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EMERGENCY Take steps now to be prepared for disasters PAGE 8 UPCOMING EVENTS TODAY, 7-9 P.M.: Trivia Night - The Lanes MONDAY, 10 A.M.: Army Wellness Center Ribbon Cutting - 4418 Llewellyn Ave. SEPT. 21, 8 A.M.: Football Fan Fare 5K Run - Constitution Park SEPT. 25, 11:30 A.M.: Hispanic Heritage Month Observance - McGill Training Center OCT. 3, 7 A.M.: Monthly Prayer Breakfast - The Conference Center ONE DOWN Meade Mustangs open football season with shutout win PAGE 14 Sound off ! ´ VOL. 65 NO. 36 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community September 12, 2013 PHOTO BY STEVE RUARK Soldiers run down English Avenue from McGlachlin Parade Field during the installation’s annual Run of Remembrance on Wednesday morning. More than 2,000 service members and civilians participated in the three-mile run through the installation on the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. For the story, see Page 12. A DAY TO REMEMBER

Soundoff September 12, 2013

May 07, 2015




Fort Meade Soundoff September 12, 2013
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Page 1: Soundoff September 12, 2013

emergencyTake steps now to be prepared for disasters

page 8

UPcOmIng eVenTSTOday, 7-9 P.m.: Trivia Night - The LanesmOnday, 10 a.m.: Army Wellness Center Ribbon Cutting - 4418 Llewellyn Ave.SePT. 21, 8 a.m.: Football Fan Fare 5K Run - Constitution ParkSePT. 25, 11:30 a.m.: Hispanic Heritage Month Observance - McGill Training CenterOcT. 3, 7 a.m.: Monthly Prayer Breakfast - The Conference Center

One dOwnMeade Mustangs open football season with shutout win

page 14

Soundoff!́vol. 65 no. 36 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community September 12, 2013

photo by steve ruark

Soldiers run down English Avenue from McGlachlin Parade Field during the installation’s annual Run of Remembrance on Wednesday morning. More than 2,000 service members and civilians participated in the three-mile run through the installation on the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. For the story, see Page 12.

a day to remember

Page 2: Soundoff September 12, 2013� SOUNDOFF! September 12, 2013

Commander’s Column

Cont ent sNews............................. 3 Sports..................................14

CrimeWatch............... 10 Movies.................................19

Community................. 17 Classified.............................20

Editorial StaffGarrison Commander Col. Brian P. foleyGarrison Command Sgt. Maj. thomas J. latterPublic affairs officerChad t. Jones [email protected], Command informationPhilip H. Jones [email protected] Editor & Senior Writer rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer lisa r. rhodesStaff Writer Brandon Bieltzdesign Coordinator timothy davis Supplemental photography provided by the Baltimore Sun Media Group

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Printed by offset method of reproduction as a civilian enterprise in the interest of the personnel at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by The Baltimore Sun Media Group, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, every Thursday except the last Thursday of the year in conjunction with the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office. Requests for publication must reach the Public Affairs Office no later than Friday before the desired publication date. Mailing address: Post Public Affairs Office, Soundoff! IMME-MEA-PA, Bldg. 4409, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5025. Telephone: 301-677-5602; DSN: 622-5602.

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Wednesday was the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attacks against our nation on Sept. 11, 2001.

As a team, Fort Meade started the day with a garrison-wide Remembrance and Resiliency Run with more than 2,000 ser-vice members, civilian employees and their families.

Before we started the run, and before our nation’s colors were raised to half-staff in honor of those who have fallen, all the part-ners on the field took a moment to remember 9/11 — and those service members and civil-ians who have since lost their lives in defense of our nation.

Patriot Day, as it is now called, helps bring into focus why the nation must remain vigi-lant now and in the future.

I would ask you to take a moment today and think about how you felt on Sept. 12, 2001, and think about how you feel today. My hope is that, like me, you feel safer, not because another act of terrorism isn’t being planned, but because dedicated profession-als are working every day to stop one from succeeding.

By striving to be the Pre-eminent Center for Intelligence, Information, and Cyber Opera-tions, Fort Meade’s partner organizations take a leading role in keeping our nation safe. Whether you are actively engaged in those activities or supporting those organizations and personnel that do, your efforts at Fort Meade are helping to defend our country.

Take pride in what you do to make the mission happen and keep the nation strong and safe.

Running with and listening to those who motivate formations and seeing family mem-bers come out of their homes to cheer them on raised my spirits.

At the end of the Remembrance and Resiliency Run, Team Meade provided a great visual reminder of what it means to be resilient when we stood shoulder-to-shoulder on the parade field.

Being resilient does not mean doing every-thing yourself. It is realizing there is an entire team behind you and then using that team.

September is Suicide Prevention Month for the Army. So when you are standing shoul-der-to-shoulder with your buddy, co-worker or significant other — now and in the future — look to your left or right, and if someone needs some assistance, help them.

And if you are on the receiving end of someone’s c o n c e r n e d i n q u i r y , remember that the persons on your left and right care about your well-being.

From the garrison per-spective, our mission is to provide a safe and secure environment and the services needed to allow you to focus on your mission.

Whether you may be having physical, financial, social, familial, spiritual, emo-tional or any other difficulties, we either have the resources on the garrison or have teamed with our partners on the post and in the com-munity to assist you with your issues.

We continue to develop our capabilities to support the Team Meade community with the goal of a resiliency campus, with the resources needed to provide family, emo-tional, physical, spiritual, and social wellness and resiliency on Fort Meade.

The newest addition to Fort Meade’s capabilities to support the community is the Army Wellness Center, which will be opened during a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Mon-day at 10 a.m. This new center would not have been possible without the assistance of Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center’s lead-ership and staff.

This wellness center staff of experts will increase the garrison’s capabilities to evalu-ate service members, family members and civilian employees, and provide guidance on improving nutrition, exercise and overall healthier lifestyle.

Remember, caring supports resiliency. Resiliency supports readiness, and readiness leads to vigilance. Vigilance is what helps defend our nation.

The key is, you have to care enough about yourself, your loved ones, your country, your organization and its mission to ask for help when you need assistance and look after those around you as well.

Stand shoulder-to-shoulder, take care of each other, prevent suicides, be resilient and remain vigilant.

Resiliently standing shoulder-to-shoulder

Garrison command sGt. maj. thomas j. latter

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By Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

According to data from the Installation Management Command, three service members affiliated with Fort Meade com-mitted suicide last year.

But no one commits suicide in a vac-uum.

That’s the philosophy of Fort Meade’s Alcohol and Drug Control Officer Michael Noyes, who leads the installation’s Army Substance Abuse Program.

“I view suicide as a holistic event,” said Noyes, who replaced Fort Meade’s long-time ASAP manager Kenneth Jones in March. “It is just not an individual out doing something to hurt or harm them-selves. It involves the entire community. It involves their family, their friends. …

“If people knew and understood the signs and symptoms of suicide, a lot of these incidents may have had an interven-tion.”

The Army has designated September as Suicide Prevention Month. Fort Meade will focus on its ongoing suicide preven-tion efforts that are directed toward service members and the units on post.

“Getting down to where the rubber meets the road — that is where the inter-vention must first take place,” Noyes said.

As a part of those efforts, Noyes met with Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Thom-as J. Latter to discuss ASAP’s continuing sponsorship of Applied Suicide Interven-tion Skills Training.

The 15-hour workshop teaches par-ticipants to connect, understand and assist people who may be at risk of suicide, according to the website of LivingWorks Education Inc., the public service com-pany that developed ASIST, as well as other suicide prevention programs. The company considers ASIST to be suicide first aid.

Latter suggested that ASAP provide an ASIST training for Soldiers ranking E-6 and above with at least one year of retention at Fort Meade who would be interested in becoming an ASIST trainer.

“Regardless of service, noncommis-sioned officers are the first line supervisors for junior enlisted members,” Latter said. “It is very important for them to know the warning signs for service members who are experiencing difficulties and who might be contemplating suicide so they can engage them and find out the underlying issues to get assistance.

