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SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

Aug 23, 2020



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Page 1: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with
Page 2: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with


Page 3: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

“An essence of ancient traditions along a modern journey…”“秉承古法傳統精髓,推陳出新邁向現代…”

Embrace a journey of Ancient Aboriginal, Ayurvedic and Asian Spa Traditions, with inimitable modern touches…Welcome to Bodhi Spa.

帶您享受古式土著、印度和東方傳統的非凡理療之旅以及現代的獨特健康療法… 歡迎蒞臨菩提水療!

Each personalised treatment will tantalise your senses, enabling you to submerge yourself in a truly balancing experience of mind, body and soul;

ensuring your journey is a sense of awakening and enlightenment; the true meaning of ‘BODHI’

每項個人專屬療程都能觸動您的感官,讓您真正沈浸在身心靈的平衡狀態中; 確保您的養生之旅是個啓發心靈的機會,讓您體悟菩提的真諦。

A journey to trAnquility


Page 4: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

our ProductS…


LI’TYA is a high performance range of natural skin and body care products that blend potent native Australian botanicals, clays and sea fruits

with the latest in skincare technology. Traditional Aboriginal plant knowledge is introduced into the exquisitely pure botanical bases,

infusing naturally powerful therapeutic properties into all products and treatments.

li’tyA高效天然肌膚和身體護理系列,採納嶄新護膚科技, 融入高濃度澳大利亞本土植物精華、泥土及海洋果物。 其源於原住民的傳統種植知識,乃以純天然植物為本,


LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques

with aromatherapy, colour therapy, sound therapy and herbalist principles, this range will positively enrich the client’s body, mind and spirit.

li’tyA的全面療程,讓治療效果發揮得淋灕盡致。 產品系列揉合澳大利亞古法土著哲學、醫學和按摩技術,同時包羅芳香療法、色彩療法、


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Pioneers in marine scientific research, Thalgo offer exclusive, customised professional treatments and innovative, high-quality cosmetics,

combining the richness of algae with indulgent textures and fragrances.

作為海洋科學研究的驅動先驅,thAlgo致力提供獨家專業的針對性治療, 並研制革新優質的化妝產品,將豐富的海藻成份,與極致質感及濃情香氣融合為一。

Thalgo research focuses on identifying and fine-tuning marine complexes, which act as ‘youth triggers’. These complexes give the skin the essential elements it needs

to boost the regeneration of the various components of the dermis, while slowing cell deterioration to guarantee firmer, younger-looking skin.

Thalgo的研究重點集中於辨識和微調海洋復合物,作為「激活年輕之催化劑」, 為肌膚再生提供重要元素,促進真皮纖維增生,減緩細胞衰老退化,讓肌膚時刻緊致年輕。


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Absolute Hydration Facial海洋保濕柔膚面部護理

Bathe your skin with our unique ‘Seve Marine’ ingredient to help combat dehydration and dull skin.

Leave your skin feeling soft and re-hydrated, while diminishing fine lines.

Skin Type: All to dry skin types

以獨特的海洋精華素「Seve MArine」深層滋潤您的肌膚,有助擊退干燥跡象, 改善暗啞肌膚,讓您的肌膚時刻感覺細緻柔滑,回復水潤嫩澤,同時減淡細紋。


Aroma Essential Facial


Reconnect with nature, spirit and self; this deluxe facial is based on the ancient and influential art of Aromatherapy.

Centred round a global bouquet of skin renewing aromatic oils, this facial restores complete vitality and relaxation.

Skin Type: All skin types

這項尊尚的面部護理,乃源自古法極具影響力的香熏療法, 讓您與大自然、心靈及己身重新接軌,以特別調制的香熏油塗抹肌膚,



60 min / 分鐘

60 min / 分鐘

Brightening and Rejuvenating Facial紅海藻亮白再生面部護理

Combat pigmentation and lack lustre skin with this brightening and rejuvenating treatment. Leave the skin luminescent, smooth and looking youthful. Ideal before an evening out.

