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Monthly Report – June 2008 1 Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Lanka Students displaying the produce from their newly established gardens in their school. SAH/Solidar School Gardens Project is being implemented in 6 schools in Pottuvil, Ampara districts. Monthly Progress Report- June 2008

Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Monthly...Mallavi hospital doctors and staff who are trying to move to Koddaikaddiyakulam in Mullaitivu

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Page 1: Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Monthly...Mallavi hospital doctors and staff who are trying to move to Koddaikaddiyakulam in Mullaitivu

Monthly Report – June 2008


Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Lanka

Students displaying the produce from their newly established gardens in their school. SAH/Solidar School Gardens Project is being implemented in 6 schools in Pottuvil, Ampara districts.

Monthly Progress Report- June 2008

Page 2: Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Monthly...Mallavi hospital doctors and staff who are trying to move to Koddaikaddiyakulam in Mullaitivu

Monthly Report – June 2008


Project Activities – IIDPP Northern


Update – Mushroom Cultivation Punnaineeravi, Piramanthanaru and Mailvaganapuram- Kandawalai AGA Division, Kilinochchi district • The myceliums have been transferred from incubation room to cropping room • Mushrooms have been harvested by the beneficiaries and used for their meal

which contains 2.5% protein, 0.3% fat, 20 mg calcium, 2mg iron, and essential vitamins.

• Mr.N.Vethanayahan, District Secretary and Government Agent was visited to the project side and encourage the beneficiaries

• The project was closely monitored by the relevant field officer and Miss. Kerma, Agriculture instructor from department of agriculture.

Action Plan • The beneficiaries will receive the other pocket of spawn for further mushroom

cultivation • The project is in progress, monitoring will continue.

Other Issues • Security situation in Vanni region has reduced activities Update- NFRI Distribution Kaneshapuram, Vellankulam GS Division, Manthai West, Mannar district • Waiting for the request from relevant GS and UNHCR Other Issues • Security situation and weather condition in Vanni region has reduced activities

Update – Photography/Media Training • The Tamil Media Science College (TMSC) has been given training on the

following subjects:

o Introduction to photography o Character of the photographers o Usage of photos in Media o Type of cameras (a) single lens reflex (b) twin lens reflex o How to use the camera o Others (aperture, shutter speed, focusing, films, film speed)

• The training was conducted for twenty beneficiaries including six females from

Kilinochchi district • The identity card photos for Solidar staff in Kilinochchi was taken by the

instructor Action Plan

• The project in progress and being closely monitored by field staff After the training programme is over, the beneficiaries will be found jobs by TMSC


Update - Shelter Kilinochchi District • Construction of 100 shelters in ongoing in Kilinochchi with WWDF (Working

Women’s Development Forum) and SDC(Social Development Centre) to complete 50 each in Paranthan, Thirunagar, Kumarapuram, Ananthapuram, Korakkankaddu, Ganeshapuram, Jeyanthynagar, Kilinochchi town, Umayalpuram, Skanthapuram and Murukandy. During July:

WWDF has completed 12 shelters. SDC has completed 10. WWDF has finished 23 beneficiaries component.

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Monthly Report – June 2008


• 150 roof re-thatching is ongoing in Kandawalai AGA Division with SDC, KNDO and WWDF. During July:

SDC has completed 37 re-roof thatching, KNDO has completed 34 re-roof thatching, WWDF has completed 23 re-roof thatching.

• Construction of A- Frame Shelter in Mullaitivu District Materials for 100 A-Frame Shelter has been procured.

Action Plan • Plans underway to construct 265 shelters with implementing partners WWDF

and SDC in Mullaitivu District • !75 roof re-thatching with KNDO, SDC and WWDF in Kandawalai AGA

Division at Koorakkankaddu, Punnaineeravi and Murasumoodai • Plans made to also construct 200 A-Frame emergency shelters in Mullaitivu

District Update – Latrines • Approval has been granted for Cement Free Latrines • Procurement of materials is ongoing for 120 latrines Action Plan • Plans made to construct 13 latrines each in Akkarayan and Jeyapuram • A further 67 latrines to be constructed in Mullaitivu District • 27 latrines for open places Update – Channel for Reservoir Augmentation Kariyalainagapaduvan • All documentation and agreements for project implantation have been

completed Action Plan • Project to start in early July


Update Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts • Generator maintenance is ongoing at the hospitals in Mankulam,

Mullaitivu,Vaddakatchi, Kandavalai, Akkarayan, Uruthrapuram and Gandinilayam.

