states group and pair activities are excellent

technique as long as the teaching-learning process is clearly structured and defined

with specific objectives. He also described that beginners can also be thought by

using drills or repetition, according to Brown (2001: 100) short and simple technique

must be used or the beginner: some mechanical techniques are appropriate-choral

repetition and other drilling, for example. Many teachers dominate to initiate

questions at this level, followed only after sometimes by an increase in simple

student-initiated questions.

As for the reason for choosing Jigsaw as a teaching technique according to Aronson

(2007: 1) The Jigsaw strategy places great emphasis on cooperation and shared

responsibility within groups. The success of each group depends on the participation of

each individual in completing their task. This means the Jigsaw strategy effectively

increases the involvement of each student in the activity. For example, students are

divided into small groups of five or six students each. Each member of the group is

assigned a portion of an assignment or research project. Each member must research the

material pertaining to their section of the project and be prepared to discuss it with their


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Besides, Jigsaw is very important in communicative language teaching

because it gives the students an opportunity to practice communicating and

interacting in different social context and different social roles. Therefore,

communicative language learning (CLT) approach is very appropriate to support the

problem above because this approach is learners-centered, where in doing their

activity they use their own language resources to communicate meaningfully and to

take part in the communication (Richard, 2001: 17).

Based on the way the researcher has been teaching as described previously

and the potential of Jigsaw to solve the problems that the researcher faces at SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surkarta, especially at the second grade students, the researcher

conducts a research to improve the students‟ English competence in mastering

English. In this case the researcher uses Jigsaw as a teaching technique in teaching

English that probably facilitate the students in mastering English speaking

competence. The researcher wants to make an effort to improve the students‟

achievements in learning English speaking. It also aims to improve the studetnts‟

motivation in learning English speaking, so that the students will feel more

comfortable and interested in having English, and to get easier to communicate to

other people. Deals with the phenomenon above, in this research the researcher would

like to conduct a research about “Improving Students‟ English Speaking Competence

by Using Jigsaw”, (A Classroom Action Research in the second grade of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year).

Based on the background of the study, the problems can be formulated as


1. Does the use of Jigsaw technique improve the students‟ speaking competence in

learning English in the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma

Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year?

2. To what extent can Jigsaw improve the students‟ motivation in teaching English

speaking for the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in

2011/2012 Academic Year?

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Based on the background of the study and the problem formulated above,

there are two kinds of objectives that are expected to be achieved in this study:

1. General objective: This study is intended to make improvement on the students‟

speaking competence in learning English.

2. Specific objectives: a) To know whether the use of Jigsaw in teaching English

improve the students‟ speaking competence in learning English in the Second

Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta, b) Knowing the extent the

teaching technique of using Jigsaw in teaching English speaking can make the

improvement of motivation to the learning process and the students‟ speaking



1. The Meaning of Speaking Competence

Speaking is a part of oral productive skill. According to Brown (1997: 4),

speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing,

receiving, and processing of speech of sound as the main instrument. Speaking is

closely a part of daily life, because speaking ability is an integral part of a human

being. Means that human speaking is the ability to say something; so that the

speaking can give value what they are learning to appreciate language as an

instrument to be used rather than as knowledge to be stored away.

Based on the statement above, it can be inferred that speaking is be able to

produce oral language or say things or express thought by using the voice loudly,

right pattern of rhythm and intonation. It is also a communicative process of

constructing meaning by using words and concept, manage them to support detail of

the main ideas or topic.

2. The Indicators of Speaking Competence

The following are the indicators stated by Brown (2004:142-142), One can be

called to have speaking competence, if he/she has the following competence; first, be

able to imitate words or phrase or possibly a sentence or Imitative ability. Second, be

able to produce short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate competence

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in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationship such

as prosodic elements – intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture or Intensive ability. Third,

be able to respond to a very short conversation, standard greeting and small talk,

simple request, and comments, and they like or responsive ability. Fourth, be able to

take the two forms of either transactional language which have the purpose of

maintaining social relationship or interactive ability. And the fifth is able to develop

monologue or oral production including speeches, oral presentation, and story-

telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either

highly limited or ruled out together (extensive ability).

3. Micro and Macro skills of Speaking

The micro-skill refers to producing the smaller chunks of language such as

phonemes, words, collocation, and phrasal units. The macro-skill imply the speaker‟s

focus on the larger elements: fluency, discourse, function, style, cohesion, nonverbal

communication, and strategic option.

1) Micro skills

a) Producing difference among English phonemes and allophonic variant.

b) Producing chunks of language of different length

c) Producing English stress pattern, words in stressed and unstressed, position,

rhythmic structure, and intonation contours.

d) Producing reduced forms of words and phrases.

e) Using an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic


f) Producing fluent speech at difference rates of delivery.

g) Monitoring one‟s own oral production and use various strategic devices-pauses,

filters, self-correction, back tracking the clarity of the message.

h) Using grammatical words classes (noun, verb, etc.), system (e.g. tense, agreement,

and polarization), word order, pattern, rules and elliptical forms.

i) Producing speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause groups,

breathe groups, and sentences constituent.

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j) Expressing a particular meaning indifferent grammatical form.

k) Using cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

2). Macro skills

a) Accomplishing appropriately communicative function according to situation,

participants and goals.

b) Using appropriate style, registers, implicative, redundancies, pragmatic

convention, conversation rules, floor keeping, and yielding, interrupting, and other

linguistic features in face-to-face conversations.

c) Conveying links and connections between events and communicate such relation

as vocal and peripheral ideas, events and feeling, new information and given

information, generalization and exemplification.

d) Conveying facial features, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal cues along

with verbal language.

e) Developing and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing

keywords, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words,

appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is

understanding you.

4. The meaning of cooperative Learning

Olsen and Kagan in Richard (2001: 192) define cooperative learning as

follows:“Cooperative learning is a group of learning activity organized so that

learning is dependent on socially structured exchange of information between

students in groups and in which students is held accountable for his or her own

learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others”

5. The Elements of Successful Cooperative Learning

Olsen and Kagan in Richard (2001: 196) propose the key elements of

successful group-based learning in cooperative learning as follows:

a. Positive independence occurs when group members feel that what helps one

member helps all and what hurts one member hurts all. It created by the structure

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of cooperative learning task and by building a spirit of mutual support with the


b. Group formation is an important factor in creating positive interdependence.

Factors involved in setting up groups include: (1) deciding the size of the group:

this will depend on the tasks have to carry out, the age of the students, and the time

limits for the lesson. Typical group size is from two to four; (2) assigning students

to group: group can be teacher-selected, random, or student-selected, although

teacher-selected is recommended as the usual mode so as to create the groups that

are heterogeneous on such variables as post achievement, ethnicity, or sex; (3)

learner roles in group; each group member has a specific role to play in group,

such as noise monitor, turn taker monitor, recorder, or summarizer.

c. Individual accountability involves both group and individual performance, for

example, by assigning each learner a grade on his/her portion of team project or by

the calling on a learner random to share with the whole class, with group member,

or another group.

d. Social skills determine the way of the students to interact with each other as

teammates. Usually some explicit instruction in social skills is needed ensure

successful interaction.

e. Structuring and structure refer to ways of organizing students‟ interaction and

different ways of the students to interact such as Round Robin in which each

student makes contribution in turn orally.

6. The Goals of Cooperative Learning

According to Johnson, Johnson and Holubee in Richards (2001: 192) state that

cooperative learning sought to do the following goals:

a. Raising the achievement of all students, including those who are gifted or

academically handicapped.

b. Helping the teacher build positive relationships among the students.

c. Giving the students the experiences they need for healthy social, psychological,

and cognitive development.

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d. Replacing the competitive organizational structure of most classroom and school

with tem-based, high- performance organizational structure

There are three concepts of cooperative learning. They are as follows:

a. Appreciation to the team or group: appreciation is given to the group which able to

achieve the goals.

b. Individual responsibilities: it means that the group is able to achieve the result of

all members.

c. The same chance to reach the goals in the teaching learning: it means that the

students give a better goal on their working.

7. The Jigsaw Technique in Cooperative Learning

Aronson (2007: 1) states that The Jigsaw strategy places great emphasis on cooperation

and shared responsibility within groups. The success of each group depends on the

participation of each individual in completing their task. This means the Jigsaw strategy

effectively increases the involvement of each student in the activity. For example,

students are divided into small groups of five or six students each. Each member of the

group is assigned a portion of an assignment or research project. Each member must

research the material pertaining to their section of the project and be prepared to discuss

it with their classmates.

9. Implementation of Jigsaw

a. Divide the material needed to cover a topic into four roughly equal parts.

In upper division or graduate classes, you might assign four different articles. In

introductory level classes you might need to assign four different sections of a chapter

or four abridged articles. Finding four equal parts is sometimes tougher than it seems.

b. Assign a different topic to each team member.

You make the assignment: for example, all #1's will read the article by Johnson &

Johnson, all the #2's will read the article by Kagan, all the #3's will read the article by

Millis, and all the #4's will read the article by Davidson.

c. Develop and assign homework questions or essays over the material. These can be

turned in for points or a grade in undergraduate classes.

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Jigsaw falls apart if students are not prepared. Assigning questions, reading logs,

study guides or reaction papers helps to ensure preparation. You may write different

questions for each article or you may simply ask for a summary. In small classes some

faculty just check off students‟ work as they come in. Other faculty grade and/or

respond to the assignment.

d. When class meets again, students consult with experts from other teams.

When students arrive in class, they turn in their homework and then meet in expert

groups. If you have a large class, you will have to have more than one expert group

for each article: you don't want eight people in one expert group. Give the expert

groups instructions on their task.

If you simply asked your students to read a chapter and write a summary for

homework, you might give them instructions like these: 1) Introduce yourselves to the

other expert group members, 2)Discuss the reading with the group, coming to

consensus on the main points you will teach your teammates. Make sure everyone

participates, 3) Try to think of at least two examples from your personal experiences

to illustrate the main point(s), 4) Plan how you will check your respective teammates

for understanding without asking, "Do you understand?", and 5) Thank your expert

group members for their help.

If you had them answer focus questions for homework, your instructions might

look like this: 1)Introduce yourselves, 2)Take turns leading the discussion to compare

your responses to the questions, 3)Plan your strategy for teaching your teammates in the

limited amount of time that you will have, and 4)Thank your expert group members for

their help.

Other ideas you could add to the instructions include:

1) Reminders about social and cooperative skills: "The cooperative expectation for this

assignment is that all group members will participate fairly equally in the discussion.

It is each person‟s responsibility to ask for the opinions and ideas of quieter group

members. The individual accountability expectation is that any group member, if

randomly called upon, could summarize the group discussion."

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2) Instructions to promote critical thinking: "Try to come to any criticisms of the

author‟s work – is it biased, unsubstantiated, overly narrow in applicability, etc." or

"How might this article call in to question Smith‟s theory that we discussed last


e. Experts return to their teams and teach.

10. The Definition of Motivation

Brown (2001; 72) says that motivation is drawn from a number of different

sources: motivation is the extent to which the teacher makes choices about (a) goals

to pursue and (b) the effort the teacher will devote to that pursuit. The important

factor in successful language learning is the learners‟ motivation. To realize this

condition the teacher should be able to create and increase the students‟ motivation to

get the success of the learning activity by shaping a positive interest so the students

will be motivated to learn. The word „motivation‟ is a noun which comes from the

word „motivate‟. It means the need or reason for doing something.

11. The Kinds of Motivation

Meanwhile, Brown (2001: 75) states that there are two kinds of motivation (1)

Intrinsic motivation, comes from within the individual. They might motivated by

enjoyment of the learning process itself. The teachers invest most effort, and get most

immediate and noticeable pay-off in term of students‟ motivation, those are: clear

goal, varied topic and task, visual, tension and challenge, entertainment, play-acting,

information gap, personalization, and open-ended cues. (2) Extrinsically motivated

behavior: Typical extrinsic rewards are money, prizes, grades, and even certain type

of positive feedback.


1. Setting, Time and The Subject of the Research

This research was carried out at SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta. It was

located on Kutai Raya Street, Sumber Jetis, and Surakarta. The school phone number

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is (0271) 716278. Meanwhile, the research was carried out for six months from June

until November 2011: a) Pre-research in June, 2011, Preparation in July – August,

2011, c) Implementing Cycle 1 in September, 2011, d) Analyzing Cycle 1 in October,

2011, e) Implementing Cycle 2 in October – ,2011, f) Analyzing Cycle 2 in

November, 2011, g) Reporting in November, 2011 - January, 2011

The Subject used by the researcher is the second grade of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta. There are 36 students totally. They consist of a male student and

35 female students.

2. The Method of the Research

In this research, the researcher uses the action research method. According to

Mills (2000: 5) action research is as a systematic inquiry done by teacher or other

individuals in teaching or learning environment to gather information about and

subsequently improve the ways their particular school operates, how they teach and

how they learn. Action research engages teachers in four steps process. They are as

follows: a) Identify an area of focus, b) Collect data, c) Analyze and interpret data, d)

Develop in action plan

The key points of action research are as follows: a) Action research is an

action which is taken as a result of reflection on phenomenon done by the researcher,

b)Action research always arises from some species problems or issuing arising out of

the searchers practice, c) Action research can be done by one person or individually

but will be rationally empowering when undertaken by participant collaboratively, d)

Action research starts with small cycle of planning, acting, observing, and

assumptions more clearly, e) Action research is a systematically learning process in

which people at deliberately, though remaining open to surprise and responsive

opportunity, f) The reliability and the validity of the hypothesis are determined by

usefulness of the result in overcoming the problem, g) The aim of action research is

to improve the quality of the system in certain social circumstances including

educational system.

3. Procedure of Action Research

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The researcher has to practice the action as spiral of steps that consists of four


a. Planning

1) Identifies the problem referring to the teaching and learning process that will

be researched in this study.

Based on the quantitative data, the researcher found that the students English

speaking is still low. Based on their daily marks are taken, most of them got less than

68 (72.222%), from totally 36 students. Some of them get under the Minimum

Standard Criterion (Kriteria ketuntasan minimal/KKM) which is settled at 6.8.Then

the researcher interviewed some of students, they didn‟t show their speaking

competence well. For instance from 20 students interviewed, they often

mispronounced certain word(s), often misunderstood with the questions and the

expected answer, didn‟t have good structure, didn‟t have good fluency and didn‟t

have appropriate organization well.

2) The researcher makes a plan

It is about what kind of action will be carry out and prepares everything

dealing with the action research requirements such as the material that is going to be

thought, make lesson plans, prepares some observation sheets to record the students‟

activities, preparing teaching aids, and test instruments, etc. In this case the researcher

takes two cycles that are expected to overcome the students‟ problem in learning

English. Each cycle will be carried out four meetings. At the end of cycle, the

researcher analyses and evaluates it to have improvement until to have the best

solution of the problem. Cycle two is taken by considering the result of the previous

cycle. It can be taken to improve the result or just to see the consistency of using

jigsaw teaching technique.

b. Acting

The researcher acts the lesson plan in the classroom. The plan is acted step by

step in the classroom, based on the plan structured and it will be applied using Jigsaw

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teaching technique to teach English speaking competence to the second grade of

SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta. The steps are as follows:

1) Opening

The researcher as the teacher gives the motivation to the students by involving

them into a certain topic discussion which is closely related to their environment. For

example the teacher asks them about their daily activities, their experiences or their

fact dealing with the topics that are familiar in their mind.

2) Main activity

The researcher gave instructions and guided the students to apply the Jigsaw

teaching technique to deliver the material, give the time to each group to discuss the

part of the theme given, find the result of discussion in the expert group, report to the

origin group/jigsaw group, and the last is presentation. Each cycle will be conducted

in four meetings. Each meeting will be conducted in 90 minutes (2X45 minutes)

3) Closing

The researcher gave summarizing of the topic given, ask the students some

questions relating the topic orally, gave the students assessment by giving them a

topic which will be presented for the next meeting before the core activity (as the

warming up).

c. Observing

The researcher makes the important records which occur during the teaching

and learning process. On this observation the researcher is helped by the collaborator.

The observation was conducted by the time the teaching and learning process is in

progress. The activities were observing taking notes to all what happen during the

teaching and learning process. The data collection used the observation sheet

prepared either for teacher or students

d. Reflecting

The researcher recites the occurrences in the classroom as the effect of the

action. After that the researcher evaluates the process and the result of the action

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using Jigsaw technique through CLT in teaching English. This evaluation benefits to

decide what the research should do in the next cycle.

4. Data

There are two kinds of data:

a. Qualitative: It is in the form of words are taken from the result of the observation

did by the researcher while the actions are being carried out. It is done by using: 1)

Observation: The observation noticed classroom events and classroom interaction.

It meant that it was done nine times of observations. In that research, the

researcher is a teacher who teaches speaking using jigsaw; 2) Interview: to get

information from the students. The interview was done three times. They are in the

form of written questions; 3) Questionnaire: It was done only once after finishing

the implementation of jigsaw. The information covered their understanding of the

jigsaw, the implementation the students‟ speaking competence, and the strengths

and weakness of the implementation of jigsaw; 4) Document analysis: It will be

the written material sheets of classroom observation, lesson plans, list of students‟

scores in speaking test.

b. Quantitative data in numbers form are taken from the test that are carried out

before and after the cycles are acted. They were done three times. First is pre-test,

it is held before implementing the jigsaw technique. The second is pos-test in the

first cycle and the third is the post-test in the second cycle.

To analyze the quantitative data the researcher used: 1) post-test individually at the

end of each cycle by the using a simple formula:

X 100; and 2) The researcher applied a descriptive statistics, by

comparing the following dimension, namely; highest, lowest score and means. The

researcher used Inter Rater technique to score the students‟ work.

The researcher applied the analytic method that components of speaking are scored

separately based on the scoring rubric of speaking such as pronunciation, grammar, or

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contents, fluency and organization. Each indicator is covered five levels or the

maximum score for each item. The students‟ individual score were computed by

using a simple formula:

X 100, so the formula has a categories system as

follows: 1) Excellent (81≥); 2) Good (75 – 80); 3) Fair (68 – 74); and 4) Poor (≤ 67)

The qualitative data are analyzed by using Constant Comparative Method as

suggested by Glaser and Strauss (1980: 105). This method has four steps namely: 1)

Comparing incidents applicable to each category; 2) Integrating categories and their

properties; 3) Delimiting the theory; 4) Writing the theory.

The process was analyzed by coding each incident in the data into as many

categories of analysis as possible. Coding needed to consist only of nothing

categories on and the properties emerge, the analyst would discover two kinds:

constructed and abstracted of language research situation. Integrating categories

and their properties


1. Research Finding

In the first cycle are already successful. They are as follows:

a. Enhancing the students‟ production or speaking achievement of what they had

learned before which was held in the fourth meeting. They could improve their

English speaking competence. After comparing the result of pre-test of which the

mean was 63, 53 and the result of post- test in the first cycle of which the mean

was 67, 78, it can be concluded that there is a better progress than before. It means

that the students‟ achievement had improved at about 6, 68 %. However, there

were some indicators which got under the Minimum Standard Score (KKM).

Students‟ still got problems in pronunciation, fluency, and organization.

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b. The influences of Jigsaw teaching technique improve the students‟ motivation in

learning English speaking: 1) The class has become more active: In this case, the

students have activities which could be done individually or in their group to

discuss or to express their ideas to get complete information through discussion; 2)

The students‟ interaction has been enhanced: The students who used to feel shy,

nervous, afraid, inferior to make mistakes formerly, then they began to have

bravery to ask and respond someone else‟s questions or statement, although

sometimes they used Indonesian in communication; 3) The cooperation among the

students in the group seemed to be closer than before, because they always

completed one to each another in doing and finding the result of discussion and

finally preparing the presentation in front o the class; and 4) They seemed to have

fun and to be comfortable: The students felt that they had free atmosphere to

express their own English orally

2. The Strength: The Strengths of Using Jigsaw in Teaching and Learning.

The result of teaching and learning process of English speaking competence

using Jigsaw as a teaching technique in cycle two:

1) The students motivation improved

The students‟ seemed enthusiasm to involve themselves in their group activity rather

than when they were asked to work individually or classically. The “take and give”

action happened among them, and it was very helpful for them especially for the shy

students.By doing discussing in the small group or jigsaw group the students could

share their difficulties or problems in some aspects of language such as

pronunciation, grammar, vocabularies used or needed, and manage them or organize

them to support the main information or description. They could correct their mistake

one another, so that it was beneficial to improve their pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary and fluency, when their oral production should be performed.

2) The students‟ speaking competence improved

There was an improvement in all components of the students‟ speaking

achievements compared with the data obtained from first cycle score. It meant that

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there was an improvement in the number of students who performed their

presentation in the speaking activity, and they seemed more confident and had less

anxiety in using the target language orally. Those five of component of speaking

competence (pronunciation, grammar, content, fluency, and organization) improved.

