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Some Pottery Findings Outside Ulmetum City Walls

Apr 24, 2023



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Page 1: Some Pottery Findings Outside Ulmetum City Walls





Page 2: Some Pottery Findings Outside Ulmetum City Walls


Anuar al Muzeului de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie Constanta Annuaire du Musee d' Histoire Na tionale et d' Archeologie Constanta

Colegiul de redacţie/ College de rM.action : ALEXANDRU AVRAM (Le Mans) ALEXANDRU BARNEA (Bucureşti)



Redactor şef! Redacteur en chef LIVIA BUZOIANU (Constanţa)

Comitetul de redacţie: CONSTANTIN CHERA (Constanţa)


Secretar de redacţie/ Secretaire de redaction: IRINA NASTASI (Constanţa)

Informatică editorială/ Informatique editoriale: ADA-ADINA MARCU (Constanţa) VASILICA PODARIU (Constanţa)

Manuscrisele, cărţile propuse la schimb şi toată corespondenţa vor fi adresate redacţiei: Muzeul de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie, Piaţa Ovidiu nr. 12, 900745, Constanţa, România, Tel./Fax. 0040-241-618763; e-mail: liviabuzoianu@

Les manuscris, les livres et les revues proposes en echange, ainsi que toute correspondance seront adresses a la Redaction: Musee d'Histoire Nationale et d' Archeologie, 12 Place d 'Ovide, 900745, Constantza, Roumanie, Tel./Fax 0040-241-618763; e-mail: [email protected].

PONT! CA ediţie online/ PONT! CA en-ligne edition: www

ISSN 1013-4247 ISSN (online/en-ligne) 2247 - 9341

ISBN 973-7951-29-8

Page 3: Some Pottery Findings Outside Ulmetum City Walls

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Page 5: Some Pottery Findings Outside Ulmetum City Walls



!Mihai Irimi~... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... 11

ALEXANDRU SUCEVEANU Încrâncenare şi serenitate Acharnement et serenite................................................................... 17

IMIHAI IRIMIAj Depozitul de piese de făurărie de la Ţibrinu (corn. Mircea Vodă, jud. Constanţa), 1997-1998 Der Werkstatthortfund von Ţibrinu (Gem. Mircea Vodă, Bez. Constanţa), 1997-1998................................................................. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23


ECULAIBOLOHA Trying to Define and Deal with "Buffer territories" in the West Pontic Late Bronze Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 71

NICOLAE ALEXANDRU Notă despre fondarea oraşului Callatis Note about Callatis City Foundation.............. .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

AUREL RUSTOIU Celto - Pontica. Connections of the Celts from Transylvania with the Black Se a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

MANFRED OPPERMANN Die Gottin Hera im Ostbalkanraum zwischen Donau und Rhodopen wăhrend der Romerzeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... 113

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ALEXANDRU AVRAM Notes epigraphiques (1)... ... ...... .. . . . ....... . .. ... .. . ... ... .. . . .. ............. . .. 137

MARIA BĂRBULESCU, LIVIA BUZOIANU, TRAIAN CLIANTE Inscriptions inedites de la Dobroudja romaine ... ... ... .. ........ .. ... ... .. ... 141

CLAUDIU MUNTEANU Canale navigabile artificiale romane din provinciile renane şi


Roman Artificial Navigable Channels in Rhenan and Danubian Provinces................................................................................ ... 157

CONSTANTIN NICOLAE Carsium- Hârşova. Note de toponimie Carsium- Hârşova. Notes on Toponimy ......................................... 183

RADUOTA Noi consideraţii cu privire la apariţia paleocreştinismului în Dacia romană New Considerations Regarding the Appearance of Early Christianity in Roman Dacia........................................................................... 197

GEORGI ATANASOV A propos du martyre de Saint Emilien de Durostorum (Silistra)... .. 211

V ALENTINA VOINEA, BARTLOMIEJ SZMONIEWSKI Din nou despre peştera Casian Anew about Casian Cave........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 221


DIMITAR CHERNAKOV Late Chalcolithic Foundation Burial of a Child at Koshama Tell.... 241

VALERIU SÎRBU Două pumnale de tip sica din colecţiile Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a României Deux poignards du type sica dans les collections du Musee National d 'Histoire de la Roumanie... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ......... 251

LAURENŢIU RADU, AUREL STĂNICĂ O descoperire carpică la Noviodunum A Carpic Discovery in Noviodunum ............................................ 259

