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[ANTARDARSHAN WORKBOOK [Soft Skill Development workbook material developed by Global Talent Consultants covering 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Inspired by Stephen Covey)] [2014]

Soft skills workbook

Jan 19, 2016




soft skills work book
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[Soft Skill Development workbook material developed by Global Talent Consultants covering 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Inspired by

Stephen Covey)]


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Do not spend a lot of time thinking about the items – just give your first response.

STATEMENTS NEVER OFTEN1 Yelled at others when they have annoyed you 2 Had fights with others to show who was on top 3 Reacted angrily when provoked by others 4 Taken things from others 5 Become angry when frustrated 6 Vandalised something just for fun 7 Had temper tantrums 8 Damaged something because you felt mad 9 Had a fight just to be cool 10 Hurt others to win a game 11 Become angry when you don’t get your way 12 Used force to get others to do what you want 13 Become angry or mad when you lost a game 14 Become angry when others threatened you 15 Used force to obtain money or things from others 16 Felt better after hitting or yelling at someone 17 Threatened and bullied someone 18 Made obscene phone calls for fun 19 Hit others to defend yourself 20 Got others to gang up on somebody else


No of ‘Often’: ___

No. of ‘Never’: ___

If you have more ‘often’ than ‘never’, you are more inclined to be a reactive person.

If you have more ‘never’ than ‘often’, you are more inclined to be a proactive person.


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Worksheet 1.2


Tick which of the following statements hold true for you:

STATEMENTS TRUE FALSE1 On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.2 At times, I think I am no good at all. 3 I am able to do things as well as most other people.4 I certainly feel useless at times. 5 I feel that I’m a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.6 All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.7 I take a positive attitude toward myself.8 I wish I could have more respect for myself.9 I feel that I have a number of good qualities. 10 I feel I do not have much to be proud of


Even numbered statements: True (____) For example: 2,4,6,8,10

Odd numbered statements: True (____) For example:1,3,5,7,9

Result: Even no. statements (___) Odd no. statements

If you have more ‘even’ than ‘odd’ no. statements, you are more inclined to be low on self-esteem and confidence.

As evident from the results, reactive behavior may lead to low self-esteem and under-confidence, while the proactive approach leads to sense of security, satisfaction, productivity and efficiency. You have a choice to make to either let the environment control you or be in command of your situations and lead your life in a better manner.


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Worksheet 1.3



Write down at least five things that you wish to accomplish this month. For example, finish a course chapter, take up guitar classes, plan an exercise regime, socialize with family or friends, read a book, cover up backlogs etc.








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Identify your core values. On a scale of 1 to 5, rate which is the dominant attribute that describes you. (For example, if you think you are decision-making skill is your major asset – give a no. 5)

Attributes Tick Weightage1 Jovial and passionate2 Enthusiastic to learn 3 Critical thinker4 Creative and innovative5 Organized and meticulous6 Optimistic 7 Decision-maker8 Spiritual9 Intuitive10 Expressive11 Emotional and sensitive12 Spontaneous13 Extrovert14 Team leader15 Loving and compassionate16 Diplomatic17 Just (righteous)18 Responsible and reliable19 Brave and courageous20 Adventurous (risk-taker)

Select 5 most dominant values:

CORE VALUE (select one):


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List people who have inspired you and their attributes:

Inspirers Their Attributes

Ex. Steve JobsCritical thinker, innovator, hard-working, determined, passionate, decision-maker.




If a newspaper article was being done about you, how would you like to be described 10 years from now by the following people?

People Description

Ex. Family

My daughter has been very loving, caring and responsible since the very beginning.

Despite her busy schedule, she takes out time for her family. She makes us proud and happy.

1 Family

2 Friends

3 World in general


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Worksheet 2.2


I. 5 Things you really like doing (refer to the core values listed in worksheet 1; for example: writing, problem solving, playing cricket, being intuitive, being adventurous etc. )

II. 5 things you would like to achieve in life (For example: To be financially successful, expert in the field etc.)

III. Identify priority goals in life (for example, short term: to excel in exams; long term: to be highly successful in career)

a. Short term

b. Long term

IV. Write a short and concise mission statement (For example: To live life completely, honestly, and compassionately, with a healthy dose of realism mixed with the imagination and dreams that all things are possible if one sets their mind to finding an answer)


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(*List 2 or more in each case)

My ‘golf balls’ would be:


My ‘pebbles’ would be:


My ‘sand’ would be:



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Worksheet 3.2

1. Create your own time quadrant, from activities that take up most of your time. Think about what you did yesterday. Where did you waste time, and where were you productive? Where do all your activities fit in the graph?















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2. Think of a time when you have moved outside of your comfort zone and took a risk. Explain the situation below.


3. What holds you back from moving outside of your courage zone?



: Think of your biggest time-wasters.