The result of pre-test and post-test in the second cycle can be seen in the following


Table 4. 4

The Score of the Second Cycle

score Pre-test Post-test

Lowest 56.5 70

Highest 70 83

Mean 63.5 74, 01

It means the average score gained by the students is more than minimum standard

score (Kriteria Ketentun Minimal) which has been determined by school that is 6.8

3. The Weaknesses

There are some activities which are not successful yet in implementing during

the first cycle. For example:

a) The students‟ speaking competence still has the weakness in some indicators like

pronunciation, fluency, and organizing. The mean of them are still under the

benchmark or 68 (The mean of pronunciation is 66, 29, the mean of fluency is 66,

70 and the mean of organizing is 67, 71).

(1) The use of Jigsaw teaching technique has not been able to affect the students‟

psychological mind optimally for all students. For example: There were some who

were still a little passive, still felt doubt to express their mind, some still confused

at their presentation in weak voice, still felt a little inferior to express their minds,

some who imitated their fiends.


Based on the research, teaching English speaking using jigsaw can improve

the students‟ speaking competence. It can be concluded that:

1. Jigsaw technique can improve the students’ speaking competence.

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The students weren‟t doubts, afraid, shy and lack of confidence in their

presentation. They could interact to the presented topic which was discussed in the

expert group or jigsaw group with the teacher‟s instruction or guidance. The have

become more active and have been excited to join it. Besides, when the researcher

as the teacher evaluate them to do test orally, the result was good enough. The

mean of the score from pre-test and from the cycle one to the following, cycle two

always has better progress.

2. Jigsaw technique can improve the students’ motivation in the learning


The students‟ attitude inside the class during the English teaching and learning

process was more cooperative. They become more intensive in following and

paying attention to the lesson. Besides, they are more active, excited, and creative

in joining the learning.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, L and John, 1976, Testing Oral Skill in FLES Short Course: Foreign

Language Annual,

Aronson, E, 2011, Cooperation in the Classroom: The Jigsaw Method (3rd


London, Printer & Martin, ltd.

Byrne, Donn, 1997, Teaching Writing Skill, New York: Longman Inc.

Brown, H Douglas, 2001, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching, New

Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.

Brown, H Douglas, 2001, Teaching by Principle An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy, San Francisco: Pearson Education Company.

Brown, H Douglas, 2004, Language Assessment Principle and Practices, San

Francisco: Pearson Education Inc.

Brumfit and Johnson, 1998, Language Learning and through Practice, “The

Communicative Approach to Language Teaching, (ed), CJ. Brumfit dan K

Johnson, Oxford: oxford University Press.

Cambridge Advance Learners‟ Dictionary, Third Edition, 2008

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Dougill, John, 2008, English as Decorative Language, Journal English Today,

Cambridge: University Press.

Elliot, John, 1991, Action Research for Educational Change, Buckingham: Open

University Press.

Harmer, Jeremy, 1998, How to Teach English, An Introduction to the Practice of

English Language Teaching, London: Longman, London Publishers.

Hill, Susan and Hill, Tim, 1990, A Guide Co-operative Learning the Collaborative

Classroom, Eleanor Curtain.

Johnson, E.B, 2002, Contextual Teaching and Learning, Thousand Oaks: Corwin

Press Inc.

Lexy J Maleong, 2005, Metode Penelitian Kwalitative, Edisi Revisi.

Larsen, Dian, Freeman, 1996, Technique and Principle in Language Teaching,

Oxford University Press.

Mettew, Alan at al., 1985, At the Chalkface: Practical Technique in Language

Teaching, London: Edward Arnold Ltd.

Meril Harmin with Melanie Toth, second edition, Inspiring Active Learning, USA:


Nunan David, 1997, The Learning Centered curriculum, A Study in second Language

Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nurkamto, Joko, 2011, Makalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Universitas Sebelas

Maret Surakarta

Richard Jack C, and Whichmidt, Richard, 1993, Language and Communication, New

York: Longman Group Limited.

Richard Jack C, et all, 2001, Approaches and Methods in language Teaching,

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Richard Jack C, 2006, Communicative Language Teaching Today, Cambridge:

University Press.

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Slavin, Robert E., 1995, Cooperative Learning Theory and Communication, New

York: Longman Group Limited.

Scott Thornbury, 2002, How to Tech Vocabulary, New York: Longman Group


Sadiman, Jim,2001, learning Teaching: A Guide Book for English Language

Teachers, Macmillan Heinemann.

Sorrentino, Richard M. et al, 1986, Hand book of Motivation and Cognitive:

Foundation of Social Behaviour, Yew York: The Guilford Press.

Sudrajat Ahmad, 2008, Tentang Pendidikan, Cooperative Learning Teknik Jigsaw,

available at http: //word

Penny Ur, 1996, a course in Language Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University


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A. Background of the Study

Speaking is one part of four language skills or aspects of language

teaching and learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Depdiknas 2005:

171). It is one part of four skills that must be mastered by the students that they

are able to express or say thing orally whether monologue or to interact with other

people in the form of dialogue. Speaking is an important part, or a tool to develop

the students‟ ability to express opinions, thoughts, or ideas orally. It can convey

the communication process clearly.

Meanwhile, speaking is apart of oral productive skill where both speaker

and listeners are actively involved in the process of interpreting and negotiating

meaning. The speaker must encode the meaning he wishes to convey to

appropriate language then the listener has to interpret the massage. Both speaker

and listener will deliver or catch the message well if he/she has speaking

competence. He/she should have more chances and practicing to reach this

competence. To have practicing is needed the motivation, because it is the reason

of someone to do something. When the students learn language, they have some

reason to do it. Richard (2001: 112) states that people are generally motivated to

pursue the goals. Their reasons are the goals of learning a language and the

objective of learning a language itself.

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SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta is a private Vocational High School in

Surakarta which has the aim to prepare the candidates to be capable and skilled

administrative workers. The purpose of Vocational High School is expected to be

able to develop the students‟ intelligent, knowledge, personality, lofty moral,

skills to life-independent, and to continue to the higher studying as possible as the

vocational education. In order the graduations can work efficiently and effectively

and also develop their competence and skills, they have to fulfill some

requirements. One of those requirements is to be able to communicate based on

the work striving and also have capability to improve themselves, (curriculum

KTSP, 2005: 1). Based on the Standar Kompetensi Kelulusan, (curriculum KTSP,

2005: 9) the purpose of the language speaking in Vocational High School at the

level of Elementary is expected to be able to express meaning orally in the context

of interpersonal and transactional, formally or informally, in the form of

conveying request and command related to the work.

In teaching English orally or speaking has a complex activity. It requires

the students‟ competence such as pronunciation, grammar, content, fluency and

organizing. They are called have good pronunciation, if they have standard of

English accent. They are called have good grammar, if they are able to make view

(if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order. They are called have good

fluency, if they are able to speak fluently, without hesitation, They are called have

good in content, if they are able to use words and concept which are appropriate

for the knowledge and experience of general audience, and They are called have

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good in organizing, if they are able to manage the ideas relate to the maximum

text structure in the genre topic chosen.

Actually the students of the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta have opportunities and capability to improve their English. As

a matter of facts, that they, as human being, also have weaknesses in certain

things. These were caused by many factors. One of the factors is from extrinsic

influence which didn‟t support their talents and competences. It could be derived

from the teacher, surrounding community or environment, the students

themselves, and so on. One of the weaknesses which they had in learning English

according to the researcher‟s observation was speaking competence. Some, even

most of the students got difficulties in this matter. In this case, the researcher

classified the difficulties into two parts. They are quantitative and qualitative.

Based on the quantitative data, the researcher found that the students of the

Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta, based on their daily

marks taken, no one who got mark more than 7. Those who got the same as or

more than 6.6 were 10 students (27.778%), and the other students who got less

than 6.6 (72.222%), from totally 36 students. In reality, in the result of the

preliminary-test held, indicates that many of the student‟s achievement of the

second grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in English speaking are still low.

The low students‟ achievement can be seen from the data of the daily mark of the

English speaking they have got. The average mark of Pronunciation is 60.83. The

average mark of grammar is 63.33. The average mark of Content is 60.2778. The

average mark of Fluency is 55.83. And the average mark of Organizing is 59.72.

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It has the lowest average mark is at the fluency (59.72). And the total average

mark is 60. Some of them get under the Minimum Standard Criterion (Kriteria

ketuntasan minimal/KKM) which is settled at 6.8.

While qualitative data, the researcher got it from the interviewing some of

them, they didn‟t show their speaking competence well. For instance from 20

students interviewed, they often mispronounced certain word(s), often

misunderstood with the questions and the expected answer, didn‟t have good

structure, didn‟t have good fluency and didn‟t have appropriate organization well.

When the researcher asked them about their difficulties to express their

own English orally or to respond someone‟s question, only some of them stated

that they didn‟t have serious problem to learn English. Two of them said that

actually they enjoyed learning English orally, but they got difficulties to express

and respond the question. Meanwhile, they mentioned several reasons why they

got difficulties like, little practice, and limited vocabulary. Based on the students‟

problem faced, there are many factors causing their difficulties in achieving

speaking competence. Based on the interview that the researcher got from some

students, the causes are as follows:

Firstly, in teaching English speaking, the teacher tended to teach speaking

monotonously or as her routine activities without realizing that it would make the

students bored and lost their attention to the teaching and learning process. As a

result the students couldn‟t catch or understand the material easily because they

have low motivation and participation as stated by Douglas, “Routine activities in

learning can make the students bored. As a result, their motivation and

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participation in leaning process will decrease” (1987: p. 48. The students didn‟t

have with enough time to practice or to express their own English, so they could

not interact to each other in English. For example, when the teacher thought a

certain topic, the teacher just explained the expression or material or grammatical

related to the topic while the students listened to the teacher‟s explanation, and

took notes, or sometimes took a nap, they are busy to talk with their close friend.

Then, the teacher asked the students to look at the structure of the dialogue

or paragraph which had been sated in the students‟ book and read it together after

the teacher. After that the teacher asked some of them to practice the dialogue or

to retell the content of the dialogue or paragraph in front of the class in pairs or

individually. Finally, the teacher asked them to answer the comprehensive

questions dealing with the topic in written form on their book or whiteboard and

after that read it. The teacher would be satisfied if the students could answer the

questions correctly.

The teaching method above resulted in the following condition: The

students didn‟t have rehearsal time to practice or to express their English so that

they could not interact one to each other in English simultaneously. They also

tended to be shy, nervous, doubt, inferior, and afraid to make mistakes because

they seldom use their own English to communicate with others. Besides, they

didn‟t have creative and innovative activity when they were learning English in

the class room.

In this case, motivation becomes a crucial factor to consider in deciding

teaching learning activities for the students. In other words the teacher should be

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able to apply the appropriate technique and approach which can increase the

students‟ motivation in learning process in the classroom by giving them

opportunity to decide what to do and to think. It means that the technique and

approach used by the teacher in teaching English should be able to create an

interesting atmosphere, so that the students will be enthusiastic in learning

process. The teaching-learning process which provided the opportunities or the

students to make their own choices or expressions was cooperative learning.

Secondly, the teacher oriented the teaching at the written test which was

held in the mid or end semester, even in the final exam. The teacher felt guilty if

the students could not do the test correctly, because their English mark

automatically would be bad or less than the standard score. So the speaking

doesn‟t have influence on the students‟ score in the final semester or exam.

Thirdly, there was no specifically allocated time to evaluate the students‟ speaking

skill at the end of semester or final exam. This caused the teacher tended to ignore

teaching speaking communicatively. The mark of speaking skills was taken from

the teacher‟s daily observation.

In order, in teaching and learning process, the teacher is able to make the

students participate in discussion the material effectively, be able to understand

what they are learning in the class learning process, and also be able to express

their own English orally, the most important thing here to carry out the English

teaching was that the teacher is able to use the appropriate approach, design, and

procedures to manage and create the class lively. Consequently, the class will be

possibly chaos but it is enjoyable. In this case, one of the techniques or models in

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cooperative learning and suggested for developing the speaking competence is by

using Jigsaw using jigsaw technique to create and motivate the students to

participate in discussion the material effectively, understand what they are

learning in the class learning process, and also to express their own English orally.

Hakkareinen in ( 1) states that jigsaw technique is

group work technique for learning and participating in the group learning

activities, one of them is: Speaking-students will be responsible for taking the

knowledge gained from one group and repeating it to new listeners in their

original groups. Meanwhile Brown (2001:100) states group and pair activities are

excellent technique as long as the teaching-learning process is clearly structured

and defined with specific objectives. He also described that beginners can also be

thought by using drills or repetition, according to Brown (2001: 100) short and

simple technique must be used or the beginner: some mechanical techniques are

appropriate-choral repetition and other drilling, for example. Many teachers

dominate to initiate questions at this level, followed only after sometimes by an

increase in simple student-initiated questions.

As for the reason for choosing Jigsaw as a teaching technique according to

( 1) as like; it can promote the students for learning and

participating in the group learning activities to improve their speaking

competence. One of them is: speaking-students will be responsible for taking the

knowledge gained from one group and repeating it to new listeners in their

original groups. And it provides the students to express their own choice in

English orally,

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Besides, Jigsaw is very important in communicative language teaching

because it gives the students an opportunity to practice communicating and

interacting in different social context and different social roles. Therefore,

communicative language learning (CLT) approach is very appropriate to support

the problem above because this approach is learners-centered, where in doing

their activity they use their own language resources to communicate meaningfully

and to take part in the communication (Richard, 2001: 17).

Based on the way the researcher has been teaching as described previously

and the potential of Jigsaw to solve the problems that the researcher faces at SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surkarta, especially at the second grade students, the researcher

conducts a research to improve the students‟ English competence in mastering

English. In this case the researcher uses Jigsaw as a teaching technique in teaching

English that probably facilitate the students in mastering English speaking

competence. The researcher wants to make an effort to improve the students‟

achievements in learning English speaking. It also aims at changing the

atmosphere in the classroom, so that the students will feel more comfortable and

interested in having English, and to get easier to communicate to other people.

Deals with the phenomenon above, in this research the researcher would like to

conduct a research about “Improving Students‟ English Speaking Competence by

Using Jigsaw” (An Action Research at SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta,


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B. Problem Formulation.

Based on the background of the study, the researcher wants to know

whether the use of “Jigsaw” in teaching speaking competence can improve the

students‟ English speaking competence. The problems can be formulated as


1. Does the use of Jigsaw technique improve the students‟ speaking competence

in learning English in the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma

Surakarta in 2011/2012 Academic Year?

2. To what extent can Jigsaw improve the students‟ motivation in teaching

speaking for the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta

in 2011/2012 Academic Year?

C. The Object of the Study

Based on the background of the study and the problem formulated above,

there are some objectives that are expected to be achieved in this study. In

general, this study is intended to make improvement on the students‟ speaking

competence in learning English. However the researcher wants to elaborate the

objectives of the study as follows:

First, the objectives of the study are intended to know whether the use of

Jigsaw in teaching English improve the students‟ speaking competence in

learning English in the Second Grade Students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma

Surakarta. Second, this study is aimed at knowing the extent the teaching

technique of using Jigsaw in teaching English speaking can make the

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improvement of motivation to the learning process and the students‟ speaking


D. The Benefit of the Study

The research result is hoped to be able to give some benefits for the

teacher who teaches English at SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta, because the

teacher can get description how to use the teaching technique in teaching English

effectively to the vocational school students which it should be suited to their

characteristics. Besides, it can lead her/him how to create an interesting and

comforting atmosphere in the classroom so that the students will not feel bored to

join the class activities. In addition, their motivation to master the English

speaking competence will improve.

Meanwhile the benefits for the students, it can serve them the more

comporting and interesting situation inside the classroom so that they will be more

motivated in joining the teaching and learning process. Dealing with their English

speaking competence in learning English, they will get easier to master it by

practicing in the form of interactional or monologue using Jigsaw and they will be

able to improve their English achievement especially in English speaking.

While the benefit for readers, it probably will be used as the reference for

those who want to conduct a research in English teaching process, especially in

improving the students‟ speaking competence. At least it can be used as input or

only decision knowledge in English teaching process. The last, the researcher

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hoped so much that the other researchers could utilize the result of the study on

bigger scope for a similar research.

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This chapter consists of the following sections: the theoretical description,

rationale, and action hypothesis. Meanwhile the theoretical description consists of

the explanation speaking, jigsaw, motivation and communicative language

teaching. Here, the writer tries to elaborate the further discussion of each section


A. Theoretical Description

1. Speaking Competence

a. The Meaning of Speaking Competence

Speaking is a part of oral productive skill. In oral communication both

speaker and listener are actively involved in the process interpreting and

negotiating meaning. The speaker must encode the message he wishes to convey

to appropriate language and the listener has to interpret the message. Byrne (1997:

8), describes „oral communication is two ways process between a speaker and

listener and involves the productive skill of speaking and receptive skill of

listening „it can be describe as the diagram below;

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Figure: 2.1 Diagram how all skill of English are interrelated according to Byrne

Spoken language

Understanding Speaking

Receptive skill

Productive skill

Reading Writing

It is stated by Brown (2001:227) that speaking is literally defined as to say

thing, express thought aloud, and uses the voice. Spoken language and speaking

are similar in meaning that how people use the voice loudly that occurs in time

cannot go back and change and it is produced and process on line. Brown and

Yule (1997: 4-8),they stated that spoken language is not like written language

which has well formed sentences using highly structural paragraphs, spoken

language consists of short, fragmentary utterances, repetition and use non specific

references. They also differentiate between spoken and written language based on

the primary function. The primary function of spoken language is interactional, to

establish and maintain social relationship while written language has transactional

main function to convey information According to Brown (1997: 4), speaking is

an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving,

and processing of speech of sound as the main instrument. Speaking is closely a

part of daily life, because speaking ability is an integral part of a human being.

Means that human speaking is the ability to say something; so that the speaking

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can give value what they are learning to appreciate language as an instrument to

be used rather than as knowledge to be stored away.

Based on the statement above, it can be inferred that speaking is be able to

produce oral language or say things or express thought by using the voice loudly,

right pattern of rhythm and intonation. It is also a communicative process of

constructing meaning by using words and concept, manage them into certain


Meanwhile, the meaning of competence according to Chomsky in Brumfit

and Johnson (1998: 13) is “The speaker-hearer‟s knowledge of his language. It is

seen as overall underlying linguistic knowledge and ability thus includes concepts

of appropriateness and acceptability. The study of competence will inevitably

entail consideration of such variables as attitude, motivation, and a number of

socio cultural factors. While in Curriculum 2004 states that competence is defined

as knowledge, skill, behavior, and values which accustom to be applied in habitual

and action. Then Cambridge Advance Learners‟ Dictionary defines competence is

the ability to do something well.

According to the above definition, it can be inferred that speaking

competence is an ability to express opinions, thoughts, and ideas orally; right

pattern, and process of constructing meaning by using words and concept, manage

them into certain topic and this ability can be reached by practicing. In this case

the students need more opportunities or chances in the communication to have

speaking competence.

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b. The Existence of Speaking in ELT

In English Language Teaching as a teacher has to be able to improve all

the four competences, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. Speaking

becomes a medium of language in teaching English, so speaking has the main part

in teaching the language in the class. And speaking has the target or the goal of

language teaching is that the students become communicatively competence in

target language as capability in using language well. Richard and Roger (1986:

66) state that Communicative Language Teaching is an approach that aims to

create communicative competence and develop procedure for the teaching of the

four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) that acknowledge

the interdependence of language and communicative activities.

The way to develop communicative competence, the teacher is suggested

to use Communicative Language Teaching (Chomsky, 1965: 3) while Douglas

(1997: 247) says that CLT issued to create communicative competence as the

object and to develop some procedures for teaching the four basic skills (listening,

speaking, reading, and writing) function as the foundation to master English. The

students are engaged to use the language they learn through communicative


Peny Ur (1999: 120) states that of all the four language skills (listening,

speaking, reading, and writing), speaking seems intuitively the most important:

people who know a language are referred to as ‟speakers‟ of that language, as if

speaking included all kinds of knowing; and many if not most foreign language

learners are primarily interested in learning to speak. Meanwhile the classroom

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activities that develop learners‟ ability to express themselves through speech that

therefore seem an important component of language course.

Meanwhile, Hughes (2002: 6) states that one of the central difficulties

inherent in the study of speaking is that it overlaps with a considerable number of

other areas and activities. For instance, how far is the structure of a conversation

culturally determined? How far is the grammar of speech different from other

sorts of grammar? What are the critical factors in the stream of speech which

make it intelligible? It should able to carve out a niche for speaking in it owns

whilst breaking it down into three distinct areas: the global or discourse level, the

structural level, and the level of speech production. These three areas broadly

relate to fairly stable areas of activity in linguistics of discourse, lexis and

grammar, and phonology/phonetics and map on to, and overlap with, others treads

of study in theoretical and applied linguistics.