• Solidar has provided following materials for the maintenance of generators in the above mentioned hospitals; Lubricating oil, filters and Radiator coolant.

• Solidar expanded its generator maintenance support to RDHS of Mullaitivu, RDHS of Kilinochchi, TR TEC, OB TEC, HDC (Health Development Council), and ZOA office.

• Electrical supply system and solar system maintenance were done in Uruthirapuram and Mankulam hospitals.

• Due to the mass displacement of people from Nedunkerni to Oddusuddan and Manthai East in Mullaitivu district, three 5 KVA were given to Mullaitivu and Mallavi hospitals generators for emergency purposes.

Action Plan • Materials have been secured and the team is mobilized for electrical

assistance to the contingency sites. • A request was made for electrical supply by RDHS of Mullaitivu on behalf of

Mallavi hospital doctors and staff who are trying to move to Koddaikaddiyakulam in Mullaitivu district where the families recently displaced from Manthai East have settled themselves.

• Planning is under way to do the external wiring to Puthukudiyiruppu Divisional hospital where the IDPs in Oddusuddan, Mullaitivu district come for treatments

• Plans are in place to carry out solar system repairs in Uruthrapuram hospital. • Generator room repairs have been planned for Mullaitivu general hospital,

Tharmapuram hospital, Uruthrapuram hospital, and TR TEC.

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Monthly Report – June 2008


• A plumber has been recruited for the technical team. He will start plumbing maintenance work in hospitals from July.


Update Programme Management International Staff: • Two expatriate Field Coordinators obtained their visas toward the end of this

reporting period and plan to arrive beginning of July. Chloe Sueur will overlook matters for Vavuniya, Mannar, Killinochchi, Mullaitivu and Anuradhapura Districts and will be based in Vavuniya. Jessica Wolfendale will handle matters for Batticaloa and Ampara Districts while being based in Batticaloa.

• A suitable candidate has been identified for the Project Manager position. Education Projects by Solidarité Laïque in Trincomalee • QIPs external donor Solidarité Laïque transferred 50% of funds for the

implementation of seven projects approved and to be implemented in the Trincomalee District.

• A MoU for the Solidarité Laïque funded project to be implemented by People in Need (PIN) in Trincomalee was signed on the 27th of June 2008. Project activities that support three pre-schools plan to be complete by the 31st of October 2008.

Field Staff Visits to Colombo • Field staff from Vavuniya, Jaffna, Trincomalee and Batticaloa visited Colombo

in order to present their project proposals at the 9th Approval Board Meeting held on the 27th of June 2008.

Project Implementation • 30 QIPs were approved by UNHCR in Round 8. All projects are in progress or

were completed by the end of June. 10 projects are complete and 13 require extensions, the remaining 7 are expected to be complete as scheduled.

• The Agreement to commence project activities for KLN259 “Water Supply to the Maternity and Medical Wards of Akkarayankulam Divisional Hospital” was re-signed on the 24th of June 2008 with the new completion date being 23rd September 2008; procurement work is ongoing.

• The budget for PUT23 “Improving the Capacity of the Divisional Registry of Mundel” was reviewed and agreement reached in the last week of June. The Agreement will be signed in the first week of July.

• TRI 115 “Provision of Bicycles to Returnee School Children” progressed. The bicycles were purchased in Colombo and will be transported to Trincomalee shortly.

Development of New Projects • 11 new projects were approved at the 9th Approval Board Meeting as follows:

Jaffna; 2, Vavuniya; 2, Mannar; 2, Puttalam; 1, Trincomalee; 1, Batticaloa; 2 and Killinochchi; 1. In this Round no projects were approved in Ampara District. The reason for approving such a low number of projects in comparison to other Rounds is the limited fund of LKR11 million allocated/available for QIPs.

Budget Review • The revised budgets have been submitted to UNHCR for review. Submission of Reports to Donors • War on Want has requested the proposals that QIPs has suggested to direct

remaining funds towards.

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Monthly Report – June 2008


• Progetto Sviluppo completion reports are ready. A request to utilize remaining funds for another three projects is being prepared.

Action Plan • Complete the visa application for the new Project Manager • Ensure Round 8 projects requiring extensions are completed on time • Initiate Round 9 approved projects • Initiate Solidarite Laique approved projects • Follow-up on SDC pending funds


Update • Solidar SCC Field Coordinators continue work on identification and follow up

on issues arising in the North, as well as improving communication and information exchange within and between districts.