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HABIT 4: THINK WIN-WINWorksheet 4.1

1. Write your own definition of win-win thinking. Use examples from your own life.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. It is hardest for me to think win-win when ____________________________.It is easiest for me to think win-win when_____________________________.

When I practice win-win thinking, I enjoy the following benefits:


3. Write about an experience when you had a win-lose mentality. How did you feel about it? Would you do things differently now?


4. BABY STEPS:#1: Pinpoint an area of your life where you most struggle with comparisons. Perhaps it’s with clothes, physical features, friends, or talents.

Where I struggle most with comparisons:


#2: Think of a person who you feel is a model of Win-Win. What is it about this person you admire?

Person: __________________________________________________________

What you admire about them:_________________________________________



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Worksheet 4.2

Read the story, and then draw a picture to show win-lose, lose-win, lose-lose and win-win solution.

Abbey’s parents said they could get a pet if both Abbey and her brother could agree on what kind of pet to get. Abbey wanted a cat, but her brother didn’t because cat fur made him sneeze. Her brother wanted a bird but Abbey didn’t because birds were too loud.

Can you think of a win-win solution to this problem?




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I. Testing your listening skills

How good a listener are you? Focus on the story being read in the class by your instructor and

answer the following questions:

1. What does the article talk about?

a. India’s education sector

b. Labour costs in manufacturing sector

c. World Bank

d. Chinese products

2. Which country has been the world’s manufacturing powerhouse in recent years?

a. India

b. Philippines

c. Brazil

d. China

3. Real wages have increased by what percentage, since China’s WTO accession?

a. 100%

b. 150%

c. 200%

d. 250%

4. Improved access to what has resulted in increase in productivity in many industries?

a. Technology

b. Finances

c. Labour

d. Internet

5. Has India’s share of the world’s exports of goods and services increased or decreased?



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II. When listening to someone speaker -- in a speech, or during a one-on-one conversation, do

you: (Rating scale: 1 = Usually, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Never)

1. Daydream

2. Mentally argue with the speaker

3. Try to dominate the conversation

4. Ask inappropriate questions

5. Always become bored

6. Show lack of interest in the speaker

7. Have trouble concentrating

8. Talk to others during the speech

9. Draw conclusions based on the speaker’s dress

10. Draw conclusions based on the speaker’s mannerisms

11. Draw conclusions based on the speaker’s speaking style

12. Fidget with things

13. Become overly emotional

14. Fall asleep

15. Lose your temper

16. Automatically look for areas of disagreement

17. Concentrate on details while missing the main point

18. Ignore the speaker

19. Make jokes about the speaker

Score: _______



48-60: Good 35-47: Average 20-34: Poor

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Worksheet 5.2

III. Listening blocks (tick as appropriate)


1Mind reading. Assuming you know what the other person feels and thinks without asking

2 Rehearsing. Planning what you want to say next and missing what’s being said now.

3Filtering. Listening only to things that are relevant to you and ignoring the rest (even if it’s important to the other person

4 Judging. Evaluating the other person and what they say rather than really trying to understand how they see the world.

5 Daydreaming. Getting caught in memories or fantasies while someone is talking to you.

6 Advising. Looking for suggestions and solutions instead of listening and understanding.

7 Sparring. Invalidating the other person by arguing and debating.

8 Being right. Resisting or ignoring any communication   that suggests you are wrong or should change.

9 Derailing. Flat out changing the subject as soon as you hear anything that bothers or threatens you.

10 Placating. Agreeing too quickly (“I know …you’re right…I’m sorry”) without really listening to the other person’s feelings or concerns.

Verbal and nonverbal communication can be used to help you improve your listening behaviors. Asking questions, inviting additional comments, Using descriptive responses, and providing affirming Statements Using positive facial expressions Making direct eye contact Providing positive vocal utterances

Use of such strategies will encourage the speaker to continue speaking and providing you with information so that you can check your understanding.


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HABIT 6: SYNERGYWorksheet 6.1

I. Celebrating your own diversity. Fill out the following survey to help you discover what is

great and unique about you:

1. A nickname my family or friends call me is ____________________________________

2. When I have a day all to myself, I love to ______________________________________

3. The movie I laughed the hardest at was ________________________________________

4. At night, how many pillows do I use? _________________________________________

5. A word or phrase I use all the time is _________________________________________

6. My favorite musical artist group is ___________________________________________

7. My favorite ice cream is ___________________________________________________

8. One quality that makes me unique is _________________________________________

9. The animal that is most like me and why ______________________________________

10. If I could own any car in the world, it would be _________________________________

11. Do I feel more comfortable in a large group of people or by myself? _________________

12. One thing people don’t know about me is ______________________________________

13. My best family memory is __________________________________________________

14. Would spending a day in an art museum be fun or boring? ________________________

15. If I could be any building in the world, I would be and why ________________________

16. Something I enjoyed as a child was ___________________________________________

17. The season I love the most is ________________________________________________

18. My favorite holiday is _____________________________________________________

19. The silliest person I know is ________________________________________________

20. The best present I could ever receive is ________________________________________


Comparing yourself to others is easy. After all, you see other people more than you see yourself. However, when you compare yourself to another person, you neglect to recognize the beauty of your uniqueness.