Furthermore, he says that teaching speaking is not easily separated from

other objectives. A further complicating factor is that when the spoken language is

the focus of classroom activity there are often other aims which the teacher might

have: for instance, helping the student to gain awareness of or to practice some

aspect of linguistic knowledge (whether a grammatical rule, or application of a

phonemic regularity to which they have been introduced), or to develop

production skills ( for example rhythm, intonation or vowel-to-vowel linking), or

to raise awareness of some socio-linguistic or pragmatic point (for instance how to

interrupt politely, respond to a compliment appropriately, or show that one has


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From a communicative, pragmatic view of the language classroom,

listening and speaking are closely intertwined. More often than not, ESL curricula

that treat oral communication skills will simple be labeled as

“Listening/Speaking” course. The interaction between these two modes of

performance applies especially strongly to conversation, the most popular

discourse category in the profession.

Meanwhile, one of the four language skills being existed in an English

language teaching is speaking. Therefore, speaking component has the same

importance as the other language skills such as listening, reading, and writing. All

of them must be able to be achieved by the students in learning English. In this

case, speaking is very needed by both students themselves and moreover the

teacher in teaching learning process.

c. The Indicators of Speaking Competence

The following are the indicators stated by Brown (2004:142-142), One can

be called to have speaking competence, if he/she has the following competence;

first, be able to imitate words or phrase or possibly a sentence or Imitative ability.

Second, be able to produce short stretches of oral language designed to

demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or

phonological relationship such as prosodic elements – intonation, stress, rhythm,

juncture or Intensive ability. Third, be able to respond to a very short

conversation, standard greeting and small talk, simple request, and comments, and

they like or responsive ability. Fourth, be able to take the two forms of either

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transactional language which have the purpose of maintaining social relationship

or interactive ability. And the fifth is able to develop monologue or oral

production including speeches, oral presentation, and story- telling, during which

the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited or ruled

out together (extensive ability).

Penny Ur (1999: 120) states that the characteristics of successful speaking

activity are as follows. Firstly, learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the

period of time allotted to the activity is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may

seem obvious, but often most time is taken up with the teacher talk or pauses.

Secondly, participation is even. Classroom discussion is not determined by a

minority of talkative participants; all get chance to speak, and contributions are

fairly evenly distributed. Thirdly, motivation is high, learners are eager to speak;

because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or

because they want to contribute to achieving a task objective. Fourthly or the last

one, language is an acceptable level. Learners express themselves in utterances

that are relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of an acceptable level

of language accuracy.

From the statement above, it can be inferred that someone have speaking

competence if he/she has standard of English accent (pronunciation), be able to

make view (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order (grammar), be

able to speak fluently without hesitation (fluency), be able to use words and

concepts which are appropriate for the knowledge and experience of general

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audience (content), and be able to manage the ideas relate to the maximum text

structure in the genre topic chosen.

d. Micro and Macro skills of Speaking

H. Douglas (2003: 141-142) defines that a list of speaking skill can drawn

up for the purpose to serve as a taxonomy of skills from which we will select one

or several that will be come the objective(s) of an assessment task. The micro-

skill refers to producing the smaller chunks of language such as phonemes, words,

collocation, and phrasal units. The macro-skill imply the speaker‟s focus on the

larger elements: fluency, discourse, function, style, cohesion, nonverbal

communication, and strategic option.. The micro and macro-skill total roughly 16

objectives to asses in speaking are described as follows.

1) Micro skills

a) Producing difference among English phonemes and allophonic variant.

b) Producing chunks of language of different length

c) Producing English stress pattern, words in stressed and unstressed, position,

rhythmic structure, and intonation contours.

d) Producing reduced forms of words and phrases.

e) Using an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic


f) Producing fluent speech at difference rates of delivery.

g) Monitoring one‟s own oral production and use various strategic devices-pauses,

filters, self-correction, back tracking the clarity of the message.

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h) Using grammatical words classes (noun, verb, etc.), system (e.g. tense,

agreement, and polarization), word order, pattern, rules and elliptical forms.

i) Producing speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause groups,

breathe groups, and sentences constituent.

j) Expressing a particular meaning indifferent grammatical form.

k) Using cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

2). Macro skills

a) Accomplishing appropriately communicative function according to situation,

participants and goals.

b) Using appropriate style, registers, implicative, redundancies, pragmatic

convention, conversation rules, floor keeping, and yielding, interrupting, and

other linguistic features in face-to-face conversations.

c) Conveying links and connections between events and communicate such

relation as vocal and peripheral ideas, events and feeling, new information and

given information, generalization and exemplification.

d) Conveying facial features, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal cues

along with verbal language.

e) Developing and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing

keywords, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of

words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor

is understanding you.

When we consider designing the tasks for assessing spoken language,

micro and macro skills can act as a checklist of objectives. The macro skills have

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the appearance of being more complex than the micro skills; both contain

materials of difficulty, depending on the stage and context of the test taker.

e. Factors Influencing the Students’ Speaking Skill

There are many factors in developing the students‟ speaking skills. The

factors themselves are interest, motivation, and environment. The explanations

details of each are as follows;

The first is the students‟ interest. The students‟ interest means of the

students‟ interest to study and practice the speaking. It is an important factor. By

having strong interest, the learners will try to give great attention to improve their

speaking. They will manage some activities that enable to increase skills. Besides

the desire to learn is strengthened, stated by Alexander (1976: 17).

Concerning to the above explanation, It is necessary to know that one of

the causes of the failure in teaching English at school is that the teacher still

teaches as the routine activities without considering that it will make the students

bored, and lost their attention in teaching and learning process. Finally, the

students will not be able to absorb the teaching and learning activities easily

because of their lost of interest and participation as stated by Douglas “Routine

activities in learning can make the student bored. As a result their motivation and

participant in learning will decrease” (1987: 48)

Here interest becomes a crucial factor in deciding to teach the students on

a classroom practice for teaching the students. So, the teacher should apply the

teaching technique which will able to increase the students‟ interest to the learning

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process in the classroom. In other words, the technique used by the teacher in

teaching English to the students especially in speaking skill should be able to

create an interesting atmosphere so that the students will be able to be

comfortable, enthusiastic, excited, and interested in joining the activities in the

teaching and learning process.

The second factor is the students‟ motivation. Penny Ur (199: 274) states

that various students have found, that motivation is very strongly related to the

achievement in language learning. The abstract terms „motivation‟ on its own is

rather difficult to define. It is easier and more useful to think in terms of the

„motivated‟ learner: one who is willing or even eager to invest effort in learning

activities and to progress. Learner motivation makes teaching and learning

immeasurably easier and more pleasant, as well as more productive. In teaching

and learning process, it is of coarse need to raise the students‟ motivation. So the

class activities are more enjoyable and productive.

The third factor is the students‟ environment. Environment is an important

factor in gaining the speaking competence. One o the reasons for their failure to

learn or maintain their second language, there is no context between learners and

community in which the language is spoken. The component of this factor can be

environment, school environment, community environment, etc.

Based on the statement above, it can be inferred that a successful student

depend on their interest, motivation, and environment surrounding them. It means

that the students should have motivation to achieve English, although there are

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intrinsic factors influencing their study. However the intrinsic interest and

motivation has stronger influence than extrinsic ones.

f. Type of Spoken language Activities

Brown (2001: 251), stated that there are two types of spoken language.

They are as follow:

1) Monologue, one speaker uses a spoken language without any interruption. For

example; speeches, lectures, reading, news, broadcast, and the like. It can be

classified into two: (1) planned monologue usually manifest little redundancy,

it is relatively difficult to comprehend; (2) unplanned monologue exhibit

redundancy, which made for comprehending, but the presence of more

performance variables and other hesitation can either help or hinder

comprehension, such as impromptu, lectures long stories in conversation.

2) Dialogue; involve two more speakers with any interruption responses and

expression. Dialogue is classified into two types: (1) Interpersonal dialogue

promotes social relationship in which participant may have a good deal of

shared knowledge. Familiar dialogue where familiarity of interlocutors will

produce conversation with more assumption, implication, and other meaning

hidden between the lines. On the reverse of the statement that in conversations

among participants who are unfamiliar with each other, reference and meaning

have to be made more explicit to assure effective comprehension. (2)

Transactional dialogue, it has the purpose to convey proportional or factual

information. In conversation between or among participants who are familiar

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with each other, in which they will produce conversation in factual

information. On the other hand, unfamiliar transactional dialogues is a

conversation between or among participants who are unfamiliar with each

other, references and meaning have to be made more explicit to assure factual


g. Classroom Speaking Activity

Harmer (2004:271) stated that many classroom speaking activities which

are currently in use for learning language teaching can be inferred as follows:

1) Acting from script is classroom speaking activities that provide students have

written or dialogue from their course-books in front of the class. When

choosing who should come out to the front of the class, the teacher needs to be

careful not to choose the shyest student first.

2) Communication games are classroom speaking activities that persuade the

students to provoke communication between students frequently depend on

information gap, so that the learner has to talk to a partner in order to solve a

puzzle, draw picture (describe and draw), put thing in the right order (describe

and arrange), or find similarities and differences between pictures.

3) Discussion in the classroom activities which support the students who are

reluctant to give opinion in front of the whole class, particularly if they cannot

thing of anything to say and are not, any way confident of the language they

might use to say. One of the best ways to encouraging discussion is to provide

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activities which force students to reach decision or a consensus, often a result

of choosing between specific alternatives.

4) Prepared talk is popular kind of in classroom speaking activities where student

make a presentation on a topical their own choice. Such talks are not design for

informal spontaneous conversation, because they are prepared, they are more

„writing like‟ than a script. However if possible, students should speak from

notes rather then from a script.

5) Questioners are useful classroom activities, because by being pre planned, they

assure that both questioner and respondent have something to say each other.

Thus depend on how tightly design they are, they may well encourage the

natural use of certain repetitive language pattern and thus be situated in the

middle of our communication continuum. The result obtained from

questionnaires couther from the basis for written works discussion or prepared


6) Simulation and role play are classroom speaking activities which students

simulate a real live encounter (such as a business meeting, encounter in a aero

plane cabin, or an interview) as if they were doing so in the real world.

Simulation and role play can be used to encourage general oral fluency or to

train student for specific purpose. Harmer (2004: 274) stated that

characteristics of simulation and role play are; (1) reality of function, it means

the students must not think of themselves as the students but as real participant

in the situation; (2) a simulation environment, it means classroom is a like real

situation, the teacher says that the classroom is in airport check in area, for

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example; (3) structure, it means students must see how the activity is

constructed and they must be given the necessary information to carry out the

simulation effectively. Simulation and role play have some advantages, they

are: the first place students can be good fund those motivating can improve.

Second, the students allow hesitant students to be more forthright in their

opinion and behavior than they might be when speaking for themselves, since

they do not have to take the same responsibility for what they are saying.

Third, by broadening the world of the classroom to include the world outside,

they allow the students to use much wider range of language than some more

task-centered activities may do.

Based on the types of speaking activities mentioned above, the researcher

would like to take just on which appropriate with the condition of students‟

competence and the kind students‟ difficulty. In this case, pertinent to the

students‟ problem being faced is English speaking competence, so that the

researcher wants to give a solution which is able to help them. That is teaching

English speaking competence by using Jigsaw. Because it is a kind of language

teaching technique (one of cooperative learning models) that will be able to

facilitate the students in mastering English speaking competence. In this case

the students could work together in heterogenic team to learn about one topic

then they gather in expert group to get information each other then back again

to the main group/original group/jigsaw group and give report what they got in

the expert group. And finally they get presentation/report for group from

complete material.

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2. The Concept of Jigsaw (Cooperative Learning)

a. The meaning of cooperative Learning

Brown (2001: 47) defines that a cooperative learning is the students and

the teacher work together to purpose goal and objective. In accordance to that

statement Richard says that cooperative learning is an approach to teaching that

makes maximum use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small group of

students in the classroom (2001: 192)

Olsen and Kagan in Richard agree with the definition, and they define

cooperative learning as follows:

“Cooperative learning is a group of learning activity organized so that

learning is dependent on socially structured exchange of information

between students in groups and in which students is held accountable for

his or her own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others”

(Richard, 2001:192)

Cambridge Advanced Learners‟ Dictionary (2008)) defines that cooperative is

willing to help or do what people ask.

Based on the statements above, it can be inferred that cooperative learning

is pairs or small group of students where they are situated to have a willingness to

help or do what they ask to do in achieving the learning objects. In learning,

process cooperative is dependent on socially structured and makes maximum


b. The Elements of successful Cooperative Learning

Olsen and Kagan in Richard (2001: 196) propose the key elements of

successful group-based learning in cooperative learning as follows:

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1) Positive independence occurs when group members feel that what helps one

member helps all and what hurts one member hurts all. It created by the

structure of cooperative learning task and by building a spirit of mutual support

with the group.

2) Group formation is an important factor in creating positive interdependence.

Factors involved in setting up groups include: (1) deciding the size of the

group: this will depend on the tasks have to carry out, the age of the students,

and the time limits for the lesson. Typical group size is from two to four; (2)

assigning students to group: group can be teacher-selected, random, or student-

selected, although teacher-selected is recommended as the usual mode so as to

create the groups that are heterogeneous on such variables as post achievement,

ethnicity, or sex; (3) learner roles in group; each group member has a specific

role to play in group, such as noise monitor, turn taker monitor, recorder, or


3) Individual accountability involves both group and individual performance, for

example, by assigning each learner a grade on his/her portion of team project

or by the calling on a learner random to share with the whole class, with group

member, or another group.

4) Social skills determine the way of the students to interact with each other as

teammates. Usually some explicit instruction in social skills is needed ensure

successful interaction.

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5) Structuring and structure refer to ways of organizing students‟ interaction and

different ways of the students to interact such as Round Robin in which each

student makes contribution in turn orally.

c. The Goals of Cooperative Learning

According to Johnson, Johnson and Holubee in Richards (2001: 192) state

that cooperative learning sought to do the following goals:

1) Raising the achievement of all students, including those who are gifted or

academically handicapped.

2) Helping the teacher build positive relationships among the students.

3) Giving the students the experiences they need for healthy social, psychological,

and cognitive development.

4) Replacing the competitive organizational structure of most classroom and

school with tem-based, high- performance organizational structure

Richard (2001: 193) states that cooperative learning has been embraced as

a way of promoting communicative interaction in the classroom and is seen as an

extension of the principles in Communicative Language Teaching. It is viewed as

a students-centered approach to teaching held to offer advantages over the teacher

fronted classroom method. Cooperative learning has some goals in language

teaching areas follows:

1) To provide opportunities for naturalistic second language acquisition through

the use of interactive pair and group activities.

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2) To provide the teacher with a methodological and one that can be applied in a

variety in curriculum setting.

3) To enable focused attention to particular lexical items, language structures, and

communicative functions through the use of interactive tasks.

4) To provide opportunities for students to develop successful learning and

communicative strategies.

5) To enhance students‟ motivation and reduce students‟ stress and to create

positive effective classroom climates.

Cooperative learning provide the students and the teacher to work together

for certain purposes in which the learning is students-centered; it mans all

activities make the students‟ active in learning. It gives a chance to slow students

to give important thing that they have discussed to share the information. There

are three concepts of cooperative learning. They are as follows:

1) Appreciation to the team or group: appreciation is given to the group which

able to achieve the goals.

2) Individual responsibilities: it means that the group is able to achieve the result

of all members.

3) The same chance to reach the goals in the teaching learning: it means that the

students give a better goal on their working.

d. The advantages of Cooperative Learning

Johnson in Richard states that cooperative learning may be contrasted with

competitive learning in which students against each other to achieve an academic

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goal such as a grade of “A” (20001: 195). From the perspective second language

teaching, Mc Groarty in Richard (20001: 195) offers six learning advantages for

ESL, in cooperative language learning classrooms. They are as follows:

1) Increase frequency and variety of second language practice through different

types of interaction.

2) Possibility for development or use of language in ways that support cognitive

development and increased language skills

3) Opportunities to integrate language with content-based instruction

4) Opportunities to include a greater variety of curricular material to stimulate

language as well as concept learning

5) Freedom for teachers to master new professional skills, particularly those

emphasizing communication

6) Opportunities for students for act as resources for each other , those assuming

a more active in their learning

e. The Models of Cooperative Learning

Slavin (1995: 5) identifies the following models of cooperative learning:

1) Students Teams-Achievement Division (STAD). In this technique the students

make a group of four which consider the ability, gender, and nation. The

teacher presents the materials then groups discus to make sure that all of the

members of group have been understand the material. Finally, each student

gets the quiz which other not permits to give helping.

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2) Jigsaw, in this technique the students work together in heterogenic team to

learn about one topic then they gather in expert group to get information each

other then come to main group and give what they got in expert group. Finally,

they get quiz for group from all materials.

3) Team Game-Ornament (TGT) Hopkin introduced TGT at first that the

technique gives the students materials from presentation teacher like STAD but

final step not using quiz but using tournaments

4) Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI) or team assisted Individualization. This

technique combine cooperative learning and individual in which the students

get a placement test then the students come forward depend on accelerated

themselves. The students check other students‟ answer and help each other to

solve the problem. Finally, the students get a test without helping from their

friend and every week the teacher account the score of each group and the

group which has the highest score will get the certificate or reward.

5) Cooperative Integrated Reading and composition (CIRC), this technique is a

program for comprehension reading and writing. The teacher teach reading like

traditional but the students placed in pairs and read different topic which work

with partner read each other. At last the students are proposed able to create a

book for themselves.

f. The Jigsaw Technique in Cooperative Learning

Jigsaw is one of the cooperative learning techniques with three-decade

track record of successfully reducing racial conflict and increasing positive

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educational outcomes in a Jigsaw puzzle, each piece-each student‟s part –is

essential for completion and full understanding of the final product. If each

learner‟s part is essential, then ach student is essential: and that is precisely what

makes the strategy so effective. Jigsaw technique is participating in the following

group learning activities:

1) Speaking-students will be responsible for taking the knowledge gained from

one group and repeated it to new listener in their original group.

2) Cooperation-all members of the group are responsible for the success of others

in the group.

3) Reflective thinking-for successfully completing, the activity in the original

group, there must be reflective thinking at several levels about what was

learned in the expert group,

4) Creative thinking-groups must be device new ways of approaching, teaching

and presenting material (

g. The Directions of Jigsaw

The Jigsaw strategy has many directions. The directions given are as


1) Define the group project on which the class will be working.

2) Randomly break the class into group of 5 – 6 students each, depending on the

size of class, assign a number (1 to 5-6) to students each group.

3) Assign each student/number a topic in which he/she will become an expert.

4) The topics could be related facets of a general content theme.

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5) Rearrange the students into expert groups based on their assigned numbers and


6) Provide the expert with the material and resources necessary to learn about

their topics.

7) The experts should be given the given the opportunity to obtain knowledge

through reading, research and discussion.

8) Reassemble the original groups

9) Experts then teach what they have learned to the rest of the group

10) Take turns until all experts have presented their new material

11) Groups present results to the entire class, or they may participate in some

assessment activity. (

h. The Ten Steps in Jigsaw

1) Divide the students into 5 or 6 persons Jigsaw groups. The group should be

diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, race, and ability.

2) Appoint of student from each group as the leader. Initially, the person should

be the most mature in the group.

3) Divide the ways lesson into 5-6segments, for example, if you wants history

students to learn about Eleanor Roosevelt, you might divide a short biography

of her into stand-alone segments on: (1) Her childhood, (2) Her family life with

Franklin and their children, (3) Her life after Franklin contracted polio, (4) Her

work in the white House as First Lady, and (5) Her life and work after

Franklin‟s death.

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4) Assign each learner to learn one segment, making sure students have direct

access only to their own segment.

5) Give students time to read over their segment at least twice and become

familiar with it. There is no need for them to memorize it.

6) Form temporary “expert groups” by having one student from each jigsaw

group joint other students assigned to the same segment. .Give students in these

expert groups time to discuss the main points of their segment and to rehearse

the presentations they will make to their jigsaw group.

7) Bring the students back into their jigsaw groups.

8) Ask each learner to presents her or his segment to the group, encourage others

in the group to ask questions for clarification.

9) Float from group to group, observing the process. If any group is having

trouble (e.g., a member is dominating or disruptive), make an appropriate

intervention. Eventually, it‟s best for the group leader to handle this task.

Leaders can be trained by whispering an instruction on how to intervene, until

the leader gets the hang of it.

