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Appendix H Software systems H.1 Introduction Several software systems were developed by the author to support the work described in this thesis. They are written in C++ and Perl, and run under the Linux/X-Windows environment. The software modules and files used to support intelligent robot control simulation are shown in figure H.1. Briefly, they are: biped.dnd describes the dynamic system that is the robot’s “brain”, in DND (dynamic network description) language (see Appendix J). dnd2exe, a program which compiles DND into C source code, producing the file biped.c (it is part of the Dyson system described in Appendix J). The system compiler gcc compiles biped.c into, a shared library object. biped.cfg describes the mechanical structure of the robot, and also contains some simulation parameters. This file is used by the RoboDyn library. CyberSim perform the actual simulation. cybersim-results.rsdf is a binary data file that contains the state (position and velocity of all the mechanical elements) at each time step. dsdata.rsdf is a binary data file that contains the internal state of the “brain” dynamic system at each time step. CyberView is an interactive rendering program which allows the user to move through a virtual 3D environment and observe the operation of the robot over time. DSVIEW is an interactive application which allows the user to graphically view the dynamic system variables over time. RoboDyn is a library which performs the dynamical mechanical simulation of the robot. FoxN is a library which implements the FOX algorithm. R3D is a library which performs 3D rendering. 193

Software systems · Druid RSDF Toolbox RoboDyn FoxN RSDF R3D RSDF Toolbox X11 Rendering 3dfx/Glide Rendering Datafiles Executables Libraries biped.dnd dnd2exe biped.c biped.cfg

May 24, 2020



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Page 1: Software systems · Druid RSDF Toolbox RoboDyn FoxN RSDF R3D RSDF Toolbox X11 Rendering 3dfx/Glide Rendering Datafiles Executables Libraries biped.dnd dnd2exe biped.c biped.cfg

Appendix H

Software systems

H.1 Introduction

Several software systems were developed by the author to support the work described in this thesis. Theyare written in C++ and Perl, and run under the Linux/X-Windows environment. The software modulesand files used to support intelligent robot control simulation are shown in figureH.1. Briefly, they are:

• biped.dnd describes the dynamic system that is the robot’s “brain”, in DND (dynamic networkdescription) language (see AppendixJ).

• dnd2exe , a program which compiles DND into C source code, producing the filebiped.c (itis part of theDyson system described in AppendixJ).

• The system compilergcc compilesbiped.c into , a shared library object.

• biped.cfg describes the mechanical structure of the robot, and also contains some simulationparameters. This file is used by the RoboDyn library.

• CyberSim perform the actual simulation.

• cybersim-results.rsdf is a binary data file that contains the state (position and velocity ofall the mechanical elements) at each time step.

• dsdata.rsdf is a binary data file that contains the internal state of the “brain” dynamic systemat each time step.

• CyberView is an interactive rendering program which allows the user to move through a virtual3D environment and observe the operation of the robot over time.

• DSVIEWis an interactive application which allows the user to graphically view the dynamic systemvariables over time.

• RoboDyn is a library which performs the dynamical mechanical simulation of the robot.

• FoxN is a library which implements the FOX algorithm.

• R3Dis a library which performs 3D rendering.


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X11 Rendering 3dfx/Glide Rendering









CyberView DSVIEW

Figure H.1: The software modules and files used to support robot intelligent control simu-lation.

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• Druid is a GUI class library and widget set.

• RSDFis a library which reads and writes files in the RSDF format.

• Toolbox is a library which implements garbage collection, runtime type identification (RTTI),exception handling, interfaces, and hash tables.

The major systems are briefly described in this appendix, except fordnd2exe (which is described inAppendixJ) andRoboDyn (which is described in AppendixI)).

H.2 CyberSim

CyberSim performs 3D mechanical simulation of a robot together with its intelligent controller. It bringstogether theDyson , FoxN, RoboDyn and RSDFlibraries. It takes two files as input: aRoboDynconfiguration file which describes the mechanical structure of the robot, and an object file which isdynamically linked to CyberSim to implement control functions. The configuration file also specifiesthe simulation time step size, the number of iterations to perform and the integration method (Euler,midpoint or Runge-Kutta fourth order). It generates data files in RSDF format containing the mechanicaland controller system states at every time step.

H.3 CyberView and DSVIEW

CyberView (figureH.2) is an interactive rendering program which allows the user to move through avirtual 3D environment and observe the operation of mechanisms simulated with CyberSim. It displaysthe objects stored in CyberSim data files. The custom graphics engine (theR3D library) supports flatshaded rendering to an X-terminal or texture mapped real-time rendering to a 3dfx/Voodoo graphicsaccelerator card.

CyberView allows an external data display (EDD) program to be invoked and synchronized withCyberView’s currently displayed time step. One such program is DSVIEW (figureH.3) which displaysthe internal variables of the dynamic system that controls the mechanical model (see AppendixJ).