VIORICA RUSU-BOLINDEŢ Lămpi de perioadă romană timpurie de la Histria. Aspecte legate de activitatea atelierelor care produc lămpi din Dobrogea romană Lamps from the Early Roman Times at Histria. An lntroduction on the Activity of the Lamp Producing Workshops in Roman Dobrudja................................................................................ ... 269

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MARIAN MOCANU Ceramica romană târzie cu decor ştampilat descoperită la (L?)Ibida La ceramique romaine tardive a decor estampe decouverte a (L?)Ibida................................... ..... ....... .......... .......... ......... .... .... 293

MIHAIL ZAHARIADE Towards a Historical Geography of Extrema Scythiae Minoris. A Land Survey of the South-East Shoreline of the Dunavăţ Peninsula Results and Perspectives... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ..... 311

GHIORGHE PAPUC, MIHAI IONESCU, ROBERT CONSTANTIN Les aqueducs de la cite romaine de Tro aeum Traiani... ... ...... ... ... 323

MIHAI IONESCU, GHIORGHE PAPUC, IHAI SÂMPETR Recherches archeologiques de la fortification annexe de la cite Tropaeum Traiani (1990-2006).................................................. .... 343

EMILIAN GAMUREAC Some Pottery Findings Outside Ulmetum City Walls............ ....... 367

CRISTIAN SCHUSTER, TRAIAN POPA Notă cu privire la vestigiile culturii Dridu de la Mironeşti, judeţul Giurgiu Anmerkung hinsichtlich der Spuren der Dridu-Kultur in Mironeşti, Bezirk Giurgiu........................................................................... 379


Cercetări preliminare în necropola medievală de la Capidava (corn. Topalu, jud. Constanţa)

Preliminary Research in Capidava Medieval Necropolis (Topalu corn., Constanţa County)................................................................................... 387


Studiu preliminar privind cruciuliţele descoperite în aşezarea de la Păcuiul lui Soare (secolele X-XV) Etude preliminaire des petites croix decouvertes dans l'etablissement de Păcuiul lui Soare (X•-XV•siecles)....................... 401



Aspecte ale circulaţiei şi penetraţiei monetare în teritoriul pontic (secolele VI-I a. Chr.) Monetary Circulation and Penetration Aspects in Pontic Territory (61h -1•1 cent. BC )... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ..... 449


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THEODOR ISVORANU Monede greceşti de la Tomis, în colecţia Institutului de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan" Greek Coins from Tomis in the Collection of "Vasile Pârvan" Archaeology Institute.................................................................. 473

STELUŢA GRĂMĂTICU, VIRGIL IONIŢĂ Un pond de plumb din vremea lui Antoninus Pius Un poids en plomb du temps d' Antonin le Pieux......... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 497

AUREL VÎLCU, AUREL DANIEL STĂNICĂ Monede de aur bizantine descoperite la Nufăru (jud. Tulcea) Monnaies byzantines d'or trouvees a Nufăru (dep. de Tulcea)............ 503


Ancient Sacral Monuments in the Black Sea, edited by Elias K. Petropoulos & Alexander A. Maslennikov, Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis Brothers s.a., 2010, 576 p (Victor COJOCARU).............................................................. ..... 517 Mihai Irimia, Niculae Conovici, Anca Ganciu, Sondajul arheologic de la Satu Nou- "Vadu Vacilor", Muzeul de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie Constanţa,

2011, 326 p (Livia BUZOIANU) .... ......... . . . ... . . . ........ . ... . . . ... ......... . . . ... . .... 527 Raymund Netzhammer, Din România. Incursiuni prin această ţară ş i istoria ei, Vol. 1, 400 pagini, 103 ilustraţii în text, 1 hartă în anexă; Vol. II, 320 pagini, 115 ilustraţii în text, Editura Humanitas, Bucureşti, 2010 (Zeno Karl PINTER)...... 531

Intrări de carte stră ină în biblioteca M.l. .A.C. (2011) (Georgeta Haşotti) ... .. . .. ............ ...... .............. .. .. ............... . . . ................ 535 Lista abrevierilor. .... . .... ........ ........ .. ........ . ....... ........... ........................ 545

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Keywords: field survey, Roman-Byzantine pottery. Cuvinte cheie: cercetare de teren, ceramică romana-bizantină.