10) At the end of the session, give a quiz on the material so that students quickly

come to realize that these sessions are not just fun and games but really count


Based on the steps above, the researcher will make it into the simple

ways as follows:

1) Divide the students into the small group which has 5 or 6 persons Jigsaw

groups randomly.

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2) Discuss and give the name of each group using alphabet A, B, C, D and so on

(depend on the sum of the group stated)

3) Appoint of student from each group as the leader

4) Assign each group a part of the topic in which will become topic discussion

and the topics could be related facets of a general content theme.

5) The expert group gathered in into one group of expert which appointed by the

teacher before as leaders.

6) The expert learned and shared how to build, develop each part of the topic into

good sentences/paragraph through discussion effectively. Give the opportunity

to each other to express their ideas/opinion using their own words until they

got a result of discussion which will be reported to the jigsaw groups.

7) The experts back to the original groups/jigsaw groups then reported teach what

they have learned/discuss to the rest of the group. Take turns until all experts

have presented their new material.

8) Groups present the results of discussion in front of the class, or they may

participate in some assessment activity.

3. The Concept of Motivation

a. The Definition of Motivation

In teaching and learning process, it is of coarse need to raise the students‟

motivation. Here the teacher has an opportunity to play an important role to raise

the students‟ motivation to be active and interested or enthusiastic in learning

activities. That is in harmony with Harmer (1998: 8) states that one of the main

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tasks for the teachers is to provoke interest and involvement in the subject even

when the students are not initially interested in. moreover, Ur (1993: 19) assert

that it is an important part of the teacher‟s job to motivate the learners.

In addition, Brown (1994: 152) says that motivation is an inner drive,

impulse, emotion or desire that moves one to a particular action. In more technical

terms, he explains that motivation refers to the choices people makes as to what

extent in that respect. Brophy (1998: 3) suggest a similar concept. He says that

motivation is theoretical construct used to explain the initiation, direction,

intensity, and persistence of behavior, especially goal-directed behavior. And

there is still another concept that is also similar to the previous ones suggested by

Elliot, Krratochwill, Cook, and Trevers (2000: 332). They define motivation as an

internal state that arouses one to action, pushes one in particular direction, and

keeps one engaged in certain activities.

Brown (2001; 72) says that motivation is drawn from a number of different

sources: motivation is the extent to which the teacher makes choices about (a)

goals to pursue and (b) the effort the teacher will devote to that pursuit. The

important factor in successful language learning is the learners‟ motivation. To

realize this condition the teacher should be able to create and increase the

students‟ motivation to get the success of the learning activity by shaping a

positive interest so the students will be motivated to learn. The word „motivation‟

is a noun which comes from the word „motivate‟. It means the need or reason for

doing something.

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Based on the statement above, it can be inferred that motivation is an

important part of the teacher‟s job to raise the students‟ inner drive, impulse,

emotion or desire for doing something. It arouses the students to action, pushes

the students in particular direction, and keeps the students engaged in certain


b. The Kinds of Motivation

Ur (1993: 276) states that there are two kinds of motivation that have an

important part in the classroom motivation. The first is intrinsic motivation that it

means the urge to engage in the learning activity. The second is extrinsic

motivation, means the motivation that is derived from external incentive. So the

former is the motivation which comes from the learners themselves to be actively

engaged in the learning activity, while the letter is the motivation that is from

outside the learners such as praise and reward from others.

The two kinds of motivation, „intrinsic‟ (the urge to engage in the learning

activity) and „extrinsic‟ (the motivation that is derived from external incentive)

have important parts to handle in the classroom motivation. Intrinsic motivation is

in its turn associated to what has been termed „cognitive drive‟ the urge to learn

for its own sake, which is very typical of young children and tends to deteriorate

with age.

Meanwhile there are also two kinds of motivation which are taken from (1) Intrinsic motivation occurs when

people are internally motivated to do something because it either brings them

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pleasure, they think it is important, or they feel that what they are learning is

significant; and (2) Extrinsic motivation comes into play when a student is

compelled to do something or act a certain way because of factors external to him

or her (like money, or good grade).

c. The Source of Motivation

The motivation that brings the students to the task of learning English can

be affected and influenced by the attitude of a number of people. It is worth

considering what and who these are since they form part of the world around

students‟ feeling and engagement with the learning process (Harmer, 2004:

51).He points out some sources of motivation. They are as follows:

1) The society students live in: outside any classroom there are attitudes to

language learning and the English language in particular. All views of language

learning will affect the learner‟s attitude to the language being studied, and the

nature and strength of the attitude will, in its turn ,have a profound effect on the

degree of motivation the learner brings to class and whether or not that

motivation continuous.

2) Significant others: part from the culture of the world around the students, their

attitude to the language learning will be greatly affected by the influence of

people who are close to them. The attitude of parents and other siblings will be

crucial. If they‟re critical of the subject or activity, the learner‟s own

motivation may suffer. If they are enthusiastic students, however, they may

take the students along with them.

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3) The teacher: clearly a major factor in the continuance of a learner‟s motivation

is the teacher. It is worth pointing out that his or her attitude to the language

and the task of learning will be vital. An obvious enthusiasm for English and

English learning, in this case, would seem to be prerequisites for positive

classroom atmosphere.

4) The method: it is vital that both teacher and students have some confidence in

the way teaching and learning take place. When either loses this confidence,

motivation can be disastrously affected, but when both are comfortable with

the method being used, success is much more likely.

d. The Characteristic of Motivated students

Naiman et al, in Ur (1996:275) comes to the conclusion that the most

successful students are not necessarily those to whom a language comes very

easily; they are those who display certain typical characteristic, most of them

clearly associated with motivation, those are as follows:

1) Positive task orientation. Thee learner is willing to tackle the tasks and

challenges, and has confidence in his or her success.

2) Ego-involvement. The learner finds it important to succeed in learning in order

to maintain and promote his or her own self-image.

3) Need for achievement. The leaner has a need to achieve, to overcome

difficulties and succeed in what he or she sets out to do.

4) High aspiration. The learner is ambitious, goes for demanding challenges, high

proficiency, top grades.

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5) Goal orientation. The learner is very aware of the goal of learning or of specific

learning activities, and directs his or her effort towards achieving them.

6) Perseverance. The learner consistently invests a high level of effort in

learning, and it is not discouraged by setbacks or apparent lack of progress.

7) Tolerance and ambiguity. The learner is not disturbed or frustrated by

situations involving a temporary lack of understanding will come later.

B. Review Relevant Study

One of the techniques or models in cooperative learning and suggested for

developing the speaking competence is by using Jigsaw. It promotes positive

interdependence and also provides a simple method to ensure individual

accountability ( 1). It also focuses on listening, speaking,

co-operation, and problem-solving skills. Hakkareinen in (

1) states that jigsaw technique is group work technique for learning and

participating in the group learning activities, one of them is: Speaking-students

will be responsible for taking the knowledge gained from one group and repeating

it to new listeners in their original groups.

Richard (2001: 193) states that cooperative learning have some goals in

language teaching, one of them is to provide opportunities for naturalistic second

language acquisition through the use of interactive pair and group activities.

Besides, jigsaw make the students work together for special purpose in which the

learning is students-centered; it means all the activities make the students active in


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Brown (2001: 100) states that group and pair activities are excellent

technique as long as the teaching-learning process is clear structured and defined

with specific objectives. Jigsaw technique encourages the students to use the

language acquisition through the use of interactive pair of group activities. While,

Mustopa (2009: 96) on his thesis with the title „The Effectiveness of Jigsaw to

Teach speaking Viewed from Students‟ Motivation” states that jigsaw technique

is one of the cooperative learning to teach speaking to make students have positive


C. Rational

In general, the students will be succeeded in their learning if they are

involved to participate into the teaching and learning process in the classroom. It

means that it will be impossible to reach a good students‟ achievement if they are

not involved in teaching and learning process actively and interactively. The

students who more participate in teaching and learning process, they will be better

and sooner to achieve what they are learning. So that the students‟ learning related

to their English speaking competence is very important.

The learning success can not be separated from the role of the teaching

which is done by the teacher in the classroom. It means that the teacher has a very

important role to create the class atmosphere or the class management in order

that the students are able o be interested and take apart in teaching and learning

process interactively and effectively. As suggested by Lewis (2005: 28) that how

classroom learning can be more effectively managed to produce desired outcomes

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of language learning, that is, for learners ought use the new language for a variety

of communicative purpose and contexts, so that the objective of teaching and

learning process can be reached optimally and successfully.

One of the students‟ successes in learning English especially English

speaking will depend on the teacher‟s role in handling, managing the class and

using the technique of the teaching in the classroom. Therefore, the teacher has to

be able to decide, to take and use the appropriate teaching technique to facilitate

the students‟ learning English. Here, one of the most appropriate teaching

techniques which can be applied by the teacher to defeat the students‟ problem

dealing with English speaking competence is Jigsaw.

According to some experts, Jigsaw has some definition, however the

researcher tries to make conclusion that it is one of cooperative learning

techniques which is used to improve fluency in the students‟ language, provides

the students‟ opportunities to express their own opinion. It promotes interaction

among the students in their group, so they can solve some problem themselves by

discussing in group, and also it can improve the students‟ motivation in teaching

and learning process.

As for the big students‟ problem which has been being faced, is their

speaking English competence is still low. It can be seen on the recorded mark that

the researcher got; mostly their speaking mark is still lower than the others or

under the determined school benchmark (KKM). Besides, based on the

researcher‟s observation, most of them are still shy, nervous, don‟t have bravery

to say or express thing in English orally and communicatively inside or outside

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the class. When the researcher asked them about the causes, some of them said

that they didn‟t accustom to use it in daily, so they feel shy and unconfident. They

were mostly afraid to make mistakes and to be laughed by their friends.

In another side, the researcher stressed the reading comprehension in

which the text had been stated in the students‟ book rather than created the

students to be more active, creative, interactive, and productive to use their own

English orally. They have to be asked not only to comprehend the grammar of the

text but also to practice retelling it with their own English. At last they are asked

to produce their own English words to say or express of certain thing. So they

must be creative, interactive, innovative, and productive.

Based the theories underlying the study and the problem which being

faced by the students, it seem that Jigsaw teaching technique has many

contributions to provide the students‟ motivation in learning English speaking.

Jigsaw teaching technique is expected to be able to improve all the indicators of

speaking (Pronunciation, Grammar, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Content).

While the students are doing the monologue, the teacher as the researcher

hears and searches them. If there is an error of grammar, the teacher will correct it

directly. In pronunciation before doing the monologue, the teacher as the

researcher gives them drilling of some words. In vocabulary the teacher as the

researcher gives the example of words used related to the topic. In fluency the

teacher as the researcher gives them some questions related to the topic and the

students are hoped to answer them correctly or there is a match between the

question and the answer. And in the content the teacher as the researcher gives

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them the main point what they should do in developing/creating a topic before

doing monologue.

Moreover, it can also help the students have fun and improve their

motivation but also to create a balance cooperative team works of the students‟

English competence trough the interaction among of them. From the explanation

above, the researcher assumes that the students who are thought English speaking

by using Jigsaw have better achievement than those who are not thought by


D. Action Hypothesis

Based on the previous description of the related theories and the basic

assumption above, the researcher can formulate the action hypothesis as follows:

1. The use of Jigsaw can improve the students‟ speaking competence in learning

English in Vocational High School because it will enable the students to

improve the speaking competence easily.

2. The use of Jigsaw can solve the recent problem and improve the class situation

and the students‟ motivation in English teaching learning process because it

can provide the interesting, interacting, creating and comforting atmosphere in

the classroom so that the students will be motivated to learn English

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In this chapter, the researcher would like to elaborate research

methodology including setting and time of the research, the subject of the

research, technique of colleting data, and technique of analyzing data. They would

be explained in the following parts:

A. Setting and Time

1. Setting

This research was carried out at SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta. It was

located on Kutai Raya Street, Sumber Jetis, Surakarta. This school is exactly on

the out side of the town of Solo or it is included in the south of Solo Raya. The

school phone number is (0271) 716278. The school is about 700 meter from the

road. It has 3 floors (first floor for the third grade, the second for second grade,

and the third floor is for the first level). It is surrounded the rice field and housing,

so there is fresh air and good views that make this school very comfortable to


SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta has 9 classes (3 classes of first grade, 3

classes of second grade, and 3 classes of the third grade). Each class is large and

has the same size. The building is nice enough and looks strong. The other own

facilities are English laboratory, a multi media laboratory, music room, library, a

large teacher office, toilets, sport hall, parking area, guarding house, and yard.

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The class which will be observed is very comfortable for having teaching

learning process. It is large, has good air circulation and the inside situation of the

classroom during the teaching learning process being conducted by the teacher.

The students seem to be comfortable with their class and enjoy it. The class has

thirty six students, but it still easy to be controlled when the teaching learning

processes is being done.

2. Time

Meanwhile, the research was carried out for six months from June until

November 2011. The following was the time schedule of the research activity in

which the writer was conducting at SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in 2011/2012

Academic Year.

Table: 3.1 “Schedule of the Research Activities”

No Activities Time Note(s)

1 Pre-survey June, 2011

2 Making proposal July – August, 2011

3 Examining proposal August, 2011

4 Revising proposal August, 2011

5 Developing instrument September – October,2011

6 Collecting and analyzing data October – November, 2011

7 Writing report October, 2011 – January,2012

8 Examining Thesis February, 2012

9 Revising Thesis

10 Submitting the document

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B. The Subject of the Research

The Subject used by the researcher is the second grade of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta. There are 36 students totally. They consist of a male student

and 35 female students. Most of them are from the middle to low economic

background. They sit randomly and are rotated each week. Generally they have

enough motivation and a tight cooperation one to another. Their English speaking

achievement is still low and they have a problem in communicating their own

English orally either inside or moreover outside the class.

They have to learn all the language skills which are included reading,

listening, speaking and writing. Of all the language skills they are learning, the

speaking skill is the most problem for the students. In one side, from the recorded

mark that the writer got, speaking skill was still low than the others. Beside some

of them got speaking mark under the school standard (benchmark) 6.8. In another

side, based on the writer‟s observation most of the students still feel shy, nervous,

and afraid to make mistakes and inferior to express and communicatively in their

daily activity using their own English orally. When the researcher asked them,

some of them said that they were not accustomed using it, so they felt

unconfident, frightened to make mistakes, and to be laughed by someone else

while they were really speak in English.

Based on the students‟ data, they come from different social status and

characteristics. The condition students‟ psychologies influence the teaching and

learning process. For instant, the students who are far from this school, moreover

from low economic family and low input, they tend to be more humble, low

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profile, not too bravery, shy and so on than the students coming from enough

psychological condition.

C. The Method of the Research

In this research, the researcher uses the action research method. Deals with

the action research, there are some definitions of action research. According to

Mills (2000: 5) action research is as a systematic inquiry done by teacher or other

individuals in teaching or learning environment to gather information about and

subsequently improve the ways their particular school operates, how they teach

and how they learn. Action research engages teachers in four steps process. They

are as follows:

1. Identify an area of focus

2. Collect data

3. Analyze and interpret data

4. Develop in action plan

In a similar way, Kemmis (1993: 44) proposes that action research is a

form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participant in a social situation

including education. In order to improve the rationally and justice of their own

social or education practice, their understanding of these practices and situations

in which practices are carried out.

Elliot (1991: 69) States that action research might be defined as the study

of the social situation with a view of improving the quality of action with it. It

aims as feeding practical judgment in concrete situation, and the validity of

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theories or hypothesis. It generates not so much on scientific test of truth, as on

their usefulness in helping people to act more intelligently and skillfully. In action

research theories are not validated independently and then applied to practice.

They are validated through practice.

To support those definitions above, here are the key points of action

research are as follows:

1. Action research is an action which is taken as a result of reflection on

phenomenon done by the researcher.

2. Action research always arises from some species problems or issuing arising

out of the searchers practice

3. Action research can be done by one person or individually but will be

rationally empowering when undertaken by participant collaboratively.

4. Action research starts with small cycle of planning, acting, observing, and

assumptions more clearly.

5. Action research is a systematically learning process in which people at

deliberately, though remaining open to surprise and responsive opportunity.

6. The reliability and the validity of the hypothesis are determined by usefulness

of the result in overcoming the problem.

7. The aim of action research is to improve the quality of the system in certain

social circumstances including educational system.

Based on the definitions above, the researcher makes conclusion that

action research in this study means the systematic study which has the aim to

overcome education problem or to change things related to educational problem

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done by the teachers or in collaboration of teachers and researchers by means of

their own reflection upon the effects of those actions.

In this case the classroom research the researcher does is an attempt aimed

to improve the secondary students‟ English speaking competence in learning

English. This practical action the researcher used is the technique using jigsaw as

the teaching technique. The reflection upon the effect the action can be known

while and after jigsaw teaching technique is presented. This reflection shows

whether the use of jigsaw can improve the students‟ English speaking competence

in learning English.

Figure: 3. 2 “The scheme of Action Research”

D. Procedure of Action Research

The researcher has to practice the action as spiral of steps that consists of

four stages. They are as follows:

1. Planning

In this stage, the researcher firstly identifies the problem referring to the

teaching and learning process that will be researched in this study. In this case, of

Reflecting Acting



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coarse the problem related to the students‟ English speaking competence in

learning English whether they really have difficulties in achieving it.

After having identified the problem, secondly the researcher makes a plan

about what kind of action will be carry out and prepares everything dealing with

the action research requirements such as the material that is going to be thought to

the class, make lesson plans, prepares some observation sheets to record the

students‟ activities, preparing teaching aids, and test instruments, etc.

In this case the researcher takes two cycles that are expected to overcome

the students‟ problem in learning English. Each cycle will be carried out four

meetings. At the end of cycle, the researcher analyses and evaluates it to have

improvement until to have the best solution of the problem. Cycle two is taken by

considering the result of the previous cycle. It can be taken to improve the result

or just to see the consistency of using jigsaw teaching technique.

2. Acting

The researcher acts the lesson plan in the classroom. The plan is acted step

by step in the classroom, based on the plan structured. In this acting, it will be

applied Jigsaw teaching technique to teach English speaking competence to the

second grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta. The steps are as follows:

a. Opening

The research as the teacher gives the motivation to the students by

involving them into a certain topic discussion which is closely related to their

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environment. For example the teacher asks them about their daily activities, their

experiences or their fact dealing with the topics that are familiar in their mind.

b. Main activity

In this stage, the researcher gave instructions and guided the students to

apply the Jigsaw teaching technique to deliver the material, give the time to each

group to discuss the part of the theme given, find the result of discussion in the

expert group, report to the origin group/jigsaw group, and the last is presentation.

Each cycle will be conducted in four meetings. Each meeting will be conducted in

90 minutes (2X45 minutes)

c. Closing

In this stage, the researcher gave summarizing of the topic given, ask the

students some questions relating the topic orally, gave the students assessment by

giving them a topic which will be presented for the next meeting before the core

activity (as the warming up).

3. Observing

The researcher makes the important records which occur during the

teaching and learning process. On this observation the researcher is helped by the

collaborator. So, she can give some inputs or suggestions to the researcher. She

notes the lack and superiority in the action of the lesson plan using Jigsaw as the

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teaching media through Communicative Language Teaching to make the data of

this observation completely.

4. Reflecting

After carrying the teaching and learning activities using Jigsaw through

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) the researcher recites the occurrences

in the classroom as the effect of the action. After that the researcher evaluates the

process and the result of the action using Jigsaw technique through CLT in

teaching English. This evaluation benefits to decide what the research should do

in the next cycle.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

1. Type of data

There are two kinds of data, namely quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative data in numbers form are taken from the test that are carried out

before and after the cycles are acted. Qualitative data, in the form of words are

taken from the result of the observation did by the researcher while the actions are

being carried out. The researcher asks her friend as her collaborator to observe the

classroom interaction and to collect needed information. The researcher needs to

make sure the collaborator understands the observation instrument and used it


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2. Technique of Collecting Data

The techniques used by the researcher are test, observation, interview,

document analysis, and questionnaire. In this research, the researcher is an

observer who observes the students and does the research itself. While the object

of the observation are to know whether the use of Jigsaw in teaching English

improve the students‟ speaking competence and to know to what extent the

teaching technique of using Jigsaw in teaching English speaking can make the

improvement of motivation to the learning process and the students‟ speaking

competence. The researcher does the observation at each time teaching in the

class, Observation is carried out to process of implementation of Jigsaw in

teaching speaking. It notices the classroom events and interaction between

teachers and students and among the students in the classroom.

The researcher also uses a test to measure the students understanding in

learning English using Jigsaw through Communicative Language Teaching

(CLT). The test is in the form of monologue/production, and uses the scoring

rubric. The tests are held three times. First is pre-test, it is held before

implementing the jigsaw technique. The second is pos-test in the cycle I and the

third is in the cycle II.

