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Southwest Chapter of ABATE of Florida June 2016

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  • 8/16/2019 Southwest Chapter of ABATE of Florida June 2016




    June 2016 – Volume XL – Issue V

    Next Chapter Meeting Sunday, June 19 th @ Six Bends Harley Davidson at 10:30 a.m.

    Members John and Fran Lupo

    ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC.The only Motorcycl ists’ Rights Organization in the State of Florida

    Legislative News ▪ MSAP Instructors ▪ Community Service

    ABATE: American Bikers Aimed Towards Education

    We lobby and educate the Government and the general public to promote motorcycling in a safe and positive image.

    ABATE of Florida, Inc. © 2010 ABATE of Florida, Inc., Southwest Chapter. All rights reserved. ABATE of Florida, Inc.and the Southwest Chapter do not condone drinking while riding or driving.

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    We are a non-profit organization ofmotorcycle enthusiasts from all walks of life.We lobby and educate the government and thegeneral public to promote motorcycling in asafe and positive image. We endeavor to enlistthe cooperation and participation of allorganizations and individuals that share asimilar interest in preserving our Americantradition of FREEDOM. We promotemotorcycle safety, training and politicalawareness. We ARE NOT A CLUB ORGANG. We fund our work through toy runs,

    poker runs, campouts and other motorcycleactivities. We are your neighbors and friendswho work, pay taxes and get involved with ourcommunity. We serve and support our countryand believe in freedom. We use all legal meansto protect our rights without infringing on therights of others.


    To become a powerful and viable politicalforce in legislative matters concerning themotorcyclist;To promote safe riding habits withoutinfringing on individual freedoms;To motivate bikers to write letters to theirlegislators before, during and after thelegislative session; andTo furnish our members with a newsletter tokeep all bikers informed in regard to upcominglegislation.


    SUNDAY, JUNE 19 TH @ 10:30 a.m.

    at SIX BENDS HARLEY DAVIDSON9501 Thunder Road

    Fort Myers, FL 33913



    20 th of the month for editorial and Boardapproval


    Southwest Chapter Newsletter

    Issue date: June 2016PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY


    PO Box 60745Fort Myers, FL 33906

    DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of ABATE of Florida, Inc. and/or theSouthwest Chapter. The publication allows members to express their beliefs and opinions. ABATE of Florida, Inc., and theSouthwest Chapter accept no responsibility for the comments, opinions, or views contained in this newsletter.

    Please direct correspondence in reference to this publication to: Heidi Szolga, Southwest Chapter, P.O. Box 60745, FortMyers, FL 33906-6745 or email at [email protected] .

    Donations to ABATE of Florida, Inc. are not deductible for Federal Tax Purposes.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]

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    ABATE of Florida, Inc./Southwest ChapterEXECUTIVE BOARD & TRUSTEES

    PO Box 60745, Fort Myers, FL

    President: Moe [email protected] / 412-999-3397

    Vice President: Frankie [email protected] / 239-693-7035

    Secretary: Gwynne [email protected] / 239-246-2025

    Treasurer: Heidi [email protected] / 618-616-0870

    Sergeant-At-Arms: Robb Rabell

    [email protected] / 239-458-3136

    Membership Trustee: Charlie [email protected] / 239-772-3972

    Public Relations: Gwynne [email protected] / 239-246-2025

    Legislative Representative: Frankie [email protected] / 239-693-7035

    Safety Director: Ed [email protected] / 508-685-9220

    Newsletter: Heidi [email protected] / 618-616-0870

    Webmasters: Taylor [email protected] / 360-298-1921 and

    Ed Lufkin, [email protected] /508-685-9220

    Chapter Chaplain: Tom [email protected]


    Chapter Rep: Moe MoserChapter Rep: Carl Nelson


    President’s Message:

    Hello Southwest ABATE.

    This is a reminder that our June 19 (Sunday)Chapter meeting will be held at 10:30 am at SixBends H-D. We will hold an election to determine

    our 2016/2017 chapter Executive Board. Thegood news is that we will allow “write -in”candidates the day of the election. This means thatif you have a last-minute burst of desire to serveyour Chapter for a year, you will have theopportunity to declare yourself a candidate foroffice. So, don’t be shy - throw your hat into thering and let the cards fall where they may. How’sthat for a mixed metaphor?

    The Southwest Florida Meeting of the Minds issponsoring the Saving LIveZ Ride on Sunday,June 5. This is a no-cost ride that is intended toraise awareness of the number of motorcycles onthe road in our area and of the need for everyoneto be more alert and less distracted. A party atFritz’s Garage will follow. Please check theFacebook page for details.