Abstract: An archaeological field survey was carried out in between the limits of Pantelimonu de Sus village, Constanta County. This survey was caused by the works undertaken for the installation of a water pipe. There were discovered several different archaeological complexes and mixed Roman-Byzantine artifacts . The pottery fragments belong to some well known typological categories, and they were identified by analogical approach.

Rezumat: Cercetarea de teren din intravilanul comunei Pantelimonu de Sus, judeţul Constanţa, realizată cu ocazia instalării unei conducte de apă, a avut ca rezultat descoperirea unor piese ceramice de epocă romană şi romana-bizantină prezentate într-un succint catalog. Complexele arheologice sunt diverse, iar materialul este amestecat, larg datat în perioada romana-bizantină. Din punct de vedere tipologie, ceramica descoperită se încadrează în tipurile cunoscute precum vase pentru transport, vase pentru servitul mesei, vase pentru băut şi vase pentru gătit. Identificarea unora dintre aceste artefacte a fost posibilă datorită analogiilor publicate deja în literatura de specialitate, atît în spaţiul pontic cât şi în alte zone.

In September 2011, two archaeologists ' of the research team excavating in Ulmetum performed a field survey inside the limits of the actual village Pantelimonu de Sus, Constanţa County, on the occasion of installing a water pipe. The surveyed area is situated in the neighborhood of late Roman fortification of Ulmetum, mostly at the Southeastern limit of the village. Essentially, this is the area where most pottery fragments have been found, becoming rare and ceasing as the survey pursued to the center of Pantelimonu de Sus village. Excepting

' Emilian Gamureac: Ministerul Culturii şi Patrimoniului Naţional, Direcţia Generală Patrimoniu Cultural Naţional, Şos. Kiseleff nr.30, Bucureşti, 011347.

1 The archaeological survey has been done by Cristina Paraschiv-Talmaţchi (MINA Constanţa) and Emilian Gamureac. 1 express my gratitude to my colleague for giving her consent to publish the results of the archaeological survey.

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catalogue piece no 26, derived from an accidental discovery on a private property North-East of the village, which had been brought to us by a local, all the rest of the pottery fragments were discovered on an area between 100 and 200 m West outside the city wall of late Roman Ulmetum. From the very beginning, it was clear that the mechanical intervention in the subsoil for the water pipe installation was almost superficial, because the maximum depth was about 50 cm. Even though this is not an exclusive criterion for dating, the chances to find any remains from the ancient vicus Ulmetum2 decreased drastically and, as it follows, it is probable that our archaeological findings represent only the habitation around the city walls during the late roman era, in close connection with the habitation inside the late Roman city. Still, the archaeological materials discovered are mixed, even if the majority of pottery fragments can be chronologically identified in the Roman-Byzantine period; this leads to the conclusion that there are different archaeological contexts from different times in the same area.

From a total of 60 discovered artifacts, we succeeded in identifying some typological categories of pottery. Excepting the 26 fragmentary objects included in our small catalogue, the rest of 34 fragments of pottery can be identified by typological method, resulting in a few categories: 23 amphora fragments, 6 fragments of pottery which can be included in the category of vasa pota(to)ria (cups, pitchers, pots), and 5 fragments of undetermined pottery, possibly fragments of lids, small cups or other.

Concerning the undetermined 23 amphora fragments, only a few considerations can be made. Generally, they are grouped in 2 large categories: the first, consisting of 7 fragments, has some common characteristics: coarse light brick - red fabric with small particles of limestone and gold mica, and brick - red slip; one of them has some special characteristics: the clay is whitish - yellow, with small black and white particles, maybe pyroxene, sand and small particles of limestone.

The second group consisting of 16 fragments, has coarse fabric, with limestone and gold mica particles, and a dark brick - red color; exceptionally, one of them has fine fabric, similar to some African red slip dishes or Berenice LR 10 amphorae, and is covered with a dense brick- red vernis.

From the last 11 fragments of pottery discovered (cups, pitchers, pots and fragments of lids), only one draws attention by its features, linked to Sântana de Mureş culture: the fragment has a semi-fine grey homogenous fabric and a grey polished slip on the outside.