Interview is to get information from the students. The researcher does the

interview in two sections, first it holds before implementing jigsaw, and the

second is during the cycles It covers their idea about the use of Jigsaw in teaching

speaking, and their motivation toward speaking, how effective in teaching using

Jigsaw. Interview covers their personal perception, opinion, and ideas related to

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the classroom action research. The data collected from: (1) the students: (2) the

teacher, and (3) the collaborator. It is held at two sections. First section is before

the implementation of jigsaw technique, and second during the implementation of

each cycle. Document analysis: it will be the written material sheets of classroom

observation, lesson plans, list of students‟ scores in speaking test. And the

researcher gives questionnaire after finishing the implementation of jigsaw.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

The classroom action research in the researcher‟s study will be successful

if there is an improvement of the students „speaking competence and motivation

in learning English. To achieve this goal, before teaching the researcher gives pre-

test to know the students‟ knowledge about the teaching materials that will be

thought. In the end of these lessons, the researcher gives the post-test in order to

know whether the teaching and learning English using Jigsaw through

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) can improve the students‟ speaking


The researcher also observes the students to make sure that Jigsaw

technique gives improvement to their speaking competence, by asking them some

questions. Based on their answers, at the same time the teacher can assess them

according to the speaking assessment norms have prepared before.

The quantitative data will be analyzed by using descriptive analysis; it

covers the highest and lowest scores, and also the mean to show the general data.

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They are used to analyze the result of the teaching and learning process and to

know the difference before and after the cycle.

Sugiono (2007:49) states that mean is obtained by adding all the score of

the students divided by the number of the students in group, and it can be

formulated as follows: M =

While qualitative data will be analyzed by using Constant Comparative

Method (CCM). CCM is a method for analyzing data by observing what the

students are doing during the process of learning activities. The teacher as

researcher is an active observer.

The procedure was as follows:

1. The teacher observed the activities as well as the behavior of students at the


2. The teacher interviewed related people.

3. The teacher made student questionnaires.

4. The teacher examined written documents.

5. The teacher made decision from the information gained.

6. The teacher wrote a narrative.

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In this chapter, the researcher would like to present the research findings

as the answer for the initial problem which has been stated in the first chapter. It

involves introduction which consists of initial reflection and fact findings

analysis, then it‟s continued with cycle 1, and cycle 2 which include planning the

acting, applying the acting, observing and monitoring the acting, evaluating and

reflecting of the observation, revising the plan at every cycle. As the researcher

mentioned before that determining of taking the second cycle is based on the

consideration of the previous cycle result. They can be explained in the following


A. Introduction

The researcher, as a teacher whose experience of teaching English is more

than fifteen years, has sensitivity of the problems being faced by the students.

Based on the observation was held in SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta especially

in the second grade, most of the students get difficulties in applying their own

English orally. It can be seen from their daily activity that there has almost never

been sound of English speaking among them either inside or outside of the class.

It is so important to be done by them as a result of learning English according to

curriculum based on competence which is being used. The following is the

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description of the initial reflection dealing with above problem and the fact

finding analysis as the continuity the initial problem.

1. Initial Reflection

As the researcher has stated before that the students in SMK Wijaya

Kusuma Surakarta, are facing the problem dealing with their own oral English.

Their English speaking competence is still low. The following are the indicator

problem: They seem to be doubt and nervous to express their own oral English:

they rarely even never use it in their daily communication either inside or outside

the class; They are afraid of making mistakes; They are afraid of being laughed by

their friends; They have no bravery to express their own English competence; and

so on.

All the students‟ difficulties above can be caused by some factors. One of

them is derived from the teacher. In this case the teacher has an important role to

support the students‟ English achievement in teaching and learning process. The

teacher usually explains the material of the lesson as the routine activity,

meanwhile, the students just listen to the teacher‟s explanation, and then take

notes, or even those who are slow learners sometimes have opportunity to take a

nap. Beside that, the teacher only gives exercises and then asks the students do

them in order to know their ability of understanding the material they have just


It is very important role as the teacher in teaching and learning process to

create the class to be conducive or not. In this case the role of the teacher is not

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only as an instructor who explain the lesson and gives the exercises but also

controls and searches the process of learning and evaluates the learners‟

performance. However, the teacher may be considered as an instructor but in

board sense, the teacher is expected to handle several roles. Sometimes the teacher

should act as a general observer, as facilitator to the communication, as the

organizer of the resources, as the manager of the classroom, as a communicator,

as an initiator and as a consultant (Richard and Rogers, 1986: 77)

While, Richard and Renandya say (2005: 213) that the teacher is the soul

source of input and feedback and often a dominating participant in the practice,

exemplifying a typical pattern of teacher stimulus followed by the students‟

response, further followed by teacher evaluation of students‟ response.

As English teachers often have two difficulty choices. In one side, the

teacher has to teach the students to have an ability to do the English examination

as well as possible. So that the students will be able to get a good even the best or

at least more than the target score. While, in another side they also have to teach

them how to master all the language skills involving listening, reading, speaking

and writing. It means that the teacher has to teach not only written but also spoken

language. Both of them should have the same treatment proportionally.

In teaching and learning process there is an assumption that the teacher

still dominates the class, whereas he/she should only be a facilitator in the class

rather than as a teacher himself/herself. It means that the students must be treated

as subject rather than as object of learning only, so that they have very important

role to interact at any kind of materials in the class. Besides he/she tends to be a

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little more neglect his/her obedience to teach the students about written language

rather than spoken language or English orally. He/ she tends to teach them about

written language rather than spoken one. The reason of doing this is that there is

an assumption that the succeeded students can be seen from the result of the test

which is held at the end of semester or a final examination. If the students‟ score

indicate good mark or minimum more than the target score, it will be regarded

that they are successful. On the other hand if not, it will be regarded failure. It

means that the students‟ score indicate bad/low mark than the target score, so here

the teaching and learning process doesn‟t indicate the progress optimally.

All the factors above cause the English teacher drills their students with

some written exercises continually rather then practices their own spoken English.

As a result, most of the students tend to be what the writer mentioned before such

as passive, shy, doubt, nervous and even afraid to make mistakes. They don‟t have

bravery to express things related to the topic discussed by using their own words

to show their English competence.

2. Fact Finding Analysis

Having realized that the most students in SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta,

especially at the second grade were facing the difficulties concerning with their

English speaking competence, the researcher wanted to prove whether what had

been stated before was true or not. In this case the researcher interviewed the

student directly. Beside, the writer gave a pre-test. It was conducted to reinforce

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the above problem. The result of the activity above, it would be described as


At the beginning of this research, the researcher interviewed some of the

students to get the information in detail directly about how far their English

competence was. One day the researcher came to certain students, and then the

researcher spontaneously asked them in English. When the researcher asked some

questions, some could answer or respond it well, clearly, enthusiastically, fluency,

no shy no doubt, etc., but most of them couldn‟t, they just say like „Yes‟ or „No‟.

Not more, even though they keep silent no word uttered. Or some times, they

laughed it loudly while answering the questions

The English questions having been used for getting information from the

students are as follows: “What‟s your complete name? ; Where do you live?; How

do you go to school?; What is your hobby?; do you like English?; Why?; is

English difficult or easy?; do you have difficulties to speak English?; Do you

understand if I speak English?; Do you often speak English with your friends in

the class or out side?; do you feel shy if you speak English in front of the class or

the public?; etc.

From twenty students that the researcher quested, only three of them could

answer the questions well. While five of them could answer the questions but the

answer was not as complete as the researcher expected. On the other hand, the

twelve ones couldn‟t answer the question well. They only answered the questions

so simple like „Yes‟ or „No‟, not more. They seemed to be in doubt, shy, no

bravery, to express their own words in English. They might be afraid to make

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mistakes so it caused their fiend laugh it. It was right, when the writer asked a

certain students about their difficulties; she explained that one of the problems

was afraid to make mistakes.

However, the researcher paid attention to their response so enthusiastic.

For example, when the researcher asked for them to have chat together in English,

they seem as if they could speak English too. They always stated at her as if there

no problem with their English orally. It means that they actually understood about

what they had spoken one to each another, but they seemed getting difficulties in

responding orally. As the researcher stated before that they tend to be shy, doubt,

nervous, even afraid to respond the given expression directly and orally because

they didn‟t accustom to do before.

Furthermore, when the researcher asked them about their problem

disturbing them in responding English orally were s the initial notion that they

were seldom involved in English speaking interactively either inside or outside

the class. The following is a student‟s answer when the researcher asked her

reasons why she got difficulties to respond English.

„Sebenarnya saya memahami saat ibu guru berbicara dengan menggunakan

bahasa Inggris, tetapi saya mengalami kesulitan bagaimana menjawabnya dengan

mengguakan bahasa Inggris tersebut. Sebernarnya saya juga ingin sekali bisa

berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Tapi ternyata susah, ya?

Kenyataannya jarang ada percakapan dengan manggunakan bahasa Inggris. Jadi

terus terang saya merasa, malu, takut ditertawakan teman-teman yang lainnya, dan

juga ndredek saat mencoba berhahasa Inggris”, (RR)

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Another student WD gave the following reason; “Kalau saya bisa

ngomong dengan bahasa Inggris rasanya senang sekali dan bangga, tapi kok sulit

juga ya. Maksudnya saya paham tapi susah untuk mengungkapkannya dengan

menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Pengin juga mencoba berbicara dengan bahasa

Inggris tapi pekewuh takut dikatakan kemayu atau keminter. Teman-teman

banyak yang pasif, padahal diantara mereka banyak yang pinter. Jadi saya ragu

tidak punya keberanian, takut salah dan ditertawakan teman yang pinter. Dan

kami berharap ada cara untuk membantu mengatasi kesulitan kami,bu” (WD)

And when the writer asked IPS why she was afraid express her own

English, she argued as follows;

“Terus terang bu, saya merasa kosa kata bahasa Inggris saya kurang, sehingga

saya tidak PD (percaya diri) kalau ingin berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Kalau

saja saya bisa jawab/ tahu, sering kali saya kesulitan menyusunnya sesuai dengan

tenses yang benar sehingga saya nggak jadi ngomong, takut salah

mengucapkannya, takut diketawakan teman-teman. Intinya tidak PD-lah, tapi

kalau sering ada yang ngaja komong seperti tadi denga bu guru, saya senang.

Sebab saya jadi tahu dan menjadi berani, walaupun belum bisa banyak nyambung

asal mencoba aja” (IPS).

From one to eight students whom the researcher asked, they have the same

problem like what have been stated by the three students mentioned above. And

then she tried to confirm the identical problem happened to the other students.

And then the researcher went to the classroom and asked them why they have

difficulties in English speaking. Some of the students were able to speak English.

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They were able to give the answer fluently and accurately. But most of them were

not able to give the answer fluently and accurately, they just give the answer

incompletely. They were doubt, afraid if their answer didn‟t match to the question.

Meanwhile there were so many passive students. If they were asked some

questions, they only give smile or keep silent on their own seat. And sometimes

they only give the answer „Yes‟ or „No‟.

The students‟ English speaking competence is still low. They had different

competence and bravery. Generally the students who were able to speak English

and understand it well, they are cleverer than the others. They were not only

clever but also bravery to express something using their own English orally.

Meanwhile, the others had an average competence even less than them. They

move their head to the right or to left waiting the stimulus from another one else‟s.

They look in doubt, shy and afraid to express their own English orally.

When the researcher thought them dealing with the speaking competence,

it can be explained as follows: as the curriculum stated that English must be

included four skills namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. The teacher

had tried to teach the student all these skills, but speaking competence hasn‟t

enough time because of the limited time for practicing, and less of environment

supporting. This condition caused the result of the students‟ achievement

especially in English speaking was not satisfying enough. There were many

students unwilling to speak using their own English because they felt shy, doubt,

afraid even more indifferently. They didn‟t show pay attention and tend to be


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In teaching speaking competence, the researcher usually gave the students

some expressions dealing with the topic and then asked them to act or practice it

in the form of dialogue in front of the class. The dialogue itself just is taken from

the students‟ book. Then the writer gave them the written exercises to do in group

or individually. Likewise speaking in the form of monologue, they also just read

from the written text without expression or gestures. In the most of supplied time

the researcher was used to drill them with some written exercises rather than

orally. By the hope that they would be able to do the English written test, this was

held routine at every the end of semester or at the final examination. Frankly

speaking the researcher would be happy if the students could do the test well and

got good mark even best score. Or at least, they would get more than target score

which had been determined by the English teachers. That was 6.8.

If the score which was reached by the students was less than the target

score, the teaching and learning process would be classified as the failure. In

conclusion, if the score was more than the target score, it would be classified as

the success one. Therefore as the English teacher, the researcher cared to give

drilling to the students with the written English exercises rather than English


As we know that someone believed that the success of someone in

teaching was measured from the result of the test score which was reached by the

students when they did the test. The higher score they got the cleverer students

they were. On the contrary, the least score they got the weakness students they

are. That explains there was the tendency of the teachers including the researcher,

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to give more written exercises than oral exercises. There was LKS ( lembar

kegiatan siswa) which become the students‟ assignment or home work to be done.

Based on the researcher‟s experience, the result of the written test was good

enough. Most of the students got higher score than the target score. It was

different from the daily speaking review mark; most of the students got lower than

the target score. From 36 students, no one who got mark more than 7. Those who

got the same as or more than 6.8 were 10 students (27.778%), and the other

students got less than 6.8 (72.222%). That indicated most of the students still got

difficulties in mastering English speaking competence.

The last fact that the researcher did to support the initial notion is giving

pre-test orally (monologue about someone‟s profession) to the students. It was

done to know the initial speaking competence of the students. In this case the

researcher asked her friend whose name is PL to test orally (monologue) the

students along with the researcher. It was hoped that the test was more objective.

It meant that scores would be calculated as objective as possible.

The test instruments had been arranged and prepared before by the

researcher. The questions which were given related to a profession. They were

pictures related to the profession and give the description orally. Because of the

limited time, each student only got three to four minutes.

The test went the following way; firstly, the researcher as the first tester

(T1) and her friend PL or her collaborator was as the second tester (T2) called a

student according to the smallest sequence number up to the higher one. And then

the tester shows him/her a picture before giving/telling the description of a

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profession. It meant that after the first number was over, and then it would be

continued to the following number. Beside they had also provided the scoring

scale categories as follows;

Table: 4.1 “Ur‟s Speaking Test Scale”

Accuracy Fluency

Little or no language is produced 1 Little or no communication 1

Poor vocabulary, mistakes in basic

grammar, may have easy strong

foreign accent

2 Very hesitant and brief

utterances sometimes difficult



Adequate but rich vocabulary, makes

obvious grammar mistakes, slight

foreign accent

3 Gets idea across but hesitantly

and briefly


Good usage of vocabulary, recessional

grammar slips, slight foreign accent.

4 Effective communication in

short turn


Wide vocabulary appropriately used,

virtually no grammar mistakes, native

like or slight foreign accent

5 Easy and effective

communication uses long turn


Meanwhile the result of the pre-test conducted by the researcher and her

collaborator indicated that the total score of the students‟ were; those who got the

same as or more than 6.8 were 9 students (25 %), while who got less than 6.8

were 27 students (75 %) from the total of the students in that class were 36

students. having looked at the above fact finding, the researcher concludes and

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believes that the students really get difficulties in mastering the English speaking

competence. Therefore the researcher is eager to help the by giving a solution.

The solution the researcher is going to offer is teaching English speaking by using

“Jigsaw”. It is one of teaching technique to improve or enhance the students‟

English speaking competence.

Based the above problem, the researcher then prepared a plan of improving

the students‟ English speaking competence into 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of a

series of steps, namely; planning the action, applying the action, observing and

monitoring the action, evaluating and reflecting the result of the observation, and

the last is revising the plan.

B. The Implementation of the Action

The theme of the first cycle is about the profession of a receptionist, water,

manager, bell boy, and clerk. And the second cycles is about profession of a

director, secretary, accountant, librarian, and chef. Meanwhile, to reach the

purpose of teaching and learning process, as stated before that the researcher make

the procedure to use “Jigsaw” as the teaching technique in improving the students‟

English speaking competence. The description of the research implementation can

be explained as the following parts:

1. Cycle I

In this part, the researcher did a set of activities which consisted of

planning the action, implementing the action which included four meetings (three

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meetings of applying jigsaw technique and a meeting for post-test) in which each

meeting consisted of opening the class, main activity, and closing.

a. Planning the Action

Before implementing the action, the researcher gave the students a pre-test.

This test was aimed to know how well their initial speaking competence of their

English speaking competence in any kinds of situation. The test was also given at

the end of the first cycle as the post-test to know the progress or the difference

between the previous and after implementation the action to the students in the


After finding the reality that the English spoken learning failure, it caused

the students got difficulties in applying their own English orally and

communicatively either inside or outside the class. In this case the researcher tried

to improve them by choosing teaching technique that could be a solution for this

problem. Teaching technique that was applied was “Jigsaw”. The researcher was

sure that by using jigsaw, the students would get improvement in their English

speaking competence. It was be able to develop speaking ability, promote

interaction among the students, and increase the students‟ motivation to learn in

achieving their English speaking competence.

In the first cycle, the theme was “profession of a receptionist, waiter,

manager, bell boy, and clerk”. The researcher as a teacher prepared the material as

well as possible and lesson plan by using Jigsaw in teaching English speaking.

The form of the material was monologue of description profession and then

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followed by some steps to be done by the students that had been arranged in the

form of small groups (jigsaw groups and expert group).

b. Acting

For implementation the action, the researcher divided the action into three

stages namely; opening (warming up), main activities (making small groups

(jigsaw groups and expert group), and closing. These three stages were conducted

in two cycles. First cycle was conducted in 450 minutes which was divided into

five meetings (pre-test, three meetings for implementation, and post-test). And

each meeting was conducted in 90 minutes (2 X 45). And the second cycle was

conducted in 360 minutes which was divided into four meetings (three meetings

for implementation, and post-test)

The lesson plan and the material dealing with the topic had been prepared

before implementing the action. The researcher ruled as the researcher and

observer and also as a teacher who taught in the class. Meanwhile, the theme

which was going to teach for the first time was about profession of a receptionist.

1) First Meeting

In this part the researcher did a set of activities dealing with the teaching

and learning process as mentioned before. Among of them were as the following:

opening the class opening (warming up); making small groups (jigsaw groups and

expert group); discussions (in jigsaw groups and in expert group); production

(some of the small group present the topic had discussed), and closure (the teacher

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gave the summarization of the topic had discussed, then gave the students

assignment for the next meeting ended with taking a leave. The detail information

is explained in the following part:

a) Opening the Class

It was exactly at 07.15, the bell rung. Then the researcher as the teacher

went to the second floor and entered class. Here the researcher used the English

laboratory. It was a large room and comfortable enough for implementing the

action. The teacher directly went to the teacher‟s desk in front of the room

facing the students and also did observation all the activities that happened in

this class. The teacher greeted them friendly and they gave response


After greeting the teacher then checked the students‟ attendance one by

one and asked them to raise their hands when the teacher called him/her and

saying „Yes Mom‟, or „Present‟. Meanwhile, for the absent student, the teacher

asked them to report by saying “Sorry Mom, She/he is absent today”.

Fortunately, for the first meeting all of the students were complete. The total of

them were 35 students. They consisted of 1 male student and 34 female ones.

Then to create the class condition warm and live the teacher gave them

some questions dealing with the profession. In this case the teacher gave them

the question for certain students individually and randomly. The questions had

been given were as like; what is your father/mother?; where does he/she work?;

what is his/her duty?; what tools does he/she need in doing his/her work?; and

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so on. The teacher moved on from one student to another randomly to give

some question as stated before.

When the researcher opened the class, the students responded her excitedly

and enthusiastically. It meant most of them replied the teacher‟s greeting well.

Although there were also some part of them didn‟t. But they responded her

well though they didn‟t show their high spirit. Perhaps they had low profile

appearance, so that they didn‟t seem to be enthusiastic like the other one.

As for their good responding, it could be seen from their welcoming of the

teacher. They behaved politely and nicely when the teacher greeted them to

open the class; they also joined the class interactively. For example; when the

teacher greeted them to „Good morning every body?‟ the teacher said. „Good

morning, Mom‟, the students responded together. Then the teacher continued

her greeting „How are you today‟, „I‟m fine, and you?” they returned to ask,

“I‟m fine. Thank you” the teacher said.

Meanwhile, when the researcher warmed up the class, most of them to be

ready and strive to answer what the teacher asked. However there were also

some students who looked un-ready to answer the teacher questions. For

example when the teacher asked a certain student as like; “Hai mbak ANH,may

I ask you. What‟s your father? Or what‟s your father‟s job/profession?” the

teacher asked. “My father‟s job is a farmer”, she answered it. The teacher

asked the same question to MYT, “My father is a bricklayer”, MYT said.

