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SOUTHERN IDAHO MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION May – June, July – August, 2009 P O Box 843 Boise ID 83701 Vol. 32, #3 SIMA Monthly Meetings Resume Oct. 12, 2009, Idaho Fish & Game Building, 7:30 PM. Programs and classes to be announced. Forays Scheduled SIMA Fall Foray, Sept, 17, 18, 19, 20, Quaker Hill Lakeside, McCall ID. This foray is a complete workshop on mushroom identification. SIMA members will use their skills to hunt fungi in the mornings and spend the afternoons doing identification. We will have microscopes available and keys and other resources to aid in identification. This is a great learning experience. We prepare our own food. We stay 3 nights and have 8 great meals. Last year Bryan Poland did the cooking and we ate very well. We are looking forward to Bryan’s cooking again this year. Quaker Hill Lakeside is across the street from Osprey Lodge, fronts on Payette Lake, and has a great deck and its own dock. This facility has had a kitchen and bathroom update since we last used it. Quaker Hill Lakeside . View from the deck. This is what you see when you look out while identifying mushrooms or relaxing after dinner. Fall Foray Registration Form is at the end of this newsletter. We had good rain in August. The boletes are already out. The “Season for Edibles” is upon us. It’s time to sharpen your identification skills! Boletes dry well when sliced. Chanterelles do not. Grime Creek Foray. This was attended by people attending the Identification Workshop held at the Idaho Fish & Game Building in January and April. Bob Chehey is leading the identification of this Agrocybe. This Summer’s Activities: Spring Foray: Held May 29 - 31 at Quaker Hill, Osprey Lodge, McCall ID. Thom O’Dell was our mycologist. We collected 56 species. Not the lowest number of species collected for a spring foray. That honor goes to the June Foray of 1979. We identified 42 species, a drought. This year spring was a little late and cool. Early Foray and Identification workshop. Last Chance Campground. Bob Chehey is leading the identification.

SOUTHERN IDAHO MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION May – June, … May June July Aug 2009... · so. I hope everyone found some morels. There were lots of commercial pickers in there, along

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Page 1: SOUTHERN IDAHO MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION May – June, … May June July Aug 2009... · so. I hope everyone found some morels. There were lots of commercial pickers in there, along


May – June, July – August, 2009 P O Box 843 Boise ID 83701 Vol. 32, #3

SIMA Monthly Meetings Resume Oct. 12, 2009, Idaho Fish & Game Building, 7:30 PM. Programs and classes to be announced. Forays Scheduled SIMA Fall Foray, Sept, 17, 18, 19, 20, Quaker Hill Lakeside, McCall ID. This foray is a complete workshop on mushroom identification. SIMA members will use their skills to hunt fungi in the mornings and spend the afternoons doing identification. We will have microscopes available and keys and other resources to aid in identification. This is a great learning experience. We prepare our own food. We stay 3 nights and have 8 great meals. Last year Bryan Poland did the cooking and we ate very well. We are looking forward to Bryan’s cooking again this year. Quaker Hill Lakeside is across the street from Osprey Lodge, fronts on Payette Lake, and has a great deck and its own dock. This facility has had a kitchen and bathroom update since we last used it. Quaker Hill Lakeside. View from the deck. This is what you see when you look out while identifying mushrooms or relaxing after dinner.

Fall Foray Registration Form is at the end of this newsletter. We had good rain in August. The boletes are already out. The “Season for Edibles” is upon us. It’s time to sharpen your identification skills! Boletes dry well when sliced. Chanterelles do not.

Grime Creek Foray. This was attended by people attending the Identification Workshop held at the Idaho Fish & Game Building in January and April.

Bob Chehey is leading the identification of this Agrocybe. This Summer’s Activities: Spring Foray: Held May 29 - 31 at Quaker Hill, Osprey Lodge, McCall ID. Thom O’Dell was our mycologist. We collected 56 species. Not the lowest number of species collected for a spring foray. That honor goes to the June Foray of 1979. We identified 42 species, a drought. This year spring was a little late and cool. Early Foray and Identification workshop. Last Chance Campground. Bob Chehey is leading the identification.

Page 2: SOUTHERN IDAHO MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION May – June, … May June July Aug 2009... · so. I hope everyone found some morels. There were lots of commercial pickers in there, along

Dr. Thom O’Dell giving the “table talk” Sunday morning, May 31, 2009. 56 species identified.