“NCOs are the backbone of their ser-

Suicide prevention involves the entire communityvice, in no small part due to their caring leadership and ability to solve problems at the lowest level.”

Latter later reached out to the com-mand sergeants major of Fort Meade units to ask them to recruit participants for the training.

ASAP sponsored a five-day ASIST Training the Trainer session from Aug. 19-23 at the Army Reserve Center. Twenty-two NCOs from post units participated in the program, along with two DoD civil-ians. The training was funded by Army G-1, which contracted with LivingWorks Education Inc. to conduct the training.

“I hope the NCOs gain an understand-ing that suicide prevention is hard, but that from the discussions with their fellow classmates in training they realize that everyone has difficulties with this issue — they are not alone,” Latter said. “The relationships they build in the class pro-vide them personal resources when they return to their units.”

Noyes said that participants who com-pleted the training are required to lead

three, two-day ASIST trainings within a year. Two trainers lead each session.

The NCOs are now equipped to conduct trainings for their own units. As a result, ASAP expects there will be at least 30, two-day ASIST trainings for units within the year. These trainings will be held in addition to the monthly ASIST trainings that ASAP sponsors for the garrison.

Trainings are open to active-duty service members, Reservists, National Guards-men, DoD civilians and military contrac-tors.

In addition to ASIST, ASAP also pro-vides suicide prevention training for units on post that is based on the Army’s ACE Suicide Prevention Intervention program.

ACE is an acronym for “Ask your buddy,” “Care for your buddy” and “Escort your buddy” — all in response to a person at risk for suicide.

In May, the garrison command asked ASAP to conduct suicide prevention train-ing for the 1st Recruiting Brigade in response to a suicide.

Noyes said the best way to combat the

tragedy of suicide is to “be involved and do something.”

Latter agrees.“Suicide prevention is about being

engaged every day with the people you live with, work with and care about,” he said. “You know when someone you see every day is just not right, that there is something wrong. You need to ask them how they are doing and be prepared to take the time to listen to them if they want to talk with you.

“It is hard to ask someone if they plan to hurt themselves, but when someone trusts you enough to tell you their prob-lems, you need to. You don’t have to solve everything for them, but the fact you are listening means you can help them get access to other resources that are avail-able.”

Editor’s Note: The next ASIST training will be Sept. 18-19 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Calvary Chapel, 8465 Simonds St. and 6th Armored Cavalry Road. For more information, call the Installation Safety Office at 301-677-2396.


Christin Hill, a health educator for the Army Wellness Center, talks to fellow health educator Tim Lima,

who is sitting in the center’s “BOD POD.” The device, a gold-standard body composition tracking system, uses an air displacement technol-

ogy instead of water to determine a person’s body composition (fat and

fat-free mass).The AWC offers free holistic health services to help service members, their family members, retirees and Army civilian employees build and sustain a healthy lifestyle and pre-

vent chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

The center is located in part of Building 4418 on Llewellyn Avenue,

the site of the Medal of Honor Memorial Library. Hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To schedule an appointment, call the

AWC at 301-677-2006.


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By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

When Sgt. Tom Burke wrote and sub-mitted an essay about his wife, Brandi, for a contest in the spring, he never thought he would hear about it again.

With a trend of never winning any kind of contest, the sergeant from the 53rd Signal Battalion simply figured his essay about his wife being a hero wouldn’t amount to a prize.

But in July — after not checking his email for two months — the Burkes came across a message notifying the couple that Tom’s essay was, in fact, the winner of Gatorade’s second annual Honoring Our Heroes Essay Contest.

His essay was selected out of 132 par-ticipants for the grand prize.

“It was pretty awesome,” Tom said of the win.

As a result of the essay, Brandi was recognized during a ceremony Aug. 15 at the Fort Meade Commissary and received $500 in cash and a $500 com-missary gift card.

The Defense Commissary Agency-wide contest, which was open to active-duty and retired service members and spouses, required entrants to write a 200- to 300-word essay honoring a military member or spouse of their choice.

The Burkes learned about the contest as Brandi kept track of deals for service members. When Tom heard about the competition, he decided to write an essay about Brandi and the volunteer work she performs to help military families.

According to the winning essay, Brandi serves as the company Family Readiness Group leader for Bravo Company, 53rd Signal Battalion, and volunteers with CAUSE, an organization that provides free movie and game rentals to wounded

Fort Meade couple wins Gatorade essay contest

photo courtesy defense commissary agency

(Left) Brian Noratel, area manager of Dunham and Smith Agencies, and (right) Walter Young, manager of the Fort Meade Commissary, award Sgt. Tom Burke and his wife, Brandi, a $500 check and $500 commissary gift card on Aug. 15 at the commissary. The couple was honored after Tom’s essay about Brandi won Gatorade’s second annual Honoring Our Heroes Essay Contest.

warriors and families. She also organized a program for Soldiers and families from Tom’s unit to sign and decorate thank-you cards for World War II veterans, which she handed out to veterans at the memorial in Washington, D.C.

Brandi also is working toward earning her doctorate in physical therapy to work with wounded warriors.

“She is a selfless, honest and car-ing individual who works every day on ways to do more and give more to our unit, the Army and this great country,” Tom wrote in the essay. “... She is truly a special woman who brings joy and comfort to everyone she encounters and who deserves to be recognized for her contributions.”

Brandi said the volunteer work is her way of thanking service members for what they do.

“I’ve always supported the military, I’ve already thought they were great,” Brandi said. “I never really understood what they do and how important they are until I married my husband. And everything that I do is my own way to give back to them. I want them to know how important they are to us and that they matter. That’s what is important to me.”

Although she said it feels good to win the honor, Brandi was more excited that the organizations she works with were being noticed.

“It’s not just me doing it,” she said, “If

we didn’t have organizations like these to put all of that together, it wouldn’t mat-ter what I did.”

Despite being the author of the win-ning essay, Tom said he doesn’t feel like he won anything, rather just helped Brandi earn the recognition she deserves.

“She’s the winner, not me,” he said. “She was who was being honored, she is who won. All I did was write the essay. I don’t feel like I really won. It’s her.

“If she didn’t do what she did, I wouldn’t have anything to say. I don’t think it’s necessarily that I write well, I think that it’s just that she does such an amazing job with everything. It’s very easy to talk about all the stuff she does.”

‘She is a selfless, honest and caring individual who works every day on ways to do more and give more to our unit, the Army and this great country.’

sgt. tom Burke, describing his wife, Brandi, in his winning essay

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Our Family for Families First FoundationCorvias Group

Our Family for Families First Foun-dation, the private, charitable foundation of Corvias Group CEO John Picerne, announced Sept. 3 that it has awarded $100,000 in grants to the spouses of active-duty service members.

As part of the award, 20 military spous-es each received $5,000 education grants in support of secondary education.

“Our goal in setting up the founda-tion seven years ago was to find a way to give back to the service members by supporting their spouses and children in their pursuit of higher education,” said John Picerne, foundation founder. “We are extremely proud of this year’s worthy grant recipients and look forward to see-ing what they accomplish in the years to come.”

Since its founding in 2006, the Our Family for Families First Foundation has awarded more than $4.5 million in scholarships to 90 children of active-duty service members, including $815,000 in educational grants to 163 military spous-

es, based on need and merit.At Fort Meade and Aberdeen Prov-

ing Ground alone, the foundation has awarded $606,000 to 21 recipients.

“We are honored to support the hopes and dreams of this year’s deserving grant recipients,” said Maria Montalvo, founda-tion executive director. “Providing mili-tary spouses with support in pursuing secondary education is just one of the many ways that we strive to give back to our communities and improve quality of life for our service members and their families.”

The foundation’s 2013 grant recipients are the spouses of active-duty service members stationed at six of the mili-tary installations on which Corvias has partnered with the Army to improve the quality of housing.