“Where does your father usually work, ANH?” the teacher said. “In the rice

field” the student ANH answered. And you MYT, “Where does your father

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work?” the teacher said. “In a project” MYT answered, and so on. As the

writer stated before that the writer moved on from one student to another to

give light question dealing with profession randomly. And finally the teacher

showed the picture to the students with the question “What is he?” All of the

students said that it was a receptionist.

b) Main Activity

In this part the researcher told the topic they were going to learn on that

day using „Jigsaw‟ as the learning technique. The theme was profession as a

receptionist. It was not strange for them because it might actually be related to

the work which was found in company, institutions, schools or other public

areas. In this case the researcher decided to take it by the hope that they would

get easier topic so they would enjoy the teaching and learning activities in the

class. The researcher was sure that they were mostly confused of what didn‟t

know well.

First of all the researcher divided the students into four small groups (A,

B, C, and D). One group consists of 7/8 students and randomly in term of

gender, and ability. Next, the teacher appointed one student of each group to

be the leader of the group. The leaders of each group gathered to be the expert

group. Then the researcher gave them the topic “A Receptionist”, after that

the researcher gave the time and asked the groups (ABCD) to discuss it.

The researcher guided the expert group to survive the students dealing the

topic. The researcher gave them the main vocabularies written on the slide and

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they could ask the researcher if they got difficulties. Then the expert group

began to discuss about the main point description of a “Receptionist “. After

getting the main point of their segment then they rehearsed the presentation.

Each member of the expert group should remember the result of the discussion,

and then they went back to the original group/jigsaw group. They reported the

result of the discussion from the expert group to his/her original/jigsaw group.

And they became the model of each group members in doing monologue, so

they paid much attention the given model.

When the expert group presented the result of the discussion about the

description of “A Receptionist”, most of the group members paid much

attention to him/her attentive fully but some part of them didn‟t. They looked

making a little conversation but the researcher didn‟t know what they talked

about, whereas the others concern their learning well. Finally, it was time to

make presentation. The teacher asked some of the leader of the group make

presentation in front of the class and ended by announcing what group is the


The following is the chart in which the students hand to practice individual

presentation or monologue using Jigsaw and the topic was “A Receptionist”

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Figure: 4.2. “The Steps to do in Jigsaw in the first cycle”

When BDW of the member of the group A came foreword to have

presentation, she seemed to be doubt and shy to express her own English

because her sound was so weak or low to hear. At that moment the teacher had

reminded her to speak louder and clearer. “We don‟t hear your voice, please

speak louder”, the teacher said. BDW looked at the teacher and nodded while

saying “Ya ,bu” she said. One of her friend who sat on the back also

said,”Nggak denger, yang keras” she said. Then she tried again to repeat it

from the beginning, but reality she also felt awkward or un-easy to do, she

Grouping the students based

on the alphabet they got

(group A, B, C, and D)

Choosing the leader of each

group to be the expert

Discussing about the

profession stated on the

picture given

Show a picture

Sharing each other to find

completed information and

read the result

Remember the result of the


The expert group back to

their origin group/jigsaw

group (A, B, C and D)

Reporting the result of the

discussion to the group

members (from A to A, from

B to B, C to C, and D to D)

Each members of the group


remembering what the

expert reported or informed

Prepare the students of each

group to have presentation

Presentation in front of the


Counting all students by

saying A, B, C, and D

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always looked up to remember what words would be said and often stopped

without saying anything. And finally she said,”Sudah ya bu”. She gave up and

backed to her group again.

While BDW had presentation in front of the class, the other students did

various activities. There were some students paid attention seriously, some

others making notes about the material, some others did a little conversation

with their close friend, and some others prepared their mastering of the

material and prepared for the next turn. Then after BDW turn was over, those

who didn‟t do presentation yet, gave her applaud loudly. She seemed to be free

from her burden, and she could smile freely to her friend.

The next turn was AES from group B. she looked ready, bravery and

confident to have presentation. She began to talk about the topic given; her

sound was louder and than BDW. She spoke loudly but the meaning is not

clear because she often made mistakes in pronouncing and effected to the

different meaning, and caused the content was not match with the topic.

Perhaps she did a little mistake all of her friends appreciated to her and gave

her applause at the end of her talk.

After the second turn, some off the students tried and shared to their friend

about the material. Some of them asked about how to pronounce certain words,

some others asked about the structural of the sentences, and some others still

enjoy chatting with their close friend. At that moment, there was a student who

seemed to be ready to give presentation for the next turn and then the teacher

called her to prepare it.

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It was the third turn, and WTN was ready to talk about the topic in front of

the class. She began to speak but at the middle of her speech she forgot what

she would say for the next. She became nervous, afraid, shy, burden and so on

which would influence her performance automatically. She just smiled and

smiled only. But she didn‟t remember what she said and gave up, and then she

went back to her place.

Next, it was the last turn from the last group D, and RES was ready to

come forward giving the description of a receptionist. She looked more ready

and confident to do. At the same time, there was a sound from the back “la ini

jawarane, wis mesti ok” said another friend on the back, WDM. Then a

member of group A responded in English “Good” while she was showing her

mother thumb. And the other ones only smiled nicely. Perhaps, she was a

clever student, so that they were welcomed by the other friends‟ applause.

When she were practicing monologue in front of the class, the teacher also

observed them that there was not any problem. It meant that she could practice

it well. Almost her friends applauded her merrily the end of her monologue.

The teacher also joined to applaud her. The class looked merry and exciting.

No one was sad at that moment. They seemed to be happy to joint the class

enthusiastically. It could be seen from their expression showing happy.

As the researcher stated before that at every end of monologue, the teacher

asked the other ones to give applause. With the hope that, they would be

motivated and creating the comfortable class. Consequently, the class would be

a little noisy but would be interesting and exciting, not boring. The students

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would be excited and interested in join the class. Hereby they would develop

their speaking competence.

c) Closing

In this part, the researcher ended the class by saying see you letter.

However, before closing it, the researcher gave all the students a chance or

assignment to make description of a profession of a waiter and would be

presented for the next meeting before the main activity. After giving the

assignment the teacher also reminded the students to study harder at home and

prepared the following meeting as well as possible. The material for the

following meeting was still the same topic as that day, but they had to produce

their own words by themselves, and they had to role interchangeable. “Do you

know what I mean?” the teacher asked them.”No, no mom”, some of the

students answered. “Okay, let me speak in Indonesia to get clear

understanding. Perhatikan semuanya nanti pada pertemuan berikutnya, setiap

kelompok harus mewakilkan satu anggotaya secara bergantian tidak hanya satu

orang itu terus pada setiap kali ada kesempaan maju. Do you understand

know?”, the teacher confirmed, “O…yes, mom, I understand” some students

answered, “Any questions?”, the teacher asked to give the students a chance to

ask the difficulties. “No, Mom”, they answered. Then the teacher closed the

class. “Well, if there is no question, let me end this lesson. Thank you very

much for your great attention. Thank you, and see you”. The students

responded “See you, mom”.

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2) Second Meeting

In this part the students were hoped so much to practice their own English

words by using Jigsaw technique and performed the material given in the form of

monologue. As the researcher asked in the first meeting that the students had to

arrange their English understanding about the material given to be a presentation

description, then they had to present it in front of the class. In this case the

students just repeated the previous lesson with the same theme or a profession.

The steps for the second meeting were opening (warming up), main

activity, and closure, and they would be explained in the following parts:

a) Opening the Class

What the researcher did in this part was not quite different from the

activity in the first meeting. Firstly the researcher greeted students, checked the

students‟ attendance, motivated the students, and prepared the students to

attend the class teaching and learning process. Before the lesson began, the

researcher asked the students if they had an assignment, and then gave them a

chance to present it in front of the class. And then, one of the students came up

and began to speak dealing with the topic given at the end of the last meeting,

namely “a waiter”. After finishing the student‟s presentation the researcher

checked the students‟ memory by giving some question about the last material


Meanwhile, when the researcher gave them questions to check their

memory about the previous material, they mostly could answer them well.

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They seemed having mastered the previous material well. It could be seen,

when they answered the question, there were not misunderstanding. The

questions could be answered correctly and acceptably by all the pointed

students. Even the class looked a life because of the life communication

between the researcher and the students.

b) Main activity

In this part the researcher told the topic they were going to learn on that

day using „Jigsaw‟ as the learning technique. The theme was profession as a

manager. It was not strange for them because it might be actually related to the

work which found in accompany, institutions, hotels or other public area. In

this case the researcher decided to take it by the hope that they would get easier

topic so they would enjoy the teaching and learning activities in the class. Then

the researcher asked the students to make small group or jigsaw group and

instructed them to be the small group with the same member and the researcher

pointed one of the students as a leader. They were active and quick to find their

group A, B, C, and D.

When the researcher showed a picture of a profession, the students joined

her attentively and enthusiastically. It could be seen from their appearing spirit

while joining the class. They looked excited and interested in joining the class

activities. They didn‟t look to be bored and lazy. Even, at that time there had

been a student who bravely asked a question, as like, “Excuse me, mom”asked

the student (AZT from group A) while rising her hand. “Yes, what can I help

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you, AZT?” the teacher responded. “Maaf, bu. Apa ini disuruh mendiscripsikan

seperti yangkemaren?” the student (AZT) continued her question. Then the

teacher explained her,” Right, that‟s good question. Well, listen to me please.

I‟d like to explain AZY‟s question. Are you ready to listen at me?”The teacher

confirmed. “Yes, mom”, they answered. After that the teacher continued her

explanation that on that day the class would have the same activities like they

had done before, but different topic. And finally, one of the members of the

group had to present the material which was discussed orally. “Okay, any

question else?” “No”, the students answered. “Okay, let‟s do and join the

discussion in your group” Asked the researcher.

The students on their group looked more relax and were not afraid to give

their own opinion about the profession of a manager. They could share the

vocabularies, meaning and pronouncing to their friend in the same group or the

other group. Most of them were active to look for the information about the

topic given, but there were some of the students still kept silence, didn‟t have

any idea what to do, and passive.

The researcher then guided the expert group in discussion, showed them the

picture again, and gave them the main vocabularies dealing with the profession

given. The expert group began to discuss the description of a “Manager “.

After getting the result of discussion one of the expert groups read it. They

should remember the result of the discussion. After making the result of the

discussion, they went back to the original group/jigsaw group. They reported it

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in front of their group members as became the model of each group in doing

monologue in the next session, so they paid much attention to them.

When the expert group presented the description of “A Manager”, most of

the group members were so enthusiastic to him/her attentive fully but some

part of them didn‟t. They looked making a little conversation but the writer

didn‟t know what they talked about, whereas the others concern their learning

well. After finishing expert presentation was over, then the researcher asked

each group to make presentation. Before doing the presentation the researcher

asked some of the leader of the group to take lottery to determine the turning of

presentation. Each group represented one of the members to take the lottery

which had been provided by the researcher. One by one the lottery had been

taken and at that time the class was noisy, because after taking lottery some of

them were happy and yelled loudly of getting the last turning. A moment then,

the teacher asked them to do the presentation in front of the class and each

group represented one of the members. The turning of the presentation was

based on the lottery they had, it was as follows; first turning was from group A,

second turning was from Group D, third turning was from Group C, and the

last turning was from group B.

When the students practiced the learning activities using Jigsaw, they

seemed enjoying their activities. It could be seen from their appearance not to

be burdened. They looked happy, and excited to do it, such as from the first

group A, WTN, could present, she didn‟t seem to be doubt and shy to express

her own English. She did it freely without any burden. She still had a little

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mistake at pronunciation and fluency. Even though, she got a loud applause

from her friend at the end of her presentation. After finishing her presentation

she returned to her place and to be continued to the second group. While WTN

had presentation in front of the class, the other students did various activities.

There were some students paid attention seriously, some others making notes

about the material, some others did a little conversation with their close friend,

and some others prepared their mastering of the material and prepared for the

next turn. .

The second turn was ANH from group D. she looked ready, bravery and

confident to have presentation. He began to talk about the topic given; his

sound was louder than RES. He spoke loudly the meaning was clear. He did it

freely without any burden; his pronunciation was good enough and used the

appropriate gesture. He almost did it perfectly, so he got a loud applause from

her friends and then she returned again to her seat.

It was continued by the third turn, until the last turn or group four. The

turns presentation from third group to the fourth group, there were not serious

problem. They took their turn well. Only a little problem found on some

students as having been found like the above mentioned.

Almost their friends applauded at the end of their presentation. It was

aimed to create the students‟ and the class not to be afraid. Besides, they would

be motivated and the result of the activity would be better. It meant that there

ought to be any better progress than before. At least, their willingness to master

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their English orally would be higher tighter. Finally, they were hoped that they

could use their own English mastering into their real daily life.

c) Closing

Having finished all the activities on that day, then the researcher/the

teacher ended the class by saying thanks for the students‟ attention in joining

the class actively and attentively. The researcher hoped so much that the

students could apply their English mastering. Besides, the researcher also

reminded them to prepare the next meeting. The teacher also gave all the

students a chance or assignment to make description profession of “A Bell

Boy” and it will be presented for the next meeting before the main activity.

And finally, the researcher/the teacher said good bye to the students for leaving

the class.

3) Third Meeting

In this part, the students were hoped so much to practice their own English

words orally dealing the topic which had given as the assignment and performed it

in the form of monologue at the opening class (warming up), core activity

(explained the material using Jigsaw), and the last was closure

The steps for the third meeting were opening (warming up), main activity,

and closing. And they would be explained in the following parts:

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a) Opening the class

What the researcher did in this part was not quite different with the activity

in the first meeting. Firstly the researcher greeted students, checked the

students‟ attendance, motivated the students, and prepared the students to

attend the following teaching and learning process. But, before the researcher

began the lesson, the researcher asked the students if they had an assignment

and then gave them a chance to present it in front of the class. And then one of

the students, FOS, came up and began to speak about a profession of “A Bell

Boy”. She could try to give the description of it although it‟s only need three

minutes to present it. After finishing her presentation the researcher checked

the students‟ memorization by giving some question about the last material

given. The class seemed to be ready. However on the back part, there were

students who made a little conversation but they didn‟t disturb the class.

When the teacher gave them questions to check their memorization about

the previous material, they mostly could answer well. They seemed having

mastered the previous material well. It could be seen, when they answered the

question, there were not misunderstanding. The questions could be answered

correctly and acceptably by all the pointed students. The class looked a life

because of the life communication between the researcher and the students.

b) Main activity

In this part the researcher told the topic they were going to learn on that

day using „Jigsaw‟ as the teaching technique. The theme was profession as a

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clerk. This profession was also not strange for the students because it might

actually relate to the work which found in a company, institutions, hotels or

other public area. The researcher was sure that they were mostly confused what

a clerk is. Then the researcher gave the real example around the school at the

administrative office and also gave them a picture of this profession by the

hope they could be easier to have description about it. After that the researcher

began the lesson and applied the jigsaw technique.

First of all the researcher divided the students into the small group (one

group consists of 7/8 students). The groups are diverse in term of gender, and

ability, and asked the students to discuss finding the predicate of each member

using the capital letter A, B, C, and D. after that the students gathered and

joined to the group based on their predicate they have got (A, B, C, or D)

named “Jigsaw Group”. Next, the teacher appointed one student of each

group to choose the leader of the group to be the expert group. Then the writer

gave them the topic “A Clerk”, after that the teacher gave the time and asked

the groups (A, B, C, D) to discuss it.

The researcher guided the expert group in discussion to survive the

students about the description dealing the topic. The researcher showed them

the picture dealing with the topic. They could ask the teacher if they got

difficulties, the expert group began to discuss about the main point of the

description of a “Clerk“ given by the teacher. After getting the main point of

their segment and to rehearse the presentation they would make to the other

Jigsaw group. Each member of the expert group should remember the result of

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the discussion, and then the expert groups go back to the original group/jigsaw

group. They report the result of the discussion from the expert group to the

original/jigsaw group. And they became the model of each group members in

doing monologue, so they paid much attention the given model.

When the expert group presented the result of the discussion about the

description of “A Clerk”, most of the group members paid much attention to

him/her attentive fully but some part of them didn‟t. They looked making a

little conversation but the writer didn‟t know what they talked about, whereas

the others concern their learning well. Finally, it was time to make

presentation. The researcher asked some of the leader of the group make

presentation in front of the class and ended by announcing what group is the


When the student followed the steps arrangement of Jigsaw, they seemed

enjoying their activities. It could be seen from their appearance not to be

burdened. They looked happy, and excited to do it, such as group A, KPT, could

present, she didn‟t seem to be doubt and shy to express her own English. She did

it freely without any burden. She spoke at good pronunciation and fluency. So,

she got a loud applause from her friend at the end of her presentation. After

finishing her presentation she returned to her group and be continued to the other


While KPT had presentation in front of the class, the other students did

various activities. There were some students paid attention seriously, some others

making notes about the material, some others did a little conversation with their

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close friend, and some others prepared their mastering of the material and

prepared for the next turn.

The next turn was SBR from group D. she looked ready, bravery and

confident to have presentation. She began to talk about the topic given; her sound

was loud and clear. It meant that she spoke loudly the meaning was clear. Her

pronunciation was good enough and used the appropriate gesture. So she got a

loud applause from her friends and then she returned again to her seat. Then it was

continued to the third turn, and FOS from group C was ready to talk about the

„clerk‟ in front of the class. She began to speak but at the middle of her speech she

still forgot what she would say for the next. “Emm”, she uttered her voice. Not so

long she reminded the words to say. She was fluent to express her own English

words. She made the preparation well. She didn‟t make hesitation at the middle of

her speaking, made the main point of talking clearly. Her friends gave her a loud

applause. Next, it was the last turn from group B, and YET was ready to speak the

description of „a clerk‟. She looked ready and confidence to do. She could present

it well. It meant that she was fluent enough in speech, good enough at

pronunciation, using the correct structure in arranging the vocabularies into

sentences and also used the appropriate gesture.

When there were practicing monologue in front of the class from each

group the researcher also observed them that there was not any problem. It meant

that they could practice it well. Almost their friends applauded at the end of their

presentation. It was aimed to create the students‟ and the class not to be afraid.

Besides, they would be motivated and the result of the activity would be better. It

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meant that there ought to be any better progress than before. At least, their

willingness to master their English orally would be higher tighter. So, they could

apply their own English mastering into the real daily life.

c) Closing

Having finished all the activities on that day, then the researcher ended the

class by saying thanks for the students‟ attention in joining the class actively and

attentively. The researcher hoped so much that the students could apply their

English mastering. Besides, the researcher also reminded them to study prepare

the next meeting with the evaluation test dealing with the previous topic. And

finally, the researcher said good bye to the students for leaving the class.

4) Fourth Meeting

In this part, the teacher would evaluate the students orally. The activities

consisted of opening (warming up), core activity, and the last was closure (ending

the class). The following were detail information:

a) Opening

Before going on the routine duty, the teacher as the researcher had to greet

the students by saying to them “good morning every body” at first. Then the

researcher continued to check the students attendance one by one to make sure

that all the class members had been complete or not. On that day, there were no

absent students. They were complete 35 students.

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Then the researcher explained what they were going to do on that meeting.

On that occasion, the researcher would give a test to evaluate what the students

had learned before. The test was in the form of orally or spoken test. In the spoken

test the students would be called one by one to come forward, and then he/she was

asked to describe/tell about a certain profession which he/she had learned before

orally. Meanwhile, the other students had to wait out side the class patiently. Each

student would have three or four minutes maximally for his/her presentation.

Having finished joining the interview, he/she could leave and go out side the class

and he/she was asked to call his/her friend for the next turn.

b) Main Activity

First of all, the researcher would call the student who got turn to have

presentation. The role of turn was arranged systematically from the student

number one, two, three, and until the last number student. In holding the test, the

researcher was helped by the collaborator as the second scorer/scoring rater. She

also was the English teacher at the researcher‟s school where the observation was

held. She helped to call the first number to face the teacher in front of the class.

When the students join the spoken test, there were some students seemed

to be nervous. Then the others looked more ready to have the test. Perhaps they

had asked their earlier friend first. So they could make better preparation however

the all seemed preparing their turning seriously. Those who didn‟t get the turning,

they tended to behave calmly of thinking.