Thom may not have been that familiar with our mix of spring mushrooms, but he did a fantastic job. Thank you Thom O’Dell June Morel Hunt Featherville, ID: Details by Genny Steiner Yes, we really did have a base camp at a group site Chaparral Campground.

I remembered the SIMA Banner starting up Cat Creek Summit and did not turn around and go get it. My bad. I put up a screen house instead. Wendell Martin and Anne Hutchinson camped in the site. Jeri Simms Masters and her husband camped one site over. Cheheys and Steiners stayed in the motel. Kathy Richmond also stayed in the motel.

There were many SIMA people in the burn Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Many came up just for the day. The best hunting was up FR 017. Kathy found a great site to hunt, but it was a long walk and a stream crossing. Paul Beckman decided to try out this area a week later. This is his account of the hunt. “We had a great outing. The map was perfect. We could see where the area was clearly from the trail. Since we were muleback and horseback we decided to go up the canyon. We followed along but didn’t find any in the bottom. We went up about two plus miles, decided to go back to the map and start hunting. We turned around, started down the trail, a horse behind me fell through a hole where a root had burn out. He jumped up, spooked the mule I was on. The saddle slipped forward, the mule deposited me on the ground. Covered with mud and ashes, I looked everywhere for that morel that had to be next to the log I landed on. Didn’t find it. My leg swelled up so we made our way down the canyon. Never did get to check out the morel grounds. I did give the map to my veterinarian. He is probably going up this weekend. What a fun time. I did collect some puff balls on the trail, but smashed them in the wreck. Don’t drop me from the club yet, I’ll do better next time”. Paul We had rain every morning until about 10 AM. We took off for the hills by 10:30 and climbed hillsides too steep to stand up on. We got black and muddy. We did find morels. Thunder storms and or rain started around 2 – 3 PM every day. Back to the motel and clean up. There were a lot of SIMA people hunting that I never saw. I did not get this

Page 3: SOUTHERN IDAHO MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION May – June, … May June July Aug 2009... · so. I hope everyone found some morels. There were lots of commercial pickers in there, along

organized well and cell service happened only in front of the café if the stars and moon lined up just so. I hope everyone found some morels. There were lots of commercial pickers in there, along with others without permits. Later in the week, permits were checked and morels confiscated and people fined. Saturday night we gathered after dinner in Chehey’s room and shared wine provided by Anne Hutchinson, Wendell Martin and Kathy Richmond

Mike and I stayed Sunday morning to meet Sue Poland and her father. They drove in from Hammett. While eating lunch near the top of FR 074, we ran into Phyllis Bentley. Dean was up on the mountain.

If you are ever in Featherville around meal time, try out Cindy’s Café. They have three cooks rotating through out the week. They all are good. Kevin’s BBQ Ribs on Saturday night were fantastic. They came seasoned medium and hot. Hot is HOT, but still tasty. The Cheheys and Steiners ate 3 breakfasts and 3 dinners there. We had to climb a lot of

mountains after breakfast so we would be ready for dinner. Wallowa Whitman Rare Mushroom Foray. Paula Brooks, from the Forest Service out of Enterprise Oregon, has grant money to survey the rare mushrooms identified in the Columbia Basin Project in the Wallowa Whitman and Elkhorn National Forests. Paula has come to our forays in the past when she was in McCall. The dates for this foray is Sept. 24, 25, 26, 27, 2009. She has reserved the Anthony Lakes Guard Station as our foray site this year. More Information to come. Boletes Are Out! Sue Poland called Wednesday afternoon to alert everyone that she and Bryan are finding Boletus edulis just starting to come up around Brundage Res. and Goose Lake. Take the road to Brundage Ski Area and follow the signs after you leave the pavement and start on the gravel. With the current rain, by midweek, there should be lots of mushrooms out. Remember, there can be quite a spread in cap color. Check for the big bulbous base.

Page 4: SOUTHERN IDAHO MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION May – June, … May June July Aug 2009... · so. I hope everyone found some morels. There were lots of commercial pickers in there, along

SIMA Foray list for Saturday, May 30, 2009 Quaker Hill Camp, McCall, ID Thom O’Dell, Mycologist GENUS SPECIES GENUS SPECIES