• A number of shelter meetings were facilitated in Kilinochchi. The main focus was on selection and preparation of open sites to address recent displacements in Manthai West, which put additional burden on already overstretched availability of adequate land and resources in that area.

• During the reporting period, the IDP steering committee, currently consisting of UNHCR, UNOPS, SCC Solidar and ZOA and representing agencies that assist IDPs in the Vanni, has been regularly involved in discussions/ negotiations with the local authorities (GA and PDS) to deal in a coordinated manner with the continuance of displacements in Manthai West as well as any future displacements that are likely to occur in the Vanni.

• A TWG (Technical Working Group) on site planning in the Vanni was formed and is meeting on a weekly basis. The TWG produced a number of recommendations that agencies should take into account when they are planning their joint interventions in the contingency sites. This represents a forum to agree on who would be doing what in the selected sites, as well as opportunity for agencies to learn about the latest updates on negotiations with the authorities on the contingency sites’ issues. The SCC Solidar Kilinochchi co-chairs these meetings.

• Efforts to encourage joint interagency request for shelter and WASH materials to CGES and for its consolidation also continue.

• The contingency planning exercise continues in Kilinochchi district, with assessment of additional open sites, as well as 47 communal buildings.

• A TWG was facilitated in Mannar to discuss shelter issues of IDPs from Musali, both in case of return and of prolonged stay. Uniform approach to repair/upgrade of shelters was agreed, as well as division of responsibilities in cases where agencies that initially provided shelters do not have the capacity for repair/upgrade.

• District level policy on decommissioning of shelters was also discussed, but is still to be finalised in coordination with the local authorities. Coordination of shelter assistance to the IDPs in host families on Mannar Island was streamlined.

• Handover of shelter coordination in Vavuniya from Solidar to IOM was put on hold, pending restructuring due to departure of both Solidar and IOM Coordinators during June 08.

• Cumbersome procedures on the checkpoints, as well as ad hock practices are slowing down project implementation as well as mobility and access, which influence aid delivery as well as coordination throughout the North.


Update • HIP Presentations have taken place in 23 total schools in Vavuniya and

Mannar Districts. 18 Schools in Mannar and 5 schools in Vavuniya. • Two presentations took place in Sithamparapuram welfare centre. • Up to date, 9,157 total beneficiaries have been reached, 4,958 beneficiaries

were reached in the month of June. • Mannar School presentations have been delayed pending authorization from

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Monthly Report – June 2008


the OIC Thalladi Brigadier to transport HIP multimedia project equipment (including a generator) into Mannar, however presentations were able to commence Mid-June.

• Assessments were conducted in 16 additional schools in Vavuniya and Mannar prior to presentations, including the 13 additional schools previously listed by Mannar ZED.

• 22 Hygiene Kits were distributed to 12 schools in Vavuniya District during “After-School Sessions” with student health club members/student mobilizers from each school already receiving HIP presentations. 12 After-schools sessions have taken place in Vavuniya District.

• HIP Staff attended WASH Sector Coordination meetings and WATSAN, Health and Nutrition Coordination Meetings for Mannar and Vavuniya in May to coordinate hygiene information with other agencies and NGOs involved in WASH activities.

• Project activities have been delayed by the robbery that took place 31st May 2008 at the Solidar-Vavuniya Field office. The majority of HIP project equipment was stolen and items have since been replaced so that activities could proceed without too much delay. Action Plan

• HIP Presentations will continue throughout the project implementation period. Presentations can continue in Mannar district as long as authorization is given by Mannar military officials on a monthly basis.

• Session 2 HIP presentations can take place in all sites that have already received Session 1 HIP presentations in both Vavuniya and Mannar Districts, starting 14th July 2008.

• Facilitators will continually monitor beneficiary attendance, participation, and behaviours.

• Facilitators will continue to conduct after-school hygiene promotion sessions with the previously selected student mobilizers and health club members. Distribution of hygiene kit items will take place at this venue.

• Project Manager will coordinate with Mannar and Vavuniya RDHS to set up hygiene promotion volunteer training to be held with selected community mobilizers from the welfare centres receiving HIP.

• Project Manager will continue to liaise with relevant local authorities and monitor project implementation.


Update (May) Income Generation • Organic tea: The organic tea production at Baddegama during the month is

Black Tea 14.3 kg with a cost of production of Rs.1428 per kg and Green tea 1.350 kg with a cost of production of Rs.3037 per kg.