    As the heat of summer rolls into SouthwestFlorida, remember to drink lots of water whileyou’re out riding. Becoming dehydrated oroverheated will diminish your riding skills andcould put you in danger. Please be careful!

    Ride safe- ride free, Moe

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    Six Bends Harley-Davidson, Fort Myers on May 15 th , 2016Meeting called to order at 11:32 a.m. Sergeant at Arms - Pledge of Allegiance and moment ofsilence. There are 19 members present including 5 Boardmembers. Welcome, visitors, thank you for coming, andwelcome back Gator, a Life Member.

    President's Report: Our Vice President, Frankie, will be reporting the legislativeissues in the newsletter.Moe call Congressman Clemens' office, the one who wehave been told by State that he hates motorcyclists and wantsto make wearing helmets mandatory again. He was not ableto speak with the Congressman, however his assistant saidshe had not heard that he wants to bring the issue up, she hadnot heard him talk about it.

    Secretary's Report: Motion was made by Carl Nelson to approve the April 17,2016 minutes, seconded by John Lupo. Motion carried.

    Treasurer's Report: Heidi read the beginning and ending balance of ouraccount. The money that was deposited was frommemberships and donations at Bike Night. Our expenseswere for the newsletter, annual post office box rental andmoney our chapter donated to the State that had

    previously been approved by our chapter. She welcomedeveryone to look over the report if they wish at the end of themeeting. Motion to approve made by Gwynne Hickman,seconded by Bill Gross. Motion carried.

    Membership Report: Heidi reported we have 4 new life members and 4 annualrenewals. Two of the Life members were previously At-Large members and one of the Life members was a priorannual member.

    Sergeant At Arms: No Report

    Old Business: Moe asked everyone to purchase an advance ticket today forthe State party in October. Even if you can't attend, this is afund-raiser to keep ABATE viable because if the State officecannot afford to stay open, all chapters will close aswell. The party is being hosted by 5 chapters, basically theold 5-Star - Southwest, Peace River, Gator Alley, West Coastand Estero. We are hoping for a really good turn-out at thePeace River Campground. He also is selling tickets for thegun raffle drawing, which will be in December. You must be18 or older to purchase either of these tickets. The nextPlanning Committee meeting will be June 12th at noon at thePeace River Campground.

    Voting was held regarding the proposed By-Lawamendments, whichever one succeeds will be in effect for aminimum of 2 years. Moe read the 4 proposals and eachwere voted on in turn; Proposal #1 - 2 in favor, all othersopposed; Proposal #2 - 13 in favor, 1 opposed; Proposal #3 -1 in favor, all other opposed; Proposal #4 - 3 in favor, allothers opposed. Proposal #2 - "Annual dues remain at $20

    and Life Membership remains at $150, with all money going to theState and none to the Chapter" is favored by our Chapter and thedelegates will vote accordingly at the State Meeting. At this time,the option to keep the dues the way they are now is notavailable. Depending on how the State runs the voting at the Statemeeting will determine if that will be an option.

    Discussion was held on the proposal from Southernmost Chapterthat each chapter pay $850 per year to the State to cover the cost ofthe insurance policy. This fee could be paid either monthly orannually. Upon payment of the $850, the chapter would receive a$650 credit towards event insurance for stationary events, not

    parades. Right now, event insurance is $150 each, so the chaptercould hold 4 events without incurring additional insurance costs. Avote was taken and zero were in favor, all wereopposed. Southwest Chapter opposes this proposal.

    State Lobbyist: We are all aware that ABATE's State President isalso our paid lobbyist, currently receiving $50,000 per year and hiscontract expires in October. Doc submitted a proposal for another2 year contract for $36,000 per year, a reduction of $14,000/yr. Noother lobbyist proposals were submitted. Robb Rabell reported hewas not able to speak to Representative Dane Eagle to verify Doc'sclaims regarding his lobbying efforts. A vote was taken to approveDoc's proposed contract. Zero were in favor, all opposed.Discussion was held as to what would happen if the lobbyistcontract gets voted down. There are several possibilities, again, itdepends on how the State handles the voting. Southwest Chapterwill vote NO to Doc's proposal at the State meeting.

    There is an additional $2.50 fee that we pay with our motorcycleregistrations that is intended to go to motorcycle groups for safety

    purposes. This line item in the State budget was approved by theHouse and Senate, but Governor Scott vetoed it once again andthose funds will go into the State's General Fund. Thanks a lotGovernor!