Fort Meade recipient Mary Banaszyn-ski is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at Anne Arundel Community College. Wife of Air Force Staff Sgt. Dan-iel J. Banaszynski, she has always been fascinated by bridge structure and wants to build bridges.

In 2014, the foundation plans to expand the number of military installations on which it offers educational support. In addition to the six Army installations on which Corvias develops and man-ages military housing, the foundation will begin awarding scholarships and grants to the spouses and children of active-duty service members stationed at the six Air Force bases that the company began managing, effective Sept. 1.

These bases range from Alaska to Florida and include Edwards Air Force Base in California, Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska, Hurlburt Field in Florida, McCo-nnell Air Force Base in Kansas and Sey-mour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina.

The Our Family for Families First Foundation was recognized at the White House in April 2012 by Michelle Obama as the People’s Choice winner of the first Joining Forces Community Challenge. The challenge spotlighted citizens and organizations with a demonstrated desire to be of service to military families.

Educational grants awarded to military spouses


Mary Banaszynski of Fort Meade is among the spouses of active-duty service members awarded a total of $100,000 in education grants by Our Family For Families First Foundation, the charitable foundation of Corvias Group CEO John Picerne. An Air Force spouse, Banaszynski is pursuing a degree in civil engineering at Anne Arundel Community College.

Public NoticeEngineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis

The U.S. Army at Fort Meade invites the public to comment on the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis document.

This document evaluates proposed remov-al action alternatives to address groundwater in the Lower Patapsco Aquifer, which was affected by past operational activities at Fort Meade.

The area is referred to as Operable Unit 4, bounded by Chisholm Avenue, Rock Avenue, Wilson Street and Huber Road.

The site consists of three areas used for administrative, residential and industrial pur-poses, and the affected portions of the Lower Patapsco Aquifer.

• Area 1- Building 2286 (former motor pool maintenance facility) and former Build-ing 2276 (former furniture repair shop):

Building 2286 was constructed in 1941 and used as a paint and body shop through the mid-1980s. The building historically had two paint booths; metal, glass, sanding and welding areas; and office space.

Chemicals used in the building included paints, solvents, thinners, antifreeze, acety-lene, and argon gas cylinders.

The building is currently used as ware-house/office space. Former Building 2276 was located south of Building 2286 and used as a furniture repair shop and warehouse.

Hazardous chemicals including paint thin-ners, adhesives, stains and aerosols were used and stored in small quantities at the former building.

• Area 2 - Building 2250:Building 2250 was constructed in 1941

and used as the post laundry facility through 1991 with dry cleaning operations introduced in the late 1960s.

In 1991, laundry and dry cleaning opera-tions ceased, and the facility was converted to the post recycling center. During dry clean-ing operations, tetrachloroethene and other solvents were used.

• Area 3 - Lower Patapsco Aquifer study area:

The Lower Patapsco Aquifer Study Area is located downgradient of OU-4 to the southeast, and consists of a confined aquifer that outcrops to the surface at OU-4 and extends off post into Odenton, where it is present at depths of 200 or more feet below ground surface.

Alternatives evaluated for Area 1, Building 2286 and former Building 2276:

• Alternative 1: No further action• Alternative 2: In-situ enhanced reductive

dechlorination with long-term monitoring of groundwater

• Alternative 3: In-situ chemical oxidation with long-term monitoring of groundwater (preferred alternative)

Alternatives evaluated for Area 2, Building 2250:

• Alternative 1: No further action• Alternative 2: Air sparge/soil vapor

extraction with long-term monitoring of groundwater (preferred alternative)

• Alternative 3: In-situ chemical oxidation with vapor mitigation and long-term moni-toring of groundwater

Alternatives evaluated for Area 3, Lower Patapsco Aquifer study area:

• Alternative 1: No further action• Alternative 2: In-situ enhanced reductive

dechlorination with long-term monitoring of groundwater

• Alternative 3: Hydraulic containment with long-term monitoring of groundwater (preferred alternative)

Public comment periodStarting Sept. 9, copies of the EE/CA

document will be available for review online

at (click the link for Envi-ronmental Programs).

Paper copies are available for review week-days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fort Meade Environmental Division, 4215 Roberts Ave., Room 320.

For more information, call 301-677-9854.Paper copies also are available at the West

County Area Library, 1325 Annapolis Road, Odento, Mondays to Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m.

For more information, call 410-222-6277.The public may submit written comments

during the 30-day comment period that ends Oct. 8.

Comments must be postmarked by Oct. 8 and sent to Mary Doyle, U.S. Army Gar-rison Fort Meade, Public Affairs Office, 4409 Llewellyn Ave., Fort Meade, MD, 20755-7058

To reach Doyle, call 301-677-5592.Following the 30-day public comment

period, written responses will be prepared and included in the Administrative Record.

Community members also are invited to attend the Fort Meade Restoration Advisory Board meetings held bimonthly at the Holiday Inn Express, 7481 Ridge Road, Hanover.

The next RAB meeting is scheduled for Sept. 19 at 7 p.m.

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By Jeffrey L. McClendonGarrison Emergency Manager

National Preparedness Month is rec-ognized each September to emphasize the importance of being prepared for emergencies such as natural or man-made disasters, and terrorist attacks.

Soldiers, families, and civilians are encouraged to turn awareness into action. From the pamphlets and preparedness literature distributed by the garrison emer-gency manager, families can learn to effec-tively and efficiently respond to natural and man-made situations that could affect the installation.

There are not enough first responders on post to help each individual during an emergency, so it’s up to each individual to be prepared.

The Ready Army website at provides detailed information about preparation and response. The site also provides informa-tion for families to prepare for emergen-cies.

Prepare emergency kits filled with neces-sities, such as 72 hours worth of nonper-ishable food, water and medicine, for each household member. Be sure to note when they’re expiring so you can start using (expiring) items and replacing them.

Foods that require no preparation, refrigeration or cooking are recommend-

National Preparedness Month urges emergency readiness

By Jovon Lewis, InternKimbrough Ambulatory Care Center

Members of the clinical pharmacy team at Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center conducted an asthma education class for pediatric patients up to the age of 17 and their parents to discuss management of this chronic disease.

During the class held Aug. 21, partici-pants received training on proper use of various inhalers, met with clinical phar-macists to ask questions, and had the opportunity to get their asthma-related medications refilled.

Participants had the opportunity to practice inhaler technique with trained professionals. Follow-up appointments

were scheduled for participants if addi-tional diagnostic testing was needed.

“We were very excited to be able to involve pharmacy students in our asthma education classes,” said Dr. Joni Larrabee, the clinical pharmacy preceptor at Kim-brough who helped facilitate the class. “These opportunities allow our students to interact with real patients and give patients a chance to ask questions of a health care provider in a fun, open envi-ronment.”

Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs, causing the airways in the lungs to swell and constrict, making it difficult to breathe. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, asthma-

related care costs approximately $56 billion annually in the United States. In 2010, 18.7 million adults — one in 12— and 7 million children — one in 11— had asthma.

Approximately nine people die daily from the disease.

There is no cure for asthma, but it can be managed with proper medication adminis-tration and avoiding potential triggers. As children return back to school, they may be exposed to such triggers as pets, dust, mold and cold/flu infections that could potentially cause an asthma attack. Proper management of asthma allows sufferers to live normal, healthy lives.

Kimbrough’s class included a basic overview of asthma, commonly prescribed asthma medications, and counseling on proper administration and storage of these medications. It is important for asthma sufferers to identify and avoid potential triggers, if possible.

A common theme throughout the dis-cussion was the children’s reluctance to use their corticosteroid inhaler on a consistent basis. Many corticosteroid inhalers have an undesirable aftertaste, which makes

them difficult to tolerate.Corticosteroid inhalers are used for pre-

vention of asthma attacks. They work by preventing inflammation of the lungs, and take days to weeks before they are at full effect. For corticosteroid inhalers to work properly, they need to be administered on a consistent basis. It is also important for users to rinse their mouth after every use to avoid possible infection.

Overall, the class was well received by the participants, and the parents enjoyed the one-on-one interaction with pharmacy staff to get their medication questions answered.

