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Soil d Management

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 Soil d Management


    s.praveenkumar final year,Department of Civil Engineering

    VLB Janakiammal College of Engineering and technology,Coimbatore!"# $"%.

    &'L(D )*&+E *-*EE-+


    Solid wastes are all wastes arising from human and animal activities that are

    normally solid in nature and that are discarded as useless or unwanted. It is a

    generic term used to describe the things we through away that include garbage,

    refuse, trash, and others. Contamination of ground water is the major

    environmental risk related to unsanitary land filling of solid waste. Managementof these solid wastes may be defined as that discipline associated with the

    control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing, and

    disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best principles of

    public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and other

    environmental considerations. This project includes a case study on amakkal

    district, !igh "ate #iomethanation of vegetable wastes at Chennai, Composting

    of Solid $astes in Tirupur Town, %umpsite "ehabilitation by Chennai

    Corporation town and &otential "euse of &lastics in "oads.


    $ith the rapid urbanisation, industrialisation, infrastructure developmental

    activities, intensive agriculture and livestock farming, solid waste management is

    faced with new pressures and challenges. '!ow will solid waste be managed() It

    is an important *uestion demanding attention all over the world. &ollutants

    generated from solid wastes have potential adverse effect on the environment. If

    not dealt with properly, they can cause pollution to groundwater, surface water,

    create health problems and affect the environment. Successful solid waste

    management can only be achieved by applying proper techno+scientific

    principles. The fundamental objectives of solid waste management program are to

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    minimie the pollution of the environment as well as utiliing the waste as a

    resource. These goals should be achieved in a way that is financially sustainable.

    Methods of solid waste management vary greatly with types of wastes and local

    conditions. The best systems are designed by fi-ing together the fundamental goals,

    a clear analysis of local conditions and factors, an understanding of the full range of

    technology options that are available and an awareness of the traditional wisdom

    and systems that the local people have developed.

    &'L(D )*&+E0

    Since the beginning, humankind has been

    generating waste, be it the bones and other parts of

    animals they slaughter for their food or the woodthey cut to make their carts. $ith the progress of

    civiliation, the waste generated became of a more

    comple- nature. ot only did the air get more and

    more polluted but the earth itself became more polluted with the generation of

    nonbiodegradable solid waste.

    ach household generates garbage or waste day in and day out. Items

    that we no longer need or do not have any further use for fall in the category of

    waste, and we tend to throw them away. There are different types of solid waste

    depending on their source. Segregation is an important method of handling

    municipal solid waste. /ne of the important methods of managing and treating

    wastes is composting.

    0s the cities are growing in sie and in problems such as the generation of

    plasticwaste, various municipal waste treatment and disposal methodsare now

    being used to try and resolve these problems. /ne common sight in all cities is

    the rag pickerwho plays an important role in the segregationof this waste.

    1arbage generated in households can be recycled and reusedto prevent

    creation of waste at source and reducing amount of waste thrown into the
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    community dustbins. Solid waste can be classified into different types depending

    on their source.

    a2 Municipal solid waste.

    b2 !aardous waste.

    c2 #iomedical waste or hospital waste as infectious waste.

    1-(C(2*L &'L(D )*&+E0

    Municipal solid waste consists of household

    waste, construction and demolition debris, sanitation

    residue, and waste from streets. $ith rising

    urbaniation and change in lifestyle and food habits, the

    amount of municipal solid waste has been increasing

    rapidly and its composition changing. In 3456 cities and

    towns in India generated an estimated 7 million tonnes

    of solid waste8 in 3446 it was about 59 million tonnes.

    3*4*/D'1& )*&+E0

    Industrial and hospital waste is considered haardous as they may contain

    to-ic substances. Certain types of household waste are also haardous.

    !aardous wastes could be highly to-ic to humans, animals, and plants8 are

    corrosive, highly inflammable, or e-plosive8 and react when e-posed to certain

    things e.g. gases.India generates around 6 million tonnes of haardous wastes

    every year, most of which is concentrated in four states: 0ndhra &radesh, #ihar,

    ;ttar &radesh, and Tamil adu.

    3'&2(+*L )*&+E0

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    atmosphere causing skin cancer to human being and other skin

    diseases in animals.