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After the researcher was sure that all the students got presentation

(speaking test) which were arranged into their sequence number, the researcher

gave comment or suggestion about the students‟ presentation which had done

whether they were good or not for getting the next better presentation.

c) Closing

Having done all the activities, the teacher closed the class by saying thanks

to the students „attending to join he class well. But before closing the class the

researcher didn‟t forget to remind them to study harder, in order that, they could

master their English speaking competence at once. Besides, the researcher also

gave a chance to ask the difficulty things, that they didn‟t understand yet. Then

the researcher explained the following topic that they were going to study as well

for the next meeting. Finally, the researcher said good bye to the students for

leaving the class.

c. Observing and Monitoring the Action

Observing and monitoring are really very important to do because it can be

used as one of the indicators to know every student‟s progress of the

implementation. Both of them have been done by the researcher during the

implementation of the action while the students were doing their activities. By

observation and monitoring the teaching and learning process in the first cycle, the

researcher knows how far the effectiveness of teaching related to the teaching

approach and technique the researcher used. In this part, the researcher would like

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to describe about what the researcher observed and noticed for the teaching

learning process which was on going at every meeting. In this case, the researcher

makes the description of the researcher‟s teaching process and the students‟

activity at every meeting

The researcher‟s teaching process and the students‟ activity could be

described as follows: Firstly, that jigsaw technique could improve the students‟

speaking competence in learning English. When the researcher opened the class,

and greeted the students they could responded it well. Then the researcher

checked their attendance one by one, some of them raised their hand while saying

“Yes, present” or “Yes mom”, or only raising their hands without saying


In handling the materials, the researcher didn‟t stay at one place only but

the researcher often moved from one place to another one, and from one group to

others group. However, the researcher‟s sound was loud and clear enough made

the students caught up what she had informed. But some of the students had a

little difficulty to understand what the researcher had informed. Then the

researcher repeated it once more again until they got clear.

However, the students joined the class well. It meant that they were calm,

no much noise, although there were still students who made a little conversation

but they didn‟t disturb the others. As the teacher the researcher sometimes remind

them, as like “Hallo, Do you join me?” then spontaneously one of them responded

“Yes, mom”. In that moment, the students who sat in the front rows, they turn

their heads to the source of the sound or their friends while smiling at them. Or

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sometimes, the teacher walked toward the place where the certain students made a

talk or noise, so that he/ would be quite.

Meanwhile when the researcher offered a chance to ask the difficulties

they got, suddenly a student raised her hand and asked, as like: “Excuse me,

Mom”, she said. “Yes, what can I do for you, Mbak?” the researcher responded.

“How many paragraph should we make, mom?” she said. Then the researcher

praised her and explained about what she asked in detail as possible as had stated

before. Besides, the researcher had to make sure that the students had understood

about the material presented that day. In this case, there were no many students

yet who interacted bravely by asking their difficulties to the teacher.

In practicing discussion their task in the first cycle, the student of each

group had done well. However they tend to imitate from friend to friends in one

group or friends from another group. They didn‟t produce their own words by

themselves yet, whereas, they were hoped to practice speaking by using their own

words. Because they had got explanation or rehearse the material from the result

of discussion which had reported from the expert group members, the students

had description of what they should be presented. When the teacher closed the

class, there were not questions from them although the teacher had offered the

chance to ask their difficulties. The researcher asked them whether they enjoyed

the class activity or not. Then they responded that they enjoyed it much. Most of

them said that they felt happy to practice their English speaking by this technique


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Secondly, jigsaw in teaching English speaking can improve the students‟

motivation. When the researcher opened the class, the researcher had tried

striving to teach the students well. It meant that the researcher had tried striving to

teach the students as well as possible by breaking a little tense situation. So that

the students could join the class enjoyable, relax, and excited. However, it was not

easy to do because the class was from the heterogeneous students and various

types of students. While the students seemed to be a little less free. It could be

seen from their behavior appearance when they were joining the class. They still

seemed to be a little doubt, shy, afraid even laugh with the funny sound or thing.

Meanwhile, when the researcher presented the materials, some of them

seemed to respond it seriously and enthusiastically but some didn‟t and some were

common, whereas the researcher tried to teach them well. The students joined the

class well. It meant that they were calm, no much noise, although there were still

students who made a little conversation but they didn‟t disturb the others. As the

teacher the researcher sometimes remind them, walked toward the place where the

certain students made a talk or noise, so that he/ would be quite.

When the researcher asked the students to discuss in their own group,

some students did the task given enthusiastically; some of them had a little talk

with their close friend, and some students who were castled in the air. In this case

the teacher reminded them to focus on their task and prepare the presentation

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d. Evaluating and Reflecting the Result of Implementation

Reflecting the result of the implementation in the first cycle will answer

the question as; what are successful already? What are not successful yet?; why

they are happened?; and in what way should they be solved?

a. Things are successful already

Some of the activities which were done in the first cycle are already

successful. They are as follows:

1) Enhancing the students‟ production of what they had learned before which was

held in the fourth meeting.

They could improve their English speaking competence. After comparing the

result of pre-test of which the mean was 63, 53 and the result of post- test in the

first cycle of which the mean was 67, 78, it can be concluded that there is a

better progress than before. It means that the students‟ achievement had

improved at about 6, 68 %

2) The influences of Jigsaw teaching technique in the first cycle as follow:

a) The class has become more active.

In this case, the students have activities which could be done individually or in

their group to discuss or to express their ideas to get complete information

through discussion. They did discussion twice, in their jigsaw group and in the

expert group that made the class active.

b) The students‟ motivation has improved.

The students paid much attention to the turns of presentation and became the

model to motivate them to perform the presentation as well as possible.

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c) The students‟ interaction has been enhanced.

The students who used to feel shy, nervous, afraid, inferior to make mistakes

formerly, then they began to have bravery to ask and respond someone else‟s

questions or statement, although sometimes they used Indonesian in

communication. Their being shy, nervous, afraid, inferior to make mistakes had

decreased though not all.

d) The cooperation among the students in the group seemed to be closer than

before, because they always completed one to each another in doing and

finding the result of discussion and finally preparing the presentation in front o

the class.

e) They seemed to have fun and to be comfortable.

The students felt that they had free atmosphere to express their own English

orally, so they had could study English freely based on the given guidance by

their researcher. The class had been a little chaos but it was positive and

product able.

b. The things are not successful yet

There are some activities which are not successful yet in implementing

during the first cycle. For example:

1) The students‟ speaking competence still has the weakness in some indicators

like pronunciation, fluency, and organizing. The mean of them are still under

the benchmark or 68 (The mean of pronunciation is 66, 29, the mean of fluency

is 66, 70 and the mean of organizing is 67, 71).

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2) The use of Jigsaw teaching technique has not been able to affect the students‟

psychological mind optimally for all students. For example:

a) There were some who were still a little passive

b) There were some who were still felt doubt to express their mind.

c) There were some who still mispronounced the word(s)

d) There were some who still use wrong sentence structure

e) There were some who still confused at their presentation in weak voice.

f) There were some who were still felt a little inferior to express their minds

g) There were some who imitated their fiends.

c. Why have they happened?

Based on reflecting and analyzing the implementation of the first cycle, it

showed that the main source of the students‟ difficulties was caused by some

thing like:

1) The implementing roles in the action were not optimal yet.

The researcher at first time implemented the jigsaw technique, so her role in

action had not been optimal yet. Besides, the existence of the researcher had

not been accepted fully by the students in their class, because she might look

seriously than her daily.

2) Jigsaw teaching technique was a new technique for the students to do it.

They had never done it before. They weren‟t accustomed to doing it yet before,

so they needed much time to get a habit to do it.

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3) The students tended to behave calms, humble.

It happened to those who came from out side town, or those who came from

the low economic status.

4) For the low learners, they tended to imitate the description from their friends

and sometimes they imitate their friends who had presented it before. They also

seemed to be a little passive, shy, nervous, and not confident to express their

own ideas orally.

d. In what way should they be solved?

Although there had been a better progress especially in production

achievement which could be seen from the result of post- test in the fourth

meeting, it was necessary to see the consistency of the significant validity of the

teaching speaking competence using Jigsaw. To gain a better progress, it was

necessary to conduct learning action in the second cycle. In the learning activities

in the second cycle, the action plan had to be improved and completed by

considering something which was necessary to do interactive, create more active

and interactive class.

Something which was necessary to be improved and perfected in the

second cycle as the improvements of the lack in the first cycle was as follows:

1) Enhancing the role of the teacher to keep the class actively and interactively.

It means that the teacher had to move or walk from one student to another by

giving a light and easy guidance or explanation, with the hope the students

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attended the class more actively. The teacher had to keep the class to be in

joyful atmosphere.

2) Familiarizing the Jigsaw teaching technique to the students and explaining the

guidance steps as clearly as possible.

Before doing the main activity, the researcher gave the explanation of jigsaw

and the instructions or guidance steps clearly. By the hope the students knew it

well then they could do the activities optimally.

3) Supporting the students to perform their appearance in front of the class as well

as possible.

The researcher gave the students advices that it was unnecessary to shy, afraid,

inferior to make mistakes in presenting their performance in front of the class,

regarded your friends in front of you as you yourselves. In this case the

researcher and her collaborator made some discussion and advice to determine

the solution. The decisions were as follows:

Table: 4.3 “The students‟ problem & its solution

Students‟ problem Solution

A little passive Give a high motivation, fairly approach to

support their spirit

Doubt to express their mind Support them not to worry to make mistakes,

give strong motivation

Mispronouncing the word(s) Lead them to pronounce the difficulty

word(s) many times, give some more


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Misuse the structure of the

word(s) or sentence(s)

Guide them and explain it into the right

structure, then give them some more


Low sound in speaking Support them to express and produce sound

more loudly and also remind them not to be

afraid to make mistakes

Feel inferior Support them to behave commonly, give

comprehending about the existence of the

students in the school

For the above purpose, the researcher had to arrange the group in the

class. It was done to get better group arrangement in the second cycle than in one

cycle. Besides, researcher had to be more freely in teaching so that there was no

gap between the teacher and the students. It was necessary to be done to create the

teaching and learning atmosphere in the classroom that would be more


2. Cycle 2

In this term, the researcher prepared some steps to do the activities

consisting of namely planning the action, implementing the action which included

four meetings and each meeting consisted of opening, main activity, and closing,

the following were the detail information about the above part:

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a. Revised Planning the Action

Based on the result of reflecting and evaluating the action implementation

in the first cycle, the researcher then revised and arranged the action plan for the

second cycle. This action plan was aimed at eliminating the weaknesses in the

first cycle. The solution which the researcher offered were as follows: (1)

familiarizing and motivating the students who were a little passive to be more

active and interactive by involving them to interact in discussion. For example, by

giving the solution as mentioned in table 4.3; (2) enhancing the role of the teacher

as the facilitator rather than the instructor in the teaching learning activities by

giving some words as vocabularies dealing with the topic as the references which

could be used by the students; (3) enhancing the role of the teacher as motivator

by showing the importance to master oral English. Besides, the teacher strived to

help the students to over come their difficulties; and (4) enhancing the role of the

teacher a resource person who was ready to help the students every time when

they got difficulties related to the material given at that time.

The learning action plan for cycle two was arranged as follows:

1) Explaining the understanding of Jigsaw again and its guidance steps to do in

more real situation.

In this case the researcher explained again about the jigsaw technique and its

steps in real situation or using the students as the example in order they easier

understood when they did the earning activities.

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2) Determining the material which would be conducted in the cycle two.

In this case, the theme for the second cycle was the description of a “Director,

secretary, librarian, Accountant and chef”

3) Making scenario of learning activities using Jigsaw and its guidance steps.

In this case the researcher made a draft to apply Jigsaw and its guidance steps,

then divided the material into some segment to be discussed for each group.

Besides, the researcher also gave pictures of professions to get the description

of profession easier.

4) Preparing the facilities which were needed to make description for


It was so necessary to give the illustration of the situation, and to make the

students easy to express their own words. In this case the researcher besides

gave them a picture of profession also made questions to make the students

easy to find main idea and the words needed to improve the main idea. The

questions liked: “where does he/she usually work? What is his/her duty? What

tools does he/she usually need or use to support his/her work?” and so on.

5) Making a lottery to determine each of group.

Before time for presentation, the researcher made a lottery using a piece paper

written from number 1 to 4. Then each member of groups chose one of them. It

means that the group which got number 1, it would become the first turn for


6) Give the student a chance to choose the description profession which the

students had known better, especially at the post test session whether he/she

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presented the description of a secretary, receptionist, manager, clerk, director,

accountant, waiter, or bell boy

b. Implementation the Action

This second cycle was principally not quite different with the first cycle.

The researcher also divided the action into three namely; opening (warming up),

main activities (presentation the material though Jigsaw steps), and closing. The

three steps were conducted in four meetings which the meetings as presenting and

practicing the material using Jigsaw. The fourth meeting was carried out to

evaluate the result of teaching learning process which had been done. The four

meetings were conducted in 360 minutes, and 90 minutes for each meeting (2 X

45 minutes).

1) First Meeting

In this part the researcher did a set of activities dealing with the teaching

and learning process which consisted of opening the class (warming up); main

activity, and closing (the teacher gave the summarization of the topic had

discussed, then gave the students assignment for the next meeting ended with

taking a leave. The detail information will be explained in the following part:

a) Opening the Class

The researcher firstly gave greeting them friendly and they gave response

enthusiastically. After greeting the teacher then checked the students‟

attendance one by one. They could raise their hands when the researcher called

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him/her and saying „Yes Mom‟, or „Present‟. Fortunately, for the first meeting

all of the students were complete. The total of them were 35 students. They

consisted of 1 male student and 34 female ones.

After checking the students‟ attendance, the researcher reminded their

memorization about the previous lesson by giving them some questions

randomly dealing with the theme had given before. When the teacher did this,

the students tried to answer well. Most of them could answer the researchers‟

questions acceptable. They seemed understand what they had learned in the

first theme. It could be seen when the researcher offered chance to ask whether

there was still difficulties or not. Even though there was no question.

b) Main Activity

In this part the teacher told the topic they were going to learn on that day

using „Jigsaw‟ as the learning technique. The theme was profession as “A

Director‟. It was a profession which actually related to the work which found in

a company, institutions, or other public area. In this case the researcher decided

to take it by the hope that they would get easier topic so they would enjoy the

teaching and learning activities in the class. The researcher was sure that they

were mostly not confused what a director is.

Then the researcher explained jigsaw technique and its steps. The students

seemed to pay much attention seriously. The class was quite enough. There

was no noise. Next, divide the students into the small group (one group

consists of 7/8students). They are diverse in term of gender, and ability, and

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asked the students to discuss finding the predicate of each member using the

capital letter A, B, C, and D. The class changed to be a little noise, after that

the students gathered and joined to the group based on their predicate they have

got (A, B, C, or D) named “Jigsaw Group”. Next, the researcher appointed

one student of each group to choose the leader of the group to be the expert

group. Then the researcher divided the topic “A director” into some segments

and each group would get one segment to discuss in their group. The four

segments are (definition, category, duty, and rank/level), then they discussed

and shared each other. After having discussed in their group the researcher

asked the leaders of each group gathered and join into the expert group.

The researcher guided the expert group in discussion to survive the

students about the description dealing the topic, the researcher showed the

picture again and also gave them some questions dealing with the topic written

on the slide to make the main idea of the description easily. They could ask the

teacher if they got difficulties, the expert group began to discuss and shared

one to another to get completed description profession of a director. Then they

rehearse the presentation, each member of the expert group should remember

the result of the discussion, and then the expert groups went back to the

original group/jigsaw group. They report the result of the discussion from the

expert group to the original/jigsaw group. And they became the model of each

group members in doing monologue, so they paid much attention the given


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When the expert group presented the result of the discussion about the

description of “A Director”, most of the group members paid much attention

to him/her attentive fully. They looked concern their learning well. Finally, it

was time to make presentation. The researcher then made a lottery to determine

what group was the first turn. The researcher asked one of each group took a

lottery, and chronological turns were from group A, B, C, and D. The teacher

then asked some of the leader of the group to prepare presentation in front of

the class. At the end of the presentation would be announced what group was

the best.

The following is the chart in which the students had to practice individual

presentation or monologue using Jigsaw and the topic was “A Director”

Figure: 4.4 “The Jigsaw steps in cycle two, first meeting”


Small group A, B, C, and D

Give the segment of the theme to

each group

Discuss and share each other to

find more information

Showing the picture

Read the result of discussion

(twice) Read and remember the result


The expert group back to their

original group/jigsaw

Report the result of the discussion

to his/her group

Make lottery, and ask the

students to take one of them Prepare the turns for presentation

Announce the best group and give a rewords

Choose a leader of each group to

be the expert

Rehearse, discuss and share each


Divide the students into small


Call the turns from the lottery

number 1 to 4

Presentation in front of the class

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When the researcher asked the first turn to come foreword to present, the

class applauded, to support them in presenting in order to avoid the tense

situation. Then NLZ of the member of the group A had presentation, she could

do it well. At the end of her presentation, the class applauded her again. The

class looked life and exciting.

After that the researcher pleased the second turn, third turn, and until the

fourth turn. In general, each group member could present the topic well.

However, only the third turn, SLA, from group C still felt doubt to pronounce

some words. She had difficulty to pronounce them, but finally she had been

able to pronounce them well. It was time for announcing the best group, and it

was NLZ from group A. the researcher then asked the other group hadn‟t got

best, could prepare well for the next meeting.

c) Closing

Having finished all the activities on that day, the researcher ended the

class by saying thanks for the students‟ attention in joining the class. The

researcher hoped so much that they could apply what they had learned. At least,

they could know the description profession of a director. However, before closing

it, the teacher gave all the students a chance or assignment to make description

profession of “A Secretary” and will be presented for the next meeting before the

main activity. After giving the assignment the teacher also reminded the students

to study harder at home and prepared the following meeting as good as possible.

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2) Second Meeting

In this activity, the students were hoped so much to practice their own

English words by using Jigsaw technique and performed it in the form of

monologue. As the teacher asked before that they had to arrange their English

understanding to be a presentation description, then they had to present it in front

of the class. So in this case they just repeated the previous lesson with the same


The steps for the second meeting were opening (warming up), main

activity, and closure. And they would be explained in the following parts:

a) Opening the class

What the researcher did in this part was not quite different with the activity

in the first meeting. Firstly the researcher greeted students, checked the

students‟ attendance, motivated the students, and prepared the students to

attend the following teaching and learning process. But, before the researcher

began the lesson, the researcher asked the students if they had an assignment

and gave them a chance to present it in front of the class. And then one of the

students came up and began to speak dealing with the topic given at the end of

the last meeting, namely “A Secretary”. After finishing the student‟s

presentation the researcher checked the students‟ memorization by giving some

question about the last material given.

Meanwhile, when the researcher gave them questions to check their

memorization about the previous material, they mostly could answer well.

They seemed having mastered the previous material well. It could be seen,

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when they answered the question, there were not misunderstanding. The

questions could be answered correctly and acceptably by all the pointed

students. Even the class answered the questions relax and friendly. It meant

that they did it with nice smile at the teacher mostly. They responded it as if

they were talking with their friends.

b) Main Activity

In this part the teacher told the topic they were going to learn on that day

using „Jigsaw‟ as the learning technique. The theme was profession as an

accountant. It was not strange for them because it might actually related to the

work which found in accompany, institutions, hotels or other public area. In

this case the writer decided to take it by the hope that they would get easier

topic so they would enjoy the teaching and learning activities in the class. The

writer was sure that they were mostly confused what is a receptionist, her

duties, what the characteristics are required.

The researcher then started the activity and began to divide the students

into the small groups like as the previous meeting using jigsaw technique. The

four small groups were formed. Then the researcher gave them a picture of “An

Accountant”, after that the researcher divided the topic into some segments

and gave them. Then the researcher gave time and asked the groups (A, B, C,

and D) to discuss it.

Having discussed in the small group, the researcher appointed one of

the groups to be the leader and the combined them into the expert. Then the

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researcher guided the expert group in discussion to survive the students about

the description dealing the topic, the teacher showed them the picture dealing

with the topic. They could ask the teacher if they got difficulties, the expert

group began to discuss about the main point of the description of an

“Accountant” given by the teacher. After getting the main point of their

segment and to rehearse the presentation they would make to the other Jigsaw

group. Each member of the expert group should remember the result of the

discussion, and then the expert groups go back to the original group/jigsaw

group. They report the result of the discussion from the expert group to the

original/jigsaw group. And they became the model of each group members in

doing monologue, so they paid much attention the given model.

When the expert group presented the result of the discussion about the

description of “An Accountant”, most of the group members paid much

attention to him/her attentive fully but some part of them didn‟t. They didn‟t

look making a little conversation, they others concern their learning well.

Finally, it was time to make presentation. After they took a lottery the teacher

called asked one of the members of the group present it in front of the class.

They seemed more ready in their presentation. While doing this activity, the

researcher also observed to the students‟ pronunciation, grammar,

comprehension, fluency and content. Finally the researcher ended by

announcing what group is the best.

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c) Closing

Having presented all the groups and announced the best, the researcher ended

the class. Before it the researcher gave the students assignments to describe a

profession of a librarian, and they had to present it in the next meeting.

