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    1-877-568-7477 ONEUPWEB.COM

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    1-877-568-7477 ONEUPWEB.COM1 2

    A Pocket Guide to Social Media


    In the viral world of social media, information moves at the speed

    of light from desktops to mobile devices and back again with

    the click of a button. Blogs, wikis, podcasts, video and photo

    sharing sites entire virtual worlds each of these social media

    has a language unto itself. Each represents new opportunities

    and challenges for marketers who can communicate effectivelyin this expanding online environment.

    Just as social media moves at an incredible speed, so does its

    evolving language. What follows are definitions of some of the

    most common terms unique to social media. New terms are

    being added to the language daily. Although it may be impossible

    to provide an exhaustive dictionary of these dynamic new media,it is our intent to offer a starting place for anyone looking to

    explore social media. We hope youll find it useful.

    Consider this:

    As of April 2007, Technorati was tracking more than 75

    million blogs and 175,000 new blogs were being created

    every day.

    55% of internet users in the same age bracket believe they

    wouldnt be able to stay in touch with friends and family

    without technology.

    YouTube serves more than 100 million videos every day.

    More than 40% of the visitors to MySpace are between theages of 35-54.

    MySpace experienced a 158% increase in unique visitors

    between Sept. 05 and Sept. 06.

    Orkut experienced a 420% increase in unique visitors during

    the same time period.

    During 2006, the number of adults who had downloaded a

    podcast grew more than 70% in 6 months alone.

    A podcasting audience totaling 10 million in 2006 will by

    many estimates grow to 55 million by 2011.

    Dont fret. Get educated. Start here.

    Sources: eMarketer, as reported in Ad Ages Digital Marketing &Media Fact Pack, April 23, 2007; PEW Internet Research;Technorati; YouTube

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    1-877-568-7477 ONEUPWEB.COM

    Audio BlogAnother name for a podcast. Despite the casual nature implied

    by the word blog in this term, audio blogs can have a wide

    range of production values from very casual audio journals to

    professionally produced shows including music, sound effects

    and other production values.

    Audio On-DemandAnother expression for audio podcasting, referencing the ability

    of listeners to start, stop, replay and skip sections or whole

    recordings at any time, virtually any place in their daily lives.

    See Podcast and Time-shifting.

    AvatarsGraphical images used in virtual worlds to represent people.

    Users can create Avatar visual personalities selecting a gender,

    body type, clothing, behaviors and name.


    Audio that is reused as a background element, such as musicor effects.

    BleggingDerived from blog and beg, this term means to send a query

    through the blogosphere in search of an answer.

    BlogcastAnother name for a podcast

    Blogerati or BlogophilesTwo terms used to describe sophisticated blog authors and


    BlogosphereThe universe of blogging and bloggers.

    BlogrollA list of sites displayed in the sidebar of a blog, which shows

    who the blogger reads with regularity.

    BlogsShortened from the original term Weblogs, these

    self-published websites containing dated material, are usually

    written in a journal format. Content such as text, pictures, video

    and/or audio have URLs plus other ways of identifying them by

    keywords (tags). This allows visitors to pull items to their

    desktop through subscriptions or aggregators without having to

    visit the actual website. Blogs often have links to other relevant

    online content, plus invite feedback through posts which are

    comments from readers.

    BoardShort for mixing board, a tool for combining multiple audio

    sources into one signal for recording.

    BookmarkingSaving a website address or item of content, either in a

    browser, or on a social bookmarking site such as

    BookmarkletsAlso called favelets, these are free tools to help with repetitive,

    difficult and/or time-consuming tasks when using a web


    Bulletin BoardsAn early forum for online collaboration, where users are

    connected with a central computer to post and read email-like


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    TaggingA way of categorizing online content using keywords that

    describe what can be found at a website, bookmark, photo or

    blog post.

    TagsKeywords attached to a blog post, bookmark, photo or other

    item of online content so you and others can find them easily

    through searches and aggregation.

    ThreadsStrands of online conversation referring to messages, feedback

    or content that relate to the same subject.

    Time-Shift (or time-shifting)Used as a verb, people schedule when they want to listen

    or watch a program. TIVO and other digital video recorders

    allow people to time shift television programs. Podcastings

    popularity is built upon the opportunity to time-shift. Someone

    can download a program and listen to or view it at their

    convenience, during a commute, while at the gym, while on anairplane or any other convenient time.

    TrackbackAn automated feature contained in some blog software

    programs that allows a blogger to determine who has seen an

    original post and written another concerning it.

    User Generated ContentText, photos and other material produced by internet users and

    posted online for public consumption.

    USMUniversal Subscription Mechanism. Allows certain podcatchers

    to automatically add a subscription from an RSS file.


    See Video Podcast

    ViralityThe extent to which an issue will spread from one consumer

    to another across the Internet (by e-mail, links, blogs, social

    tagging, etc.). Low virality means little distribution; high virality

    means wide or broad distribution.

    Video PodcastA podcast with enclosures containing video files rather than

    audio ones. Unlike audio podcasts which may only contain MP3

    files, various file types can be used when podcasting video.

    Video Podcasting

    The process of publishing video files along with news feedsso that viewers can download them and watch them on their

    computer or portable digital video player.

    Viral MarketingThe planned promotion of a product, brand or service through

    a process of interesting actual or potential customers to pass

    along marketing information to friends, family, and colleagues.This word-of-mouth advertising is usually accomplished by a

    creative use of social media and other non-traditional marketing


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    Virtual WorldsSites such as Second Life, where individuals can create

    profiles and representations of themselves (avatars) to interact

    with others in an imaginary world. Marketers have taken up

    real estate on Second Life in an attempt to extend their brand

    to potential new customers.

    VlogSee Video podcast

    VodcastAnother name for video podcasting. Short for Video On-De-

    mand Podcasting.

    VoIPAn acronym for Voice over Internet Protocol, this enables youto use a computer or other internet device for phone callswithout additional charge.

    Web 2.0A second generation of user-controlled, web-based servicessuch as social networking and resource sites emphasizingonline collaboration and sharing.

    WebinarShort for web-based seminar, webinars are interactive

    presentations, lectures, workshops or seminars transmitted online,

    where the audience can participate by offering, receiving anddiscussing information.

    WhiteboardsThese are useful online collaboration tools that enable a user

    to write or sketch on a web page and then remove or wipe

    off the information when finished.

    WidgetsMini-tools that may appear as floating items on a desktop, or as

    buttons on blogs. These may help users subscribe to a feed, do

    a specialized search, or even make a donation. Some common

    widgets include weather guides, stock lists, flight trackers,

    calendars, and search boxes for various websites.

    WikiAn online, collaborative work space for multiple users of a web

    page or set of pages that can be edited collaboratively. The

    best known example is wikipedia, an encyclopedia created by

    thousands of contributors across the world. Once people have

    appropriate permissions set by the wiki owner, they can createpages and/or add to and alter existing pages.

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    What to Consider When IntegratingSocial Media into your Marketing Mix:

    Establish branding & messaging standards

    Create a clearinghouse for ALL outgoing media messages

    Constantly monitor all social & viral outlets

    Move swiftly in responding to distorted or inappropriate


    Measure your effectiveness

    Get help from a firm experienced in all of the above

    Visit the Library at for more

    integrated online marketing resources.

    Have questions?

    Want to request a custom proposal?

    Contact Oneupweb.

    [email protected] Free

    Oneupweb has been an innovator in online marketingfor more than a decade, creating integrated online

    marketing plans that include natural search engine

    optimization, paid search marketing, podcastproduction, social media, online market research

    and marketing analytics.

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