透過美白煥膚及抗衰老護理,從底層瓦解沈澱色素,讓肌膚重現剔透光澤, 令您時刻容光煥發,重拾緊致嫩滑,自然倍覺年輕。於晚間赴會前使用,效果更為理想。

Chrono Detox Facial瞬間排毒注氧面部護理

An intensive treatment that focuses on detoxifying, purifying and stimulating the skin. An ideal treatment to rejuvenate the skin. Because this treatment is very skin specific,

your treatment specialist will analyse your skin and recommend whether the warm or cold effect treatment is best suited for you, accordingly.

Skin Type: All skin types

深層護理,重點針對排毒、淨化和激活肌膚,瞬間令膚質回復健康神采,如獲再生。 這項療程需要針對不同肌膚特性,您的治療專家將會為您的肌膚進行具體分析,



75 min / 分鐘

60 min / 分鐘

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eye reScue enhAncer強化面部護理

Collagen Anti-wrinkle, Revitalizing Eye Treatment膠原蛋白眼部修護

A luxurious eye repair treatment that does wonders for the delicate skin around the eyes – utilizing Bio-Marine extract to combat aging plus tired and puffy eyes.

奢華極致的眼部修護,細緻呵護眼周脆弱肌膚── 採用海洋生物提煉精華,撫平衰老痕跡,同時消除倦容,減褪雙眼浮腫。

20 min / 分鐘

Collagen Smoothing Facial 膠原蛋白抗皺面部護理

The ultimate anti-aging treatment for the face and décolleté, our intensive collagen facial combines precision work and collagen concentrate to hydrate,

lift, firm and smooth your skin. A memorable experience is guaranteed. Results are immediate, creating a healthy and youthful effect!

Skin Type: Premature aging, lack of tone

專注面部和肩部的終極抗衰老療程,以豐富的膠原蛋白麵部護理,揉合精密的美學神髓, 全面發揮膠原蛋白功效,深層補濕,提升輪廓,讓肌膚倍感緊致光滑,保證令您一試難忘。



60 min / 分鐘


Page 8: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

touch oF ABoriginAl trAditionS


LI’TYA Balance and Renew MassageLI’TYA平衡舒心按摩

Balance your mind, body and soul with this unique massage which focuses on a full body pressure point massage, followed by gentle stretches.

Complete your journey with a waterfall scalp treatment and pressure point facial massage.

這項獨特的按摩療法,著重全身穴位紓壓按摩, 再配合輕柔舒展動作,讓您達至身心靈的最佳平衡;


LI’TYA Kodo MassageLI’TYA Kodo按摩

This rhythmic body massage is inspired by traditional Aboriginal techniques which work to balance and re-align energy flow, enhancing mind and body wellness.

A combination of pressure points and spiralling movements ground and uplift, working to relieve muscular aches and pains while leaving the body’s energies renewed and refreshed.

A choice of native aromatic oils is prescribed to address your individual needs – to rejuvenate, harmonise or detoxify.

具節奏感的全身按摩手法,其靈感源自傳統的土著療法技術, 旨在平衡與重整能量流動,促進身心健康。

結合指壓按摩和由下而上的螺旋式推動,有效紓緩肌肉酸痛,令身體恢復活力生機。 您大可因應個人需要選用本土處方的香熏油 ── 暢享心曠神怡、身心調和、排毒淨化的果效。

90 min / 分鐘

60 min / 分鐘

LI’TYA Indigenous Australian Stone TherapyLI’TYA澳大利亞土著熱石療法

LI’TYA Indigenous Australian Stone Therapy integrates ancient primordial stones from North Western Australia that have been hand carved to suit specific needs.

Inspired by traditional Aboriginal techniques, these ancient stones tone and re-align energy flow, enhancing mind, balancing body and wellbeing.