Knowledge of which inhalers to use and when to use them is the most important factor in attaining proper management of a chronic disease like asthma.

If your child does not have an asthma action plan from his or her doctor, or the action plan hasn’t been updated in a couple of years, schedule an appointment with your primary care physician.

Action plans are a useful tool to ensure a current plan is established to manage any asthma attacks that may occur.

Breathing easierKimbrough offers asthma education to pediatric patients

Being preparedThe garrison encourages individuals and organizations to commit to the following:• Learn about emergency hazards and their appropriate responses.• Build an emergency kit.• Make a communications plan.• Get involved in preparedness in the community.

ed. These can be high-energy foods and ready-to-eat canned meat, vegetables or fruit.

Always have some cash on hand, extra batteries, infant formula, food for pets, a first aid kit and either a hand-crank or battery-powered flashlight and radio. An NOAA radio delivers information directly from the National Weather Service.

Should a family be moved to an emer-gency shelter off the installation, all per-tinent documents should be ready and available. This includes wills, medical and financial powers of attorney, property documents, health insurance information, and military service records.

Families with special-needs children should prepare written instructions to

eliminate any confusion for emergency responders.

A family’s plan should always include a way to contact each other in case of sepa-ration before, during or after an emergency. Families, garrison directorates and tenant organizations should prepare plans far in advance, so the community as a whole can effectively respond to emergencies.

Fort Meade families can stay informed by following post updates via Internet, tele-phone or radio. The installation utilizes a variety of communication channels to ensure community members know when to execute evacuations, take cover, avoid obstructed paths, and other response measures.

Residents should document all of the installation’s emergency communication platforms: social media (Fort Meade Face-book and Twitter), and the information hotline phone number: 301-677- MEADE (6323).

The Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security and the Direc-torate of Emergency Services also will activate the installation’s mass warning notification system — the “Giant Voice” — to alert the community of a threat outdoors.

The Emergency Operations Center manager and staff will monitor storm systems and potential threats, and alert residents of potential trouble. The post

will share information and keep people informed. The goal is to get the informa-tion out early.

Parents also should become familiar with their school system’s emergency com-munication. Anne Arundel County Public Schools posts delays and closure informa-tion on its emergency plan website and television, radio, email and social media.

The county website also provides infor-mation on its closure and delay decision-making process, makeup days and answers to frequently asked question.

The Ready Army website recommends employees inform their commanders of their safety as soon as possible. This allows the organization to keep documentation, and not waste time and resources search-ing for an employee who isn’t hurt.

The Army One Source and Military One Source websites enable employees to deliver status reports online.

The Army Information Hotline (1-800-833-6622); Army One Source (1-800-464-8107); and Military One Source (1-800-342-9647) provide telephone hotlines for employees to relay messages.

The Ready Campaign’s websites ( and and toll-free numbers (1-800-BEREADY and 1-888-SE-LISTO) provide free emergency pre-paredness information and resources available in English and Spanish.

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petitor’s estimate. It’s a good idea to always ask if any price that you are quoted, including an advertised price, includes all fees. Some shops charge “shop fees” or “environmental impact fees” that can add a few unwanted dollars to the final bill.

Taking the time to find an auto repair shop with a good reputation. Getting second opin-ions, asking for written estimates and asking ahead of time about additional fees can help save you from an auto repair disaster.

Consumers that have an unresolved dispute with an auto repair shop in Maryland should call the Maryland Attorney General’s Con-sumer Protection Division at 410-528-8662 to file a complaint.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with a Fort Meade Legal Assis-tance attorney, call 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536.

By Capt. Adam PettyLegal Assistance Attorney

Auto repair disputes are a common source of consumer complaints.

Not only can repairs be costly, consumers often come across unscrupulous repair shops that misdiagnose the problem, give bad esti-mates, and/or make unauthorized repairs.

Look for a trustworthy repair shop before you need one so you don’t have to rush into a decision when a vehicle emergency arises.

Look for a mechanic with experience work-ing on the same automobile model and make as yours. Get recommendations from friends and family members; you can even ask auto insurance agents or other business people you know.

Check to see if other consumers have filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau or your state’s Attorney General’s Office about the repair shop you are considering.

Second, when getting an estimate and authorizing a repair, get a second opinion from other reputable shops for any major auto repair. Some repair shops charge for estimates, so ask if there will be a fee.

Under Maryland consumer law, you are entitled to a written estimate for all repairs costing more than $50, and you cannot be charged more than 10 percent over the written estimate without your consent.

If the mechanic finds that the repair will cost more than 10 percent than the estimate, or that additional repairs are necessary, the shop must contact you to get your authorization.

Before signing a repair order, read it care-fully. Ask for clarification of any item you don’t understand.

Additionally, you have a right to keep your replaced parts. Be sure to inform the shop ahead of time that you want to have the replaced parts returned to you.

Keep the parts until you are confident that the repairs made were necessary and performed properly. If you encounter any dif-ficulty, these parts may assist you in resolving your problem.

After the work is completed, the invoice you receive should list all work performed, all parts supplied and any surcharges. Keep your invoice as a record in case you have a dispute with the shop in the future.

Most auto repair shops set their fees for repairs by using a flat-rate manual, which lists the cost of a specific repair for your vehicle’s make, model and year.

In addition, many shops will match a com-

Navigating through auto repair issues

Sept. 5, Larceny of private prop-erty: The victim secured several high-value camera items in her room before departing for training. Upon returning, she noticed that the stored camera items were stolen.

Sept. 7, Assault in the second degree: The Directorate of Emergency Services was notified of a domestic assault. The victim stated his son struck him multiple times with closed fists on the head and face, causing a nose bleed as well as lacerations to the outside of his nose.

Sept. 8, Larceny of private property: The victim stated that the right-front passenger tire of his vehicle had been taken off and replaced with another tire.

CommunityCommunityCrime Watch

Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services

• Moving violations: 30• Nonmoving violations: 3• Verbal warnings for traffic stops: 51• Traffic accidents: 10• Driving on suspended license: 2• Driving on suspended registration: 1• Driving without a license: 1


Gertrude’s, September 16“What’s next for farm-to-table?”

Linwoods, November 5“What makes a restaurant great?”

Seating is Limited! For tickets and menu details

For more information: 410-332-6431

A new series of seminars by The Baltimore Sun to inform, engage and entertain members of the community.

Enjoy an evening of dinner and discussion with Sun restaurant critic Richard Gorelick as he talks with local restaurant owners

and chefs about trends in dining.

Dine with Our Restaurant Critic

Page 8: Soundoff September 12, 2013 SOUNDOFF! September 12, 2013

Cover Story

By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

On the 12th anniversary of Sept. 11, more than 2,000 Fort Meade service members and civilians spanned McGlachlin Parade Field to remember those who lost their lives in the attacks and in defending the country afterward.

“I cannot possibly think of a more uplift-ing way, a positive way to begin our day of remembrance,” Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley said.

Wednesday’s three-mile, joint-service run was the post’s fifth annual Run of Remem-brance. In addition to commemorating 9/11, the run also promoted resiliency and well-ness.

Service members and civilians from various tenant units stood in formation on a dark

parade field before daybreak, preparing for the run.

Shortly after Reveille, the units marched off the field and onto English Avenue, picking up speed before reaching Llewellyn Avenue. A fire truck, Foley and Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter led the formation through the installation.

Master Sgt. Vernell Hall of the NCO Academy said he enjoyed seeing the various units participating together.

“I love it,” he said.Sgt. Stanley Harris of the Baltimore

Recruiting Battalion agreed.“It’s a good way to bring Soldiers together,”

he said.Around 7:15 a.m., runners arrived back at

the parade field and returned to their forma-tions. The service members then crowded

around the gazebo as Foley addressed the group.

Foley opened his brief remarks by ask-ing runners to take a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the ter-rorist attacks and all the service members who have died defending the country since.