1 Agaricus species 37 Mycena pura 2 Agrocybe praecox 38 Nidularia farcta 3 Auricularia auricula-judae 39 Oligoporus leucospongia 4 Calbovista subsculpta 40 Panaeolus semiovatus 5 Caloscypha fulgens 41 Peziza proteana sparassoides 6 Cheilymenia coprinaria 42 Pleurotus ostreatus 7 Clavicorona pyxidata 43 Pleurotus populinus 8 Clitocybe gibba gibba 44 Pleurotus pulmonarius 9 Clitocybe glacialis 45 Polyporus elegans 10 Coprinopsis radiata 46 Pycnoporellus alboluteus 11 Cortinarius cinnamomeus 47 Ramaria magnipes 12 Cortinarius glaucopus 48 Ramaria species 13 Cortinarius species Subgenus: Telemonia 49 Rickenella fibula 14 Cortinarius species Subgenus: Telemonia 50 Sarcosphaera coronaria 15 Cryptoporus volvatus 51 Suillus lakei 16 Discina perlata 52 Trichaptum abietinum 17 Echinodontium tinctorium 53 Tricholoma saponaceum 18 Exidia glandulosa 54 Tricholoma vernaticum 19 Floccularia albolanaripes 55 Xeromphalina campanella 20 Fomitopsis pinicola 56 Xeromphalina species 21 Geopera cooperi 22 Gloeophyllum saepiarium 23 Gyromitra esculenta 24 Gyromitra montana 25 Helvella leucomelaena 26 Hygrophorus marzuolus 27 Hygrophorus purpurascens 28 Hygrophorus subalpinus 29 Lachnellula arida 30 Lentinellus montanus 31 Letharia columbiana ! 32 Letharia vulpina 33 Lycogala epidendrum 34 Morchella elata 35 Mycena epipterygioides 36 Mycena overholtzii

Monday, June 01, 2009 Page 1 of 1

Page 5: SOUTHERN IDAHO MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION May – June, … May June July Aug 2009... · so. I hope everyone found some morels. There were lots of commercial pickers in there, along

Learn To Identify Mushrooms !!! Amateurs Always Welcome

SIMA'S FALL FORAY AND IDENTFICATION WORKSHOP Quaker Hill, Lakeside, McCall ID September 17, 18, 19, 20, 2009 Thurs Sept. 17 Arrive 4PM, Saturday Sept. 19 Sunday Sept. 20 Friday Sept. 18 8 AM Breakfast 8 AM Breakfast 8 AM Breakfast 9 AM - 2 PM Forays 9 AM-2 PM Forays 9 AM Spring Foray Plans 2 PM – 5 PM Identification Workshop 2 PM – 5 PM Identification Workshop 6:00 Supper 6:00 Supper Check -Out before: 7:30 Program 7:30 Program / Critique 11 AM Meals are provided, included in the $90.00 fee Thursday 4PM to noon Sunday includes 3 nights lodgi ng, 7 meals, programs, display.

_____________________________Detach Here___________ ___________________ Name______________________________________________ Address ____________________________________Phone________________ City _________________________State ________Zip________ E-mail _______________________ Last day to Pre-register for food and lodging, Mond ay, Sept.14, 2009 Pre-registration required for Daily Only + Meal s also. Registration Fees: _____Daily Rate, meals, lodging $35.00 ____Rates for current college _____Full Foray $90.00 student, with ID on request _____Full Foray, meals, no lodging, $80.00 ____Rates for children available _____No meals or lodging, per day $25.00 on request. Number attending _____Amount enclosed________ Need lodging____(bring your own bedding, towel, etc. ) We must have a signed release for all adults attending the foray. Liability Release and Promise Not to Sue I understand there is some risk in participating in a mushroom foray and conference, all those risks one assumes by being away from home, risks associated with moving about in fields and woods, risks involved in eating wild mushrooms, risks of losing personal property by theft or misplacement, and all other expected and unexpected risks. In registering for or attending this foray, I agree to assume total responsibility during this event for my own safety and well-being, and that of any minor children under my care, and for the protection of my and their personal property. I release the Southern Idaho Mycological Association (SIMA), their trustees, officers, employees, contractors, and all other persons assisting in the planning and presentation of this event from liability for any sickness, injury or loss I or any minor children under my care may suffer during this event or as a result of attending and participation. I further promise not to file a lawsuit or make a claim against any of the persons listed above, even if they negligently cause me or my minor children injury or loss. Finally, I agree to hold SIMA harmless from any liability it may incur as a result of any damages to Quaker Hill property which I may cause. This release and promise is part of the consideration I give in order to attend this event. I understand it affects my legal rights. I intend it to apply not only to me, but to anyone who may have the right to make a claim on my behalf. Signature ______________________________________________________________________ Make check payable to SIMA Send check and Registration Form to: Genille Steiner 1903 N 9th Boise, ID 83702 Phone 208-345-2515 [email protected]