    Robb Rabell and Carl Nelson will set up the tent at Six Bends' nextBattle of the Bands. It was noted that we receive free storage at A-1 Storage Shelters in exchange for advertising. Thank you TrudyRabell!

    Due to Moe and Heidi being out of town, Carl and Frankie will bethe delegates at the June State meeting.

    Gwynne will attempt to invite Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto to ourJune Chapter meeting.

    Darrin Brooks has asked for a sponsor to pay for the StateLegislative Report, which costs the State $1,200 peryear. Discussion was held and a motion was made by Gator (DonMeredith) to send support in the amount of $100 to the State,seconded by John Lupo. Motion carried.

    The question was asked what are State's expenses? The mostexpensive items are $20,000 for insurance, $50,000 for the lobbyistand $1,200 for the Legislative Report.

    Nominations are still open for the Executive Board of Directors positions and the floor was turned over to Frankie Kennedy toreopen and confirm the nominations. He noted that write-in

    nominations can also be accepted the day of the voting in

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    June. Nominations are as follows: President: Rob Cram(Big Bird) and Rob Rabell - Rob Cran withdrew hisnomination and Rob Rabell still accepts. Vice-President:Moe Moser still accepts the nomination, there were noothers. Secretary: Gwynne Hickman still accepts thenomination, there were no others. Treasurer: Heidi Szolgaaccepted the nomination, Rob Cran declined. There were noothers.

    The other positions will be appointees after the new Board isinstalled.

    The nominations are Rob Rabell for President, Moe Moser forVice-President, Gwynne Hickman for Secretary and Heidi Szolgafor Treasurer. Nominations are closed.

    Good of the Order: Doug Sepanak congratulated Gwynne on her retirement from theCity of Cape Coral.

    Time and place of next meeting:

    10:30 a.m. June 19th at Six Bends HarleyMotion to Adjourn made by Carl Nelson, seconded byGator, Meeting adjourned.

    Meet the Members Name: John LupoABATE member for 3 yearsEmployer: Retired PostalRiding motorcycles for 4years

    Favorite food: PizzaFavorite movie: SpaceballsFavorite song: My WayThree things y ou’ll alwaysfind in my fridge: ColdCuts, Wine, PicklesPerson (alive or not) I’dmost like to have dinnerwith: Dalai Llama

    People might be surprised toknow that I play guitar.

    Name: Fran LupoABATE member for 2 yearsEmployer: U.S. Post OfficeRiding motorcycles for 4 yearsFavorite food: Steak

    Favorite movie: MoonstruckFavorite song: AngryAmericanThree things y ou’ll always findin my fridge: Cold Cuts, Wine,PicklesPerson (alive or not) I’d mostlike to have dinner with:Donald TrumpPeople might be surprised toknow that I do crafts.

    If you would like to be on the cover of an upcoming newsletter, submit your favorite picture of you andyour bike along with answers to the profile questions. A random drawing will choose our next

    “cover girl” (or boy). Email all info rmation to [email protected].

    Membership Report

    For the month of May we had 2 New Members and 1 Renewal

    Memberships that will expire at the end of June are : Bill Gross. Please remember to renew. You can fill outthe membership form on Page 19 of this Newsletter and mail it to ABATE Southwest Chapter, PO Box 60745,Fort Myers, FL 33906 along with cash or check for $20 annual or $150 life payable to Southwest Chapter orcome to our next Chapter Meeting on Sunday, June 19 th, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. at Six Bends Harley-Davidson orcome to the Battle of the Bands at Six-Bends Harley Davidson on Friday, June 24 th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

    Each member should make an effort to sign up at least new one member per year – we can double ourmembership that way!

    Safe riding everyone,Charlie Fisher

    Membership Trustee

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    Kim AdairKeith BakerBill Barber