“As we go through our day of remem-brance today, I would ask each and every one of you to remember — not out of hatred or out of bitterness — but remember out of vigilance, out of the need to remain vigilant,” Foley said. “Each of us that service our nation and support the service of our nation need to remind ourselves on a daily basis to remain vigilant and never become complacent.

“Use today as a day of remembrance to remind ourselves that there are those out there that would do harm to our great nation.”

Part of remaining vigilant, Foley said, is being resilient and caring for each other by reaching out and helping “friends and battle buddies.”

“We stand here this morning, shoulder-to-shoulder, standing next to each other ready to support each other in our times of need, ready and resilient in the face of adversity, ready to care for each other when needed,” Foley said. “... Caring leads to resiliency. Resiliency leads to readiness. Readiness means that we col-lectively are better able to defend our nation on a daily basis.”

Several service members, including Hall, said the run was a fitting way to commemo-rate the 12th anniversary.

“This is somewhat of a reminder of what the people went through and remember them and what we’ve overcome,” he said.

Installation hosts annual Run of Remembrance

photo by steve ruark

Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley addresses runners at McGlachlin Parade Field following the Run of Remembrance. In his brief remarks, Foley asked the service members and civilians to use the day as a reminder to be vigilant and resilient.

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photos by philip h. Jones

Air Force Maj. Gen. Jim Keffer and Marine Gunnery Sgt. Obadiah Colebrooke, of U.S. Cyber Command, talk after the Run of Remembrance. More than 2,000 service members and civilians from all branches of the military participated in the three-mile run.

BELOW: Amanda De Mello and 10-month old German Shepherd “Jackson” cheer on Amanda’s husband, Air Force Lt. Ryan De Mello, 32nd Intelligence Squadron, during the installation’s Run of Remembrance. It was Jackson’s first time watching an installation joint run.

photo by steve ruark

Lt. Col. Steven Stover of the Defense Media Activity bows his head during a moment of silence after the early-morning, joint service run on Wednesday. The Run of Remembrance was held to remember those who lost their lives in the attacks and in defending the country afterward.

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Photos by steve ruark

Meade running back Kyle Evans runs through Glen Burnie defenders en route to a 78-yard touchdown run during the season opener Friday at Meade High School. Evans ran for 161 yards and one touchdown off 12 carries.

By Brandon BieltzStaff Writer

It only took the Meade High School Mus-tangs two minutes, 17 seconds to take control of their season opener as the two-headed rushing attack of Kyle Evans and Travis Chidebe carried the team down the field.

The five-play drive, which opened with a 34-yard rush by Evans, was capped off with Chidebe making his way into the end zone on fourth-and-goal for a 6-0 lead.

With the combination of the rushing attack and a stingy Meade defense that only allowed the Glen Burnie High School Gophers 144 total yards, the Mustangs over-powered the Gophers to open the season at home Friday night with a 23-0 victory.

But it still wasn’t the win that head coach Holzer was looking for, with penalties and turnovers plaguing the team.

“It’s good that we got a win,” Holzer said. “But we’re not going to be a good team if we play like we did today.”

Two interceptions and a fumble, combined with a handful penalties and mental mistakes throughout the game, held the Mustangs offense back.

“The problem was, we had mental break-downs from time to time that put us behind schedule,” Holzer said. “There were holding calls or missed blocks that put us third-and-13. There’s not many plays you can call at third-and-13.”

Despite the setbacks, the Mustangs racked up 431 total offensive yards as Evans led the charge with 161 rushing yards and a touch-down on 12 carries before being pulled from the game near halftime.

“I feel real good,” the senior running back said. “I feel better than last year. I feel stronger, a little faster. I think my vision got better.”

Evans sealed a three-play drive late in the first quarter with a 78-yard touchdown run to give the Mustangs a 13-0 lead.

After holding the Gophers on fourth and five at the Mustang’s 11-yard line, Meade put together a 16-play, 89-yard drive that was capped with an eight-yard touchdown pass from Marcus Smith to Devontae Dunn to give the Mustangs a 20-0 lead heading into halftime.

The Meade offensive unit struggled in the third quarter after Evans and Smith were taken out of the game. DJ Pate threw an interception, and on the next Mustang possession, running back Jamaal Talbert fumbled.

Despite the offensive woes, the Meade defense held the Gophers’ offense in check and kept them off the board.

Mustangs open season with shutout win

“Aside from a few missed tackles and a few missed opportunities for interceptions, overall [the defense] played solid,” Holzer said. “They did what they were asked to do. I was pretty pleased with that side of the ball.”

Gio Ogo’s 29-yard field goal in the fourth quarter was the Mustangs’ only score in the half to extend their lead to 23-0.

Smith went 11-13 for 112 yards with a touchdown and interception, and rushed for 49 yards. Tyree Turner led Meade receivers with 41 yards off three catches, while Dunn had three catches for 22 yards and a touch-down.

Chidebe had 59 yards and a touchdown rushing while also making two catches for 40 yards.

Meade offensive lineman Jake Hawk said the team is focused on correcting its mental mistakes and will return to the field stronger when they play South River.

“We had a couple of mess-ups today but we’re going to pull it together,” he said.

Week 2: (1-0) Meade Mustangs at (1-0) South River Seahawks, today at 6:30 p.m.

In their first away game of the season, the Mustangs will face the Seahawks who are

coming off a come-from-behind win over Annapolis last week.

Led by quarterback Jalen Jones’ 282 yards and three touchdowns, the Seahawks rallied from 22-0 at halftime to win 32-29 following a game-clinching field goal as time expired on Friday. Two touchdowns and 220 of Jones’ yards went to receiver James Smith.

Closing off Smith in an effort to force the Seahawks offense into uncomfortable situations will be a major objective for the big, athletic defensive backs in the Meade secondary.

Despite a focus on the run game this sea-son, there has been an emphasis on passing, with Marcus Smith working solely on throw-ing the ball in practice this week.

“Teams will just start loading up on us if all we do is run,” Holzer said. “So we’re trying to make a big point that we need to throw the ball effectively.”

With the first game on the road, Holzer said it is crucial the team comes out with a statement win.

“This is a big game for our season,” he said. “It is a game that can obviously have playoff implications down the road. South River is a good team. If we’re going to be a good team again, we have to beat good teams.”

Meade quarterback Marcus Smith breaks away from tacklers during Friday’s matchup against Glen Burnie. The Mustangs shut out the Gophers 23-0 to open the season with a win.

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Each year, the Child, Youth and School Services’ Fort Meade Highsteppers Track and Field Club take more than a dozen youth athletes to the Amateur Athletic Union Junior Olympics.

This year, nearly 30 members traveled to Eastern Michigan University in Ypsi-lanti to compete for national titles.

Qualified athletes include: Paul John-son, Joshua Wofford, Zackary Meggett, Sam Graves, Ciara Thomas, Hannah Salvador, Bukhari Salaam, Mariah Rob-inson, Ariana Cuello, Taylor Birkett, Shanyn Gutierrez, Niriyah Moses, Josh Salvador, Daniel Kuehn, Isaac Salvador, Jake Neslony, Shavar Staats, Shanise Staats, Romeo Thomas, Destini Brown, Aiyanna Pullins, Mikaila Moses, Kaya Pullins, Gabrielle Hill, Hannah Sierra, Breanna Mealer and Imani Buggs.

Of the 27 athletes who participated in the meet, which was held July 26 to Aug. 3, six Highsteppers placed in the top

eight, bringing home seven medals:• Hannah Salvador, gold medal for

first place in the 9-year-old Girls 1500 Meter Racewalk (9:05)

• Ciara Thomas, silver medal for sec-ond place in the 8-year-old Girls Long Jump (12’02”)

• Sam Graves, silver medal for second place in the Men’s 3000 Meter Racewalk (15:17) and a sixth-place medal in the Men’s 2000 Meter Steeplechase (6:44)

• Zackary Meggett, bronze medal for third place in the 11-year-old Boys 1500 Meter Racewalk (10:10)

• Joshua Wofford, seventh-place medal in the 12-year-old Boys 1500 Meter Racewalk (10:45)

• Paul Johnson, eighth-place medal in the 15- and 16-year-old Boys Javelin (131’08”)

Coaches said several other athletes established personal records at the meet.