• Mushroom Production: The total production during the month was 745 kg. • Pot production: 110 Medium size pots were manufactured during the month,

which brings the total production to 4345 out of which 3390 were so far distributed to farmers.

Training and Capacity Building • The trained Extension Officers continued to conduct refreshing training courses

for Mushroom Cultivation, Seed Production and Integrated Pest Control. Moreover, one Food Processing training workshop was conducted for Farmers and Extension Officers.

Monitoring of Nurseries • During this period, the 7 nurseries have produced 26729 plants, distributed 718

utility plants in addition to 2373 seedlings of vegetables. The total stock

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Monthly Report – June 2008


balance of all nurseries on May 24th was 153791 plants.5700 kg of Compost were produced at six nurseries.

• The Akuralla nursery which was relocated from Godagama has been mainly involved in repotting plants during the month

CBO Capacity Building/Nursery Sustainability • Each CBO with its respective nursery has engaged in the process of writing

their business plan since last month. • RRI has received a first draft from all of them which is a collection of a lot of

valuable information on their vision and their future plan, but lacks some depths in the financial analysis in the identification of the market.

• Therefore it has been decided to organize a 4-session workshop to conduct the nurseries through the entire process of writing a thorough business plan.

• The CBO meeting happening this month will focus on the nomination of the Nursery managers, the CBO umbrella.

Distribution to Beneficiaries • 718 utility plans • 19 flowering plants • 2373 vegetable seedlings • 88 Seed kits • Total of utility plants established so far following RRI distribution: 16’905 plants Progress Made by Beneficiaries • 274 farmers produced • 102 farmers sold 346 kg vegetables worth of Rs.20’506 • 1’446 kg of compost was produced at 185 Home Gardens. This is twice as

much as what is normally produced Action Plan • Set up the CBO coordination board • Train and support all the nurseries in the finalization of their business plan and

to have all 6 CCRP nurseries business plans finished and polished by June 30th.

• Set up the management structure of Akuralla nursery/sales point • Distribution of took kit and plants for floriculture


Update • Original quantity of 435 houses were increased by 40 and the project progress

update for the total 475 houses is shown below DETAILS OF HOUSING UNITS • Stage 1A – 435 units – With Implementing Partner UNHABITAT • Stage 1 B - 40 units - With implementing Partner UNHABITAT

Distribution: Location Units Per Location Total Ninthavur 123 + 6 129 Addalaichchenai 33 + 7 40 Thirukkovil 85 + 6 91 Pottuvil 194 + 21 215 Total 475 units

• Stage 2 – 150 units – Directly Implemented by NPA • Selection and screening of beneficiaries in progress

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Monthly Report – June 2008


• Total housing units - 625





WORK 50 To 74








0 4 12 24


0 5 35 89


0 6 52 33


1 13 105 96

• Top Up Grant Disbursement is given below













Rs. 60,000/= NUMBER OF



40 40 33 30


129 129 123 117


91 91 85 76


215 215 205 175

WATSAN Grant Payment • For the construction of toilets Rs. 50,000/= payment is allowed in the

UNHABITAT estimates. • However, it was decided at a Managerial Meeting that the grant could be given

to those who got their Building Construction Plan approved by Local Authorities.

• It has to be noted that such a requirement was overlooked by the Divisional Secretaries, Pradeshiya Sabhas and the Beneficiaries when the Governmrnt Grants were disbursed.

Livelihood Support • UNHABITAT selected certain beneficiaries on poverty criteria and were given

Goats, Cattle, Seed Onions, and Fruit Juice Production, and Yogurt Production Facilities.

• Some of these Programs were Funded by ILO ,UNDP, and IOM agencies while NPA’s funds were utilised for the remaining activities. (It has to be mentioned that only $50 was the UNHABITAT estimate per Beneficiary and it’s an insufficient amount to carry out proper Livelihood Program for all eligible beneficiaries)

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Monthly Report – June 2008


Infrastructure Work • UNHABITAT delayed the preparation of estimates for the Infrastructure works

decided on Priority by the respective Community Development Councils (CDCs).

• Two foundation laying ceremonies were held on the 25th June 2008, where Norwegian Embassy Officials took part , along with Deputy Program Manager Ms.Bethany Ericson.

Discussions with Norwegian Embassy Officials • The Country Representative and the Deputy Program Manager had

discussions with the Norwegian Embassy Program Consultants earlier in the first week of June.