    Darrell BarnettDenee BartelsKarl Bartling

    Karl Bartling, IIIJames Bogenrieder

    Scott BlinkChet Budz

    James Burkholder Nora Burkholder

    Don CampbellEllen CampsonFrances CazesWayne Cerra

    Jonathan ConantTerry Covington

    Audrey CranRick CranRob Cran

    Robert “Cruz” Crusan Jim CrystalDan Curry

    John D’Agostino Kim D’Agostino

    Biffle DavisLynne Davis

    Mary Dicenzo-PorterAl Diagiaco

    Frank DisommaCindy DoakRandy Eck

    Marius EspeletaJeffery FielderHarry Foster

    Leather FosterBrian Galvin

    Sonny GartrellSteven Goldstein

    Lynnda GrayLarry Gullin

    Bob HallHans Holberg

    Rodney HollingsworthMisti Hollingsworth

    Harry HooverJeff Hoover

    Jonathan HuntGeorge Huttman

    Susan “Red” Huttman Dan Jackson

    Cindy “C.J.” Jordan Frankie Kennedy

    Ed LaCombeRichard LeonJulio Lopez

    Mary Ann Rivera-Lopez“KD” Marlowe

    Don Meredith Jr.Kenneth MillerJohn MitchellJay MonttetitMoe Moser

    Taylor MusburgerCarl Nelson

    Steve NewtonTami NewtonTerry Padilla

    Bob PennAsuncsion Peppers

    Richard PeppersKathleen Provenzano

    Rev. Thomas ProvenzanoFrank E. RhorerBill Robinson

    Janet Rolfe

    Tabitha RossiRoland SalsberryBruce Scheiner

    Juergen Wolfgang SchmidtJencye SchmittJerry Schmitt

    Elsie SeifDoug SepanakRobert SimonKelly SmithRoger Smith

    Randall SpiveyRichard StergulzSandy Stergulz

    Grandpa StewardLynda Stewart

    S. Wade StogranRussell Sullivan

    Heidi SzolgaScott TurnerRuth Vorys

    Teresa WebsterD. Payton WellsMichael Wieland

    Jama WyattSteve Wyatt

    L if e M embers WhoH ave Passed Away

    Jerry Barnett Maggie CranGinny D’A sti

    John Kennedy Russell May

    Rev. Rea Means Jo Ann Miller Jim Mozeleski

    To become a Life Member contact the Membership Trustee on Page 3

    Southwest Chapter Products

    Chapter Patch Large (Members Only) $25.00Chapter Patch Small - $7.00

    Chapter Flag - $25.00

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    Legislative Report by Frankie KennedySPECULATION ABOUT SCOTT AS RUNNING MATE INCREASESMost of the speculation around Gov. Rick Scott's political future has centered on a bid for the U.S. Senate in 2018, whenincumbent Democrat Bill Nelson will be up for re-election and facing a Republican-friendly midterm electorate that helpedScott win two terms in the governor's mansion. But there are also growing rumors that Scott might be in the running for ahigher-profile position than taking one of 100 seats in the U.S. Senate --- that he could instead be the running mate forDonald Trump if the real-estate mogul clinches the GOP presidential nomination, as seems increasingly likely. Trump

    himself encouraged the rumors when, in an interview with The New York Times for a story published this weekend abouta possible vice presidential selection, "he briefly praised three governors as possible contenders," including Scott. The othertwo names Trump listed were New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, one of the first major Republicans to endorse Trump, andOhio Gov. John Kasich, who's still running for president. Other media outlets have also contributed to the speculation.Writing last week on the website of the conservative National Review, Jim Geraghty said Scott "might be the most intriguingchoice" for Trump's running mate. "Scott won two exceptionally nasty, hard-fought gubernatorial races and could lock upthe state for Trump --- giving him a win that John McCain and Mitt Romney could not achieve," Geraghty wrote. "Scott's arelatively low-key, even-tempered figure among Trump endorsers; he may not have an overwhelming personality, but heisn't likely to do much harm." The governor has kept up a rigorous travel schedule that would seem aimed at raising hisnational profile. Scott is currently in California, one of several job-poaching trips he's taken to states with Democraticgovernors. Over the weekend, he attended the White House Correspondents Dinner, one of the biggest annual social soireesin the nation's capital. But Melissa Sellers, Scott's former chief of staff and a current adviser, dismissed the speculation

    Monday. "The governor has made it clear that he has the job he wants and he won't leave it," Sellers said in an email. "Ofcourse, he would always be willing to provide any insights from his experience in turning around Florida's economy.Governor Scott is a long-time friend of Donald Trump's. They have known each other in the business world for many years--- long before the governor first ran for office in 2010."

