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Spanish CPD course for primary teaching

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 Spanish CPD course for primary teaching


    Designing a CPD courseonline:

    Spanish for PrimaryteachingTita Beaven,

    Department of Languages, The OpenUniversity

    April 2009

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    The challenge:

    Our challenge in this CPD course was in designingan online course to introduce primary schoolpractitioners to the Spanish language. Thisinvolved:

    Designing a basic curriculum to introduce schoolpractitioners to basic Spanish vocabulary andstructures, but at the same time designing acourse that would also be relevant to their

    classroom context Training participants in learning how to learn a


    Providing substantial interactive practice online

    Providing support for the course participants

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    Overall course content

    All out CPD courses a 30-hours long, so in terms ofthe language covered the aims of the course arenecessarily modest:

    Overall course content

    This short course gives you some basicknowledge of Spanish as well as introducinglanguage and language learning activitiessuitable for children at Key Stages 1 and 2. Theaim of the course is to enable Primary Schoolpractitioners to introduce basic Spanish phrasesto their class and to engage children in simple but nevertheless lively and varied interactionsin the target language.

    (Extract from the introduction to the course)

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    Key contentThis is an introductory course, but there is an

    emphasis on pronunciation, vocabulary, and anunderstanding of basic grammar, i.e. the buildingblocks of the language.

    The course also provides an insight into everyday

    life in Spanish speaking countries.

    What is the key content?

    The core content of the course is the developmentof your own linguistic skills. The activities aredesigned to help you develop excellentpronunciation, equip you with useful vocabularyand phrases, and give you an understanding ofthe fundamentals of Spanish grammar as well asinsights into aspects of culture and everyday lifein contemporary Spanish-speaking societies.

    (Extract from the introduction to the course)

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    Language functionscovered

    The language covered in the course enablesteachers to communicate in predictable everydaysituations in the target language:

    Tema 1: En contactois about greetings,introductions and giving some personalinformation.Tema 2: Descripcionesintroduces you to languageto talk about places, objects and people.

    Tema 3: Informacinenables you to find your wayaround in Spanish-speaking countries.

    Tema 4: Preferenciasgives you the opportunity to

    talk about your likes and dislikes.

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    Clear learning outcomes

    The learningoutcomes areclearly statedat the start of

    each newtopic.

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    Learning how to learn

    Language learningstrategies areintroducedthroughout thecourse, to ensurethe participants

    think about how tolearn a language,both forthemselves andfor the childrenthey will be


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    The courseprovidesstudents with anumber ofcollaborativetools such as aforum, a courseblog and a wikiso they canengage withothers courseparticipants.

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    Learning support

    Students also have

    access to a Learningadviser, an experiencedistance teachers oflanguages, who cansupport studentsindividually via e-mail

    or collectively throughthe forum

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    Situate learning in relevantcontexts

    Theintroductionto eachsectionsituates thelearning in

    a contextthat courseparticipantscanunderstandand relate


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    Focus on pronunciation

    It is essentialthatclassroompractitionersare able tooffer thechildren theyteach a goodenough modelwhenspeaking theforeign

    language, sothere is a lot

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    Focus on grammar

    Rather than just

    presenting languagefor the courseparticipants to learn,we feel its importantthat they understandthe grammar, so that

    they can generatetheir own language. Abasic understandingof how the languageworks will also enableteachers to teach the

    language to thechildren better.

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    Focus on listening

    The course includesregular listeningactivities, that rangefrom listening forgist to morefocussed listening.In this example,after listening to therecording focussingon the meaning,course participants

    listen again andfocus on thelanguage bydeciding if thequestion is in theformal or informal

    mode of address.

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    Focus on speaking

    In an onlinecourse it isvery importantto give the

    learner plentyof opportunityto speak.Interactivespeakingactivities likethis onesimulate realinteraction byproviding apromptstudents haveto respond to.

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    Interactive practice

    Because itsan onlinecourse thatlearners studymostly ontheir own,there areregularinteractive

    activities.This helpsmaintaininterest andmotivation inthe learner.

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    Relevance to the primarycontextIn the design of the course it was important to

    include examples of the language used in theprimary school context:

    Throughout the course there areactivities labelled En la clase deespaol (In the Spanish classroom).Here you find examples of how to

    teach the language youve justlearnt yourself. There may also be

    additional linguistic content, whichis particularly relevant to Primary

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    Classroom language

    Some of theactivities in thissection providelearners with thesort ofclassroom

    language theycan easilytransfer to theirown setting. Thislistening activity,for instance, isabout a teacher

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    The course alsoincludes practicalsuggestions

    about how topresent thelanguage to thechildren in class.

    Practical suggestions for theclassroom

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