• The Consultants agreed for the extension of UNHABITAT works till September and also agreed to increase the total Housing by further 150 to make a final total of 625 Units of Tsunami Top Up grant (Co-finance) , Owner Driven Housing.

Additional Livelihood Programs through Solidar Partner SAH • $100,000 has been set apart for additional Livelihood Support to 100 families

out of the 325 Families Receiving NPA Top Up Grant assistance, Living in Pottuvil, Thirukkovil DS divisions receiving Housing Assistance ,on a Priority basis by the Project to be implemented by SAH.

Additional Infrastructure Work • $70,000 will be utilized to cover additional Infrastructure Works in benefit of

selected Tsunami affected families through suitable projects to be implemented by the QiPs Program.

Additional Staff Recruitment for Ampara Development Work • As the new 150 Houses will be directly implemented by NPA construction

Team additional staff will be recruited in the near future to cope up with the work load.

• One Finance Assistant, an Administration Officer, one Technical Officer and a replacement Driver are to be recruited for the Ampara Development Works.

Transfer of Former Project Manager to Kilinochchi Shelter Coordination Cell • Mr. Alexandre Ventura had to leave the project to take over the Coordinator

Position for SCC Kilinochchi . The NPA Staff of Ampara wish him all the best. Action Plan • UNHABITAT has the ideological concept of Community Development Councils

and their half hearted efforts in trying to improve the capacity & performance have not yielded any tangible results.

• As a result, there had been delays in Housing Construction , Toilets construction, and commencing all Infra Structure works. Many of the CDCs may not function once the grants are disbursed.

• However, in order to complete all housing & infra Structure related construction activities, the Technical Team has to spend more time on the continuation of work pertinent to 475 Housing Units and to concentrate on the selection of beneficiaries for the new 150 Housing activities.

• Toilets grants are to be disbursed in two installments and that too when local Authorities grant the Building Permits- that is long over delayed.

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Monthly Report – June 2008



Update - 6 School gardens Objective: • Develop a sustainable supply of green vegetable to improve the school feeding

program and provide a balance and nutritionally rich diet to school children • Provide an organic farming model for education in agricultural and resource

management. Increase the awareness of school children, teachers and parents on organic farming, new agricultural technologies, balanced nutrition and natural resource management. Activities

• A training programme was conducted in conjunction with Rainforest Rescue International at the Bandarawela Training Centre. The object was to provide the teachers to identify current problems and solutions to improving the sustainability of the school gardens project.

• 21 main problems identified. The use tools and games for solutions of problems were techniques used and the outcome was an activity plan for each school. A visit to an up country vegetable cultivation area was also included.

Period Title Trainer Participant Objective

From 12th-14th June.

Problem Solving and Post harvest Technology

Rainforest Rescue International (RRI)

Two participant from each school

• Problem Identification • Problem solving • Identify barrier for solution • Study about post harvest technology • Prepare management plan

Cultivation Process and Nursery Preparation • First season harvest for schools is finished and all six schools have now begun

preparation and planting for the second growing season. First Half Year Harvest Information






Brinjal 444 23 37.5 18 6.5 Okra 223 33.45 22.5 7 25 Chilli 269 5.98 8 1.4 0.45 Tomato 190 16.25 40.75 12.5 0 Mae 196 - 7.75 0 0.75 Rabu 232 12 28 5.5 25

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Monthly Report – June 2008


School Garden Management Plan Development • Efforts to allow the schools to attain the capacity to manage the gardens after

the completion of SAH involvement in the project RRI have been in discussion to deliver a series of workshops to the Agricultural Groups that have been formed in each school.

Division/Name of School

Number of Students

Number of Active (garden) students

Grades of Students participating in garden

Number of Agricultural Clubs

POTTUVIL METHODIST 399 100 Grade 7-11 7 CENTRAL 1351 30 Grade 6-11 7 AL AQSHA 429 25 Grade 8-11 6 KOMARI 533 50 Grade 9-13 6 LAHUGALA HULANNUGE 254 100 Grade 7-11 5 PARANA GOVIPOLA

121 40 Grade 4- 9 6

TOTAL 3087 345 37

• The aim is to engage Agricultural groups in the formation of the management

plan to ensure that items such as tools maintenance and financial sustainability can be understood by the responsible groups.

Income Generation Activities Objective • Enable beneficiaries to resume pre-Tsunami or enhance current IG activities or

to start new income earning activities.