    ACLU URGES SCOTT, BONDI TO FOLLOW FEDS ON TRANSGENDER ISSUEThe American Civil Liberties Union of Florida issued a letter Thursday calling on Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney GeneralPam Bondi to reject arguments from social conservatives who say the state should ignore federal guidance on the treatmentof transgender students. ACLU of Florida Executive Director Howard Simon said allowing public school students to userestroom facilities corresponding to their stated gender identity --- rather than their sex at birth --- "is not only required bylaw, but it is also the right thing to do." The guidance last week from the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S.Department of Justice has caused an outcry from social conservatives, who have pushed for Scott to defy the order and

    Bondi to issue an opinion on whether the initiative is constitutional. Both have so far declined to get pulled into the fight.Advocates on both sides of the transgender student debate argue that safety is an issue, with critics of the Obamaadministration saying the guidance could lead to a breakdown in school discipline or even attacks. But echoing other LGBTsupporters, Simon said there is no evidence of critics' fears coming true, and that forcing students to use the restroomcorresponding with their sex at birth could also cause problems. "When transgender students are required to use separatefacilities, it does not go unnoticed by other students," he wrote. "Being separated from other students in this way would bedamaging to anyone, but it is especially harmful for transgender children." Last week, the ACLU filed a complaint with theU.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, alleging that a resolution approved April 26 by the Marion CountySchool Board violates federal anti-discrimination laws. The resolution requires students to use restrooms that correspondwith their sex at birth.


    Florida had 737 boating accidents last year, an increase of 103 accidents from 2014 --- though the number of fatalitiesdropped, according to information released this week by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. In all, 55 people died in 2015, down from 73 the previous year. A news release issued Wednesday said people falling overboard isthe leading cause of death. A detailed report accompanying the release said Florida led the nation with 915,713 registeredvessels in 2015. "Many of the accidents in this report could have been prevented if the boat operators had paid attention toeverything going on around their vessel, maintained a proper lookout and if everyone had been wearing a life jacket," Capt.Tom Shipp, of the commission's Boating and Waterways Section, said in a prepared statement.

    STATE TO STUDY END OF 'NO-FAULT' AUTO INSURANCEThe state plans to undertake a study that would determine what would happen if Florida's no-fault auto insurance programis scrapped. According to a request for proposals posted by the Off ice of Insurance Regulation, the study is expected to find"the potential impact to Floridians if the personal injury protection coverage requirements were repealed and replaced with

    varying levels of bodily injury coverage, or if the current requirements to purchase auto insurance were completely

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    repealed." The no-fault system is commonly referred to as "PIP," which is shorthand for personal-injury protection coverage.The objective of the study, which was first reported by The Palm Beach Post, is also to determine the effect of a 2012 lawintended to reduce fraud in the no-fault system. An actuarial consulting firm is expected to be awarded the contract for thestudy on May 27, with the study expected to cost up to $125,000. A draft of the study's findings is expected to be completed

    by Aug. 26, with a final report presented to Gov. Rick Scott, the Senate president and House speaker on Sept. 2. Under thedecades-old no-fault system, motorists are required to carry personal-injury protection coverage that includes $10,000 inmedical benefits.

    STATE SAYS COURT SHOULD REJECT 'DOCS V. GLOCKS' CHALLENGEWith a closely watched hearing little more than a month away, state attorneys have filed a final brief arguing that physicianshave not shown they have legal standing to challenge Florida's controversial "docs vs. glocks" law. The brief, filed last week,came as the full 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is scheduled to hear arguments June 21 in the case. The 2011 law, backed

    by groups such as the National Rifle Association, seeks to restrict doctors from asking questions and recording informationabout patients' gun ownership. A coalition of plaintiffs, including individual doctors and medical groups, filed a federallawsuit arguing the law violates First Amendment rights. A federal district judge sided with them, but a three-judge panelof the appeals court upheld the law in three rulings. The full appeals court then agreed to take up the case. In the brief filedlast week, the state argued that the plaintiffs do not have standing, at least in part because they have not shown the FloridaBoard of Medicine would discipline them for the gun-related conversations they want to have with patients. The state's briefalso contended the law does not violate the First Amendment. "The act's goals are not only substantiated; they arecompelling,'' the state brief said. "The act shields patients who own firearms from purposely irrelevant record-keeping,questioning, discrimination, and harassment, and thereby furthers the state's compelling interest in protecting citizens'fundamental right to keep and bear arms for defense of self and state." But in a brief filed last month, attorneys for the

    plaintiffs argued the law violates the First Amendment rights of physicians to discuss safety-related issues with patients. "In(the law), the Florida Legislature does what no legislative body has done before or since; it prevents doctors from providing

    patients with truthful advice to keep their families healthy and safe --- speech that is recommended as standard protocol bynational medical associations,'' the plaintiffs' brief said.

    JUSTICES GIVE GREEN LIGHT TO STOPS OVER LICENSE PLATESIn a case that started with a dangling tag light, the Florida Supreme Court made clear Thursday that police officers have

    broad authority to pull over motorists whose license plates are not fully visible.

