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Solid Waste Management Challengies for Cities in Developing Countries

Feb 09, 2017



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Solid waste management challenges for cities in developing countries

Solid Waste Management Challenges for Cities in Developing Countries Presented


Shuaibu Musa Gezawa

AtCyprus International University

March 2013

Contents IntroductionDefinition of terminology Classification TypesEffect of solid waste if not managed properlyProjections on waste generation in IndiaGeneration of Municipal solid wasteChallenges for Managing waste in developing citiesWaste MinimizationRecommendations What can you do? Reducing wasteConclusion

Introduction The volume and types of solid and hazardous waste increase all over the world due to rapid economic growth, urbanization and industrialization.Managing solid wastes in society has been a challenge for as long as people have gathered together in sufficient number to impose a stress on local resources. mproper management of solid waste is one of the main causes of environmental pollution and degradation in many cities, low collection coverage, inadequate transport service, and lack of suitable treatment, recycling and disposal equipments are factors responsible for unsatisfactory waste management, leading to water, land and air pollution and for putting people and the environment at risk.

Waste It is a matter for which a specific owner ceases to have use for it. It is also any unwanted or discarded matter.Any material which is not needed by the owner, producer or processorIt can be in a solid, liquid or in a gaseous forms.A product, materials or container is not considered waste until some one throws it away.

Solid wasteIt is non liquid waste arising from domestics, trade, industrial, agricultural, mining, construction activities and from public services.

Solid waste management Is defined as it include all the activities that seek to minimize the health, environmental and aesthetics impacts of solid waste.

The orderly execution of functional elements such as collecting, transporting, processing and disposing of solid waste.

contIncreasing population levels, booming economy, rapid urbanization and the rise in community living standards, have greatly accelerated solid waste generation rate in developing cities

Classification Solid waste can be classified into different types depending on their source:Household waste or municipal waste: includes food, paper, cardboard, plastic, textiles, leather, glass, metal, electronics waste etc.Industrial waste: includes toxic chemicals, debris from construction site, packaging waste, etc.Biomedical waste or hospital waste: medicine bottles, expired medicines, syringes, medical instruments such as scissors, blades etc.

Types of wasteAgricultural wastes

Household wastes

Hospital waste

Industrial wastes

Effects of waste if not managed properly

Infection to domestics animals as well as waste pickers and workersInsects, flies and mosquitoAffects our socio-economic conditionsAffects our coastal and marine environment Water and land pollutionDisruption of aesthetic value

Domestics animal may be infected

Rags pickers may be infectedRag pickers refers to people who collect rag or recyclable materials that can be sold for making money.The rag pickers are not using glove and other safety tools for use and they have a health problem attached to them,They are more vulnerable to diseases like diarrhea, respiratory diseases and frequent fever.

waste pickers may be infected


Burning of waste cause air pollutionFire set at disposal sites can cause major air pollution, causing illness and reducing visibility.Air pollution can lead to formation of acidic rain which is dangerous to crops life since it fasten the removal of soil fertility from the surface of the ground.Destruction of ozone layer and may cause disease such as cancer.Global warming.

Burning of waste cause air pollution

Indiscriminate dumping in gutter Most city drain are clogged with garbage, refuse blocking storm drains can cause malaria and other disease when waste are dumped every where they may collect water in them and this may become a breading ground for mosquitoes.

Hazardous and Toxic Wastes in developing citiesThe most dangerous aspect of the waste stream is that it often contains highly toxic and hazardous materials that are injurious to both human health and environmental quality.

Waste near road affecting its aesthetic value

River and Coastal Pollution People dump they waste into the sea and direct dumping of untreated waste into ocean, rivers, likes and sea result in the accumulation of toxic substance in the food chain through the Plants and Animals that feed on it and highly dangerous for aquatic life.

Water and land pollution

Projections on Waste Generation In India

ContinentCountryGDP(US$)YearCitiesWaste generatio rate(kg/capita/dayAfricaEthiopia3442009Addis Ababa0.32Kenya7382009Nakuru0.50South Africa57862009Lange berg0.65AsiaChina37442010Beijin0,80Thailand40432009Bangkok1.10Turkey82152010Amasya1.20Pakistan4951995Lahore0.84Central & South AmericaEcuador17711995Pillaro0.50Costa Rica63862011San jose1.10

Lillian et al 2012

Generation of Municipal Solid Waste

Challenges for Managing Waste in Developing Cities;

Weak regulation/absence of legislationPoor and unscientific waste transportationSocio cultural problem lack of technical skills Insufficient financial resources limiting the safe disposal of waste in well equipped The cities suffer from illegal disposal of waste in rivers,lakes,ocean and drainage channels.Longer distance to waste disposal containerLack or absence of treatment facilities

Lillian et al 2012

contInadequate supply of waste containers and longer distance to these containers increase the probability of waste dumping in open areas and road sidesLack of knowledge of treatment systemsLack of community involvementThe information available is very scanty from the public domainLack of planning for waste management while planning township

Lillian et al 2012

Waste MinimisationPrevention of waste being created is known as waste reduction which is an important method of waste management.

The modern concepts based on the three Rs are: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Hierarchy of waste minimisation

Managing WasteRecycling: Processing of a waste item into usable forms.

Benefits of recycling:Reduce environmental degradationMaking money out of wasteSave energy that would have gone into waste handling & product manufacture

Recommended approaches to waste management

The government should encourage market for recycled materials and increasing professionalism in recycling companies Financial support by recycling projects and infrastructuresInvolvement of the population in active environmental organizations is necessary to have better systemCommunity awareness Effective ways of waste collection services

Article; Lillian 2012

What Can You Do? Reducing Waste

Buy foods that come with less packaging; shop at farmers markets using your own containers. Separate your cans, bottles, papers, and plastics for recycling. Wash and reuse bottles, aluminum foil, plastic bags, and so on for your personal use. Help your country develop responsible systems for disposing of metals electronics and other waste.

Source: Data from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

ConclusionIn conclusion therefore, the main challenges in developing cities are; incompliance of managing and handling rules, negligence of the management body local residents,irrigular waste collection and improper checking of dumping site

Lastly, each person should be work in their level as far as possible and be responsible for managing aesthetic beauty and cleanliness of the city

Thank you

References Lillian, A, G, Ger., M, and William, H. (2012) Solid waste challenges for cities in developing countries, Journal of waste management Vol 33Aliyu B, Nabegu (2008). The Role of Refuse Management and Sanitation Board (REMASAB) in Solid Waste Management in Kano Metropolis. Maiduguri Journal of Art and Social Science Vol 6 number 2Jibril, D.J. Et al (2012) Public awareness on 3rs system, an integrated solid waste management in Kano metropolis. Majumder Shapan and Mohammad Razaul Karim (2012) urban solid waste management: A study on Camilla City Corporation. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development Vol, 3 No 6 Agbu, Y, Abdulrazack, N, Utange, J, Z., (2013) an appraisal of solid waste Generation and management in Jalingo city, Nigeria. Journal of environmental and Earth science. Vol 3, No 9Maigari, A. (2002), Introduction to environmental problems and management