Aware of the impossibility of determining other methodological outlines, from such a smalllot of items, the first step for a future comparison can be made in relation with the pottery resulted from the archaeological excavations from Ulmetum site. Looking forward, the analysis of the pottery from Ulmetum is a necessary step for further research of this site, and a useful tool for a better and accurate understanding of the centers where the pottery was produced, taking into account that the pottery production in antiquity was an economic, artistic

2 Regarding vicus Ulmetum and the archaeologica l research, see PÂR VAN 1923, passim; COV ACEF 2004-2005, 439-451.

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and cultural activity. CATALOG V E

1. Rim fragment of Carthage LR2 amphora, outter rim diameter 14 cm, inner rim diameter 10 cm, preserved height 4.5 cm, brick - red coarse clay, beige slip . The amphora usually has horizontal incised lines or undulated striations at the median part of the body.

2. Fragmentary amphora foot. Preserved height 6 cm, coarse clay, brick - red on the exterior, beige on the interior of the body, brick - red slip. The fabric is with occasional small particles of limestone and rare gold mica. The foot of the amphora is conical, broken in the lower part, with no button traces. Possibly one of the pontic types of conical amphora.

3. Fragmentary amphora handle, preserved length 6.4 cm, thickness 2 cm. Fabric is slightly brick - red, traces of pyroxene, beige slip on outward, 3 grooves, oval section.

4. Fragmentary amphora handle, preserved length 4 cm, thickness 2.5 cm. Dark brick - red coarse fabric, with rare small particles of limestone, dark brick - red slip on outward, 2 grooves, oval section.

5. Fragment of median part of an oriental Carthage LR2 type amphora. Preserved length 5 x 4.5 cm. Fabric is brick- red, with traces of limestone, light beige slip on outward. The amphora is decorated with undulated striations, suggesting dating for 6th c. AD.

6. Fragment of neck and handle of an amphora, fabric is homogeneous, dark brick - red color with rare micro particles of limestone and gold mica, dark brick - red color slip. The neck is almost cylindrical, it widens at the lower part, 14 cm diameter on top. The handle has oval section, with grooves. No traces of a link between neck and body of the amphora.

7. Fragmentary amphora handle, preserved length 11 cm, brick - red color with particles of limestone and sand, brick - red color slip on outward. The handle is round in section, decorated with grooves.

8. Fragmentary amphora handle, preserved length 10.5 cm. Coarse clay, brick -red color, particles of limestone and gold mica, brick-beige slip on outward. The handle has an oval shape in section, secondary burned, with traces of grooves. Considering the dimensions and fabric characteristics, the handle could belong to a Pontic type of a big dimensions amphora.

9. Fragmentary rim and handle of a table amphora, preserved height 4.5 cm, rim diameter 11 cm. The fabric is semi-fine, with limestone particles. Light brick - red color, slip with beige nuances on the outside, but the fragment is severely

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secondary burned on the inside and outside. The rim is flattened on top, slightly thickened inside, decorated with a single groove on the outside. The neck is cylindrical, slightly curved outwards; the handle has an oval shape in section, with grooves. P ARASCHIV 2006, pl. IV, no 56 (regarding a table amphora fragment from Argamum).

10. Fragmentary amphora rim, preserved height 3.5 cm, rim diameter 8 cm. Coarse brick - red fabric with black particles (pyroxene ?), slip of the same color. The rim is straight and the neck is cylindrical, decorated with grooves inside and outside.

11. Fragmentary neck, median part and handle of a Pontic table amphora, preserved height 10 cm, neck diameter at its upper part 12 cm, maximum diameter at the median part is 26 cm. The fabric is brick - red with small black particles and limestone, outside slip of the same color. The neck is cylindrical, curved on the outside, frequent grooves on the amphora body, the handle has an oval shape in section, with grooves.

12. Fragmentary dish rim, preserved height 2 cm, rim diameter 23 cm. Fine brick­red late Roman ware, slip of the same color. The dish has a vertical rim incorporating a flange, concave on the outer face, undecorated. A ridge can be observed under the rim. HAYES 1972, Late Roman C' Ware, form 3, 329-338; TOPOLEANU 2000, type IX, 46-54; OPRIŞ 2003, 150-152; CĂTĂNICIU, BARNEA 1979, 189, fig. 167, 2.6 (N VIA); SUCEVEANU 1982, 14, fig. 10, nr. 12-19; OPAIŢ 2004, 76, pl. 56. Dating: 5th_6th c. AD.