    Justices, in a 5-2 decision, rejected an appeal from Jermaine D. English, who was stopped by Orlando police because a taglight and wires were hanging down over the license plate on a vehicle he was driving. Evidence found during the stop led toEnglish being charged with possession of cocaine, marijuana and paraphernalia.

    In seeking to suppress the evidence, an attorney for English contended that police did not have cause to stop the vehicle. Butthe Supreme Court upheld a 2014 decision by the 5th District Court of Appeal, which found that state law requires numbersand letters on license plates to be "plainly visible at all times."

    A major part of the dispute centered on whether the law applies only to license plates that have been defaced or covered insubstances, such as grease, that would prevent them from being easily read --- or whether it also applies to situations suchas bulbs and wires hanging down.

    "We conclude that the plain language of (the section of state law) is clear and unambiguous, and requires that a license plate be plainly visible and legible at all times without regard to whether the obscuring matter is on or external to the plate,'' saidThursday's ruling, written by Chief Justice Jorge Labarga and joined by justices R. Fred Lewis, Peggy Quince, CharlesCanady and Ricky Polston.

    But Justice James E.C. Perry, in a dissent joined by Justice Barbara Pariente, wrote that the law was intended to preventmotorists from "physically altering or obscuring the license plate."

    "Under the majority's view, the licensing statute could lead to potentially outrageous results," Perry wrote. "For example,families and avid bikers who utilize rear bike racks will now be guilty of unlawful activity if any part of the bicycle or

    bicycle rack --- or the nylon straps which are used to secure the bike to the rack --- covers the license plate. The possibilitiesunder which law enforcement may now detain drivers under this statute are limited only by the imagination, potentially

    placing in the hands of law enforcement unfettered discretion to enforce the statute."

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    In going to the Supreme Court, English's attorney argued that the 2014 ruling by the 5th Dist rict Court of Appeal conflictedwith an earlier decision by another appeals court. That decision, by the 2nd District Court of Appeal, found that police couldnot stop a vehicle because a trailer hitch blocked the view of a license plate, according to a br ief filed last year by English'sattorney.

    The Supreme Court majority, however, sided with the 5th District Court of Appeal and rejected the earlier ruling.

    "The plain language of (of the section of law) requires that a license plate be 'clear and distinct' and 'free from defacement,mutilation, grease, and other obscuring matter;' it does not suggest that matter external to the license plate may constitute a

    permissible obstruction under the statute,'' Labarga wrote.

    From The AMA… WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has withdrawn its plan to regulate the emissions frommotor vehicles, including motorcycles, built or used exclusively for racing. The EPA’s change of plans resulted from intense

    pressure brought by the American Motorcyclist Association, the Specialty Equipment Market Association and otherorganizations and racing sanctioning bodies. Issued in July 2015, the final Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standardsand Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles contained what the EPA described as“clarifying language” that would have placed new restrictions on competition -only vehicles. The AMA joined SEMA andother groups to oppose this proposed new restriction and to support a bill in Congress to prevent EPA regulatory intrusioninto motorsports. Five members of Congress introduced a bi-partisan bill, the Recognizing the Protection of MotorsportsAct of 2016 (H.R. 4715), that would prevent the regulation of street bikes and other motor vehicles converted intocompetition-only racers. The AMA included language in the RPM Act that specifically exempts competition motorcyclesfrom EPA regulation. More than 3,000 AMA Action Alert subscribers sent more than 10,000 messages to theirrepresentatives and se nators, urging them to support the RPM Act. Despite the EPA’s withdrawal of its plan to regulate theemission of competition-only motor vehicles, the AMA and SEMA believe the RPM Act remains an important piece oflegislation because it would prevent the EPA from ever initiating action to regulate emissions produced by race-onlyvehicles.

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – The proposed 2017 volumes under the Renewable Fuel Standard were submitted by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency to the White House Office of Management and Budget for review. The RFS proposalincludes 2017 renewable volume obligations for renewable fuel, advanced and cellulosic biofuels and 2018 biodiesel.Following OMB review, the proposal is published in the Federal Register and is open for public comment. The EPA’sdeadline for issuing a final rule is Nov. 30.

    U.S. Reps. Bill Flores (R-Texas), Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Jim Costa (D-Calif.), Steve Womack (RArk.) and Cedric Richmond (D-La.) introduced H.R. 5180, the “Food and Fuel Consumer Protection Act of 2016” today.The American Motorcyclist Association supports this bill.

    The bipartisan legislation would cap mandated ethanol content in the nation’s fuel supply at 9.7 percent and institute a provision that automatically reverts the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s annual Renewable Volume Obligations tothe previous year’s percentage if the EPA misses its Nov. 30 deadline. And, finally, the bill would ensure commerciallyavailable cellulosic and advanced ethanol has a place under the 9.7 percent cap.