Update • Work began in two new communities – Alam Kulam (50 Beneficiaries) located

in Addelachchenai D.S. and Kudinilam (75 Beneficiaries) in Thirukkovil D.S. • All monitoring and grants for original beneficiaries in Mandanai (37) and

Sengamam (114) are complete with work in these communities to be finalised by the Impact Monitoring phase.

Cash Grants Up to June 2008

No of

grants applied for

Grants approved

Total amount approved

Total amount disbursed Villages

Sengamam Rotary Housing Scheme 30 30 1,050,000 1,050,000 Mandane CTC Housing Scheme 44 44 1,520,600 1,485,600 Sengmam war affected group 1 26 26 910,000 910,000

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Monthly Report – June 2008


Sengmam war affected group 2 25 25 875,000 875,000 Sengmam war affected group 3 37 37 1,363,800 1,261,800 Ashraff Nagar tsunami 12 12 450,000 390,000 Ashraff Nagar War affected group 2 27 27 945,000 797,000 Ashraff Nagar War affected group 3 26 26 910,000 484,000

TOTAL 227 227 8,024,400 7,253,400 • Activities have focused upon the Northern area of Ampara District in two main

communities of Ashraff Nagar and Alam Kulam. Processing applications and delivery of training for business identification has increased in line with addition of extra field officers.


• In combination with the Thirukkovil Vet a goat beneficiaries meeting identified the groups and responsible beneficiaries for the extension program, recommendation of goat purchase underway.

SENGAMAM • Monitoring of all beneficiary payments has been completed. • Beneficiaries for the Goat extension program have been identified with

processing of data underway, sheds to house the male goats are about to commence construction.


• All four groups of the Ashraff Nagar community have been identified and Resource Poor Module business planning workshop programs have begun. SAH field officers in Alam Kulam have identified 50 beneficiaries and RPM training has begun.

RPM Workshops – Ashraff Nagar

Group 4 26– Participants 30th to 4th July

Ashraff Nagar Batch 2- Business Ideas

Business Ideas Cattle Farming 11 Goats Farming 06 Poultry Farming 01 Carpentry 02 Saloon Shop 01 Booty Shop 01 Chena Cultivation 02

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Monthly Report – June 2008


Brick Making 02 TOTAL 26

Alan Kulam • RPM workshop conducted on 16th to 19th of June and 25 beneficiaries

participated the workshop.

• Research meeting conducted and village profile on process.


• Kudinilam is a new area close to Mandani village. Research meeting completed and first selection for training times and location finalised. First RPM training is underway and business identification will commence in early July.

Group 1 25 – Participants 30th to 4th July

Group 1 25– Participants 16th to 19th

Action Plan School gardens • Common meeting in each school. • Monthly meeting for SDS, Parents and Agriculture club. • Arrangement for workshop. • Monitoring and Evaluation of all activities. • Prepare activity plan by agriculture club. • Motivation and awareness for students about project success. Income Generation Mandanai • Complete the male goat programme Sengamam • Provide funds for male goat sheds • Conduct the re fresher training for all batches at Sengamam

Ashraff Nagar • Disbursement of second cash grants to beneficiaries. • Cash grant filling and approval process for batch 04 Ashraff Nagar. • RPM training for batch 04. • Vet training for batch 01 and 02 for cattle farming.

Alan Kulam • RPM Training for second batch at Alam Kulam • First installment for Batch 01 beneficiaries


Update Project Implementation 1.Local Initiatives 1.1Education: School Kitchen, Gomarankadawala Division – funded by Solidarité Laïque • First fund transfer by Solidarité Laïque received • First fund transfer to implementing partners (School Development Societies – SDS)

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Monthly Report – June 2008


completed• Construction in all schools ongoing • 3 Introductory Finance Training incl. book keeping, procurement, financial reporting

with SDS completed (one each) Status of construction works:

No Division GN Division CBO

Local Initiative - Title / Activity Status

1 Gomarankadawala Medawachchiya

School Development Society, Madawachchiya

School Kitchen / construction of permanent school kitchen

Foundation complete

2 Gomarankadawala Kivulakadawela

School Development Society, Kivulakadawela

School Kitchen / construction of permanent school kitchen

Foundation works ongoing

3 Gomarankadawala Gomarankadawala

School Development Society, Gomarankadawala

School Kitchen / construction of permanent school kitchen

Foundation works close to finish

1.2. Livelihoods: Gomarankadawala • All lists of participants in the Local Initiatives are cross checked and approved by

ASB team • Government land for Kumbukwewa project selected and received • Accounts opened by all CBOs for the Local Initiatives • Arranged technical training programme (integrated into the Local Initiatives) with the