The powerful healing properties of these special stones, integrated with Kodo, combine to achieve powerful healing within the body, relieving muscular,

physical and emotional tension. Choices of native aromatic oils are prescribed to address individual client needs – to rejuvenate, harmonise and detoxify.

li’tyA澳大利亞土著熱石療法所採用的古石, 來自澳大利亞的西北地區,經手工特製雕刻,以適切特定需要。

引用傳統土著治療技術,通過古石磁場及重整能量流動, 促進腦筋醒神,身心達至康泰平衡。這些特殊的石頭融合Kodo所蘊藏的強大治愈能力,

令身體內產生非一般的療效,緩解肌肉、身體及情緒上的緊張狀態。 您大可因應個人需要選用本土處方的香熏油 ── 暢享心曠神怡、身心調和、排毒淨化的果效。

90 min / 分鐘

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touch oF ASiAn trAditionS


Tu Na MassageTu Na按摩

We incorporate the ancient Chinese art of balancing yin and yang to bring you a massage that will leave you in a state of complete Zen.


Balinese Massage巴裡式按摩

A rhythmic massage based on techniques that incorporate the use of your therapist’s forearms, elbows, palms and fingers in long, flowing movements to aid in stretching muscles,

easing tension and placing you in a state of total relaxation.

富節奏感的按摩手法,綜合運用按摩師的前臂、手肘、手掌和指壓, 帶動全身做出伸延流暢的動作,幫助舒展肌肉,鬆弛緊張,讓您全然感覺輕鬆釋放。

90 min / 分鐘

90 min / 分鐘

Thai Massage泰式按摩

A meditation in motion in which the therapist uses palms, thumbs, elbows and feet; stretching and kneading the muscles

as the therapist gently works your body into a series of yoga postures. Enabling you to feel as though you were floating on clouds.

理療師運用手掌、拇指、手肘和足部,助您舒展及揉捏肌肉, 輕柔地帶動您的身軀做出一系列瑜伽姿勢,於形體動作中進行冥想,



This specialised treatment involves the systematic stimulation of all the nerve reflexes in the feet which correspond to internal organs and other body systems.

This holistic healing technique helps restore balance and harmony to your body.

這項專業護理有系統地刺激足部所有神經,並反射到身體的內在器官和其他各個部份, 如此整體的治療功效,有助您恢復身體的平衡與和諧。

90 min / 分鐘

90 min / 分鐘

Page 10: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

touch oF Ayurvedic trAditionS


Kapha AbhyangaKapha古法印度按摩

This invigorating form of massage uses stimulating movements to awaken the cells, removing tension and helping to tone the body and refresh the mind.


Vata AbhyangaVata古法印度按摩

A unique combination of rhythmic strokes and Dosha-specific oils help balance the mind, body and soul.

This ancient traditional treatment helps induce sleep and nourishes the body’s cells.

獨特療法,將富節奏感的按摩和doShA特殊香油完美結合,幫助平衡身心靈的協調。 此項古式傳統療法,有助提升睡眠質素,並為身體細胞賦予滋養。

60/90 min / 分鐘

60/90 min / 分鐘

Pitta AbhyangaPitta古法印度按摩

Specific ayurvedic oils are massaged into the body with soothing and relaxing strokes. Enhancing blood circulation and deep relaxation,

this treatment leaves you feeling completely rejuvenated.

以特製的草藥油進行按摩,帶來充分的舒緩與放鬆感覺,有效促進血液循環, 達至深層放鬆,全然讓您感覺煥然一新,徹底重現青春。

Abhyanga – Samadhosha古法印度雙子按摩

A synchronised massage by two therapists using our exclusive Dosha-specific oil blend. Followed by a ‘Zen’ journey into the steam bath.

This treatment focuses on removing toxins and inducing complete relaxation.

由兩位按摩師以獨家的doShA特殊混合油同步替您按摩,然後享受令人身心釋放的蒸氣浴, 來一場「禪定」之旅。此療程重點排除毒素,並讓您徹底放鬆一番。


Awakening the third eye and lulling the entire body into a state of calmness. Our unique blend of Dosha oils are poured continuously in an even stream

on the forehead to pacify and revitalise the mind, body and soul. Aiding the reduction of stress, improving memory and generating overall wellbeing.

喚醒您的第三隻眼睛,並讓您的整個身軀達至平靜安睡狀態。 於前額上不注澆上獨家的doShA混合油,輕柔地順勢按摩,讓身心靈得到舒緩更新,


60/90 min / 分鐘

90 min / 分鐘

60/90 min / 分鐘

Page 11: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

touch oF trAditionAl


Swedish Massage瑞典式按摩

A traditional blend of massage techniques, applying specific attention to your needs and leaving your body in a state of total relaxation,

with pressure applied according to your wishes.