    In other words, the bill would stop the federal government from forcing E15 fuel (15 percent ethanol by volume) intothe market. Capping the ethanol mandate helps ensure the availability of safe fuels like E10 and a continuing place in themarket for ethanol-free gasoline (E0) for older motorcycles. This is important, because the last RVO rule issued by the EPAdecreased the E0 supply to just 130 million gallons from 9.2 billion gallons in 2016, despite the fact that the demand for E0doubled.

    Tell your representative to support H.R. 5180.

    From MFR…. Proposed Expansion of E15 Fuels Could Endanger MotorcyclistsIn March 2016 a bill was introduced in Congress that would provide grants for developing the infrastructure to deliver fuelcontaining more than 10 percent ethanol. Introduced by U.S. Rep David Loebsack (D-Iowa), the Renewable FuelUtilization, Expansion, and Leadership Act (H.R. 4673, otherwise kno wn as the “REFUEL Act”) would provide federalgrants for the purchase and installation of equipment (pumps, storage tanks, pipes, etc.) specifically for “dispensing fuel

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    containing covered renewable or alternative energy.” This equipment would be key in ex panding the availability of E15fuel, a blend of gasoline that includes up to 15 percent ethanol. In cooperation with our Sustaining State Motorcycle RightsOrganizations, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) opposes the implementation of any fuel blend that containsanything higher than a 10 percent ethanol content without further research on the effects of these blends on motorcycleengines. To date, none of the motorcycles in use in the United States are certified by the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency to operate on fuel containing more than 10 percent ethanol, and use of E15 fuels in motorcycles may damage fuelsystems and void manufacturers’ warranties. Because this bill directly violates the Agricultural Act of 2014 (also known asthe FARM Bill) that prohibited funding for special ethanol blender pumps, and because E15 fuels can damage motorcycles,the MRF encourages you to contact you U.S. Representative and ask him or her to oppose H.R. 4673.

    THE ETHANOL ISSUE – CONGRESSIONAL ACTIVITY AND STRIKING A BALANCEWASHINGTON, DC – There is no shortage of legislative proposals addressing ethanol blends in the nation’s capital. Sofar in the 114 th Congress alone, there have been 16 different measures that would address the use of ethanol blends in fuel.Last week’s activity added one more to the tally, the “Food and Fuel Consumer Protection Act of 2016” H.R.5180.

    Introduced by Congressman Bill Flores from Texas, the proposal would institute a cap on the ethanol content in fuel.Presumably, the bill would stop what many are concerned about; an uncomfortable creep towards a higher content of ethanolin gasoline, which could have the effect of voiding many motorcycle warranties. However, it is unclear what the proposal’schances of passage are, especially given a number of other pending measures that aim to do the exact opposite (see theREFUEL Act, H.R. 4773). What is certain, is that the issue of ethanol in fuel is controversial and will not be easily solved.

    The position of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), instead of being "pro" or "anti" ethanol, has been one of concernabout the effect of higher ethanol content in fuel. The MRF seeks to strike a balance between the various opposing federal

    bills; instead calling for a policy that emphasizes research on ethanol blends. Encouraging new research, specifically targetedtowards motorcycle engines as well as the effect on internal combustion, could help alleviate the concerns of motorcycleriders, as well as motorcycle manufacturers.Current discussions taking place in the halls of Congress can be used as an opportunity to learn more about the short andlong term effects of ethanol on small motors, as well as open a dialogue with the manufacturers of motorcycles, to betterunderstand their concerns in using a higher ethanol content in motorcycle fuel systems.

    Father Tom’s Message

    Dear Fellow Abate Members,No Greater Love

    At The Tail of the Dragon?

    Several years ago, my youngest brother, my son, grandson and I,headed off on one of those “bucket list” motorcycle trips for about sixor seven days. From Florida, we headed up the east coast, rode the

    barrier islands and the ferry boats past Cape Hatteras, and ended up inKitty Hawk, NC, before going west into Tennessee.

    The Tail of the Dragon – Deal’s Gap (319 curves in 11 miles) wasour next destination! It is located in a treacherous mountain pass atthe Tennessee/North Carolina border. Portions of the 1958 filmTHUNDER ROAD were filmed on the “Tail,” along with TWO-

    LANE BLACKTOP in 1971, and a television segment of DiscoveryChannel’s HELL ROADS in 2011.

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    “Either there would be a rescue or the possibility that remains would be removed.”