Agriculture Inspector of the DS Division • Start fencing and land preparation for agricultural activities

Challenges • Motivation by some partners for activities beyond the project activities of the Local

Initiatives is limited due to other work obligations

Solutions • “Helper” or Assistant to be employed for the administration and management of the

Local Initiatives by the partners; or higher presence of ASB field assistants/officers in the village to facilitate easier meetings outside of working hours of partners


• Arranged technical training programme (integrated into the Local Initiatives) with the Agriculture Inspector of the DS Division

• List of participants for southern villages (4) finalised, cross checked and approved • List of participants for northern villages (3) pending • Accounts for Local Initiatives opened by all partners (7) • Budget Transfer Requests received by all southern villages • Delivered 1st technical training (agriculture) by the Agriculture Inspector of the

Divisional Secretariat for southern village

Challenges • Dispute within one CBO partner (northern villages) and involvement of political party

in selection of participants of Local Initiative • Incident in southern villages

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Monthly Report – June 2008


Solutions • Listening to all parties and presenting clear selection criteria for participants of Local

Initiatives according to which lists can be accepted, discussion with the local authorities, CBO decided to re-structure and hand over a revised list of participants according to the selection criteria

• Travel to the area was postponed

2.Organisational Development / Capacity Building: 2.1.Team • English level test by 9 employees to check ability to follow English spoken trainings 2.2 CBO Training: • Quick needs assessment for 12 out of 15 CBO partners

No Division GN Division / Village

CBO Local Initiative - Title / Activity


1 Kuchchaveli Adampodai Adampodai Rural Development Society

Eradicating poverty by increasing income through cattle rearing / Cattle rearing


2 Kuchchaveli Kattukulam Kattukulam Women R.D.S

NN / Cow rearing Ongoing

3 Kuchchaveli Konesapuri Konesapuri Rural Development Society

Uplifting life standard - Reducing poverty by increasing income / Cattle rearing


4 Kuchchaveli Kumburupitty South

Agriculture Society Kumburupitty South

Increasing income by encouraging development / vegetable cultivation

Adjusted, ongoing

5 Kuchchaveli Senthoor Senthoor Women Rural Development Society

NN / Cow rearing Ongoing

6 Kuchchaveli Thiriyai Thiriyai Women Rural Development Society

Eradicating Poverty - Uplifting individual economy / Increasing individual income by encouraging cattle rearing

Revised proposal received

7 Kuchchaveli Valaiyoothu Valaiyoothu Rural Development Society (South)

Eradicating poverty and increasing income / Cattle rearing


8 Kuchchaveli Veloor Veloor “Ambal” Agriculture Society

Uplifting the life standard of the community by increasing their earnings, through utilization of their experience / vegetable cultivation

Adjusted, ongoing

9 Gomarankadawala

Backmeegama Backmeegama Farmer Organization

To promote the income generation activities of poor families / Home Gardening (Chili / Vegetable farming)

Approved, ongoing

10 Gomarankadawala

Pamburugaswewa, Mahasorowwewa, Pamburugaswewa

Rural Development Society, Pamburugaswewa

To improve the agricultural practices / Papaya Plantation


11 Gomarankadawala

Kootikulama, Adampane

Samurdhi Society Uplift the income of poorest people in the village / Home Gardening (Vegetable Farming)


12 Gomarankadawala

Kumbukwewa, Pamburugaswewa

“ARUNODAYA” Farmer’s Society

“SWA SHAKTHI” - Boycott the Poverty (Integrated Farming)


13 Gomarankadawala

Pulikandikulama Farmer’s Organisation-Pulikandikulama

To have a significant income & knowledge on cultivations / Banana Plantation


Page 16: Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Monthly...Mallavi hospital doctors and staff who are trying to move to Koddaikaddiyakulam in Mullaitivu

Monthly Report – June 2008


• Overview of training methodology and plan 3.Associates/Field Assistants 3.1 Associate - Kuchchaveli • Fund transfers (monthly instalment ) initiated • Fully cooperating with ASB team 3.2 Assistants - Gomarankadawala • 2 Field Assistants acquiring driving license • Currently using own / friends bikes to visit project locations in case no ASB vehicle

is at site

Security • Good access to project areas Gomarankadawala • Increased tensions in Kuchchaveli Divisions affecting project implementation • Stopped or limited movements to project areas in Kuchchaveli • Limitations of movements during sessions of Provincial Council, roads and areas

around closed, increased security personnel and provisions around locations of offices and living space of provincial council members