Habit 6: Synergize teaches that instead of trying to blend in and be like everyone else, you should be proud of and celebrate your unique differences and qualities. A fruit salad is delicious precisely because each fruit maintains its own flavor.


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II. Answer the following questions as “true” or “false.” Think about specific instances in your life before answering.

□ True □ False I demand perfection from myself and everyone around me.

□ True □ False I am surprised when others don’t like me or my ideas.

□ True □ False People continually make promises to me without following through.

□ True □ False I don’t have many friends whom I really like or trust.

□ True □ False I get tired of all this “political correctness.” I don’t have to like everyone.

□ True □ False I don’t appreciate other people’s opinions of me.

□ True □ False I don’t like change.

□ True □ False I work better than alone than in groups.

□ True □ False I tend to be more negative than positive.

□ True □ False I’m afraid people will find out that I’m not what I appear.

If the majority of your answers are “true,” it’s time start thinking about understanding the lives and actions of others. Appreciate what everyone can bring to the party. If the majority of your answers are “false,” you’re comfortable with yourself and how you relate to people of all kinds. You know that learning from others helps you in your life.

Getting to Synergy: Action Plan

? Define the Problem or Opportunity.

Their Way (Seek first to understand the ideas of others.)

My Way (Seek to be understood by sharing your ideas.)

/ Brainstorm (Create new options and ideas.)

// High Way (Find the best solution.)


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Feeling good is a choice. You can make the choice to enjoy every day or you can do nothing. Remember, every day is an opportunity to renew and reinvent you!

The first step is awareness. To develop a plan that is just right for you, find a quiet spot and complete the following checklist adapted from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Personal Workbook by Stephen Covey.

Check only the items to which you can truthfully answer yes.

Physical Checklist

_____ I stay informed about both health and fitness information.

____ I exercise twenty to thirty minutes at least three times a week.

____ I eat a balanced diet and take vitamins and minerals as needed.

_____ I maintain a strength program.

____ I include cardiovascular and flexibility activities in my exercises.

___ I get the proper amount of sleep.

_____ I rest or relax when my body needs it.

_____ I eat junk food less than twice a week.

_____ I have an effective, positive way of dealing with stress.

Spiritual Checklist

_____ I have defined what my values are, and I plan and live my life accordingly.

_____ I have created my mission statement. I rely on it to give vision to my purpose in life.

_____ I find daily renewal through meditation, prayer, study, or reflection.

_____ I frequently spend time in a place where I find spiritual renewal, e.g., in nature, a synagogue, a chapel, a temple.

_____ I live with integrity and honor.

_____ I keep my heart open to the truth.

_____ I am able to take a stand or tell the truth, even when opposed by others.


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_____ I frequently serve others with no expectations of any type of returned favor.

_____ I can identify which things in life I can change and which things I cannot. I let go of the things I cannot change.

_____ I can connect to my inspirational guide as needed.

Mental Checklist

_____ I read books and other publications regularly.

_____ I keep a journal or some sort of log, or engage in a regular writing process.

_____ I allow music, silence, or some sort of relaxation exercise to clear my mind on a daily basis.

_____ I challenge my mind through puzzles, games, or problem solving.

_____ I have a hobby.

_____ I continue my education either formally or informally.

_____ I engage in meaningful dialogue at least once a week.

_____ I visualize projects and plans so I have the end result in mind to guide the process.

_____ I use a system to plan and organize my time and efforts.

Social/Emotional Checklist

_____ I am reliable and dependable.

_____ I have a hopeful outlook on life.

_____ I am trusting and supportive of people in my Circle of Influence.

_____ I listen to others and hear what they have to say rather than thinking of what I want to say.

_____ I reach out to others and am empathic.

_____ I maintain my most important relationships.

_____ I sincerely apologize when I need to.

_____ I can persevere through “hard times.”

_____ I am aware of what it means to take good care of myself.

_____ I can control my impulses – cool down and act rather than react to people and situations.

Review your checklist and complete the following:

Draw a star * by the areas you are already doing well.


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Highlight or circle the areas where you would like to improve.

Worksheet 7.2

Answer the following:

1. What floats your boat? Inspires you? Nourishes your soul? Rocks your world? _________________________________________________________________________________






2. What do you want to do more of?_________________________________________________________________________________




3. What do you want to do less of?_________________________________________________________________________________




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Worksheet 7.3Doodle


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