    Midway through our ride, we encountered emergency vehicles parked along the side of the road, where a motorcycle leftthe road and had headed down a very steep and deep ravine. Apparently, one or two of the first responders had to descend,at considerable risk, a couple of hundred feet into the ravine to locate and attend to the rider. Either there would be a rescueor the possibility that remains would be removed. If it wasn’t for the first responders and their rescue and/or medical trai ninthe outcome would be less than desirable. I didn’t see any “civilians” headed down to assist. They could have en ded up avictims, themselves!

    What makes some people risk their lives in order to save others? Some don’t even think of themselves and just do whatthey think needs to be done. Sadly, some lose their lives in the process. Think about the daring rescues of Coast Guardresponders removing people from the roofs of buildings, while the water from Hurricane Katrina was up to the rooflines. Iremember a video to where the helicopter was working in amongst power lines and the female Coast Guard responder, whiletrying to rescue others, nearly fell off the roof! As a young boy, I witnessed a man rushing to a car that had just flipped overon the highway. There was smoke and the imminent possibility of flames and explosion. The man rushing to the car wasmy father, who pulled the driver out and clear of danger, thinking nothing of his own safety. He could have stayed in thecomfort and safety of his car with his family. Coast Guard responders and the responders at Deal’s Gap could have chosenanother profession.

    “Some don’t even think of themselves and just do what they think needs to be done. And, some lose their lives in the process.”

    Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 - New InternationalVersion (NIV)

    God, our Father, left the comfort of Heaven and His heavenly family. He became a man in the form of Jesus to be amongthe people He loves. More importantly, he came to die for us and taste Hell, in order to reconcile us back to Himself. Heknew what the outcome on earth would be. Unlike the first responders, there would be no training to give Him a margin ofsafety. He had to die. Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And, Romans 6:23 saysthat the wages of sin is death. So, either it was the death of Jesus or the eternal death of us in order to pay.

    In the Old Testament, we can see where the Jews had sacrificed spotless lambs to atone for one’s transgressions. And, thatGod would soon send a Messiah/Savior to cover all transgressions. The promise was fulfilled in 2 Corinthians 5:21 when,“God made Him (Christ), who knew no sin, to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

    I’m sure that if you were the one at the bottom of the ravine in Deal’s Gap, you would accept the help the first responderswere providing, rather than just lay there and die. Right? Therefore, can you now accept and receive in your heart whatJesus did for you, to rescue you? Can you now see His love for you? “ For God so loved the world that H e gave H is oneand only Son, that whoever beli eves in H im shal l n ot per ish but have eternal l if e. F or God did not send hi s Son into theworl d to condemn th e world, but to save the world th rough H im. 18 Whoeve r believes in Him is not condemned…” Joh3:16-17 – NIV

    “…if you were the one at the bottom of the ravine in Deal’s Gap, would you accept the help the firstresponders were providing, rather than just lay there and die?”

    Please pray this, with your whole heart , “Dear God, my Heavenly Father, I confess that I am a sinner and have beenseparated from You. I ask forgiveness of my sins. I repent and accept this gift of repentance and want to be free in you. Iconfess with my mouth that your son, Jesus is my Savior and died for me. I believe in my heart that You raised Him fromthe dead. I receive Jesus into my heart and ask Him to become the center of my life. I ask, in the Name of Jesus. Amen." you have prayed this and/or wish to talk, call us at 239-267-8641

    Blessings,Pastor Tom (SW ABATE Chaplain and Estero River ABATE Life Member) and Chaplain Kathy (SW ABATE LifeMember) Foursquare Chaplains - 239-267-8641 or email: [email protected]

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    JUNE, 2016Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7FathomsBike Night6-9pm

    8 9 10 11State Mtg.InerstateChapter

    12 13 Flag Day 14 15 16 17 18

    10:30am Chpt. 19Mtg. Six Bends HD

    20 21 22 23 6-9pm 24Battle of theBands – SixBends HD


    26 27 28 29 30,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNGo7if4gkHA0KpyX7D7OXExlXRGAw&ust=1460411302122598

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    JULY, 2016Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

    1 2

    3 4 Fathoms 5Bike Night6-9pm

    6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14 6-9pm 15Battle of theBands – SixBends HD


    10:30am 17ChapterMeeting - SixBends HD

    18 19 20 21 22 23

    24 25 26 27 28 29 30


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  • 8/16/2019 Southwest Chapter of ABATE of Florida June 2016



    ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC.Southwest Chapter ▪ P.O. Box 60745 ▪ Fort Myers, FL 33906



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