13. Fragmentary dish/bowl rim, rim diameter 24 cm. Fine brick - red fabric, dark brick - red slip. The interior is smooth, with a little edge at the top; the rim is thickened outside, almost round. Under the rim, outside, one single fine groove. No perfect analogies: strictly concerning the profile of the rim, ABADIE-REYNAL, SODINI 1992, 15, CF 19, CF 23, fig. 2 (2nct c. AD.), MUŞEŢEANU 2003, 61, type 1, pl. 24, no 202 (2nd -3rd c.AD). Other analogies: OPAIŢ 1991, 166, pl. 54, 306-307 (Local Red Slip Ware); OPAIŢ 2004, 80; HAYES 1992, 7-8; SUCEVEANU 1982, 92, fig. 10, nr.6 (bowl) 6th c. AD; ROBINSON 1959, 117, M352, pl. 71 (glazed bowl).

14. Fragmentary bottom of a dish/bowl, preserved height 2.5 cm, foot diameter 9 cm, foot height 1 cm. Fine brick - red fabric, beige slip. The foot is round, slightly knobbed, of medium height, slightly curved outwards. Undecorated.

15. Fragmentary part of median body of a highly curved bowl/dish, maximum diameter 30 cm. Semi-fine brick - red fabric, with rare limestone particles, beige slip, secondary burnt. No illustration.

16. Fragment of grindstone, brooked, one half preserved, oval shape, polished.

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Preserved length 5 cm, thickness 4.9 cm. The median part is flattened, because of the repeated blows.

17. Fragment of a vessel (bottom), possibly a pitcher. Preserved height 3.5 cm, foot diameter 8 cm. Semi-fine brick - red clay with small particles of limestone and gold mica, brick- red slip. The base is round, of medium height (0.9 cm), faceted, slightly inclined outwards. Rare grooves inside the jar. No illustration.

18. Fragment of bottom of a probably high bowl/dish, preserved height 2.5 cm, foot diameter 9 cm, base height 1 cm. Fine light brick - red fabric with white and black small particles, dense brick - reddish slip. The base is round, of medium height, with an almost false foot, slightly inclined to outwards, decorated with two fine grooves. The bottom is smooth, undecorated.

19. Fragment of a median part of a jar, possibly a high cup with trilobite or circular rim, maximum diameter at the median part 20 cm. Poor quality coarse fabric, porous, with small stone particles in the clay, secondary burned. The wall of the jar is unusually thick (0.8 cm-1 cm).

20. Fragmentary bottom of a jar, possibly a cup, similar. Flat base, diameter 9 cm, thickness 1.2 cm.

21. Fragmentary rim of a pot, preserved height 3.5 cm, rim diameter 14 cm. Poor quality clay with small particles of stone, irregularly burned: at the rim the clay is brick- red, and at the neck it is grey. On the inside and outside the pot is covered with a brick - red color slip, mixed with small particles of limestone. The pot is secondary burned on the inside. Possibly medieval. PARASCHIV-TALMAŢCHI 2010, pl. II, no. 2, 4.

22. Fragmentary base of a pitcher, maximum diameter 16 cm, base diameter 8 cm. Coarse fabric with small particles of stone in the clay composition. Irregularly burned: the wall is whitish - gray on the interior and light brick - red on the exterior. The pitcher is secondary burned and is covered with a beige slip on the exterior.

23. Fragmentary rim of a Pontic pot, preserved height 2.3 cm, rim diameter 16 cm. Coarse brick- red fabric, with sand in composition, secondary burned. The rim is vertical, and it has a pronounced ledge on the top to accept a lid. The neck is cylindrical, with frequent grooves at the lower part of the neck. SUCEVEANU 1982 b,114, pl. 14/22

24. Fragmentary rim of a pot, preserved height 4 cm, rim diameter 15 cm. Semi fine grey-brick clay with white particles and gold mica, slip of the same color, secondary burned at the exterior. The rim is concave inside and convex, thickened outside, without neck. SUCEVEANU 1982 a, 87, fig. 7 no. 12 (41h- 51h c. AD).

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25. Fragmentary base of a small cup, preserved height 1.5 cm, base diameter 2.5 cm. Semi-fine beige fabric with particles of gold mica, slip of the same color. The base is small and flat.

26. Small cup, almost complete. Height 10.2 cm, rim diameter 6 cm, maximum diameter 10 cm, base diameter 3 cm. Semi fine brick - red fabric, brick - red slip. The base is flat, the body is globular, decorated with grooves at the lower part, and the handle is oval in section, decorated with small grooves. The rim is straight, in the shape of a funnel. OPRIŞ 2003, 135-136, pl. XLVIII, 327; NICOLAE (1995-1996), 147, pl. 4.