Timewas up then the researcher said leaving “thank for your attention and see

you” the students. They responded friendly and happily.

3) Third Meeting

In this meeting the students were hoped so much to practice their own

English words by using Jigsaw technique and performed it in the form of

monologue. As the teacher asked before that they had to arrange their English

understanding to be a presentation description, then they had to present it in front

of the class. So in this case they just repeated the previous lesson with the same


The steps for the second meeting were opening (warming up), core

activity, and closure. And they would be explained in the following parts:

a) Opening the class

The teacher greeted students, checked the students‟ attendance, motivated

the students, and prepared the students to attend the following teaching and

learning process. But, before the teacher began the lesson, the teacher asked the

students if they had an assignment gave them a chance to present it in front of

the class. And then one of the students came up and began to speak dealing

with the topic given at the end of the last meeting, namely “A Librarian”. After

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finishing the student‟s presentation the teacher checked the students‟

memorization by giving some question about the last material given. They

mostly could answer well. They seemed having mastered the previous material

well. It could be seen, when they answered the question, there were not

misunderstanding. Even the class looked alive because of the life

communication between the teacher and the students.

b) Main activity

In this part the researcher told the topic they were going to learn on that

day using „Jigsaw‟ as the learning technique. The theme was profession of a

chef. It might actually relate to the work which found in hotels or restaurant.

Then the researcher asked the students to make small group as they had done

before. After the four small groups were formed, the researcher saw them the

picture and gave them a segment to each group. They started to discuss the

segment given. The researcher moved from one group to another to observe

them whether they had difficulty or not.

Next, the teacher appointed one student of each group to be the leader of

the group and gathered them to be an expert group. Then the researcher asked

them to rehearse of each segment then discuss it to get completed information

about the description profession of a chef. To make them active the researcher

gave them some questions related to the topic. They could ask the teacher if

they got difficulties.

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Having got completed information as the result off discussion, read it. The

other member of the expert group should remember the result of the discussion

had been read. Then the expert groups went back to the original group/jigsaw

group. They report the result of the discussion from the expert group to the

original/jigsaw group. They became the model of each group members in doing

monologue, so they paid much attention the given model.

Then the teacher asked the groups to present it in front of the class. To get

the turn one of the group took a lottery. The presented as the lottery they got

from number one to four and at the end of their presentation almost all their

friends gave them applause. Generally they could present it well, and then the

researcher announced what the best group is. Group C was become the best


c) Closing

Having finished all the activities on that day, then the researcher/the

teacher ended the class by saying thanks for the students‟ attention in joining

the class actively and attentively. The researcher/the teacher hoped so much

that the students could apply their English mastering. Besides, the researcher

also reminded them to prepare the next meeting. The teacher gave

announcement that there was an oral test for the next meeting and the students

could choose one of the best topics for them. Once again the researcher

reminded them to study hard and prepare best for the oral test. And finally, the

researcher said good bye to the students for leaving the class.

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4) Forth Meeting

In this part, the teacher as the researcher only gave an evaluation to the

students orally. Oral test was given to know their understanding about the material

they had just learned before, their pronunciation, their vocabularies, their fluency,

their grammar, and their organization. The teacher gave the students three up to

four minutes to have presentation orally. The orally test was conducted

systematically from the student number one, two, three, and until the last number

student, and it will be helped by the collaborator as the second scorer/scoring


As for the teacher‟s activity in this sessions were only opening the class,

doing the evaluation, and closure. The following were detail information:

a) Opening

The researcher had to greet the students by saying to them “good morning

every body” at first. Then the researcher continued to check the students‟

attendance. After that the researcher asked them how they feel on that day. And

finally the researcher reminded them that they would have an English test

orally. So the teacher hoped that they were ready

b) Main Activity

In this part the researcher asked the students to stay outside first, and then

would be called them one by one to come forward, and then he/she was asked

to describe about a certain profession which he/she had learned before orally.

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Meanwhile, the other students had to wait out side the class patiently. Each

student would have three or four minutes maximally for his/her presentation.

First of all, the researcher would call the student who got turn to have

presentation. The role of turn was arranged systematically from the student

number one, two, three, and until the last number student. In holding the test,

the researcher was helped by the collaborator as the second scorer/scoring

rater. She also was the English teacher at the researcher‟s school where the

observation was held. She helped to call the first number to face the teacher in

front of the class.

When the students join the spoken test, all the students looked more ready

to have the test. Perhaps they had asked their earlier friend first. So they could

make better preparation however the all seemed preparing their turning

seriously. Those who didn‟t get the turning, they tended to behave calmly of


After the researcher was sure that all the students got presentation

(speaking test) which were arranged into their sequence number, the researcher

gave comment or suggestion about the students‟ presentation which had done

whether they were good or not for getting better presentation.

c) Closing

The researcher said thanking to all the students for their attendance and

their great attention to join the orally test in the class. The teacher hoped them

so much that everything that they had done and learned in their test could give

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some advantages for their English communication with others. Finally the

teacher left the class, and said good bye and see you. Then the students

responded the teacher‟s leaving by saying see you and thank you, mom.

c. Observing and Monitoring the Action

In this cycle, the monitoring was carried out during the implementation the

action. In general, the teaching and learning process had going better than the first

cycle. There was not any problem faced by the students related to the English

speaking learning.

When the students got difficulties, they directly asked to the teacher to

solve their problem. So they got a solution at once, and they could improve their

mistakes immediately. When they still felt shy, inferior, even afraid to express

their mind in English, the teacher immediately supported and motivated them to

wakeup from unlucky behavior or attitudes.

By applying this technique (Jigsaw), the students would own a habit to

speak up, although it had to be started from what they could be said or not

complete sentence. Otherwise it would be difficult to have an English speaking

habit. Normally, if someone accustomed to speak up English, they will be able to

achieve their English fluency.

In the second cycle the students began to have a habit to express their own

English speaking with others in their jigsaw group. It really supported and

motivated them to achieve spoken English. It can be seen from their paying

attention and participation of the teaching and learning activity. There had been

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any life interaction between the students and the teacher and others. They also had

a closed relationship among them because in participation the discussion they had

to express their opinion the have orally. So willy-nilly, they had to cooperate one

to each other to have good result for presentation.

Their vocabularies were also improved or enhanced more then before

because besides they had to keep remember the sentences of about a description of

a profession, they also had to seek the new one when they had to arrange/ give the

description of profession by themselves. Meanwhile their pronunciation had been

improved because the teacher led them to pronounce their difficulty words more

than once and the students themselves usually asked their teacher if they got some

difficulties words, while their fluency had been more fluent because they often

spoke up many times.

The quality of teaching and learning process in the cycle two was

significantly increased. The students who were usually not active in the previous

cycle began to be more active and responsive in this cycle. They become active in

expressing their ideas using their own English orally and pronouncing the

difficulties words, so that they could have a fluency in expressing their own

English speaking.

Most of the students began to be active either in paying attention to the

teacher‟s instructions or explanation or in answering the teacher‟s questions.

When the teacher began to give the instructions, no students neglected it. They all

paid much attention to the teacher‟s explanation. When they practice their

presentation or doing monologue in front of the class, they were excited to do it.

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And when the researcher gave them a chance to quest their difficulties, they also

used the chance to ask their problems.

Actually there was no problem for the fast learners. However, for the slow

learners‟ categories, as stated in the previous cycle they would have difficulties to

follow the lesson which needed creativity and innovation. In the second cycle the

teacher had given the more attention to support in achieving the materials

presentation and bravery to express their ideas in English. For those who were just

keeping silent during the class activity and passive, the teacher led and gave them

more chances to practice in their jigsaw groups before coming their turn. The

teacher tried to pass and support them to study better.

By observing the students activities in every action, it could be stated the

treatment or implementation. Which had been carryout by the researcher using

Jigsaw was still suitable to improve the students‟ English speaking competence.

The obvious evidence could be seen from their achievements which were reflected

by their score after each action test.

The result of the observation showed that the students‟ motivation got

improvement. There were some motivated students indicators appeared, some

students who were not active in the lesson decreased. Their confident in learning

and expressing their own English orally increased. Many of them were willing to

tackle the task well. They were consistent in making effort, and willing to over

come the difficulties.

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Based on the reflection, it can be concluded that the second cycle had

given a better result in improving the students‟ motivation in learning English

especially English speaking competence although some low students had to be

accustomed to doing more, so that they would get optimal result in their learning

English orally.

d. Evaluating and Reflecting the Result of Implementation

The result of teaching and learning process of English speaking

competence using Jigsaw as a teaching technique shows increases from cycle one

to cycle two. The improvement was significant especially in improving the

English speaking competence. It could be seen from the researcher before in

which psychology the students had been supported and motivated to master the

English speaking. Besides, it also could be seen by comparing the previous post-

test in cycle one to the post-test in cycle two. The result of the mean score that

they got from the second cycle was as follows; the mean of the post-test in the

first cycle was 67.78 and the mean of the second cycle was 74, 07. The mean of

the post-test in the second cycle was better than pre-test, and post-test in the first


The result of the observation showed that the students‟ motivation got

improvement. There were some motivated students indicators appeared, some

students who were not active in the lesson decreased. Their confident in learning

and expressing their own English orally increased. Many of them were willing to

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tackle the task well. They were consistent in making effort, and willing to over

come the difficulties.

Based on the reflection, it can be concluded that the second cycle had

given a better result in improving the students‟ motivation in learning English

especially English speaking competence although some low students had to be

accustomed to doing more, so that they would get optimal result in their learning

English orally.

C. Discussion

In this part, the researcher would like to discuss what the researcher found

before conducting the research and what the researcher found after conducting the

research. Before conducting the research the researcher found that the students of

SMK Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta in the second grade were facing the problems in

which their English speaking competence was low.

The indicators of the problems were as follows; the students felt shy to

express their own oral English competence; they seemed in doubt and nervous to

express their own oral English; they seldom even never used their own English to

communicate to another one in the daily communication either in the class or

moreover outside the class; they were afraid to make mistakes either dealing with

the structure of the grammar, pronunciation, intonation, or others, supposed they

were afraid if their friends would laugh it because their sounds were incorrect

spelling/funny and so on.

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Besides, the data of the mark report showed that their speaking

competence was lower than the passing grade standard which determined by the

school. It was 6.8 as the passing grade standard in the second grade of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta. Based on their daily mark were taken, no one who got

mark more than 7. Those who got the same as or more than 6.8 were 10 students

(27.778%), and the other students who got less than 6.8 (72.222%), from totally

36 students.

One of the causes of the students‟ failure was derived from the teacher. In

this case, a teacher had a very important role to support the students‟ English

achievement in teaching learning process. Based on the researcher‟s observation,

what the researcher did in the classroom was that the researcher still taught with

the routine activities without considering that it would make them bored and lost

their attention in teaching and learning process. Consequently, the students would

not able to catch the lesson easily because their lost interest and participation as

stated by Douglas „Routine activities in learning can make the students bored. As

a result, their motivation and participation in learning will decrease‟ (1987:p.48)

Meanwhile, Richards and Renandya says (2005: 213) that the teacher is

the teacher is the sole source of input and feedback and often a dominating

participant in the practice, exemplifying a typical pattern of teacher stimulus

followed by student response, further followed by teacher evaluation of students‟


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In English teaching and learning process, the teacher has to be able to

choose and use not only the appropriate approach but also teaching technique

which is suitable with their assumptions related to the nature of language and the

teaching learning process. He/she is not only be able understand what they are

learning in the class but also express their own English orally. In here, the teacher

has very important role in managing and creating the class lively and


To solve the above problem, the teacher should apply the right teaching

technique which increases the students‟ interest to the learning process in the

classroom. To reach this purpose it is necessary to use “Jigsaw” as teaching

technique that is expected to help the students to understand the material given

easily especially English speaking competence.

As the researcher stated in chapter two that “Jigsaw technique” was choose

as one of the teaching learning activities to create a situation for learners to

interact in the language, thereby making the language more meaningful. At that

situation the learners are introduced to the different styles of listening

remembering, discussing, writing, and presenting. The reason for using Jigsaw

technique is participating in the following group learning activities, they are as


1. Speaking-students will be responsible for taking the knowledge gained from

one group and repeated it to new listener in their original group.

2. Cooperation-all members of the group are responsible for the success of others

in the group.

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3. Reflective thinking-for successfully completing, the activity in the original

group, there must be reflective thinking at several levels about what was

learned in the expert group,

4. Creative thinking-groups must be device new ways of approaching, teaching

and presenting material (

From the theory above, it‟s obvious known that the use of Jig saw teaching

technique has many contributions to encourage the students‟ interest and

motivation in learning English speaking. Moreover it also helps the students to

grasp the speaking competence easily because they train to speak up with

others especially in the class with their friends/teacher. Having carried out the

research in which the researcher as the teacher use Jigsaw teaching technique

in teaching English speaking to the second grade of the vocational students,

their English speaking competence are increased. The following is the table

describing the students‟ score result in each test which is taken from the end of

each cycle.

Table: 4.5 “The result of each test in every cycle.

Pre-Test Cycle I Cycle II

Total Score 2287 2440 2666,5

Mean Score 2287/36=






(The more detail information can be seen at the appendix)

According to the table above, the researcher sees that the test results from

the first cycle to second cycle get a better progress. It means that the students‟

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achievement improve significantly. The influence of the action or the process

effects using Jigsaw teaching technique are as follows:

1. The class has become more active.

In this case, the students have activities which could be done individually or in

their group to discuss or to express their ideas to get complete information

through discussion. They did discussion twice, in their jigsaw group and in the

expert group that made the class active.

2. The students‟ motivation has improved. The students paid much attention to

the turns of presentation and became the model to motivate them to perform

the presentation as well as possible.

3. The students‟ interaction has been enhanced.

The students who used to feel shy, nervous, afraid, inferior to make mistakes

formerly, then they began to have bravery to ask and respond someone else‟s

questions or statement, although sometimes they used Indonesian in

communication. Their being shy, nervous, afraid, inferior to make mistakes had

decreased though not all.

4. The cooperation among the students in the group seemed to be closer than

before, because they always completed one to each another in doing and

finding the result of discussion and finally preparing the presentation in front o

the class.

5. They seemed to have fun and to be comfortable.

The students felt that they had free atmosphere to express their own English

orally, so they had could study English freely based on the given guidance by

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their researcher. The class had been a little chaos but it was positive and

product able.

However the problem which rose during the use of Jigsaw teaching

technique in teaching English speaking are as follows:

1. The class was noisy.

2. The low students need more attention and appropriate approach to support their

motivation and interest.

3. As the teacher must have an ability to manage the class as well as possible.

4. As the teacher must have creativity and innovate to create the interesting


5. As the teacher must not either stay on her chair or stand on one place.

6. As the teacher must not dominate the class.

7. As the teacher must not correct the students‟ mistake directly.

8. As the teacher must give the instruction of the role clearly.

9. As the teacher must be more patient to give more explanation especially for

the low students, and so on.

To overcome the above problems, the teacher must have ability to:

1. Give high motivation, fairly approach to support their spirit.

2. Manage the class as well as possible.

3. Say and support then not to worry to make mistakes in learning English


4. Drill and lead them to pronounce the difficulty word(s)

5. Explain the right structure of grammar and also give the exercises.

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6. Not stand up on one place, but try to walk around from one place to another or

move on from one student to another especially while they were discussing.

7. Create the class atmosphere as well as possible.

8. Explain the difficulties at the end f the activity.

9. Give the students chance to learn freely.

10. Give the instruction as clearly as possible

11. Give summary of the topic given at the end of the activity, etc.

12. Give the exercises as the homework to enlarge their understanding about the

material given the end of the learning activity.

Having been given some solutions as mention above, it has been a better

progress from the implementation of cycle one up to two. It means the quality of

teaching and learning activity was significantly increased. The students who were

usually not active in the previous time, they began to be more active participating

in the teaching and learning process. For example; when the teacher gave some

explanation dealing the topic given or instruction of the role, the students all paid

much attention to the teacher‟s explanation; when the teacher asked them to

practice presentation/monologue in front of the class they were very excited to do

it; and when the teacher a chance to ask their difficulty, they also use it to ask

their problems bravely.

At the end of the second cycle, the researcher has distributed the

questionnaire dealing with the implementing of the action using Jigsaw teaching

technique to the students, to know how far the influence of this technique

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accepted by them in teaching English subject especially English speaking. The

result as follows:

1. When the students are asked how they think about learning English speaking

using jigsaw. All of them (100%) agree with the use of jigsaw. The reasons are

varieties for instance, jigsaw make them happy, relax, creative, and easy to

achieve the materials. They are not easy to be bored because the have to

present their understanding about the topic given in the form of monologue.

2. When the students are asked whether they feel that there is a better progress in

learning English using jigsaw, they respond that there is. All of them agree

with the use of jigsaw because willy-nilly. They have to make preparation of

presentation. They also have to their gesture/body language in doing

presentation/monologue. They also feel excited to learn English speaking

because they can learn freely to develop their opinion.

3. When they are whether they are supported with the use of jigsaw. All of them

(100% from 36 students with this teaching technique. The reasons are that they

are led to speak up in English. They aren‟t bored the activity is enjoyable.

4. When the students are asked whether they are shocked or get trouble with the

use of jigsaw. They respond that they don‟t feel any trouble. On the other hand

they feel that there is a better contribution in learning English especially

English speaking. They enjoy learning English using jigsaw.

5. When the students are asked whether the use of jigsaw can be adopted in the

learning speaking skill. They answer that it can be accepted. It can enhance the

capability to achieve the speaking competence. By this technique, it can make

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them more active to practice their own English orals anther relationship among

them will be more tight because they always cooperate one to another.

According to the data above, the researcher concludes that teaching

technique using “Jigsaw“ really gives contribution in improving and enhancing

the students‟ English achievement especially English speaking competence.

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A. Conclusion

Although at the beginning, the learners had doubts, were afraid, and lack

of confidence, however the result of the research shows that the use of jigsaw can

improve the students‟ English speaking of the second grade students of SMK

Wijaya Kusuma Surakarta. It can be seen from their participation not only paying

attention to the class teaching and learning process but also interacting to the

presented topic which was discussed in the expert group/jigsaw group with the

teacher‟s instruction/guidance. The have become more active and have been

excited to join it. Besides, when the researcher as the teacher evaluate them to do

test orally, the result was good enough. The mean of the score from pre-test and

from the cycle one to the following, cycle two always has better progress. This

condition shows that teaching English speaking by using “Jigsaw” give a high

contribution to encourage the students‟ English speaking competence.

The result shows that:

1. The students speaking competence improved.

The students weren‟t doubts, afraid, shy and lack of confidence in their

presentation. They could interact to the presented topic which was discussed in

the expert group or jigsaw group with the teacher‟s instruction or guidance.

The have become more active and have been excited to join it. Besides, when

the researcher as the teacher evaluate them to do test orally, the result was good

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enough. The mean of the score from pre-test and from the cycle one to the

following, cycle two always has better progress.

2. The students‟ motivation in the learning improved.

The students‟ attitude inside the class during the English teaching and learning

process was more cooperative. They become more intensive in following and

paying attention to the lesson. Besides, they are more active, excited, and

creative in joining the learning.

B. Implication

The result of the research shows that teaching English using “Jigsaw” can

improve the students‟ motivation in learning English, especially on the second

grade students. It is not only improving their motivation, but also improving their


Based on the result, jigsaw technique is a good technique in improving the

students‟ motivation and achievement in learning English. The result was

suggested to be the literature and the training in improving the quality in applying

the effective technique toward improving the students‟ motivation and

achievement in learning English.

C. Suggestion

Having concluded the result of the students‟ activities in every cycle, the

researcher would like to propose some suggestions for English teachers, students,

and other researchers. The suggestions are as follows:

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1. For English Teachers

Before conducting the teaching and learning process especially English to

the vocational students, the teacher should learn how to enhance their ability in

teaching English and to establish a good atmosphere in the class, so that the

students feel and ease with their English class. For example by giving them a

warming up to refresh the students‟ mind and then bring them the new material

which will be given.

They must also be creative to use various teaching technique in teaching

English speaking, by the hope that the students are interested in joining the

teaching and learning process. Once more again they should be more patience to

face all various types of the students‟ characteristics.

2. For The Students

English is one of the foreign languages which they must master it well.

Study English is not something difficult if the students have high motivation to

learn it. They can study English inset only in the class but also everywhere, such

as by watching English movie film or cartoon film, English fragment video. At

home the students should always be active in learning English.

3. For the Researchers

The researcher is aware that this research is not end of the problems being

studied. The result of the study doesn‟t prove yet that output of this research is

absolutely good for all time.

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The researcher hopes so much that the finding of the study will be used as

a starting point of the future research on similar problems. There are so many

other teaching techniques of English teaching that can be taken as object of the

research studies to find out the effectiveness of teaching.