揉合傳統的按摩技巧,針對您的個人獨得需要,讓身體處於完全放鬆狀態, 並可根據您的需要調整按摩力度。

Sports Therapeutic Massage運動式按摩

A combination of Swedish and Deep Tissue techniques with stretching to ease aches, pains and strains. This massage varies according to your particular needs

so please advise therapist if you have any specific muscular problem or injuries.

結合瑞典式按摩與深層組織按摩手法,伸展肌肉,緩解各種酸痛、不適及疲勞, 並會因應您的特別需求而作出相應調整,務求達至最佳的按摩效果。


Manual Lymphatic Drainage淋巴排毒按摩

Manual lymphatic drainage is a light and rhythmic drainage technique which works on your lymphatic system to help drain toxins and improve overall well-being.

淋巴排毒按摩乃採用輕柔並具節奏感的引流手法,刺激您的淋巴系統循環, 排除體內毒素,讓身心煥然一新。

60/90 min / 分鐘

60/90 min / 分鐘

60/90 min / 分鐘


Page 12: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

BAth eXPerience浸浴體驗

Drain tension away with any of our Spa bath experiences. A great way to enhance your Spa journey!

全情投入在我們任何一種水療浸浴體驗,徹底將您的緊張疲累一掃而空。 無與倫比的水療之旅,享受進一步提升!

Revitalising Lagoon Water Bath Micronized Marine Algae Bath •RelaxingandRevitalising •RelaxingandDetoxifying

小島忘憂浸浴 海洋活性海藻浸浴 •有助放鬆及恢復活力 • 有助放鬆及排除毒素

AromaCeane Relaxing Bath IndoCeane Precious Milk Bath •RelaxingandCalming •RelaxingandNourishing

舒緩壓力香薰浸浴 埃及貴族牛奶浴 •有助放鬆及達至平靜 •有助放鬆及滋養肌膚

20 min / 分鐘

Body ScruB身體磨砂護理

Wild Rosella and Desert Salt Body Scrub野生洛神花和沙漠鹽磨砂護理

Ancient sea bed mineral salts blended with ground Wild Rosella flowers. Gently stimulates, cleanses and smoothes away dead skin cells whilst hydrating and re-mineralising the body.

Introducing a natural balance, both physically and spiritually.

合蘊藏於海床的礦物鹽與地面野生的洛神花,輕柔地刺激及潔淨身體肌膚, 去除死皮細胞,同時補濕和促進身體再礦化,為身心帶來自然的平衡。

30 min / 分鐘

Lemon Myrtle and Desert Salt Body Scrub檸檬香桃木和沙漠鹽磨砂護理

Ancient sea bed mineral salts, blended with ground lemon myrtle leaves. This uplifting, de-stressing detoxifier gently stimulates, cleanses and smooths the entire body.

Highly effective in promoting balance and purification.

將蘊藏於海床的礦物鹽與地面的檸檬香桃木葉子融合為一,有助緊致肌膚, 減緩壓力及排除毒素,輕柔刺激全身,潔淨光滑,高效帶來平衡和淨化作用。

Exotic Asian Cleansing Body Scrub亞洲異國風情潔淨磨砂護理

An exotic blend of rose petal, fig, ginger and citrus elements, this deeply cleansing body scrub will leave your skin feeling refreshed and glowing

極富異國情調,揉合玫瑰花瓣、生薑及柑橘元素成份, 深層潔淨磨砂功效,讓您的肌膚感覺清新剔透。

Exotic Asian Cleansing & Firming Ritual亞洲異國風情排毒護理

Essence of Middle Eastern with subtle Asian influences, this body ritual is sure to leave you feeling completely cleansed and detoxified.

Following the Exotic Asian Cleansing Scrub, your body is coated with a detoxifying Moroccan red clay and your hair nourished with a hair mask infused with chamomile, lavender and bergamot.

All of this whilst you relax in your private steam room.