ABADIE-REYNAL, SODINI 1992 - Catherine Abadie-Reynal, J-P. Sodini, La ceramique paleochretienne de Thasos (Aliki, Delkos, fouilles anciennes), Etudes Thasiennes XIII, Ecole Franc;aise d'Athenes, Paris, 1992.

CĂTĂNICIU, BARNEA 1979 - Ioana Bogdan Cătăniciu, Al. Bamea, Ceramica ş i descoperirile mărunte, în Tropaeum Traiani. I. Cetatea, (I. Bamea coord.), Bucureşti, 1979.

COVACEF 2004-2005- Zaharia Covacef, Ulmetum 2004 - dupa 90 de ani, Pontica 37-38 (2004-2005), 439-451 .

1 AYES 1972- J. W. Hayes, Late Roman Pottery, The Brithish School at Rome, Londra, 1972.

HA YES 1992 - J. W. Hayes, Excava tions at Sarac;hane in !stambul, II. The Pottery, Princeton, 1992.

KUZMA OV 1985 - G. Kuzmanov, eramique de la Haute Epoque Byzantine provenant de la Tlu·ace et de Dacie (IV•- le debut de VII• ~ .), Razkopki i proucvanija (Fouilles et Recherches) Xlil, ofia, 1985.

MUŞETEA U 2003 - Muşeteanu, Atelierele ceramice romane de la Durostorum, Bucureşti, 2003.

J OLAE 1995-1996- ico lae, Descoperiri de epoca romană şi bizantină la Carsium, Pontica 28-29 (1995-1996), 135-160.

OPAJŢ 1991 - A. Opaiţ, Ceramica din tlşezarea şi cetatea de la Independenţa (Murighiol) secolele V î.e.n.- VI! e.n., Peuce 10 (1991), 1- 2, 133-182.

OPAIŢ 1996- A. Opaiţ, Aspecte ale viet ii economice din provincia Scythia (secolele IV-VI p.Chr.). Producţia ceramicii locale şi de import, Bibliotheca Thracologica 16, Bucureşti, 1996.

OPAIŢ 2004- A. Opaiţ, Local and Imported Ceramics in the Roman Province of Scythia (41h

- 61h centuries AD), BAR International Series 1274, 2004. OPRIŞ 2003 - I. C. Opriş, Ceramica romană târz ie şi paleobizantină de la Capidava în

contextul descoperirilor de la Dunărea de Jos (sec. IV- VI p. Chr.), Bucureşti, 2003. PARASCHIV 2006 - D. Paraschiv, Amfore romane şi romana-bizantine în zona Dunării de

]os ( ee. 1-Vii p. hr.), laşi, 2006. PARASCHIV 2006- D. Paraschiv, ontribuţii privind ceramica romană de la Argamum.

Sectorul extra mw·os. I. Amjm·ele, in Orgame!Argamum, Supplementa 1, A la recherche d'une colonie. Actes du olloque international 40 ans de recherche archeologique a Orgame/Argamum, Bucarest, 2006, 285-342.

PARASCHIV-TALMAŢCHI 2010 - Cristina Paraschiv- almaţchi, Noi informaţii

privind evul mediu timpuriu în zona centrală a Dobrogei, Pontica 43 (2010), 283-301. PÂRVAN 1923- V. Pârvan, Începuturil e vietii romane la gurile Dunării, Bucureşti , 1923. ROBINSON 1959 - H.S. Robinson, Pottery of the Roman Period. Chronology, The

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Athenian Agora V, Princeton, 1959. SCORPA 1976 - C. Scorpan, Origini şi linii evolutive în ceramica romano- bizantină

(sec. IV-VII) din ariile mediteraneană şi pontică, Pontica 9 (1976),155-185. SUCEVEA U 1982a - Al. Suceveanu, ontribuţii la tudiul ceramicii romana-bizantine

de la Histria, SCIV A 33 (1982), 1, 79-107. SUC VEA U 1982b- Al. Suceveanu, Histria, Vi. Les thermes romains, Bucarest-Paris,

1982. TOPOLEANU 2000- F. Topoleanu, eramica romană şi romana-bizantină de la Halmyris

(sec. /-VII d. h.) Tulcea, 2000.

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