    These effects necessitate the management of solid wastes all over the


    &'L(D )*&+E *-*EE-+0

    &olid 6aste management is the collection, transport, processing,

    recyclingor disposal of wastematerials. $aste management practices differ for

    developedand developing nations, for urbanand rural areas, and for residential

    and industrial, producers. Management for non+haardous residential and

    institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local

    governmentauthorities, while management for non+haardous commercial and

    industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the generator.There are many

    techni*ues in solid waste management.

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    landfill to prevent seepage of rainwater. This can reduce the *uantity of leachate

    generation from landfill. The leachate generated should be collected through a

    pipe network. &roper care should be given to prevent the damage of synthetic

    bottom liner. /nce solid waste is filled over it, it can not be replaced. /nce

    complete filling of trench of landfill, it should be covered by a thick layer of cover

    materials. The cover materials can be combination of different types of soil, or

    composite liner @soil and synthetic materials2. The cover materials should be

    compacted properly to prevent water seeping through and gas escaping from

    landfill. The leachate should be collected and stored in ponds and subse*uently

    treated before discharging into natural water bodies. The treatment can be onsite

    or offsite depending upon various factors. &roper care should be given for the

    management of leachate.

    &olid )aste 2rocessing0$aste processing is used to

    "educe the volume

    "ecover usable materials, or

    alter the physical form of the solid wastes.

    &olid )aste /ecycling0 "ecycling is the best way to solve solid wastemanagement problem. This process e-ists in all cities. !owever, the recycling

    system differs from developing countries and developed countries. %eveloped

    countries have well organied source separation and recycling system. 0lthough

    developing countries have their long tradition of recycling system, it is still in the

    hand of informal sectors. This sector is unorganied.

    &olid )aste anagement +ransfer &tation0Transfer station is the place totransfer the waste from small collection vehicles to large transportation trucks.

    Transfer station is essential if the final disposal site is far from the service area.

    This is also place to separate recyclables and useful materials.&olid )aste anagement +ransportation0Transportation system is anotherpart of solid waste management system which is becoming costly. ;navailability

    of suitable land and IM#A syndrome are some of the reasons for locating final

    disposal site far away from the service areas

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    C*&E &+1D(E&

    #.3(3 /*+E B('E+3*-*+('- '5 VEE+*BLE )*&+E& *+ C3E--*( 7

    The Chennai Metropolitan %evelopment 0uthority @CM%02 and theMinistry of on+conventional nergy Sources @MS2, 1overnment of India,

    have established a high rate biomethanation plant for power generation from

    vegetable wastes at Boyembedu, Chennai at a cost of about "s.? millions.

    &3/EDDE/ B(* D(E&+'/

    ;dunuwara MT goes for composting and 3MT of

    non+biodegradable materials like polythene are dumped. The production of bio+

    fertilier is the main aim of the

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    although the system was established in %ecember >D, under the supervision

    of an eminent MS$ specialist.

    &alient 5eatures of the Digester0

    +ype of digester0 #iogas Induced Mi-ing 0rrangement %igester @#IM02.

    &olid handling capacity0 >+3>E dry solids

    Loading rate0 D+5 kg dry =SFmDFday

    3ydraulic retention time0 >? days

    &pecial features0 The digestion is in two chambers and the mi-ing arrangement

    is well designed to prevent scum formation as the top layer is forced down every

    few hours. This arrangement prevents scum formation at the top of the digester.

    Can remove hydrogen sulfide if the range of 3 ppm in the same digester with

    an additional compressor to send air. The *uantity of air depends on hydrogen

    sulfide levels.

    2rocess Description

    G =egetable waste is loaded on to a moving conveyor using a hydraulic grab.

    G &lastics and other non+biodegradable constituents are manually removed. Iron

    particles are removed using a magnetic separator.G The waste is shredded to obtain particles in the range of 6mm H 3>mm.

    Shredded waste is fed into a feed preparation tank where waterFrecycled water is

    added to prepare feed slurry.

    G $aste is further macerated to reduce the sie of the particles @less than 5mm2.

    G The feed slurry is pumped through a macerator into a high rate anaerobic #IM0


    G The biogas generated is used in biogas engines to generate power.

    G &art of the power produced is used to meet the plant re*uirement @D k$2

    G The e-cess power is sold to Tamil adu lectricity #oard for in+house

    consumption @> k$2.