融合中東精髓和亞洲魅力,這項療程務求讓您感覺完全潔淨,徹底排毒。 磨砂去角質後,再將具有排毒功效的摩洛哥紅粘土塗抹全身,並以注入洋甘菊、

熏衣草和佛手柑成分的頭髮面膜,滋養秀髮。 整個過程,您都會置身在屬於您的私人蒸汽浴室,全然寫意放鬆。

30 min / 分鐘

30 min / 分鐘

90 min / 分鐘

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LI’TYA Mala MayiLI’TYA Mala Mayi身體護理

Unwind, invigorate and celebrate with this complete body rejuvenation experience. Following an invigorating exfoliation with your choice of Australian desert salts and aromatic oils, your body will be cocooned in a silky warm layer of your preferred mineral-rich Mapi body mud.

An Aboriginal-inspired LI’TYA PAUDI scalp massage propels you to another realm and calms the soul.

此項全身活膚舒緩體驗,讓您得以盡情放鬆,激發身心活力。 首先選用澳大利亞的沙漠鹽和香熏油煥發全身,再塗上一層含豐富礦物質的MAPi泥膜,

令人感覺柔滑溫暖。源自土著靈感的li’tyA PAudi頭部按摩, 帶您暫時抽離至另一境界,讓心靈得享非一般的平靜。

LI’TYA Sapphire Sea Body WrapLI’TYA藍寶石海洋身體護理

Mother of Pearl body polish is a gentle blend of sea and plant enzymes which actively smoothens and re-energises dull and fatigued skin, leaving it silky soft and richly repaired.

Following the exfoliation, you will be cocooned in a warm, vitamin-packed pearl and kelp body mud whilst enjoying an Aboriginal-inspired Paudi scalp massage.

珍珠之母身體磨砂護理,輕柔融合海洋和植物酶元素,為暗啞疲勞肌膚重新注入活力, 回復緊致彈滑,宛如絲質般柔軟,精華修護。磨砂後,再以溫暖及富維生素的珍珠海草泥膜搽抹全身,


90 min / 分鐘

90 min / 分鐘


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deSigned SPeciFicAlly For Men


Gentlemen’s Deep Cleansing Facial男士海洋面部護理

A deep-cleansing, therapeutic facial designed specifically for the special skin care needs of men.

This includes a luxurious facial massage and deep-cleansing masque to relax the skin and refine the pores.

Specifically addresses sensitivity and razor burn.

針對男士特別護膚需要而設的海洋面部護理, 包括豪華的面部按摩和深層清潔面膜,


60 min / 分鐘

Bodhi Spa Signature – Sportsman Body Treatment菩提水療特色護理──運動後護理

Take time out to enjoy a series of treatments that will help tired muscles recover and rejuvenate a fatigued body and mind.

騰空時間來享受一系列的身心護理, 幫助舒緩肌肉疲勞,恢復活力,使身心煥然一新。



•SignatureKodoMassage li’tyA Kodo按摩



3 hrs / 小時

Page 15: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

Executive Manicure男士指甲修護

For the discerning executive, this maintenance ritual will keep your hands neat and presentable.

專為注重儀容的行政人員而設, 提供細緻的手部護理,讓雙手時刻潔淨優雅。

Rejuvenating Pedicure男士趾甲修護

Rejuvenate your feet with a maintenance ritual designed to cleanse and soothe your stressed feet.



Full back wax


Half back wax


Eyebrow shaping


45 min / 分鐘

45 min / 分鐘


Page 16: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

Fragrant Herbal Pack Therapy香熏草藥包理療

Drift into pure relaxation while your body surrenders to a herbal kelp hydrating exfoliation, using native Australian aromatic oils with an Asian-inspired herbal pack.

Tension will ease away, leaving you cocooned in a world of wellbeing and tranquillity.