Impact on project implementation: • None significant in Gomarankadawala • In Kuchchaveli, delays in meetings and project activities Action Plan Local Initiatives • Finish second phase of construction of school kitchens (Education) • Complete technical trainings, land preparation, sawing in Gomarankadawala • Complete technical trainings, land preparations, start construction of animal sheds

in Kuchchaveli • Revise Thiriyai proposal Organisational Development / Capacity Building: • Finalise assessment of additional 3 CBO partners • Integrate CBOs into the planning of training details • Hand over ownership of the training programme to ASB field teams and CBOs • Coordinate and net work the planned Capacity Building Modules with the existing

activities regarding capacity building in the project areas • Finalise training providers (external) • Prepare for training start in August 08


Update Logistics

• NFRIs: Are currently being purchased and first deliveries to Vavuniya are

expected in the second week of July. A quantity of NFRIs, lorry and 2 staff members still remain in police custody.

• Anuradhapura: NPA Mine Action have now moved all their stocks, vehicles and assets from Vavuniya and are currently stored in Anuradhapura. Space still exists for some quantities of relief materials/vehicles.

• Fuel: The monthly fuel request for June was successful and saw a small increase of 250 litres over the May quota. We will continue to lobby for regular, realistic fuel quotas.

Vehicle transport, maintenance • JCB Activities – No activities in June but will be invaluable in July during stores

Page 17: Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Monthly...Mallavi hospital doctors and staff who are trying to move to Koddaikaddiyakulam in Mullaitivu

Monthly Report – June 2008


movement to new location • Transport – A Toyota Prado, after extensive engine repairs, is now back

supporting the northern project. One further rental vehicle has been sourced and sent as field support in Vavuniya.

• Crossings of vehicles and staff at Medawachchia police checkpoint are ongoing with no major incidents to date.

Holding Compounds and Warehouses • Paranthan stores is still operational for NFRIs, construction materials and

electrical supplies. Vavuniya Logistics/Operations Base • Following the incident which occurred at the logistics base at the start of the

month it was deemed necessary to relocate all our stores to a location in town. After discussion with WFP Vavuniya, a very large, easily accessible storage shed has been made available in the WFP logistics compound on the Mannar Road, Vavuniya. All stores and stocks will be transported there during the first week of July

• In the meantime, Vavuniya police continue to provide an armed guard at our existing logistics base during the hours of darkness.

• The Vavuniya hub will continue to utilise existing staff and give cooperative assistance as required to all agencies.

Action Plan • Complete the move of office and stores to new location in or near Vavuniya

town • Replace stolen items at the earliest possible time. • Transport all NFRIs to Vavuniya for onward shipment to Kilinochchi • Continue to supply and assist Partner agencies with manpower, vehicle,

administrative and vehicle support for all on-going projects

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Monthly Report – June 2008



Broomstick production was one of the livelihood activities supported by Solidar with funding from Progetto Sviluppo

A proud beneficiary standing besides broomstick stacks produced by him

The Tamil Media Science Colleg(TMSC)e conducted photography training for 20 unemployed youth, including 6 women

TMSC aims to find suitable jobs for all 20 trainees

Solidar Consortium held a forum meeting on 7th and 8th July in Pottuvil, Ampara district

The local staff played an influential role in shaping some of the discussions

Page 19: Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Monthly...Mallavi hospital doctors and staff who are trying to move to Koddaikaddiyakulam in Mullaitivu

Monthly Report – June 2008


One of the break-out sessions was on the Solidar Strategy Document

QiPs staff engaging in a work group discussion

Non Food Relief Items being loaded into the lorry to be transported from Colombo to Solidar stores in Vavuniya

Solidar office garage was transformed into a temporary storage facility to accommodate the new stocks of NFRIs

Matthew Todd, ASB Country Director lighting the oil lamp to mark the opening of their new Colombo office

Some of the Solidar staff gathered for the occasion enjoying refreshments served after the opening

Page 20: Solidar INGO Consortium Sri Monthly...Mallavi hospital doctors and staff who are trying to move to Koddaikaddiyakulam in Mullaitivu

Monthly Report – June 2008