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Socio Economic Stratification

Apr 09, 2018



Shahbaz Malik
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  • 8/8/2019 Socio Economic Stratification



    Socio Economic Stratification

    Welcome Class

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    Todays Objectives

    To Clarify the Concept of Social Stratification and

    Discus its other relevant aspects.

    To Discus Related Theories and Consequences of

    Social Stratification.

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    Definitions of Social Stratification

    What is Social Stratification?

    1. Social Stratification is the division of society in permanent

    groups or categories linked with each other by the

    relationship of superior and subordination. (Gisbert)

    2. Stratification is a division of society into higher and lower

    social units. (Raymond W.Murray)

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    Conclusion of definition

    1) Social stratification is the division of society levels, steps

    or positions.

    2) Stratification is, in essence, the structured inequality of

    entire categories of People.

    3) Stratification is different than mere inequality, which refer to

    the uneven distribution of opportunities and rewards to

    individuals and groups.

    4) When these inequalities becomes structured into society and

    passed on from generation to generation, we have social


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    Dimensions of Social Stratification

    1. Wealth:- The economic assets of an individual, includingincome, monetary assets and other holdings.

    2. Power:- The ability to attain goals and maintain influenceover others, even in the absence of their consent.

    3. Prestige:- The approval and respect received from othermembers of society.

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    Consequences of Social Stratification

    a) Longevity

    b) Health and illness

    c) Childbearing and Rearing

    d) Crime and Criminal Justice Contacts

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    Theories of Social Stratification

    Functionalist Theory

    1. Functionalist theory understands society as a System orOrganism

    2. As functionalists, Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moorecontended that stratification was a necessity for society


    3. Society has numerous positions that must be fulfilled if it isto function properly.

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    ( Continue) Functionalist Theory

    4. Some positions, however are more important for the

    maintenance of society ( e.g., physicians )

    5. Finally, some positions require special talents that are not

    generally prevalent in the population.

    6. Hence, functionally important positions and/or positionsrequiring rare talent are rewarded most highly.

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    Criticisms of Functional Theory

    Judgment of Functional Importance of Positions

    Critics question the functional importance of certain highly

    rewarded positions such as actors and sports figures, in contrastto positions such as school teachers or social workers.

    The stratification system itself Inhibits Talent and Abilities Many barriers are placed in the way of individuals from lower

    classes to keep them from competing effectively.

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    Marxist Conflict Theory

    1. Suggest that social stratification is determined by theRelations of Production.

    2. Bourgeoisie- capitalists who own the means of production.

    3. Proletariat- wage laborers who sell their labor tobourgeoisie.

    4. Interests of these two classes are opposed.

    5. Power of the capitalists allows them to impose their will andrealize their interests.

    6. According to Marx, the proletariat will eventually develop aclass consciousness, and ultimately overthrow thecapitalists.

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    Comparing Functional and Conflict Theories

    What is Caste? Definition of Caste

    When a class is somewhat strictly hereditary, we may call it a

    Caste. (Cooly, C.H) When status is wholly predetermined, so that men are born to

    their lot in life without any hope of changing it, then Class

    takes the form of Caste. (Maclver)

    A Caste is an aggregate of persons whose share of obligationsand privileges is fixed by birth, sanctioned and supported by

    magic and religion. ( Martindale and Monachesi) .

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    Distinction between Class and Caste

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    Social lass i a ista

    Sociologist are ot agreed as to how social lasses Should beDisti guished.

    Most ommonly, 5 lasses are Identified:

    Upper lass

    Upper-Middle lass

    Lower-Middle lass


    r in

    g lass Lower lass

    Each of these lasses represent Differences is both Income andLifestyle haracteristics .

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    Thank you and Goodbye,

    Till next Class