全然淨化放鬆,讓全身降服於草本海藻療程當中, 補濕去角質,並採用澳大利亞本土香熏油,配合別具亞洲風格的草藥包,


Exotic Couples Retreat二人異國風情靜修體驗

A romantic ritual shared with your loved one, enabling you to completely embrace your shared moments and

experience the exotic charm of our couples’ treatment

與摯愛共享浪漫的護理體驗,讓您完全擁抱共享時刻, 真切感受我們專為情侶夫婦而設,充滿異國情調的療效魅力。







2 hrs / 小時

2 hrs / 小時 30 min / 分鐘

Bodhi Journey菩提之旅

An ultimate journey that awakens the senses, balances the mind and ensures you experience every essence of the Bodhi Spa Journey,

borrowing elements from Aboriginal, Asian, Middle Eastern and Ayurvedic traditions. Allow yourself to be whisked away on a sensory journey like no other.

終極寫意旅程,喚醒感官觸覺,平衡心神, 務求讓您徹底體驗菩提水療之旅的點滴精髓,

感受土著、亞洲、中東和印度傳統的美妙之處, 為您帶來無可比擬的感官旅程......


li’tyA Mala Mayi身體護理





4 hrs / 小時

Page 17: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

Ultimate Body & Soul Reviver菩終極身心蘇醒

Indulge in an experience that will leave your mind, body and soul totally revived. A Relaxing Bath Ritual will prepare your body for an exfoliation and body wrap of your choice.


釋放自我,徹底煥發身心靈的神采,盡情享受舒緩寫意浸浴療程, 繼而自選全身泥膜護理,有助肌膚去除角質。


‘Top to Toe’ Heavenly Bliss「從頭到腳」的天堂體驗

A treatment package specifically designed to enhance the natural elegance of the hands and feet:






3 hrs / 小時 30 min / 分鐘

3 hrs / 小時


Page 18: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

Bodhi SPA eSSentiAlS



Full leg, half leg, bikini, Brazilian, full arm, half arm, underarm, lip, chin and eyebrows.

全腿、小腿、比基尼位、巴西式、全臂、前臂、 腋下、唇上、下巴及眉毛。

hAndS & Feet手部及足部


A basic manicure treatment that concentrates on maintaining the elegant appearance of the hands, with cleaning up of nails

and cuticles, exfoliating the skin and preparing the nails for polish.

基本修甲護理,保持外觀優雅,清理指甲和角質層, 去除死皮,讓雙手時刻迷人!


A basic pedicure treatment that concentrates on purifying the feet, with cleaning up of the nails and cuticles,

exfoliating the skin and preparing the nails for polish.

基本修甲護理,提供趾甲和角質層清潔,去除粗糙死皮, 時刻保持優雅,為美甲作好準備!

60 min / 分鐘

60 min / 分鐘

Page 19: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

Bodhi Manicure菩提手部護理

This deluxe manicure is enhanced by incorporating an exotic gommage hand exfoliating treatment, in which hands are soaked in thermal minerals

and essential oils, and cuticles are enriched with nail oil. Enjoy a relaxing hand and arm massage, leaving your hands nourished and

your nails coated with your selection of an OPI nail colour.

昇華修甲護理,採納別具異國風格的goMMAge手部去角質治療, 將雙手浸泡在溫泉礦物質和植物精油,並以護甲油滋養表層肌膚。

享受非凡舒適的手部和手臂按摩,讓雙手深層修護潤澤, 並於指甲塗上您所喜歡的oPi指甲顏色。

Bodhi Pedicure菩提腳部護理

This invigorating pedicure begins with soaking the feet in an exotic Asian mineral delight. Rough skin is exfoliated, then soothed with a massage featuring a natural foot balm rich in Menthol,

Eucalyptus and Lavender. This pedicure is sure to leave your feet rejuvenated.

首先以別具異國風格的亞洲礦物鹽水浸潤雙腳肌膚, 有效去除粗糙死皮,再以富含薄荷醇、桉樹和熏衣草的天然香油按摩雙足,


Nail Enhancers強化修甲




90 min / 分鐘

90 min / 分鐘

Page 20: SPA - Hilton€¦ · LI’TYA’s holistic treatments enable maximum therapeutic benefit. Combining ancient Australian indigenous philosophy, medicines and massage techniques with

Bodhi Spa at Conrad® Macao, Cotai Central, Level 3菩提水療 – 澳門金沙城中心康萊德酒店三樓t. +853 8113 6188 f. +853 8113 6184

[email protected]