Highsteppers place at Junior Olympics

submitted photo

Ciara Thomas of the Fort Meade Highsteppers Track and Field Club competes in the long jump during the Amateur Athletic Union Junior Olympics at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. The team sent 27 young athletes to the national meet, which was held July 26 to Aug. 3.

Cougars roundupFootball

• The 70-pound Cougars defeated the Davidsonville Gators, 20-0

• The 80-pound Cougars defeated the Chesapeake Bay Piranhas, 18-6

• The 90-pound Cougars lost to the Pasadena Panthers, 6-0, in overtime• The 100-pound Cougars defeated the South River Seahawks, 12-0• The 11U Cougars lost to the Chesapeake Bay Piranhas, 44-6• The 13U Cougars lost to the Severn Seminoles, 36-0

Soccer• The Under-9 Cougars defeated the Severn Flame Throwers, 3-0• The Under-10 Cougars defeated the Jessup Underdogs, 2-0• The Under-12 Cougars defeated the Broadneck Blasters, 2-1

Page 12: Soundoff September 12, 2013 SOUNDOFF! September 12, 2013


Sports ShortsRavens’ Hometown Heroes

The Baltimore Ravens and Dietz & Watson are joining forces to honor active-duty service members and veterans at each of the Ravens’ 2013 home games.

Through their Hometown Hero program, the two partners will celebrate service members of the greater Baltimore community, currently serving or retired, whose bravery and strength make them deserving of special recognition.

Each week, one person will be chosen as that game’s Hometown Hero and deliver the game ball to the NFL referee prior to kickoff. The hero also will receive tickets to the game and pre-game sideline passes.

The Hometown Hero program is open to all current and former service members from any military branch.

Throughout the season, fans can submit a friend or family member’s name, contact information, service number and brief description about why they want to honor that person at

New hours at the LanesThe Lanes’ new hours are: Mondays, 4 to 10 p.m.; Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 10

p.m.; Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Fridays, 4 to 11 p.m.; Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.; and Sundays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Lounge is open Monday to Saturday from 4:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.For more information, call 301-677-5541.

EFMP Walking GroupThe Exceptional Family Member Program Walking Group will meet today from

8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at Arundel Mills Mall for its monthly walking event.All are welcome — strollers, too.The group will meet at 8:15 a.m. in front of Best Buy inside the mall.Registration is required.To register, call LaToya Travis at 301-677-4473 or email [email protected].

EFMP BowlingThe Exceptional Family Member program is sponsoring its monthly

bowling event on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Lanes.Exceptional family members will receive a free game and shoe rental. Other

family members will receive discounted games and shoe rental.To register, call LaToya Travis at 301-677-4473 or email latoya.travis@

Football Fan Fare 5K and 1 Mile WalkThe installation’s annual Run Series continues Sept. 21 with a Football Fan

Fare 5K and 1 Mile Walk at 8 a.m. at Constitution Park.The pre-registration cost for individuals is $15. Cost on the day of the run is

$25.The pre-registration cost for groups of seven to 10 is $75.The pre-registration cost is $45 for a family of three to six people.All pre-registered runners will receive a T-shirt.To pre-register, go to more information, call 301-677-3867.

Dollar DaysDollar Days at the Lanes is every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.Bowlers receive a game of bowling, shoe rental, a hot dog, hamburger,

small fries, pizza slice or small soda for $1 each.For more information, call 301-677-5541.

For more Fort Meade sports, visit

As you might imagine, my sports life is going pretty good right now.

In football, the Cowboys beat the Giants, the Redskins lost, and best of all, Michigan beat those low-down dirty Notre Dame Fighting Irish.

Speaking of the Michigan game, please, please, please tell me you saw the Eminem interview.

In baseball, the Tigers are strug-gling but still well ahead of Cleveland. Max Scherzer is on his way to winning the Cy Young Award, and Miguel Cabrera is poised to keep the MVP in the D for the third year in a row.

Even with all that goodness to choose from, it is written somewhere in the military columnist handbook that I need to address the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001. So here goes it.

Twelve years ago, Specialist Jones and his new wife were living at Scho-field Barracks in Hawaii. I was a member of the 25th Infantry Division (Light) and fast asleep preparing for a PT test when the phone rang. It was my brother Sam.

“Dude, turn on the TV. We’re under attack,” he said.

I was shocked at the images I saw, and I remember calling my NCOIC and telling her, “I don’t think we’ll be having a PT test today.”

I was right, and as you all know, the world changed.

But as time has passed, I find myself spending less time thinking about the tragedy of Sept. 11 and more on the things I appreciate, because of the sacrifices many of us have made in defense of our nation since that day.

For example, I was driving home from work on Tuesday when someone on the radio brought up 9/11. Initially, my mind did rush to the images of planes flying into the World Trade Centers. But instead of anger, my thoughts shifted to my wife and the fact that we - an interracial Muslim couple - have been able to be together, have three children and buy a Party Van without fear of persecution.

Sure, a few yokels may stare occa-sionally, but the fact of the matter is, my wife and I can’t happen every-

where else in the world.

Another thing I appreciate is the fact that we get to spend a lot of time arguing about stupid stuff: Should twerking be considered a word? What’s the best Netflix series, “Orange is the New Black” or “House of Cards”? 1D or NKOTB? Or, did swimmer Diana Nyad really swim from Cuba to Flori-da unassisted?

To me, it should be argued whether Nyad is a few bricks short of a load because attached to a boat or not, that lady kept swimming even after being attacked by two schools of jel-lyfish.

Think about it. We have entire industries dedicated to nothing but inconsequential debates. Look no further than sports talk radio, ESPN and “The View.”

And the only reason we are able to have such debates is because a majority of us are not worried about starvation, living under oppression, or speaking out. To put it in Maslow’s terms, our basic needs are squared away, yo. So we get to spend our time self-actualizing about whether Robin Thicke is a dirty old man for letting Miley twerk up on him.

And that’s not a good thing, it’s a great thing!

If there is one thing I took from 9/11, it is that life is going to deal us some pretty nasty stuff: You won’t always have a job. People will die. And crazy, evil people will use planes, chemical weapons or any other means at their disposal to shake our belief in humanity.

So relish the opportunity to focus on fluff, and appreciate that we live in a place that has afforded our minds some serious time to focus on things that are anything but.

If you have any questions on this or anything to do with sports, contact me at [email protected] and hit me up on Twitter @ctjibber.

What to take with you

Chad T. Jones, Public Affairs


Jibber Jabber - OpiniOn

Page 13: Soundoff September 12, 2013 September 12, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 17

Community news & notes

The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s discretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at and the Fort Meade Facebook page at

For more information or to submit an announcement, email Philip Jones at [email protected] or call 301-677-5602.

Water Main FlushingAmerican Water continued its 2013

annual Water Main Flushing Program on Wednesday.

The purpose of the program is to provide the best quality water available to the customer by removing any buildup of sediment that may have occurred in the water lines.

Flushing may result in some temporary discoloration and the presence of sediment in your water. These conditions are not harmful and should be of very short duration.

Limit your use of water between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. to help prevent discolored water reaching your service lines to your residence. Should you notice an increase in discolored water at your residence, flush all faucets inside for 15 minutes.

If the water does not clear up, contact the Water Treatment Plant at 443-591-0909. This number is monitored 24/7.

Areas that may be affected:• 900 Block of Ernie Pyle Street• 2000 Block off Route 175• 2100 Block off Route 175• 1800 Block off Route 175 and Reece

Road• 1900 Block off Route 175 and Reece

Road• 1200 Block off Route 175Streets adjacent to Ernie Pyle Street,

Reece Road and Route 175 may see a change in their water.

Commissary baggers needed

The commissary is accepting applications for bagger positions.