    G The substrate leaving the digester is mechanically dewatered in a screw press

    and used as fertilier after drying.

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    G The water is taken back to feed preparation tanks.

    %.-**88*L 1-(C(2*L(+9 7 * &E/' */B*E C(+90

    amakkal is the first municipality in India to attain ero garbage

    status through privatiation of all components of Solid $aste Management

    @S$M2. Infact, the Supreme Court of India has applauded

    this town for having complied with Municipal Solid $aste

    Management "ules with no financial input from State or

    Centre. This has been possible due to cooperative efforts

    from the district administration, the municipality, 1/s,

    women self+help groups, schools, residential and industrial associations and rag


    amakkal is known for two major industries, vi., body+building of 7E of

    C1 tankers in the country and poultry farms. The town sprawls over an area of

    3.?5 s*.km with a population of ?,+7,. It comprises of D wards, >>D

    streets and ?D.69 km of roadways. The public health staff in the municipality

    includes D sanitary inspectors, 9 sanitary supervisors and 353 sanitary workers.

    The vehicles used for S$M consist of D mini lorries, > tipper lorries, > mop upvans, 3 sullage tanker, 4 door to door private push carts, D5> door to door

    private containers and 4 municipal sweeping push carts. The waste generation

    rate of the town is 5 gpcd. The municipality handles >3MT of garbage daily.

    1arbage consists of 9 MT organic, 3 MT inorganic and D MT recyclables.


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    +he 2rogram0

    The highlight of the S$M program is the vermi culture unit

    e-tended over an area of 9.?D acres located > Bms outside

    the town. The activities include the following:

    G Segregation and collection: %oor to door collection, no storage depots or

    collection spots. Color coding for collection of segregated waste

    0t Source: two #in systems at each household ST"T

    S$&I1 + #lue bin for dry @inorganic2 waste


    + 1reen bin for wet @organic2 waste

    %oor to door collection: ive #in system

    + 1reen color for organic waste

    + #lue color for inorganic waste

    + /range color for recyclable waste

    + "ed color for haardous waste+ #rown tray for metallic waste

    G =ermi+composting of organic waste:

    &roduction of > MT of vermi+compost from organic waste daily.

    Income generation of "s. .5 million per annum @operated on #./.T


    Sale of recyclables at the rate of "s.?F+ per MT.


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    Two mop+up vans with public address systems "emoval of

    encroachments, stray animals from streets and preventing re+


    G ;p gradation of dumpsite at Bosuvampatti:

    Closure of e-isting dump with passive gas vent

    systems and cover layers. "estriction of dumping to 5E of

    e-isting dumpsite. > E of dump yard developed into a

    garden and for vermi+composting

    . G #an on littering, burning of waste, use of plastics

    :.C'2'&+(- '5 &'L(D )*&+E& (- +(/121/ +')-0

    Tirupur is well known for its hosiery and te-tile industries. The town is

    spread over an area of nearly D s*.km with a population of 5 lakhs. 0round 3

    tons of solid waste is generated in the town per day. Tirupur Municipal

    Corporation @TMC2, in agreement with I=" nviro &vt

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    #/#C;T M01TIC



    2hysical 2rocesses

    Collection and Separation at source

    G Two #in system: 1reen colored for degradable K "ed for

    on degradableG Transport+trucks, mini

  • 8/13/2019 Soil d Management


    p! 9+9.?

    C @mmoleFcm2 5

    Microbial Count D to 5 billion C; F ml

    Biological 2rocesses

    Sie reduction and homogeniation

    G to ? cm using a bobcut

    Mi-ing materials, forming and shaping the $indrows

    G $indrows are 3.? to D m height and D to 7 m wide.

    G %uring autumn the height is increased to >.? m and width to ? m

    G In winter height is further increased to D.?m.Turning $indrows

    G $indrows are turned once in every 3? days during which the ffective Microbes

    @ms + mi-ed culture of 9?Ft.

    The compost produced is sold to the farmers at "s DFt.


    Thus the various case studies have been e-plained briefly. This paper

    makes it very clear that, the solid waste management is very important in order to

    protect our environment. Therefore the solid waste management techni*ues

    should be affordable. It is our duty to protect our mother earth lets do itO....

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