CyberView’s main window is shown in figureH.2. The user can move around the virtual environmentby clicking and dragging in the 3D display area (the mouse button that is pressed determines the set ofaxes that are moved along). The simulation movie can be played using video recorder style buttons. Themenu options allow the user to open and close data files, start an EDD program, save a single frame ora sequence of frames as PPM graphics files, change the lighting angle, set and jump to up to 10 camerapositions, render in wire-frame or solid mode, and set the shadow and z-buffer parameters.

H.4 R3D

TheR3D library used by CyberView performs the following tasks: representation of the drawing prim-itives (3D polyhedral objects and infinite planes), geometric transformation between object space andscreen space, clipping of drawing primitives to the viewing frustrum, lighting calculations, z-bufferingfor X11 rendering, texture mapping computations and shadow mapping.

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Figure H.2: The CyberView main window.

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H.4. R3D 197

Figure H.3: DSVIEW: The dynamic system viewer main window.

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H.4.1 The multi-resolution Z-buffer algorithm

WhenR3Drenders to an X11 window, it draws flat-shaded polygons with hidden surface removal. A verysimple hidden surface algorithm is to give each polygon a depth map and use the z-buffer algorithm [35].

However, with the normal z-buffer algorithm every pixel in every polygon must have its depth testedagainst the z-buffer. In software this is very slow compared to the speed at which an accelerated graphicscard can render pixels. Note that anything more complicated than just flat-shaded polygons needs tobe rendered (like Gouraud shading or texture mapping) then the z-buffer speed problem is insignificantcompared to the extra processing required.

The R3D library uses a “multi-resolution z-buffer” algorithm so that it only has to do the full res-olution (or fine resolution) z-buffer process on small blocks of the image, which mainly correspond toplaces where more than two polygons intersect. Large areas of constant color are drawn quickly withoutz-buffer computations.

Say the image size is512 × 512 pixels. First the polygons are rendered on to a coarse grid of, say,32× 32 cells. Cells are classified as either:

1. Unused.

2. Completely filled by one polygon.

3. Filled by more than one polygon.

Type-1 cells are ignored. Type-2 cells are immediately filled with the appropriate color. Type-3 cellsget the full z-buffer treatment. The majority of pixels in the image are hopefully going to be in type-1or type-2 cells, so they can be processed quickly. Type-3 cells (where full z-buffering occurs) are onlyneeded in the interior edges of an image. As the image complexity increases (i.e. more edges) then theeffectiveness of this approach will be decreased. It will have the greatest improvement over z-buffer incases where there are relatively few, large polygons in the image. An image that has a large number ofsmall polygons (e.g. a gridded object) may not be rendered very efficiently compared to straight z-buffer.

H.5 FoxN

TheFoxN library implements the FOX algorithm described in Chapter5. It defines several C++ classes:

• TraceN , which performs the eligibility trace computations.

• FoxN, which performs the CMAC mapping and the main part of the FOX algorithm.

• GetAtoi , which allows fast table-based matrix exponentiation (it is used to compute theAi


• HPFloat , a high precision floating point number class, for performing experiments on FOX sys-tems that suffer from the small-eigenvalue precision problem (see AppendixF).


RSDF is an acronym for Realm Structured Data Format. It is a file format used to store CyberSimsimulation results. The file format is specially constructed to get the following features:

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H.7. DRUID 199

• Flexibility: the format of the stored data is a nested series of structures and arrays. The struc-ture/array definitions are specified in the file header.

• Reading speed: all data is properly aligned so it is easy tommap() the file into memory and accessit directly.

• Accessing ease: Whenmmap() ed, nested arrays can be accessed with a simple indexing calcula-tion, e.g. the address ofx[i].y[j].z[k] is k1*i+k2*j+k3*k+k4 .

H.7 Druid

Druid is a C++ GUI widget library for the X-windows system. Druid is fast and small, and supportsrapid application development with a complete set of GUI widgets. It was written to explore OOP designstrategies, and is used extensively in the other systems. These are the classes provided by Druid:

CComponent For reference counting, RTTI, interfaces, exceptions.CTextArray Container for text arrays.ZColor A read-only sharable color in the default colormap.ZDrawable Represents anythings that can be drawn into.

ZPixmap An X11 Pixmap.ZWindow An X11 window.

ZFont A font and associated metric information.Zgc Represents an X11 graphics context.ZPalette Standard palette.ZPlugin Abstract module to give a window extra behaviors.

ZAutoHelp Automatic status-bar help.ZFocus Participate in keyboard focusing.ZPacker Geometry-packs sub-windows.ZPackInfo Information packet forZPacker .ZScroller Scrollable sub-window.ZTopFocuser Top-level focus window.ZWidget A widget is a window with palette and font.

ZButton A pushbutton...ZPixmapButton ...that displays an image.ZTextButton ...that displays text.

ZFrame A 3D frame.ZLabel A static text label.ZLineEdit An editable text box.ZMenuBar A menu bar.ZScrollbar A scrollbar.

ZSlider A position-slider.ZStatusLine A status line.ZTextList A list of text items.

ZWidgetFont A plug-in widget font.ZPrivateColor A private read/write color cell.

(XSetWindowAttributes )ZSetWindowAttributes Allows window attributes to be set.

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ZMenuBarItem A menu bar item.ZMenuItem A popup menu item.