Ten bagger positions are available for the morning shift, Mondays to Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Seven bagger positions are available for the afternoon shift, Mondays to Fridays from 2:30 to 9:30 p.m.

Bagger positions are open to active-duty service members, family members of active-duty military, and retirees.

Applications will be processed Sept. 23 from 9 a.m. to noon on a first-come, first-served basis at Club Meade, 6600 Mapes Road.

Applicants must come in person and bring their current military/dependent ID card and Social Security number.

For more information, call 301-677-5502.

Hero/Shero ContestThe Baltimore County African

American Cultural Festival is sponsoring its second Hero/Shero Contest on Sept. 21.

In a paragraph of 100 words or less, nominate an active-duty service member, a Reservist, member of the National Guard or a veteran who you feel is the hero or shero in your life.

Entries must be submitted by Wednesday.

For more information, visit the Baltimore County African American Cultural Festival website; call 410-645-0765; or email [email protected].

Fall Chamber Concert Series

The U.S. Army Field Band will perform its Fall Chamber Concert Series on and off post:

• Hispanic Heritage Celebration: Oct. 10, 7 p.m., U.S. Army Field Band Building-Devers Hall, 4214 Field Band Drive, Fort Meade

• Mixed Performers Concert: Oct. 20, 3 p.m., St. Bernadette Parish, 801 Stevenson Road, Severn

The concert will showcase the variety of sounds and styles of the Field Band’s Soldier-musicians.

For more information, visit

Air Force BallThe 66th Air Force Ball will be held

Friday at the Hilton Baltimore Washington International Hotel.

All services are welcome.This year’s theme is “Road to the

Future” which emphasizes the Air Force’s transition into the digital age.

The guest speaker is Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Kevin G. Slater, senior enlisted advisor to Gen. Keith B. Alexander, director of the National Security Agency



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Page 14: Soundoff September 12, 2013 SOUNDOFF! September 12, 2013

Community news & notes

and chief of Central Security Service.Military attire is semi-formal or mess

dress. Civilian attire is semiformal or black tie.

Admission is $29 for E1-E4 and GS-1 through GS-8; $30 for E5-E6 and GS-9 through GS-11; $40 for SNCO/CGO and GS-12 through GS-13; and $50 for FGO/GS-14 and above.

Cost for spouses and guests is the same as the Air Force member.

For tickets, call 301-677-5015.

Quarter auctionThe Enlisted Spouses Club is hosting

Quarter Mania, a quarter auction, on Sept. 20 at Jessup Community Hall, 2920 Jessup Road.

Doors open at 6 p.m. Play begins at 7 p.m.

Admission is $6 and includes two paddles. Group fee is $20 for four people and includes paddles. Cost for each additional paddle is $2.

Players who register online at and/or bring five nonperishable food items, may select either an extra paddle or magic paddle ticket at the door.

Bring quarters. Bids will be one to four quarters on a variety of themes.

Snacks will be available for purchase.For more information, email Kim at

[email protected].

Square Dance ClubThe Swinging Squares Square Dance

Club dances the third and fifth Saturday of the month from September to the end of May at Meade Middle School.

The first dance of the 2013-14 season will be Sept. 21 from 7:30-10 p.m. Admission is $6. Square dance attire is optional.

For fun, fellowship and exercise, try this modern, western square-dancing.

Dance classes are held Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. at Meade Middle School, starting Sept. 19.

Each class costs $6. The first two classes are free.

For more information, call Darlene at 410-519-2536 (voice); 410-868-5050 (text), or Carl at 410-271-8776 (voice/text).

Trivia NightThe Lanes hosts Trivia Night every

Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m., except the

third Thursday of the month.The event is open to the public.Teams must have a minimum of two

players and a maximum of 10.Weekly prizes are awarded to the top

three winners. Food and beverages are available for purchase.

For more information, call 301-677-5541 or visit

Jummah prayers Individuals interested in participating

in Jummah prayers on Fort Meade should call 301-677-1301.

Fort Meade has a room available at Argonne Hills Chapel Center, 7100 Rockenbach Road.

The community also is seeking individuals who would like to join in a morning prayer on Fridays.

Employment Readiness classes

The Employment Readiness Program helps the military community with job readiness by providing employment con-sultations/coaching, career classes and assessments, and job search/interview preparation assistance.

For more information call Vikki Tor-rence or Rose Holland with the ERP at 301-677-5590.

• Federal Employment Class: Tuesday, 9 a.m. to noon, Army Community Ser-vice, 830 Chisholm Ave.

Learn to demystify the application process for federal employment.

• Interview Skills Class: Sept. 24, 9 a.m. to noon, ACS, 830 Chisholm Ave.

Learn basic interviewing skills and tips on dressing for success to present yourself as the best candidate for the job. Learn the dos and the don’ts at job interviews, and strategies on working a job fair.

• Get Ready! Employment Orientation: Sept. 29, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., ACS, 830 Chisholm Ave.

• Resume Open Forum: March 28, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Potomac Place Neighborhood Center, 2nd Corps Bou-levard, hosted by Military and Spouse Job Club

Learn about job readiness resourc-es through Fort Meade’s Employment Readiness Program, the Anne Arundel Workforce Development’s Kick Start Pro-gram and Howard County’s Office of Workforce Development. This features websites, classes, job listings, employment

support groups and tour of the resource center.

Army Human Resources Workshop

The Directorate of Human Resources and Defense Military Pay Office (Finance) will conduct the first Fort Meade Army Human Resources Workshop on Sept. 20 from 9 a.m to noon at McGill Training Center, classroom 6.

It is imperative that administrative offi-cers (S1s), Personnel Staff NCO, Army Human Resources specialists, and all indi-viduals that perform Army military person-nel functions attend this workshop.

The workshop will provide critical infor-mation and essential tools required for the timely and accurate processing of all Army personnel actions submitted to the DHR and the Defense Military Pay-Office (Finance).

To confirm attendance, call Ms. Bolling at 301-677-5406 or Ms. Bautista at 301-677-7545 by Sunday.

Out & About• The Orthodox Church of St.

Matthew Multicultural Festival, Columbia’s largest international festival, will be held Oct. 5 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Oct. 6 from 11:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the church, 7271 Eden Brook Drive, Kings Contrivance Village Center, Columbia.

The annual event features homemade Greek, Slavic, Romanian, Ethiopian, American and Lebanese foods; a wine and beer garden; free cultural entertainment; a children’s activity area; silent auction; church tours; traditional ethnic desserts; and specialty vendors.

For more information, go to or call 410-381-2284.

• Community Day will be celebrated Sept. 21 from noon to 4 p.m. at 12511 Old Gunpowder Road Spur, Beltsville. The event will feature free prizes, international foods, games, a basketball tournament, moon bounce and an outdoor concert. For more information, call 301-498-6006.

• YMCA Camp Letts in Edgewater will host the 18th Women’s Wellness Weekend: Spirit, Mind and Body from Oct. 12-13.

This year, the camp is reaching out to military spouses to enjoy the experience and will give their children, ages 6-16, the opportunity to enjoy camp as well.

Cost is $175 per person. Early registration is $150 if postmarked by Friday. Enlisted spouses may apply for scholarships for up to $100 with valid military ID. Call to register. Space is limited.

Fee includes lodging, meals, workshops, entertainment and most activities.

Activities include: yoga, dance, canoeing, stress reduction, hiking, exercise classes, archery, high ropes adventure, tennis, basketball, volleyball, sailing, arts, campfire, crafts fair, and speakers and presenters.

For more information, call Chessa Ormond at 410-919-1410 or email [email protected]. or call the camp at 410-919-1410 or go to

• Maryland Renaissance Festival will be held through Oct. 20 at 1821 Crownsville Road, Annapolis. Admission is $7 to $22. For more information, email

• Leisure Travel Services is offering its next monthly bus trip to New York City on Oct. 5 and Nov. 16, with discounts to attractions. Bus cost is $55. For more information, call 301-677-7354 or visit

• A Quarter Auction will be held tonight at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1381 Becknel Ave., Odenton. Doors and kitchen open at 6 p.m. Auction begins at 7 p.m.

The auction is for adults only. Admission is $5 (two paddles). Each additional set costs $5. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. The event also will feature door prizes.

All proceeds will benefit charities. For more information, call Jo-Ann at 410-900-5576.

• Fort Meade E9 Association meets the second Friday of every month at 7 a.m. in the Pin Deck Cafe at the Lanes. The next meeting is Friday. The association is open to active, retired, Reserve and National Guard E9s of any uniformed service. All E9s in this area are invited to attend a breakfast and meet the membership. For more information, visit or call 410-551-7953.

• Meade Branch 212 of the Fleet Reserve Association meets the second Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at VFW Post 160, 2597 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie. The next meeting is Saturday. Active-duty, Reserve and retired members of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are invited.

The organization’s annual picnic will be held Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All members and guests are invited.

For more information, call 410-761-7046 or 301-262-6556.






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Community news & notes

• Families Dealing with Deployment meets the first and third Monday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Meuse Forest Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Monday. For more information, email [email protected].

• Retired Enlisted Association meets the third Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant, 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton. The next meeting is Tuesday. For more information, visit or call Elliott Phillips, the local president, at 443-790-3805 or Arthur R. Cooper, past national president, at 443-336-1230.

• Prostate Cancer Support Group meets at Walter Reed National Military Medi-cal Center on the third Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be Sept. 19 from 1 to 2 p.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the America Building, River Conference Room (next to the Prostate Center), third floor.

Spouses/partners are invited. Military ID required for base access. For men without a military ID, call the Prostate Center 48 hours prior to the event at 301-319-2900 for base access.

For more information, call retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301-319-2918 or email [email protected].

• Meade Area Garden Club will hold its opening party on Sept. 20 at 10 a.m. at the Jessup Community Center, corner of Route 175 and Wigley Avenue.

Sarah von Pollaro of “Urban Petals Floral Designs” and “Flower Empowered” of Washington, D.C., will present “Demystifying Floral Design.”

Refreshments will be served. Reservations are not required.

Join the club for informative and fun programs throughout the year, trips, activities relating to gardening, and a bake sale.

Annual membership is $20. For more information, call Jennifer Garcia, membership chair, at 443-949-8348, or Sharon Durney, club president, at 410-761-5019.

• Society of Military Widows meets for brunch the fourth Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Lanes. The next meeting is Sept. 22. For more information, call Betty Jones at 410-730-0127.

• Single Parent Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at School Age Services, 1900 Reece Road. The next meeting is Sept. 23. Free child care will be provided on site.

For more information, email [email protected].

• Marriage Enrichment Group, sponsored by Army Community Service, meets the second and fourth Monday of every

month from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Sept. 23. For more information, call Celena Flowers or Jessica Hobgood at 301-677-5590.

• Bully Proofing Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 4 to 5 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Sept. 23. The group is geared for school-age children and parents. For more information, email [email protected].

• Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 254 meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room of Building 9801 at the National Security Agency. The next meeting is Sept. 25. For more information, call 443-534-5170 or visit

• Women’s Empowerment Group meets every Wednesday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. to provide a safe, confidential arena for the support, education and empowerment of women who have experienced past or present family violence.

Location is only disclosed to participants. To register, call Tina Gauth, victim advocate, at 301-677-4117 or Samantha Herring, victim advocate, at 301-677-4124.

• Fort Meade Homeschool Co-op meets Fridays at 9:30 a.m. at 1900 Reece Road. For more information, call Kelli Stricker at 410-674-0297 or email [email protected].

• Spanish Christian Service is conducted Sundays at 1 p.m. at the Cavalry Chapel located at 8465 Simonds St. and 6th Armored Cavalry Road.

For more information, call Elias Mendez at 301-677-7314 or 407-350-8749.

• Cub Scout Pack 377 invites boys in first through fifth grades, or ages 7 to 10, to attend its weekly Monday meetings at 6 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center.

For more information, email Cubmaster Tom Johnston at [email protected] or Committee Chairperson Elizabeth Johnston at [email protected].

• Boy Scout Troop 379 meets Mondays at 7 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center on Rockenbach Road. The troop is actively recruiting boys age 11 to 18. For more information, email Lisa Yetman, at [email protected] or Wendall Lawrence, Scoutmaster, at [email protected].

• Military Council for Catholic Women is open to all women ages 18 and older for prayer, faith, fellowship and service at the Main Post Chapel. Mother’s Prayer & Apologetics meets Tuesdays from 9:45 a.m. to noon when Anne Arundel County schools are in session. Monthly programs are held Mondays from 6:30 to 9 p.m.

For more information, email Beth

Wright, president, at [email protected] or call 305-240-1559.

• American Legion Post 276 is open to veterans and active-duty service members at 8068 Quarterfield Road in Severn. Breakfast may be purchased beginning at 9 a.m. Lunches may be purchased from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Happy Hour is from 4 to 6 p.m. Dinner may be purchased at 6 p.m. on Fridays and the fourth Sunday of every month.

Membership discounts are offered for active-duty military. For more information, call 410-969-8028 or visit

• Monthly Prayer Breakfast, hosted by the Garrison Chaplain’s Office, is held the first Thursday of every month at 7 a.m. at the Conference Center.

The next breakfast is Oct. 3.All Fort Meade employees, family

members, and civilian and military personnel are invited. There is no cost for the buffet; donations are optional.

For more information, call 301-677-6703 or email [email protected].

• Meade Rod and Gun Club meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant and Odie’s Pub at 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton, in the banquet hall in back of the building. The next meeting is Oct. 3. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. For more information, call 410-674-4000.

• National Alliance on Mental Illness of Anne Arundel County offers a free support group for families with a loved one suffering from mental illness on the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Odenton (West County) Library, 1325 Annapolis Road. The next meeting is Oct. 3. For more information, visit

• Fort Meade TOP III Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. at the Courses. The next meeting is Oct. 9. The association is open to all Air Force active-duty and retired senior noncommissioned officers. For more information, call Master Sgt. Jonathan Jacob at 443-479-0616 or email [email protected].

• Enlisted Spouses Club meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Midway Commons Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Oct. 14. For more information, visit or email [email protected].

• New Spouse Connection meets the second Monday of every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Oct. 14. The program provides an opportunity for all spouses new to the military or to Fort Meade to meet and get connected. For more information, contact Pia Morales at [email protected] or 301-677-4110.


The movie schedule is subject to change. For a recorded announcement of showings, call 301-677-5324. Further listings are available on the Army and Air Force Exchange Service website at

Movies start Wednesdays to Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.

NEW PRICES: Tickets are $5.50 for adults (12 and older) and $3 for children. 3D Movies: $7.50 adults, $5 children.

Today through Sept. 29

Today & Friday: “2 Guns” (R). Two undercover agents go on the run after a mission goes bad. With Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, Paula Patton.

Saturday & Sunday: “The Wolverine 3D” (PG-13). Wolverine confronts the prospect of mor-tality. With Hugh Jackman, Hiroyuki Sanada, Famke Janssen.

Wednesday & Sept. 21: “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters 3D” (PG). Percy and friends go in search of the Golden Fleece. With Logan Ler-man, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario.

Sept. 19, 20: “We’re The Millers” (R). A drug dealer goes to Mexico with a fake family to complete a big deal. With Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Will Poulter.

Sept. 22: “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” (PG). Percy and friends go in search of the Golden Fleece. With Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jack-son, Alexandra Daddario.

Sept. 25, 28: “Planes 3D” (PG). A crop-dusting plane dreams of competing in a famous aerial race but must overcome his fear of heights. With Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad Garrett.

Sept. 26, 27: “Elysium” (R). In 2159, the wealthy live aboard a luxurious space station while others suffer on the surface. With Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley.

Sept. 29: “Planes” (PG). A crop-dusting plane dreams of competing in a famous aerial race but must overcome his fear of heights. With Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad Garrett.